#dsmp fanbase critical
louissatturi · 11 months
People baby badboyhalo about his defence of dream are só stupid, he is first and formost a cisgender white men, he is defending dream because they are both white men
In the most well positive wiew of the situation is that he is defending dream just because it's his long time friend and if he knew it was true he would never
In the most realistic is that he know but he dosent care, like most men
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mourninglamby · 7 months
dsmp kinda destroyed my sense of self confidence when it comes to posting media analysis. i dont wanna get into all of it but my experience in that fanbase was legitimately traumatizing. while i cherish the connections ive made thru it and the quality of art i achieved, i will never truly forgive or forget the harassment me and my friends faced from varying groups of parasocial freaks. It's not my fault u were so uncomfortable engaging with lite intellectualism and BASIC NORMAL ASS TAKES LIKE "ABUSE IS BAD." i stand by everything i ever said about how that series failed to respectfully tackle (and at times grossly exploited) subjects i am personally still affected by and therefore take very seriously. dont taunt and demean me or my feelings about it just because u are incapable of not internalizing valid criticism of something you claim to love. yknow. idk. lalala this was corny but whatever i need to post this to feel like a human being again
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wildpeachfarm · 5 months
New subject for all of you to discuss!! N.ihachu being hypocritical (again) yippie /s
In her recent interview, she mentioned how misogynistic the Dsmp fanbase was and how none of the men of the servers spoke out about it when Dream has done it multiple times.
Not only that but the people she says she doesn't affiliate with anymore are literally the only one who treated her fairly but Q.uackity and T.ommy are people she interacts with (especially the former) when they were the one treating her unfairly; only seing her as a woman.
When W mentioned admiring Pokimane, T.ommy immediately asked him how Niki would feel and if she knew about it , calling W a "player" By doing so he's obviously insinuating that W and Niki relationship is romantic which is something she's been really uncomfortable with for so long. And when she joined the vc he immediately told her about it with Q.uackity joining him, which is really uncomfortable when they're expecting her to react badly and feed into the 'women hating each other for a man's attention’ plot and she was just so uncomfy with it she just gave one curt answer answer immediately went next to someone else in the game so they could move on.
And they immediately did, they didn’t even interact with her other than this.
vid is : Dsmp election by T.ommy
Hmm okay one thing I will say is that it does need to be acknowledged that the dsmp fandom /did/ treat niki poorly. However, I don't know if I would attribute that to one specific creator or if it was a byproduct of the gaming space generally being incredibly misogynistic and that bleeding into the fandom behavior (still not ok obviously). I do think there is definitely room to criticize the men on the server for not being more openly against the misogyny in the gaming space but I think that can be applied to most mc servers imo.
I will say that niki's feelings about this are always valid of course, but she shouldn't really single out one specific dsmp person over another for being more or less misogynistic or anything like that without proof that they contributed more to the bad environment. And by implying that the reason she doesn't associate with certain people (like dream) is because he is somehow worse than Tommy or Quackity, that's kinda disingenuous.
It's far easier to broadly talk about misogyny in the gaming/minecraft space as a female creator than it is to try to be shady at one creator specifically especially when in this case, I'd argue Dream has tried to do a lot privately and publicly to support the women he knows in this space.
Now, I have not watched this video so I don't know if she actually was implying Dream specifically. So if that's not the case, then a lot of this doesn't really apply to some of the other men on the server considering I did not see vocal support of women from all of them an equal amount.
Also to say that she doesn't affiliate with some of them (let's just assume in this case she /is/ talking about Dream) is kinda untrue considering last september she was hanging at the droncert and invited Dream over her house to play with her cats. And as far as we know, Dream has been nothing but kind to niki since and there have been no issues.
I understand that niki feels like she was treated poorly by the dsmp fanbase and yeah, they were horrible to certain people so I completely get it. However, it's strange to act like cutting /certain/ dsmp men off and then still hanging around /others/ doesn't go against what she said about /all/ of them being bad...? idk that's just confusing to me.
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
As someone who mainly watches bbh streams (right now), ive been honestly kind of uncomfortable with the way people who Only watch his pov have been for a while. I always felt bad about even considering saying anything because a lot of them act like people giving criticism to his character (ESPECIALLY any criticism with the way he interacts with the eggs) is Bad and Horrible and The Worst Thing Ever In The World so i havent said anything ever
A lot of stuff about the way bbh fans treat pepito and roier makes me feel Weird and Uncomfortable because it feels like they either swing super far one way (roier is a good dad) or super far the other way (roier has always been a terrible parent and bbh should rescue pepito) but i have seen Way More of the bbh rescuing pepito stuff and i dont like it.
I think a lot of bbh fans are still stuck in their dsmp mindset where he's this super underrated creator receiving unwarranted and toxic criticism of his character from like tommy or dream stans, but that is Not the case anymore. qBBH is one of the most popular characters on the server!! And he has one of the largest and most toxic fanbases out of anybody on the server rn
Just because he's playing a villain doesn't mean that his character, the villain, isn't immune from criticism. No character is beyond criticism, especially not someone claiming to be a villain and failing miserably at it.
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xomoosexo · 11 months
Also, i think in this smp there's lots of people working as admins and the ccs have lots of contact with them. so ig that's also the reason they clarify that they work hard etc and it's not admins fault? it's like in dsmp there was callahan, right? here there are like ten callahans with whom the ccs interact every day cause they have characters they play within the server but also are constatly helping them with things. like i only watch tubbo and i know he need their help a couple times a day and there's always someone there. i wonder if they get payed? idk how this things work really
(callahan is unique btw iluv him, just using him as an example)
yeah I think it totally makes sense for them to clarify that this time. it's weirder when they are simply criticizing the fanbase and then an hour later they put out another priv tweet backtracking saying actually nvm ♥️ this is the best community in the world thank you q for making this possible ☺️ like that's kinda creepy
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greaterspawnislands · 2 years
(This is the separate ask I would genuinely love to hear your thoughts on how other stream sub groups operate differently it's just so fascinating to me)
YEAH!!! Also it's so very cute to me how supportive and patient he was with Kristen when she was first considering streaming <333
At first she just kinda popped into chat and on stream rarely and he never forced her to stay if she didn't. Over time she just got used to and wanted to interact with chat more! Until she started streaming herself and he's been 100% supportive the entire time. Literal A+ husband material you can tell how much he loves her and its so sweet,,,,
YEAH ok so about the kristin thing at first so recently i've been watching all of phil's s4 videos and i'm getting to the end of 2019 aka they're preparing for their wedding and phil's in the process of getting a visa and it's so :))
i currently have two kristin stream vods in my watch later (bc i've been busy) and im so excited to get to themm it's been awesome to see kristin get more confident in streaming bc she is so funny!! i really love tuning into her streams they are such nice spaces :) also i miss parents sdv i hope they play again
ANYWAYS ok so my ramblings about phil's community is just. hold on i need to put this under cut because the more i write out the more it feels like inane bullshit but whatever we're here now
i feel like out of all of the streamers who have grown their communities in the boom of 2020/dsmp era phil's has been the most interesting to me. obviously biased here bc this is my community but ok. I'm not going to say that phil's fanbase is "the best" because that's obviously a subjective take but i think part of what makes it stand out to me is that it skews significantly older than any of the other streamers fanbases. routinely, we've heard from donos that there are teachers or people with full jobs who are donating to phil's streams. now, obviously we've heard plenty from high school age and younger, but for the most part those people tend to be sbi fans, or crimeboys fans who also enjoy phil - totally valid, etc, but they're not who i'm talking about.
the people who main phil tend to be older, which shapes a pretty different community that has a much less active presence on places like twitter. Those who are on twitter tend to not have nearly as much of a drive for clout as other subtwts - obviously there are exceptions, there always are, im trying not to speak as a total generalization - but i can't think of too many c!phil mains with thousands upon thousands of followers compared to other subtwts. And i think that again mostly comes down to like . it's just an older fanbase so they don't care abt that stuff as much.
oh and also! early gang as a central hub for most people who main phil i think helps a lot because, similar to tumblr, no character limit directly correlates to like. more critical thinking being used and less automatic aggression towards other people in the way twitter pushes to the forefront of every interaction. so as a whole the community comes across as far more chill than other subtwts/etc bc they aren't using twitter as their primary hub of communication
but i also think phil has had a direct impact on how his fans act on twitter regardless of age. the example that immediately comes to mind is when uh. ok. so idk if u were on twitter at all circa late 2020-early 2021, but subtwt selfie days were Alllll the rage back then, there was basically one or multiple every single day of the month for various ccs and duos/groups/etc. and i remember when it started popping off, phil got asked about it on stream and he very seriously talked about how he wasn't comfortable having a selfie day tagged after him, because he didn't like the fact that so many people, many who were high school age/teenagers, were putting their face on the internet for literally anyone to look at. i think he was the only cc who really spoke out about the ramifications of having your face online like that, and i know for me it was the first time i took a step back and went "yeah wait this is kind of fucking weird". it obviously didn't stop the selfie days for any other ccs, or the sbi selfie day, but his fans listened, and there was no phil selfie day ever again, and i think it's that kind of communication between phil and his audience that sort of helped develop his community in that direction, being mindful of internet bullshit and all that jazz. it's that kind of way he looks out for fans and the like that makes me really appreciate him and his community all the more. i just really like telling that bit of his history bc it was important to me in that time
again i don't know if this makes . too much sense. i sort of just started rambling and didn't stop to think if i was making any real points. this is all just to say that i love early gang, love philza, loveposting hours are so real i love this old man
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sappymix1 · 1 year
idk its kinda unserious seeing q fans bring up "but what about how hannah was treated on the dsmp!!!!!!" over and over again to deflect from criticism of the qsmp fanbase like they weren't all in her qrts telling her to kill herself over a dsmp tshirt a few months ago
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zootzcoinzthingz · 9 months
ᜊ.. Hi there! feel free to call me zootz! you might recognize that name, that's because this is a sideblog of @zootzbootz
Onto proper introductions now, I go by many names! like zootz as said previously. however, you can also call me drew, louis, ruyu, or lordy. I am a highly feminine transgender rosneoman with a shitton on xenos tacked on! my pronouns are rot/cae/rat/bro/he/cloud/slush/narc/star and nor/mal. orientation wise, I'm an orchidbisexual mainbi cupioromantic omniaesthetic queerplatonic vincian! I reclaim "fag" btw :3 ... oh, both myself and the body are of adult age!
I'm part of a system, though general I'm going to be the main one running this blog!
ᜊ; I made this blog because I find coining terms to be incredibly fun, and wanted a special place for my terms! so, what can you expect from me? primarily, gender and orientation coinings or things that align with such. I can also make name, pronoun, and title packs either for fun or per request. I might also coin other terms. such as things relating to plurality or alterhumanity!
quick side note: I enjoy some media lot of people consider to be "problematic" I consume my interests critically.
ʚ ideals! ɞ
instead of having a traditional dni, I've decided instead to opt for an "ideals" list. letting you all know what we believe in so you can choose to opt in or out based upon that.
we support the following
1. xenogenders and neopronouns
2. "contradictory" labels (mspec lesbians/gays, lesboys, turigirls, etc)
3. genderfucky, pnc, and gnc folk
4. all forms of systems and plurality
5. alterhumanity, otherheartedness, copinglinks, otherkin, constells, endels, transspecies in a non transid way, and new-age kinnies
6. movements like acab, blm, defund the police, stand with ukraine, free palistine, etc.
7. all those with mental health disorders. even/especially the demonized ones
8. objectum and posic identities
9. pro-kink (our blog will be sfw but we DO support y'all!)
10. religious/spiritual folk (who are pro-queer)
we don't support the following
1. pro-contact (harmful) paraphilias
2. alt-right stuff
3. radfems
4. radqueers
5. xenoids (due to the fact they are inherently anti xenogender)
6. capitalism
7. shielding bigotry with religion. (not exclusive to chritianity)
8. transid (transage, transabled, transrace/rcta)
9. narc abuse truthers
10. anything else that would oppose our ideals
ʚ want to send a request? make sure to follow my rules! ɞ
1. you cannot be against any of our ideals listed above!
2. do not request me to coin anything hateful or harmful.
3. send your request no more than one time.
4. be okay with the fact that there's a chance your request may not get made.
ʚ things I will and won't coin/post ɞ
- genders inspired by just about anything (minus a few fandoms)
- name/pronoun/title packs
- terms exclusive to conditions that we HAVE
- reclaim/remake/recoin terms made by exclusionists. (they will be given new names to avoid confusion and association)
- poc exclusive genders/terms (our body is either white or whitepassing so I'm not comfy with that ! it's not my place!)
- terms exclusive to conditions we DON'T have
- hateful/harmful terms
- terms based off of dsmp, killing stalking, or any other fanbases I end up declining (they're just not my thing and I need to feel some connection to what I'm coining. it has nothing to do with the "problematic nature" of the media. I'm literally a south park fan LMAO)
ᜊ! who can use my terms?
everyone! even if you don't fit my ideals. if one of my terms registers with you, feel free to use it. you simply can't request new ones, and I'd prefer it if you didn't interact with the blog itself, or me at all.
the only exception to the "everyone can use my terms! " thing is if it's exclusive to a certain group.
❥ about reposting our terms.
if you repost our terms on Pinterest, it MUST have a link back to the original coining post, and you must align with our ideals.
if you post our terms on any lgbt/queer/mogai, etc wikis you must assign proper credit to me ofc.
moreover I'd appreciate asking before reposting my terms anywhere, but it's not required as long as you follow my other conditions.
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One of the things I dislike about the Dream SMP (which is, unfortunately, no fault of its own or the fault of the creators on the SMP) is that it became extremely popular and suddenly the MCYT fandom/community became unable to differentiate between an RP server with storylines, character arcs, ect and a bunch of people who are just playing Minecraft with their friends and are just being a little bit silly or are just exploring a fun concept in Minecraft. It was no secret that DSMP was a heavy RP server, this was something the creators disclosed to their fanbases. Not every server is an RP server just because the creators are being a little dramatic or silly when playing with their friends, and just because a creator puts up a little bit of an act for their audience it doesn't mean they're "playing a character" or roleplaying.
Another issue I have with this, unrelated to DSMP, is that it seems like the MCYT fandom/community goes completely feral if they catch a single whiff of a creator playing up an act or being a little bit dramatic, and to me it feels like some people in the fandom/community are desperate to find any reason they can to separate the creator from their videos so that they have an excuse to not take the boundaries of the creators into account when interacting with the fandom/community. They don't have to worry about if something they're doing might make a creator uncomfortable because "the creator is just playing a character", even though they literally aren't. It feels like people are itchy or triggerhappy to turn the people they enjoy watching into not a real person so they can use their likeness however they want, and frankly I think that's gross.
Another related issue I have with this is that some people in the fandom/community really seem to run with RP if the creators do decide to RP a little bit or decide to play a character. It seems like a lot of people in the fandom/community are unable to differentiate between what is and isn't RP. Just because a creator is playing a character or RPing just a little bit it doesn't mean every action of theirs is RP and it also doesn't mean that it's just fine for you to go crazy with it and not take the creators and their boundaries into account when interacting.
And the last issue I have with this is that the fandom/community doesn't know how to handle RP or characters. The character still belongs to the person who made it and the person playing it, they still have personal boundaries and boundaries for their characters. You can still make a creator uncomfortable by interacting with their characters, it doesn't suddenly make it okay just because they are playing a character because it's not YOUR character to do shit with. I think it's also a slippery slope when the character literally has the same name and appearance as the creator playing the character. Even if you're doing weird shit to the character and not the creator, it's still possible that you'll make the creator uncomfortable because it's still basically them and it's still definitely their likeness. I have played characters like when playing DND, even in cases like that I still would not be comfortable if someone just took my character and started going crazy with it or doing whatever they wanted with it with 0 regard to how I might feel about that.
In short, some of y'all lack the skills to differentiate between fiction and reality and also lack the empathy and critical thinking skills to be interacting so heavily with a creator or their community because you don't stop to think about how what you're doing might make the creator feel or if it might make them uncomfortable (and being able to understand that the person you see and hear on screen is a real person), and a lot of people don't even seem to care if the creators are uncomfortable with what they're doing even though they're the ones providing you with fun content for free. Also, hot take, a lot of you are way too mentally ill about interacting with the community and just cannot be normal about creators, characters, ect.
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woofdrm · 1 year
I feel like dreams fanbase isnt that smaller but his twitter fanbase is
When those allegations were happening, dream was just above 31.1 (he reached that like 4 days ago) so considering he didnt go back to 31, i think he didnt lose much subs
When our tl was burning and everyone was taking a break, i saw many of my moots (and a lot of ppl on tl) giving their other socials and simply deleting twt
I feel like twitter isnt that important to keep up w dteam anymore, because 1 - they tweet less and 2 - theres update accs on different platforms
Last week my moot showed me a tiktok update acc (insane) and after that, i saw update accs at insta and tumblr (they are not as fast as twt updates tho)
And after i saw pos tiktoks w pos comments having 100k+ likes, dreams insta posts getting hundreds of thousand likes i started to think that after all these years, ppl dont wanna see negativity anymore
im open to criticism tho i may be wrong 😅
I agree! I think it’s fair to say that the twitter twitter fanbase has lessened substantially, and the twitter fanbase it what I would consider Dream’s “core” fanbase, and the most involved. But I don’t think it lessened solely due to the allegations, I think the end of the DSMP also made a lot of people lose interest. You can tell because other DSMP members also have way smaller fanbases. And people grow out of their interests, especially in a fandom like Dream’s where we don’t get often get a lot content, and there is often drama. It’s not for the faint of heart.
But Dream’s fanbase at large is his youtube followers, which yeah, the majority doesn’t know anything about the allegations. They don’t get content often but they get it regularly, and it’s good content. They watch the videos, maybe leave a comment, and go about their day.
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bumblebeerror · 2 years
Listen to me. Listen to me. I am taking you by the shoulders and I am shaking you (the dsmp fanbase that tries to sort characters actions into Right and Wrong) violently.
Stop asking if dsmp characters deserve things like forgiveness and love and care and friends. Fucking stop it.
Firstly, because it’s the anti-hero smp and all of them are morally grey. Your faves have all at least attempted murder or supported an oppressive system or dehumanized another character. Shut the fuck up. None of them are wholly good. None of them are wholly bad. That’s the point of morally grey characters.
Secondly, because the fucking point is to have characters that feel like omg literally me, if with more extreme and dramatic actions. And if you get caught up in the trap of wondering if a character deserves nice things (read: basic human comfort), you’re gonna start asking if YOU deserve to satiate your own human needs. And that’s a fucking dangerous road to go down my friend.
Stop asking if the characters deserve things. Start analyzing how you, personally, feel about those choices instead, within the narrative. Start thinking critically, not as in criticizing, but as in carefully and methodically, about the circumstances involved. About why you feel the way you do about things as a gut reaction, because those questions are great! Why does it make you uncomfortable when c!Phil tries to explain to Ghostbur that they’re sending a message? Why does it feel wrong for c!Tommy to give up his discs? Why do you feel so angry with a character that you don’t want them to make peace with someone? They can help you solidify your own morals and they get you out of the “that’s my streamer!” Drug that makes it very easy to forget that C!Tubbo state-sanctioned an execution of someone purely as a power move or that c!Schlatt was physically disabled and regularly made fun of for it or that C!Techno was dehumanized over and over, or that c!wilbur cared so little for his own life that the lives of others also held little value to him or a thousand other tiny things that might teach you something. If you feel bad about something that happened, analyze why instead of asking others if it was okay.
This puritanical route to analyzing media is an exercise in futility at best, and actively self-harmful at worst.
Stop asking if it was deserved or justified or right or wrong. It’s a story. It’s trying to show you something. It’s trying to show you kindness or pride or despair or love or loss. It’s trying to give you hundreds of tiny glimpses into these characters lives and you’re missing them. Because you’d rather ask if someone should be apologized to.
Or, you know! Just enjoy the story!
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mourninglamby · 1 year
crossfaded thinking about. umm the way i consumed dsmps story was like how id consume revolutionary girl utena (profound metaphors steeped in absurdism/melodramatic surrealism) and well u,, im beginning to realize i was predisposed to looking too far into something bc ive been spoiled with other people in similar fanbases also being just as critical and observant as possible to enjoy the media. which was why i was so bad with dealing with the loud majority of braindead opinons in dsmp. it def took me a lot by surprise. which i mean. i got into dsmp the second i was released from the psych ward so pues....maybe this media dissonance was inevitable given the bias and the my emotional / psychological state 
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thestarseersystem · 2 years
If you like stuff like hazbin hotel, dsmp, homestuck, steven universe, danganronpa, whatever else people are calling problematic these days, I honestly don't care. As long as you're not being bigoted towards others, it doesn't matter.
Also I don't really know how this is problematic, but I'm literally a genshin impact player. Beyond design choices being suboptimal, because it's literally not a western company, there's not much wrong with it despite it's horrific fanbase. Which I don't talk to assholes on the internet.
Now, there is something that I do take issue with, being hogwarts legacy, as it literally has antisemitic content within it and it supports transphobes. But if you have a harry potter introject or feel connected to that source, then I don't care, like all the others I've mentioned. I'm sorry that author/creator is a piece of shit.
Anyway. I don't tell people who like stuff like in the first paragraph to dni. You can't help your source and you can be critical of media, while you enjoy it.
Problematic media doesn't create problematic people, just be respectful and unprejudiced towards others.
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enneamage · 2 years
Tommy's struggle right now, while not directly related to viewpoint, is that he wants to shed his dsmp fanbase aka the people who have continuously criticized him for edgy jokes and lately his connection to Dream and to replace them with more of a Sidemen/Schlatt/KSI crowd (he's name-dropping KSI and Logan Paul again recently) but unlike Schlatt he's continuing to focus on Minecraft content which is making the transition to a new audience more difficult for him. He's shedding without gaining.
Tommy was a preacher and believer of DSMP season 2 for a while so it tactically wouldn’t make sense for him to get rid of the DSMP fans entirely, and I don’t think he fully wants to either. Tommy doesn’t seem to be a bridge-burner, even with his audience, even though he accepts that his popularity may die down and people will move on.
I gave it some thought since I first pitched the idea, and I don’t think he’s actively trying to get rid of people, but he is stress-testing them and is trying to get them used to the idea that he’ll always be connected with Dream. He was like this with Schlatt back in the day as well, his loyalty basically never faltered and Schlatt was a controversial figure on the DSMP from the beginning, he has always been this stubborn.
Other than mentioning Dream, he doesn’t seem actively ‘hostile’ to me. He even confirmed that something that I thought was him being sarcastic to his audience was actually fully sincere. I think a lot of people are re-assessing him now that the DSMP is over and they’re starting to see the parts of him that they don’t like, or seeing things in a different light, or just wanting to move on from what he represented for them, but from my POV he feels more or less the same, just in a different phase of life. Something is changing, but I’m not sure if it’s him as much as the season many are in.  
I have spent some time this week wondering if it really is going to take literal jailtime to separate Tommy from Logan Paul. I know that he’s probably got some measure of “but he was nice to me” brain (as many do) but hopefully the stuff that has been coming out lately has freaked him out enough to know what’s good for him. Tommy likes the sidemen, and he associates them with the kind of people who bullied him in high school, so I’m pretty sure he has a very clear sense that he’s not going to appeal to that audience.  
It’s easy to go doomer about views in the short term but out of everyone at least Tommy is posting content online, which will put him head and shoulders above the people who are turned off of video-making right now. I want to give things more time to play out to see if he lands on his feet or his face before saying anything definitively, but number comparison between lockdown and post-lockdown times is always going to be skewed.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
Imma preface this by saying that I adore your work.
But, Sunlit, please stop with the guilt tripping and acting like everyone who enjoyed the ending/made the ending are horrible people.
I am sorry but that’s fucked up. Have a good day.
do i think that the CCs are horrible people(now that I'm not having a panic attack each time I think about the finale)? No. But I don't think anywhere nearly as highly as them as I used to because of how harmful the finale was in terms of messaging and how it handled themes of abuse. I don't respect them. I don't trust them. I feel scared and uncomfortable consuming any content they make that isn't the occasional twitch stream I might have on in the background. My ability to feel comfortable watching them has been damaged by how they've treated this finale and the dsmp story as a whole. So, I don't think they're evil. But I certainly don't care for them to much at this point.
As for the people who like the finale, they can have their opinions. But if they try to defend the messaging within the finale surrounding cTommy and his abuse, I'm going to be uncomfortable and wary around them. Because the message of "actually the abuse victim was just as much at fault for ruining the abuser's life by being annoying, they're BOTH bad and both hurt each other" is a harmful and trigging one, and seeing it be defended makes me triggered and upset.
Also, guilt-tripping. Is that in reference to me saying I hope the CCs see the fandom's reaction and maybe reconsider and feel a bit bad for causing so much distress in a mostly young fanbase that's full of abuse victims who saw themselves in cTommy's story and now feel hurt/attacked? If so, I apologize if anything I've written while expressing my own distress from this ending came off that way. But again, this is my blog and I am allowed to express my frustrations and grievances and anger and pain as I please. That's simply how the internet works. This is my space. I am allowed to be open and emotional in my space.
I'm glad you like my works! Really, I am.
But if seeing me be critical and defensive around a representation of trauma similar to what I've lived through being treated badly by both the creators and the fans is fucked up to you, you are free to block me and ignore me as you wish. That's all.
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thespoonisvictory · 2 years
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#like yes niki enjoys a good drawn out seagull eating bit and phil will do unhinged tts but who else would rp being stuck in a public library
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ok fine I’ll say it. a good portion of dsmp streamers don’t care about the story and maybe arguably they never understood the enormity of what certain people on that server were trying to create, the integrity they were trying to maintain in it. they see clicks, engagement, and an endlessly appeased fanbase that will accept infinite promises and excuses, and as long as you still click on that stream they aren’t going to care. the farthest a good half of them got was “this seems cool” and then they streamed it and we took that and wrote fun analysis and did fanart. and as long as we all know that and accept that george and sapnap do not care or even understand why tommy’s house is so important, that’s fine. as long as we get that certain streamers only bring it up to promote merch and others only bring it up to pull attention back, and we agree to watch anyway because it’s fun, that’s fine.
but it breaks my heart seeing fans confused and heartbroken because they have to keep realizing that the vast majority of these guys don’t care about this server in that way anymore
1,528 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
the manburg arc being set during the transition from fall to winter like ok you hadestown over the garden wall bitch you really thought of everything didn’t you
1,850 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
I enjoy period accurate costuming but people who get mad at inaccurate but absolutely intentional choices in period pieces drive me up the wall
2,773 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
the new minecraft lore is like:
there are no mobs in the cities. something is stopping them; something is either killing them or maybe even they know not to venture down there, that it’s too dangerous.
but down there, there are candles. there are wool pathways. there are redstone lamps. whatever civilization lived down there was smart, much more advanced than villagers. they had thick walls, and figured out that wool kept Wardens away, and made enchantments to allow them to run quickly and quietly. they had nether blocks, basalt and soul fire, and their buildings nearly resemble nether fortresses, or bastions. there were whole communities that thrived in spite of the threat, until they didn’t, of course. 
did they live in fear of the Warden? if so, why didn’t they leave? could they leave? did they try to make a portal to do just that? their cities are intricate and their floors are lined with wool that children could run across and stumble over without worry and did they whisper, constantly? did they teach children legends of the beasts that would come if they didn’t quiet down? did the children believe them? did they make candles on holidays and dare each other to set the skulk sensors off with small dripstone pieces? did they keep bees, or did they ration their wax carefully, trying to learn the secrets of redstone and soul fire to keep their lanterns burning before they ran out? how far did they get in their knowledge? why didn’t they leave? what were they staying for, what were they trying to find with that portal? 
why didn’t they leave?
5,025 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I just. maybe I should be mad but I’m not. Wilbur Soot is a cunt and this was a story about suicide and blue sheep and sunrises and utah and I love that he took a deliberate move to make it campy and insane and like all of the most memorable bits from this stupid server it is full of heart! his mom is a fridge! he fucked a salmon! tragedy and grief render everything around them obscene and hilarious and the fact that this story ended in such a silly way is the ultimate fuck you to c!wilbur’s mindset that he is some ultimate dramatic evil. the world is ridiculous! you have to forgive yourself! suck it green boy! 
7,567 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
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