#dragon age sc
wildmelon · 2 years
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salshira— the journey of the soul ❄️
more sc of my current inky for dragon age day ✨😊
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chanafehs · 2 months
Sorry about whatever fight Cassandra and Varric are having but this lighting looks amazing on my Lavellan
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juneleaf · 13 days
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> be me
> divorced
> ex wife's dwarven situationship (who has MAGIC.. now) has a room in my old house in the fade
> she undoubtedly sees ex-wife shrine in said house
> awkward because we're colleagues again after she heard ex-wife's infamous promise to kill me bare-handed
> she does not bring up ex-wife shrine and neither do i
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hellomehlo · 1 month
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me running on less than 6 hours’ sleep:
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ree-duh · 29 days
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megarywrites · 1 year
find the word
tagged by @thewriteflame (thanks!) and my words were: early, froze, grave, and hull (it's almost like you knew I just finished a chapter with the title "Haunted Hull" lol)
I'll tag: @isherwoodj @pinespittinink @daisywords and @aether-wasteland-s, and your words will be: dawn, morning, afternoon, evening, twilight (or dusk), and midnight (no pressure ofc!)
early (this made me realize how many times i have nearly in my manuscript, but that's a problem for rewrite draft me lol)
The all too familiar pounding of Cilia’s fist on our door thudded heavily through the small room. I gave a feeble attempt to open my eyes, but the most I could manage was the thinnest squint. But Solera, of course, was already up. Puttering around. Probably folding her clothes or mine…or sketching. My squint narrowed further as I listened hard for a hint of what she was doing.  But it was a bit too quiet.  Had she slipped out again to see the sunrise?  I ripped my blanket off my head, looking over at her bed, expecting to find it empty, only… She looked over at me, her smile a bright, sweet assault. It was too early for anyone to be so cheerful, especially here. Even if it did suit her a bit too well.  Groaning, I flipped the blanket back over my head and rolled over, earning a laugh from her. Alright, well, I couldn’t not smile at that.
A smile split the Droma’s beard, my mouth going dry as he reached for the hem of Ma’s veil. Kolette reached for my hand again, squeezing tightly as Ma’s identity was slowly revealed. The Droma’s eyes widened as the veil slipped through his fingers. Gasps filled the latridom, and the Diamo, who had been smiling, froze, his gaze darting around at the adverse reaction.  The Stoli, as ever, remained calm. The soot-grey lady stood, took a step toward Ma, but halted at a look from the Diamo.  The Droma stepped away from Ma, shaking his head. Even from here, his anger was palpable. I shrank back, sinking further into my seat, holding Ma’s mourning veil taut over my face.  “What happened?” the Diamo asked, his voice much more reserved than it had been before. The Droma stepped toward Ma, fists clenched. “Sosta.” The Droma stopped, glaring at Ma as she lifted her chin, but did not look away. “Remember your position.” He backed away again, his chest heaving.
“Where is he?” Ma asked as she looked down, surveying the carved stones. The Droma turned at the sound of her voice. He glanced between us, offering a sad yet kind smile and holding his hands out to take ours. Or, rather, just mine in both of his. My hand twitched as I fought the urge to jerk it out of his grasp, but then he pulled me closer and linked our arms.  “Come, let me show you.”  I sent a pleading glance at Ma, but the veil made it worthless, as he led us to the furthest stone. Ma sank to the grass once we reached it, and I freed myself of the Droma’s grasp to join her on the ground, wrapping my arms around her as I stared at the stone.  Arteras Galanis 921 N.H. – 977 N.H.  My grip around Ma tightened as she started rocking slightly, her hand escaping the confines of her veil to caress the carving of Pa’s name with the tips of her fingers. I pursed my lips as my throat grew increasingly tight, staving off the tears for now. She escaped my hold, her hands reaching out to brace herself as she pressed her forehead against the ground, right up against his gravestone.  She was murmuring something. Something I couldn't catch. But then, the words weren’t for me.  I placed my hand on her back, rubbing as gently as I could as I surveyed the sea. Could he hear her now, wherever he was?  Hopefully, he could.
I looked up, finding the stern sinking amidst the debris. The faded red [ship's name] painted onto the side of the hull was glaring back at me in the dimly lit waters.  I was trembling again.  Not with fear, but with an unbridled rage.   I changed my grip on the dagger, holding it like I had the shard of the plate that I slain [the captain] with and surged toward the surface. Sputtering, I took in great gasps of the frigid, salty air and whirled around, torrents of rain pelting my face.  It was coming down in sheets, mingling with the blooming pools of blood surrounding the cleft ship. The [ship's crew] were pouring out of the hull, into the waiting daggers and swords brandished by the mermaids.
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opheliaswings · 2 years
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did a starry corridor themed after a dragon age char of mine for once
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soapnroses · 7 months
More of this au! :D
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Hopefully it’s not blurry when I post it
For anyone wondering this is part of a MLP + dragons au where the hollowheads and Alan are dragons, and the others ponies
Previous post … next post … first post
Info written here if it’s hard to read:
The son's princes' of The DragonAlin
-Because dragons grow forever, and can live for up to 1000 years, their sizes vary drastically due to their age gaps
-All have resemblances to The DragonAlin
-Were all created but still grew from hatchlings
-All related
Lord (The Dark Lord)
-Lord is his birth name, was nicknamed "Dark" by his brother Chosen due to his fear of dark caves as a dragonling- later used it to call himself "the Dark Lord"
- Not very powerful, but extremely intelligent
The Chosen One
- Firstborn of The DragonAlin...or is he...?
-Was named after some unknown prophecy- hates his name and prefers to be called "Chosen" or "Cho"
-Has MANY abilities
(The Second Coming) SC
-Only The DragonAlin and those close to him know of his real name
-Was also named from a prophecy
-Was kidnapped and then lost when he was 3, somehow ended up in Ponyville.
-doesn't know what SC (his name) stands for or that he has siblings.
-Was basically raised by ponies so he acts like them.
-Most ponies think he's a "dwarf dragon" because of his size.
-No known abilities...
-Amazing artist
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elfboypussy · 5 months
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Fawn/Ever • he/they • 28 • ct, usa
I’m @evildeerboy (main) / @fanghaunt (furry art) and this is my BG3 and dragon age sideblog 🧝‍♂️🐉
⚠️ Spoiler/NSFW Warnings
18+ content will generally be mixed in untagged with other posts. Sorry. But also not sorry.
BG3 Act 1/2 spoilers will generally be untagged, proceed with caution if you haven’t finished them.
I tag major act 3 spoilers as #bg3 act 3 spoilers.
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Main Tags
📝#ever.txt -> personal posts
🎨#my art -> art by me #scraps is wips and napkin doodles
💬#comics -> bg3 comics by me (mostly tav/astarion)
🖼️#sc -> my screencaps
My Tavs/Durge
🧝‍♂️#tav:horith -> Eldritch Knight High Elf #astarith is my astarion/horith posting
🩸#durge:antyraen -> Circle of Spores Druid Seladrine Drow, my resist dark urge run
💪 #tav:grog -> Barbarian Half-Orc, Honour Mode Attempt #1
🔨#tav:jackee -> Wood Half-Elf, Jack-of-all-trades achievement run
⚡#tav:zapple -> Storm Sorc/Tempest Cleric Deep Gnome, multiplayer campaign w my buddy
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banner cred: @drizztdohurtin
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wildmelon · 2 years
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salsh 🪴
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inspiredwriterstory · 5 months
TopDragon, ep 1, pt 1.
Qibli: Hello everyone welcome to TopDragon! I'm Qibli!
Turtle: Hi, I'm Turtle.
Winter: Prince Winter.
Qibli: This is a new series where-
Winter: Where you'll watch two idiots and one dragon of class drive the stupidest cars known to Dragon.
Qibli: Winter we talked about this off set.
Winter: Yeah well you said I'd get five silver and I decided it's not worth it.
Turtle: Well before we fall down the rabbit hole of Winter and Qibli bickering like a married couple I'd like to say this cave is huge!
Qibli: Yeah! The producers wanted to start the series with A bang!
Turtle: About that who our are producers?
Qibli: Not quite sure to be honest.
Winter: I'm sorry, your not sure!?
Qibli: I didn't question it.
Winter: I am going to throw you in a frozen lake.
Qibli: Before that I'd like to answer an age old question, which kingdom makes the best cars? So the producers told us to pick our favorite cars from a specific kingdom and take them on the ultimate road trip from the sand kingdom, to the heart of the mud kingdom.
Winter: And I hated every moment of it.
Turtle: Roll the footage!
*Fade to black*
*Fade into footage of the vast sand kingdom.*
Qibli over the footage: The sand kingdom is a vast place to explore. A vast culture filled with history, Long, fast stretches of road....
*A loud engine roars by the camera as a blur.*
Qibli as a black Dodge Charger with a supercharger roars into view: And home of the Muscle car.
Qibli in the car: The 1970 Dodge Charger is an absolute legend. Powerful, looks good anywhere you put it, and most importantly- *Shifts gears and the engine revs* loud.
*The car flies past the Camera as it cuts to Qibli rolling through a town with tons of dragons. He rolls to a stop in a parking lot outside a restaurant. And gets out of the car.*
*Suddenly a clean, white R35 Gtr rolls up and pulls up next to the Charger. Winter then gets out with a look of shock on his face.*
Winter: What on the three moons?
Qibli: You like it?
Winter: Qibli as much as it fits you, the only thing worse you could have bought was a Mustang.
Qibli: You can't talk! You bought an R35.
Winter: A car of class while yours screams Red necks and mechanical problems.
*Qibli start bickering in the background while the camera begins cutting back and fourth showing tires passing by the camera hidden behind walls and market stalls*
Turtle in the inside: I think I'm lost.
*Cut to Qibli and Winter with looks of shock on their faces*
Winter: No way.
Qibli: You can not be serious.
*The Famous Lancia Stratos HF rally edition in a dark green/blue rolls to a stop and Turtle gets out.*
Turtle: Good, I found you.
Winter: I'm sorry, but out of all the cars you could have chosen you choose that?
Qibli: Now hold on, that car is legendary.
Winter: Yeah but they had next to no safety the only thing more dangerous would be a group B car.
Turtle: In my defense, you have not driven one through the rainforest.
Winter: Great so we have a car with more horsepower than the driver has sense, a car of class, and a death machine with a dragon who's never gone over 40 in his life.
???: Qibli!
*Everyone turns to see Kinkajou dive into Qibli's arms*
Qibli: Kinkajou! What are you doing here?
Kinkajou: I heard you were recording a tv show!
Winter: You can't just jump at us on camera.
Kinkajou: Well I wanted to make an entrance. The people in charge sent me with this!
*Kinkajou hands Qibli a paper.*
Qibli: Great, our first challenge!
Qibli reading it out loud: Now that you have arrived you will drive to a remote oasis to get to know your cars before your first test.
Kinkajou: Oh don't go yet!
Winter: We can't waste time.
Kinkajou: Awww...
Qibli: We'll make sure to stop by Jade mountain academy on the way through the sky kingdom.
Kinkajou: Alright. And all of you three better make it!
Turtle: Don't worry, we will.
*Soon the three are in their cars and are rolling out.*
Kinkajou: Good luck you three!
*The cars roll off as the camera cuts to a tiny scorpion scurrying across the sand before cutting to show the sleek black paint of the Dodge Charger and cutting to the inside*
Qibli: The Dodge Charger is a iconic car. Vin Diesel drove it on The fast and the furious, it stared in Dukes of Hazard- *Quick gear shift before passing Turtle* and it is the drag racing king.
Winter over the footage of the Charger driving: While sand snorter was busy acting like a two year old, I was driving in a car of status.
*Cut to the inside of the GTR*
Winter: Now despite the long hot roads this car is smooth. Nissan knows how to make cars that nobles can use to their proper potential.
*Winter slows down and heads into the empty left lane and matches Qibli's speed.*
Winter over radio: You know what I really enjoy sand snorter? Air conditioning.
Qibli: Jokes on you, I love this heat.
*Cut to Turtle in the Lancia*
Turtle: I am becoming a boiled fish.
Winter over the footage as the cars slow to a stop: Unfortunately, Qibli decided to bring is to a stop for a ridiculous game.
Turtle out of his car and sitting in between the two other cars side by side on the road: So you two want to drag race?
Winter: More like he bigger me until we stopped.
Qibli: You are going to enjoy this and you know it.
Winter: Sure.
Qibli: Count us down Turtle!
*Dynamic camera angles showing off the revving cars as Turtle counts down*
Turtle: Go!
*Winter takes off but a loud bang suddenly brings Qibli's car to a stop off the line*
Qibli slamming the dashboard: Dang it!
*Fade black and then fade into footage to the giant cave with Qibli, Winter, and Turtle.*
Winter: I can't believe you ended it on a cliff hanger.
Turtle: Well cliffhangers can be a good tool to build suspense.
Winter: Don't start now sand snorter.
Qibli: Well join us next time as we bring on a special guest.
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indiphyr · 5 months
Every sapphic movie, show or book I like:
(* = favorites)
Bend It Like Beckham (lesbian/trans coded)
Black Swan
*Bodies Bodies Bodies
But I'm A Cheerleader
Dating Amber
*Death Becomes Her (sapphic coded)
Do Revenge
*Everything Everywhere All At Once
Fear Street
Fucking Åmål
*Ginger Snaps (sapphic/queer coded)
Hearts Beat Loud
Heart Shot
*Jennifer's Body
Joy Ride (I think one of the MCs is sapphic?)
My Days Of Mercy
*My First Summer
Nope (Sapphic sister I think?)
Polite Society (either a lesbian or aroace mc)
Princess Cyd
Rye Lane (Sapphic coded MC)
Saint Maud
Saving Face
Set It Off
*Shiva Baby
The Fallout
The Half Of It
The Handmaiden
The Incredibly True Adventure of 2 Girls In Love
*The Miseducation Of Cameron Post
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
*A League Of Their Own
Adventure Time
*A Kind Of Spark (Keedie is not hetero)
*Anne With An E (sapphic coded)
American Horror Story
Black Cake
Derry Girls
Druck (seasons 5&6)
Everything Now
Everything Sucks (problematic actor age gap)
Everything's Gonna Be Okay
Faking It
First Kill
Gap: The Series
Gentleman Jack
*Good Omens
Grease: Rise Of The Pink Ladies
*Heartbreak High
I Am Not Okay With This
Killing Eve
Little Fires Everywhere
Motherland Fort Salem
One Day At A Time
Our Flag Means Death
*Paper Girls
Sex Education
Stranger Things
*Such Brave Girls
Teenage Bounty Hunters
*The Boys + Gen V
The Formal (tiktok/youtube series)
*The Good Place
The Haunting Of Bly Manor
The Last Of Us
The Legend Of Korra
*The Owl House
*The Power
*The Sex Lives Of College Girls
The White Lotus
*The Wilds
Warrior Nun
We Are Lady Parts
*What We Do In The Shadows
While The Men Are Away
Wo der Egg Priority
Xo, Kitty
Ace Of Spades
*A Dowry Of Blood
Black Cake
*Black Girl, Call Home
Burn Down, Rise Up
Cinderella Is Dead
Clap When You Land
Crier's War
Dear Medusa
Girls Of Paper And Fire
Hani And Ishu's Guide To Fake Dating
*Her Body And Other Parties
Honey Girl
House Of Hunger
If You Still Recognise Me
It Goes Like This
In The Dream House
In The Ravenous Dark
I Who Have Never Known Men
You're Not Supposed To Die Tonight
*Keedie + A Kind Of Spark
Last Night At The Telegraph Club
*Legendborn (Sapphic SC)
Loveless (Sapphic SCs)
Music From Another World
Nothing Burns As Bright As Her
Not My Problem
Our Wives Under The Sea
Parachutes (Sapphic SC)
Perfect On Paper
Radio Silence
Rise To The Sun
She Gets The Girl
She Drives Me Crazy
*She Who Became The Sun
Siren Queen
The Chosen And The Beautiful
The Falling In Love Montage
The Girls I've Been
The Henna Wars
The Jasmine Throne
*The Kyoshi Novels
*The Locked Tomb Series
*The Mirror Season
The Nature Of Witches
*The Priory Of The Orange Tree
The River Has Teeth
*The Unbroken
These Witches Don't Burn
Graphic Novels:
*Are You Listening
Hi-Fi Club
Jook Joint
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me
*On A Sunbeam
*Paper Girls
The Avant-Guards
*The Tea Dragon Society
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hellomehlo · 17 days
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playing this scene broke my heart so much more than I thought it would 😭
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flowertrigger · 9 months
Get to Know Me
Thanks for tagging me @jesuisici33 @ramonaflow @apothecarose @beaiola 🩷🌸🍬🌷
Last Song: Slow Hands - Niall Horan was on the radio in the car
Favorite Color: Green today
Last movie/TV show: I haven't watched anything in ages, been spending my time catching up on fics. But I've finally bought a TV after not having one for like four years, and someone is going to mount it next week so maybe I'll start watching more things?
Sweet/spicy/savory: Savoury and spicy
Last thing I googled: Mr Bean, to see how many episodes were made after I was sent a post saying that there were only 15 and I didn't believe it.
Current obsession: Nothing new. Forever and always olreid and SC. Also, I love how many of us are still obsessed with Schitt's Creek it makes me feel less like a crazy person...or maybe we're all crazy 🤔
No pressure tags for @stargazer56 @a-noble-dragon @mammameesh @leofdaeg-sand @tyfinn @queenmabcreates @chelle-68 @statueinthestone @jamilas-pen apologies if you've already done this/been tagged.
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ashley-jones · 2 years
To Which You Crave
Aemond Targaryen x Married Sister OC x Alys Rivers
OC Name: Visella Targaryen
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It is our fate, I think, to crave what is given to others. If one posseses a thing, the other will take it away. - Helaena Targaryen
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From the moment she was born into this world as the youngest child of King Viserys the Peaceful and Queen consort Alicent Hightower, that she would be queen. She married her oldest brother Aegon Targaryen, the favorite but useless spoiled rotten boy. She gave birth to two very healthy pureblooded Targaryen boys, each looking like her and Aegon. She did the unspeakable, something men haven’t been able to do in thousands of years, tamed one of the untamable dragons, the most dangerous and most powerful dragon, Cannibal at only the age of 6. It was a mistake, her and Aemond had just gone for a morning walk like they did every morning, to which she had borrowed Sunfyre for a ride due to Aegon never taking him out. While resting she had entered a passage that led her straight into the cannibal’s trap of corpses. 
His deathly green eyes had sat on her the moment she entered his territory, standing to his larger, overbearing monstrous height. His head reminded her of Balerion, the black dread’s skull that sits in King's Landing. He looked so much larger than Vaghar, her great aunt Leana’s dragon. He let out a loud roar that shook the ground and the skies. Her long white hair blew back behind her ruining the once perfect braid. Aemond had frozen about 30 feet behind her, unable to yell for his sister as she looked up at the dragon with pure amazement. A ball of fire could be seen filling the dragon’s throat, and as the flames were seconds from hitting her, the dragon stopped. She was smiling, her young childish features had turned to a beautiful smile staring up at him with pure amazement and giddy. The flames disappeared, slowly leaned his head down to which she reached her hand out until her tiny palm touched his snout. A deep rumbling purr escaped him, her fingers gliding along the pitch black night colored scales. “My dragon..” she whispered. 
When she turned to say something to Aemond he had disappeared, Sunfyre still standing watching her closely. “Aemond?” she called out. But nothing, he had walked away not saying anything going straight back to King's Landing. 
    When she returned home riding the black beast, all she got was stares of amazement from the handlers. Jace and Luke watched in terror, the same with Rhaenyra once the blacks realized the greens had a very strong and overpowering dragon on their side. Alicent was quick to make sure her daughter was okay, Aemond standing in the back listening to Aegon’s teasing of still not having a dragon. But Viserys congratulated her on conquesting something men haven’t been able to touch in thousands of years. 
    That was 11 years ago, when she was still young and innocent. Before she married Aegon and had children. Before her older brother Aemond lost his eye to their nephew Lucerys. Before he gained Vaghar, the second largest dragon in the world. But now she’s grown up, learned what kind of world she lives in. She’s lost count how many times she has entered her and Aegon’s chambers to find him with a whore, to which she would turn and just walk out; having come so used to the sight that it no longer bothers her. Usually when it came to this she would just take her two boys and go straight to Aemond’s room, which they seemed to much prefer over their own father. 
    “Visella, what do you think of this one?” Helaena questioned her younger sister. The younger turned her head away from the book Aemond was reading looking at the spider embroidery. “It's beautiful, sweet thing.” she softly replied. To which Helaena smiled and looked away moving onto another embroidery. Her sons were playing with two dragon figures, one of pitch black the other green and silver. Her lilac gaze moved back to the book that was still partially resting on her thigh and Aemond’s. Her gaze scanned the pages, reading over each line; but her attention would be stolen every few minutes when her boys would talk, or Helaena would ask her questions or mutter to herself. 
Soon the midwives came in to collect the boys to lay them down for a nap, each bowing to the three then walking out holding the boys hands. Aemond closed the boy after sliding the ribbon into place and setting it aside. Helaena stood muttering about nearly missing classes, saying her goodbyes to her younger siblings then walking out whispering to herself. Visella stood walking towards the place her sons had been playing, kneeling and beginning to pick their toys up to place them back into the basket. “Was he with another again?” Aemond questioned. “He was, yes.” she answered. She set the two dragons on top and placed the basket by the door so she would remember to grab it when leaving. “It removes his attention from me, to which I am perfectly fine with.” she simply said. Rejoining her seat on the floor, to which he had moved back to the chair, he head moved to sit against his leg. 
His hand pushed through her white hair, carefully brushing out any knots the boys had placed when messing with her hair earlier in the afternoon. Her purple haze soon turned blac as her lids closed, eyelashes grazing her cheeks. Taking care of the boys mainly by herself was exhausting. When they cried at night in the next room she was the only one to get up to handle them, Aegon muttering about the noise then just going back to sleep too drunk to care. Then she would spend the rest of her night rocking them back to forth. Aemond has actually entered the nursery once or twice to her physically rocking Rhaegal, but mentally she was asleep, mind exhausted and unconscious, but body on active mode. Hell Aegon has walked in on it as well, only to walk out calling her crazy. 
“Ziry gaomas daor gūrogon ao.” (he does not deserve you.) he muttered. “Mm Hae ao gaomagon telling nyke lēkia.” (Mm.. As you keep telling me brother..) she whispered. “Kesā sagon iā rōvēgrie dāria though mandia.” (You will be a great queen though sister.) he whispered. “Mērī sȳrkta lo nyke skoriot naejot sagon ondoso aōha paktot instead hen zirȳla.” (Only better if I were to be by your side instead of him.) he added. Slowly she lifted her head, placing her chin on his knee smiling up at him. “You would make a true king.” she whispered. She slowly stood, straightening out her gown. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. “Eman naejot jikagon ñuha jorrāelagon.” (I have to go, my love.) she whispered. Leaning down she placed her lips against his, arm tightening around her waist trying to pull her down onto him, but she pulled away before he could. She kissed his forehead, moving away smiling softly and leaving the room with the basket of toys sitting on her arm. 
Yes Visella Targaryen, the youngest daughter of Viserys Targaryen and Alicent Hightower, sister wife of Aegon ii Targaryen, mother of Rheagal and Copious Targaryen, and the rider of the Cannibal Dragon; is having an affair with her older brother Aemond Targaryen. Aegon didn’t show her any love unless he was drunk, or in one of his rare vulnerable moments. However, Aemond took care of her, played with her children, read to them, and even taught them how to ride dragons. In other words, he was everything she wanted in a husband, everything she longed for; everything Aegon was not. 
She opened the door to her and her husband’s chambers, smelling Aegon’s bath oils in the air. The sheets had been freshly changed, her nightgown laying neatly at the bottom ready to be put on this eve. Setting the basket down she walked towards the connected nursery, ignoring her husband’s call of her name and entering the nursery. Both boys were fast asleep in fresh clothes, fixing their blankets and making sure their stuffed animals were placed back beside them. Quietly she walked back into her room, closing the door quietly and walking towards her husband. “You left so suddenly this morning my dear wife.” he whispered with a cocky smile. “I had more important matters to tend to.” she firmly answered. “Always so serious..” he whispered. After a brief glance at him, she shrugged and walked away, no longer interested in what he was saying.
“Should I be worried about the fact Rhaegal is calling out Aemond’s name every three words?” Aegon questioned his wife. “Aemond is around him more.” she answered. “You know he can’t love you fully. Not with this new Alys Rivers in the picture.” he pushed. She froze her doings with her earrings, hands falting in place, eyes moving towards her husband. “I am in no relation with anyone other than you Aegon.” she muttered. “You always were a horrible liar. Though I cannot be angry with you, when I myself have been no better.” he spoke. “How long have you known?” she asked. Walking over she sat on the tub looking at his relaxed form, his lilac haze sitting against her own. “I hear of it from the maids, and you leave in the middle of the night sometimes, then return covered in bruises and bites. You have done your duties for heirs, we both have. I show no problem with this affair, because I know it hadn’t started until after you had the boys.” he explained. She looked at him with a shocked expression, confusion dripping from her gaze. “I love you Visella, but not the way they expect me to. But Aemond has been sending letters back and forth to a woman by the name of Alys Rivers, they speak of marriage and possible future children.” he informed. 
Her gaze moved away staring at the stone floor, knowing her relationship with Aemond was possibly too good to be true. She hummed in acknowledgment, leaning over kissing his temple to which he leaned into enjoying the small comfort. “Don’t take too long.” she whispered. Slowly standing she walked out of their chambers, making her way out of the castle towards the beach area. Cannibal and Vaghar laid a far distance between the two, the older female dragon refusing to get within 40 feet of the Cannibalistic dragon, to which Cannibal seemed perfectly fine with. His large black scaled head lifted, horns dripping with sand; emerald green eyes pushed into her. “Rytsas jorrāelagon.” (Hello love.) she softly spoke up to him. A deep rumbling purr escaped him, shaking the ground beneath her feet. He slowly stood shaking the sand from his body, then shifting, leaning his large body over pressing his shoulder to the sand allowing her to step up onto him. No saddle, ladders, or even ropes were placed on him; no one was able to get close enough to place them. But she found it more natural, more comfortable, especially for a dragon that had been untamed for almost a thousand years. He stood up once she was sitting comfortably, moving back and stepping through the water to gain leverage, lifting his body into the air. “Soar rȳ se jēdar ñuha taoba.” (Soar through the sky my boy.) she spoke. He rumbled a deep purr, a deathly sky shattering roar erupted from him awakening the world as Cannibal took to the skies
“Your sister, the soon to be queen, she is quite pretty is she not.” Alys whispered. Aemond froze at those words, his hand stopping their menstruations in her hair. “Yes she is, she’s the Aphroditi of King's Landing as the people call her.” Aemond answered slowly, uncertain of his choice of words. “You don’t have to hide your love for her, my love, there is truly nothing wrong with it. Your brother treats her horribly, you are just giving her the love she deserves.” she whispered. Aemond moved his hand away from her sitting up, not liking the feeling of this conversation. “Why bring my sister up?” he questioned. “Because you love her as you love me.” she whispered. 
The roar of Cannibal shook the lands, his head lifting and turning, feeling the vibrations of his deep dominating roar course through the skies, forcing the clouds to split for his and his rider’s entrance. Alys stood walking towards the window, looking up towards the sky, the dragon’s tail being engulfed by the clouds, but his large shadow still could be seen through the white thickness. Her shimmering emerald eyes of evil shone, but darkened at the same time. It was not a look he liked, he wanted to protect his little sister, his mistress, from becoming more a prominent target. 
"Why not ask her to join our humble affair, my dearest love?” Alys whispered. 
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mysral · 1 year
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