#dr shepard
jamie-potters · 2 months
im starting greys anatomy and im on episode 3, okay, and you know how dr. shepherd keeps trying to get grey to go out with him. well my brainrot and hyper fixation had a thought, dr shepherd is james and meredith is regulus..
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hyperfizationss · 1 month
hihi!! request for youuu - first date with derek? maybe they had plans to go to a nice restaurant but they both kept getting caught in surgeries so they ended up just eating takeout in derek’s trailer?
could have some spice to it but i feel like fluff would be super nice :)
“Im sorry”
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It was almost six,that’s when you guys planned to leave and go out for dinner,for a nice little first date,so you guys can actually start a relationship and leave the hookups part behind so that you guys and be more intimate and a domesticated relationship.
But the hospital obviously has other plans…
“Shepard I need you!” Cristina yelled as he came down,he was already stressed about being paged so close to when you and him were supposed to leave
“Head trauma accident,could lead to internal bleeding we need you to take a look at it” she said handing him the charts. He audibly groaned at Cristina as she walked away. Great who knows how long this could last
One thing leads to another and somehow he gets caught in a surgery,and around nine he’s rushing out of the hospital,you were already waiting out there with your bags,almost asleep on one of the benches
“Damnit” he mutters to himself as he walks over to you,holding your hand as you two walk to his car in silence,not angry silence,more like a calm and upsetting silence
“I’m sorry”
“For what?” You ask setting your food down on the small table,he ordered takeout once you guys were back at the trailer
“For a crappy first date” he said,his eyes in a tired sorrow
“It’s not crappy,it’s home-y and you tried,it’s not your fault,you were in a surgery saving somebodies life” you argued with him
He couldn’t tell you that you were wrong,because in no means were you,he was saving somebodies life,he just wishes he could save his love life along with
“I know,but you deserve better”
“No I deserve somebody who’s trying their hardest to be with me,and as far as I’m aware you do that every day”
“I need you to stop trying to make me feel like the good guy here” he laughed pressing a kiss to your forehead
“You’re trying to be a good guy…that’s well enough” you smiled as you guys just kinda hugged
“Wanna take a shower?” Derek asked with a smirk
You rolled your eyes as you both left your food at the table and left for the bathroom
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Thankies for reading guys :3
This is really short and I kinda gave up just a little,hope you all still enjoyed tho
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kibagib · 2 years
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Updated ME icons
And once again, happy N7Day!
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captainsvscaptains · 10 months
Round 2 Part 4 Poll 1
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Space vampire. Lesbian. Dr. Carmilla created the Mechanisms through some dark and twisted form of magic and science and granted them immortality. Survivor of an alternate WWII that ended much, much worse.
Shepard's the MC of the game and can be male or female
THEY'RE SO COOL! Save the galaxy! Love aliens! Woohooo
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valkblue · 9 months
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YCH commission — Adrian, for @dr-paine 🌟
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destroyersopera · 1 month
I made a Jeffrey Combs tier list template if anyone else wants to use it 😏
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grilledsnot · 1 year
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lotsofsq · 4 months
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Dr Curtain being VERY VERY bad at comforting his child
at least he’s holding him…
[ID copied in alt text: a drawing of dr curtain holding his son as a young child, sq is crying but had a befuddled expression and dr curtain is looking at him neutrally. dr curtain is saying “come on now, don’t cry you’re better than that.” matter of factly. sq is clearly confused and has a “snif” sound effect.]
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thekingofspin · 1 year
you know how everyone says listening to classical music makes you smarter.
no it dosent.
but listening to every murry gold song does.
the doctor who sound track makes everything seem like a mission. like the fate of the world depends on weather I can find the derivative of the gradient or whatever I'm supposed to be doing right now.
I didn't understand a thing I was doing until I started listening to I am the doctor and the shepherd's boy on repeat.
now I am a genius.
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continuous-spec · 4 months
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Here's a snippet of Chapter 5!
Shepard rubbed her arm where she had been pricked as she walked out to the waiting room. Garrus sat going over a datapad, busying himself. The green and yellow suit still left much to be desired. But she felt her vision clear slightly, opening her left eye for the first time that day. Shepard couldn't help but note he at least looked better out of C-Sec's bulky armor. "So trust me to go on my own this time? Promise I won't be late. Finch isn't as forgiving," Shepard said.  "Again, it's up to you if you still want to work with me," Garrus retorted.  "Only if you change out of your "I'm not a cop' outfit." Garrus' brow rose in a look of confusion, looking down at the brightly colored outfit. "This is my best suit." "Nice to know you wear your Sunday best to stakeouts, Vakarian." "What do clothes have to do with days?" He asked in an unamused tone.  "Never mind, maybe just find something in a darker shade? Black and white. Those colors would fit you better for Chora's." Garrus flicked out his mandibles in response, almost as if he were annoyed. "Fine, I'll be early to get situated too." "Try to snag a seat by the back doors near the strippers." "You take me to such lovely places," Garrus deadpanned while ushering them out of the clinic back into the sparse ward.  "Spas, strip clubs. Let's try out a casino next." "On C-Sec's dime?" Garrus asked jokingly. "You catch on quick. A casino is better than a clinic any day, even if the doctors are so caring." Shepard placed emphasis on the last word.  "Well, Dr. Michel is one of the good doctors on the ward and helps as much as she can. She's been a good friend over the years," Garrus said innocently, not understanding what Shepard's inflection implied.  "Friend?" Shepard asked, her eyebrow raised up, trying to coax more information out of him. She was having too much fun with it.  "Yeah, she's kept insisting for years about owing me a favor after helping with a blackmail case. About time I used it."  "Oh, she owes you something, alright," Shepard laughed, pulling up her omni-tool.  "What do you mean?" Garrus asked, head cocked to the side. Shepard again tried to stifle another laugh. So he didn't know that the doc was totally into him.  "Oh, nothing," Shepard said with a smirk while activating her cloak. "I hate when you do that."  "See you at Chora's, preferably in a new outfit," Shepard said, already running off towards a public shuttle. 
Read the rest on Ao3 :)
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bellamer · 9 months
Man alright I’ve deduced it and here’s who absolutely did and didn’t tell Kaidan about Shepard and Garrus
Garrus- If Kaidan wasn’t on speaking terms with Shepard for joining Cerberus, why would he actively reach out to talk to Garrus ? And if Garrus was too busy to shoot Shepard a “U good” message to his girl Kaidan was definitely the last one on his mind.
Liara- Literally what reason would she have ? I’d assume she was too busy with shadow broker shit and her studying the prothean artifact unless she just did it to be mean because Geena originally rejected Liara for Kaidan and then moved onto Garrus like Kaidan was nothing but in ME3 she still assumes that she still has a thing for Kaidan but I don’t think it was her unless she wanted to be a bitch even though I don’t know how she’d know about Shepard and Garrus in the first place since she was too busy playing with her shiny new shadow broker toys.
Tali- Again, if he wasn’t on speaking terms with Shepard he wouldn’t be on speaking terms with her now matter how much she claims to hate Cerberus. If he didn’t believe his girlfriend why would he believe tali ? Also I can’t see them talking outside of a work basis anyways.
James- He didn’t even know that Kaidan knew Shepard so I doubt he knows their romantic history and he just freshly met Garrus while Kaidan was still comatose in the hospital and depending on how you play Garrus and Shepard might not even rekindle their romance until after visiting Kaidan or whatever. I don’t know, I know it wasn’t this idiot.
EDI- She’s way too smart for that and I can’t understand any scenario where she’d drop the bomb on Kaidan on their mission to mars since that’s the only time they interacted until he officially comes back but that’s way after he already confronted Shepard
Now let me tell you who it could have been:
Dr Chakwas- She cares about Kaidan deeply and even though she did join up with Cerberus she wasn’t officially part of them. She took a leave of absence from her actual job because the Cerberus thing was just a “temporary gig and Shepard needed her” and I can see her visiting him in the hospital and telling him that she knows Shepard and Kaidan had a thing but to not get his hopes up. She might have let it slip so that Kaidan doesn’t find out that hard way and gets hurt.
Joker- Even though he joined up with Cerberus too he technically started “ working” under the alliance again and since EDI only “obeyed” his commands and the alliance was too dumb to figure it out and he still had direct contact with Anderson, I figure he could convince Kaidan to have a drink with him. He probably accidentally let it slip and said that he wouldn’t say more and to just “ask Shepard”
Thane- If Thane is still alive in the play through it’s mentioned that he and Kaidan met in the hospital and while talking he probably let it slip and Shepard and Garrus hooked up but refused to say more once he saw the look on Kaidan’s face, knowing that he misspoke.
Any other answer kind of doesn’t make sense as to who snitched to Kaidan. Like it would take several convoluted reasons to explain to me why Urdnot Wrex, Kasumi, Grunt, Miranda, Jacob or whoever would go out of their own way to tell Kaidan that Shepard moved on like a day after they broke up but whatever
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undeadgayboynes · 1 year
Jeffrey Combs characters datability tier list
With explanations; A to D, left to right
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-Anton Mordrid
Pros: Literally the perfect man. Intelligent, honest, respects you, owns a bird. Communicative.
Cons: A landlord
-The guy from Cyclone (I don't care)
Pros: Very smart, respects your intelligence, will participate in your hobbies even if they don't align with his interests. Charismatic and flirty
Cons: Might die and leave you with the task of protecting a super weapon from the shadow government
-Crawford Tillingast
Pros: Earnest, hardworking, very sweet, intelligent. Will probably remember your birthday. Wears oversized sweaters you can steal
Cons: A pushover, really bad luck, probably not fully emotionally ready for a relationship
Pros: A dork and seemingly a wimp, but will actually surprisingly brave when necessary. Well dressed. Objectively very cute
Cons: Is named Chaz. Complains a good bit, kinda snippy. Infectious anxiety
-Andrew Paris
Pros: Fine as fuck yet highkey a dork, will tell you interesting facts about things. Does his best to be a gentleman
Cons: Kind of incompetent, impulsive. Won't set up boundaries with people trying to hit on him. Seems experienced, but I don't think he's ever touched a boob.
-Dr. Haggis
Pros: Strong morals and will do what he can to uphold them, able to keep a level head in difficult situations. Takes care of those around him. Respects you and takes what you say into serious consideration.
Cons: Lack of confidence, won't say what he means. Alcoholic and smoker with no sign of wanting to change, used as coping mechanism. Pessimistic
-John Riley
Pros: Puts on a brave face, optimistic, hard worker. Loves his family very deeply. Genuinely trying to fix his issues. Will make the right decision when push comes to shove.
Cons: Alcoholic in a way that endangers those around him. Wants conflict to resolve on its own, uncommunicative, will lie to you. When he slips, he slips hard. Has potential to be unfaithful
-Dinosaur Bob
Pros: Fun and carefree, will take you on the ride of your life. Cool mustache. Sees you as an equal
Cons: A bit TOO carefree, irresponsible and impulsive. Does a LOT of drugs and will probably try to get you to do them. Sociopathic and violent tendencies. No morals.
Pros: Confident. Will accept when he is genuinely wrong. Impartial party, focused on facts.
Cons: Literally no opinions of his own, will let awful things happen because an authority says it's fine. That haircut and those glasses. Extremely desensitized to violence. "Facts over feelings" motherfucker
-Shepard Lambrick
Pros: Sugar daddy, will buy you a lot of nice things and you'll definitely get in the will. Cool mustache. Doesn't let people disrespect you.
Cons: Sociopathic and violent tendencies, enjoys other's suffering. Manipulative. One percenter and proud of it. Pushes boundaries.
-Herbert West
Pros: Intelligent, passionate. Will give you gifts. Includes you in his hobbies. Does the 🥺 face
Cons: Will not listen to you nor respect your boundaries. Grand gestures instead of communication, love-bombing. Extremely jealous. Manipulative. Sociopathic and violent tendencies. Condescending, thinks he's better than everyone else, no respect for anything or anyone. Impulsive. Does the 🥺 face
-Milton Dammers
Pros: Passionate and hard working. Speaks his mind.
Cons: Will not listen to you, no ability to compromise. Probably smells bad, greasy hair. Aware of his faults and has no want to change. Obsessive. Probably into some weird shit
Pros: Ridiculously hot, will rock your world. Will break rules with you, in a hot way. Makes you feel appreciated
Cons: Will suicide bait you, ridiculously manipulative. Will ghost you. Kisses a rat on the mouth. Your boundaries? Never heard of them. Will love bomb you and hold that above your head.
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marblesmind · 9 months
Back with my dumb tumblr shitposts but it’s YuGiOh now
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thatzenithnerd · 9 months
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Zoom + Textposts
Pt. 13
Jack’s Version
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theoriginalladya · 11 months
Happy N7 Day!
Well, I was going to share the next Rhys and Kaidan chapter with you all today, seeing as it's N7 Day (and ironically, Rhys never goes to ICT! lol).
HOWEVER, technology gremlins had a different plan. The entirety of Chapter 4 - all 5K plus of it - is corrupted and irretrievable. For the SECOND time this year.
Thankfully, I'd printed a copy out at the end of last week, before I made some big edits. So, I have a copy that's mostly good to go. I'll never be able to remember all the edits I'd made (and damn, some were good and there was a big addition in there, too, I think?), but at least I have a working copy I can try to reconstruct it from.
So, maybe by next week? We'll see how it goes.
In the meantime, hope you all enjoyed N7 day, and have a few pictures of Rhys and Kaidan from the series People Like Us!
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Commissioned art by @xla-hainex of Kaidan Alenko and Dr. Rhys Shepard.
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Kaidan Alenko, Dr. Rhys Shepard and Urdnot Grunt commissioned art by @thepixelagora set during Mass Effect 2.
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Chapters: 40/? Fandom: A Discovery of Witches (TV), All Souls Trilogy - Deborah Harkness Rating: Mature Warnings: The Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Diana Bishop/Matthew Clairmont, Diana Bishop & Matthew Clairmont Characters: Diana Bishop, Matthew Clairmont, Paula the Cat (original character), Margarethe Schmidt (original character), Marcus Whitmore, Phoebe Taylor, Hamish Osborne, Dr. Miriam Shepherd, Eric de Clermont, Gallowglass Additional Tags: Human AU, Modern AU, irregular updates, Major Character Death Mentioned Summary: Diana Bishop's life had taken many undesirable turns. Still, she hoped she had finally found a place where she could live a quiet and unobtrusive life free from further upheaval. But then she meets a man who tests her patience and politeness.
In this chapter, we delve a little more into Matthew Claimront's scientific work and his way of thinking. I hope you won't be bored by the details of his research. You should bear in mind that everything that is said about the nature of the wolf also refers to a different kind of wolf. (I had considered splitting this chapter into two so that it wouldn't be too long. However, as this would break up the flow of reading, I decided against it). I hope you enjoy it.
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