#drawing the fluffy lil cat ears killed me
must be love - a Steve Harrington imagine
summary: just a shorter imagine about a reader who works at a diner and Steve comes in with the rest of the friendship group (which you’re also part of). There’s a mutual pining between Steve and reader and eventually Steve decides to do something about it, just a lil fluffy imagine which got me going
warnings: brief descriptions of food and eating
word count: 2.5k
notes: shout out to one of my fave SNL skits of Debbie Downer thx for playing a small part in this imagine. if anyone has any ideas for an imagine plsss request i’d be happy to do some requests !! have a great day :) master list here
                                                   ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
“Have a great night, guys!” You call as the most miserable family you’ve ever served in your entire time of being at the diner slumps out the door. A small laugh escapes your lips, almost in disbelief at what you’ve just put up with, as you start to clear their plates. Clinks of metal cutlery scraping fired ceramic plates fill your ears as you gather everything in an impressive stack. Guiltily, you take the gracious tip they’ve left you and you suddenly feel awful for whining to yourself about how unpleasant they’d been. 
Behind the till, you place their cash tip into the tip jar and then take the plates to the back to be washed. The heat of the kitchen still overwhelms you as you place the stack of dirty dishes into the hot sink full of water. “Busy out there, yet?” Deborah, the main pot washer calls out from the break room, her evening drawing out slowly in front of her at the slow stream of customers. 
“Not quite yet, still early though, Debs!” You call back cheerily, behind her back you all call her Debbie Downer, no matter what you say Deborah will reply with something depressing that ultimately kills the mood of the conversation.
Last month, when you told her you’d got a new cat, she had replied, “Feline AIDS is the biggest killer of domestic cats. Hope you got it checked!” 
Pushing back through the swing doors, you see a few more groups had been shown to tables and you were ready to go over to welcome them in. One group you see, is your friends. 
An unsettled feeling stews inside you, you love that they come here to see you, but you hate how it makes you feel pressured. Dustin loves the shakes, Mike and El the burgers, and Steve loves to come just to see you. Not that you know that. You’re partial to a spill of a drink, or a burger to the floor as it slips off the plates as you try to juggle too many, and you do not want Steve to see anything like that. You’ll just have to try not to show off your plate stacking skills this evening. 
Whipping your pad out from the front of your grease-stained apron, you walk to their table and paint a smile on your face, beaming from ear to ear. “Fancy seeing you here.” You approach the table and stand next to Steve, who looks up at you with a small smile painted across his rose-tinted lips. 
“Do you even need your little pad, surely you know my order by now.” Dustin is quick to comment on his food, he must be starving. He didn’t mean it in an asshole way, you’re close enough with each other that you rarely take offence to anything now.  
You guffaw at his request and scribble down his order. Peeking over the top of your pad to see Steve slightly shaking his head and raising his eyebrows at him. “Max?” Your attention goes to Max now, awaiting her order.
“Just a chocolate shake, please.” She offers, sheepishly pushing the menu back towards you. You don’t push her on an order for food, as you know any of the other waitresses would, you just nod and jot down the code for a shake. She’s still recovering from Vecna, and you understand her lack of appetite, which she is grateful for. 
After finally scribbling down the group’s order in your illegible scrawl, which is only decipherable by the chefs, you turn to Steve who’s perched on the end of the booth. “And for you, Steve?” Your pen is ready in between your fingers, and you give him a patient smile. 
He quickly skims the menu, even though he knew what he wanted the minute he walked in. He relays his order to you before gathering up all the menus, making your job easier and quicker. “Thanks.” You take them from his hands and his cheeks flush with colour. He’s aware of the intense rush of heat to his face, as is everyone else at the table. Your heart skips and beats intensely in your chest as you relish in the sight of his flushed cheeks. You know you caused his blush, and it gives you a slight spring in your step as you return to the host stand with their menus, knowing you have the power to make Steve Harrington tint with crimson. 
Whilst his ears are trained into the conversation happening around him, he lets his eyes divert to your whereabouts. He watches intently as you balance the plates with skill before setting them all down on a nearby table, talking to your customers with expressive hands and giving them an effervescent smile before turning and going to attend to another table. He sees how your tongue slips out of your mouth, ever so slightly, in concentration as you place glacier cherries onto the top of a sundae before carrying it to an over-excited child who claps with your arrival. Your smile at the young boy’s happiness and delightful manners stays on your face as you make your way back over to the serving hatch, the bell ringing out continuously with the Friday night rush of families, friends and couples. 
“Dude.” Dustin starts, leaning in closer to Steve as he breaks away from the rest of the conversation. Steve leans in too. “Why don’t you just ask her out already?” The prospect of doing such a thing is enough to bring sweat to the palms of his hands. Noticeably so that he has to rub his palms over his jeans to get the wetness off. His mouth feels dry, so he runs his tongue over the roof of his mouth and swallows what little saliva he has down his throat. “It’s so painfully obvious.” 
“What is?” He quickly retorts, turning his face too fast so it’s left lingering extremely close to Dustin’s. He pulls back slightly and let’s Dustin observe how you make him feel. The slight tinge of pink has returned to his cheeks, and he hasn’t stopped rubbing his palms over his jeans. Dustin just laughs slightly and gives his head a shake before giving Steve an insignificant nod, indicating your return with an armful of their food. 
“Alrighty.” You say as you settle their food down on the table, sliding the plates in the direction of whoever ordered what. The table digs into your stomach slightly as you stretch across to push El’s plate to her in the far corner of the booth, meaning you slightly lean across Steve. “‘Scuse me.” You gently breathe as you pull back, the smell of your perfume lingering after you push back from the table. He quickly inhales, wipes the corner of his mouth with his thumb and then grabs the cutlery. “Max just let me grab your milkshake, I’ll be right back.” You dust your hands off on your apron as you make your way back to the hatch, collecting Max’s milkshake before ambling back over to their table. “There you go, sweetie.” You turn her shake towards her and her eyes light up, looking at Lucas with wide eyes in admiration at her humongous milkshake. You smile at the pair; glad Max has someone as sweet and caring as Lucas. “Okay, think that’s everything.” Your eyes skim everyone’s plates to ensure you haven’t missed anything. “Can I get you guys anything else? Anymore sauces?” 
Everyone replies with a cacophony of “No” and “Thank you” and you nod at them all, the boys already starting to shovel their food into their mouths as if they haven’t eaten for days. Max seems settled and Steve thanks you again before turning to his plate to eat. 
The next half an hour passes in a blur of sundaes, hamburgers, spilt milkshakes, and grumbles from Deborah as you take in another stack of greased up, ketchup smeared plates. As you stand at the host station placing clean cutlery neatly into white napkins, Steve wanders over to you as he opens his wallet in front of him. You place your hands down on the counter, keeping the napkin well wrapped up in your hands. “Hey!” You beam at him as he approaches. “Was everything okay with the meal?” You finally place the neatened cutlery and napkins into their box and return your full attention to Steve. 
“Was great. Five-star service, too.” The corner of his mouth hooks up into a smile and you reciprocate it broadly. “But I was wondering if I could pay now?”
You nod, taking their order from the small pile of tabs that you keep by the cash register. “Sure, you just wanna pay for yours?” You start keying in the price for Steve’s meal, but he cuts you off.
“No no, I’ll get everyone’s.” His offer is laced with the kindness he exudes, like warmth coming from a mug of coffee on a chilly day. 
Your head tilts to one side and your eyebrows lift slightly, “Steve, that’s awful kind of you but are you sure?” 
He nods, pulling out some cash he’s sure will cover it as he patiently lets you tot up the total for the meals on the register. “I’m totally sure.” He seems nervous, you notice from the corner of your eye his weight keeps shifting from one foot to the other. A small smirk forms on your lips, then quickly dissipates as you get ready to read the total out. 
He hands the cash over without question and tells you to keep the change for the tip jar. “Thank you so much.” You hold the cash in your hands gratefully as you look back at him. He’s still stood behind the host stand, his eyes travelling nervously around you. As you drop the cash into the jar, he leans onto the station with his elbows.
“I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie? After you finish up?” The words tumble out of him quickly, but his question is laced with reluctance, like he’s already prepared himself for you to say no.
You study his features, the soft-hearted nature of him shines through. Him paying for all the kids’ meals and still asking you out afterwards, you feel on top of the world that he’s asked you. You think of how sublime it would be, spending the evening with Steve after work, but you don’t finish up until close tonight and you fear that would be too late for him, making him waste the night waiting for you. Although it would feel anything but a waste to Steve. A feeling of defeat washes over you as you worry this could be the only time Steve asks you to do something, and you fear he will think that you’re making an excuse. “I’m here till close tonight.” The words fall regretfully from your mouth, and you see his features soften with disappointment.
He nods quickly, pursing his lips as he pushes back from the counter, giving it a tap as he readjusts his posture, standing tall. “Oh, yeah. Totally. No that’s fine.” 
“But I could come over, when I’m done? I know it would be late, but I could bring us something to eat, and we could just, I dunno, chill?” 
Inside his chest, his heart soars around like someone has ignited him and soon the sweaty palms return. He came over here expecting you to say no, but he figured it was worth a shot. He did not expect, however, for you to then suggest another idea. His worries and anxieties about asking you now seem so farcical when all along you had wanted the same. 
He’s almost taken aback and has to bring himself back to the reality of being here in the diner, with you. “No, no it wouldn’t be too late. That’d be great.” He taps the counter again, the pair of you just looking over at one another, waiting for someone to speak. The pair of you never run out of things to say, never find it awkward to make conversation, never shut up really. But now, you both stand enthralled at the idea of spending some time together, just the two of you. 
“I’ll pick you up?” He poses the question to you in a gesture of what seems like good will, but it’s really just a way to get to spend more time with you. 
A torrent of emotion as intense as a winding river of rapids course through your veins and rise the temperature of your body, causing your skin to prickle intensely like tiny bolts of electricity hitting your skin. The flow of your emotional river ebbs, the source of the river stemmed as an anxious thought enters your stream of consciousness. You want Steve to see you at your best, not sweaty and smelling of cooking after a five-hour shift. “I will stink of grease.” You admit to him awkwardly. The perfume bottle you keep in your bag is a God send and you hope it will help to mask at least some of the smell.
He puffs air out between his lips and a smile softens across his face. “I really couldn’t care less.” He pushes his hands back from the counter where they’d been resting lazily, his muscles contracting underneath the sleeves of his t-shirt and you eye it quickly. The way the shape contorts and flexes under his skin as he pushes himself up from the counter again makes your eyes widen and your stomach throb. “Pick you up around ten, is that when you finish?” 
“Yes! That sounds great, thank you!” You radiate, your words landing like a verbal high five. 
He turns away, wordlessly, and gathers the kids up to leave. You click a few buttons on the register before finalising the receipt. They all wave and shout goodbyes as they make their way out of the diner, leaving as you turn to see your favourite group of regulars sat waiting for you to go over and take their order.
Outside, the wind turns to a chill and the clouds blow clear, leaving the sky black and bright above them. “So...” Dustin starts, elbowing Steve as they make their way to the car. The rest of the kids making their way to their buses home. “Did it work?”
Steve lifts his chin and laughs, “Quit making it sound like I’ve been doing some sort of experiment.” 
Dustin just rolls his eyes and waits, expectantly. 
“Yeah, it did ‘work’.” His fingers go up into air quotations before twisting the key to start the car with a low growl. “I’m seeing her after work.”
“TONIGHT?!” Dustin jeers in a high-pitched voice that makes his voice box squeal in delight. “Dude, how many times have I told you. She feels the same.”
“You think?” Steve quizzes, passing the conversation back to Dustin. 
“Hell yeah.” Dustin smirks, showing Steve all his ‘pearls’ as Dustin likes to say. “Offering to see you after a shift at the diner?” He tilts his head and brings his eyes down playfully. “Must be love.” His voice exudes sickly sweet confidence and Steve backs out the car park, turning up his radio and rolling the windows down, despite the chill. He drives back happily and hasn’t once tried to deny Dustin’s final remark. 
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justmossyall · 1 year
depression hacks masterpost
these are things that will help with mental illness that aren't 'go outside, drink water, and everything will be fine!!!1!!!11!1!11!' those are good fs but they don't work on their own. these will actually help in one way or another :)
hell yeah let's go
open your windows. the fresh air and sunlight will do you good and it takes like 5 seconds.
go buy some plants, there are like a gazillion that are next to impossible to kill. and don't come at me with 'ohhh I'll probably find a way hahaha" NO. the plants will be so helpful! they produce oxygen, bring nature indoors which psychologically improves your mental state, and they're just nice to look at! you can name them! sculpt and/or paint little pots for them!
STOP LISTENING TO SAD MUSIC. I cannot stress this enough. it just makes things worse. please stop. make a playlist of all your favorite stupid, happy, pump-up songs and listen to them all the time until they get annoying. then repeat!
acquire a gazillion stuffed animals. so much serotonin for such a small price
get a water bottle and put fun stickers on it, and designate that water bottle to be only for water. nothing else goes in it. that way you can drink out of it for kind of a long time before needing to wash it. keep it filled with water and actually drink out of it. drink as much water as you can, all the time.
chew gum! idk why but it works bro. especially watermelon.
hug people and ask people to hug you. hugs are so amazing it's like pure happiness but with the added perk of Deep Pressure. it can be from your friends, family, s/o, whoever.
make sure there's a lot of light in your room. not good to wallow in darkness. put up fairy lights, get fun lamps, light candles, keep your blinds open, etc.
dress like how you want to feel. be colorful, fun, and comfortable. don't wear hoodies, sweatpants and ratty old shoes, I know it's appealing but it's just going to keep you in that depressed state. I like to wear dresses, colorful jeans, graphic tees from 5-Below, combat boots, and lots of funky earrings. (seriously 5-Below is a lifesaver for literally anything!!!) you can get a lot of these things for super cheap - I got a 20 pack of fun earrings like duckies, mushrooms, mini water bottles, etc. for like $11, and a lot of my colorful jeans are like 6 bucks at the thrift store. whatever your style is or whatever you want it to be, work to make that happen. because getting dressed is one of the simplest things you'll do in a day, so why not make the most of it?
doodle. it's fun and simple, and it'll give your hands something to do other than pick at your skin if you do that kind of stuff (see below).
on a similar note, make art!!!!! it doesn't have to be good!!!!!! just make art all the time, as often as you can. write crappy fanfiction. make friendship bracelets. sculpt a funky lil cat. draw your comfort characters. art is so healing and it will do wonders for you. even just like run your hands through a giant bag of beads like I do :P
get fidgets and bring them everywhere with you. this is more of an anxiety/stimming thing for me but I pick at my fingers, lips, pimples, eyebrows, etc., and it hurts a lot and will probably leave scars. fidgets are just amazing. I'm partial to tangles and infinity cubes :) gum and chewelry are good for this as well (for when I bite my fingers/clothes or chew the skin off my lips)
if you find yourself with a whole day with nothing to do and you don't have the energy to get up and do anything, go to the park. bring a blanket, some snacks, and headphones, and just lay there and listen to music. sleep. watch youtube. literally anything you would normally do when you don't have energy, except it's outside in the sun and grass and nature around other people who are doing the same thing! 10/10
get a pet if you can. even just fish, but really a fluffy, snuggly animal is probably best such as a dog or cat. OH MY GOD THEY HELP SO MUCH. ANIMALS ARE MAGIC. I don't think I've ever been sad while holding or petting my grandma's dog. (our family doesn't have one right now lol)
spray perfume/body spray on you. faster and easier than deodorant and it usually smells better
if you're gonna scroll, scroll pinterest. honestly, it's probably best to get rid of things like tiktok and snapchat, but that's kinda unrealistic for most people so I get it <3 pinterest is probably gonna be better than other social media cause it's more creative?? if you know what I mean?? and usually it's reading things and not mindlessly watching videos
if you don't have the energy to do stuff with your hair, put it up in a bun! fast simple and easy. takes like 5 seconds, even for someone with super thick curly hair like me. (or cut it short! but most of us aren't brave enough to do that lol)
eat fruit. sweet and comforting, but healthy!! so much better for you than junk food, and honestly it tastes better most of the time too. I recommend strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, watermelon, and cantaloupe. easy to take with you on the go and sooooo good <333
play calming video games such as animal crossing, minecraft, stardew valley, cats with soup (if you're into mobile games), etc. puzzle games are good too! if you want something more combat-y, I would recommend the zelda games or forager. still chill and mellow but has more combat and story/lore
garden if you can. I know this kind of ties in with having plants in your room, but if you're able and you have the energy, keep a flower and/or vegetable garden. there's something so beautiful in putting your hands in the warm dirt, smelling your freshly-planted flowers, eating sun-infused vegetables that taste infinitely better than store-bought. it's so nice, but I know it's not for everyone so don't worry about it if you don't get around to it <3
sleep in the bus/car on the way to school if you're tired. not a perfect solution but better than falling asleep in class
inhale through your nose, not your mouth. it's better for your lungs and you'll get better air quality that way. it also helps calm you better than mouth breathing, and you can't exactly smell the fresh air through your mouth :P
read. sit down and read a book. carry one with you wherever you go. spend a weekend day in the library with a huge stack of books just reading. it's so calming and helps stimulate your brain. doesn't matter what you read as long as it's making you happy :)
surround yourself with color, not dark drab colors. hang up art and posters on your walls, get bright blankets and pillows, lay out a tiny lil carpet, make bead curtains and string them up on your curtain rod, set out little figurines/sculptures around your room. put color and life everywhere around you, and that will start to seep into your soul.
tea is always good. or if you don't like tea, hot water with lemon juice and honey. basically the same :)
if you ever just don't want to do something, like you just absolutely don't want to get up and do _ thing, think about future you. would they be like "bro thanks so much you really helped me out there" if you did the thing? if yes, then do it, no matter how impossible it seems. you'll thank yourself later.
a statement that is near and dear to my heart: if you feel like everyone hates you, sleep. if you feel like you hate everyone, eat. if you feel like you hate yourself, shower.
NO MORE SU!C!DE JOKES. ever. the end! replace "i'm literally gonna kms" jokes or anything along those lines with "i'm literally gonna flop to the floor" or "i'm literally gonna go ham bananas on this place" or whatever wild bullshit pops into your brain.
watch studio ghibli movies. the most amazing things to ever exist. I have never felt sad while watching a ghibli movie. they are basically the definition of peace.
take a bubble bath!!!!! :D
making your bed helps for some reason??? why, I have no idea. but it does bro
get excited about things. smile when you hear your favorite song. hug your amazon package when it comes in. count down the days until a holiday. laugh with joy when you have an amazing day. it makes things so much better.
an important addition: bring snacks everywhere
that's all for now, lmk if you have anything else to add!!! love you guys, I promise it gets better <3
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ominashii · 2 months
'v' ello there! what are aspects about your characters that notably stand out to you specifically? be it something you personally love or whatnot
ohhh boy i haven't gotten to yap about em on here in a WHILE lemme go down the list, this is gonna be long
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Omi? They're adorable, and they know it. They look and act very disarming, but they're still very clever, secretive, and mischievous, with a whole separate, more serious side to em. Plus they're really fun to write given they're both illiterate, and can't lie outright. (half-fey) They're just a bundle of fluff and mysteries~
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Kiari? She's a (partially) insane, immortal catgirl that loves cats, girls, hunting, and killing. She's brutally honest, extremely sassy, and changes moods at the drop of a hat. She's THE most fun to write for by far. Plus, its interesting to write the perspective of someone who's lived countless years while their mind Was Not Built for it. How have her morals shifted? How much has her sanity eroded? What is she willing to put up with to keep herself entertained? What value does a life have to her? Always thinking about this for her.
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Shiri has been on the backburner as of late, but his main appeal is his lack of expressive emotion. He'll make frequent puns and jokes, subtle references, and poke at some tropes, but it's all delivered with the same deadpan tone of voice. Likewise, nothing really phases him much, and his expression rarely changes. It goes a bit deeper, but that's part of what's in progress. He looks cold and badass, but he's kind of a dork. It's great.
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Viola I'll go off her previous self (Psionic mage), since her current lore is hard to work with. She's a bookworm through and through, but likes to mess with people sometimes. The most fun for me is her subtleties. She's similarly deadpan as Shiri, but much more snarky when you examine her words. She'll pretend to read out fake articles for an extremely specific problem. She has a second voice underneath her own that sometimes says something different, inducing a headache in the listener. She changes hairstyles often to look cuter, making no mention of it. She appears as a different species to every individual. It's so much fun.
She also has Several alters, but that would be a post of its own.
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Juliet, disposable random lobotomy corp employee promoted to full OC status. She's a proper tomboy, mentor/big sister figure, and skilled at what she does, but very carefree. I never had anyone like her before, and she's so much fun! Her dynamic with Pallene is especially cute, but they're both still relatively new.
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Mimi. Fluffy space critter. They're as close to my heart as Omi, and have twice as many mysteries. Their design would be one of the standouts here, since they have no mouth. Instead, they communicate telepathically with a slightly broken english (or, canonically, whatever the listener's primary language is), which is really cute~ Then there's their big eyes and ears. They carry all the expression, and its really really fun to draw different emotions with em. Plus, black sclera & white pupils on a friendly lil critter like this is nice! The other standout would be their very inquisitive nature. They don't know anything! They're constantly curious about people and the world around em! And they're always so happy to learn!
I could go on and on, but it'll just turn into describing everyone at length, and putting these thoughts together takes tiiime
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Warrior Cats AU Characters: Owlclaw/Rei Mekaru
This is being written on mobile instead of computer lol.
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Design made in Warrior cats: ultimate edition by yours truly.
Story warnings n shit; au and whatever, threw in one or my fankids. So yknow rei has a kid. (Actually a lot of the cast members do)
Since this is something i dont plan to have focus on in story, yall get a lil treat.
"Hawkpaw--! HAWKPAW!"
"Owlclaw, theres nothing we can do for her right now! We need to chase these rogues away!"
"My kit...! My baby...!"
"What are you on about..? She was FluffTuft's kit, not yours..."
Name: Owlclaw
Role: Warrior
Clan: Skyclan
Mate: Breezefur(Teruya)
Description: Harsh and Prideful ginger tabby she-cat. She has lost everything, but still keeps going. Rumors among apprentices say that she used to be mates with Flightwing, but he left her when Flufftuft joined the clan.
Side Story:
Leaf-bare was a cursed season. If it werent for the shelter of trees above, she certainly would've been buried in snow. Next to her belly was a squirming kit, nestling away in her fur and falling into a deep slumber.
"How in starclan's name am I going to explain this..." Owlclaw hissed to herself, "Breezefur is a thunderclan cat, and if..."
She trailed off and uncurled a bit, looking at the patchy orange-furred kit at her side. The she-kit let out a frustrated mewl at the movement and tried nestling further into her fur.
"If Breezefur brought Hawkkit back to thunderclan camp, theres a risk of Icestar killing her." Her heart sunk at the thought. "But if I show up with a kit, I'll be bombarded with questions or told to leave for having relations with another clan."
She trembled from the cold and from hunger. How long had she laid in the snow now? It was nearly sundown.
Pawsteps crunched in the snow nearby. With a tense glance, she spotted a blue-gray pelt, followed by a pale yellow one. Ones that she knew belonged to her clanmates.
"Hurry up, slowpoke!" Flufftuft's meow was boisterous enough that it could probably be heard all the way back in the old territories.
"Fluffffyyyyy!" Flightwing dragged out her name, only to pause, sniff the air, and narrow his eyes. "Do... do you smell that?"
The former kittypet came to a halt. "Smell wha...? Oh."
Owlclaw. pressed her hinds paws into the ground, twisting her body to grab Hawkkit's scruff and lift her. The moment she was about to run, a better idea sprang into mind.
Hawkkit mewled from being so suddenly awoken, alarming the two warriors even moreso.
Flufftuft got there first.
"Owlclaw...?" Her meow was even softer than Hawkkit's shaky mewls.
Flightwing was just a few pawsteps behind his mate. He froze in his steps.
"Please help me."
Story notes; her parents are pinefoot and sharpsight. She has half brothers in other clans-- deadheart(utsuro-riverclan) and dawnheart(yuki-windclan) due to her fathers infidelity. She had two stillborn littermates.
Her mentor was Daisytail(minako tomori) and she earned her warrior name for her perserverance and courage.
She met breezefur at the gathering when they were apprentices, but they would often see each other on border patrols as well.
Design notes; orange :3. Also, while it doesnt show in her WCUE design, she has really fluffy and curly fur. Like the typical overdramatic wc design fur, the fur between her ears is longer and spills over her face.
Other notes:
Shitty old drawing of owlclaw with a hawkkit/paw head ref.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Look at HIIIIIIM HAVE YOU SEEN HIIIIIIIIIM the lilac hair the lil cat ears the sweater the COLLARBONES https://twitter.com/PSHsource/status/1528550752305565697?t=rFld4NkuLwy3aWm2oWVEXg&s=19
This is our beach boy boyfriend https://twitter.com/thinkingabtpsh/status/1528530329904025602?t=RiP0X9Auc2MEr0LrSnaYsA&s=19
Ha ha I will not get that boxer Hwa pola and maybe it's for the best I WOULD CONSUME HIM. I only bought one sweatshirt, but I lowkey wanna buy the boyfriend Hwa grey set...helppp
Wedding etl... wedding ETL?!
I will see Bridgerton eventually, maybe I'll watch it with some friends soon. I like a slow burn, so it sounds like I'm gonna have fun
As they should! Every time I see red Hwa I'm going woof woof awooooo. Also the colour stains everything but it's still my go to shade, now I don't have properly bleached hair so it's darker red and it doesn't fade away.
Yes I wonder if he's gonna go back to his previous hair or kill us with something different, he mentioned blue and purple... I can see him in dark blue actually
Yesss Seonghwa's chokers I'M COMING FOR YOU ALL his wardrobe too, even though we own similar clothes. I'm especially interested in his coats 🤗
Gonna start eating my walls at this point if I don't see villain Y/N and simp king Hwa soon 💔💔💔 I can see him begging for attention jshdhshshdhe and going 😍😍😍
Vincenzo era lmao, guess I need to take my suits out of my wardrobe then, live up to the mafia image
Yeah Hybe's quick I mean they had to do this, but it's hilarious. Lmaoooo stop because imagine if Jennie x Taehyung was real. They would be like "alright let's end all the stans" Jenkai was already a lot to take in, people were in shambles kshdhdhsjshehhh but poor Jennie got so much hate 💀💀💀 the news in on TV now yikes but YGE's response was typical "we have nothing to say" lololok
I don't wanna spoil too much, but take a look 😭🤚🏻
Please you do not wanna be me 😅 it was just a simple tattoo, so lyrics only but when it comes to Ateez tats I have Aurora and Wave lyrics with some drawings. Actually I already had a few sea/piratey inspired tattoos guess it was fate I became an Atiny, lmao
Pls that video was so cute Jongho looked smol and they ate so many of my childhood snacks and sweets, but they got some throat herbal candy I died 😭
I'm not seeing anything actually, glasses off 🙈 - DV 💖
Look at HIIIIIIM HAVE YOU SEEN HIIIIIIIIIM the lilac hair the lil cat ears the sweater the COLLARBONES https://twitter.com/PSHsource/status/1528550752305565697?t=rFld4NkuLwy3aWm2oWVEXg&s=19
This is our beach boy boyfriend https://twitter.com/thinkingabtpsh/status/1528530329904025602?t=RiP0X9Auc2MEr0LrSnaYsA&s=19
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Ha ha I will not get that boxer Hwa pola and maybe it's for the best I WOULD CONSUME HIM. I only bought one sweatshirt, but I lowkey wanna buy the boyfriend Hwa grey set...helppp
BDAMHDAK CONSUME HIS PC LIKE A CANNIBAL 😭😭😭😭 no bc wth is this bestie and this
Wedding etl... wedding ETL?!
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hehe,,, he’s so annoying ☺️☺️
I will see Bridgerton eventually, maybe I'll watch it with some friends soon. I like a slow burn, so it sounds like I'm gonna have fun
As they should! Every time I see red Hwa I'm going woof woof awooooo. Also the colour stains everything but it's still my go to shade, now I don't have properly bleached hair so it's darker red and it doesn't fade away.
YES YES ITS A RLY GOOD SHOW !!!! slow burn and “you’re the bane of my existence the object of my desire” 😩😩😩🤲🏼 WOOF WOOF AWOO GRRR GRRRR BARK BARK EVERYTIME BESTIE !!!! OOOOO DARKER RED IS SO PRETTY,,, anon witchy era,,, hear me out,,, villain reader x red haired king hwa 🤚🏼
Yes I wonder if he's gonna go back to his previous hair or kill us with something different, he mentioned blue and purple... I can see him in dark blue actually
d-dark blue haha. bestie but this one
Yesss Seonghwa's chokers I'M COMING FOR YOU ALL his wardrobe too, even though we own similar clothes. I'm especially interested in his coats 🤗
Gonna start eating my walls at this point if I don't see villain Y/N and simp king Hwa soon 💔💔💔 I can see him begging for attention jshdhshshdhe and going 😍😍😍
JFBAKFHWKFBWK IM MAKING THE MOODBOARDS OF IT BC OF THIS DBDBDB absolute simp who’s simping heavily for a person his entire kingdom and he is supposed to despise 🤌🏼✨but he’s so in love ☺️☺️
Vincenzo era lmao, guess I need to take my suits out of my wardrobe then, live up to the mafia image
Yeah Hybe's quick I mean they had to do this, but it's hilarious. Lmaoooo stop because imagine if Jennie x Taehyung was real. They would be like "alright let's end all the stans" Jenkai was already a lot to take in, people were in shambles kshdhdhsjshehhh but poor Jennie got so much hate 💀💀💀 the news in on TV now yikes but YGE's response was typical "we have nothing to say" lololok
no fr pls jenkai was so MUCH IN SHAMBLES????? 😭😭😭 yg saying kai’s her uber driver and sm saying the boy had a crush on her 😭😭😭😭 LGKWHDKWBDKS NOW THE TAEHYUNG JENNIE IS SO SUDDEN DNDBDN imagine if it was real, we can absolutely tell miss jennie has a type ✨🤌🏼 JVSKCK YG RLY SAID “mind yo own business bro” i wonder what all the other idols think,,, seeing garam on the 5pm news 💀💀
I don't wanna spoil too much, but take a look 😭🤚🏻https://twitter.com/kdramadaisy/status/1528559271071592448?t=F_6zIDd_QHqToVmtQX831A&s=19
god. i am not your strongest soldier. please. i need to see hwa and him together to live,, i literally thought this was what mafia hwa would look like when he and yn were fighting pLEASE WHAT THE FUCK IM SO DOWN BAD FOR SOOHYUK AND U ARE TO BLAME
Please you do not wanna be me 😅 it was just a simple tattoo, so lyrics only but when it comes to Ateez tats I have Aurora and Wave lyrics with some drawings. Actually I already had a few sea/piratey inspired tattoos guess it was fate I became an Atiny, lmao
AHHHHHHH DO U HAVE A HAKUNA MATATA TATTOO???? BFWMDNAK u should absolutely get a shinestar tattoo,,, a star <3 AHHH DRAWINGS TOO?? that’s so cool bestie u FR rock !
Pls that video was so cute Jongho looked smol and they ate so many of my childhood snacks and sweets, but they got some throat herbal candy I died 😭 I'm not seeing anything actually, glasses off 🙈 - DV 💖
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jamesniall · 7 years
Answer them all haha
do you have a favourite sweater? idk i think it’s more a hoodie than a sweater lmao but yes it’s a disney one, with mickey’s ears and it’s kind of lilac and it’s soft and warm and i love it
what’s your middle name? paola :/ 
do you still talk to the first person you kissed? if u mean like, a kiss on the lips...i have never done that and i never ever will
do you get on with your grandpa`? i did :( my mom’s father was the best person i’ve ever ever ever met and i miss him so much everyday
what was your favourite cartoon as a kid? rugrats omfkg
what’s your favourite cartoon now? i dont watch them anymore tbh i dont watch tv anymore
do you read the news paper? sometimes, when things happen but it’s not a thing i dutifully do everyday nope
who was the last text you sent to ? my sister
what does the last text you sent say? ‘thanks u asshole’ lmao
if you could have any hair colour what would it be? i dont think i’d ever change my hair color tbh i dont think i’d look good in anything other than black
do you like nature documentaries? yeeeeess
what is your aesthetic? i....dont think i have one tbh....this is a very especific thing but i like concert pics where the artist looks tiny and u can see the crowd and the lights and the stage and it’s in HQ and i can set it up as a wallpaper lmao
when did you last pet a dog? like 2 minutes ago :’)
whose friend’s parents do you like the most? i dont have any friends in real life so i dont know anyone’s parents
have you ever been on a road trip? eehhhh yeah kind of? we used to go to a lil town called ‘anapoima’ and it was a 2 hour trip.....that’s it
tell me about someone you know called emma in real life? u dont find emmas in colombia so idk
are you reading a book in english class, what is it? im not taking an english class like the one you’re probably talking about but i am reading a book, well, re reading tbh, the all for the game series by nora sakavic 10000/10 would recommend
do you have a favourite aunt? yes, sorta, my aunt marta, she used to be my fave and #funfact she was the only one who could get me to sleep when i was a baby but she has her own kids now and we see each other like once a year so yeah idk
baths or showers? i have never in my life taken a bath so i’ll have to go with showers.....also i kind of dont understand how baths work??? do u just....sit there with soapy water??? how do u get the soapy water off??? with a shower??? i dont see the point of baths i have actually never seen a bathtub in my life
skiing or sun bathing? i’ve never done either of those so idk....also i hate the sun bc i get sunburnt in 2 minutes and skiing it’s basically impossible in a city where snow it’s...not a thing....so yeah
do you kill spiders? I WISH I COULD, that sounds mean but i hate spiders i know they are harmless and most of the time they are more scared than i am but i just cant physically get close to a spider, they scare me so fucking much i cant ever kill them so they always run away and i live with the endless anxiety of ‘where are they now? do i have lil baby spiders living with me now?’
have you ever made an ice pop? im not quite sure what an ice pop is so im gonna pretend it’s like...making a paleta so yeah i have
are you wearing shoes right now? nope, just fluffy socks
tell me about you favourite primary school/elementary school teacher i didnt have one
who was the last person you hugged? i havent hugged anyone in literal months so i dont remember
do you wear glasses? nope
do you have a cat? nope
do you have a favourite pair of underwear? yep
what was your last tweet? a response to niall’s knee tweet: lmaaaao this is the most me thing ever. did 20 minutes of cardio last tuesday and my knee's achey and swollen. also my hip hurts.
do you still use facebook? ehhh....kind of. to see what my high school ppl are up to i guess
do you like birds? yeah they’re cute
who was the last person you called cute? ......the birds of the question before this one? does that count? if not, probably my dog.
who was the last person that called you cute? idk it was probably years ago 
how did you meet your best friend? i dont have a best friend
escalators or elevators? it depends, there are days when elevators give me anxiety so i’d go with stairs then, but there are days my knees hurt a lot so i’d go with elevators then
are you named after anyone, who? nope
what was your first url? horan-nialler lmao
autumn or winter? idk i have never been through those
do you win at scrabble? ....i have never played scrabble
put your ipod on shuffle , who is the first song that comes up by? slow hands by niall horan lmao go listen to it on spotify and buy it on itunes
have you ever drunk from a mason jar? what is a jason bar?
can you draw? i can try
what was your first profile picture?i dont remember lmao
favourite tshirt? dont have one
best tumblr friend? i probably dont have one tbh
when did you last run? in my cardio class last tuesday
do you like to paint your nails? not really
did you ever do something as a kid that got you into loads of trouble? not smth super big that i remember
who is your favourite dog that isn’t yours? i only know by lil baby dog
have you ever been drunk? nope
have you ever done something you regret while drunk? go back to question 50
do you want to kiss anyone right now? nope. never. digusting.
do/did you like you math teacher? nope
do you often ride the bus? e v e r y d a y
do you have a fireplace in your house? nope and if i did i’d move out 
are you violent when you’re angry? nope
do you cry when you’re angry? ehhh...nope, i’d have to be way too angry and even then im just quiet
favourite Harry potter book? i havent read the books, just the movies
can you remember your last dream? yep, it was more of a nightmare tbh
do you go to bed early or late? depends if u consider 3-4am late or early
do you speak a second language? yes
who was your first ever best friend? i have never had a best friend
have you ever had an operation? yep, a tooth 
tell me about your favourite cousin i dont have one
do you have a piece of clothing that doesn’t even fit you anymore but you can’t bare to throw away? nope
have you ever been in a musical? nope
do you have a porch? nope
how many times have you watched your favourite movie?like 1 million probably
what do you order at mcdonalds? idk how to say this in english so: un combo de cuarto de libra con coca cola sin hielo y papas agrandadas
do you get on with old people? yeah i’d like to think so
science fiction or romance? a romance in a sci fi universe
do you take naps? nope but i wish i could
how many classes do you/did you take in high-school? like 20
when did it last snow where you live? it has never snowed but with the weather as it is i wouldnt be surprised if it started snowing one day bc climate change it’s a real and scary thing
does it ever snow where you live? see question before this one
how many months until your birthday? 2 i think
how much charge does your computer have right now? 100%
what is your favourite disney channel movie? hsm
the city or the sea side? sea side even tho i’ve only seen the sea once in my life
what is your least favourite colour? yellow
do you have homework to do? yes my thesis lmao
are you still friends with your first best friend?
do you have/are you the gay cousin? i am the gay cousin
do you own dungarees? nope, but i did when i was like 10
do you like to play sport? nO
what was your favourite ever christmas present? a polaroid camera
how old are you? 21
what is your mum’s name? angela but in spanish so anhela lmao
do you ever use internet explorer? nope
have you ever had blonde hair? NO
is their a play park near your house? yes but it’s a scary place, u go there, u get mugged
when did you last see the person you have a crush on? i saw niall horan on the 25 of april 2014 (im kidding i dont even have a crush on niall idk what a crush is tbh)
who did you last talk to on the phone? my uncle maybe
pants or dresses? pants
do you read fan fiction? it’s all i do
what is you’re favourite blog? @dailyniall
do you write poetry? nope
drama or comedy? drama, i love angst
have you ever had a hickey? no ew
Your own question that you want me to answer is niall horan coming to colombia on 2018? he fucking better
woooooooooow that was a ride odngkjdfg lmao THANK U that was fun!
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