hanzajesthanza · 2 months
anyways wish regis was there when geralt screamed for the entire druidic forest to hear that he was his przyjaciel.
Sylwia of Warsaw: 'Przyjaźń is an intimate relationship even though platonic, so boasting of it to strangers is like boasting of sex.'
in context of how regis was like 'eheheh? 🥺 friend?? [shyly tucks hair behind ear]' when geralt even just called him druh in private, in the darkness... under the earth, amidst rock and stone where not another soul, where absolutely no one else could hear them.
- Możesz liczyć - odrzeka poważnie Geralt. - Nie zostawię cię w potrzebie. Druhu. Wampir uśmiechnął się, a ponieważ byli sami, pełnym garniturem kłów. - Druhu?
that geralt yelled aloud in the daylight not just that they are friends, but close friends, to the flaminika, actually to anyone within earshot...
- Jestem Geralt… Wiedźmin… Przyjaciel Emiela Regisa… - Powtórz, bo nie dosłyszałam. - Geraaaaalt! Przyjaciel wampiiiiira!
i mean, regis would intuit, he would know that geralt was only emphasizing their friendship (and kind of lying because they haven’t known each other long at all) to save their skins from the ent, but... at the same time. logic doesn't overwrite fact. and the fact was geralt screaming under torture that they are very close
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cha-mij · 1 year
When they have Regis in Netflix's Witcher they better do his character right. He is a graceful, articulate, loyal 400+ year old higher vampire who was addicted to blood but becomes a barber surgeon, but laughs to himself because he named his mule "Draakul" and only he got the joke.
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thurs-days · 2 years
i love the silly vampire jokes like how regis named his mule draakul and everyone else is like ??? and the explanation is like "regis found this amusing but couldn't explain why bc its a joke thats untranslatable from vampire culture" and like how when everyone thinks the hansa are nobility geralt says regis fake noble ranking is a count
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astaldis · 2 years
Febuwhump Day 2: Flinching
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Summary: When Geralt leaves Regis and Cahir to meet Avallac'h in the cavern below Devil Mountain, Regis takes care of Cahir's recent head wound. (Missing scene from The Tower of the Swallow chapter 7), 1,690 words
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“What if he's not coming back? If something happens down there in that cave, something—"
"Don't worry about the Witcher too much, Cahir," Regis interrupts his young comrade in a raised voice so he would be able to understand him over the noise of the nearby waterfall. "He will be fine even without his sword and knives, I'm almost sure. It is a risk, of course, however, what is not? You took the risk in Belhaven and it nearly cost you your life, but you are still here, aren't you? Undeniably and very fortunately." The higher vampire smiles at Cahir through pursed lips. "Which reminds me of my duties as a barber-surgeon. How's the head?" He looks at the makeshift dressing wrapped around the young knight's brow meaningfully. The torn-off black shirtsleeve is stiff with dried blood. There are blood stains on Cahir's clothes, too, and Regis can smell the scent of blood even on the horse's mane and neck.
"It's nothing, Geralt took care of it."
"Let me be the judge of that, son. Geralt has many qualities and surely can perform some basic first aid and stitching up of wounds, however, he is not a healer. And that bandage definitely needs to be changed." The barber-surgeon stands up from the boulder he is sitting on and walks over to his faithful mule Draakul to get his satchel with medical supplies.
When, a minute later, Regis touches the bandage around Cahir's head to remove it, the young knight flinches reflexively, going even paler than he was before ...
Continue reading on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44138242
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featheredvagabond · 3 years
I could be completely wrong about this since I have no experience in the Romanian language, but I’ve got a hunch that the “untranslatable pun” that Regis was talking about with naming his stolen mule ‘Draakul’ in the Tower of the Swallow was that it sounds (to me, at least) like “dragul meu” which the internet tells me is Romanian for “my dear”.
The witcher wiki claims it’s a reference to the name “dracula”, but I’d like to think that Regis was taking full advantage of mixing the two languages to make a pun that only he would understand.
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gayregis · 5 years
i cant believe im mad that they gave jaskier a donkey to ride on because i think that’s property of regis but i said it, it’s property of regis (donkeys and mules Are The Same , Symbolically)
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i know dandelion didn’t even have pegasus at this point in the story, because until something more, he has an unnamed chestnut and someone steals his chestnut and that’s why he got stranded around cintra and had to escape on a chicken cart (boat?? idk. its been a while. he got out of there somehow)
but that’s again, fucking with the symbolism. the horse symbolism in the witcher is so strong, ive already made a post about this a long time ago.
roach is skittish and a dancer... no matter which horse geralt has, she’s always testy and easily perturbed. by vereena, by horseflies, by anything... it doesn’t matter. this symbolizes how geralt is always fucking caring so much about everything and taking everything to heart... because like his horse, he is easily bothered, bitten, and feels the need to kick and snort around
pegasus, on the other hand, is increasibly docile. geralt calls him docile in baptism of fire, and he’s characterized as lazy and sluggish... a fat little gelding. this symbolizes how dandelion is much more easygoing when it comes to worldview and going through life. he’s just there to sing and drink wine and fuck around... while geralt dances with destiny as if bitten by horseflies. dandelion serves to anchor geralt, to be a force of “chill out, dude.”
it’s also a reversal of geralt and dandelion’s dynamic, a little - geralt remains stony and cool when things get crazy, dandelion is easily frightened and has a propensity for vomiting out of fear.
also the fact that geralt names his horse(s) after a species of humble fish, while dandelion names his horse after a divine mythical being i think symbolizes a lot about their respective self-images...
also im not even going to go in-depth about what draakul symbolizes in relation to regis, but the fact that all the humans in the company have horses and the vampire has a mule is an interesting distinction. mules are also symbolic in art of the european medieval period, as i learned from this youtube video, people of high status tend to be depicted riding mules. combined with the fact that regis’s name literally means “king” in latin i think is interesting. also most would overlook the importance of a mule in the company, much like many might overlook the importance of a surgeon in the company. 
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aro-attorneys · 4 years
Regis: don't project you cliches and fear-based prejudices us higher vampires, it's crude
Also Regis: anyway i named this mule after Dracula
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ugrhhhhh · 7 years
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-So, Regis, what about the name of that mule of yours? -Draakul?,, lmao I dont think yall get it lol thats just our local vampire meme
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garasham · 4 years
vampire language — update i
this post is part of a project to analyse and expand the vampire language from the witcher; many of the definitions listed (including for words marked with a ☆ which come from canon) are either my own inventions or my own hypothetical, fallible interpretations
navigation: language analysis & language expansion (including wordlists) | etruscan sources: one two three four five | inspiration & ideas: one two 🦇
special thanks to @lohrendrell 🖤
requests and messages are welcome 🌹
last updated: 7 february 🩸
acun: greetings, health
aki: what
ama, ame, amce: to be ☆
Aritimi, Artume, Artam, Artms, Artumes, Arthem: alternative word for vampire, vampire species/people, suggesting they are deities of spells, prophecies, night, death and/or natural growth
asham: rose
athumica: kin ☆
atranes: here ☆
avile: name ☆
canta: precious item, work of art ☆
Cantata: This Gift, silver sword found in Hen Gaidth ☆
Ceisatni: The Butcher, epithet for Geralt of Rivia which vampires adopted after Geralt was dubbed “Butcher of Blaviken” (simultaneously referring to his butchering vampires)
cesu: to lie ☆
cleva: gift, offering ☆
Draakul: Regis’ mule ☆
eclthi: here ☆
ei: do not, no, not
-eni, -ni: the ☆
etu: and ☆
gharash: night
Gharasham: Night Rose, one of the vampire tribes ☆
hilux: midnight
hinthial: below ☆
lusxnei: moon
marish: servant ☆
me: I, me ☆
mlac, mlach: beautiful
mutna: coffin, sarcophagus ☆
nac: as, how, so, because, then, when, why ☆
Rasenna, Rasna: vampire, vampire species/people
Rasnev: Vampiric, vampire language
rosa: rose
satir: to speak, to talk, to say
sech: daughter ☆
sech farthana: step-daughter ☆
sel: to do, to make ☆
spelthi: to kill
spur: city ☆
(-)ta: this, that ☆
tesham: burial ☆
Tesham Mutna: Burial Coffin, fortress previously used by vampires ☆
thaur: tomb, sepulcher ☆
themias: caretaker ☆
thi: you, formal ☆
thuta: people
thuu: they, them
tiu, tiur: moon
un: you, informal/intimate
ushil: noon
veres: bloody ☆
zatlath: silence ☆
zia: to wound, to stab, to kill
Acun un!
Greetings to you! (lit. Greetings you!)
acun: greetings, health un: you, informal/intimate
Gharata mlach amce.
It’s a beautiful night. (lit. Night-this beautiful is.)
ghara: night -ta: this, that mlach: beautiful amce: to be
Nac ei zia thuu?
Why not kill them?
nac: as, how, so, because, then, when, why ei: no(t), don’t zia: to wound, to stab, to kill thuu: they, them
Nac me ame aki thuu sa.
Because [then] I am what they say [I am].
nac: as, how, so, because, then, when, why me: I, me ame: to be aki: what thuu: they, them satir: to speak, to talk, to say
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terato-onlyfangs · 3 years
What I gathered for Etruscan so you can use it for the vamps
[1],[2],[3],[4 18+],[x]
Under the Witcher series and from the wiki
Vampire language English
ama to be ? (From Etruscan: ama)
atranes of the building (?) (From Etruscan: atranes)
avile year(s) (?) (From Etruscan: avil)
Vampire language English
cesu to place ? (From Etruscan: cesu)
cleva gift, offering (From Etruscan: cleva)
Vampire language English
eclthi demonstrative (?) (From Etruscan: eclthi)
Vampire language English
farthana daughter (From Etruscan: farthana meaning offspring)
Vampire language English
hinthial ghost, apparition, shade (?) (From Etruscan: hinthial)
Vampire language English
lautni familiar, of the family (?) (From Etruscan: laut-ni)
Vampire language English
marish servantme, I, memi, mymutna, coffin (from Etruscan: mutana)
Vampire language English
nac as, how, so, because, then, when, why (From Etruscan: nac)
Vampire language English
sech farthana step-daughter
sel to do, to make (?)spureni(?)
Vampire language English
tesham burial (from Etruscan: tesham)
thaur tomb, sepulcher (from Etruscan: thaur)
themias he places (?) (From Etruscan: themiasa)
thi you
Vampire language English
zatlath silence (?) (From Etruscan: zatlath meaning companion)
Vampire language English
Draakul(?); described as "an untranslatable pun"
Vampire language English
Nac thi sel me thaur?Why did you wake me up from my tomb?
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hanzajesthanza · 4 months
in a live action adaptation of the witcher, the only change i would make would be in lady of the lake, to change the order of entry and color of geralt and his hanza’s horses when they ride up and into castle stygga’s gatehouse:
to have milva ride in first on a white horse, cahir second on a red horse, angoulême third on a black horse, geralt last on a pale horse. (though, keep their actions: bending back her bow, raising his sword, sweeping her sabre)
because ✨symbolism ✨
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myidlehand · 4 years
Oh boy, I struggled so hard with this one but I’m finally done. Here’s what I got on Tower of the Swallow. At this point, it’s not even stuff I wanna see on the show, just things I enjoyed in this book.
Regis called his mule Draakul! That’s adorable
“Dandelion! You’re asleep in the saddle!” “I’m not asleep. I’m thinking creatively!” (that’s a whole paragraph and I just love Geralt and Dandy bickering)
Some old lady called Dandelion “petal” awwww
Regis thinking himself a coward and Milva telling him he's not :’(
Geralt called his company “my little chicks”
Dandelion calling Milva trashing both Cahir and Geralt with her belt “A lovers’ tiff” to passing merchants.
Ah finally Viscount Julian makes an appearance :)
[SPOILER] Geralt doesn’t have his medallion anymore and I’m sad about it
I like the Norse mythology little things here and there like “Ragh nar Roog” or the “sacred mistletoe”
Savage Ciri on skates is the best Ciri so far?
Geralt is beyond done with everything and I love it.
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fairytrashmother · 4 years
Hey, as a fandom, why do we not talk more about Regis naming his mule Draakul, and then giggling about it and telling everyone it’s an untranslatable Vampire joke???
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gauntie-o-dimm · 5 years
Emiel Regis X Reader | What Will Remain Of Us | Chapter 1-10
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Originally posted on AO3. From chapter 25-30 will have a warning change, keep an eye on that. These are just small fluffy standalone fics. Domestic self-indulgence. Enjoy.
Word count: 1500+ Warnings: Smut 
Chapter 1 - Broken
The scent that came from the bathroom was so utterly familiar to him that it made the hairs of his neck stand on end.
A rapid knock onto the door in an attempt to get her attention.
'What are you doing?'
On the other side, a pair of eyes flickered open from their drowsy state, moving to the source of the sudden noise.
'Nothing.' she lied. He knew.
For a moment, his appearance turned into one of dust, blue smoke creeping under the door. Once recovered to his corporeal shell, he turned to her.
'Leave, Emiel.' he noticed the blood on the floor and seeping from her wrists, staining her gown crimson.
He knelt down next to her, taking her into his arms. The scent was nearly overwhelming, but he could fight it. His panic was well suppressed.
'Let me go. Please.' her pleas were in vain.
'No.' he softly whispered in her ear.
'We have so little time together, just a speck in the timeline of the universe, just a small gust of wind in a large storm. I will not let you cut that short.'
Chapter 2 - Cold
'Are you cold?'
'You are a terrible liar.' he snuggled closer, crooked nose buried in her soft hair. 'You have goosebumps on your skin.'
A small smile covered her lips, eyes flickering playfully. 'You are observant.'
A low chuckle ripped from Regis' throat, his arms wrapping tighter around her. 'As always.'
Chapter 3 - Herbs
'No, stop, do not eat that.'
She dropped the herb as if it was burning hot, her lips slightly apart. Regis smiled as she looked at him in what seemed like shock.
'That is toxic. And besides, it is for a potion.'
'I might die if I eat it?'
Regis chuckled, shaking his head. He reached for the leaf, twirling it between his thumb and forefinger whilst his dark eyes studied it.
'No, this plant has a... Ah, it enhances certain performances of the male body.'
'Toxic you say? If you eat it you will get sexually aroused?'
The bridge of Regis' nose dusted in bright pink as she burst out into laughter, her fingers trying to pry the plant from his fingers.
'I've never needed it.' he softly spoke, pressing his lips to the palm of her hand.
In a peaceful silence, they continued sorting herbs.
Chapter 4 - Fading
The way her naked body was pressed against his made him sigh in satisfaction. His fingers found their way to her hip, lazily caressing circles on the skin.
'Can you promise me something?' she suddenly spoke, startling the higher vampire slightly. He hummed in response.
'Don't forget about me.'
'Do not say that, my darling. I will not forget.' he felt her form tense.
'But how long do I have left? Sixty years? Seventy? Just such a small fraction of your immortal life.'
Emiel Regis shut her up by pressing his mouth to hers. He pulled back the second he tasted salt.
'Don't cry.'
'The one thing that will remain of us are memories. When I am gone, they will eventually slip from your mind.'
The vampire swallowed thickly, his wise eyes resting upon her distressed face. He kissed her tears away.
'There will be a day that you will not remember my scent anymore. My appearance and name will soon follow.'
'Stop saying those things. They make me sad. I love you so much. I will never be able to forget you, my dearest. I will hear your name in the wind and see your face in the stars until the end of time, and beyond that.'
Chapter 5 - Cuddles
'For how long have you been standing there?'
'I think you know.'
Regis smiled at her as she stood in the doorway, leaning against the wooden frame, arms crossed. He put down his book and invited her in by patting his legs. She approached, sitting down on his lap, wrapping her arms around him. 'I needed some attention. You've been working for hours now'
His fangs flickered in the light of the candles as he showed her one of his uncommon smiles. 'I figured that you did.'
She sighed, dragging her hand through his hair before pressing her body against his, hugging him.
A fond feeling came over the vampire as he held her close, inhaling her scent to make sure it was deeply settled into his memory.
Chapter 6 - Mirrors
The air bathroom smelt like lavender and thyme as she slipped into the small space, his back turned to her. He had a razor in his hand, attempting to shave his facial hair to be in a more proper state. She gently wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her cheek against his bare shoulderblades.
'Let me help you.' she whispered, kissing his pale skin. He smiled, turning around to face her. She took the razor from him, trimming down the edges of his sideburns to make them look more even. Emiel chuckled, nearly causing her to accidentally break skin.
'You know, sometimes I really despise the fact that I am not able to look in a mirror. But then, sometimes it has it's advantages.'
A small, playful smile spread on her features as she finished the task, carefully handing the blade to her lover.
'Do you think it is the most wise thing to do, letting me handle such a thing? Before you know it, I will shave your beard in a funny shape.'
Regis scoffed but could not fight a smirk forming on his lips. 'Oh please, no.'
Chapter 7 - Baby
She took a deep breath before speaking.
'Let's have a baby. I think we would do a great job at raising a child.'
Emiel swallowed, staring at her for a few seconds.
'Perhaps. But I am old and so is my seed.'
'We can try?' she looked at him with pleading eyes, making his heart jump.
'What about adoption? Plenty of orphans who would love a cozy home like we have.' he proposed.
'No. I want us to make a life together. Something that is purely us.'
Regis smiled fondly at her, reaching over to take his hand in his. He softly squeezed.
'If that is what you really want, I'm with you, as I promised to be.'
Chapter 8 - Mornings
She awoke next to him, his arms wrapped around her form as if he was afraid that she would get away.
Regis was vast asleep, lips slightly parted as light breaths left them.
A small smile spread on her face as she leaned closer to kiss him on the lips. He stirred and for a moment his eyelids fluttered before they opened, his gaze landing on her.
'Good morning.' she whispered. Regis smiled, squinting a bit against the light of the sunlight that leaked through the opening between the curtains.
'Hm, good morning my beloved.'
Her heart jumped at the loving nickname, cuddling into him more. He kissed the top of her head, her nose and the corner of her mouth.
'I have to go to the toilet.' she muttered against his lips, sighing.
'I don't want to let you go. You're so cute like this.'
'Emiel, let me go. Or I will just pee right here and now.'
That was enough to let his grip on her loosen. She slipped out from underneath the covers. Regis' eyes rested upon her naked form for a moment, his bottom lip sucked between his teeth while she reached for a robe.
'Promise me to come back soon.' he spoke with a soft tone. She smiled, leaning over to him, pressing a kiss on his forehead before leaving the room.
Chapter 9 - Dinner
'Let me take you out for dinner tonight.'
She frowned, looking away from her horse which she was feeding a moment ago.
Regis smiled, patting Draakul on the neck as the mule rubbed its head against him.
'Yes, just the two of us. Something fancy, perhaps.'
'Never took you for someone who appreciated luxury.'
The higher vampire looked at her for a second, pondering. He carrot in his hand was snatched away by his steed.
'Just one evening can't hurt. I know this place in Beauclair where the Duquessa herself tends to eat sometimes.'
'That must be so expensive, let's do something else.'
'I am a familiar face to her court. There is no problem with getting some kind of discount.'
She nodded, accepting his proposal.
'That sounds lovely.'
Chapter 10 - Heat
She felt his hands creeping over her naked skin, across her waist, resting where her back curved into her bottom.
Emiel Regis sighed deeply, mouth pressed to her delicate neck as she rolled her hips, her nipples roughing against his coarse chest as she rested her hands on his biceps, riding him ever closer to his release.
This was what he craved, this feeling he always wanted to cherish, her scent as she reached her high, her walls clamping around his length, the flavour of her skin as she came undone, nearly collapsing on top of him.
He loved her, the way she felt against him, naked, sweaty bodies pressed together as if there was no tomorrow.
And one day there would be no tomorrow, for her at least, and that was the tomorrow he dreaded since the moment he laid eyes on her.
So he held her close, face buried in her neck, listening to her breathing that slowly began to steady, and as if he had just witnessed a falling star he wished to cherish this moment forever.
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kuurara · 5 years
Moonless Nights
A Regis x Geralt Fic
Link to AO3
Regis is trying to keep track of Dettlaff after the events in Toussaint. He thinks his friend doesn't want to talk to him, but maybe things are not what they seem. 
Notes: So, I’m writing a fic. This is it. I don’t have a beta reader and I’m not a native english speaker. Any mistakes please tell me so I can fix. :)
Other info: Rating: M Tags: Light angst, slow burn, friends to lovers, mistery, (more to come - there will be fluff times)
The vampire was waiting for his scarce meal — a miserable skinny rabbit — to be enough roasted while contemplating the past few days. Regis was keeping track of Dettlaff, or trying to, for almost four months. In this moment he has made himself comfortable in a little spot far from the roads in the Northwest of Kagen, occult by a moonless night. His only company was a small mule named Draakul, a present of Geralt before he left Toussaint. If the flickering fire attracted someone or something it would hardly be a problem; he doubts anyone wanders in this part of Sodden, especially after the war. When he passed by a decadent tavern in Kagen the owner was pretty satisfied to fill him in the details about others travellers when asked, and not many venture themselves around unless they have serious business to attend. Most folk was focused on rebuilding their lives and homes.
He took his time in Kage to buy some food and items, becoming the owner of a fine pair of knitting needles. An old lady pushed a green dyed wool into his hands in exchange for some salve and balm, while saying it wasn’t even winter, yet he should be careful to not be mistaken for a frozen corpse. A good distraction was welcome and the new hobby would provide a warm shawl soon. There was little to do while in the road, and even if the boredom was nothing compared to his time when his body was chopped and buried, he could always learn something new. However if he insisted on knitting beneath such low light his eyes were quick to stung and hurt.
The rabbit was enough to fill his stomach and a drink succeeded on fogging his thoughts. It was rather frustrating to be ignored by Dettlaff. The vampire was smart and could use their brethren to gather information, so his refuse to talk and insistence on running away left a bitter taste in Regis mouth, which he tried to hide using the last of his mandrake moonshine. He prepared the ground with a thick blanket, pulled his cloak tightly around his body and put himself to watch the scorched wood. His eyes stung even without the knitting but he tried to not think much about it.
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Regis rubbed his ears and hands and kept his eyes on the road. He could see a small village ahead where he was hoping to find a decent bed by the end of the night. Passing by the first houses he could see there was little to hope for. He dismounted Draakul and approached a man sitting by some crates, taking notes.
“Good evening sir,” He waited the other to put down the coal pencil and finally look at him. “I was hoping to find some place to eat and rest, do you know where I could go?”
The man smudged his face clearing a running nose, and eyed the vampire from toe to head, giving a deep sniff. “What’s your name?”
“Emiel Regis-”
“And what is your deal here, mister Regis?”
Regis ran his hands over the wrinkles on his tunic and straightened his back. “I’m only a traveller, sir...?”
“Alco, the name is Alco.”
“A pleasure to meet you, sir Alco. As I was saying, I’m only a traveller passing by, I don’t have business to attend in the village. I’m just looking for some rest.”
“A traveller going where? There is nothing around here.”
It is difficult to explain where he was going for the reason there was no such place. Regis was following a trail he only thought could belong to his friend or their brethren. Dettlaff probably was avoiding human settlements, what made everything more difficult. “I’m taking an unusual rote in the direction of the Chotla. I expect to arrive in White Orchard in some time.”
The man wrinkled his large nose and squinted at the barber-surgeon. “No offense sir, but it is very dangerous to walk around outside the roads.”
“I’m aware, sadly I have my reasons.”
“No inn or tavern here.”
Regis ran his fingers along the bag strap, thinking. “Do you happen to know someone who may need medical help? I’m a barber-surgeon, besides a herbalist, and I can trade my services for a roof, if needed.”
Alco scrutinized him with beady eyes and sighed. “Follow the path in the right and stop by the third house. I don’t know if Nora can spare a bed, but I know her daughter is pretty sick.”
Regis thanked the man and followed said path ending in front of an old shack. The door was really damaged and of no service, only to provide some privacy. He left his mule near and knocked the door, what opened it a little revealing a scarce room inside. There he could see a fire burning and hear some coughs. He waited if someone would attend to him but no one came.
“Excuse me, there is someone in here?” He feigned ignorance while stepping inside the hut. By the fire he saw a small girl sitting on the floor and wrapped in a thin cover. The girl was coughing violently and didn’t seem to notice him. He approached the figure and crouched, touching her with caution. The small creature cried in fear and recoiled her body from his touch, and Regis could only feel pity in this moment.
“I’m really sorry miss, didn’t mean to scare you.” He raised his hands and moved away in order to give the girl some space. “I was looking for Nora and heard you, are you not feeling well?”
The girl could not be more than 10 years old; a thin frame, small face hidden by a tousled hair. “Are you looking for mama?”
“Yes, I’m. And I happen to be a doctor, you see. I’m here to help you.” The girl seemed to relax a little at it. Children were easy to talk to, they would trust a stranger quickly, and Regis was in part grateful for it but also it meant they could be easily deceived.
“She went to gather flowers to make me tea.” Regis looked outside and the sky was already painted pink with the sunset, so the mother would return soon, he hoped.
“I will wait for her outside, then.” He didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. “I may have something to help you ease this cough in the meantime so you can rest a little. Do you want it or wish to wait for your mom?” He took a vial from his pouch and offered the girl. The tiny fingers took it from his hand and she tried to open it in vain; so whatever the sickness was, the girl was really weak.
“Here, let me do it for you.” He opened it and gave for the little girl, who took a gulp from the flask. “I will be outside if you need anything.” The girl only nodded and laid down facing the fire.
Regis stepped outside and sat by the porch, looking at the forming stars in the sky. The girl’s cough had subdued due the syrup. He always made some to offer to people, and the mix could relieve the throat and allow the taker to sleep peacefully. He had made some before leaving Toussaint to Geralt give for his staff to use in Corvo Bianco.
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He woke up with back pain and a light headache. It seems he fell asleep while waiting. Regis arranged his collar and sleeves. Looking around there was no trace of Nora and he could hear the girl sleeping inside the shack. The night was young but it was a little disconcerting that the woman did not come back yet. He took a blanket from Draakul and went inside, asserting the girl temperature and gladly she didn’t have a fever. He wrapped it around the little body and fuelled the makeshift fireplace. Outside he tied Draakul up a fence and decided it was for the best to look for the mother, after all there was little chance of something coming for the girl with the house being near the village center, but her mother was probably in the woods.
He followed a path leading to a barrier of trees where he could see footprints and it only pointed further ahead. Entering the woods he walked silently and could barely hear any other sounds besides his breath and steps. Coming near a brush he saw some celandine and made quick work on taking the flowers and stashing inside his bag. Regis grabbed his strap and continued to walk, following the steps.
Regis found himself into a clearing where he finally spotted the woman. She was on the ground and looked hurt; he could smell the blood and see the cuts in the cloth. Fortunately she wasn’t unconscious and must have heard or saw him by the startled look on her face.
“Who is there?!”
He ran to her and was quickly to apply a clean cloth on the injury. “I’m here to help. Can you walk?”
The woman tried to rise but her legs gave away. “You must leave me! It will come back!”
Regis gathered the woman onto his arms with little effort. “So we must move.” His usually slow heart was beating fast — whatever  it  was, there was no sound or movement, what made him uneasy. He needed to arrive somewhere safe and look at the injury, make sure the woman could survive.
She grabbed his arms hard when something settled around them, something heavy and menacing. Regis fixed his eyes ahead and didn’t look back. In the back of his head he knew he had stumbled upon something dangerous and his legs were a lot more heavier than usual. He was quick to protect the woman from the first attack only to have his back slashed and in the next moment he was being throw against a tree. The woman screamed in fear and against his will he looked the creature; it was a katakan with a corpulent body and wide wings.
“Don’t do it, I don’t want to fight you.” The beast bared his fangs and Regis started to take in the entire image. He could see thick blood dripping from where the eyes should have been. The sockets were empty and gruesome, accompanied by a terrible smell. And in a second Regis understood: this vampire was not alive.
He extended his claws in time to parry an attack and dodge, moving away from the monster. “Run Nora!” The woman stumbled but ran away in the direction of the village.
Regis was quick to cut one of the wings, making the katakan cry in agony, but not quick enough to defend himself from another blow. This time the creature did not waste time and immobilized him with his heavy body, and before Regis escaped he felt the sharp fangs piercing his torso. His vision blurred and he could feel his body weakening. He prayed for Dettlaff hear his agony and show up, help him. The fangs soon left his body and the katakan body was covered in fires which he could see reflected in a silver sword shining in the moonless night.
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gayregis · 5 years
horse symbolism in the hansa
Roach (Geralt’s horses)
Roach (all of them, throughout the entire saga) have been known to be very temperamental, paranoid, and not easy to control... much like Geralt. They frequently kick and dance as they’re “bitten by horseflies” ... much like Geralt keeps complaining throughout the series because he can never seem to catch a break.
All the Roaches have been bays or chestnuts: earthy brown horses, which kind of parallel Geralt’s unnatural stark white looks.
The name Roach, much like the name Pegasus of Dandelion’s horse, might symbolize some self-reflection... especially because they discuss the names of their horses together before the rest of the company joins them. Roaches (as in the fish) are small and unassuming, nothing special about them, as Geralt might see himself. Pegasus, on the other hand, as a mythological being directly descended from the gods...
Pegasus (Dandelion's horse) 
Pegasus is a gelding, which is irony in of itself (geldings are castrated male horses... and we all know how Dandelion acts in contrast to this).
Pegasus is also described as small, fat, easily frightened, and exceedingly lazy, which parallels Dandelion being... Dandelion.
Milva’s Unnamed Black Horse
Milva comes into some debate over giving up her horse in Baptism of Fire, because she refuses to do so. This may not seem very significant, but the point that it was a stupid peasant man that tried to take advantage of her by demanding her horse and that she wouldn't let him and instead punched his lights out... tells more of a narrative. Her refusal to comply may symbolize a protection of the self.
Cahir’s Various Unnamed Horses
Cahir obviously rode on a terrifying black stallion during the infamous massacre of Cintra that scarred Ciri's dreams, an nicely bred stallion that others were envious of. But not much information is given about his horse when he joins the Hansa -- I think this is intentional... as in, he simply has a normal horse... He used to be a concept of terror, and the pride and envy of others, as he was bred for war... but really now... he's just a normal young guy. 
In Baptism of Fire, Cahir helps Milva save the horses in the company after Nilfgaard attacks the war camp... demonstrating his allegiances and also taking one of the first steps demonstrating his redemption to the company.
In Tower of the Swallow, he gets a horse from the mining camp where they fight Schirru -- “Cahir's horse, also from the [Nilfgaardian] military, was stronger and more enduring, but that made no difference because its rider was troubled.” Cahir is a very strong individual (and also... from the Nilfgaardian military) but his skill doesn't matter, because he has so much guilt and personal issues that it gets in the way.
Draakul (Regis’s mule)
The next horse in the company isn’t a horse. It’s a mule. Much like the human he belongs to isn’t a human. He’s a vampire.
Besides the parallels of being old and grey and Regis giving him that obvious reference of a name...
Draakul is also noted to be the most useful of the company's equines, despite looking underwhelming, because he is necessary to carry their goods. This is a parallel to how Regis fucking carried them at Stygga #killsteal #gitgud. (In more seriousness, I think Draakul’s usefulness is more parallel with Regis’s profession as a medic... it’s the upkeep that matters).
The whole thing about Regis being able to steal Draakul from Meve’s camp despite equines hating vampires... further demonstrates something good about his nature.
Preceding the Battle of the Bridge, during their time on the barge, Regis cries out for them to hold the horses, and gets an arrow to the chest while doing so. If we’re continuing with the “horses symbolize their human riders” theme... this could symbolize how dedicated Regis is to humanity, specifically the company.
Angouleme’s Unnamed Horse
Angouleme also gets a horse from the miner’s camp and fight with Schirru -- “The best horse had fallen to Angouleme, a bandit's small, but spirited animal.” Small, yet spirited, and used to belong to bandits... that’s her!
In addition, when the rest of the Hansa first meets her and we receive the blessed “I’m not your uncle, my dear.” “And I’m not your dear, Uncle!” interaction, Angouleme rides on Draakul during this scene. This symbolizes that she’s babie.
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