spunkymaverick · 6 years
A Harry Potter relationship idea thing.
It starts out with Hermione noticing something about Harry and Draco when they hang out.
So she gets Ron to help her get them together.
But while she's doing this, she realizes that Ron seems a bit off.
So she investigates on her own.
And she comes to the conclusion that Ron either likes Harry or Draco.
And she knows how much Ron talks about hating Draco, so she decides to, for now, assume it's Harry.
So she does some research over the summer to find out if she can find a solution to the dilemma.
Because she wants both of her friends to be happy.
And she finds an answer.
So when she returns to Hogwarts that fall, she gets to work to make them all happy.
And there's a planned candlelight dinner.
And Hermione plans a double date.
She and Ron would go and Harry and Draco.
And it's really nice honestly.
Harry and Draco are flirting relentlessly and seem like they want to kiss but not make Hermione and Ron uncomfortable.
But suddenly Ron stands and marches around the table and says.
"Draco, you have something on your lips."
"They better be yours," is the response.
And Harry laughs at how red Ron's face is and how confused Hermione is.
Apparently Harry and Draco knew what Hermione and Ron were doing.
And somehow knew that Ron liked Draco.
And so Harry and Draco officially ask Ron to date them.
And he agrees.
And they date.
But there's something not quite right.
So the three talk and come to an agreement.
They ask Hermione out.
And she accepts.
And they all love each other very much.
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