warncdandwiles · 11 months
continued x @drachliebe
She knows! She knows that his heart aches just at the peal of her laughter, and he doesn't know why. He's quite convinced this affection is a kind of deathly illness. Why would mortals wish this on themselves, on anybody?
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...he doesn't know how to do that. Not even slightly. Is it like knitting? Not that he'd have any idea what knitting was like.
"I don't even have hair." He mutters, as a last ditch attempt. But alas, he is beaten.
The little round pieces of coal that link his smile together sit in a wobbly line at the sight of this big, shiny eyes. Ice help him.
The telescope lays abandoned as he reaches out, hesitates, and tries to loop two strands of his daughter's snowy hair together. It's a valiant effort, if he does say so. He looks slightly terrified.
"Erm...there's supposed to be two braids, right...?" Yes, Arktos, but not on one side.
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inkmimicry · 5 months
@drachliebe continued from: x
She's answered with a few tilting notes of bowed music rather than a voice, at first. The figure is sat with his back against the stump. It's unhurried and contemplative, like he's feeling out the notes more than following any sheet of music. He doesn't stir at the hello --- but the statement, I see you, makes him still.
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When his head moves to look at her, his form blurs briefly. There's duct tape on the old, battered fiddle.
He's frowning, but its more resting on his mug than hostility. In fact, he hardly seems surprised to be seen by her. Being dead means you clue into the nature of certain beings a little more.
"You'd be the first in a long while, little lady," his voice is a tenor drawl, strangely lyrical. "I used to be stout about misbelieving'' signs and coincidences, but..."
If she sees him, maybe there's a reason.
"You had much run-ins with those in limbo?"
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sonorous-eisfyl · 3 months
// @drachliebe | cont.
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Frosting watches with a small smile on his face
---- It was rather charming to watch, the display of bravery in somewhat good fun. Standing off to the side, glaive in hand and his kinsect companion watching equally as curious- the boy turns toward the rustling leaves.
The forest was home to a lot of smaller critters- at least, smaller in comparison to the regular ol wyvern. Something like a jagras was still large enough to be rideable by a human, after all.
The foliage rustles again, and Frosting hums. Thankfully it probably wasn't anything dangerous if he had to guess- jagras weren't known for ambush, more for killing in a pack. If they were in the bushes they'd probably have them surrounded by now. And besides, it was too small to be something like a Nargacuga
"Why don't you check it out yourself, oh brave dragon?" the boy asks playfully, leaning further onto his glaive with a giggle. "I don't think it's anything bad,"
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sillymuses · 18 days
oc tropes!!!
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Dr. Prey (I haven't updated his design so take this less cartoonish pic instead)
Greater-Scope Villain : Prey's directly responsible for the creation of Emperor Eon as he blew up Eon's home world to get a powerful artifact out of it, which resulted in a young Eon being sent off and crashlanding on another world and eventually becoming Emperor Eon.
Complete Monster : The only villain of the Yaable Family to hold no remorse or regret for their actions of destruction, sadism, and cruelty. Prey's entire goal is one thing and one thing only: the suffering of others at any cost.
Generic Doomsday Villain : And he's proud of it too!
Evil Counterpart : To Gregnar, one of our main protagonists. Both Greg and Prey build all manner of machines and creatures. But whereas Greg usually creates to help others or allow him to help those in need, Prey's inventions purely exist to bring pain and suffering upon everyone he comes across.
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championofdarkland · 11 months
Sneaks up behind the dragon, before then trying to jump on their back so he can take it back to Bowser. Karik was sure most would hear him coming considering the armor he wore. But, the dragon looked to be distracted in this moment which made it vulnerable!
The koopa got as close as he could from a nearby bush before he lept out screaming. He likely would be hurt by this but he would still go!
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“You’re coming with me! Don’t put up a fight now.”
If he managed to get onto the dragon's back the koopatrol had plans to wrangle this creature for the sake of his kind. Well, to be more precise it was for the sake of Lord Bowser who seemed to want a dragon pet for whatever reason. Karik didn't question it! He was a loyal follower down to his very core.
He likely didn't know the trouble he was about to get into.
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whatevcr-us · 10 months
is sharp-tooth? maybe? walks upright, but no crest, has spikes along the tail, but certainly isn't one of them! And...wings? Yes, wings, but on his back. Four limbs, and wings. Petrie is puzzled. Petrie is aghast, and doesn't know whether to be afraid or not, so defaults to being nervous.
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"...are you sharp-tooth?" either they'd say no, or he'd have to dodge. Either way.
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mokey-rock · 1 year
@drachliebe is here! // For Lilli
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"How beautiful.." Mokey whispered to herself. The tip of her tail dips into her traveling paint pots , making a few swipes onto the canvas in front of her. She'd been observing this strange being for a while. Well... strange to Mokey, anyway. Normally her days were spent underground in Fraggle Rock. No other fraggle being brave enough to explore outside. One could say she was feeling...quite adventurous. She'd thought all the warnings of the outside was merely dusty-myths and bad writing. It couldn't be THAT dangerous.
The little fraggle wasn't very big at all! A mere 3 apples high. Three.. very tiny apples. Getting stomped on was a very real possibility. Which is exactly why she'd kept a fair distance. A fair distance, that is, until.... WHOOSH! A gust of wind knocks her canvas clear off its base , sailing in its current before giving a little 'thunk!' to the head of her painting subject. If this was how Mokey was going to die, at least it was doing something she loved.
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@drachliebe liked for Unico!!
Where was he?
This was not any place that he recognized. Unico was, at first, afraid. A normal reaction for someone who didn't know where they were. However, seeing the calm atmosphere of this place did soothe his soul greatly. It reminded him of the realm of Psyche... the one, final place he remembered before waking up here. Warm, paradisiacal, and filled with so much beauty... and a lot of creatures and animals here, too! And pretty butterflies. He liked butterflies, they were so fun to run after! And running was fun, too.
Unico strolled down the path, looking around curiously. Some equally-curious creatures were taking a minute to stop and stare at him, having never seen anything like him before. Just what was this thing, and how did it get here? It looked like it was from someplace very, very far away. Which he, in fact, was. But the circumstances gave the West Wind very little choice, and he had to be placed here for his own safety... she was sure that this was the one place the goddess Venus OR her sister-- the Night Wind-- could not reach, where there was no danger for Unico to ever worry about.
Eventually, Unico got thirsty. He must've gone a long time without water before eventually waking up here... it was all just a haze, which was a bit terrifying because who knows what happened before he wound up here. But no time to dwell on that, that was bad. Besides, there was a river right there. He could get a drink from there.
Unico took a minute to look at his own reflection in the water before getting down and lapping the water up with his tongue. Mmm, so refreshing.... much better! He needed that, especially after his throat felt so crackly and dry. Time to get up and get back to looking around... wait.
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He stopped just as he opened his eyes, having closed them as he took a drink from the water. Now he could see two reflections! But the other did not belong to him. In fact, it was a much different shape and person entirely, and they were on the opposite end of the river as him. The curious baby unicorn stood up and looked ahead at the other side of the stream to see who the mysterious reflection belonged to...
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dreamsofalife · 6 months
💚💙 for both!
YES ABSOLUTELY. Shy's adopting these two, they both deserve a mom who loves them.
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warncdandwiles · 1 year
“This is my place! Everything here is ice and what’s ice is my place! NOW you have to play!”
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Certainly an odd way to announce yourself, and a tiny little snowman in a big hat calling from a endearingly-crooked snow-fort is probably not a cause for caution...though there are ice figures dotted around; snow-squirrels and snow-bunnies, acting as eerie sentries.
He’s sure he’s not seen this dragon before; he’s too green, eugh, even greener than the show-boater who ruins all his games! And he doesn’t know what he’s got with him, some skinny elf creature!
But they’re here, so now they have to play!
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inkmimicry · 8 months
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One little guy who was almost on this blog is Charms. (Formally Jinx.) He was the original counterpart to Vex over on the villain blog, as he's the embodiment of dreams in Craftworld. His appearance, name and background changed a lot, until finally he shifted to the avatar of Childhood Dreams in particular. His grandmother, Charm, was Vex's true counterpart. While he was a cheery, boisterous yet nefarious creature of nightmares, Charm was a very shy, solemn spirit.
Charm's story was cautionary tale of why Cinderella's spell broke at midnight, and why Genies only have 3 wishes. Charm was meant to guide people toward their dreams, not grant them, however she was lonely and was drawn in by mortals. These mortals delighted in her wish-granted and gifts --- but kept asking for more. When she would refuse, they'd accuse her of selfishness. Over time, Charm became disullisioned with her station as the granter of OTHER people's wants, and abandoned her immortality, becoming a mortal woman and marrying a mortal man. She had a son, Charm Junior, and eventually passed away. Now Vex is without a check and balance, and thus, his Uproar runs rampant.
Meanwhile, her grandson Charms (Third Times The Charm, to be exact!) was little more than a toddler...with god-like abilities and control over Craftworld. The mind of such a young child is often abstract, and so is his magic. He is able to manipulate everything inside Craftworld, but outside it, he can levitate things, fly, disappear and re-appear at will...and so on. When upset, his powers can get quite distructive. As he gets older, his powers stabilize. Before, he could walk across empty chasms Wile E Coyote style, because he didn't understand that he should fall. When he's a little older and understands gravity and object permanance, he almost downplays his own powers out of nervousness.
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brinefrolick · 1 year
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@drachliebe said: " you flicker .  i cannot touch you . " // lilli
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to see one's hand brush by was already something alien. but to see it pass through your body as if it were a hallucination... there was a strange, foreign feeling that took root. a reminder of her impermanence. how she would fade away into obscurity given enough time... without the influence of her curse.
spread it. let it fester and split. reproduce and infest new hosts until it took hold like a wildfire, casting its influence far and wide across the world. she wouldn't fade; at least not until all history itself faded with her. only when the world was willed into stillness, would sadako finally sleep. a gentle farewell to the world that cast her to the tides.
even little actions like this remind her of how pained she is. how her rage burns; boiling water at the center of a black heart. and for what reason would she want someone to touch her anyway?
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the specter scowls from behind tresses as she snaps her gaze to lilli. then a limp -- a stagger -- as she backs away from the invading hand. lilli would feel an unknown influence force her hand away, as if it were pushed by an invisible limb.
... sadako shakes her head. do not.
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sillymuses · 1 year
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"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry I didn't see you there!!" While being able to turn into a giant was both fun and a confidence boost, it did have its drawbacks. She had to be far more mindful of where she walked. The giant kraken starts to shrink herself down to her average height to avoid any further incidents.
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"Are you okay? I'm sorry about that. I just uh, I wanted to get a better view of things." The teen would approach carefully as she addressed the other.
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hxzelwallflower · 10 months
@drachliebe cont. x - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Well , that's one way to get a closer to the stars . A night like this should be taken for granted , specially with the moon centered in view of anyone who casts their gaze to it . She may not be as agile but she can attempt to hobble her way up the same oak , with less than graceful effort .
❝ H-Hey , wait for me ! ❞
It's not easy getting old , and no doubt her back will pay for it later .
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whatevcr-us · 3 months
Jack Frost becoming dad figure? Maybe? Honorary uncle? Perhaps?
I've had a few ideas in mind for him, including a thread where he becomes mortal/is losing his powers and must complete some task to get them back.
Also, I never did test out Mavka, the forest sprite --- I think she and the kids would be buddies. Either meeting pre-transformation for Lilli (in which she goes into the wintery world for the first time) or after, and is alarmed by what she thinks is a regular human child wandering her forest.
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peculiarbeauty · 1 year
A QUICK GAME OF HIDE AND SEEK with @drachliebe was always a fantastic icebreaker. she is the seeker this round , but she has already seen part of his tail from the corner of her eye. it would be less fun of her to notice so soon , instead she will take her time to observe smaller subjects of hiding.
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" now where could he have gone , i wonder .. ? " she says this loud enough , tapping at her chin curiously. " well , i suppose i must be looking in all the wrong places ! hmm .. what an expert hider ! "
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