#dr. savme
Lloyd: The other day, this guy threatened to kill me.
Lloyd: I told him. I told him to make it count. He better've take me out in a single blow.
Lloyd: And apparently antagonizing someone to kill me with no fear for my own life is "discouraging" and "a clear cry for help".
Dr. Savme: Lloyd, I think you need to go back to the daddy issues.
Lloyd: My dad almost killed me once.
Dr. Savme: Did you live?
Lloyd: Sadly, yes.
Dr. Savme: No, that's good.
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paylasimzamani · 4 years
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Prof. Dr. Ömer Çelik, Peygamber Efendimiz’in ekseriyetle son 10 gecede arayınız buyurduğu Kadir Gecesi’nin emarelerini konu alıyor. Ek olarak istifâde için Kadir Gecesi ile ilgili âyet ve hadisleri derledik. KADİR GECESİ İLE İLGİLİ AYETLER “Biz onu Kadir gecesi indirdik. Kadir gecesi nedir, bilir misin sen? Kadir gecesi bin aydan hayırlıdır. Meleklerle Ruh o gece Rabblerinin izniyle her iş için iner de iner. Tam bir esenliktir o gece, tâ tan yeri ağarıncaya kadar.” (Kadîr sûresi, 1-5) “Biz Kur’an’ı kutlu bir gecede indirdik.” (Duhân sûresi, 3) KADİR GECESİ İLE İLGİLİ HADİSLER Kadir Gecesi’nin İhyâsı Ebû Hüreyre radıyallahu anh‘den rivayet edildiğine nazaran Nebî sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem şöyleki buyurdu: “Faziletine inanarak ve karşılığını ALLAH’tan bekleyerek Kadir gecesini değerlendiren kişinin geçmiş günahları bağışlanır. ” (Buhârî, Îmân 25, 27, 28, 35, Savm 6, Terâvih 1, Leyletü’l–kadr 1) Kadir Gecesi Ne Süre? Abdullah İbni Ömer radıyallahu anhümâ‘dan rivayet edildiğine nazaran, bir grup sahâbî, rüyalarında Kadir gecesinin ramazan’ın son yedi gecesinde bulunduğunu görmüşler (ve bunu Hz. Peygamber’e bildirmişler)di. Bunun üstüne Resûlullah sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem şöyleki buyurdu: “Kadir gecesi ile ilgili rüyalarınızın, ramazanın son yedi gecesi üstünde toplandığını görüyorum. Read the full article
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Dr. Saveme: ... That's new.
Zane: ... yes.
Dr. Savme: Do you think that maybe your lingering fear of your team abandoning you may stem from your previous sacrifices?
Dr. Savme: Giving so much of yourself to others can damage you over time. And that kind of selflessness falls to toxic or depressive episodes.
Dr. Savme: It becomes a point where you don't ask if you should- it's when you should.
Dr. Savme: And at that point, your fear of abandonment might fall to situations where you can't give yourself up to your teammates.
Zane: I don't understand...
Dr. Savme: ... Okay-
Dr. Savme: Your constant urge to sacrifice yourself has evolved into a toxic habit that continues to harm you.
Dr. Savme: Your mental state deteriorates every time you don't kill yourself because your brain is trained at this point to do that.
Dr. Savme: Sadly, as a savior of Ninjago; You're not able to take a vacation like most people.
Zane: That is true. My role in the team is too important.
Dr. Savme: Goodly, your team will understand if you are unable to attend missions.
Zane: And how will that be possible?
Dr. Savme: ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Kai: Yeah, yeah-
Kai: Yeah I'll tell the others. Thanks, doc.
Kai hangs up the phone.
Kai: So the head shrink left a message.
Jay, munching on fries: We don't call Dr. Dean Savme a head shrink in this household, Kaiba Smith.
Kai: Yeah okay twink-
Kai: Anyways, they told me that Zane's gonna be packing some things and going away for a while.
Lloyd: Wait, where's Zane going?
Kai: I dunno, but the doc did some stupid impression of a villain, did a maniacal laugh, and told me that they kidnapped Zane.
Kai: Then Zane (horribly) acted like they were scared and said he hopes we rescue him in two weeks.
Kai: Which means that Zane is going on vacation.
Lloyd: Good for him.
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Dr. Savme: Zane we've been over this, sacrificing yourself over any dangerous situation is not going to help anyone.
Zane: But-
Dr. Savme: Do I need to kidnap you again? Do I need to kidnap you again??
Zane: I think I may be considering early retirement.
Dr. Savme: ... When are you planning on telling the others?
Zane: Maybe tonight.
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trust me Kai, as a person who doesn't like needles, its not too bad. I find holding some ones hand, or a stuffed animal to help a lot tho!
Warning: Needles and Injection, and being hooked up to a medical monitor
Kai sucked in a breath and nodded.
S1 Kai: I think I can do it.
The nurse smiled, holding the needle carefully as he walked to Kai's side.
Nurse Arrow: Do you need to hold something while I give you the shot?
Kai thought, and he had one idea.
S1 Kai: ... Can I have Wu and Lloyd here? I-I want to have them around when I go under.
He didn't want to go under with strangers around him and then wake up with the urge to fight his way out of the hospital.
Dr. Savme: Of course.
As Dr. Savme got up, Nurse Arrow then placed a hand on Kai's shoulder.
Nurse Arrow: Can you please lay down? The anesthesia will take quick effect after we administer it, and I don't want you falling over.
Kai nodded and fixed his gown as he lays down.
The door opened and Dr. Savme poked his head out, seeing Kai's companions still in their seats.
Dr. Savme: Mr. Wuulong, Lloyd; Mr. Smith has asked for you to come in.
Little Lloyd snickered.
LL: Wuulong?
Wu cleared his throat as he picked Lloyd up.
Wu: Kai is waiting for us.
LL: Is he okay?
Dr. Savme: Kai is fine, he's asked for you two to be in the room while he gets his shot.
Wu and Little Lloyd entered, and there they saw Kai after what seemed to be hours. And it would be a couple more once Kai went in for surgery.
S1 Kai: H-hi guys.
LL: Kai!
Little Lloyd wriggled away from Wu and clambered up a spare chair next to the bed.
S1 Kai: Hey kid.
LL: What kinda shot are they giving you?
S1 Kai: It's anesthesia.
LL: Ana-stee-see-ya?
Nurse Arrow: It's going to put him under really fast. It's so fast that sometimes people don't know they got the shot until it wears off!
LL: How fast?
Nurse Arrow: It can affect someone as quickly as 30 seconds.
LL: Kai- you really gonna fall asleep that fast!?
S! Kai: Sounds like a good night's sleep.
Dr. Savme: Excuse me boy, but I need to attach the heart monitor to Kai. Can you please move back?
Wu: Let me do that for you, William.
Wu pulled the chair away as Dr. Savme pulled up the wires.
Dr. Savme: Kai, I need to lift your gown so I can place the-
S! Kai: Oh uh- sure sure.
Kai lifted his gown a smidge, as Dr. Savme placed a sticker or sorts on the wire. Then carefully, he moved under Kai's gown until he could press it in place.
The heart monitor next to them then began to beep in time with Kai's heartbeat.
LL: Is he gonna fall asleep now?
Dr. Savme fixed a wrist bracelet on Kai as Nurse Arrow flicked the needle.
Dr. Savme: He is.
Kai looked over to Wu and Lloyd, a small worried smile on his face.
S1 Kai: Uhm... can one of you hold my hand?
Wu: Frightened?
S1 Kai: Yeah...
LL: I got it!
Lloyd leaned over and took Kai's left hand, while Kai's right was getting adjusted with a fixed needle and cord of sorts?
Dr. Savme: Nurse Arrow is going to put a needle in your wrist, attached to it is a fluid tube to allow the anesthesia to come through and for fluids to be given to you while in surgery.
S1 Kai: Is it going to stay in me?
Dr. Savme: Until the operation is concluded.
Kai gulped, but a gentle squeeze brought him back to Lloyd. The little sneak was pinching his hand.
S1 Kai: Hey, the needle is supposed to pinch, not you!
LL: Now you get pinched on both arms! Mwhuahaha!
S1 Kai: Jerk! You little-!
Nurse Arrow: Okay, we're done!
Kai blinked. He looked over and- wow. He did not feel that! Okay, now the weird little pinch was there but it wasn't so bad as-
S1 Kai: I'm so gonna ground you when we get home.
LL: Nuh-uh, I helped you!
Nurse Arrow, whispering: Do you think I should tell him I already gave him the shot?
Dr. Savme, whispering back: Nah I go this.
Dr. Savme, clearing his throat: Mr. Smith, are you okay?
S1 Kai: Yeah, my son is just being a little jerk.
Dr. Savme: I see, well that's good to he-
Dr. Savme: Wait, Mr. Smith- did you say-?
And Kai was out, snoring. Loudly.
Wu shook his head and he picked Lloyd up. As they were leaving, Dr. Savme coughed.
Dr. Savme: E-Excuse me, Wu-
Wu: Yes, William?
Dr. Savme: Did Kai just call Lloyd his son?
Wu: Why yes, he did.
And the two left.
Dr. Savme looked to Nurse Arrow in shock. The nurse was the exact same.
Dr. Savme: ... Well... That is something I definitely must add to the file...
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Dr. Savme: Hello! I am Dr. Dean Savme! I'm Jay's-and I guess now the other Ninjas'- phycologist!
Wu: I am Wu Garmadon, Jay's and the Ninja's mentor.
Dr. Savme: I see here with the paperwork and cross notes, you've also been recommended to me by Mr. Walker.
Dr. Saveme: So what brings you to me today?
Wu: I thought this was a session for me to be updated on my students' development?
Dr. Savme: MMMmmmnnoooo. No.
Dr. Saveme: None of the Ninja have shown nor expressed permission for you to see into their notes.
Dr. We're here for you.
Wu: They tricked me.
Dr. Savme: Oh, that's a bummer...
Dr. Savme: Why don't you tell me how that makes you feel?
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Commotion is made as patients of the waiting room look on.
The red and white ninja walk through the area basically yelling at each other.
Patient 1: Are those the Fire and Ice guys?
Patient 2: omg are we seeing a divorce in motion-
Dr. Savme walks from their office.
They're nursing a hot cup of coffee and a neck pillow.
Dr. Savme, reading their clipboard: Mr. and Mr. Julien-Smith?
Zane and Kai march past Dr. Savme, in to the office.
Patient 1: omg we are.
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How ya feeling?!?!
Dr. Savme: ... This will be a short period. And by tonight, Kai can be released. BUT-
Dr. Savme slapped down his paperwork. A lot of it.
Dr. Savme: I need an update on ALL your students! And I will upkeep my end of the Walker's promise and contact them!
Dr. Savme: Not to mention any of the other parents on record...
Was it bad that Wu has basically taken in a bunch of misfits? Not at all.
Wu: I assure you, William, that everything is in order.
Failing to keep an eye on those misfits? Yes.
Dr. Savme: You say that-
Dr. Savme: And then you bring an injured teen with an eye needed for removal, their son -no doubt a lack of sexual education and no protection resulting in teen pregnancy! or worse- and their sibling who I've yet to see.
Dr. Savme: Parents of said teens missing for years. No contact with Mr. Brookstone's father. No clue as to who Zan'es legal guardians are-
Dr. Saveme: And where is Lloyd? Where is Kai's son!?
Wu: Lloyd went down to check on Shard.
Dr. Savme: Shard? The... dragon?
Wu: Yes.
Dr. Savme: You mean the dragon that is no longer in the parking lot.
Wu: What do you mean? Lloyd is with Shard and only checking up on-
Wu looked out the window. Not seeing a dragon or a little boy. At all.
Wu: ...
Dr. Savme:
Wu: ..........
Dr. Savme: ... I'm calling child services.
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Awww, Kai—
It’s okay. The nurse is here to help. And if they say one mean word, I can count at least 9 people + us that will immediately throw hands
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Content warning for: Injection mention
Nurse Arrow: Dr. Savme?
Dr. Savme: Ah, Nurse Arrow, come in.
The nurse pulled in the monitor, which Kai stared at with a curious horror.
He was still getting used to the modern age, the jump from the humble monastery to the jumbling, messy busyness of a hospital- in a city no less made Kai uneasy. That and the overabundance of-
Dr. Savme: Kai, this is my assistant and he will be giving you your prep shots.
Well, this was a twist. A male nurse. Kai's previous perception of nurses has been those scantily dressed pretty ladies with short dress uniforms. Guess those stupid dramas Jay and Nya watched were full of bull.
But then again, Arrow was pretty handsome-
Nurse Arrow: Hello, Kai. I want to ask, have you gotten shots before?
S1 Kai: Uh- I think maybe as a kid?
Nurse Arrow: Do you think you may have any fear of needles?
S1 Kai: Why?
Nurse Arrow: You might have a fight or flight reaction, and for that, we usually take a moment to have the patient adjust before we go forward with injections.
S1 Kai: Huh-
This really isn't a medical drama.
Nurse Arrow picked up a needle. Not motioning it to Kai, seeing the boy freeze up-
Dr. Savme: Let's give him a minute.
S1 Kai: ... How deep is that going to go?
Nurse Arrow: Not too deep, you'll feel a tight pinch and you'll be good to go.
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Kai, sweetie—
Please send Nya and/or LL in to comfort their older brother…
Content warning for: deadnaming (medical) and unsafe binding mention
When Dr. Savme flipped through the thin file, Kai was on to feel his chest. The discomfort of a presence slowly digging him out.
Dr. Savme: Binding with bandages or tight cloth is a dangerous method to hold down breast tissue and muscle. And if you've been doing it for 3 years...
Kai tried to cover his chest as if he didn't have the medical gown on him.
Dr. Savme: I want you to be assured, the surgery will be very simple. But considering your ribcage does have some long-term bruising, you might be down for some time to account for the eye and your body.
S1 Kai: Like down as in-?
Dr. Savme: No fighting. No sparring. No heavy exercise.
Kai frowned.
Dr. Savme: And no binding.
Kai froze.
S1 Kai: ... I don't want to.
Dr. Savme: Continuing with the practice of wrapping your chest will cause further damage to your rib cage and your lungs, and you might suffer more in the future.
The doctor stood up and walked back to the desk.
Was this a good time to slip on his clothes and leave? No, Dr. Savme was back a second later with a hand-crafted booklet.
S1 Kai: ...
Dr. Savme: While we wait for the nurse to return, I want to read this.
S1 Kai: What is it?
Kai took it and looked at the cover, a printed black and white page that reminded him of the few pages of homework he had before he dropped out.
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Dr. Savme: It's okay to be whatever you want to be, Kai. Even if you are a woman as you press; Or maybe you don't feel entirely comfortable in your own body-
Dr. Savme: If you are to bind, then I suggest that after you come out of the operating room- we can talk over setting you up with a proper binder. No more of that ace or wrapping.
S1 Kai: ...
Dr. Savme: Kai?
Kai was staring at the booklet and staring at it.
He knew he was a boy for a while now.
Everyone that saw him grow up in Ignacia were confused when they went to Four Weapons one day and saw a short-haired brunette running the shop.
They thought he was Kiara's boyfriend.
But Transgender? Was that the word?
Was that what he was?
Dr. Savme: Kai?
Dr. Savme tried to call Kai out of his trance, but the boy was fixed on the cover of the booklet.
Dr. Savme, sighing: ... You know- I have a child. They're just like you.
Kai snapped away from the booklet.
Dr. Savme: Their name is Dean. Came out to me as non-binary a year back. When they visited from the other side of the city.
S1 Kai: Non-Binary?
Dr. Savme: Non-Binary is another gender identity much like Transgender. And they go by they/them pronouns.
Dr. Savme: They made that booklet for me back when they visited. Dean knew I loved spending time reading pamphlets in the waiting rooms.... and it helped me understand more of them than I thought I knew in the past 21 years I raised them!
Kai looked back down. So that's why it was printed.
It was made by Dean. His kid.
Dr. Savme: I think it might help you too, Kai.
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How are things at the hospital?
Content warning for: deadnaming (medical) and unsafe binding mention
Kai was twiddling his thumbs, sitting as calmly as possible while waiting for the nurse that would return with the anesthesia to knock him out for...
He felt like crying, but seeing a middle aged doctor chew out Wu was making him feel a little better.
Wu: William, the circumstances to Kai's injury-
Dr. William Savme: BUT. NOTHING. WU.
Dr. Saveme: This is not a broken bone or a twisted ankle like your other students have gotten in the past, this child has lost an eye for fucks sake!
Dr. Savme slammed the door to the patient room shut, Wu made to wait in the seating area while this mess was dealt with.
The doctor looked around their desk, picking up a measly file that was wiped several times of the dust that clung to it. But it still was dusty.
Kai again felt like crying when Dr. Savme opened it up and scanned the file. At least the doctor was taking breathes to compose himself.
Kai gripped his medical gown tightly.
Dr. Savme: Ms. Kiara Flicker Smith?
S1 Kai: I- y-yeah...
He already looked male, why the hell was he so scared to correct the doctor?
Dr. Savme: It says here that your last ever visit to any official medical center was when you were four?
S1 Kai: Yes.
Dr. Savme: Is there any reason why you haven't been to a doctor in over 10 years?
S1 Kai: M- my family lived out in Ignacia. Parents went missing around me being 6, and the place is pretty rural. We had no real access to health care without spending a fortune on home-call doctors.
Dr. Savme: Hm...
Dr. Savme: And what is your preferred name?
S1 Kai: Huh? My prefered? It- it's Kiara, it's always been Kiara.
Dr. Savme: Wu called you Kai.
S1 Kai: It's a nickname!
Dr. Savme: ... So, can I call you Kai then?
S1 Kai: I guess. Everyone does.
Dr. Savme: Even your sister?
S1 Kai: ... She picked it out for me.
Kai saw Dr. Savme take out a pen and jot down something on the folder. He didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
Dr. Savme: Have you had any changes that I or the operating doctors need to know?
S1 Kai: Uhm- well, my bras have fallen apart over time, so I've been-
Dr. Savme: Binding?
Kai nodded.
Dr. Savme: I've seen from the nurse's notes. X-rays have shown bruising on the ribs. You've been doing it for how many years now?
Kai shuttered. He's been doing it since he cut his hair. Since he looked in the mirror and saw a found boy staring back him.
S1 Kai: About 3 years.
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P.I.X.A.L.: ... It's been too quiet.
P.I.X.A.L.: What are they doing...?
P.I.X.A.L. walks outside.
She sees Kai and Jay trying to toss grapes into each others' mouths.
Lloyd and Zane are painting their nails and chatting about stuff.
Nya and Cole are fighting over a video game. Nya's winning.
P.I.X.A.L.: Okay! This is good!
P.I.X.A.L.: Now where is Wu...
Wu hurries into the room all worried.
Wu: There is... something I haven't told you all-
Everyone starts screaming.
Wu: What is the matter!?
Wu: Oh! Apologies!
Wu clears his throat.
Wu: I have an update for you all.
P.I.X.A.L.: What is it?
Wu: Dr. Savme had moved our group session to tomorrow-
Everyone starts screaming again. In panic.
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Dr. Savme: Welcome to your first session Mr. Smith!
Kai: Uh, please- call me Kai.
Dr. Savme: Kai then!
Dr. Savme: Tell me, Kai, what brings you to this session?
Kai: Jay told us to go, and he's paying so...
Kai walks into the monastery holding a huge plush shark.
Nya: Hey how was the doctor's appointment...
Nya: Why do you have a shark plushie?
Kai: Doc said I need to rediscover my inner child.
Kai: So I bought this when I passed by the toy store.
Nya: it looks nice!
Kai: It's so soft.
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Kai really starts to miss Zane so he just steals Zonk and just hugs him in a pillow fort until later that day Zane comes back from vacation
Lloyd: Kai, where are you?
Kai pokes his head out from a pillow fort.
Kai: Yeah dude, what's up?
Lloyd: Have you seen Zonk? I put him up on the ceiling earlier cause I didn't want to step on him but when I came back from throwing in my laundry, he was gone!
Kai: Oh! uhmmm- I have him.
Lloyd: You miss Zane?
Kai: Yeahhhh I miss him...
Nya and Zane walk through the monastery doors, Zane is holding a couple of trinkets and a suitcase.
Zane: Thank you again for kidnapping me, Dr. Savme!
Dr. Savme waves goodbye and descends the stairs.
Nya: Well it's a good thing we "rescued" you before Dr. Savme subjected you to bowling.
Zane: To be fair, I do not think I would be allowed in a bowling alley due to my robotic strength.
Nya takes Zane's suitcase.
Nya: Go and tell the others you're back! I'll drop this off at your room.
Zane: Thank you, Nya!
As Zane and Nya split, Zane walks down to greet Kai.
Zane: Kai! I am back!
Kai, still holding Zonk: Zane!
Kai runs up to Zane at Mach speed and jumps into the android's arms.
Zonk floats back up to the ceiling.
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Kai was still trying to escape the hospital bed when the door opened. Revealing a very miffed Dr. Savme and a very nervous Wu.
Dr. Savme: Hello Kai! How's the anesthesia faring for you?
S1 Kai: ...
Why couldn't he talk? Was this a side effect?
Dr. Savme: That may be so. But you're speaking just fine, Mr. Smith.
Kai didn't hear that at all, he still needed to go and these sheets were still trapping him and-
Dr. Savme: I'm pretty sure I can help you there.
The doctor pulled Kai's sheets down like it was nothing, and helped Kai to his feet.
Wu was there, next to the pair to hold one of Kai's hands as they led him to the room's connected bathroom.
Dr. Savme: Any lingering effects should be worn off by the time we release you. Wu, is going to stay with you until we get all the necessary paperwork you both will need to fill out for this visit and your next physical.
Dr. Savme: And when I come back and you're more lucid, we'll talk about the means of getting you a proper binder and the guidelines to using one.
Kai liked that. That sounded good...
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.... ..
.. . . ..
Kai woke up.
It was weird.
It didn't feel like he ever fell asleep.
But this wasn't the room where he was last. This wasn't Dr. Savme's office or the ER room.
He was laying down still, but he was on a tough cushioned examination seat. Not a hospital bed.
S1 Kai: .....
He blinked. Once.
He looked to the window.
Then to the doorway.
He had to turn his head to see it.
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