#dove churps
clay-pidgeon · 5 months
mettaton does NOT sound like an angel name. thats that gay robot from undertale!!!!
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jacky-littlecrow · 1 year
Imagine if a common bird moaned instead of churped
Imagine waking up to a morning doves and tweeting birds and the just
Would ruin my day honestly
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Monster request idea luzon bleeding heart dove harpy izuku being taken care of back to health by gentle male reader? And harpy izuku loves ice cream cake with fudge inside it
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Bleeding hearts
Izuku was badly injured on his right side along with his clipped wings . He could not fly his only option was to run . Hunters were after him for his talons and feathers . He was running through the woods and entered a camping area. All the tents were zipped up and he could hear footsteps catching up. He ran past all the tents to see one off by itself that was not zipped up and he rushed in startling the man who was in there. Izuku curled up in the corner chirping weakly while he bled fron his side.
The man had no time to ask what was going on so he jumped out of the tent zipping it up and turning around to see the two hunters. They asked if he had seen a harpy pass by but he said no, telling them it would not pass by humans because of fear. The hunters were skeptical but left anyway.
The man turned back around exhaling loudly before unzipping the tent to see Izuku curled up churping in a pool of his own blood. The man stepped in and held his hand out.
“I wont hurt you, let me pack up and ill take you home to fix you up”
Izuku flinched when he saw the hand and freaked out till he felt a warm touch on his head.
“I promise ill help.”
The hurt harpy nodded slowly.
The man had packed everything up and wrapped up Izukus side for the time being and placed him in his truck. He also tossed out the tent and headed home.
Izuku was feeling slightly better now that the bleeding stopped but he was still hurting. His churping was heard the whole way to the house. The man picked up the green haired harpy bringing him inside and to the restroom where he sat him in the tub .
“I just need to clean the wound okay? And wash off the dried blood and dirt” he reached for the cloth izuku was wearing and he churped loud moving away. “Ssh...” said the man soothingly . “I promise i wont do anything. I just wanna help.” Gently he grabbed the cloth lifting it up. Izuku watched the cloth rise over his stomach and over his head with very wide eyes.
“There we go. Your doing great” he tossed the cloth on the floor and turned on the shower grabbing the end of it . He ran the shower head over Izukus body trying his best not to hurt him. He also took of the bandages he had put on him for the ride home.
Izukus side had a deep hole that came out the other side of him . Poor guy must of been shot.. He ran a hand over the hole and Izuku churped moving away, covering himself with his left sides wings and the man put the shower head back. “Im sorry, i just feel bad.” He turned off the water and looked at this harpy.
Messy green hair, freckles, green feathers on his left arm and clipped feathers on his left, long bird legs and a skinny white body with green feathers / fur om his midsection.
“Ill be right back. Im getting you some clothes.” The man put a towel on Izukus head and left the bathroom. Izuku shook the towel off and draped it over his arm so he could smell it. He churped low.
The man grabbed a white shirt for him. A thud came from the bathroom and he ran back to see Izuku had fallen out of the tub . He was trying to put the towel in the basket. The man helped him up and Izukus face was very red . “Dont worry about it, im the same as you. For the most part.” He dressed the shy harpy in his shirt and picked him up.
Izuku only got redder when he was picked up . He hid his face in his wings and the man smiled setting him on the couch putting a blanket on him. “I read that Harpys like sweets? I think i have something.” He turned to leave but stopped when he heard a churp. He smiled looking over his shoulder. “Im not going far. Promise.”
The man returned to Izuku with ice cream came with fudge in it sitting down by him. He held the spoon up and Izuku took a bite. “Mmm!!!” He shivered all excited from the cold and the taste ruffling his feathers making the man laugh.
“I like it too.” He continued to feed him. “My name is Tashi, Do you have a name?”
Tashi fed Izuku till the food was gone and put his arm around him. Izuku snuggled close finally calming down. The hole in his side had been covered with special babdages as well.
I really like this 🥰
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