#drew this at 2 am while suffering
redysetdare · 10 months
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Silly little mime guy.
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raeygina-george · 1 year
Thinking about the actual story I have to give to my au
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Words: 3,844 Pairing: Negan x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: Alexandria, after the war, Negan is imprisoned Warnings: language, mild gore (killing walkers) Summary: In lieu of Negan's failing mental health, Michonne looks for options and Y/N steps up to do her share. A/N: This is part 1 of a miniseries (maybe 3?? parts) for Negan that I've been working on! I started it as a one shot, but... you know me lol so here we are! Part 2 will be released next week on Wicked Wednesday! Happy reading! “I’m afraid we’ve got a problem,” Michonne said seriously. You exchanged a glance with Daryl.
“What kind of problem? Like, Annoying Steve is being annoying or a new horror is coming to destroy everything we have and love?” you asked wryly.
Daryl let out an appreciative dry laugh but Michonne remained serious. “Somewhere in the middle, I think,” she said. “It’s about Negan.”
Daryl swore and paced a tight circle. “Course it is. Somehow, it’s still always ‘bout him, ain’t it?” he growled.
Michonne forged ahead. “Gabriel is—fed up with him. There’s no other way to say it. He’s not trying to do anymore counseling and he needs a break. I don’t blame him. He’s taken on everything with Negan since—since Rick—”
You frowned, your brow furrowing as grief roared upwards in all of you. “What exactly is the problem?”
“His mental state is really deteriorating,” Michonne explained. “Being in there by himself all the time, just the odd hour or two outside, no one talking to him—”
“Why should we give a shit?” Daryl asked in a low, dangerous voice. “Ain’t the whole damn point of him bein’ in there so he has to suffer for what he did for the rest of his life? His mental state… Fuck. They fed me one fuckin’ dog food sandwich a day after they shoved me into a fucking closet naked. They —”
You reached over and put your hand on Daryl’s arm before he got further charged up. He stopped abruptly and drew in a long breath.
“I know. I know what he did, but no,” Michonne said. “The point isn’t for him to just suffer. If we do that, we become no better than him.”
Daryl glanced at you and let out an exasperated exhale. “Hell, ya already know what I think about it,” Daryl said firmly. “He shouldn’t even be breathin’ still. ‘M the wrong damn person to ask ‘bout this.”
Michonne sighed and leaned forward on her hands. “I’m just trying to honor Carl and—”
“We know,” you interrupted her quickly. You paused thoughtfully. “I—I can take this on. I’ve dealt with him the least so far out of the three of us. Probably makes it my turn.”
Daryl’s brow furrowed. “What’re ya gonna do? Rub his back while he cries? Hold his fuckin’ hand? I mean, how do we help somebody like him.”
Michonne shrugged. “A little more conversation to start, I think. He said being alone and the boredom is eating him alive. Maybe we come up with some more things for him to do outside the cell.”
You nodded. “I’ll brainstorm,” you said.
Daryl looked concerned, his eyes flickering over you. “Yer gonna have to be careful. He’s a manipulative asshole. And I dun trust a damn thing ‘bout him. If he can get out, he will. Don’t matter what he’d have to do.”
“I’ll be careful. I’m not an amateur, Daryl,” you said, shooting him a smile.
He nodded, ducking his head. “I know. I just gotta say it.”
“Are you sure?” Michonne asked. “It doesn’t have to be one of us. I can talk to some other people.”
“I’ve got it. I’ll start today. I’ll take him his meals and check on him, make sure he gets some time outside the cell. I’ll take care of it.”
_ _ _ _ _ _
Flat on his back, Negan heard the door open and shut but he barely moved. His eyes stayed closed and he heaved a heavy sigh, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose in some anticipation of annoyance. “Gabey-baby, I am not in the fucking mood for your guidance counselor horseshit today, so why don’t you just turn that tight little toosh around, waltz back out, and leave me the fuck alone…” he said.
“Wow. That was—gross…” you said.
Now, his eyes opened. This was something different. You were different. He swung his legs down and sat on the edge of his cot, his hazel eyes finding you and looking you over. “God Bless America, a change in the fucking monotony,” he said. “Is Gabe still mad at me?”
You approached his cell, tray in hand and nodded. “Yep. In fact, so pissed that he’s officially on vacation from you.”
“Gotta envy that,” Negan quipped. “How do I sign up for one of those?”
“A vacation from yourself?” you asked, cocking an eyebrow at him. “I don’t think that’s in the cards.”
“Damn. It was worth asking.” He seemed to be looking you over again and you rolled your eyes.
“My eyes are up here, Negan,” you joked.
His lips curled into a half-smile. “Sorry. But Gabe isn’t exactly my type and I don’t get much chance to look at anything so—”
“Just stop right there, okay?” you interrupted him. You slid his tray through the slot at the bottom of the door and straightened back up.
But Negan wasn’t interested in his breakfast. “It’s Y/N, isn’t it?” he asked.
“You know perfectly well what my name is, Negan,” you countered.
He cocked his head slightly. “You’re right about that,” he admitted. “So, what’s on the agenda?” he asked, finally moving to grab his tray. He returned to his cot and set it on the small side table.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, Gabe was always counseling me. Trying to rehabilitate me. Were you a therapist or something in the old world?” He grabbed the small apple and shined it on his shirt before taking a bite.
“No. But we’re perfectly aware that your mental health has taken a nosedive recently,” you said.
Negan let out a low laugh. “And you give a shit?” he asked skeptically. “I nearly fucking destroyed all of you and you’re worried about my mental health?”
You sighed and nodded once, stiffly. “We’re not the same as you, Negan. We’re trying to do better. And Michonne wants to honor Carl’s vision.” You watched as Negan’s face fell. The look in his eyes grew distant and his shoulders slumped slightly.
“Yeah… He was a helluva kid,” Negan said.
“You don’t know the half of it,” you replied, taking a seat in the stiff wooden chair set outside his cell. “I watched him grow up from a scared little kid and survive everything this world threw his way. You have no idea what kind of loss that was.”
Negan was looking at you thoughtfully and you were surprised when he didn’t reply, only nodded, and then returned to his apple.
“The agenda is for me to—” you hesitated for a moment. What the hell was the agenda? “For me to help you how I can. I know you’re alone a lot and you probably need some company, a change of scenery every now and then, mental stimulation…”
Negan laughed and smirked. “That’s not the only kind of stimulation I need,” he said.
You glared at him. “Jesus, Negan…” you murmured, rolling your eyes.
“It’s the truth,” he laughed.
“Yeah, well, I’m not helping you with that. I guess you’ll just have to try your hardest to think back to one of your past six wives,” you sassed.
The grin stayed on his face. “Five,” he corrected you. Then, the smile faded. “But, uh, only the first really counted.” Negan’s head dropped and you watched him curiously.
He was struggling. You’d never sensed so much truth or vulnerability in a single thing that had left his lips.
“I see,” you said.
For some reason, this made him laugh again. “You know, Gabe used to say that all the time. It’s some of that non-value, non-judgement counselor language.”
You stood up suddenly and sighed. “Finish your breakfast. I’m gonna go do a few things and then I’ll be back. We’re gonna get you out of that cell for a while today.” You fixed a stern and perceptive look on him. “If you think you can behave.”
Negan looked curious. “For you? I might.”
You cocked your head at him and looked unamused. “You will, or I’ll fucking kill you.”
Negan laughed again and turned back to his food. “Got it.”
_ _ _ _ _ _
“Why don’t I come with ya?” Daryl asked, watching as you slipped the pistol into your holster.
You looked up at him with a furrowed brow. “You think I can’t handle this?” you asked.
“Not that ya can’t handle it. It’s just—it’s Negan. We all know what he’s fuckin’ capable of,” Daryl said, walking behind you out the front door and across the steps.
“You’re conflating past Negan with Negan now. I just talked to him, and I’m telling you—it’s like he’s been robbed of all his menace and power. He’s been sitting in that cell a long time, Daryl. I don’t think he’s the same and I don’t think he’s going to—to suddenly hit me over the head with a rock or something,” you said.
“But outside the walls? Already? Why dun ya just—just start with somethin’ in here first and see how it goes? That way there are other people around and I can stop by when I can and check in.”
You read the intense concern on Daryl’s face and then nodded. “Alright. We’ll stay in the walls today. But I think part of the problem with him is that he hasn’t seen a single different thing outside in too long. He’s going a little stir crazy in there and I can’t entirely blame him.”
“Yeah, well, he fuckin’ deserves it,” Daryl growled.
“He does. But Michonne is right… we should be trying to be better. Otherwise, we should have just killed him.” You paused, trying to come up with something for him to do that would give him a little exercise and change of pace. “I’ll have him help me clear out that area for the new garden plots. There are some plants to harvest over there anyway before we clear it. It’ll teach him something too.`”
Daryl nodded. “ ‘Kay. I’ll stop by and check in,” he drawled. “Just be careful. Dun let yer guard down.”
“You know I never do.” You turned and headed back toward Negan’s cell.
Negan rose from his seat on his cot, the tray from breakfast sitting empty beside him on the small side table. He watched as you withdrew a ring of keys from your back pocket and fiddled with them a moment as you stood in front of the cell door, eyeing the lock. Was this a good idea?
Negan took a few cautious steps toward you, watching your face intensely. “Am I… getting out on good behavior, warden?” he quipped, flashing you a half-smile. It seemed to draw you back out from your reverie.
“Temporarily,” you replied, finally fitting the key into the lock and turning it. The metallic clunk was striking. “If you can handle it…” you added.
The pistol on your hip wasn’t lost on Negan. He nodded. “I think so,” he said. “What’re we doing? Hard labor?”
“Not so hard,” you said. “But I would appreciate your help with something.”
Negan froze just after stepping out of the cell and fixed a queer look on you. “Appreciate?” he repeated.
You nodded. “Mhm…”
His eyebrows lifted. “You better be careful with the way you’re talkin’ to me, Y/N. I might just fall in love with you,” he chuckled. “I haven’t felt appreciated in… oh, I don’t know—how long have I been in here?” he asked, brushing a hand back through his hair.
“Didn’t Gabriel speak nicely to you?” you asked, shutting the cell door behind him, giving him a questioning glance.
“Well, sure. Or maybe not nicely. He was at least neutral,” Negan said, slipping his hands into his pockets. “I think I ruined that though.”
You shook your head and sighed. “Yeah, he’s not pleased with you, Negan,” you agreed. “Look, this is just a test run. We’re staying in Alexandria today, but eventually… I’d like to get you outside of the walls on occasion.” Negan looked shocked. “Obviously, that’s going to take trust,” you emphasized. “But I think it would do you good.” You hesitated, wondering if you should admit this to him, but you decided it would be good for him to hear it. “You’re not the same as you were when you were locked in here. And—I intend on finding out if you can really be rehabilitated. Not that I’m ever going to forget what you’ve done… but there’s got to be more than this,” you said, gesturing to the cell behind him, “in your future. Otherwise, what’s the point?”
“You’ve just explained exactly what has me so depressed,” Negan admitted. “I’ve spent most of the last however many fucking years wishing Rick had just killed me.”
Those words hung in the air like a toxic cloud. You gulped and couldn’t help feeling an ache of compassion at his words. Compassion for Negan. What a peculiar thought… You tilted your head toward the door. “Come on. Follow me and stay close. And let me be perfectly clear; I will shoot you if you try to pull any bullshit,” you emphasized.
He nodded, his expression surprisingly serious. “Got it.”
You led him out into the summer sunshine and walked through Alexandria until you reached the overgrown section near the wall that you planned to tackle for the day. The two of you had gotten plenty of stares as you moved down the street, but you noticed that Negan had mostly kept his head down. His shoulders were somewhat slumped and he made no witty comments on the walk, though you caught him closing his eyes to enjoy the breeze or staring up at the blue expanse of sky overhead multiple times.
He stopped beside you, his hands in his pockets, as you stared at the tall grass and brambles ahead and sighed.
“What’re we doin’, boss?” he asked.
“We’re going to start clearing this area out so eventually we can put in some new garden plots. But there’s a little more to it. We used to have some medicinal plants in here before it got overgrown. I’m hoping to find them and save them for transplanting, so we can’t just start ripping everything out.”
“How the hell am I supposed to know what’s medicinal and what’s not?” he asked.
“I’m gonna teach you,” you said confidently.
Negan laughed a little at the assertion. “Look, doll… I was a gym teacher in the old world. ‘Not Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman,’” he said.
Your eyebrows lifted. “Wow. That was a deep bench reference,” you said.
He smirked at you. “I was pretty proud of it myself,” he said.
You couldn’t help a dry laugh and small shake of your head. “It’s not that hard. We’ll work together to start and I’ll show you how to identify them. The grasses can all be pulled, but we’ll identify the broadleaf plants and get them ready for transplanting if they’re something we can use.”
Negan looked skeptical but shrugged. “Well, you’re the boss. Not like I’ve got a full schedule,” he said.
“Exactly,” you agreed. There was a reason you weren’t just having him pull all the grass and doing the rest yourself. Negan was smart and not having any mental stimulation was probably contributing a lot to his mental health issues. If you gave him a task that was a little physical and a little mental, you were hoping it’d give him a sense of purpose and productivity.
You got started right away, mainly just pulling the grasses and clearing a large area that remained dotted with forbs. It was summer and the respiration of the plants you were sitting in made the air humid. It wasn’t long before you were wiping at sweat along your hairline and stopping to push wet strands back out of your face. For a while, you worked in silence beside Negan, only speaking to instruct him, but he finally tried to start some conversation on his own.
“So, what the hell did you do in the old world anyway? Were you some kind of plant guru?” he asked, pausing to pull off his gloves for a moment and get a drink from the canteen you’d provided for him.
You paused, standing up to look down at him where he knelt in the grass. He was sweaty too, like you were, and his dark blue shirt was clinging to his back in the heat. “I don’t think I owe you my backstory, Negan,” you said. Your tone wasn’t unkind, but it was a little stern.
“Aw, come on. This is part of that trust-building thing you mentioned earlier,” he said, taking another drink. “I’m just trying to figure you out a little bit,” he said.
You crossed your arms and surveyed him. “So, you can better manipulate me when it’s beneficial to you?” you asked.
“What? No,” he said with surprise, and you almost believed him. “I mean—I currently have no concrete plans to manipulate you…” he admitted, a small bit of jest in his voice. “I’m bored all the time in that fuckin’ cell. I could sure use the conversation. Isn’t that what this is about? My ‘mental health’,” he quoted, shooting an expectant look at you.
You sighed. “What do you wanna know?”
Negan licked his lips and then smiled, thinking about what he wanted to ask, but before he could say a word, bootsteps behind the two of you caused you both to look over to see Daryl standing there.
You went to greet him, pulling off your gloves.
“How’s it goin’?” he asked in an undertone, glancing past you to shoot a glare at Negan.
You shrugged. “Fine. It’s been completely fine so far.”
Daryl nodded, but still looked suspicious. “He ain’t tried anythin’?”
You shook your head, dusting the soil from your gloves. “Nope. We’re just working.”
Daryl nodded, still clearly apprehensive. “Well, s’almost noon. Get him back to his cell by 1 and I’ll bring his meal down,” he drawled.
“I can take care of that,” you offered.
“S’fine. I wanna have a word with him anyway.” He put his hand on your shoulder and gave it a friendly squeeze, giving you a small smile. “Yer doin’ enough for him. Be careful.”
“Okay,” you agreed, nodding. “See you later.”
When you turned around, you noticed Negan had been watching the interaction carefully. There was a thoughtful look on his face, but when you simply returned and got back to work, he joined you again in silence. You continued on for another hour or so, managing to clear quite a wide area by the time you needed to get Negan back to his cell for a late lunch. You walked beside him, both of you now dirty and plenty sweaty, and your hand strayed to the handle of your pistol again absently.
Negan noticed and broke the silence that had stretched for what felt like a long time. “You’re a fuckin’ great shot with that thing,” he said, nodding toward the gun.
“What?” you asked, turning to look at him, puzzled.
“I said, ‘you’re a great shot’,” he repeated. You still looked confused. “I noticed… during the war,” he said. “I mean—I noticed you but also your aim.” You stared at him, your brow furrowed. “You almost blew Simon’s fuckin’ head off,” he said with a laugh. “If he hadn’t flinched at the last second…” Negan let out a low whistle.
“How’d you know that was me?” you asked.
He shrugged. “Like I said, I noticed you.”
You looked… unsettled? Uneasy? Negan couldn’t quite define it, but there was some sort of tension in the air as you walked him back the rest of the way and finally locked him inside his cell again.
He gripped onto the bars and watched you turn away before he managed to get your name out. You turned toward him again, the high arch of your brow inquiring. “Thanks,” he said. “For today. It was the best fuckin’ day I’ve had in a while,” he admitted.
You gave him a baffled look. “I made you work outside in the sun all morning,” you laughed.
“Yeah… but I wasn’t alone. And I’ve had waaaaay worse company. Just—even if you decide you can’t do more than today, I want you to know that it mattered to me. Thanks.”
That look was on your face again, some mix of surprise and bewilderment. Finally, you sighed. “Daryl’s gonna bring you lunch. I’ll see you later, okay, Negan?”
He nodded, still gripping onto the cold, iron bars of his cell, and watched you walk out.
A short time later, Negan had washed his hands and splashed cool water from his basin over his face, dabbing at it with his small scratchy towel, when he heard the door open again. He looked up to see Daryl coming in with a tray of food and a scowl. He set it down by the slot at the bottom of the cell door and pushed it roughly through with the toe of his boot, almost spilling the water cup. Daryl’s expression didn’t change. It was stony and guarded.
Negan eyed him and then wandered over to grab the tray. He did feel hungry for once, something that had been rare for quite some time. When he straightened up, Daryl’s blue eyes were narrow and stinging.
Negan grabbed the apple off his tray and took a big bite. It was sweet and crunchy, satisfying and refreshing after being in the sun all morning. “Something on your mind, Daryl?” Negan asked, a faint smile on his lips.
Daryl stepped closer, right up to the bars. “Yeah. One thing. If ya fuck up, if ya try to hurt Y/N, if ya pull anythin’ I dun like, I don’t give a shit what Michonne or anybody else is tryin’ to do—I don’t give a shit about your rehab, I’ll put ya in the fuckin’ ground. Got it?”
That smile was still on Negan’s face, annoying the shit out of Daryl.
“I mean it, Negan. Ya hear me?”
“Loud and clear,” he said, taking another bite.
“Good,” he growled, and the archer left.
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zinya · 6 months
How brothers would react to an MC with bad grades ?
Because we've all had bad grades one day and we all deserve to be comforted.
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Being one of the students in the exchange program he will look at your grades very closely , he may even be aware of your grade before you do.
If it's just one bad grade he will lecture you and probably ban you from certain activities so that you work more (You can say goodbye to video game nights with Levi)
If it's several bad grades he will start asking you questions about what you don't understand and will give you lessons.
Of course, if it's grades that start to weigh on your morale, once your homework is finished, you're welcome to his room to relax.
"I believe in you, don't be discouraged, my love"
welcome to the club
If it's a bad grade in math don't worry, The Great Mammon can help you.
Don't be discouraged human, he also has bad grades and lives very well
If he sees that you are depressed because of your grades he will suggest that you go out somewhere with him to take your mind off things. Do you prefer to go shopping or maybe go party somewhere?
If you don't want to go out then he will take you into his room and watch a movie in his arms while he comforts you and cuddle with you
I am convinced that he will show you anime with heroes at school to remotivate you "Hey I have a new anime called "I have bad grades and then everything changed the day I made friends"
If you don't want to, you can always watch TSL with him
But don't get me wrong he will encourage you to work too but he will come get you to take a break if it's been a long time
I don't know if devildom has computer science, but in any case if it's this subject that you're struggling with, he can help you.
Literally become your personal teacher after all, all his knowledge is yours.
Will lend you textbooks and workbooks
He will always encourage you to do your best
Like mammon he will also offer to go out and clear your mind: Do you want to buy new books? Go drink something at the cat cafe? Maybe the park?
Will read books to you or recite lessons at night in his room when you sleep together
Positive affirmations
Are you discouraged? Has your self-confidence taken a hit? Spend 10 minutes with him and none of this will happen
"Honey don't cry your pretty skin and your beautiful eyes will suffer "
Will ask you to go shopping with him and you will receive 2 or 3 gifts so he can see you smile
He will help you with the charms lessons (TP too perhaps XD)
You will have the right to take a bath in his bathroom with his products to relax
Will give you food to comfort you
Would like to help you with potions classes but we all know how it will end
Will give you hugs to comfort you and take you to exercise (if you want of course) to clear your mind
If you decide to study more he will come see you like Levi to take breaks and he will often bring you water or snacks
He will cheer you to death like you do during his matches
Maybe give you a kind of lucky charm to bring you luck for the next exams
Cuddle time
Since it concerns you, he will listen to you talk, like Asmo, about what is wrong
Then he will take you to the top of the Attic to sleep and relax with him
When you revise he comes and sleeps in your bed to keep you company
If you can't sleep because of stress you know where his room is , just kidding, he's already next to you in your bed, can't you see him?
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(I don't know who drew this but it's so beautiful.) Anyway, I wrote that instead of studying my exam for tomorrow haha 😅🥲
Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language and sometimes I don't understand your abbreviations or expressions🤣
Tell me if you want the others
And don't forget that the most important thing is to do all you can and to be proud of yourself.
Have a Good day 💋
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d8tl55c · 13 days
y ' a l l . it took me multiple weeks to start working on a pony town skin <- real <- i made SIXTEEN other ones before the one i wanted
so now you're gonna look at them :D
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behold! i bring you: disheveled TCO & rehabilitated TCO
it was a long journey to get here and every freaking detail has some personal lore about it- so if you want to see some progress shots ive chronicled them below X3
ok so 💕✨\o_🎉
the original plan was to: 0. go for a cho post-Showdown and pre-Box 1. use my existing spacescug colors (so i wouldn't get overwhelmed and stop) to create interesting gradients with the black, 2. dress them in.......... WHATEVER seemed cool at the time, and 3. have fun.
SO! i did. ~
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(fun facts: the spacescug is one of the 16 skins i crafted while anxiety-ing over ava/m (sometimes ill use it to SNEAK AROUND and admire people (pls say hi lol <3 )))
features. i went with the fluffiest hair i could find, a starry mask for privacy, a comfy sweater, and my two pride and joys: firetail and transparency-skirt.
see look look it's supposed to be showing the legs on the other side of the fabric :D :D :D !!! and, if you look close, it's discreetly distracting from the big shackle i added to the left hind leg. (if you look REALLY close, you'll see i drew some grass in the "hole" of the head. this is why im so excited about this i went ALL IN ;v;;;;) (transparency-skirt ruled as a concept, but in the end it didn't make it any further through my TCOs)
okay so then i spot this character.
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i instantly fell in love with the way they did their head (never before seen by me), and was inspired to refine my own work a little,,, so i would fit in more with them when we hung out.
i tore the sleeves off of the cozy sweater, added a Rocket-Brand™-lookin collar, and retired transparency-skirt.
i enjoyed this version so much i didn't change it until fall rolled around....
in which, while re-doing my whole catalog of fav skins to match the new ground color, i changed like 7 entire pixels of the design which i am not going to waste your scroll bar with. <3
now it's getting real.
one day, i needed a break from a thing and decided to dev some more accessories. i had an idea to strap down the wings with one of the feather outline colors and a Waist item, and that quickly spiraled into changing several many, many, more things.
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speed round! extra features include:
firetail upgrade! ++shiny
+detail on right hind leg: scars? a tracking device maybe?
aforementioned wing restraint
right cozy sleeve ripped further to install the
Rocket™ wristband: that can't be good
hair accents match accessories and each other better
Back Mane changed for ++disheveled points
Ear accessory added for ++disheveled points
Ear type changed for more fluff back there
and as you can see i bit the bullet and tried to make an homage to my new friend's head style, and i found that these closed eyes (left) look like frowny cho-eyes. :3
AND THAT WAS AWESOME. i felt great. stylish, even. i sat there with an extra 10% deduction to needless social anxiety in my new threads.
and i thought, huh. i've made this little guy suffer, mentally and physically, for fifteen outfits now. what changes if they escape The Situation? and heal?
i pondered this for a while, but i didn't get the boost to act on it until i met this MVP.
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they taught everyone on that day cool and funny pony-making tricks! and they're sweet.
from them i was inspired yet again ☝
and this time, i mixed in EVERYTHING. slowly untying the ropes, healing the scars, repairing the hair. the glasses trick that TDL taught me to get the more expressive eyes. the colors and patterning i learned from making a troodon skin (another of the 16) to re-dye the hair and add a new layer of striped pattern to the clothes. yellow with the red so it nods to TDL AND represents more fire. thE SLEEVES ripped ALL THE WAY OFF!!! YEAAAH SHUCK THAT ANGST I MADE THE MARKS BASED ON HOW YOUR CURSOR INVERTS IN WORD
WHAT IF INSTEAD OF RETURNING TO GREYS THEY START DRESSING IN LITTLE EXPLOSIONS OF COLOR •-|,=-||-•|-',=•-|"/, |'['-•-|_|<,['- [,-|'"/,/_',= '////////
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that's it.
except for ofcourse the :V s :3333333
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WOW, haha, thank you for coming on this journey with me. if you know more about pony town than me i am so taking suggestions- i am still learning and having a great time doing it!
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justarandomlambblog · 5 months
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 [END]
you know how you don't adopt cats, cats adopt you? Well here we have Narinder adopting a dad
(I encourage you to view each page in a new tab, it's all sketch so you can see all my thought and build lines but I think it's clear enough?)
This is sort of a prologue for this AU I've talked about and is one of like... 3 or 4 parts
That horrible moment realization, regret and grief hits you all at the same time
I like long-furred Narinder I think he should embrace manbun life /kidding (unless... (/j/j))
Ignore the perspective issues on the last page I got very tired (am sick today) and I am a firm believer in doing things bad but having fun. That being said I had zero intention of making backgrounds for this and just generalizing everything but then I drew the crumbling ancient temple platform and the divine battleground and it was over I needed backgrounds from there on out-
Does the world of Cult of the Lamb have the same meaning for middle fingers? Who knows, I just thought it'd be funny for Narinder to double-flip off Lamb as he's disappearing into the teleportation stone. Don't @ me <3
I didn't want there to be any dialogue so I hope the story is clear through the pictures alone but if not, there's an explanation below the cut
After being defeated, Narinder finds himself on the indoctrination stone, the manacles still around his wrists and neck. The Lamb offers him mercy- a place to live. But Narinder refuses. He gets to his feet on his own and runs to the teleportation stone, and the Lamb is too surprised for a moment to realize what's happening. They try to stop him, knowing how injured Narinder is and that this stunt will only aggravate Narinder's wounds, but Narinder is running on anger, regret, humiliation and adrenaline- and he is much older than the Lamb is and knows more locations than the Lamb does. He knows about the long-fallen territory on the very edge of the Old Faith's land, what was once a grand city of gods having become a divine battlefield eons ago; it is the only place he can think to go, stumbling his way down the stairs that are much too big for his newly mortal form and running for the forest beyond the Old Faith's border.
Running through the old beaten paths of the forest, he trips and finds himself unable to pull himself back up, his adrenaline fading almost as soon as he hits the ground and the pain of his wounds flares up. He allows himself to fall unconscious, thinking maybe he will just quietly perish out there in the woods, but is found by an older canine passing through. Finding the injured Narinder, the old dog puts him on the cart he pulls and takes him to his home, tending to his wounds.
Narinder wakes up in pain, finding himself in a strange, unfamiliar place, and his savior brings him food. Narinder struggles, his hands shakey and everything in pain, but he is resistant at first to the old dog's aid. Over time, as the dog tends his wounds and gives him clothes to wear and changes his bandages, Narinder begins to accept his help and allows him to help exercise his limbs while he's bed bound and, eventually, help him to walk again. Months pass them by, from summer to autumn to winter until it's spring. The old dog is happy for Narinder's progress and gives Narinder a fond pat on his head, unintentionally reminding Narinder of Shamura.
In the spring, Narinder is able to walk on his own, though he uses a cane to aid him. He explores the old dog's home, since the dog isn't around as much as he used to be now that Narinder is mostly independent again. Narinder spots him out a window, tending to a garden, and steps outside to discover he's on a farm. It's a large farm, though not very bountiful; it's a wheat field, one that clearly suffers from the lack of a god's blessing- in a world of gods, a godless village can only just get by. Beyond the fields are more homes and sheds, and people tend the fields.
He joins the old dog in the garden after being invited over, and the dog gives him a flower bulb to plant. Narinder remembers when he and Leshy did this exact same thing, with Leshy showing Narinder how to plant the flower bulb in the dirt; as he gently buries it, he can feel Leshy's phantom hands over his own, as if guiding him. To Narinder's surprise, not only does the flower bloom as soon as it has been covered, but it spreads out; the garden bursts to life with the strange black and white flowers, and they grow wildly through and around the garden, reaching all the way to three graves under a solitary tree.
Narinder is looking at his hands in shock, not having expected to be able to do this; he had thought his magic was gone, the last vestiges of it used to activate the teleportation stone when he escaped. As he looks at them, the manacle around his neck falls off, landing in his hands, and begins to dissipate into residual magic, and he remembers Leshy- Leshy, pleading with him to hold his tongue, to give up on his newest, heretical ideas, that the world isn't ready to hear it and the consequences would be too great and the other Bishops wouldn't allow him to pursue it. Realizing all at once exactly what he lost- what he threw away when he refused to heed his brother's warnings and wait for the right time, when the world was ready- he breaks down, doubling over in tears- the first tears he's allowed himself for nearly a thousand years, now. Hurt from the betrayal, regret for what he did and made the Lamb do, grief for what his siblings did in fear of him- it all hits him at once.
The old dog reaches out to him, and Narinder clings to him, letting himself completely break down. The kind dog just holds him while he cries.
(Not shown: the old dog shows Narinder the shrine, explaining what it is and what the painted flat stones are for. He gives Narinder flat stones to paint and goes outside to speak to the graves of his own family, even though it's begun to rain.)
Narinder paints four stones, each one with a symbol on top that he associates with his siblings (a book for Shamura, a diamond crystal for Kallamar, stalks of wheat for Heket, and a camellia for Leshy). He doesn't really forgive them for their betrayal of him, doesn't forgive them for locking him away for a thousand years- but it soothes an ache deep inside, to accept that even if he can't forgive them he can mourn them and regret his part in all this. That despite everything there was still love- it's conflicting, but it's almost like... closure. Or, at least, the start of it.
He makes tea and offers it to the old dog when he comes inside, and they sit together and drink tea while listening to the rain. The four stones sit on the shrine now, with the dog's family's stones, cementing the fact that Narinder has accepted that he isn't leaving this house.
Thus, the old dog becomes the adopted father of a 5,000+ year old cat ex(?)-god.
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anotherfandom · 8 months
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So, I said I'd have another post with the full manga pages for reference as well as the source of the manga pages. I'm going to be using the overall chapter numbers and the individual volume numbers (not the 2-in-1 volume names) as well as the Viz localized chapter names for the references. And I'm gonna go in order of appearance in the intro.
Chapter 98, Volume 10, Typhoon Fun. Cute little note, the mouth squiggle was clearly made into a heart in the anime intro.
Chapter 15, Volume 2, The Yellow Ribbon of Happiness. Unlike many of the remade manga panels which altered some details, this one features the ribbons.
Chapter 25, Volume 3, Love and Suffering. The original manga panel featured Lum disguised as a regular human girl prior to her enrollment in the school, with her horns softened and squished to look like barrettes. This is also why her hair is shaded differently.
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Chapter 38, Volume 5, Everybody in the Rain. This one required me to make a guess. It does resemble Lum scratching Ataru in the Yellow Ribbon chapter mentioned above or Lum scratching Rei in chapter 6, but this is the only scratching while flying I found. I got some anonymous help with this one.
Chapter 26, Volume 3, How I've Waited for You. Beloved iconic scene recreated faithfully.
Chapter 12, Volume 2, Intention. Though it does somewhat resemble Lum's crying fit in chapter 2 and chapter 9, this scene is definitely from this chapter.
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Chapter 23, Volume 3, Zodiac Cycles. The middle part of the zodiac gyroscope device-thing lost its one-horned striped tiger-beast (Lum's zodiac sign).
Chapter 36, Volume 4, Tanabata Date. The fur on the chair ends up floating but we have all the details on the dried squid.
Chapter 83, Volume 9, A Century by Age Three. This was a red tint chapter originally, hence the manga page looking a little different.
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Chapter 354, Volume 33, Steal My Heart. Almost all the manga panel recreations come from early volumes or chapters, so it is kind of crazy that this one is from so late in the series. It is a wonderfully silly pose with the iconic Rumic gesture and yes, they replaced her uniform with the typical bikini.
Chapter 13, Volume 2, Puppet. The fan was made a bit more generic, despite UY often using the Japanese flag fan as a comedic prop.
Chapter 183, Volume 18, A Night Alone. This is the Lum cooking scene that I felt most matched the anime panel. The one in chapter 240 looked a bit different. Though they clearly drew a completely different gun than the one in either panel.
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Chapter 47, Volume 5, A Tragic Date. I completely overlooked this when I was digging because I misinterpreted what the anime panel was showing. I got some anonymous help and I am glad I did, because I was not gonna find it in the next 29 volumes. Anyway, this one has her beach swimsuit replaced with her usual outfit. Also, this is one of the few panels that is drawn very differently than the source seeing as Lum was drawn with very cutesy proportions in the original manga panel.
Chapter 111, Volume 11, There's a Cat on the Stairs!. I didn't expect this to be a panel recreation since Lum jumps out of it, but I saw it while digging and yeah, it is clearly the same goofy expression.
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
my thoughts on finishing AFR (tumblr version)
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Firstly, thank you all so, so so much for reading.
5 years ago, on February 19th, 2018, 2:24 PM I posted the first AFR comic. I drew it thinking it'd be a nice little project for a few months, and then I'd move on. Little did I know it'd become a huge passion project and something that's brought me many, many tears and laughter. It's been a journey making this thing, I can easily say I am hardly the person I am when I first made this. I've learned so much about myself, the world, and what I wanted to say in comics.
AFR didn't become a serious project until I realized Asriel and Chara's story hit home to me and I realized I had something more profound to say than just "heehee silly ut comic where siblings squabble." Now it's become a story about growing up, and the life after the "happy ever after." What does it mean for "everybody to live?" well, you live. You suffer. You cry and laugh and it's everything you want and you fear. You wake up another day.
It's no secret that Chara and Asriel are heavily based on myself. Every OC and every character I can put my grubby little hands on have been influenced by me. Yun's excitement for monsters, Mew Mew's loud declarations of frenzied thought, Hol's quiet, head-in-the-clouds nature... the list goes on. Knowing the characters now, I'm excited for the redraw as I can paint their stories from start-to-finish properly. It pains me more than anything I can't just say "here's a finished product, fully and forever." But one step to getting there was finally finishing the tumblr version. So even if I were to die, or lose my ability to draw, I can say: I told my story. I made it real. It's messy, incomplete, and not at all what I aspire it to be, but it's here. And that means, so, so much to me.
Never again will I be accepting story asks. Never again will we see what crazy thing Asriel and Chara are up to in their journey into adulthood. While the story will continue to develop, it has it's ending.
I've grown, a lot. I started this when I was 21 years old. I've had a on/off relationship, I've learned I'm neurodivergent, I've moved out of my abusive dad's home. I've had so many jobs in that time. I lived through the pandemic (not that it's over) and I've made and lost (out of touch) friends along the way. I am Sam. I drew AFR. I still have so much left to do to make it fully realized but I did it.
And in that time people have offered me grammar and spelling corrections. Advice, suggestions, fanart. You've sent like, I can only imagine to be at least a thousand asks in this amount of time. You guys have been a huge part in this comic being made. Even as the story moves more and more away from the "Ask" part of the title, you guys made it so much more fun, thought provoking, and exciting.
So while my minds a bit scattered and I'm kinda jumbled up, I just want to say with every bit of myself: THANK YOU!!!!!
I understand if many of you don't choose to stick around for the redraw, I'm more than thankful to anyone who's read this far (or heck, just one tumblr post is enough. I feel seen.) and if you so choose to stay, I look forward to sharing a million more little moments with you. ^_^
Thank you and I wish you the very best, have a good life. Peace and love on the planet earth <3
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Having Mercy & Pity On Others
+ Proverbs 14:16 One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is reckless and careless.
+ Philippians 2:3- 4 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.
READ TIME: 8 Minutes & 25 Seconds
  We were taught earlier in life to share what we have and not be selfish. I know many of us grew up hearing this, and as we grew up, we realized how rude it is to be selfish. Some of us grew up hearing this, and we refuse to change our ways, but what we must understand is that God wants us to share what we have; a lot of us find this odd, and we find it hard to do because we don’t want to give up our time, or things to help someone in need, some of us will say well if they don’t have it, not my fault or it’s not my job to give unto people that are in need.
• Philippians 2:3- 4 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.
•1 Corinthians 10:24 Let no one seek his good, but the good of his neighbor.
•Galatians 6:2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
  These verses tell us that we shouldn't be selfish and that we have to count other people's needs more important than our own needs; we have to care about what other people have and don’t have, and we have to bear the burden of others that’s what Jesus did when he was here he bore everyone's burden he even healed the sick, he had counseling at night with Nicodemus, he even had a woman wash his feet when he was at someone’s home having dinner , he wanted people to understand who he was and that was someone that loved with the biggest heart and that care for people more then he cared about his self he wasn’t selfish.
  Are you selfish? Do you just care about yourself and not for others? Even though David wanted water from this stream, it was near a gate in Bethlehem, and three men went and broke through the Philistine lines, drew water, and brought it back to David; he got precisely what he wanted. At that very moment, he could have drunk it and been done with it while everyone else suffered, but he didn’t he poured the water out, how many of us can say we will get what we need and say no because someone else doesn’t have . Through that difficult time or moment of having precisely what he wanted, he thought of others, and sometimes that’s hard to do, to think of others when we got exactly what we needed but to have the mind of Christ, we must think of others.
    1 Samuel 23:15-16 David longed for water and said, “Oh, that someone would get me a drink of water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem!  So, the three mighty warriors broke through the Philistine lines, drew water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem, and carried it back to David. But he refused to drink it; instead, he poured it out before the Lord.
    Sometimes, we are selfish because it’s what we have been through. I was in this tough spot in my life, and I went without for a long time; no one would help me; everywhere I turned to said no, and I was comfortable with that, but when I finally got back up on my feet, and I had plenty to eat and plenty to drink, I had everything I needed. I had started carrying this selfishness about myself. The Holy Spirit came to me one day. He said lui, you must open your hands to give so that you can receive. I was afraid that if I gave what I had, what would I have? We must understand that we don’t have to worry about our sleeves when the Holy Spirit instructs us on how to give and who to give to.
 Romans 1:3 We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Let us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me.
   We must learn to please our neighbors, not look at what we have and look at what they have, because the more we do this, the more we close the door to our blessings. It's so easy to turn away from our neighbors, but when we are strong in God and strong in our walk with him, we must be there for the weak; it tells us Christ didn’t do what pleased him; he didn’t do what made him feel good all the time he did whatever he could to help others see, God is speaking to us to step out of selfishness into a life of pleasing others.
  David had a small moment of selfishness when he saw Bathsheba and wanted her in a way that wasn’t right. He went down this rabbit hole of getting back in good standing with God because he saw what he wanted; he didn’t take into account this woman belonged to someone else; he didn’t take into account his relationship with God, and this happens a lot to us when we set our mind on something or someone we make no regard on how this will taint our relationship with God because we let the enemy blind us, sometimes we must pray for God to take the blinders off our eyes so that we may see, how many of us aren’t seeing our selfish ways because we are too busy looking out for me myself and I , we must make time for others in our lives. 
***Today we talked about it being selfish and a lot of us don’t know where to even begin to remove this out of our lives the first step is prayer, we must go to God and pray that he change our ways and our thoughts process about loving others.
Luke 10:33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.
We have to have pity on others but we can’t get to pity until we deal with our rooted issues , we can’t take pity until we let God change your heart condition, some of us have conditions of the heart that can’t be change until we have God change our heart ,
Verse 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him.
He took the extra step and he bandaged and pour oil and wine on him he went the extra step to make sure this man was taken care of . Do you take the extra step to see about others , do you place your selfish ways to the side to take care of others . How often do we stop and see about even our neighbors .
Verse 37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
How much mercy can you give to someone in need ? How many times do we take pity and mercy on others , if we don’t feel any pity or any mercy we might need to ask God to remove whatever in our heart out the way so we can be like Christ even in our actions.
©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, please help us not be selfish but depend on you alone.  Help us not to look at what we have and not want to bless others; help us to desire to bless others regardless of what we think; help us to hear you when you speak, lord we give you every part of ourselves to change, lord we know we have parts of ourselves that need work but we ask you to continue to help us through our challenging time to see you lord we need more of you help us to make time for you in Jesus Name Amen
+ Galatians 6:2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ
+ Hebrews 13:16 Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
+ Romans 8:2 But for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury.
Proverbs 30
Leviticus 30
Mark 8
Exodus 2
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Exploring the dofus-la-serie.com website - Part 1
The website is kind of broken, which makes me quite sad. Though that's life for you.
Character Profiles:
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I am not translating this because as fans of this franchise, you probably know all of these words. (Well, except gouvernante. That can mean "housekeeper". He isn't calling her their governor. Though she should be.)
I am not even going to mention that Kerubim is here twice. Sometimes, a second Kerubim appears in a random spot among the characters while going to this page or refreshing it. Just another one fun thing about this being an eleven-year-old website for a series that has been over for years.
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I wonder if, in-universe, he's the one who drew on their portraits, or if it was Joris's doing, influenced by Kerubim's stories?
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Love how Atcham isn't mentioned, but his pandawa drinking buddy is. Also, that neither of them have commentary by him.
The character pages themselves have unique character art:
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As well as short descriptions of the characters.
Because the entire site is saved on web archive, and probably won't go down anytime soon, (despite its buggy state,) and these not offering any new, groundbreaking information — I will not be posting most of them here, save for the main ones:
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Also, a note: this calls him a "papa poule", which I decided to google, to hilarious results:
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Thank you, dofus-la-serie.com... for everything. I already noticed, in the past posts, that it's actually weird and off-putting that Joris has no friends, and that it might be Kerubim's fault, but we never really see him make parenting decisions (COUGH-COUGH-COUGH besides the decision to constantly endanger and neglect Joris but EHHH I spent 50+ posts talking about that in the show liveblogs) in the series due to its slice of life format.
I'm glad to know that at least one canonical source describes him as overprotective, bearing, and anxious parent, (but not to a helicopter-parent level). That's actually quite valuable!
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Multiple notes here:
The description does not seem to use explicitly masculine pronouns for Pupuce, who, as we know from Joris, is a girl. This is just an error on the Google Translate's part.
You know what, actually considering Joris himself is a cat furry, but in a much more subtle, subdued way, her being his pet is a match made in heaven. Two creatures who wish they could be cats, breaking bread and drinking tea together. Love wins.
The broken "find the object" minigame:
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One can only be thankful that it's not more broken — because 2013 was prime time for flash games, and yet, this game does not seem to use flash technologies.
When you click anywhere on the screen itself, instead of the UI, the game, and the page itself freezes. It's a shame — I bet the game was fun, back when it worked.
I had taken it upon myself to download and archive the music from the minigame, so, here it is:
Using archive.org I was able to get to the next page, the link to which is usually invisible and also unclickable in the minigame:
Kerubim's Collection (link included so you don't have to suffer like I did)
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It's quite a long list, with many items, but I am not Ronik, this show's biggest, and probably, by now, only fan, if I don't read all of this and bring the most interesting parts to you.
Firstly, thankfully, all of these are, for the most part lore-less. Just little blurbs of the episodes those appear in, whether you can find them in-game, and a hint as to where to find this in the broken minigame. But there are some gems:
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Kerubim doesn't like Joris's photography hobby (...I sure do wonder why!)
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"I'm cautious" "Simone whyyy did you put it here??" How these two people hadn't killed Joris fr is still beyond me.
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He's genuinely insane.
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floweyheadcanons · 2 months
Some more headcannons and questions coming up! Clover can't dance for the life of them, so Flowey helped them by moving their feet to the right bars on El Baildor's fight. Clover felt indebted to him for doing that, but Flowey just told them it was painful to watch them fail over and over and over again. Flash forward to the Omega Flowey fight, Clover is the last to rebel because they still feel indebted to him. They don't want to leave their best friend alone. They realize that what Flowey is doing isn't justified, but a small part of Flowey, that Clover can feel, is feeling like this is justified, for Chara, for Clover...When Frisk wins, Flowey sees a figure behind Frisk, holding out a hand. He sees Clover with a genuine smile, wanting him to join them with doing justice. But Clover isn't there. Flowey understands and tries to tell Frisk and, by extention, Ghost/Hallucination Clover, that he can't. He doesn't understand why they show care to him after all that. He doesn't understand... Flowey has talked to Papyrus about Clover. He likes to see his reactions to their adventures and everything. Seeing someone adore this child while never knowing them makes him seen like the care he had for them wasn't him being weak, but Clover having that ability on monsters. Flowey like card games. He also likes chess, but card games are his favorite. He's good at them, that's way.
Now here is some for the Gusty Gaggle and Feisty Five, well, one of the Feisty Five at least. So the Gusty Gaggle are all actors in the Ghosty South. I mean, like everyone is am actor there. Flowey plays the role of the murderous Flower monster that is part of a gang, and is the brains, with a human and another monster. Clover plays the leader, and human. Kanako plays the happy monster with a bit of scare to her. They basically play themselves, in the Gusty Gaggle. They are actors but not. Also, Mooch and Flowey are friends. Theif and murderous flower bring friends just makes me happy. Mooch is also Flowey's favorite Festiy 4 member.
Now some questions! Who does Flowey hate more, Ceroba or Alphys, and why? Has Flowey ever became friends with Sans in past resets? Does Flowey feel a sense of belonging with the amagates? Has Dalv ever realized he didn't draw the draws Flowey drew? What's his relationship with Decibat and El Bailador? Who is Flowey's favorite Festiy Four person? Out of Starlo, Axis, Martlet, and Chujin, who does Flowey like and hate the most? What kind of games does Flowey like and dislike? Did Flowey ever watch Chujin, and, by extent, The Wild East and Kestukane's before Clover fell? If so, did he judge Chujin for being an idiot? Why does he feel the need to keep his throwing skills up? And, where would Flowey stay most of the time on the surface? Frisk's town or The Ghosty South?
(AAAA- I LOVE HIM!!! HIM AND ENDOGENY IS SO CUTE!!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!! Also, him to Kanako being like, "Hey! Welcome to the children revived club! Don't tell your mother we are here okay? I hate her!" is so funny to me. HE'S SUCH A LITTLE GUY!!!)
those ideas up there are PEAK?! try not to cook challenge (impossible)
i honestly think the idea of the gusty gaggle both acting and not acting at the same time is really cool, it's more like they overblow their personalities, i really like that.
this is the funny headcanon blog so it's time for the questions now!!
1 .Who does Flowey hate more, Ceroba or Alphys, and why?
Flowey hates Ceroba more because at least Alphys changed. And even before that she pretty clearly was tortured by what she'd done, while I don't think it'd be as obvious to Flowey that Ceroba was suffering too. Does not help that Ceroba has also tried to kill Clover.
2. Has Flowey ever became friends with Sans in past resets?
I'm awfully fond of the idea that at one point or another Sans had some sort of big brother-ish relationship with Flowey because he just has that effect on people™ and would rather not fight this nerd, so yeah! I'd actually be surprised if at no point were they on good terms.
3. Does Flowey feel a sense of belonging with the amagates?
Yeah, it makes him feel better to know he's not the only little freak out there... Not the only experiment gone horribly wrong.
4. Has Dalv ever realized he didn't draw the drawings Flowey drew?
He's probably realized a few weren't his because they were a little too bad. Don't blame Flowey ok?? He hasn't had proper hands for a comical amount of time. I think in secret he'd redraw those because they're usually fire ideas, just bad illustration-wise.
5. What's his relationship with Decibat and El Bailador?
Flowey is a little hater, so I think he'd be a big El Bailador anti... Probably follows the guy around with a comical amount of signs that say things like "CANCEL THIS DANCE MANIAC!!!" "THIS BUFFOON MUST BE STOPPED!!!" that all point in his direction but when Baily turns around to look at them they're gone. Decibat, on the other hand gets a pass. I think Flowey would like sleep in Deci's cave because it's nice and quiet... Probably sneaks in Echo Flowers sometimes because he thinks it's funny™.
6. Who is Flowey's favorite Feisty Four member?
I'm indecisive on this one, but it'd probably be Mooch because he can't help but respect a devious little thief. I think in a couple saves he'd probably help her with her little heists!
7. Out of Starlo, Axis, Martlet, and Chujin, who does Flowey like and hate the most?
Chujin: Mostly considers the man a joke, wouldn't say he hates Chujin.
Axis: Bro is on thin ice. Flowey is always very close to destroying that bucket of bolts and considers him very irritating to be around and a needless nuisance.
Starlo: Finds the guy somewhat annoying, but also interesting. Mostly upset with him for attacking Clover and for being so easily excited into doing stupid things. Would probably like him more if he wasn't an idiot.
Martlet: Wants to pluck every feather off her one by one, and hear her scream. Why does she keep INTERVENING??? She's part of that stupid guard, she wants Clover dead, she doesn't get to decide they're important to her. Her existence fills him with rage.
Of them all, I think he hates Martlet the most for trying to steal Clover away, and likes Starlo the most because he IS just a little goober.
8. What kind of games does Flowey like and dislike?
I think he'd like things like puzzle games (they make him feel big brained), RPGs, and first person shooters and shoot em up games (especially if they're combined. he likes feeling tough.)
9. Did Flowey ever watch Chujin, and, by extent, The Wild East and Kestukane's before Clover fell? If so, did he judge Chujin for being an idiot?
He probably judged Chujin very heavily for being an idiot. I think for the most part he probably watched Chujin the most out of the other Ketsukanes (with Ceroba probably being the one he watched the least) because he finds his stupidity very entertaining.
9. Why does he feel the need to keep his throwing skills up?
It's a worry of his because what if he needs to throw something far for one reason or another but he can't? And what if that thing is something so important that it CAN'T just be forgotten about??
10. Where would Flowey stay most of the time on the surface? Frisk's town or The Ghosty South?
He'd probably visit Frisk's town every now and again but I think he'd prefer The Ghosty South as he'd probably feel more at home and able to be his truest self there. Frisk's town is probably just boring to him as well.
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shinjisdone · 1 month
OKAY OKAY MY SPECIAL ONTREST IS BASICALLY..MY OC. Specifically the oc I made from the best Thorfinn fic out there, "to soften a warriors heart"
(I drew her multiple times already but i wanted this one to be the base of the oc. Its a WIP!)
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I don't want to overshare! I just wanted you to know how much your work inspired something that makes me so happy.
For me, the story took a more romantic turn between Thorfinn and my oc. I call her "Orla". There's so much about her regarding Thorfinn and the plot that I wanna type but like - it will take forever for I'll just type out the stuff the tiny stuff
Orla's character was inspired by multiple characters. I even named her after one of them I liked. The list were 'Luna lovegood' from Harry Potter, 'Casca' from berserk, and 'Orla' from derry girls. She's lively, carefree, and basically just the opposite of Thorfinn in general. I was always a sucker for that kind of dynamic, I just hate it when it turns toxic when it could've been cute. Her backstory plays a lot into her character since there are mentions of her being a slave and after escaping by killing her master she felt 'brand new' and enjoyed the control she had over her own life (since she never had it) her while journey was centered around false freedom where when she joined Askeladds band, she killed for the sake of her own freedom. To not end up to where she was before. Her 'carefree' nature was kind of a toxic trait to her. It led her to make decisions without fearing the consequences. Being impulsive and just liked to take advantage of her new found freedom. The feeling of her finally having the upper hand in situations. I like to recignize her flaws aswell. Her flaws being her selfishness. Like I said, she joined and went along with Askeladds band, killing innocent people just for the desire to have a sense of control. I made sure along the journey from start of season one towards the end, she kind of has a realisation and existential crisis apon what she's done and recognizes how many people she's killed and how many lives she's ruined.
Lastly, for the final act, I ended up "killing" her off just for the extra bonus of pain in Thorfinns relationship with her. Yk, to get him started for season two. Because I had this one scene where they talk about going to vinland together after Thorfinns gets his revenge done but I know Thorfinn HAS to be empty in season 2 so I was like - why not "kill" his future. (She ain't dead I just made it look like she did)
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*coughing up blood ME???? Hapahadpahahhh mmm-m-my???? Widdle brainrot story for u????
Compliments will get u nowhere b-baka
But omg she looks so great too???? Goodness goodness I am bewitchedddd
I am someone who unabashadly makes OCs aaaaaall the time in my little disgusting corner of the stories I love (counting Dororo, Demon Slayer, MHA, Zelda, VS, JJK, TWST) b-but to have someone make an OC and base it a bit on my fanfic??? Sobbing crying ugly crying
Ugh oh my goodness tell me all about ur blorbo I am sipping on my tea mhm tell me
I only know Casca from Berserk a little bit but that already makes me SCREAMM
An carefree, happy person born for the need for freedom and therefore killing to keep it mwah. Honestly, these happy-go-lucky characters that stem from dark backstories are always so interesting and imo the most interesting way you could write a char like that. Slapping my knee this is tasty, thisbis good food.
👏👏👏👏 man honestly if I made the reader "die" in front of Thorfinn that would have left him a wreck (my goal) I wanna turn him into a wreck like makima turned denji into a dog
But imo I felt like if the one person you had in this world just vanished in the Chaos and you realize it too late while still whipping your around to see if they're still maybe nearby but see nothing - I think that would make the doom sink in
Mwah this was heavenly thank u
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2n2n · 3 months
another Little Nightmares 2 post
because the other was too long and too focused on just the dynamic between Six & Mono uhhh.. I want to share my personal thinkies about the Pale City!!! The devs are, pretty obtuse & vague & like to encourage novel thinking, so... these are just my rationalization of it (: based on what is out there & what we know in-game...
There are vague descriptions of the Pale City being based on a childish kind of perception/warping, that hyperbolic extremeness of a child's memory of something upsetting....
because the Pale City, & the Signal Tower's greater range of effect (which I do believe is ever-reaching-outward, already infecting the Hunter's island as well) is a result of Mono occupying the tower, I want to analyze it as an expression of Mono's perception of the world. I like to believe the Signal Tower cannot truly operate without a battery or power source, some person with some sort of emotional state & psyche to exploit & perpetuate onto the world. I like to think that, without any host, it is small & unassuming, & depending on its host, it can gain any amount of power gradually... and that Mono, is just an amazingly perfect beautiful host, of which the Tower is grateful for, allowing it to expand further and further, likely seeking to influence the entire world.
A bigger question I have no answer to, would be: was anything here even dangerous, before the Signal Tower? Did the Hunter kill Six, in the very first, original run? Did he mean her harm, or did he just trap her & Mono drew his conclusions? Did Six need to be saved, or did Mono merely believe she needed to be, and made it retroactively true? Our only hint is that Six is described as waking up in a world she 'does not recognize', which suggests this is not the world she used to inhabit. I would at least assume Mono has made it unrecognizable from what it was, however dangerous or safe it was before left to us to imagine.
Personally, I am a fan of Mono manufacturing all danger seen here, but also having perceived there always being danger, even before more catastrophic changes making it Nightmarish. Perhaps the world always felt like a nightmare to Mono, so he can't really understand that he's made everything want to kill Six, even things that did not before. If he believed Six was vulnerable in the first place, he could always feel like her savior.
The Viewers
Overall, I would say the tenure is that people... are helpless, stupid, mindless things. They are easily beguiled & drawn into meaningless distraction, which makes them not worth interest. I love the track title 'Disposable Entertainment' (the track for Pale City's reveal). I think that might describe well Mono/Thin Man's perception of 'people at large'. I think this sort of dehumanization... can be seen as Mono's sense of him & Six being Other, something more capable & nuanced than the world around them. & perhaps, he is not even wrong. This isn't really an uncommon way for a child to feel, by the way... it is kind of at the heart of 'chuuni' stuff, isn't it?
Something subtle that I really like in the game, is Mono's gradual increased carelessness for any of the Viewer's lives. After Six is captured by Thin Man, his desperate pursuit of her has him intentionally leading people off of ledges, electrocuting them, etc. I wonder sometimes, if the sheer number of people leaping off of building edges, while he attempts to reach Six again, represents something.... just how worthless they all are to him? No longer entertaining or distracting? A kind of coping mechanism? Like a kid throwing its toys in a tantrum....
I think the viewers are a kind of victim of Mono, suffering endlessly for the crime of being boring lol. The generalized view of Adults in the mind of a Child who perceives his inner world as more depthful.
The Hunter
I'll be playing Calvinball now here lol. When I think of what the Hunter could have once been (as much as the Viewers were surely once normal citizens), I think of how ghoulishly a child could perceive taxidermy, skinning animals, a man with a shotgun protecting his property.
One imagines the kind of nightmare a child could have, after spectating a man out in the boonies shooting raccoons & turning them into hats & mounts. A child could think, 'what an insane and violent, dangerous person, probably is actually a serial killer, only a serial killer could do such things, I bet he's shot people with that gun, he wants to kill me AAAAA' ... and that could escalate, further and further, a warping & warping perception, until the Hunter becomes a man who has killed & stuffed his own family, & now doggedly & obsessively maintains his territory, killing dozens of people for so much as nearing it.
One might imagine Mono's psyche contorts the world with the Tower's Signal, until it reaches a oneness with his internal perception. Perhaps each iteration brings it closer & closer to how he understands it, & further from whatever complexity it had before.
In older concepts, the hunter was to have more 'trophies'... but as it is, I really like them settling on him seemingly only having enshrined a single family. Thematically, that is more powerful.
There is a kind of duality in my mind to Mono's psyche, where it is this unwell combination of ... childish fears, perceptions, nightmares... and then, his own emotions, pathologically. I would like to think of the Hunter's territorial feelings, & his enshrining of his victims, as a sense of preciousness & preservation not dissimilar to what Mono feels about Six. I think representing one's own feelings as potentially monstrous, can be an aspect of such a nightmare. Seeing oneself in something terribly upsetting.
Of course what the Thin Man does to Six thematically parallels what the Hunter does to her, or how Mono 'finds' her..... in the same room, with a music box, behind the same door. A bookending of this loop ....................
A general theme of the game is described as 'escapism', and one could think of the Hunter enshrining his family in a scene of content normalcy, cooking & serving them meals, as a self-comfort, a delusion that evades guilt or recognition of what he has done. They are still here, they have not gone anywhere, and he will protect them from anyone else trying to reach his cabin.
The Teacher
it makes a comical amount of sense that a child would have a nightmare perception of a school, and personify a teacher as a cruel disciplinary force, and other children as antagonistic.
The Bullies as described, 'aren't tragic figures, no cruel parents to blame, and don't secretly crave your friendship. They are bullies, and they will get you if you don't get them first.' Which is an amazing dehumanization of other children! I like that it could be that Mono is just not that charitable to imagine any motivation, no sympathy here, even though he depicts the Bullies abused by the Teacher. They are just dumb & wanton, slovenly beasts, much like the Viewers, disposable & liable to be ruthlessly killed by Mono in pursuit of saving Six. Bad things happen to them, but we don't have to feel bad about it.
The cafeteria is such a viscerally reductive view of other children! I really like how brutal it is. I like that Mono does not see himself as comparable to this. I like how 'apart' he is from other children. It is pretty funny to envision your peers as like, banging-pot-on-head throwing-spaghetti level stupid .................................... Mono lol.... not my beautiful Six tho.
I think my favorite detail of the school, is the repetition of things like dissected frogs, anatomical models.... much like how Taxidermy/skinning could completely horrify a child on first sight, lacking worldly context, it's kind of funny to think of Mono as the kind of child very upset by an anatomical model, & thinking like, 'what if those are real organs, what if my teacher collects real organs, what if she's sadistic like that'..... it makes me imagine Mono as a paranoid kid with very fanciful fearful thoughts lol.
When I think of the 'escapism' theme, I would say the Teacher's avenue is maintaining 'normalcy' again, like the Hunter, though through the act of maintaining control, discipline, a system, a repetitive ritualistic 'job'. Again I do not think this is dissimilar to Mono, who seems to cope with his lack of control over Six's fate by controlling the entire City's fate, and performing a repetitive sequence day in day out.
The Doctor
it is again a no-brainer that a child would fear a hospital and have very ghoulish memories of a hospital stay (especially in this era, where we seem to perform electroshock therapy & double as an asylum & morgue????).... maybe even particularly ghoulish memories of prosthetic limbs stored in a closet. Like the anatomical models, it's kind of cute if Mono is just the sort of child who freaks out at the visage of fake body parts!!!! I like how EXCESSIVE the supply of prosthetics are, simply endless beds layered with them & whole rooms of shelf after shelf after shelf of them. It could have felt as if there were so many, to Mono, as a child... filled with a vision of a deranged doctor who is constantly cutting off limbs & replacing them, eventually cutting off the entire head....
Meanwhile, the dynamic described in the Hospital between Doctor & Patients is ah, oddly more charitable or pitiable than the dynamic between Teacher & Students, which is wholly about discipline/control. The patients are willing & desperate for help, coming to the Doctor to feel better, begging for more procedures to fix what is wrong... and the Doctor is ever-loyal, dedicated to them. Both his & his patients have a warped idea of 'help', is all.
While arguably the Teacher is more baselessly cruel, it is the compassionate Doctor who Mono both antagonizes & kills? One as a player would surely prefer to kill the Teacher but we do not get that kind of satisfaction, & she is even depicted kind of sympathetically with her melancholic piano-playing, as if she has a shred of humanity left in her. She's not really harmed by Mono.
Meanwhile, Mono switches the power off of a life-support patient to distract & distress the Doctor, then traps him in the incinerator to either be left to rot or burn alive.
It's kind of interesting that both the Bullies & the Patients are surely suffering, but only the Patients get a somewhat sympathetic narrative. I still think there is an oeuvre of 'they're dumb, they are mindlessly imagining procedures will fix something more complicated, they are only destroying themselves grotesquely' but, hmm. I wonder if Mono is just the sort of kid to mistrust the medical system & that kind of 'care'.... I'm intrigued that the relationship is mutually maintained but toxic. The Doctor isn't a sadistic freak experimenting on humans against their will, that isn't Mono's vision of a Nightmare Hospital. His vision is instead one where people have lost themselves in endless curatives ...
On the theme of 'escapism' once more the doctor seems to be maintaining 'normalcy' in his position, running his rounds, washing his hands, caretaking endlessly & obsessively. One could see his coping mechanism as caretaking, offering procedures over & over to 'fix', but dilapidating humans into monsters in the process, losing the plot more or less. As humans won't be made happy, they are made unthinking & inhuman, the only resort. It's really not dissimilar to Mono/Thin Man's predicament. Mono & Thin Man can't seem to agree on what Six needs... but Thin Man would see her disfigurement & sublimation as a monster as an OK compromise, if it means keeping her safe & content. Mono disagrees & will fight for Six's humanity & existence in the world outside of the Tower.... but Thin Man is a Mono with more knowledge of the entire timeline, so maybe he's right ... or is he a Mono with more warping & distortion of rational thought, so he's wrong? I don't think Mono/Thin Man can figure that out.
WELL!!!! I think Mono is of two minds about EVERYTHING regarding Six, escapism, coping, fixatives, and what is the best thing to do... I think, the entire world is wrestling with concepts of comfort & soothing VS defense & protection. Pacification & aggression. I think poor Six is at the mercy of Mono's inability to settle on a solution, for as long as she is made to participate in this loop, which is like an externalized internal argument ....
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p11noyy · 4 months
another redraw guys i'm sorry😔🔥
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drew while fucking camping. no matter how much i love this drawing i am suffering bring me home
more stuff under the cut ⬇️
screenshot from spares
time taken: 4 hours 4 minutes
alt versions ⬇️
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1. just the guys
2. lineart
3. just the bg
4. minus vignette
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morroodle · 1 year
Rewatched skybound and ohhhh boy I am having thoughts
Sky pirate Morro au!!!
Wish 1: learn spinjitzu
While searching for the toomb Morro says something along the lines of "I wish I was a spinjitzu master". Unbeknownst to him there happens to be a particular Jinn nearby, and his wish is granted.
Wish 2: find the toomb
He figures out what's happening and talks to Nadakhan, somewhere along the way telling him a bit of his story but the only part that matters to Nadakhan is that this is the master of wind. Eventually Morro makes his second wish: to find the toomb of the first spinjitzu master
Wish 3: o fuck he dying
Just because Morro found the toomb dosent mean he can pass the 3 deadly trials, and he eventually finds himself dying. He's alone and scared and crying out for help from literally anyone when he remembers the weird 4 armed magic orange guy, and he wishes. He wishes to be saved and he is! Safe and sound, Morro now owes his life to Nadakhan (or maybe Nadakhan twisted the wish or something to make morro owe him) and happily accepts the offer to join his pirate crew
The reason Nadakhan was interested in Morro is because of his elemental power, after all he's a pirate who sails on a ship and being able to control the wind would give him quite the advantage. Morro joins the crew and finds a new purpose and a family with the pirates, having the time of his life doing lots of crime and shenanigans (he is not mentally healthy but thats ok).
When Nadakhan is defeated and his crew is split up Morro gets sent to the cursed realm and spends years suffering and having a bad time and becoming cool until the end of season 5 (how does season 5 happen without morro? Idk some random ghost replaces him or something) when he escapes the preeminent. He stays in Stix until he finds the teapot of tyran and frees his captain and season 6 happens but morro is there being a cool pirate now.
Fun fact! I've actually thought about this au before. Last year for morrotober I drew morro as a sky pirate but I never really fleshed out the au. Maybe i should redraw that old piece now...
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superaznchick · 5 months
i had a whole rant typed out like 2 days ago that i made while emotional but it will rot in my drafts forever now because i have now spent the required amount of time in the timeout corner and properly digested my emotions to come back and make a fresh new post
idk what corporate girly out there slaving in front of a laptop needs to hear this AGAIN, because i certainly have heard this before but subconsciously dismissed it because Surely That Won't Happen To I, but it DID so i am now yelling at you from the other side
DONT FUCKING TRUST YOUR MANAGER!!!!!!!!! the nuance here is that YES they can be nice, and they can 100% be the best person ever, and they might not even consciously manipulate you. but you are never safe from subconscious manipulation or just straight up incompetence.
if your manager does their job well, it means you are manipulated. BUT if they do their job BAD, you STILL get manipulated!! this is because even if they are incompetent, you will always end up bridging the gap for their incompetence and it will weigh you down and you will NEVER get credit for your work. in fact, you are in danger on both ends of the spectrum - if you manager is good, they'll take credit for your work. if your manager is bad, they'll STILL take credit for your work AND make you suffer for it because they won't even have the skills at least get you the reward you deserve.
ive spent the last 3 years under my do-nothing manager always giving him the benefit of the doubt, "oh he's just a silly lil guy this is his first management job he doesnt know what hes doing" type shit, and i have nothing but stress and resentment to show for it.
i have LITERALLY been DOING HIS JOB FOR HIM. i revamped our meetings, i put sprint processes in place, i drew our team scope/borders and weighed in on who should staff projects. and on TOP of that i did tech lead and regular ic work. i was doing both my job and at least 50% of his because im not a fucking manager and theres only so much i can do.
but all this time my actual skill set as an engineer is deteriorating because ive been begging for mentorshop/coaching since day one i joined the team, which is 100% the manager's job to coach and level up their engineers, but these needs were completely ignored in favor of me trying to get this dumb fucking team together because my manager literally does nothing. he doesn't do his fucking job, and he gets away with it because he has high soft skill!!!! his boss likes him!!! so he will not be punished!!!!!!
i on the other hand am severely punished because i have revealed my hand as a do-all "superstar", im the one that gets 3 projects with the same deadline that i have to do all by myself, im the one thats expected to do all my work and more AND i am the one that takes the brunt of flack when external teams are ultimately disappointed that the deadlines are not met. i get no protection from any of this shit because my manager is fucking incompetent and refuses to step up. whether he consciously or subconsciously does this DOES NOT MATTER!!!! you will ALWAYS eat it at the bottom line!!!
treat your manager like your enemy, never trust them. size them up in your first few 1:1s to see how much they can do for you in terms of your career. if they are NOT delivering results within the first 2-3 months, CLOCK OUT!!!!!! decenter work from your life, shut the laptop at 5pm sharp, put in your bare minimum to not get canned and turn your brain off from all work problems. sometimes the corporate grind is worth it but ONLY if you have someone competent managing you and they are smart enough to recognize that engineers under them need reward and respect to be retained. if they won't or can't retain you, just let it happen!!!! dont overextend yourself it's never worth it
obv im yelling this from my jail cell as a software engineer so idk how much of this is applicable to other fields, but that's my two cents. i have spent way too much time being upset and angry these last few weeks to not vent about it. if this applies to you, pls save yourself the heartache and learn the skill of decentering work for when it comes in handy. im not advocating for indiscriminate quiet quitting bc that can actually be harmful to your financials, but the art of quiet quitting should still be mastered for when the appropriate time arises. use your discretion
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