#double electric hands free breast pump
easiparent · 2 months
Pump Like a Pro: 12 Game-Changing Tips to Skyrocket Your Milk Supply for Exclusive Pumpers!
Are you an exclusive pumper feeling like you're running on empty? Worried about your milk supply? Don't fret! We've got the ultimate guide to transform you into a milk-making powerhouse. Get ready to supercharge your pumping game with these 12 incredible tips that will have you overflowing with liquid gold in no time!
The Exclusive Pumping Journey
Exclusive pumping is a labor of love, a commitment that deserves a standing ovation. You're not just feeding your baby; you're embarking on a round-the-clock adventure that requires dedication, patience, and a whole lot of battery power! But let's face it – sometimes it feels like you're stuck in a never-ending cycle of pump, feed, repeat, without seeing the results you're hoping for.
Did you know? According to a study published in the Journal of Human Lactation, exclusive pumping moms produce an average of 26 ounces of milk per day. But with the right techniques, many moms report doubling their output! Imagine what that could mean for your baby and your peace of mind.
Whether you're a pumping newbie or a seasoned pro looking to boost your supply, these 12 tips are about to become your new best friends. So grab your favorite pumping bra, settle in, and let's dive into the world of milk-making magic!
12 Power-Pumping Tips to Maximize Your Milk Supply
1. Embrace the Power Hour: Pump Like You Mean It!
Key Strategy: Implement power pumping sessions to mimic cluster feeding.
Power pumping is like sending your breasts to bootcamp – it's intense, but oh so effective! Here's how to do it:
Pump for 20 minutes
Rest for 10 minutes
Pump for 10 minutes
Rest for 10 minutes
Pump for 10 minutes
Do this once a day for 3-7 days, and watch your supply soar! One mom reported, "After just five days of power pumping, I went from barely making enough to having a freezer stash!"
2. Frequency is Your Friend: Pump Often, Pump Smart
Key Strategy: Aim for 8-12 pumping sessions per day, especially in the early weeks.
Your breasts work on supply and demand. The more you ask, the more they give! Try to pump every 2-3 hours during the day and at least once at night. It might feel like a lot, but remember – this frequency mimics a newborn's natural feeding pattern.
Pro Tip: Use a hands-free pumping bra to multitask during your sessions. Who says you can't pump and conquer the world at the same time?
3. Double Down: Embrace Double Pumping
Key Strategy: Use a double electric pump to stimulate both breasts simultaneously.
Not only does double pumping save time, but it can also increase your milk output by up to 18%, according to a study in the Journal of Perinatology. Plus, it stimulates the release of prolactin, the milk-making hormone, more effectively than single pumping.
4. Massage for Success: The Magic Touch
Key Strategy: Incorporate breast massage before and during pumping sessions.
Think of breast massage as a wake-up call for your milk ducts. Gently massage your breasts in a circular motion before pumping, and use hand compression during pumping to ensure you're emptying all areas of the breast. This technique, known as "hands-on pumping," can increase your milk output by up to 48%!
5. Stay Hydrated: Drink Up, Mama!
Key Strategy: Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.
Your body needs water to make milk, so keep that water bottle handy! One easy trick: drink a glass of water every time you sit down to pump. Your body (and your milk supply) will thank you.
6. Fuel Your Body: Eat Like a Lactation Queen
Key Strategy: Focus on a balanced diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.
Your body burns about 500 extra calories a day producing milk, so now's not the time to skimp on nutrition. Include galactagogues (milk-boosting foods) in your diet, such as oats, fenugreek, and brewer's yeast. One mom swears by her daily "lactation smoothie" packed with these ingredients!
7. Get Pumped: Choose the Right Equipment
Key Strategy: Invest in a high-quality double electric pump and ensure proper flange fit.
Your pump is your partner in this journey, so choose wisely! A hospital-grade pump can make a world of difference, especially for moms struggling with supply. And don't forget about flange size – a proper fit can increase your output by up to 30%!
8. Relax and Let Down: Create a Pumping Sanctuary
Key Strategy: Establish a relaxing pumping routine to encourage let-down.
Your let-down reflex is key to pumping success. Create a calm environment for pumping – dim the lights, play soft music, or look at photos of your baby. Some moms swear by "pump dates" with their little ones, holding or sitting near their baby while pumping to boost oxytocin levels.
9. Pump Around the Clock: Don't Skip the Night Shift
Key Strategy: Include at least one nighttime pumping session, ideally between 1-5 am.
Night pumping might sound like torture, but it's a game-changer for milk production. Prolactin levels are highest in the early morning hours, making this the perfect time to boost your supply. One mom shared, "Adding a 3 am pumping session increased my daily output by 6 ounces!"
10. Warm It Up: Heat Therapy for the Win
Key Strategy: Apply warm compresses to your breasts before pumping.
Heat can work wonders for milk flow. Try applying warm compresses or taking a warm shower before pumping to encourage let-down and increase milk flow. Some moms even use special warming lactation massagers for an extra boost!
11. Pump and Repeat: The Magic of Cluster Pumping
Key Strategy: Try cluster pumping during your baby's growth spurts.
Cluster pumping mimics a baby's frequent feeding during growth spurts. Here's how:
Pump for 10 minutes
Rest for 10 minutes
Repeat this cycle for an hour
Do this once or twice a day during growth spurt periods to signal your body to produce more milk.
12. Supplement Smartly: Consider Galactagogues
Key Strategy: Explore herbal supplements or medications known to boost milk supply, under guidance from a lactation consultant or healthcare provider.
Herbs like fenugreek, blessed thistle, and moringa have been used for centuries to increase milk supply. Some moms also find success with prescription medications like domperidone (where legally available). Always consult with a professional before starting any supplements or medications.
FAQs: Your Burning Questions Answered
Q: How long does it take to see an increase in milk supply? A: Most moms see an increase within 3-7 days of implementing these strategies consistently. However, remember that every body is different, and it can take up to two weeks to see significant changes.Q: Can I overpump and create an oversupply? A: While it's possible to create an oversupply, it's relatively rare for exclusive pumpers. If you find yourself producing much more than your baby needs, you can gradually reduce pumping frequency or duration.Q: How do I know if I'm pumping enough milk? A: As a general guideline, aim to pump 25-35 ounces per day for a baby over one month old. However, it's best to focus on your baby's growth and diaper output rather than strict numbers.Q: Is it normal for one breast to produce more than the other? A: Absolutely! Most women have one breast that's a "slacker" and one that's an "overachiever." Continue to pump both sides equally to maintain overall supply.Q: How can I increase my pumping output when I return to work? A: Maintain a consistent pumping schedule at work, use a high-quality pump, and try to relax during sessions. Some moms find that looking at photos or videos of their baby helps with let-down.
Making It Work: Strategies for Long-Term Pumping Success
Exclusive pumping is a marathon, not a sprint. Here are some key strategies to help you go the distance:
Create a schedule: Plan your pumping sessions in advance and stick to them as much as possible.
Build a support network: Connect with other exclusive pumpers online or in-person for advice and encouragement.
Invest in multiple pump parts: Having extras on hand makes cleaning and sanitizing less of a chore.
Practice self-care: Remember to take care of yourself – adequate rest, nutrition, and stress management are crucial for milk production.
Be flexible: Some days will be better than others. Be kind to yourself and remember that any amount of breast milk is beneficial for your baby.
Track your progress: Keep a log of your pumping sessions and output to help identify patterns and improvements.
Celebrate milestones: Every ounce pumped is an achievement. Celebrate your dedication and hard work!
Conclusion: Embrace Your Exclusive Pumping Journey
Congratulations, pumping pro! You're now armed with 12 powerful strategies to boost your milk supply and make your exclusive pumping journey a success. Remember, every drop you pump is liquid gold for your baby, and your dedication is truly admirable.
Exclusive pumping may not be the journey you originally envisioned, but it's a path filled with love, commitment, and a whole lot of milk! As you implement these tips, be patient with yourself and your body. Increasing milk supply takes time, but with consistency and the right techniques, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.
So, strap on that hands-free pumping bra, queue up your favorite show, and get ready to pump like a champion. Your baby (and your freezer stash) will thank you! Here's to full bottles, happy babies, and the incredible power of mother's milk – one pump at a time!
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pyarababy · 3 days
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The ELVIE Double Electric Breast Pump is a revolutionary hands-free breast pump designed for modern moms. Compact, silent, and wearable, it fits discreetly inside your bra, allowing you to pump anytime, anywhere without any tubes or wires.
Product details- Age range:- 0+ months Brand:- Elvie Hardly used Purchased in 2023 Selling price:- 550 dollars online
Defect:- Extra One nipple shield is slightly broken Note : At one time the buyer will use only one shield (one shield is perfectly fine). The second was just a backup . Plus a new shield only costs 2000, it's less than 1 yr old product
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womenfashionx · 3 months
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Hands-Free Wearable Breast Pump with Double-Sealed Design, 3 Modes, 9 Levels - Portable Electric Breast Pump for Efficient Breastfeeding
✅✅✅✅✅ s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DntWpv1
Experience comfort and efficiency with our hands-free wearable breast pump, designed for convenience with a double-sealed safety feature. This electric pump offers 3 modes and 9 levels to cater to your varying needs, making it portable and perfect for use anywhere.
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botinfinitymariceci · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Momcozy Women Portable Pumps Electric Breast Pump, 24mm,2 pc.
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motherof7 · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Double Wearable Breast Pump Electric Hands-Free 2 Modes 9 Levels LCD Memory Pink.
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womenblogger · 10 months
Hands-Free Breast Pumps in Singapore: Top Choices for Moms
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Thinking of juggling breastfeeding with other tasks? Here are some of the best hands-free breast pumps in Singapore that can help new moms like you deal with long to-do lists without sacrificing your little one’s nourishment. With these innovative devices, multitasking becomes more manageable, allowing you to provide for your child while staying on top of your daily responsibilities.
In fast-paced environments like Singapore’s, hands-free breast pumps have become an essential tool for mothers. Balancing the demands of family and career, these innovative breast pumps offer convenience, freedom, and flexibility. This article aims to guide mothers through the various options available, helping them make well-informed decisions about the most suitable breast pump for their needs and context.
Why Choose Hands-Free Breast Pumps?
The move towards hands-free breast pumps is largely driven by the need for multitasking in a mother’s daily life. These devices enable mothers to engage in other activities while pumping, a crucial feature for those returning to the workforce or for the busy mom who is juggling a large to-do list. Advanced features like adjustable suction, silent operation, and comfortable designs further enhance the experience.
Top Hands-Free Breast Pumps in Singapore
Elvie Double Electric Breast Pump 
The Elvie Electric Breast Pump is a groundbreaking, silent, wearable pump that seamlessly fits in your bra, eliminating the need for tubes or wires. It’s simple to use and clean, offering personalized suction with app control, and it automatically switches modes for efficient pumping on the go. If you go for this option, remember to find the right size that fits you well. Pros:
Looks good and easy to carry around.
It’s quiet, so it doesn’t make much noise.
Works with an app to help you keep track.
Sometimes it might get clogged.
Not as strong as some other breast pumps.
Is more expensive than many other options in the market.
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Read More For different Hands-Free Breast Pumps in Singapore
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breezybeauty · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Momcozy Hands-Free Breast Pump Wearable, Double Wireless Pump.
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Which Breast Pump to Choose: A Comparison of Medela and Spectra Pumps
Breast pumping has become a popular way for mothers to provide their babies with breast milk while they are away from them. With so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right breast pump. Two brands that have gained popularity in recent years are Medela and Spectra. In this article, we will compare the two brands and help you decide which one to choose.
Design and Features
Both Medela and Spectra offer a range of breast pump models to suit different needs. Medela's most popular models are the Pump In Style, Freestyle, and Sonata. The Pump In Style is a double electric breast pump with a backpack or tote bag, designed for moms who pump multiple times a day. The Freestyle is a hands-free, portable double electric breast pump, ideal for moms who pump on-the-go. The Sonata is a hospital-grade double electric breast pump with smart capabilities, making it easy to track pumping sessions.
Spectra offers the S1, S2, and 9 Plus models. The S1 and S2 are both hospital-grade double electric breast pumps, with the difference being that the S1 is equipped with a rechargeable battery for portability. The 9 Plus is a more affordable option, intended for occasional use.
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Both Medela and Spectra breast pumps are designed with comfort in mind. The Medela pumps come with adjustable suction and speed settings, allowing moms to customize the pumping experience. They also offer various breast shield sizes for optimal fit. The Freestyle and Sonata models also come with a letdown mode, which mimics a baby's natural sucking rhythm to stimulate milk flow.
Spectra pumps also have adjustable suction and speed settings, along with a massage mode to enhance milk expression. The pumps feature a closed system, preventing milk from entering the tubing, which reduces the risk of milk contamination and makes cleaning easier.
One of the biggest differences between Medela and Spectra pumps is the price. Medela pumps are generally more expensive than Spectra pumps. The Pump In Style can cost around $200, the Freestyle around $300, and the Sonata around $400. Spectra pumps, on the other hand, range from $100 to $300, with the S1 being the most expensive.
Choosing the right breast pump can make a huge difference in the breastfeeding experience for both mom and baby. Medela and Spectra are two popular brands that offer high-quality breast pumps. When deciding between the two, consider factors such as your pumping frequency, lifestyle, and budget. Both brands offer pumps with customizable settings for optimal comfort, but Medela pumps are generally more expensive. Whatever your choice may be, remember that the most important thing is that your baby is receiving all the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.
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keeepit100 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Elvie Double Electric Wearable Smart Breast Pump | Silent Hands-Free Portable.
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birdsviewblog · 2 years
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Deal of the Day Baby Products https://www.amazon.com/Momcozy-S12-Pro-Comfortable-Double-Sealed/dp/B09VPNMT1P?&linkCode=ll1&tag=05196500-20&linkId=f138766b3d31db824e45b70e5f019074&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
Momcozy S12 Pro Wearable Breast Pump, Hands-Free Pump with Comfortable Double-Sealed Flange, 3 Modes & 9 Levels Electric Breast Pump Portable for Easy Pumping, Smart Display, 24mm Visit the Momcozy Store Rating - 5 Star - 69 % Top Deal 16 % Off
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mamaeze · 2 years
Some breastfeeding moms find it difficult to pump milk naturally for their babies. For those women, breast pumps are very useful. A breast pump is a medical tool that is used to help to breastfeed moms increase their breast milk supply or maintain them. And buying a breast pump might feel overwhelming as buying a travel diaper bag does, especially for women who are experiencing motherhood for the first time. This is because the breast pump should be safe to use.
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nursingangel · 3 years
BRAVADO Designs Hands-Free Pumping Nursing Accessory | Nursing Angel
Bravado's clip and pump hands-free nursing bra accessory’s revolutionary design offers mums the convenience, ease and discretion they’ve been asking for. Best of all, it attaches securely to your nursing bras’ b-clips. This is a game-changer for hands-free pumping. -patent pending design - securely attaches to your Bravado designs nursing bra.
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lord-dusk · 2 years
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My name is Lily Pale, and I work as a student event organizer at my local community college-well, USED to. I got fired. I wasn't really terrible-in fact, i'd dare say I'm quite skilled by drawing and hanging up signs and banners-the problem was that I was often called into last minute projects with my manager and with a few taught discussions about the agreement over payment, I snapped and stormed out of the campus. I could care less about the countless nursing students enrolling just to get an easy pouch of moolah. Losing my job was a doubled-edged sword. On one hand, I no longer had to deal with supposed adults who do homework assignments a 5th grader can solve, but simultaneously there weren't many job options for women like me. Hell, even 25 year-old women are laid off because they're either "too old" or "too ugly"- Wait a minute. I glanced down at my body as I walked back to my apartment not far from the college. My breasts were larger than average, my hips were wide curvaceous, as though they may ease childbirth. And I had a dainty face fitted with specs, which is a bonus to guys who like their waifus with glasses. It was then I was struck with a bolt of electricity that I can become a streamer that draws NSFW webcomics. No more censorship sanctions, I quickly hurried home to start drawing. ****** "Welcome back Lily. I just made your favorite, carrot-free fried rice with shrimp." "Hello K. And thank you." K was my roommate. A tall, kind man who did the chores around the apartment while I'm gone. Did I mention K was a hell of a awesome cook and a adept gamer? "You seem to be in high spirits." K complimented as he set our bowls unto the table. "Did something good happen today?" "Just like how forest fires ignite forth new sprouts, I'm going to become a streamer after i lost my job." K eyed for a short moment. "How are you going to compete? Sure, you have the physique of an anime character from a seinen manga, but what would make you stand out?" He was right. Even drawing NSFW webcomics wasn't going to suffie, let alone my mere appearance. I paused gulping down spoonfuls of rice, and thouht hard and through. I then remembered reading an article in a magazine once that stated that because women become physically more attractive pregnant,more and more shows and comics casted them to feed a growing audience. "...K? You've often stated you wanted kids, yes? If you want to pump some into me, let's do it after dinner." I resumed eating. K's eyes widened, like a cat about to pounce a mouse. "Do you really mean it? i mean, sure, whether you want two or eight, keeping them or giving them awayfor adoption-" "Yes. Who knew pregnancy was a huge money-maker?" We continued on with our dinner. ****** "Let me know if you feel any pain," K said as he eyed my spread out thighs while advancng upon me, his hands unzipping his fly. "Please, K, don't worry, go all out." I assured him, lifting my shirt and pointing to below my navel. "Don't hold back." "Cowabunga!!" K leapt upon me. ****** Our child squirmed and rolled in my ever-protrusive stomach as I groggily got up from bed and donned my glasses, heading to the bathroom for a quick leak. It was surprisingly straightforward with my new career. The number of patrons and watchers grew alonside my belly, like moths swarming all over a street lamp. K often rubbed and groped my belly, even hugging it on stream while I was working, following my making out with him in front of my audience. Living the life I was! Okay, I admit, sometimes its hard to walk with 10 lbs of baby resting on your pelvis, I often ate miso soup filled with chicken nuggets and cookie crumbs, and almost none of my clothes fit me anymore. Aaaand I had to use the restroom alot. But then again, you have shrink a few pencils in order to make a master drawing. I worked vigorously. if I was particularly lecherous it took about six days to produce a 20-page comic. I also grew in status so quickly I actually bcoame sponsored by a gaming company, offering me a $500,000 check for permission to feature their promational characters in my comics. How could I decline? I sat on the toilet, feeling clenching my stomach. Somehow, the baby felt...lower? I couldn't describe the feeling. It was a bit annoying having to pee every 8 minutes. Finally, it stopped. I got up, just about ready to leave the restroom to start my stream when a waterfall suddenly poured out from my inner regions followed my an immense pain from my stomach. Oh no. It's time. I screamed as i fell to my knees. How could I have been ignorant about the pain of labor? "What's wrong, Lily?" K asked as he flipped from the bed and laid his hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright?" "Does it look like I'm alright you dumb little butt-brain? I'm going to give birth right here, right-ow! Ow! Oooooow!" I shireked between clenched teeth. K wasted no time to rush to the bathroom and return with some towels. He laid them out underneath my thighs as he spread them apart. "Now Lily, I know this is going to hurt, but try to push between breaths." K said as he gently pressed his hands below my stomach. "Euuuugh-huff-Euuugh-EUUUUGH!!!" I pushed and puffed, as K pressed his hands as the last few squirts of fluid gushed out.
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secretsniper3 · 3 years
Part 5: Pain in Pleasure..
Darkness, imobile, constantly cumming with a stomach full of cum I awake in a haze of orgasms and sweat. Even though I just woke up my body is exhausted, wracked with pain due to the constant bondage, the rope biting my flesh with every passing second as tears stain my latex covered cheeks. The words “You are now a Slave, you will Submit as you are now Property” burned clearly through my brain, the voice has stopped speaking but I can still hear its echo in my mind, echoing over and over, repeating as fast as the orgasms I experience every few seconds, how much longer can I last down here.
My Master enters the room just as my alarm goes off, my latex covered head raises and my eyes meet his. “Get up, your punishment begins now” he says. Keeping my head low as I get out of bed Im put in a restrictive corset while I wobble in my boots, still locked to my legs, Box glove pinning my arms behind my back tightly and a chain is connected to my ankles, limiting me to quick steps to keep up with my Master. A posture collar locks around my neck and a leash clipped on the front and the plate covering my pussy is removed from my chastity belt, taking out a new covering plate with a long, thin and hollow tube on it. Pushing it slowly up my urethra my Master unscrews the tip and inserts a tube and pumps a pink fluid into my bladder directly, then reinserting the cap, keeping me full of the mystery fluid and a uncomfortable sensation with a severe need to pee.
“Itll take a hour for that to absorb into your system so lets eat.” My Master says as he leads me out of my room and to the dining room, simple cerial to eat and half way through Im greeted with a burning sensation between my legs. Letting out a gasp of arousal my Master smiles, knowing the fluid is doing its job getting me ready for the days ahead, as my Master continues spoon feeding me till Im done then eating his own food. Cleaning up he takes me to the play room and lays me down and locks my legs open, removing his cock he takes my mouth to use, pumping down my throat as hard as he sees fit my tongue curling around his shaft as he continues to thrust into me. Seemingly waiting for the fluid to absorb he continues his assault on me as he grabs my breasts and squeezes them together, mounting my chest he thrusts into my ample clevage and his tip pushing through and cumming on my neck and face, pumping more and more onto me and stepping aside and laughing at how I look “like a true cum slut!” and I know he isnt lying. I am a slut, his slut. A toy for him to use as he sees fit.
Removing my chastity belt and pulling the plug out of my urethra Im amazed when nothing comes out, I was so sure I needed to pee earlier but now, nothing. “all soaked in, now the fun can begin” my Master says as he levels his cock and aims for my target, thrusting hard his cock spears into my pussy and he pumps madly in and out of me, feeling my arousal cresting once more I strain on my bindings as the mounting orgasm rushes forth! “Oh god Master!” is all I say as I close my eyes as my orgasm is only thrusts away. Then nothing happens, my Master pumping constantly into my pussy, my arousal still there and burning hotter than lava, I should be cumming but Im not! Im terrified as my eyes shoot down to my Master as he continues to fuck my denied pussy. Slamming my eyes shut I scream into my mind, ordering my body to cum but it doesnt happen, I feel my pleasure overflowing and still no reward to show for it. Laughing as he fucks my pussy he explains “the chemical i pumped into your body blocks the signal from your brain that makes you cum Slave, like poison, without the antidote youll never cum again!" Screaming out loud this time as my body is denied more orgasms as my pussy drowns in pleasure, my Master pounding hard into my flooding cunt.
Growing tired after his 5th orgasm inside me he turns his attention to a device nearby, shaking uncontrollably I open my eyes to see whats to come next, its the sybian from yesterday! if I were shaking before, Im thrashing now, desperate to close my thighs and deny that cruel device a place on my pussy I scream out “NO NOT THAT!!” and I stop. Realizing that I said a forbidden word, my Master is not happy now. Removing the hollow plastic cock on the device he replaces it with a double pronged metal dildo with large bumps all over it and a red and black wire in the base of both protrusions, pushing them into my pussy and ass I squirm as a long metal tube goes up my urethra and a plastic tube suctioned onto my clit, wires line the inside giving my clit a rough surface to lay against. Clamps on my nipples and a plug-gag are added, ensuring I cant utter another word as he attaches wired pads to my chest, thighs and ass. stepping back I look horrified as he raises the remote and turns the sybian on, instant orgasm were it not for the chemical as my Master cruely raises the speed to add further discomfort as my inserts all start humming wildly inside me.
Continuing to raise the speed my Masters eyes locked on mine as he eventually maxes the device out, lowering 1 remote and grabbing another he smiles as he says “you will now learn that you can never say “No” to your Master!” almost yelling the last 2 words as he presses the button and my body lights up with power as every opening is filled with a violent hum while simultaniously coursing with electricity. Thankful my plug-gag is in place to stop me shattering my teeth my Master returns to my face, hard cock in hand as he removes my plug and rams his member into my empty mouth. The dungeon now filled with buzzing, electricity cracking and gagged moans as my body and mind are tortured for saying “no”.
2 hours pass, 2 whole, slow, agonizing hours of denial hell, my Master has long since left my mouth, but not before dumping a fresh load into my mouth and replugging my face, he now sits in a chair watching my body dancing as best it can while bound strictly, he sips from a cool drink as he drinks in my torment with a smile on his face as he then pours a grey, sloppy fluid from a large bottle into a funnel as he mutters something under his breath. Believing I have learned my lesson my Master presses a button and the electricity tormenting my body stops, forgotten seconds later as my body continues quaking as the vibrations lower to a dim hum. Removing the devices both in and on me my Master then opens the device holding me and raises me up, swapping my box glove restraining my arms with a armbinder he cinches it tight and wraps the straps above and bleow my breasts, confirming my helplessness is ongoing. Leading me to the middle of the room and connecting a chain to the d-ring on the armbinder my Master raises my arms and I lean forward to release the strain on them. raising higher im forced into a tight angle as the muscles in my legs burn in my ballet boots as my Master inserts his cock once again into my pussy, I have given up on cumming at this point as if I could cum, the 2 hours on electric vibration would have seen to it and then some, but having failed to cum in that situation its clearly impossible, the pleasure only continuing to mount higher on my senses, a simple stroke across my breast grants the same response as a brush to my clit.
Giving my pussy 3 loads directly he then pushes into my sore ass and puts another 2 loads. Taking a step back my Master smacks my ass hard, leaving a handprint easily on my left cheek, he turns his attention to my right cheek and repeats, leaving another mark. Turning to a wall, my Master has a wide selection of canes, floggers and whips, taking a leather flogger from the wall my ass recieves 15 smacks per cheek and my eyes water in pain as my pussy burns with unobtainable desire. Turning his attention to my exposed thighs my Master proceeds to swap out for a cane and gives my inner thighs a few taps to make the coming hits more anticipated and pushing a vibrating egg inside my pussy to keep me entertained, slamming hard on my inner leg Im quickly left with multiple welts for my juices to run down over. Slamming against the back of my legs and over my ass I scream out in pain and pleasure as Im oddly aroused by the pain my Master delivers with each blow. After 20 strikes per leg my tears dropping on the floor making a small puddle as the last hit strikes, a cold salve is rubbed against my burning welts by my Masters ever calm hand, rubbing deep into my flesh you feel relieved, the pain is fading fast as the salve does its work on my tender skin. Raising my body up straight Im unbound from the chain and led out to the main hall to a table in the middle of the room.
Instructed to stand still I watch with a look of confusion as my Master shuffles a table off a small carpet and then moves the carpet to reveal a hatch in the floor. I never knew there was a hatch but then again I have never seen that table moved since my first day here, opening the hatch my Master calls me over and I peer inside, the posture collar demanding I lean forward at the hip. I see a box, its not small by any means but its still tightly wedged in the floor, removing it would take time, listening close I can hear moans and a strong buzzing coming from the box, looking at my Master he smiles. “you will find out tomorrow my dear” he says as he closes the hatch and puts the carpet and table back on top of the hatch, hiding it from view completly as he fiddles with a tube ensuring its exposed slightly. whoever is inside, Im curious as to who it is and how long they have been in the box. Standing beside me my Master grabs my firm, welted ass as he squeezes and chuckles, causing me to giggle like a schoolgirl, my plug-gag is removed and Im taken to the dining room for lunch, armbinder removed, clearly not interested in hand feeding me a second time today Im free to move around and I make a sandwich your both me and my Master as Im told and sit to eat. Absentmindedly moving a hand to rub my pussy I hear my Master clear his throat, snapping me out of my daze as I catch my hand doing its best to pleasure me.
Taking me back to my room Im stripped of my clothes and boots, gasping as my bare feet find solid ground and almost drop to massage my tortured toes. A black latex bodysuit is pulled from my wardrobe and thrown to my bed and Im ordered to put it on, being told to use my own juices as lubricant to assist as needed. A latex hood with only nose holes is removed followed by a latex armbinder, corset, heels and vacbed, all placed on the bed beside me as he turns to help me get dressed. Putting the latex bodysuit on was easy enough, Master was right, pussy juice made for good lubricant to slide in easier, zipping it up its followed by my corset, pulled tight by my Master. Hood followed and then heels and armbinder, standing me up on my feet I wait as he sets up my bed, and lays me down once its set and Im covered in the top latex sheet with my legs opened by his hand, gap over my nose is all I need as my Master turns the attached pumps on, seconds later all the air is sucked out of my latex prison and my Master takes a few seconds to look at my body.
Grabbing some latex polish my Master then covers my latex and rubs me all over, no doubt to make me a shiny latex effigy I feel something press against my pussy and I take a quick breath in. Having made sure it was secure and would not shift away from my clit, my Master turns my hitachi on medium speed and holds my nose, blocking my air as I thrust my hips against the stimulation, thrusting harder as my brain screams for fresh air my face would be almost blue if I could see it and my Master releases my nose and I suck air in as my body shakes in a denial blitz, my orgasm still unobtainable.
“Today has been fun Slave, you took alot of my cum, tomorrow ill have someone suck it out” my Master says, barely audible as he turns my light off and leaves me to squirm in your latex prison with a Hitachi buzzing on my clit.
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kakakakashi · 4 years
Hokage’s Office: The Chair
100 Follower Celebration - Day 1
Kakashi Hatake x Reader || NSFW
Warnings: porn without plot, Kakashi’s filthy mouth, cursing, I mean what else do you want me to say? You all know what this is. I’ve been hyping it up for like a month. 
Word count: 2,686
A/N: Guys... it’s here... It’s... something. I mean, it’s not as great as I hoped, but at least I did it. Also, we’re going to put 100% of all of these under the cut for lots of reasons. 
He had that look in his eye when he realized it was you who’d opened the door. The one that practically screams twelve emotions at the same time.
You were his saving grace, and he was so grateful for the dinner you brought with you. He was sorry that he wasn’t home, even though you’d assured him hundreds of times that it was okay. Please take him away from this cursed job he didn’t even want. He would quit if he could. He forgot how amazing you looked in your uniform.
All of these thoughts flashed in Kakashi’s brain, but there was one that screamed much louder than the rest. He wanted you more than anything.
“Thanks,” Kakashi mumbled when you placed the Ichiraku Ramen bag atop a free spot on his desk, “You’re too good to me.”
You rounded his desk and chair only to glance at the paperwork he was reviewing over his shoulder. “You alright?” you inquired. Noticing how his broad, muscular shoulders were tensed, you gently massaged the muscles.
Kakashi finished up the paragraph he was on before he set the paper down and craned his neck towards you. He nodded in affirmation. “I’m alright, just a little stressed and wishing I was home.”
“Want me to help you relax?” you smirked, hands gently skimming from his shoulders down his chest.
You felt the way his lungs gasped in reaction to the touch. Goosebumps prickled across his skin while the blood in his veins seemed to move with traces of electricity. Simply seeing him react to such a slight caress had your own body at attention too.
In one swift motion, Kakashi swiveled his chair around, so your hands were now rested on his shoulders. He looked like a predator sizing you up that sinfully. The feral look in his eyes sparked a fire deep inside you, flaming across your skin to rest in your core, the beginnings of an ache only Kakashi could satisfy.
“Your dinner’s going to be cold.” It came out a lot breathier than you’d intended. Your pulse was beginning to pick up in anticipation.
Kakashi smirked from under his mask. He sat forward in his chair to place a palm across your hip. The other hand reached towards the fabric covering the bottom half of his face, and while he spoke, he hooked a digit on the edge and pulled it down. “Guess I’ll have dessert first then.”
His finger twisted into one of the loops at your hip, effectively yanking you into his lap and bringing you into a harsh kiss. He wasted no time wrapping his arms around you while you cupped his jaw to help deepen the kiss. It was all tongue and teeth, wasting no time in getting to the main event. You could feel your lips beginning to swell with the clashing of your embrace, but you couldn’t care any less.
Kakashi was already pawing at your breasts, and the sensation prompted a moan to break from your throat. The sound was muffled against Kakashi’s lips, but you could feel him smirk against you before he began to work his lips down your neck. His kisses were wet and open mouthed, nipping with sharp teeth every now and then, causing you to whimper in reply. The sensation of Kakashi’s mouth made your head spin, and you could feel the growing bulge in his pants rub against your thigh at the way you reacted to his touch. You had to ground yourself on his shoulders while your senses overwhelmed you, but you still couldn’t help yourself from moving your palm down his torso until you reached his half hard length. You ground your hand against him, feeling his member twitch and his muscles tense at the delicious friction. Even his mouth moaned against you while he kissed you, biting down harder to reprimand you for your attempt at controlling the situation.
When Kakashi pulled away from your neck, he practically growled. “Naughty little thing, aren’t you?”
One of his hands snaked around your ass to grope the flesh in his large hands before he playfully swatted as a signal for you to stand.
You followed his instructions after you placed a sweet kiss to his jaw as an attempt to apologize. He chuckled low in his chest, and the thought sent a wave of wetness flooding your core.
“Be a good girl and strip for me,” he commanded, his exposed eye was impossibly black, taking in every miniscule movement you made. Your shaking fingers slowly found the hem of your top, raising it over your head before discarding it on the floor. It could have been the cool air across your newly exposed skin, but you weren’t sure because of the way Kakashi was practically drinking in the sight before him. He could see your hardened nipples through the lace of your bra, and the sight made him want to rip the flimsy fabric off your body. However, he was distracted when you popped the button of your pants open while you gently chewed on your swollen lower lip. His throat bobbed with a swallow while you dragged the zipper down, exposing just the waistband of your panties.
His eyes traced up from the exposed fabric back to your mischievous eyes. “Did I say you could stop?” he inquired with a brow quirked.
Your only reply was the wiggle of your hips while you leisurely worked your pants off, stepping out of them and toeing off your sandals before you unhurriedly stalked towards his chair again. You knew he wasn’t in the mood for your teasing, but you couldn’t resist pushing him just a little bit. However, he took matters into his own hands, quickly unsheathing the kunai from his thigh, and in one fluid motion, he sliced through the last bits of lace. After returning his weapon to it’s rightful place, he reminded you, “Don’t test me. We both know who’s in charge here.”
Your breasts spilled from your bra, and the air that hit your wet folds made you shiver, and while you were distracted, Kakashi took the opportunity to sit you on one of his thighs.
“Be a good girl and play with your nipples for me,” the deep timbre of his voice practically cooed.
Your hands shakily moved to the plush flesh of your chest, kneading the weight in your hands a bit before you focused on your already pebbled nipples. You twisted them slightly and let out a whimper at the sensation. Static prickled under your skin from the friction, and you felt it jolt down to your core. You needed friction between your legs, so you tilted your hips to grind against Kakashi’s thigh. However, his hands gripped your hips tight.
You whined under your breath, but he raised a brow at you. “Did I say you could ride my thing?”
The shake of your head wasn’t enough for him. His fingers dug in harder, sure to leave purple prints across your hips tomorrow. “I asked you a question.”
“No, I’m sorry. Please, I need something.” You could tell by the look on his face that he was debating. Was he going to punish you for taking without asking, or was he going to give you what you asked for. “Please, please, Kakashi.”
“Do you think you deserve it?” He still held a devious look in his eye while he gazed at your flushed face.
It was a double-edged sword, so you didn’t answer, praying that you’d satisfy him enough to deal with the fire you felt burning inside you. “Please, I need you. I can’t take it.”
“Very well.”
Kakashi slapped your thigh playfully, guiding your hips so they were where he wanted them. Your weight was on your knees, outside of Kakashi’s, but your hips were above his. It took all of your willpower to keep yourself from grinding throbbing cunt grinding against the tent in his pants, but you knew you had to be good for him.
A gasp tore from your lungs, ending with a loud moan. The sound triggered by Kakashi’s fingers brushing against your practically dripping folds, pressing softly, and dragging your slick around until they found that little bud that made you keen for him.
His rough fingertips provided amazing friction while they circled your clit, and your back arched on it’s own accord. Fireworks sparked throughout your body at the sensation, and one of your hands clawed into Kakashi’s shoulder. Meanwhile, he had his eyes trained on you, breath labored while he watched you writhe above him. He could feel his dick twitch at the sight of you looking so wrecked just from a little touch. Then, a lightbulb went off in his head.
His fingers paused their ministrations, making you whimper at the loss of friction. However, instead, they trailed down to circle your wet entrance.
His voice was rough, sending chills of arousal straight to where his fingers toyed. “Look how wet you are already. So needy for me, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Kakashi,” you sighed. Your head rolled back at the sensation of his fingers barely dipping into you while he teased you, your eyes squeezing shut. It was almost impossible to resist the urge to grab his hand and fuck yourself with his long, thick digits.
A low chuckle from the man below you made your hips twitch a slight bit. It spurred him on, though. He was biting his swollen lower lip, and you noticed him shift uncomfortably in his spot. Without any other warning, he sunk one of his fingers into you all the way down to the knuckle. He didn’t even bother to take off the fingerless gloves he always wore.
You moaned out at the welcome intrusion, clenching around the single digit. If anyone else was in the building at this hour, you were sure they could hear it, but you couldn’t find it in you to care when Kakashi curled his finger so deliciously against you.
The previous attention to your clit was quickly replaced by the gloved heel of his palm, pressing against the bud while he continued pumping his fingers. The fabric provided a wonderful sensation, and your brain started shutting down. Not to mention, Kakashi could feel your wetness seeping through the fabric and onto his palm. He seemed to be getting off on it all because you noticed him trying to palm himself through his pants.
“You want another?” he practically smirked. All you could do was nod in response before Kakashi obliged, slipping another finger inside of you. You whimpered at the sensation of him stretching you out further, scissoring his digits inside you a bit before he ceased all his movements. A lightbulb went off in that moment while you tried to keep from writhing on his fingers. “Fuck yourself on my fingers like the needy little girl you are.”
The look in his eye at had you clenching around his fingers, and it made him smile in victory. All you could do was pant in that moment, taken aback by his request. Although, it didn’t take you long to start moving your hips, using your free hand to guide his wrist while you tried to mimic Kakashi’s previous actions.
Inside your gut, you could feel the beginnings of an orgasm bubbling up, and you tried to work Kakashi’s fingers deeper and deeper with each drag. However, your body jolted in surprise when you found that little spot inside you that made you see stars. Your grip on Kakashi’s wrist tightened, and he encouraged you, “There it is.”
You cried out, rocking your hips into his hand, making sure you were catching all of the little nerves you could. The fire inside you began to consume you while your movements became more desperate and jerky. The white-hot pleasure was so close with each squelching thrust meeting Kakashi’s fingers.
“Look at you,” he panted out, his other hand undoing his pants, “desperately fucking yourself on my fingers with that pretty little pussy. You look so good like this, so desperate to cum.”
“Yes! Kakashi! Yes! I’m so close!” You could feel your body approaching its limit. The sounds spilling from your mouth and his both spurring you on, but Kakashi’s voice made you whine out again.
“Did I say you could cum?” Just when you were twitching around him at your breaking point, he broke out of your hold and retracted his hand. Your dripping heat clenched around nothing, feeling impossibly empty with the loss of his fingers. “You’re gonna cum on my cock like the good girl you are.”
“Yes, sir,” you affirmed, palms immediately taking Kakashi out of his pants and underwear, giving him a few strokes before greedily positioning yourself atop him. However, Kakashi’s fingers grabbed your hips before you could sink onto him.
You noted his slick fingers and dampened glove, and it made heat rush to your cheeks. However, Kakashi just smirked at your realization. “You seemed to enjoy that, didn’t you. Now, I just need you to calm down a little for me. Don’t want you finishing too soon, now do we?”
You shook your head at him before he took his time, drinking in every inch of exposed skin across your body while his fingers traced up and down your skin with soothing caresses. However, once your breathing evened a tad, his lips dove into yours for a desperate kiss. While his mouth crashed against yours, he guided his tip to your entrance and slowly slid you down until he was completely sheathed inside you. The both of you let out a sinful moan at the feeling of him stretching you out, and it felt so right. You always felt impossibly full when Kakashi fucked you, but somehow, int that moment, you felt like you were going to explode.
You barely had time to adjust before Kakashi was guiding your hips atop him, helping you fuck him the way he wanted. It had you clenching around his length each time he’d enter you, and you clung to him for support. Gradually, the two of you built up a pace that had you bouncing on his dick, and you were practically shaking when he groaned into your ear.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he grunted, “You feel so good around my cock. Touch yourself while you ride me.”
You moaned at his words, but you followed instruction. One of your hands moved down to touch your swollen clit, rubbing it frantically in an attempt to reach the high you’d been denied. It didn’t take long for you to start fluttering around him, that electricity flowing through your veins igniting inside the both of you.
“You’re so close,” Kakashi remarked, “You gonna be a good girl and come all over my cock?”
“Yes, Kakashi! Yes!” you cried out, your hips beginning to stutter, but Kakashi guided you through it. The coil in your core was about to break with the way Kakashi had your hips crashing into his, and you were clawing you way to your peak.
It was all over when Kakashi began to move his own hips out of desperation, meeting your thrusts with his own, shoving himself as deep as your bodies would allow. He twitched inside you, signaling that his own orgasm was quickly approaching, and the thought of him about to cum inside you sent you toppling over the edge. The spring in your stomach snapped, and you clenched around Kakashi’s length with a cry of his name. Your entire body shook with the shockwaves of absolute delight. Your body was screaming with pleasure while Kakashi thrusted into you a few final times, finding his own release thanks to yours. The sensation of his hot seed painting your insides kept your orgasmic haze going while the both of you rode out the waves of pleasure.
Once the two of you stilled, you collapsed atop of him in his chair in a mess of sticky limbs. You really needed to bring him dinner more often.
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Best Wearable Breast pump
Wearable breast pumps have become increasingly popular among nursing mothers in recent years. They provide a convenient and discreet way to pump breast milk, especially for working mothers or those who are always on the go.
The Benefits of Wearable Breast Pumps
Pumping breast milk using a traditional breast pump can be time-consuming and inconvenient. With wearable breast pumps, moms have the freedom to move around and continue with their daily activities while pumping. This allows nursing mothers to pump more regularly, which can increase milk production and maintain a steady milk supply. MomMed Wearable breast pumps are also discreet and do not require a separate pumping room, making it easier for working mothers to pump at their workplace.
Comparison of Best Wearable Breast Pumps
Willow Pump - The Willow Pump is a hands-free and cordless breast pump that fits inside a bra. It has two pumps that simultaneously extract milk from both breasts and an app that tracks milk volume in real-time. The Willow Pump is quiet, allowing for discreet pumping even in public places.
Elvie Pump - The Elvie Pump is another hands-free and cordless option that fits inside a bra. It has a unique design that allows the milk to flow directly into a reusable storage container. The Elvie Pump also has an app that tracks milk volume, and its parts are dishwasher safe for easy cleaning.
Freemie Freedom - The Freemie Freedom is a wearable breast pump that attaches to the top of a regular bra and does not require a separate pumping bra. It has a compact and lightweight design, making it easy to carry around. The Freemie Freedom also has a noise reduction feature and a long battery life.
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The Mommed Breast Pump is a quiet and compact electric breast pump that can extract milk in just a few minutes. It uses a double pumping mechanism that simulates a baby's natural suction patterns, which can help increase milk flow. Its portability allows lactating mothers to pump milk at home or on-the-go.
The pump comes with four suction modes and nine suction levels, which allow mothers to find a comfortable setting that suits their needs. The suction modes can mimic the natural sucking rhythm of a baby, and the adjustable suction levels give mothers full control over their pumping experience. Additionally, the Mommed Breast Pump is easy to assemble and clean, which makes it convenient for busy moms.
Wearable breast pumps provide nursing mothers with a convenient and discreet way to pump breast milk. The hands-free and cordless design allows for more flexibility and mobility, making it easier to pump more regularly. The Willow Pump, Elvie Pump, and Freemie Freedom are our top picks for the best wearable breast pumps in the market, each with its unique features to suit various needs and preferences.
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