flagellant · 2 years
The Druidic Archcircle has broken and after much deliberation (17 minutes) they have released the latest updates to the Druid Spell Ban and Exemption List, with reasonings:
Flesh To Flesh. First on the list for a provisionary legalization, the Archcircle stated that "If you're willing to wait that long for them to die that is simply a problem for later". They did clarify that Greater Flesh To Flesh is still banned in absentia of carnivorous innovation, so "get the fuck to it" was the sentiments most loudly said.
Random Beetle Generator. The Archcircle has actually put out a call to all specialists in entomology to "please figure out how to make it not-random and do anything except beetles because we're really worried about the Florida Blue". I personally think it's actually Summon Random Beetle due to misapplied spellforms but I am just the innestern and not paid to have opinions on official Archcircle policy.
Summon Bear Elemental. "Kyle wanted it for Christmas."
Sex Pollen. Please be normal about this please be normal about this please be normal about this please be normal about this please.
Eviscerate Ego. While this spell in and of itself is not considered to be truly illegal, please refrain from casting it before or after Emshrinken Skull.
Every Single One Of Your Ribs Gets Shattered Instantly By An Indian Elephant Paracausally Existing On Top Of You For Exactly .47 Seconds. We applaud the inventor's excellence and precision of intent, but we need time to determine that Indian Elephants will not have their breeding populations on Earth negatively effected through heavy use of this spell, nor become invasive megafauna within the Paracausal Empty Space. We'll have a more firm decision next solstice.
Banish To Montana. This is strictly against Druidic legal code and you know it. Just be a normal fucking person and cast Banish To An Undisclosed Underwater Arctic Oceanic Cave like the rest of us if you're that busy.
Banish To A Disclosed Underwater Arctic Oceanic Cave.
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gnomishgimmy · 11 months
I have decided, out of pure spite for @the-gnomish-bastard, that i am going to make my own Stew out of ingredients that DON'T involve killing gods and irreversibly changing the fabric of reality.
I will call it the Soup.
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the-druid-council · 1 year
Druid Council Rulings
All bear spells are banned.
All appeals regarding bear spells are decided on a case-by-case basis. Just because someone else was allowed an exemption regarding bear spells, does not mean you will be.
Do not try to be sneaky about casting bear spells. We will know.
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sorcererest-sorcerer · 9 months
Ultimate Spellcaster Speculation Post Remastered
I made a post about the difference between Wizards and Sorcerers, but I foolishly left out the many other spellcasters of this great island. So now, I will correct my mistake. It should be understood that these are merely my perspective, and not hard and fast rules I intend to enforce.
Sorcerers: Innate magical power. We can be born from magical heritage or become sorcerers later in life by freak accident. Sorcerers cast spells from scratch, weaving and funneling magical energy into unique and unpredictable outcomes. This allows for much creativity, but at the cost of full control.
Wizards: Magic as a learned skill. A wizard must train for many years to obtain control over magic. Over the countless millennia, wizards have collected and recorded the best and most efficient forms of learning magic, even forming schools to expedite the training of wizards. This means wizards often use pre-written spells that can be easily regulated and reproduced, trading the infinite wild potential of magic for a fine tuned arcane science.
Witches: Innate magic within creatures and objects. A witch can utilize magic from other things, rather than having to use their own power. They typically collect a great number of artifacts and ingredients for their spells. They often have great proficiency in potion making, psychic magics, and true name magic. Witch covens are useful as each witch can draw from the strength of the others, compounding their magical efforts.
Warlocks: Transactional magic. Warlocks form pacts and bonds with powerful entities that grant them magical powers in exchange for services. They are limited by the amount of energy their patron is able and willing to provide. Warlocks are often accused of being “magical sugar-babies”, but the culture of warlocks is actually far deeper and more eloquent than it’s given credit for. The intricacies of pact-making are highly dependent upon the phrasing of deals, the relationship between warlock and patron, and even the stationary used in writing the contract.
Druids: Magic from nature. Druids are tricky to parse, as they seem to carry aspects of several other casters. They use magic from their surroundings like witches, practice ancient rituals like wizards, and even receive powers from nature spirits like warlocks. The key to recognizing a druid is in their abilities. Flora and fauna spells, shapshifting, and communing with nature are all calling cards of the druid.
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Oh uh it was those guys
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loki-is-tired · 10 months
I have two hyperfixations that are pretty connected. Like, I see something that reminds me of one of them, which then flares that back up into an obsession, and then I fall into the other one again.
This doesn't seem that weird, but then I explain that it's Pathologic and Mystery of the Druids and suddenly people don't get it anymore.
It's because I was introduced to both of them by my older sibling through video essays very soon after each other and I rewatch the video essays one after the other pretty often?
Anyway, point is Tumblr keeps recommending me more Mystery of the Druids posts and I keep getting kicked back down the hole of hyperfixation.
And now I'm trying not to reference either of the games just in typing this lmaoooo
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verdan-the-druid · 2 months
Humans always say this shit to me: "oh I actually like ancestral hymns, believe it or not!". Like yeah, why wouldn't you? They are haunting and beautiful?
Oh right, you say it like that because you just think it's "Tabaxi Music"
Then it turns out, their favorite bard is "Sir Dave of Battleholm" and they've never even heard of Hastijia Goldenmane...
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@the-better-wizard-council The Druids have found your announcement.
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Despite its ludicrous and confusing spelling, we appreciate your willingness to reexamine your once-held prejudices. We have reunited with our bear familiars; once we have rekindled and reforged our warriors' bonds, we stand ready to aid all Wizarddom, sub, and switch against those that would threaten you.
Oh, and sorry about all the cleaving you in twain. We were pretty upset.
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zoomire · 1 year
doing hot girl shit *I say as I mend the clouds to my will to draw a giant penis in the sky*
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elderdruidcircle · 1 year
Your annual druid reminder to be grateful about the following:
- Bears
- The little creatures
- Fresh water
- Ruins free from wizard infestations
- The eternal spirits of the wind
- The bog
- All kinds of gnomes, including but not limited to: forest, hill, mountain, cave, house, sauna, stripper, field, bog
- your fellow circle members
- the birds
- the bees
- the bird-bees
- yourself :)
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paltering-peculiarity · 11 months
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊⋆⭒˚。⋆
hello there~
information is below the cut. kindly read.
taglist • mod info • rules • pixi’s appearance • pixi bio (TBA!)
Greetings, friends, strangers and acquaintances. You may call me Pixi— I’ll say nothing of my true name, for I have since detached myself from it.
I will be fully transparent with you; I am a fae. This is simply to say I advise you be cautious with what you say and do when you interact with me, but I do not mean that as a threat. I mean no harm. Though, I cannot deny a bit of mischief may run in my blood. Just a smidge, you know?
That being said, I am a former spring court noble who has fled the feywild on my own accord, and now resides in the material plane in favor of a simpler life away from scrutiny. I am here to share my thoughts, feelings and the creations I make alongside my beloved companion and the other half of my performance art duo, Bec.
Some things about me…hmm, I quite enjoy the beauty of nature, and most pretty things. I am a magic user with the powers of flora and fauna on my side, besides the obvious abilities that come with me being of the fey. I suppose I’m a curious and whimsical soul, ever full of wonder. I like to bake, decorate, make wreaths and sew, really any work with my hands. To spring beauty from your fingertips is a miraculous gift, is it not?
I am still getting used material plane arcanotech and the workings of this silly website, so please be patient with me.
Blessed be your day, darlings.
~ Pixi
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vamp-orwave · 1 year
Confession: every time I see the word otherkin I think of these guys
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gnomishgimmy · 3 months
Due to various circumstances, mostly Debt (i will not be explaining the details), i am experimenting with Bear Alchemy to deal with the problem.
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the-druid-council · 1 year
Hey, i was send here by @the-better-wizard-council to inquire about the Legality of De-Bearing someone that was Illigally Beared by Someone Else. Or is that also your Job?
As long as they weren't originally a bear, then yes, De-Bearing is legal. You can go ahead and De-Bear them.
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owl-witch · 1 year
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When the druid and the artificer have beef
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You ever find it weird how the wizard council uses circles and the druidic circle offers counsel?
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