muffinlance · 2 years
scaled salvage: there are some... innocent misunderstandings between the earth kingdom and the southern water tribes about what an "information gathering" session with the prince entails - kutsaa is left to patch up the aftermath with a disturbingly calm zuko, bc if he interacts with a single earth kingdom representative he'll cause a diplomatic incident.
zuko isn't sure why everyone is so surpised or upset.
hakoda is quietly filing away the notion that zuko thought they *knew* what the earth kingdom was going to do and didn't try to fight back or refuse, to deal with at a later date.
“But…” the prince started. Again.
Hakoda stared him down, until he shut his mouth. “Just answer their questions, the same way you answered mine. Listen to them, behave for two hours, then you can come back to our ship.”
The prince didn’t agree, per se. But he let himself be marched across the gangplank, which was agreement enough.
“He’s convinced you’re going to break his hands,” Hakoda said, to Fong’s representative. A joke that was a warning. 
“He’s your prisoner, not ours,” the man said. “We can respect that.”
Hakoda nodded, once. “Try to get something out of him that we can use as proof of life. I’m pretty sure my crew could forge a more personal letter than the ones he’s been writing.”
“Of course,” Fong’s representative said, with a smile.
* * *
The prince was returned before dinner. He walked stiffly back aboard, and took up position behind Hakoda, like he wasn’t sure he was dismissed. 
“Your proof of life,” Fong’s representative said, handing Hakoda a strip of something black. “Thank you again. That tip about his hands came in very useful.”
It took until a long moment of staring to recognize the strip for what it was: dragon hide. He’d… never touched it fresh.
* * *
The kid didn’t say anything as Hakoda led him down to Healer Kustaa’s. 
He needed leading.
“Out,” Kustaa said, and closed the door.
* * *
There was the barest hint of a burn on Prince Zuko’s hand. The flame they’d used, to make him shift. The threat behind it, if he refused.
The skin had been sliced neatly from between his shoulder blades. It was… not a disabling wound, for a human.
Kustaa rigged up a kind of wrap, to keep the prince’s wings immobilized. And mandated that he spend at least half the day as a dragon, to aid with healing across both forms.
“Will it heal?” Hakoda asked.
“The scales on his face didn’t,” Kustaa said.
The black dragon spent a lot of time stretched out, unmoving, on a yard of the mainmast. The easiest he could climb to. Hakoda did not climb after him. 
* * *
“You knew they’d do this,” Hakoda said.
“You told them to.” 
He hadn’t known what he was asking for.
“Why would you let them?” Hakoda knew it wasn’t the right thing to say, that it wasn’t the prince’s fault that he’d been skinned, but he also knew that nothing on the Earth Kingdom ship had been lit on fire in the process and he couldn’t understand how those facts fit. 
“You said I had to listen to them,” Zuko said, “before I could come back.”
The prince had wanted to come back, even thinking that Hakoda had—
Of course he had. It was better than being sold to the Earth Kingdom. This ship was… it was safe, for him. The safest option he had right now. 
Being sent off to be deliberately hurt, then coming back to where they only hurt him accidentally: that was the prince’s idea of safety. 
…Hakoda hadn’t known what he was asking for. But he had a child aboard now, and it was time he figured out what that meant.
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weheartstims · 7 months
Bato (from dragon village collection) with blue lovecore & water stims?
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Bato (Dragon Village Collection) blue lovecore and water!
🌊|💙|🌊 💙|🌊|💙 🌊|💙|🌊
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purrincesskittens · 20 days
If Dragon Bato, Kya wasn't going to say no to the show of her husband decorated in pretty shinies. She gets to sit back and watch as a dragon fusses over her husband.
Dragon Kya, Bato snickers whenever Kya comes up and draps something new on her husband and helps make sure the kids don't mess with her hoard too much unless it's kid safe stuff in which case Kya likes her kids in the middle of it all
Both decorating Hakoda in their jewelry and fussing over him. Hakoda can't escape their attention.
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Look at Mr high standards over here
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ssreeder · 6 months
“He didn't want to think about the ramifications of the Fire Nation successfully flying one of those war-balloons over the Lower Ring… The only protection available for those poor people would fall squarely on the shoulders of those new recruits, and they would have to be ready to carry that responsibility. This situation was already a mess and they were still in the planning stages.”
Can’t believe I ignored this last chapter. Good thing Zuko isn’t in one of these meetings or there’d be a fight. Interested to see if this is a redemption for Iroh though to think of the little people or if everyone is just completely fine with the lower ring being burnt to a crisp. Bato clearly has his mind on other things so someone else needs to step up. Jeez
Bato isn’t the only one concerned about this, Suki is also pretty fired up about it in the next chapter… the tension of the upcoming battle gets heavier as we go along.
Unfortunately, there really isn’t much they CAN do to keep the Lower Ring from experiencing casualties…. but how many citizens survive & how bad the destruction is will depend on how many resources they send down there and what their plan of action will be to save lives. (If they even care about saving those lives… many of them being refugees and ‘lower class citizens’)
I am also curious to see if Iroh shows any interest in trying to help the citizens in Lower Ring or if he keeps his focus strictly on keeping the forces from reaching the Upper Ring (where his precious Zuko is)… chaos in the Lower Ring can keep troops from advancing, and there is limited space to flee depending on how Azula advances upon the city… idk. I can’t see it going well, and even Iroh, as powerful as he is doesn’t hold much authority over what the generals do with BSS… He is a tentatively welcomed guest after all. Haha.
we’ll see I guess!! Haha thanks for the ask!!
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mydvcillness · 6 months
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Benevolent Bato (Love Letter Form)
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kawaiichibiart · 6 months
More of my favorite "Zuko Joins the Gaang Early" tropes:
There's always a chance he'll get second hand embarrassment when Katara pretends to be an earthbender so she can get arrested (okay this one isn't really a trope, it's more of a desire)
The 50/50 chance he's the one Jet carries up to the Freedom Fighters' hideout
Animals like him
Finds out Roku is his great grandfather earlier
He and Yue are besties (or in some cases, spiritual siblings)
He was probably kidnapped, ngl
Ranaway and got adopted by someone (usually by either Hakoda's family or by Bato)
Was banished but rather than be sent to find the avatar, he was thrown overboard (either literally or placed into a boat that got lowered into the water with nothing but him and maybe a note in it) and got rescued and adopted (again either Hakoda's family or Bato usually)
↓ Time travel bullshit
Spiritual bullshit
↑ Zuko can join the Gaang early but something has to happen to him (turned into a dragon, turned into a child, memory loss... take your pick) bullshit
Soulmates AU (I like the romantic ones but the platonic ones are my favorite)
The fight in the catacombs still happens the same, it was just planned that way so Zuko could be a spy on the inside (I think I saw this like once and I regret not remembering the name or where I read the fic, so this is also more of a desire)
Dragon boy (either literally, he is a dragon, or metaphorically (probably not using that correctly but whatever), he acts like a dragon (chances he got raised by one))
Fuck this, let's be pirates
Fuck this, let's sell tea
Fuck this, I'm going to be the Firelord, let's go back so I can fight my bastard of a father (again this was a one time thing, far as I can remember but it cracked me up, desire number 3 is to see more of this)
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zuko-always-lies · 5 months
ATLA Book 2 Character Stats
One thing I have been wondering for a while is how many lines of dialogue each character has in ATLA. I recently figured out an easy way to calculate it, so here are the stats for Book 2. You can find the stats for Book 1 here.
There are 3186 total lines of dialogue in the season. They are divided up as follows:
Sokka 499 lines, 15.66% Aang 492 lines, 15.44% Katara 412 lines, 12.93% Toph 242 lines, 7.60% Iroh 181 lines, 5.68% Zuko 169 lines, 5.30%(this increases to 194 and 6.08% if you include "Young Zuko") Azula 92 lines, 2.89% (this increases to 103 lines and 3.67% if you include "Young Azula") Jet 60 lines, 1.88% Long Feng 46 lines, 1.44% Kuei 40 lines, 1.26% Pathik 37 lines, 1.16% Chong 33 lines, 1.04% Suki 31 lines, 0.97% Joo Dee 29 lines, 0.91% Ty Lee 29 lines, 0.91%(This increases to 31 lines and 0.97% if you include "Young Ty Lee") Mai 28 lines, 0.88% (This increases to 29 lines and 0.91% if you include "Young Mai") Xin Fu 27 lines, 0.85% Zei 27 lines, 0.85%
With the more obscure characters below
Young Zuko 25 lines, 0.78% Fong 22 lines, 0.69% Young Azula 21 lines, 0.66% Yu 19 lines, 0.60% Ursa 18 lines, 0.56% Wan Shi Tong 18 lines, 0.56% Jin 17 lines, 0.53% Lee 17 lines, 0.53% Smellerbee 17 lines, 0.53% Tong 17 lines, 0.53% King Bumi 16 lines, 0.50% Lao 14 lines, 0.44% Guard 13 lines, 0.41% Tho 13 lines, 0.41% Due 12 lines, 0.38% Ghashiun 12 lines, 0.38% Ticket lady 12 lines, 0.38% Ying 11 lines, 0.35% Huu 10 lines, 0.31% Song 10 lines, 0.31% Yung 10, 0.313873195% Captain 9, 0.282485876% Dai Li agent 9, 0.282485876% General Sung 9, 0.282485876% Gow 9, 0.282485876% Oyaji 9, 0.282485876% Gansu 8, 0.251098556% Hakoda 8, 0.251098556% Kenji 8, 0.251098556% Shuzumu 8, 0.251098556% Fung 7, 0.219711237 General How 7, 0.219711237 Male student 7, 0.219711237 Pao 7, 0.219711237 Than 7, 0.219711237 The Boulder 7, 0.219711237 Trainer 7, 0.219711237 Mongke 6, 0.188323917 Quon 6, 0.188323917 Sela 6, 0.188323917 Tycho 6, 0.188323917 Ukano 6, 0.188323917 Fire Nation Man 5, 0.156936598 Lily 5, 0.156936598 Michi 5, 0.156936598 Moku 5, 0.156936598 Old man 5, 0.156936598 Ozai 5, 0.156936598 Roku 5, 0.156936598 Blue dragon 4, 0.125549278 Broadsword man 4, 0.125549278 Customer 4, 0.125549278 Earth Kingdom soldier 4, 0.125549278 Kyoshi 4, 0.125549278 Macmu-Ling 4, 0.125549278 Merchant 4, 0.125549278 Merchant #1 4, 0.125549278 Merchant #2 4, 0.125549278 Old Sweepy 4, 0.125549278 Pong 4, 0.125549278 Poppy 4, 0.125549278 Qin 4, 0.125549278 Scary prisoner 4, 0.125549278 Soldier 4, 0.125549278 Villager 4, 0.125549278 Azulon 3, 0.094161959 Fire Sage 3, 0.094161959 Florist 3 ,0.094161959 Guard one 3, 0.094161959 Ladies 3, 0.094161959 Male student #2 3, 0.094161959 Man 3, 0.094161959 Sha-Mo 3, 0.094161959 Ticket woman 3, 0.094161959 University student 3, 0.094161959 Unnamed Fire Nation boy 3, 0.094161959 Bato 2, 0.062774639 Brainwasher 2, 0.062774639 Cabbage merchant 2, 0.062774639 Captured agent 2, 0.062774639 Commander 2, 0.062774639 Girl with umbrella 2, 0.062774639 Guest 2, 0.062774639 Head of the Dai Li 2, 0.062774639 Huge round angry face 2, 0.062774639 Joo Dee replacement 2, 0.062774639 Joo Dees 2, 0.062774639 Koko 2, 0.062774639 Kyoshi Warrior #1 2, 0.062774639 Li 2, 0.062774639 Lo 2, 0.062774639 Oracle 2, 0.062774639 Pakku 2, 0.062774639 Pet store owner 2, 0.062774639 Sensitive ruffian 2, 0.062774639 Servant 2, 0.062774639 Song's mother 2, 0.062774639 Store owner 2, 0.062774639 Villager #2, 2 0.062774639 Villager #3, 2 0.062774639 Young Ty Lee 2 ,0.062774639 Adult guest 1, 0.03138732 Agent 1, 0.03138732 Audience 1 ,0.03138732 Boy's mother 1, 0.03138732 Earthbender guard 1, 0.03138732 Engineer 1, 0.03138732 Farmer 1, 0.03138732 Flyer distribution man 1, 0.03138732 Guard #2 1, 0.03138732 Guard two 1, 0.03138732 How 1, 0.03138732 Iio 1, 0.03138732 Katara (flashback) 1, 0.03138732 Kyoshi Warrior #2 1, 0.03138732 Lady on stage 1, 0.03138732 Lo and Li 1, 0.03138732 Longshot 1, 0.03138732 Lu Ten 1, 0.03138732 Man in the bar 1, 0.03138732 Old woman 1, 0.03138732 Older guest 1, 0.03138732 Palace woman 1, 0.03138732 Peasant girl 1, 0.03138732 Princess Yue 1, 0.03138732 Prisoner #2 1, 0.03138732 Red dragon 1, 0.03138732 Resistance fighter 1, 0.03138732 Resistance fighter #1 1, 0.03138732 Resistance fighter #2 1, 0.03138732 Royal messenger 1, 0.03138732 Sandbender #1 1, 0.03138732 Sandbender #2 1, 0.03138732 Second Engineer 1, 0.03138732 Shop owner 1, 0.03138732 Star 1, 0.03138732 Tea seller 1, 0.03138732 Team Avatar 1, 0.03138732 Terra Team leader 1, 0.03138732 Terra Team member 1, 0.03138732 The Hippo 1, 0.03138732 Third girl 1, 0.03138732 Train conductor 1, 0.03138732 Villagers 1, 0.03138732 Waiter 1, 0.03138732 Warrior 1, 0.03138732 Water Tribe warrior 1, 0.03138732 White Lotus member 1, 0.03138732 Young guest 1, 0.03138732 Young Mai 1, 0.03138732 Younger guest 1, 0.03138732
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So, I know you have an AtLa au for Miraculous Ladybug, but do you have the reverse? Like.
Aang is Ladybug. Zuko is Chat Noir. Ozai is Hawk Moth. Azula is Mayura. That kind of thing. cause my brain wouldn’t stop spinning this idea around last night, so like. All the random shit I came up with:
- Gyatso, who here is actually an old member of the Order that dipped out cause the Order kind of sucked, actually. He found and adopted Aang. Owns his own bakery. Also does martial arts. Is less than thrilled that his kid was chosen to be the Ladybug.
- half-baked idea that Gyatso replaces Fu here? But like. Still raising Aang. Also, he’s a touch less paranoid? Maybe?
- or, we have that random monk who was supposed to help Aang master the Avatar State be Fu? Or Roku, Roku could be Fu.
- Toph kind of has Corner!Chloé’s Aura Vision. She gets the Turtle.
- Toph’s dad is the mayor. Her mom runs a charity.
- Sokka gets the Fox. The flute doubles as both a boomerang and a sword.
- so like. By process of elimination, Katara SHOULD get the Bee? But. I know I said “Azula as Mayura” but instead, I think Azula should have the Bee & Katara should get the Peacock. Like. Either there’s a swap at some point, or the Bee got lost instead of the Peacock. Bee lost instead is probably easiest.
- You could also do Sokka as the Ladybug, Aang as the Fox.
- Or Aang has the Cat, Zuko the Ladybug. So many options.
- Suki with the Tiger? The Dragon?
- Sokka with the Dragon?
- Zuko with the Dragon. Sokka has the Ladybug. Katara has the Cat. Aang has the Fox. Toph has the Turtle. Suki has the Bee?
- Ty Lee and Mai are here, what Miraculous do they get?
- wait, Yue wouldn’t be dead, she’s here too. The Rabbit?
- Or Teo, the Kid with the flying wheelchair.
- the match-ups are too many.
- … in so many ways, actually.
- no one is straight.
- Zuko absolutely still has the big, F-off scar. It was absolutely inflicted by Ozai.
- Piandao as the school’s teacher, also coach of the local fencing/sword-fighting club.
- Pakku’s the principal.
- Bumi’s the gym teacher.
- Hakoda, Kya, and Bato live together on a boat in the Seine. Katara and Sokka have grown up on the water. I see boat tours, or maybe their job is to clean the river? Fishing? (Can you fish in the Seine?)
- Katara wants to be a doctor. Or therapist? No, Doctor.
- Sokka will probably be an engineer? Inventor isn’t a profession, is it? He’s also the DM anytime they do a D&D campaign.
- Iroh has a roving tea & pastry cart. He’s well known for giving out delicious tea, and sage advice. He has an ongoing rivalry with that annoying ice cream man, who Iroh is CONVINCED hasn’t ever heard of a health inspection, and who he constantly gets into fights with about his supposed “soulmate ice cream”.
- Azulon knew about the Miraculous, spent most of his life hunting for them. Imparted the knowledge and desire into his kids.
- Iroh and Ozai spent a lot of time when they were young adults looking for the Miraculous, but eventually Iroh met someone, fell in love, and had Lu Ten, so stopped caring as much for the Miraculous. When a car accident killed his wife, and crippled his son, Ozai tried to dangle the possibility of bringing Iroh’s wife back, or healing Lu Ten, to get him to help again, and Iroh shot him down. The pair are now quite tense with one another. (other idea, wife dies, so Iroh DOES agree to try and search for the Miraculous, but the resulting search ends with Lu Ten dying, so Iroh gives up the Miraculous entirely)
- (if we don’t go with option two, or sort of combine them) Lu Ten is still around here, he’s in a wheelchair from a car accident. He can TECHNICALLY walk, but it causes him so much pain if he tries for long periods, the wheelchair is easier.
- this is definitely a Team Miraculous Sort of vibe.
- Azula has a heel-turn, obviously.
then, I can’t decide between:
- Ursa and Ozai are divorced, which was a HUGE scandal for Ozai’s company. Ursa took Zuko, and tried her best to get Azula too, but Ozai “Won” that one, so Zuko and Azula don’t see each other much. Ursa and Zuko live with Iroh, who supported them during the divorce. Ursa has since remarried, and had another child, Zuko and Azula’s half-sister.
- Ursa is dead, it’s a tossup whether Ozai killed her or not, but he wants to revive her, so is seeking out the Miraculous. Azula eventually either gets told, or figures it out, but Zuko doesn’t. Ozai’s desire to revive Ursa is less “I miss my wife” and more “How dare you try and get away from me”/Show of power. He’s used the Butterfly for years to make his company blossom, but he wants more power.
- Ursa is either dead or missing, and Zuko lives with Iroh rather than Ozai. Iroh filed for custody after the Scar Incident, but while he managed to get custody of Zuko, he couldn’t get custody of Azula. 
Thoughts, feelings, Opinions? New Ideas?
Okay okay okay:
Love the idea of Gyatso taking Fu’s role. I think he wouldn’t choose Aang at first but Aang would get involved later.
Sokka as Ladybug is 100% perfect and beautiful.
Zuko I feel comfortable narrowing down to the Cat or Dragon. I think it kiiiiinda depends on where his mindset is at but we’ll come back to that because I did have Thoughts™ on a S1/2: Atla Edition before so I have ideas on the family.
obvs Ozai has to be Hawkmoth but I think his motives are more pure wanting more power. Maybe add in like. Instead of ruler of a nation he’s just head of a company. The family business he ‘inherited’. Except he’s running it into the ground because he fucking sucks at making good business decisions. I’ll come back to my thoughts on Ursa later.
Toph as the turtle seems like a decent idea, but idk if it fits her right. I think the Ox would be better for her.
Aang with the Turtle though! Both in reference to the Lion Turtle but also how he’s very protective?
Katara has to get involved…. hm. I’m not sure there’s a Miraculous that would fit her. I think having a sibling LB/CN duo could work if I don’t give Zuko the cat. On the flipside the Dragon could ironically work as the ML Dragon is more Water than Fire.
Suki, on the other hand, has so many options. The Tiger if Toph doesn’t get it. I could see her with the Snake (she’s a leader and good strategist in her own right, so she’d do well with it.). Tempted to leave the Peacock on the Heroes’ team and give it to her because ya know fans but idk how she’d handle the Sentis.
Yue 100% gets the Rabbit. Both have Moon Connections™
Azula - I get where you’re going with Bee and that works but she’s also on board for the Dragon. Or the Monkey because she knows the art of Derision.
Ty Lee - BEE. Hands down she gets the Bee. Paralysis motherfucker!!!
Mai - I actually think I’d give her the mouse? Like, her hair. Quiet as a mouse. She’s the one person on this crew with multiple tiny weapons.
I’m bringing Jin back in and giving her the Pig!!
I love how we’re letting most people live lmao. But yeah without a war or spirit nonsense our only options are like. Gang violence? But yeah anyway
Gyatso is being low-key. Idk how exactly he got Aang. Like Aang probably has less trauma in that I’m not gonna be like ‘ah yes he was in an orphanage that was victim to arson’ but like. Does he have parents that he lost and were presumably friends with Gyatso to leave Aang in his custody, or did Gyatso just find an abandoned baby on the doorstep?
Aang could actually have the Adrien plot of wanting to go to school! Like, he was homeschooled by Gyatso for most of his life because while Gyatso isn’t /as/ paranoid as Fu, he’s still a touch ‘let’s err on the side of caution’. But Aang decides he wants to socialize more and school is a great place for that!
I think most of the various leaders are going to be part of the City Council. The Earth King is the City Mayor, and yeah he’s being manipulated by half the council. Long Feng is chief of police ofc. While I have Ozai as owning some mega company rather than directly in politics, he does fund the city to get what he wants and has Mai’s father on city council to essentially be his proxy as he can’t be bothered. Tbh probably the only sane and good council members are Hakoda and Arnook like bruh. The other good but not sane one is Bumi and no one’s sure he’s actually on the council he just shows up to meetings and the mayor counts his vote.
the Kya/Hakoda/Bato polycule? Beautiful. And yes they get the houseboat lmao. You mentioned cleaning the river so I think I’m gonna give Hakoda a bit of a lean into trying to make environmental changes to the city.
Toph’s parents are still rich af. And yes they still both baby her and want her to be this demure debutante when she’s here to throw hands with anyone and everyone. Does trade Earthbending for Magic Synesthesia
Okay now the Fire Royals because let’s have fun with them:
Search for the Miraculous probs started with Sozin. Passed the torch and the company to Azulon.
No idea why Ozai and Ursa married but it probably wasn’t a good reason.
Switching up the stuff with Lu Ten so he’s alive. But he’s in a coma and the doctors know that even if he does recover he’s not going to go 100% back to normal. (he wakes up after a few months. And while physical therapy goes well, he’s mostly in a wheelchair. Can use a cane for short distances if needed.). But yeah while it’s unsure if he’s gonna make it Iroh’s a wreck.
Which leads to a similar to canon thing of Ozai going ‘hey how about I inherit the company instead?’ and then having Ursa kill Azulon. Still similar in part of the deal is her leaving and Ozai tries to have her killed but she disappears too well.
With Ozai getting all the inheritence, Iroh just low-key cuts all losses in the family and  opens his own tea shop. Technically he could retire and live a grand lifestyle, but he likes doing things. So Jasmine Dragon it is!
You know that post like ‘you correct your dad on his zoom meeting so he kicks you out and says you can only come home if you find Bigfoot’? That’s kinda what goes down for the Agni Kai situation. Zuko gets burned and Ozai throws him out. 
Zuko goes to Iroh’s place because he has nowhere else to go. Due to this being  a modern au thing there’s some of a custody battle deal. But like. Ozai  is a manipulative little shit who frames it as ‘oh I didn’t kick him out, he ran away! such a bad kid. If he wants to live with an uncle that coddles him then fine!’.
I’m gonna shift from canon slightly in the sense of that Zuko and Azula never cut contact. It’s easier because they’re still in the same city, in the same school, and have technology. Ofc Ozai forbids it, but while Azula is scared of him the differences in the AU mean that she’s not fully cut off from them regardless of anyone’s wants. (this gets even easier with the Miraculous when they can hang out as Heroes together)
Neither Zuko nor Azula know about the Miraculous stuff in the family history. Because Ozai either doesn’t think they’ll be helpful, or doesn’t want to risk them double crossing him. He does use Azula to set up secnarios for Akumas tho
I don’t know why Iroh wouldn’t go ‘oh a butterfly villain? Probably Ozai being a fucker’.
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23october1973 · 10 months
I should make a collection on AO3 entitled “Zuko gets adopted by increasingly implausible parental figures.” First there’s the sensible options: Iroh, Hakoda, Piandao, the crew of his season 1 ship, a “nice Earth Kingdom family”. Then the out-there ones: the Yuyan Archers, the Herbalist from “The Blue Spirit”, June the bounty hunter, Bato, Jet, pirates. Then we dive into the ridiculous: the Herbalist’s **cat** from “The Blue Spirit”, the dragons from “The Firebending Masters”, literal serial killer Hama, and, of course, himself from the future
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muffinlance · 2 years
I'm dying for more Tiny Danger Noodle Zuko content. I can't decide which I wanna see more; someone accidentally hurting the noodle (resulting in dramatic Miette-esque "betrayed" looks on Zuko's part and lots of pampering and cuddles to beg forgiveness from the crew) or them hurting Zuko on purpose when they first meet him and immediately regretting it from the heartbreaking noises he makes and how scared of them he becomes 🤔
(Continued from this ficlet.)
Bato swore, which ended Hakoda’s good day.
“Fire Nation?” he asked.
“Who else,” his second-in-command said, lowering the spyglass.
“Shoot it down.”
* * *
Zuko landed on the mast. And sort of… wobbled, but his claws were sharp and the mast was wood, so. He clung on. And blinked hazily down. The dogs had brought him here, so… this was safe, right? He… he needed help. There was only so much that good-intentioned tongue licks could do for a burn wound. 
The sails were blue.
The men had bows.
Zuko’s day got worse.
* * *
It was hard to see how big the scout was, between the sails. So Hakoda was not expecting how very small it was, when it hit the deck. 
The hatchling dragged itself into something of a defensible position. It braced its legs and arched its neck and flared its wings, like a kitten-otter trying to scare off a predator. It bleed on his deck, much less intimidatingly.
“Hold your fire,” he ordered.
Which was just as well, given that the ocean took that moment to erupt all around them.
“Woof,” boomed a very disappointed isodog.
* * *
Healer Kustaa could feel the ground under his feet rumbling with growls as he stepped down onto the dog’s back.
“Easy, boy,” he said, and very carefully picked his way over the ridges of the isodog’s shell, towards where another dog’s big head was trying to lick something that was smaller than its tongue. Said thing was hissing. 
The hissing increased exponentially as he drew closer. The little dragon’s size, on the other hand, seemed to shrink as it coiled more tightly around itself. There was a wash of red mixing with the water on the first dog’s shell, like watercolors diluted. The puddle had been much starker up on deck.
“Easy, boy,” Kustaa repeated, and set his bag down, hopefully out of immediate range of incineration. Unlike himself. “I’m a healer.”
The hissing continued.
“Can I take a look?” 
The hissing did not abate.
“I know you’re scared—”
The hissing intensified.
“—And I’m sorry my chief is an idiot—”
A slight decrease.
“—But we’ve got to get that out and get it wrapped. And unlike your big friends here, I’ve got opposable thumbs.”
A scaly snout poked tentatively from the dragon’s coils, a little red tongue flickering in the air, like it could taste his sincerity.
A scaly snout with a pustulant burn wound. 
“...We’ll take care of that, too.”
The head retreated back into the coils. The hissing resumed.
Kustaa sighed, and pulled out the most secret of healer techniques: a bulky wool blanket.
He carried the wrapped-up dragon back to the sickbay, hissing and wiggling.
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topaztimes · 28 days
Can you guys open this link for like five seconds pretty please. It's so that I can get pixels on a pixellated dragon
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purrincesskittens · 1 year
Hate to bother you but I adore your Avatar content and wanted to ask do you take asks with prompts? Like how the amazing muffinlance does?
Because if you do I have one I would love to see with your dragon Zuko au especially the wiggly baby fire snake.
Hakoda runs across poachers near the Southern Water Tribe and they drop a bag when they are chased off that has something squirming in it and when he opens it there is a baby dragon inside.
Your not a bother at all I love asks I just don't always get the time or motivation to answer them in a timely manner.
Now for this.... this implies Hakoda has enough forethought and brains not to stick his hand immediately in the bag without thinking to help sooth and calm to frantic creature and pull it out to free it.
He yelps yanking his hand back out with a little fire noodle chomping on his hand his wiggly little body coiled around Hakoda’s arm trying to kill his hand. It takes both his free hand and Bato’s own two to uncoil the baby dragon from around his arm and pry his chompers off his hand. That's when they realize this is a baby baby like a toddler at the most. And then they panic because if this is a baby where is mama?
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ao3feed-zukka · 3 months
The pretty prince
Read now on Ao3 at https://ift.tt/vsg6atN by SunnyItty A different AU where Ozai protected his son. From anything. Including his father. Even if it meant sending him away until his home was safe again. Ursa can only hope Ozai's plan works.. Words: 1691, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi Characters: Ozai (Avatar), Ursa (Avatar), Bato (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Hakoda (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Azulon (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar) Relationships: Ozai/Ursa (Avatar), Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Bato/Hakoda (Avatar), Hakoda/Kya (Avatar) Additional Tags: Good Parent Ozai (Avatar), Dragon Zuko (Avatar), Good Parent Ursa (Avatar), Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck, Meet-Cute Read it on Ao3 at https://ift.tt/vsg6atN
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waterfire1848 · 1 year
[ No war Au. Everyone talking about their first crush. ] Ozai: Hang on. You're first crush was a Fire Nation supremacist. Hakoda: I know he was all kinds of wrong, but the heart wants what the heart wants. Ursa: Ikem. The actor from that play Love Amongst the Dragon. Kya: Who? Ursa: Don't do that, Kya. You're not that young. Anyways, my crush was straight. At least I had a shot. Hakoda: You had a shot with that Ikem actor guy? How old are you? Ursa, holding a knife: I will cut you like it was nothing, water boy. Bato: What about you, Ozai? Ozai: Um, okay. I didn't know it was a crush because it was on a boy and I was only eight at the time. Hakoda: I knew when I was eight. Bato: Everyone knew when you were eight. Ozai: Okay, so I had just gone into town and- Ursa: Oh, Ozai, look. It's your brother. [ They see Iroh. ] Kya: That's your brother? He's cute. Bato: And he's all alone. Invite him over. Hakoda: Oh, Iroh! Ozai: Yes, please, invite him over. This is fun for me.
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kirbles · 6 months
nine people you'd like to get to know better
ty for tagging me @charmophron muah <3
last song: natural by imagine dragons
favourite colour: pink! but recently enjoying yellow and orange
currently watching: rewatching the entirety of philomena cunk
sweet/savoury/spicy: savoury for sure
relationship status: i have the most wonderful boyfriend <3
current obsession: bloodweave... and fat gale specifically with a select few people (you know who you are)
last thing you googled: lethal romance bato (which i binge read and omg, highly recommend!!!)
no pressure tags: @ex-textura @oddconvictions @fermentingdragon @kittencombat @koalamatcha @hammerikaika @zeebeebirdy @veritasrose @yaoiconnoisseur and whoever else wants to! <3
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