#drawing this sent me back to being 12 years old drawing warrior cats
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“little wolf”
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creepy-crowleys · 6 years
Mission Log: Dawning of an Endless Night
Objective: Investigate probable supernatural disturbance. Obfuscate Illuminati involvement as necessary. ADDENDUM: Prevent escalation of occult disaster.
Location: Solomon Island, located off the coast of Maine  - Points of Interest: Kingsmouth (town), Innsmouth Academy, Blue Ridge Mine and Quarry
Investigation Summary (3 of 3):
Week 13: Into Blue Mountain (October 2 - October 8)
I continued north to a military camp on the other side of Black Goat Pass and the Devore Bridge. There I was introduced to Karen Olsen of Homeland Security and "Sarge" (real name unknown) of the US Special Forces. I spent several days cooperating with them for more information on their activities on the island. Through them, I was introduced to the sasquatch.
On October 6, one of the military teams escorted me to Franklin (once Devore) Mansion. The home originally belonged to the founder of the Blue Ridge and more recently to one of the mine's foremen. Documents relating to the mine were believed to have been hidden inside. I approached the current owner, Eleanor Franklin, wife of Edmund Franklin (deceased), for permission to search the property and did so for the rest of the week.
Week 14: The Ghosts of Franklin Mansion (Ocober 9 - October 15)
Much of the week was spent appeasing the ghosts haunting Franklin Mansion in hopes that the would point me to the documents.
On the 15th, the investigation was side-tracked by the sudden disappearance of all of the cats on the island (See report 103118-M).
Week 15: Blue Ridge Mine (Ocober 16 - October 22)
The investigation was on hold until October 18.
On resuming, I entered the Blue Ridge Mine for the first time. My exploration revealed more spontaneously animated golems as well as Filth growths emerging from the stone. The elevator to the lower levels was unusable without a key I didn't have.
After returning to the mansion with the ghosts of some of the miners that had been trapped, I finally gained access to the hidden library on October 20. Inside were the scrawlings of madmen. The writing of the various owners all referenced a power under the mine and a drawing by Mr. Franklin suggested seeking the sasquatch for help.
Week 16: Moon Bog (Ocober 23 - October 29)
I continued working with and learning from the sasquatch through the 23rd.
Afterwards, I made my way to the CDC camp to deliver some equipment and samples I had located in the previous week. I made the acquaintance of Dr. Marianne Chen, the only surviving member of a CDC team dispatched in the days before the fog. She disclosed that she had arrived on the island alongside the Orochi Group and believed they were meant to work together, but the Orochi team retreated into their own compound early on and refused further contact. As such, the CDC teams were underprepared for what they were meant to be working on.
According to Dr. Chen, the teams had been sent to analyze the presence and effects of Filth leeching into the environment. Her team in particular was focused on the Moon Bog.
Due to my resistance to Filth infection, I was able to assist in her research. The source of the contamination was determined to be runoff from the neighboring quarry, notably owned by the Orochi Group. All results were forwarded to the Labyrinth for analysis.
Week 17: Property of the Orochi Group (Ocober 30 - November 5)
I was on-call for much of the week surrounding Halloween.
I spent November 4 staking out the Orochi compound. Early on the 5th, I was able to break in and access files relating to a 'Prometheus Initiative' as well as experimentation with Filth infection in humans. It was discovered that one the test subjects had escaped and killed several of the researchers and their guards.
I was contacted later that day by an unknown Orochi employee seeking help in getting the situation under control. He offered to keep silent about my accesing their data in exchange for disposing of the escaped test subject. Subject Zero was tracked to the draug nest in the quarry and destroyed.
Week 18: Into the Depths (November 6 - November 12)
The Orochi employee made contact again, this time looking to flush out a mole believed to have been working at the compound. I chose to follow up on his suggestion.
Investigation confirmed that someone had been tampering with the Orochi camp's files and communications, though they had been killed in Subject Zero's escape and failed to leave the island as intended. The password used for the encoding suggested they were working on behalf of the Morninglight. Third Age artifacts and Egypt were specifically mentioned in the files I accesed.
As thanks for my investigation, the Orochi employee was able to get me access to the lower levels of the Blue Ridge Mines. Inside, I discovered high levels of Filth corruption and a single chamber protected by a Gaian seal. The Engine was on the other side.
Beaumont followed me in and took advantage of my removing the seal to attack the engine. I was seriously injured in the confrontation. Ami Dexter and her family took me in to their home to recover.
Week 19: Thought and Memory (November 13 - November 19)
On November 16, I followed a suggestion from Red and Ami to visit the runestones surrounding Blue Mountain. From them, I learned the story of Norse warriors that had sailed to the island to help the native people defend it from invading Mayans only to drown and become the draug on their way back home. Before they left though, the Norse and the Wabanaki worked together to place powerful wards around the island. The wards had weakened through time and neglect and, according to Ami, had begun to unravel.
I approached the rest of the Wabanaki tribe for assistance. Notable members: Joseph "Old Joe" Cajiais, Frank and Joe Madahando (Ami's brothers), Paul and Annika Gamelin. I spent the week aiding the people of the reservation while Ami and Joseph tried to come up with ways to repair the wards and stop Beaumont.
On the 19th, Joseph determined that the power in the mountain had begun to infect the dreams of even the long-dead Wabanaki spirits. With his assistance, I was able to remove the contamination that was affecting them.
Week 20: Finale (November 20 - November 26)
Beginning on the 20th, I followed the investigation of Tyler Freeborn, a Wabanaki man who had made attempts to document the events surrounding the fog and the supernatural creatures that appeared alongside it. Over the course of the investigation, it was determined that the fog was Filth-based and everyone on the island had been exposed to it. I made attempt to breach the fog after Freeborn, possibly coming into contact with the entity causing it. Freeborn did not survive the concentrated exposure.
During this time, the island's wards continued to deteriorate. I was able to reinforce them, but it was determined that the Wabanaki's history was being altered so the wards were never formed to begin with. Under Joseph's guidance, I entered the island's memory of the Darkness War, the battle with the Mayans from 1000 years ago.
Once the island's memory was repaired and the wards returned to their full strength, I returned to the Engine to confront Beaumont. He was subdued with the support of the island's ancestral guardians and has been taken into Illuminati custody. Excalibur was lost in the conflict - currently believed to be in the hands of Cassandra King. The Engine shows signs of self-repair. At last check, the draug appear to be in retreat and overall occult activity on the island has dropped by more than 50%.
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