parisiangiraffe · 4 years
Are you Happy that the show gave Cinder a backstory!
Happy, but bruh I CRIED
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morbidoptimisim · 5 years
Why do you ship Jinx and Raven? The reason is that I ship BBRae and StarfireXRaven (Well not in Teen Titans in Alternate DC Universes)
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-I’m a lesbian, that’s why. 
Long answer: 
-Beast Boy is afraid of Raven & her powers and uses his goofs to power through that instinctual? response. While he demonstrates far more maturity in some of the older comics (which I approve of well enough), he’s not equipped to handle a relationship with Raven in the cartoon. Even in fanworks, the only time he comes across with any centering, is when he’s depicted in animal form; I find that incredibly telling. -I can’t get behind shipping their original cartoon counterparts, since I’m personally NOT a fan of the “annoy the girl till she likes you” tropes that a LOT of media push into het relationships.  the whole “opposites attract” thing is… not an excuse? If they weren’t part of the same crime-fighting team, I doubt Raven and Beast Boy would have any shared interests AT ALL, which leads me to believe that Raven is more of a victim of heteronormativity than anything else. You can’t look at her and tell me she’s not composed of queer coded markers, lol. &  Admittedly a lot of my dislike for this ship boils down to my absolute hatred of the “loveable douchbag” trope forced down everyone’s throats since the 80′s/90′s. Don’t get me wrong, I Iike Beast Boy as a character and he works well as a friend, I just don’t see the Raven/BB “no really! he’s her ‘missing half’! He’ll ‘change her for the better’ and ‘get her out of her shell’!” appeal. 
Personally, I feel that out of all the Titans, Beast Boy is the one most affected by Raven’s demonic aura. That he can smell the unsettling demonic signature in her body & it sets the animal instincts off within him to be exceedingly wary around her, which he feels guilty about, and is why he tries so hard to come across to Raven as though it doesn’t actually bother him, and like he’s completely fine with her and her ‘creepy’ bits; not knowing that his denial and good intentions, actually make it harder for Raven to trust him & feel comfortable around him, as his forced joviality sets off her empathic warning bells. There isn’t much either one of them can do about the state of things however, so they try to ignore it best they can, though Beast Boy feels like Raven’s biting sarcasm and passive aggression is a silent challenge for him to work harder around her and Raven mostly just feels tired.    
*Coercing a girl into saying yes just cause she’s tired of saying no & she thinks everyone expects her to give into him eventually anyways, is NOT a fun ship dynamic for me. 
-Starfire & Robin I ship together, but as they grow into Kori and Nightwing I actually headcanon that they keep an open invitation for Raven to join them; both Starfire and Robin/Nightwing handle Raven’s abilities and personal boundaries a lot better, especially in the older comics. I don’t think Raven would join them as a permanent fixture of their relationship, but I imagine its a fun exploratory period for the three of them for a brief handful of times.  
I see Robin/Raven specifically not so much as a sibling dynamic as an adopted-guardian and their troubled-ward dynamic; essentially: they’re doing their best to cope with their semi-awkward positionings. -Robin is both her team-leader AND mind-linked ‘sounding board’. Raven meanwhile, is always the ‘tragic little girl’ that Robin feels he has to 'Save’.
She uses him as her gage for human/Earthly morality, and he knows it, and they both know that it puts a lot of pressure on him; so he usually ends up attempting to give her he thinks she wants. -Which is difficult, since Raven usually doesn’t know what she’s looking for, and doesn’t often inform him of any results or formed opinions that occur afterwards.
She shares a similar relationship with Starfire; being the stand-in for a true connection with Blackfire that Star could never have but always desired.
Raven/Robin would never work out because they’re too similar and would feed into each other’s negative habits too much; never sleeping, diving too much into work, ect. Theyre good work partners, not good dating partners.
Raven/Starfire is cute, but Starfire is IN LOVE with Robin. Starfire/Robin is one of the few m/w canon ships I actually enjoy. I’m not breaking them up, even in headcanon. So it’s threesies or nothing, lol.  
Okay, so; remember when I said Beast couldn’t handle Raven? 
well, what about a girl who HAS MAGIC and KNOWS WHAT ITS LIKE FOR THAT MAGIC TO BE INHERENTLY VOLATILE. Jinx walks down the street, six people are getting struck by lightning, tripping, or having their parking meters expire, and other such ‘bad lucks’; she knows what having an unsightly power is like. She’s fought with Raven before, and *beaten* her in battle before. She knows what Raven is routinely capable of. she went to SCHOOL for STUDYING HEROS and how to defeat them. She grew up in more of a real-world setting?? Like;; Jinx might be the ONLY QUALIFIED person to help Raven with her situation? Ex: “Hey, maybe you ever think instead of demons… its also PTSD? Let me google some shit and ill hook you up with something for that” 
and she’s a TOP STUDENT. she LEADS A TEAM. She’s smart, resourceful,, she’s capable of taking things seriously and having fun without being scared off by raven’s power or cynical moodswings. I feel that Jinx would be one of the few capable of tempering Raven’s behaviors constructively. -The girl’s dealt with the Hive all her life. she’d be able to withstand Raven’s bluffs and threat displays, no sweat while also remaining unadmonishingly instructive.   
And Raven meanwhile, can show Jinx that having dangerous powers doesn’t make villainy her only option WITHOUT sacrificing the capabilities having those powers or past experiences bring (*cough unlike how kid flash dismisses them cough cough*) (I HATE Jinx/Kid Flash but i’ll save that rant for now)
They could help each other out with their traumas, theyre more likely to have common interests,,, (types of books and music preferences, spellwork, ect) 
There’s just a lot more potential for exploring their personalities and moralities together. ^^
The “enemies to friends to lovers” trope is especially gay, which I, a homosexual, vastly approve of;;  
-I ship Raven with a lot of “darker” themed girls. Jinx. Ace. Ravager, Blackfire would be fun; Cassandra Cain maybe. Lady Death. Rogue.   
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therushingwanderer · 5 years
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Request for @draginkyleezeke  , Jinx is on their side now 
I've added that boat on fire in the background because of their poses, I couldn't help but imagine them pulling that off after beating some bad guys...
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hyunsungfanboii · 6 years
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this is karla! @draginkyleezeke's dc oc!
(okay to reblog/kyle can repost!)
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edsmoaks · 10 years
Whats your favorite Teen Titans episode
Like I have a lot of favorites: Sisters, Deep Six,  How Long is Forever, X, Betrothed, Titans East part 1 and 2, Troq, Stranded, For Real, Lightspeed, and Titans Together
But my all in all favorite may just be Apprentice Part 2 because 
Robin in his Slade uniform is yummy
"Robin you are my best friend. I can not live in a world where we must fight. If you are truly evil go ahead, do what you must."
"Starfire, no. I-" (Love you? Yeah I think that’s what he was going for)
They made Batman references which warms my little batfam heart
Robin doing all of it to protect his friends
His friends understanding when all was over
Robin in his slade uniform
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parisiangiraffe · 4 years
You should cosplay as Penny From RWBY!
Oh no, I definitely wouldn’t pull that off LMAO
I can’t/don’r really like to cosplay the cuter characters---
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morbidoptimisim · 5 years
Thank you for answer your questions and that was awesome how you answer it! I respect your ship. Also when I mean I ship RaeStar I mean not in the Teen Titans 2003 Universe I ship then in DC AU.
You’re welcome! 
Is the Dc Au all of the animated movies?  
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cause i love those ^^
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parisiangiraffe · 5 years
Did you know that 2019 is Scooby Doo 50th ANNIVERSARY.
No, I didn’t. That’s a long time
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