#dr stone ryusui
kadrii-art · 4 months
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sillies scientists 🤏
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maximortar · 20 days
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yaddoriart · 1 year
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Little dr stone art dump ✨💕
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themissinghand · 5 months
Hello beautiful I hope you’re doing well! If your requests for dr.stone are still on hold then please ignore this message!
if not then can I request the five wise commanders with a s/o who tries to impress them by learning the stuff they are interested in. (Examples can be like Ryusui’s s/o tried to learn about boats or Chrome’s s/o tries to learn about rocks and tells them the stuff they learned.) Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a good one!😁
Dr. Stone: Painting with Two Hands
Summary: In which the Five Wise Commanders get blown away by your knowledge in their passion. 
Or you want to show them that you are someone they can rely on too. 
Pairing: Five Wise Commanders (Senku, Chrome, Gen, Ryusui, and Ukyo)  x GN! Reader!
Note: Thanks for the request and your patience! This turned out super fluffy and I love it! Each scenario takes place in a different time/place. 
Warning: None. 
The Art of Science
“What the hell are you wearing?”
“A lab coat.” Senku looked at you incredulously, with one brow raised and his other hand shaking a glass beaker. 
“Okay, how the heck did you even get that-“
“Yuzuriha.” Right. 
“And why are you wearing it exactly?”
“Because I look good in it and…” 
"I've been studying chemistry," You declared, revealing a notebook filled with meticulously recorded observations.
When you hand him the said notebook, you watch his skepticism turn into fascination.
“Kukuku, I’m impressed, it’s right. You wrote down the formulas for everything. Where and when did you get this?”
“See, I actually listened to all of your scientific rants. I thought they were interesting and super helpful, so I wanted to learn.”
Senku blinked, slightly surprised that you had put in the effort to take notes, listen and learn.
“I thought that we could experiment together."
For a moment, he was silent, but then his lips quirk up into a smirk, and he flicked your forehead.
“Alright, what are you waiting for? Come help me then. Show me what you learned.” 
“Wait.” Senku was twirled around and handed a lab coat too.
“I got one for you too.” Dumbfounded, Senku didn’t move until you sighed and helped him put it on. Before you went to fix his collar, he came to his senses.
“I can do it myself.” He quickly turned away from you and put it on properly.
"You look good short king."
You had a smug expression on your face.
"Shut up."
You swear he has a little tint of pink on his cheeks, but you decided to not mention it.
“Come on, we got a lot of work to do.” He extended a hand, and you accepted it as if it was the norm. 
“I know Einstein.” 
The Art of Exploration
“Chrome! Look at what I found!” 
“Be careful (Y/N)! Don’t fall down!” 
Chrome ran after you as you skipped ahead and jumped into a flowing river. 
“(Y/N)!” Chrome was always worried about your safety and well-being, despite the many times where you proved where you were just as strong as him. 
“Don’t worry Chrome, it’s not like it’s my first time out with you! Besides, look, I found this cool-looking thing in the water!” 
In your hands was an oddly shaped rock, and while the two of you inspected it, neither of you knew what it was. Until you cleaned it a bit more in the river. 
A golden exterior shone through its surface. 
Almost immediately, you screamed out in excitement. 
“Gold! It’s the thing that Senku was looking for right?” Even Chrome was shocked at your luck, before hugging you from behind.
Even though you both were slightly dirty from running away and exploring all day, neither of you minded.
“It’s gold! Amazing! How did you find that so easily?” Chrome was genuinely curious. After all, from his perspective, he simply saw you jump into a river, bend down, and pick up a random rock. 
“Um…it’s kind of embarrassing but…” Chrome cocked a head at your hesitation before you blurted out. 
“I’VE BEEN LEARNING ABOUT ROCKS!” It was so loud that the world shook around you both. 
"because...I want to go with you more when you explore..." Your voice became quieter and quieter, while you fidgetted with your hand.
Chrome watched your face lit up, before you quickly turn around and make a run for it. 
“Wait (Y/N)! That’s so cool! Come back!” 
Chrome chased you with a giant grin on his face.
He can’t wait to see what you learned, and how, when the two of you go back to his workshop. 
Chrome also can’t wait to brag to everyone (especially Senku) how great you are.
The Art of Communication
“I’ll play with you Genie, call.” The click of chips being pushed to the center. Gen(ie) winked at you.
Genie was nickname for your little boyfriend, why? Well, man can read minds (probably).
The cards are slowly being flipped over as spectators make their own guesses.
“All-in!” Gen pushed up his sunglasses dramatically (as if he was in an anime) and smirked as he turned to you.
“Sorry dear (Y/N), this is my game.” 
You stayed silent for a moment, observing Gen from head to toe.
But Gen of course, remains calm, and confident in his hand.
Gen raises his sunglasses in slight surprise at your bet.
“Dear (Y/N), are you sure?” Gen was slightly worried, after all, you tend to be more on the conservative side when it comes to gambling. He slides his hand over to you, and you put yours on top of his. 
“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” You returned his look with a forced smile. Gen whistled, surprised at your sudden bold action. 
“Okay, I’m going to flip the last card.” Kohaku flips and the room goes silent. 
Then he saw a smirk rose to your lips, and felt your hand intertwin with his. 
“You owe me babe.” You hold up his hand while his jaw dropped to the ground. 
This was the first you had ever won against him in gambling. 
“Finally someone gave Gen a taste of his own medicine.” Ukyo rolled his eyes before snickering. 
“Wha-how did you-” 
"I thought I'd learn from the best.” You winked and stole his sunglasses, making your beloved stutter even more. 
“After all, the mind is the most fascinating puzzle, and yours is the most intriguing of them all." You put on his sunglasses with a smug smirk.
“Damn, that was cringe.” Senku commented, which received a nudge from Yuzuriha. 
Gen eventually recovered and chuckled, bringing your hand to his lips. 
“Oh dear (Y/N), are you playing mind tricks with me now?” 
“Of course not dear~ I still have much to learn~” 
(Senku of course, fake gagged behind the scenes, but that never stopped you and Gen from doing anything, has it?)
The Art of Navigation
Under the starlit sky, both you and Ryusui stood on the deck of the Perseus, his eyes scanning the horizon. 
It was at times like these where your boyfriend was finally quiet, appreciating the tranquility, and the ambience as you two were on a date. Delicious food and wine made by Francois, while listening to the waves rock against the ship, and the laughter from others inside. 
Of course, Ryusui is the one to break that silence when he notices the seas changing. 
“My love, a storm is coming.” He suddenly stands up, “Francois, follow me after you clean up.” 
“Yes sir.” Francois, elegant and efficient as always, quickly retreated with the food. 
“Ay ay Captain.” Your little salute made his loosen up just a little, before he held your hand, and pulled you inside as if he was guiding you in a waltz.
Ambitious, confident, and charismatic, that was your love, Ryusui.
As expected, he took the helm immediately, and an excited grin rose to his face as he looked far into the distance with thunderous clouds. 
“Love, can you tell them all to get ready!? We need all hands on deck!” 
“On it captain!” 
With a laugh, you began warning everyone through the speakers, and chaos followed as everyone scrambled to get on desk.
Surprisingly, Ryusui watched you give commands almost effortlessly and matching his pace.
“Furl the sails!” 
“We’re going to change courses!” 
“Make sure to hold to the ship!” 
“Love, you’re perfect.” Ryusui thanks you while he spins the wheel.
“Drop the anchors!” 
Then you turn around and slide beside him. 
“Love, let me help you - it’s that way - where we have to go right?” 
“A little bit more to the left, but love, I see you’ve been learnING-” The ship’s center of gravity suddenly shifts, causing you to lean on Ryusui as you grab onto the wheel for your deer life. 
“I love it! The desire to learn is always so endearing!” 
“Oh stop it~ All I did was read some maps and books!” 
“Hey Captain! Can you stop flirting and steer the ship properly!?” The others yelled while panicking on deck, and with a laugh, both of you steered the ship to safety. 
"One more time?" He proposed, and you agreed, much to the displeasure of your crewmates.
The Art of Archery
Sometimes, the kids are loud. 
As such, Ukyo and his companion often found solace in the tranquility of the forest. Sometimes they would take long walks, talk about various topics they would not share in front of children, and enjoy the silence once in a while away from the chaos of someone known as Senku. 
But one day, you asked Ukyo to learn archery. 
Naturally, Ukyo was elated to teach you, after all, it was a way for you to protect yourself. 
It began with Ukyo making a bow for you, then arm guard, and even received gloves from Yuzuriha. He wanted to make sure you had the best of equipment he could get, and that you were safe at all times.
The first few training sessions began with Ukyo standing behind you, guiding you with a calm, mellow voice, and helping you with aim. 
But soon, you both practiced archery side by side, the twang of bowstrings harmonizing with the rustling leaves.
"Your aim is getting better," Ukyo praised, a smile gracing his lips as he applauded you. 
“Thanks, it all because of your help Ukyo.” You gave him a little hug which he returned. 
“I’m proud of you.” 
“Can I come and hunt with you now?” For a moment he hesitated, but after seeing your adorable puppy eyes, he caved in within a heartbeat. 
“Okay, but safety first ok?” 
“Mhmm. I know.” 
You gave him a peck on the cheek, before he returned one too. 
LIttle did you know, not only were your arrows hitting the bulls-eye, they went through Ukyo’s heart too.
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nari-kami · 7 days
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senkusphone · 10 months
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Why should Ukyo have all the fun to himself? now you can have a wise commander party Add them as emotes to your discord server while all the other mods are sleeping, you have my permission P.S. Kohaku is not hurt, she's just having a bad day
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senksless · 8 months
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maskelrat · 8 months
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holy trinity
i dont even know what this means but its really funny so i had to make it
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emimii · 7 months
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most of my dr stone posts r shit posts m sorry
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snzhrchy · 11 months
Hey so saw that requests for dr.stone were open and wanted to ask if u were willing to write ryusui x reader maybe something along the lines of the reader being a marine biologist
Only if your ok with it hope you have a great day and hope everything is going well thank you🤗
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ryusui x marine biologist!reader
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synopsis; a feeling of dread washes over you as you gaze out to sea, luckily, ryusui is more than happy to cheer you up. taglist; lmk if u wanna be on it <3 warnings; none at all! notes; soz for uploading this so late <//3
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the ocean was an abyss; a long, never-ending void filled with twists and turns of the water waves that would ever so slightly change their path for your easy travel.
hands crossed, your upper-half was leaning onto the railings of the perseus, looking out into the abyssal, black sea. you sighed, reminiscing about your life from the past--a life you knew you could never have anymore, a life that you had lost. it's funny really how one day, you're getting congratulated by renowned scientists from all the over the world for your accomplishments, and the next? you're back in the stone ages.
you were too lost in your thoughts to have noticed the familiar, flamboyant captain of the ship walk towards you and lean on the railing of the ship with his back and his head turned towards you. 'what's on your mind?' he asks as he crosses his arms around his chest, giving you his familiar smile.
you paused, unsure of whether to shrug it off or actually tell him the truth. ultimately, you decided to simply change the direction of the conversation. 'it's nothing,' you sighed.
warm autumn breezes greeted you both every now and then. whenever they did so, the wind would make ryusui's hair seem angelic and beautiful. the sun's reflection on his golden locks further aided it.
ryusui remained silent for a short while, until he thought of the most befitting question to ask you: 'you were a marine biologist back then, correct?'
you simply nodded at his inquiry.
'then i assume you've spent months on the sea as well?'
'well, i wouldn't say months... more like, a few weeks on the open sea and the rest of it at science conferences and the university.'
'well, whatever. it's still nice to meet someone that's a bit knowledgeable about these open seas!'
'i'm... more of an organism person. i don't know much about the tides like you do.'
ryusui scoffed and began to compliment your talents, saying that you having a phd in marine science was no ordinary feat; even asking you to showcase some of your talent by pointing at random aquatic organisms and asking you to name them or explain their anatomy.
you couldn't help but giggle at his silly antics to cheer you up, explaining to him how the requirements for being a marine biologists were far different from all the movies he'd consumed.
though, you both did begin to talk and soon, you felt all your worries leave your body like the blissful tides of the ocean. you nearly forgot how homesick the ocean made you feel.
having ryusui to talk to about your life from the past really did uplift your mood to an extent.
who would've expected that you both would get along so well?
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kadrii-art · 4 months
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Tiny guys
/I'm alredy obsessed again with Dr Stone ugh and the season ended ughhhhh
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ardorwritesfanfic · 10 months
DCST Men in Bed
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A/N: Since my Blue Lock ones did so well, I decided to write some headcanons for Dr Stone! Hope y'all enjoy this one as much as the Blue Lock ones!
Warnings: dom/sub dynamics, lactation kink, corruption kink, praise kink, overstimulation, sir/professor kink.
Featuring: Senku Ishigami, Ryusui Nanami, Chrome
All characters are 20+!
Requests are open and thirsts are always welcome!
Senku Ishigami
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Senku is a switch. But he prefers being dominant.
He loves to tease you in bed.
He’ll say such nasty things in your ear with a smirk, just because he knows you like it.
Senku likes to think of sex like a science experiment
He’ll touch and probe every sensitive spot on your body, just to see what makes you moan.
Senku is a big fan of quickies.
He’s extremely focused on his tasks as the village scientist, so oftentimes he doesn’t have time for a full session.
He’ll finger you and fuck you as fast as he can to fulfill your desire and get you off.
However, if your itching to spend time with him, he’ll gladly have you cockwarm him.
He’ll have you sit on his lap while he works, secretly loving how you squirm with his every movement.
Sometimes he thrust into you just to see you writhe and moan.
He loves having that power over you.
He also loves to finger you while he works.
His fingers are long and he knows how to work them.
He’ll massage your walls with his calloused fingertips, relishing your beautiful moans
His cock gets so incredibly hard if you let him play with you while he works.
Speaking of his cock, his is on the longer side.
It sits at about 6.3 inches, but it doesn’t have much girth.
It’s okay though, he definitely knows how to use it, once he figures out what makes you tick~
Senku has a slight sir kink, but it’s really only in the context of teacher/student role play.
Call him Mr. Ishigami, or Professor, and he’s putty in your hands.
He’ll pretend you’re his assistant helping him with some “experiments”.
He’ll call you “Cherub”, which goes with his corruption kink~
“It’s okay, my dear Cherub. I’ll make you feel good~”
For the sake of clean up, Senku prefers to cum inside you.
However, he knows the consequences of doing that, so he’ll try to cum on your tummy instead.
Senku isn’t great with aftercare, but he’ll try to make sure you’re cleaned up and okay at the very least.
You might have to really beg him for cuddles, but he’ll give in eventually.
Ryusui Nanami
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Ryusui is a soft dom, through and through.
He’s also a service dom.
You may think he would be greedy, but he’s greedy in the way that he wants to pull as many orgasms out of you as he can.
He gets off on making you feel good.
He will pamper you to no end, both in and out of the bedroom~
He definitely has a size kink.
He’ll use his height to flirt with you, making you weak in the knees as he towers over you.
He’ll use his large body to keep you in place.
His hands will pin your wrists to the bed, keeping you steady for him.
Also is big on praise.
Not so much for himself, but more so likes how you react to him praising you.
Adores how your moan and writhe under him when he praises you.
Typically is more slow and sensual with you. He wants you to feel every inch of his cock.
Dragging himself in and out of you to pull every lewd moan he can from you.
“You’re doing so well for me, my Darling. Such a good girl~”
Ryusui is absolutely packing.
His dick reaches 7.5 inches in length, and he’s quite thick too~
He loves seeing the bulge in your belly when he’s inside you.
He’s so incredibly gentle and deliberate with his movements too.
He does exactly what you want, as long as you can ask him for it.
He’ll make you use your words, knowing damn well that all you can do is mewl from the pleasure.
Ryusui loves overstimulating you.
He’ll sloppily thrust into you while his rough fingers rub circles into your clit.
He won’t stop until far tears run down your cheeks from the stimulation.
Only then will he slow down, until he stops.
He’ll kiss the tears on your cheeks, praising you for holding on so long for him.
He prefers to cum on your chest/tummy.
However, he would absolutely melt if you let him cum inside you. His heart will explode with love, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck as he climaxes.
He’s oftentimes so focused on your pleasure that he forgets about himself. He’ll get himself off afterwards.
If you have enough energy, he’ll let you get him off after a session.
Ryusui is amazing with aftercare.
He treats you like his princess, will not let you lift a finger.
He’ll clean you up as best he can, pressing sweet kisses to your skin.
He’ll pull you in close to his warm body, petting your hair softly as he soothes you to sleep.
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Chrome is a very shy person, but I still feel like he leans more towards a dom.
He has switch vibes, but he prefers taking the lead.
He’s a very vanilla person, though he does have some kinks.
He’s very passionate with you, loves watching your face when you two have sex.
HUGE praise kink!!!
He will absolutely melt if you tell him how good he’s doing.
He’ll get super blushy, and his hips will stutter.
He’ll pull you close as his friend thrust get sloppier and sloppier.
“Don’t say things like that! I’ll cum too early, buttercup.”
Chrome is obsessed with your tits.
He’s super awkward about initiating anything, but if you place his hands on your breasts? Game over~
He’ll spend hours sucking on them until your nipples are sore from the attention.
He could honestly spend all night on your boobs.
He will suck on them until you lactate
He loves drinking your precious milk~.
Chrome isn’t super big, but once he gets more comfortable, he definitely knows how to please you.
Chrome is about 5.5 inches long, and about average girth.
His hands tho? Super dexterous~
He’s a master at fingering you, and will pull several orgasms out of you just with his fingers.
He has an attention to detail that no one else has.
Which means that he’s amazing at oral too~
He learns very quickly, will learn all of your sweet spots.
With every intimate night, he learns more and more about you, and commits it to memory.
He loves exploring your body, making sure that you feel good.
He prefers to cum on your chest, and he tries to keep it all in one place.
Doesn’t really like the idea of cumming inside you, unless the both of you have already discussed it.
Aftercare for Chrome is a lot of cuddles.
He spends a lot of time just holding you close to him, basking in the afterglow of your lovemaking.
He presses soft kisses to your face, as he gently caresses your cheek, lulling you both into a peaceful sleep
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noseaux · 10 months
Five Wise Commanders
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They can command my life and I'll gladly follow them.
Who's your favorite among them?
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yaddoriart · 11 months
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Continuing the saga of “drawings of Ryusui carrying people he loves”🏹🐉
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nari-kami · 6 months
It’s a dcst characters birthday you know what that means >:3
✨RYSUI in the Dcst Magical boy/girl AU✨
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Its been a year and I’m still on my magical au bullshit
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leewritestoomuch · 19 days
Hiii (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Can I request a reader x ryusui where reader and Ryusui sleeping together. Reader wakes up first and contemplates about waking Ryusui with a kiss. Reader leans in only to hesitate centimeters away out of embarrassment. Ryusui opens their eyes and says, 'if you won't do it, I will.' then just goes for it LOLL
I requested the spicy ukyo fic and oh boi it made me feel things😵‍💫😳
Also can I be 🦐 anon?? 🥹
Thank you!!
This is so cute! And Hi 🦐 anon! Nice to see a request from you againnnnn
It’s just fluff, hope that’s what you wanted 😭
You know, I always think of Ryusui when I listen to “Brandy, You’re a Fine Girl.” Lol. I love GOTG Vol. 2, but now I just can’t get Ryu out of my head.
“Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not?” Ryusui x Reader
Admittedly, you didn’t agree to sleeping in the same bed as Ryusui for mere convenience. You could have put a pillow on the wooden floor of the hut beside you, slept there just fine for a night.
You couldn’t even be mad that Homura burning down your hut was still causing issues now. The foundation was worse than you thought, but you’d ignored it for months now, and it crumbled while you were away. It’d be dreadful if it weren’t for the fact that your crush had quickly offered up his place.
So here you were, a little too close to him than you probably should be as the morning light illuminates his face. His eyes are shut, his mouth just lightly ajar. The light makes his tanned skin almost glow. And you notice, despite hearing rich people are usually pale for their complexion with less freckles from inside jobs and such, that he’s got freckles littering his cheeks. Quite a few, and honestly, you find it quite cute. Your fingertips ghost over them, almost touching his skin, but not.
He must have had a good skincare routine before because there isn’t a blemish in sight somehow, even now. You wondered how he kept it that way in this world, but you brush it off and you dare to brush your fingers through his blonde hair. His hair is smooth and soft, and you find it hard to not almost be jealous, maybe even pissed at him for being so perfect. Was it rich people shit, or was it him? You didn’t know.
His hair is soft, so you dare to brush your hand over his cheek to see if his skin is just as soft. To your joy, it is just as soft. You can’t help but smile at how beautiful of a man he is. You’re almost jealous of him, but something besides that is occupying your mind. Your desire, as he would call it, to be with him.
You can’t help but want to wake up like this, but closer, every morning. Feel his soft skin on yours as his arms around wrapped around you. It’s the dream. And it’s not like he doesn’t like you, no, he loves you. He’s made it known, but he loves everybody (even Tsukasa). So you can’t help but feel he can’t be yours in a traditional sense.
He doesn’t seem the type to tie himself to one person, and that makes your heart ache. You hate that you let yourself expect anything, or that you can’t help the way your eyes are pulled down to his lips. You hate the way your mind begs the question, “are his lips as soft as his hair? As his skin?”
You stare at them for a moment. At least, visually, you couldn’t find any signs of chapped lips or anything. So far, so good, but you want to feel them. You lean closer, but you know you shouldn’t just take what you want. So you go to pull away when his eyes crack open, scaring you a little.
He smiles a shit-eating grin, “Are you gonna kiss me or not?” He leans up a little bit. “If you don’t, I will.” He says, pulling you closer. You gasp as you’re suddenly mere centimeters away from him, noticing his eyes locked on your lips before it seems like he prys them back up to your eyes, “Can I?”
You nod before you feel his lips, as soft as you imagined, brush over yours. He pulls your bottom lip between his lips as his hand comes up to hold the back of your head. You’re shocked, your eyes fall shut, and you let yourself let go so he can lead. He’s an ambitious kisser, despite it being your first kiss with him, so he leads you to let your mouth fall open, his tongue slipping past to just barely graze your lips.
You can taste him when your tongues finally meet in the middle. You realize you’ve never enjoyed a kiss this much before as you relish in the way he tastes. He pulls away slowly and softly, clearly admiring your features as you both break apart.
And now you don’t know what you two are, but you’ll leave that conversation for another time, you figure as you feel him pull you back in.
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