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tering88 · 3 years
Scientists Study "Quantum Scattering" as a Way to Solve Hard Problems
The equations of Einstein's Theory of Relativity predict the existence of objects known as "Black Holes". These objects may be collapsed stars or even the centers of galaxies. Physicist Stephen Hawking observed that microscopic black holes exist and may be surrounded by a plasma, which is a super-heated gas. Mathematicians have been working on a unified theory that explains Gravity - the force that attracts bodies - and Quantum Field Theory - the study of very small objects. Such a theory - a so-called Superstring Theory - might be needed to understand the inner workings of Black Holes and the plasmas that surround them. Dr. Jonathan Kenigson is a mathematician who studied Black Holes with researchers at Kiev, Ukraine and went on to found Athanasian Hall in Cambridge, England. Athanasian Hall is, in the words of Kenigson, "a pure research institute devoted to the study of mathematics that is beautiful for its own sake, and not immediately applicable to practical problems." Since 2020, this institute, which Kenigson directs "principally from a distance", has grown from several researchers to nearly 20. While not directly affiliated with the University of Cambridge, members of Athanasian Hall often have some other affiliation with the university and its thriving mathematical institute, where Isaac Newton, Hawking, and others worked. "Cambridge, along with MIT, Harvard, and Oxford, is likely the finest department of mathematics in the history of the world. The resources for academic work are unparalleled." Kenigson is originally from Nashville, Tennessee, and went on to study the structure of Black Holes in Europe, after completing a first degree at the University of Tennessee, where he helped solve several notable open problems posed in the 1970s' in a field called Wave Mechanics. "The analysis of Energy Methods and Mollification Theory in the spirit of Sobolev affords the characterization of heuristic behavior of Wave Equations in high-dimensional spaces. In other words, the mathematical study of energy is key to understanding how waves propagate in a medium. This work had implications for the study of Dynamics in general. It was only later that I noticed that similar methods could apply to the structure theory of Black Holes." Mathematicians and Physicists in Russia and Ukraine have worked to extend a field of study known as Combinatorics to the study of physical phenomena. According to Kenigson, "I learned in early 2020 while in lockdown from the pandemic that the classical theory of Elliptic Functions with imaginary arguments could lead to integral transform methods that convert problems about waves, plasmas, and scattering into problems about Gauss Kernels. In other words, Mathematical Statistics has the last laugh when dealing with energy norms that arise from the mechanics of waves and more exotic fields, like Heterotic String Theory and the Fuzzball Theory of Black Holes." The latter field replaces Einstein's statement that Black Holes bottom out spacetime with the claim that they actually have a bottom, but that it is just super-dense. "I look at everything in terms of the theory of scattering. For instance, viral propagation can be seen as an instance of the scattering of viral quanta in containers of varied geometry. I learned this style of thinking from wave mechanics and the study of Black Holes. Transmission probabilities can be computed from the dynamical systems that arise. One can never know when a really esoteric piece of mathematics might have very concrete applications. That is why it is important that governments fund pure mathematics. You never know when, somewhere down the lane, what you find out might have really interesting and novel applications". When asked about his interests, Kenigson said that he "loves both teaching and research. Large universities try to make us choose one or the other. My dad got ill and I returned to Nashville and teach at a small college called Volunteer State. I love it. Just because you do one thing does not mean you can't do another. We need mathematicians to teach undergraduates so that they can learn research skills and learn to love mathematics. I am kind of like a child. I look with wonder at things and want to know how they work. That is how math classes should be. You don't start with a set of problems and say to solve 50 of them. You start with an idea and think about the best way to implement it. Then you get your class thinking how they can do it better. Undergraduates and high-school students can be incredibly creative problem-solvers, if we let them discover neat things instead of teaching them by rote". Dr. Kenigson has asked that he kindly not be contacted on social media or asked for follow-up about this article "due to work and family obligations". He is Senior Fellow of Natural Philosophy at Athanasian Hall and an Assistant Professor of Mathematics in Tennessee.
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utopianatolia · 7 years
235)Emel Akal- Milli Mücadelenin Başlangıcında Mustafa Kemal, İttihat Terakki ve Bolşevizm 
sayfA 21 Kur’an-ı Kerim fukaraya, ameleye ve sai-i gayrete müteallik ve bizce malum olabilen ne kadar Bolşevik prensipleri varsa hep ihtiva ediyor. ... Bolşevik prensiplerinin icap ettirdiği tadilat ve tahavvülatı [değişme] ... peyderpey ve tedricen tatbike başlayıp milleti ... hazım ve kabule alıştırarak tevsi etmelidir Kâzım Karabekir (Karabekir, 1960; 623).
22-Arı İnan, Yusuf Hikmet Bayur’la yaptığı söyleşi de Bayur, “hepimiz [komünist partisine üye] olduk. İnönü, Ali Fuat Cebesoy, Celal Bayar, Tevfik Rüştü Aras” (İnan, 1997; 300) dedikten sonra görüşmenin ilerleyen saatlerinde şunları ekliyor:Başlangıçta o da [Karabekir] komünistti. Herkes başta komünistlere taraftardı. Herkes. Yani Atatürk, Karabekir, Yusuf Kemal -ki Türkçüdür-, Bekir Sami -ki Çerkez'dir- o yüzden Rusların aleyhindedir. Hepsi komünizme taraftardır, çünkü onlar mazlum milletlere istiklal vereceğiz teranesini söylüyorlardı
24-Enver Paşa’nın 4 Mart 1921 tarihli Moskova’dan Mustafa Kemal’e yazdığı mektuptur. Bu mektupta Enver Paşa komünizmin Anadolu hareketi açısından önemini şöyle açıklıyor:... Bence bizi ezen kuvvetlerle mücadelede hayat ve mematile bize bağlı olan yegane kuvveti de burada [Rusya’da] görüyorum. Çünkü bizi ezen dünya emperyalistliğini icap eden dünya kapitalistlerinin yegane barışamayacak ve onu imha etmedikçe yaşayamayacak bir sınıf halk varsa, o da başta komünistler olmak üzere sosyalistlerdir.
... bence bu şimdiki idare herhalde sırf milli nokta-i nazarından da en müsait idaredir. Komünistler gidip de Menşevikler veya daha sağ bir idare gelirse herhalde İslamların daha ziyade naili serbesti olabilmeleri ihtimali yoktur. Ben doğrusu bizim mevcudiyetimiz nokta-i nazarından bu komünist ve kapitalist mücadelesini aynı bir mevhibe-i ilahiye addederim. Bütün dünya komünist olarak Üçüncü Enternasyonal etrafında toplanırsa o vakit biz de herhalde kendimize o kütlede muvafık bir şekil verecek surette kuvvetlenmiş oluruz ki bu da pek basit bir istikbaldir. İşte Rusya ve Rusya’daki komünizmin bize bu kadar büyük bir faidesi aşikar iken bence eğer Rusya’da komünistlik sönmek üzere olduğunu görürsek onu da ihya edecek yardımlardan geri durmamalıyız, kanaatindeyim.İslam ihtilal Cemiyetleri İttihadı,.. Dünya komünistleri ile tevhidi mesai edecektir (Karabekir, 1967; 131).
26-Örneğin Enver Paşa’nın Bolşeviklerle işbirliğinin altında yatan düşünceleri, TBMM’nin Moskova Büyükelçisi Ali Fuat’la Moskova’da yaptığı görüşmede şöyle anlatmıştır:Enver Paşa, [kendisini] Üçüncü Enternasyonal’e yaklaştıran sebepleri izah ederken demişti ki: “Yaptığımız, şimdiki muharebede kendimize yardım ve arka bulmak arzusu değildir. Siyasi ve içtimai akidelerimizin esasta birbirlerine yakın bulunması da büyük sebeptir. Biz inkılapçı kuvvetimizi daima halktan, halkın damağdur ve yoksul kısmı olan köylü sınıfından alıyorduk* (Ce- besoy, 1982; 208) .
29-Sina Akşin bu konuda şunları yazmaktadır:Geniş bir açıdan bakıldığında, İttihat ve Terakki ile ARMHC arasında önemli yakınlıklar olduğu doğruydu. Milli Mücadele hareketinin mensuplarından pek çoğu eski İttihat ve Terakki’liler- di. Üstelik İT ve ARMHC, Türk ulusçuluğunun, demokratik- ulusçu hareketin örgütleri olarak aynı ideolojiye sahiptiler. Önder ve mensuplarının çoğu İttihat ve Terakki’liydi fakat İttihat ve Terakki , savaş yenilgisinin, yolsuzluklarının, sefaletinin vebalini taşıdığı için, İttihat ve Terakki’liliği red ve inkar etmeye özen gösteriyorlardı (Akşin, 1998-11; 36-37)
30-Akşin, Jön Türkler ve ittihat ve Terakki adlı eserini şu sözlerle bitirmektedir:Böylece, İttihat ve Terakki son bulmuş oldu. Hemen eklemek gerekir ki, bu ancak hukuken bir son bulmadır. Zira örgütün adı değişmekle, ya da yerine geçen Teceddüt Fırkası kapatılmakla, İttihatçılık son bulmazdı. İttihat ve Terakki nin ülkülerini benimsemiş olanlar, o program çerçevesinde davranmaya devam edeceklerdi. Nitekim, itilaf devletlerinin Türkiye’yi ezmek amacında oldukları anlaşılınca, kurulan Müdafaa-i Hukuk örgütlerinin esas itibariye İttihat ve Terakki’ciierce oluşturulduğunu biliyoruz. Ondan da önce, izzet Paşa kabinesinde Cavid ve Hayri gibi ittihat ve Terakkililer Rauf ve Fethi gibi eski İttihat ve Terakkililer vardı. İzzet Paşa kabinesi, bir anlamda İttihat ve Terakki’nin eski denetleme iktidarı rolüne dönmesi demekti (Akşin, 1998-1; 439).
ittihat ve Terakki'ye gelince, onun Milli Mücadelenin kadrolarını oluşturduğunu gördük. Böylece, ittihat ve Terakki, zaman içinde eski CHP’ye dönüşmüş oldu. İttihat ve Terakki ile CHP arasındaki yakın ideolojik, sosyolojik bağlar ve hatta kadro bağları bu tarih birlikteliğinin önemli işaretlerindendir (Akşin, 1998-1; 440).
36-Hüseyin Cahit Yalçın “İttihat ve Terakki adeta bir nevi tarikat, mezhep ve iman halinde yaşadı. İttihat ve Terakki’ye ilk girmiş olanlar, ona imanlarını ve ideallerini hiçbir zaman kaybetmediler”
40 Fakat İttihad ü Terakki’nin zuhuriyle beraber, tüfek ve bıçakla oynar bir gençlik Mekteb-i Harbiyye’nin bir sınıfından taşıverdi. Eski Yeniçerinin meydan kabadayılığı, bu defa fedai ve komiteci şeklinde uyanıverdi ve tekrar politika sahasında göründü. Gerçi İttihad ü Terakki, Temmuz inkılabı’nı müteakıb, tulumbacılığa ve İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti/Fırkası (İTCIF) mahalle mütegallibeliğine münhasır kalan eski külhanbeyliği kaldırmakla, Sultan Mahmud'un bir taraftan eski eserini ihmal etti; fakat silahlı politika kahramanını tekrar uyandırmakla, onun zıddını vücuda getirdi ve nice kanlar bahasına zail olmuş bir unsuru tekrar meydana çıkarıverdi. Nitekim bunun bizzat ittihad ü Terakki bile zararını gördü ve nihayet o da -Yakub Cemil vak ası münasebetiyle—fedailiği bertaraf etti.
45 Savaşın sonunda “Bizi ancak sosyalizm deta [devlet sosyalizmi] kurtarabilir” diyecek kadar ileri giden Talat Paşa (Tunaya, 1989, 325)
Memduh Şevket Esandal, 1920 yılında Bakü’ye BMM Murahhası olarak atanmıştır, kendisi Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa-i Ticariyeciler olarak da anılan “İaşeciler’e dahildir.
aslında İttihat ve Terakki’nin ilk günlerindeki bir yaklaşımı, 1918’de tekrar mı etmektedir? Çünkü 6 Ağustos 1908’de Selanik’te yayınlanan İttihat ve Terakki’nin yayın organının daha ilk sayısında “devlet sosyalizmini kabul etmek” gerektiğine ilişkin bir makale yayınlanmıştır (Cer- rahoğlu, 1975; 500-505).
47 Hüseyin Cahit o “tasavvurları” şöyle anlatmaktadır: Memleketi terk edip Nuvelzelanda adasına hicret edecektik. Buraya herkes refikasıyla birlikte gelecekti. Bir sosyalist cemaat halinde yaşayacaktık. Aramızda müikiyet prensibi değil, uhuvvet prensibi hüküm sürecekti
50-İttihad ve Terakki kırk mecnundan [deli] mürekkep bir heyettir. Talat aklü’l-mecanindir, Hüseyin Cahit kalemü’l-mecanin, [Kara] Kemal hesabü’l-mecanin, Ziya Gökalp kitabü’l-mecanin, Enver seyfü’l-mecanin, Ben lisnü’l-mecanin, Yakub Cemil de mecnunu’l-mecanin! Ömer Naci
51-Hüseyin Cahit, yorumlarında daha da ileri giderek: “Eğer Talat olmasaydı İttihat ve Terakki olmazdı. Talat İttihat ve Terakki’nin kubbe taşı, çimentosu ve temeli idi” (Yalçın, 1943, 39).
60-Bu toplantı çok önemlidir, çünkü İttihat ve Terakki’nin en önemli isimlerinin yurtdışına gidip gitmemesi tartışılacaktır. Bu toplantıya İttihat ve Terakki’nin en önemli isimlerinin yanında Mustafa Kemal’in de katılmış olması, kendisinin 1910 yılı sonunda İttihat ve Terakki’de üst düzey yönetici olduğu biçiminde yorumlanabilir. Toplantıya katılanlar şunlardır: Talat, Manyasizade Refik, Mithat Şükrü, Cavid, Hüseyin Cahit, Rahmi, Habib, Dr. Nazım. Bahaeddin Şakir, Ömer Naci, Mustafa Necib, Enver, Hafız Hakkı, Mustafa Kemal, Ali Fuad, Remzi, Hüseyin Tosun, Nail Beyler
70- Fethi Okyar Trablusgarp’e giden ekibin Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa’nın ilk nüvesini oluşturduğunu söylemektedir:... burada, bir tarih hakikatini tesbit etmek vazifemizdir. Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa ilk olarak Sultan Hamid’e karşı mücadele eden ve daha çok Arap yarımadasına sürgün edilen genç harbiye-tıbbiye- mülkiyelilerden kurulu gizli cemiyet idi, başlarında da daha sonra bu teşkilatın reisliğini yapan Eşref Sencer Kuşçubaşı vardı. Trablusgarp Harbinde Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa’cılar kadro halinde vazife almışlardı (Okyar, 1980; 199).
76-I. Dünya Savaşı 1918’de Almanya’nın yenilgisi ile bitmiş, ülke ve toplumsal sınıflar alt üst olmuştur. Almanya'da grevler birbirini takip etmekte, ayaklanmalar olmakta ve Sovyet yönetimleri ilan edilmektedir. Almanya’daki devrim 3 Kasım 1918’de donanma içindeki bir ayaklanma ile başlamış, 9 Kasım’da Spartakist’lerin çağrısıyla silahlı işçi ve askerler Berlin’in denetimini ele geçirmişler ve Kayzer rejimi çökmüştür (Sobolev, 1979; 48). İşte Talat ve arkadaşları, o günlerde Berlin’e gelmişlerdir. Talat Paşa ve İttihat ve Terakki rüesası 9 Kasım’da Almanya sınırına ulaştıklaıımn ertesi günü İmparator Hollanda’ya kaçmış ve cumhuriyet ilan edilmiştir (Cemil, 1992; 17). Talat Paşa ölünceye kadar en yakınındakilerden biri olan Arif Cemil’e1 göre Berlin’de meydanlardan geçilememektedir, Aleksandr Platz kurşun yağmuru altındadır ve işçiler “Polis Müdüriyet-i Umumisini” ele geçirmek için savaşmaktadırlar (Cemil, 1992; 17);
79-Radek, 1919 yılı Ocak ayında yapılacak olan Alman Komünist Partisi’nin kuruluş kongresine katılmak üzere Berlin Sovye- ti tarafından davet edilmiştir (Tunçay, 1995; 175). Alman sınırını yasadışı olarak AvusturyalI kılığına girerek geçen ve Berlin’e ulaşan Bolşevik Partisi Merkez Komitesi üyesidir ve daha sonra, kurulacak olan III. Enternasyonal-Komintern’in Başkanı olacaktır. Ancak 12 Şubat 1919’da Rosa Luxemburg ve Karl Liebknecht’in katledildikleri olaylar sonucunda Radek de Berlin’de tutuklanmıştır (Can, 1952; 411. Yılmaz, 1987; 43). Radek Ağustos ayında tutuklu bulunduğu hapishanede özel bir bölüme alınmış ve ziyaretçi kabul etmesine izin verilmiştir. Ziyaretçileri arasında Reichswehr’in liderlerinden biri olan Seeckt de vardır ki, bu şahıs savaş sırasında Enver Paşa ile yakın ilişkiler içinde olmuştur (Can, 1952; 413). Yani Talat ve Enver, Alman Genel Kurmayının gözetim ve denetiminde Radek’le ilişki kurmuşlardı
81-Talat'ın doğuştan gelen zekası ve irade gücünün beni çok etkilediğini ifade etmeliyim; bozuk bir Fransızca ve Almanca ile konuşuyordu. Almanca ve Fransızca ile kendisini rahatça ifade edebilen Enver Paşa ise, yapı olarak sinirli, dengesini bütünüyle kaybetmiş ve ülkesinden ziyade kendi pozisyonu için mücadele eden dengesiz bir insan görünümü vermişti (Carr,
86-Karakol Cemiyeti nizamnamesinden: “Karakol” kuvvetini, insaniyet aleminin en necibi bulunan sulhperver heyetlerin ve umum sosyalist ve amele gruplarının müzeheret-i beynelmileliyesinden ve Türk, Müslüman aleminin yüreğinden ve maksadını kabul eden her fert ve cemiyetin muavenetinden alır
89-Velidedeoğlu anılarında şunları belirtmektedir: Hamdullah Suphi Bey çok etkili, coşkulu bir konuşma yapmış ve bunun bir yerinde: “Evet arkadaşlar, bu vatanı kurtarmak için gerekirse Bolşevik de olacağız, şeytan da olacağız” diye bağırmıştı. Sonra bizim büroya gelerek bu sözlerini tutanaktan çıkardığını sanıyorum. Fakat ben bu sözleri bugünkü gibi anımsıyorum (
93 tamamı
129-Ali Fethi Bey, Ocak 1913’te Babıali Baskım’mn yapılmasına karşı çıkmıştır. Bu nedenle Talat, Fethi’nin katılmadığı ikinci bir toplantı düzenlemiş ve hükümet darbesi kararı Fethi Bey’in yokluğunda alınmıştır (Çavdar, 1995; 244).
142  Hüseyin Cahit bu konuda şunları yazmaktadır: Mağlubiyet tahakkuk etmişti. Harbi yapan Kabine, Hükümet mevkiini terk ediyordu. Zihinlerde ve ruhlarda endişe ve ıstırap vardı. Enver’in sesi hâlâ kulaklarımdadır. Padişaha kabinesinin istifasını götürecek Talat Paşa’ya: “Harbiye Nezareti için Mustafa Kemal’i tavsiye et. Harbiyeye o gelmelidir. Ondan başka orduyu toparlayacak kimse yoktur” diyordu (Yakın Tarihimiz, III, 329). Bu ifadeye göre Enver, Mustafa Kemal’i ordunun başına geçecek şahıs olarak görmektedir, siyasi mücadelenin başına değil. Bayar da, anılarında, Mustafa Kemal’in ordunun başına geçmesini Enver’in onayladığını, hatta tek çare gördüğünü yazmaktadır: Son günlerde Enver Paşa ile Mustafa Kemal Paşa arasında kendiliğinden doğma bir fikir birliği vücut,bulmuştur. ... [Enver Paşa] Talat Paşa hükümetinin istifasını bir emrivaki olarak gördüğü zaman, Başkumandan vekili: “O halde, kuvvetli bir kabine lazımdır. Orduyu Mustafa Kemal Paşadan başkası idare edemez” demiştir (Bayar, 1965; 21).
182 . Ancak Hasene İlgaz, Nuh’un Mustafa Kemal olduğunu yazmaktadır. Verilen isimler çok anlamlıdır: Mustafa Kemal’e verilen kod adı Nuh, Galatalı Şevket İsa, Ali Fuad Musa, Kara Vasıf Cengiz’dir 
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arunbeniwal-blog · 5 years
Cost of Surrogacy in Ukraine | Medical Center for Reproduction ACADEMIUM | Elawoman
Medical Center for Reproduction ACADEMIUM
"ACADEMIUM" is another medical center, opened in 2017, furnished with the most progressive hardware for solving mechanical issues very nearly the conceivable outcomes of current regenerative medicine. Medical Center "ACADEMIUM" offers individual treatment of infertility and backing for couples who dream of a kid. Our specialists are the most experienced experts. The ACADEMIUM Medical Center has a superb group of specialists of different claims to fame: an advisor, an obstetrician-gynecologist, a specialist, family medicine pros, an endocrinologist, a neuropathologist and a urologist - andrologist.
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More than 1.5 thousand couples wound up cheerful guardians on account of his expert help. We, the staff of the medical center "ACADEMIUM", comprehend the origins of the issue and ability to take you through this troublesome period to obtain the ideal outcome - the origination of your future child.
Pons Medical Research LTD
Pons Medical Research LTD is an IVF Center in Odessa. The administrations given by the center are Gold Surrogacy, IVF, Infertility Evaluation/treatment, Pregnancy Care, Egg Donor, Surrogacy Services, ICSI, Child Care and Baby
Delivery. Pons Medical Research LTD was established in Ukraine in 2016, later moving its main office to Cyprus. We are a group of professionals in the field of family law and conceptive medicine. The main point of our organization is to offer complete Surrogacy Programs all under one roof, for couples with infertility. Pons Medical is the principal European organization operating surrogacy programs in Western Europe.
Remedi Clinic
Remedi Clinic is an IVF Clinic in Odessa. The administrations given by the clinic are Infertility Evaluation/treatment, examination of sperm, In vitro preparation, Sperm gift, Surrogacy, Intrauterine insemination, Embryo Freezing and Donor Egg/Sperm. REMEDI Clinic, an aggregate individual from the World Association of Private Clinics of Infertility Treatment using helped conceptive advances A-PART since 2000.
Specialists and embryologists of the clinic are individuals from the European Society for Reproduction and Embryology. In 1985, in Odessa, one of the principal discussions in Ukraine was made: 'Marriage and Family'. Along these lines, staff meeting nearly at full quality got down to business at the clinic "Cure". On October 25, 1997, the primary twins were conceived in Odessa, in the wake of performing in vitro preparation in a lady lost both fallopian tubes because of past tasks.
VittoriaVita Surrogacy Motherhood Center
VittoriaVita is the leading surrogate motherhood office in Ukraine. They offer both infertility treatment and surrogacy programs using IVF, IUI, benefactor egg cells, and giver sperm. In request to have just best outcomes, their organization works with profoundly qualified specialists in the field of infertility treatment. In excess of 500 infertile couples from everywhere throughout the world wound up cheerful guardians in the 9 years we've been in business. You can trust VittoriaVita with your fantasy to make an upbeat family.
Experience and polished skill of their colleagues add to great consequences of their work, which is confirmed by sincere appreciation of their unexperienced parents.
They do their best to enable the intended guardians to feel the ecstasy of really becoming ones, and they take care pretty much all the authoritative, administrative and legitimate procedures which are portions of a surrogacy venture.
During the 10 years of being in business, our surrogacy organization "VittoriaVita" has changed the lives of in excess of 500 couples from everywhere throughout the world and has helped them complete their families. "VittoriaVita" is one of the leading multilingual surrogacy offices in Ukraine with its focal office in Kiev.
Their surrogacy organization's activities agree to the Ukrainian enactment, according to which you are formally perceived as the legitimate guardians of your infant. Their legal counselors will give you help from the very beginning of your surrogacy program and ensure that your infant's archives are in request and you can come back to your nation with no lawful inconvenience.
Other than from the good enactment about surrogacy, Ukraine has a non-visa strategy for the natives of Canada, the USA and the majority of the European nations. VittoriaVita is the leading surrogate motherhood organization in Ukraine. We offer both infertility treatment and surrogacy programs using IVF, IUI, contributor egg cells, and giver sperm. In request to have just best outcomes, our office works with exceedingly qualified specialists in the field of infertility treatment. In excess of 500 infertile couples from everywhere throughout the world ended up upbeat guardians in the 9 years we've been in business. You can trust VittoriaVita with your fantasy to make an upbeat family.Today, on account of the accomplishments in medical science, numerous families that have been suffering from infertility for years, finally have expectation and great opportunities to have their very own youngsters – their own VittoriaVita (Victory of life).
Our surrogacy office has formally been on the Ukrainian market since 2005. Experience and demonstrable skill of our colleagues add to great consequences of our work, which is confirmed by sincere appreciation of our unseasoned parents. We do our best to enable the intended guardians to feel the joy of really becoming ones, and we take care pretty much all the hierarchical, administrative and lawful procedures which are portions of a surrogacy venture.
Dr. Galina Strelko
Dr. Galina Strelko is a head therapeutic specialist, obstetrician and fruitfulness master at IVMED Fertility Center. She is extremely dedicated to helping barren couples by viably giving exhaustive ripeness administrations to both female and male patients. Dr. Galina Strelko is rehearsing as an Obstetrician and Gynecologist, and Infertility Specialist. She finished her graduation in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the University of Bogomolets National Medical University, Kiev, Ukraine and has accomplished her M.S. in Developmental Biology at University of Rouen, France. She has likewise finished PhD of Medical Sciences. She is an IVF and barrenness master with rich of experience.
She is a Member of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), and the Ukrainian Society for Reproductive Medicine (USRM).
The treatment and administrations given by Dr. Galina Strelko incorporate IVF, ICSI, Ovarian Induction, male fruitlessness treatment, Laser Assisted Hatching (LAH), IUI, Blastocyst culture, Surgical sperm recovery, Embryo biopsy for PGS/PGD, Egg gift and Frozen incipient organism exchange. With high devotion in her work, she turned into the MD of IVMED Fertility Center - Kiev, Ukraine. It is a cutting edge office focus situated in Kiev, Ukraine, giving thorough fruitfulness administrations to both male and female patients according to the Government of Ukriane Guidelines and Policies. They offer a wide scope of administrations including IVF, ICSI, Male fruitlessness treatment, Ovarian acceptance, Pre and post care conveyance, Blastocyst culture and Laser Assisted Hatching (LAH) methodology. The clinic is well-outfitted with present day offices and furnishes 24-hour help alongside taxi and convenience offices for worldwide patients.
Each patient in focus has a distributed help group of pros including a fruitfulness pro, embryologist, a specialist in the field of implantology, improvement of human incipient organisms, and hereditary qualities, sub-atomic researcher, therapeutic ultrasound diagnostics authority, an anesthesiologist and restorative facilitator.
Each group that works with the patient is lead by an accomplished fruitfulness master - boss doctor Galina Strelko. You can be guaranteed that they will have all the data on your individual case and by and by screen each progression of the method. Dr. Galina Strelko will be with you from the earliest starting point up until the pregnancy and if important further on.
She is a famous Gynecologist, Obstetrician and Infertility Specialist in Kiev that has rich long periods of experience. Book arrangements Online, View Fees, User Feedbacks for Dr. Galina Strelko. Galina Vladimirovna - Chief Medical Officer of the Rodinne Dzherelo Medical Center, obstetrician-gynecologist of the most noteworthy classification, multiplication expert.
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netunleashed-blog · 6 years
Lower death rate when senior hip fractures are repaired quickly
http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=36106 Lower death rate when senior hip fractures are repaired quickly - http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=36106 (Reuters Health) - Seniors are more likely to survive a hip fracture if the break is repaired the day they’re admitted to the hospital or the following day at the latest, a new study finds. An international team of researchers estimated that 16.5 percent of in-hospital deaths after a hip fracture could have been avoided if patients had received surgery within 48 hours of checking into the hospital, according to the study published in CMAJ. “The bottom line is that all patients should have hip fracture surgery within two days of hospitalization,” said the study’s lead author, Boris Sobolev, a professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada. “It’s critical to reduce mortality because if the patients have surgery within two days there is less exposure to inflammation.” Another danger of waiting longer before hip fractures are repaired is that patients will spend more time bedridden, Sobolev said. “Lying in bed that long could lead to thrombosis and other complications.” Sobolev and his colleagues conducted the new study to try to understand why, with all the medical advances of the past few decades, the rate of death among hip fracture patients had not declined. “We started thinking maybe it’s not the technology, but rather, the process of care,” he said. The researchers analyzed data from 139,119 patients age 65 and older who had surgery for a first hip fracture at 144 hospitals in Canada from 2004 through 2012. “This has been a question for a long time in the hip fracture world,” said Dr. Samir Mehta, chief of the orthopedic trauma and fracture service at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. “Historically, we didn’t understand how important it was to get the fracture fixed and the patient up and (moving).” But that’s been changing, said Mehta, who is unaffiliated with the new study. “We have a dedicated geriatric hip fracture program,” Mehta said. “One thing we know is that the patient has to be medically optimized first. But we also know that lying in bed for more than 24 hours is bad. We published a study six or seven years ago on a year’s-worth of hip fracture repairs with a zero complication rate, but readmissions to the hospital (happened because of) issues such as congestive heart failure or worsened dementia -not because the hip rebroke.” That experience, Mehta said, taught him that time was of the essence when it came to hip fractures. Because his hospital has a dedicated team performing geriatric hip fracture repairs, it doesn’t matter when a patient shows up, “our goal from time of admission to surgery is 24 hours,” he said. “We have about an 85 to 90 percent success rate. Our average is 18 hours.” In practice, that means if a patient shows up at 10 PM and is ready for surgery by morning, “we bump whoever is the first elective (nonemergency) surgery and the hip fracture is done first thing in the morning,” Mehta said. It helps to have an alert system for everyone on the team. “We took a page from stroke care,” he said. “When a hip fracture comes in, an alert goes to all our phones.” That’s how things work at the University of Pittsburgh, too. “It’s a little easier for me since I’m a dedicated orthopedic trauma surgeon,” said Dr. Ivan Tarkin, who is chief of orthopedic trauma at the University of Pittsburgh. “I can prioritize which cases are the most important. I can put an older patient with a hip fracture ahead of someone with a more routine injury.” “We run 24/7,” Tarkin said. “I’d argue that at a tertiary care center it’s easier to find the resources to take care of these patients in an efficient way.” Still, there are many institutions where patients may wait longer than 48 hours, especially when hospitals don’t have a dedicated team. “I’ve pushed for this at various hospitals that do hip fractures, said Dr. Erik Zeegen, chief of joint replacement surgery at the University of California, Los Angeles. Zeegen is not affiliated with the new research. “It’s not universally adopted at this point in time, but it should be. The problem is it requires a lot of resources. You’re really talking about money to support all of this.” SOURCE: bit.ly/2KzdrCt CMAJ, online August 7, 2018.Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Source link
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iota-news · 6 years
Name Date Information Rolf Werner 9 April 2018 Dr. Rolf Werner is Head of Central Europe at Fujitsu. In this role he manages the company’s business in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.He is also Chairman of the Managing Board of Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH. Working from Munich, Werner is responsible for one ofthe most important markets for Fujitsu.We are thrilled to have Dr. Rolf Werner join the IOTA Foundation. Rolf’s unmatched enthusiasm and drive will be of great value for the IOTA project as it continues to cement it’s leading role in the DLT space. With his wide network and knowledge we are confident that our collaboration will bear plenty of fruits. Emmanuel Merali 1 April 2018 Emmanuel is an experienced developer with a diverse background working on a plethora of back-end solutions in different industries. He brings his problem solving abilities to IOTA as well as his skills in architecting systems, big and small. We are naturally excited to have yet another senior developer with decades of experience join the Foundation. Madjid Nakhjiri 20 March 2018 Having Madjid join the Foundation as an expert advisor on Private Key Infrastructure is incredibly important for us. He will serve a crucial role in the ‘IDentity of Things’(IDoT) efforts. Our discussions thus far has demonstrated a great alignment in both ideas, but also the importance of getting this right.. His life long dedication to security in identity and digital systems will be of great value to the project. We are excited to explore and start building on this fundamental ingredient to make IoT secure and IOTA’s m2m vision a reality. Gur Huberman 17 March 2018 The IOTA Foundation is thrilled to have a seminal thinker in the field of finance and economics join the research branch full time. Professor Huberman is a pioneer in a plethora of financial fields and brings an unmatched breadth of experience in the financial realm, both in practice and theory, to the Foundation. He has already been contributing to the project for a while and is now joining officially. He will assist in fleshing out fundamental concepts like Economic Clustering for scaling the Tangle off-Coordinator and into its self-sustaining state, assist on financial theory papers on how zero-fee transactions potentially disrupt old models, and plenty more. Alexey Sobolev 16 March 2018 Alexey has been supporting the project in the development of use cases and Proof of Concepts with different companies, to demonstrate the potential of IOTA. He is now joining the IOTA Foundation officially and will be spending even more time on assisting in growing the ecosystem from a technical point of view, particularly with implementation with corporations. Harm van den Brink 12 March 2018 Harm is one of the most active developers and activists within the IOTA ecosystem. After working with him peripherally through the IOTA Charge Station project and seeing him present IOTA we learned just how talented and dedicated he really is. We are very happy to bring him officially into the IOTA Foundation to assist with his expertise in energy, EV and cybersecurity. Ralf Rottmann 9 March 2018 As the IOTA Foundation is getting the proper structure, procedures and policies in place the entire project will thrive and expand at a significantly faster rate. Having Ralf assist with this based on his prior experience is very exciting and marks the beginning of a new level of maturity of the Foundation as an organization. Mark Sulavka 6 February 2018 Mark brings an unmatched level of expertise and lifelong experience from the exchange and financial markets realm to the IOTA Foundation. We have a significant road map in the FinTech space together with Mark and his excellent team. He is currently leading the growth pivotal Iota eXtension Interface (IXI) Hub module development. This IXI Hub module will make exchange interfacing friction-less and ‘plug and play’ for exchanges, which will open the IOTA ecosystem to the entire global market of cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Mark will play a crucial role and be a key enabler in bridging IOTA with the established financial institutions and regulatory ecosystems. Jeffrey Diedrich 6 February 2018 Jeffrey Diedrich Former CTO of the National Stock Exchange and 20+ year securities and trading technology veteran. Kenny Byrne 6 February 2018 Kenny Byrne Former CTO of PartStore and 20+ years as a Sr. executive, building and capitalizing early-stage companies as well as turnarounds. Egor Agafonov 6 February 2018 Egor Agafonov Sr. Architect / Sr. Developer with over 30 years of systems and trading solutions development. Mark Kemna 6 February 2018 Mark Kemna Former CTO and Sr. technologist of multiple companies, specializing in ad-tech and big data. Matthew Darnell 1 February 2018 Matthew has been a part of the IOTA community since its inception and is a true DLT veteran. As a solid developer with a good grasp of IOTA he will immediately expedite projects that is on the agenda of the IOTA Foundation. Alisa Maas 31 January 2018 Alisa has a very impressive background in the mobility sector, which is an active focus area for the IOTA Foundation, but also beyond that experience with cutting edge solutions and bringing them from the lab to the real world. Her understanding of the limitations in legacy DLT systems lead her to IOTA, which is precisely the intellects we love to bring on board. We are confident that she will bring a lot of value to the IOTA Foundation, and we are already actively working with her andher previous network on different solutions. Charlie Varley 22 January 2018 Charlie has shown a keen interest and passion for the IOTA project ever since he began working with Navin on the Trinity Wallet. His diverse academic background and interest in interaction design place him in a unique position to help improve IOTA’s user-facing ecosystem, which is something that is now getting higher priority as IOTA is scaling beyond focus on just its core technology. This will make the user experience of everyone better and provide a better first impression of the project to newcomers. Johann Jungwirth 21 January 2018 Johann Jungwirth, the Chief Digital Officer of Volkswagen AG is joining the IOTA Foundation. He will serve both as advisor, but also on the supervisory board where his experience and expertise will assist in growing the IOTA Foundation into its full potential. Andreas Mikolajewski 15 January 2018 Andreas is a driven guy with significant experience in software engineering and various fields of computer science and beyond. This diverse expertise and broad interest field is of great value to the IOTA Foundation which extends into a plethora of different domains constantly. He will also be working specifically on visualization tools that make the Tangle more tangible. Andreas will also be doing his thesis on IOTA, so his academic contribution to the project will be be a great addition to the big library of academic work we are compiling on IOTA and Tangle. Alon Gal 13 January 2018 Alon Gal is an experienced analyst that has expertise in both scientific modelling and simulations, as well as actively driving research forward through these fields. His skill set compliments our dedicated mathematicians like a hand in a glove and will accelerate the evolution of Tangle optimization and stabilization towards maturity. Darcy Gabriel Augusto Cunha 12 January 2018 Darcy has shown through his young years that he is in the absolute upper echelon of international mathematicians. The prior connection and almost decade long experience working with IOTA’s own Professor Serguei Popov make him an ideal fit to the IOTA Foundation. Darcy will work on formal proofs of the Tangle, work on optimization strategies, as well as exploring new territory in upcoming IOTA projects such as Q. We are very happy to have Darcy on board. Clara Shikhelman 6 January 2018 Clara is a true mathematician that is dedicated to the core issues that are crucial to resolve properly in order to construct an thoroughly efficient and secure standardized protocol. Her impressive background and experience overlaps exactly with the crucial aspects of IOTA’s unique architecture, and she has already contributed to IOTA since November 2017. Her work will be of great value to the IOTA project. Koen Maris 6 January 2018 Koen brings with him experience from the start-up, open source and enterprise world with heavy emphasis on cyber security. Not only will he bring with him the expertise on cybersecurity that made him a CTO of a multi-billion dollar company, but also the experience and knowledge of how to organize organizations, which is precisely the stage the IOTA Foundation is in right now that it is scaling rapidly. Koen has a talent for making complex topics digestible for the general public, as well as senior members of organizations, both in the written and spoken medium, which is one of his roles at the IOTA Foundation. We are confident that he will add a lot to the project, particularly in the cybersecurity realm. Oliver Mulherin 4 January 2018 Oliver has extensive experience working on IoT/embed systems as a software engineer, which is the role he will continue to excel at in the IOTA Foundation. He has been contributing to IOTA projects since August 2017, when he found an improvement to be made on the WebGL Curl library. This improvement increased the efficiency of the library by 30–40%. Having proved his prowess and inquisitive nature and passion for IOTA through prior work, it was easy to make the decision to bring him on board in official capacity. Jens Lund-Nielsen 25 December 2017 Jens is a pioneer of digitizing the supply chain, which is in many ways the backbone of the modern international economy and industry. He has extensive experience dealing with authorities and companies, conveying new and sometimes complex topics. His experience with emerging markets will be of great value to IOTA’s global adoption, as these developing nations can leap frog a lot of the iterative steps that the developed nations has gone through and instead adopt the cutting edge of technology straight away. We are very excited to have him part of the IOTA Foundation to drive adoption as a vanguard in new fields. Max Michenkov 22 December 2017 Max joins the IOTA Foundation as a business developer and experienced organization builder. Given his strong background in the infrastructure industry he will add a lot of value to the Industry 4.0 ambition of the IOTA Foundation. In addition to his expertise and experience, he brings with him a vast international network and particularly close bonds with crucial ‘movers and shakers’ in Russia and its vicinity. He has known IOTA co-founder Sergey Ivancheglo for over a decade, and they have already sowed the first seeds in the Commonwealth of Independent States together. We are thrilled to open yet another geographic door for IOTA. Max represents the next steps in establishing IOTA as a truly international standard by raising the awareness and driving the adoption of IOTA in this region which has largely remained a virgin snow territory for IOTA and most of the Distributed Ledger space thus far. Hongquan Jiang 19 December 2017 The IOTA Foundation is tremendously excited at having someone as experienced as Hongquan on the advisory board. His international experience in deep tech and pivotal role in RBVC makes him an ideal advisor that will undoubtedly add a lot of value to IOTA’s goal of establishing itself as a standard in the IoT, Industry 4.0 and beyond realm. Our relationship with Bosch and RBVC’s acquisition of IOTA tokens is a new milestone on this journey, and we look forward to sharing it with Hongquan. Edward Greve 16 December 2017 Edward Greve has a wide range of experience from different regions and brings with him a varied skill set to the IOTA Foundation, and while his primary role will be full stack front-end development, he will also play a key role in supporting the IOTA Foundation’s efforts on the ground in Asia to establish IOTA as a standard in the region for IoT and beyond. His polyglot abilities is also a very useful asset for obvious reasons. We are very happy to have Edward on board. Giorgio E. Mandolfo 8 December 2017 The IOTA Foundation is excited to have such an experienced DevOps join the developer ranks now that we are putting in a lot more structure and organization around IOTA’s development. The fact that Giorgio has also been part of building a start-up from the early stage to global scale is naturally very overlapping with IOTA’s ambitions as a globally recognized and adopted protocol and platform standard. Tsvi Sabo 24 November 2017 Tsvi has shown great promise in the last weeks working with us. Particularly his deep experience and expertise with low level language development will be of great assistance for IoT focused development as well as IOTA’s C/C++ initiatives. We are excited to his skillset in our dev army. John Licciardello 22 November 2017 John has shown his devotion to the technology and vision of IOTA since he joined our community. His expertise in international finance and experience with organizing tasks makes him an ideal Ecosystem Fund manager, which will greatly expedite the process behind the Ecosysem Fund grant award program and thus foster growth of the IOTA ecosystem. Beyond this role he will also work as a researcher on the financial implications of IOTA’s unique zero fee scalable transactions on economic theory together with other researchers and mathematicians. Gal Rogozinski 19 November 2017 We are very happy to get Gal on board the IOTA Foundation as a full time full stack developer. His experience and expertise combined with his new found love for distributed ledger technology and applications will bring a powerful synergy to our ranks. Joachim Taiber 21 October 2017 We are delighted to have a titan like Professor Joachim Taiber on board as an advisor to the IOTA Foundation and its Smart Mobility workgroup. He brings a life time of experience and seminal expertise of the present and future of the automotive sector and smart city mobility. Together with Alexander and Jochen Renz of IOTA and New Mobility Lab we are confident that Dr. Taiber will play a vital role in establishing IOTA as a de facto standard of Distributed Ledger Technology in the vehicle and mobility sector. We already got a lot of exciting things in development with him and his extensive network and lab. John E. Mattison 13 October 2017 We are naturally thrilled to have John join IOTA as we continue to focus heavily on the intersection between healthcare and IOTA. Having a world leader like this alongside our other in-house eHealth experts like John Halamka and Navin Ramachandran will significantly enhance our ability to drive the exploration and adoption of Distributed Ledger technology in improving cutting edge healthcare. His full bio and list of publications is simply too comprehensive to list in an exhaustive manner in this introduction. This is a man who has and continue to achieve lifetimes worth of results each decade. Samuel Reid 13 October 2017 Samuel is a rare breed between a hardcore mathematician with in-depth knowledge of the technology, while still being deeply involved in the adoption work and business relations. All of which he intends to utilize to its fullest extent to drive the IOTA project and adoption further. For the mathematically inclined you might want to check out his previous impressive work in the field of math. We are happy that he was driven by his conviction that Ethereum doesn’t provide the needs for a scalable and affordable DLT and instead discovered IOTA which he wants to focus his time and energy together with us on growing. With his expansive expertise and experience in a myriad of sectors we expect great things to come from his work in IOTA. Anders H. Lier 19 September 2017 Anders brings with him an impressive plethora of expertise in building and leading organizations, as well as decades of experience. In addition to bringing passion and enthusiasm, he also has a vast network of entities and individuals whom it is natural and strategic for IOTA to be involved with, which will be of great assistance to scaling the IOTA project to large-scale adoption. Anders’ joining the ranks of IOTA also signals the impact we are aggregating in Scandinavia, which at the moment is taking the lead in spearheading a lot of technology with both private and government support. Vassil Dimitrov 19 September 2017 Vassil is a great addition to IOTA as the technology and ecosystem keep maturing and adoption is accelerating. His seminal expertise in areas ranging from cryptography to integrated circuits will be of tremendous value to the development and research of IOTA toward a production ready standardized protocol. Bartosz Kuśmierz 12 September 2017 Bartosz independently conducted very impressive research on the Tangle which automatically qualified him for a research position. As the project matures and adoption grows it is imperative that we optimize and learn as much about the Tangle’s properties in different environments and topologies, having great analytic minds like Bartosz working intensively alongside our other IOTA researchers and mathematicians is the key to building strong pillars underpinning IOTA and thus unlocking the true potential of the pioneering technology which it is. Oliver T. Bussmann 12 September 2017 We are thrilled to have one of the world’s foremost financial technology thinkers and actors with such gravitas and senior experience from world leading companies join the project. As IOTA has zero fees it is already a natural marriage with FinTech. The old financial legacy systems are rapidly being disrupted, and IOTA is part of spearheading that, Oliver will be a great asset in boosting this effort and ensuring great collaboration and adoption in this field and beyond. Danny Wu 7 September 2017 Danny has been an inquisitive community member for several months and consistently shown his dedication and interest in the deep details of how IOTA’s unique protocol operates. His extensive knowledge of microelectronics couples well with IOTA’s roadmap of eventual hardware support for ‘unlimited scaling’, as well as being of great use in stresstesting and simulating the network in different manners. We are excited to welcome him on board as a research advisor. Nick Beglinger 24 August 2017 We are very happy to welcome Nick to IOTA, his vast international background and extensive expertise in clean technology and the present challenges tied to climate change will assist in enabling IOTA’s potential in this realm. He is bringing his full entrepreneurial and activist mentality to the IOTA project. Securing air monitoring data, smart grid optimization models, business models and getting the right people in the right room for dialog are just some of the things Nick will be able to bring to the table. Lewis Freiberg 19 August 2017 Lewis has already shown consistent quality and commitment to the project in several developments, so we are very happy to have him on board the project in official capacity. John Edge 19 July 2017 John has decades of experience under his belt and expertise that will be of great value for the IOTA project. We are very excited to have him on board. Julie Maupin 17 July 2017 We are thrilled to have someone as professional and passionate as Julie join the project. She has been assisting us behind the scenes for some time now, particularly the IOTA Foundation registration process, but also various other valuable tasks, and has been absolutely tremendous. Her expertise and vast experience overlaps perfectly with a lot of the upcoming plans for IOTA, so we expect great synergy. Alexander Renz 16 July 2017 We are very happy to welcome Alex to the IOTA project. Alex will evangelize and assist in driving adoption of IOTA in Mobility and Transportation globally. He will also play a crucial role in evangelizing distributed ledger technologies in the Pacific Northwest and the broader West Coast. Andreas C. Osowski 15 July 2017 Andreas has been working with us for the last few weeks and is now a full member of the team. He approaches tasks in a very organized and dedicated fashion. Currently his main focus is on the upcoming Rust implementation of IOTA. Chris Dukakis 15 July 2017 Chris has been a great contributor since he arrived and is currently working on a soon to be announced Proof of Concept that showcases how IOTA can uniquely create new business models in the real world, as well as Hub IXI which lowers the barrier for exchanges to list IOTA significantly John Halamka 16 June 2017 We are very happy to have John Halamka on board as advisor for the eHealth working group within the IOTA Foundation. Our vision and ambition is to utilize distributed ledger in conjunction with other technology at the forefront to make modern and future medicine safer and more efficient. Having a world leading expert such as John on board this effort with us is very encouraging and promising for the goal of this working group. Jochen Renz 11 June 2017 We very happy to have Joe join the IOTA Foundation. He will play a key role in evangelizing distributed ledger technologies and its use cases in smart mobility and transportation globally. Joe’s extensive network will help evangelize distributed ledger technologies and IOTA in Chicago, Illinois and the broader Midwestern United States. Gideon Samid 6 May 2017 Gideon Samid is one of the few people who shares an almost identical vision of what spawned the IOTA project in the first place in terms of enabling a new kind of ‘on demand economy’ as well as security and economy of the Internet-of-Things. This is cause for a lot of optimism for what he can bring to the IOTA project. His particular interest and expertise in applying randomness fits perfectly with IOTA co-founder math Professor Serguei Popov who has specialized in randomness his entire career, so we believe the synergy between these two will open up new territory for IOTA’s plans. Wilfried Pimenta de Miranda 3 April 2017 Wilfried graduated from INSEAD with a Global Executive MBA in 2013 spent in France, Singapore and Abu Dhabi. Back in 2001, he finalized an international double Msc engineering degree from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France and NTNU, Norway. We are very happy to have Wilfried on board the IOTA Foundation. Will has a vast network which he keeps growing daily to which he spreads the vision and possibilities enabled by IOTA. Regine Haschka Helmer 2 April 2017 Regine also developed successful digital strategies and business models but also outstanding digital projects for corporates of a wide range of industries. for which she also won important awards like New York Festival, Cannes Lions, Art Directors Club etc. We are very happy to have Regine on board the IOTA Foundation and know based on her previous work on behalf of IOTA that she will play a key role in adoption of the technology and vision in the business landscape. Navin Ramachandran 30 December 2016 Dr. Navin Ramachandran MBBS BSc (Hons) MRCP FRCR is a practising radiology consultant at University College London Hospital (UCLH), an honorary senior lecturer / healthcare data researcher at University College London Centre for Health Informatics & Multiprofessional Education (UCL CHIME), and a co-founder of OpenCancer and the Platform for Enhanced Analytics and Computational Healthcare (PEACH). Carsten Stöcker 22 November 2016 He is leading the Machine Economy/Blockchain Lighthouse in the innogyInnovation Hub (formerly RWE Innovation Hub). Carsten is predominantly working on use cases and business models by integrating various technologies such as cyber physical systems, IoT, cryptography and Blockchain/Distributed Ledger Technologies. Prior to joining RWE / innogy he worked for the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Accenture GmbH. In addition to this he is also a member of the Future Council Network on Blockchain over at World Economic Forum (WEF). The IOTA Foundation welcome Carsten and are confident that his decades worth of experience and success in several different sectors will be of great value for the IOTA ecosystem. Sabri Goldberg Unknown Sabri Goldberg (also known as “Kalipo”) is a passionate designer.During his Communication Design studies at HTGW Konstanz, he deployed his first online store. This marked his first step in the direction towards cryptocurrency / distributed ledger technology. In 2012, he discovered Bitcoin while searching for alternatives to Paypal. He spiraled into this space, and it eventually led him to the discovery of Nxt in 2013. He supported Nxt by designing a complete revision of the project’s Corporate Identity. Before joining IOTA full time Sabri has been a vital designer for numerous multi-million dollar blockchain projects. His fervor for graphics is still ignited as it was in his early childhood. With his creativity and brilliant design capabilities, he is committed to being a valuable asset to IOTA. Alon Elmaliah Unknown Core Developer – After several years in the semiconductor industry, most recently at Intel, Alon devotes his time to the study of distributed, decentralized systems & digital cash alternatives; bringing large scale problem-solving skills to software implementations. Skilled in Python, Computer Science, and C++, he joins the IOTA core development team to push IOTA even further. Alfred Keller Unknown Core Developer – His IT career started in the banking industry where he was engaged in planning, sizing and testing the future system and network architecture. Later he became partner in a medium-sized company that developed software and devices for access control, biometric identification and the integration of advanced unified messaging systems. With good knowledge in C, C++, Java and Javascript he is very well prepared to review and test the IOTA core software and artifacts. He has profound experience in data communication and cloud computing. Paul Handy Unknown Core Developer – He holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, was introduced to blockchain and cryptocurrencies starting in early 2013 with Bitcoin and Litecoin, and has followed IOTA since the publishing of the whitepaper in 2015. Paul is passionate about electronics, physics, mathematics, cryptography, and peer-to-peer networks. Dominik Schiener Founder Sergey Invancheglo Founder and parttime troll Serguei Popov Founder David Sønstebø Founder
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