#duda is getting a call from all of them
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Sean bienvenidos a una nueva publicación en la cual aclararemos las diferencias entre un templo y un santuario japonés dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - Seguramente, todos hemos visto alguna vez en fotos templos y santuarios que están por todo el archipiélago nipón y más de una vez nos hemos preguntado: ¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre ellos? - Primero la palabra santuario ¿Qué significa?: Es el lugar en el que los japoneses adoran a todos los kamis por lo cual cada uno tiene el suyo propio, también cabe destacar que puede ser una montaña un lago ect.. Cuando buscamos esta palabra en español, hace referencia a un templo,entonces ¿Cuáles son las principales diferencias? la principal sería que los santuarios sintoístas, disponen de una puerta principal llamada torii a diferencia de los templos budistas, que disponen de una pagoda. Ejemplos de templos budistas por ciudades Templo de Kiyomizu-dera (Kioto) Templo Kinkakuji (Kioto) Templo Senso-ji (Tokio) Templo de Hokokuji (Kamakura) Templo Todai-ji (Nara) Templo de Sanjusangendo (Kioto - Santuarios japoneses por ciudades: Santuario de Ise – Ciudad de Ise Santuario Meiji – Tokio Santuario Itsukushima – Miyajima Santuario Sumiyoshi Taisha – Osaka Santuario Hie Jinja – Tokio Santuario Izumo – Ciudad de Izumo - Para aclarar las dudas, entre un santuario y un templo: También hay que tener en cuenta los distintos nombres y otras de las cosas que caracterizan un templo son las siguientes : Komainu, Temizuya o chōzuya, Salas principales, Amuletos,Komainu, Temizuya el honden y el haiden. En próximos capítulos podemos hablar de cada uno de ellos, aparte de seguir realizando publicaciones de historia, arqueología, geografía entre otros temas de japón os deseo un cordial saludo. - Welcome to a new publication in which we will clarify the differences between a temple and a Japanese sanctuary. That being said, make yourself comfortable and let's get started. - Surely, we have all seen temples and sanctuaries that are all over the Japanese archipelago in photos and more than once we have asked ourselves: What are the differences between them? - First, the word sanctuary What does it mean?: It is the place where the Japanese worship all the kamis, so each one has their own, it is also worth noting that it can be a mountain, a lake, etc. When we look for this word in Spanish, it refers to a temple, so what are the main differences? The main one would be that Shinto shrines have a main door called torii. unlike Buddhist temples, which have a pagoda. Examples of Buddhist temples by city Kiyomizu-dera Temple (Kyoto) Kinkakuji Temple (Kyoto) Senso-ji Temple (Tokyo) Hokokuji Temple (Kamakura) Todai-ji Temple (Nara) Sanjusangendo Temple (Kyoto) Shitennoji Temple (Osaka) - Japanese shrines by cities: Ise Shrine – Ise City Meiji Shrine – Miyajima Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine – Osaka Fushimi Inari Shrine – Kyoto Hie Jinja Shrine – Tokyo Izumo Shrine – Izumo City - To clarify doubts, between a sanctuary and a temple: We must also take into account the different names and other things that characterize a temple are the following: Komainu, Temizuya or chōzuya, Main rooms, Amulets, Komainu, Temizuya the honden and the haiden. In future chapters we can talk about each of them, apart from continuing to publish publications on history, archaeology, geography, among other topics about Japan, I wish you a cordial greeting. - 寺院と日本の聖域の違いを明確にする新しい出版物へようこそ。そうは言っても、安心して始めましょう。 - 確かに、私たちは皆、日本列島各地にある寺院や聖域を写真で見たことがあり、それらの違いは何だろうかと自問したことが一度や二度ではありません。 - まず、聖域という言葉はどういう意味ですか?: それは日本人がすべての神を崇拝する場所であり、それぞれに独自の神があり、それが山や湖などであることも注目に値します。この単語はスペイン語で寺院を指しますが、主な違いは何でしょうか? 主なものは、神社には鳥居と呼ばれる表扉があることです。 塔のある仏教寺院とは異なります。 都市別の仏教寺院の例 清水寺(京都) 金閣寺(京都) 浅草寺(東京) 報国寺(鎌倉) 東大寺(奈良) 三十三間堂(京都) 四天王寺(大阪) - 都市別の日本の神社: 伊勢神宮 – 伊勢市 明治神宮 – 東京 厳島神社 – 宮島 住吉大社 – 大阪 伏見稲荷大社 – 京都 日枝神社 – 東京 出雲大社 – 出雲市 - 聖域と寺院の間の疑問を解消するには、次のような名前や寺院を特徴付けるその他のものについても考慮する必要があります: 狛犬、手水舎または手水舎、主室、お守り、狛犬、本殿と拝殿。 今後の章では、歴史、考古学、地理、その他日本に関するトピックに関する出版物の発行を続けることに加えて、それぞれのテーマについてお話します。心からご挨拶を申し上げます。
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miceonpluto · 1 year
Anomaly 888
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Part 1 Part 2
Next part is finally out!! Biggest thank you to my best friend and editor Leeks, this fic wouldn’t be nearly as good without her help🫶🏾Little translation not for characterization purposes, “sin duda” in this context means “without a doubt” not “definitely” as google translate will lead you to believe hehe Let me know what you guys think PLEASE feel free to go insane in the comments its so fun. Also let me know if you wanna be on my tag list for this fic!! Okay now enjoy hehe
3.2k words
••●── 🕸️⋅🕷⋅🕸️ ──●••
“Miguel don’t you think you went a liiiiiitle too far?” A woman’s voice said from somewhere above you.
“If little anomalía here hadn’t tried to run away I wouldn’t have needed to snatch her like that.” You recognized that voice from earlier. It was the same smooth baritone that taunted you while they took you from your home. His name is Miguel?
“She passed out dude. You could’ve at least tried to explain before you brought her here.” The woman's voice was much closer this time, it sounded as if she were right next to your ear. You groggily opened your eyes and all you saw was red. Where even was here? Your head spun and you groaned as you tried to stand on numb legs, so numb that you had to lean against the wall for support. Once you felt stable enough, you stood up straighter and looked around. A small lady in pink heart glasses and a white trench coat suddenly hovered above your nose, she was so close that you had to cross your eyes to properly look at her. “Oh you’re awake! Hiii~” She chirped. You recoiled and hit the wall behind you and just as quickly as she appeared, she was back outside of the glass.
You hadn’t realized how confining this room was until then, all four walls were so close that you couldn’t fully outstretch your arms in any direction. “Where am I!” You shouted to the two blurry silhouettes that stood behind the red walls. “Jess, she’s awake.” The deep voice you now know belonged to a man named Miguel called out and a third person walked up, now there were two people and…a pixie? All ogling you like you were a caged animal at the zoo. The tallest one walked closer and tapped the glass twice with his knuckles and the frosted glass became transparent. You could see each person clearly, a black woman with a sleek red jacket stood in front of the cell, gently caressing her round stomach. The little pixie with glasses sat on her shoulder with her legs crossed, she tilted her head and smiled at you when she caught your eye. Next to the two of them, was him. His previously red eyes were now brown and looking down at you indifferently. You took note of his large biceps, now feeling a little better about how easy it was for him to take you away. He was wearing a skin tight suit that reminded you of SpiderWoman’s back home, he even had a similar spider stretching across his broad figure, though his design was a bit different. He had his hands on his hips and quirked his brow when you furrowed your own and shouted at him.
“Who the hell are you!? How’d you get in my room?! Why were you going through my stuff?! You abducted me!” You felt your blood boil as you got more and more angry at the absurdity of the situation. You glared at him and his slightly irritated stare only angered you more. “Are you done?” He asked, visibly unamused. “I-“ You started to speak again but he cut you off.
“Great. I’m Miguel O’Hara. My accomplice here is Jess,” The dark skinned woman nodded at you.
“The other is Lyla, my artificial intelligence companion.” Miguel continued.
“Awwwww you think I’m your companion?” Lyla crooned.
“Shut it. I’m being professional.” Miguel snapped and Lyla giggled in response. He rolled his eyes and continued.
“I’m only going over this once.” He said and took a deep breath, “You’re in Nueva York in the year 2099, this is my universe. I’m this city’s one and only Spider-Man. You belong to earth888, you’re here because your SpiderWoman reported you as a potential anomaly. There can only be one, and only one spider in each universe and for some reason, yours had two, you being the second. Your very existence could disrupt the canon and cause a multiversal collapse so I took you from your universe.” He rambled off so fast and with so much information it made you lightheaded. Multiverse? What does he mean my SpiderWoman? The audience of three could tell you were dazed by the info dump and Miguel sighed. He pinched his brow and pressed a few buttons on the watch he was wearing and the red walls that surrounded you began to slowly recede into the floor below.
“You just need to see it for yourself.” He said as he reached for your wrist. You jerked it back, “See what? Where are you taking me?” You demanded to know. He grabbed your wrist and slipped a white band on it. “What is this?!”
“A day pass. It’ll keep your atoms from glitching out and killing you.” He sighed as Lyla teased him. “I told you to give her the debrief in her room.” She hovered over to him and poked his cheek.
That reminded you, “Hey! How’d you get in my room?!”
“I followed you.”
“How’d you find me?”
“Your spider led you to me.”
“She…” You hesitated, “She wouldn’t do that! If you really are from another universe, how’d you get into mine?”
“With this.” Miguel held up his watch, its little monitor beeped and flashed quietly.
“What is it?”
“None of your business.” He said condescendingly.
“Except for the fact that it is because it’s the entire reason you were able to abduct me and bring me to wherever the hell I am now!” Your voice raised at the end of your sentence.
“All in a day’s work.” He completely blew you off, thwipped a web onto your shoulder and pulled you along with him.
“You don’t have to leash her like a dog Miguel.” Jess scoffed while walking along his other side.
“Maybe if she didn’t yap like one I wouldn’t have to.” He quipped. The four of you walked out of the dim room and down a long hallway. The chatter of many many voices began to get louder the further you walked, the bright light from the end made you squint and you had to blink a few times to adjust to your new surroundings. When they did, you were absolutely floored.
The hallway had opened up to a gigantic building that seemed to go up forever. Hundreds of spider people of every shape and size could be seen in every direction. Some swinging from the support beams, some standing and talking on the walkways that ran along the wall and up towards the ceiling, a lot of them greeted Miguel as you walked past. Other people stopped and stared at you being pulled along behind him, and you suddenly became very aware of how ridiculous you looked being led around like an animal. You quickened your steps so you could stay at Miguel’s side and give the web enough slack to hopefully be hidden. He looked down at you and began to speak. “Everyone here is a spider from their perspective universe. In each universe, they’re the only one. But here…” He stopped and looked around, “here they’re not. They have others like them.” You looked up at him and when his eyes met yours, you could see a glimmer of sadness sparkling somewhere beneath the surface. “I started this organization to unite the multiverses and keep everything in order so when people like you pop up, it’s my job to look into it.”
“But…I was just trying to help.” You said.
He sighed, “We all are.” He held his watch up to a keypad on a large gray door and it beeped and shone green. His voice hardened as he continued, “But that’s not your job.” The doors slowly opened and the four of you stepped inside.
“So I should just let people get robbed? Killed? Even if there’s something I can do to stop it?”
“There’s nothing you could do to stop it anyways. You couldn’t even catch the robber on 64th yesterday.”
“But-Hey! How’d you know about that?!”
Miguel ran his hand down his face. “I was there. Your spider was the robber and the woman she “stole” from was her girlfriend. They picked up her purse right after you left.”
You twiddled your fingers and tried to come up with a good excuse. “Well at least I got her purse. And the robber was…I was just having an off day.” You played with the hem of your sleeve and looked at the ground.
He stepped in front of you and looked at you earnestly. “We can’t afford to have off days.”
You hummed, not sure what to say next. He gently tugged at the web, urging you to follow him to a wall of labeled storage lockers. He stopped at one labeled Anomaly 888. “If you were there when that happened…” you thought out loud, “You stole my suit!”
“I confiscated it.” He said without looking down and typed in the code for the locker. A888. Pretty on the nose. Inside was the duffle bag from the night before, Miguel took it out and handed it to Jess, who had already sat down in front of the many large monitors in the center of the room.
“Run diagnostics on this stuff. Scan every page and have her suit analyzed.” He said while unzipping the bag and pulling your suit out. You were relieved to see it was in perfect condition. Jess nodded and laid your things out on a large table while Lyla began to scan your suit with her phone.
“I have some things to take care of, I’ll be in my office if you need me.” He said and pulled you with him, you took one long, sad look at your suit before the doors shut behind you. You tried to memorize the path you took to get to the office. Left, left, left, then a right. There’s a bathroom, and a restaurant is around the second corner. Your stomach growled. Whatever’s in there smelled so good. “You hungry?” Miguel cocked his head towards the restaurant. “You heard that? Over all these people?” You asked, feeling your face flush.
“I hear everything.” He said with a subtle smile and led you to the menu.
“Hey boss! What’ll it be?” A spiderman in a white suit wearing a chef's hat bounced up to the counter and leaned on the counter.
“Just a coffee for me. And whatever she wants.” Miguel said, gesturing to you.
“Ooooh~ who’s the lady? I haven’t seen her around here before.” The chef sang.
“Oh! I’m-“ you started to introduce yourself but Miguel cut you off.
“She’s not staying.”
The chef seemed to get the memo and asked “Well Miss Not Staying, what can I getcha?” He asked with a wink.
“I’ll just have a turkey sandwich please.” The chef disappeared into the kitchen and came back with your orders surprisingly quick. You and Miguel thanked him and continued on your way to the office.
Right, left, right. He led you through two intricately carved metal doors and flipped a switch when they closed behind you. Evening light flooded the room as the large window blinds rolled themselves up. His office was gorgeously furnished, bookshelves lined three of the walls, all completely stacked with stacks of books, papers, magazines, notebooks, and various other trinkets. Huge potted plants lined the perimeter of a cozy looking blue couch that sat up against the other free wall. Above the couch were various picture frames, filled with what looked like children’s drawings. A grand mahogany desk and plush arm chair sat in the middle of the room on top of an extravagant rug. The desk itself was pretty bare, save for a single picture frame and a long rectangle that ran horizontally along the far side of the desks perimeter. “This is beautiful.” You said breathlessly. “Infinite universes, infinite spidermen, one of them is bound to be an interior designer.” He said and sipped his coffee. You began to walk towards the couch but you stepped on a little toy car and fell backwards. Miguel pulled the web on your shoulder up and set you back on your feet. “Thanks.” You exhaled. He hummed in response. You looked down and carefully tiptoed over colorful blocks and little dolls strewn about the floor. You sat in the middle of the couch while Miguel got settled in at his desk. “Do you have kids?” He froze and looked up at you with an expression you couldn’t quite place. Grief? Anger maybe? “What?” He asked with an edge that made you uneasy. “I just assumed…because of the toys on the floor and stuff.” You said, almost apologetically.
“Oh.” He said flatly and peered down at the toys. “Those are Mayday’s toys. Peter B’s daughter.”
You nodded your head and looked around the room awkwardly while taking the occasional bite of your sandwich.
He pressed a button on the desk rectangle and a large floating screen hummed to life above a keyboard that was being projected onto the wood. He began typing furiously and you sank further into the couch as boredom began to set in. “Why am I even here?”
He glanced at you briefly then diverted his attention back to the screen. “Would you rather be back in solitary?” You shook your head. “Then cállate. Stop complaining.” He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, “I can't let you out of my sight until I figure out what to do with you.”
“So I have to sit here and wait for you to be finished?”
“Dios mío!“ He snatched a random book off of the shelf next to you and plopped it in your lap.
An Extensive History of the Discovery and Exploration of the Multiverse. You flipped through the thick book and scanned the tiny words. It could have been an interesting read if it wasn’t full of scientific words that hadn’t yet been invented in your timeline. You tried to lay on your side to get more comfortable, but the web connecting you and Miguel tugged his hand down. “Sorry.” You muttered as he scowled at you and snapped the string off of him.
Soon the sun had fully set and the bright lights of the city illuminated the office. You’d pretended to be sleep for the past hour, you kept your breathing steady and occasionally peaked to see if he was getting tired too. You could tell Miguel was trying to fight off sleep by the drowsy droop of his eyes and hunch of his back. He yawned and his sharp canines gleamed. Your breath hitched at the sight of them and you tried to keep your breathing consistent. That quick glimpse of his fangs reminded you what could go wrong if you messed this up. He shut off his computer and placed the picture frame on his desk face down. “Buenas noches mi chiquita.” He said softly. Who was he talking to? You wondered, but caught yourself before you let your mind wander any further. You needed to focus. You kept your eyes closed and waited until his breathing had leveled out to open them again. When it did, you peered over at him. His arms were crossed and he was leaned back comfortably in his chair. You weren’t sure how much time had passed before you had worked up the courage to slowly stand up and wrap Miguel’s discarded web around your wrist so it wouldn’t drag along the floor behind you. You tip toed your way towards the door, making sure to not to disturb any of the toys that tripped you earlier.
You held your breath as you cracked open the office door painstakingly slowly and slipped out as soon as the gap was big enough for you to do so. You closed it behind you and as soon as it clicked shut, you took off. The compound was eerily still and quiet, the lively atmosphere had been drained from the walls and all that was left was the quiet echo of your footsteps and shallow breaths. You passed the restaurant from earlier so you knew you were going in the right direction. You skidded to a stop once you made it to an intersection. You came right left right on the way here so now…you looked down either hallway and bit your lip unsure of which way to go. You shook your head and decided to go left, since you were coming from the opposite direction. “Right then left”, you whispered to yourself when you came upon two more intersections and sprinted through the empty building until you made it back to the familiar storage room doors. “Damn it.” You hissed once you realized you didn’t have a watch to open the doors. Upon closer inspection, you saw one door was left slightly ajar, you tried to get a good grip with your fingertips on the edge and pry it open but to no avail.
There wasn’t enough space for you to get a solid hold on it. You stood there anxiously until you remembered the web wrapped around your wrist. Perfect. You yanked the other end off of your shoulder and slung it onto the door. It stuck! You took a few steps back and pulled as hard as you could. It didn’t budge. You turned around and pulled the string over your shoulder and trudged forward, slowly the door gave way and you internally rejoiced once you finally got it open wide enough for you to get inside. You wrapped the web back around your wrist and felt your way along the wall to find the lockers. There was barely enough light for you to see the labels engraved on them but you eventually found yours. You tapped the keypad and its faint blue light shone bright enough for you to see the letters and numbers on it. A888. You typed in the password and the locker popped open. You reached inside and found the duffle bag. The zipper was way louder than you expected it to be and you winced as it broke the silence. Your suit was neatly folded inside and you quickly put it on and put the straps of the duffle bag on your shoulders as if it were a backpack. Time to go. You weren’t really sure what direction would lead you out and away but you didn’t have time to think about that. You picked a random direction to go and you started swinging across the pillars with your borrowed web.
••●── 🕸️⋅🕷⋅🕸️ ──●••
Miguel opened one eye and scanned the room. You were gone. “Lyla.” He whispered. She flickered to life on the desk below and yawned. “Do you know what time it is?”
“Has ev-What? What do you mean, you don’t even sleep? Why the hell are you yawning?” She shrugged, “I like to pretend.”
He rolled his eyes. “Has everyone evacuated?” Lyla scrolled through her phone and gave him a thumbs up.
“Activate discrete lockdown.”
“Done.” She said as she followed him across the room. “Are you sure you can catch her? You’ve given her quite the head start.”
Miguel cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders as he stepped out of the office.
“Sin duda.”
••●── 🕸️⋅🕷⋅🕸️ ──●••
Thanks again for reading!!
Tag list @mynameiswilliamblake
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dudadragneel · 3 months
Hey Duda!!
Had a thought. What if Channie was laying in bed (working like the workaholic he is) but he had a belly ache? It would keep cramping and make him feel so nauseous, but he'd keep working because he has shit to do.
Maybe he'd keep a bucket by the side of his bed in case he did throw up? But who do you think would give him tummy rubs/hold his head while he's actively being sick?
I think he's the type to burp up wave after wave of sick, take a moment, spit, and then go back to whatever he was doing. He would only admit defeat if he couldn't look at his screen without feeling overwhelmingly sick.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Hello, dear 🍋!
I wrote something similar once, it's called "So close yet so far". But it was Channie x reader.
However, this one has its differences 🤔
If you don't mind, I'll write it as a drabble 😊
Stupidly stubborn.
That was the most accurate description of Chan.
That man insisted on working no matter what, even if the world was about to end, he'd probably be working on his computer.
This time around, he was having stomach issues, due to work-related stress.
Yes. He was working himself to a stomach problem and insisted on the main cause.
He started off his day with some bad cramps on his abdomen and even getting up from the bed hurt. For a while, about 4 minutes, he couldn't even stand properly. Every time he tried to straighten his back, he felt a sharp pain on his middle.
"Oh fuck off"
He thought to himself.
He had work to do, well, he always did, but with an impending comeback, his workload doubled, tripled even. Now was not the time to take a break, not the time to get sick.
He tried going to the bathroom numerous times but to no avail.
And the worst of it all: the kids noticed something was wrong. But they knew better than to try to get him to talk and push the wrong button and end up making angry.
And Chan was incredibly scary when angry.
Every time he went to the bathroom he couldn't bring anything up but the nausea persisted as well as the cramps. That alone was making him mad.
Seeing that spending time inside the bathroom wasn't getting him anywhere he settled for bringing a bucket inside his bedroom and keep on working.
45 minutes of working proved to be enough to send his stomach over the edge.
The nausea increased tenfold and he felt a burning sensation and something rushing up his chest.
He suppressed a burp with his hand but was taken aback when it brought up a bit of bile. Out of instinct, he swallowed it back and that was when everything went wrong.
His stomach protested against that move and sent it's contents up his throat.
He was going to throw up. And his beloved computer was right in front of him. That one computer that contained their entire career, past, present and future.
He quickly tossed it aside and bend over the bed, grabbing the bucket and burping up a thick stream of chunky vomit.
Right after the first wave he started to cough, a wet and loud cough that triggered his stomach to expell even more food.
But the coughing insisted and it was getting too loud. Loud enough for the kids to hear.
The one who kept the others from entering their leader's room was Changbin. Chan didn't like people worrying about him and if all 7 of them decided to barge into his room to check on him, he'd be mad and it could even trigger a panic attack.
The rapper decided to enter the room alone to help his hyung, whether he wanted or not.
- Channie-hyung? I'm coming in.
- Don't-
Chan tried answering but the coughing didn't allow him.
Changbin entered the room and found Chan bent over the bucket almost falling inside it. He sat by his side on the bed and promptly held his hyung's forehead before he could actually dive inside the bucket.
- Aigoo~ hyung~
Changbin cooed, still holding his hyung's forehead and rubbing his back.
Chan burped up another thick wave of vomit and that was when Changbin noticed how the bucket was already half filled.
The older boy was holding himself up on the edge of the bed with one arm, while the other held the bucket close to him.
The wave that followed right after a wet burp was far more violent than the others and made him lose balance but thankfully Changbin held him.
He held Chan's torso while still supporting his head and the older one proceeded to burp another round of sick.
- Gosh, hyung. You're really sick. What happened?
- I don't know.
He knew exactly what was wrong and he didn't want to tell Changbin because he himself didn't want to admit it.
He burped up another stream before his stomach had apparently emptied itself.
- I'm okay now, Bin-ah.
Chan answered propping himself up and leaning back on the bed.
Changbin wanted to insist on staying with his hyung or at least try to keep him from working on his computer but he didn't want to overstep the boundaries with his leader.
- You can go, Bin-ah, you need to enjoy the free time we have before the preparations for the comeback.
Changbin knew that if things got worse, Chan would most likely call for help, so he left.
And he was right.
Chan continued to work on the songs but changing screens all the time, going over and over the same beat again and just the noise overall became way too overwhelming. Even worse than before.
No matter how hard he tried, the nausea and the urge to vomit just wouldn't go away and it was starting to make him anxious.
He decided to text Changbin who promptly entered his hyung's bedroom and went to his side.
He put away the computer and helped Chan sit on the edge of the bed, placing the bucket on his leader's lap.
Chan's stomach didn't even hesitate, once he was sitting and he had a receptacle in hands, it contracted sending his lunch rushing up his throat.
He bent over as a wet burp made that come out hitting the bucket with a sickening sound.
Changbin rubbed his back as he proceeded to vomit once more, this time, inconveniently coming out of his nose as well.
- Oh gosh.
Chan said blowing his nose and spitting out some saliva before his stomach contracted again.
He lurched forward with such force that Changbin decided to place the bucket on the ground before it could get messy.
Chan burped up a thick stream of puke with bits of food, bending over even further. Changbin held his forehead again while his hyung proceeded to puke his guts out.
- Oh god, hyung. Did you eat something bad?
Chan just nodded a no and puked one more time at the sheer mention of food.
- Then, care to tell me what's going on?
Changbin asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice. He hated that Chan tried to keep things from the boys, especially when it came to his health.
- It's just stress.
- It's not "just" stress, hyung. You know how it can damage your health, you can't continue to keep these things from us. Come on, we're team remember? We're here to help each other out, why do you have to be the only one not allowing yourself to be helped?
The hint of annoyance in Changbin's voice turned into a shaky, sad one. In fact, there were tears forming in his eyes.
Chan looked up at him, and his heart broke.
- I'm sorry, Bin-ah. I'm really sorry. I'll let you guys take care of me. I promise. I'm sorry for worrying you.
He reassured his dongsaeng, pulling him closer so their foreheads were touching.
That simple touch comforted both of them. It was everything they both needed at that moment.
- Hyung...your breath stinks.
Changbin said laughing and earning an honest laugh from Chan.
The younger boy helped him brush his teeth and then go back to bed so he could rest.
But as soon as Chan touched his computer, Changbin snatched it from him.
- No. You're not touching this again today.
- I just need to see if the files are all saved.
He said pleading and laughing a bit nervously.
- They are, hyung. I checked it. Now try to get some sleep. This computer is coming to my room.
Changbin said with a playful tone and hugging Chan's precious computer.
Chan just admitted defeat and let Changbin take his dear possession with him, as well as be taken care of for the rest of the day.
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moesasaur · 1 year
ALL TBOM ELDERS + all canon information on them
I am making this to help out anyone who is writing fanfics or drawing fan art of The Book Of Mormon and wants to draw the elders accurately or keep them in character. I will involve all lines from each character + their fandom given first name and other small things that indicate their personality or traits. I will also state the animal they brought up in I Am Africa since I believe the animals do reflect their personalities in some way.
Elder Church
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- Elder “James” Church
- Given the name James by the fandom
- OBC actor: Brian Sears
- Comes from Cheyenne, Wyoming
- When he was young his parents were in an abusive relationship, with his alcoholic father abusing him and his mother
- “Okay, okay, HOLD ON! I mean… We COULD… SAY that we had some baptisms” Is the elder that suggests lying about how many baptisms district 9 has achieved
- “We were SO worried about you” Is the first elder that tells Kevin they were SO worried about him when he fell asleep at the bus station
- In I Am Africa he sings “(with) The Noble Lion King”
- In I Am Africa he also sings “A tribal woman who doesn’t wear a bra”
Elder Michaels
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- Elder “Michael” Michaels
- Given the name Mike by the fandom
- OBC actor: Clark Johnsen
- Comes from Provo
Elder Thomas
(I could not find a photo of him, please accept this photo of the actor as an offering)
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- Elder “Chris” Thomas
- Also goes by Elder Poptarts
- Given the name Chris by the fandom
- OBC actor: Scott Barnhardt
- His sister died from cancer and he was unable to say goodbye since he was at the apple store in line for a new iphone. Her last words were “Where is my brother”
- “You, too?! I had the hell dream after I accidentally read a Playboy!” Had his first hell dream after accidentally reading a playboy
- “Well, somebody needs to tell that General Butt-F-ing Named that people should be free to do what they want!” Is the elder that gives Kevin the idea of speaking to the general.
- In I Am Africa he sings “(with) The meerkat”. A lot of the fandom compares him to being like a meerkat
Elder Davis
Same thing, take this photo of him (right) standing next to Andrew Rannells (left)
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- Elder “Robert” David
- Given the name Robert by the fandom
- OBC actor: Jason Michael Snow
- Is the first elder to ask if Elder McKinley is okay when he is panicking about the mission president
- “Elder Cunningham we must always work in PAIRS. Remember?” Is the first elder to complain about Arnold and Kevin arguing before being shut down by Elder McKinley
- “Looks like you fell asleep at the bus station!” (to Kevin after SMHD)
Elder Schrader
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- Elder “Brian” Schrader
- Given the name Brian by the fandom
- OBC actor: Benjamin Schrader
- Please note that he isn’t called Elder Schrader in every performance, he sometimes takes the last name of the actor that plays him since he is named after Benjamin Schrader, his OBC actor
- “Are you an IDIOT?! MORMONS don’t LIE!” could come across as him being outspoken + rude personality wise
- In I Am Africa he sings “With the rhino”
Elder Neeley
Same thing AGAIN. Have a photo him (left) standing next to Jason Michael Snow (right)
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- Elder “Ted” Neeley
- Given the name Ted by the fandom
- OBC actor: Kevin Duda
- “I told a lie once when I was twelve, and I had a dream that I went to hell! It was REALLY SPOOKY.” Had his first hell dream after telling a lie when he was 12
- “Yeah, we have to go home!” “But the mission president said we’re all as far from the Latter-Day Saints as it gets!” Seems to be the elder that wants to go home most after being shunned by the mission president
Elder Zelder
I scoured the internet and found no photos of him at all this is all I got sorry guys
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- Elder “Elder” Zelder
- Given this name by the fandom, frequently referred to as an alien. I assume this is due to him having fewer lines compared to the other elders. People joke that Elder Zelder is his full name
- OBC actor: Justin Botton
- In I Am Africa he sings “(we are) A monkey with a banana”
Here is a photo of the chalk board that lists the pairings of all the elders:
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If you can’t read it,
Elder McKinley + Elder Thomas
Elder Zelder + Elder Michaels
Elder Neeley + Elder Schrader
Elder Church + Elder Davis
also it’s a good example of Elder Schrader’s name changing based on the actor portraying him!!
Thank you for reading my little infodump, I did this mostly for myself but I would be happy to know that other people found this helpful!!
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spunkytomboybeat · 21 days
I was debating about talking about my street fighter ocs, and by people's demand I've decided that I shall indeed talk about em! (warning, very long)
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First of the two is Duda, or by her real name Rebeca Eduarda (We just call her Duda here, pal)!
She's a character that I've created to 'fit' into the 3rd strike cast. She's a brazillian Street Fighter who learned taekwondo all by herself since most of her peers didn't really care about fighting as much as her, and the places she found of taekwondo were few, and even when she did try one she couldn't find herself being someone who fit there since she was always the single girl in the class. So she quit and decided to try and train by herself sometimes, always wondering if there were girls like her who also gave a shit about fighting and getting stronger (She didn't know much about the world of fighting and didn't really see any big tournaments since she thought none of them would be worth it, so no, didn't meet any other brazillian fighters like Sean or Laura just yet). One day though she found a flier on her way home from school and saw it: Rindokan Dojo, Japan. She looked through the flier just seeing it as another dojo, raising an eyebrow at it since it obviously wasn't a flier from a place from her own country, she got curious and looked it up on her local library's computer about the place and lo and behold, a site of the site and it showed Makoto infront of a Dojo that looked quite humble, she got interested in whatever rindo kan was since it wasn't a fighting style she heard of before, though she paid more attention to this Makoto guy in the site, quite amused by 'his' work on this site to make it look as cozy and organized as possible with the most detailed look into whatever Rindokan karate was with the english she could understand. However after looking at the site enough, one image caught her in particular, buried in one of the dojo's images on the About section, it was Makoto and 2 other people, a very tall black girl and another with a really odd hairdo, realizing that this was a place where there were actual girl fighters and she could finally know more about these people! And after looking a little closer she realized that it wasn't just two girls, it was three! Right then and there she decided she would go to Japan and try to find these people right away. Duda, despite being on another country far away and without money to get flight tickets, she decided with her parents and with support from her best friend that she would study her ass off to get an intership at Japan and continue her scholarship there JUST so she could finally expand her knowledge about the world of street fighting. After 3 months of straight grinding (and a little bit of luck that the signs to do the exam were still open when she checked), she succesfully learned japanese AND got a full scholarship as number 1 in to get to her new school in a new country through sheer dedication. While she was there, Duda would meet someone else that would turn very important to her later, my other OC!
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this image is older than the other one lol
Wakana Ramos! (Normally just refered to as Wakana)
She's someone that Duda meets while in Japan.
Wakana is a called by people as the "neighborhood delinquent" not by her choice, she is very stoic saying very few words at a time. She has her own followers (she doesn't claim them) that follow her around and protect her area. She is a very strong girl who constantly gets into fights and wins all of them with ease due to her Kendo sword and strenght. She looks intimidating to everyone since she's 1.8 meters tall (Duda is only 1.73m) and just stares at you for a few seconds before responding, as if she's judgning you and her forehead scar get redder the more you speak to her.
Though, none of that is anything that she asked for at all, all being started from a misunderstanding. She is a naturally born fighter but she doesn't like doing it at all, since a young age she was a naturally strong girl who could tough up a lot of stuff without scoffing at it, so people thought she was an unmoving rock, at some point bullies would go at her to try and beat her but they only failed, until one day one of them tried going at her with a rock and gave her a bash at her head as a surprise attack, only to recieve screams of agony and a quick punch to the tooth-falling punch to their face before she ran to the infirmary. She doesn't know why shes's strong but just accepts it as fact and uses it only to protect herself when needed. As she grew up, people just started challenging her to fights due to her natural strenght and she just kept winning, attracting more bully gangs to go after her only to get defeated and run away, with some paying respect to her and turning into fans of Wakana (Much to her not wanting it in the first place). She's just a realy Shy person and doesn't really interrupt people when they talk about her, choosing to just let things happen as it's easier than trying to explain herself since she's very slow to talk and feels like she chockes on her own works trying to explain (people interpret her chocking on words as small barks before action, always keeping them on their toes). She decided that due to her being considered a delinquent, she decided "why not" and go all in with the deliquent look (but not actually try to go for any fights at all) since she deduced it was easier and less people would go for her if she was scary (it didn't work), at least she looked cool like Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh (she related to her a lot). All she wants is to talk to her nerdy friend, who is barely less shy than Wakana, andd to read her Yuri manga she finds in her local comic book shop near her house. To just have a peaceful life with people she cares about.
(Also here's some notes i had of these two when i was talking to a friend some months ago) Wakana's goal is the opposite to Duda. Duda wanted to go out of her country to seek for people just like her, fighters who despite everything still wanted to continue their goals with their fists/feet, she became stronger herself to handle whatever would come her way and met new people that wanted her to continue her journey and be happy.
Wakana on the other hand never really felt the need to explore too much out of her usual routine in her small town. She was already a strong fighter since birth but she considered that more of a curse than anything since everything that her strenght brought her was fighting where there was no winners, she won most of the time by an overwhelming amount and that put a title of 'demon of fighting' to her, a deliquent. She didn't want any of that, people just come to her to fight because she's strong not because she did anything bad. The reason she even is "stone cold" as she is now is only to sell more of her strong nature so that people wouldn't bother her, whoever wanted to fight her after all that would probably one-and-done her.
All that Wakana wants is to be able to enjoy her life like any other person, without needing to handicap herself for the sake of others. She wants to be able to go to her favorite manga store and buy a new issue of a series she likes and maybe have 1 or two friends that genuinely enjoy her company to where she can share her interests freely. She doesn't like fighting all that much, but she wouldn't mind if it was for a proper goal where both won in the end, where no feelings got hurt for anyone and both could grow with each passing second.
She never had to work for her strenght and people come to her to fight, something she doesn't want to do for people who just want to hurt her. She was always alone in her life because she never could grow.
Duda worked everything she had and went to people herself to fight, she wants to grow because it's her passion and have a good time enjoying the people around her. She was alone but was able to grow herself out and now wants to help the people she cares about.
Btw they're girlfriends a few months after the two met, they're lesbians :)
// I like these two a lot i love street fighter and gotta do more with them
Anyways bonus images i had of them laying around
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(the joke on the second image is cos wakana compared brasil to portugal (brasillians don't realy like that comparason lol(for good reason btw)))
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mariacallous · 1 year
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Polish opposition leader Donald Tusk declared the beginning of a new era for his country after opposition parties appeared to have won enough votes in Sunday’s election to oust the ruling populist party.
That party, Law and Justice, has bickered with allies and faced accusations of eroding rule of law at home in its eight years in power. It appeared that voters were mobilized like never before, voting in even greater numbers than when the nation ousted the communist authorities in 1989.
If the result predicted by an exit poll holds, Law and Justice won but also lost. It got more seats than any other party but not enough to build a government and pass laws in the legislature.
The Ipsos exit poll suggested that Law and Justice obtained 200 seats. The far-right Confederation got 12 seats, a showing the party said was a defeat.
It also showed that three opposition parties have likely won a combined 248 seats in the 460-seat lower house of parliament, the Sejm. The largest of the groups is Civic Coalition, led by Tusk, a former prime minister.
“I have been a politician for many years. I’m an athlete. Never in my life have I been so happy about taking seemingly second place. Poland won. Democracy has won. We have removed them from power,” Tusk told his cheering supporters.
“This result might still be better, but already today we can say this is the end of the bad time, this is end of Law and Justice rule,” Tusk added.
Law and Justice leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski acknowledged that the outcome was uncertain for his party. He told supporters at his headquarters that his party’s result, at nearly 37% of the vote, according to the exit poll, was a success, making it the party to win the most votes for three parliamentary elections in a row. But he also acknowledged it might not be able to keep power.
“We must have hope and we must also know that regardless of whether we are in power or in the opposition, we will implement this (political) project in various ways and we will not allow Poland to be betrayed,” Kaczynski said.
If the result holds, and Law and Justice is the single party with the most seats, then it would get the first chance to try to build a government.
It falls to President Andrzej Duda, who is an ally of Law and Justice, to tap a party to try to form a government.
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Polsat News that Duda “will entrust the mission of forming the government to the winning party and in this first step we will certainly try to build a parliamentary majority.”
Three opposition parties, Tusk’s Civic Coalition, Third Way and the New Left, ran on separate tickets but with the same promises of seeking to oust Law and Justice and restore good ties with the European Union.
Wlodzimierz Czarzasty, a leader of the Left party, vowed to work with the others to “create a democratic, strong, reasonable and predictable government.”
Katarzyna Pelczynska-Nalecz, the head of election campaign for Third Way, called it a “huge day for our democracy.”
“There is a lot of work to do for all of us, and it’s going to be a huge challenge,” she said, adding: “we are very satisfied and full of hope that things will be much better in Poland in the days, months and years to come.”
Votes were still being counted and the state electoral commission says it expects to have final results by Tuesday morning.
At stake are the health of the nation’s constitutional order, its legal stance on LGBTQ+ rights and abortion, and the foreign alliances of a country that has been a crucial ally to Ukraine after Russia launched its full-scale invasion.
Law and Justice has eroded checks and balances to gain more control over state institutions, including the courts, public media and the electoral process itself.
During the campaign many Poles described the vote as the most important one since 1989, when a new democracy was born after decades of communism.
Turnout Sunday appeared to be even higher than the 63% of those who voted in 1989 to oust the communists.
“It seems that we have broken a record,” said Sylwester Marciniak, the head of the state electoral commission.
Despite many uncertainties ahead, what appeared certain was that support for the ruling party has shrunk since the last election in 2019 when it won nearly 44% of the vote, its popularity dented by high inflation, allegations of cronyism and bickering with European allies.
If the result holds, it marks a sharp defeat for a ruling party that adopted divisive policies at home, often pushing laws through without trying to build consensus.
Others saw economic threats in the way the party has governed and believe that high social spending has helped to fuel inflation.
There is also a high level of state ownership in the Polish economy, and the governing party has built up a system of patronage, handing out thousands of jobs and contracts to its loyalists.
A political change could open the way for the EU to release billions of euros in funding that has been withheld over what the EU viewed as democratic erosion.
The fate of Poland’s relationship with Ukraine was also at stake. The Confederation party campaigned on an anti-Ukraine message, accusing the country of lacking gratitude to Poland for its help in Russia’s war. Its poor showing will be a relief for Kyiv.
Around 29 million Poles from age 18 were eligible to vote. They chose 460 members of the lower house, or Sejm, and 100 for the Senate for four-year terms.
A referendum on migration, the retirement age and other issues was held simultaneously. Some government opponents called on voters to boycott the referendum.
More than 31,000 voting stations operated across Poland, while there were more than 400 voting stations abroad. In a sign of the emotions generated by the vote, more than 600,000 Poles registered to vote abroad.
Individual parties need to get at least 5% of votes to win seats in parliament, while coalitions need at least 8% of votes.
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sccpmccabe · 7 months
hello! hope you had some good rest after the party👍 thanks for answering my questions about the team! i would also love to know a few other things about this specific brazil team actually, specifically player profile because im not very familiar with the some of the players that were called up for the w gold cup tournament
the players im not very familiar with are duda santos, bia menezes, duda sampaio, gabi portilho and yaya. could you maybe help describe the type of players they are, which club they are from and whether they are great players or not (this is opinion based of course but i would really love to hear your thoughts)
also is there beef between bia zaneratto and tarciane? im asking this because i see brazilian woso twt bringing up about them lol
Hey! In fact, I didn't have any rest, quite the opposite......
But we're not here to talk about parties, so let's get straight to the point!
Regarding the players' club, I have an interesting fact for you: Of the 11 who started against Colombia, 9 have already played for Corinthians! Some of them – Duda Sampaio, Gabi Portilho, Tarciane, Yasmin and Yaya – still wear the black and white shirt that I love so much.
Duda Santos plays for Ferroviária and Bia Menezes for São Paulo. I'm not really able to say much about each one's playing style because they are players from two of Corinthians' biggest rivals - Ferroviária, especially since they always play very good and difficult games against Corinthians, they are a very intense and competitive team. –.
Now talking about those who play on my team, Duda Sampaio is our midfield maestro. She is a very technical player, has a great vision of the game and, together with Yasmin, is a specialist in free kicks and corners, in addition, she takes penalties very well. In the BRWNT Arthur – our technician – is testing her in the defender midfielder position, which is a very common practice of his. Arthur Elias has always liked to explore different possibilities and positions with different players. For example, Yasmin is a left-back by origin, but she can also play in midfield – and she did so in the last game – and in attack as well.
Yaya is a new signing and this is her first season at Corinthians, but she is also a very skilled midfield player, very similar to Duda Sampaio's characteristics.
Gabi Portilho is a gift in attack, she has good dribbling, great crosses most of the time and she also knows how to finish very well. Furthermore, whenever necessary, she rebuilds the defensive line and always gives as much as possible in games.
A very strong characteristic that you can notice in the players who came from Corinthians is that their dedication and passion for the game is absurdly great. They love and do everything to honor the shirt they wear.
And the beef, well.... The beef is real. It all started after the Libertadores final last year. Obviously the tension was always very high because Zaneratto played for Palmeiras and derby games are always very aggressive. After the Libertadores, Corinthians and Palmeiras faced each other two more times, and Bia Zaneratto did not greet Tarciane in any of them. It's a little funny because Tarci is only 20 years old and is already the mother of a 30-year-old player. 😭
Btw, I love this edit of hers 🫶🏼
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the-jam-to-the-unicorn · 10 months
Alright, I read the Polish book about Duda and Vova.
Here are some thoughts.
First of all: fuck the Polish gouvernment. And Duda. Fuck you to all of them. A big fuck you. A very big fuck you.
Now I'm even happier they lost. Karma is a bitch and they got what they deserved. And now I can't wait until Duda is gone in some years and hopefully a better person, a true friend of Ukraine will follow.
Also, everyone, forget Voda. Let's love Nauseda and Vova. Or Justin and Vova. Or literally anyone else from the political boyfriends (and girlfriends). Macron is a moron but even he didn't betray Vova as hard as Duda did.
The Polish gouvernement really had the audacity to use the war in Ukraine for their ambitions and gave a flying fuck about Ukraine. They just saw a chance to increase their influence and power in Europe and EU. Also, they tried to polish their ego's and get votes with pics and handshakes with Vova. They literally got offended when Vova would not do photos with them or the meetings weren't about them.
Duda got tired only months after the start of the fullscale war. So all his big speeches and lovely words and everything else to Vova about support and friendship was fake. He used Vova. Same for the gouvernment. And that asshole of PM?! Yeah, he's the biggest fucker.
Don't get me wrong, of course, everyone (including Ukraine) will always be thankful for what Poland and the Polish people did for Ukraine and Ukrainians. And yes, the Polish gouvernment also did some things Ukraine and tried to help them. But when you read the things they did and why they did them ... . They always had their own motivation, which was sensing an opportunity to undermine France and Germany and being the new, big, important powerplayer. And when they didn't achieve that they literally got pissed about everything Ukraine and Vova did. They also got pissed that Vova seeked help with other partners and did stuff with them. How arrogant can you be, for fuck's sake?!?
Vova deserved better. He also deserved better from Duda, especially after they actually started to have a friendship.
No wonder Vova was so hurt. We all know how he feels about friends betraying him. And that's literally what Duda did. Fuck Duda even more now for that drowning man comment. And he can be lucky Vova never called him out more. He would deserve that.
I'm not saying Vova did everything right. The whole handling of the missile that fell on Polish ground and killed two people was not good or perfect. Vova made a mistake. But they used that against him which is a big "no, no". But as we know by now, Ukraine was right in the end and Poland even covered other missile accidents. Russia absolutely tried to trigger a reaction and see what they would do.
I could write a ton more but after that book I'm just very angry and feel very sorry for Ukraine and Vova. He's such a honest person who had to go through such a betrayal in one of Ukraine's worst times. He just tried to help his people and win this war. I hope he found genuine support in other countries and leaders and not all of them are fuckers who use the war for their benefit.
And I hope after the presidency Vova can return to his life with people who are honest with him and have no bad intentions and he can trust people ever again. God alone knows that this probably wasn't the first time it happened. Who knows how many times Vova already got betrayed by people he thought he could trust in since he started the Presidency.
Oh wow. Thanks for the thoughts and review, anon!!!
What an interesting and sobering and sad read. 😥 😓
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chitchat-club · 3 months
This past weeks had been full of movement, volatility, uncertainty and developing sometimes into anxiety- when I talk to other people it turns out it wasn’t just me, and that’s when for my (and my understanding) I found some kind of logical explanation within the astrology and the universe.
According to this week’s astral recommendations, this will be days of expression, thinking and reflection over the past and well-known (familiar) aspects of your life, but a time to think about them from a more mature and responsible point of view. So, according to this and not planning it (at all), today I heard the latest episode of Se Regalan Dudas that it’s called “470. How to spot a narcissist in a relationship with Dr.Romani” btw, if you have the chance to listen to it, please do.
The episode (as the title goes) explain and gives examples of types of narcissism and types of relationships when you can get involve with people with this personality, and the most important thing - what to do and how to realize that you are immersed in this kind of relationship -
For me, during my healing process after ending a long relationship with a narcissist men, listening to this was like feeling accompanied, knowing that I wasn’t alone and that I wasn’t crazy, it’s incredible how do we normalize this condition and types of relationships, and that we let this kind of people literally destroy us with their words, abusing on the trust and love (for me two of the most important values in life) and letting them manipulate and change dialogues and perspectives just because they can, and because they want to have control and own a person.
Today I can talk about this episode of my life, because I know that I’m not alone, that I wasn’t crazy, that I wasn’t a liar, that I’m strong and I deserve good and kind love in my life, and not just in a romantic couple way.
Align with your people, listen to your intuition, trust in the universe and signals, learn to listen and join new type of tribes that matches your vibes and your true self. Believe me, you are not alone, you are strong, you are valuable and you are heard!
Great week to be more conscious and awake of who you are today and where do you want to go, always being realistic and honest with your present.
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itssergadeca-blog · 2 years
This year has been really difficult in Spain after the pandemic. But when I say really hard it’s not just a figure of speech, no. It’s getting really complicated. Not only on a personal level, but also on a work level. I have taken out an opposition, I don’t know if the rest of the world knows exactly what it is, but in short, I have a public employment position that I got after two years of intense study.
The thing is, I’m not happy. Well, I wasn’t. This year I have proposed to change jobs and for this I am learning to program in open bootcamp. I am right now with java. My intention would be to learn to be a full-stack or data analyst. Realistically, data analysis is something that calls me something else. I like working with large amounts of data, it’s something I already did at my old job.
And then we’re on a completely different topic. The job I’m studying for gives you the option of working from home. Even if your company is from the United States. But as things are and how disenchanted all young people in Spain are, or almost all of them, I am not going to generalize either because there is always someone who is well, and I am happy for them, I am thinking of going to live in another country . To which? Well, that would be another topic. To me, if it weren’t for Brexit and I’m not sure what the issue is to emigrate, the country that most attracts my attention is the United Kingdom and living in London or Brighton. If not, then I would be in France, although I do not speak the language, or in the United States, although there are several things that put me off the latter, including the issue of weapons.
The case that we will see how everything goes and the decisions that I will end up making, but without a doubt I will tell it here. For me above all but there may be people who are interested and with whom to discuss things. And if you don’t mind and it’s okay with you, I’ll do it in Spanish and English.
Este año está siendo realmente difícil en españa después de la pandemia. Pero cuando digo realmente difícil no es solo una forma de hablar, no. Está siendo bien complicado. No solo a nivel personal, sino que también a nivel laboral.
Yo tengo sacada una oposición, no se si en el resto del mundo sabeis exactamente que es, pero resumiendo, tengo una plaza de empleo publico que me saque tras dos años de intenso estudio.
El caso es que no estoy feliz. Bueno, no estaba. Este año me he propuesto cambiar de empleo y para ello estoy aprendiendo a programar en open bootcamp. Estoy ahora mismo con java. Mi intención sería aprender a ser full-stack o analista de datos. Siendo realistas el análisis de datos es algo que me llama algo más. Me gusta trabajar con cantidades grandes de datos, es algo que ya hacía en mi antiguo empleo.
Y luego estamos con un tema completamente diferente. El trabajo para el cual estoy estudiando te da la opción de trabajar desde tu casa. Aunque tu empresa sea de los estados unidos. Pero tal y como están las cosas y lo desencantados que estamos todos los jóvenes de españa, o casi todas tampoco voy a generalizar porque siempre hay alguien que está bien, y yo que me alegro por ellos, estoy pensando en irme a vivir a otro país. ¿A cual? pues eso ya seria otro tema. A mi si no fuese por el brexit y que no estoy seguro de que tal esta el tema para emigrar, es el país que mas me llama la atención es reino unido y vivir en Londres o en Brighton. Si no pues estaría francia aunque no domino el idioma o estados unidos, aunque de este último si que hay varias cosas que me echan para atrás, entre ellas el tema de las armas.
El caso que ya veremos como va todo y las decisiones que acabaré tomando, pero sin duda lo iré contando por aquí. Por mi sobre todo pero puede que haya gente a la que le interese y con la que ir comentando las cosas. Y si no os importa y os parece bien lo iré haciendo en español y en inglés.
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quesoquejoso · 2 years
🍒🍑🍌🍈!!! (I want to ask them all but I am restraining myself)
(sorry the answers are not in order kksjsks)
«—Me siento adulado de que me considere así. No cabe duda, no todos los sinluces son, válgame la redundancia, pocas luces.»
I hate that I can't translate this fucking joke well to English, because it's fucking stupid. I went entire circus mode when writing it and I don't like the translation.
Sinluz (lightless) is the Spanish localization for Tarnished and pocas luces is an expression used when someone is dumb. And it's fucking redudant because Sinluz and Poca luz mean almost the same (absence of light)
I don't really like the translation and even you pointed it when you betaed my chapter (I still have to write you some doubts about the corrections but im fucking slow at everything 🐢🐢 jksjsksj)
I'm gonna confess that one of my main inspirations when writing Eleonora is (this is fucking stupid yea it is jksjsksj) CASSIE FROM EUPHORIA. Yea they're mentally unstable women who rely on people who don't really love them and build toxic relationships around them. So my idea is to write a fic in my AU in which Eleonora goes full Cassie about her relationship with Yura (or with Mohg).
Relationships with power dynamics, I love writing characters using that power to manipulate others.
My beloved Eleonora, I love her with my whole life and because of that, I torture her. She's a powerful and prideful woman but she's frail and somewhat broken. She's at the verge of breakdown in my fic and I can't wait to write it!!
She's a canvas, so I can give her a lot of headcanons and maybe not many people will agree but they're mine and mine alone. Let's go.
Eleonora calls the dynasty "her family" and Mohg "her brother" because —according to her— they share the same mother (The Formless Mother). Mohg has never called her his sister and has never seen her as such.
She is blindly devoted to the formless mother. She'll do anything for her and for the "rebirth of blood"
Eleonora likes to hunt tarnished and often challenges other bloody fingers to do the same. Although she tries to get close to her other companions, she does not succeed.
The only person she has a close relationship with is Varré. Their relationship is complex, theyre close friends although Varré at first only saw her as a piece to get to Mohg. They do have a mutual esteem for each other that they have build over time.
Their relationship is very intimate, even sexual but they feel no real attraction (romantic, at least) for each other.
Eleonora fervently believes that she can "change Yura's mind" about the bloody fingers, but this is not the case.
Eleonora likes to remind herself and to every other member of the Dynasty, that she is the most lethal bloody finger and also the favorite. She can get cocky about it.
Yea. I love her. My queen my princess my whore my goddess
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Biden Says Putins Nuclear Armageddon Is a Actual Risk
Peace activists sporting masks of Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) and newly elected US President Joe Biden pose with mock nuclear missiles in entrance of Berlin’s landmark the Brandenburg Gate on January 29, 2021 in an motion to name for extra progress in nuclear disarmament. Photograph: John MacDougal (Getty Photographs) U.S. President Joe Biden desires to ensure the American public begins off their weekend with a pleasant heaping dose of existential dread. Biden informed an viewers at a New York Democratic fundraising occasion Thursday that he believes the chance of nuclear annihilation is at its highest level because the 1962 Cuban Missile Disaster. The president cited latest threats and more and more aggressive nuclear rhetoric from Russian president Vladimir Putin as the first cause for the apocalyptic forecast. “We’ve got not confronted the prospect of armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Disaster,” Biden mentioned on the occasion, based on the Related Press. Biden, who mentioned he knew Putin “fairly effectively” mentioned he didn’t consider the Russian president was joking in a suggestion of willingness to deploy so-called tactical nuclear or chemical weapons in a navy escalation. The U.S. president went on to say utilizing the phrase “tactical” to seek advice from Russia’s atomic weapons risked diminishing their probably devastating affect. “I don’t assume there may be any such a factor as the flexibility to simply use a tactical nuclear weapon and never find yourself with armageddon,” Biden mentioned. Putin has indicated a willingness to make use of so-called “tactical nuclear weapons” on a number of events since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine and has ramped up that rhetoric in latest weeks. In late September, Putin ordered a partial mobilization of Russian troops and informed the U.S. and European nations he wasn’t bluffing about probably utilizing nukes. G/O Media might get a fee “If the territorial integrity of our nation is threatened, we’ll doubtless use all accessible means to guard Russia and our individuals.” Putin mentioned based on Reuters. “And people who attempt to blackmail us with nuclear weapons ought to know that the weathervane can flip and level in direction of them.” These unsettling threats reportedly galvanized U.S. intelligence providers, which reportedly ramped up efforts to surveil Russian communications and navy actions, based on Politico. Nevertheless, not like intercontinental ballistic missiles, which give off sure indicators when they’re being prepped to be used, sources chatting with Politico mentioned Russia depends on quite a lot of smaller nuclear munitions that might merely be loaded onto plane. That exchangeability makes predicting any subsequent strikes all of the harder, the sources mentioned. On the similar time, there are indicators nations outdoors of Russia are participating in some nuclear posturing of their very own. This week, Polish president Andrzej Duda reportedly requested the U.S. to maneuver a few of its nuclear weapons into Poland, The Guardian notes. The U.S. has maintained nuclear arms in Europe because the Fifties in nations like Germany, Italy, and Turkey, based on the Middle for Arms Management and Non-Proliferation, however a transfer to Poland can be vital resulting from its extraordinarily shut proximity to Russia. Duda reportedly spoke about the potential for “nuclear sharing” with the U.S. the place Polish pilots would probably be educated to hold out missions with U.S. nuclear armaments. The White Home didn’t reply to Gizmodo’s request for remark however informed The Guardian it was, “not conscious” of Poland elevating the problem. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
0 notes
soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
What did he say? - Daniel Ricciardo one shot
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Update: I just realized it's Carlos' birthday TODAY! I'm so so sorry hahaha I feel like a jerk, but it's just play pretend ok?
Guys, this is based on a dream I had but listen, it’s so weird cause I KNOW this is not like Carlos AT ALL. He’s kind of the vilan in this one... Please don’t be mad if you’re a Carlos fan, it’s just for fun, I swear. I’ll even try to write something with him later to make it up to you guys! Also, I clearly don't know how vacuum works in racing, so again, just humor me and pretend I got it right, ok?
As always, please take the time to let me know what you think, means a lot to me (even if it’s constructive criticism)! And thank you so much to everyone that always does! 💕 Your lovely messages always motivate me to keep writing!
Warnings: angst, jealous Daniel, kind of a dick Carlos (again, sorry! I know he’d never)
I was in the “side stage” at the press room for the Austin GP, the first I ever went and of course, the first with Daniel, as his girlfriend. He was answering questions along with Pierre Gasly on stage. There were a few people besides me, including some of the drivers, waiting for their turn to face the press.
"Coco, ¿quién es?" I heard Carlos Sainz whispering to his cousin, nodding his head in my direction.
"No conozco. ¿Creo que es periodista?" his cousin answered looking at me. I just acted like I wasn't listening, or understanding, not sure why though.
"No, si fuera periodista estaría allá fuera, haciendo preguntas" Carlos continued.
"Sí, pero no me parece estar perdida" his cousin commented, they kept whispering but I could hear them very clearly.
"Qué pena, no me importaría darte direcciones" Carlos said with a smirk and I felt really uncomfortable at that, which only made me stay even more frozen in place and wish Daniel came back sooner.
"Si no te conociera, diría que acabas de romper una relación. Ni siquiera puedes ver a una chica alrededor" his cousin said hitting him playfully in the head.
"¿Y te parece esta una chica cualquier? Siempre debes andar con supermodelos, ¿no?" Carlos joked back.
"Vale, tienes razón" his cousin answered him and I was counting the seconds for Daniel to come back now.
"Pero sin duda es nueva aquí. Me recordaría de algo como eso. Tampoco pienso ser americana, ellas no tienen esta-" Just then someone called him.
"Sainz, you're up next" Daniel walked out, coming by my side. "Hey" he said to me and I smiled. "They just asked to wait 5 minutes, something about changing the batteries of the mics" he said looking back at Carlos, his cousin, and Kimi, who was going to be pairing with Carlos in the press conference and was just hanging in the corner by himself this whole time.
"Alright, thanks mate" Carlos answered.
"Hey, have you guys met (y/n)? Carlos, Carlos, (y/n)... (y/n), Carlos, Carlos" Daniel made the introductions grinning like a teenager, probably finding it super funny that they had the same first name.
"¡Hola! Mucho gusto en conocerlos, soy (y/n). ¿Como están?" I extended my hand to greet them, feeling much more confident now that I had a 5' 9" Australian by my side. They looked startled at me and then at each other.
“¿Hablas español?” Carlos asked me.
“Sí, y compreendo muy bien también” I told him and my tone made it clear I knew exactly what they were talking about earlier and didn’t like it a bit.
"Carlos, Kimi, they're ready for you" an assistant called.
"Good one kid" Kimi said to me when he walked past us, winking at Daniel. Carlos followed him to the stage and since I didn't want to just stand there in the remains of the awkward situation with Dan and Carlos’ cousin, I just walked in the opposite direction, outside the press room. Not too long after, Daniel walked after me.
"Hey, what was that about?" he asked, still smiling. Boy, he wouldn't be smiling for too long after I told him what that was about.
"What?" I asked, trying not to make a big deal. He reached for my hand, taking it in his.
"You know what. Come on, what happened back there? Did you guys know each other?"
"No!" I have to tell him now, or he'll think I have something to hide. I took a deep breath. "They were talking between themselves before you come out, in Spanish. And I don't think they thought I could understand" he looked at me confused but then it hit him and his expression changed from confusion to rage.
"What did they said?"
"Nothing, it's not a big deal ok? I just wanted to let them know I could understand, so I just said 'hello' in Spanish, that's all" I said, walking away from the place where we were standing and pulling his hand. God knows I didn't want to be there when Carlos walked out, or better, for Daniel to be there.
"I figured that much. But what did he said? Just tell me" Daniel looked at me.
"Let's just go? Please? It's not worth it. What are you going to do? Sucker punch him?"
"Do I need to sucker punch him? Is it that bad?"
"No! Dan, please, let's just go. This is not going to lead us anywhere"
"I'll tell you. Promise. Back at the trailer, okay?" I tried to negotiate.
When we stepped back inside his driver's room, Daniel closed the door and looked at me.
"Alright. Spill it"
"Promise me you won't do anything to him"
"Absolutely not. The longer you stall me, the more pissed off I get"
"Okay” I knew I had no choice and honestly, why should I protect him really? I’m just worried about how this might make Daniel feel. “They were wondering who I was, his cousin was teasing him saying he was only interested because he just ended a relationship"
"That's not all" he said and I didn't answer, just looked away, shaking my head. "Alright. I'm sorry you had to hear that. But you can tell me these things ok? I want to protect you baby" He said stepping closer to me and hugging me.
"I don't want you to cause trouble for something stupid"
"Hey!" he said pulling away a bit to look at me. "This is not stupid. Nothing about you is stupid. It's a big deal baby, that’s plain disrespectful. I want you here with me, always. And I want you to feel comfortable here, okay?"
"I feel comfortable now" I said hugging him closer. He smiled and kissed the top of my head.
"Fuckers" he whispered to himself.
"Promise me you won't confront him. He'll deny, or start a fight. Or both. And besides, it’s not so much what he said, it’s more like how they were eyeing me. And I don't want you to get involved in a scandal" I said pulling away and sitting down in a chair. Daniel leaned against the table, looking at me.
"A scandal?" he laughed.
"You do know gossip is the major product of motorsports, right?" I smirked at him.
"Fair enough" he agreed. "Fuck baby, the things I have to deal with for having a goddess as a girlfriend" he was joking now, so the mood seemed lighter, but knowing Daniel, I knew he hadn't completely let that go yet. I just rolled my eyes at him. Hopefully, the events of the weekend would be enough to get his mind out of it.
Friday and Saturday kept us busy enough so that we didn’t touch the subject anymore, but I could still catch Daniel staring at Carlos here and there. And I could definitely see Carlos staring at me too, which I tried to avoid at all costs, staying out of his visual field. If Daniel saw that, I don’t know if I’d be able to hold him back again.
On Sunday I’d be watching from the garage with Michael and Blake, which was super exciting, to see all the action from the front row. But I didn’t want to disturb Daniel’s routine, so I tried to stay back a little. Yet, he kept coming to steal kisses and joke around. He seemed really relaxed and confident. He was P5 and I took the care to see that Carlos was P8, so I knew they might race each other eventually but I also knew that Dan would be much more preoccupied doing what he does best and overtaking the 4 in front of him to even think about whoever was behind. Everything was going to be fine, no harm done.
“Alright. Time to go” he announced to me. “Kiss for good luck?”
“Good luck. Just go and do what you do best, okay? And try to come back in one piece” I smiled through the kiss and then watched him take his helmet from the table, wink at me, and turn to walk towards his Mclaren. My chest was tight but I could only pray and hope now.
The cars were already outside the garage for some reason, so Dan was walking out when Carlos passed in front of the orange crew. He stopped to greet some of them and that would be fine, except he was not paying any attention to the people he was talking to. He was looking inside the garage like he was looking for something, or rather someone, cause when he saw me he nodded like he was greeting me and checked me out, head to toes. Dan saw it and looked back inside just in time to see me step aside, behind Michael, clearly uncomfortable with the whole thing.
“Hey... man” Carlos greeted Daniel. And his tone made me sure that it wasn’t even about me anymore. Carlos knew how much it must be bothering Daniel and was clearly using it to try and get him pissed off and unfocused. The thing is, very few things were capable of getting Daniel out of his “all good all ways” vibe, but when they did, you definitely don’t want to be on his way. I’m actually a bit worried about the other drivers now, Carlos included, because Dan just turned back to his machine, like he knew exactly what he was going to do and nothing would stop him, getting inside the car a mere formality. He didn’t even bother to take a second look at Carlos.
“Oh boy” I commented.
“Yeah, I saw it” Michael said to me. “What was that about anyway? I thought they got along fine”. I don’t say anything else, and from that moment on my eyes are glued to the screen in front of us, following any micro movement Daniel makes.
They go for the warm-up lap, which feels like it takes forever, and then, finally, Grid formation. That sign must be broken cause the lights also took hours to change.
3, 2, 1... there they go. Thank god we’re wearing masks, otherwise, my nails and fingertips would be long gone.
The first turn is a sharp one and Daniel had an opening to overtake Perez, the first driver in front of him, we could see it clearly from the drone view, but he didn’t take it. What is he doing?
“What is he doing?” Somebody in the garage voiced my thoughts.
“You had an opening Daniel” the engineer said on the radio.
“All under control. I know what I’m doing. How far are the others behind me?” Daniel answered.
I hoped he wasn’t doing what I thought he was doing but I already knew he was. Being the risk-it-all-idiot he was, Dan was waiting for Carlos to catch up to him. Knowing him, I knew he wanted to race and beat him personally, which was crazy stupid, but wouldn’t take long since Carlos had already overtaken Gasly and Alonso, and was now only a few nanoseconds behind Daniel.
“Come on Dan” I said to myself.
“Come on Daniel” Blake practically yelled at the screen.
I feel like throwing up. He’s gonna get hurt and jeopardize all the work the team put into the weekend just to... to what? I don’t even know. If he gets out of this race alive, I’ll personally kill him.
The race’s still going, no major changes after the first turn. Then suddenly Daniel seems to remember he had a gas pedal, finally getting speed in the big straight and leaving Perez behind. Carlos followed him, seeming to use the vacuum in his favor. Everybody in the garage celebrates, but I’m too focused to cheer along. He’s so close to the podium now. Just keep it up, baby. Carlos is still on his tail.
“Good job mate” the engineer says on the radio. “Watch for Sainz on your right. Bottas’ next”
“Keep me posted on Sainz’s time” it’s all Daniel says.
A couple more laps go and he’s really trying to overtake Bottas, not playing games anymore. Carlos doesn’t seem to try to overtake him even once though, he’s too far behind still.
More laps go by and I can’t standstill. When they’re in the 19th lap, with Max and Hamilton battling each other and taking turns in the lead, Daniel’s voice comes on the radio.
“Let’s be the first to box” I’m not sure what he’s playing at, as it’s still too soon to box, but the team seems to agree.
“Copy that. I’ll let you know when. Let’s get a couple more laps in. Keep this up for now” his engineer answers.
“Understood” Daniel’s voice come through the radio. “How’s Sainz time?”
“At least 1.5 seconds behind you” the engineer informs him.
“Understood” Daniel says.
He’s planning something. Not sure what, and I don’t know if I even could, not knowing much about racing strategies, but it definitely has something to do with Carlos and what happened earlier.
“Ouch!” I hear Michael say and nod towards the screen, making me focus on the race again, and not only on Daniel. Max and Hamilton had touched tires. “They're really going at it, definitely using way more tires than necessary"
"If Dan box before them..." I begin to ask.
"He needs a fast box, gaining speed later and for their box to be slower, but yeah, that's his best shot at them" Michael explains to me.
"Come on baby" I whisper to myself.
Daniel seems to finally get close enough to Bottas, but the Finnish guy won't make it easy for him. Turn 11 on sector 2 will be his best shot now and it's getting closer.
The garage and the radio go silent. Feels like the whole world is holding their breaths while Daniel smoothly overtakes Bottas from his left. And then I almost go deaf with all the cheering around me, it's a podium for Daniel, for now.
Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to last too long, cause once he comes to the box all the other drivers will pass him. It's just so frustrating.
"Good job mate. Spectacular time. Box now" the engineer informs on the radio.
"Box confirmed. We need to ace this, boys" Daniels says.
Not even a full minute later, I hear his car and see it on the screen. I look outside to see the orange machine with the big 3 in front of it, but I don't even have time to try and take a look at him, cause 2.3 seconds later (or at least that's what the TV tells me) there he goes again. The good news is, only Bottas passed him. The bad news is he almost crashes into Carlos when he comes out of the Pit Lane.
Some of the crew were still celebrating the fast pit stop when they realized what happened. I let out a gasp. They touched tires but Carlos seemed to have managed to get away from Daniel, quickly returning to his side a moment later but struggling to keep it up. Dan, on the other side, seems unbothered. He keeps gaining speed, even though the pit exit is right on the first turn.
"Take it easy now mate, even if Sainz passes you, his time is not enough to stay in front" the engineer informs Daniel, clearly worried that the risk doesn't justify the ends.
"Understood" Daniel responds.
We're on lap 30 now and just as the engineer said, Carlos is a full 2 seconds behind Daniel. Bottas still in front of him (which is frustrating for me because he had just overtaken him before the pit stop), then Hamilton, and finally Max.
"Daniel" the engineer calls him. "How're the tires?"
"All good"
"Good. Ready to race, mate? Hamilton's going to box now"
"Before Bottas?"
"Yes, that's confirmed"
I listen to the conversation between Daniel and the engineer closely, but I can't say I know exactly what the implications are.
"Bottas' going to second, Daniel to third again. Let's hope for a slow pitstop for Hamilton, so when he comes out, he comes in third and races Daniel. That's the best-case scenario, so he needs to gain speed now" Blake explains to me.
"Got it" I confirm to him. "What about Bottas? He should box on the next lap right?"
"Yeah. If Daniel overtakes him still on this lap, the difference will be too big for him to recover after his pit stop. Hopefully" He tells me.
There's a lot of 'hopefullys' and 'best-case scenarios' in this conversation, but I'll take it. I start to silently pray right away, eyes glued to the screen to see exactly what Blake predicted unfold: Hamilton pit stops, Bottas and Daniel are the firsts to go up on the positions, then Carlos, Alonso, and Gasly. The first turn comes again and Dan seises the opportunity to overtake Bottas, who, to his credit, is fighting real hard, but Dan isn't letting him take back his position.
Dan is P2 now. Max is almost 3 seconds in front of him. Hamilton comes out of the pit lane behind Gasly, it should take him long to again his positions.
"Bottas to box on this lap mate" the engineer announces.
"Not worried about Bottas. What about Max?" Daniel answers. A few moments of silence follow.
"Box confirmed for Max on this lap as well. Just get closer to him" the engineer instructs.
"Understood" Daniel answers.
"Come on, baby" I cheer silently again.
"Fuck! He's gonna make it" Michael yells. "Come on Daniel!"
Bottas is 2 seconds behind Daniel, and on the big straight Daniel manages to shorten his time difference to Max to 1.8 seconds. The next thing I know, Max is coming down the pit lane, quickly followed by Bottas. Daniel is P1. I can't believe this. Carlos is P2, but he hasn't boxed yet. Surprisingly enough, Alonso is P3 and, not so surprisingly, Hamilton is already P4 and gaining speed.
"Alonso hasn't boxed yet" Blake comments. That's bad news if we were hoping for him to defend his position against Hamilton. I take a look on the TV and they're showing the conditions of his tires, which to me doesn't mean anything.
"Will he be able to hold him?" I ask Blake.
"Not sure, he's tough though and doesn't want Hamilton to win, that's for sure" Blake answers me.
Then we hear Max passing outside, had almost forgotten about him.
"That took him longer than normal" Michael comments and we look at the screen, his pit stop was 3.6 seconds long. An eternity for the Redbull team. But awesome news for us. Bottas had already left the pit lane, his pit stop was 2.4 seconds long.
The grid is now Daniel, Carlos, Alonso, Hamilton, Bottas, and then Max. Alonso is still holding Hamilton back. Normally, I'd guess Carlos would box soon and maybe even Alonso, but since I know Carlos has some personal motivation against Daniel, I feel like he's going to hold on the longer he can and the same goes for Alonso regarding Hamilton.
We're at the final 10 laps now and nothing has changed, except Carlos is dangerously closer to Daniel now. Alonso still hasn't let Hamilton go by him, repeating the Hungaroring events. I hear the signal of the radio, indicating we're about to hear some communication between Daniel and his engineer, and my chest tightens. It's Daniel's voice that comes on then.
"Something wrong. I'm losing power" Fuck. No.
"Sainz is at your tail. Can you hold on?" the engineer asks.
"I don't know. Fuck. It's just not working. How much's the difference?"
"Less than 1 second"
"Fuck. Why hasn't he boxed yet?"
"His tires are in real bad condition. But I don't think he's going to do it now"
"I'll put some pressure on him"
"Negative. Negative. Stay away"
"Not going to touch him. Pinky promise" Bastard. I can hear the smirk in his voice, even though this is extremely dangerous and insane pressure, Daniel's still having the time of his life.
9 laps to go.
8 laps to go.
Carlos almost overtakes Daniel.
"Engine's not good. Can you do something?" Daniel asks.
"Negative. 7 laps to go mate, just hold it"
On the big straight of the 51st lap, Carlos overtakes Daniel, but then on the next turn, Daniel takes back his position. The sequel of turns that follows is the most nerve-wracking thing I've ever seen in my life, they're so close to each other, and at such a high speed that if they simply touch tires they would fly off the track and everything would be lost to both of them, maybe even their lives.
"Hamilton passed Alonso, mate. Watch out" the engineer informs him, and I look at the screen. Fuck.
"Fuuuuck" Daniel says on the radio.
It's the 52nd lap now, only 4 more to go and Carlos doesn't even signal a pit stop. He's going to try to make the whole race without it.
"Ferrari is not happy with him" Michael laughs a dark laugh. I knew he had a history of being stubborn but this is too much.
"His tires are at less than 10% integrity. How is he still going?" I ask.
There's the big straight again and Carlos falls a bit behind Daniel, but I've watched enough to know that that doesn't necessarily mean a good thing. Just as I predicted, he tries to use Daniel's vacuum to gain more speed and overtake him, Daniel doesn't let him through and get in front of him, making him almost go off track. That would be a "normal" movement, except Hamilton was using Carlos' vacuum in his favor and, when Carlos is forced to change directions, Hamilton hits his back left tire, which makes it blows off and it's a mess from then on.
Daniel is far from the whole ordeal by now, safe and sound, thankfully. But Carlos spins in the track, taking Hamilton with him. They both go off track and Max flies by, followed by Bottas, Charles (where did he come from?), and then Alonso.
"Are they alright?" It's the first thing that comes up to me to ask.
"Fuck! That was crazy. Is everyone ok?" Daniel asks on the radio.
"Positive. Everyone's ok. Keep going, mate. 3 more laps to go" the engineer informs him.
"Who's behind me now? Bottas?" Daniel asks.
"Max. But he's at least 2 seconds behind, we should be fine" I hear the engineer say and it's like I can almost breathe again. Daniel's going to win this thing. He's so close now.
"It wasn't Daniel's fault, was it? Can they punish him in some way for the accident?" I ask Michael.
"Don't know. He was defending his position, but he's been closing in Carlos ever since the begging of the race. Depends on how Ferrari and Mercedes spin this, they'll try anything that favors them" Michael explains to me in a worried tone.
They're in the final lap and Daniel's been clearly losing speed. Something's wrong with the engine. But it's the final lap, just a few more moments, come on baby, you can do it. Max is so close to him though, I wouldn't be surprised if the winner was declared based on the replay of the finishing line. The big straight comes up and Dan has to stay out of Max's front, so as to not give him any advantages.
I can barely see it, but at the same time, I can't take my eyes off the screen.
"Full force now mate, final sector. You can win this" the engineer says on the radio but Daniel doesn't respond. Max is right by his side, he's going to pass him.
There's smoke coming out of his car, the whole thing is going to blow off any second now. Oh my god, please just a few more seconds.
5 turns to go.
4 turns to go.
3 turns to go. Max overtakes him. Shit.
2 turns to go. Daniel wins his place on the podium back.
Final turn. Daniel's in the front, barely. They cross the finish line and the whole garage explores with cheering. There are people running outside to wave at him. I can only smile and hold my own head like it would fall off otherwise. He did it. He fucking did it.
"Woo-hoo! Yes! Yes! Fuck yes!" I can hear Daniel on the radio, screaming his lungs out.
"Good job mate. Spectacular work. First-class, really! Well done!" the engineer cheers on.
The next thing I know, Michael is hugging me and lifting me from the ground just to puck me back down and Blake lift me up again. I can only laugh at their excitement. I'm so happy for Daniel I can barely grasp it!
"Let's go!" Blake puts me down and runs outside the garage. I follow him out, to the place where Daniel is stopping the car, a bunch of smoke coming out and some people with fire extinguishers around it.
He's got his fists up, celebrating. But is still inside the car. Then he takes off the steering wheel and handles it to one of the mechanics waiting outside. He gets out of the car and stands on top of it, smokes still coming out from behind. It's a nice picture. I just hoped he got away from that thing before it explodes, but it's a nice picture, can't deny it.
Then he jumps down and run towards the crew, jumping over them, helmet still on. Everybody is celebrating and cheering, I can only laugh and clap at the scene before me. So much joy and happiness going on, the energy is amazing! Then I can see Daniel looking around, but since his helmet is still on, I have no idea what he's doing. Somebody seems to understand though and they wave at me, calling me to come closer. I approach, but I'm still unsure, don't want to get in the middle of the team's celebration. But Daniel grabs me, pulling me closer and hugging me. I just laugh, can't barely see him with the suit and helmet still on. He's saying something, but I can't understand a thing.
"What?" I laugh at his attempts to communicating with me. He opens his helmet visor and repeats.
"I fucking won baby!" He yells laughing.
"I know! I know! You won Dan! I'm so proud! You're the best baby!"
"I need to get this thing off" he says struggling to get the helmet and the balaclava off, when he finally manages to do it, he jumps over the fence that was separating us and hugs me again, lifting me in the air and kissing me deeply, making everyone around us cheer even louder and I smile against his lips. I wrap my legs around him and he keeps kissing me, only after a few seconds do I pull away to breathe and he touches our foreheads. I laugh again, just enjoying the feeling of pure happiness for him.
"I'm so proud of you. You were so good. This is crazy" I whisper to him.
"Get used to it, cause there's more where it came from" he answers kissing me again.
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rightsockjin · 3 years
Cowboys and cowboy culture did not come from mexico. There were native and black cowboys in America and even regular white ones. Before you post stuff actually know and be factually educated about American history and history of ALL races not just your own especially when its not true.
Howdy! 🤠You’re totally right. At least about one thing. There were cowboys in America of color! Cool! Good job! Now let’s break this down because one thing I never do is speak out of my behind. I am very well educated so I don’t mind helping you learn as well! The “Cowboy” began by the Rio Grande. That’s the river you need to cross to come into America from Mexico in case you were wondering. I know geography is difficult. Hehe. The FIRST EVER cowboys were from SPAIN(there is even an argument that Vaquero culture was already present within the indigenous before that and that the Spanish only helped to “train” them).They colonized the people in Mexico (at this point Texas was in Mexico- weird right cuz now it’s part of the US) and so they pushed that culture onto the INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF MEXICO. The NATVIE PEOPLE of Mexico. Again. These were people who were already in Mexico and at this time Texas was a part of Mexico. Keep that in mind when I say MEXICO. Have you ever heard of a Buckaroo? OH WAIT!! Just kidding that’s what the ENGLISH SPEAKING MEN CALLED 𝘝𝘈𝘘𝘜𝘌𝘙𝘖𝘚 because they didn’t know how to pronounce the SPANISH word- Vaquero which means “cow herder” in Spanish.Now. When did I say that there weren’t any people of color who were cowboys?? I don’t remember writing that? Yes I was aware that there were people of color who were cowboys because GUESS WHAT, Mexico is not a homogeneous people. We are of all colors! Furthermore, Mexican is not a race. How about you learn basic vocabulary before you post anonymously? I also mentioned in the post that part of the culture that was associated 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 being a Vaquero was native but didn’t want to speak too much on it because that part of the culture I am not as well versed in and said that if you make FUN OF WHAT THEY WEAR you are making fun of two cultures and that doesn’t sit right with me. Which is why I posted the post to start with. I’m not cool with people disrespecting my culture and parts of other peoples just because they feel like it. Finally, I will end this with what you said to me. Make sure that 𝘺𝘰𝘶 educate yourself on ALL races (including ones that are not races so I will say instead-cultures because apparently you need to learn them all now) not just whatever you THINK you know. I’ll include some links and if you have any questions feel free to ask us! We actually really love history and I just finished taking a class on Mexican art history since I enjoy my own culture and the MANY races that can be part of it so we could have a good convo about lots of other stuff you would like!:) Ah right I forgot, yes- in conclusion, Vaquero culture was brought to the Mexican indigenous people by Spain who colonized us. Then, Americans took that. Are you trying to take that from us as well?? Because they already beat you to it . If your issue is my race- or me being a POC, hi- I am POC. My WHOLE family is very brown. My grandfather, in fact, is a Vaquero. He wears the hats and the shirts and the boots and the whole get up. So is My Uncle. Both men are very BROWN with indigenous features. Do the math. Thanks for your concerns but please educate yourself. Here are some link to help with that and some pics! I hope this a was useful and feel free to message with anymore incorrect assumptions about MY culture. (Lol like that it’s a race and POC aren’t cowboys hahahahahahaha) have a nice day!
I’ll leave you with a quote from my VERY BROWN DAD. “Es mejor mantener la boca cerrada y que piensen que eres un tonto que abrí la boca y despejar todas las dudas” that’s translated to “it’s better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you’re stupid than to open your mouth and leave no doubt.” (i.e. saying stupid things without research. Google is free)
Side note: I LOVE Vaquero BTS🥰
Scholarly links
Yeehaw link 1
Yeehaw link 2
And here’s a cute little picture of OG cowboys
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Please notice their features and how they ambiguous the look.
And also here’s more of the cowboy influence
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This is the traditional folkloric dance clothing from Tamaulipas which is the Mexican state closest to the Texas.
Once again, Google is free 💜 🤠✌🏽
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mariacallous · 2 years
The Kyiv Independent Ukraine Daily: Saturday, October 29
Mayor: Russia to force citizenship on residents in Zaporizhzhia Oblast from Oct. 30. Residents of occupied Zaporizhzhia Oblast will “automatically” receive Russian citizenship, according to Melitopol Mayor Ivan Fedorov on Oct. 28. Fedorov said locals largely refused to accept Russian passports in August and now Russia is threatening them with forced mobilization. Russia’s “decrees, propaganda, and efforts are worthless,” Fedorov said. “They do not have any legal consequences.”
Zelensky: Russia closes hospitals, steals medical equipment from occupied territories.In an evening address on Oct. 28, President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russian forces are also forcing Ukrainian medical personnel to go to Russia from Ukraine’s occupied regions. “The world must respond to this,” Zelensky said.
Southern Command: Russian forces give residents near Kherson two days before forced deportation. Ukraine’s Operational Command “South” reported on Oct. 28 that Russian troops gave locals near Kherson two days before they will be forced to leave their homes and be taken to Russian-occupied Crimea. “Additional checkpoints have been set up along the so-called evacuation routes to the temporarily occupied Crimea, where a thorough inspection and check of civilians has been organized,” the command added.
General Staff: Russia strengthens its units in Kherson Oblast. Up to 1,000 mobilized military personnel have joined Russian units on the right bank of Kherson Oblast, the General Staff reported on Oct. 28. These troops are settling in the houses of local residents who left the occupied territories, said General Staff spokesman Oleksandr Shtupun.
Biden: Putin is 'dangerous' in how he talks about nuclear weapons. U.S. President Joe Biden has expressed skepticism about Russian dictator Vladimir Putin's statement that he had no intention of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine. "If he has no intention, why does he keep talking about... the ability to use a tactical nuclear weapon? He's been very dangerous in how he's approached this. He can end this all. Get out of Ukraine," Biden told NewsNation.
Polish president: Russia tries to freeze war in Ukraine using nuclear intimidation tactics. Russia's unproven claims about Ukraine possibly using a "dirty bomb" is an attempt to make the West stop providing aid, to freeze the war that "Russia cannot cope with," said Polish President Andrzej Duda, according to Ukrinform. Duda urged Western countries not to give in to Russia's blackmail and continue helping Ukraine until it restores control over its borders.
Air Force: Russia runs out of missiles, stops attacking Ukraine's military bases. Due to a shortage of high-precision weapons, Russia has changed its tactics in Ukraine, attacking only critical infrastructure sites – not military bases, according to Air Force spokesman Yurii Ihnat. As Russia's stock of Iskander ballistic missiles has run out, the Kremlin started trying to buy missiles from Iran and North Korea, Ihnat said.
Finance minister: Ukraine needs $38 billion a year for post-war reconstruction. The Ukrainian government can take the funds necessary for Ukraine's reconstruction from the state budget, but it has to look for other sources too, Finance Minister Serhii Marchenko told Suspilne. According to him, the country could use Russia's money arrested on Ukrainian territory for future repair works. "We are currently looking for resources for critical recovery... We are talking about roughly $38 billion a year," said Marchenko.
Belarus has provided Russia with 65,000 metric tons of ammunition since March. According to Belarusian watchdog Belarusian Hajun, Minsk has sent around 1,940 railcars with ammunition to Russia since March. Belarusian Hajun said the largest transfer of ammunition was in April when Belarus transferred 22,535 metric tons.
Shoigu claims mobilization complete in Russia, over 80,000 soldiers already sent to Ukraine. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu claimed Russia has mobilized 300,000 people with an average age of 35, according to Russian state-controlled media RIA Novosti. Shoigu alleged that 41,000 of the troops sent to Ukraine are already engaged at the front line. Russian President Vladimir Putin has not signed a decree terminating mobilization in Russia.
Zaluzhnyi: Ukraine’s defense operations successful. Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine’s Armed Forces Valerii Zaluzhnyi told the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley in a phone call on Oct. 28 that Russia isn't succeeding on the battlefield despite its fire superiority and increased number of troops.
Governor: Strategic highway in Luhansk Oblast ‘almost under Ukraine’s control.' Luhansk Oblast Governor Serhii Haidai made the announcement on Oct. 28 regarding the Svatove-Kreminna highway in Luhansk Oblast. Haidai said in a televised address that he hopes photos and videos taken from parts of Luhansk Oblast newly liberated by Ukraine will be published next week.
Energoatom: Around 100 Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant employees signed contracts with Russia. Ukraine’s state nuclear operator Energoatom said on Oct. 28 that the rest of the plant’s roughly 6,700 employees have refused to collaborate with Russia, despite coercion. Energoatom said Moscow’s claims that 1,000 of its employees have agreed to work with Russia’s state nuclear company Rosatom are false.
The human cost of Russia’s war
Governor: Russian forces kill 3 civilians, injure 8 in Donetsk Oblast on Oct 28. According to Donetsk Oblast Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko, Russian troops killed two people in Kurdiumivka and one in Pivnichne. It is currently impossible to determine the exact number of victims in Mariupol and Volnovakha, Kyrylenko added.
General Staff: Russia has lost 69,700 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24. Ukraine’s General Staff reported on Oct. 28 that Russia had also lost 2,640 tanks, 5,378 armored fighting vehicles, 4,088 vehicles and fuel tanks, 1,698 artillery systems, 379 multiple launch rocket systems, 192 air defense systems, 272 airplanes, 251 helicopters, 1,401 drones, and 16 boats.
International response
US supplies 2.3 million Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines to Ukraine. The United States has supplied Ukraine with 2.3 million Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines through the global program COVAX. The vaccines have been delivered by UNICEF, according to Ukraine's Health Ministry.
Canada to impose more sanctions against Russia, sell bonds to support Ukraine. Canada announced new measures against 35 senior Russian officials, such as Russian Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov, and six energy entities, including Russia’s energy giant Gazprom. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Ottawa will continue to “tighten the screws on anyone abetting this illegal invasion.” Canada will also sell a five-year bond to raise money for Ukraine. The proceeds will help the Ukrainian government “continue operations, including providing essential services to Ukrainians, like pensions, and purchasing fuel before winter.”
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The bromance is back.
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