#duck adam au
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This is Grumpy and Lucifer
Adam lives there pretty much lol
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decentsoupperson · 4 months
Duck Adam Au
Adam when he's back as a sinner, has really soft duck feathers for wings and needs help preening them.
Lucifer helps and maybe even tickles the sensitive wings lol
I'd imagine Adam would still try to sit on the pillow or rest his head under Lucifer's hat.
Lucifer: Hey Adam
Adam: Yeah?
Lucifer: How ticklish are you?
Adam: Not one bit.
Lucifer tickles his wings
Adam, lets out quacks and laughs
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moll451 · 1 month
Lucifer :my little grumpy princess can do no wrong
Grumpy is in the pet store cuasing chaos
Lucifer :shes such a sweet little duck💖
Duck adam au belongs to @things-arent-what-they-seem66
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fanofstuff01 · 4 months
A funny thing for my Duck Adam au
Adam just craving bread when he's a normal sinner with duck features. Like, he doesn't put anything on it, doesn't toast it, doesn't make a sandwich. Just straight up bread lol
Lucifer: What are you doing?
Adam, laying on the couch with a loaf of bread: I'm hungry.
Lucifer: You want some peanut butter or jam?
Adam: Nah I'm good.
Adam is so me lmao
I can imagine him just taking a giant piece of bread for himself at the breakfast table and eating it like that while everyone watches him with concerned eyes.
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grumpy-the-duck · 19 days
A blog made for you sinners to ask me shit I guess.
I'm here because I'm bored and missed to talk to people (fuck if these dumbasses can ever pick up that I'm not a normal duck).
It can take time for me to answer them though, I'm a busy guy.
AU from @things-arent-what-they-seem66
Pfp from @mininoiibat
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mininoiibat · 6 months
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It’s here 🙌
Previous part
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kittenfangirl20 · 1 month
((Prince and the Duck Au))
Adam had dreamed of being a performer since he was a little kid. His mom and dad always told him to shoot for the stars and follow his dreams.
But of course, being on the lower side of income and having your parents pass away at a young age didn't put Adam in the fortune 500.
By day he worked at a diner as a waiter, at night he moonlighted as orderly at the hospital. He barely made enough to get by. But his best friend since childhood, Emily and her mother Sera helped him out when they could.
To this day Adam still has his father's guitar and hoped to play in a place of his own one day. A restaurant where he could play his music.
The dream was just that a dream. But that was okay.
Until Adam got the chance to get the place of his dreams. An old place down by the water front and he wanted to show Sera. She was the closest he had to mother.
Adam: What do you think!?
Sera looked around, there wasn't much there. More rats than anything.
Sera: It's.... Interesting dear.
Adam: Oh Sera, once I clean the place up it will be great. I'm almost there! I can feel it.
Sera: Oh honey, I don't-
Adam: Just picture it!
Adam went into detail of everything he saw for the place and Sera smiled. She was so proud of him.
Sera: It will be a lot of hard work.
Adam: Always is.
*things were about to change for Adam in a very interesting way with the arrival of a cruise ship, it held twin brothers Lucifer and Michael, they were princes of a very far off kingdom and Lucifer was heir to the throne, but his parents wondered if he was the choice for the job and they told him if he didn’t prove himself responsible then he would be disinherited and Michael would be the heir, Michael watched Lucifer easily flirt with men and women with envy in his heart, everything came easily to Lucifer that he wanted to see him fail, just then he was approached by the richest woman in town Sera with an invitation to the Mardi Gras masquerade ball being held at her mansion tonight*
Michael: While I would gain from your failure, I would think that you would want to actually find a way to prove yourself responsible.
Lucifer: Don’t worry, it is just one masquerade ball, there will be good food and music. How about we relax for one night before I have to do the boring part.
?: Gentlemen, you must be the Princes that everyone in New Orleans was talking about.
*a man with short brown hair, lightly tanned skin, glasses, and dressed in all red stepped out of the shadows, the thing that stood out about him was his unnaturally creepy smile, what they didn’t notice his shadow moving on its own taking on many forms*
Michael: Who are you?
?: Why I am Alastor the Shadow Man and Master of Voodoo, would you like to see your future.
*Alastor started to play with his tarot cards while watching them, Lucifer then shrugged*
Lucifer: Why not?
*Lucifer dragged Michael while they followed Alastor to his shop, the shop was filled with many strange objects dealing with voodoo rituals and a radio playing an eerie yet cheerful tune*
Michael: How does this work?
Alastor: You could say that I have friends on the other side.
*after giving a very accurate reading of both brothers, Lucifer on how his laidback lifestyle was ruining his chances at the throne and how Michael hated being in the shadows of everyone around him, Alastor pulled out a pendant and used it to collect some of Lucifer’s blood and he started to chant a spell which made Lucifer turn into something smaller and covered in feathers, then Alastor turned to Michael asking him if he wanted to be involved in his scheme in taking over New Orleans which Michael agreed to while Lucifer ran away in shock once outside the shop he saw his reflection in a puddle of a white duck with red circles on his cheeks, but also had his top hat on, when he moved his arm in front of his face he instead saw a white wing*
Lucifer: What the fuck.
*at Sera’s manor Adam and Emily were hanging out while Adam popped a beignet into his mouth*
Adam: I should cut back on these, they made me gain a bit of weight.
Emily: There is nothing wrong with you, your cute and round chubby tummy makes you huggable.
*it was true that Adam had put on some weight because of stress, but if you asked anyone who knew him, they actually preferred him this way, he was mostly muscle but his stomach was soft round and chubby, his thighs were nice and thick, and his butt was nice and round*
Adam: The problem is that my costume for the masquerade ball from last year no longer fits me. This performance is important and I am hoping to buy the performance hall and restaurant tonight.
Emily: Don’t worry, your good friend Emily will buy you a fancy new costume.
Adam: You don’t have to.
Emily: I insist, you are my best friend. You know what, you should dress up as a prince tonight.
*they ran off to a high end costume shop where Emily looked through the costumes until she found a prince’s costume in Adam’s size which was dark blue, black, and gold*
Emily: This will look very nice on you. Who knows, you might get a boyfriend or girlfriend tonight.
Adam: I don’t have time for that.
Emily: I want to tell you a secret, tonight royalty is coming to the masquerade ball, as in princes. You might get one to help you on your music career. What if a prince falls in love with me and we get married.
Adam: You always wanted to be a princess,
*both smiled and talked about their dreams while making their way back to Sera’s mansion*
(Will Adam’s duck form be like Grumpy and be a girl duck)
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fallenhunnyapple · 3 months
The final day of Hellaverse Kink Week is here! And its Sex Pollen : 3c again, technically sfw so I can post it here~
Luci took an attack meant for Charlie and started getting feverish and out of it so Adam volunteered to take him to his room and Well-
[and here's the twitter link]
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[Transcript in case the words are hard to read:
L: Aaadam~
A: H-hey, you're not yourself right now. So maybe we shouldn't...
Note: Has recently been taught about consent and intoxication
L: I need you now and you better hurry to the room before I get started in the hall
A: ... yeah, okay]
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lilacwriter07 · 2 months
When You Give the Devil a Duck
What if Alpha Alastor steals the duck Beta Adam made for Omega Lucifer ?
Adam muttering curses as he cleans off the blood, because somehow it was his fault for helping Lucifer out . Who purrs happily while eating pancakes (because Adam was making breakfast) with his little duck .
The way Adam has torn off Alastor's head, because the fucker was about to bite Lucifer made him so wet and happy .
He can't wait for Adam to finish and take him to his nest .
Angel ofcourse went to the store with Husk to get more popcorn, because he feels like lots of drama is about to happen .
They walk pass someone who looked familiar, but paid no mind to it as person walked to the hotel .
Found you ..
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Abel, Cain and Seth turning into ducklings with their magic and following their dad around ( now that they found him again, it's family bonding time )
Like....just imagine Mama duck Adam proudly waddling with his babies around the hotel 😭
Charlie * taking a video and crying * " this is so cuuuute!!!"
Vaggie " indeed mi amor, look at the lil horns!!"
Angel " Husk i want a baby with you "
Husk * got distracted * " yeah whatever you wa-WAIT WHAT NOW?"
Lucifer * picks up the duck family and smiles/cries of joy * " this is the best day ever!! After charlie's birth of course "
Keep them away from Alastor, he would have a large duck dinner.
Awwww but it's so cute!!
Adam: Smile and wave boys, smile and wave.
Lucifer: I wonder where the ducklings came from.
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decentsoupperson · 4 months
Duck Adam Au
Just Adam hiding under Lucifer's hat to take a nap. If it's on his head or not is up to you.
Lucifer ran around the palace, looking for his little feathery princess. When he took off his hat to scratch his head, he was greeting with feathers. When he checked the mirror, he saw Grumpy sitting there asleep. So he carefully put his hat back on and sat down to read a book.
She sleeps wherever she wishes. Whether if it's on his head or not
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forrpercyy · 8 months
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more socmed au!!
i loveee making these so much
this is just another little snippet, if you wanna read the entire thing i made a thread on my twitter @//hookyflop!! it’s my pinned tweet :P
enjoy 🫡
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toasttt11 · 3 months
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January 5, 2024
Connie was skating down the ice with the puck against her stick and looked up right as her jaw rammed right into the Devils player’s shoulder, Connie fell over onto the ice, her hand immediately going up and holding her jaw as she quickly got back up and hurried to skate off the ice.
Connie knew something was wrong, there was to much pain and to much pain that fast.
Connie hurried off the ice right to the trainers letting them guide her off the ice and down the tunnel to the medical rooms to start looking at her injury.
She spaced out during most of the time watching the game on the tv as the trainers checked on her until she heard someone walk in and looked over seeing Nick walking in with a grin directed at her.
Connie furrowed her brows not talking as the trainers told her not to, she saw him get into the fight on the ice and he seemed to be rushing off the ice after.
“We protect our own.” Nick simply explained with a grin as he walked over to her gently ruffling her hair like he always does, he knew he only hurt her finger and a broken finger was worth getting back for Connie.
Nick smiled seeing the thankful look she gave him as she couldn’t say it, “Is it bad?” Nick felt nauseated seeing the obvious pain she was in and it felt like one of his own kids was hurt.
Connie nodded yes as it was painful and she was very uncomfortable too.
Nick’s face soften and gently squeezed her shoulder with his good hand, “What can I do?” Nick softly asked her.
Connie made a call gesture and pointed to her self and Nick thought for a moment before asking, “Call your mom?”
Connie nodded slightly, she knew her parents more so her mom would be worried seeing her going off the ice and not coming back and she couldn’t call her right now.
“I will do that.” Nick softly promised her before the trainee called for him to head to the other room so they can splint his finger.
Once the trainers finished examining her with the game still going she got to change out of their uniform and into comfortable clothes and watched the rest of the game.
She turned back to the TV and barely a minute went by before Alex got into a fight against Nate.
Connie watched his fight intently as he fought for a good few minutes before the referees spilt them apart.
The trainers allowed her to have her phone once the game was over and they waited for the team to finish up and everything gets packed up before they all head to the airport to head back to Chicago.
Connie looked up as the door opened quickly and Alex rushed in with his suit on but messily and his tie hanging from his pocket, he let out a small sigh seeing her but still rushed right over to her.
“How are you? Are you okay?” Alex quickly rushed out scanning her face worriedly seeing her face wrapped up in a bandage specifically holding her jaw in place.
Connie reached out gently grabbing his hand and squeezed his hand softly stopping his from continuing and made him look at her eyes and she gave him a small nod reassuring him that she is okay.
“Is it your jaw?” Alex softly asked letting out small sigh of relief that she told him she was okay, Connie nodded once to his question, “Do they know if it’s broken yet?” Alex hesitantly asked.
Connie tried to clenched her eyes shut but hissed at the pain it caused in her jaw making her look at Alex with teary eyes answering his question.
“Oh Bubbles.” Alex softly cooed bringing her into a gentle hug being mindful of her jaw and gently rubbed her back.
Connie never really liked hugs growing up much and they always just felt awkward but she always endured them thinking it was just her being awkward.
But hugging Alex, like an actually hug not on the ice after a goal, it was comforting and something she surprising really enjoyed.
Alex just held her softly rubbing her back letting her be comforted for a few minutes before gently and reluctantly pulling back.
Connie gave him another thankful look and he just smiled.
“Come on we got to get to the bus.” Alex softly told her and backed up letting her stand up and he saw her suitcase and back pack next to the medical bed she was sitting in and grabbed them giving her stern look stopping her from grabbing them.
Alex carried their bags as they walked through the arena and out to the bus where most of the team were already sitting in.
Alex knew Connie really didn’t want to talk right now he just guided her down the bus and gave everyone a stern glance to leave her alone and brought her to the row where Kevin and Lukas sat across from.
Connie slid into the bench first and Alex sat down after.
Kevin and Lukas gave her concerned glances and Alex grimaced shaking his head motioning that her injury was not good.
Connie stared out the bus window feeling her pain medication slowly starting to finally kick in a little but not much.
The bus pulled up to the blackhawks plane at the airport and the team all slowly started getting off the bus and helping the staff load up the converter belt with all the luggage.
Alex set Connie and his bags on the belt and guided her to the plane not wanting her to try to help.
Connie sat down on the window seat again and Alex sat on the seat next to her.
Connie was having a hard time keeping her eyes shut and Alex noticed and put the arm rest up between them and gestured for her to lay her head down on his chest.
Connie took a second looking like she was debating it before scooting closer and resting her head on his chest being careful not to touch her jaw againt him and his arm wrapped around her shoulder.
Connie was out within minutes.
“Is it bad?” Lukas whispered once Kevin and Lukas sat across from Alex and Connie giving a sleeping Connie concerned glances.
“They think it’s broken.” Alex whispered quietly back.
Kevin grimaced still looking worried at his best friend. Lukas gasped softly looking at her sadly.
Connie was fast asleep on Alex not moving at all the entire flight home.
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grumpy-the-duck · 19 days
tbh i would adopt you but my cat would probably eat you.
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PLEASE tell me your cat isn't this.
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ask-adamsapple66 · 1 month
Adam have you ever been a duck ?
Adam: As near as I know I haven't? I know there is this one au where I was cursed to be a fucking female duck named Grumpy I think. And I didn't become "normal" until I got a kiss of true love.
Adam: Ducks are cute but I wouldn't want to be one.
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mininoiibat · 6 months
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They are so ✨
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