#driving license  for sale
hmdtravelagencies · 2 years
How To Get A Driving License/Photo Id In The Usa?
A driver’s license is a significant document in the United States. It is normally a similar size as a credit card. A driver’s license enables you to work an engine vehicle legitimately. Without a driver’s license, it is illicit to work an engine vehicle. Apply driving license online at an online agency today and get it delivered inside a short time frame.
Driver’s licenses are given by each state in the United States. The principles and regulations change in different states. Be that as it may, a driver’s license gave from any state in the United States enables you to drive anyplace in the U.S. and Canada. As the public vehicle framework is just great (or sensible) in some significant urban communities like New York, the vast majority need to drive a vehicle. In certain states, it might be called an option that is other than the DMV. For instance, it is the Registry of Motor Vehicles in Massachusetts and the Department of Public Safety in Texas. If you don’t mind allude to a superb informal guide to DMV governs in different states.
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As the United States has no national identification framework, the driver’s license is likewise widely used for identification. As the vast majority drive the vehicle in the U.S., the driver’s license has become the standard photo and ID. If you are composing a check for instalment at stores, loading up a local flight, buying tobacco or liquor, visiting bars, or dance clubs where liquor is served, you are required to show a photo ID. Numerous spots acknowledge just a valid U.S. driver’s license as valid photo and identification and not a passport. The DMV can likewise give you a photo ID; that seems to be like a driver’s license, yet you can’t work an engine vehicle with it.
Many people get an essential driver’s license to work vehicles. There are separate licenses for motorcycles, taxicabs, transports, or trucks. A few states issue driver’s licenses with vertical direction to individuals under age 21 to effortlessly identify whether the individual is of legitimate drinking age. In these cases, it likewise specifies the date the individual will turn 21. A few states may print the image on the ideal for drivers under 21 as opposed to one side. A few states write; Under 21; in intense red. A few states may give licenses of different hues to individuals underneath the age of 21. A few states show an image of a little heart, or the term; Organ Donor; is imprinted on the driver’s license, to demonstrate that he/she has consented to give his/her organs in the event of an unexpected death, for example, in an auto accident. The base driving age is different in each state and may shift from 14 to 18 years. In any case, in many states, it is around 16 years.
Numerous states have quit printing social security numbers as driver’s license numbers because of identity robbery concerns. Driver’s licenses, by and large, have a license number, photograph of the individual, copy of his/her mark, name, date of birth, address of main living place, the type or class of license, confinements and supports, and physical qualities of the people, for example, tallness, weight, and eye shading.
Get In Touch For More Information!
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mxbitters · 1 year
cops will just do stupid shit like tail you when you obviously have no clue where you’re fucking going as if that’s a cool and normal thing to do
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karmaphone · 2 years
seriously the way that jobs are biased against people without a drivers license (for whatever reason!) is insane. even if the job doesn't actually require any driving they'll still pass me over for someone with a drivers license. and it's every. fucking. job.
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Amazon's bestselling "bitter lemon" energy drink was bottled delivery driver piss
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Today (Oct 20), I'm in Charleston, WV at Charleston's Taylor Books from 12h-14h.
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For a brief time this year, the bestselling "bitter lemon drink" on Amazon was "Release Energy," which consisted of the harvested urine of Amazon delivery drivers, rebottled for sale by Catfish UK prankster Oobah Butler in a stunt for a new Channel 4 doc, "The Great Amazon Heist":
Collecting driver piss is surprisingly easy. Amazon, you see, puts its drivers on a quota that makes it impossible for them to drive safely, park conscientiously, or, indeed, fulfill their basic human biological needs. Amazon has long waged war on its employees' kidneys, marking down warehouse workers for "time off task" when they visit the toilets.
As tales of drivers pissing – and shitting! – in their vans multiplied, Amazon took decisive action. The company enacted a strict zero tolerance policy for drivers returning to the depot with bottles of piss in their vans.
That's where Butler comes in: the roads leading to Amazon delivery depots are lined with bottles of piss thrown out of delivery vans by drivers who don't want to lose their jobs, which made harvesting the raw material for "Release Energy" a straightforward matter.
Butler was worried that he wouldn't be able to list his product on Amazon because he didn't have the requisite "food and drinks licensing" certificates, so he listed his drink in Amazon's refillable pump dispenser category. But Amazon's systems detected the mismatch and automatically shifted the product into the drinks section.
Butler enlisted some confederates to place orders for his drink, and it quickly rocketed to the top of Amazon's listings for the category, which led to Amazon's recommendation engine pushing the item on people who weren't in on the gag. When these orders came in, Butler pulled the plug, but not before an Amazon rep telephoned him to pitch him turning packaging, shipping and fulfillment over to Amazon:
The Release Energy prank was just one stunt Butler pulled for his doc; he also went undercover at an Amazon warehouse, during a period when Amazon hired an extra 1,000 workers for its warehouses in Coventry, UK, in a successful bid to dilute pro-union sentiment in his workforce in advance of a key union vote:
Butler's stint as an Amazon warehouse worker only lasted a couple of days, ending when Amazon recognized him and fired him.
The contrast between Amazon's ability to detect an undercover reporter and its inability to spot bottles of piss being marketed as bitter lemon energy drink says it all, really. Corporations like Amazon hire vast armies of "threat intelligence" creeps who LARP at being CIA superspies, subjecting employees and activists to intense and often illegal surveillance.
But while Amazon's defensive might is laser-focused on the threat of labor organizers and documentarians, the company can't figure out that one of its bestselling products is bottles of its tormented drivers' own urine.
In the USA, the FTC is suing Amazon for its monopolistic tactics, arguing that the company has found ways to raise prices and reduce quality by trapping manufacturers and sellers with its logistics operation, taking $0.45-$0.51 out of every dollar they earn and forcing them to raise prices at all retailers:
The Release Energy stunt shows where Amazon's priorities are. Not only did Release Energy get listed on Amazon without any quality checks, the company actually nudged it into a category where it was more likely to be consumed by a person. The only notice the company took of Release Energy was in its logistics and manufacturing department – the part of the business that extracts the monopoly rents at issue in the FTC case – which tracked Butler down in order to sell him these services.
The drivers whose piss Butler collected don't work directly for Amazon, they work for a Delivery Service Partner. These DSPs are victims of a pyramid scheme that Amazon set up. DSP operators lease vans and pay to have them skinned in Amazon livery and studded with Amazon sensors. They take out long-term leases on depots, and hire drivers who dress in Amazon uniforms. Their drivers are minutely monitored by Amazon, down to the movements of their eyeballs.
But none of this is "Amazon" – it's all run by an "entrepreneur," whom Amazon can cut loose without notice, leaving them with unfairly terminated employees, outstanding workers' comp claims, a fleet of Amazon-skinned vehicles and unbreakable facilities leases:
Speaking to Wired, Amazon denied that it forces its drivers to piss in bottles, but Butler clearly catches a DSP dispatcher telling drivers "If you pee in a bottle and leave it [in the vehicle], you will get a point for that" – that is, the part you get punished for isn't the peeing, it's the leaving.
Amazon's defense against the FTC is that it spares no effort to keep its marketplace safe. As Amazon spokesperson James Drummond says, they use "industry-leading tools to prevent genuinely unsafe products being listed." But the only industry-leading tools in evidence are tools to bust unions and screw suppliers.
In her landmark Yale Law Review paper, "Amazon's Antitrust Paradox," FTC Chair Lina Khan makes a brilliant argument that Amazon's alleged benefits to "consumers" are temporary at best, illusory at worst:
In Butler's documentary, Khan's hypothesis is thoroughly validated: here's a company extracting hundreds of billions from merchants who raise prices to compensate, and those monopoly rents are "invested" in union-busting and countermeasures against investigative journalists, while the tools to keep you from accidentally getting a bottle of piss in the mail are laughably primitive.
Truly, Amazon is the apex predator of the platform era:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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citizenshipforsale1 · 2 years
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If you want to use a driver's license from another country in Canada or Canada Drivers License. you are required to get an International Driving Permit (IDP) in the country where you currently reside
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New Jersey Fake Driver’s license for sale online.
You can now buy NJ driver’s license online at your convenience. Valid driver’s licenses for sale
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drivinglicenseinc · 2 years
Buy Category B driver’s license in Austria from Driving License INC
 The reason for more people purchasing Austrian driving license Category B is mainly because B is the most common category of driving license that people need. When it comes to delivery of your Austrian driving license
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reality-detective · 5 months
Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table
At which he's fed.
Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts
Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.
Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.
Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass.
Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won't be done
Till he has no dough.
When he screams and hollers;
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He's good and sore.
Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he's laid.
When he's gone,
Do not relax,
Its time to apply
The inheritance tax.
Accounts ReceivableTax
Airline surcharge tax
Airline FuelTax
Airport MaintenanceTax
Building PermitTax
Corporate IncomeTax
Dog LicenseTax
Driving PermitTax
EnvironmentalTax (Fee)
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment (UI)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Gasoline Tax (too much per litre)
Gross ReceiptsTax
Hunting LicenseTax
Marriage LicenseTax
Personal IncomeTax
Prescription DrugTax
Provincial Income and sales tax
Real EstateTax
Recreational VehicleTax
Retail SalesTax
Service ChargeTax
Telephone FederalTax
Telephone Federal, Provincial and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft RegistrationTax
Well PermitTax
Workers CompensationTax
Not one of these taxes existed 60 years ago, & our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middle class, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What happened? Can you spell 'politicians?'
I hope this goes around the USA at least 100 times. YOU can help it get there.
-Benjamin Fulford 🤔
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bonebrokebuddy · 7 months
@kodedgeekthings eyo you mentioned wanting a dpxdc prompt for Howard, Batman’s mechanic!
Harold misses fixing toys for kids and in his off hours has taken up the habit of answering questions on forums about machining, electrical, engineering, mechanics, and mechanical design that are often frequented by students.
One day, he comes across a request by a college student who is trying to assemble his own car out of scrap he bought from a local wrecking yard.
Ghostly_Boy states that he has previous experience in machining and can make replacements for broken or too-damaged parts if need be, but he doesn’t know where to start and what specific requirements he needs to reach to ensure it’s street legal.
Harold willing to help, he answers a few of Ghostly Boy’s clarifying questions:
- Great questions!
It’s good to note that if you’re not careful, fixing or making your own car from parts can be a moneysink and can cost you more than a brand new vehicle. - That being said, your first major step to ensuring you can drive the car is to get the title of the body/frame of the car you plan to build. It’ll have the VIN on a plate welded to the frame usually near the lower edge of the windshield wipers on the drivers side. It’s how the DMV identifies vehicles for licensing.
- Generally, you’ll at first get a “wreck out” title that shows the vehicle is listed as a total loss, but if you can assemble the parts for the car with that frame, the DMV can check if it’s properly running and road worthy & license for you to use it on public roads if you’ve done the proper paperwork.
- Once that is done, it’s largely a case of getting the right parts and assembling them. Depending on how much you have to repair, you could be taking on a task that could give a challenge to even a seasoned mechanic. There may be additional paperwork depending on what exactly you need to repair, like the breaks, lights, steering, etc.
- If you want to build the car entirely from scratch, chassis and all, that’s an entirely different story with a much more complicated list of requirements to make it street legal, so getting a frame from a junkyard is a great first step!
- Make sure to keep all bills of sale, junkyard receipts, invoices and manufacturers’ certificates on any major parts you used in building the vehicle to prove its road worthy to the DMV when it’s complete!
Harold doesn’t always answer first but over time he’s found the adventures of this kid amusing and keeps up with it.
Ghostly_Boy keeps the forum updated with his progress:
The kid spontaneously deciding to scrap the wiring system and make his own in a span of 3 days, leaving experienced mechanics on the forum practically screaming at the kid for his updates showing him using random wires he salvaged and pigtailing them together to get the length of wire he needed.
Mixing not only multiple types of wires but ones that didn’t have the protection needed for auto use. DIY-ing his own relay and fuses he didn’t have and connecting the wrong grounds and switches. And planning on leaving the wires unwrapped and loose.
Leaving Ghost to promptly redo the wiring, correctly this time, within 78 hours.
Making a repair of a massive rusted hole on the passenger side by the bumper and the front tire via cutting 1/2in past the rust, grinding it pretty and clean, tac & seam welding the vintage aluminum housing material of a toaster to cover the hole to the response of Harold and many others in the forum just going “… I guess that would work?”
Harold and many others telling the kid that this “ectoplasm” material wasn’t cleared through the EPA’s Clear Air Act and could be illegal to drive with it as it’s fuel source unless he got the emissions tested & the center of gravity of the car adjusted to have the center of gravity a gas car has, it wouldn’t pass Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Nor would the previously untested on material make it easy or quick to get an Emissions testing certificate. Best to just stick with gas.
Removing what he thought was a “skid plate” that turned out to be another rusted out section on the frame on the bottom of his car and repairing it with steel he salvaged from an old medical table he had laying around. (To the multiple slightly confused commenters asking how Ghost had a spare medical table, he replied, “eh, my folks visit every so often and they’ve been giving me things they’re clearing out of the house so they can move closer to my older sister. I just so happened to get the ye olde medical table. They’re an odd couple of folks but that’s why I love them.”)
People just crying at the kid to go to rockauto.com and just buy the damn parts he needs for his car. (A good resource btw)
The kid kept cutting corners to save cash but through the badgering of Harold and many others that he actually would have to spend money to make this car be safe to drive in, he finally got it completed.
Ghost’s post of him leaving DMV waving the updated title to the car in its envelope in the air, titled, “THE DMV FINALLY SAID IT WASN’T A FIRE HAZARD! ONLY TOOK 2 YEARS! THANKS EVERYONE!” Got the most amount of responses he’d ever had with congratulations from lurkers and previous commenters.
Over the course of those two years, Danny learned how to draw his own wiring diagrams, properly solder and weld, and learning to actually plan out his projects so he got it right at least the fifth time instead of the 20th. Not bad for a kid that went straight from graduating high school with a 1.5GPA to construction jobs.
But after finally getting the car approved, Ghostly_Boy returns to the forum with a new problem. Lamenting that his parents keep coming over and “modifying” his car to no longer make it street legal.
At this point, about half of the answers to the submission think it’s either a joke project taken very, very seriously with a good chunk of money behind it, or a kid with parents that have narrowly avoided falling completely down the mad scientist rogue rabbit hole.
After all, what sort of parent would think that the DMV would approve to “anti-ghost missiles” being attached to the outer body of the car? Either way, the submissions always had video attached showing a demonstration, proving that Ghost wasn’t just completely yanking their chain. And a good amount of money would have to be sunken in to not only pay for the fines Ghostly continued to get from the additions to his car, but to actually manufacture and make a unique working product for each plea for help request.
Harold is not only taking notes on some of these defense measures but also decides to bring up the boy to Alfred. Intrigued, they together keep an eye on Ghostly_Boy. Bruce may be their employer, but they can handle a case or two on their own.
- I wanted Danny to try to make smth for himself now that he doesn’t have access to his parent’s lab anymore but he also doesn’t have access to ectoplasm so he’s fairly unfamiliar how to wire things Not for ectoplasmic standards.
Also I wanted to make a prompt where Danny had a good relationship with his parents & went into a fairly realistic job after high school with his fairly bad GPA so he’s saving up for a technical school via construction jobs as he doesn’t like the idea of working fast food for understandable reasons.
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travelingthief · 1 year
Hermes Offerings and Devotions
Playing cards
Playing jacks (UPG)
Bouncy balls (UPG)
Lucky charms (Cereal)
Rabbit's foot
Horse shoe
Magic 8 ball
Energy drinks
Road trip snacks (I like Hostess donuts)
Airplanes/trains/cars imagery
Foreign/new foods
Trail mix
Peanut m&ms (UPG)
Lyres/string instruments
Sandals/shoes/running shoes
Camping gear
Survival gear, like multitools, fire starters, first aid kits etc.
Small (stolen) trinkets
Language dictionaries
Work out gear
Zodiac signs
Car parts
Backpacks/drawstring bags/bags
Board games (UPG)
Dominos (UPG)
Pick up sticks (UPG)
Dream journals
Graveyard dirt
Cookie fortunes
Foreign money
$2 Bills
Dollar coins
Travel souvenirs
Old licenses/IDs
Sport trophies/jerseys/jackets/gear
Video games
Magic kits
Oranges/Lemons (UPG)
Devotional Acts
Write letters
Go for walks
Road trips
Learn about alchemy, astrology, lucid dreaming/astral travel, astronomy, etc.
Learn basic car maintenance (change a tire, jump a car, change air filter, check oil etc.)
Give money/socks/cigarettes/water/food to panhandlers
Go talk to a panhandler and keep them company for a bit. I usually smoke a cigarette with them (only time I smoke) and just chat.
Public speaking
Tip well
Learn new language
Learn ASL
Work out
Drive safely and predictably
Use your blinker fools
Clean your car
Make a travel altar
Get a passport
Practice keyboarding
Have a penpal
Train your voice
Magic tricks
Check your mail/email regularly
Low risk gambling, like lotto tickets
Riskier gambling if you're mindful of it
Make sigils
Have a race
Play a tag
Be nice to wait staff
Play sports
Make maps of trails near you
Make maps of whatever you want
Play uke/string instruments
Make herms
Uphold confidentiality
Coin tricks
Be a reliable worker
Thrifting/yard saling
Dumpster diving
Making trades and barters
Help look for missing people/pets
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cottonlemonade · 6 months
How You Met
word count: 927 || avg. reading time: 4 mins.
pairing: post time-skip Kita x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: youths
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Kita pulled out his phone to take the obligatory picture of the first cherry blossoms of the year, angling the camera against the light of a street lamp for effect and ducking his shoulders against a brisk breeze that rocked the branches back and forth as if grabbed by an invisible hand. Pink petals fluttered through the air like snow and he took a deep breath, closing his eyes, listening intently to faint sounds of the city in the distance. When he opened his eyes again he spotted you and his heart gave a little jolt.
The first time he had seen you was around mid February when Atsumu and his then new girlfriend just started dating and were making good use of the friendly neighborhood taxi service. (Atsumu’s reckless driving had led to yet another suspension of his license so after promising Kita to help him out at the farm on his days off for a month, Kita agreed to drive him twice a week.)
One night, as he was picking up the lust-driven delinquent, his phone buzzed with a notification about a flash sale happening at a nearby boba store he liked. Seeing as he had already spent 20 minutes in the car, fruitlessly waiting for the new couple to wrap things up upstairs, he decided to take the short walk to quickly collect the promised deal and that’s when he saw you - your cute full cheeks cuddled into a thick scarf and puffy coat collar, waiting in line along with another dozen or so people. Once the boba and free snacks were retrieved, he and you met eyes for a moment. You tilted your head ever so slightly and gave a small curious smile before bowing and leaving.
After that you had run into each other every so often at that little park, sometimes over another sale at a food store of some kind, sometimes just because you were both taking a stroll in the crisp night air (one of you more voluntarily than the other) and over the following few weeks he realized he didn't seem to mind driving his former teammate all over town anymore - even going as far as to suggest additional visits to his girlfriend or to grab dinner at a restaurant in that neighborhood. Atsumu, while suspiciously squinting at him from the passenger seat every time, didn’t say anything.
Tonight it looked like you were coming from grocery shopping, readjusting a bag weighing heavy in your hand while trying to keep your purse from slipping off your shoulder. Your steps slowed for a second when you saw him standing there, his phone still in hand, blatantly staring at you and you smiled, giving the small wave that passed between you two as a routine greeting by now.
He swallowed and made his way towards you, ready to offer help carrying the bag when a lot of things happened very quickly. A group of teens dashed by on their bikes, not bothering to alert you of their presence, driving past so narrowly you were pushed from left to right, stumbling a little. He shouted after the boys to apologize but they just laughed and drove on. Kita turned around to you who looked shocked but unharmed and began to walk again when a last straggler from the group came racing along the pathway and knocked you to the ground, calling for his friends to wait.
Kita jogged over and knelt at your side.
“Are you alright?”, he asked, hesitating for a second, before grabbing your elbow, carefully pulling you to your feet. Your hands and knees were scraped, your bag torn. You nodded and he helped you to a nearby bench to sit down before swiftly gathering the scattered groceries, some beyond saving as the boys had driven over them, like splattered grapes and a split carton of milk.
“Thank you very much.”, you said and tried to shake strands of hair out of your face, unable to use your shivering hands.
Without thinking he raised his own to brush it back for you, his mouth feeling very dry when your eyes met.
After an impossibly long moment he cleared his throat and told you to stay put while he would head to the pharmacy around the corner and before you could stop him, he was on his way. You looked down at your ripped jeans - now more ripped and dirtied by the fall - and grimaced.
When he returned he knelt in front of you again, tearing open the bag of disinfectant wipes and after checking with you that he wasn't overstepping, began cleaning your knees and hands, reassuring you and careful he didn't touch you more than necessary, put plasters on the now cleaned cuts.
“Thank you.”, you said again and took the arm he had offered you to get up.
He held out a new bag he had gotten from the pharmacy in which he had stacked the few unscathed groceries and you accepted it with a bow.
You both stood there for a while, neither really knowing what to do next.
"Sorry for all the trouble.", you said finally and he looked at you, kneading your fingers, looking anywhere but at him and he saw a distinct blush creeping into your cheeks. You were even prettier up close.
"Don’t worry about it.", he said simply when his brain started to work again. A pleasant shiver trickled down your spine at his calm soft voice.
"Could I… invite you for some coffee tomorrow? As a Thank You."
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a/n: I wanted this to feel like the most cliched romance anime/kdrama meet cute imaginable.
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drdemonprince · 9 months
When other people say that they do not have enough time to get something done, they (often, if they're quite healthy) mean they are taking into account the time it takes to do the laundry and arrange new pieces of furniture and cook dinner and meet up with friends to see a movie and run to the post office or the hair dresser and take the dog for walks and do the dishes and paint their nails and drive to the store and go to their cousin's wedding and go to the barbecue their friend is throwing on the weekend
they don't winnow their life down to just spending time at the computer, working from when they wake up until they cannot focus their eyes anymore, granola bars, coffee, and bottles of water all around them because of course they did not take time to have lunch or breakfast, only dragging themselves away from work when they are truly too exhausted to do any of it anymore, and then lacking the energy to do much of anything that remains of life but to eat a tiny bit more, sponge themselves off, and go to sleep.
i just saw a video of a fursuiter on their bed, legs kicked back, head propped on their hands, delightedly announcing that after many years of hard work they had finally finished their Master's degree. And some part of me, some sick withered part, thought really? you had time to do a Master's degree while also getting a fursuit done? and going to conventions, presumably? you had time in the day to research fursuit makers, have a sona designed and drawn by someone else (or to draw it yourself), to contact a maker to make a duck tape dummy of yourself, and to have a friend over to help you make it and to cut it off of you, to send it in the mail to the maker, to then get it and make videos? you had time to set up this beautiful bedroom that i see in your video, with a soft pink sham on the bed and LED lights behind your bookshelf and lamps and all kinds of stuffed toys? you had a life? you were out playing, and dancing, and pursuing your hobbies, and you did a master's degree?
because when i was working on my doctorate, there was nothing. three layers of foam on the floor with a fitted sheet over it. a folding card table from aldi that had cost $40 that my grandparents got me. no food in the fridge. no time to even get the internet installed, just stolen wi-fi when my laptop could pick it up. i woke up, got dressed, and slunk into the office. i sat alone in the dark working until my hunger made me furious and i could not write another word. and then i walked to the grocery store, got something to subsist on, went home, ate, kickboxing video, went to sleep. every day. with almost nothing breaking the routine.
and ive gotten better, so much better, but my brain still kind of works that way. i feel like i have to quit my job and stop being a writer if i want to have hobbies. to paint my bedroom. to marinate a meat for longer than fifteen minutes. to get a driver's license again. to take a trip. but i dont want to be like that any more. how do people know when to stop? i feel like i have to give everything my absolute all until there is nothing left or else i have done nothing. i feel that i would have to treat a hobby like a job to get it done. I feel that anything that takes more than two minutes is a huge waste of time i must feel guilty for. i am working on all these things. jesus i have been working on them for years at this point. but because i have been so successful at telling people to do less, i get pulled in. interview. workshop invitation. email. urgent in the subject line. call from my agent. meeting request from my boss. new book idea, better sell it now while my sales figures still look good. recording studio session. deadline. writing. can you talk about this. can you talk about that. tag. email. book idea. deadline. long heartfelt email. still so often i have to take my own damn advice.
and this is why i am getting a fursuit made!! and going to cons! and going to leather and latex events! and making socials that are separate for these things!! i am going to let myself be silly and soft and do frivolous things. i am so sick of what i do to myself, all the pursuit of seeming like a strong mature adult.
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dicentsalve · 10 days
Hey I really love your art style it's amazing... And since we had la squadra and l'unita headcanons may i ask for zucchero & sale headcanons?
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I like the direction we're going
Thank you, bb!
I haven't really thought about them as much as I'd like, but I have a couple of notes
First of all, I'd like to note that these two work quite closely with Luka, receiving possible information from him due to influence and a certain power (I will also touch on Luka a little and note that every member of Passione knows and respects him, regardless of status within the family. I mean, boy at least passed Polpo's test and was left without a stand🧍)
Buuut not always they can pay for the services provided
● Sale
As I mentioned, he's Squalo's older brother and has been working at Passione longer, but he still hasn't been able to get higher (if we don't take into account the events of Vento Aureo)
Since I gave Squalo the peculiarity of unusual teeth, Sale has them too, but less expressed and not so noticeable. His central and lateral incisors are normal, but starting with the fangs, as they approach the edges, the sharp teeth become more expressed. Btw, this pisses him off.
Has impaired water exchange up to dehydration.
Doesn't have a driver's license. Can't drive, could I say, if close communication with Mario hadn't forced him to learn it.
For some inexplicable reason, I associate Kraft Work with a cactus (that's why in one of my old sketches Squalo calls Sale a cactus ass🧍), in connection with this: Sale loves cacti. And Mario, with his ridiculous clothes, btw, resembles a cactus. Maybe that's why they're still together.
Doesn't like fish very much, but eats it to annoy Squalo.
Obviously a Tuscan, like his brother, but he has no accent or dialect in his speech. He uses dialect words only for confidentiality or out of harmfulness.
Has a stand since birth, which is why, even in childhood, having mastered the stand, he became proud and impudent And was a bully in childhood 🫵
Based on the Kraft Work ability, I like to think that Sale has a slight peculiarity of "dropping out" of a conversation/situation and just staring at one point for some time.
Like Squalo, he also has problems with his parents. But for them, this is rather a huge ground for jokes than a burdensome problem.
● Zucchero
Mario isn't only an inattentive, careless person, but also has some problems with his eyesight. Not in the sense that he needs glasses, but he has "tunnel vision", which neither Sale nor Zucchero himself knows about, believing that everyone has it. So in order to concentrate on the road, he can't look away even a millimeter. Otherwise, he is a really good driver, who has saved them from total ass more than once.
Very hunched over.
Despite his last name, he is rather clumsy and slow (in general, everything that, ironically, a lack of sugar in the body leads to), requires more time to process information, which also infuriates Sale.
Quite often he goes to women, cuz of which he often doesn't get in touch and gets scolded by Sale for his recklessness.
He's involuntarily acquainted with Tiziano and already doesn't have the best relationship with him, although they have only met once.
Since Soft Machine uses a blade, Zucchero is very good with bladed weapons.
He likes decorative poodles (I won't explain it)
Lives with Sale cuz it's safer and cheaper (he's just too lazy to clean the apartment)
Often takes Sale in the evening after work to see the sunset (he forgets the way home)
And original of meme
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citizenshipforsale1 · 2 years
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However, from May 3, 2023, you will need a Montana REAL ID-compliant license or Montana Drivers License , or another approved form of identification, in order to board an internal flight inside the United States or enter a federal building.
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a-d-nox · 6 days
lenormand cards: key phrases and an example of a card combo (part 3)
this is just a beginners guide to the lenormand. these are key phrases that come to mind when i think of the cards - NOT how they should be directly applied. they needs to be thought about situationally - the card / when it is in specific combos can change or alter its meaning in a reading.
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ring: unity, attachment, alliance, marriage, vow, affections, commitment, engagement, agreements, promises, partnerships, mergers, valuable objects, jewelry, completion, solution, full circle, etc.
ring + cross = joint suffering, spartacus energy, feeling burdened by your commitments, relationship trials, bad karma, being "cursed", being humiliated by your partner, disappointed by your partner, etc.
book: curiosity, knowledge, education, wisdom, intelligence, hidden things, mysteries, secrecy, information, facts, data, learning, education, projects, cases, assignments, audits, research, monetary accounts, research, exams, school, esoteric studies, discoveries, breakthroughs, confidential information, books, journals, files, deck of cards, etc.
book + ring = marriage license, wedding planner, knowledge about prenuptial agreements, combined assets in a partnership, a finished project, final exam, etc.
letter: news, messages, information, notes, memos, documents, reports, written correspondence, awards, certificates, licenses, credentials, diplomas, records, permits, authorizations, warrants, liens, titles, contacts, advertisements, flyers, brochures, junk mail, invitations, announcements, cards, posters, etc
letter + book = lecture notes, hidden messages, literary analysis, awards for intellect, learning permit for driving, etc.
man: brother, lover, father, spouse, fiancé, etc.
man + letter = a guy with news, a message from a man, doctor, educated man, famous man, etc.
woman: sister, lover, mother, friend, spouse, fiancée, etc.
woman + man = siblings, twins, couple, etc.
lilies: royalty, honor, nobility, purity, innocence, knowledge, respect, wisdom, maturity, happiness, protection, pregnancy, aging, peace, slow down, etc.
lilies + woman = queen, maid of honor, a nun, baby girl, a virgin, woman teacher/professor, grandmother, mother, motherhood, etc.
sun: new beginning, life, warmth, heat, success, glory, victory, happiness, glory, desire, courage, hope, recognition, fame, power, reputation, ego, pride, high self-esteem, charisma, alluring personality, summer, beaches, positivity, optimism, masculine, etc.
sun + lilies = pure joy, contentment, joan of arc energy, being well liked and trusted, invincibility, king, patriarchy, etc.
moon: imagination, musing, passion, unconscious, feminine, maternal instincts, intuition, psyche, dreams, creativity, inspiration, innovation, honors, fame, recognition, popularity, celebrity, emotions, passions, seduction, romance, intimacy, affection, desires, fantasies, motherhood, the womb, menstruation, hormones, instincts, perception, sensitivity, awareness, mystics, mediums, psychics, etc.
moon + sun = prologue, dream life, "the warm and fuzzies", psychic power, pearl energy, charming personality, awareness of yourself and your power, etc.
key: wishes, hidden things, success, unexpected results, karmic lessons, breakthroughs, etc.
key + moon = manifestation, creative success, overnight success, karmic lover, awareness of your lesson, etc.
fish: abundance, water, fertility, spirituality, prosperity, eternity, unity, happiness, transformation, femininity, adaptability, knowledge, creativity, freedom, luck, intuition, independence, self-employment, entrepreneurship, sales, purchases, exchanges, abundance, wealth, emotions, beaches, independence, etc.
fish + key = having a lot of wishes, murky water, the unknown, things working out, a gamble paying off, etc.
anchor: stability, security, safety, immovability, trust, faith, loyalty, stubbornness, consistency, endurance, destinations, support, reliability, lifestyle, etc.
anchor + fish = stability income, stubbornness paying off, enduring beliefs, freedom to choose, supporting yourself, lifestyle that supports the self, etc.
cross: suffering, martyrdom, burdens, challenges, worries, troubles, trials, pains, hardships, concerns, hardships, obstacles, hindrances, regret, remorse, guilt, shame, humiliation, disappointment, religion, faith, belief, esotericism, psychics, mediums, empaths, etc.
cross + anchor = financially struggling, lacking faith, being in your own way, struggling with consistency, regretting your life's choices, being disappointed by where you are, faith worth relying on, being a psychic/medium, etc.
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© a-d-nox 2024 all rights reserved
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norakelly · 1 year
Harry and Ginny head-canons <3
Some light hearted ones:)
(Did i type this out while ao3 was down? YES)
Harry for sure sneaked in to Hogwarts under the invisibility cloak to see Ginny during the day (Imagine him in auror robes and her in the quidditch uniform!!!)
Harry befreinds a stray cat during one of his first missions, and gives it to Ginny during their first Christmas so that she can take it back to Hogwarts. The cat stays with them until James starts school. (Along with many other cats of course)
Ginny was recruited as a trainee for Harpies after her second match during the last year, where she managed to break a scoring record of 11 years. She trained while in school, going back and forth from Hogwarts to Holyhead, a few days a week.
Harry loved his job minus the paperwork. He was quite good at it and succeeded to make many new friends out of his coworkers.
Harry and Ginny always held hands. Like always. Some physical touch was a must if they are staying close together. And she had a habit of leaning her head on his shoulder whenever as well, cause it was MADE for their height difference.
They went on a lot of roadtrips after Harry bought a vintage car that was on sale. He taught Ginny to drive and she got her license at 19. Somehow she became a better driver than him by the end. They used the car to go on muggle trips and to drop the kids at muggle primary schools.
They had a very small wedding at the burrow garden. Very private and surrounded by close friends and family only. They later registers in the muggle way as well, alone at a small church.
Ginny would throw a fit whenever Harry decides to shave his beard but always ends up liking it.
She gets a lot of hand and shoulder cramps due to her physically demanding profession as a chaser. So Harry helps her around with whatever she needs, specially during the quidditch season. He loves coddling her even though she acts as if she hates it.
He ends up in St Mungos quite often as well. And every time, Ginny would scoop up with him in the bed side by side. This became a habit after the children as well, where she would extend the bed so that they can hop in together with him (without disturbing of course)
Want more head canons? Lmk:)
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