#dr jo wilson
iconsrequestsworld · 6 months
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roadworkaheadyea · 1 month
Didn’t we have an unrequited love confession with Link and Jo in like season 18?
I’m so lost
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cosmicanemoia · 3 months
Sex With My Ex's Friend
Amelia Shepherd x Reader (broken up)
Addison Montgomery x Reader (one-time thing?)
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Love Me Till You Leave Me part 15
It is lunch time when Dr. Altman told you to go to her, that she has something important to tell you. When you got to the hospital you went to her office but she wasn't there. You made your way to the cafeteria thinking, 'I'll wait for her there,' you search for a seat, and there you found Dr. Altman is sitting with Addison, Owen, Link, Bailey, and Jo.
You decided to walk over to their table and sit with them. You greeted them and hugged them as they greeted you. You sat down beside Dr. Altman and ask her what she wants to talk about. Everyone's attention shifted to you and Dr. Altman abandoned whatever they were talking about so they could listen in on your conversation with your friend. "I actually have forgotten. I'll try to remember it later, but for now, how are you?" She said with a hint of concern in her eyes. You look at her and smiled "I'm good."
There was an awkward silence for a moment. You stood up from your seat and decided to break the silence. "Well, I'm off. Just text me when you do remember -" "Wait. Where are you going? You just got here. Come and have lunch with us. " She tried to make you stay, and she succeeded. "Fine," you rolled your eyes at her, which made her chuckled.
"Sleepy at this time of day. Did you have a late night?" She commented, seeing your drowsy look. "You know me." You yawned, and she asked another question, "what time did you sleep?" You sighed "Yes" you said plain and simple. As you bite a sandwich you took from Teddy's plate, she looked at you with mischief showing in her smile. "Partying and making confetti, Huh." Owen butted in, "you mean popping confetti. " Teddy looked down and chuckled. She shook her head."No. Maybe." You look at everyone's faces one by one, and seeing the confused look on their faces, you tried to clear things up. "I know we're all adults here, Ted. But save it for later. " You shook your head and Dr. Wilson's eyes widened, realising what you two were talking about. "Oh, you mean?" You nodded, confirming what she's thinking. Link asked her what it was, but she just shook her head and tried to eat her food with a growing smirk. Addison finally spoke up, "What are you guys talking about?"Oh, you don't wanna know--" you answered, and right after you finished talking, Dr. Altman blurted, "we're talking about orgasms." Everyone's eyes widened. "That's right. That's her kind of party." She added. "You mean like an orgy or something?" Jo asked, and you raise your eyebrows trying to think, "uh- *you gulped* maybe. But just with women." "I still don't get all the fuss about women having sex with each other." Dr. Montgomery blurted out of nowhere.
Everyone is shocked, except you, by the words that just came out of Dr. Montgomery's mouth. She looks around, trying to peace a puzzle, 'why do you all look so confused?' she thought to herself then she realised what she had just said "Did I just say that out loud?" Everyone nodded, including you. You look at her and give her a sweet smile.
Dr. Altman can't believe what she just heard. She always believed that Dr. Montgomery has the hots for women, and have done it with women too, she's assuming this because she thinks that Addison is an open minded person, and would be willing to play for the both team.
T: You're saying you've never tried it with a woman?
A: I have. I just don't like it that much
T: Ooohh. Hahaha. You haven't tried that one - *pointing at you* Every woman who has ever said that to y/n has been proven wrong
Y/N: Don't listen to her addie * chuckles, shakes head, smirk*
T: What? I'm just speaking from experience
O: Wait, you... with her? How did I not know about this?
Y/N: You don't have to answer Ted
T: Yes! I accepted I wasn't straight cause of her. I bet a hundred dollars you might, too.
Y/N: Okay. That's my cue. Thanks people, but I'm going.
A: *thinking thoughts* Wait, wait, wait. Let's make it 500
Y/N: What? Seriously. Don't I have a say in this? I mean, no offense Addie you're gorgeous, and that's a nice offer. Also, that's crazy!
T: You're crazy too! Besides, you're both a free woman. You'll lose nothing if you try, *looks and nods towards addison* Besides that 500, you're basically giving away. Hahaha
A: You think, huh? We'll see. *she raises her eyebrow*
Y/N: I can't believe you. You're pimping me out, *sarcastically* I thought we were friends. *fake a sad face*
Owen: You're not actually gonna do it, are you?
Jo: Is this really happening? *excited*
Bailey: This shouldn't even be a conversation.
Link : How are you even gonna do it?
You shook your head. "I can't believe this is happening," you mutter as you stand up from your chair and walk away from the silly group. They shouted your name telling you to come back, but you paid them no mind and just kept walking.
A few hours later, it was finally night. Dr. Montgomery is going home early, hoping she could have some time alone. When she opened the glass door of the hospital, she saw you sitting on a bench in front of the hospital. Before she gets to make her way over to you, you are already making your way over to her.
You said pleasantries and gave each other a hug. "You ready?" You ask, she thinks for a moment and realises what you were talking about, "Now?" She asked back.
You nodded and held out your hand for her to take, and she did. "No time like the present," you said, and you pulled her to follow you.
You took her to a fancy restaurant near the hospital. "I hope you're hungry," you said as you pulled a chair for her to sit on. "I actually am." She took a seat on the chair you offered her.
You made jokes as you eat. You made each other laugh. Both of you are having fun.
When you finished the desserts, she offered to pay, but you didn't let her. "You already spent 500 dollars on me." You joked, and she laughs, "you don't know that. We'll see. " You nodded and smiled at her, "Yeah. You'll see." You both laugh.
When you finally rested your stomach for some time, you asked her, "You're place or mine?" You ask her, and she said, "Mine. If that's alright with you, " "I'm glad you said that. Mine's a mess." You teased.
You stand up first and offer your dominant arm for her. She hook hers into yours, and you walked out of the restaurant with a satisfied stomach.
She led you to her bed, and there was an awkward silence, but you broke it off. "Do you really want to do this?" You asked her again, to which she replied, "I do" over and over.
You caress her face gently, and you take some of the hair falling in her face and tuck it in her ear. You smiled at her, and you slowly moved your face to hers.
Your faces are inches away from each other. You exchanged breaths, and you asked one last time, "You sure?" "I am" she confirmed.
You took her mouth slowly and gently. You stopped and pulled away from the kiss. "What's wrong?" She ask as she try to catch her breath and you shook your head "just say stop and I will" she nodded "I know" she grabbed your face and kissed you roughly, desperately, and passionately, you smirked into the kiss and your hands went to work, tracing her body.
************In the morning************
Addison couldn't stand up. She tried to stand up, but she just fell after taking a step. The fall made a loud thud, and Addie's scream woke you up.
Y/N : Addie, you okay? *sits up in bed*
A : Help. I can't stand up.
Y/N :What? Are you okay? Should I drive you to the hospital? *rushes to her side*
A :No. No, no. *chuckles* You're the one who did this to me. I'll be okay. Just help me to bed.
Y/N : Me? Sorry. *quietly* --I didn't even go that hard.
A :I'm sure you didn't.
Y/N : Did I say that out loud?
A : It's okay, you have nothing to be sorry for. I had a great time. And I thank you for that.
Dr. Addison Montgomery wants more, so she took a day off to spend the rest of the day with you. You cuddled in the morning, letting her rest and gain some strength. She's still recovering from last night, but by lunch, she asks to have sex again even if she's still wimping, and who are you to not give her what she wants.
You spend the rest of the day being sexy and intimate with each other.
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beachy--head · 3 months
Wish I could turn you back into a stranger
"Cautiously, he sits beside her and stays silent. They've been so distant these past weeks, haven't shared more than a few sentences ever since she moved out of his place, that he knows better than trying to touch her to comfort her. He even wonders if she would be comforted by him, and the thought makes him sick."
Set in season 14. April treats a patient that brings back memories, and Jackson goes on a hunt. One shot.
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Note: Sometimes you want to write sweet, tooth-rotting fluff, and sometimes you just want to embrace the angst and lean into it. Guess which option I chose.
trigger warning: child loss, grief, abysmal communication.
Oh, and even though this takes place at the beginning of season 14, Stephanie is still there, just roll with it.
“Edwards, Wilson, you’re on plastics again tomorrow. Deluca, you're free to join us in the burn center?” “Sorry Dr. Avery, I'm with Dr. Kepner in the ER all day again tomorrow.” Jackson nods to show he's heard the resident’s answer and starts reviewing the paperwork for the procedures he’s done today. The burn center, once Mark Sloan's brainchild, is something he's very attached to, and perhaps the only department for which he doesn't mind managing the admin side, even after a long day of gruesome surgeries, which mobilized most of the residents and several attendings. Next to him, at the nurses' counter, Deluca stops where Jo and Stephanie are charting and where Arizona, who operated on a 10-year-old burn victim with him, is reviewing a file. Deep in his paperwork, Jackson hears them more than he listens to their conversation. “If you're too busy to help us, go away,” Stephanie grumbles. “I’m just waiting for some lab results, and then I’m back in the pit. I still have to log more hours in trauma. Which is great, because something cool always happens when you're on Dr Kepner's shift in the ER. She has the coolest cases,” Deluca gushes, and Jackson thinks to himself while signing a form, what is it with Deluca that he always sounds like an enthusiastic golden retriever?
Read more on ao3 / ff.net
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Picnic Dates, plus two - Dr James Wilson x peds!reader
Description: You've got a lunch date, but it's not with James.
word count: 1.8k
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Y/n skipped down the halls of peds, smiling to herself. Each room she passed she waved to the patients inside. Holly, Trevor, Milton, Magnus, Bea, Molly, Jo, Josh. She knew all their names and knew how they should look, so that if anything was even slightly off she could spring into action.
She reached the last of the rooms on the hallway and pulled out a pink glitter file from her stack. Truthfully, she wasn’t allowed to decorate her patients files, but it turns out if you are not swamped with malpractice lawsuits and actually have a good bedside manner with your patients, Cuddy can be quite lenient.
“Hello y/n!” the little girl jumped up from her bed showing off her finding nemo pyjamas. Her blonde curls fell in front of her face, being batted away by her tiny hands.
“Good morning, Lisa! And how are you doing this fine day?”
“I good!”
“Can you give me anything more specific?” Y/n teased, raising her eyebrow.
“I feel really, really, really, really well!”
“I am so pleased to hear that Lisa. I am just going to do a quick examination, not that I don’t fully trust your own medical degree.” Lisa laughed and her parents lovingly looked at how happy their daughter seemed despite her condition. That was all down to y/n.
Lisa had become a regular of the hospital, brought in many times with asthma attacks so severe each trip to the hospital seemed to be a death sentence. Every time, y/n was there so Lisa could wake up to a familiar face. Stroking her hair and talking to her so she didn’t have to come to terms with her scary surroundings.
As y/n went to leave the room she was stopped by Lisa’s mum.
“Hi Dr y/l/n, I just wanted to say thank you.”
“It’s nothing, it’s my job.”
“No, it’s not. Examining her, diagnosing her, that’s your job. No one’s making you sing her songs or play her games. So…thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Y/n left the room, her heart feeling just that bit warmer seeing that little girl babble to her parents about everything that was in her tiny head. She felt a presence next to her and her heart practically set on fire when her eyes met his.
“Hi.” It was soft, like she was sharing a secret.
“Hi. How’s Lisa doing?”
“She’s doing well, she’ll be home this afternoon. Just in time for SpongeBob.” Wilson raised an eyebrow. “Her favourite.”
“Now, remember last week when we went to that deli in the town over and you loved that sandwich. Well, I went to the shops and got all the ingredients and made us two of your sandwich with chips, coleslaw, and everything. My office, 12?”
A sorrowful look crossed her face, and she seemed to retreat into her mind.
“You have other plans—it’s fine, enjoy.”
“Believe me, that sounds amazing and usually I would love to but—I can’t.” Wilson nods but his gaze is on the floor. He shoved his hands in his pockets. She grasped his arms in a silent question that he is okay with this. He covered her hand with his own.
“I’m okay.” Despite feeling unsatisfied with his answer, she picked up her files and made her way down the corridor. Every few moments she turned back around to look at the oncologist who now was weakly kicking at the floor.
The door to House’s office slams open.
“At what point in each marriage did my wives start retreating from me.”
“Catherine of Aragon, 3 years, and 4 months. Boleyn, 2 years, and 11 months.”
Wilson falls down onto the chair in his friends office.
“Please don’t call my ex-wives that.”
“I’m a history buff, what can I say, Henry.” House smirks.
Ignoring the ill-placed humour, Wilson continues.
“My point remains that they were all after a lengthy period of time—”
“And/or directly after you cheated.” He looks towards House’s smug face, disapprovingly.
“But neither of them were after 2 months.”
“Trouble in peds, oh I’m sorry paradise.”
“I don’t really know. It just feels like she doesn’t want to spend time with me.”
“Well, she is a paediatrician, so every day she meets people more emotionally mature than you.”
“Ha ha. Just today she blew me off for lunch, and, thinking about it we haven’t had lunch together at the office in a week. What if she’s pulling away? What if she doesn’t love me anymore?”
“What if she’s busy?” House still refused to look up from his Gameboy.
“She’s not, I checked. She just has 10 patients she’s monitoring, none of which are severe.”
House paused his game. “You checked her files? I’m rubbing off on you. Boy wonder oncologist, we may have found your bad bone yet. Maybe we should get a noun to replace your last name as well.”
“I’m going to confront her.” Wilson abruptly stood up and opened the door.
“The word you’re looking for is communicate.” Wilson went to leave. “WAIT! Wilson-“ House picked up the phone “It’s for you. It’s God. He say’s you’re bad at relationships.”
Wilson angrily left the room and slammed the door which echoed with the cackles of his best friend.
Y/n opened the door to leave her office, armed with a pasta salad and an iced coffee.
“Do you want to break up?”
Y/n was startled by her flustered boyfriend who had jumped out in front of her.
“What? No! Why would you think that? I love you of course I don’t want to leave you.” She reached up to cup his cheek and used her thumb to stroke under his eyes.
“I can’t believe you were thinking that! I can’t believe I made you think that! Oh, baby I’m so sorry.” After her rambling she threw her arms around his neck, ladening his neck with so many kisses as way of apology. Wilson chuckled before completing the hug and squeezing her waist.
She pulled back from the hug.
“Why did you think I wanted to leave you?”
“Well, lunch. You didn’t want to, again, and we haven’t had lunch together in about a week. And in all my past relationships, there comes a time when they start to retreat,” He scratched the back of his neck “I just thought it had come sooner than usual.”
“It’s not that I didn’t want to, I couldn’t.”
She bit her lip and tried to find the right words before blurting out. “I’m seeing a 12-year-old.”
Wilson simply couldn’t find the words.
“Oh, not like that. Come with me.” She took his arm and began to lead him to the elevator.
They stood in front of the window that showed a boy, small for his age, curled up on the hospital bed playing with two power rangers. His room was devoid of balloons, toys, cards: the decorations that covered every other peds room.
“That’s Lucas. He came in last week with pneumonia. He’s on antibiotics and he’s improving. His dad died when he was 2 and his mum works constantly to make enough money. She can’t visit him a lot, she only managed 2 visits last week. He’s never even left his house. And now he only knows two things: he’s sick and he’s alone. This hospital can look like a big scary place when you’re a kid so –”
“So, you eat lunch with him every day so he has at least one visitor.” Her boyfriend finishes her sentence flawlessly.
“I’ll bet you even tell him that you choose to be with him, probably say that all the other doctors are boring.” She laughs at how well he knows her. She steps back from the window and pushes open the door.
“Lucas, there is someone very special I want you to meet. This is Dr Wilson.”
Lucas perks up at seeing, not only his favourite doctor, but also another boy enter the room.
“Is he your friend, Dr y/l/n?”
“Yes, he is, he’s my special friend.”
“Mummy always said Daddy was her best friend. Do you love him like my mummy loved my daddy.”
“Observant kid.” Wilson quietly remarks.
“What do you have for lunch today, Dr y/l/n?”
Y/n sits down on Lucas’ bed. “Actually, Lucas, today Dr Wilson and I have—"
“Have to tell you that I took over Dr y/l/n’s clinic hours so she can have 3 more hours to spend with you. She’s been nagging me to have more time with you for weeks!” He rolls his eyes jokingly. “I’ll leave you two to it.”
She turns away from Lucas to mouth ‘Thank you’ towards him. In return he waves as if to say see you later.
the next day
“I have the tickets, Thursday night!” House limped down the hallway flanked by his exasperated friend.
“Liar. Your girlfriend’s ignoring you so unless you’ve already found the next next potential Mrs Wilson, you’re free!”
“Actually, we –”
Y/n slid into the two’s line of vision. Her pink scrubs not as cheery as her smile. Wilson quickly checked his watch.
“y/n/n, baby, isn’t Lucas waiting.”
“Who’s Lucas? You guys open now?”
“Actually, he gave me a message to give to you two. He told me to invite to lunch, and I quote, ‘your boyfriend and the mean cane guy he’s always with’”.
Wilson beams at how chipper his girlfriend seems at this news.
“Wait, both of us? You two into foursomes now? I mean I respect it.”
Rolling her eyes at House’s comment. She grabs the two by their arms and drags them to the ‘lunch’ room. They stop in the doorway, seeing Lucas who was looking into a gigantic bag of food but who quickly retreated sheepishly when he was caught.
“I retract my previous joke.” House looks down, embarrassed. He goes to approach the boy but is halted by a pressure on his ear as it was held by the smiling paediatrician. She yanks him back to her and harshly whispers “Be. Nice!”.
“Yes ma’am.” Happy with this response, she releases him. She then turns towards her boyfriend. “I even managed to get an order in from that deli. Do you like it?” she fiddles with her fingers nervously.
“Yes. Very much so.”
She skips towards Lucas but is brought back by Wilson’s hands on her waist. They turn so they are nose to nose.
“I love you.” “I love you too.”
Before their lips could touch they are interrupted.
“Ew gross!” they glare towards the bed to see that the juvenile remarks are not coming from the 12-year-old but rather the overgrown 8 year old.
The four ate lunch and talked and each managed to bring back a little joy for the bed ridden child. Even House slowly warmed and began to care for the boy. Every so often y/n would get up to check his stats but also to fluff his pillows, bring him his toys and juice. She cared so deeply and wanted every child who passed through her care to feel special and heard.
Wilson sat back and watched the scene unfold, happy to be an observer. And as he watched the woman, he loved be a mother for a child who wasn’t even her own, he couldn’t help but imagine her with their own.
Props to anyone who spots the joke about one of Robert Sean Leonard’s other films ;)
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esse-lunam · 5 months
an introduction to: my 90s fame dr!
please read this god please there's art in here also ive put 5+ months of work into this dr at this point so i swear that there's interesting shit in here yall I SWEAR I AM NICHE.
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reblogs greatly appreciated! this took me forever teehee
ohhh my god this is a long time in the making, ive put this off for so, so long and i really couldn't tell you why. this can act as a script me into ur dr post if you like as well!
for starters, you can find my pinterest board for this dr here :3 just in case u want some cool visuals i guess :3
so lets get the basics outta the way shall we?
full name: marley jo veitch
nicknames: mar, marley barley, mars bars, tink (reserved for s/o), living poet (public figure nickname type deal? yknow how stevie nicks gets called the white witch? yeah that)
pronouns: they/she
DOB: june 1st, 1970 (which makes me a gemini btw!)
occupation: musician (piano, violin, guitar n bass, some drums, and saxophone), poet, author (fiction and nonfiction), actor on occasion, also a comedian that one time
skills: all things music + writing basically, film analysis, pop culture analysis i guess, home decor, drawing, fashion?, and being the most autistic person in the multiverse
appearance stats: 5'3", 145ish lbs, long brownish-reddish hair with some light brown highlights in there, sorta wavy but barely
body mods: COVERED in tats (theres a tattoo section on the pinterest board but i also drew some so), septum piercing, snake bites, and a fair few ear piercings. and also i have glasses but thats not a body mod thats just a thing on my body.
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"workin and workin't? you have a job?" more on that later!
relationships and such! with photos!
s/o: robert sean leonard
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"hey, do i recognise this guy?" you might! he played notable roles such as neil perry in dead poet's society, claudio in much ado about nothing, and james wilson in house md!
best friends: dylan kussman, allelon ruggiero, alexandra powers, and kimya dawson
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"do i recognise more of these people?" again, probably! dylan, al, and alex were all in dead poets society, and kimya is a musician best known for her indie songs, some featured in the movie juno!
my career! (oh good lord)
writing based - undedicated musings
alright so this is a bit hard to explain, bear with me. undedicated musings is an anonymous newsletter-based poetry... publication? run by me, under the pen name 'chartreuse', and the whole shtick is that i write poetry, love letters, and whatever else to the person i'll end up spending my life with, but the recipient of said writings is completely unknown, even to me, so im kinda just writing to nobody. until! i actually set my eyes on someone (obviously rsl) and then the writings start to get a bit more specific and yearn-y and personal. since the recipient is anonymous, all the writings are written for a 'vermillion'. both chartreuse and vermillion's identities are revealed when we get married in 1993. and no, rsl doesn't know that i'm chartreuse, nobody does until i reveal myself. i think its kinda cool :3
film based - dead poet's society
so for starters, i was part of the crew that worked on the set of dead poets society, now all my friends (except kimya, her and i become friends in the late 90s) make sense! my actual job on set is kind of a vague be-here-and-do-a-bit-of-everything type deal, so there's no set title beyond "assistant to lead" even tho it's essentially government assigned 'friendship' LMAO. but! me and the cast get on like a house on fire, so i kinda just get to tag along on their wacky teenage-ish boy adventures. this totally does not stem from a desire to be part of a teenage boy friend group, and i am, in fact, totally cisgender. i am also lying. anyway, without going into too much detail, me and my s/o-not-yet-s/o (will be referring to him as rsl from this point on) sorta have a painstakingly long will they wont they type deal, because i guess i like torturing myself. we meet a day before all the actual film stuff starts just as a sort of preliminary get to know eachother because you'll be in close proximity VERY often for months. thats some time in march - june-ish? of 1988 (i shift to my dr the day before!) and we don't actually get together until june of 1989. so.
also! some changes to the movie because i can make those: knox overstreet is now played by matthew lillard instead of josh charles, because josh charles is a fucking zionist and i dont want to associate with him in any reality! knox also isnt a b plot to the movie at all, instead focusing on meeks and pitts because i find them much more interesting! and also knox's b plot is creepy as hell! also, the racism against natives (read this!) is completely gone! no thanks!
music based - MAURZI
(1988-2004 technically)
strap in boys because this is the main event of this dr and the lore is VAST. MAURZI (must be spelled in all caps, like MF DOOM) is a sort of musical person/character i've made to tell the story of via a series of albums. i release my first single in october of 1988 titled "lunarian", which is a fun little song about a being from the moon arriving on earth and having some inter-planetary culture shock. and thats the only song i've actually planned! i release 6 total albums that map out the MAURZI storyline kinda
- MAURZI (1989)
- GONE TO SHIT! (1991)
- Charmed (1992)
- I found Him in Santa Barbara (1995)
- Waterworks (1998)
- also bibliography (2004) but those are released as songs By Me and not MAURZI, just released under the same artist. MAURZI storyline ends with Waterworks.
now here's where you get the very extensive MAURZI lore. MAURZI is a sort of alternate-universe representation of me, where in i'm much more famous than i actually am in my dr, and i am absolutely RUINED by my fame in a fuck ton of ways. each album is a different section of her life so i'll explain it album by album. also for reference, in my dr capitalism/ currency isnt a thing, but in the MAURZI... verse? it is. because i like anti capitalist art! same goes for most other media im in/ participate in, actually. MAURZI uses she/her pronouns btw, i dont.
MAURZI - my self-titled album is about as close and personal to my life as i'll get, which an average amount because i still throw in some songs about shit that i have not at all done/ experienced. (ex. songs about cheating, toxic relationships, and things along those lines. thankfully ive had a mostly healthy relationship with relationships! except that one time!) MAURZI is new to the music scene but she's here to make some lovely tunes to help process some stuff! artists im taking inspiration from include (but are not limited to): sarah kinsley, dodie, jeff buckley, tv girl, mitski, and peach pit.
GONE TO SHIT! - MAURZI's first album blew the fuck up! now she's thrown into the midst of dealing with an incomprehensible amount of attention on her at all times, which she was absolutely not prepared for. what does she do to cope? sex drugs and rock n roll, baby! she also gets addicted to 2 outta those 3 things! can you guess which ones?? now, obviously, this album is entirely fictional and is only tangentially inspired by some life events, heavy emphasis on the tangentially. artists im taking inspiration from include (but are not limited to): the nonstick pans, panic! at the disco, forest, david bowie, chappel roan, and king gizzard & the lizard wizard.
Charmed - the love song album! this is basically comprised of songs i sorta wrote about rsl, but changed up a fuck ton because i wrote them while i was pining and did Not want him to knkw who they were about. in terms of MAURZI stuff, she meets someone just after deciding that she's gotta clean up her act if she wants to exist healthily. recovering alongside a loved one and them being a motivator for recovery! now i should specify here that MAURZI's s/o is not the same as mine, and is entirely gender neutral/ doesn't even have a canon(?) human appearance at all. they're named Vermillion because we love a callback! artists im taking inspiration from include (but are not limited to): the smiths, siouxsie and the banshees, james blake, queen, laufey, and her's.
I found Him in Santa Barbara - yknow how when a banana ripens too much and it starts to tuen brown? yeah imagine that logic but applied to recovery, i guess. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO REITERATE THAT MAURZI AND I ARE TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE AND MAURZI IS JUST A CHARACTER. essentially MAURZI had a spiritual awakening and "found god." but what that ACTUALLY means is that she started viewing vermillion as a sort of god? but she's keeping it on the down low (making an album about it) because she doesn't want vermillion to thing she's CRINGE. themes of loving a god, being IN love with a god, being in lust with a god, temporarily thinking youre a god? stuff along those lines. its a bit intense, VERY experimental and.. heavy? both in themes and in musical style for some portions. this is my fav album out of all of them if you couldnt tell. artists im taking inspiration from include (but are not limited to): sleep token, WILLOW, type o negative, slipknot, lemon demon (specifically songs off spirit phone), hozier, violent vira, pierce the veil, gorillaz kinda, bjork, kate bush, deftones, destroy boys, and rammstein probably.
Waterworks - so yknow how MAURZI was having a whole trouble with god moment? yeah well thats gone now, no i haven't figured out how that'll work narratively, thats for me to figure out in like 10 years from now (now being 1988, naturally.) we've returned to our self-titled roots in terms of musical style! now we've just got some fun themes of trauma and such! and then that's the and of MAURZI as a character story wise, as i said earlier the album after this one is just a Me album. same artist inspo as self titled!
and guess what! music lore isnt even fuckin done! my music in this dr is a multiverse in itself goddamn. so basically the album covers for each album tell a completely seperate story about a completely seperate alter ego/ character/ whatever named Moonzi. name given by my audience (which is my excuse for coming up with such a shitty name and then keeping it.) the story of moonzi, without going into too much detail because i dont wanna type it all out, is a sci-fi type story about a being from the moon (lunarian callback!) on a quest to bring this space artifact back to its original place, basically. a bit more on it later, emphasis on a bit. also! each album cover is drawn by a different artist, and each album artist animates one official music video off their respective album, just cuz i like art and stuff! those music videos kinda follow the moonzi storyline loosely, but incorporate MAURZI elements. is this confusing? hope not. drawings!
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writing based - novels
can you believe im still not done? like not even close? certified yapper. anyway! my 3 fiction novels (Manchester, NH - 1991, Curator Rye, 1997, Sand Dollars + Pearls - 2008) are about my ocs basically! thats it really, i dont feel the need to share the plots of those tbh.
writing based - autobiographies
two? yep! one is a fictional autobiography about MAURZI (MAURZI - 1999) and one is a non fictional autobiography about me (Radio Free Marley - 2012.) take a shot every time i say MAURZI and you will need to get your stomach pumped. she just. she means a lot to me :3
film based - doctor who
*these dates are when im on the show btw, not its total runtime, same applies to other cr existing shows.
big disclaimer: never seen doctor who. dont know the plot, dont know which doctor i'm gonna be, i just wanna be in it.
so! my version of the doctor is kinda weird. its one doctor, but played by two people, but theyre one person. we're both the doctor. and by we i mean both me and rsl, obviously. the viewer sees the doctor as two different people, but NOBODY ELSE IN THE DAMN SHOW besides our little companion buddy guy (played by my cr friend fish!) SEES, ACKNOWLEDGES, OR IS ABLE TO VIEW THE DOCTOR AS TWO PEOPLE. its really complicated and i really did not have to make it that way, but its cool to me so i really dont care. also we're breakjng the doctor who cycle of boring suit and tie (this is NOT about you 15 <3) and going steampunk-esque. again, cuz i wanna.
film based - house md
(2005 - 2010)
marley veitch be in a show without rsl challenge (failed.) i play a character i made up named Nanette Amesbury who is essentially wilson's first ex wife. does he have a canon first ex wife? think so (i actually havent finished house oops.) do i care? you can take a guess. nanette (nicknamed ninny - which im well aware means dumb) is the director of the pediatrics department at princeton plainsboro and she kinda has a fwb type deal with wilson before figuring out shes a lesbian, having a crush on cuddy, being besties with kutner, then leaving the show in season 6. (zeth if ur reading this yes i made her show up for more than 2 seconds she just. means so much to me. also i want cudbury content.) im also a writer for the show so im there for its entire run time :3 i really like this show :3
film based - moonzi
YEAHHHHH BABY SHES BACK!!! moonzi's storyline gets adapted into an adult swim animated tv show! i do screenwriting, stiryboarding, and voice acting! style wise, think teen titans mixed with bojack horseman mixed with archer. sick space visuals also!
comedy based - dying art
idk i wanted to do a standup special! dunno what it's about. ill leave that up to future me to decide because this isn't happening for 32 damn years and i really just dont wanna come up with a standup special rn.
film based - radio free marley
i wanted a biopic, but i wanted it to be both about me and MAURZI, and how points in my life influenced or inspire songwriting. so the episode structure is like
ep 1: about me, point in my life
ep 2: about MAURZI, point in her life thats sorta related but not entirely to the events in ep 1
ep 3: about me, point in my life
ep 4: about MAURZI, point in her life thats sorta related but not entirely to the events in ep 3
ep 5: you get the idea
and then this goes on for 12 episodes and ends with the MAURZI story wrapping up and with me sorta retiring kinda. dont know when it'll be made, probably at some point in my 60s or whatever. im permashifting if you couldnt tell btw.
and thats it! after all this im just kinda existing and living life and whatever else. so with that outta the way i'll list some fun facts and i'll FINALLY BE DONE JESUS CHRIST IVE BEEN WRITING THIS FOR LIKE 3 HOURS.
- i live in new york city! manhattan to be specific
- i also have a lake house in new hampshire because i Need to be in a rural area at some points
- my house's interior design is very 70s themed and its WHIMSICAL AND FUN! maximalism, whimsigoth, nooks and crannys to be in, fun and varied seating options, conversation pit, loft bedroom, whole 9 yards. ive also got a gazebo on my roof!
- i have 2 siblings in my dr (not here im an only child in my cr womp womp) named lia and monty, theyre my best friends in my cr!
- ive also got a cat! she's a ragdoll kitty named yvonne, shes a sweetheart!
- i scripted out light pollution so the sky is all pretty at night, highly recommend you do the same
- im in STOMP at one point, dont know or care when, i just wanna be in it
- robin williams........... he is a father figure to me................ sniff sob
- yes i scripted out his death i simply cannot deal with that
- i cant fucking believe i havent mentioned this yet but im scottish?? im not scottish in my cr i was just thinking about david tennant when i was forming the dr idea back in january and it stuck. MAURZI is american tho
- hilson is canon in my dr LMAOAOOA
- thats all i got
sweet lord in heaven above if you've read this whole thing im giving u a big kiss. this is so long and i really dont wanna proofread it so im not gonna, excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes.
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satansapostle6 · 9 months
Characters I Write For
Please message me with any ideas/requests! I need ideas(short fics or series)
Mostly write for fem!readers. I can write fluff, angst, smut, etc. If I’m not comfortable with something I can let you know
Character/Actor List
Favorite Characters/Actors To Write For
Draco Malfoy, Weasley twins
Jesse Pinkman
Paul Dano characters
Josh Hutcherson characters
Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Damon Salvatore, Silas, Klaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson
Rodrick Heffley
Bellamy Blake
Ezra Fitz(should probably make it clear I don’t condone)
Ian Duncan(Community)
Charlie(It’s Always Sunny)
Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase
Finnick Odair
Tommy Shelby
Killian Hook
Paul Dano
Klitz(The Girl Next Door)
Dwayne Hoover(Little Miss Sunshine)
Edward Nashton(The Batman)
Calvin Weir-Fields(Ruby Sparks)
Brian Wilcox(Fast Food Nation)
Joby Taylor(For Ellen)
Nick Flynn(Being Flynn)
Josh Hutcherson
Peeta Mellark(The Hunger Games)
Mike Schmidt(FNAF)
Josh Futturman(Future Man)
Devon Bostick
Rodrick Heffley(Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Jasper Jordan(The 100)
Cillian Murphy
Tommy Shelby(Peaky Blinders)
Dr. Jonathan Crane(The Dark Knight)
Neil(Watching the Detectives)
Christian Bale
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne(The Dark Knight)
Breaking Bad
Jesse Pinkman
Jane Margolis
Saul Goodman
Harry Potter(Golden Trio Era)
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Blaise Zabini
Theodore Nott
Daphne Greengrass
Adrian Pucey
Terence Higgs
Harry Potter(Marauders Era)
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Lily Potter
Severus Snape
Regulus Black
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange
Arthur Weasley
Harry Potter(Fantastic Beasts Era)
Newt Scamander
Queenie Goldstein
Leta Lestrange
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Luke Castellan
Thalia Grace
Jason Grace
+ Gods
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
David Rossi
Elle Greenaway
Cat Adams
Megan Kane
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Mary Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Rowena McLeod
Adam Milligan
Jessica Moore
Benny Lafitte
Bela Talbot
Jo Harvelle
Ellen Harvelle
Jonah Simms
Amy Sosa
Marcus White
Garrett McNeill
Gilmore Girls
Lorelai Gilmore
Christopher Hayden
Luke Danes
Logan Huntzberger
Jess Mariano
The Hunger Games
Peeta Mellark
Katniss Everdeen
Gale Hawthorn
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
Haymitch Abernathy
Pretty Little Liars
Aria Montgomery
Spencer Hastings
Emily Fields
Hannah Marin
Mona Vanderwaal
Alison Di Laurentis
Jason Di Laurentis
Ezra Fitz
Toby Cavanaugh
Jenna Marshall
Caleb Rivers
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce
Elena Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Caroline Forbes
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Marcel Gerard
Davina Claire
Edward Cullen
Bella Swan
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Emmett Cullen
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Octavia Blake
Jasper Jordan
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Frank Gallagher
Mandy Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Veronica Fisher
The Bear
Carmy Berzatto
Sydney Adamu
Richie Jerimovich
Suicide Squad
Harley Quinn
Rick Flag
Once Upon A Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Robin Hood
Jeff Winger
Abed Nadir
Annie Edison
Troy Barnes
Ian Duncan
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Charlie Kelly
Dennis Reynolds
Dee Reynolds
House MD
Greg House
Robert Chase
James Wilson
Lisa Cuddy
Parks and Recreation
Ben Wyatt
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
MCU, Marvel
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce Banner
Wanda Maximoff
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker(Holland, Garfield, Maguire)
Peter Quill
Scott Lang
Steven Strange
Jessica Jones
Wade Wilson
Oliver Queen
Barry Allen
Felicity Smoak
Laurel Lance
Sara Lance
Malcom Merlyn
John Constantine
Leonard Snart
Ray Palmer
Caitlyn Snow
Julian Albert
Rip Hunter
10 Things I Hate About You
Patrick Verona
Cameron James
New Girl
Jess Day
Nick Miller
Other Characters
Charlie Kelmeckis(Perks Of Being A Wallflower)
Jesse Eisenberg Characters
Dr. Who(10th Doctor)
Will Probably Add More
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drghostwrite · 3 months
Holding onto you… (pt. 2)
Summary: following part one… “let’s have a baby”…Callie and Y/N start their pregnancy journey.
Pairing: Callie Torres x reader
TW: mentions of miscarriage and loss!!
please, please skip this part if it is a trigger for you… the other part will flow semi seamlessly if you can’t read this part.
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******************************************************** You stood there frozen, two pink lines staring back at you. “Oh my God, I’m pregnant.” You whispered to yourself in the empty locker room the seeing the test in your hand, you heard a door open and quickly shoved the positive pregnancy test in your pocket.
“Dr. Torres?” A gentle voice taunted with fear whispered.
“Yes?” You turned seeing Jo standing there.
“Your wife… Err… the other Dr. Torres is requesting a consult.”
“oh okay, um…” you grabbed your stethoscope hanging it around your neck, “let’s go.”
“wait I can come?” She asked shocked that you would let her tag in on a surgery instead of doing scut.
“Your my intern aren’t you?”
“yea, but…”
“well I don’t know about everyone else but my goal is to make you a world class surgeon, which means surgeries…” you trailed.
“thank you.” She grinned.
“yea, yea don’t get used to it.” You chuckled seeing her excitement.
a few moments later you found yourself in a reading room looking at the scans on the walls, the only thing pulling you from the trance is Wilson’s pager going off.
“Oh sorry gotta go…”
“your fine.” You said as she scurried out of the room.
“So Dr. Devine, who did you intimidate today?” Callie said teasingly.
“Ugh intimidate you know I hate that people say that.”
“Yea well Ortho Goddess marries Trauma Goddess, they should be intimidated.” She leaned in pulling you close by your hips, placing a quick kiss to your lips with a mischievous grin.
“haha very funny.” You giggled against her lips. “I do have some news for you though…” you said.
“oh? And what is that?”
“here…” you handed her the test that you had shoved in your pocket.
“what is… oh my God, Y/N are you?” She gasped.
“yea.” You shook your head tears coming to your eyes, hugging her.
“your pregnant, we’re gonna have a baby.”
the next few weeks flew by, you were waiting to tell to many people but of course Jo found out bc she walked in on you and Callie talking about it. It didn’t matter much though over the last few weeks she had become like family, the little sister you never had, Meredith and Bailey knew because Callie told them and of course you told Addison. Everyone was so excited for you both, that was until one night.
You were laying in bed, Callie behind you one hand protectively around your stomach as you both slept, you started to stir next to her feeling nauseous. You sat up slow letting your sense come to and that when you felt it wetness on the sheets, your body felt sore and cramps were slowly intensifying as you came to.
“Callie?” You called, letting your eyes adjust, “Hey baby?” You shook her shoulder gently. You reached a hand down feeling between your thighs, that’s when terror set in, you could see the deep crimson staining your finger tips, “Callie, Callie wake up!!” You yelled.
“Y/N what’s going on?!” She shot up, wide awake.
“The baby, Callie, I’m bleeding.”
“no, no…” she quickly got out of bed and helped you, you don’t bother changing as she rushed you to the hospital, cramps turning into contractions, every gasp tearing through your wife. She called Addison and told her to be ready.
she pulled up into the ambulance bay, Kepner and Hunt running out alongside Addison and Arizona who quickly barked orders.
“I want as much O neg as we can get and get me monitors for mom and baby, we’re going right to OB… let’s move people.”
Before you new it you had every monitor you could imagine hooked to you, nurses rushing around the room, “Callie?”
“right, I’m right here.”
“I’m scared, what if?…”
“no… no.” She said trying to calm you down.
A few moments later and everything went quiet, you held your breath waiting for relief to come. Addison came into the room, the door slowly closing behind her.
“What? What’s wrong, what happened?” You asked.
“um… well, it seems that…” she stopped taking a breath and letting a tear fall while trying to compose herself.
“No… No!” You cried out, sobs overtaking your body as you pulled Callie closer.
“I’m so sorry.” Addison let tears fall, how do you tell your best friend that she just lost one of the only things she’s ever wanted.
Callie climbed into the bed with you pulling you to her chest as she let tears fall into your hair, you sobbed into her chest your entire body shaking. Addison quickly left the room, going to inform Webber that you and Callie would both be needing time alone to grieve.
Returning to work weeks later was no different, not many knew about the pregnancy, those that did know were solemn but admired the way that you kept pulling through. Though many could see the open wound that still haunted you, Callie was by your side for all of it, grieving with you and helping you as you processed everything.
though the first time didn’t work you tried again, the second time didn’t take so you tried a third, so far nothing but you were hopeful.
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insanepoll · 1 year
Here's where your favourite insane characters will battle to the death for the first spot! More below the "keep reading" line.
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Pre-match rounds start April 12th at 1PM (EDT)! Each round will have 24h to vote. For propaganda, you can go ahead and submit it in the askbox or through normal submissions. If you want to post your own propaganda, be sure to tag me so I can reblog it! I hope to see y'all there!!!
Round 1-A matches:
Alex Kralie (Marble Hornets) VS The Antagonist (Hatred (2015))
Drusilla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) VS Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter)
Tokishige Usami (Golden Kamuy) VS Enerjak (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium) VS Evan (EverymanHYBRID)
Azula (ATLA) VS Knock Knock (Phantom Spirits (2002))
Eric Cartman (South Park) VS Wade Wilson / Deadpool (Marvel)
Orochimaru (Naruto) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH I
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto Shippuden) VS Delirium (Sandman)
Castiel (Supernatural) VS Simon Keyes (Ace Attorney Investigations 2)
Opal Koboi (Artemis Fowl) VS Bibble (Barbie Fairytopia)
Hamlet (The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark) VS The Observer (TribeTwelve)
Misty Quigley (Yellowjackets) VS Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview with the Vampire)
Will Graham (NBC Hannibal) VS Shou Tucker (FMA)
Ophelia (The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark) VS Starscream (Transformers)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH II
The Narrator (Fight Club) VS Gamzee Makara (Homestuck)
Round 1-B matches:
Dabi (My Hero Academia) VS Shinobu Sensui (Yu Yu Hakusho)
The entire cast of Blaseball (Blaseball) VS Trexel Geistman (Stellar Firma)
Seo Moon-jo (Strangers from Hell) VS Sammy Lawrence (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Sebastian Morgenstern (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) VS GIR (Invader Zim)
Aerion Targaryen (A Song of Ice and Fire) VS Lucille Bluth (Arrested Development)
Dottore (Genshin Impact) VS Helena (Orphan Black)
Dr. Franken Stein (Soul Eater) VS Tyrian Callows (RWBY)
Samarie (Fear and Hunger 2: Termina) VS Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Cersei Lannister (A Song of Ice and Fire) VS Lee Dongsik (Beyond Evil)
Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader (Star Wars) VS Rebecca Bunch (Crazy Ex-girlfriend)
John Kramer (Saw) VS The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Light Yagami (Death Note) VS Komaeda Nagito (Danganronpa 2)
The Master (Doctor Who) VS Simon Laurent (Infinity Train)
Gollum (Lord of the Rings) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH IV
Roman Roy (Succession) VS Jack (The Shining)
Round 1-C matches:
Jinx (Arcane) VS Niki Sanders / Jessica Sanders (Heroes)
Micolash, Host of the Nightmare (Bloodborne) VS Professor Henry Hidgens (Hatchetfield)
Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein) VS Cicero (Skyrim)
Renfield (Dracula) VS Dr. Gregory House (House MD)
Tim Drake (DC) VS Ultra Violet (Lego Ninjago)
Donatello Hamato (ROTTMNT) VS Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune)
The Ice King (Adventure Time) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH V
Villanelle (Killing Eve) VS Kira Yoshikage (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Max (Sam and Max) VS Loki (The Mechanisms)
Darcy (Amphibia) VS Cheryl Tunt (Archer)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) VS Dr. Baxter Stockman (TMNT 2003)
Izzy (Total Drama) VS Alfred Drevis (Mad Father)
Michael Distortion (The Magnus Archives) VS Vegas Theerapanyakul (Kinnporsche)
Doomguy (Doom) VS Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous)
Ben Chang (Community) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH VI
Fëanor (The Silmarillion) VS Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files)
Round 1-D matches:
Eliot Cardale / Eli Ever (Villains Duology) VS Knives Millions (Trigun)
Denji (Chainsaw Man) VS Bubby (Half Life: VR but the AI is Self Aware)
Tsukishima Hajime (Golden Kamuy) VS Alucard (Hellsing Ultimate)
Hannibal Lecter (NBC Hannibal) VS Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
Johnny C. (Johnny The Homicidal Maniac) VS Leopold Fitz (Marvel)
Midori (Your Turn To Die) VS Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul)
Pugsley Addams (The Addams Family) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH VII
Billy Lenz (Black Christmas (1974)) VS Grell Sutcliff (Black Butler)
Goro Akechi (Persona 5) VS Fintan Pyren (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Galahad (The Mechanisms) VS Alexander Hilbert (Wolf 359)
Armand (Interview with the Vampire) VS Spinel (Steven Universe)
Jīn Guāngyáo (Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed)) VS Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia)
Morgana Pendragon (BBC Merlin) VS Nikolai Gogol (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Harley Quinn (DC) VS Xue Yang (Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed))
Eren Jaeger (Attack on Titan) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH VIII
Chat Blanc (Miraculous) VS Volo (Pokemon Legends Arceus)
But first, we'll have the pre-match rounds that will determine if any of the following characters that almost didn't survive the cut will manage to secure a spot in the competition! They are as follows:
PRE-MATCH I: Caleb (Blood (1997)) VS Tuco Salamanca (Better Call Saul)
PRE-MATCH II: Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony) VS Amy Kirio (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun)
PRE-MATCH III: Magic Man (Adventure Time) VS Mindbender (GI Joe Renegades)
PRE-MATCH IV: Jevil (Deltarune) VS Midari Ikishima (Kakegurui)
PRE-MATCH V: Dennis Reynolds (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia) VS Eddie Gluskin (Outlast)
PRE-MATCH VI: Vanilla Ice (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) VS Roberto (Futurama)
PRE-MATCH VII: Jonathan Crane / The Scarecrow (DC) VS Annie Wilkes (Misery)
PRE-MATCH VIII: Ben Linus (Lost) VS Kristoph Gavin (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney)
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river13245 · 1 year
Info - Character List
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requests open
Character List
Criminal Minds:
Penelope Garcia | Aaron Hotchner | Spencer Reid | Derek Morgan | Emily Prentiss | David Rossi | Will LaMontagne JR |
Golden trio:
Harry Potter | Ron Weasley | Hermione Granger | Fred Weasley | George Weasley | Luna Lovegood | Neville Longbottom | Draco Malfoy |
Bruce Banner | Peter Parker | Wanda Maximoff | Stephen Strange | Tony Stark | Captain America | Thor | Black Panther | Carol Danvers| Bucky Barnes | Wade Wilson | Loki | Mobius | Natasha Romanoff | Yelena Belova (Platonic only, she's aromantic in comics)
Marauders era:
Remus Lupin | Sirius Black | Peter Pettigrew (platonic only) | James Potter | Lily Evans | Marlene Mckinnon | Mary Macdonald | Lucius Malfoy | Severus Snape | Narcissa Black |
Timothy McGee | Jimmy Palmer | Kasie Hines (platonic only) | Anthony Dinozzo | Abby Sciuto | Ducky Mallard (Platonic only) | Leroy Jethro Gibbs | Ziva |
Dean Winchester | Castiel | Sam Winchester | Crowley | Lucifer | Bobby Singer (platonic only) | Gabriel | John Winchester | Rowena Macleod | Charlie Bradbury (platonic only) | Clair Novak |
John Watson | Sherlock Holmes | Jim Moriarty | Mrs Hudson (platonic only)
Star Trek:
Spock | James Kirk | Christopher Pike | Nyota Uhura | La'an Singh | Number 1 | Hemmer | Erica Ortega's | Dr M'Benga |
Stranger Things:
Eleven | Max Mayfield | Will Byers | Dustin Henderson | Steve Harrington | Eddie Munson | Mike Wheeler | Nancy Wheeler | Jim Hopper | Robin Buckley (platonic Only) | Jonathan Byers | Lucas Sinclair | Joyce Byers | Argyle | Murray Bauman (platonic Only) |
The Last Of Us:
Ellie | Joel | Dina | Jesse | Tommy
The Vampire Diaries:
Stegan Salvatore | Damon Salvatore | Elena Gilbert | Kathrine Pierce | Kai Parker | Klaus Michaelson | Elijah Michaelson | Kol Michaelson | Caroline Forbes |
Greys Anatomy:
Meredith Grey | Derek Shephard | Mark Sloan | Alex Karev | George O'Malley | Jackson Avery | Christina Yang | Lexie Grey | Jo wilson | Amelia Shepherd | Addison Montgomery | Levi Schmidt | Atticus Lincoln |
Doctor Who:
Rose Tyler | Donna Noble | 9th Doctor | 10th Doctor | 11th Doctor | 12th Doctor | Captain Jack Harkness | Rory |
Chandler | Joey | Ross | Phoebe | Monica | Rachael |
Scooby Doo:
Shaggy | Velma | Daphne | Fred |
Jacob Black | Edward Cullen | Bella Swan | Alice Cullen | Jasper Hale | Carlisle Cullen | Charlie Swan |
Scream 1996:
Ghost Face | Billy Loomis | Sidney Prescott | Stu Macher | Casey Becker | Dewey Riley |
The Hobbit/TLOTR:
Bilbo Baggins | Thorin Oakenshield | Kili | Fili (platonic) | Frodo Baggins | Samwise Gamgee | Gandalf (platonic) |
The hunger Games:
Coriolanus Snow | Haymitch | Katniss Everdeen | Peeta Mallark | Cinna | Effie Trinket | Finnick Odair | Lucy Gray | Sejanus Plinth |
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes | Carl Grimes | Negan | Daryl Dixon | Michonne | Maggie | Carol | Eugene | Abraham |
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bcrncoldx · 4 months
@vcndetta (jo wilson)
Carlisle had lost track of the time, beyond that it must have been early. A couple of hours and he'd be off his shift, back home to Esme. "Dr Wilson," he gave her a warm smile as he stepped into the break room. "On the late shift too?" He poured himself a coffee that he would drink, but it would at least get his hands to an almost normal temperature for a while.
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fleurdelouve · 2 years
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Per the ingenious request from an anon, here are Black writers on Tumblr who write for the ship Fleur de Louve (aka SarahBucky) which involves a Black women!
The below information includes their blogs, whether they’re female or male writers, links to their ao3, and how many Fleur de Louve fics they current have posted.
This list is still in progress, so feel free to contact us if you’re Black and would like to be added to this list!
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 @rebellconquerer - female - AO3: rebellconquerer
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 7 fics
- Has also written for: Katara/Zuko, ATLA, Sam Wilson, Ayo, Queen Ramonda, Shuri, Sam Wilson
 @palettesofrenaissance - female - AO3: palettesofrenaissance
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 11 fics
- Has also written for: Black Panther, Monica Rambeau, Maria Rambeau, Dr. Jason Wilkes, Michelle Jones, Spideychelle, Brunnhilde (Valkyrie from Thor), X-Men, Ava Starr (Ghost from Ant-Man), Gamora, Tyrone Johnson (from Cloak & Dagger), Liz Allan/Cindy Moon, Sam Wilson
 @btwxsixesandsevens - female - AO3: Sixes_and_Sevens
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 26 fics
- Has also written for: Ayo/Aneka, Black Panther, Janna/Rose Tico, Finn (from Star Wars), Jo/Drash, Dragon Age, Misty Knight, Sam Wilson, Star Wars
 @tllgrrl - female - AO3: NefertiriJones
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 48 fics
- Has also written for: Shuri, Okoye, Ayo, Sam Wilson, Misty Knight
 @duckybarnes1917 - female - AO3: DuckyBarnes1917
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: alleged wips
- Has also written for: Sam Wilson, Original female character
@blackstarising - female - AO3: blackstarising
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 1 fics
- Has also written for: Sam Wilson, AJ Wilson, Cass Wilson
@hauntedelation - female - AO3: hauntedelation
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 1 fics
- Has also written for: Sam Wilson, Original female characters, Black self insert
@w00wzerz - female - AO3: WOWJAY
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 2 fics
- Has also written for: Starfire/Dick Greyson (Dickkory) (from Titans), All Rise, Lola Carmichael, Lola Carmichael/Mark Callan, Lola Carmichael/Robin Taylor
@wakandacoconutoil - female - AO3: wakandacoconutoil
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 1 fics
- Has also written for: Mel Medarda, Mel/Jayce, Shuri, Black Panther, Arcane: League of Legends
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jobrookekarev · 7 months
could you potentially do a prompt where arizona mentions alex (to jo) when she returns? i’m interested to see your take on that, especially now that she’s with he-who-shall-not-be-named
AN: i loved this idea and may or may not write about Jo going to New York. 🤷‍♀️
It’s Nice to Have a Friend
Words: 2,244
Summary: Arizona comes back to Seattle and works with Jo before trying to fix her and Alex’s relationship, despite how Jo has moved on. 
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy.
Relationship:  Arizona Robbins and Jo Wilson, Alex Karev/Jo Wilson (Mentioned), Arizona Robbins/Callie Torres, (Mentioned)
Characters: Jo Wilson and Arizona Robbins, Carina DeLuca (Mentioned) 
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences.
Additional Tags: Cannon, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship,  Deviates From Canon, LGBTQ Themes, One Shot, Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, Drama, Friendship/Love, LGBTQ Character, Domestic,  Angst with a Happy Ending, 
Read at AO3
Of course, Jo was avoiding Arizona.
The second Jo heard that she would be visiting she planned accordingly. Arizona was there to teach the interns about the work at the Robbins-Herman Foundation, and both Surgery and OB residents and interns were required to attend. Carina thought she would be excited, as she was excited to see Arizona, but Jo wasn't.
Therefore, she was unable to escape it, even by trying to fake an emergency. Arizona wanted her up front to help her present and Jo did her best at trying to remain back especially as she and Carina talked. She ultimately ran away the second the presentation was done, avoiding all small talk with Arizona. 
She had strategically stacked her schedule with a general surgery she knew was outside of Arizona's specialty.
She didn't want to see Arizona, she didn't want to talk to her, to hear the word she would say, she didn't even want to think of her being in the building. Until Melina went into labor. 
Jo had promised Melina she'd be there to deliver her daughter as she had a cleft palate. She worked really hard to get a report with her and get her to trust her and the hospital. Melina's previous baby had died because of a medical error and up until her baby had been diagnosed with a cleft palate she had refused to deliver in a hospital. 
So Jo of course stepped in the second Melina was in labor. 
“You're doing great Melina, just a couple more pushes and your baby is going to be in your arms,” Jo said to her as she sat between Melina's legs. The head had been peeking out and Jo was ready to catch the baby. 
“I want to feel her head, I want to know she’s okay,” Melina said, reaching forward as her husband held her up, and Jo took her hand and guided her down to feel her baby’s head. 
“She’s got a lot of hair, can you feel it?” Jo asked her as she smiled.
“I can feel it,” Melina said as she cried with happiness. 
“Okay, push, push,” Jo said as Melina pushed and the head was delivered. “Okay Melina, just give me a second, pause and breathe.”
“You're doing so good, my love,” her husband said as he focused on her, holding her up and as he leaned in and whispered words of encouragement to her. 
Jo assessed the baby's cleft palate, as she cleared their airway. It didn’t look as bad. 
“Okay, I have to push again,” Melina said as she felt another contraction coming. 
“Okay push, push, and your baby's going to be here,” Jo promised her as Melina pushed and out popped and Jo caught the beautiful baby. 
They let out a cry, as Jo held them up for Melina and her husband to see. Melina cried with happiness as her husband stood there in awe. 
“It’s a happy and strong girl,” Jo said as she placed the baby on their chest as Melina held her baby. 
“She's beautiful,” Melina cried as she cradled her baby. “Dr. Wilson, her cleft isn't that bad is it?” 
“Let’s take a look, Jo said as she waited for Melina to hand the baby over. 
She did reluctantly and watched intently as Jo took the baby girl over to the baby warmer. Jo suctioned her mouth as the baby cried and grabbed her flashlight. She looked in the baby’s mouth and lip to see the palate and couldn't stop herself from letting out a breath as she saw the large open cleft palate. The entire roof of their mouth was gone. 
“Let's page the on-call pediatrician,” Jo said as the nurse next to her nodded and one of the other nurses ran out.
“Alright, I'm just going to take the baby to get them measured and weighed,” Jo said, turning back to give Melina a small smile. 
“What do we have?” Arizona's voice shocked her and Jo nearly jumped back. 
She didn't say anything as one of the nurses explained the case to Arizona as she assessed the baby. Jo stepped back and looked over at Melina. 
“I have to push again.” 
“Okay, let’s deliver the placenta.”
“What about my baby?” 
“She’s got a severe cleft palate, but Dr. Robbins is the best pediatric surgeon I know, she’s in good hands.”
While she let Arizona focus on the baby, everything was in slow motion as she helped Melina. Jo listened to Arizona as she treated the baby giving her an assessment and before the baby calmed. Jo disposed of the placenta and Melina’s bleeding was under control as Arizona placed the baby back in Melina's arms.
She said a lot of things about the cleft lip and palate and her plan for the baby, but she also reassured them that they still had a happy healthy baby. 
“You're lucky Dr. Wilson is one of the best.” Jo was quick to catch this Arizona as beamed over at her, but she could only manage a forced smile and a nod in agreement. 
“I'll leave you two to get to know your baby,” Jo said as she quickly escaped the room, but Melina and her husband were too enthralled in their baby to notice. 
“Jo wait,” Arizona called after her, but Jo was halfway down the hallway. 
She didn’t wait or stop to look back as she started to run down the halls looking for any escape. She didn't realize how nervous she was until she stopped at the elevator, pressing the buttons on repeat before deciding she should take the stairs. She quickly ran and opened the door, but before she could escape into the stairwell, Arizona caught her arm. Arizona pushed her forward as they both stepped into the stairwell.
“I have to go, I have another case in the ER,” Jo said as she quickly tried to run down the stairs and escape the impending conversation she knew was about to happen. 
“Jo wait please just let me talk to you for a moment,” Arizona said as she tried to plead with her and kept her grasp on Jo's elbow.
“Well forgive me for not wanting to talk about the man who fucken left me!” Jo yelled as she escaped Arizona and ran down the stairs. 
“He only told me a week ago!” Arizona said in defeat as Jo paused, she didn't turn around, but Arizona went on. 
“Up until then, he had told me that you both were still in Seattle, happily married and that both of you had adopted Luna. I mentioned that I was going to Seattle and that I was excited to see you all and he broke down until told me everything. About Izzie and the twins and Kansas and everything. I was so angry with him so much that I took a pit stop in Kansas just to yell at him. Then I saw how miserable he is out there.” 
“I don't care,” Jo said, cutting her off and turning around to face her. “I'm glad he's miserable, he made his bed now he can lie in it. I rebuilt my life without him. I'm an amazing general surgeon and I'm at the top of my class for OB. I have a family, a daughter, without him. I rebuilt everything without him. ”
“I know,” Arizona said softly, as Jo let out her anger in a breath. 
“When Callie and I divorced, we had the most bitter custody battle. I literally went to war with Callie over our daughter. And looking back I regret the way I handled things we both do. After I moved to New York,  we managed to repair our relationship and fall in love again…”
“Just because Alex is your baby brother and I'm bisexual doesn't mean that our relationship is anything like yours.” 
“Okay hold up,” Arizona said, holding your hands up as Jo paused and huffed, crossing her arms. “I had no idea you were bisexual, so we're going to have to revisit this later. But I'm not trying to play matchmaker.” 
“Oh really?” Jo asked, raising an eyebrow at her. 
“Okay maybe a little bit but Alex is brother to me and you're family too, anyone who works at Grey-Slone is family to me. And I want my family to be happy. Callie and I had the worst divorce and now we're getting married again! and I love you and I love Alex and I'm not trying to take sides in this, but I am saying that there is a chance that you could repair your relationship.”
“Arizona, no.”
“Yes, because you two were so in love! Out of all the couples at Gray-Sloan you guys were the one every rooted for. I remember your third year residency when you and Alex, broke up. I thought you'd never forgive him then, but you did! You were so much in love that you repaired your relationship and came back stronger. I just want you and Alex to have the same happiness that Callie and I have.” 
Arizona reached out and put her hands on Jo's shoulders, but Jo shook her head pressing her fingers to her head as she rubbed her forehead. 
“You don't understand,” Jo said, looking at Arizona and begging her to listen. 
“Alex and I didn't just divorce, he left me for his ex-wife and his kids! And I understand why he did it, but he still left me. It was a choice that he made to end our marriage, instead of trying to work it all out and be honest with me. He chose our divorce. And yes, I still love him, deeply. But I can never love him again because of the trust that he broke. If we ever get back together there will always be a part of me that will question if he's just going to leave me again. I can't live like that and I won't raise my daughter in a relationship like that. Luna doesn't deserve that, She deserves to have parents who love and support each other. Alex and I will never have that.” 
“Is that why you're with Link?” 
“Yes, Link is my best friend and I love him,” Jo sighed as she thought about the life she and Link had together and the ring he had in his drawer for her. 
Arizona was silent for a moment. She looked away from Jo's eyes and nodded, before she pulled Jo in for a hug. “I know I'm sorry I didn't mean to over step.”
“Thank you,” Jo said, as she smiled and relaxed.
“I know that you have a life here in Seattle with Luna and Link, but I'd like to accelerate your studies and offer you a fellowship in New York. You are so talented and I've seen you handle tricky situations that most third year residents would drown in. Carina said that the two of you have transformed the maternity ward here in Seattle and cut the maternal mortality rate from 30% down to 3%. I want to implement those changes in New York and bring those changes to every single hospital in the US.”
Arizona beamed a smile and Jo stood in awe of the offer Arizona had given her.
“But you should also know that I've also offered Alex a job in New York and I think he’ll take it.”
“You can't play matchmaker, Arizona,” Jo said as she sighed and shook her head. “I know that it's only been a few weeks for you, but it's been three years for me. My daughter is the best thing that's ever happened to me and it never would have happened if he hadn't left me. And yeah, maybe we would have adopted her together, but it doesn't change the fact that he left. I'm alone and nothing you or him would change that. He made the choice to leave and I made the choice to stay away from him.”
Jo looked up at Arizona, pleading with her to accept this and she finally nodded. “I understand, but I'm still hoping that you'll at least come to visit New York, let me show you around the Robbins-Herman Foundation, please?”
Jo looked down but smiled. “I'll consider it.”
“Great,” Arizona said as she reached out and wrapped Jo in a hug. “Now tell me all about this research you and Carina are doing on intrauterine scarring.” 
“Well, Carina and I have started researching how to use the uterus's ability to shed its lining and discard tissue to shed the scar tissue and completely rebuild the walls of the uterus again.”
Jo smiled as they started to walk downstairs together and Arizona hung on her every word. It was clear to Arizona that Jo was passionate about her work, and she was proud of her. It took a special person to succeed in this field and Arizona was so happy to have Jo be a part of this. They talked for hours, meeting after work at Jo's Penthouse where Arizona was able to meet Luna and she absolutely doted on her. Arizona was able to convince Jo to come to New York, at least for a conference and to look around the foundation. Yet, Jo didn't want to accept her offer of a job. Still, they promised to keep in contact and Jo felt good about having her friend back in her life.
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she-karev · 4 days
Deaf (Jolex and Luna Angst with a Happy Ending Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of Three
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Alex Karev and Jo Wilson/ Jo Karev
Canon Episode: Season 19 Episode 14
AN: Hey guys so I found out September is Deaf Awareness Month, I wanted to do a story that fits the theme and saw an opportunity when they decided to make Luna deaf. I will forever be angry at Shonda Rhimes for breaking up such a beautiful and loving couple in such an awful way that destroyed over 10 years of Alex’s character development. But I can correct that mistake even if it’s head canon here on Tumblr. I want to show our appreciation for the dads out there that put our wellbeing above their own and guide us through the roughest times.
Summary: Alex and Jo are told by the daycare that Luna has hearing problems, and they process at home.
Words: 1105
February 1st, 2023
“What do you mean she might be going deaf?” Alex asks the daycare supervisor in her office he and Jo are sitting in. He’s keeping his tone neutral even when this news is making him feel like a hammer is hitting his head. Jo is right next to him looking like she is close to tears but keeps them at bay so their baby doesn’t see her breaking down while she is in the play area with a nurse.
The supervisor, Anna looks at them kindly and explains, “Your daughter has been reaching her milestones so far but over the past two weeks we’ve seen signs of hearing loss in toddlers her age.”
“W-What kind of signs?” Jo asks.
“She doesn’t react when we clap calling the kids for reading time in the rug. A nurse tried to call her over so she could crawl towards her, but Luna didn’t react unless the nurse was speaking very loudly. At first, we dismissed it as her being absent minded, but this has occurred too many times to be a coincidence.”
Alex leans forward on his knees in agony but moves forward, “How do we know this isn’t her being absent minded? How can we be sure this is hearing loss?”
“We don’t but to be safe you should make an appointment with the otolaryngologist in the hospital. He will do a hearing screening to determine whether or not Luna has progressive hearing loss. And if she does…” Jo sniffles causing Alex to hold her hand sharing in her anguish, “You should consult with him about how to proceed moving forward and the resources you need to learn sign language as well as teaching it to Luna. I’m sorry Dr. Karev’s this is the only thing I can do for you at the time. I wish you luck and whatever happens, deaf or not I know Luna will be fine. She has parents who love her and will support her no matter what, trust me I’ve seen enough of them.”
The parents nod before standing up and exiting the office. When they approach Luna who is sitting on the carpet with a nurse they hide their anguish with smiles.
“Hey Luna Bear, did you miss mommy and daddy today?” Jo asks before lifting her up in her arms, “Oh we missed you, are you ready to go home? I know we are.”
Alex grins at his family and kisses the top of Luna’s head feeling saddened by the recent news but for now grateful his daughter is alive, “Let’s go home Little Moon.” Jo nods wanting to go home and try to comprehend this news that could change their lives.
That Night
Alex goes downstairs after bathing Luna and putting her to bed. While he was doing this he called out her name and she didn’t react causing him to worry that the daycare supervisor was right to be concerned.
He puts those thoughts away knowing that as upset as he is now, Jo feels worse. Alex knows that as strong as his wife is she is going through every worst-case scenario in her head about what the test could tell them. She needs him to assure her that no matter what happens they will get through it as a family.
He finds Jo in the kitchen washing the dishes, no doubt trying to do something menial to distract herself from the shattering news. He approaches her and thinks of what to say to make this better.
“Anna didn’t say that Luna was deaf, she said there was a good chance.” Jo sniffles with her back toward Alex as she washes a pan, “Even if Luna is deaf, it’s not the end of the world. It feels like that now but it’s really not. It’s not the 1950’s, hell it’s not even early 2000’s technology has advanced and that includes hearing aids. I’ve treated tons of kids who are living their best life with disabilities. I had a high school track star who had prosthetics on both legs, a blind 10-year-old who’s on the honor roll. And my sister knows sign language so she can help us learn and-”
Jo drops the pan into the sink causing a loud clang that stops Alex. She turns to him fully with tears in her eyes telling him he is making this worse for her.
“Can you just stop? Please I need you to stop talking about this.”
Alex looks confused but stands in front of Jo holding her shoulders in comfort which causes her to close her eyes, but Alex persists, “I’m trying to keep you from having your head explode over the many scenarios I know are running through your head right now. This scares me too.”
“I know Alex.” Jo looks at Alex with a terrified glance as he continues.
“I don’t know what this is or how this goes but I know we have survived worse than this.”
“Worse than our child going deaf?” Jo asks in anguish, leaving Alex stumped.
Jo sniffles and walks around Alex to grab a napkin and wipe her eyes, “I know how much you love our daughter and I know your trying to push the pain so I can too and I love that about you I do. You’re my husband, the father of my child and the love of my life but Luna is the love of my life too and what is happening to her is devasting me.” Jo wipes more tears away facing away from Alex who looks up at the ceiling with his heart breaking over his daughter.
“Our little girl has been through enough she doesn’t deserve to have to go through this too. I just…I need to wrap my head around this before we figure out if this is really happening or not. And it would help me if you would leave me to process this by myself because looking at you…looking at you makes it so much harder for me.”
Alex looks down hurt, “I know it sounds cruel and I don’t mean to be I know you’re trying to help and I will probably need it but not now. Please respect me on this. Please.”
Alex sighs and takes a moment before speaking to his wife’s back, “I’m here if you need me, always. You know that right?” Jo responds with a nod before Alex walks over and kisses the side of her head, “Are you coming to bed?”
Jo sniffles, “I’ll be up in a minute I promise.” Alex nods and leaves Jo to go upstairs and sleep this day away.
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psalm22-6 · 7 months
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The Exhibitors Herald, June 1926
The first of the deluxe presentations was at the Forrest theatre, Philadelphia, Thursday evening. The audience was composed largely of members of the Advertising Clubs of the World, which was holding an international convention in the Quaker City, and the members of the Poor Richard Club. There were also present a large turnout of society, official and judicial life of Philadelphia. The other audience, which included Mrs. Coolidge, members of the diplomatic corps and Washington newspapermen, as guests of the National Press club, viewed the picture at a special screening Friday night at Poli’s theatre in Washington. General W. W. Atterbury; Senator-elect [and notorious political boss] Wm. S. Vare; Senator [and law professor] George W. Pepper; Lieut. Commander Geo. B. Wilson, U. S. Navy [not to be confused with the character from the Great Gatsby] ; Mrs. Barclay Warburton [civil rights supporter and journalist] ; Major Norman MacLeod; E. T. Stottsbury; Paul Thompson; Alexander Van Rensselaer; Mrs. Charlemagne Tower; Dr. H. J. Tily [department story owner, mason] ; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Reath; Frank Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. N. Snellenburg [merchant in clothing trade] ; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Block; Mr. and Mrs. Jules E. Mastbaum [movie theater and department store magnates] ; George Nitsche [possibly an affiliate of U. Penn]; Josiah H. Penniman [Provost of U. Penn] ; J. Willis Martin [a judge]; H. S. McDevitt; John J. Monaghan. Judge Buffington, of Pittsburgh; Thos Finletter [could be one of a a number of lawyers with this name]; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Einstein; Maurice Paillard, French consul; Robt. Von Moschzisker [justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania]; Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Geo. H. Elliott, director of public safety; Chas. B. Hall, president of City Council; Dr. Charles Hart; Rev. Wm. H. Fineschriber; Chas Fox, district attorney [could be a coincidence but Charles Fox III and IV are both currently lawyers in Pennsylvania]; John Fisler, president Manufacturers Club [golf afficianado]; Albert M. Greenfield [real estate broker and developer]; Jos. P. Gaffney; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gimbel [department store owner]; Daniel Gimbel [brother and co-owner along with Ellis]; J. D. Lit; Richard Gimbel [son of Ellis Gimble]; Benedict Gimbel [brother of Ellis and Daniel]; Colonel Robert Glendinning [banker]; Benjamin Golder [member of the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives], Agnew T. Dice [President of Reading Railroad]. Dr. Leon Elmaleh [founder of the Levantine Jews Society of Philadelphia]; H. Gilbert Cassidy [a judge]; Utley E. Crane [author of Business Law for Business Men]; Cyrus H. K. Curtis [magazine publisher]; Chas. S. Caldwell; G. W. Cole; Hampton L. Carson [lawyer, professor, state Attorney general]; A. Lincoln Acker [Philidelphia port collector]; Max Aron [lawyer]; Eugene C. Bonniwell [a judge]; Chas. L. Brown; Edward Groome; Chas. L. Bartlett; Edward Bok [editor of the Ladies Home Journal]; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Lorimer [editor of the Saturday Evening Post]; Edw. Bacon; Chas. Curtis Harrison [a judge]; Samuel S. Eels, Rev. J. J. O’Hara [future Archbishop of Philadelphia], and Bishop Thos. J. Garland, D. D. [Episcopalian bishop]
There were a bunch of Universal employees in attendance too but that's less interesting to me. Let's see who went to the Washington show
Both showings were under the auspices of Ambassador Henri Beragner of France and Marcel Knecht, French publisher and trade representative. Dr. Ferdnand Heurteur, leader of the orchestra of the Paris Opera House, came to the United States to conduct the orchestras at these two showings. Among the distinguished guests at the Washington showing were: Don Juan Riano, Spanish ambassador; Senor and Senora de Mathieu, Chilan ambassador; Raoul Tilmont, secretary, Belgium embassy; G. H. Thompson, second secretary, British embassy; A. J. Pack, British embassy; Eduardo Racedo and Madame Racedo, first secretary, Argentine embassy; Conrado Traverso, Argentine embassy; Dr. and Senora Velarde, Peruvian ambassador; Dr. and Madame Santiago F. Bedoya, secretary, Peruvian embassy; Senor and Senora Tellez, Mexican ambassador; Senor and Senora Castro, secretary, Mexican embassy; Ambassador de Martino, Italy; Colonel Augusto Villa, miltary attache, Italian embassy; Count and Countess Sommati di Mombello, Italian embassy; Signor Leonardo Vitetti, Italian embassy. Baron and Baroness Ago Maltzan, German embassy; Mr. and Madame Matsuidaira, Japanese embassy; Mr. and Madame Gurgel de Amaral, Brazilian embassy; Senor and Senora de Sanchez Aballi, Cuban embassy; Senor Don Jose T. Baron, secretary, Cuban embassy; Brigadier General Georges A. L. Dumont, military attache, French embassy; Mr. Jules Henry, first secretary, French embassy; Major and Madame Georges Thenault, French embassy; Captain and Madame Willm, French embassy; Mr. A. Konow Bojsen, secretary, Danish legation; Mr. and Madame Marc Peter, Swiss ambassador; Mr. Andor de Hertelendy, Hungarian embassay; Senor and Senora Ricardo Jaimes Freyre, Bolivian embassy. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Smiddy, minister, Irish Free State; Mr. and Madame Simoposilis, Minister from Greece; Mr. and Madame Prochnik, Austrian ambassador; Mr. and Madame Charles L. Seya, Latvian embassy; Mahmoud Samy Pasha and Madame Samy Pasha, Egyptian embassy; Mr. Zdenek Fierlinger, Minister from Czechoslovakia; Mr. Simeon Radeff, Bulgarian embassy; Mr. and Madame Jan Ciechanowski, Polish minister; Senor don Manuel Zavala, Nicaragua embassy, and Mr. and Madame Bostrom, Swedish ambassador.
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