#dragon age two rp
vangbelsing · 8 days
Okay I'm not gonna lie, I'm not loving how they handle the backgrounds. I prefer inquisitions approach a lot more than this. They're a lot more defined, as opposed to DAI where your character simply has some events given without defining their character or their motives.
The dev team said they wanted to allow for lots of rp but?? Right out the gate it feels like Rook is already harder to make an OC for than HoF and the Inquisitor. This is such a personal nitpick and I know I'm probably in the minority but I have such a hard time making my OC when the protag is favored to have certain elements implemented into their character regardless of my choices.
The fact that you seemingly can't play a character who is more selfish, aggressive or like a mercenary makes me incredibly sad. It feels like being put in a box. I just wish they gave a bit more freedom with player choice in how they play their character.
That said, the game isn't out, so maybe I'm overreacting, but right now I'm. Slightly disappointed with this aspect.
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multimuse featuring more muses from critical role, epic the musical, greek mythology, baldur's gate 3, dragon age, and arcane! performed by henri.
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cewyll · 3 months
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tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us. these, our bodies, ( possessed by light. ) tell me we'll never get used to it.
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
Looking for a Solas to roleplay with an asexual magic nerd Lavellan.
I'm 30 and I'm looking for another adult (preferably over 21) to roleplay Solas from Dragon Age Inquisition. I'm part of a roleplay group, so if we don't mesh there are others you can play with, or it can just be one-on-one.
Fiori is a little on the younger side at 24, but she's been through a lot. I expect them to get into heated debates. Tense at first (as in the game) and more friendly later on. She loves learning and sharing her knowledge with other people, so there will be some back and forth because the egg can't know everything all of the time.
I also play Anders and I'm trying my hand at Leliana. I can also have a crack at playing Solas in return.
I prefer to roleplay over discord and you can contact me there if you're interested. Or tumblr is fine! Please send a writing sample and I'll send you one of mine if you like! My contact is Shio#1134
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fademirrored · 1 year
beta: Inquisitor
“Bit like a fox, that one. Fast, pointy, and brightly colored.”
Oleander “Olly” Trevelyan (‘Foxtrot’ if you’re Varric.) Inquisitor. Human noble.
Male. He/Him/His. Pansexual. 11 Harvestmere, 9:14 Dragon Ostwick, Free Marches. Rogue; duel wield. Assassin.
FC: Alexander Skarsgard, circa early True Blood. Eyes: Pale blue, purple towards the center in the right light. Hair: Platinum blond, verging on white. Shoulder blade-length, usually in a messy ponytail. Very fine. Skin: Incredibly pale. Does not tan. Does not freckle. Will only crisp like bacon. Calloused hands. Height: 6'2" Build: Tall, leggy. Broad shouldered, tapered waist. Well built, but built more for sprinting and ambushing than for direct melee combat. Notable Details: Crooked nose; broke it when he was younger. Scar through his right eyebrow. Has albinism. Voice: Graverobber from Repo! The Genetic Opera
Positives: Unambiguously friendly, assuming he hasn’t been given a reason to be wary or hostile; generally fairly accepting and open to strangers and newcomers. Resilient, physically and mentally; he bounces back from most things fairly quickly, his good cheer only mildly dinged. Independent and very curious; he genuinely wants to know as much about the people around him as they’ll let him get away with. Diplomatic; good at figuring out what concessions can and should be made, and knows when to put his foot down if someone is trying to push things too far. Negatives: He’s a bona fide little shit; you know he’s your friend because he will give you unending amounts of well-meaning shit until you regret using the word ‘friend’ anywhere where he can hear you. As such, he can be prone to getting on peoples nerves and it only gets worse when he’s nervous. Self-sacrificing dip, quite willing to ignore his own needs for extended periods if acknowledging them would cause distress; he takes his self-assigned role as the morale officer a touch too seriously. Stubborn and sometimes naive; too willing to believe a situation has taken a turn for the better when it probably hasn’t, equally unwilling to say a situation has gotten worse when it has. Had a sheltered upbringing; he means no harm, but can be tactless and clueless around elves, dwarves, and qunari. Neutrals: Fairly chummy. Usually wears his heart on his sleeve. Extroverted and incredibly social. Energetic. Very tactile and at ease about physical contact. Optimist vs. Pessimist: Usually an optimist, though he tries to be a realist. Quirks: Wears glasses at home/base. Usually wears dark goggles and/or a hood if he’s in the field; can be seen shading his eyes with his hand, papers, or anything convenient if he’s outside and doesn’t have his goggles. Hard of hearing; watches people intently when they’re talking to him. He can and will snap his fingers in someone’s face to remind them to look at him while they’re talking. Knows Ostwick-specific sign language. Very partial to a sickle and a hook blade, rather than straight blades. Gesticulates a lot while speaking.
Religion: Loosely Andrastian; believed less and less as the events progressed. Likes: Clothing with high-quality materials, even if his color choices can be questionable. Foxes. Fennecs. One hell of a sweet tooth. Warm weather yeah Skyhold was a hit. History. Art, of various types. Dislikes: People who mumble. Ambient noise, especially a lot of people talking over each other. Masks. Dark colors. Red wine. Cold weather, and especially snow he can’t fucking see. Feeling useless or like he’s in the way. Favorite Colors: Red. Yellow. Orange. Gold. Hobbies: Chess. Reading. Drawing. Getting into peoples business and generally being a puppy. Recreational parkour; can frequently be found on ledges, on roofs, or up trees at random times. Falconry. Writes letters home a lot.
Family: Estelle Trevelyan (mother). Everell Trevelyan (father). Steed: Citrine; hunter-shade dracolisk. Other Critters: Verity; hunting falcon. Romance: None. Friends: Dorian. Solas. Varric. Cassandra. Cullen. Note: Was and still is very close with his parents. Grew up as an only child, but I headcanon that his parents took in a handful of the youngest mages to escape from Ostwick’s Circle, to keep them safe.*everything in this sectioncan of course be tweaked or disregarded entirely for specific threads, if you’d rather.
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❛   we’re more ghosts than people.  ❜  
Elissa fiddled with the rim of her cup while she contemplated what her fellow Warden had just said for a moment. Bracing one boot on the edge of the table, she pushed back, tilting and balancing her chair on its back legs.
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"True enough, I suppose. Though there are worse things to be."
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norcani · 3 months
DRAGON AGE ORIGINS MODS GUIDE (for the first time player)
i made this for a friend of mine, but figured there might be more people that want to get into the series after the dav trailer.
this list aims a close to vanilla experience, with some fixes and qol stuff. Obviously a lot is still based on personal preference. It does not include big changes to the combat, new items, new companions or quests, overhauls, visual changes to characters*, or big retexture projects. Of course pick and chose whatever sounds good to you, but I highly recommend the ones I put under essential.
*besides removal of various boob armor All of the below should be compatible , read descriptions if you need to do something extra for them to be.
4gb patch: you basically need this to run the game without constant crashes. Any of these should work: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=233222451 OR https://ntcore.com/4gb-patch/ OR https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/5989
Dialogue fixes: Back in my day we used : https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1120 plus https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/928 it looks like more recently this mod has superseded it though https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4689
Camp chest : https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/61 a chest in your camp to put your shit in (the game gives you a party chest eventually in a dlc but its in a stupid location you will never use)
fixes for awakening: this expansion is very buggy. get this: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/5944 as well as all the ones under the "recommended awakening fixes" section (read description to get details about compatibility) fix for dlc items that won't transfer to awakening https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/5354 (i used the old version of this mod, but this seems ok . if it doesn't just search for the title on nexus and download the version that doesn't say updated)
Unlock specializations https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/316 specializations are unlocked through playing the game. But once unlocked they are unlocked across all playthroughs. This auto unlocks all. If you want to rp learning the specializations as you go, don't install it. but it's fully possible to miss unlocks.
Two specializations sten : one of your companions is nerfed by nto being allowed to have a second specialization for some reason. this fixes that https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/486
Respec: it's respec https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/14
Advanced Tactics: lets you configure the companions ai more precisely https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/181
Auto Loot: it's auto loot https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/28 -> the comments on this imply some issues but i dont remember any problems use at your discretion. might need to use https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/5172 to not loot your party chest. idk i had no problems with this mod but now im unsure.
Gift guide : https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/385 people slightly overstate the importance of gifts in dao. In the original game you couldn't actually get a lot of approval from gifts , but there was a joke dlc that effectively lets you buy as many gifts that give plus 10 approval as you want which kind of ruined the system. I mostly recommend this mod bc there are a few gifts that have dialogue attached, and i feel like using vanilla gifts just feels better than generic dlc ones. Anyway i know who wants what by heart but it might be good for a first run
more random encounters: frankly i used another mod for this but i cant find it anymore, but comments imply it works https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4052?tab=files its not essential but there are a few enconters with a pretty rare possibility
Hip Sheath: I just like it :) https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4654
No helmet hack: you dont want to look silly in cutscenes , do you ? https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/202
icons project: give stuff unique icons :) https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/826
Proportion fixes: I always use them personally because I don't like how characters look in dao but more improtantly this optionally makes the light armor unisex. https://www.moddb.com/mods/tmp7704/downloads/dwarf-proportions https://www.moddb.com/mods/tmp7704/downloads/human-female-proportions-fix https://www.moddb.com/mods/tmp7704/downloads/efl-proportions (note each has multiple options you only are supposed to use one of course)
Neutral Female armor: no more boob armor https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4462 (has compability files with the above) (unisex light armor available in the proportion fix mod) (this is essential TO ME)
remove boob patches for mage robes https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/3962
Extra Dog slot: you get a dog in the game. he takes up a full companion slot. he is not very strong and gets not much extra dialogue so there is almost no reason to take him along generally. Extra slot just lets you take him along for free https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/664
Extended Dog Talents: at some point the dog will keep leveling with no skills to gain, this fixes that https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1361 now your dog can be op (not really)
dog gifts: dog already has gifts, but since he loves you no matter what theyre kind of useless. now they give stat boosts. https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/635 now your dog can be op (still not really)
recd with caveat….:https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4659
this is primarily a bi mod and it is good for that, but what i like most about it that it removes gender restrictions on random dialogues. The caveat is that frankly i dont think this should be used on a first playthrough as it includes non-canon content that will not import to da2 and might cause issues(if you don't care about da2 imports, go ahead). But that's just the big choices, so if yo uwant the gender neutral dialogue it is still worth getting… the way i personally use it is remove the Morrigan and Anora folders if i play female bc i don't want those options available to me for rp. if you play male just don't romance Alistair i think that's the only big change. 3.4 version should be used to be compatible with dialogue fix pack. When I tested this now it made the game not load there is probably a way to make it compatible but not worth it for first time player.
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full---ofstarlight · 25 days
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another canon worldstate template for your dashboard ...
Warden-Commander Celeste Cousland Avis Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall Lady-Inquisitor Isadora Trevelyan
feat. singlehandedly the most complicated outfits i've ever drawn but holy cow i'm pretty jazzed with how they came out bc ya girl is NOT good at drawing clothes lmaoo
misc thoughts threaded:
i feel like isadora's main party has changed, like, every single playthrough i've done with her because my first one didn't count (i had never played a dragon age game before lmao). this is the one i'm favoring during my current playthrough... but i do swap 'em around a lot depending on RP vibes lol
with avis, i kept accidentally racking up approval w sebastian bc i had my "good kid" squad (Aveline, Varric, Sebastian) that i would take when, like, talking to the viscount because why would she waltz into the viscounts keep with two apostates, a raider, or an escaped slave. but that was also the only times i used sebastian, so i had to take him along to yell fuck the templars a few times so he'd dislike her
... anddd I probably used Leiliana as often if not more than Zevran whilst actually playing bc... locks lmao
oh and yes i should remember to use my tag list !! if you're tagged here, you liked this post about being tagged in my creations (but if you want to stop getting tagged, pls go ahead and unlike it, no hard feelings fr (likewise if you wanna get on the tag list u can like it uwu)).
@kelofmindelan @theredtrails @yappacadaver @cynda-queer @disasterdrvid
@sun-marie @commander-krios @a-treides @carlosoliveiraa @transdavesprite
@ampergeist @sirensskai @mattressdemon @birbycakes
OK that is all ty for being here i appreciate you <3
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elvensemi · 9 months
I'm Publishing Serial Webnovels
Hi guys! I'm @elvensemi, and some of you might know me from writing Dragon Age fanfic Keeping Secrets, or from writing weird gargoyle porn with @unpretty, or from that time I accidentally told a popular blog I write dragon porn on my main blog @solitarelee, or maybe from that one fanfic where the knight with a crossdressing kink fails at slaying a dragon so hard he gets seduced!
I've graduated college, and you know what that means! Student loans Free time! And so I'm finally pursuing my long term dream and publishing serial webnovels. The short version is: ebooks, I'm publishing ebooks via Patreon to see if it works because I don't want to deal with Amazon and marketplaces. Chuck Tingle does it, kind of!
I am writing such things as!
The Problem with Faeries An urban fantasy series for fans of Holly Black, featuring faeries and a librarian who has been cursed by a witch to turn into a tiny dog at night.
Everything at Once A coming of age fantasy novel set in a post-post-apocalyptic world full of many monsters and very few humans, with a nonbinary (genderfluid) protagonist and a rotating cast of gods and monsters.
The Demon Isles An adult romance series set in the same world as Everything at Once, this one's for the monsterf*ckers. Step into the shoes of an escaped slave who's been stranded in Fantasy Australia But All The Dangerous Things Can Be Seduced.
A Place Among the Stars An adult sci-fi political space opera that is also technically just solidly omegaverse sm*t plus space dragons. That's right, one of my friends dared me to write omegaverse and I overdid it and now they're aliens! All for you my friend.
Novelizations of works that previously existed only as RPs, such as Sanctuary and The Kingdom of Aeris.
For $5 you get access to SFW material, and for $10 you get access to that and the things that are not SFW. You can view a full summary of the serials I'm working on at tinyurl.com/SemiSerials , or click the read more.
The Demon Isles (NSFW, Second Person)
Oceanside is a world full of elves and gods, monsters and magic. You, however, a human with no magic, no martial training, and a fear of... most things. Stranded on an unfamiliar island full of monsters, you must learn to harness humanity’s true power in order to survive. The issue with that is, as far as anyone can tell, humanity’s true powers are friendship and fuckability.
The Demon Isles is a erotic, second-person monsterfucking romp through the dangerous Demon Isles. The second person character is referred to by gender neutral terminology and they/them pronouns, physical appearance left ambiguous. Sex scenes have two versions with different sets of genitalia for the main character. Tags and content warnings are available for each chapter.
The Problem with Faeries (SFW, Third Person)
The problem with faeries is that we love them. We know all the sharp and cruel ways they twist us apart and we love them with a helpless, hopeless foolishness that never fades until it destroys us.
Bree is a human living in Valesport, a small town on the east coast of the United States that functions as a secret haven for the supernatural. As a cursed human, it’s one of the safer places for her... at least, safe from other humans. Everything else Valesport has to offer remains a threat. She’s already had her run-ins with werewolves, vampires, and whatever the hell Jean Cernunnos is... so, in retrospect, she was probably due to get into trouble with the Fae.
A fan favorite finally finding a venue of publication, The Problem with Faeries is a SFW urban fantasy with a side of romance perfect for fans of Holly Black. It is third person and follows the point of view of the protagonist, Bridget “Bree” Corey, as she finds herself tangled up trying to navigate faerie drama and her own personal feelings, neither of which she is particularly equipped to handle.
Everything at Once (SFW, First Person)
Babs wants everything the world has to offer... everything except what it’s actually prepared to hand over. As the eldest child of the ruling noble family--or what passes for it--of the only human village remaining old and large enough to still have a ruling noble family, even if just in name, Babs’s whole life has been laid out in front of them since the moment they were born. And they want none of it. However, after a bold escape from the village they knew all their life, they find themselves adrift in an unfriendly world of monsters and magic that seems much larger and much less friendly than they had hoped.
Everything at Once is a SFW fantasy novel set all over the world of Oceanside as our determined protagonist, Babs, attempts to explore all there is to explore and experience all there is to experience (it is possible they have not thought this through). Babs is a non-binary, gender fluid illusionist referred to varyingly by he, she, and they pronouns based on presentation. The story is a first person mixed POV exploring a wide range of characters and topics, but always staying focused on the many transformations of the main character as they learn what it is they want... and what it is to want.
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Future Projects: Projects that are in development but do not have a set release date yet.
A Place Among the Stars [Working Title] (NSFW)
A Place Among the Stars is a NSFW erotic political space opera featuring Omegaverse style aliens and also space dragons, amongst other alien races. It features two protagonists: an exiled and excommunicated Saint who once led a cult that threatened the peace and stability of his homeworld, and a mid level government official presiding over the walled ghetto where the Ab’ed keep all foreign visitors and immigrants to their planet. They quickly find themselves entangled: politically, as the Saint once again threatens the stability of the world around him--in more ways than one--and sexually, as the tension between the two reaches a fever pitch.
Sanctuary (NSFW, Third Person)
Most people would consider Ren unlucky. After all, she’s been homeless since she was a child, has no living family she knows of, and she was recently kidnapped by sex traffickers and ripped away from the city she had been living in for years. But as far as Ren is concerned, she’s the epitome of good luck: not only has she survived all the things life has thrown at her, but she’s escaped said sex traffickers and even found shelter in an abandoned, boarded up cathedral. The fact that the cathedral, undisturbed for a century or more, is home to a guardian whose only experience with the world is violently murdering intruders, well... once again, whether that’s good or bad luck is based purely on interpretation.
Sanctuary is a NSFW urban fantasy erotic romance featuring a cis female protagonist and a male (as these things go) gargoyle love interest, as well as a mix of other romantic interests (primarily M/F with some F/F or NB/F thrown in). Tags and content warnings are available for each chapter. This fan-favorite returns in serialized, ebook form for easy reading. Follow Ren’s journey anew from mixed perspectives as she explores the streets of Valesport and finds something she’s never had before; a place to call home.
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vangbelsing · 1 day
Just gonna throw out my thoughts on spoilers below the cut in reference to THAT Veilguard news today
I genuinely believe this is actually a good thing. Hot take, I know. But you know what? I don't think Bioware could ever satisfy the desires of every player. I would much rather have my headcanons for my Hero of Fereldan than to watch them appear in another game COMPLETELY different than how they were in DAO. And, I don't mean from how I headcanon them, I mean from the way they were literally portrayed in that game.
Take a look at Hawke. Not how I played them in DA2. Now look and the Inquisitor. Bioware is already forcing them to have a certain outlook that could be completely opposed to how they were played. Again, not how they were headcanoned, but literally portrayed in game. With the choices Bioware gave.
Do y'all genuinely think that "did you vow to save or stop Solas?" is gonna cover the NUMEROUS ways you could build a relationship with him in DAI? Those personal bits that you were given to rp and shape your character, those things that were literally IN THAT GAME, will be treated as if they didn't matter in order for the team to write your character how they think is most interesting. And it might just be me, but having your character the way you want them is one of the most important parts of these games, so watching them be taken and made to be something unrecognizable even from the choices you had them make in the game itself is... Unappealing to me.
Am I happy the reactivity from past games has been chopped down to three choices? No. Do I wish there was more? Yes. But if condensed reactivity to choices made in the other games means there can be more reactivity for the choices I make in this one? Fine. It is 100% a compromise, but it's a compromise I'm personally willing to make.
So yes, ultimately, I can work with this. Baldurs Gate 3 canonized a great deal from the first two games, and for the people that started with BG3, that means nothing. But for me? Someone who played the first two games that spent hours shaping the narrative of the game and building my character? Watching none of that matter as they parade around Abel fucking Adrian as the Bhaalspawn was the single most enraging thing I've experienced in a game. So Dragon Age not referencing stuff out of respect for my choices feels like a win, even if I wish there was more reactivity to old choices. I promise you all, this could be so, so much worse. I've literally seen it happen. Baldurs Gate was the original Dragon Age. I can tell you right now that if you were presented with the options of having Bioware not referencing your choices or a canon white male Cousland hero of Fereldan, you would take the former.
And this definitely is not intended to tell you you can't be upset about this or to act as a shield between you and a corporation. I'll take this because I genuinely do not trust Bioware to handle the Hero of Fereldan. But I got to have the alternative in bg3, and this may not be great, but oh my god it is so much better by comparison. After the way that game handled the Bhaalspawn, Jaheira, Viconia, and God forbid Sarevok... Yah. I'll take this any day. Seriously. Google any of those characters and look what Larian did to them in bg3. I will take this over that any day.
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tsukiakurotori · 3 months
Character Intro
Hello. So, I have decided I would venture into the FFXIV side of things after a break from it due to some irl stuff. Tsukia's story has changed much from when she first came into being, but I'm excited to see where this new direction takes her as I reclaim this beloved character. And I want to share it with any who care to join me in the slow, lengthy adventure. 😊
Without further ado, allow me to introduce you to the unsuspecting tiny dragon who went from searching for her sister to stepping into her fallen sister's shoes as the Warrior of Light.
(❗Trigger warning: mention of suicide and assault)
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"I was given this power to protect and to heal. The elementals entrusted it to me. They put their faith in me. I will not let down that faith."
Age: 24 (as of the start of HW)
Height: 5'0"
Pronouns: She/Her
Nameday: 8th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Guardian: Menphina
Laughing, bright, wise, empathetic, confident, and powerful. A young Raen Au Ra, Tsukia was born into an old family with a long tradition of being master Ninjas. However, Tsukia eventually grew to realize this was not the path she wanted, though both she and her sister were highly skilled. Both of them wanted something else. Much to the ire of their strict father.
After a traumatic event, Tsukia chose to become a Conjurer in order to protect and heal others, and then later a White Mage under the guidance of the elementals, who took a liking to her. They know she is not the type who would abuse such power, hence why they allow her to have it. She had great potential, becoming extremely powerful, though she prefers to use her strength to heal and protect. But make no mistake. If you try and harm those she loves, she will not hold back.
This event also led to her elder sister (Seiren) leaving their clan behind, casting aside who she was, for it was Tsukia's sister who killed the man who had assaulted Tsukia, a man Seiren had once considered a friend. She took up the lance rather than being a Ninja, the path she chose as Tsukia did hers. Even if it was for her little sister's sake, Seiren could not stay. They did not know what came of her after. Until the day Tsukia began to look for her.
She’d finally been able to gain approval to venture out of the clan and so went in search of her sister, only to find that Seiren took her life by walking into the waters of Costa del Sol and never emerging, leaving only her worn lance behind.
So ended one story...while another shall begin.
“Where do you wanna go? How much do you want to risk?” Her smile was dazzling as her eyes shone, still swirling with the aether she'd called upon.
(Some explanation below, with slight spoilers)
Side notes: Her sister was the WoL during the Calamity and who returned during ARR, without her memories of the battle, inadvertently assuming the mantle once more. She fell in love with Foulques, saving him from death and helping him turn his life around. However, he was lost to her during Operation Archon, as he fought alongside the Twin Adders at the cost of his life. This sent her into a dark spiral, leading to her death before the commencement of Heavensward. By some twist of fate, it is Tsukia who ends up bearing her sister's mantle from there on.
Other OCs:
Liena Eryssel
Safianne Sahain
(I will say that, though I do not have much practice in it, I would be open to attempting some RP. I am a beginner at RP compared to writing, but my two Elezen OCs have some leeway that makes it possible. So, I just wanted to put this out here. After all, it might be nice to try new things occasionally.😊💕)
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thecreaturecodex · 6 months
got any advice for new DMs? I've been playing as a PC for quite a while but I am nervous about running my first campaign
First order of business: don't panic.
Being a GM can be stressful. But at the end of the day, everyone around the table is there for the same reason; to have a good time playing pretend with their buddies.
I started GMing in a completely different age. Literally 25 years ago this year. So I imagine that some of the stresses and expectations that are on GMs now are different than they when I started. Like, I started running the Dungeons and Dragons in the 3.0 era for power hungry teenagers, who were often trying to see what mechanical tricks they could get away with to deal 500 damage in a round by level 10. Nowadays, for running D&D at least, one of the biggest worries I see from novice DMs is that their game won't live up to the expectations set by Let's Play series like The Adventure Zone, Dimension 20 and Critical Role.
Your game is not Critical Role. And that's okay. The high profile Let's Plays are scripted series made by entertainment professionals to appeal to a wide audience. Your game just has to make the 4-7 people around your table happy, including you.
So my first piece of concrete advice? Manage your expectations. My second piece of advice? Stick to 6 players max.
My third piece of advice is to figure out what you want from your game. Figure out what the overall tone of your game is, and what you want to accomplish with it. Do you want your game to be combat heavy? RP heavy? Lots of exploration and puzzles? A story with specific narrative beats? A more casual hang-out vibe sort of game? Should the characters come to the table with goals and backstories, or is this the sort of game where "Carric the Cleric; they heal people" is enough?
And then let your players know. One of my least pleasant recent GMing experiences was for a Pathfinder game where none of the players really knew what they were getting into. It was Ironfang Invasion, and the players voted to go for it, when I told them that it was going to be combat heavy, exploration medium, RP light. And then they proceeded to be unhappy with how much combat there was compared to RP. I tried to rebalance things, to some success, but that game fell apart anyway. In large part due to a player who refused to learn the Pathfinder 1e rules and resented that they weren't those of their preferred gaming system.
Some people just like to complain. So try to screen for those folks ahead of time. Personally, I prefer to be friends with someone first before running a game for them, because the vast majority of the player/GM conflicts I have had have occurred with people who I only sort of knew.
Also, on a related note, check for specific triggers, especially if you're running a published Pathfinder AP, because those tend to be Hard R content. One of the players in that Ironfang game I had been playing with for like two years at that point, he loved violent combat... but had a very specific trigger about skinning that I didn't know about. Running a module where the main villain's gimmick is that he skins his enemies. Whoops.
My last piece of advice is don't go into every game expecting it to be a long running story, especially if you're a brand new GM. Start with a one or two shot. If the players like it, figure out what they especially liked and lean into it. If they didn't, pivot.
GMing is absolutely a skill that develops with practice. So don't be afraid to practice! Have fun, and good luck.
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blizzardstarx · 5 months
Pontalo AU Masterlist
Switch and Storm!
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this is the drawing i didnt include in the masterlist of her death
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this was basically the scene drawn
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she sacrificed herself protecting the dragon gem in the Dragon-Wolf War, got shot multiple times and once in the heart by my friend’s oc Quint
she got revived by Halfmask controlling Wildcat to do so lmfao but I’m making that non-canon cause I only did it because I felt bad for Switch
they first started out as two ocs in a different roleplay, made by the same friend who made the Creature School rp and they were young dragonets (idk why they were 11 and 12 at the time which is definitely not dragonet age)
Storm was bisexual! She was described as small, fluffy as a cloud (because she was a Air(Light)Wing/LightningWing hybrid at the time and she disliked war. Poor Storm.
i also wanted to make an animation at the time (her death) of the two to Jack Stauber’s Cupid
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koalaphoenix · 9 months
I was going through my art folder on my phone and realized how far I've come with how I draw Shay (and her different forms).
Way back in 2021 I drew her for the first time. She effectively came from a dream I had, where I lived her life in one night. But the struggle was I never actually really saw what Shay/I looked like in the dream. I knew what I was, who I was, but not what I looked like, beyond my hands. One of the most spectacular dreams I've ever had, by the way.
So early on when I was streaming, I decided to take a crack at drawing the dragon woman I'd been in the dream. I couldn't even really remember my/her name, although with help from my friends it came to me.
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The first sketch was... Rough, at best. I had no clue how to draw an anthro creature, which Shay effectively was. I used multiple references to even sorta rough out what I wanted, and the result was not spectacular. But it was a start.
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Then I was memeing with my friends about our D&D characters. I fully intended to RP as Shay when we began a campaign. It led to the version above - the first proper drawing where I was mostly happy with her overall design.
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Late 2021 and I tried to push myself a little further, although I still didn't know what I was doing.
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Art block hit me like a truck for a few months. When I finally managed to get drawing again, the results were initially really, really bad. But it wasn't too long and I drew what would end up being a far more finalized version of her design, the template for many future works. She was a more agile figure than her design sketch. I adjusted her horns to make more sense anatomically, and to fit better with her hair.
And also I drew abs on her.
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Then there were several more drawings. I touched on alternate versions, put her in some fun situations as self indulgence, tried to experiment with difficult poses. There was a lot of struggle, as I still couldn't quite get her head shape consistent.
Then I found some new resources, and on a whim I drew what's becoming my favorite alternate version of her: Shayaa.
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(Flat color iteration shown)
Shayaa was born out of two thoughts. I wanted a version of Shay that was a little thicc, and I wanted a version where she hadn't been abandoned. This ended up with her in armor, and was a leap forward in terms of quality and some design cues. The softer snout, more defined mouth, and thicker horns ended up really helping me draw her more consistently.
I was worried that it was one of those cases where I went beyond my actual ability and wouldn't be able to replicate it, but I was mostly wrong.
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I decided I wanted to adjust "prime" Shay's design a bit, to improve her visibly aging and to widen the gap between her and Shayaa to emphasize their differences. I thinned her up a bit, made her muscles more lean, and rounded her features to make her appear more youthful - she's in her early 20s at the start of Godbreaker, but I saw her design as more in her late 20s or early 30s. She was always intended to be more lean than I'd drawn her, but skill issue. I also kinda hated parts of her default outfit, they seemed off and weren't the easiest to draw.
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And now? I'm pretty satisfied with her design. She looks younger and more lean, and ideally a little less "civilized." Her hair got spikier to make it easier for me to draw - I suck at floofy hair. She's still pretty big, at 6'7" tall, but she doesn't look like a brick house anymore (nothing wrong with that, I love brick houses, she was just not intended to be that).
But yeah. Going through the old art, a lot of which I can't add to this post, it really hit home to me how much in such a relatively short time she's changed since the first real sketch, how much I've changed...
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...And how much has stayed the same.
Aaaand to not end on any sort of deep moment, holy shit her old feet were HUGE.
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inkymers007 · 5 months
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Meet my Zelda BOTW/TORK oc! Sorry that the pic is kind blurry I'll try to draw him more down the line. I made him for an rp server and I decided to share him on here.
Name: Kalvet
Nicknames: Kal or Vet
Age: 26
Gender/Sex: Male
Sexuality: Pan
Species: Hylian/Shekiah 
Occupation: Traveling Merchant/ Thief
Body type: Skinny, but muscular
Height: 5’7
Weight: 159 lbs.
Skin: White
Hair color/style: Blackish blue. His hair is long and messy.
Eye color: Red
Scars: His right eye is scarred.
Accessories: N/A
Basic Personality: Kalvet appears to be a kind and smooth talking gentleman. Which is true, somewhat. He appears that way to get clients to purchase his wares. As well as to throw people off his scent of being a thief. On the job as a thief he’s silent and ruthless. Almost as if Kalvet’s a monster rather than a human. Yet despite this he isn’t heartless and will give support in some way or fashion. How much support he’ll give depends on how close he is with the person who needs it . If they’re a stranger or an acquaintance he'll give them the bare minimum. If they're friends then he’ll do whatever he can to help them. However, having someone that close to him is rarity since Kalvet has the belief that most people will just like him to get what they want. So he tends to be cordial with people at best. If he does find someone who he wants to get closer to then he will be more friendly with them, but he will still keep his wits about him. With those who he considers as friends he will playfully tease them and will open up to them a bit more. Once he recognizes them as a friend he will be loyal to them. More than willing to go through hell and back for them. This is especially the case if someone gives him a scale from one of the great dragons. Since he always looked up to them because of the stories that his family told him. Speaking of, Kalvet is a great story teller, and will tell stories that his parents told him or stories about his travels. 
Likes: Dragons, dragon scales, exploring, finding new places, hot springs, voltfruit, sweet foods, telling stories, campfires, the desert, sand seals, riding sand seals, zora’s domain, swords, Faron, myths and tales
Dislikes: The Yiga Clan, the Yiga Clan hideout, spicy foods, people asking about his eye, bows, the cold, Hebra, lairs, getting into Gerudo Town, getting up early, and being a burden to people
Strengths: Kalvet is a very skilled swordsman and even knows how to use two of them at the same time. In fact his main weapon is two hook swords. Kalvet is also very perspective and remembers little details about anyone he meets. 
Weaknesses: Isn’t trusting of people and will bottle up his emotions.
Mother and Father= Deceased
Gerudo Woman (haven't thought of her name yet)= Adoptive Mother
 Siblings: N/A
 Friends/Acquaintances: Link, Impa, Purah, Paya, Robbie, Jerrin, Granté, Beedle, Kass, Riju, Pritana, and Nali
Kalvet lived an average life in a small village. The village was small enough where everyone knew and got along with each other. He had parents who loved him as well as friends that cared for him. Despite being an only child, Kalvet had many children around his age that he could play with. He played with them so much that he considered them all as siblings. Every night before he went to bed his parents would tell him the stories of the great dragons. Kalvet was so fascinated by the dragons that he always dreamed of seeing one, or at least getting something from them like a scale. Kalvet swore that when got older he would take his parents to see the dragons. However when the boy was 12 his life changed for the worst. 
During the return of Calamity Kalvet's village was attacked. Not only by the Calamity itself, but by some Yiga Clan members. The once peaceful and beautiful village was now nothing more than ash and ruin. The fire roared throughout the village as he tried to save his parents, but unfortunately he couldn’t save them. Kalvet tried to find some of his other villagers. While doing so he found out that one of the older children joined the Yiga Clan. Feeling enraged and betrayed he went to attack him, but Kalvet couldn’t even come close to him as he was slashed in the eye, making him blind. Despite that he still tried to fight, it wasn’t until he was knocked out that he stopped.
When he woke up he saw that the Yiga Clan had been long gone, but his eye was patched up by some of the knights that had come over to check things out. Kalvet had explained everything that had happened, The knights swore that they would find and kill the Yiga who burned and killed everyone in his village. Well, almost everyone, that person who joined the Yiga might as well have been dead to Kalvet. As he residented him and resented everyone. Stealing from any and everyone for survival. It wasn’t until his teenage years where he started to trust people again. That was through his adoptive mother, a gerudo. It took him a while to trust her, but once he did the woman had taught her how to use swords. Particularly the hook swords. Still angry at the Yiga he vowed to steal any and everything from them just like they did to him. He would even make money off of them by selling their equipment to anyone who would buy it.
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 month
thou darest not venture forth, for beacon spoilers lie beneath the cut. hark! lest ye look upon those great and terrible spoilers.
honestly the first half really solidifies bell's hells as the charisma party (in contrast to VM with WIS and MN with INT). multiple 20+ rolls, a nat 20 or two, displays of power and a defense of what they believe, it's just so good. they're a unified party even with disparate beliefs.
braius, the bullshit king. orym the champion of the wildmother. imogen, pulling on personal ties. laudna appealing to darkness and calling for balance. ashton and fearne, in titanic aspect, recalling those who need their help, gods or not. dorian, summoning the dragon coriolis and supporting the group. chetney, calling to age and wisdom in an unprecedented era.
some incredible conversations. rp episode of all time. dorian and zeru. chetney and waylon. braius and the highbearer. imogen and keyleth. chetney and ashton with the bright queen.
honestly braius and the highbearer deserves its own paragraph. it might not be where he goes with it, but goddamn sam riegel sold the beginnings of a return to faith.
and ending in the C-POP museum. god what a note to end on. objectively he's the most famous of the group.
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