#dragonwatch crit
I remember when I would check every week if there's gonna be a Fablehaven sequel. Then the Dragonwatch showed up. I was so excited back then… And now I wish it had never existed.
Aww, I'm sorry love. I kinda get that. Like- I like some of the ideas introduced but the execution of the series- it was a major let down. It doesn't feel like the same kind of world as Fablehaven at all, and it doesn't seem to have the same care put into it that Fablehaven has too.
It sucks, I wish we'd gotten something better.
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carolinelikesdinner · 3 years
Why did I have to hyperfixate on this god awful series
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The entire time that I was reading ROTDS I was waiting for Kendra to do anything important and I was so disappointed. Library.
No for real. She apparently handled a dragon but like- off screen- it's so frustrating.
You could've replaced her with a lamp and had the same result. It wasn't even inverting the importance of Seth and Kendra in KTTDP. There BOTH of them were super important.
Seth set off the events in a way, forcing the Sphinx to act in their favor, and then got several allies and went on a trip to get passage for them, face witches, challenge the undead, get a super important sword, and then kill 2 of the Biggest Demon figures around.
Kendra in turn helped regain some allies, bring the unicorn prince to the Queen, helped kill several enemies (even if she didn't personally), got Raxtus to get the dragons to come, and then killed the demon king.
Both of them did so much important stuff in KTTDP. Neither would've succeeded without the other. Their actions combined to save the day.
But in ROTDS it's Seth doing everything. Seth escapes, Seth gets two op swords, Seth kills over 100 dragons (we did MATH), Seth steals from the dragon king, Seth steals from the Giants, Seth trades with the Demon King, Seth goes to the Source, Seth becomes an Angel, Seth kills Celebrant-
Kendra... goes on a quest for dragon slayers who die in five minutes and gets betrayed. Oh, and handles a dragon off-screen.
The contrast is infuriating.
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Brandon will foreshadow a bunch of major plot points then just do nothing with it.
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You could use your Anakin and Padme format saying that Brandon is going to write a series about dragons right because of how little it felt like it was about dragons despite being called Dragonwatch. Library.
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Love how Brandon gave Knox literally everything he needed to have character growth then said "no 💞"
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I think what hurts me the most about the newest Dragonwatch book is the sheer potential in it.
It has so many places it could've done amazing things, but instead it did... That
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Fun thing to note is that Bracken is the only son of the Fairy Queen and like her favorite kid.
He’s the one that she calls for all major stuff. He’s the one she has lead the forces in war. He’s the one she calls for help dealing with threats in her realm. He’s the one she risked her crown to save.
And like... I’m sorry but I’m 90% sure he’s not the oldest and has multiple older sisters and... this reeks of “the treasured son who we had at last”. The fairies should literally be matriarchal because they don’t have guys but it’s the boy that’s treasured to that extent.
The sisters aren’t even mentioned even though they should be older and more experienced and able to help and that just reminds me so much of how the brothers are always the favorite in misogynistic households.
It’s such a common thing irl that I shouldn’t be surprised that Brandon made it in his story but you’d think he’d do it with literally anything except a Fairy based ruler because fairies don’t even have guys.
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13. Sasquatches blur the line between reality and fantasy, because some people believe in them, while others don’t. Do you think sasquatches are real? Why or why not? What other cryptids interest you?
Sasquatch isn't a cryptid, it's a creature in native folklore/mythology. Have some respect.
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