#dr Leonard mccoy x reader
captainsophiestark · 6 months
Not A Doctor
Bones McCoy x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Star Trek
Summary: Bones' SO hurts themselves on an away mission and has to stitch themselves up as well as they can to buy time for a med evac to the Enterprise
Word Count: 1,533
Category: Fluff, Humor, a little bit of Angst
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"Shit," I hissed, pressing a hand to my side as I slid down the wall. When I finally got up the courage to pull my hand back and look, it came away with a lot more blood than I'd hoped to find. I'd fallen pretty far and managed to avoid any broken bones based on my pain levels, but the wound in my side was gaping and looked concerningly serious.
I could practically hear the extended bridge crew chorusing "I told you so" from here.
As if on cue, my communicator beeped. I grimaced, but managed to take it out of my bag and open it to respond.
"What's up?" I groaned.
"Y/N, where are you?" came the voice of Jim Kirk, one of my best friends and the captain of the Enterprise. "Scotty's reporting he can only find two targets to beam up."
Dammit. That figured.
"I'm... not totally sure. I was trying to follow the signature on my tricorder to that plant I've been looking for when the ground just gave way under me. I'm not sure how far I fell, but I hit something pretty hard on the way down and I've got... quite the gash in my side."
Silence on the other end for a few moments, then:
"Hang tight. We're coming to find you."
The communicator hung up with a click, and I sighed, ignoring the flare of pain in my side. I had faith in Jim's determination and ability to find me, especially with Spock here helping him, but I still needed to do something if I wanted to be alive when they found me.
Thankfully, I'd watched my boyfriend, Doctor Leonard McCoy, stich people up often enough that I felt fairly confident I could do a passable job on myself. I dug some sewing supplies out of my bag that I hadn't removed from my last away mission misadventure, and pulled the hem of my shirt up to get a better look at the wound.
I grimaced, gritting my teeth and trying to prepare for this. I'd been so excited to join Kirk and Spock on this away mission. This planet was supposed to have one of the rarest plants in the galaxy, and I'd been looking forward to finding it since I'd first heard we'd be coming here. And now, I was at the bottom of this pit or cave or whatever, slowly bleeding out, without even a picture of the plant to show for it.
I tried to focus on my breathing as I threaded a needle and put it to my skin. I knew the wound needed to be disinfected before I totally closed it, but I didn't have anything on me to do that with, and I knew Bones would be able to take care of it for me if I could manage to get back to him.
I took a few deep breaths to steel myself, then stuck the needle through. I swore loudly and kept up a steady stream of expletives as I sewed up the wound. I pulled it closed as tightly as I dared, then held my jacket to my waist to try to staunch the remainder of the bleeding.
I sighed, long and hard, then leaned my head back against the wall of whatever hole I'd fallen into. I had no idea how long those stitches had taken me, but it certainly hadn't been quick. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too much longer before I heard Jim and Spock stumbling down some passage towards me.
I focused on deep breaths as the pain continued to throb in my side, completely zoning out to the time and environment around me. Finally, I heard some shuffling movement from a slightly more gradual incline up ahead of me. The voices of my friends echoed out, curious and searching.
"I'm here!" I called back, my voice a little weaker than normal. I cleared my throat, then tried again. "Here!"
A moment later, my friends came into view. Jim grinned at me as Spock started scanning the space, probably trying to decide on the best way to get me out of here.
"How're you holding up?" asked Jim. I forced a smile.
"Living the dream."
He scoffed, then moved to crouch beside me and put one of my arms over his shoulder.
"Spock! Come help me."
"We'll need to get around the corner and most of the way back up the incline we came down to reach a spot where Mr. Scott can register us," said Spock as he joined us. "There seems to be some property of this rock that's prohibiting the transporter signal from reaching us."
"Great," I huffed, grimacing as my friends pulled me to my feet. Even resting most of my weight on them, I was still seeing spots. "This is gonna be great."
Between the three of us, somehow, we managed to get back into transporter range. I almost lost consciousness at one point, but we'd paused, and I'd managed to pull myself back from the brink. When the Enterprise's transporter room finally materialized before me, the relief was palpable, not least of all because Bones was waiting for me.
"Y/N," he said, jumping to attention and rushing onto the pad to replace Jim at my side. With Spock's help, we started moving immediately for the Med Bay. "What happened?"
"I was following the signature of the plant I was looking for on my tricorder. Then all of a sudden, the ground gave way underneath me. It wasn't a straight drop, I don't think, but I fell a pretty long way, bouncing off the rock slide and the walls of the cave I fell into on the way down. I'm bruised, but I don't think it's anything bad besides the cut on my stomach."
Bones nodded. "We'll get you to Med Bay and make sure."
Luckily, my boyfriend was very good at staying calm and focused in a crisis for his patients. He was completely in the zone as he and Spock helped me into a bed once we reached Med Bay, and then Bones started checking my vitals and assessing my injuries. I watched him carefully for any break in his usual bedside manner to tell me if I needed to be worried about something, but none came.
Hopefully that was a good sign, and not just because he was an incredible doctor.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity to me, Bones returned from his testing and reappeared by  my bedside. His hands were on his hips, but he seemed calmer, and definitely out of intense doctor mode.
"Alright, the good news is you'll be just fine. But I'm still gonna need to disinfect the wound and stitch you up," he said. I gave him the best smile I could muster.
"Sounds like a plan."
He sighed, then gently lifted my shirt high enough to give him access to the gash in my side. The light touch of his fingertips sent goosebumps along my skin, but I did my best to ignore them, especially as Bones frowned.
"What the hell did you do to yourself?" he asked, not looking away from his work on my side.
"Uh... I slammed into a rock. We covered this already, remember?"
"No, I didn't mean your injury." Bones paused and looked up at me, the smallest smile tugging at his lips. "I meant these stitches. Yikes."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, making Bones chuckle as he got back to work.
"Okay, whatever. I'm a biologist, not a doctor, dammit. I think I did a pretty good job, considering the circumstances."
"Mm, I guess so. Barely."
"Hey!" I laughed, hitting him lightly in the shoulder. "You better knock it off or I'm gonna start practicing my stitches on you."
Bones snorted, but I could see the smile on his face as he continued working. Thanks to the medical facilities of the Enterprise, it barely hurt as he undid my messy job and redid it with a much better one of his own.
"So... what are you doing after this?" I asked after a few long moments of letting him work in peace. He paused to look up at me again, one eyebrow raised.
"Don't tell me you're hitting on your own boyfriend after only the low-level painkillers I gave you?"
"I can and will hit on my own boyfriend whenever I want, no painkillers required. But I was mostly asking if you had other patients to deal with after me, or if you'd be free to come cuddle on the couch and eat junk food with me. I think it'd really help speed up my recovery process."
Bones' mouth quirked into a smile again as he put the finishing touches on my stitches.
"Well if it's for the wellness of a patient... I think Nurse Chapel might be willing to take over from me for the rest of the day."
"Thank goodness for Christine."
Bones and I shared a smile, then he returned to his work and I watched him contentedly. Obviously, life and death situations on away missions were never ideal—but I couldn't really bring myself to be upset about how this one had played out, even if I hadn't managed to get my plant in the end.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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generalkenobee · 7 months
Hey I'm not sure if you're taking requests rn but if you are can you please do tos! Mccoy smut honestly anything I just need him
Dr. McCoy HeadCannons
A/N: you can really imagine any Dr McCoy you want lol it doesn't matter to me, and also this contains smutty hc!!
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• He's got one of the nastiest mouths on earth..
•he loveeees dirty talk during sex
•he's also pretty big on marking (hickeys, bite marks, scratches etc), he's so jealous and loves to remind the others on the ship who you belong to
•during sex, his southern accent will really kick in
• "you like that darlin'?"
• "just a little longer hon, you're doing so fuckin' good"
•I think that he definitely has a title kink..like please call him doctor when you're getting close. He's so used to baby, Leonard, len, and other sweet names that when you start moaning out "doctor McCoy!!" He nearly cums on the spot
•he definitely really enjoys jealous sex. "You think he could fuck you like this?" He would say after he found out about another crew member flirting with you
• he's very loud in the bed room, again with the dirty talk thing but also moaning and even whimpers if he's really needy and close
•loveeees when you wear any kind of pretty clothes skirts, thongs, robes, matching sets, heels. It just gets him all riled up
•hes a big fan on doggy style, but eventually he'll pull you up so your back is to his chest and he's biting at your neck
•McCoy also really likes mirror sex, same position but in front of a mirror while he whispers absolutely filthy things in your ear "aw look that that pussy..trying so hard to suck up my fat cock?" He'd say with fake sympathy
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ensignsimp · 8 months
Love Languages TOS HCs: Kirk, Spock, McCoy
Prompts: How do the TOS Kirk, Spock, and McCoy show their love and what are some things they love to do with their partner.
James T. Kirk
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Words of Affirmation
He loves to give pep talks, and enjoys receiving them when he needs them.
When you call him "Captain or Sir" in the gentlest tones he practically melts.
If you run your fingers through his hair and call him a "Good Boy or Good Captain.", he feels completely renewed and invigorated.
He'll call you all sorts of cute pet names; "Sunshine, Honey-Bun, Sweetie."
But he needs you when he calls you; "My Sunshine, My Star, My Ensign."
He'll lay in your lap while you stroke his hair and remind him of how great of a leader he is, and how much you love him.
"Ensign, I need you. I need my sunshine."
Physical Touch
He feels so lonely when he can't hold your hand.
While on the bridge he gives you firm pats on the back, ruffles your hair, kisses your hand, or even sneaky hugs from behind.
If you initiate the physical touch that is even better, he can practically feel the love flowing from your fingers.
During your off-hours, he will constantly be looking for cuddles and snuggles.
He even whines and groans if he has to get up or if you have to get up. He's so cute when he's pouty.
He loves to lay in your lap and have you run your fingers through his hair while you read to him.
Jim: "I feel so lost without you, take me in your arms, and promise to never let go."
Ensign (L/N): "Jim, we're working and you're standing five feet away from me."
Jim: "That's too far!"
Quality Time
He wants to spend as much time with you as possible, but he wants to make it meaningful.
The two of you read to each other, as well as play games, dance, and do a variety of other things.
He likes to have "in-quarters" dates because he feels like he can be more of himself around you.
He loves to have movie dates where you take turns picking movies and making snacks.
He will totally do your nails and braid your hair.
You two will most definitely hold the best slumber parties in Star Fleet history.
"I think this shade suits you better don't you think? After this, we can watch that new rom-com that just came out on Vulcan."
S'Chn T'Gai Spock
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Acts of Service
In Vulcan Culture what you do for each other is more than what you say.
While he loves to help you and ensure you're well taken care of, when you do the same for him he knows that you care.
If you notice that he may be overwhelmed and step in to assist him you can practically hear his heart pounding.
He always appreciates it if you help him with the task and work on it together.
If you forgot to finish a report don't worry he'll help you finish.
If he is struggling on the bridge, you're there to take orders and provide additional aid!
Spock: "Thank you for your help, Ensign. I appreciate the assistance."
McCoy: "Get a room!"
Quality Time
He loves it when you spend time together, even if it's some mindless task or chore.
He does try to find more interesting ways of spending time together.
He may teach you things about his culture; how to read, write, and speak Vulcan, how to play the Vulcan Harp, and how to cook Vulcan meals.
He may ask you to show him things you enjoy; your favorite books, your favorite meals, your favorite activities, etc.
He may even propose trying new things together; such as taking a class or workshop.
Anything and everything he can do with you is always greatly appreciated by him.
"If you are interested in further study might I recommend this. I think you may enjoy it."
Physical Touch
He is so touch-starved, and all he wants to do is hold hands.
When you first hold hands it was a bit of a shock to feel your minds link.
Soon the two of you could barely keep your hands off of each other.
He's always reaching out for an ozh'esta (* finger embrace). (Just like his father. *cough**cough*)
When the two of you are alone in your quarters he enjoys sitting across from you, pressing his forehead against yours and holding your hands.
He feels so comforted by your touch. You ease his mind bringing him so much warmth and comfort.
" When I am with you, it is as if I have found another part of myself I did not know I was missing."
Leonard McCoy
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Quality Time
McCoy values time with you above all else.
He prefers to spend his off hours wrapped up in a large fluffy blanket cuddled with you.
He does like to do fun things like take you dancing or going for moonlit shore walks.
But because he spends most of his time in sickbay he prefers to sit and not move as much as possible.
He feels bad that he can't do what a younger partner might.
But you always reassure him by greeting him in your pajamas and a fuzzy robe.
Ensign L/N: *wearing an old fuzzy bathrobe and slippers* "You want to stay in tonight? I found an old western movie and picked up some ice cream from the commissary."
McCoy: *trying not to cry* "That's the best idea I've heard all day. I love you so much damn it."
Acts of Service
He hates to see you get hurt but always loves it when you visit him.
When you get sick or hurt he stops everything he's doing to help you.
When he gets sick or hurt and you stop everything you're doing to help him, he's a mess.
He kind of likes it when you're bossy with him, making sure he's drinking water and eating.
You always make sure he's well looked after and you always visit him regularly.
A doctor's favorite patient may be one he doesn't see but he'd prefer if you stop by now and again.
"Stop your belly-achin' and relax. I'll check on you again soon. You're lucky I love you so much."
Words of Affirmation
He doesn't show it often but he can get insecure about your relationship.
He doesn't feel like he's up to the task like he used to be when it comes to romance.
You'll sometimes see him looking in the mirror longer or running his hands over his stomach.
But when you compliment him or tell him how much you love him all of his worries disappear.
He gets all grumpy at first until you coax out the truth.
He will let you know what is bothering him and you'll make sure to help him through it one step at a time.
"Some days I don't even know why you'd want to spend time with an old man like me. But I always appreciate that you do."
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Last Updated: 2023-11-05
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Dr. Leonard McCoy stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✵ An Apple a Day by cas-kingdom • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "...apparently doesn't keep the doctor away. You've come down with the flu, and only Bones can make you feel better."
✵ April Showers Bring Flowering Feelings by hobbit-historian • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "When you get caught in a sudden rainstorm, McCoy comes to your rescue."
✵ Because Why? by geminiwritten • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "After five long years of pining for the doctor and a whole month of him acting weirdly distant you finally decide to go on a date, but when you get called in for your routine medical you end up finding out exactly why bones has been acting so strange."
✵ Concentration by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: When you answer a work call on your day off your husband decides to punish you by making it very hard to concentrate.
✵ Doctor of My Word [Soulmate!A.U.] by grandtheftstarship • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "To almost everyone on the Enterprise, it was... obvious that you were pining after the one and only Doctor Leonard McCoy. Everyone also found it glaringly obvious the CMO was pining right back."
✵ Dr. Dreamy by geminiwritten • 〔E᜶A〕 •
Summary: "it's been a while since [you got] laid, and it's starting to affect your mood... Jim offers his help before quickly realising that you're still hung up on a mysterious 'Mr. Dreamy' from your academy days... but he soon finds out that the man [you're] in lovewith... is, in fact, the enterprise’s best doctor."
✵ Drunken Promises by grandtheftstarship • 〔F〕 •
Summary: Waking up with a hangover and a ring around your left hand is not how you wanted to spend your shore leave.
✵ Game Night by geminiwritten • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "After… injuring yourself, you refuse to go to MedBay before attending a games night with the crew and your favourite grumpy (and very jealous) doctor."
✵ Hobgoblins and Hospitality by thatfanficstuff • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: {…}
✵ Joanna by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: You can't help but be nervous when Leonard takes you, his girlfriend, home to Georgia to meet his family.
✵ Our Choices by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: The enterprise crew has returned to earth and you and Leonard are getting married.
✵ Paper Roses by ladyideal • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: It's your birthday and your boyfriend, Leonard planned a special surprise.
✵ Pick Me Up by grandtheftstarship • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: When you're sick, your boyfriend stays home to take care of you, making sure you're comfortable and building you a pillow fort.
✵ Proposal by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul •
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✵ Roomies by geminiwritten • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "..."jim’s determination to play matchmaker leads to a very awkward roommate situation… Not to mention, there’s only one bed .
✵ Sick by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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✵ Southern Charm by high-functioning-lokipath • 〔F〕 •
Summary: ...
✵ Things that Go Bump in the Night by annathewitch • 〔F〕 •
Summary: When you're having trouble sleeping… McCoy tries to help you with your unusual problem.
✵ To Annoy a Doctor by cas-kingdom • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: You're a very difficult patient, and unfortunately for you, Bones has very little tolerance.
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✵ 214 by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 •
✵ Blundering Infatuation by high-functioning-lokipath • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Clean by pendragonfics • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Come Back to Bed by dreaming-about-fanfictions • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Dammit by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Dive by thatfanficstuff • 〔F〕 •
✵ Either Way by ivorydragoness44 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Favours by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Germs by thatfanficstuff • 〔F〕 •
✵ Glasses by space-helen • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Grumpy Cuddles by thranduilsperkybutt • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ It's My Job by shenanigans-and-imagines • 〔F〕 •
✵ Just Perfect by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 〔F〕 •
✵ Marriage in the Rescue, the by kaitymccoy123 • 〔F〕 •
✵ Not Just Yet by ivorydragoness44 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Right Here, Darlin' by justlittlelandonorris • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Sickness by marvelmymarvel • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Simple Man by medicatemedrmccoy • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✵ Well Adjusted Adults by ladyideal • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ What's on Your Mind? by ivorydragoness44 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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✵ Being Married to Leonard McCoy… by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Dating Leonard McCoy… by octopodeez • 16+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ First Kiss w/ Leonard… by space-helen • 〔F〕 •
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See Also: Navigation || Leonard McCoy Master Index
Authors: @annathewitch || @cas-kingdom || @dreaming-about-fanfictions || @geminiwritten || @grandtheftstarship || @justlittlelandonorris || @high-functioning-lokipath || @hobbit-historian || @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul || @imamotherfuckingstar-lord || @ivorydragoness44 || @kaitymccoy123 || @ladyideal || @marvelmymarvel || @medicatemedrmccoy || @octopodeez || @pendragonfics || @shenanigans-and-imagines || @space-helen || @thatfanficstuff || @thranduilsperkybutt ||
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marvelouslytrekking · 5 months
Pairing: Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Reader Summary: Written from the prompt: "I would believe that you're fine, but you have a goddamn knife sticking out of your leg, so." Word Count: 1417 Warnings: Mention of death, yelling, knife, injury, brief mention of disaster A/N: I haven't written much in forever and today I opened Google Docs to maybe try and write and I found this untitled and just sitting there. I really don't remember writing this but I guess I did so here it is! Enjoy :)
You were on a planet that had just had a major natural disaster hit their capital city. There were many casualties and you had come in to offer assistance and to bring them much needed supplies.  You were at a medical facility helping to triage people coming in with various injuries.
You had been tasked with assessments before directing the injuries to the treatment they needed. You were also helping with some of the more minor injuries if there was a lull in people coming in. While you knew your work was less exhausting than that of some of the other doctors and nurses who were doing back to back surgeries or other more intense work, you were still exhausted. You were also sure you had skipped a few breaks and honestly weren’t sure how long you had been at this posting. 
As if he had read your mind, suddenly Dr. McCoy appeared beside you. “I swear I haven’t seen you take a break all day. When was your last break?” He questioned.
“I honestly don’t remember,” You told him truthfully. 
“Well then what are you doing standing here, shoo, go take a break and come back a little refreshed.” 
You went to argue but he gave you a look that told you not to even try. You sighed and dramatically handed off the padd to another nurse before you stepped out of the school that had been turned into a makeshift hospital.  You immediately took a deep breath and realized just how long you had been cooped up in that building. You would never admit it to Bones, but you had desperately needed the break.
You had started to go for a walk. You should have probably been more exhausted than you were but you found yourself being restless. You didn’t want to get yourself lost so you were just walking around the block because you would be able to keep the school in your vision and you knew this area was one of the least affected so you wouldn’t find yourself in rubble and impassable areas. 
You had rounded the corner of the back of the building happy to be away from the chaos and be able to enjoy some quiet when you notice a man approaching. “They killed my wife! How could they let her die!” You heard him yelling. You felt bad for him, he had just gone through a tragedy and it wasn’t something that could be helped. It had seemed that he was just yelling at the world and not anyone in particular, but suddenly he was directly in your face. “How could you let them kill her!!” 
“I’m so sorry for your loss sir, but I am sure they did everything that you could.” You tried to diffuse the situation. You were trying to remember if you had seen this man when you were triaging people, but you had seen hundreds of people and at a certain point, the faces began to blend together. 
“No! You said she’d be okay, that it was just a simple injury and then we waited hours and now she’s dead. You killed her!!” 
You were trying to process what he was saying but before you could say or do anything, he was lunging at you. You hadn’t been prepared for the attack so he managed to knock you down on the stairs behind you. You were trying to push him off you when you heard the back doors opening and someone yelling. You let out a breath of relief when the commotion scared the man off and he ran off within second of the person starting to yell at him. 
“Oh my god! y/n, are you okay?!” You suddenly released the voice was that of Dr. McCoy. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” You responded. You were still a little stunned from the encounter and you began to slowly pull yourself up to a better seated position.
You watched as the doctor looked you over. You rolled your eyes, “You know, I am a nurse, when I say I am fine, I mean it,”
“ Well, I would believe that you're fine, but you have a goddamn knife sticking out of your leg, so." He responded with an annoyed look.
“What are you,” You started to respond before looking down to where his eyes were and realizing that he was right, there was a knife sticking out of your thigh. “Oh.”
“Yeah.” He sighed, “So how ‘bout we get you back inside and get you taken care of.”
“I am pretty sure this is a yellow case at best, I can take care of this myself. I am sure you have much more important things to be dealing with.” You told him. However, you did allow him to help you get up from the stairs. You made sure not to put any weight onto your left leg. 
“Well I think having my favorite nurse out of commission puts you higher on the priority list” He told you.
“Oh, and here I thought you didn’t have favorites.” You chuckled.
“Don’t tell Christine, she’ll be very upset and no one wants that.” He joked.
“Your secret is safe with me.” You smiled. 
You still wanted to protest that you could take care of yourself, but you also had to admit, you didn’t mind being taken care of by the doctor so you allowed him to lead you to a table and to patch you up. 
“What happened?” He asked gently as he began to cut the fabric of your uniform pants away from the knife blade. 
“I really don’t know. It happened so fast. He was yelling about how his wife died and then next thing I knew he was in my face saying I killed his wife and then before I could even try to respond, he had jumped me.” You explained. “I was trying to remember who his wife was. He said I told him it was a minor injury. I don’t know if I diagnosed her wrong. I mean maybe I am to blame.”
“Hey,” Bones stopped what he was doing, putting his hands on your shoulders and forcing you to look at him, “You did not kill her. You have been doing your job to the upmost degree, there is a lot that can go wrong when we are trying to take care of this many people. We can’t control everything, he was just misplacing his anger. You are not to blame.” 
“I mean, what if I am though?” You were trying to listen to what he was saying but all you could think about was how you couldn’t even remember who the women who died was. “I mean I can’t even remember looking the women over, what if I over extended myself and was too tired and missed something.”
“Listen, I know what you're going through right now, but honestly if you don’t remember her you might not have even been the one to look her over. And I promise, as your direct superior, I would not have let you stay here if I thought you were a danger to yourself or others. Nor would you let yourself get to that point.”
You knew he was right but it was so hard to believe it when you stopped to think about the life that was lost. 
“Thanks Len,” 
“Anytime. You know where to find me if you need to talk about this type of stuff.” He told you. From there he worked in mostly silence. He made sure to warn you of incoming pain and apologized when you winced anyway. 
“Alright you’re all good. Now get yourself back to the ship and rest for a while.” He instructed once you were patched up. 
“Wait, I thought this was about making sure I could get back to work?!” You protested. 
“You have already been here well over the maximum allowed for hours, and you were just stabbed. You need to get some rest. Once you have had a good 10 hours off, you can come back and work if you’re feeling up for it.” 
“But-” You tried to interject. 
“No buts. Get some sleep. That’s an order.” He said, authority behind the statement. 
“Fine, but I am not going to be happy about it.” You gumbled. 
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whovianwriter · 7 months
leonard mccoy x reader
AN: Thank you so much for requesting, sorry it took me so long I restarted like three times cause I kept changing my mind on different things. Feel free to request anything!
Warnings: Blood, injury to the reader, hurt/comfort, thoughts about death, sad but then happy at the end
“Damn it, the engine was hard to fix but I finally got it.”
Y/N said as she was walking to her desk, then she felt the ship shake due to the engine going back on line but the shake would get worse before it got better. So she tried to stabilize herself with her desk as she waited for it to finish. But Then she saw one of the interns carrying nails and pieces of junk before she knew what happened. He fell on top of her and she felt the pain a couple minutes later as she felt something wet and warm get soaked through her uniform. There was yell and her vision began to fade when she saw Scotty picking her up. 
“Come on Lass, keep your eyes open. You can’t fall asleep.” 
It was getting hard to focus but she knew that this might not be ending on a happy note, she saw memories rush to her. Her childhood, a million smiles, some tears then she saw Leonard when they first met at the Academy. They started dating and fell in love, their wedding, they both just swayed to the music for so long they didn’t want the day to end. They both knew that they had finally found the right person for their other half. “Tell .. Lee.. I.. Love .. him.”
“You can tell him that yourself, Once you get fixed up.”
They soon got to the medbay and he laid her down at one of the tables, when Leonard came out to see what the noise was when he saw her. His wife bleeding out as he ran, a nurse stopped him as three doctors got to her. They knew he couldn’t work on her, they were too close. He felt the anger as her eyes closed and then he was upset then the anger came through. Scotty pulled him outside so the medical team had as much space they needed. “How the hell did that happen?!?”
As Scotty told him what information he had, Leonard was a mess as he kinda went into shock as he kept looking into the window to see anything but couldn’t he then saw the red on Scotty’s shirt and it made him want to hurl. That’s Y/N’s blood, he sat on the floor looking down trying to see if this was some horrible dream. He then saw another pair of feet run up to them and saw Scotty walking away and the new person kneeled in front of him lifting his head. It was Jim. “She’s going to be okay.”
Leonard looked back to this morning when they were snuggled together in their room, she had her head on his chest, his arm wrapped around her. Holding her like she was his life line. Their legs tangled together as she played with his free hand, ‘We should just call off, stay in bed. Snuggle, watch old shows and eat the leftovers. I’m too comfortable to move.’
‘Darlin’ as much as I want to do that, we only have a half day today and then we are off for a week for shore leave. I promise we can do all that tomorrow.’
‘Fine, but I hope you know I will expect cheesy rom coms as well.’
He laughed and kissed the top of her head before starting to untangle himself from her to get ready for the day, but once he stood she still didn’t stand up but was stretching out on the bed, he bent down and kissed her before saying, ‘I wouldn’t expect anything else, sweetheart.’
The sound of the hiss of the door opening brought Leonard back to the present, he slowly got up and relied on Jim a little so he wouldn’t lose his balance. It was one of the afternoon doctors coming to talk to them. He couldn’t remember his name right at the moment. “Y/N is going to be ok, we gave her a sleep hypo, so her body can heal a bit before we wake her up tomorrow morning. We made sure to get everything out but she will be sore for the next couple days at the very least. The damage wasn’t too bad, it hit bigger veins so that was why there was so much blood. You can come in and sit with her, Doctor McCoy.”
“Len, I swear I will hit you with a pillow if you do not stop following me. I’m only going to the bathroom, I’ll be back in like 4 minutes.”
They got back to their room the next day in the late afternoon, since then which had only been a day he followed her everywhere just to make sure that she didn’t need his help. She had woken up with ease and even cracked a joke. She then wanted to make sure the intern was alright, he was wearing a welding apron, the most he got was a bruise. 
Leonard felt like if he left her alone for too long he would see that he was still in the medbay waiting to see if she would wake up. He was thinking about that when she came out of the bathroom and came over and crawled into his lap looking at him while she had one hand on his cheek. “I’m ok Len.”
“I thought I was gonna lose you.”
“But you didn’t, I’m right here we both are. I admit I thought that that might have been the end for a second and all I could think of is you.”
“Yeah, when we met, all the jokes you tell, our wedding where we stayed the whole night on the dance floor. I told Scotty to tell you that I love you. He responded with ‘You can tell him yourself.’” 
“Ok I’m cutting off the rom coms, that was so cheesy.”
Y/N laughed then turned her attention onto her husband, “I love you Leonard McCoy, you are my everything.”
“I Love you, you are my everything.”
She bent down and kissed him, till they both couldn’t breath.
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lamelycool · 2 years
Done All Wrong
Spock x FemReader
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An: uh...this didn't quite go as expected so I'm sorry lol. By time noticed it was off subject it was too late soooo I deciced to go ahead and finish it. But don't worry I'm working on a fic more on subject to what you requested! 😭
Request: Spock x Reader where reader works under Spock and is terrified/attracted to him and thinks he hates her bc of his blunt Vulcan behavior? But in the end discovers he secretly is attracted to her and feels protective of her.
Warnings: embarrassing situations, anxiety, and some adult language.
Summary: You have a certain pointy earred alien on your mind for multiple reasons. You should hate him like he hates you but you can't bring yourself to. Much to your dismay and embarrassing moments ensue as a result.
You sigh staring at the specimen in front of you. A boring plain leafed plant from one of the recent expeditions. Ordinary nothing special. Quite lackluster and disappointing. Not someone anybody would care for. Someone? Gosh you need a break, this is getting sad. Projecting your angst on to a poor little plant is defiantly a new low. You shake your head and sigh running a hand over your face. A few of your fellow science officers send concerned glances your way. You flush slightly embarrassed.
'I need to get back to work,' you think. You know that you can't keep pushing of your work because of your silly angst. Especially since Sp- he would notice. 'Don't need to give him a reason to nag me.' Well not like you'd have to give him one. Lately it seems all he can do is nag and belittle you. Critiquing each and every little thing that you do. And yet you still lov-
"Ugggh, get it together lieutenant and stop acting like a child." You groan under your breath aggravated.
You pick up your pad and look at the plant to continue your observations. Aroma? Earthy and warm. Size? 11.9 inches. Form? Stalky lean. Leaf shape? Spatulate. Flower color? You lean forward, silly black blossom. Your heart races but you take a deep breath and continue. Leaf color? A lovely shade of green. It reminds you of the faint flush of-
"Is everything alright?"
"!" You let out a gasp and whip around. And of course wouldn't you know it, it's the last person you'd want to see. The object of your frustration and affections, Spock.
Spock's eyebrow twitches up. "My apologies I did not intend to frighten you."
"No! No it's fine. I just wasn't expecting you to just show up so sudden is all..." You put a hand over your racing heart. You can feel your cheeks burn with embarrassment. You wish you could just disappear right now. Maybe if you ju-
"Lieutenant, are you well? You have been distracted since you arrived for your shift. Aswell as your excessive sighing and your flush cheeks. Are you sick? If so I will have to implore you to go to sick bay." Spock admonishes you.
"I- I am not sick! I admit I'm distracted but...It's not- I'm not sick." You stammer. You can't believe he's calling you out like this, so loud and very public. It's humiliating. Your can't even look him in the eyes anymore. Because you're certain if you did he'd peer into your mind and learn as to why you been so distracted. You'd rather die then for him to find out. He's already cruel enough. Gosh, how could this get any worse?
And you to your horror you realize, quite easily is the answer. While avoiding his burning yet apathetic gaze you notice your coworkers glancing at the scene. Judging and knowingly. Some whispering, some pointing. They all know. They know why. They can tell. Your feelings. Oh my god...Oh god...Oh god-
Spock either doesn't notice your panic or doesn't care because he continues to chew you out. "Are you certain? Because it appears you are flushing even worse now. But if you are not sick would you care to explain your actions? Particularly talking to the plant you are supposed to be inspecting. That is certainly not an action a healthy and sane person would take. Perhaps you need to see a counselor or be reliev-"
"Just stop!" You snap you can't help it. You're so overwhelmed. Everything is too much. All the eyes looking at you. And him. Why does he have to hate you so much. Why... Oh god and now you've yelled at him! You've just made this into an even bigger scene. Thank god there's not too many people in the labs this late at night. But everyone will soon hear about this...oh god you're fucked.
You begin to tear up. You look into his eyes finally. His eyebrows are raised almost holding an expression of shock and maybe concern? Who are you kidding as if he could care. Even if he could care he'd definitely not care for you.
"Why? Why do you hate me so...so-" you're cut off by a small cry that escapes. You quickly throw a hand over your mouth to stop any more from escaping. Tears begin to run down your face. You panic, you need to get out as soon as possible and spare yourself any further embarrassment. You dash out of the labs. Leaving behind a shocked and confused Spock.
"I simply do not understand why she was upest."
"You don't understand why she was upset? You don't- My god how could someone so smart be so stupid!" Leonard McCoy exclaims exasperated.
"You think that I am smar-"
"That is not the point you pointy eared hobgoblin! Goodness gracious...look." McCoy sighs and leans forward in his seat giving Spock a tired glare.
"You insulted and embarrassed the poor girl in front of all her lab rat coworkers. Hell if I was her I would have done a whole lot more to you then shout and cry. I'd give ya what for." McCoy states plainly punching his palm with his clenched fist.
"I see...it was not my intention to embarrass her nor do I hate her."
"You don't?" McCoy looks at him in disbelief.
"What? Of course I do not hate her nor harbor any ill intentions towards her."
"Goodness Spock... you sure have a way of showing it. Look, I talk to her. We're close and let me tell ya you've been giving her some hell. Ya leave her as ill as a hornet. If you don't hate her then why do ya insist on angering and embarrassing that poor little lady?"
"I- I was unaware I was angering or embarrassing her." Spock says quietly eyebrows furrowed and slightly lowered. Truly he would never wish to upset you. He just wants the best for you and to help you be the best you can be.
"My god...you like her don't you? Heh... Spock you're in deep." McCoy laughs at Spock's expense.
"Please do not tease me. What should I do?"
"Your asking ME for advice? I never thought I'd see the day. My my my you do have it bad."
Spock gets up to leave but is stopped my McCoy's hand that pushes him back into his seat. "Yer not goin anywhere. Sit right there I'm gonna grab some drinks. We're gonna need it."
"You've got five minutes to explain." You snap at him while leaning in your doorway.
Spock nods, " I am deeply sorry. It was not my intention to anger you or to embarrass you. Nor do I hate you, it is quite the opposite. I- I deeply enjoy your company and I find you fascinating. You make me feel although I do not know how to show it. But I will endeavor to do better if you could forgive me? And if you return my feelings?"
You stand in shock. There is no way this is really happening. "Pinch me."
"No, why would I wish to harm you? Did I not explain well enough I do not wish any form of harm or discomfort to you?" Spock says looking offended and confused.
"Nonono sorry, its just an expression. I just can't believe this is real. I must be dreaming."
"Yes, because there is no way that this is real. That you're basically confessed to liking me and asking me out! No, its too crazy..."
"You are not dreaming. And yes I do 'like you'. I also would not mind if you would allow me to court you."
"I-I really?"
"Indeed." Spock looks at you. Wondering if he's made a mistake. Perhaps you don't feel the same? Or he's hurt you too much. Or any other reason.
"Yes! I mean, yes. I would like that very much. I've liked you for awhile now. Um but just please try not to be so mean?" You say with a bright beaming smile.
"Of course." Spock nods seriously.
"Can I please hug you? I'm just so happy!"
Spock nods and stoops down to wrap you in a gentle hug. You wrap yourself up in his lanky form. Maybe the plant is loveable after all.
@yoursparkdoll @lucycola
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space-helen · 2 years
How TOS Kirk and McCoy would react to you being worried about their safety headcanons
Request:  How would TOS kirk and Mccoy (seperate) react to you being worried about their safety? - Anon
- It doesn’t really cross his mind that you’re worried about his safety until he’s back from the away mission.
- When you run at him and bring him in for a crushing hug he raises his eyebrow and hugs you back, realising that you were worried.
- “I’m ok.” he’d laugh out
- He’d get rushed off to debrief and sort things out after the mission leaving you to continue to worry. 
- He comes to your quarters once he’s done and can’t help feel guilty about it.
- “I’m so sorry.” are the first words that come out of his mouth. 
- You assure him it’s ok but fuss over him slightly and keep asking him questions about what happened.
- He can’t help but think it’s a little cute that you were so worried about him and he breaks out in a smile.
- Teases you about it after but actually loves that you were worried (not in a sadistic way)
- When you start fussing over him before he goes he’s a little grumpy about it.
- “Y/N, I’ve done this a million times before. I’m going to be fine.”
- Feels bad that he shut you down about it when he’s on the away mission, you were only trying to look out for him. 
- He gets a little scraped up on the mission, nothing major though.
- He can’t quite look you in the eye when he’s back, not wanting you to feel worse.
- Sincerely apologises to you for his behaviour
- Realises you were only that worried because you care so much about him.
- Brings you into an embrace “I’m sorry I downplayed your feelings. I’m sorry that I made you worry.”
Tag List: (open)
Star Trek: @heyitsaloy @angel-with-wings-castiel @starfleetimagines
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taska-rokanh · 8 months
Star Trek Masterlist
I mostly write TOS and AOS! Most can be read as both, but if there's a distinction, I'll note such.
Befriending Headcanons
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years
Dr. Leonard McCoy x Reader: Either Way
Word Count: 368 Warnings: The Reader is in Medbay, needle mention (none involved), split/cut lip (no blood mention), fluff Summary: The Reader wakes up in Medbay to the sight of Leonard, who takes great care of them.
A/N: Happy New Year! I hope it’s treating you kindly.
~~~~  ~~~~
  A slow and steady beeping was the first noise that reached your ears. As you awakened further, the beep faded, other sounds gaining your attention. Boots trailing across the floor, inaudible chatter, and the soft swish of a curtain. Medbay.    Opening your eyes, you blinked the drowsiness away.    “Hey.”    The low voice lulled you away from your growing thoughts. “Leonard,” you smiled dreamily up at the doctor.    He laughed to himself. “You’re not dreaming, I assure you.”    “Either way…”    “Let me check you over, all right?” He said, trying to force his smile away.    While he waved the tricorder over the blanket covering your body, a sudden thought had occurred to you. It must have showed at a medical level by the way Leonard’s brows came together.
   “Are there any needles?” You asked, stilling your body completely. “Like…embedded?”    He placed a hand on top of yours that you quickly latched onto. “No. There’s not a single needle near you.”    “Are you sure?” The words slipped out in your worry.    “Would I lie to you?”    Something clicked inside of you at his words. “Not if you knew what’s good for you.”    His brow rose for a moment before a smirk spread across his lips. “I’ll have to check your head next after that one,” he mused.    This likewise brought a smile to you as you gave a small laugh. But the action quickly caused you a sharp pain to your lip. “Ow,” you frowned, looking curiously at him. “How long have I been in here?” Evidently, your lips were quite dry.    “Don’t touch it. I’ll be right back,” he instructed.    The absence of his warm and comforting hand became more prominent than the sting of your split lip.    When he returned, he had a damp cloth in-hand. “Hang on, I got yah.”    Leaning in close, he gently patted your lip clean and wet your lips.    You sighed contently when he was finished.    “So, what did you learn?”    “Don’t follow Jim?”    “Hey.” The voice matching the name called out from the other side of the curtain.    “Oh, hey, captain,” you replied, snickering as you met eyes with Leonard, who crossed his arms over his chest with a sigh.
~~~~  ~~~~
Thank you for reading!
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captainsophiestark · 2 months
Corn Maze
Bones McCoy x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Star Trek
Summary: Y/N's best friend dragged her into a corn maze at the local harvest festival to celebrate finishing their last round of Starfleet exams. She quickly losesher friend in the maze, but luckily, she's not the only one with a friend who drags her into ridiculous situations.
Word Count: 1,772
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Why did I let my friends convince me this was a good idea?" I mumbled, rubbing my arms to try to stay warm. The sun had set while I was trapped in the corn maze, and now it was getting a little too cold for comfort.
I wandered a few more steps through the maze, looking for any sign of my friends or an exit. Nothing.
Why did I let them talk me into this? Worse, why did I agree to split up?
I never realized before, but corn took on an eerie quality in the dark. The stalks rustled slightly in the breeze, and I felt goosebumps run up my spine. It felt like someone else was there with me, just beyond the next row of corn...
Cautiously, hating every minute of it, I tip toed towards the next corner in the maze. I tried to settle my nerves, but when I turned the corner I came face to face with a strange, shadowy man.
"AH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, jumping back and flailing my arms out in front of me.
"Ah! Dammit!" yelled the man, also jumping back and clutching his heart. I heard him grumble something under his breath that sounded like "I'm gonna kill Jim."
"Who are you?" I demanded, getting my wits back. I stayed tense, ready to take off running at a moment's notice.
"Name's McCoy, but you can call me Bones," he said, straightening up and looking me up and down. "Who're you?"
"Y/F/N Y/L/N. Why are you out in a corn maze after dark?"
"Ladies first," said Bones, crossing his arms and giving me an expectant stare. I squinted at him, trying to weigh my options. If he was some murderer out here, he probably would've tried to kill me already, right?
I sighed, giving in. "My friends and I are about to graduate from Star Fleet Academy. Since tests and everything are finally over, we decided to take the weekend to celebrate. They thought the corn maze looked fun, I got dragged along, we got separated, and now I'm here."
Bones scoffed. "That sounds familiar."
"Same thing happen to you?"
"Just about, except we've been out of the academy for a couple years now. Somehow he still manages to make me do stupid things like this."
"Yeah, I have a couple friends like that. I can already see them dragging me into the same stuff even five years from now."
Bones chuckled and shook his head, then looked back at me.
"Well, since we're both out of our element here, we might as well be in this together. Which way should we try now?" he asked.
"I came from one way, you came from the other. We're both still here, so there's only one option left," I said, pointing to the path ahead of us.
"I guess that makes as much sense as anything else."
We started walking, neither of us saying a word. It was pretty awkward, and I almost preferred the dark creepy corn maze silence. After a few more steps without a word, I decided to speak up and try to make things a little less tense.
"So, you're in Starfleet?" I asked.
"Yup. I regret it a lot some days, but I'm still here."
"What's your position?"
"I'm the CMO of the Enterprise."
I stuttered a step when he said that. Not only was he the Chief Medical Officer, which was incredibly impressive for someone his age, but he was the Chief Medical Officer of the Enterprise, the best ship in the fleet!
"Wait, seriously?" I asked, walking a little faster to catch back up to him. "That's amazing! The Enterprise is my dream placement. What is that even like?"
"You ever been hung over?"
Not the response I was expecting, I'll admit. Still, I tried to roll with it.
"Uh... once or twice."
"Imagine the worst hangover you've ever had, and then imagine that times three. That's what being the CMO of the Enterprise is like."
"Damn. You know, you sound pretty cranky and jaded for someone your age."
Bones sighed and looked up at the sky as we walked. He didn't say anything for a minute, but when he finally did, he sounded incredibly tired.
"I don't like space. The only reason I went up there in the first place was to get away from things here."
I hummed. "Fair enough, I guess. But is it really worth staying if there's nothing you like about it?"
He was silent for another long stretch, then finally, he spoke without looking at me.
"Space is dangerous and stupid. It's a true fact. But... there are worse things than living through the ridiculous nonsense I've lived through with the people on that ship. Sometimes it's even interesting."
I smiled to myself. I was starting to get a read on Bones, and he seemed to have a much softer center than he wanted to let on.
After a moment, he quickly cleared his throat.
"Besides, it's not like I have much choice. Those idiots wouldn't have survived half this long if they didn't have me."
I grinned. "Well, assuming my test scores are what I'm hoping they'll be, I can't wait to be one of those idiots in a few weeks."
Bones snorted and cut his eyes towards me. I just kept grinning at him, and after a minute, he sighed.
"Get us out of this corn maze, and then I'll decide how I feel about you becoming one of those idiots."
The task of wandering around in the maze became easier, if only because I now got to do it with someone else I liked instead of being cold and lost in the dark by myself. The two of us chatted as we walked, first about plans for escape but that quickly turned into talk about other things, from favorite animals to academy stories and everything else in between.
Slowly, Bones started to warm up to me, and I felt the same. I even managed to get a few smiles out of him, and I found my heart skipping a beat or two each time I did. It got to the point that I wasn't sure how quickly I wanted to find the exit anymore.
Still, we couldn't just wander the maze forever. Working together, we eventually managed to find some of the more worn paths of the maze, and it wasn't long before we turned a corner and found the exit.
I grinned, stopping short instead of walking straight out of the maze. Bones apparently took the cue, and he stopped too, turning to me with one eyebrow raised.
"I just wanted to say, before we go out there... this was fun. I'll never admit it to my friend, which is part of why I stopped before we got out there, but... I'm glad I got lost in a corn maze with you. And I hope we get to work together on the Enterprise."
Bones sighed, long and heavy, then finally looked back at me. After a moment, just when I'd started to get nervous, the corner of his mouth tweaked up into a smile.
"I'll never admit this to anyone again, so don't expect me to repeat it. But I might've had fun with you too. And I'd definitely like to see you on the Enterprise."
I grinned at him, and he shared a smile of his own briefly before turning back towards the exit of the maze. It was dark, so I couldn't be sure, but I thought I noticed a faint blush on the back of his neck, too.
We stepped past the final row of corn and were greeted by smiling faces. One I recognized as my best friend, and the other I recognized as none other than the Captain of the USS Enterprise. Apparently he was the idiot friend Bones had been talking about, and I honestly couldn't tell how I felt about that.
"Bones! You made it out! And you met a friend."
Captain James T. Kirk fixed me with the most sly, knowing grin of all time as he held his hand out to me for a handshake.
"Jim. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"...You too," I said. I couldn't help feeling a little starstruck, but the bubble popped a second later when Bones smacked him on the back of the head. I laughed, and any remaining tension faded as my friend joined us and introduced herself to Bones.
"So, your friend said you're hoping to join the crew of the Enterprise," said Jim, the beaming smile back on his face post-smack. I nodded.
"It's my dream posting, like most of the rest of the academy. Hopefully all that awful studying and test-taking will be worth it."
"It wasn't for me. But luckily, I have a good CMO and friend to help me when I need it."
Bones huffed and rolled his eyes, but I could see a smile fighting to break out on his face all the same.
"Well, since we've done everything here, we were planning to go get a late dinner somewhere," my friend said. "Do you two want to join us?"
Jim and Bones shared a look, and I took the distraction to whip around and look at my friend with wide eyes. She just grinned, nodding in Bones and Jim's direction to make sure I knew she knew exactly what she was doing. I just sighed.
"We'd love to," said Jim. "I even know a great place not far from here."
The four of us started walking, Bones and I falling slightly behind our friends and walking side by side. I bumped him lightly with my shoulder and fixed him with a smile.
"So... the friends that ditched us are definitely paying for dinner, right?"
Bones laughed, and butterflies exploded in my chest at the sound. It didn't last long, but it was a real, full laugh, not a huff or a scoff, and I knew I wanted to hear that sound as many more times as I possibly could.
"Definitely. I might be glad I met you, but they didn't know that would happen, so they get no credit for it."
We shared a smile, and then the two of us fell into comfortable silence, smiles still on our faces, as we followed our friends into our own brave new world.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
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generalkenobee · 6 months
I just want doctor McCoy so bad
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ensignsimp · 8 months
Romantic TOS HCs: Kirk, Spock, McCoy
A/N: After a horrible blog explosion I've had to rewrite some of my headcanons. I hope you all enjoy it.
Prompt: Romantic TOS Kirk, Spock, McCoy w/ GN! Reader
James T. Kirk
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Kirk is most definitely a hopeless romantic.
Kirk most definitely reads those cheesy romance novels your grandma has on her nightstand.
He tries to keep things professional on the bridge, it doesn't last.
He'll give you longing looks, and endless compliments, the man is a total flirt with you on the bridge. (That and info-dumping.)
He'll give exaggerated sighs and swoon anytime you do even the bare minimum.
"Thank you, Ensign (L/N). What would we do without you?"
He'll write you little love notes and have the other Ensigns deliver them to you.
He is constantly blowing you kisses.
He even gives you the most ridiculous pet names;
"Sunshine, My Star, Sweetie"
It would be embarrassing if it wasn't so cute.
You're barely in the turbolift when he's covering you in kisses.
He's always sharing books to read with you (maybe the less goofy ones).
It's like having your own book club.
He loves head scratches and when you hold him in your arms.
He is a huge cuddler and enjoys snuggles.
He prefers to be the big spoon or to lay on your chest.
Kirk gets the cutest happy golden retriever look on his face if you give him head scratches and read to him.
S'chn T'gai Spock
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When Spock falls in love, he falls hard!
He thought he should have been incapable of the feeling.
But to Vulcans' it's not just about the feeling of love, it's the subtlety of action.
He keeps things professional on the bridge. However, that doesn't stop him from consulting you any chance he gets.
He shows his love in discrete ways; long loving looks, sharing in debates and games of strategy, in addition to the ozh'esta. *Finger Embrace
He will complement you, just not in the way Kirk or McCoy would.
"I completely trust Ensign (L/N)'s judgment, they have profoundly sound logic for a human."
During slower times on the bridge, he'll write lines of poetry about you.
Though he never likes to share it.
Pet names are sadly rare but when you are alone he calls you almost anything but your name.
"Ashal-veh, t'nash-veh, t'hy'la"
He doesn't protest you using pet names for him while working together.
He likes to hold your hand by wrapping his pinky around yours.
He'll teach you how to play the Vulcan Harp if you're interested.
Totally not so he can have you sit in his lap and caress your hands.
He loves it when you caress his face and run your fingers through his hair.
If you just hold his face in your hands and look into his eyes he'll turn bright green.
He enjoys cuddling and having you sleeping next to him.
He'll usually prefer the honeymoon position or have you lay on his chest.
Leonard McCoy
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He's a doctor and a glucose guardian.
He never thought he'd fall in love again, but here he is.
He's very old school when it comes to his style of dating.
He keeps things professional on the surface but you can tell he favors you more.
It doesn't matter what is going on, he'll always make time for you.
He isn't the best when it comes to frequent compliments but you know they're sincere.
"Ensign, you make me feel young again."
He scolds Kirk if he puts you on dangerous way missions.
He likes to keep you close by, like Spock, he's always calling you up for something.
His pet names for you are the sweetest.
"Honey, Sweetie, Darling."
He loves it when you call him things like "Doc, Hot Shot, Good Lookin'."
He likes to spend all of his off hours with you. He practically follows you around like a puppy.
Sometimes when you two are apart he likes to give you personal com messages, like back in the 20th century.
He loves to take you dancing even if he can't move as fast as he used to.
"In-quarters" dates are his favorite because he can just sit still with you in his lap.
He adores cuddling up in a big blanket and watching old movies with you.
During this time he's more openly affectionate, he likes to run his fingers through your hair and cover your face in kisses.
He prefers to have you sit in his lap, but he won't argue if you want him to sit in yours.
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Last Updated: 2023-10-23
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Leonard McCoy stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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❧ Foliage Fiancé by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "[You're] upset... [you have] missed so much of the fall season while on the Enterprise, so Leonard goes to extreme measures to make [you] happy."
❧ Halloween Party by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: Finally back on Earth, you decide to throw a Halloween party to which your husband, Leonard, begrudgingly agrees.
❧ It's the Great Pumpkin, Leonard McCoy ⧫ by pendragonfics • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "Four times [you decorated] Medbay for her favourite celebration, Halloween."
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❧ Apple Bobbing by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
❧ Fairytale by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
❧ Flannel Shirt by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
❧ Haunted House by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
❧ It's Cold Outside by marvelouslytrekking • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
❧ Keeping Warm by marvelouslytrekking • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
❧ Raking Leaves by marvelouslytrekking • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation | Leonard McCoy Master Index
Authors: @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul || @marvelouslytrekking || @pendragonfics ||
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mahbonesmccoy · 2 years
Title: Peaches
Summary: In which a Vulcan (reader) is smitten to the grumpy, blue-eyed doctor of the Starship Enterprise.
I finally managed to finish this after a hectic schedule. It's not beta'd so I'll just die 💀💀. Enjoy reading!! <3
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madhattervanessa · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 - #6
Kinks: Uniforms, Wall Sex
Words: 1230
Pairing: Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy x f!Reader
Kinktober Masterlist
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It’s the start of another mission, another year or more in space and you groan as you pull the uniform on - Leonard had already left with Jim, leaving you to don the itchy and tight uniform all by yourself. You carefully fit the insignia to your chest and look yourself up and down one more time in the mirror: the slacks and the stiff cut of your uniform don’t seem to do you many favors, at least that is what you think. You crack your neck and finally leave for the event. Another speech, followed by another…
…and another.
You’re sure you’d be asleep on your feet by now if it weren’t for one of the nurses adjacent to you making sly remarks out of the corner of your mouth. It barely keeps you awake and somewhat smiling.
You still haven’t seen your boyfriend and when you had arrived, you hadn’t exactly had time to look. Although the CMO shouldn’t be standing too far away from you.
The speeches finally end just as you’re about to audibly complain about your achy feet. As you turn to leave, you crane your neck to hopefully find Leonard and his friends - as you make it to the stairs, you see a mop of familiar, dark hair speeding up from the bottom of the steps.
You move to the side to let other people pass and catch a glimpse of Jim who briefly waves at you from the bottom of the stairs.
You wave back and turn just in time for Leonard to reach you.
“Hey, darlin’”, he mutters and quickly wraps an arm around your waist. He presses a kiss to your temple. “I’m sorry I got a bit caught up. You look great.”
“Thank you”, you murmur back and turn to kiss his cheek. It is then that you notice the slight flush, a bit more than he would usually have after a flight of stairs. “Are you okay? You’re all red-”
“I’m fine, let’s just… let’s get back to our room, darlin’.”
“What, why? I thought there was going to be a-”
“I’ll explain in the hallway.”
He tugs you to walk in front of him and you climb the stairs with a confused frown. When you reach the top and Leonard pulls you towards one of the secluded hallways that lead deeper into the building instead of outside.
He finally stops and you are pulled into a deep kiss that makes a shiver run down your spine. Leonard’s hands wander to your waist and you hold on to his shoulders, his jaw, reveling in the unexpectedly passionate kiss.
When you part, you are feeling just as flushed as Leonard had looked on the stairs.
“What’s gotten into you?”
“I-”, he trails off and licks over his bottom lip before continuing. “I think I really like you in uniform.”
You blink a few times before it really dawns on you and you let your hands roam over his chest with a smirk.
“Oh, is that… is that why you left before I was ready?”
He doesn’t answer but you can tell from that look in his eyes.
You kiss him again, nipping at your boyfriend’s lip as you retreat. You match his hungry look and bite your lip as you lean up to whisper into his ear.
“Do you want to show me how much you like it back in our room, then?”
You don’t exactly make it to the bedroom - you’re drawn into a searing kiss as soon as the door falls closed and you both stumble until your back hits a wall. You blindly fumble for some purchase as Leonard drags your pants down your hips, all decorum forgotten between your wet kisses and the nails you’re dragging over his scalp. You moan into his mouth when he lingers over your naked core, his fingers dipping into the slick already collecting there.
He draws more breathy moans from you as he spreads it, his lips continuously chasing yours for more kisses as he pushes two fingers into you and your arch your back to get closer.
He mutters your name, breathless, against your lips and you barely get a few testing pumps of his fingers before he drags them out of you. He smears your wetness over your clit, teasingly rubbing a half circle over the already aching nub that makes you bite at his bottom lip before your both go back to fumbling with your pants.
Your pants fall to the floor first and you push your shoes off while your hands fumble with the front of his pants, quickly undoing the zip before Leonard manages to lift your leg around his hip.
When he lifts his hand to spit into it, you take a shaky breath and meet his eyes.
“You ready for me, darlin’?”
“Hurry up”, you just murmur and kiss him again, feeling him smile as he lines himself up before pushing into you slowly. You feel him groan more than you hear it and hold on to his shoulders.
His hand moves on to your clit, playing you like a fiddle as he grinds against you.
You let your head fall against the wall, bumping your previously impeccable hairdo as you sigh his name. You let yourself go, already close to your orgasm when Leonard trails his lips down your neck.
“You look so good- look so good- fuck, I love you, you look so good in that damn uniform”, he grunts and you smile before dragging him into another kiss, rolling your hips against his deep thrusts.
“Keep doing that”, he moans and you cling on to him while he steadies your hip with his hand. You open the zip of your uniform jacket, feeling too hot already as you expose yourself to his hooded eyes.
His lips part and you moan as he leans down to press a reverent kiss to your exposed clavicle as you rock into each other, pushing yourself higher and higher until you’re losing your rhythm, too close to an orgasm. You’re about to whine but Leonard shushes you, continuing your rhythm and pressing the flat of his hand over your stomach as he fucks into you. Your breaths mingle, your soft uh uh uh’s eventually muffled as he kisses you again, picking up his pace.
You don’t have time to warn him that you’re going to cum but you feel him groan into your mouth as you clench around him. His thumb rubs over your clit and you frown, a long moan leaving you as you come and he keeps fucking you as the sweat starts running down your back underneath the stiff clothes. It takes him just a moment before he is coming, too. Your breath is punched out of you as he pushes you higher against the wall, your left foot barely touching the ground as he spills himself into you.
When he leaves off, you’re both panting heavily and you feel drowsy and slick.  You still manage to open your eyes and level a teasing smile at your boyfriend who is red in the face and panting heavily, his length still twitching inside of you.
“So, I take it you like the uniform a lot.”
He laughs, breathlessly and kisses you again before murmuring, “Yeah. Yeah, I love it a lot, on you.”
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