mydrarryaus · 5 years
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Lmk what you think! :)
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swish-and-fic · 5 years
Here’s Part Two of our sweet Drarry story. (See previous post for Part 1) Keep an eye out for our next cute story coming soon!
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drarry-fangirl-blog · 6 years
“A ball?”
Whispers break out around the great hall, heads turning around to friends, shocked but pleased expressions on their faces.
Hermione turnes to Ron and Harry, a gleam in her eyes.
She says, stern, “great, another way to distract us from studying,” but her eyes tell a different story.
Harry smiles alongside of her, but his head is reeling.
“Do we have to bring someone?” He asks, worried.
“No,” says Hermione, rolling her eyes. “But you should really start living your life, Harry. Just because you’re gay doesn’t mean you can’t live your life.”
Harry had told Ron and Hermione that he was gay as soon as he had realised himself, a couple months after the end of the war. They had been incredibly supportive of him, together with Ginny, whom Harry had told after breaking up with her.
“Nah, I don’t really feel like bringing anyone,” Harry says, his eyes landing on the Slytherin table where a familiar blonde is whispering frantically with the brunette girl beside him.
As if Draco senses that someone is watching him, he turns, his grey eyes meeting Harry’s. He smiles shyly, and looks away.
Harry’s heart is beating frantically in his chest, so loud that he almost can’t hear it when Ron speaks.
“Well, I’m not going to mess this up now.” He sighs. “Hermione, will you go with me?”
Hermione nods, happy.
Harry smiles as his two best friends kiss, and wonders how long it will take for himself to have something as special as that.
A few days later~
Hermione sneaks out, looking around to see if Harry’s looking. Fortunately he isn’t, too concentrated in his chess game with Ron.
She smiles. This is going to be amazing.
As she makes her way to the dungeons, she replays in her mind that day in the great hall, when the ball was announced.
She remembers Harry looking over at the Slytherin table, his eyes glowing with lust and love. She shakes her head, wondering how oblivious he must be for not realising his feelings for a certain blonde Slytherin.
“Hey.” A voice calls from the darkness.
All of a sudden, Pansy comes out of the shadows, smiling.
“Hey.” Hermione says.
“We have got to do something about those two. It’s getting really annoying and obsessive.”
Hermione agrees.
“So what are we going to do?”
After half an hour, they finish planning, and leave, making their ways to their common rooms.
Harry fidgets.
He doesn’t even know why he’s so nervous, but his palms are sweaty and he feels his heart in his throat.
With his hands, he smooths his emerald green robes that Hermione picked out for him.
He reaches slowly for the handle.
He hears rapid steps approaching from behind him and turns the handle.
Why is he so nervous?
Du-ddum, goes his heart.
He flings the door open, and stands there as his eyes take in the setting.
Dark blue lights mix with silver ones, bouncing off of the walls. From the windows, the moonlight shines faintly.
Students roam the Great Hall, hand in hand. Some sit on the round tables, chatting and drinking.
Suddenly, everyone stops.
Faces turn towards him, and Harry stares back, confused. He looks down at his outfit, panicking.
Did I miss a button or something?
He checks.
But he didn’t.
He smoothies down his hair, conscious and somewhat uncomfortable.
But now everyone is looking at someone else. Right beside him.
So Harry turns, and looks at the blonde standing beside him.
They look at each other, horrified, as they realise they are wearing matching clothes.
And Harry thinks his heart might explode.
(Part 1)
(I have discovered I cannot write things in one go forgive me)
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a-proud-pottah-head · 4 years
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yas drarryyyyyyy
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blackwolfofhogwarts · 4 years
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💚Drarry sketch❤ ~What fandoms are you into? . . . Tags: #drarryship #drarrysmut #drarryislife #drarrymemes #drarryfanart #drarry4ever #drarrylove #drarryforever #drarryart #drarryfanarts #drarryismyotp #drarryfeels #drarry #drarrynsfw #drarrydrawing #drarryedit #drarryisreal #drarryfanfic #drarryedits #drarryfluff #drarryotp #drarrycute #drarryisotp #drarrycosplay #dracomalfoy #dracomalfoyfanart #dracomalfoyfandom #harrypotter #harrypotterfanart #harrypotterfanarts (la Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_kr2jJlmxP/?igshid=1ss65mglitqb6
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mydrarryaus · 5 years
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Fanart creds to @upthehillart , sorry y'all. Mistakes were made. I'll be better in the future
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mydrarryaus · 5 years
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mydrarryaus · 5 years
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mydrarryaus · 5 years
Lmk what u think :)
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mydrarryaus · 5 years
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Hope y'all like this one :)
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mydrarryaus · 5 years
Happy new years! 2020 here we come!!!
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mydrarryaus · 5 years
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mydrarryaus · 5 years
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mydrarryaus · 5 years
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Lmk in the comments what u think! I'm always open for criticisms :)
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mydrarryaus · 5 years
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Part 2 of Memories :)
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mydrarryaus · 5 years
Password Fiasco-- A Drarry One-Shot based on an imagine thing I found
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Ok so I found this imagine thinggy or whatever you call it, I’ll put it at the top of this, and I decided to write a one-shot off of it and ya let’s get right into it 
“I would like to welcome all of you back. After suffering such heartache, coming back as a community, as a school, will be beneficial for us all. I have a few announcements and then the feast will commence” Headmistress McGonagall states as she pulls out a roll of parchment and clears her throat before continuing “To all incoming first years and ruler-breakers with a death sentence, the forbidden forest is, of course, forbidden, off-limits and every other word for do not enter. To all incoming students who are re-doing their seventh year as now eighth years will have their own dormitories, as there is not enough room in each of your respective houses and there is not enough of you to make an effort to make space. Finally, to all third to seventh years, Hogsmeade is open to you all every other Saturday to go at your leisure. Eighth years can go at any moment, as long as they do not go in lieu of class. That is all. Dig in!” she raises her arms at her last statement and the tables filled with food and everyone does exactly what she says and eats with enthusiasm.  Harry reaches over Ron’s overflowing plate to grab a bit of chicken when his hand collides with a very pale one. He looks up and locks eyes with a very flustered Malfoy, who retracts his hand and mutters under his breath. Harry doesn’t question it and finishes grabbing what he needs and eats. For some reason, Malfoy doesn’t bring him any negative feelings towards him anymore. Not after what he did to help Him, Ron and Hermione and when his mum had saved him from actually being killed by Voldemort. Harry smiles to himself as he thinks about Malfoy, unaware of his two friends watching him.  “Do you reckon he’s thinking of a certain someone?” Ron whispers to Hermione “I don’t know Ron, maybe he’s interested in someone. I mean, we all know how torn up he was after Ginny broke up with him. Maybe he’s finally over it. God knows he needs it.”  Ron nods in agreement before finishing off his food. Finally, after the feast, the Eighth years are led to a weird tower next to the Divination class. “Now” McGonagall starts “this is to be your dormitory. You will be rooming with someone not from your house, as to get you used to being all one group rather than your separate houses. The pairings go as follows. Miss Granger and Miss Parkinson. Mr. Nott and Mr. Longbottom. Mr. Weasley and Mr. Zabini. Mr. Boot and Mr. Finnigan. Miss Pavarti Patil and Miss Padma Patil. Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Thomas. Mr. Corner and Mr. Goyle. And finally Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy.” Everyone gapes at the Headmistress, wondering if she was crazy for pairing them up with who they had been paired with. Little did they know that the sorting hat was the one who paired them together. Like the cup, McGonagall put all of their names in the hat and each perfect pair had come out one by one. Imagine her surprise when school rivals Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy came out as the perfect pair. 
“The password to get into the rooms is unique to each person. This portrait here” she gestures to the empty frame “will be filled by Sirius Black.” Harry lets out a small gasp. Why would she do this? He fills mixed emotions towards this. On one hand, he gets to see Sirius every day, but on the other, he will be reminded of the guilt he feels towards his death. He takes a deep breath and looks up to see the headmistress looking at him, waiting for him to collect himself before continuing. He gives her a small smile, which she takes as her cue to continue. “As I said, Sirius Black will take this portrait and he has specific demands that each person has a unique password to, and i quote, ‘spice up his dull life as an inanimate object’“ Most everyone chuckles at his words. Harry looks around and sees Malfoy looking down at his shoes, a vacant look on his face. Harry frowns and makes a note to find out what was wrong. After McGonagall finishes telling them how Sirius was coming in tomorrow and that he would have a small meeting with each one of them, she lets them in and gestures to a board with writing on it attached to the wall “here is all the room assignments. I will see you tomorrow to sort out your scedules. Good evening.” she walks out without another word, and they all swarm the board finding the room numbers and rushing off to find it, wondering what it looked like and such. As the crowd cleared, all who were left was Harry and Malfoy. Malfoy stayed still while Harry goes and finds which room they were assigned. Room 7. He gestures with his head for Malfoy to follow him and they walk off in silence to their room. Harry slowly twists the doorknob and walks into a spacious room. He looks around and is in complete awe. He doesn’t realize how ridiculous he looks until he hears someone scoff. He quickly turns on his heels to glare at Malfoy.  “What?” Malfoy says innocently “You look weird, haven’t you had a bedroom before” he laughs at his joke before walking over to his bed. Harry plops on his bed, seemingly in thought, causing Malfoy to worry a bit. He didn’t mean to be rude, but its potter. Why would he get upset over a teasing remark over not have a bedroom. He’s the bloody chose one, of course, he has a bedroom. Hell, his family probably put him on such a pedestal all of his life.  “I didn't” he hears Potter whisper, leaving him confused. Didn’t what? “Didn’t what Potter?” Malfoy asks, no trace of venom in his voice. Just curiosity. Harry looks up and locks eyes with Malfoy, tears in his eyes. “I didn’t have a bedroom okay. I didn’t have a bloody bedroom” Harry looks down again, feeling ashamed for having admitted that to Draco Malfoy of all people. Malfoy just continues to look confused. “What, did you have like a full house to yourself or something?” He asks  “No, it was more like a cupboard,” Harry says after a few moments of silence. Draco sits on his bed in just utter disbelief. Then, without really realizing, he walks over and drapes his arm over Harry’s, yes Harry’s, shoulders and pulls him into a hug as he starts to cry out of embarrassment and hurt at how his only true family treated him. And that’s when they became friends. 
*a few months later* 
Draco walks up to the portrait reluctantly. Lately, Sirius had been changing his password to stupid things he would never dare to say in front of anyone. He had to eventually take to showing up either at the back of a group of people or by himself with no one around. Thankfully, this was one of those alone times. Harry had left the library early from their studying session instead of staying the full time, claiming he had to go do something. 
“paassswwooorrdd” Sirius dramatically says, causing Draco to roll his eyes  “Must we do this. You change it every time anyways” Draco says, causing Sirius to laugh. “Of course, dear cousin, I simply love our interactions. Now, password please” 
Draco just sighs before going down the neverending list he has accumulated from all the times Sirius has changed it. 
“I've got a wand up my arse,” he says with a sigh. Sirius giggles and shakes his head, awaiting the rest of them. In the end Draco is beyond irritated. “Merlin help me, why won't you just tell me what it is??”  “Fine, i will give you the new one. Harry Potter has the prettiest eyes” Draco’s eyes widen at this. Of course, he knows how pretty Harry’s eyes are, he just didn’t know a stupid PORTRAIT knew he knew. He gulps before speaking “I will say no such thing” Sirius makes a tsk-ing sound. “Now you very well do know how pretty Harry’s eyes are. Heard you talking about them in your room the other day” he said with a smirk, a blush covering his face. “That was private Sirius!” he exclaims, which proves only to make Sirius laugh. “Sorry kid, you gotta say it to get into the rooms. Rules are rules” 
Draco lets out a groan before finally saying “ Harry Potter has the prettiest eyes”  Sirius claps “see, was that so hard?” Draco just ignores him and pushes past him. Pretty soon, it's an everyday thing. Instead of accepting the whole group with one Password, he starts to make them all say theirs. Including Draco. So he stays to the back each and every time. It's on the 8th consecutive day in which he fully wishes he hadn’t come back to Hogwarts. “Password?” Sirius asks with a giggle, not looking Draco in the eyes but rather over his head, for whatever reason.  “Harry Potter has the prettiest eyes” “Nope” “I wish Harry Potter would snog me “While i know you want that and all, that is not the Password” Draco groans “Harry Potter is the Love of my life” Sirius smirks before leaving his portrait, not bothering to open it, leaving Draco very confused until he smells it.  “Draco?” Harry’s voice sounds out, his perfect scent of spices and grass filling his senses.  “yes, Harry?” Draco asks, turning around to face him, trying to look as if nothing was wrong.  “Why were saying all of that?” he asks curiously. Draco’s face gets beet red and before he can think his thoughts through he spits it all out. From when Sirius popped into the portrait he had in their room and heard him compliment Harry’s eyes to when he was just spouting one password after another. After he finishes, he hangs his head in embarrassment. His face getting more and more red as Harry starts to laugh. “Fine then Potter if you think it’s so funny, don't talk to me anymore.” Draco pries open the empty portrait and storms off to their room. How could he have been so stupid. Harry laughed at him. He was so stupid to think Har- Potter would ever share his feelings. As Draco fumed alone in the room he shared with Harry, Harry stayed frozen in his spot outside of the portrait. He wasn’t laughing at him at all, just at the situation. Because little did Draco know that Sirius was doing the same thing to Harry. Making him admit things like his growing crush on Draco and such, changing his passwords to say silly things like Draco had to. Harry quickly realizes something. Draco likes him? He rushes in, ignoring the calls of his friends, and heads to his room. He quickly opens the door to see an angry and pacing Draco. “Don’t come near me Potter. I don’t need to hear it” But Harry doesn’t listen. He just slowly closes the door, locks it, and sets up a silencing charm all wandlessly. “Potter what are you doing?” Harry continues to ignore him. He walks up to Draco, who walks backwards until his back hits the back wall. Harry reaches up and cups Draco’s cheek. “You know you can be a downright git sometimes right” Draco just gulps nervously, wondering what the hell was happening. Slowly Harry leans in and presses his lips against Draco’s, and Draco and can’t help but close his eyes. He has been waiting so long for this moment. Slowly, at first, they kiss. Lips parting and closing together, as if in a dance with each other. But pretty soon Harry deepens the kiss and pushes Draco into the wall, showing his feelings through his actions. They part, both breathing heavily, and they gaze into each others eyes.  “Wow,” Draco whispers, making Harry softly laugh in that way Draco really loves. “Wow indeed.”  “So what does this mean?” Draco asks, scared that this may be a one-time thing “Well, assuming you share my affections, will you go out with me? Be my boyfriend?” Harry asks, a small smile playing on his lips. All Draco can do is give a small nod before capturing Harry’s lips with his own. “You know, you are very addicting. Don’t expect to get rid of me any time soon” Draco says after they part again. “Wouldn’t plan on it Draco” Harry retorts. They kiss well into the night, feeling whole for the first time in a while. 
Thank you so much for reading! Let me know in the comments what you thought of this, please like and follow for more!! :)
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