#doubly when you will likely get it after the true ending
tfoxwood · 5 months
If you are not willing to drown me to protect your way of life then I don't want to know you.
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kathaynesart · 17 days
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It is done! *falls down*
I have... so much to say on so many different things but it is 2:30 in the morning so I will keep this as brief as possible. First off, thank you to all my mom friends and mutuals who helped me with accurately portraying and normalizing the experience of giving birth. It is wonderful, and painful, and gross, and beautiful. I apologize if it made any readers squeamish (and I know there were a few gross jokes in there) but considering how gross the tv show got, I think it remained true to the overall vibe!
Second, I wanted to talk about the concept of "hope" in this story. When I first watched the movie, I felt like the idea of hope being their greatest weapon seemed sort of heavy handed and cheesy. However, after watching the ending of the show again I realized that hope is actually a huge reoccurring element in the story and a big part of what it means to be of the Hamato clan. Doubly so, I wanted Casey Junior in a way to symbolize that hope for Leo specifically, so when Leo talks about hope in the beginning of the movie, he's not just talking about some vague concept, but Casey Junior himself. He is their greatest weapon and he doesn't even realize it.
Thirdly, so uh... Casey Junior. I apologize if it had seemed out of left field, but do know that the decision of his origins was not made lightly. The shear similarity in his facial structure to Lou Jitsu as well as several other factors that I will refrain from stating due to future spoilers was too numerous to ignore! It is an integral part of his story for reasons that will go unsaid for now, and no, he does not know he's distantly related to them. Also, Big Mama! Been holding onto her concept for some time now! I loved the idea of her mystic broach becoming damaged so she can only be cloaked to a certain degree, making for an interesting blend of both her forms. She was really fun to figure out!
Finally thank you everyone for your patience. This special turned into quite the endeavor with most of the updates exceeding 20 pages each, but I'm so happy I was able to finish it... even if it did take so much longer than my projected hope. I can't wait to get back to the main storyline, though I shall miss these silly, overpowered boys. We got a lot of ground to cover and I'll likely be posting a summarized reminder before continuing. ...and after I finish work on some Zines and the holiday special winning commission!
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justporo · 9 months
Astarion sees you're almost falling asleep and will drag you to bed now!
I would need this on like a daily basis. And I guess so do many of you - so let the vampire drag you to bed and GO! GET! SOME! SLEEP!
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It was so late it could have been called early. Outside you could already hear the birds chirping, cheerfully greeting a new day. Which meant that it was more than high time to crawl into bed. And doubly so because you lived with a vampire who fared even worse with sunlight than you.
But you were still crouched over your desk and the papers there.
Your eyes were tired. You barely saw what you were working on anymore. And you knew you could get this done when you were fully rested and it would only take a matter of minutes. But you were so desperate to finish this.
Unfortunately, you had a tendency to be very determined (someone else usually called it stubborn but you always pretended you had gone deaf all of a sudden when that happened). But this tendency had brought you this far and probably saved your life more than once. And you wouldn't be bested by this piece of work!
But your head was slowly falling, your eyelids growing as heavy as lead.
And you only jumped back up when you heard that certain someone enter the room, being purposefully noisy to make you aware of it. You were grateful for that because if the vampire had snuck up on you, like he was fully capable of, it might have not ended well with you being this exhausted.
“Slacking off on the job, are we?” you heard his familiar teasing voice as he came closer. You felt his presence as he leaned on the table around you - basically caging you with his arms, sleeves rolled up to his elbows as usual. His lips were awfully close to your ear and the hairs on your neck stood on end as you didn't dare rip your eyes from your work.
“Don't you think this can wait, love?” he whispered now directly into your ear causing a hot and cold shiver to run down your spine.
But with this he had pushed the wrong button. Almost involuntarily you felt one of your eyebrows rise up and your lips forming a pout: “No, Astarion, I don't think it can wait.”
You turned your head around to face him and saw him smirk, making you even more annoyed at him. He leaned in closer, causing his chest to brush against your head now, his hands moved to cover yours.
“Do you really think a stack of papers can't wait more than your caring lover craving your calming touch?” he murmured with a pout that mirrored yours while his deft fingers freed your writing quill out of your angrily clenching fingers. You couldn't resist him long. His hands were used to open up more difficult things than your desperate grip on your writing utensils. Also his absolutely instrumentalized big red eyes he looked at you with were absolutely working their usual enchanting magic on you.
Not enough though for you to not make a snide remark about what was happening.
“Well, for starters the stack of papers doesn't talk back.”
“You think I'm funny, my love.”
“It also isn't as full of itself.”
A mockingly offended gasp while Astarion’s hands moved the papers out of your reach.
“My heart, you hurt me.”
“Ah see, it also doesn't guilt trip me.”
The vampire's hands wandered up over your arms to your shoulders. “I can't do right by you tonight, can I?”
“You could just let me keep working on my thing.”
A dramatic sigh and Astarion let his head fall forward and onto your shoulder. Then he let go of you and took a step back.
“Do you really want to keep working, dear?” he sounded sincere now and you suddenly felt true guilt as you looked at him. He stood there, arms crossed over his chest, eyes still awfully wide and shining.
But the urge to not keep business unfinished still had you in its claws.
After a few heartbeats you opened your lips to answer, but-
“Too bad, you're coming with me now, my love.” Astarion exclaimed and with rogue quickness grabbed your chair by the armrests to drag it away from the desk and turn it around to him. “You need your beauty sleep, I can't be seen walking around with a walking corpse!”
You squealed when you felt your body get yanked around so quickly while your tired brain was almost incapable of catching up. Thus you were almost confused when you had ended up on Astarion’s shoulder a moment later.
There was no energy left in your body to resist this infuriating man any longer so you just played the part of dead weight draped over his shoulder - since he had already coined you as such - and couldn't stop yourself from giggling.
“See, darling, I told you: you think I’m funny.”
“It's just sleep deprivation talking.”
“Ah, so you agree with that too.”
You resisted to answer him with something he would only twist around again to fit his agenda. Instead you just slapped his butt you had quite the delectable view of at the moment.
Astarion hissed and just slapped your behind in return. You only giggled more.
“I should have left you at your godsdamned desk, let you fall asleep right there to drool on the papers,” he murmured under his breath and ended it with something about how ungrateful you were while he threw open the bedroom door; your favourite drama queen.
Then he made quick work to get you off his shoulders with an exaggerated groan which you were sure wasn't fully acted.
As soon as your body hit your soft bed the last of your energy decided to evaporate into the aether. You were almost falling over if not for the vampire's quick reflexes catching your wrists.
With quick fingers and more snarky remarks you had no power to reply to anymore he undressed you to your underwear.
And with more overly dramatic groaning and a roll of his eyes since you provided absolutely no help did he turn you to lay down. He carefully placed your head on the pillows which you thanked him for with a dreamy sigh. Your eyes closed on your own. The blanket was thrown over you and more rustling told you that Astarion was quickly undressing as well.
When the mattress shifted under the vampire's weight as he got into bed next to you you barely even noticed it anymore.
With final efforts Astarion dragged you onto his chest. Your arms slung around him and your legs tangled with his automatically - you had done so hundreds if not thousands of times already.
“All this work just to get you where you belong,” Astarion whispered to you and clicked his tongue disapprovingly as he began rubbing lazy circles on your back. You only hummed contentedly as you felt your body relax fully into him and his touch.
Your last half-coherent thought as you drifted off to sleep was that, indeed, you had to agree with him on this one: you were right where you were supposed to be.
Taglist: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @darlingxdragon @hereliesblackdragon @ayselluna @ajokeformur-ray @i-cant-get-into-my-other-account @rikuyrk06
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devoted-tiefling · 1 year
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this comment was placed on my one post and all i gotta say is this.
warning: major spoilers for astarion's storyline
astarion finding himself running his fingers over the words carved inside of the ring, memorizing every line and scratch, until he can see the infernal words and know what it means.
astarion sitting at the bonfire or standing by his tent, one hand keeping his book open, the other rolling the ring along in his palm.
astarion desperately chasing after the ring when he drops it, his reputation be damned. he doesn't care if people make fun of him for dropping to his knees just to pick the thing up; he'll be damned again before letting the ring get anywhere he can't reach.
astarion using the ring to bring him out of his nightmares. he knows how the ring feels, knows he'd never go anywhere without it, knows that it's a nightmare if the ring feels off.
astarion always feeling the ring up in his hand when he knows he needs the luck, when he knows he needs the encouragement, when he knows he's in a dark place and he can't bring himself to come to you.
astarion knowing the ring looks more brass than gold, knows its not even worth one gold piece, knows that it's just a piece of garbage little metal; still, astarion treats it like his greatest treasure, laid among his horde of treasures, all times from you and things he'd picked up that ended up meaning something
astarion, feeling the way the metal digs into his finger as he absolutely wails on cazzador. his dream of finally being able to destroy the thing that had destroyed him has finally come true. the ring makes a deep bruise color around his finger from the impact of his punches but there's a sick satisfaction that simmers in his stomach from the idea that the ring has also made its impact on cazzadors now limp body.
astarion being doubly attached to the ring ans the person who had gifted it to him because it's managed to make all of his wildest wishes come true and isn't that exactly what the ring was for?
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I’m gonna be honest. The more I think about it, the more I’m believing that the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy could’ve been better than the Original Trilogy if the script was tighter (a lot tighter). But George needed to let other people handle the script and he needed way more help with bringing his vision to life.
I mean, just think about it. The OG trilogy was a fairly straightforward, good vs evil storyline. Jedi and Rebels good, Emperor and Sith bad. Amazing storyline, but fairly simple. In comparison, the Prequel trilogy is far more complex in terms of what it was trying to achieve. If you look past the shitty dialogue and questionable storyline choices, the story that George came up with deals with:
1) Duty vs. Desire (Anakin trying to remain a Jedi but wanting to pursue Padme)
2) Questioning the Jedi Code instead of just blindly accepting it as gospel. Because despite how much Anakin was struggling with his complicated emotions, the Order doesn’t notice. In fact, the Order encouraged him to bury his emotions, which we see led to disaster since that led him right to the Dark Side.
3) An actual attempt at more complex politics rather than just evil empire versus good resistance. For example, it’s a meme that Anakin made an argument in favor of fascism, but in the hands of a better writer, that could’ve been a really good moment. We get an idea of why the Empire would have its supporters, despite being the obvious bad guys. It humanizes the Empire in a way that it doesn’t make you sympathize with them, but makes you understand how someone could end up on that path. That’s more true to life than just evil people being evil. (Andor is probably the one Star Wars media that understood this, which is partly why it’s one of the best Star Wars content out there)
4) The hero is genuinely a tragic character. He’s a child prodigy who was freed from slavery with the promise of a better life. But as he grows up, he becomes frustrated with how his life is turning out. He’s powerful, but not powerful enough to save his mom. He falls in love, but can’t be with Padme since it’s against the Jedi Code. Obi-Wan looks over him, but Anakin doesn’t feel he’s respected. The Order assigns him dangerous mission after dangerous mission, but he doesn’t get the rank of master. Anakin’s arc is about a man who feels like he’s not in control of his life (which is doubly sad when you remember he grew up in slavery) and, in his lowest moment, turns to a man who claims to be able to give Anakin everything he’s ever wanted. And that becomes his downfall since he ends up losing way more than he gained.
I’m sorry, but, that storyline is way more interesting than Luke and Leia’s story. No offense to Luke and Leia, but their dad’s story sounds like a Shakespearean tragedy. What messed it up was that George Lucas needed someone else to write the script.
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gildedlead · 9 months
All of the Wayne kids’ favorite Leaguers: True and Real and Accurate
Dick: Wonder Woman! Bear with me. Please. I think Superman was his favorite BEFORE he met Clark. Once he learned how big of a dork he was, the magic was sort of lost, doubly so when Clark became his unofficial stepdad. Diana? She stayed cool. Not to mention that in his Robin days, she often humored whatever hare-brained impulses he’d get. Please picture Batman’s bewildered expression when he finds Dick dangling from the Watchtower light fixture he specifically designed to be impossible for him to reach. Diana just, -shrug- “He said please.” You threw him Diana. You threw that child. She’d probably still throw him if he asked nicely, hell, she’d probably do it even before he has to ask. It’s ‘Boy Wonder’, not ‘Boy Bat’.
Jason: Black Canary. ‘Wonder Woman is Jason’s fav’ believers PLEASE hear me out. I think that Diana is Jason’s favorite in a ‘celebrity crush’ way, but Dinah is Jason’s favorite in a ‘cool aunt’ way. He met her unofficially at the Watchtower, but actually started hanging out with her thanks to Roy. They both like motorcycles and kicking ass, plus Young Justice having Canary as a therapist melds well with my vision of her helping Jason heal. And I think she’s used to yelling at Bruce on Oliver’s behalf, so it’s no big to do it on Jason’s too.
Tim: The Flash! If Dinah is the cool aunt, Barry is the cool uncle. Guy that shows up at the function with all the best snacks. He might eat half of them himself but damn if he didn’t bring them. In all seriousness, Tim saw pretty great merit in knowing a forensics guy that he can basically talk to anytime he’s stumped with a case without having to go through the “sorry to wake you” song and dance. Barry occasionally gets unhinged texts that are in the vein of “hey can you go about ten minutes back in time and tell past me about _____”. They’re usually pretty low stakes but sometimes there’s just a “got stabbed, do-over?” jumpscare sprinkled in. Bruce will never ever get shit from Barry about kid troubles. That man is a saint in Flash’s eyes.
Cass: Captain Marvel. She didn’t like him at all during their first meeting. For a person that’s good at reading body language, I imagine that seeing genuinely childish behavior on a grown man would be giving some crazy mixed signals. Once she learns that his powers are magic in origin rather than being alien or meta, her mind opens up a little more to the possibility that his exterior appearance might not be indicative of his actual identity. Cass guesses his age by their next proper meeting and makes it her business to keep an eye on him, always asking Bruce about him after he returns from League missions. Your honor, that 7’5” brick wall Champion of Magic is actually just Cass’ little buddy. She’s gonna get him some ice cream or something.
Steph: Green Lantern. Hal and Barry are like uncles, except if Barry is the cool one, Hal is the cringe one. Lucky for Hal, being a boyfailure is a good way to amuse Steph. Those two are gonna spend hours arguing with Bruce just for the hell of it, backing each other up on completely incorrect claims (Steph does it because it’s funny, Hal does it because he believes her). He does get bonus points for bringing her cool space snacks whenever he comes back from trips off-world. One of her favorite foods is a sort of hi-chew/gum thing from some other planet in Sector 2418 that doesn’t dissolve or lose its flavor, even after chewing it for days on end.
Damian: Aquaman. He’s a king. Like, an actual king. And he can communicate with fish. Arthur heard about Damian’s temper from the rest of the Leaguers and straight up does not believe it because every time he’s spoken to Damian, it’s been “hello your majesty can you introduce me to an octopus I have a few questions for it”. This one’s short. But I feel it speaks for itself.
Duke: Superman. Clark was NOT told about Signal taking up the day shift in Gotham until he was flying in to compare notes (read: flirt), with Bruce and met Duke when they both went to intercept a carjacking. Clark tries to be responsible like “I feel obligated to let you know that Batman doesn’t take kindly to metas in his city”, only for Duke to point at the big ol bat on his chest. After that, Duke usually intercepts Big Blue’s flight path anytime he comes into Gotham and the two just kind of hang out and shoot the shit while he does his patrol. Duke is also a little bit stoked to be regularly hanging out with The Superman, but even after the awe wears off, he can’t help but still think of Clark as just a cool, friendly guy. He gets someone to share the airspace with, Clark gets a bat he can stay in the sun with, it’s a win/win all around. Congrats Clark, you got one.
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Saw your "Yutu judging Yuu's taste" ask and thought about Rollo!Yutu being especially judgy about his parents taste in men. At the ball after the whole Fire Flower Fiasco, he tries gently broaching the subject with Yuu only for them to look at him like this
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"What, you think just because this twerp thinks Im special for being magicless I can overlook him trying to start WWV"? Which only confuses Yutu more because he's here, isn't he???
(Bonus points, if you don't count the Groovification Card lines as canon, then the only student to ask Yuu to dance at the ball is Azul. Imagine Yutu trying to digest the type of man his father is while watching his other parent dance in the arms of Azul freaking Ashengrotto).
He's watching his hands just waiting for him to be aborted from the timeline because clearly he messed up somehow, when in actuality his parents romance is a slow burn enemies to lovers fic that starts years later, like, during the apprenticeship in Senior Year/After Rollo gets counselling for his brothers death.
*Bonus bonus point, I imagine Rollo!yutu's real name is Rollo's brothers'name. Yuu can't remember why it eas so important to name their kid that, just that it was.
the exact opposite of the usual dynamic lol
That bonus point is totally true, we don't know what Rollo's bother's name is but in the book it's Jehan/Jean and that does sound like a fitting name for Rollo! Yutu. Jean likes knowing that his name was important somehow, it gives him a connection to his father that he desperately wants. Doubly so when he's at NRC and no one knows anything about him because he went to a different school. He wonders what they would have had to say if they knew the truth... seeing Yuu dance with Azul doesn't help. Seeing them dismiss Rollo outright makes him lethargic, wondering if there's anything he can do to prevent the bad future before he ceases to exist. Should he try telling Idia what's up before he dies? He doesn't know anymore...
The idea of Yuu and Rollo's relationship being a slow burn is not something I have played with before? As I am thinking about it now, the idea of Rollo having a strong instantaneous attraction to Yuu that he swallows in favor of his world ending plan, only for it to be all that he's left with is sweet in a diabolical way? Maybe he tries to learn how to use magicam in the hopes of talking with them and then he feels stupid about it because he sucks at it, but then Yuu actually starts talking to him? Maybe Yuu just wants to encourage him to seek help, and they still do that, but they really like talking to him and appreciate how aware he is of their struggles. Maybe Rollo talks to the magicless people of his city and forwards their advice, anything to get to know them better. Yuu leans back and thinks about what Yutu asked or implied and has the unfortunate realization all on their own that maybe their taste in men is bad... and desperately brushes it off as him being just a... good unique friend? Something they denied all the way up until they were doing an internship in the City of Flowers and were meeting up for coffee every single morning in a way they couldn't pretend weren't dates. Who knows how long Rollo cultivated those flowers, Yuu is something he's willing to cultivate a lot longer.
In the original timeline anyway, who knows about this one (`ω´)
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the-violet-galaxy · 3 months
I don’t want Old Moon to come back to life -- and I REALLY hope this arc doesn’t end with him being alive again, in any capacity.
In my opinion, bringing Old Moon back to life would be a terrible decision for everything, on all narrative fronts.
It’s true a lot of characters come back to life in TSAMS. When Lunar died, him getting resurrected was part of the story from the beginning (Monty located part of his nanomachine body and started work right away). Solar coming back to life has been a key point of this arc. Etc
But Old Moon's death was permanent. The story was that it couldn’t be undone.
So much of the story, angst, and arcs (New Moon’s entire life; Sun in so much pain from losing his brother) centered around Old Moon being gone for good.
What made Old Moon’s death so impactful WAS that it was permanent. He made the choice to die and Sun would never see him again. He would never meet Earth or bond with Lunar or Solar. The whole painful denial of closure.
But -- to be able to just… BRING HIM BACK TO LIFE, it cheapens everything. It retroactively makes everything, all the angst and character development involving the memory of Old Moon, lose what made it so good. (And now knowing it was possible from the very beginning??? Doubly so. So many sad moments are tainted knowing that Monty was sitting off to the side, awkwardly whistling and twiddling his thumbs.)
Because the story was written this way, bringing Old Moon back is one of those things that shouldn’t be touched. Some characters need to die and stay dead.
(I was even hesitant when Monty first brought up that Moon could talk to his old self. I was worried this meant Old Moon was still “technically alive”, which would lead to the cheapening of things. But, when they said Old Moon was just an “instinctual copy”/comatose at all times, I was a little reassured; that was manageable. The show even stressed that Old Moon wasn’t actually alive; Monty said it plainly that he couldn’t take over, he was just an instinctual copy. New Moon himself said “he knows he’s dead. He knows he's isn't going to come back.”
Why are we playing with the idea of him coming back now!? After all that!?
And bringing him back wouldn’t FIX anything. Not for Sun or the family --
Recently, Sun disowned New Moon, and started talking about how toxic Old Moon really was towards him.
And we saw how Old Moon acted while comatose. Even in DEATH, Old Moon didn’t really want to change who he was or how he behaved. He even says he’s afraid of talking to Sun because of what he might say. If he won’t change after experiencing death, he is probably never going to. If he comes back, he’ll most likely go right back to being the exact same asshole.
And we know that Sun has developed enough to finally not take it. He would NOT let Old Moon treat him like that anymore. He is willing to cut a toxic family member out of his life.
So, what -- would the story just bring Old Moon back, have him be the same asshole that Sun has moved beyond, and then have Sun put his foot down and do a second disownment? I just don’t see the point in that.
Even if something really dumb happens, like Old Moon is given a SECOND BODY so that there are both Moons at the same time… are they just gonna have Old Moon be exiled from the family and become a drifter side character out in the world, who only shows up to cameo once in a while? That would not be satisfying --  and I doubt Old Moon would be happy being away from the family, seeing how the show hammers in how his family is the only thing he cares about.
(And you can’t have him hanging around as a permanent member of the cast alongside New Moon – you’d have to juggle two Moon characters, which just seems like a HUGE headache for everyone and could get confusing for the viewers trying to keep who is who straight. I’m sure that acting for two Moons in every scene would also be a pain in the ass for the voice actors. Plus, New Moon is just THE MOON of The Sun and Moon Show now; are they going to alternate between which Moon is doing the gaming videos??? That’d be a mess.)
(The only other option is to fuse both Moons into Moon-V.3. which is. Please no. We’ve already had a Moon reset, and this would essentially be the same thing, creating a whole new person. It’s redundant, we’ve done that before. Please do something else.)
New Moon is a real piece of work right now and I don't like this arc, but this is his story to conclude. Not Old Moon's. New Moon has to deal with the repercussions of what he's done to the family (and it's looking like Dark Sun has been controlling him or nudging his personality, so he might not be as guilty as we initially thought; we'll have to see the extent of how much control Dark Sun had). New Moon has to face the consequences of his actions himself. In a way, Old Moon ran away from his consequences when he let himself die, he never had to face up to what he did or atone with his own hands; New Moon needs to stay and face what he's done in this story, he needs to face what happened to the family. Even if it's revealed it's not entirely his fault, he needs to stay. (If he does stay, he will actually be better than Old Moon, who ran away.)
If Old Moon HAS to come back, there’s just one way I can think of that I’d want it to go, but this is already long enough, so I’ll save it for later. I just wanted to throw my opinion out here.
TLDR: I don’t want Old Moon to come back to life AT ALL because it will cheapen the story and his death, and if he comes back to life there’s no satisfying place for him.
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tokiwarcube · 3 months
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Tabloids love candid photos. Nearly every time the two of you venture beyond the walls of Mordhaus, the paparazzi love to click photo after photo of you and Toki -- more often together than not. And in every single one, he's touching you in some way. A hand interlocked with yours; an arm slung around your waist; a sweet kiss to the cheek. He could rest upon you forever, and never have his fill of your touch -- not that you're complaining, of course. But when he's high? If he was clingy before, he's like velcro, now.
Or, in which you have very sweet, very high sex with Toki.
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Toki Wartooth/Reader (AFAB, GN)
Penetrative & unprotected sex; Very high sex (consent is confirmed in-fic); light breeding kink; established relationship. You two are so, so in love. 2.1k below the cut -- Enjoy!
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The media has plenty of words to call your boyfriend — cute, sweet, innocent. Many of their other descriptors for him fall into some synonym of one of those three categories, but of those three in particular, only two of them are true. You’re reminded of this as his hand comes sluggishly to grip your shoulder, laying you back against the bedspread, and his lips come to cover your own before you even settle all the way against the covers, breathy and eager. Yes, Toki is nothing if not insatiable behind closed doors, and that applies doubly for when he’s high — like right now. Strong arms flex as he cages you in with his forearms, lips meeting again and again, hips pressing insistently between your spread legs to rock against your own.
The moments leading up to now are a blur — the pleasure that comes from your slow grind seem to last an eternity, bleeding into a longer and longer stretch of euphoria, which easily overwrites anything that isn’t here, isn’t now, — and even as the seconds tick by, you find yourself loosing the details of before, more and more.
If you were the slightest bit more clearheaded, you’d surmise that this strain in your shared edible packed quite the fucking punch.
But no — all that you can focus on is your lover. His piercing blue eyes; the mustache tickling your upper lip as his hot tongue parts your lips to explore your mouth; the long brown hair that fans out around you as he presses himself further into you. Drool strings between the two of you in the few moments you part to breathe before coming back together again — lazy, but undeniably wanting.
He seems to be just as invested in you too — can’t seem to get enough as his free hand begins to roam over the expanse of your body. Canting your jaw to kiss you more deeply, grasping loosely at your chest, sliding down your ribcage to squeeze your hips, then thighs… and then back up again. You’ve explored the breadth of each other over the years, not a single mark left unnoticed, but on days like these, it’s nice to simply do it all over again. You too allow your hands to roam, soaking up the heat from his body and the euphoria of simply being with him — although like always, you find yourself carding your fingers through his soft hair in the end.
Seconds turn into centuries, the pleasure seemingly endless as he rocks into your sensitive cunt; even clothed, the friction is enough to drive you mad. Using what little space he’s allowed you, with how close he’s pressed his lower half against you, you meet his half-thrusts as much as you can in a slow grind. The added friction goes straight to your core, and somewhere in your mind you find yourself whining desperately against him — distant, like a memory, but still undeniably you. This is enough to get him to part from your lips to roll off of you and fumble at the button of his jeans, and this brings you out of your fog enough to spark you into doing the same.
It’s a bit of a struggle, with your dexterity all but shot in your inebriated state. The button is unyielding against your thumb at first, but you get it after a moment of focus. Toki laughs out of your vision, and you’re about to fire back a snarky retort, but when you turn to look at him, you have to bite back a laugh of your own. He too is evidently struggling with the amount of THC in his system, considering how his thumb hangs limply in his belt loop — jeans still, unsurprisingly, snug around his hips.
He rolls his head over in your direction, giving you a smile. Toki’s no stranger to substances, albeit he doesn’t have quite the same tolerance as the rest of his chosen family — but he doesn’t seem to mind too much. Instead he enjoys the giddiness that comes as the compounds flow through his veins, making him even looser than usual in his affections. You’d (lovingly) call him clingy at the best of times, but like this? Velcro. He reaches his hand out to you, and you press your cheek into his hand, much to his delight.
“I love you,” he says. The fond swipe of his thumb across your cheek and the fondness in his eyes tells you he means it.
“I love you too,” and a kiss to the inside of his wrist tells him you mean it back.
You squeeze his hand once before leaning over, dropping a hand on his chest before placing a chaste kiss to his waiting lips, which he smiles into, and your face mimics his own when you part.
“Do you still wanna do this?” you ask.
His eyes crinkle, leaning up to steal another quick kiss from you. Happy blue eyes peer up at you, blown wide with equal parts adoration and lust as he turns the hand that rests on your cheek to instead take your wrist in his hold. He places another kiss there too, for good measure.
“Yeahs,” he says against your veins, “I do. Do you?”
You hum an affirmative, and that’s enough for him to place your hand on that pesky button of his. He presses down, arching his hips in tandem so that you feel the full extent of his arousal, and fuck, he’s just as worked up as you. You undo the button eagerly, pulling down the zipper, and you can’t quite suppress the urge to sneak your hand beneath his boxers to cup him in full. You thumb his head beneath the fabric, dragging the wetness building there around the flushed head and coaxing a gasp from his lips, which you swallow greedily. But he doesn’t let you play for long — that damnable button must have been the only real hurdle for him as his pants tug down with ease after finally being loosened.
This also seems to be the limit of his playfulness for the time being, as just after the denim hits the floor, he’s towering back over you again. He hooks your thighs over his hips as he sits back on his haunches — with his cock bobbing temptingly above you, precum glistening in the low light, you’re struck with the urge to use the drool pooling in your mouth for good to feel him come undone your mouth — but the view doesn’t last, as his forearms return to their place on the mattress, trapping you under him. His dick presses hotly against your stomach, trapped between the two of you, and you find yourself struck with that same heady wanting yet again.
“You ams always so goods for me,” he murmurs, dipping down to take his mouth with your own again. His tongue slips between your waiting lips while a curious hand, bigger than your own, finally — finally — dips into the wetness pooling between your legs. In the back of your mind you’re grateful for his mouth against yours, volume control shot with the copious amounts of cannabis in your system. That same strong hand spreads your lips with ease, moving up to circle tightly at your throbbing clit before dipping down into your dripping heat. Your noises become less coherent as he alternates between pressing at your g-spot and abusing your clit — each micromovement coaxing a shudder from your body. But then the stretch as one finger turns to two tells you when he starts to focus on your drooling pussy more and more, the flat of his palm now the only stimulation against your clit, and you soon find yourself wanting more than his hands can provide.
“Toki,” you slur between kisses, and press on when he does little more than hum questioningly against your mouth. “Toki,” you murmur, “I want you.”
“You haves me.”
You whine, and his lips upturn in the kiss. But that amused grin quickly turns into an open-mouthed groan at your next words.
“Please, fill me?”
He pulls his fingers from your cunt, and you shudder at the loss, although you can’t complain when he leans back on his haunches to give you a view — dragging your slick against his cock, flushed and hard with want. Any other night, perhaps if he had a clearer state of mind, he'd make you beg more, make you mad with want. But in your shared fog of equal parts substance and lust, he either can't or doesn't want to keep up the game. He pumps himself once, then twice, before tapping your clit with his head of his dick. His bright blue eyes devour your shudder for moment, before pulling back, and pushing himself into you.
He always stretches you out so well, filling you in that addicting way only he can. Hot breath meets your neck as he hides his face against your skin, pressing the full weight of his body against you when he finally bottoms out. “Gods,” he swears, “ams so fucking goods.” And when you give him the signal, he wastes no time in finding a broken rhythm.
He murmurs mindless obscenities against your skin — only half of which you’re sure are words, nevermind English — before licking and sucking at the tender flesh. It lacks his usual bite — the sting instead replaced with lazy kisses and gentle caresses of unpiercing teeth. His pelvis brushes against your clit with every rock of his hips, and the constant stimulation — the pleasure in his thrusts, his voice, his words as he rambles slurred words into your ear between kisses — it all borders on being too much, but then he’s groaning at one particularly deep thrust and fuck, you can’t seem to get enough. In this heightened state, every sensation is multiplied, sending your head spinning and setting your nerves alight. Sloppy, lazy, messy, and heavenly.
In your fuzzy stupor, it’s impossible to tell how much time you spent like this, trading sloppy kisses as you chase your mutual high. It could be minutes. It could be hours. But it doesn’t seem to matter as you slowly recognize the rising cry of your voice through the fog, and fucking Christ, you’re cumming—
Your eyes roll back in your head, pussy tightening around him as your chest arches into his own firm, unyielding one, but then he’s cumming just after with a high whine of his own, and fuck, you can’t tell if your orgasm is being drawn out or if a new one has been sparked together as his cock twitches within your walls. You heart pounds as you feel his balls tighten against you, filling you just like you begged for.
And just like that, the weight of his body envelops you as he finally allows himself to collapse, and you take the opportunity to card your fingers through his hair while he pants against your skin. Silence rings for a long moment as the fuzzy thoughts from your herbal high melt into the more peaceful sensations of the afterglow — the sweat cooling on your body, the heat of his skin against yours, the minty scent of his shampoo. He hums as he comes back down from his own high, running his hand up your side lovingly before pushing himself up, wobbly, to gaze down at your form. His long brown hair sways with the movement, creating a curtain around the two of you yet again. He slowly pulls his softening cock out of you, running his hand soothingly over your thigh when you let out an overstimulated hiss. He blinks slow, eyes bobbing up to take in your expression for a moment, before running his middle finger through the cum that slowly drips out of you — pulls back no more than an inch, watching the way the liquid strings, before gently pushing the fluid back into you. His tongue darts between his lips, evidently tempted, but then he wipes his hand against the bedspread just after before leaning back down to cover you again with a smile. Chest pressed against yours like this, you’re half sure your heartbeats align, and this thought is only solidified when he leans down to capture your lips once more. He bumps his nose affectionately against yours when you part, smile soft as he peers at you from beneath his eyelashes.
They might not have gotten the “innocent” part right.
“I loves you.”
But the sweetness…
“I love you too, Toki.”
The sweetness, they were right about.
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Trimax Thoughts Vol. 12 Pt. 3
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[ID: A panel from Trigun Maximum Volume 12. Knives is shown with eyes narrowed and a slight smile as he asks "What's your name?" End ID.]
"What's your name?" A name is an identifier, and to ask for it is to acknowledge an individual's identity.
We see this with Vash and his strong memory for the names of all the people from his Home. But interestingly, even with this memory for individuals, and the way Vash clearly never forgets a single person who has impacted him, he very rarely calls people by name, and this goes doubly the closer he is to them. Meryl and Milly are just "the insurance girls" most of the time. Wolfwood was referred to by Nicholas only once (though to be fair, this may just be typical use of a surname). I need to go back and check when I have more energy but I'm pretty sure the only name Vash uses with any regularity is Rem's. Vash loves them, but he won't stick around, nor will he use their names. Maybe if he doesn't use them... he can avoid getting too attached. (Mission failed...)
But it's more than that. Vash's guilt and desire to keep people safe prevents attachment that's true... but so does his philosophy. By necessity, Vash has to refuse to prioritize anyone's life over another's. Getting attached, becoming close enough to want to do anything to protect that person... Vash can't have that, because Vash knows himself well. He is far from impartial. We all remember his "diablo" moment at the beginning of the manga, and his outright murderous anger towards Knives over Rem and July - and that's still with him distanced. Here's his reactions to Wolfwood being in danger in Volume 10, after Vash realized both how much he meant to him and that he was dying:
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[ID: Two screenshots from Trigun Maximum Volume 10. In the first, Vash's face is shadowed before he whirls around to show his eyes - wide and pale and furious. His face is shaded with dark lines for dramatic emphasis. In the second, Vash shoves two men onto the ground by the barrels of his two guns. He is hunched over them, again, furious. His face is shadowed completely. End ID.]
To love someone in a personal way is to prioritize them. It is that prioritization that could lead someone to kill another. Vash cannot have that, yet another reason why he self-imposes that distance from people.
You can't be impartial about others' lives... if some are more important to you than others.
Knives meanwhile uses Legato's name a lot! Legato, or Bluesummers, but either way, he is using his name. And I really think that Knives cares (?) in some way for Legato. He asked Elendira for Legato to be brought back instead of killed. Kind of just lets Legato do what he wants (except kill Vash, obviously). He entrusts him to keep hold of Vash for months on end. Legato doesn't have a number like the rest of Knives' followers; just a name!!! I feel certain that Knives used to share a lot more with Legato before Fifth Moon - Legato seems shocked that Knives would withhold info from him, and he knew Rem's name! There was clearly some point of understanding between them at the moment of their meeting. At the very least, Knives appreciates Legato far more than he lets on.
...And he will never let on. Knives treats Legato cruelly... probably because if he were to treat him on fairer terms, it would be a compromise to his principle that "all humans are bad and need to die", that the time for communication is over, that there is no "making friends" anymore. Knives cannot treat Legato with respect.
You can't push the narrative that an entire group is irredeemable and beneath you... if you've grown attached to one of them.
Knives uses names but treats the people as inferior. Vash treats people with respect but rarely uses names and distances himself. Both of them are severely hampered by their strict ideologies that they will not waver from - which guarantees their loneliness will never end.
Vash is doomed to lose everyone he cares for without ever giving himself the chance to love them, or them to love him. Knives is doomed to lose all his connections, past or possible future, and exist as an eternal lonely child who will never make all those friends he once craved. All because neither of them can afford to back down.
And now they really are gearing up to lose each other, for good this time. Both of them, doomed to lose, right from the start.
There are really no victors in a fight like this.
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megamind2010 · 4 months
Hi I’m a loyal fan plzease talk about Nells philosophy on love of I kill self
lol as promised in the tags from the crush meme
nell was raised by parents who were extremely in love. the kind of goofy embarrassing lovey dovey mother and father who still take each other on dates even though theyve been married for years... so for the first part of her childhood she had a very strong basis for what a happy and healthy relationship looks like
unfortunately when nell was thirteen his mother died in childbirth (unplanned and unexpected) and the shock and grief of the situation sent his father into a catastrophic depression that lasted nearly six years. he struggled to take care of himself, let alone his children, retreating from the world and leaving teenage nell with the burden of raising her two younger brothers, one of whom was a newborn baby. at the time she took this on with little outward display of resentment but it obviously changed her relationship with her dad irreparably
this also twisted nells perspective on love. if her parents could be so in love and so happy that it broke her dad to such an extent, then falling in love is an inherently selfish act. if you die before your partner then you are setting them up for misery and a high chance of them being a burden on those around them... so to nells mind its better for everyone if she never lets herself get that close to someone. doubly so when she becomes a superhero with the much higher mortality rate of that job
being friends with ted and witnessing boosters horrible spiral after he died only cemented this belief lol another example of "in the long run love just makes you miserable"
he dabbled with casual relationships in college mostly as a way to explore the sense of freedom that came with moving out after taking care of his brothers for most of his later childhood, but inevitably nell was always the one to break these off after a few months. didnt want the girls getting too attached and causing problems
this is a big part of why nell (in the canon ending) makes it all the way to dying without realising that their feelings for casey could possibly be requited. theyve spent a long time telling themselves that what they have with casey is "good enough" and that casey doesnt actually care about them past the free apartment and the sex... which of course isnt true. and nell dying actually does have horrible adverse effects on caseys life. sooo... i guess nell was actually right all along AVOIDANCE WIN
new york ending obviously detangles a lot of this. lots of conversations with ted about the vulnerability of love and trust and what not. shes getting there... its a tough belief to shake but having casey as a parasite does help to dislodge it. eventually
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spacedlexi · 1 year
Have you read the new clementine book? I'd like to hear your thoughts on it :D
i hate being reminded that it even exists 😭 out of grim curiosity i usually check to see whats going on at each release but its just..........................................its just so bad...............................................................................................
like its so out of character that i cant consider it canon even if i wanted to......... and its so BORING too!!! its so lame...........its So lame...
it doesnt make me sad anymore at least it just makes me laugh now (especially now after book 2) but like....darkly...just like... Oof...... oof......... but yeah the way clem is written specifically is actually laughable im sorry but that really is tangerine
i hate when characters get reverted just to retell the same story. like its doubly insulting. and its pretty much what tillie did with clem. and its BORING!!! and i just have to reiterate again that its also laughable. its just....painful honestly 💀 the plot is boring the characters are boring clem is a mess and her pre-existing (EXTREMELY IMPORTANT) relationships to characters from the game are basically non-existent. and we're not having any INTERESTING discussions!!! what are the themes what are the messages what is tillie trying to say here? im getting a big load of reused character arcs and what feels new falls flat on its face. clem isnt even a shadow of her former self shes a different character entirely. and she is crying waaaay too much. shes got the anger of S3 clem and not even a Fraction of the emotional regulation S1 clem had. and she was 8 then....
and her naming her prosthetic 'kenny' is fucking stupid
ive seen some people say that it would actually be an interesting comic if clem was removed from the story but i dont agree. its fucking lame and boring. i love the zombie setting for the stories it allows a writer to tell. for the emphasis on character it allows. and this is probably the most boring piece of zombie related media ive ever laid my eyes on. this definitely feels like it was written by a romance writer trying to figure out how the zombie setting Works as a storytelling device. with a beloved preexisting character that theyre Also trying to find the voice of. and we're watching it in real time. and its Painful.....
S4 will Always be the True end to clementines story. its too perfect. and it also marked the end of telltale. it was a love letter to the series. its very fitting for both clem as a character but also as a last goodbye from a beloved studio. the still not bitten teams signatures on the hallway walls always gets a sob outta me. that final goodbye... clem was meant to spend the rest of her days at ericsons with the community she helped cultivate. ive said it a million times but her losing her leg is Symbolic. the first episode isnt titled "done running" for no reason. clem never Liked being on the road. all she ever wanted was a safe place to call home. with people she trusted and loved. and now the comics are retconning all of that just to retell the same story but Badly. why should i give a shit about that?
whats unfortunate is that i DO think there are still things that could be explored with a post S4 clem. shes got what she wanted: a home. (relative) safety. community. however she has new limitations due to her injury. how would she adjust to this? after spending so many years on the road? after having to do so much independently? only having herself to rely on for the most part? these are the goals im trying to achieve with my own short little fic (that ive been working on for too long):
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she would never Want to leave ericsons. home is what shes been looking for since S1. but now that shes Safe. now that she can turn off survival mode a little bit and actually Relax for once. shes going to begin Processing EVERYTHING shes been through up until this point. the true healing starts Now. but she cant run from it. so how would she reconcile these things? the whole point of ericsons was that they were a community of traumatized kids who found love and support in each other when they had nothing else. aj says it himself (S4 is Very clear in its messaging). THAT is the perfect setting for clem to ALSO have this grieving/acceptance process that she Desperately needs. everything shes been through up until this point is going to hit her like a truck. the true healing starts NOW. shes no longer fighting for her life 25/8. and when the brain can get out of survival mode it begins True processing mode.
one of the issues with the comics is that it puts her BACK into survival mode. but of clems own choosing! no matter how much her processing hurts and no matter how much she could want to run from those feelings, she has always wanted True Community more than Anything. having to reconcile those feelings is interesting! i Do think tillie is trying to have some of these conversations. but they all fall flat. her understanding of clem as a character is weak. and the environment shes in is not conducive to the healing process she wants clem to have. its a mess. i will always stand firmly in the camp that these comics should have taken place in the gap between seasons 3 and 4. that change alone wouldve boosted the comic. but unfortunately they chose.....This
anyway. back to my own post S4 adventures :)
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hazzzyrider · 1 year
Okay, fuck, it's hard to pick one thing... uhm, I guess the relationship of the Eule and Star unit in the mines.
Heartbreaking! It's one of the saddest moments for me in the mines. I think three things really stood out to me:
1) The Gestalts were meant for the mines. Replikas were supposed to help with the evacuation. Eules are just service operator units meant for cleaning, nursing, etc. So was she brought down there with Star for safety? We even see more Replikas later at the mine hatch so it's likely they all turned while doing their duty down there. It could even be they retreated from the hatch back towards the wire maze because of it.
2) That Star is a badass. Held off an unknown amount of opponents and Eule practically looked unscathed. They're meant to be low-level security officers who work in a team to compensate. Self-sacrificial and working above her intended role (much like a Scout we know) for someone important to her. If you look back at how it ends for her, there's some huge dramatic irony and overlap.
3) I've seen some theories that Star is the same one you encounter on your way down when you first enter the facility. If that was true, it really adds to how much insanity she must have went through to reach Eule. But I like my theory in 2 more. And if we wanted both to be true, it could even be doubly tragic that multiple Star and Eule units are experiencing a longing to find, protect and reunite. And there's also the question of whether those feelings are genuine or planted by whatever's happening in the game.
Not really part of the three points but this came to me while answering: I think it's really gut-punching they throw the Replikas and encounters at you in reverse once you get to the mines. You meet Mynah whom you speak to for the first time after your big boss fight which recontextualizes and reasserts that these things you fight aren't likely doing so maliciously. Their grief, loneliness and way of reacting to the trauma gets underlined when you finally talk to them. And you meet Eule and Star later, who were the first enemies you encountered. So it's like you finally understand really how fragile they are as real 'people' before they turned. You aren't fighting monster, just pale painful reflections.
My first reaction to meeting the Replikas in the mines was somewhere between "Fuck, this sucks" and "This isn't right. You're just making due with being on the brink of death." which LATER ON, these feelings however minor can really come back stronger when you're at whatever ending you choose. You feel it. Elster's decisions, reactions and situations suck and whatever she does in response just feels like a process of denial and acceptance with no right answer.
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aslitheryprinx · 1 month
hc in space au -- stress & iskall's first meeting
I didn't mean for this au to get quite this dark but... Well. There's a reason the rebels are rebels, and this is where it started for Stress and Iskall.
TW: child abuse, oppression.
There was a boy in the courtyard. Stress never saw any sprouts her age, so of course she was immediately curious. She waited until her minders were distracted, talking about boring stuff like ‘new batches’ and ‘ack-wuh-sit-shuns’ whatever those were. Then, as sneakily as she could, she darted over to the boy, who was smearing some sort of paste onto the half-built wall.
“What are you doing?” She asked, and the boy jumped. He gave her the same little bow as all the servants usually did.
“I'm, um, building the wall, my lady,” he said quietly.
“‘m not a lady, I'm Stress!” she said. She didn't like when all of the adults called her their lady instead of her name; and it was doubly weird when another kid did it!
Immediately the boy perked up. Just a little shyly, he said, “Ok, Stress. I'm Iskall …85.”
Stress vaguely knew about the Number People. The minders never let her talk to them, even if they were always doing cool stuff! And they were always so rude to them too, and only said their numbers.
“Nice to meet you, Iskall,” she said, dropping off the number because he tagged it on the end like he didn't like it. She bet it was kind of like her ‘lady.’ Even when the grownups used her name, they always stuck a Lady in front of it- it was quite annoying.
Iskall beamed when she said his name, and she had never seen a smile so happy before.
Stress peeked to see if her minders were still busy, and then hurriedly asked Iskall to explain how making the walls worked. He in turn, asked what she did inside all day, and soon they were exchanging knowledge in the way that only young kids can.
Iskall was just telling her about the time he got to fix one of the fountain pipes all by himself, when a shadow fell over them. While Stress looked up, a guilty smile on her face, Iskall shrunk back, his smile falling away.
“My Lady, you should not be sullying yourself talking to one of… these,” the adult said sharply. They tugged her away from Iskall.
Stress wasn't really sure what ‘sullying’ meant… oh, they must have meant sillying! The minders didn't like it when she did silly things- she was supposed to be “a lady” after all and they were serious and elegant. Still, she was always so lonely! It wasn't fair that she didn't get to be silly for even just a minute.
“But he's my friend!” She protested, whining a little even though that was for babies.
For the first time since the adult had arrived, Iskall looked up. He looked up at her with shining eyes and the slightest smile. She beamed back-
Years later, Stress would look back on that moment as her last true moment of innocence. The last moment she was a child with no worries in the world.
The sharp sound of a branch hitting skin rang through the courtyard. Stress’s hands flew to her mouth, and she stared blankly at the bright red mark on Iskall’s cheek. He'd lowered his head again and his eyes were empty and dull, nothing like they'd been while she had talked to him about lessons and dancing and everything in between.
Her minder was scolding Iskall, harsher than she'd ever heard any adult talk. They were speaking of stations and disrespect and betters and punishment, but Stress couldn't pay attention to the speech. Not when she'd just seen her minder hit someone.
She barely noticed as she was guided away, her eyes still fixed on the red mark on Iskall's face.
For the next several weeks, Stress was very careful around her minders. It didn't occur to her, until she saw one of the older Number People being screamed at for nicking from the kitchen, something she'd done many times and only got a disappointed frown, that she wasn't in danger of being punished.
It was another day later when she realized that if she was one of the “betters” and got nice things, then the Number People were the “lessers” and bad things happened to them. She would never be punished like that, but others would be. It was somehow worse than the fear.
That night was the first time she cried over how unfair it was. It was far from the last.
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niuttuc · 2 months
hey hi! i was wondering if you had any spicy tech ideas for Zoraline, Cosmos Caller. super interested in this lil bat and looking for some input! :3
I have some spicy tech, though it won't be that spicy because she's fairly open-ended. I've written at length about two of the cards I'll recommend first because I think they're excellent options in any white decks, but doubly so with Zoraline.
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While I believe they're great ramp options for white, they also interact positively with Zoraline and each other. While Scholar can straightforwardly remove Finality counter from whatever Zoraline brings back, The Restoration of Eiganjo will remove it from itself after a couple turns when it blinks itself to transform.
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... And Restoration of Eiganjo isn't the only 3 or less drop that exiles itself to transform, these two will shed their Finality counter upon transforming if brought back by Zoraline.
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Thought we were done? Battles also exile themselves to flip. Dunno how heavy you'll go on bats, but the Holy Frazzle Canon can help a bit there, and isn't the worst removal to use at first... But Gobakhan is the true prize here. It flips with one attack from Zoraline, then can be sacced to make your board indestructible while buffing it, and then Zoraline can bring it back, and since it exiles to be cast when defeated, you can do that as many times as you want. Sadly, you can't attack the battle in the same attack you bring it back with Zoraline.
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Similarly, these three aren't really spicy for me, they're just great cards for any deck in the color doing graveyard stuff, but I love them so might as well mention them.
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I don't know how heavy you're going on bats, but bats fly, Zoraline flies, and Jackdaw Savior is already decent by itself. Assuming you got a good curve and are filling the graveyard (which I would do if I was running all these because 90% of them care about the graveyard), it's a pretty high floor, at least if there's not a ton of exile removal around in your meta.
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Lazotep Quarry is a criminally overlooked land (from a monthago, but still), people play High Market just to have a sac outlet in their manabase, and for now this is even cheaper than that, and then it's also reanimation in your manabase!
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Generally speaking, Blink is your friend to get rid of finality counters, and there'll likely be plenty of etb triggers to reuse in the deck you'll end up with, if it focuses on Zoraline's recursion.
Of course the deck could go into a completely different direction, and focus on the bats or lifegain half of Zoraline. In that case, the payoffs are much easier to search for though, since Zoraline gains life one by one, she'll trigger repeatedly anything on life gain. Pridemates, Well of Lost Dreams, the increases by one...
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yandere-daze · 2 years
could you do headcannons for a yandere natsume x aloof!reader who always denies their true feelings for him?
Sure thing! I´m doing this under the assumption that the reader isn´t aware of Natsume´s yandere tendencies and has a crush on him because of that!
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, implied stalking, possessiveness, jealousy
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Yandere! Natsume with an aloof reader that denies having a crush on him
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Well, this is certainly an interesting situation, isn´t it? Natsume doesn´t quite know how to feel when his beloved darling is so vehemently denying that they have any sort of feelings for him. By having watched them for so long through his crystal ball, he knows them well enough to realize that they aren´t telling the truth
You may try to hide your crush on him by acting cold and indifferent when talking to him, but Natsume can read you very well. He notices the way your eyes briefly light up when he enters the room or the way your eyes nervously shift to the side whenever he compliments you with a teasing smile on his face
Oh, it´s simply adorable, the way you try to deny your affection for him when it´s so entirely obvious to him that you feel the same way as he does! It truly amuses him to no end and he takes some time to simply indulge in how adorable you are when you try to act that way by flirting even more than he usually would. He commits all your different reactions to memory <3
But that honeymoon period of Natsume being entranced and charmed by your blatant dishonesty quickly ends as the weeks go by and you still haven´t given up on the act
Oh come now, it was cute the first few times but now Natsume really is getting tired of having to wait so long for your confession. He has never been a particularly patient man and that goes doubly so when it concerns you, his beloved little darling
Gets annoyed very quickly at being rebuked by you at every turn and doesn´t understand why you would keep doing this. He *really* doesn´t like being ignored, he´s the possessive/ jealous type so he especially hates seeing the contrast between how aloof you act around him compared to when you talk to other people, and seeing it happen all the time just drives him up a wall. Natsume has a huge urge to finally claim you and to let everyone know that you´re already taken - that he´s your boyfriend
He´s simply so obsessed with you that he can´t wait to finally be with you. You know, it was a huge relief to him when he had initially found out that you returned his feelings but now it just annoys him to no end that you still aren´t being honest with him and keep trying to push him away
Natsume has spent more than enough time simply waiting for you to get over yourself and finally make a move and he´s gotten tired of your little games
If you aren´t willing to make the first move then Natsume will simply have to push you in the right direction!
Which is why Natsume immediately goes to his secret room to start brewing a love potion for you. Yes, you may already love him but a little bit more can´t hurt, right? Maybe it´ll even lead you to be just as obsessed as he is! He loves the thought of driving you mad with affection for him <3
Hopefully, it´ll push you to finally confess your undying love to him so you can finally be together
So don´t be shy when Natsume offers you a refreshing drink after a long day of work, he only means well <3
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