#dragon Bucky imagine
gaysindistress · 4 months
Allies or Enemies - two
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on google/Pinterest
pairings: Dragonborn!bucky x f!reader
Summary: The reality of her cruel world is more evident than ever before when her stepfather sends her to her death under the guise of diplomacy. Y/n, the expendable daughter of a scared king, must find a way to secure her own protection among the Dragonborn and she will do that by whatever means necessary.
Warnings: nothing
Word count: 3k
series masterlist | one
taglist: @blackbirdwitch22 @alyeskathewave @learisa @screechingfangirlaf @unaxv @oh-gods-its-a-dragon
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When one thinks of a binding ceremony, several things are sure to come to mind.
Maybe this is a ceremony similar to a human marriage where the couple declares their intent to love and cherish each other for the rest of their days. Maybe this is a ceremony similar to a knighting where a squire completes the final stage and takes the vow to become a knight. The possibilities are endless to be completely truthful but yet what this particular binding ceremony entails is nothing that I could’ve ever imagined.
Pepper takes great pleasure in telling me every detail of the Dragonborn ceremony as she cinches my corset and stabs sharp pins into my hair, bundling it into the tightest updo that she can manage.
“You are not to speak to the knight unless necessary. Conversation is considered improper amongst their kind. You are not to create any sort of relationship with this knight. A relationship outside that of diplomat and guardian is considered improper.”
She spares no detail as she paints my face in the palest fashions possible and dresses me in a blood red velvet gown. My shoulders are exposed thanks to the heavily beaded neckline that sits across my chest and constricts my movement.
I detect the faintest hint of a smirk as she whispers into my ear that this ceremony will forever bind my soul to that of a Dragonborn knight and the process is usually quite painful for humans.
“You will wear their mark and it will cause you great pain if you leave sight of the knight. They will be able to sense your every emotion so it would do you well to learn how to control your emotions.”
When she draws back to look upon her masterpiece of human terror in the vanity mirror, I see the pleased look upon her narrow face and suppress a shiver. She gives me a thin lipped grimace before spraying me with an awful smelling perfume.
Coughing and fanning away the offending the scent, I demand to know what it is and receive no answer but that grimace.
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As if to add insult to injury, the dreadful woman forced me to wear satin slippers in the same hue as my dress. The cold from the winter storm that rages on outside seeps into my bones as she marches me through the palace. It’s started to numb my toes, causing me to stumble over myself and fall to the ground. Pepper spins on her heel to snap at me but something stops her. Her angry green eyes quickly turn to fearful ones as she tears them away from me and fixates on something behind me. She takes a step back from me and straightens her back, quickly assuming the dutiful advisor persona.
A clawed gauntlet appears to my right and offers itself to me.
‘They’re not like us’ begins to play in my head over and over again as I stare at the hand of my newest captor. The owner clears their throat and the chanting in my mind ceases. Stealing a fleeting glance up, I realize that this is not the same knight that I was close to in the battle room only hours earlier. There are no distinguishing differences between the two but something screams to me that this is not him, the one who promised me safety.
“You look beautiful, my lady,” the knight’s hoarse voice rumbles through his helmet as he helps me to my feet. This is not the other one who asked about the ceremony but instead one who had stayed silent.
I force myself to swallow my emotions despite the dam that they’ve created in my throat and mumble a quiet ‘thank you for your kind words’.
The knight lets out a thunderous chuckle that vibrates my body as well as his. “They are the truth, my lady. Kind words are lies told to assuage weak minded individuals and we do not make a habit of lying in Devora.”
“You should address her as your highness, she is not a lady. Regardless we will be late, your highness,” Pepper says in a clipped tone. Her face has grown as red as her hair but the knight pays her no mind and keeps his attention solely on me.
“Thank you…for your honesty then.”
With his helmet in place, I can’t see his face but there is an air around him that tells me that he’s smiling at me. My mind begins to wonder once more and I find myself imagining what it might look like. What might this knight look like beneath his helm of duty and beauty?
“You may leave. I will escort her from here,” he tells Pepper who balks at the suggestion.
“It is improper…” she begins but he cuts her off.
She looks to me as if I could be the voice of reason and finds no such thing. I tell her as gently as I can that she needs not worry and we will follow shortly. Her sharp eyes cut from my face to our still joined hands and she turned up her nose before finally taking her leave.
The seconds it takes for her to disappear down the hall feel like they span over centuries but once she’s gone, a sigh of relief escapes me.
Another rumbling chuckle comes from the knight. “What a foul woman,” he muses while moving my hand to rest on his arm and starts to walk, “Is she always in such a miserable mood or does she reserve such behavior for guests?”
“I think she reserves it for me but otherwise her mood is always rather miserable. Maybe it’s the lack of sun here in York,” I suggest as I try to not marvel at the feeling of the warm armor beneath my fingers.
“Ah yes the sun. It is quite dark and dismal compared to Devora but I don’t suspect that the lack of sun is the root of her issue,” he almost whispers to me before moving the conversation along. “I do not mean to be rude but are you wearing perfume?”
I look at him quizzically as I nod my head.
“Did you choose it?” He asks as his voice grows tight and he stiffens beside me.
“No, Pepper did, why? Is something the matter with it?”
His body language is stiffer than it was moments ago and he seems to shift agitatedly beside me.
“It’s rose scented,” he states.
It takes him a moment to answer but eventually he does, “Dragonborn have exceptional senses of smell but roses are the one scent we can’t handle. It will make us very ill.”
Instinctively I tense beside him and stall us. His clawed gauntlet comes to rest on top of my hand in an act of reassurance.
“But so do not worry though, my lady. I know that it was not you who chose it and it will not hurt any of us for the time being. It’s more of something to keep in mind,” he tells me in a low voice before he continues, “What did she tell you of the ceremony?”
I attempt to apologize but he has none of it and asks his question again. I rely as much as I can remember. At the end of my rambling, the knight laughs whole heartedly and even clutches at his chest.
“Do not fear it, my lady. It’s common amongst our people so I assure you it will be painless and quick. Stéphanos has performed it many times. What pepper has told you is incorrect but it is not my place to tell what your relationship with your guardian will be. I will allow him to answer any questions that you may have.”
“My guardian,” I half say to him and to myself when we begin to walk again, “who is to be my guardian?”
“I cannot say. It’s not my place.”
“What can you tell me?”
“My name. It’s Samuel.”
“And who is Stéphanos?”
“He is our leader.”
“And the other knights?”
I’m met with silence.
‘It appears his long winded speech has found its limits’ I find myself thinking as we continue our stroll towards where I assume the ceremony is. Pepper thought it best that I didn’t know where it would take place so that I couldn’t run away beforehand. I desperately wanted to scream at her that there was nowhere for me to go, not when Dragonborn freely roamed our halls and hid in the ancient trees that surrounded the palace.
Much to my surprise we are nearing the gardens and are met by the other knights. Samuel lets go of my hand and guides me to take the hand of another knight. When he greets me, I recognize him as Stéphanos. He does the same as Samuel; places my hand on the croak of his elbow whilst keeping it there with his own.
“Good evening, Stépahnos or shall I call you Sir Stéphanos? I fear I do not know your people’s customs in regards to formality.”
“Stéphanos is just fine, my lady but if you wish to tutored in our ways then Natasha,” he tells me as he presents me to the one knight that I have yet to meet, “will do they. She has agreed to tutor you in any way that you desire. She will also be your guardian should anything happen to the other.”
The female knight bows her head in respect but otherwise stays silent. I go to ask him about the final knight, the one who promised me safety only hours ago, when a shrill voice calls out my name. Satin slippers slap the stone beneath our feet as my mother races towards us.
“Oh my dear child!” She nearly shrieks and comes to a halt as soon as she spots the knights who now surround me. Her sorrowful eyes make a sharp path from my face to where my hand rests on Stéphanos’ elbow. “My dear I had wished to speak with you before but I was…otherwise engaged. May I see you for just a moment?”
“Perhaps after the ceremony, your highness,” Stéphanos interjects before I can.
Her face scrunches in annoyance, “I believe I was speaking to my daughter, not you.”
“And I believe that the ceremony is about to begin. Your conversation can wait until it is finished,” the unnamed knight, my guardian to be, speaks up for the first time. His voice ricochets through the room like thunder through a forest, shaking the leaves of dust and cobwebs of the palace. His presence is even more powerful than his three comrades combined as he steps to the other side of me. His clawed gauntlets find their place on his onyx long sword, a silent display of dominance and bravery towards the queen.
Stéphanos mutters something in Draconic to himself. While I know that the strange words that fall from his tongue are in his native language, I do not understand it. During my father’s reign I learned to recognize the language through passing conversations but I was forbad from learning it. Draconic is an ancient language that is sacred to them; anyone who’s not a Dragonborn and is caught speaking it, is sentenced to death immediately.
My mother gasps at the knight, clearly offended that he would dare to speak to her in such a manner. Normally I would’ve expected her to lecture him and demand that the guards remove him from her sight but something tells me she won’t. Whether it be because there are no York guards present or the knight’s bold actions, she makes a displeased expression and huffs instead.
“Very well. I shall find you before you retire for the night,” she tells me in a cutting note as she skirts around us towards the garden doors.
Once she’s gone and the doors have closed, the knight turns to Stéphanos and says himself to him in Draconic before signaling to Samuel and Natasha. The three nod to their leader and follow after my mother.
“Ready, my lady?” Stéphanos asks me when we’re alone.
‘No I’m not’ I think to myself but I have to be. I have to be ready for this.
So I give him a polite smile and tell him that I am.
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A dull knife is often more dangerous than a sharp knife because you do not expect it to hurt you. You are lulled into a false sense of safety by the blunt edges and do not take the proper precautions to keep yourself safe.
The knife that Stephanos is holding gleams in the moonlight as he stands over the knight and I, quietly chanting a Draconic prayer. Our scenery is reflected in the metal blade, painting a rather grim affair; a broody knight being bound by duty to a forsaken princess in a nation that is weak and desperate. Between the reflections of us, I can see that the blade has been sharpened to the thinnest edge possible. A part of me is grateful for this as it slices through my flesh and blood beads from my palm without the faintest hint of pain. I do not feel the usual sting until well after the cut has been made and droplets of my blood have been poured over a small pale white stone ring.
When the sting does race through my nerve endings and communicate with my mind that I’m in pain, the stone has absorbed my blood and allowed itself to become a marbled mess of sanguine white.
When the hiss that follows my pain finally slips past my lips, I’ve been instructed to close my eyes so that my knight can don his ring. Once again too distracted by everything around me, I fail to do as I am told in time and catch a glimpse of lustrous white scales that I was not meant to see.
When I’m told to open my eyes, my hand is clutched to my chest and those scales are nowhere to be seen. In their place is a black clawed gauntlet with a necklace dangling from it. Stephanos mutters more Draconic over the necklace before instructing a servant to take it and place it around my neck. Even without doing it himself, a rush of heat unlike I’ve ever felt before overcomes me when the necklace takes its place against my sternum. One brief glance at it tells me that it’s the twin to the knight’s ring; a pendant of a white and red stone set in a delicate silver frame. Stephanos continues in Draconic and I continue to stare but this time at the knight’s hand where I had seen such familiar white scales.
“Are you alright?” I hear through deaded ears. The dryness in my eyes tells me that I’ve been staring for too long and I attempt to blink it away without success. Stephanos’ head is bent towards me as if he were trying to get on my level but no matter how low he might bend, it still would not matter with how tall the horns on his helmet are.
My brows pinch together in confusion while I try to piece together what’s happening. My mother’s soft cries and Anthony’s false reassurances do not reach my ears nor do the hushed conversations of Samuel and Natasha. The night’s song of gentle wind gusts and songful owls passes me by as do the creaking of ancient trees and vexing toads. All that I hear is the sound of my own blood pounding and my breath hitching as the world rushes past me. All I feel is that burning heat from my sternum racing through every vein and into every cell in my body.
All I feel is him.
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What’s more cruel than being forced to endure a confining and uncomfortable form is doing it while listening to the ear splitting shrieks of humans. All around me humans are screaming and panicking as if the princess has suddenly and tragically died. With her motionless body cradled in my arms, I can hear her heartbeat as it pounds in time to my own but neither the queen or her cowardly husband are willing to listen to me. Somewhere behind me Natahsha and Samuel are keeping the weeping royals contained while Stephanos kneels before me.
“Tell me.”
“Her body wasn’t strong enough to handle the binding but she will be fine. Her heartbeat is steady and her breathing is returning to normal. She will need rest,” I state before being interrupted by my own intrepid thinking. Between my focus on the ceremony and maintaining my human form, I hadn’t noticed the utterly repugnant smell of roses. My body wishes to throw the princess and put as much distance between her and I as possible but I cannot. The most infuriating part is that I would’ve been able to only minutes ago for it’s the ring that I now wear that refuses to let me do so. The twin stones will not allow me to put her in harm’s way nor will they let her do the same to me. They will keep us close to each other whether we want that or not in order to maintain both of our safety.
Stephanos whispers my name, snapping my attention back to him. “I suspect we will need to leave for Devora sooner than planned. Can she travel?”
His words are followed by the sound of a hysterical queen demanding our heads for harming her daughter and several ill equipped guards coming to her aid.
“She might not have another choice.”
101 notes · View notes
Masterlist 📝
about the author: Freyja (freɪə), 20-something, Londoner, Virgo sun / Scorpio moon / Libra rising, I write as I please about whom I please (and for you, of course, on the chance that you enjoy my writing! 🖤) ~
This is a regularly updated list of my works; all are x f!Reader unless otherwise stated. I try not to include outright physical attributes for the female lead, to leave her appearance open to interpretation.
Please do NOT copy, repost, steal, or translate any of these! My works should only exist here, on Tumblr. I have not and will not post them on any other platform, nor do I consent to any other individual doing so.
⚔️ Refer here to be tagged in House of the Dragon fics
💌 anon list
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The Sandman
Morpheus / Corinthian
Ineffable (series) *on hiatus
Easy on the eyes (series) (18+) *on hiatus
Only you can set alight the fire in me (oneshot)
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House of the Dragon
Daemon Targaryen
Without you, I would not be
She is my heart
ñuha mērī jorrāelagon
rogue ink
turning red
Series / Miniseries
but daddy, I love him (chapter one - chapter two - chapter three)
this world was never meant for a fire like yours (18+)
in the shadow of your heart (part one - part two)
Aemond Targaryen
some jealous Aemond Targaryen scenarios
burn them all for you
a little game (modern au)
hmm (a christmas drabble)
sepār iā sylutegon (just a taste)
your heart's serrated edges are much like mine own (18+)
i will never say that I am in love
the sapphire and his sun
backhand stroke (tennis au) (18+)
diet pepsi (18+)
official business (president!Aemond au)
Series / Miniseries
prūmia va perzys (heart on fire) series
part one: don't you love me?
part two: and what of your love? (18+)
part three: the flames that divide (18+)
part four: the aftermath
part five: never tear us apart
part six:
part seven:
maroon (a modern au series) (18+)
sapphire-hearted (a miniseries) (18+)
of perilous desire - one: rhaenagon -
national anthem (president!Aemond au series) (18+)
Daemon and/or Aemond
A dance with two rogue dragons
If these walls could speak (18+)
midnights imagines : question...? - anti-hero - labyrinth - lavender haze -
dialogue series: King? -
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Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
As I believe in you (oneshot)
there's hope for us, yet - part 1 - part 2
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Bucky Barnes
reconnaissance - one - two - three
babydoll (oneshot)
so high school - one - two
dollface (18+)
Steve Rogers / Bucky Barnes
The Bolter (series) (18+)
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World On Fire
Tom Bennett
tongue in cheek (one - two - three - four )
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John Wick 4
Marquis Vincent de Gramont
le marquis et le moineau - (ill)fated - first dance -
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Ewan Mitchell
chemical override (series)
blue eyes so green (oneshot)
x classical violinist reader (oneshot)
sun (oneshot)
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4K notes · View notes
klaus-littlestwolf · 2 months
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Klaus Mikaelson:
•Hybrids or Mate
•Touch Starved
•Wasp Song (Motionless in White)
•Voice of the Wolf
•Gift Giving
•Goth Girlfriend
•Love at First Scent?
•Harry Potter Marathon
•Sick Mate
•Murder Spree
•Klaus the Chef
•Giving Klaus Gifts
•ADHD Brain
•Spontaneous Trips
•Hogwarts:Student/Teacher (Mikaelsons)
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Bucky Barnes:
•The Metal Arm
•The Winter Soldier
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Aemond Targaryen:
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97 notes · View notes
coolbeans-17 · 2 months
Need a fic based off this song so bad, I can’t get it out of my head
20 notes · View notes
man-or-monster · 2 years
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if only i could go back when i, i was me
291 notes · View notes
heavenlydevine · 4 months
Just 8 more weeks left. Starting to get back into the groove of writing again, so whatcha feral kitties in the mood for? Some Soldier Boy action, cause goodness I gotta get my head outta the gutter. Send in them requests and I shall either bless you with a blurb, headcannon, or a lengthy one-shot.
18 notes · View notes
themotherofhorses · 2 years
head empty just bucky barnes meeting a pretty targaryen girl with her silver hair and purple eyes and becoming instantly smitten
12 notes · View notes
bitchyfoxymama · 2 years
I will be doing a 12 day of Christmas fics featuring my fav characters across all fandoms!
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11 notes · View notes
ablueboombox-be · 2 years
Bucky Barnes - You Make Me a BELIEVER (Imagine Dragons) | TWS, CW, TFATWS (Sebastian Stan)
0 notes
gaysindistress · 4 months
Allies or Enemies - three
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on google/Pinterest
pairings: Dragonborn!bucky x f!reader
Summary: The reality of her cruel world is more evident than ever before when her stepfather sends her to her death under the guise of diplomacy. Y/n, the expendable daughter of a scared king, must find a way to secure her own protection among the Dragonborn and she will do that by whatever means necessary.
Warnings: nothing
Word count: 3.8k
Author’s note: there are two povs here and I didn’t add who’s they were on purpose *cue evil laughter*
Ari-Hengot means ‘my leader’ in Draconic (based on the very unhelpful google search I did so if it’s wrong it’s not my fault)
series masterlist | two
taglist: @blackbirdwitch22 @alyeskathewave @learisa @screechingfangirlaf @oh-gods-its-a-dragon @globetrotter28 @mostlymarvelgirl l @salvatoreitmeanssaviour
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The words spoken by the sick and ignorant spread like wildfires; drawing close to any unattended wilting blade of grass and engulfing the field in a raging blaze within minutes. What happens now is a question on the lips of every poor farmer as they watch their life’s work burn to nothing but ash and broken spirits. No amount of water and tender hope can rebuild the life that’s been destroyed in seconds. 
Much is the same with the towns where the cowardly king’s words are as revered as their holy books. 
 “Where is she?”
A woman stared off into the distance, looking through the thick trees and towards the small village where the girl lived. The man who had spoken off to her side huffs at her silence, growing impatient with her and the cold wind that sends another shiver down their spines. 
“In a small cabin towards the back of the village, the furthest side from us,” she finally answers his question as she looks back at him, her violently red eyes blinking rapidly in adjustment. 
He tries not to flinch at the unnatural glow of her eyes but fails miserably as he speaks, “Is there anyone with her?”
It’s her turn to huff, “You couldn’t have asked me that when I was looking?” “Well I never said to look away. You did that on your own accord.”
Rolling her eyes, she looks back towards the village. 
“It looks like there are two men next to the door but that’s all I can see. We need to get closer if you want me to see more.”
“Of course, I need you to see more than that.” 
The woman narrows her eyes at him and he looks between her and the cabin. 
“You have a horse or legs if you feel inclined to actually do any work,” he gestures to both items and then points towards the village, “Get to it.”
“Haha very funny,” she sarcastically laughs, yanking her horse’s reins to the side and leading it away from her male companion. 
“Wanda,” he calls after her, his horse not trailing far behind hers. 
“No, you absolute ass. You dragged me to this cold barren, disgusting, foul…”
He cuts her off, “Wanda.” “No, do not interrupt me,” her head whips toward him, her headscarf slipping down to reveal a wave of red hair as she rips into him with her words, “You dragged me here, teased me like I’m a commoner, and then demanded things from me while still expecting me to cooperate. You’re dumber than a donkey if you think that I’m going to walk or force my horse to do so in the snow just to see a few more feet than I did before. I'm not doing it. Work with what I gave you or go scout it yourself!”
When she is done and can see past her rage, all she sees is his stupid smirk and she kicks her horse, demanding to be taken far away from his smug attitude. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he mumbles under his breath and takes off after her. 
Wanda, the red eyed and haired woman, dismounts her horse the moment she reaches their base camp and passes off the reins to a lowly soldier who grumbles at the leather that falls into his lap. Marching straight through the small camp of seven tents, she pushes aside the heavy red fabric that make up the center tent and storms in without a care in the world. 
“If you ever put me with Samuel again, I will send a wind storm into your tent and rip you from your bed the moment before you finish with a woman,” Wanda sneers at me. 
I glance up at her with a ghost of a smirk before looking back at the papers and writing something on a map that is nestled on top. 
“Excuse me,” she demands as she marches to the table, “Did you hear what I said?” “I did,” I answered without looking at her and looking at his maps. 
“Are you going to say anything?”
I don’t respond as I continue to write and draw on the map, charting out our journey home. 
“Wanda, I was joking,” her riding companion and my second in command, Samuel, calls after her as he pushes into the tent, taking note of her irritated state and my unbothered one. 
“Get out,” she nearly barks at him, pointing at the entrance as her red eyes flare and a breeze sweeps in, “now.”
Samuel shakes his head at her, ignoring her as he walks over to the table and brushing past her as he does so. She physically recoils, causing her headscarf to fully fall and scoffs at the brazen touch. She looks wild with her dirty hair spilling out around her and her sanguine eyes narrowing at him.
“Ari-Hengot,” Samuel starts, “I asked her to tell me if anyone was in the house with the girl and all she gave me was two men but wasn’t able to see anyone else. Is it really so wrong of me to suggest she gets closer if that’s what she needs to be able to see more? I feel like that’s pretty reasonable.”
“You told me that I had legs and that I could walk. In the snow.” 
The two start to argue like children in front of me, causing me to drop my quail back into the inkwell and straighten myself to my full height while I clear my throat to get their attention. 
“Wanda, Samuel,” I warn, his voice low and commanding before looking at Wanda, “Can we move tonight or do we need to wait?”
“Yes, it looks like there’s only one person with her at all times. We should move tonight before they start to notice someone’s been watching them. It’s only a matter of time before they see a group of brightly colored tents close by,” Wanda snipes as she stuffs her hair back into her headscarf and pulls her thick red coat around her tighter.
I nod  in approval of her answer regardless of her sass. I’ve never cared if she lashed out on me, disrespected me the way a soldier should never do to their captain however she wasn’t really mine to wield nor could she control me. Regardless of our dynamic lieutenant and captain, We have a long standing agreement to never use their status or titles against each other. Being the daughter of a well respected human ally to the Dragonborn and a newly appointed lieutenant, Wanda was known to have a tongue that could cut like the cold winter wind and soothe the wounds when she wanted. I had learned very quickly to stay in her good graces to protect myself from her wrath and she, in turn, protected me from the crushing weight our leaders gave me. 
“That’s not what you said earlier,” Samuel argues, growing angry that I would so casually accept her appraisal of the situation without a second thought. Him and I may have known each other for several years longer, it is still Wanda that has made any headway in our mission. 
“You didn’t ask what I thought. You assumed that because I could only see to the girl that I would say no but,” she turns back to me, “we should make our move now. We only have the snow storm for a few more days and after that, we won’t have cover anymore.”
“Samuel, you may leave now.”
He makes a noise of annoyance about how Wanda’s word always outweighs his but leaves nonetheless. Both of us will soon hear how wounded his ego is but for now it’s not our concern. 
“And your visions?” I ask once I’m sure that Samuel is gone and no longer in earshot. 
Wanda flinches but shakes it off as she occupies her hands and mind with a thread on her coat, “It has to be tonight and soon or we lose hope of getting her altogether.” Getting the confirmation that I need, I round the table and come to stand before her. Placing my large hands on my arms and pulling at them, I silently ask her to look at me. 
“You’ve done well,” I mummer to her, a smile wide on my normally frozen face. 
She wrinkles her nose at my praise but accepts it nonetheless. Peeking under my arm she spots the map that I’d been working on. Fear and anger rise up in her as she looks over what lies behind us. 
The map is of our lands, stretching as far south as the Unsea and as far north as York. The tiny village that we are encamped by sits in the northernmost mountains of York, placing us deep within enemy territory. 
A dotted line marks a route back to Devora and she gasps at where the route has to cross through. 
“Are you trying to get us killed?” she almost shrieks as she pushes under my arms and points at my handiwork which does mark a path through certain death. 
“He’s been found in their capital, ” I state as I join her at the table’s edge. 
“Well then congrats to the Coward King,” she scoffs, “but what business do we have going through there?”
I look at her like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “We’re going to get him on our way back.” “No we are not.”
“And why not?” “It’s…” she pauses, searching for a valid reason to avoid the capital city of York, Brookshire, “your personal vendetta against him is not a reason to risk all of our lives. We will be killed as soon as we are within sight of their walls. 
“I’m sure we can devise a way to get in,” I tell her while I start to cover the map, “and it is not a matter of my personal issue with their king. It is a matter of political correction.” 
“Political correction? Have you been taking lessons with Stephanos?” 
I offer her a small smirk instead of words as I rub at the spikes on my jawline, my scales reflecting the fire’s blaze at Wanda. 
“I shall ask again; are you trying to get us all killed?” 
I don’t drop my smirk but add to it with a shrug,“Isn’t that how all great military leaders die? In search of a great treasure for their people? ” 
Wanda scoffs at her captain’s undesirable need to prove that I am the best, “We are not treasures. We are people no matter what they say.”
“Ah but you Wanda are the greatest treasure that this world has to offer,” I tell her while I grip her shoulders. 
“Flattery will get you nowhere with me, you know that,” she sighs. A shiver passes through her and it’s then that I am reminded of how…fragile humans are. York is not a warm place; both in manners and climate but here in their mountain range it is far colder than anything that Wanda would’ve experienced before. Her entire body shakes when the wind brushes through the tents and pushes her way to the front when there is a fire. Some of the others have taken to giving her warm clothing or fabric they find when we pass a village. A few times she’s come to my room at night and wordlessly crawled in, hoping that she would find a pocket of warmth in the thick blankets I collect. 
Outside of the tent, I hear Sameul shouting at the others, demanding they be ready within the hour. Footsteps crunch in the snow and horses protest against the cold beneath their feet. This new country is nothing like any of our homelands and it proves to be a worthy adversary as many of us fail to conquer or even assimilate to its conditions. During our nearly year-long expedition, we’ve lost nearly half of our party and things do not look to be any better if we can’t get to her. Soon. 
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“Praised be the Sfant!”
An elderly woman cries as she shuffles her dying husband out of the small cabin. A hovel really is a better term for the bare shelter that I’m being housed in held captive in. With only two rooms, one being a tiny bedroom and the other the main living quarters, I have little room to practice my ‘gifts’. Although my guards, my captors truly, have clasped thick cuffs wrists to prevent me from leaving. The first time I attempted to run, a thin red string had connected me to my guards and led them directly to me. 
I learned to ignore my desperation for freedom rather quickly afterwards. 
I try to smile at the woman and allow my body to slump when she is gone. The ache in my bones has not gone away since I woke up in that freezing tower room. Pepper, all too gleeful, explained to me that immediately following my fainting spell, the guards on Anthony’s command attacked the Dragonborn and ‘rescued’ me from the ‘bastardly demons’.  My mother had been lost in the battle but Anthony miraculously survived and managed to use her death as yet another example of Dragonborn violence towards York. It became clear with the more I was told that it wasn’t a Dragonborn sword that killed her, it had been a human one. 
I’ve grown to believe that it was Anthony’s however I have nothing but hatred and vengeance to support my claim. 
Two men, tall, pale, and unnerving, are slumped in the two chairs that were left in the cabin. The taller one, a man with cropped golden blonde hair and a beard to match, is watching her intently with light eyes that unnerve me when I meet them. The other is a dark haired man with similarly cropped hair and facial hair is picking at his fingernails with a knife. 
Jonathan, the blonde, stands and places a table in front of the door as an alarm if anyone were to attempt to break in. He tosses a piece of bread to Brock, the dark haired one who gestures towards one of the rooms with the bread as he speaks to me, “Time for bed.”
I can’t help when my eyes roll on their own at his request and instead I decide to clean the altar around me instead. Candles, herbs, and jewelry as well as a book lay around my kneeling body, artifacts from the ineffective ritual I’d just performed. The woman had begged Jonathan and Brock for days to let her husband be seen by me but the two men merely waved her off in hopes that a person with a bigger purse would come by. Finally after sitting at the doorstep day after day, I took pity on her and allowed her in before the assholes could say a thing. 
Her husband had been poisoned, the woman claimed as she wiped at his sweaty brow and held him. One look at the black veins that crawled up his neck and were threatening to overtake his face let me know enough; the man had been poisoned but there would be no way for her to heal him. I could only offer remedies to ease his pain and end his life swiftly in his sleep. Dabbing oil on his temples, lips, and behind the ears would ensure that his death would come before the woman even made it to her own hovel. 
“Y/N, now,” Brock snaps sternly, his dark eyes beginning to rage at my brazen actions. 
I quickly turn my head, the chains and strings of gems that hang from my diadem swinging as I do so, “I’ll go when I’m finished cleaning.”
His eyes flash for a moment before he stalks over to me and rips me up by my arm. He knocks over countless expensive remedies and breaks what he didn’t spill in the process but he shows no concern for it all, not that he ever did. His grip on my arm is bruising and steel- like so I can’t tear myself free. Again my jewelry and other adornments clang together in a painful symphony as I’m dragged across the room; a stark reminder that I am nothing but a living doll to these people and to Anthony. 
“You do as I say and quickly,” he grinds out through clenched teeth before slamming the door on me, leaving me in the dark and alone. 
I let out a frustrated cry as I tear the undoubtedly priceless jewelry from my body and hair. Letting it clatter to the ground, I resist the urge to break it any further by stomping it or picking it back up to throw again. I’m left in my cuffs and thick layers of robes and dresses I’m forced to wear to look the part of their saint, the Sfant of the Great Rebirth. The heavy fabric becomes suffocating and I tear them off next, shedding the black robes that were embroidered in white and gold before nearly breaking off the buttons to the outer black gown. Similar to the robe, it too is embroidered with white and gold threads but within lays the signature blue of York. A part of me is tempted to burst out of the room in my chemise and throw the foul articles of clothing into the fire but I know I would not be fast enough. The foul men outside would hear my movements before I even made them and would stop me. 
Instead, surrounded by the fineries of my captors, I crumple to the floor and cry into my hands. I cry for the people that I cannot save, the people that have died to protect me, for the people that I will inevitably fail, and for the girl that died that night. I cry for the life that I once had where I was insignificant, for the life that was stolen from me when I was bound to the Dragonborn, and for the life that I am forced to live now. I cry harder as the pendant against my sternum weeps and pulses wildly, screaming out to its other half to no avail. The pain and sadness that lives instead of its milky heart has never faded in the year since it was given to me. For an entire year I have felt my very soul being torn in a thousand directions and yearn for the one they all lead to. 
 I hear the scuffling boots of the men outside my door, no doubt muttering to themselves about how pathetic I am and I wipe at my nose with the back of my sleeve. I get to my feet and gather the reminders of my imprisonment before Jonathan opens the door. Ever the quiet and observing man, he narrows his eyes at me and then scans the room before shouldering in with Brock not far behind. It turns my stomach rotten at the idea of having to sleep in the same room as them but there is no alternative. The first week I had been with them, I tried to escape only to be met with a heaving Jonathan clad in only his pants on the other side of the window. Ever since then, he’s slept under the window and Brock slept in front of the door, leaving me with no way out. 
Brock smirks at my state, puffy eyed and barely dressed, and goes to make a filthy comment but Jonathan shoots him a stern glare and the comments stay in his mouth. I should have thanked him for his “protection” but is it really protection when he helped take my captive? 
Regardless of his part in my capture, I find myself drawn to him. He is the better looking of the two, tall and corded with muscles from years of training. When he enters a room, he has to duck to avoid hitting his head on the door frame. Since that night I had tried to escape, the sight of his broad muscular chest has not left my mind but I will it away. Instead I try to focus on the stubble of his short beard. Only a mask of stoic duty and harsh words live on his face but sometimes a small smile will take their place. I might have found myself peering at his full pink lips and then up to the pale blue eyes that hide beneath his lashes and thick brows. 
But this is not another life and now only malice lives in my heart for him. 
Jonathan jerks his head towards the small bed against the wall, silently telling me to climb into bed before Brock forces me to. Not wanting to suffer another bruising grip, I drop the items in my arms at the foot and climb in. I can feel him roll his eyes at my child-like behavior but he doesn’t say a word as he settles onto the cold floor beside me. Brock wishes us both a goodnight laced with something that makes my skin crawl as he too settles in. I quickly turn to face the wall and curl into a ball while my blood pounds in my ears. 
Sleep doesn’t find me nor does rest in any form no matter how long I lay there. It feels like hours have passed when I hear something. Beyond the fire crackling and the men’s breathing, I can barely make out the soft crunch of hoofs on snow. My breath catches in my chest as the sound gets louder and the pendant begins to grow warm, nearly vibrating in nervous excitement. I clasp my hand around it as I force my lungs to slow down and try to regain my nerves. The buzzing in my hand has to mean one thing and if I am correct, Brock and Jonathan stand no chance. 
A powerful stream of wind whips through the cabin and pins them to the ground, awakening them within seconds from the force. Instinctively I shoot up in bed and am met with the sight of a person covered head to toe in deep red cloth, leaving only their thin pale hands and unnatural red eyes to be seen. I’m so swept up in the stranger’s eyes that I fail to notice men pouring in around them. One thin pale hand removes the cloth covering her face to reveal a woman who’s beauty far outweighs any person that I've ever come across. 
A human woman stands before her. 
A human woman who commands Dragonborn Knights as if she’s one of them. 
The woman cocks her head as she looks over me on the bed and says something in Draconic to a familiar hulking Dragonborn knight beside her. Jonathan growls at their words and struggles against the red wind that keeps him pinned in place. 
With a smirk fitting for a snake, she says, “Hello Sfânt Y/N, we’ve come to take you home.”
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klaus-littlestwolf · 2 months
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Religious Teachings-Yan!ArtTeacher Klaus
Adopted Werewolf-Yan!Klaus
Little Dancer-Yan!Klaus
What a Complex Organ-Yan!Lawyer Klaus
One Little Trip to the ER Masterlist-Yan!ERDoctor Klaus
Hybrids Mafia Princess-Yan!Klaus w/ Mob!Bucky Barnes Daughter
Strange Kind of Love-Yan!Mob Klaus & Yan!Mob Bucky
Can’t Live Without You-Yan!Therapist Bucky
Er Doc Klaus/Police Officer Elijah-Yan!Elijah & Yan!Klaus HC’s
Police Officer Elijah Masterlist-Yan!Elijah
Never Ending Obsession-Yan!Stalker Aemond
As You Wish Sister-Yan!Aemond
Is This…Hair?!-Yan!Flynn Rider Aemond
YanAlpha!Klaus M. Mates the Last Omega
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The Feral Princess - Part 3
Marvel AU
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Theme: Soulmate AU / Medieval / Fantasy / Soulmate Marks
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Summary: Bucky and Steve have known they were soulmates since they were children. Fate bringing a then sickly Steve and the future King together. War takes them apart and throws them back together over and over, in and out of each other lives, arms and beds. But something is missing and throughout, they know they are missing their third and final piece. The kingdom is now Bucky's and Steve's, the latter now a leader and no longer a sickly child. Both are war heroes, with the respect of their country and those that surround it. They are a force to be reconned with, admired and respected within the other royal houses. They could have any maiden or princess they wanted, but they don't want just anyone. They want their soulmate. They want their princess. Even if she is known as The Feral Princess.
Chapter Summary: Sam reports back to the others.
When Sam returns from the Kingdom of Lionheart, he is greeted by an overexcited Becca running down the castle steps. He wraps her up in a warm embrace, before cupping her face in his hands and kissing her softly.
“How was it? Is she coming?”
Sam sighs, knowing the trouble his news will bring.
“What is it? What happened?” Becca asked softly.
“They have dragons.”
“Come on, we’d better get this over with.”
Sam makes his way up the castle steps hand in hand with his soulmate. Natasha appears out of nowhere and falls into step with him.
“You didn’t tell me they had dragons?”
“The House of Loxley? It doesn’t.”
“She wasn’t there. I told Robin of their intentions and he laughed and sent me to Lionheart.”
“Well I can imagine how that went.”
Before Sam had chance to retort they were at the Command Room. Sam took a deep breath and entered.
Bucky spoke first.
“I see she is not with you.”
“No, she’s not.”
“What happened?” Asked Steve, voice heavy with emotion.
“She politely declined.”
“Politely?” Bucky asked.
“I mean she said, no, thank you, amongst other things.”
“Go on.”
Sam sighed and began to retell the events of the last few days. He’d been warmly welcomed, and both he and the two knights that had accompanied him had been given a full meal, mead and their horses stabled, fed, watered and groomed. After smartening themselves they were invited to the Great Hall to meet with the King. On approach Sam realised that it was a social day and that there were various Lords, Ladies and Knights in attendance. This had initially put him and the accompanying Knights on edge. Were they being led to their doom? Or to be made a show of?
As they entered through a side door, which Sam established was for guests, a Royal Guard had whispered to him.
“Lord Wilson, I’m afraid we’ll have to wait to announce you. There is a developing matter that requires urgent attention.”
Sam nods, simply grateful his head isn’t immediately being put on a stick. He spots a Knight he recognises from the Battle of Washington and reintroduces himself. He doesn’t notice the brunette observing him from across the room.
Exchanging pleasantries with the Knight, and observing the raised voices, he establishes that the youngest Princess and heir is missing somewhere.
King Richard doesn’t seem concerned and then it becomes clear why. He must have predicted the child would wander to you, as he appears unsurprised when you stride in the child on your hip looking ready for battle.
He tells of the altercation with the Governess. Bucky and Steve raise their eyebrows and ask questions, Becca gasps, Natasha seems unfazed.
“After she left to feed the dragons, I was announced.”
“And?” Asked Bucky.
“Well, Richard and some of the court laughed. Some seemed excited, although it appears they were new to court and weren’t exactly used to her behaviour or what had happened with the past attempts at courtship.”
“But did you speak with her? Directly?” Asked Steve.
“I did. Richard asked a guard to fetch her after he’d read your letter. She returned and Richard cleared the Hall so it was just her, him and I. I explained that you sort her hand. She said no thank you and tried to leave.”
“Tried?” Asked Steve.
“Richard asked her to wait and then let her read the letter. She said no thank you again….” Sam decided to stop his retelling there but his hesitation toward the end of his story, led Bucky to believe something was a miss.
“Out with it Samuel.”
“She read all of it, including the part where you said you would fetch her.”
“What? You put that in the letter to Richard?” Natasha asked. “Are you looking to start a war James?”
“We are equipped for it.”
“Against Lionheart and Loxley!? Are you insane? You realise she also has ties to Odinson!”
“He is our ally.” Steve pointed out.
“Not when it comes to her. You have no idea what you’ve done!”
“And what do you know of it Natalia. I do not see your soulmate upon your arm!” Snapped Bucky.
“James!” Yelled Becca. “You do not speak of our friends and their soulmates in such a way. Mother taught you better, and Natasha’s right. You shouldn’t have said that James. How will it look if you fetch a princess against her will.”
“You won’t even make it through the gates. You will start a war, that’s if you haven’t already.” Added Natasha.
“Nobody will stand in the way of soulmates being together. It goes against the gods. If she does not appear at our gates in two days, I will do as I said and I will fetch her.”
“Buck, she said” Sam paused and let out a sigh, “She said if you come you will leave as the others, bleeding or in a box.”
“Well, it’s a good job I like a challenge Samuel, and I will fetch her.”
Moments after Lord Wilson’s departure.......................
There’s a flurry of activity in your quarters as the Royal Guards bring in trunks for your things.
“We won’t need those. We’ll just take what we can carry by horse. Place them back in the store but out of sight.”
Lady Dawn is looking at you with a look you cannot read.
“Do say whatever it is that you want to say Lady Dawn.”
“Is this wise?”
“Are you questioning my judgement?”
“No, I’m questioning if you wish the kingdoms to go to war over you.”
You paused.
“There won’t be a war, it won’t come to that.”
“Won’t it?”
Before you have chance to answer, your second lady, Darcy enters.
“I have everything readied.”
You began to move around the room placing items into a satchel. You watch as Lady Dawn begins to put on her cloak.
“You do not need to come Lady Dawn.”
“I don’t think so. I’ve have not sat and watched you grow and attempted to raise The Feral Princess to miss her being tamed.”
Darcy let out a laugh and you soon followed suit.
“Ok ladies, time for another adventure.”
You slipped into the night on horseback, Lady Dawn, Darcy, and your Loxley guards by your side.
Fancy a cuppa? My Ko-Fi.
@animegirlgeeky @sebastians-love @mrsevans90 @salvatoreitmeanssaviour @forgetmenotsexy
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thedeviltohisangel · 6 months
I live for Bucky and Spook and I have kids on the brain after rewatching the scene with Buck and Bucky talking to British kids Billy and Sammy so hear me out: Spook offering to babysit for one of the Brit’s kids and one of the kids sees them flirting and asks if they’re gonna get married
All The Things I Did (Interlude): I Want To Give You The World
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a/n: ok this interlude became very important to the story. hints at post-berlin (promise we will see pre-berlin soon) cass and john, cass/lemmons/local children fluff, meeting cass' older brother, and hot times on a blanket in a field. interlude requests always open//inbox and DMs ready to accept screams. see you all soon!
The tip of the pencil snapped under the force she was using to press it into the paper. It was the fourth one in the past half hour. She thinks she was going to lose her mind. That the walls were closing in around her like a personal prison cell. That is almost exactly what it was.
The doctors and the OSS had her grounded post-Berlin. They had offered her two choices. Extended stay at a flak house or operational pause and desk duty. Cass had thought she was making the right decision. The former had meant leaving base and leaving John. After she had just gotten him back. After they had only just spent the night together and discovered the bliss of waking up in each other’s arms. No. She couldn’t leave him after all that. But desk duty. Desk duty was causing her slow decline. And to add insult to injury, John had been tasked with a mission to North Africa anyways. 
She was trying to catch up on her reports and her targeting packages but it wasn’t enough. John wasn’t here to distract her. Colonel Harding would just flirt with her. Everybody else was locked in their own offices and working frantically. She was alone on her own boredom island. 
Assuming some sunshine might do the trick, she found herself walking the runways. They were empty just like her heart. Her mustachioed pilot off in a far away land no doubt enjoying his time in the desert. Cass imagined he was still finding a way to cause trouble. Had asked him to look up her brother while he was there. She hoped Bobby at least ribbed him a little bit. 
“Lemmons, what have we got going on over here?” It looked like a plane engine and it looked like he had children holding wrenches and helping him work on it.
“Lieutenant Cooper!” The kids saluted her with a smile. She lifted her hand with a laugh in reply. 
“Just teaching these kids how to take apart an engine,” Lemmons answered. “Don’t get a lot of down time.” Cass hummed and reached towards the tool kit to pick a wrench of her own.
“Got room for one more?”
“Miss Cass?” One of the little girls had been finding Lieutenant too hard to pronounce the past couple of days so she had given her permission to use her name.
“Yes, ma’am?” They were all sitting together around a bonfire that Lemmons had started. The kids were roasting whatever they could put on a stick and telling stories about all the fun them and the mechanics were getting up to.
“Can you tell the story about Prince Bucky and Princess Spook again?” Spending this time with them was a breath of fresh her. Reminded her of her nieces and nephews back home that she missed so dearly. 
“Where did we leave off?” A couple of the other kids gathered around at the murmur that the story was continuing. 
“Prince Bucky was using his flying unicorn to kill the evil dragon!”
“Oh please, Miss Cass, tell us if Princess Spook is okay.” She ignored the smirks of the men that were also present. Cass gave them a ‘can you blame me’ look. She missed her man and this was one of the ways she knew how to fill the void.
“Prince Bucky arrived at the castle just in time, the dragon about to breathe fire into the window where Princess Spook was asleep.” They gasped, fully committed to the story. “She woke up and looked out the window and saw Prince Bucky and his sword, ready to kill the dragon!” 
“I’m sure Bucky is very proficient with his sword,” one of the mechanics scoffed around his cigarette. Cass shot him a look that could kill him and he quieted instantly. 
“He raised it high,” she lifted her arms over her head, “and brought it down right through its scales before it could kill the Princess.” The children breathed a sigh of relief.
“Are they going to get their happily ever after, Lieutenant?” Lemmons asked with a grin. 
“What do you all think? Should the Prince and Princess be together forever?” They all nodded furiously, Cass laughing at the chocolate on their faces. 
“Miss Cass, they should get married and then Princess Spook can wear a really big dress.” 
“Then they’ll be King and Queen!”
“And King Bucky can slay a million more dragons!” Two of the boys turned towards each other with their sticks and began to use them as their own swords. The rest of the kids took their cues and took off into the darkening field to act out their own version of the fairytale.
“They’re good kids, Ken. It’s nice that you’ve taken them under your wing.” Cass bumped his shoulder playfully as he blushed around his sip of beer. 
“They are much more into Princess Spook than they are plane engines these days, Lieutenant.” 
“Cass, please. No ranks around the fire.” She poked at it gently. The distractions had been so welcome. This time spent away from John had only reaffirmed her feelings for him were true. That they were deep and meaningful and could last a long time. When she had gotten back from Berlin, he had told her he loved her. Had looked her in the eyes and held her steady and said the three words that Cass thinks carried the most meaning the world. And he had fucking meant them. 
She hadn’t said them back even though she felt it too. Never one to be held back by fear, she was in this instance. John could be taken from her at any moment and there was nothing she could do about it. In her line of work, lack of control got you killed. 
Lemmons was teaching her how to properly oil the gears of the practice engine when the first plane was spotted on the horizon. Cass stood and watched them appear one by one through the lenses of her aviators and smiled before dropping her tools and running to the tower.
“Lieutenant Cooper.” Colonel Harding lowered his binoculars to give her a once over, clearly enjoying the sight of her in a jumpsuit rather than her usual uniform. She plucked the binoculars from his hand while he was distracted.
“My forearms are too tantalizing this afternoon, Colonel?” He smirked as she looked out the window, until she spotted John’s plan and smiled with glee. 
“Cassandra, I have dinner tomorrow night with my British counterpart. He’s known to talk with the prodding of scotch and a beautiful woman.” She hummed in thought as the plane carrying the man she loved got closer and closer.
“I’ll think about it.” It wasn’t the first time Harding had invited her as his date to a fancy dinner with their partners. It gave her a chance to elicit information of value from them as she played dumb and sipped a glass of water. John had muttered under his breath about it previously but after the most recent change in their relationship, she doesn’t think he would be so subtle about it anymore.
“Best not keep Major Egan waiting.” He took the binoculars from her hand and watched her go with a sad smile on his face. If only he was younger.
She thinks she exercised the most patience she ever had in her entire life as she wanted for his plane to land and taxi to its final resting place. Her entire body was vibrating as she waited and waited for the hatch to open and almost groaned that he would of course be the last one to exit. And then he dropped out of the plane and the clouds parted so the sun could shine on John Clarence Egan and she was off across the airfield like a cannonball. 
“C’mere my lovely, lovely angel.” He caught her as she jumped into his arms, her legs around his waist and arms around his neck in an instant. John went for a kiss but she stopped him with a finger to his lips.
“Any new scratches or bruises or wounds of any kind I need to know about?” She had already located one on the bridge of his nose and on his forehead. 
“You can do a more thorough check when you take a shower with me later, how about that?” he whispered. 
“Yeah, it does seem you need one.” John couldn’t wait to kiss her anymore. He groaned as she wasted no time slipping her tongue between his lips, gripping her tighter against his body. “I missed you. Thought about you every day,” she admitted. He let her legs drop onto the ground but her arms stayed exactly where they had been. 
“The men almost mutinied against me for talking about you too much.” She giggled and John kissed her again. “Though it did make me look a little desperate in front of your brother.” Cass looked at him with wide eyes.
“You saw Bobby? Were you able to give him the box?” John nodded. 
“You didn’t tell me he was that frightening.” He didn’t mention that his hand was shaking when he was giving him the box. The way the older man had looked at him like ham on a buffet table made him sweat. Gale had loved every minute of it.
“He’s just protective when it comes to boys in my life.” Especially after Sidney Landry.
“Gave me a stern speech about the kind of girl you are and how you deserve to be treated and that he knew what I looked like now so he could kill me if he needed to.”
“He’s doing okay? Seemed intact?” Cass hadn’t seen Bobby since he left for boot camp immediately after Pearl a few years ago. Remembers hugging him with tears that she may not see him again. That he was going somewhere far away where people hated him. He had told her he had to. That he needed to do something to protect his family. Told her he wouldn’t be surprised if she found a way to join him over there. She and her brother Kent followed not too soon after. God how she missed them both.
“Told me to tell you he misses you.” John had been honest with the man about his feelings for Cass. Didn’t know if he would ever get the chance to talk to her father and that Bobby would be the next best thing. Told him he loved her and wanted to be with her when this was all over. That Cass was it for him, he knew it as well as he knew how to fly. Bobby was hesitant at first but watched the way John looked when he spoke about her. Heard the men making jokes about the lovestruck Major. Bobby had even asked Major Cleven for his thoughts on the whole situation. Gale had raved about Cass and how good she was for John. That the two of them complemented each other like salt and pepper. 
When John asked for Bobby’s blessing to one day marry Cass, he had given it.
That night, they were back where they could always be found. On a blanket in the field of wildflowers a few minutes drive from base. John’s hat and blazer were thrown somewhere in the distance and she was working on the knot of his tie as he hovered on top of her. 
“You aren’t allowed to leave me for that long ever again,” she breathed as she threw the offensive fabric over his head and John’s hands moved the hem of her dress around her waist.
“Yes, ma’am.” Cass used his moment of weakness to change the balance of power, hooking her leg around his waist and pushing against his shoulder until his back hit the blanket and she was straddling him. “I like the way you think.” She had only unbuttoned the first few on her dress, John sitting up in a daze at the sight of white lace, kissing her skin as she exposed it to him. Then, over the hill, was the sound of screeching children and it was only getting closer.
“Miss Cass! Miss Cass!” She pushed John down as they came running towards her. Her fingers barely locked the last button into place before they were swarmed. 
“We didn’t see you today!”
“Sergeant Lemmons said Prince Bucky was back!”
“Is this him?” She went to move from her precarious position over John when his hands on her hips stopped her.
“Not yet,” he cautioned. No need to scar these children for life.
“Yes, this is…Prince Bucky.” She had told John, after he had coaxed her into the shower, about her time with Lemmons and the local kids. About the story of Prince Bucky and Princess Spook and the dragon. He had teased her about their happily ever after all afternoon. “He’s just been back from killing another dragon.” Her look begged him to play along.
“Indeed. A large…gray dragon.” The kids gasped. 
“Was he trying to hurt Princess Spook?”
“I would do anything to rescue my Princess.” Cass couldn’t help herself, pulling him in for a kiss by his collar. 
“Will you be getting married soon?”
“Oh, please, Miss Cass! You’d look so pretty in a princess dress.”
“Prince Bucky hasn’t asked, little ones.” For his part, John was looking at her like the first sight of land after being lost at sea. 
“Will you marry me, Princess Spook?” The kids cheered but Cass was frozen. She knew it wasn’t real, he was placating them and she loved him for it, but hearing the words come from his mouth felt so right. He meant them.
“Yes.” And she meant her answer too. 
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blakeswritingimagines · 7 months
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Touchy boyfriend Lando Norris by @theemporium
The smile by @dreamauri
Sensitive by @daddyricsdoll
Redbull gives you wings by @arkhammaid
Vanilla by @daddyricsdoll
landoscar x femreader by @vivwritesfics
Smile! you're on camera by @pucksandpower
Between A Rock And A Hard Place by @uglyducklingofthe2000s
Bump Cuddles by @fastandcarlos
Stranger Things
Laundry day by @thornsnvultures
The Whore of Babylon by @boldlyvoid
Steve Harrington x shy reader by @lovebugism
Irritating by @galaxy-siren
What's wrong with being confident? by @munsonluhvr
Rainy nights by aestheticaltcow
When she says baby by @hornyhornyhimbos
Private Viewing by @lokis-army-77
Are you together? by @galaxy-siren
Hazbin Hotel
Alastor x reader headcanons by @a-hazbin-reader
Adam and Reader by @multi-fandom-imagine
Acts of trust by @skxllz
Alastor and Lucifer sharing you by @cyberm4n
Holding your whole world by cherubfae
Wrapping your wings around them by @mournings-stars
Bucky Smut by @buckyalpine
Domesticated Miguel O'Hara by @scoobysnakz
Flowers in bloom by @liyawritesss
The Devils Game by @spider-stark
I've Got Them by @alotofpockets
Open Window by @fabled-fiction
Wedded Bliss by @gutsby
63 notes · View notes
bitchyfoxymama · 2 years
6 notes · View notes
enretrogue · 9 months
Bumblebee Series: 1 ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 ⎢ 6 ⎢ 7 ⎢  — @angrythingstarlight .☘︎ ݁˖
Soft!Dark!Mafia!Bucky x Runaway Bride!Reader — @angrythingstarlight .☘︎ ݁˖
Peachy Sweet: 1 ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 ⎢ 6 — @straywords .☘︎ ݁˖
Apple Bottom Jeans (+Billy Russo) — @bubuslutty
#15 w/ Frank Castle — @bits-and-babs
Bambi With Fangs ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 — @bubuslutty
Bring Me Home — @frvnkcastles
Bakery AU — @devils-dares
Love Language (+ Billy Russo) — @bubuslutty
Imagine #1,044 (+ Shane Walsh) — @komotionlessqueenmm
Primal — @darlingshane
Instagram AU — @amhrosina
You’re Everything I Never Knew I Needed — @lemon-world1
Cowboy!Frank — @rrestrella
Really Bad Week — @chvoswxtch
“Come here…Hey! I said come. Here.” — @bullet-prooflove
Sanctuary — @glossysoap
Biting Truth — @narcolini
Soft Morning Sex w/ Frank — @amhrosina
Cutesy Blurb — @thyme-in-a-bubble
Frank w/ An Inexperienced Reader — @amhrosina
His Inheritance: Chapter 26 ⎢ Chapter 27 — @jtargaryen18
Spelling Out “I Love You” — @amhrosina
Baking w/ Matty and Frankie — @chvoswxtch
An Unexpected Delight — @amhrosina
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CDC — @collecting-stories
Feel Me — @nikkisheep
Never Stopped Looking — @glennrheesworld
Sex w/ Glenn — @strgrlxox
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Busted — @mlmxreader
Our Scars — @arzennn
Behind On That Cute Date ⎢ Chocolate Pie — @anonymooseforever007
Airport Snow — @there-goes-thefighter
Angel of Birmingham — @darkdevasofdestruction
Quid Pro Quo — @scorpiussage
Dragon’s Den — @pherelesytsia
Afternoon Shelby Chaos ⎢The Boys ⎢Dad!Tommy ⎢Mr. Giraffe — @teenwolf-theoriginals
Mama Bear — @dlmlufics
Arthur + Cards — @dlmlufics
Big Sister Bess — @dlmlufics
Escape to Me — @daisyblinder
The Proposal (Shelby!Reader) — @anonymooseforever007
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Take a Nap Amidst the Storm — @lloydsbitch
Home — @welcome-to-my-multiverse
Ready for Destruction (Prologue) — @holylulusworld
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Handcuffed — @thisfanisgonesorry
Taking Control — @call-me-little-sunshine84
Workplace Gossip — @darling-i-read-it
Batch of Cookies — @sunnylands-world
Hopper x Sleepy!Reader — @ddejavvu
DBF!Hopper — @ddejavvu
Final Essay — @keerysteacake
Plain Old Man — @ddejavvu
Out of the Woods — @mypoisonedvine
DBF!Hopper — @empresskylo
102 notes · View notes