trmacademy · 1 year
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O clima era quente naquela manhã de verão; nem todos os alunos pareciam dispostos para o retorno do ano letivo, mas havia disposição espalhando-se entre os primeiranistas e esperança para aqueles que estavam completando os estudos, livrando-se do peso de estarem no Esquadrão Vil. Ainda que indiretamente, todos sabiam que o ano que se iniciava, seria repleto de insatisfações para uns e grandes acontecimentos para outros; havia um certo...murmurinho espalhando-se pela cidade, boatos de como a trindade estava agindo, como a tecnologia crescia na Terra do Nunca, matando árvores e algumas criaturas. Muitas dessas, estavam abrigando-se em Primland, buscando um pouco de saúde e liberdade; mas quem seria capaz de questionar?
Os alunos jaziam espalhados pelo salão principal de Tremerra aguardando o pronunciamento de Gothel; existia uma regra para todo início de aula: o discurso da diretora. Quando tudo parecia normal, existia uma grande recepção com aperitivos, ponches e música a disposição dos alunos, os lembrando da falta que haviam feito na academia. Em tempos obscuros como os que viviam, o luxo era apenas estar vivo.  “Desqueridos alunos, sejam não muito bem-vindos a mais um ano! Prometo que serei breve, afinal, as aulas começam e com elas, a responsabilidade de fazer valer o futuro desgraçado de cada um de vos.” Gothel riu sozinha, do topo da escada onde se encontrava, parecia ainda mais louca. 
 “Venho os lembrar que dragões estão permitidos no interior da academia apenas se couberem em seus ombros, do contrário, deverão ficar do lado de fora! Ressalto que não será permitido o uso indevido de suas habilidades mágicas, okay? Ano passado tivemos o caso do menino Rodgers que quase perdeu os membros em uma dessas brincadeiras de vocês. Todo cuidado é pouco!” Pausa dramática. “Por fim, venho os lembrar que na próxima semana teremos nossa pri-----” Fala interrompida para lembrar algo. “Nossa quinquagésima corrida de dragões! Como todo ano acontece, os alunos interessados a participarem, preencha a ficha de inscrição e entregue a direção! O prêmio desse ano está sob análise, mas promete ser um estrondo. Do mais, desejo a todos um péssimo começo de aulas! ANDEM, CORRAM, VÃO VÃO.” Ordenou.
Um drop bem bobinho para vocês somente terem um ponto de partida! As aulas estão no começo, então podem interagir com o personagem lidando com a rotina após as férias. Estamos no mês que corresponde a Junho no mundo mortal!
Durante a semana abriremos as inscrições para a corrida de dragões, mas terão muito tempo ainda para pensar nos detalhes.
Interações abertas, para starters usem a tag: trhmqh:starter.
Desejamos um bom jogo!
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smalltownrobin · 1 month
I think I've reached the truest state of delusion
So Maya posted this video on her instagram with no audio but it looks an awful lot like she's rehearsing lines and seems to be acting kinda Robin-like
But what I've just noticed is important is that she's using a dental floss
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Which happens to be what appears to be the exact same dental floss that was included in one of the last bts photo dumps
The photo of the pack of floss was included in the photo dump that came after THIS content of Maya and Joe on set possibly outside the radio station
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(it was literally in the same post as the Steve photo)
Now we know that we've seen Robin taking care of her dental hygiene before (oh I sound so crazy please stick with me), which was before the pep rally when she was fretting over her appearance for Vickie
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So theoretically IF that video is in fact her rehearsing for a s5 scene, there's a strong chance it could have been filmed around the time of those stobin bts dumps, and Robin is having another ramble to Steve about seeing Vickie while she's making herself desirable presentable
It would also make sense because THIS FIT with the leather jacket and the belt and the fucking blue hair bow (which she pointedly seems to change into before Steve changes out of his first outfit) really looks like she's dressing to impress
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So let's say Robin really is dressing up and scrubbing up because she's going to meet up with Vickie. WHY then does she end up running round town going to barns with Erica Sinclair and shady labs with Mike Wheeler?? Or whatever tf she's doing with Will?? No Vickie in sight as far as we know??
Well let me remind you of this leak we got back in february (coincidentally the same day we got the pics of rovickie filming at the hospital but that's not really relevant)
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So obviously this may not be true, but it's plausible from what we know about Robin's anxiety
Now this could also be incorrect, but at the beginning of the video, it looks like she could be saying "like the dream I'm having [floss] you never know"
Something we know about Vecna is that he can give people vivid nightmares, as he gave them to Max and his other victims in s4, so it's entirely possible he could continue to taunt everyone via nightmares
So Robin possibly having recurring dreams while also being paranoid about Vickie's safety, to her knowing she's meeting up with Vickie and getting ready to see her while rambling to Steve about said dreams, only for her to seemingly NOT end up meeting Vickie and going on side quests instead?
Yeah I'm fucking terrified rn
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kaliforniaaajenner · 11 months
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khy: the faux leather strapless mini. dropping november 1 on khy.com $98
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henrysglock · 6 months
For shits and giggles: A little reblog game.
You're Henry Creel circa 1979. You want to escape the lab with El. You've chosen her to escape with because a) you bonded closely with her and b) you believe you can trust her to be on your side. There are 15 other children in the lab with you; you are fond of them all. You do not want them to suffer.
What is your alternative to 4.07 canon? Instead of killing the children, what do you do? Why, and how?
>> Note <<
If you leave the children behind: You're subjecting them to a lifetime of horrific experimentation and abuse, the same kind you have been subjected to since you were stolen as a child. They will suffer and grow old and die in that lab without ever knowing freedom, and it's likely they will be forced to produce a new generation of children who will be subjected to the same treatment.
If you try to take them with you: You run the risk of not succeeding, and as such: none of you ever escape. If you do somehow succeed, you now have 16 children relying solely on you for safety, food, and shelter. They have never been in the outside world, none of them have been properly socialized, none of them have names, and all of them have otherworldly psychic powers. At the same time, Brenner and his cronies will be hunting you for sport. Anyone who's caught will return to the lab to grow old and die there...if they aren't killed in the crossfire, that is.
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wmu-cedes · 7 months
closed starter for @wmucody
Mercedes wrapped her arms around herself. There were too many people, all of whom seemed to be just as anxious as she was, and despite the fact that Brit had given her a 'survival' bag, there was only one person that she was yearning to see.
Her height put her at a disadvantage, but Mercedes had attempted to scan the crowd to the best of her abilities when she turned and spotted him. Ignoring the wave of relief that settled upon her, and instead thanking the Lord almighty that he was tall.
She made her way over to him as quickly as the crowd would allow and took a deep breath. "Cody!"
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linagram · 5 months
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i guess even they had someone they could say they loved.
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saburaito · 4 months
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maximeloi · 7 months
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                   𝕬𝖓 𝖚𝖓𝖚𝖘𝖚𝖆𝖑 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙.
˖ ࣪ ʿ                                      o chalé de afrodite andava com uma boa reparação, a parte das crianças era a área que recebia mais atenção antes mesmo até dos quartos dos mais velhos. o seu foi ficando para trás e voltava a ficar no seu antigo dormitório com devora; como não precisava dormir, não tinha tanta importância se arrumavam o seu ou não, aos poucos isso seria feito. a lista de prioridades era imensa. atualmente focava nisso de apertar parafusos dos beliches dos irmãos quando um deles entrou ali correndo. elliot, seis anos. deixado no acampamento verão passado e seus pais adotivos nunca mais apareceram para visitá-lo ou levá-lo para casa. sentia-se imensamente responsável por aquelas crianças que não tinham as famílias mortais e o fato do pequeno elliot ter um curativo na testa por causa do acidente no dia desta era algo que lhe atormentava. se tivesse ali, eles teriam se machucado? teria conseguido evitar os irmãos de se ferirem?
“elói, acho que você está em apuros.” a criança disse com os olhos castanhos arregalados para o mais velho. os cachos do pequeno estavam bagunçados, suas roupas manchadas de terra… e o chalé não consertou nada daquilo, a magia de afrodite ainda estava quebrada, pelo visto. “você está tão encrencado. o que fez dessa vez?” ele perguntou, a curiosidade vazando em seu tom infantil.
a confusão, porém, enfeitava o rosto do semideus mais velho que tinha também um quê de diversão em sua expressão pela forma como o irmão tinha entrado ali lhe acusando. largando as ferramentas, se agachou na frente do menino. “eu sinceramente não sei, elli, consegue me dizer o que está acontecendo? por que acha que eu estou encrencado?” perguntou, esticando a mão para tentar limpar o rosto dele e ajeitar os cachos, tirando um elástico do bolso para prender os cabelos do menino em um coquezinho minúsculo.
“eu tava brincando com os patos e quíron me pediu pra te chamar. bem rápido. então eu vim correndo!” contou, saltando no lugar assim que o irmão acabou de lhe arrumar. isso explicava tanto a sujeira quanto a presa da criança. teria sido mais fácil se ele tivesse começado com o recado do centauro, mas já conhecia a natureza enérgica dos irmãos. “seu cabelo ainda está preto.” o menino apontou, lhe deixando consciente de novo daquele fato que vinha lhe perturbando há alguns dias.
“eu sei, amigo. ainda não descobri como fazer voltar ao normal. e eu também não sei o que quíron quer comigo.” esclareceu, se levantando e oferecendo a mão para o menino para que pudessem sair dali juntos.
“você não sabe de nada.” elliot debochou com uma risada, acabando por arrancar uma de elói também. “eu vou brincar de novo com os patos, mas boa sorte. depois você tem que me contar o que ele queria, tá bom?” o pequeno pediu, erguendo a mãozinha direita com o mindinho esticado para o irmão que não teve escolha a não ser prometer, enrolando os dedos juntos. satisfeito com a promessa, elliot saiu apressado de volta para o lago.
elói, por sua vez, seguiu o caminho para a casa grande. raramente o centauro lhe chamava para algo, apesar de sua proximidade com o chalé de Hermes, não tinha feito nenhuma pegadinha recentemente netwo não fazia sentido ser repreendido. repassava a mente todas as suas ações para ver se havia algo fora do comum que esqueceu e merecia bronca… mas nada vinha. o trajeto todo foi apreensivo, mas ao atingir o local e receber um sorriso gentil do diretor, relaxou um pouco.
“vejo que elliot dessa vez não se desviou da missão.” quíron brincou pela rapidez que o filho de afrodite tinha chegado ali, as crianças costumavam se distrair com facilidade e às vezes os recados atrasavam um pouco. “venha, entre, tenho um pedido para fazer.” elói não hesitou em aceitar o convite, entrando no local conhecido. o centauro ocupou a cadeira à mesa de escritório que tinha no canto da sala bem debaixo da cabeça de leopardo; o semideus acabou por ocupar a cadeira à frente dele, a perna mexendo nervosamente. “tenho uma missão para você.” apenas aquela palavra já era o suficiente para lhe fazer congelar, a tensão sendo tão visível que quíron rapidamente continuou. “aqui dentro, maxime. uma missão interna.” as palavras serviram para lhe tranquilizar um pouco mas não teve tempo de perguntar algo porque logo ele continuava. “preciso que colete informações sobre a fenda, que tipo de rochas formam a parte interna, fotos, tudo o que você puder coletar sem descer muito profundo.”
talvez não devesse ter se acalmado antes porque a tal missão era tão ruim quanto qualquer outra que tivesse que sair. a fenda era um grande mistério no acampamento, as vozes que ouviram no primeiro dia foram perturbadoras. “isso… é uma boa ideia? pra eu entrar tem que tirar a barreira, não? isso é seguro?” perguntou com uma certa apreensão.
“Não será retirada por completo. você pode pedir que abram apenas uma parte para que entre. minha única recomendação é que você não deve descer sozinho.” informou. O centauro mexeu na mesa e tirou da gaveta um caderno, fazendo-o deslizar na superfície até o rapaz. “escreva aqui seus progressos e me entregue quando terminar as análises. precisamos disso com urgência, maxime. você conhece o laboratório da arena, sabe lidar com a tecnologia para estudos então é nossa melhor opção. posso contar com você? ” a seriedade no tom alheio fez com que automaticamente concordasse com a cabeça em um movimento positivo. conhecia uma ordem quando ouvia e o tom dele não deixava dúvidas: aquela era uma.
ao invés de ganhar uma reclamação e uma punição saia dali da casa grande com um caderno em mãos e uma missão que não sabia se era segura para ser cumprida já que não perdeu o fato do centauro ignorar sua pergunta sobre isso… mas que pelo visto não tinha escolhas a não ser obedecer.
brevemente citado: @krasivydevora
prompt da fenda, pov 1. #fendap
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asteroidxblves · 5 months
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PARTIES HAD NEVER BEEN HER THING yet she still found herself at one if for no other reason then to make sure her siblings didn't do anything stupid . the same drink she'd had since she'd gotten there clasped in her hands , she felt so out of place and it showed in the most painfully obvious of ways . it was easy to spot one of her siblings and almost just as easy to squeeze her way through people to them , " i'm going to try not to be an annoying older sister or a hypocrite . " it's exactly what an annoying older sister AND hypocrite would say , " but please don't drink that much and do anything stupid . need you promise me that bambs . " she said holding out her pinky finger for the other to take . on the pole of people she had to worry about bambi was the furthest from the top , connor in fact seemed to hold that place permanently and rather firmly WITH both hands , but it didn't mean she still didn't worry .
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cxrsedmuse · 4 months
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@chamxmuse location: charity hospital closed
The cured human's mind had been completely and utterly scrambled in the past few days. With everything that was going on in town, the raising of the dead and the supernatural deaths, she felt like reality was spinning out of control. And of course, there was Summer, who had, of course, been on her mind non-stop for the past year, but even more so these days.
Sometimes, it even felt as if she saw her lost daughter. Just out of the corner of her eye, or quickly there and gone. Was it too much to hope that she'd be brought back with the rest? It was a hope she tried not to cling to, for her own sanity and Damon's.
Elena had scrubbed into surgery, was just about to start when she saw a familiar figure pass by the viewing window. Everything around her stopped, came to a slow crawl as she saw her deceased daughter disappear from view again. But this was... so different than all the other times. She was there, Elena knew it.
"Dr. Gilbert?" the other surgeon asked her, "Everything okay?" How could she explain this to these people. They knew nothing of the supernatural, nothing of what she had been through. She'd just started, they didn't even know that she'd lost Summer the previous year.
She tried to get the words out I'm sorry, excuse me, but nothing came out. Instead, she departed without a word, quickly taking off her gloves and scrubs in the attached room before walking (and then nearly running) down the hall to find her precious Summer.
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lotharx · 4 months
starter for @vuldak-juneau.
where: hrimthur’s wastelands.
when: current plot drop timeline
note: feral vuldak and (another?) ornery old man
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Lothar liked to believe that navigating the ravenous twists of serpentine mountain tops only made him more proficient within the Wastelands, but it seemed to be more prompted by luck. Many teetered along with injuries sustained from the darkspawn's raiding and it seemed there was still no sign of those who had been abducted to the cavernous depths. His chest rose and fell with the winds which whittled away at even the most seasoned warriors, Lothar included, and he looked near envious, but thoroughly pissed, at those who seemed unaffected by the tumultuous reign of frost and wind.
Hunting proved to be utter shit half of the time; if it wasn't for the elusive creatures they attempted to capture for sustenance, it was often the biting cold that allowed them to profit little to nothing for their efforts. His ax was flung outward towards a figure on the horizon, perimeters had been drawn so as not to overstep on others and squander hunts for nourishment. It spliced into the tree, evident from the sharp crack that resounded through the air; if it'd collided with the soft pelt of an animal, or the plush flesh of another it'd have been a different story. When the figure seemed to stand and proved to be more human than creature, a hand was held out as though in apology, but Lothar was certainly peeved to have been interrupted. "Lucky your heads still on your shoulders," gruffed out, he understood many weren't keen to wander far for any loss of direction from the main group would lead to certain death.
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turojo · 9 months
General advice time: have any of you dropped ships before and how well did that go 🤔?
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thetriphq · 6 months
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May 12th is when our heroes arrive at Vortex. Giggles can be heard as everyone claims their own rooms and beds. The Crybaby's grandparents don't have enough rooms for everyone to have their own, but nobody finds trouble bunking together or taking couches for the summer. Once the newness wears off and night falls, The Wildcard suggests they go down to the beach and pitch a fire. The Nightingale jests that it's because The Wildcard is a pyromaniac, but they detest it. They get drinks, chairs, lighter fluid, and don't worry, The Worrywart grabbed snacks! One can only wonder what goes bump in the night in Vortex....
Welcome to our first plot drop! Interactions are not necessarily needed to be at the bonfire or for our first chapter, but they are encouraged to give everyone a jumping-off point! Keep an eye on the Discord for group-related channels as we gear up for our first interactive event! There is no time limit on how long this plot drop will last. We will simply move onto the next chapter once we're ready!
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kaliforniaaajenner · 11 months
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khy: kylie in the faux leather trench coat for $198. coming november 1st. 🖤 khy.com
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wmustaceevans · 7 months
10:What are you listening to?
Right now? Too many people talking, before my Youtube video, I was listening to a Middle Earth study playlist. I was trying to get some work done and this playlist was taking me to a zennnn place so I could write my stuuuupid essay.
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realpontchartrain · 2 months
It’s almost my mom and i’s anniversary lmfao
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