#dreamy does obikin
dreaminghour · 2 months
Help me tumblr, you're my only hope 🙏✨
I've been feeling a little sad not working on fic for my star wars ships lately, so I want to try this: vote for a WIP based on obscure descriptors only. When the poll ends I will add a minimum of one sentence a day to the WIP for a week. With no further ado...
Reblog to improve morale 🥺💕
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dreaminghour · 1 year
i’ve read that some people don’t support obikin bc of the age gap? or that it’s not a healthy dynamic?
it's a ship not a political campaign, so support is the wrong word to use. if people don't like a ship they should just ignore/block the shippers, not send 'joking' death threat memes. the default used to be "ship and let ship" and it wasn't perfect, but it was better.
if this is in response to the DNI post (which was half tongue in cheek) then it's about learning what you can handle engaging with. if it upsets you* to know that the person you're talking to likes to write about characters kissing, then it's on you to step back. if you tell the other person not to talk about kissing to you (not in general), and they don't, then they have a boundary issue and you need to block them if they won't step back.
*general you, not specifically you
but yeah, the post was tongue in cheek and i was on a spree of seeing posts that said something like "if you tag this post as ship i will kill you" in the tags and feeling really upset about it so i wanted to be like: you know, we both love these characters in a very similar way and if you don't like thinking about them kissing, we could talk about the other things we love about them. it's about stopping infighting, its about people having more in common than they'd like to think.
it's about judging the book by one single word on the cover.
if you're seriously asking about the ship being "unhealthy" i would like to remind you that it's fiction and there is no ship that is perfectly healthy or non-toxic. that is a false metric. either you like the dynamic or you don't, either you are okay with the age gap or you're not. that is a personal decision.
i genuinely hope you have a great day, Anon ✌
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dreaminghour · 1 year
obikin crèche teacher AU - volunteering
Event: @domaystic Fandom: Star Wars Rating: General Audiences Prompt: 11 Volunteering Ship: Obi-Wan/Anakin Context: AU. Five years ago Anakin was grounded at the Temple and has been a trainee in the Crèche with all the youngest Jedi children ever since. A direct continuation of "painting the walls" from last year. You don't have to read that one but it's only 150 words. Words: 525
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Anakin was pulled from his reverie by the high pitched call of a little mon calamari, running into the room at top speed. Once he reached the ladder Anakin was on, he began to tug on his trousers.
"Zooz, how many times do I have to ask you to not pull on my pants," Anakin said wearily. "And not to run in the crèche! Save that for recess."
"Sorry, Ani." The mon calamari pulled back his hands and folded them contritely in front of his tummy. "There's a Jedi Master here looking for you!"
There was only one Master who usually came looking for him and it flipped Anakin's stomach to think he was back.
"Alright," Anakin said, climbing down the ladder and gesturing to the boy painting the baseboard. "Come on, Sifa."
Both children took Anakin's paint splattered hands and walked with him out to the main common area of the crèche. There, standing amidst a gaggle of younglings all clamoring to speak with him, was the best Jedi of his generation, hair like burnished gold, smiling and trying to listen to all of them.
Obi-Wan was Anakin's master in name only. Ever since he'd been grounded at the Temple five years ago, not dismissed but not allowed to move on, Anakin had gone from weekly missions with the man to only seeing him every few weeks or months even. He still came to instruct Anakin, but despite his own reticence to leave the Temple — to leave Anakin apparently — his skills were in high demand, and they saw less and less of one another.
It surprised Anakin how much it still made him ache to see Obi-Wan, that sad sort of happiness to know he wasn't forgotten here, more than just recieving letters from his teacher. It made him feel cared about, more than his lessons with the other masters did.
But Obi-Wan was not alone.
A young togruta woman was with him, Anakin seemed to remember her from the younglings when he'd been a freshly shaved padawan. Her name was Ahsoka Tano. She had blue and white striped skin on her montrals and was orange faced. She looked nervous. And when Anakin glanced to Obi-Wan, so did he.
"What is this?" Anakin asked, voice hoarse.
"Anakin, I—"
"They want volunteers to go to Illum with them!" spoke up little Simo, head wrapped in the black scarf of a mirialan, grin toothy. "For people to make their first lightsabers!"
Anakin felt cold all over. Escorting a trip to Illum, or to another kyber source, was often a first mission for a new padawan and master pair.
"I came to—" Obi-Wan tried again.
"You have my blessing," Anakin said, throat tight. He picked up Sifa and quickly marched over to the bathrooms with him. "Let's get you cleaned up."
Faintly, through the bond which still lingered between them, he felt pain, but he didn't know if it was Obi-Wan's or just an echo of his own.
"It's okay," little Sifa said, kissing the tears from Anakin's cheeks. "We can go to Illum someday if you want a lightsaber."
Anakin didn't trust himself to speak.
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dreaminghour · 1 year
Thank you <3
Star Wars. Obikin. This WIP was based on a "drunken confession" prompt. Post war's end.
"What're you looking at?" Anakin grumbled.
"You," Obi-Wan replied guilelessly.
Anakin scrunched one eye as he opened it, his brow furrowed.
"Why?" he grumbled.
"I'm just looking my fill now that we're mostly safe." He sighed. "Unless there's another Sith hiding in a clone factory somewhere."
"Urgh," Anakin said, sounding thoroughly disgusted. "Don't even joke."
"I know there's always dangers… That's the nature of what we've chosen to do…" Obi-Wan gazed off into the distance, but the hair on the back of his neck stood up as he realized that Anakin was staring at him. "What?"
"Does drinking make you maudlin or something? Yes, being a Jedi is dangerous. You're reminding me of the talk Qui-Gon gave me when he first picked me up."
At that reminder of how they'd come to be connected — his late master's penchant for picking up those who needed help most desperately — something raw broke open inside Obi-Wan.
"Listen, I'm trying to tell you something—" Obi-Wan desperately sucked down air, trying to not lose control but rapidly feeling there was nothing he could do, not about this, and certainly not about the unfeeling spiral and tilt of the galaxy. "I was never able to tell Qui-Gon just how much he mattered to me."
"Okay, hang on, I think I need to be sitting for this," Anakin said, sounding alarmingly awake.
Gonna tag this "obikin drunken confession" in case anyone wants to read more~
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dreaminghour · 10 months
May I see (or have you talk about) WIP 33 for Six Sentence Sunday?
So this is my obikin drunken confession fic that i've been working on for an embarrassingly long time. I don't even know what I've shared from this or not off the top of my head so... have a drunk moment~
(from this six sentence sunday ask game)
When Obi-Wan woke, he was floating. A few seconds of experiencing dry-mouth and then he was plummeting into his stomach. He did his best not to kick Anakin (who lay slumped on the floor) on his way to the fresher. There were no thoughts, only the press of consequences and the heavy weight of a few drinks. Once his stomach was empty, he could focus on the shivers across his skin, the way the cool air was caught on the sweat beading his brow, and slowly he felt the world begin to settle around him. His stomach was no longer fighting gravity.
Thank you, Raeality ❤
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dreaminghour · 1 year
Thank you <3
Star Wars. This is from 9k worth of WIP which ends up with Anakin divorced from Padmé, outcast from the Order and working as an assassin. It starts with truth serum. :)
"Obi-Wan," Anakin was huskily whispering, his breath reeking of stale spit and something medicinal. "Wake up, I need to tell you something."
"Anakin." Obi-Wan rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, feeling hungover. At least he felt like he knew where his skin was. "We've been impacted by nano-particles—"
"Shh!" Anakin put his hand over Obi-Wan's mouth, his eyes wide. "I need to tell you something before Mace comes back—"
A flash of ill-contained anger made Obi-Wan grasp Anakin's hand, metal unforgiving beneath his fingers, pushing him away.
"Do not presume—"
"We don't have time!" Anakin hissed. "I need to tell you something, not Mace."
Gonna tag this "assassin anakin au" if anyone wants to seek out more~
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dreaminghour · 1 year
alpha/beta obikin teaser
i'm a little tipsy so have a lil something i'm working on.
its wip wednesday my dudes~
thanks to @himboskywalker for allowing me to riff on their fantastic omegaverse fic Conceal Me What I Am
this was born out of reading their fic, loving the fuck out of it, yet wondering: what if obi-wan and anakin were what they pretended to be? what if obi-wan was a beta and anakin was an alpha? what if their dynamic from that fic was the same? 🔥🔥🔥
this scene is not 100% the same but it is LARGELY based on the ballroom scene, so credit is due 🙏
been working on this for a while so encouragement is appreciated - comments/reblogs keep me motivated!! 🥺💕
thanks as well to @mysticmjolnir and @billboguspreston for poking this to make it better
1k words (more or less) and its Safe For Work (SFW = no smut)
"If you were honest with him, you might find him the kind of alpha receptive to your inclinations."
Obi-Wan cleared his throat uncomfortably. Breha cast cool brown eyes at him over her champagne.
"You needn't worry about me," he said, trying to maintain that poise which served him so well in the Senate but seemed to elude him amongst friends.
"It's not you I'm worried about right now," Breha said.
Obi-Wan followed her gaze to where she was watching her husband place an arm on Anakin's shoulders, seemingly to comfort him — or steer him back toward them.
Obi-Wan was rarely at a loss for words, but as he watched Bail work some kind of magic, finally making the tension vanish from Anakin's shoulders, he could only stare. When was the last time Anakin had been so at ease? Certainly it was before they'd begun to live together. But despite that comforting grasp, the way his shoulders relaxed, Anakin expertly slipped out from underneath Bail's arm as the senator made his way back to his wife and Obi-Wan, thus Obi-Wan's husband avoided returning to them.
"I know we've been friends a long time," Breha murmured, "and I've always stayed out of your romantic life, but I do think you two are a good fit. I know your marriage is political. Believe me though, I know a thing or two about pliant alphas."
Bail smiled as he came back to them, bending to kiss his wife briefly.
"Sorry, I couldn't catch him in time," he said softly to Obi-Wan.
Over Bail's shoulder, Obi-Wan watched Anakin slip through tall windowed doors. No one seemed to notice aside from Obi-Wan.
"Excuse me," he said and then handed his drink to a serving droid as he passed them. He climbed the wide stairs to the colonnade of windows which opened onto the balcony, the city glinting all around them.
Anakin's bare shoulders were hunched with the cold, all the ease which he'd borrowed from Bail was gone.
"What're you doing out here?" Anakin asked, his voice low and dark.
"I'm coming to check on my husband," Obi-Wan said lightly, glancing up and down the balcony to see that they were indeed alone.
"We're alone, Obi-Wan," Anakin said, still looking out into the night rather than at his husband. "You can drop the act."
Obi-Wan came to stand an arm's length away from Anakin, admiring the muscular lines of his back where it was bare beneath the sweeping robes he wore. For that brief moment when they'd danced, he'd known how light Anakin could be, how soft that power was when restrained. The fabric had swept around them like mist, engulfing Anakin like a fall of rain.
"It isn't an act, Anakin," Obi-Wan said, sticking his hands in his pockets, smelling the curling disappointment between them on the air. "I care about you."
"You can barely stand to be around me." Anakin laughed, bitterly.
"I like being around you," Obi-Wan said, daring to step closer still, laying a hand on Anakin's shoulder. "I just—"
"Can't give me what I want?" Anakin scoffed, knocking Obi-Wan's hand aside. "You won't even ask me what I want."
For a moment, Obi-Wan stood frozen, balanced on a precipice, which he regarded coolly before throwing himself off of it.
"What do you want, Anakin?" He sounded weary, resigned to the answer which would wreck any semblance of normality for them.
"I want us to sleep together, like husbands do."
His voice was light, something sweet in his tone, making Obi-Wan look up. In the city's darkness, windows and signs casting pale but colorful light, traffic dappling his face and curls, he looked almost fragile, as though he were not really there. Or else could slip away too easily.
He sounded sad.
Obi-Wan spoke carefully. For all the weeks they had been living together, sharing some intimate moments, they didn't have experience with talking about things… as husbands would.
"I am not opposed to having sex with you, but you cannot expect me to behave as though I were an omega. I do not have any qualms about being on the receiving end of penetrative sex, but I will not instinctively submit to you. It is not in my nature."
Below the whir of traffic, Obi-Wan could hear Anakin's mechnohand scrape along the duracrete railing of the balcony as he gripped it tightly. His face looked… his expression was unclear in the muted light, but his scent was embarrassed. Obi-Wan turned to peer directly at Anakin.
Anakin's gaze flickered to Obi-Wan before the curl of spice on the air turned sweeter, almost ashamed. Obi-Wan had never known Anakin to be ashamed of anything, not in the news reports of his exploits in the war, nor in the time they'd been married.
"I don't expect you to behave like an omega. I know you aren't. In fact…" Anakin trailed off. "I asked for them to match me to a beta because I know marriage with me wouldn't be normal. It didn't matter when I could marry or fall in love…"
"What is normal?" Obi-Wan asked, taking another step closer to Anakin.
"I know what people expect of me," Anakin continued, as though he hadn't heard Obi-Wan, "alpha, hero, Jedi. Most of the time those things are easy to be. Before I was married I never had to worry about how I would be with someone, making love. Those things didn't factor into it, because it was private. But now that I'm someone's husband…"
Anakin raised his gaze slowly and even in the dim light his cheeks were visibly flushed.
"It's alright," Obi-Wan soothed, bringing a hand up to cup Anakin's chin.
With a sigh, Anakin leaned into the touch.
"I've never talked about this with anyone really. It's a little embarrassing."
"You can tell me," Obi-Wan whispered, for all that he was still terrified this would ruin what they had. He was a practiced politician; he exuded calm and Anakin drank it down.
"Alphas are supposed to be assertive, that's fine when I'm a general on the field, or even a jedi on a mission, but I don't—"
Lightly Obi-Wan's touch wandered down Anakin's neck, bringing his fingers to rest against his pulse.
"I want to be fucked," he croaked. "I want you to make love to me. I know that's not normal for an alpha, but it never bothered me."
that's all for now!
this is about half of what i have written, oh my lord. a reminder that comments/reblogs/asks are extremely motivational 🥰 i hope you enjoyed!!
if you want more teasers/snippets, or to know more about an au, feel free to ask!
Thank you for reading ♡ fic log → @dreaminghour-archive
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dreaminghour · 1 year
Little Dark Age (3283 words) by dreaminghour
Part 1 of Assassin Anakin AU Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
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No Archive Warnings Apply, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Pre-Obikin, Truth Serum, Consequences, Angst
When dosed with truth-seeking nano-particles, Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship is totally upended.
Thank you for reading ♡ fic log → @dreaminghour-archive
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dreaminghour · 1 year
✨(wouldn’t say no to more of drunken confession if that’s an option!)
thank you <3
you can always send an ask for more of a specific au. otherwise ✨ will prompt me to share a snippet from a random WIP. this is helping me remember how many WIPs i have... over 90k worth for obikin alone... oh dear.
obikin. prompt was "drunken confession" from last june! post-war, obi-wan and anakin get drunk. this is the very beginning of the fic.
That was the problem with alcohol, it made everything hold an equal weight and the smaller consequences float away. It was nice while it lasted, though. The air was soft, like the ocean, and colors seemed to be filtered through stained glass. Music was inoffensive and moved through his entire body, making his blood throb with the beat. Or was that his heart?
Anakin grasped Obi-Wan's collar, it seemed very important that Obi-Wan pay attention to him though he wasn't sure what was about to happen. Something about the music.
"I love this song!"
Obi-Wan smiled, knowingly. "I'll remember you said that. We'll see how you like it when hungover."
Anakin had perhaps had too much to drink, but he knew that on a night like tonight even Obi-Wan could not resist drinking. Around them, the bar, the city, the system, the entire galaxy was celebrating. On the far side lay grief, the old companion. But here, and now, was relief. A tug on Anakin's hair had him swearing and turning around.
"Ow! What?"
"I'm heading out." Ahsoka was all teeth as she smiled, her gaze shifted to Obi-Wan. "Get him home in one piece, ok?"
"Aye-aye," Obi-Wan said with a wink.
"I can get myself home, Padawan," Anakin drawled.
Ahsoka tweaked his nose instead of replying and he turned to Obi-Wan for support.
"I can get myself home," he repeated, scowling.
"Right," Obi-Wan said and then was distracted by someone else turning him around for a brief but loud exchange. There was shoulder-slapping and laughing.
feel free to send me ✨ to my ask box for something random or else you can ask about any of my WIPs specifically~
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dreaminghour · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Humiliation, Gentle Dominant Obi-Wan Kenobi, Praise Kink, (Not Exactly) Pet Play, Things left unsaid, Established Relationship, Explicit Sexual Content, Anal Fingering, Facials, Boot Worship Summary:
Anakin asks for something; Obi-Wan makes adjustments.
Words: 1,736
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dreaminghour · 1 year
A lesson better earned please :)
thank you <3
(# wip wednesday game)
"What I did was inappropriate. I shouldn't have—" "Don't you dare," Anakin said, whipping around.
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dreaminghour · 1 year
A Lesson Better Earned, please!
thank you very much!
(# wip wednesday game)
Obi-Wan ground his teeth, trying to let the burst of annoyance burn itself out quickly. "I need to apologize," he said softly when he could finally speak. Anakin remained very still.
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dreaminghour · 11 months
A Lesson Better Earned (12203 words) by dreaminghour
Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 6/?
Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
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No Archive Warnings Apply, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, and so... they were both bottoms, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, mentioned obi-wan/others, he's in his slut era, and we support him, Eventual Smut, Eventual Happy Ending, mutual lusting, Podfic Welcome
Obi-Wan teaches Anakin to top. Or he wants to anyway. His padawan is a hard worker, ruthless on the battlefield and sensitive in diplomatic situations. Should be easy, right?
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Chapter Six (2921 words)
Reunion with an old rival and an old friend.
Thank you for reading ♡ Fic log → @dreaminghour-archive
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dreaminghour · 2 years
for the nsfw ask game: Obi-Wan has caught Anakin fingering himself 👀
This is an excellent premise for realization or confession of feelings. I elected to not do that lol
Thank you, Tomi ♡
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The taste of cotton was the least pleasant thing, sapping saliva from Anakin's mouth even as his eyes were scrunched tightly, prickling tears of relief, his left hand awkwardly wrapped around his thigh as he stroked with slick fingers at his hole. He could forgive the cotton, it was a necessary evil to keep from waking Obi-Wan.
He was too needy, too keyed up, but the mattress shifted as he tried to just run circles around the rim of his hole, even as he ached to rut against soft give. A breath of air hit his ear from behind as the mattress shifted again— "Couldn't sleep with you humping the bed" —and Obi-Wan was kissing his neck with sleep-drunk lips and entwining their fingers against soft puckered skin.
Then, there, Obi-Wan was pressing Anakin's finger inside himself, his own hastily slicked up finger alongside, pressing him onwards, stretching him to new depths, filling him with his love, drawing forbidden sounds from his lips.
From this ask game.
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dreaminghour · 1 year
✨ ❤️
Thank you, friend <3
Reminder: if you send me a ✨I'll share a snippet of a random WIP. In general, my ask box is open to questions about specific WIPs!
This is a snippet from a "partner swap" smut I was doing for smutember 2021. Still working on it lol!
Modern AU. The background is that Anakin/Padmé and Obi-Wan/Quinlan have agreed to a partner swap. Obikin endgame. :3 This snippet is SFW.
It's only once they're in the cab, Obi-Wan's hands back on him, that Anakin realizes he doesn't know if Quinlan or Padmé were still at the bar.
"Did you see—"
"Does it matter?"
Vaguely Anakin knows that Obi-Wan should be buckled, that the taxi driver certainly won't like it if they get carried away, but he's amazed to find that in the dark, hidden from the quiet bar and their own willing partners, he still wants this.
Well, wanting and allowing oneself to want — Obi-Wan's hand is firm as it strokes against the smooth skin of Anakin's cheek — he shaved for this, he put himself together in the most careful and exact way.
They tumble out onto the stoop of Anakin and Padmé's apartment building, the stairwell is dim and locked, but somehow Obi-Wan has himself together enough that he keeps to himself, even though Anakin desperately doesn't want that. In the backseat of the cab, he knew there was a driver, but the heavy weight of Obi-Wan's palm on his stomach, thigh against his crotch, Anakin doesn't want to think of anything else.
He's worried he'll remember to be afraid.
I'll tag this "obikin partner swap" in case anyone else sends me an ask about it~
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dreaminghour · 1 year
Thank you <3
A note to everyone: send me a ✨ if you want a random snippet from a WIP. My ask box is always open if you want to hear more about a specific WIP!
Obi-Wan/Anakin. Modern AU. Another entry in the Handy Himbo series but in this one Anakin is a carpenter. This snippet is SFW. The series isn't. :)
A lapse in the sounds from the bathroom was more noticeable than the initial banging that had started up. When Obi-Wan looked, he found the carpenter was standing in front of the bookshelf again.
"Where's your stuff?" Anakin bent forward, reading along the spines, but focusing on the authors. "Do you use a pseudonym? I don't see anything with your name on it. Kenobi, right?"
As deliberately as he could, Obi-Wan minimized his window and swiveled his chair slightly to look at Anakin. Whose back was sweaty, a dark impression on the back of his gray undershirt. Whose skin was that pale bronze of working shirtless out of doors. Whose smile seemed genuine, but Obi-Wan didn't trust his own judgement just then. He quickly turned back to his computer just as Anakin was turning to look at him.
"I publish digitally," he said.
"That's a shame," Anakin said, something regretful but also playful in the words. Or maybe Obi-Wan was imagining things.
"Not really, I make good money, it's more expensive to have print that doesn't sell." He bit his tongue before going into tedious detail.
"I guess," Anakin said, sounding like he didn't agree at all. "But having something tangible you can look at and be proud of…"
Obi-Wan glanced up and Anakin seemed to be looking at him carefully.
"Why wouldn't you want that?" He gestured at the incomplete cabinet in the bathroom. "Even though I'm going to leave that at the end of the day, I'll know its here and can be proud of my work. I'll be happy knowing that you'll be touch it, bump into it and clean it, even if you never think of me again. It will exist here."
Obi-Wan blinked at Anakin a moment, trying to recall some semblance of profundity in order to reply, but settled on: "Because I write porn."
Anakin's face shuttered, or something like that, not so much a fall as a withdrawal. Belatedly, Obi-Wan knew that he'd thrown a very kind gesture back into the younger man's face and he resisted the urge to walk it back too far.
"I'm sorry," he said instead. "It isn't going well just now."
Gonna tag this "handy himbo au" in case anyone wants to send me an ask about it~
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