#dude this series got a clutch on me ever since i first saw it
ohlookwhisthat · 2 years
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tw: kys joke
im going insane
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Go the Distance
Prompt: Hello, I absolutely adore your work 🥺😍🥺 your Sanders Sides angst is just so goooood!!! If you're up to it, I'd love to request a fic <3 Virgil has noticed [side(s?) of your choice; they're all good choices, I can't decide ;-;] has been distant and avoiding him and he just can't figure out what he did wrong but it's actually because [side] loves him and are trying to take some time to 'get rid of/push down their feelings' The angster the better but don't push yourself ^ Feel free to add or change whatever Have a great day and no worries if you don't do this 💜💜💜~@im-an-anxious-wreck 💜🖤
Thanks for the prompt babe you’re the best
Read on Ao3
Warnings: self-doubt, some lite™ angst
Pairings: prinxiety, background platonic dlampr because found family dynamics motherfuckers
Word Count:  4191
Virgil and Roman's relationship hasn't always been, well, great. But it's been getting better!
Or, at least, it was.
Listen, Virgil knows he and Roman haven’t exactly had the most…painless history. Virgil’s introduction to the series was Thomas telling Roman his dream was to get rid of him and, well, Roman was first and foremost loyal to Thomas. Then the whole…insult thing, ducking out, and the absolute mess of the callback wedding debacle, it’s not exactly been smooth sailing.
 But—okay, and maybe they’d been a little harsher about things than absolutely necessary, and maybe Roman got hit with the consequences of their fights more than Virgil, and maybe Virgil hadn’t exactly been…overwhelmingly accepting of all of Princey’s little ticks.
 But they’d still been talking!
 After the wedding, no one was on good terms with anyone save Patton and Janus—and wasn’t that the shock of a lifetime—and Remus and Virgil. Because they made the smart choice and decided ‘nope, fuck that, I’m out.’
 It was a good choice. You have any idea how high their scores are in GTFO now? The first rundown’s a fucking cakewalk.
 They’d been talking! Virgil still doesn’t know exactly what happened right after—he saw the video, of course he saw the video, but Roman sunk right to his room and there’s a good twelve hours between that and the next time Virgil saw him—but Roman had come out and approached him!
 Probably because he was still hurt by the end of the video—which oof, Virgil does not blame him for, that was harsh—and his only options were Logan, Virgil, and Remus and Logan, um, didn’t want to see anyone for a while and Remus is Remus.
 Side note: those two have been getting on better. Something about their twin Creativity thing meant Remus knew that Roman was hurting bad before even Thomas did.
 But Roman did seek him out, asking him quietly if he had a moment, just a moment, to sit together. Virgil had shrugged and passed it off as nothing only for Princey to literally sit on the floor and not make a fucking noise. He’d frowned and poked his shoulder, asking if he was alright.
 “Perfectly fine, Dark and Stormy,” Roman had said lightly, “and I’ll leave you in a moment.”
 “But you’re…” Virgil had waved to his silent form. “…not acting like you normally do.”
 Roman had laughed. “And here I thought I’d never hear you say you missed me being loud.”
 “Now let’s not jump to conclusions.”
 Sure enough, a few more seconds had passed and Roman had gotten up, quietly bid Virgil good day, thanked him, and left.
 You bet your ass Virgil sunk straight into Patton’s room to ask hey what the fuck did you do to Roman.
 Patton had sighed and said that they’re not sure what to do now—‘they’ being Janus and Patton. Virgil, still recovering from the whiplash of those two being close had shaken his head and told them to get it the fuck together.
 If he sunk into Remus’s room to ask how to take care of Roman, that’s his business. It’s also his business if he tackled Princey in a hug two minutes later.
 So. Talking.
 Roman, for all he talks, doesn’t really say much. The few things he does say are easily passed off as jokes, off-handed comments that no one really pays much attention to.
 Not that anyone pays nearly enough attention to Roman, come on, guys, he makes it easy.
 But Roman talked to Virgil. He’d come in and sit and Virgil would sit next to him, trying to make sure his arm didn’t burst into flames from where it was pressed against Princey—the dude’s a fucking space heater, okay?—just to listen. Some of the time it was Disney rants—okay, most of the time it was Disney rants—but some of the time…
 Roman looked down at his costume. Today was repair day, unofficially called when Virgil’s hoodie ripped during the night and Roman’s sword cut through his sleeve. Virgil looked up from his own mass of fabric, needle stuck in carefully so he wouldn’t prick himself. He frowned at the look on Roman’s face.
 “What’s up, Princey?”
 “Do you think my logo looks bad?”
 Virgil blinked in shock. Roman didn’t look up and see the surprise on his face, instead running his thumb slowly over the patch on the costume.
 “What the fuck are you talking about, Princey?”
 “It’s so complicated,” Roman said, still looking down, “Logan and Patton have really simple ones. You have a pretty simple one.”
 “Janus doesn’t. Remus doesn’t.”
 “Yeah, but they’re…”
 Virgil frowned deeper, putting his hoodie on the ground and shifting closer to Roman. The prince didn’t even look up, still clutching his logo in his hands.
 “They’re what, Roman?”
 Roman swallowed. “…allowed.”
 A growl sounded from Virgil’s throat before he knew what was happening.
 “And you’re not?”
 “And you’re not allowed, Roman?” Virgil gripped his shoulder. “Look at me, Princey.”
 Roman looked up. Virgil swallowed another growl at the despondent look on the prince’s face. Instead, he gripped Roman’s shoulder tighter.
 “No one,” he said firmly, “is allowed to tell you your logo is bad. You hear me?”
 Roman blinked.
 “I mean it, Roman,” he said, softening his voice a little, “it’s you. It’s yours, no one’s allowed to tell you it’s wrong.”
 “So that’s…okay?”
 “Yeah, Princey, it’s okay.”
 “Oh.” Roman looked back down at his costume. “Okay. Thank you, Virgil.”
 Virgil would come to be astounded at how much he means that.
 Because, really, now that Roman’s talking? Virgil’s fucking shocked that they didn’t realize how much Roman actually has to offer.
 First off, Princey’s smart as hell. Sure, L’s the resident braincell but you can be big of brain and dumb of ass at the same time.
 If Logan tries to tell you he’s not a dumbass sometimes he is wrong.
 Roman can puzzle solve with the best of them. Do you have any idea how much brainpower it takes to write a story? A script? Understand how all those moving parts fit together and make sense as a whole? Virgil sure as hell didn’t. He spent one afternoon trying to help Roman only for it to end up as Roman explaining what he was doing and Virgil frantically trying to keep up. Don’t even get him started on how impressive the Imagination stuff is.
 “It’s my job, Fall Out Brood,” Roman laughs every single time Virgil expresses how fucking cool this is, “have to be good at something.”
 And Roman is. He’s good.
 Second: Patton may be the heart, Logan may be the brains, but no one is as good at reassuring him as Roman. Probably has something to do with the Creativity gig. Roman had asked, politely, if Virgil would be comfortable telling him what to do when he gets really anxious, whether to leave him alone, get him somewhere safe, get him things, what have you. Virgil had told him, bemused, only to be shuttled into somewhere that screamed safewarmcomfortableeverythingisokay the next time he had a panic attack. Roman, with the lack of shame truly becoming of a theatre kid, had no problems cheering him up by loudly declaring he would fight whatever shadowy figures plagued his little nightmare, swatting at the air with his sword until Virgil’s sobs had turned into giggles. He never made Virgil talk about anything if he didn’t want to, didn’t try to sit and work through things if they weren’t ready, and never touched him unless he’d gotten the okay. The first time Virgil told him he’d be fine with receiving hugs in the aftermath was the warmest he’d felt in years.
 Princey gives really good hugs.
 Third: Roman’s fucking funny.
 Remember the whole ‘smart as hell’ thing? Know how Logan’s funny as fuck too when he lets himself be?
 Virgil’s lost count of how many times he’s had to gasp out for Roman to shut the fuck up because his sides hurt too much from laughing. He ends up sprawled across the fucking floor or the couch or Princey’s bed, dying very happily but painfully because Roman won’t stop making him laugh.
 Most of the time it’s due to something they’re watching and Roman’ll notice some detail that he picks apart until they’re both howling or Virgil will make one sarcastic comment that turns into a full fucking bit for like…ten minutes. Roman will just keep riffing off of the smallest thing until he’s laughing too hard to keep going—not very likely—or Virgil will flail out desperately and smack him—much more likely.
 Princey said he makes fun of the things he loves.
 …maybe that’s why he doesn’t make fun of Virgil anymore.
 Virgil curls tighter around the pillow, clutching it to his chest. As he rubs his cheek against it, he grimaces. It’s too rough. It’s not warm enough. It doesn’t smell right.
 They’d been talking. It had been good.
 But that was before.
 Before Roman had cautiously approached Logan with an apology, the offering of a new planner for him, the promise to listen to him, hear him out, give him space to speak. Logan had accepted.
 Before Roman had opened the border between his and Remus’s side of the Imagination, sending a little puppy scuttling over to his brother’s castle with a note, a dagger, and a vial of acid. It returned as a kitten with a beautifully poisonous rose.
 Before Roman had finally, finally, after days of trying, opened the door when Patton knocked, letting him come inside so they could talk, about everything that happened since…well, ever. They hadn’t stopped hugging long enough to walk down the stairs.
 Before Roman had let Janus, Janus, take care of him.
 And now…
 Now Roman didn’t want to be in the same room as him.
 It feels as if they’re walking on eggshells around each other again, Virgil appearing in a room only for Roman to completely disappear, getting up and leaving a conversation entirely just to avoid him, Virgil knocking on Roman’s door only for Roman to shout that he’s busy, not to come inside, Virgil, trying, trying to figure out where Roman’s gone, what’s happened, only to receive the cold shoulder.
 A problem none of the other Sides seemed to be having.
 He clutches the pillow to his chest.
 Did he—did he do something wrong?
 Does Roman—does Roman not like him anymore?
 Maybe he shouldn’t have pushed so hard about talking to the others. Roman needed space, needed time, he didn’t need someone else breathing down his neck. He should’ve let Roman set the pace, listened more, been kinder to him when he needed reassurance.
 Maybe he shouldn’t have made Roman think it was his fault that the others were taking so long, or suggested that if he wanted things to get better he should try talking first. Roman had been taught by everyone else that things were his fault already, Virgil didn’t need to jump on that train too.
 Maybe he should’ve been kinder to Roman, less focused on making the others understand that they hurt Roman. Everyone in the Mindscape knew that Roman was hurt, Virgil should’ve helped fix that, taken care of Roman, not pushed the blame onto everyone else.
 Maybe Roman didn’t like what he had to say about Disney films. They were Roman’s comfort watches, the last thing he needed was for someone to cruelly rip away his enjoyment of one of the few things he could enjoy.
 Maybe Roman didn’t like Virgil’s way of taking care of him. Virgil never pushed, never did Roman the courtesy of asking, like Roman did with him, just assumed he knew best how to comfort someone and left it there. Roman might’ve needed more hugs, more time, less distraction, just something other than what Virgil gave him.
 Maybe Roman didn’t like how much Virgil ended up hoarding him to himself. Not letting him go to the others for comfort, just to work things out. Maybe he thought Virgil was just keeping him upset so he could hang out with him more.
 Or maybe…
 Virgil muffles his sob in the pillow.
 Maybe Roman needed or wanted him anyway.
 Maybe Roman was just waiting until he could get the comfort he actually wanted. Maybe he waited until the others were easier to talk to so he could go back to what he really needed. Maybe Virgil was just a placeholder until Roman could get hugs from Patton and Remus, talk with Logan and Janus, not him. Never him.
 Maybe that’s…okay.
 It’s not, it won’t be fucking okay for a long time, but one day, it will be okay.
 Virgil curses and throttles the pillow in his arms, wishing for it to be real, to be warm, to be a chest of white and gold and a splash of red, for it to wraps its arms around him and say it’s okay, shadow-ling, I’m here, I won’t leave you, shh.
 But it’s just a pillow.
 Has his room always been this cold?
 Have Disney movies always looked this flat?
 Has music always sounded this gray?
 Has Virgil always been this alone?
 He can hear them in the living room below him. He can hear Roman and Logan throwing quips back and forth, can hear Remus tackling his brother into the wall, and Roman protesting. He can hear Janus scolding Remus and checking to make sure Roman’s not injured, can hear Roman wave him off gently and go right back to verbally sparring with Logan. He can hear Patton laughing too hard, falling off the couch and begging the two of them to let up, let him breathe, can hear Roman coo and call him sweet, adorable, in that soft voice he only uses when he’s talking to someone he cares about.
 Can’t hear any of them worrying about where he is.
 Maybe it’s better this way.
 He got greedy, took too much of what was never his to take, what wasn’t given to him freely. He latched onto the first thing he thought was for him and didn’t stop to think that it wasn’t. He may think he’s been included in the famILY but he knows he’s still an outsider.
 He may be Virgil now but deep down he’ll always be Anxiety.
 So here he will stay, in the cold of his room, in the dark of his face smushed into a pillow that will never be real. He will stay and he will be happy.
 But not today.
 He sniffles and smears his nose on the sleeve of his hoodie, not bothering to pull away from the pillow long enough to wipe tears properly. His limbs start to protest as he hugs it tighter, tighter, tighter, but it’s no use. He can feel his own arms through the pillow. There isn’t enough—there’s too much give in the pillow. It’s just a fucking pillow but it’s not enough.
 Another laugh from downstairs and Virgil growls, burying his head in the pillow until he can’t hear himself think.
 Can’t hear anything but his own muffled sobs ringing in his ears.
 Can’t hear anything other than the thought swirling around and around his head that he’ll never be enough, that he’ll never be wanted, that he’ll never be anything other than Anxiety.
 Can’t hear the soft knock at the door.
 The voices in his head must be getting pretty powerful because he’s certain he can hear Roman calling for him. He buries deeper in the pillow.
 “Virgil? Virgil, can you hear me?”
 Yes, he thinks, yes, I can hear you, which means I’m not crying hard enough.
 “Can I come in, shadow-ling?”
 Yes, he thinks, come in and make me forget that you don’t need me anymore.
 He must really be losing it because he thinks he can hear the door open and close again with a soft click, followed by a sharp intake of breath and a soft coo.
 “Oh, shadow-ling,” the imaginary Roman murmurs, “come here, little Stormcloud.”
 Oh, his imagination is being cruel to him right now because the sensation of warm arms around his waist and shoulders fucking burns. He buries his face in the pillow until he can’t tell which way is up anymore, not sure how he’s tricked himself into imagining Roman’s cradling him but too unwilling to let the illusion go.
 “That’s right, Stormcloud, relax for me, I’ve got you, I’m right here, shh, shh, you’re alright,” the imaginary Roman keeps whispering in that cruelly soft voice, “you’re doing great, shadow-ling.”
 Virgil wants him to be real. So bad he aches from it. But he knows he’s not.
 What happens next breaks his fucking heart.
 The imaginary Roman kisses him.
 It’s chaste, a barely-there brush of his lips against his forehead but it tears a whine out of Virgil’s throat before he can stop it. The imaginary Roman hushes him gently, pressing another kiss to the part of his cheek not buried in the pillow and it taunts him with how real it feels. The slightly chapped lips, the warm rush of air as Roman breathes, the light brush of his nose as he pulls away.
 It’s too much.
 It’s too much and he wants it to be real so badly but he knows the instant he pulls away it will vanish and that might just break him.
 Then he realizes the imaginary Roman is talking to him.
 “Breathe, Stormcloud, you’ve got to breathe,” he coaxes, “I know it’s tempting to stay buried in a pillow all day, but you can’t breathe properly like that, sweetheart.”
  No, no, don’t call me sweetheart, I’ll break.
 “Shadow-ling, Stormcloud, my darling,” the imaginary Roman says instead, “come on…”
 Well, now he’s disappointing imaginary Roman too. Figures. He can’t do anything right.
 “Of course you can,” the imaginary Roman pleads, “just breathe for me, shadow-ling, I’m right here, I’ve got you, you can keep your eyes closed if you need to, just breathe.”
 Another whine. Another kiss pressed against his head. The whine grows louder.
 “Shh, shh, my darling,” imaginary Roman murmurs, “breathe, come on, just—trust me, okay? Can I ask that of you, Stormcloud?”
 And goddamnit, this is why Virgil can’t do anything.
 Virgil trusts him.
 So he prepares himself for heartbreak and lifts his head.
 “Thank you, shadow-ling,” imaginary Roman—wait, he’s still here?—murmurs, rubbing his back, “there you go, now just breathe—oh! Oh, come here, lean on me, I’ve got you.”
 Having listed to the side horribly, Virgil lands against a solidwarmsafereal chest and—and—
 “Yes, my darling,” not imaginary Roman says, still kissing Virgil’s forehead, “I’m here, I’m here.”
 White-hot rage burns Virgil’s tears.
 He lets out a yell and shoves, not caring that it throws them both horribly off-balance, threatening to send him tumbling to the floor. He hears Roman cry out, trying to keep ahold of him, but he scrabbles and gets his hands around the bedpost and pulls.
 “Virgil—Virgil stop, you’re going to hurt yourself—“
 “Why do you care?” The rage coats his tongue. “You fucking left, you—you—you fucking didn’t care about me anymore, you decided you didn’t want me anymore and you fucking left so don’t try and care now!”
 “Virgil—sweetheart, I—“
 “Don’t fucking call me that!” He keeps his eyes squeezed tight. “You didn’t give a fuck about me when you left, when you got your fucking family back, you think—you think you can just waltz back in like you didn’t abandon me?”
 “Because you did, Roman!” Virgil blindly shoves at where the prince was before, knocking him into the wall. “You fucking left me as soon as you got the others back like I—like I never did anything for you and now you—now you can’t even look at me.”
 “I’m looking at you now.”
 Virgil laughs.
 He throws his head back and howls until his chest and throat ache.
 “You didn’t give a shit when the others started talking to you. You just fucking up and abandoned me like you never cared about me in the first place. You replaced me with them or—or abandoned me as your placeholder and I’m fucking hurt, Roman.”
 “I know.”
 “Then why did you do it?”
 Virgil’s heart stops.
 No, no, no, no—
 He fucked up.
 He fucked up so bad.
 Roman left.
 Roman’s not here anymore.
 Roman left again, he made Roman leave, he—he fucked up so bad, he shouldn’t have yelled, he’s fucked up, he hurt Roman, no, no, no, no—
 On instinct, his hands hook into claws.
 Only to be caught by warmsolidreal hands and brought to something soft.
 “Don’t,” comes Roman’s softsaferealhurt voice, murmuring in his ear as he holds him still, “don’t scratch, sweetheart.”
 “I know, I know,” Roman says immediately, “you said not to call you that. I’m sorry. I’m so, so, sorry.”
 “I didn’t realize I was hurting you,” comes the voice again, “that’s no excuse, I know, but please, Virgil, I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to abandon you.”
 Virgil swallows. “What the fuck do you call it then?”
 “I didn’t want to push my luck.”
 “You were being so good to me, Virgil,” Roman murmurs, oblivious to the internal struggle Virgil’s currently facing, “so kind, so supportive, that I…I realized I wanted to ask more from you. Things I had no business asking. And the longer you kept on being you, the harder it was to resist the urge to push and risk shattering everything you’d let me build with you.”
 “What—“ Virgil swallows— “what the fuck did you want?”
 Roman stills in front of him. With his eyes still shut, he can’t tell what’s going on, but when Roman speaks next his voice is hoarse.
 “Before I ask,” comes the whisper, “I want you to know that you have every right to say no. You can push me away, shove me out of your room, stay angry at me for as long as you want. I’ve hurt you, badly, and I have no right to ask this of you. I want you to know that. That I’m okay with you asserting that right.”
 Fuck, Princey.
 “…what do you want?”
 A pause. Then a soft rush of air, right on his face.
 “May I kiss you, Stormcloud?”
  Oh, no.
 “That’s it,” Roman murmurs and oh, his mouth is right next to Virgil’s, “that’s what I want, shadow-ling.”
 He shifts a little until Virgil can feel Roman’s warmth.
 “That and everything that goes with it.”
 “Why—why did you leave? I-if that’s what you wanted?”
 “Because that would mean to push,” Roman says immediately, “and the last thing I wanted was to push you away. I thought if I could…rein it in, control it, I could…I wouldn’t hurt you.”
 A soft chuckle.
 “Look how well that turned out.”
 “But the others—“
 “I needed Remus to tell me what was going on,” Roman says wryly, “Janus to point out that I was okay in wanting something, Patton to help me figure it out, and Logan to kick my ass into doing it.”
 “To…to ask me?”
 “Yes, Stormcloud,” comes the whisper, “to ask you.”
 “And if I say yes?”
 He can feel Roman’s lips turn up.
 “…then I’ll kiss you, Stormcloud.”
 “Are you really here?”
 The question bursts out of him before he can stop it, immediately biting his lip in reprimand for letting it.
 “Open your eyes, Virgil,” Roman says softly, “look at me.”
 He shakes his head, not wanting it to be imaginary. Not now, not after this. Roman squeezes his hands.
 “Look at me, Stormcloud,” he whispers, “look at me.”
  Fuck it.
 Roman smiles at him, real and warm and soft and here. He squeezes Virgil’s hands again and takes the smallest step closer.
 “I’m here,” he says, wrapping Virgil’s arms around his neck, “I’m right here, shadow-ling.”
 He’s here.
 This won’t fix everything. But it’s one hell of a start.
 “Ask me again.”
 “May I kiss you, Stormcloud?”
 Virgil shakes his head. “Not like that. Ask me properly.”
 Confusion dances on Roman’s face before realization hits. His smile widens and he brings a hand to Virgil’s head. Virgil clutches Roman tight as he gets dipped into the prince’s arms. Roman leans forward until his mouth almost catches Virgil’s.
 “May I kiss you, sweetheart?”
 General Taglist: @frxgprince @potereregina @reddstardust @gattonero17 @iamhereforthegayshit @thefingergunsgirl @awkwardandanxiousfander @creative-lampd-liberties @djpurple3 @winterswrandomness  @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes  @iminyourfandom  @bullet-tothefeels  @full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind @demoniccheese83  @pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious  @firefinch-ember  @fandomssaremysoul  @im-an-anxious-wreck  @crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch  @enby-ralsei  @unicornssunflowersandstuff  @wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams  @averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne  @aularei @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws @cecil-but-gayer  @i-am-overly-complicated  @annytheseal  @alias290  @tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask @crows-ace @emilythezeldafan @frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires @cyanide-violence @oonagh2 @xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx @rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734 @triflingassailantofmyemotions
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lovemeleo · 4 years
I would love to see Sirius Remus and Asher going to Nuny's to check up on Jackson and then Asher is all adorable with the cats
Thanks so much for this prompt, anon! I got so excited as soon as I saw it. Get to combine my baby Asher with my favorite Nuny boys. I hope you enjoy it! These characters and their world (except for Asher) belong to the always amazing @lumosinlove. 
If you haven’t read the rest of the Asher Pascal series, here’s the link!
“Now remember Ash, just because Uncle Nado doesn’t have the cast anymore doesn’t mean you can jump all over him.” Sirius said, glancing back at his son through the rearview mirror.
Asher nodded, clutching at his Lions stuffie as he stared out the window, “‘Cause he’s still hurtin’.” 
Smiling, Remus reached back to pat the little boy’s foot, “That’s right, bub.” 
Asher had been there for the game when Nado got hurt, and had been worried ever since. They’d already talked to him about how a lot of his family played hockey, and sometimes they got hurt. He had understood that but talking about it is a lot different than seeing it in front of your very eyes. The almost two year old had been itching to visit Jackson, but Sirius and Remus wanted to give him more time to heal up. So Asher video chatted with Nado whenever he could, going on about his day and whatever other things happened to pop into his head. He also gave Kuny drawings and get well cards, as well as one of his favorite stuffed animals to give to Nado until he could visit. Jackson teared up a bit when Kuny brought the gifts home, but he’ll deny it.
Now after two months, today was finally the day. Jackson had gotten his cast off a few days before and the Black-Lupin clan was given the OK to come visit.
Asher was wiggling in his seat as soon as Sirius put the car in park, a new drawing clutched in his hands, “C’monnnn. Time to get out!”
“Alright, let me get my seatbelt off first, jeez.” Remus said with a laugh before he climbed out. As soon as Asher was unbuckled, he made a break for the door but Sirius grabbed him quickly, throwing him over his shoulder. Wild giggles came from Asher as he held onto his daddy, dangling upside down over his back.
Remus let out an exasperated sigh, but it was mostly fond, “Be careful. We don’t need anyone else in casts.” Sirius looked back at him with a smile, blowing the other man a kiss before knocking on the door.
After a brief pause, there was some talking from behind the door before Kuny swung open, “Sorry, I should have asked. Do you have allergies?” 
“Like food allergies?” Sirius asked, his eyebrows furrowed at the strange greeting as he moved Asher onto his hip.
Kuny shook his head as he pushed something behind the door away with his foot, “No, no food. Like animals.”
Then a voice came from inside the house, “Cats. He wants to know if you’re allergic to cats!” Nado yelled. Kuny glanced back, giving him a look.
“You got a cat?” Remus asked, peeking behind Kuny curiously. “And no, we’re not allergic to cats. Asher has a habit of trying to steal them though when we help at the shelter.”
Nodding, Kuny moved back to let them in, “We got cats. And I would steal too.” He said with a grin as he stole Asher from Sirius’s arms, leading them to the living room where Nado was waiting. Asher clung to him happily, his arms wrapping around the giant man’s neck.
Nado grinned, holding Milo up like he was Simba in the Lion King, “Kuny took me to a cat café after I got my cast off, and we ended up getting attached.” He said, bringing the kitten back down so he could nuzzle him back into his neck.
“Uncle Nadooooooooo!” Asher squealed as soon as he saw his other uncle. Kuny set him down next to the couch. “I drew you this picture, it’s got me and you and Uncle Zhenya!”
Carefully taking the drawing, Jackson smiled as he ruffled Asher’s hair, “It’s great, dude. Can’t wait to hang it up.”
Asher smiled big, but his eyes quickly scanned over his Uncle as if to check him over, “You ‘kay?” He asked, looking up from the boot.
“I’m doing much better now. The boot’s a lot more comfy than the cast.” Nado said with a soft smile, pulling Asher onto the couch next to him. Milo peered down at the new little person and started to scamper his way down Nado’s chest. “Seems like Milo wants to meet you.”
Remus leaned forward from his spot on the opposite couch, smiling as the small gray ball of fluff sniffed curiously at Asher, “He’s so cute.”
The kitten nuzzled into Asher’s hand, letting out a soft purr as he made himself comfortable on the small boy’s lap.
“Wait… did you say cats? As in plural?” Sirius asked, glancing around the room.
Kuny nodded, before he got up, “I grab Pumpkin. One second.” He said before heading to their room.
Petting his hand gently down the small kitten’s back, Asher looked up at his dads with a big smile, “He’s so soft. And tiny!”
“Yeah, Milo is the smallest of the bunch. He’s our little guy.” Jackson smiled, gently scratching under the kitten’s chin before he handed Asher one of the toys, it had a long stick with a string attached that had a small fish toy on the end.  “He likes this one. If you just drag it back and forth, he’ll chase it.”
Asher took the toy, trailing the small fish toy back and forth. Milo scampered after it, stumbling a bit as he tried to keep up with the fish toy.
Kuny came out of their bedroom not long after, carrying what looked to be a mass of orange fluff in his arms, “This is my Pumpkin.” He may have been smiling but the entirety of his face was covered by Pumpkin’s fluff.
Remus couldn’t help but laugh as he watched his friend try to sit next to his boyfriend when he very obviously couldn’t see. 
“To the left a bit, babe.” Nado said, a fond smile spreading on his face as he pulled Kuny to sit down next to him before looking at their friends. “He got attached to her so we couldn’t leave her behind.”
Pumpkin let out an indignant meow as Kuny set her down on the floor by his feet, her tail swishing behind her as she made her way to where Sirius and Remus sat.
“You guys know you don’t have to take the cats with you when you visit cat cafes right?” Sirius teased, gently running his fingers through Pumpkin’s soft fur as she brushed against his legs.
Kuny laughed, resting his arm behind Nado as he leaned back into the couch, “They choose us, we just can’t refuse them.” He said, a soft smile spreading on his face.
Shaking his head, Remus reached to pet Pumpkin who had sprawled across Sirius’s lap, “So we leave you guys alone for a couple weeks and come back to you adopting two cats.”
Their heads whipped up to look at Nado who was smirking, “We got three cats.. And well the last one. It was more like he adopted us.”
Asher looked up from where he was nuzzling into Milo’s fur, “Where’s the other kitty?”
As if he heard them talking about him, Loki let out a loud meow from the kitchen, followed by another long one.
Kuny and Nado sighed, sharing a glance as Kuny got up, “Probably stuck on fridge. Again.” 
“You spoil him, Zhenya. He’s big enough to get down by himself, but he knows you’ll come get him.” Nado said, shaking his head.
Eyebrows furrowed, they watched Kuny wander into the kitchen. Remus could hear soft whispering, but it was in Russian so he had no clue what the man was saying.
Nado looked over at them, “Loki jumps on the fridge if he feels that he’s not getting enough attention from Zhenya. And he stays up there until he comes and gets him.” 
Kuny came back in, followed by a massive cat who was trailing as close to the Russian as possible without stepping on his feet. 
“Jesus Fu-..” Sirius said, cutting himself off with a glance at his son.
Asher’s eyes were wide as he looked at the new cat, “Uncle Nado, you got a jaguar?!”
Laughing, Kuny picked Loki up, cradling him in his arms like a massive furry baby, “No jaguar, Ash. Just big kitty.” The massive cat nuzzled into Kuny’s chest as he sat back on the couch, letting out a loud purr now that he finally had his human’s attention. 
“He’s a maine coon cat actually, they think he’s around one or two years old.” Jackson said, reaching over to scratch at Loki’s head.
Remus raised an eyebrow, “So he’s still growing?” He asked as the giant cat stretched out, sprawling across Nado and Kuny’s laps but his eyes were on the newcomers. “I’m feeling vaguely threatened.”
Kuny shook his head, “Nah, Loops, no threat. He's a big cuddle bug. You can pet him, Ash. Let him sniff you.” He said, as the little boy handed Milo off to Nado. 
Asher moved slowly, holding his hand out for Loki to smell his hand. The big cat watched the tiny human curiously, sniffing at his hand before he got up. The tiny human had a small lap but it would have to do. Loki flopped down into Asher’s lap, almost covering him completely as the cat let out a loud purr. Asher’s face lit up as he looked between his parents and his uncles.
“He likes me!” Asher said happily as Loki curled up, nuzzling up into the little boy’s neck. Remus couldn’t help himself as he pulled out his phone, snapping pictures of Asher and Loki. 
Smiling, Nado set Milo back onto his shoulder, “Well, I’m not surprised he likes you, dude. Loki’s a good judge of character.” Asher held the giant cat closer, his massive grin partially hidden in Loki’s fur.
Sirius couldn’t help but let out a sigh as he saw the happiness on Asher’s face, “Dammit… now we’re gonna have to get a cat.”
Letting out a laugh, Remus pressed a kiss to Sirius’s head. He couldn’t even disagree at this point.
Guess they should start looking at shelters. 
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insomniacinserts · 3 years
Biology 1
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mark hunter x male reader
words- 1621
unedited, not requested.
A/N i hope to turn this into a series. but i am lazy and unreliable so we’ll see how this goes :) enjoy this very awkward first interaction between mark and his future bf. i will hopefully comeback and edit this someday but there shouldn't be anything too bad besides improper grammar, run on sentences, lowercase i’s,  and many many commas. but if there's anything horrific don't be afraid to point it out to me as i will correct it right away.
Descript: marks got a crush on the reader, reader wants to hang out and get to know mark while battling feelings and heteronormativity (god that's a big word) 
The dull ache in my skull thumped harder and harder as the teacher droned on about something to do with genetics. I look to the clock and rub harshly at the bridge of my nose desperate to get the pain out of my head but reading that i still had under half an hour left of the class (according to the busted clock on the wall) only made my head pound harder, my eyes flick from the clock to the board where the teacher had turned around and was slowly drawing some diagram on the chalkboard behind him, i shake my head just as something glints out of the corner of my eye looking over my shoulder i lock eyes with a kid i had seen around school grounds from time to time, he was looking at me with a far off glint in his eye and a small hue of red covering his ears. I lifted up my hand and did a little wave to him paired with a small smile, the sun must have reflected off his glasses when he turned his head and the light caught my eye. As if someone shocked the kid he snapped back with a flinch, the blush on his ears covering over his cheeks he offered an awkward smile and ducked his head to scratch at his neck “is something more interesting than my lesson Mr. L/N?” I swiveled my head to look at the teacher “no sir. Sorry sir it won't happen again. I'm all ears'' i smiled brightly at the man as he rolled his eyes and the other classmates snickers in the background, i wait for the teacher to turn back around before risking a glance at the kid who i caught looking at me earlier to find him still in the same position; head bowed with his hand rubbing at the back of his neck.
I watched as his glasses slipped down his nose and his soft looking hand leave his neck to push them back up only after doing so did he look up, his flush was gone but when he caught my eyes again it came back full force and his eyes widened i couldn't help the small amused smile that spread on my face i could only bite the inside of my cheek to stop it from turning into a grin, the poor kid looked like a deer caught in headlights, and when he clocked the smile on my face he pursed his lips into a tight line and looked over my head to the clock, i swiftly ducked to peak at the clock as well and gathered my book and notebook as the bell rung. I was gonna talk to this kid, he was too cute not to.
I turn back around to see him taking his sweet time in gathering his stuff “last class of the day? Or do you participate in the clubs?” I got up and (hopefully) smoothly walked toward him “I'm not in any clubs.” his voice was quiet and cut off at the end “what do you do after school anyway?” he pushed past me and left the classroom subtly giving me time to follow “i usually go home” i bob my head “yeah not much to do around here without friends. You got any friends?” he shook his head tugging the strap of his bag as we got closer to what i assumed was his locker “oh no way” he flinched at my enthusiasm when we reached his locker (to be fair i didn't use my ‘inside voice’ and shouted a bit so I can't blame him) “dude sick! Its like destiny or something.” he gave me a quizzical look as i moved around him and down a few lockers “your 187. And I'm 184! See this is my locker” i waited until he was close enough to me to unlock my locker and fling it open he hummed quietly and brushed his fingers over some of the tapes i kept in my locker “you listen to the beastie boys?” he’d tugged a flashy tape out of the collection and thumbed over the colorful scribbles on the case and the clearly scrawled title “uh yeah a little, I like a lot of music” he nods and puts it back and steps away from my locker letting me close it “so you can call me Y/N and i can call you?” his face heated up “mark” he turned to walk down the hallway “so.. Mark.” he pushed his glasses up and looked over at me “you've got no friends. You're not in any clubs. You go home everyday after school. You listen to the beastie boys. I think it's safe to say I'm your friend now, don't you agree?” he bit his lip and nodded'' I guess” he smiled when I fist pumped the air “sweet! So, need a ride home, friend?” I grinned at him as the flush on his cheeks grew to a bright cherry red “uh. Ok '' I bobbed my head and skipped ahead of him to push the door open and hold it open for him “uh its that one over there, the red convertible” he nodded and clutched the straps of his backpack closer to his chest. “Common I'm not gonna kill you or anything. Get in” I opened the door for him before jumping into the driver seat, he awkwardly runs his palms over his jeans and gets into the car with his bag on his lap “so where's your place?” I started up the car and looked over to him before settling my hand behind his head on the headrest and looking over my shoulder to back out and exit the school's parking lot “uh it's just down past there. I'll tell you when we get there” i nod and flick on the radio before i can think into the sharp pang in my chest.
“Here it's here.” he points to a quaint looking house, clearly cozy but looked to be empty “parents gone?” I pull into his driveway and park the car. “Yeah, they'll be home in a bit” he gets out of the car and makes his way to the porch before stopping and looking back at  me. I smile and wave at him before going to switch the car out of park and into reverse “wait! Wait a second” he waves for me to stop and comes up to the car “turn it off” he motions to the radio and i turn it as well as the car off “something wrong?” he shakes his head “since we're friends and all. You wanna come in?” this time my face heated up, i pulled the keys out of the ignition and shoved them into my pocket before exiting the car and following him up his porch and into his house, “wow. You've got a nice place here man.” he stops awkwardly in front of me and rubs the back of his neck before making his way to the kitchen to grab two of his dad's beers from the fridge “you drink?” he holds out the can and i take it with a small smile “only on special occasions” the remark forces a flush onto his face and he leads me to a door and down some stairs “this is my room” I nod and look around occasionally thumbing at some of the boosters on his walls and running my fingers over his couch when i pass it “your room is sick man, my parents wont let me hang anything up in mine. I'm lucky they let me have the typewriter I got a while back.” he seems to perk up at the mention of a typewriter if I had half the confidence id call him cute flat out but god knows I don't want to fuck up whatever the fuck is going on right now “you write” I cracked open the beer and held it up to my lips peering at him over the edge before taking a sip “no. not really anymore. Why” he shrugs and bows his head letting his hand come up to rub at his neck I'm starting to think it was a nervous habit instead of a bashful one “I write some. My English teacher thinks I should enroll in a club. Says I've got a talent or something” I not and look at him closer, his shoulders seemed to tense and then relax as he was thinking “you should show me some” he looks up with the same expression I saw in class; his cheeks red eyes wide and eyebrows raised to his hairline “I mean. I might not write some but I do read. A lot” I finish sheepishly and shrug “you seemed to like my typewriter when I mentioned it. So I'll make you a deal.” I slowly stepped a little closer to him, testing his reaction. When he didn't back away I stepped some closer “what.” he stopped to clear his throat “what's the deal?” I grin and nod. “I'll give you two weeks.” I hold two of my fingers up failing to hold back a snicker when he looks at me confused “two weeks. To write the most extravagant thing I have ever read. And if I like it, I'll let you use my typewriter whenever you want.” I set the can down on his desk and wipe the condensation off on my jeans, he brings his hand back up to his neck and shakes his head “I don't think ill be able to write anything that good.” I huff and shake my head “not with that attitude you cant.” 
like this work? wanna support me? you can send me a tip on ko-fi over here :)
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sgtjbbhasmyheart · 4 years
Drunk Texting Is(n’t) Bad for Your Health- Chapter Three
Series Summary: Talk about your unconventional meet-cute! Bucky receives a text by mistake requesting he prove he's not Reader's sister. The easy dialogue between Reader and Bucky sparks a natural friendship, but could it lead to more? Bucky still deems himself unworthy of any form of affection or love. Reader is hellbent to prove him wrong. With the help of some (meddling) friends along the way, Bucky may get his happily-ever-after after all.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1740
Warnings: Nosy (and well-meaning) friends acting like nosy siblings, angst, bad language words
A/N: After I originally posted this chapter on AO3, I got some comments that exacerbated the beginnings of a year long depression. Please be kind. I intended this chapter to come across as the gang being like siblings...always being in each other’s business. Is there a breach of privacy? Yes, but without the ill-intent. 
DO NOT copy or replicate without permission
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Bucky clutched his phone in his flesh hand as he made his way down a long hallway to the communal kitchen and eating area. A soft, crooked smile rested at his lips as he entered the space. Natasha and Sam were sitting at opposite ends of the rectangular table separating the kitchen from the lounge, enjoying a late breakfast. Steve was at a kitchen counter fiddling with the Keurig machine. He pulled another mug from the cupboard when he saw Bucky approach. “Mornin’, Buck. Sleep well?”
Bucky’s grin broadened as he leaned his backside against the countertop. “I did, actually. Thanks for asking,” he answered, looking to his phone at the incoming text.
(Y/N) Would you rather have skin that changes color based on your emotions or tattoos appear all over your body, depicting what you did the day before?
He missed the way Sam and Nat looked at each other in suspicion at his answer to Steve. He was too busy pressing the keys on his touch-screen.
Bucky The tattoos would be awkward, speaking from a male’s perspective, so I think color changing would be better. Not by much, though.
Bucky Would you rather have edible spaghetti hair that regrows every night or sweat maple syrup?
Bucky saw Steve slide the new mug, now filled with coffee, across the granite-top toward him from the corner of his eye. He glanced up quickly from the screen and nodded. “Thanks, buddy.” Steve answered with a smile.
“What, no grunted thanks or mumbled acknowledgment?” Natasha quipped, standing from her seat to place her plate in the dishwasher.
“Yeah, man. You have been using way too many words lately. I miss the grumpy dude that would brood in the corner,” Sam added, crossing his arms at his chest. “Are we even sure this is the right Bucky?”
Bucky’s phone vibrated again.
(Y/N) I love me some spaghetti! Can you imagine sweating sticky, gooey maple syrup during a humid New York summer?? Your clothes would be toast.
(Y/N) Mmmm, french toast.
Bucky chuckled at the reply, drawing the attention of three sets of eyes.
Sam wasn’t wrong; he wasn’t the same Bucky.
It had been five days since (Y/N)’s first drunken texts. Five days. He couldn’t believe so little time had passed. Somehow, (Y/N) had wiggled her way under his skin.
He had noticed after only a day or two; he was smiling more, less volatile. He felt lighter, happier. He wasn’t skulking about the compound like usual, trying to avoid the rest of the team. Some might go as far as to say he was friendlier than usual.
It felt good to have someone, a friend, learning about the real James Buchanan Barnes, for once, without the threat of The Soldier clouding their perception of him.
“You’re freaking me out, man. Straight outta Invasion of the Body Snatchers or some shit,” Sam declared, rising from his chair.
“Hold on, Sam,” Steve placated, lifting a hand to the advancing man. “I’m sure there’s a logical explanation to Bucky’s good mood lately.”
Bucky set his jaw in frustration, the muscles ticking. He wasn’t a Pod Person. He was just happy, for the first time in seventy-five years.
His phone went off again.
(Y/N) Would you rather sneeze once every hour, on the hour, or burp every time you saw an attractive girl?
A wide smile split his mouth as he scanned the screen.
Bucky Am I sneezing in my sleep or just when I’m awake?
When Bucky brought his gaze back up to his teammates, he noticed Natasha’s own eyes flick down to his phone. The slightest smirk curved the corner of her lips.
“It’s curious,” she said, a perfect eyebrow inched higher to her hairline. “All the people you text are in this room, yet, you haven’t been able to pull yourself away from your phone.” Her eye contact never wavered from Bucky’s face. “Don’t ya think that’s odd, fellas?”
“Natalia,” Bucky warned, his voice gruff. He knew she was fishing.
Sam laughed boisterously. “Yeah, I noticed that the other day. It’s glued to your hip nowadays.”
“It could be anyone from the team, guys,” Steve reasoned. “I bet it’s Tony.”
Bucky became increasingly agitated as the redhead slinked closer, passing his phone back and forth between his hands.
Natasha shook her head in the negative. “Nuh-uh,” she said, leaning against the counter directly beside Bucky. A hair’s breadth of space separated their shoulders from one another. Tipping back, with her elbows propped against the hard surface, she kicked her legs out casually and crossed her feet at the ankle. “Those two have barely said two words to each other since the good Sergeant here was welcomed back into the fold. It’s not Tony.”
“That still doesn’t prove anything,” Steve replied, taking a sip of his coffee.
“I bet it’s a girl,” Sam said in a sing-song voice. “But, where would Ice Man here meet a girl?”
Natasha smiled while looking at Sam as he stepped closer to the trio. “Let’s find out, shall we?” She nodded to Sam and, without batting an eye, lunged at Bucky.
She tapped the underside of the hand holding the phone, causing the device to flip up into the air.
Though he hadn’t seen the attack coming, Bucky’s reflexes were cat-like, and he easily caught the phone in his opposite hand.
Unfortunately, Natasha was just as quick and knocked the phone from his hand again. She effortlessly swatted it out of the air and into her hand. As Bucky clamored to retrieve the cell phone, she swung her arm behind her back and tossed it into the waiting hands of Sam.
By looking at Sam’s broad smile, Bucky knew he was having a field day at his expense. He pounced on his teammate, grappling for possession of the device. He wasn’t sorry for elbowing the other man harder than he ever would if they were sparring each other. He needed his fucking phone back!
Sam managed to flick the phone over his other shoulder in the process of Bucky grabbing ahold of Sam’s wrist and twisting the same arm behind his body. It clattered to the ground at Steve’s feet.
As everyone stared at the cell phone lying prone on the tile floor, Sam backed Bucky into the cabinets, trapping him with his body. “Let me go, Bird Brain!” Bucky huffed.
Steve bent to pick the phone up, holding it in his hand. Bucky could see the war playing within Steve’s blue eyes as he struggled against Sam. Steve was just as curious as the other two but didn’t want to betray his friend.
Natasha quickly snatched the device from Steve and started thumbing at the screen.
“Maybe we shouldn’t,” Steve protested.
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you to put a passcode on your phone, Barnes?” Natasha tsked as she navigated to the messaging app.
Bucky knew the exact second she found what she was looking for because her eyes became comically wide. A feral, shit-eating grin crossed her mouth as she raised a brow again.
“Tell me about (Y/N).”
“What?” Steve questioned, crowding the red head. “Lemme see.”
Bucky felt his cheeks go aflame as Natasha angled the screen so Steve could see the message thread. They burned hotter as Steve looked up with his own shit-eating smirk.
“Well, well…” Sam piped up. “If your faces are anything to go by, Vanilla Ice’s still got game.” Bucky twisted his arm back further in retaliation causing Sam to grunt in discomfort.
Bucky watched as Natasha’s thumb skimmed along the screen to delve deeper into past messages. Her thumb stopped as she read a passage; her green eyes rapidly followed the lines of text.
“I always kinda figured you’d be into someone that would call you out on your BS. She sounds fun,” Natasha said as she continued to scroll.
“No one’s into anyone. We’re just friends,” Bucky murmured.
Steve’s head shot up to stare at his best friend, sorrow painting his features. He edged away from Natasha. “Does she know who you are?” he asked.
Bucky shook his head no. “And she never will.”
“Aww, but you guys sound so cute together,” Natasha pouted. Bucky frowned at the insinuation. It couldn’t ever happen.
“There aren’t any rules saying we can’t date,” Natasha mentioned. “Hell, you know how many times I tried to set up this big lug?” She motioned to Steve with her thumb.
“That’s different,” Bucky said after a few moments. He eased up slightly on Sam’s arm.
“How so?”
Bucky rubbed a hand across the back of his neck, the blush starting again. “He’s Captain America, and well, I’m not. Not exactly everyone’s favorite.” He downcast his eyes to the floor.
“Buck, you know that’s not true,” Steve said woefully. “It’ll just take some time.”
“I know, Stevie. Until then, though, I’m still a pariah.”
The super soldier serum couldn’t have been given to a better person, but Bucky always felt like he would be trapped in Steve’s shadow, no matter the amount of good he did. He would still feel weak for what Hydra did to him, or not good enough to be labeled Captain America’s best friend.
Feeling the room take a considerable turn toward somber, Natasha called out, “Holy shit, Barnes! You used Wilson’s toothbrush to clean your toilet?”
“What?!” all three male voices cried out.
Sam rushed forward, trying to see the proof for himself. “You’re a dead man!”
Freed from the weight of Sam’s body, Bucky leaped forward toward Natasha and Sam. Slamming into Sam’s back, he snaked an arm around the other man, reaching frantically for his phone. He was done with them spying on his non-existent personal life.
Bucky smacked against Sam’s hands and arms, trying to dislodge the device.
“Stop!” Sam bellowed. “You’re hitting me like an eleven-year-old girl!”
“Gimme back my phone!” Bucky shouted.
Suddenly, the sound of ringing filled the small space of the kitchen. The scuffling stopped in an instant as everyone tried to figure out where the noise was coming from. Sam glimpsed down at his hands and jumped apart from Bucky as if he’d been burned. He looked horrified!
“Oh, shit!” Sam exclaimed, shoving the phone back at Bucky.
“What did you do?!” Bucky screeched when he realized the ringing was coming from his phone on speaker.
The sound ended abruptly, only to be replaced with the gentle tinkle of a woman’s voice.
Chapter Two | Chapter Four
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saffronwritings · 3 years
C L U M S Y | S H I N S O U PT.3
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S H I N S O U | P A R T  T H R E E (Final)
I let you down I've been clumsy with your heart again
C L U M Y  M A S T E R L I S T
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: This started off shorter and then I redid one of the segments and welp here we are at 4.3k words. Oops! It’s not favoritism I promise. This is the “final” part to Shinsou’s CLUMSY series! I really hope you all enjoy! I’ll make a post asking what you all want to see next! :) 
Denki couldn’t remember what time Shinsou told him to meet up with him after his training with Aizawa-sensei, so he figured he was going to just sit outside of the gym until he saw his purple haired friend exit the locker rooms. It had become almost routine for the two to have after school hangouts, mainly so Shinsou could relax after a long day. Kaminari helped fill the void that he felt without being able to see you. Though, Shinsou was guilty that it had distracted him from talking to you on occasion. While Kaminari was sporadic and chaotic, it helped ease the stress that Shinsou was constantly under.
 However, Kaminari was surprised when he noticed the gym door was left wide open. Usually when he had ventured over to this part of UA, he would notice that the doors were closed. A privacy thing so that the students didn’t feel pressured or on-lookers wouldn’t intimate the said student. Had Aizawa-sensei cancelled his practice with Shinsou for the day? He was acting very strange the entire course of the day. He was extra grumpy and even before coming to check in on his friend, he had particularly felt bad for Shinsou having to deal with his sensei’s foul mood.  
 Curiosity got the better of the blonde boy, Denki decided to peek inside the small private gym, the ones teachers used to mentor students in, only to see Shinsou standing against a wall with his face pale and expression shocked. Shinsou had looked like he had either seen a ghost or had been told someone close to him had died. This immediately made the blonde worry for his new friend.  He had looked around cautiously to see if Aizawa was still in the room. When it showed that it was only the two boys just sitting in absolute silence, that is when Kaminari decided to speak up to figure out what was going on.  “Oi Shinsou, is everything-” The blonde started to say before Shinsou let out a scream of frustration. It reverberated a chill down Kami’s spine, making him flinch back.  
Suddenly gym equipment started to fly across the room in haphazardly ways. His screams and shouts continued while he was heaving equipment left and right. “I’VE WORKED SO HARD.” Shinsou shouted in his fit of rage. “I HAVE WATCHED UNWORTHY STUDENTS SIT IN LUXURY.” Kaminari sat in a state of shock, watching his new friend seemingly lose his mind. He wanted to go and comfort his friend, but he was afraid he was going to lash out on him as well. He opted to just let him get all of his emotions out, even if it wasn’t in a healthy manner. “I PUSHED SO MANY PEOPLE AWAY FOR A SLIVER OF A CHANCE TO PROVE MYSELF.” He spewed again, not noticing the tears starting to stream down his face. He had thrown everything within a few feet radius as hard as he could across the smaller gym room. 
He had looked over to Kaminari who was just standing there awkwardly, watching him, judging him. However, Shinsou was so out of breath he wasn’t sure if he even had any energy left to yell at the blonde for looking at him with such pity in his eyes. “I don’t know what’s going on, dude, but maybe you should take a breather before you hurt yourself.” Kaminari spoke cautiously, trying to not provoke Shinsou further. “You don’t get to tell me when to calm down! You don’t understand, you’ve had the privilege to just BE in the hero course!” Shinsou shouted at him, his eyes filled with both tears and rage. “But, you’re doing so well with your training! You were just talking to the support class to design your new gear!” Kaminari still tried to direct the conversation in a positive manner. 
The two had just discussed how he was getting one of the girls in the support class to design a vocal chord changing mask. Kaminari was super blown away with the idea of being able to change voices in order to trick their opponents. While Shinsou might have lacked the psychical strength, he was always good at diverting and making a plan for success. “It doesn’t even matter now! Don’t you get it deadbolt!? I not only lost my shot at joining the hero course but I also lost the girl I loved by pushing her away for this opportunity” Shinsou’s voice strained out, it being raspy from screaming and shouting. 
The blonde’s eyes widened in shock, realizing the situation at hand in front of him. He was watching Shinsou have a breakdown because for some reason, he had lost his mentor-ship with Aizawa. “What? What happened? You were doing great with your training!” Denki had pointed out making Shinsou flinch in embarrassment from those words. “Don’t you think I know that?!” The purple haired boy cried, clutching his chest in desperate attempts to not let his heart fail him now. Kaminari had also picked up on his specific wording, the girl he loved. Had he gotten into a fight with you the night before? As far as he was concerned, the two of you were fine. You guys had plans to meet up after practice the prior day. 
“Can’t you just fix all of this then?” Kaminari’s comment made Shinsou turn very angrily towards him. “If I could, do you think I would make this big of a mess and yell so loudly? Do you think I would have gone into a fit of rage, destroying the gym if i could just FIX it? I can’t, you dumbass! I screwed up big time!” Shinsou cried out more, finally admitting his defeat. His knees crashed to the ground and he fell over onto his hands. He couldn’t stop himself from breaking down completely in front of Kaminari. 
Kaminari knelt down next to him, placing a gentle hand onto the boy's back. Shinsou wouldn’t have noticed though, his entire body felt numb. He felt like he was plunging into a sea of darkness, swarmed with all his insecurities and doubts that he was ever good enough in the first place for such opportunities. With each gasp of air he took, he could feel himself drowning further into the waters that flowed over him like a flooding hurricane. Everything he worked for, everything he was aiming for was now just stripped from him.
You always kept him afloat with positive words that always helped him breach the waters that tempted to drown him. Like a ripping current he was being dragged under so quickly it was hard to breath. Kaminari was full of panic himself, watching Shinsou progress in his panic attack without fully knowing what to do. He wasn’t like Kirishima who could easily bring comfort to those in states like this. The blonde was tempted to go get help from one of his other friends but he was afraid of leaving Shinsou alone. 
What had he done that had gotten him kicked from the mentoring program and had made him lose you?
“Stop right there, Shota.” Hizashi’s voice rang from down the hallway of the teacher’s lounge. Aizawa was still steaming with fury that he hadn’t noticed how far away from the training gyms he was. He came to a halt to see the older blonde glaring at him. “You took that way too far. I don’t know the extent of what your daughter said on the phone, but hurting Shinsou that badly wasn’t justified.” He started spewing, getting angrier through his sentence. Aizawa narrowed his eyes at his friend. “He broke her heart.” The tired teacher said through gritted teeth. “You didn’t hear how upset she was over the phone. I’ve heard her get like that once and that was after the USJ incident with the league of villains.”
“Teenagers go through breakups and fights all the time.” Hizashi tried to reason with him. “You don’t have a daughter, Hizashi.” Aizawa quickly countered. “You wouldn’t know what it’s like to hear your son or daughter call to you for help, sounding like they barely slept the night before.” Shota knew he was going way over the top, but if there was anything he would do, it was for the sake of his daughter.
His daughter wasn’t a planned idea, but there was nothing on the planet that Aizawa could love more. There was a reason he had made living arrangements and let little know about his daughter. The last thing he needed was for the league of villains to find out about you and to attempt to take you away from him. “No, but I know that you just crushed every hope that kid had for joining the hero course. Instead of punishing the poor kid who hasn’t been given a chance since he got here, why not help him out?” Hizashi started to try and reason with him.
“Help him out? After he hurt my daughter?” Aizawa growled through his gritted teeth. He could feel the headache forming in his temples from the day. He spent it so angrily, so filled to the brim with frustration. It was like he was getting hit multiple times in the chest with blow after blow. “You don’t even know what happened between the two! For all you know it could have been a misunderstanding. The last thing you want is for there to be no hope for your daughter to be able to make things up with the boy because you scarred him.” 
For once, Hizashi had a really good point. As much as it pained him to agree with the obnoxious blonde, he knew he was right. “I’m sure your daughter would appreciate the effort set forth by you.” He continued to push, making a groan leave Aizawa’s throat. “Fine, fine. If it will get you off my back, and if you really think this is a good idea, then I’ll go make things right. If not, I will not hesitate to hang you over a pool of sharks.” Aizawa threatened, making Hizashi smile widely at him. 
Hizashi treaded lightly behind Aizawa to make sure he would stay true to his word. The last thing he needed was for the man to slump over and fall asleep before missing his chance to fix things with Shinsou. He didn’t want to tell Aizawa, because he knew it would make him feel even worse about the situation, but he knew Shinsou had a soft spot for Eraserhead. The way the kid watched in admiration whenever he would explain something to the student said volumes. 
Aizawa was not happy about having to be the one to confront the boy who broke his daughter’s heart. Damn that loud mouthed Hizashi for bringing his daughter into the mix. He knew he was right but that didn’t make him any less happy about the situation. In no time flat he made it back to the gym only to notice that things were strewn about. Weights were all over the place, the sparring matt was upright against a wall instead of on the ground. He noticed Kaminari next to Shinsou, kneeled over and rubbed circles into Hitoshi’s back. He almost felt bad when he heard the soft sobbing that came from the hunched over boy. Until he took into account what he had done to his daughter.
Aizawa crossed the room and pointed for Denki to leave. The electric blonde did not hesitate to question his teacher’s instruction and left the gym quickly. Aizawa squatted down to Shinsou’s level and put a hand on his back. “Get up, kid.” He said in a husky voice, before standing up. Shinsou’s eyes shot open and his head shot up to look at him. Surprise and confusion flooded his face as he wasn’t sure why the teacher of class 1-A had come back to him. 
“Kaminari, if you don’t scram from eavesdropping from around the corner I will not hesitate to flunk you on your next upcoming exam.” Aizawa shouted loud enough so that his lingering student could hear. Both Aizawa and Shinsou heard shoes scuttling away from the door and down the hallway. He was about to tell Hizashi the same thing, but Shinsou had interrupted his thought process by saying, “Why did you come back?” Shota had noted his tone was defeated, and almost filled with hopelessness. 
“I was too harsh, I was overcome with my own emotions of protecting my daughter and lashed it out on you. You are a bright student and one that deserves a second shot.” Aizawa started to explain, rubbing the back of his neck. “Why didn’t you tell me Y/N was your daughter? I had been dating her for well over a year. You had to know what you were signing up for when taking me on as my mentor.” Shinsou questioned quickly, obviously still very confused from the situation. 
“I wanted to make you a hero good enough to protect her.” Aizawa admitted, shaking his head at his own thoughts. “I don’t know what you said to her to make her so upset she called me crying, but you need to fix it. However, being my daughter, she’s a stubborn headed mess. If I personally don’t help you, you may not have a shot of fixing it.” Shinsou’s eyes lit up with just a tad bit of hope. “You’re helping me?” Shinsou’s voice came out in a whisper. “In this regard, yes. If you think I’m going to be cleaning your mess here, you are sorely mistaken.” Aizawa said, however, Shinsou could hear a bit of playfulness in his tone.
You had been tempted to try and communicate with Shinsou after the blow-up the two of you had. However, judging on the last text you sent him, he had your number blocked. Even if he had unblocked your number, wouldn’t he have tried to reach out and make things better? This wasn’t the first quarrel the two of you had, obviously not to this degree. It had never gone on this long. The realization dawned on you the night before you were supposed to get together with your father, that maybe Shinsou was serious about not wanting you around while he went through his training. 
It didn’t help lessen the blow in the slightest bit. It felt like someone was stepping on your chest and every time you felt like maybe you had some semblance of a grasp on your own emotions, the foot would step down harder. You felt crippled without Shinsou in your life. Your phone felt like it had less purpose, even if you had texted a few of your other friends to attempt to try and fill in the void that Shinsou had left. You had missed the late night texts, staying up video calling with him and seeing the sleep slip further from his eyes during his studies. Your grades this past week alone had slipped quite quickly as you were unable to focus on a single word a teacher was saying. 
Your zombielike state had concerned not only your teachers, your classmates, but also your mother. While you tried to let it seem like it wasn’t bothering you that you had lost your best friend, you knew that your mother knew you better than that. What was worse was that she was probably keeping your father up to date on the current situation. You hadn’t informed either of your parents the details of your breakup with Hitoshi, and you hadn’t planned on it. The last thing you or your family needed was your father in jail for attempting to murder a minor. 
When the weekend came around, you were half-tempted to cancel on your plans with your father. You wanted nothing more than to accept the warm embrace your bed was giving you. While it was dragging you further into your pit of despair it was at least comforting. When your phone buzzed on your nightstand you weighed the options of just going back to sleep, you knew your father was persistent and would call over and over until you woke up. For a man who was tired all the time, he didn’t understand why teenagers sleep so much over weekend breaks. Groaning, you gathered all your strength to sit up in your bed and reach over to answer your phone. 
“We are still on for the movies today, right kiddo?”  Your father’s voice chimed not even a second after you had picked up the phone. “I was actually thinking of maybe a rain check?” You tried to push, but you could already feel him rolling his eyes on the other side of the phone. “I know you being a teenager and you probably aren’t even out of bed yet, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s not raining.” Sarcasm dripped from his lips and you wanted nothing more than to hang up and turn your phone off. You were in no mood for his antics for the day. 
“I’m just not feeling up to going today, papa.” You whispered after there was silence between the two. “I figured you would feel that way. Your mother has mentioned how you have been practically among the living dead this last week.” He recounted, making you curse under your breath for knowing your mother all too well. You had hoped that maybe, just this once she was going to keep things to herself. You should have known better. “I already bought the tickets ahead of time, and I’m not taking Hizashi or your mother.” Your father warned.
“Fine, I’ll get ready. I’ll meet you at the train station?” You sighed in defeat, knowing you would not win this battle. “Sounds good to me.” He said, before both of you hung up your phones. 
You stood at the entrance of the train station, checking your phone a few times to make sure that your dad hadn’t texted you that he was running late. You had attempted to call him twice already and he hadn’t picked up on either attempt. A sigh escaped your lips, wishing that you had just stood your ground on staying home and sleeping the weekend away. “Y/N?” If you hadn’t been frozen in place before, the voice you had memorized locked your feet into place. Suddenly your heart was racing immensely too fast and the wind felt like it was knocked clean out of your lungs. 
It wasn’t even fair, the way fate had played out for you this day. Not only did you dress in just leggings and a baggy hoodie, you had chosen a hoodie that you only now registered had belonged to Shinsou. Cursing your father for following through with your request for father daughter time, you finally looked up at the purple haired boy who seemed almost sheepish. He was wearing that cursed bomber jacket that you always loved on him, a simple t shirt and a pair of baggy jeans. In other words, he at least looked a million times more decent than you had. Not to mention your hair was thrown haphazardly into a messy bun and god knows you had dark circles developing under your eyes with your lack of sleep you had gotten last week. 
“You know out of the two of us for once I think you win in the department of needing some extra weekend sleep.” Shinsou tried to ease himself into conversation with you. The tension in the air was so thick that you were sure that you were suffocating on it. You had so many questions and so many emotions flooding you at once. Your mind was swirling like you were stuck on a teacup ride that you were trapped on. When Shinsou noticed your lack of response to his statement, he returned back to his awkward state of trying to figure out how to make things go back to normal. 
Anything would be better than this killer silence. He hated that it looked like you hadn’t slept in over a week and hated it even more than he was the one that caused you to be like this. His guilt was suffocating him for ever causing you this much pain for being so selfish. He wanted nothing more than to pull you into his arms and to soothe your pains away. If it hadn’t been for Aizawa he wouldn’t have even been here. He would still be in his dorm, beating himself up for ever letting this distance drift you two so far apart. 
“If we don’t hurry, we are going to miss our movie.” Shinsou settled on saying, before turning to walk towards the direction of the movie theater. You whipped your head up so fast in confusion, trying to stammer out a sentence that made any sense. “Wha- I mean I’m here to meet with my dad.” You finally uttered, grabbing on his jacket sleeve to get him to stop walking. Immediately, Shinsou had reverted back to his nervous nature around you like he had once done when the two of you first started dating. 
“Your father gave me the tickets and wanted me to take you out as a way to apologize for my irrational behavior. I should have never snapped at you like I did or acted as immature as I did. I can’t even begin to imagine how it was for you to just be waiting for any kind of affection on my end. I blew you off after an entire month of not seeing you. I probably made it seem like I wasn’t as excited to see you, but I was too focused on my own stupidity to realize what was right in front of me.” He blurted out quickly, stepping closer into your own proximity. “I don’t deserve any kind of forgiveness, but if I didn’t try, I’m pretty sure Aizawa-sensei would personally either kick my ass or expel me.”
You were listening intently until Shinsou had mentioned your father’s last name. “Aizawa-sensei?” You reiterated, raising a shocked eyebrow at him. “Yeah, I was surprised too when I found out. I almost lost my entire chance at getting into the hero course all together because of how pissed he was at me for hurting you.” Shinsou murmured quietly. If your jaw wasn’t open in shock before, it surely was now. Had Shinsou not been standing right in front of you currently you probably would have called your father and chewed him out for his brash behavior. 
However, your heart swelled when thinking about how your father had stepped in to try and fix things between you and Shinsou. It must have been why he was so insistent on you coming to meet with him today. You had to remember to shoot him a text later calling him out on his conniving ways. “I know it’s probably embarrassing, your father stepped in on the situation, but honestly if it wasn’t for him I would have never had the courage to do this.” He said, grabbing your hand to hold in his own without hesitation. His hands were ice cold like they always had been, sending a chill up your spine. 
“I wanted to be a hero that you could be proud of but instead I turned into a selfish loser-” He continued, that is until you grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled his lips into your own. The chaste kiss made the nervousness melt away from both you and Shinsou. He relaxed into your touch, snaking his arms around your waist. You kissed him like you were afraid you would never get to kiss him again. When you were laying in your bed days after your fight you wanted nothing more than to be in the purple haired boys embrace. You had feared the last time you had seen him, the month before, was the last happy memory of being together. The time he had finally told you he loved you and the last time you two brushed your lips against one another's. 
Tears flowed down your cheeks when the two of you had pulled away, gasping for breaths. You felt dizzy from all the overwhelming emotions you were thrown through but you wouldn’t give anything up for this moment right here. For the boy you loved more than yourself to be in front of you. He cupped your face and wiped the tears that were escaping your eyes with his calloused fingers. “I’m here, and I am not going anywhere this time. I will fight everyday to be the hero you need me to be. I love you more than anything and I hate that I had to destroy something so beautiful to realize it.” Shinsou stated, pressing his forehead against your own. You nodded while sniffling, desperately grasping your hands onto his shirt. 
You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him into your embrace and he welcomed this touch. He ran his hand over your head and rubbed circles into your back. You couldn’t see but Shinsou had also started silently into your hoodie, getting intoxicated by your scent. 
Aizawa smiled to himself to see the two of you entangled in each other’s embrace at the entrance of the train station. People were walking by without having the slightest of a clue as to what was going on between the two. Aizawa took out his phone and snapped a picture of the two of you in your loving embrace. You’d probably scold him for it later, but he knew you would appreciate it later in years. He would chew out Shinsou once again on Monday, before following it up with the news of participating in Class 1-A and Class 1-B’s field training. Then warning him if he ever hurt you again he wouldn’t get off so easy. However, for now, he headed back to Heights Alliance to give you two the space you desperately needed. 
To be continued...? 👀
[Part One] [Part Two]
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Letting Loose
Part ONE
This series is TICKLE related. Outfits that are linked here are purely for picturing the clothes, you don’t have to look like the model.
Series Summary:  You’re the little sister of the one and only Captain America. You’re also the youngest girl on the team, so that automatically makes you the avengers’ little princess. And they spoil you as such. They have become your amazing family and you don’t know where you’d be without them. This series will show random adventures and fluffy events in the daily life of the reader and her family, along with an unexpected turn later on as you read.
A/N: I’m so excited to be writing this series! This is my first time writing one and I’m a bit nervous but I hope it all goes well. :) The first few chapters will be about random events, not really following a timeline until Chapter 9. Hope you enjoy! 
Word Count: 3,500
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It was 1945, and you were only 5 years old. You and your brother Steve lived with your Aunt Kimmie until Steve left to join the army. When HYDRA got word of an enhancing super-serum, they planned to find out who they were experimenting on to try and steal the serum before it was injected. But it was too late. Captain Rogers was born, and their plan to steal the serum from Erskine had failed. Their only resort was to take out the serum out of Steve’s own blood. But they had to catch him first. After doing much research, they found you. Y/n Rogers. You were young, and important to the captain. 
When you least expected it, HYDRA stormed into your apartment, taking the life of your Aunt, your mother figure, and taking you into their clutches. They had taken you to a facility that was dark, and scary. They threw you in a room and kept you there for days, only feeding you when you were about to pass out. Steve had stormed many HYDRA bases in search of you but never found you. In the final battle against Red Skull, he had not know that HYDRA had taken you on the plane to terrorize the world. You were being kept in on the the small cells that were installed in the plane. By the time Steve knew your were on board, it was too late. He had to make a decision. 
“Stop!! Look around you!” Red Skull yelled, weak and defeated. Steve was on the pilot seat, calculating what to do. “This is the resolution to everything, Captain! If you stop this plane, everyone in here that is willing to do our good work will perish!” Steve payed no mind to him as he continued to type in new coordinates. Red Skull grunted as he stood up to give this a chance one more time, grabbing the tesseract in his hands. “DO YOU HEAR ME? EVERYONE HERE WILL DIE! EVEN THE GIRL!” 
This made Steve pause and look at the villain with fear filled eyes. His sister was there. In the middle of all of this. Once Red Skull had his hands on the tesseract, he was banished to Vormir and never seen again. Steve turned back around to face front, with tears in his eyes. This was the most difficult decision he’s ever had to face. He had no problem giving his life to save the world from destruction. But his little 5 year old defenseless sister was on board. He knew what he had to do, but it hurt him deeply. With tears glazing his eyes, he aimed the plane downward, closing his eyes and mumbling out an apology before crashing the plane, freezing the both of you for over 65 years.
You woke up in your brothers arms, and you didn’t recognize anything of the outside. It was so bright, and your brother looked scared and alert, holding you protectively in his arms until a tall man approached you both and explained some things to your brother. 
A lot had passed. Thankfully, you were very young when you were frozen, so it didn’t take you too much time to adjust to the modern world. You lived with Steve in an apartment for about a year and in 2012, after the battle of New York, you both moved into the Avengers tower.
That was 9 years ago.
Things were different now. Those memories were long forgotten and you moved on and focused on what you had now. The team had moves to the compound now, and your relationship with every one of them had grown so strong. They were your family and you were their Princess. And you had the best life you could have.
“Y/n, you’re gonna be late to school!” Tony sang, peeking his head through your bedroom door. You groaned and turned on your belly, deciding to ignore him. “Come on. I know you’re sleepy but you’ve got school.” He said, walking over to your bed and snatching the covers off of you. 
“hey!” You whined. Tony sighed and shook his head at you. 
“I can’t believe you don’t wanna go to school. You love school!” He teased. You rolled your eyes and sat up in your bed. 
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I wanna go to a place filled with obnoxious kids, degrading principals, and teachers who only care about a number on a paper?” You replied sarcastically. Tony helped you up off the bed and patted your back.
“That’s the spirit. Wanda made breakfast, come down in 10 minutes or you don’t eat.” He smirked. You playfully glared at him but complied nonetheless.
You walked over to your humongous closet and picked out an outfit. You threw on a thin white woven swear and some black jeans. You were a sucker for black jeans. You put on your white shoes and some diamond earrings before grabbing your bag and running downstairs.
Steve, Tony, Bucky, and Nat were up and eating breakfast in the kitchen. “Morning guys!” You greeted. Everyone turned towards you and smiled widely.
“Good morning!” They greeted back and you walked behind Bucky, where he was sitting on one of the stools and hopped up on the foot bars, reaching from behind and hugging him tightly. You had a special place for Bucky in your heart. Just for him. He was your brother’s best friend and you remembered when he would come over to your apartment and play with you, throwing you up in the air and playing with your dolls. And every time you would need a babysitter, he would always volunteer and you never wanted anyone else. You smiled as you nuzzled your face into his back. Bucky smiled, tracing patterns on your arms that were wrapped around him. “Alright, come eat, you leave for school in 10 minutes.” Steve said, being dramatic and pretending to rip you off Bucky’s back and leading you towards the table where a waffle on a plate was. You giggled and sat down to eat. The team continued on with their conversation until you finished eating and put the dishes in the sink. 
“Thanks for breakfast!” You said with a satisfied smile on your face and made your way back upstairs to Peter’s room. You strolled in shamelessly but stopped in your tracts when you saw him passed out in bed. “Oh,,, Happy’s gonna be so mad.” You chuckled, making Peter stir awake. 
“Huh? What happened?”
“You’re still in bed? Happy’s waiting out in the car. You got like, 2 minutes, dude.” You giggled as you saw Peter’s eyes widen in realization. 
“Crap!!” He yelled, scrambling off his bed, only in his boxers and ran around his room, putting on random clothes. You laughed at his frantic state and shook your head slowly. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” He whined at you. You raised your eyebrows and scoffed.
“Me?! Why am I the one to blame? Tony said he came in here to wake you up but you must’ve fallen back asleep.” You shrugged. 
“okay, uhh, just tell Happy I’ll be there in 2 minutes. 2 minutes, I promise.” He said, throwing on a shirt and looking for some khakis.
“Okay.” You shrugged, skipping down the stairs and outside after saying goodbye to the team. “Hey Happy. Peter said he’ll be here in 2 minutes.” You say as you enter the car. Happy nods with a sigh and about a minute later, Peter runs out of the front door and jumps in the car. 
“I’m here!” He pants. You shake your head at him with a teasing grin and he rolls his eyes, poking your side. Happy leaves to go drop you both off at school. Once you get there, you hop out the car in a rush, since you’re about to be late. “Thanks, Happy!” You both say and run inside. 
“See you after school.” Peter says while running next to you. You nod before both of you going your separate ways to your classes. You run into your classroom just as the bell rings, following your classmate inside. You sigh in relief and go to your seat, panting.
School went on like normal, you studied, had lunch, tolerated Jeremy, who was the kid who constantly teased you and pulled your hair, stole your notes until you ask him to give it back, and so on. Jeremy never really bullied you in the sense that he never said anything mean to you or made you feel bad, he just did things to annoy the crap out of you. You tried your best to avoid him but it seemed like he knew what you were trying to do and made it his personal mission to make himself known to you every chance he got.
The final bell rang to your relief, and you quickly packed your stuff, speed walking out of class to purposely escape from Jeremy. You smiled lightly as you were able to get out of there since he was still packing his stuff. 
You walked to your locker, hoping Peter would meet you before Jeremy did so you could go home. You looked hopefully through the moving crowd and groaned as you saw Jeremy walking over from far away. You sighed but then perked up when Peter suddenly appeared from the other hallway, coming closer. You pumped your fist and waved at him to go faster. Peter looked surprised at your rushed behavior but sped up nonetheless.
“Hey, What’s up? Why were you... eager to see me?” He smirked, wigging his eyebrows. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“Oh, don’t flatter yourself. I wanted you to go faster because Jeremy was right behind you and he would’ve started annoying me again.” You chuckled. Peter hummed and nodded.
“Ah, the douche.” He sighed. You giggled and nodded your head, the both of you going outside to look for Happy’s car. 
You walked through the entrance of the compound and greeted everyone in the living room. “Hey guys!” You and Peter greeted before jumping on the couch and settling between Pietro and Bucky. You all discussed what you wanted for dinner before Steve and Clint went to the gym and the rest of the team went to the kitchen to cook and others to their rooms.
You went to your room with Peter and started to put on your ballet outfit to stretch and practice. Peter sat at your desk to start on his homework. You were so glad your teachers spared your class and didn’t give you any homework. “What did Mr. Brandon give you today?” Yo asked, stretching, lifting your leg to rest it on the bar Tony installed on your wall and touching your head to your knee. Peter sighed, flipping through the pages.
“Basically the same thing as yesterday, gave us a 6 page packet and told us to write down why we think these theories are correct or incorrect.” You hummed and continued to stretch for a while before Peter started to collect his papers. “I’ll see you at dinner, Imma go to my room and start writing my essay that’s due in a couple of weeks.” He smiled. You nodded as he left and you decided to finish up and take a shower.
After you got dressed you laid down on your bed, sprawled out like a starfish and sighed. Right then, Steve came in your room with a smile and and sat next to you on your bed. “Hey, Princess. So, how was school?’’ Steve would come over to your room every few days just to have one on one time and talk about whatever.
You shrugged. “Ehh,” Steve chuckled and gently grabbed your arm, pulling you to sit up.
“Why do you say that?” You rolled your eyes at the mere thought of how annoyed you were at school. 
“Jeremy. He’s so. annoying.” You ground out. Steve chuckled and nodded. You had told him about Jeremy before. But it seemed like you were ranting about him more and more often. “He’s always grabbing my notes, or pulling my hair to get my attention, or whispering at me during class. I try to ignore him but he just keeps doing it until I answer! And when I do, I GET IN TROUBLE!” You whined, throwing your hands in the air. 
Steve smiled widely, chuckling at your frustration. “You know, have you ever thought that that’s why he bothers you so much? That he likes getting you angry? Because... maybe... he likes you?” He raised his eyebrow at you. You make a face of disgust, making him laugh. “I’m just saying, especially with teenage boys, their way of flirting with a girl is by picking on them. So maybe he has a crush on you!” He sang, bumping his arm against yours and poking your side. 
“Eww, no! Steve stohop!” You whined, slapping at his hand but he only chuckled and started to run his fingers over your belly.
“You know I have a point.” He said cheekily, smiling when he hears your airy giggles. You push at his hands harshly and twist around.
“Stohohop! Steve I swehear to gohohod if you don’t stop,” You glared at him through your giggles. Steve gasped before tackling you and throwing you on your back. 
“Did you just threaten me? huh?” He teased before scribbling his fingers around your torso with more pressure, causing you fall into a fit on hysterical giggles. “You had the audacity to threaten Captain America.” He shook his head, feigning disappointment before lifting his hand under your shirt to pinch at your bare belly. Just the absence of the thin fabric on your skin made the sensations so much worse as you shook your head side to side, letting out a steam of squeals and hiccups. 
“IHIHIM SOHOHORRY!” You squealed when he came in contact with your ribs, digging in between them at a slow pace before quickening his fingers and tasing them into your ribs. You let out a scream and you arched your back, giving him the opportunity to blow another raspberry on your belly. You cackled and pulled at his hair to pull him away. He sat back with a wide smile and wiped the messy hair off your face. You were panting heavily and moving your hands over your torso, trying to rub off the lingering tingles off your body. “You’re a jerk.” You huffed after you caught your breath, gently kicking him in the stomach. Steve chuckled and helped you up. 
“Come downstairs.” He suggested, walking down with you when you nodded. Everyone was downstairs in the kitchen and living room except Bucky and Peter. Bucky was taking a nap and Peter was still working on his essay. 
You sat on the couch next to Nat and rested your head on her shoulder. She leaned onto you, doing the same. A few moments passed, and Tony and Clint were getting into a petty argument about the spaghetti sauce. 
“It’s too thick. You need to water it down.” 
“Who waters down sauce? You don’t do that. Look, contrary to popular belief, I know what I’m doing. And I’m definitely sure I know how to make spaghetti. Lay off.”
“I’m just saying! It’s already too thick! And the more you boil it, the thicker it’s gonna get, you need to dilute it!”
“You can’t dilute sauce!!”
Nat rolled her eyes with a groan and stood up. “I’m gonna go break them up, I guess.” She mumbled before going to the kitchen. You heard from your place on the couch, all of their yelling and Nat telling them to break it up. You smiled to yourself, shaking your head. The argument died down after a moment and the conversation went back to pleasant. 
You were alone in the living room until Pietro zoomed in and sprawled himself on the other couch. You smiled when you saw him, taking note that he looked very tired. He didn’t look like a sleepy tired, more of a bored tired. You sat up a bit and rested your chin in your hands, looking at him for a bit. When he sensed your eyes on him, he looked at you a smiled. “What’s wrong?” He asked. 
“Are you bored?” You asked him, smiling when he sighed loudly and laid back down.
“Yuppp.” He said, popping the ‘p’. You stood up, bouncing a bit on the balls of your feet. 
“Do you... wanna have a pillow fight?” You smiled widely. Pietro perked up and returned the smile. 
“Yes.” You giggled at his quick response and grabbed a throw pillow from the couch. You knew Pietro was very energetic and got bored easily, which made him really fun to play around with because he was always open to do anything if it meant he didn’t have to sit around and do nothing.
He stood up and grabbed a pillow before you both got in a stance.  “COMMENCE!” You yelled, grabbing the attention on everyone else in the kitchen, making them smile fondly at the scene. Tony groaned. “Oh, great. They’re using the throw pillows. They are going to tear. those. up.” He sighed before putting the noodles in the pot. The team went back to their conversation while you and Pietro were battling with your pillows. 
You were giggling a lot, making you lose your balance many times and made your aims more miscalculated. You stepped back to compose yourself again before aiming at his head. But Pietro used his speed to dodge it, appearing behind you and whacking you to the floor. No mercy. You grunted as you hit the floor but couldn’t help but laugh. “Hey! No powers. It’s not fair.” Pietro sighed and agreed before helping you up. He let you whack his head and the fight continued for a few more minutes.
Pietro currently had the upper hand as you were once again in a fit of uncontrollable giggles. He was whacking you over and over, making you cower away a bit, and bring your leg up to shield yourself. Pietro was also laughing, not having any mercy. “Give up, Printsessa.” He chuckled, whacking you again.
 You laughed, trying to grab his pillow away from him but he pushed you onto the couch, stuffing his pillow in your face, pretending to suffocate you. The situation was hysterical to you and you fought against him to get the pillow off your face but your laughter was making you weaker by the second.
Pietro laughed and pulled the pillow off your face and started to tickle you around your sides. You shrieked and kicked out your legs to get get him off. “NOHOHOHO!” You squeaked, hugging your arms to yourself to block his hands. There wasn’t much you could do anymore because the pillow fight had taken a lot out of you already. Your laughter was desperate while he nuzzled his stubble in the crook of your neck. You squealed before falling into silent laughter, the feeling paralizing you and making you melt onto the couch. Pietro blew a final raspberry on your neck before sitting back and getting off of you. 
The team was chuckling at your exhausted state and got up to sit at the dinner table. Pietro helped you up to sit down at the table. You took a seat next to Tony and the empty seat where Bucky was gonna sit. Tony called out for Peter to come down and Pete took a seat across the table form you. When Pepper served the plates, Bucky came down and sat next to you. When everyone was here, you all began eating and talking about the day and the plans some people had tomorrow.
After dinner, you and Peter helped wash the dishes and put them away. You and him were messing around, cracking jokes at each other and Peter was pretending to drop a glass over and over. “Peter stohohop. You’re gohohonna actually drop it!” You giggled, shaking your head as he continued, not even a second later, the glass fell and was just an inch off the floor before he caught it, biting his lip in shock. You gasped, expecting to hear a big shatter but sighed in relief. “See you goof? I told you were gonna drop it!” You whacked his shoulder with the drying towel. 
“Ah, but I didn’t.” He raised his brow at you. You rolled your eyes and pointed over to the sink. 
“Just finish with the dishes before you break something.” You scolded, smiling when he complied with a sigh. Not long after, you were done with the kitchen and you bid everyone goodnight with a hug or a kiss on the cheek. You made your way upstairs to your room, changing into some pajama shorts and a tank top. 
You crawled into bed and pulled the covers up to your chin and scrolled through Instagram for a few minutes before turning off your lamp and going to sleep.
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sagamemes · 4 years
goodnight moon   —   valley girl, part one.   every single line out of this character’s mouth is golden. here and below the cut, you can find 83 lines of dialogue from the first three videos of the series—i can not emphasis how much the content of these lines vary despite the title. edited for roleplay purposes, feel free to change around whatever you feel the need to to make it fit your muse better.  tw:  implications and imagery of violence, clown mentions, some gore and unsanitary mentions, abuse mentions / implications.
❝  don't be embarrassed!  i love girls who love to have fun.  ❞
❝  nothing spookier than rotting flesh, am i right?  ❞
❝  this dress goes about to right before the knee, is that cool?  ❞
❝  feel free to get up to any more shenanigans you want at the party tonight. fireworks, bees, wherever the night takes you.  ❞
❝  your face is so pale.  ❞
❝  blood all over you scales, bones shards in your teeth—that's tacky. pearls?  high class.  ❞
❝  got any fireworks?  ❞
❝  i would never get between a girl and her snacks.  ❞
❝  maybe i've seen you on instagram or something.  ❞
❝  it's honestly a little spicy when you never know if and when that someone special is gonna steal from you. always a fun little surprise. like, ooh, what's it gonna be this time?  ❞
❝  i have missed seeing your pretty little face here.  ❞
❝  and you have how many teeth left?  like four?  ❞
❝  you seem—really cool. i'm loving your energy.  ❞
❝  i do get pretty passionate when it comes to [food].  ❞
❝  there's something... seductive about scurvy, you know?  ❞
❝  oh, who's he?  ❞
❝  i need to reconsider my look.  ❞
❝  i know it sounds like an impossible challenge to make pennywise any sexier than he already is, but i can try.  ❞
❝  [that girl has/you've] done far too much for me, for me to refuse [her/you] a single thing.  ❞
❝  it'll be so cute, i promise.  ❞
❝  they are definitely clones. sexy clones, but still clones, you know.  ❞
❝  i thought tonight would be a good time to step a little out of your comfort zone.  ❞
❝  pirates are so hot right now. well, they've been hot since, like, the 1700s but they have continued to be hot from /then/ to /now/.  ❞
❝  i know what i'm talking about:  as you can see, i look super hot, right?  ❞
❝  i can help you with that. you know, i just like to see a girl look her best.  ❞
❝  so is it alright if i come up close and personal, touch your face?  ❞
❝  oh, there's a chocolate fountain?  ❞
❝  not to like, pressure you or anything, but you have to go with this one.  ❞
❝  works every time. well, three out of ten times, which is like, almost most of the time.  ❞
❝  it's gonna be cold tonight.  ❞
❝  that's good, it's good to be thorough and like, get a little taste of everything.  ❞
❝  where's the burrito from?  ❞
❝  you're not into the whole  ' titties out '  kind of look for you?  ❞
❝  if you would just—part your lips ever so slightly and like, pout them a little bit?  like they got your order wrong at starbucks?  ❞
❝  wherever the night takes you, it's cool with me.  ❞
❝  my ex stole from me all the time.  ❞
❝  i mean i won't be able to open the jar either, but i'll totally be here for like, emotional support.  ❞
❝  these are not very comfortable, but... very cute. the sacrifice is worth it i think.  ❞
❝  my job is just to make you as happy and comfortable as possible.  ❞
❝  you look /so/ terrifying. and also super cute.  ❞
❝  those, you know, needlepoint heels make me wanna die.  ❞
❝  i think you're gonna represent my brand perfectly.  ❞
❝  i selected for you a myriad—... is that a word? ...yeah, totally, a /myriad/ of things for you to try.  ❞
❝  that's gonna make me look like such a baddie standing next to you.  ❞
❝  you can't be glowing more than me, darling.  ❞
❝  this sweater's got a vibe like,  ' i'm so grungy that i totally live in a trash can '  but also  ' i'm so soft and fuzzy, oh my god, hold me. '  ❞
❝  i like to call this chunky boy my dragon puke necklace.  ❞
❝  can you and me be brow twinsies and both do the bitch brow every day?  ❞
❝  do you have any tattoos?  i thought so.  ❞
❝  you look like you've been dead for three days. gorgeous.  ❞
❝  sometimes i see her at pilates and i'm like,  ' wow, that scrumptious smoothie came at the small price of my heart. but glad you're enjoying the strawberry-banana swirl, britney. '  ❞
❝  do you have any shenanigans planned?  ❞
❝  murders and assassinations i would be all down for, are you kidding?  ❞
❝  you, my dear, are all set.  ❞
❝  no explosives?  oh my god, why are you even going.  ❞
❝  wait, dragons don't eat their treasures, do they?  they just sit on it and sleep.  ❞
❝  have we met before?  you look so familiar it's tripping me out a little bit.  ❞
❝  we're gonna go with the flow.  ❞
❝  you oftentimes tend to prefer the sort of dainty, subdued style, but what if tonight we went a little more avant-garde?  ❞
❝  you can fiddle with it, as a form of absent-minded entertainment, if some business-major won't stop rambling at you about mergers and acquisitions.  ❞
❝  you seemed like, a little bit weirded out last time.  ❞
❝  i've been living and dying for this eyeshadow palette lately.  ❞
❝  let me take a moment, or two, or three... to—reacquaint myself with your lovely appearance.  ❞
❝  or do you need assistance?  because if there's anything i'm good at, it's /assistance/.  ❞
❝  you're my last appointment of the day, i'm happy to take as much time as you need.  ❞
❝  i'll give you a little tip:  when you're having a chat with someone cute, you can just, casually brush a glittery clutch against them and when they get home, the glitter transfers all over their stuff—on their sheets, their clothes, their face, their dog—they'll notice it constantly, and due to the subconscious association with you and the glitter... they won't be able to stop thinking about you. they'll think that you're soulmates when really, you just gave them glitter herpes.  ❞
❝  totally thought i was over that, sorry.  ❞
❝  i think the red would suit you /perfectly./  ❞
❝  [this/i] will keep you nice and warm and like, ward off any dudes you don't wanna deal with.  ❞
❝  i hope your blender sucks and you choke on a chunk of unpulverised peanut butter.  ❞
❝  live for it, obsessed, would wear _____ like that every day if it weren't for the fact that it would make men pee their pants everywhere i go.  ❞
❝  i know i can be a lot.  ❞
❝  doesn't she have like seven cats?  and they're all named after types of metamorphic rock. she's the best.  ❞
❝  if you wanna go for that  ' ugly christmas sweater '  vibe, like  ' i'm so hot that i can wear whatever i want and you all can suck it ', these are perfect.  ❞
❝  it would make men pee their pants everywhere i go. ...now that i think about it, that's actually a perk.  ❞
❝  i would love to hear all about the party you're going to, tell me all about it.  ❞
❝  it was always kinda sexy, mysterious.  ❞
❝  would never do that to you, ever, no way, wouldn't dream of it.  ❞
❝  [you are/it is] a clean slate, ready for clownery.  ❞
❝  i saw you launch a firework through his kitchen ceiling.  ❞
❝  it's a little cliché but clichés are cliché for a reason.  ❞
❝  let's cuddle on the dumpster.  ❞
❝  you mean to tell me you haven't even /seen/ a vegetable since, last summer?  ❞
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httpjeon · 5 years
𝟎𝟏. ʏ ɪs ᴀ ᴄʀᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ʟᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ — ᴊᴊᴋ (ᴍ.)
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jungkook/reader | angst | hybrid!au
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wordcount: 5.2k
contents: police officer!jungkook, k-9 hybrid!taehyung, tattooed!taekook, hybrid crimes, discrimination/mistreatment of hybrids, mentions of blood&death, guns — nothing too graphic yet
— synopsis: jeon jungkook and his k-9 hybrid, taehyung, are sent deep under cover to infiltrate a deadly underground hybrid fighting ring. it's a dangerous job and both are terrified about what they will see and endure.
note: welcome to a new hybrid series!
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ᴛʜɪs ғɪᴄ sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ ᴜɴsᴇᴛᴛʟɪɴɢ, ᴛʀɪɢɢᴇʀɪɴɢ, ᴏʀ ᴜɴᴄᴏᴍғᴏʀᴛᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ sᴏᴍᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀs.
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blog masterlist
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Jungkook sipped his coffee, wincing as it burnt his tongue as he slipped into the doors of the department building. The air conditioner was on full blast even though it was mid-winter, he could feel goosebumps rising on his skin as a shiver traveled through his body despite him wearing a leather jacket. His heavy boot steps turned silent when the linoleum met the carpet of the office area. 
He kept his head down, hoping to avoid any interaction with his coworkers. The brim of his hat his his eyes. While he couldn’t see the TV, he could hear the news rattling on from where it was perched on the wall. 
"And in most recent news,” the man said, “Following the recent protests against hybrids' newly granted rights, the city has decided to create a police force solely dedicated to the protection of hybrids and their rights," the news anchor droned voice even and professional as to not reveal any opinion on the matter, "We can only hope the Hybrid Protection Force can stop the new wave of crimes against hybrids."
"Hey Jeon," a fellow cop, by the name of Doyeon, yawned in greeting, sharp eyes angled down at him coldly from where he was leaned back against his desk, "Saw you're packin' your desk up. Where you headin'? You take that job offer over in Busan or somethin'?
Jungkook breezed past him to his own desk, feeling the eyes following him as the cop awaited a response. 
"No," Jungkook sighed, already growing tired of the barrage of questions, as he placed his coffee cup down in favor of placing the final pieces of his in his desk into the cardboard box beside him.
"Where's Taehyung?" Doyeon asked, not put off by Jungkook cold behavior.
Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Over in the new building waiting for me," he replied easily, placing a picture frame carefully in the box.
Doyeon made a sound of disgust before scoffing, "The Hybrid Protection Force Department? Why's he over there?"
"Because that's where I'm moving to," Jungkook answered mechanically, an admission that drew him even more attention — very unwanted attention at that.
"What?!" Doyeon gasped, drawing the eyes of the other cops who stood around their desks, "They moved you there? What the hell for?"
"They didn't move me," Jungkook answered, leaning on his hands against his desk with his head hanging between his shoulders, "I asked for the transfer."
"Dude..." Doyeon snorted, a sound that made Jungkook cringe, "Why would you move there? Half the departments in the country would give their eye teeth to snatch you up and you choose to join the grunts and do hybrid work? Are you insane? How the hell are you supposed to advance your career if you choose a stupid, useless path like that?"
"You seem to be forgetting I have a hybrid, Doyeon," Jungkook growled, clutching the edge of his desk so hard his knuckles turned white.
"Yeah but..." Doyeon, oblivious as ever, huffed, "He’s just your K-9 hybrid. For the best cop of your year to work for hybrids...it's a shit choice, dude."
"Doyeon," Jungkook stood up straight, rolling his shoulders until one popped. "You're my senior here but don't think for a second I won't knock you on your ass for talking to me like that. What I do for my career doesn't concern you," he picked up the cardboard box by the two holes cut out angrily, jostling the objects inside so they rattled loudly, "The reason I chose the Hybrid Force is because of people like you. I'll use my ability and status to do some good, unlike you who only cares about furthering his own career. You're a cop — you're supposed to protect the citizens of this country whether human or not."
Doyeon finally looked a bit flustered, his jaw locked as he felt the eyes of the other cops burning into him. He held his head high, however, trying to pretend he didn’t feel humiliated being called out by Jungkook in front of everyone. 
Jungkook stood there, glaring at the man for several long seconds before finally storming past him, ignoring the whispers and mutters from the other cops and staff who had witnessed the interaction.
He stepped into the cold outside, his boots crunching on the snow that covered the sidewalk. Usually someone would have cleared it off but it seemed not today. He began his short walk to the newly built building across the property, keeping his eyes on the ground to avoid large piles of snow or sheets of ice. 
The building was put up fairly quickly despite the HPD being formed only a month prior — the city had expedited the construction. It contrasted drastically against the old main building, which was over 50 years old. It was in desperate need of renovation but the city wasn’t willing to pay for it — something that angered the anti-hybrid citizens. 
Hopping up the stairs, taking two at a time, while he balanced his box between his hip and arm to free his other to open the door. Just like the other building, the air conditioning was running and he rolled his eyes, wondering if he could get someone to turn heating on instead. Still, he was thankful for the jacket, jeans, and boots he wore.
His superiors had long since stopped trying to force him into the police uniforms, allowing him to dress as he pleased. When he was new to the Department, he got plenty of write ups but as his reputation and rank grew, he was allowed to freedom to dress how he liked.
He nodded at the receptionist, breezing through the security scanner, thankfully not sending anything off.
"Jungkookie!" he heard the enthusiastic call of his best friend, "You're late!"
"Sorry, I got caught by Doyeon — you know how he is..." Jungkook huffed, making Taehyung scoff.
"Total jerk," Taehyung nodded, black ears bouncing atop his head. His tail wagged excitedly as Jungkook followed him over to their desks — connected right across from one another separated by two desktop terminals for their work.
It was still a relatively empty in the office — not many officers having been assigned to the force yet. Still, the few cops that were there were lower rank than Jungkook himself so they avoided one mostly another.
Jungkook’s reputation led to many people avoiding him, not wanting conflict or because he intimidated them. Taehyung, on the other hand, easily made friends and was somewhat of a social butterfly with a good reputation.
He placed his box on his side of the desk, chuckling when Taehyung sat in his own chair and began spinning in circles. Jungkook shed his leather jacket, placing it on the back of his chair and pushed his sleeves up, the array of tattoos covering his arms making themselves known to anyone who looked.
It had been 7 years since he got his first one alongside Taehyung — who had also become increasingly inked up as the years passed. A tattooed hybrid was one of the most uncommon things seen in society, so the Labrador pup got a good amount of looks and comments daily.
He didn't really mind, however, he was confident and happy and that was all Jungkook really cared about at the end of the day.
Opening one of his drawers, he began to organize the files he'd brought with him. He placed the picture of him and Taehyung on his desk. It was dated, he needed to put newer one up but it was sentimental — it was taken the day before they entered the Police Academy together.
It'd been hard getting though, many nights ending in argument between the two due to stress and exhaustion.
Jungkook looked up, smiling when he saw Taehyung was still spinning in his chair happily.
Everything was worth it, in the end. They were partners and were going to be doing good work to help better the world.
"Hey," Taehyung suddenly said, voice dropping a few octaves. The change in tone had Jungkook's attention immediately. "Look who it is."
Jungkook followed his friends gaze to find his eyes met with the sharp ones belonging to none other than Min Yoongi.
"Jeon, Kim!" both heads snapped up at the sound of their names being shouted before they shared a look.
Standing on the landing of the second floor, leaning over the balcony overlooking the main office was a man dressed in a suit, blonde hair slicked back off of his face. His sharp eyes were fixed on them as he gazed down, “My office,” he said before turning around, vanishing from sight. 
Jungkook was the first to move, standing up with Taehyung following close behind.
"Shut the door," the man said once they walked in. The click of the door closing was his signal to start, "My name is Kim Namjoon, I'm the appointed Captain of this department."
Inside, sitting on a chair in front of the Captain’s desk was another man. He wore a bred expression and sat slouched in his chair with his foot tapping impatiently.
“This is Min Yoongi, he’s from the Daegu Police Department,” Namjoon introduced, although they both had definitely heard of Min Yoongi.
"Pleasure to meet you both," Taehyung said immediately, bowing his head slightly.
"The two of you are the highest ranking officers I currently have in this department," Namjoon said, sitting on the edge of his desk with a sigh, "I'd like to be as transparent with you as possible on the core purpose of this department's development."
"Core purpose?" Taehyung asked, head cocked to the side and ears alertly perked up from his mess of black hair.
Namjoon nodded, picking up a folder that was sitting beside him and handed it to Jungkook. He opened it, the other two looking over his shoulder curiously.
"It's a file," Jungkook mumbled. "For a Park Jimin? He's listed as undercover, are we allowed to be seeing this?"
"I wouldn't be showing you unless it was important," Namjoon explained, "Park Jimin is with the Hybrid K9 Unit from the Daegu Department. He has been deep undercover within Korea's biggest and most notorious hybrid fighting ring for over 2 years," his gaze shifted to Yoongi, “He’s the reason Yoongi has been transferred over.”
Yoongi nodded, making the other two look at him in confusion, “What’s he got to do with us?”
“Jimin is my partner,” Yoongi replied, 
"I wasn't aware hybrids were allowed to go undercover two years ago," Jungkook said, brows furrowed.
"And since when does Korea give a rats ass about hybrids trafficked in the underground, anyway?" Taehyung grumbled, mood quickly plummeting.
“Originally, this was a DPD case but with the new Hybrid Unit here in Seoul, it’s been transferred over to be handled by us specifically,” Namjoon explained, "Jimin is a special case but we're not here to discuss the ins and outs of his career."
"Then what are we here for?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung took the folder from his hands to read more closely.
"What do they have to do with the core purpose of this Unit?" Taehyung urged, tail beginning to flick impatiently as he motioned over to Yoongi.
"For the past two years Jimin has been undercover, he has been steadily feeding us information regarding this specific ring. The Hybrid Protection Force was actually secretly formed years ago centered around the confidential mission of breaking this ring up," Yoongi spoke up again, "Unfortunately, Jimin can only rank so far up within the ring due to being a hybrid himself. It's taken a lot of time but he's reached a position where he can't advance by himself."
"So you're pulling him?" Jungkook asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"No," Namjoon looked all three of them in the eyes, "We're sending two more undercover."
"It's taken Jimin two years to get as far as he has," Taehyung frowned, quickly realizing what the plan was, "It's going to take us just as long to advance."
"That's not necessary," Namjoon said, puzzling the two of them, "Jimin is in a position of recruitment — taking new masters and hybrids in for the fighting. The two of you will be the new members."
"What about Yoongi?" Jungkook asked, “Shouldn’t you be with Jimin?” his gaze shifted to the man in the seat.
Yoongi sighed, “Unfortunately, at the time they didn’t want a pair. Jimin volunteered to go— I didn’t like it but I couldn’t tell him no. He’s on a solo mission, I can’t join him now,” he explained, “I’ll do the work here, preparing everything for the bust when the time comes.”
"I'm not sure about this..." Jungkook admitted, shifting uneasily on his feet.
"What's the problem?" Namjoon asked, meeting Jungkook's gaze.
"This is a fighting ring...Taehyung..." Jungkook sighed, "This will put him in serious danger."
"Danger is part of your job, Jungkook," Namjoon snapped, eyes narrowed.
"I know that but..."
"It's alright," Taehyung placed a hand on Jungkook's shoulder, "We won't be undercover for long...right?" he looked at Namjoon.
"That's right," Namjoon nodded, "Highballing it; a year, but I highly doubt that.”
"Alright," Jungkook sighed, nodding his head, "What’s the goal here then?"
“What we need from the two of you is to join this ring with Jimin’s recruitment,” Namjoon explained, “He’s gotten everything ready on his end. Once you've infiltrated, you'll pose as a new master and hybrid and engage in the fights.”
“You have to appear eager,” Yoongi suddenly said, looking over his shoulder at the other two, “Join in on any and all fights that you can. The more eager you are, the more attention you'll gain...especially if you win.”
"I've arranged with Jimin to have a meeting in a week," Namjoon said, "The two of you will have to be caught up with everything by then. Information can be found in your terminals for you to review along with the stories and identities you're going with. I'll have files delivered to you on those, you know how it works–”
“Memorize names, locations, dates, and social security numbers,” Taehyung and Jungkook said at the same time.
“That's right,” the Captain smiled and stood up straight, “Take the file with you. You're dismissed.”
The three of them bowed as Namjoon took his seat behind his own desk, turning his gaze to his computer terminal. Shutting the door behind them, they heaved a collective sigh. With much weighing on their minds, they all silently walked to their desks.
Both Taehyung and Jungkook were tense for the entirety of the day. The hybrid's good mood had quickly vanished and Jungkook couldn't help but look at his companion in concern.
He turned his eyes to his monitor, file after file detailing the people associated with the fighting ring.
The particular ring they were investigating was also the closest in relation to the Black Market. In fact, many of the higher-ups within the crime syndicate were Black Market sellers — illegally trafficking hybrids. It was a dark business and the more Jungkook read about it the sicker he felt.
He could only imagine how the hybrid across from him was feeling.
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Jungkook's keys jingled in his hands as he unlocked his front door — it was a simple first-floor apartment with two bedrooms though truthfully the other room was more of a spare since Taehyung never slept in it. He always opted to sleep with Jungkook and the human was all too willing to oblige.
Taehyung was precariously balancing the fast food bags and drinks in his hands. His dog genes helped his balance and he easily nudged the door shut with his foot.
"God, I am beat," Jungkook groaned as he tossed his keys down on the counter separating the kitchen from the living room.
Taehyung hummed in agreement as he sat down on the couch and placed the food on the coffee table. He grabbed the remote and clicked the TV on, mostly for background noise.
Jungkook kicked his boots off and walked down the short hallway to the bedroom, eager to get out of his jeans and put on some sweatpants. He went back out, dressed in a department-issued t-shirt that was overworn so the print on the front was faded.
"Hey Tae—" Jungkook paused in the entryway to the living room. Taehyung was hunched over, elbows on his knees as he rested his chin on his hands. His eyes were locked in on the TV; the news, "You okay?"
"I dunno," Taehyung confessed, sighing when he felt Jungkook reach up to pet his ears.
"Tell me what's on your mind," Jungkook urged, leaning back against the couch and encouraging Taehyung to do the same.
"Human on hybrid crimes are the biggest epidemic in Korea," Taehyung grumbled, "It's only gotten worse since the government has opened up to allow us rights. It's not much, we're still fucking owned like animals and we can even be euthanized," he met Jungkook's gaze and shrugged his shoulders sheepishly, "No offense, you know I love you."
"I know," Jungkook smiled, patting the hybrid's back to urge him on.
Of course he knew that Taehyung would never include him in the “humans are terrible” category. Even Jungkook openly admitted how terrible people could be to hybrids. Taehyung always felt lucky to have someone who supported him and his kind so openly. Many hybrids ended up in awful situations that resulted in injury or death. 
Taehyung was glad he never ended up being another statistic. 
"The trafficking of hybrids is by far the worst and highest committed crime but humans would rather stay investigating every day thefts and shit," Taehyung spat, malice coating every word as he continued on, "They treat hybrid crimes like they're nothing! It infuriates me! Every day on the news there's another hybrid being kidnapped or found dead after being sold on the black market," Taehyung's eyes were glassy as he clenched his teeth through his anger, "When there's protests, the government does nothing but offer empty words and promises. They'd rather keep the idiots who want hybrids to stay nothing but pets happy than protect a whole race!"
"I know being on this force means a lot to you Taehyung," Jungkook cooed, still stroking his friends ears, keeping him relaxed, "You know I'm with you one hundred percent but...do you think you'll really be able to do this? You're going to be doing a lot of things that go against your morals and you're going to see so much awful shit. Hell, I may even have to blend in with those pieces of shit."
"I..." Taehyung sniffled, resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder, "Truthfully, Jungkook. I'm just...I'll have to fight them."
"You feel guilty," Jungkook whispered, feeling Taehyung nod against his shoulder.
"I know most, if not all, are probably going to be there against their will and I'll only be adding onto what they already go through," Taehyung whispered, voice watery as he finally let his tears fall.
"Yeah I get it," Jungkook resting his cheek atop Taehyung's head, whose ears twitched when his breath fanned over them, "But it's for the greater good in the end, yeah? We'll be able to get them out of there and they'll be able to get real help."
"I guess you're right," Taehyung sniffled, sitting up to wipe his tears away with the back of his hand, "I'm going to get dressed for bed and then we can eat. It's probably cold by now."
"It's okay, we love cold french fries," Jungkook chuckled, making Taehyung smile, flicking the channel to something more light-hearted instead of the news.
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The rest of the week was filled with a heavy feeling neither of them could shake. The two of them going through the motions of work and returning home to snuggle in bed, ignoring the looming mission they were going to be undertaking. 
They were both terrified of what could happen but neither was willing to speak of their fears. 
The day before the operation was set to begin, Namjoon called them into his office before Jungkook could even think of taking off his jacket.
"Yes Captain?" Jungkook greeted, taking a seat in one of the two chairs in front of Namjoon's desk with Taehyung occupying the other.
"I’d like to go over your new identities to be sure you're both well prepared," he said, sliding two folders over to them.
"Yeah that'll be no problem," Jungkook replied nonchalantly, grabbing the folder in front of him and flipping it open.
He’d already memorized everything he needed to but he still scanned the papers inside. Taehyung did the same as Namjoon watched.
A new, fake ID was taped inside along with a couple papers of information. As Jungkook scanned, he soaked in the gist of his new identity.
"Han Jungseok," Jungkook chuckled, the name sounding weird rolling off his tongue, "Code name JK."
"As you’ve learned through your research, it's common practice within the Underground for people to go by codenames," Namjoon explained, "It's more common for humans than hybrids but Taehyung will be going by V anyway."
"Cool name," Taehyung mumbled, looking through his own papers.
"Now, Jungkook," Namjoon said, leaning over to open a drawer. He pulled out a set of keys and a cellphone, sliding them across the surface of his desk until Jungkook grabbed them, "The department will be providing a car for you along with a cellphone. They may confiscate it but Jimin assures me when they accept you, they'll return it. This has phone numbers that you will need to contact throughout your time under cover including the one you will call when you're ready to begin the bust. Officers will be on standby the entire time for your word so use it only when you're positive, understand? You'll have one shot and that's it."
"I understand," Jungkook replied, confidence flowing through him. He knew how this went, he'd been undercover countless times in the past.
Though he knew, deep down, how different this was from the past times. The weight of this operation wasn't lost on him, in fact it'd kept him up restless the past few nights as the date came closer and closer.
"There's also an apartment that will be serving as your residence during the operation," Namjoon said, "It's probably not as nice as your current one but it'll be home from tomorrow on.”
"Yes Sir," Taehyung and Jungkook said in unison.
"The two of you take the day to correlate everything, learn your identities, and get prepared," Namjoon ordered, eyes following as the two cops stood up.
"Thank you, Captain," Jungkook said, bowing. Taehyung followed his lead before the two of them left the office.
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The car door slammed as Taehyung got inside, casting the two of them in darkness when the interior light shut off. Jungkook put the key in the ignition and cranked the engine. They were both quiet, the weight of where they were going heavy in their minds.
"We're meeting Jimin downtown," Jungkook said to break the silence, "You got your story straight, right?"
"Yep," Taehyung replied, eyes gazing out the window, "You bought me off the market and you've had me for 2 months."
Jungkook nodded as his partner rehearsed their cover. It fell silent again, Taehyung’s eyes pinned to his hands as they were folded in his lap. 
"Are you nervous?" Jungkook asked, glancing at the hybrid out of the corner of his eye.
"Honestly?" Taehyung asked, finally looking at Jungkook. The human nodded, already knowing what the response was going to be, "My hearts beating so fast I can hear it in my ears. I'm scared I'll fuck this up. We've been undercover countless times before and I've never worried about making a mistake like I am now."
"I think appearing more anxious will be a good thing," Jungkook said, not missing the way his own voice wobbled, "I know regardless you can sell this and I know you can do it but being anxious will be more believable if you're being forced into the underground ring."
"I hope you're right," Taehyung whispered, gnawing on his lip.
Jungkook’s grip on the wheel tightened and be swallowed thickly — he hoped he was right too.
The neighborhoods slowly became darker and less well-maintained. Jungkook would sigh whenever he'd hit a pothole, whispering that he was thankful it wasn't his car. Taehyung couldn’t help but crack a smile at his muttering. 
The decrepit houses gradually disappeared and turned into warehouses -- in an even more secluded area than before. It set Taehyung's heart racing even faster and it was beginning to bleed into pain. He wished he had something to take to ease the anxiety.
Jungkook finally stopped the car and turned it off. The two of them sat there for a moment, gathering themselves before Jungkook stepped out first. He walked around the car and opened the door, jerking his head to order Taehyung out.
It was almost incredible how Jungkook could so easily fit into a role and persona he was given. It was one of the reasons he was so highly regarded in the undercover operations game — he certainly had a talent for it. The tight grip on his arm had him tensing but when Jungkook gently soothed his thumb over the soft skin, he relaxed slightly.
No matter how cold and detached he appeared, Taehyung couldn't lose sight of the fact it was Jungkook and none of this was real.
"You JK?" an accented voice had Jungkook pausing. The accent was extremely familiar and it immediately made his body tense.
"Yeah I assume you're Jimin?" Jungkook responded, keeping his own voice level -- masking the anxiety that hammered at him.
"We'll have more company soon," the new hybrid whispered, anxiously looking over his shoulders. Large, pointed ears twitched in every direction as he listened out for footsteps. "I want to warn you. Whatever you've heard cannot describe what it's really like in the underground. It's much worse than what you think."
"They just...let you roam around alone?" Taehyung asked, not intending to have Jimin expand on what he meant. He'd be seeing for himself soon enough.
"I've gained their trust enough," Jimin shrugged his shoulders before suddenly freezing, "They're coming."
Taehyung's heart skipped a beat as Jungkook tightened his grip on his arm. The human’s face morphed into one of pure cold detachment, turning his nose up at the two hybrids. Jimin took a few steps back to a respectable distance, once gentle gaze turned cold as well.
"These the two?" a short, overweight man asked. He was flanked on either side by a tall, muscular man and a short, stocky guy.
"Yes Sir, JK and V," Jimin answered, hands shoved casually in his pockets.
"How'd you hear about our operation?" The man asked, wandering over to Taehyung, "My name's Hyo by the way."
"Who hasn't heard about it?" Jungkook chuckled, "I got this mutt here a couple months back and he put me out for a pretty penny. He's kind of a little shit so I thought he might as well be of use, right?"
"Right, right, I understand," Hyo chuckled, circling around Taehyung, "He purebred?"
"Black Lab," Jungkook nodded, forcing himself to not check if Taehyung was okay though he could feel the trembles of his partner beneath his grip.
"Damn, hard to find Pures on the Market," Hyo hummed, circling the timid hybrid, "He's a pretty thing. It's a shame his face'll get busted up."
"Not like he can do any other work," Jungkook chuckled, making Hyo smirk.
"Jae!" Hyo shouted, making Taehyung jump. The stocky man immediately walked up to Jungkook, making him stiffen in alarm, "Hope you don't mind, it’s just a formality. Can't be too careful in this line of work."
"Ah..." Jungkook let out a harsh exhale when Jae began to pat him down, "I understand."
Jae worked Jungkook's cell phone out of his pocket and handed it to Hyo, which made Jungkook uneasy. He also took his keys and wallet which was also given to Hyo, who opened it and began to look through everything inside. Then, Jae moved on to search Taehyung which was a quick process since the hybrid didn't have anything on him.
"Just a little cash, card, and ID," Hyo said, announcing it to the three other men working for him, "Kim Jungseok, born in 1997, residence here in Seoul. I hear your accent though, where are you from?"
"Um, Busan," Jungkook responded after clearing his throat.
"All clear," Jae called from behind Taehyung, returning to Hyo's side.
"Jae, here," Jungkook watched nervously as Hyo handed his ID to Jae, "Go scope it out."
"Another formality?" Jungkook chuckled, watching as Jae made his way to the car, confiscated keys dangling from his fingers.
"Like I said..." Hyo paused, looking at the two of them,  "Can't be too careful."
"Yeah, I guess so," Jungkook mumbled, glancing at where Jimin stood straight and stiff. 
"Well, follow me," Hyo said, "Jimin, go open up."
The hybrid immediately rushed to do as he was told, unlocking the padlock on the garage door with a small key before pulling it open. It made a loud series of metallic bangs as he pushed it up about halfway.
They all crouched down and entered, Jimin letting the door slam back down behind them. The sound made Taehyung flinch, something Hyo caught sight of.
"Better take care of that, pooch," He sneered, "The others catch even a hint of weakness and they'll tear you to pieces. Wouldn't be much use to your Master if you were a broken mess, would you?"
Taehyung clenched his jaw, looking away from Hyo before scoffing. Hyo didn't seem to appreciate it when he suddenly reached out and grabbed hold of Taehyung's hair, making the hybrid yelp in surprise. Jungkook forced himself not to do anything, simply staring with almost detached boredom while his insides were burning with anger at his best friend being treated like that.
"You answer when a human is talking to you, Mutt," Hyo growled. Jungkook watched, forcing himself not to intervene as Taehyung spat out a half-assed apology that the man thankfully accepted, "You weren't kidding when you said he was a little shit, huh?"
Jungkook barked out a laugh, casting a glance at Taehyung while everyone's backs were turned, "Yeah maybe getting his ass kicked will remedy the problem."
"Oh no doubt!" Hyo laughed, pausing when they finally reached the middle of the warehouse, "Lots of people come in with disobedient animals. The ring really teaches them to straighten up."
Jungkook looked around, nodding his head at Hyo's words. It was mostly empty, clearly not used for anything in particular. Most likely, it was just for meetings like the one Jungkook was currently in. One thing he did notice, however, is a foul smell emanating from somewhere within the large area. 
It was strangely familiar, it made him uneasy. 
"You know JK," Hyo sighed, a strong put-on sound that had the hair on the back of Jungkook's neck standing on end, "The biggest problem we have out of recruits would have to be...they like to lie."
There was a loud click and both Taehyung and Jungkook froze on the spot. The tall unnamed man had a gun pointed at Jungkook's head.
It was then he realized what the smell was.
The vile stench of blood and death.
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noona-clock · 4 years
What’s Your Sign?: Taurus
Genre: College!AU, Fake Dating
Pairing: Wonpil x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, Drinking, Sexist pig dudes 🙄
Words: 5,567
Author’s Note: Since I’m so fascinated by astrology, I decided to do a Zodiac series! I will be writing a one-shot fic for each sign featuring different members from different groups (and even an actor!). Each story will be posted on the 5th of the month during that sign’s season. Please reblog, comment, or send in an ask with your feedback! Thank you for your support 💜
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It was getting to that point of the night when Wonpil wondered why he had even come to this party.
I mean -- besides the fact his roommate, Brian, had practically forced him to come.
“I’m not going to let you sit in our room and play the keyboard again. Finals are almost over! School is practically done for the semester! We’ve got the whole summer ahead of us! Just come to this party -- you’ll have plenty of time to play your piano in the next couple of months.”
And then a smirk had tugged at Brian’s lips.
That was a bad sign. Nothing ever good came of Brian smirking.
“I heard that Y/N will be there,” Brian had added, which -- of course -- had perked Wonpil up.
You were the best friend and roommate of Brian’s girlfriend, and from the moment Wonpil had met you last year, he’d been head over heels in like with you. You were beautiful, smart, funny, vivacious, affectionate -- everything Wonpil had ever wanted.
So, that’s how he’d finally been convinced to come. And that’s why he was currently sitting in an armchair in the corner of a loud, crowded room with an empty cup and a cat in his lap.
He’d caught glimpses of you earlier on, but you had simply smiled and greeted him -- as you always did. You hadn’t struck up a conversation with him or asked him about his summer plans.
It’s not like you were rude -- that was far from the truth. You were the friendliest person he’d ever met. It’s just that whenever you’d tried to get to know him in the past, Wonpil had clammed up, his nerves taking over and rendering him entirely useless. It always happened whenever he was around a girl he had a crush on, and you were no exception.
So, now you just smiled and greeted him. And Wonpil smiled and greeted you back. And that was the extent of your social interactions.
Le sigh.
The more he thought about it, the more he realized he needed another drink.
He scratched the cat behind the ears, frowning as he apologized for having to move him. Hopefully, the little guy would still be there when he got back.
Once the cat hopped down, Wonpil stood and began to make his way toward the kitchen to refill his cup. He weaved through the people blocking his way, keeping his focus on not bumping into anyone.
But then, when he reached the doorway of the kitchen, his gaze landed on you.
A very uncomfortable you.
Some hulking, smirking guy was standing incredibly close to you, and you were clearly trying to push him away -- verbally rather than physically, though Wonpil was sure you would resort to actually pushing him if you had to.
Your eyes began to search the room, flashes of panic sparking in them.
Wonpil couldn’t stop staring at you, his brow furrowed with concern. He watched you looking around the kitchen frantically and then, all of a sudden, your gaze landed on him.
His heart leaped into his throat as a smile curved your lips, and you lifted your hand to wave at him. First, you waved to say ‘hi,’ but then you waved him over to you, silently asking him to come and talk to you -- or in this case, come and rescue you.
But how could Wonpil rescue you from... Wonpil’s eyes shifted to look at the very tall, very brawny guy hovering over you.
How was he supposed to rescue you from him?
He obeyed your request, anyway, because -- it was you. He would do anything for you even though you had no idea.
Wonpil clutched his empty cup and made his way over to you, looking just a bit nervous and just a bit confused.
“Hey,” you smiled as soon as he got close enough.
And then you did something Wonpil would never expect in a million years.
You reached out to him, gently grabbing his hand and pulling him closer.
You slid your arm around his waist. You clutched the back of his shirt. You smiled adoringly over at him.
Was going.
Before Wonpil could fully register just how close he was standing and how you were touching him, the tall, brawny dude spoke up.
“This is your boyfriend?” he asked with skepticism.
Wonpil choked on the drink he hadn’t even gotten yet. He froze momentarily, but then he felt you clutch his shirt more tightly.
“Mhm,” you nodded.
You tugged on his shirt, and the movement spurred Wonpil into action.
He put his arm around your shoulders, pressing his lips together and nodding. There was absolutely no way he could force himself to say anything right now, so a nod would have to do.
The tall, brawny dude narrowed his eyes in confusion, obviously wondering why you would be dating Wonpil -- not quite as tall and certainly not as brawny as him.
Wonpil was actually wondering the same thing.
But then Tall, Brawny Dude simply shrugged, lifted his eyebrows, and murmured a whatever before turning and leaving.
Once he was out of earshot, you let go of Wonpil’s shirt and let out a relieved exhale.
“Thank you,” you said quietly. “I’m so sorry to just spring that on you. I saw you standing there and kind of panicked.”
Wonpil cleared his throat to dislodge the lump of fear and replied, “No, no -- it’s okay. I’m sorry he was bothering you,” he croaked.
You rolled your eyes and pursed your lips. “I just wanted to have a good time tonight -- not be harassed by some wrestler.”
Before Wonpil could express his sympathy, you looked down at his cup and held your hand out to take it.
“Were you getting a drink?” you asked as you looked back up at him.
Making eye contact with you took his breath away, so Wonpil did what he did best around you: he nodded silently.
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“Here, let me,” you murmured before taking the cup from him and turning toward the refreshment table.
After you ladled some punch out for him, you turned back and held his cup out with a small grin.
But then your eyes shifted to one side, and you whispered -- your lips barely moving  -- “Oh, god, there he is again.”
Before Wonpil had even registered your words, you leaned in, lifted yourself up slightly on your toes, and captured his lips in a kiss.
It was a very brief, very chaste, very casual kiss but oh my god you had just kissed him and now there was a whole herd of butterflies in his stomach and it kind of felt like the room was spinning and you were holding his cup out to him so he took it and then you said something but there was a nervous roaring in his ears so he couldn’t hear the actual words but then it looked like you gasped and you grabbed his arm and what was going on?
“Wonpil,” you said, shaking him a little and successfully getting him out of his trance.
“Hmm?” he hummed with raised eyebrows.
“Okay, you obviously don’t have to,” you began. “But there’s this guy in my biology class who’s asked me out probably twenty times this semester. I have my final for that class on Monday. Would you... be willing to meet me outside in case he follows me out and tries to talk to me again?”
Wonpil’s forehead wrinkled in confusion, but before he could answer, you spoke again.
“I won’t ask you to do this again, I swear. And I’ll buy you lunch after?”
...You would buy him lunch? So... he would get to spend an entire meal with you? Alone?
He barely even had to think about it.
A wide smile instantly appeared on your lips, and Wonpil’s heart almost stopped.
“Really?!” you asked with an excited squeal.
He nodded again, and he actually wondered if you would ever notice that’s basically all he did when he was in your presence.
You quickly reached out and grasped his upper arms, squeezing them as your smile grew even wider. “Thank you,” you gushed. “I’ve been trying and trying to get him to stop talking to me but he’s just too persistent. And he’s not doing anything harmful, so I can’t really report him to the professor, y’know?”
Obviously, hearing this made Wonpil’s blood start to boil, but he was patient enough not to lose his temper.
“He’s not being persistent,” he told you with a small shake of his head. “He’s being a jerk. No means no.”
And if pretending to be your boyfriend would help get rid of him and make your life easier, he was all too happy to oblige.
You shot him a very impressed look and said, “That’s right it does! No wonder Brian’s friends with you. You’re smart.”
Wonpil bit his lip to hide a bashful but delighted smile, though he knew he was doing a bad job at it. His cheeks were definitely turning pink, too.
“Anyway,” you said with a grin. “I don’t want to keep you from whatever you were doing before you came to get a refill.”
...Should he even tell you that he had just been sitting in a chair petting a cat?
Probably not.
“What if that guy comes back?” he asked cautiously.
“Even if he does, he shouldn’t bother me,” you shrugged.
Which was all well and good, of course, but... Wonpil didn’t want to leave your side. He wanted to stay with you.
That sounded a little pathetic.
Oh, well.
“What if other guys try to ask you out?” he pointed out, his forehead wrinkling slightly. It was entirely possible! You had the looks and the enticing personality, without a doubt.
“Well,” you chuckled. “If you would like to stick around and step in if you need to, be my guest.”
Wonpil suddenly held his cup out to you and said, “Here. I wasn’t that thirsty, anyway. I was getting a drink because I was bored.”
And if he was going to keep an eye on you for the rest of the night, he wanted his mind to be as clear as possible.
“Thanks,” you said softly, taking the cup and lifting it up in a Cheers motion.
You turned and headed into another room, Wonpil following closely -- but not too closely -- behind you.
Wonpil spent the rest of the evening standing next to you as you chatted with your friends, refilling your cup, making eye contact with any guy who seemed to look at you... 
It was the most fun he’d ever had at a party.
Of course, you’d introduced him to your friends as Brian’s friend, which was totally understandable and fine. He hadn’t thought you would introduce him as your boyfriend -- or even your friend. You’d also told them he was doing you a favor... and by the end of the night, Wonpil realized you had also done him a favor. He hadn’t met that many people in one night since... ever?
“All right, fake boyfriend,” you said as you leaned against him, your words slightly slurred. “I’m gonna head out.”
Wonpil had been refilling your cup whenever you’d emptied it and only now thought about how much you’d had to drink.
“Uh... let me walk you back,” he said, taking hold of your arms and beginning to steer you toward the front door of the house.
“What a gentleman! A real gentleman, not a fake one.”
A smile tugged at the corners of Wonpil’s lips, and when the two of you got outside, he put an arm around your shoulder to keep you steady as you walked.
You talked the entire time, and since nobody else was with you, Wonpil talked back. He laughed at your ridiculous, tipsy statements, answered your nosy, tipsy questions, and gently argued with you when you said you were entirely and completely sober.
Wonpil walked you into your dorm, but you stopped suddenly when you approached your door.
“Oh, that’s right,” you whispered.
“What? What’s right?” Wonpil whispered back.
You gestured toward a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the doorknob and said, “I forgot Brian was spending the night. I said I would go home with one of my friends, but I totally forgot.”
...Would Wonpil be a complete heel if he --
Okay, no more second guessing. 
He knew his intentions were honest, and hopefully, you would, too.
He was doing it.
“You can sleep in my room,” he offered. “I just washed my sheets, you can take my bed. I’ll sleep in Brian’s.”
“Are you sure?” you asked softly.
Wonpil nodded silently. Apparently, he was back to doing that again.
You reached up and patted his cheek, beaming over at him. “You’re a stand-up guy, did you know that?”
Wonpil felt his cheek start to burn, and he smiled back at you shyly before he turned you around and started guiding you back outside.
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Thankfully, you weren’t so drunk that you needed help getting ready for bed or anything. Wonpil would have done it, of course, but he would have been extremely embarrassed and awkward about it.
As it was, he had given you one of his t-shirts to wear as pajamas and fled the room to one of the bathrooms down the hall.
“Wow, your bed is comfy,” you murmured after flopping onto it and nestling your face in his pillow.
Wonpil had just returned to the room and slipped into Brian’s bed -- one far less comfortable than his own, but he wouldn’t point that out to you.
“Thanks,” he replied, though... it seemed kind of a weird thing to be thanking you for, but... oh, well.
“No, thank you for letting me sleep here,” you said with a yawn. “I know it wasn’t the best decision for me to say ‘yes’ to a guy I don’t really know, but... I don’t know. You don’t seem like other guys.”
Wonpil wasn’t quite sure how to take that. Sometimes when a girl said something like that, it was a precursor to a Friend Zone. Other times it meant they thought the guy was weird -- and not in a good way.
Actually, Wonpil was well aware that he was pretty weird. He just liked to think it was a quirky and endearing kind of weird. Not a gross and creepy kind of weird.
“What do you mean?” he asked softly.
He heard you rustling around, and when you spoke again, your voice was clearer -- you’d obviously turned over to face him. “I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but... you seem like you’re... pure. Like, legitimately a pure cinnamon roll. A sweet little kitten I just want to put in my pocket and take care of forever.”
...Wonpil still wasn’t quite sure how to take that.
“I like that,” you continued. “Most of the guys I’ve met at this school are... well, like the guy from the party. Not my type at all. You just seem different.”
Okay, Wonpil was pretty sure he liked that. If the guys here weren’t your type at all, but he was different... that probably meant he was your type. Right?
“Well, Brian, too. But he’s off-limits.”
You just had to go and say that, didn’t you?
“Well, anyway. Thank you,” you said sleepily. “See you in the morning.”
Wonpil hummed softly before replying, “Yeah. See you.”
Except he knew he probably wasn’t going to get a lot of sleep. Being in the same room as the person you’ve been crushing on for months would do that to you.
And, what do ya know?! He was right.
After tossing and turning and meditating and staring at the ceiling and daydreaming for hours, Wonpil gave up and decided to just get out of bed before you had the chance to wake.
He got dressed quickly, filling up a cup of water and setting it on his nightstand with a couple of headache pills for you to take, and then he headed out to the nearest dining hall for breakfast. 
His plan was to stay out until you’d left; if he was still in the room when you woke up with a hangover -- even a slight one -- how awkward would that be? Plus, he didn’t want you to change your mind about the waiting for you outside of your final exam on Monday thing, and for some reason, he thought you would do just that if you woke up and saw him there.
It didn’t really make sense, but he was already loading up a plate with eggs and toast, so there was no turning back now.
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Wonpil had spent the rest of the weekend at his keyboard with his headphones on, wanting to avoid talking to Brian about the events of the party and afterward. He hadn’t seen you on Saturday morning as planned, and Brian hadn’t come back to the dorm until the afternoon.
He had figured his roommate would annoy and tease him like crazy about everything -- hence the headphones.
But even when he’d stopped practicing his music to go eat or get ready for bed, Brian hadn’t said anything about you. So... maybe he hadn’t heard anything?
Actually, the first time Wonpil had heard anything about you was when you’d texted him on Sunday night about your final the next day. 
You’d explained that Brian’s girlfriend had given you his number, and you’d even apologized in case that was super creepy.
It wasn’t, of course. 
But, anyway. You’d asked if he was still up for meeting you after your final and assured him it was more than completely understandable if he didn’t want to. It was kind of a weird request, after all.
It wasn’t, of course.
I mean, not coming from you.
If some random stranger passing by on the street asked him to pretend to be his or her boyfriend, he would definitely think twice about it.
But you?
You’d told him when and where he needed to meet you, and he’d replied back that he would definitely be there. No hesitation whatsoever.
And, so, here he was. Standing outside of the Biology building, a few minutes before the end of your exam. Waiting to pretend to be your boyfriend.
Totally normal.
He paced around a little, reaching up to ruffle and fix the hair hanging over his forehead -- if he was going to be your boyfriend, he certainly wanted to look the part. And when the front door of the building opened, he stood up straight, raising his eyebrows as he watched for you.
As soon as he saw you file out behind a few other students, he lifted one hand and waved at you, his lips spreading into a soft grin.
When you made eye contact with him, you clutched the straps of your backpack, returned his grin, and headed right to him. You shifted your eyes to the side and slightly tilted your head back as you walked, signaling to Wonpil that the bothersome Biology guy was walking behind you.
So, Wonpil smiled wider, letting his true feelings about being excited to see you (and see you walking toward him, no less) take over.
“Hey,” you greeted when you finally approached him, tilting your head up to gaze at him adoringly.
And Wonpil just couldn’t help himself. He reached out and pulled you into a tight hug, his heart leaping into his throat when he felt you press your face into the crook of his neck.
When the guy you’d been discreetly gesturing to passed the two of you, Wonpil heard him mutter a very impolite word -- one that could only be directed at you.
Wonpil’s brow furrowed, and he pulled away from you. There was no way he could let that slide.
“Excuse me?” Wonpil said, tilting his head in confusion.
Bothersome Biology Guy paused and glanced over his shoulder. “Huh?” 
“I just heard you call my a girlfriend a -- well, I’m not going to repeat it.”
“...No, I didn’t.”
Before the guy had a chance to keep walking, Wonpil said, “Yes, you did. Are you just saying that because she wouldn’t go out with you? Because she has a boyfriend?”
Just as the guy let out a somewhat frustrated sigh, Wonpil felt you gently grab his elbow. You whispered, “You don’t have to do this,” but he pretended like you hadn’t.
The guy finally turned around to face Wonpil, and he replied with, “She didn’t tell me she had a boyfriend, okay?”
Wonpil frowned. “And that’s the only reason you should’ve stopped asking her out?”
“If she had a boyfriend, she should have just said so!” the guy retorted.
“No, that’s really none of your business,” Wonpil continued. “She said all she needed to say to you to get you to stop bothering her: No. A girl shouldn’t have to give a reason for not wanting to go out with someone, and you shouldn’t feel obligated to know why she said ‘no.’ It only matters that she did say ‘no,’ and any guy who doesn’t understand that is part of the reason why women are scared to walk alone anywhere.”
The guy sputtered and stammered, but Wonpil took your hand and turned to walk away before he could actually say anything.
“Whoa,” you chuckled in amazement once the two of you got far enough away from Bothersome Biology Guy. “That was amazing.”
It was also amazing that you couldn’t hear how quickly and loudly Wonpil’s heart was beating inside his chest.
“Well, it wasn’t okay that he said that about you. And it wasn’t okay he doesn’t think ‘No’ is enough.”
“You’re right,” you replied, squeezing his hand -- and it had taken until now for Wonpil to realize you were still holding his hand. You hadn’t let go even though the two of you couldn’t even see the Biology building anymore.
“My tactic was just to ignore him, though,” you continued. “I think yours was much more effective.”
“Let’s hope so,” Wonpil said with a soft sigh.
“So, where are we eating lunch? My treat, your choice,” you reminded him.
Wonpil bit the inside of his cheek briefly before glancing over at you. “Pizza?”
You beamed at him before lifting your free hand and resting it over your heart. “No wonder you’re my boyfriend,” you said with a dreamy sigh. “We have the same taste in lunch.”
Unsurprisingly, Wonpil’s cheeks warmed, his mouth curved into a wide grin, and he just barely held back a delighted giggle at your words.
You squeezed his hand again before telling him your absolute favorite pizza parlor was pretty close by, just off the edge of campus. Wonpil, of course, agreed to going there, and you picked up the pace just a little bit as you began to lead him there.
And you still didn’t let go of his hand.
You talked the rest of the way to the restaurant about nothing in particular, though as soon as the two of you sat down at a table, you raised your eyebrows over at him and said, “Thank you, by the way. Really. For what you said to him.”
A shy smile immediately tugged at the corners of Wonpil’s lips, and he lifted his shoulders slightly. “Oh, no, it -- it was nothing.”
You shook your head. “It wasn’t nothing to me. Honestly, more guys need to think the way you do.” You frowned in thought, but then you jerked back a little as if you had suddenly remembered something. “Oh, yeah! And thank you for leaving the headache medicine on your nightstand on Saturday morning. I waited a little to see if you would come back, but after a while, it felt too creepy to just sit in your room all by myself.”
Wonpil couldn’t help but chuckle softly at that, and you smiled back at him in return.
Oh, god, he’d always wondered what it would feel like to sit across from you at a restaurant. To see you smile at him like that. His hand was still tingling from when you’d held it the whole walk here, and he was so tempted to reach over and hold your hand again.
But he wouldn’t. Because he was no longer pretending to be your boyfriend.
...Maybe he would ask you if there were any other guys you wanted to get rid of so he could pretend to be your boyfriend again.
That would be kind of weird to ask, though, right? I mean, it was completely fine if you brought it up, but... it would be a little pushy if he did. Right?
“So, what kind of pizza do you want?” you asked, interrupting his thoughts and making him jump slightly in his seat.
“Oh! Um...” Wonpil quickly opened his menu and perused the choices, trying to get the idea of being your fake boyfriend out of his head.
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Technically, Wonpil had been able to get the idea of being your fake boyfriend out of his head as the two of you talked and laughed over pepperoni pizza.
But... the fake boyfriend thoughts had just been replaced by real boyfriend thoughts because your lunch had felt awfully like a date. A real date.
Wonpil knew you were friendly and affectionate and talkative, so he very well could have been imagining (or hoping) it, but he kind of got the vibe that you were flirting with him? You certainly giggled at his joke attempts more than anyone ever had before, and Brian had once told him that when a girl laughs at all of your jokes, there’s a good chance she’s into you.
So, after you paid the check and you both made your way out of the restaurant... Wonpil decided he was going to ask you out. For real.
Obviously, he hoped you would say ‘yes’ because if you said ‘no’... that was it. He would never -- could never, in good conscience -- try to ask you out again after you’d told him ‘no.’
“Man, that was delicious,” you enthused once you stepped outside. “Good call on getting pizza.”
Wonpil forced a smile onto his lips (though, to be fair, he didn’t have to fully force one -- just looking at you was enough to make him smile) and replied, “Thank you for treating me.”
“Oh, come on, it was the least I could do to take my fake boyfriend on a fake date,” you chuckled, gently nudging his side with your elbow.
You then turned to walk back to campus, and Wonpil followed along, his brow furrowing slightly.
“Actually... could --” He paused to gulp down the lump of nerves in his throat. “Would it be all right if... we went on a real date?”
Your head jerked back a little in surprise, and you paused. Wonpil stopped short just behind you, but before you could say anything, he felt the word vomit coming up.
“I promise you I won’t ask you again if you say ‘no,’ and I didn’t pretend to be your boyfriend just so I could ask you out, I swear it. I’ve liked you for a really long time, I just got so tongue-tied around you that I could never actually talk to you. Please, don’t feel obligated to say ‘yes.’ I totally understand if you say ‘no’ -- I’m sure the last thing you want is yet another guy asking you out, I can’t imagine how --”
“You’ve liked me for a really long time?” you interrupted, your brow furrowed. You’d turned to face him as he’d rambled on, and you were now gazing at him with a very curious expression.
Wonpil stopped talking immediately, pressing his lips together and reverting back to his former perpetual state around you -- nodding silently.
Except now he discovered he wasn’t so silent.
“You’re... kind of the whole reason I went to that party,” he told you. “Brian told me you would be there, and I... just wanted to see you. But I wasn’t stalking you or anything, honest. I really was just going to get a refill and then you were there with that guy in the kitchen, and you saw me --”
You reached out and put a hand on his forearm to stop him, chuckling softly as your eyes danced with amusement.
“I believe you,” you said. “And I hope you believe me when I tell you this is the first time in a long time that a guy has asked me out and I haven’t wanted to roll my eyes or just run in the other direction.”
...That was a good sign, right?
“I know I was a little tipsy on Friday night,” you continued. “But I meant what I said. You’re not like any other guy I’ve ever met... in a good way. And sitting across from you for almost an hour, I realized how cute you are.”
That was definitely a good sign!
Wonpil watched as you slid your hand down his arm, as your fingers grasped his and then laced between them. He stared at your hand holding his, his gaze unfocused and unmoving even when you said, “I would love to go out with you. For real.”
“Really?” he asked quietly. He had to make sure he’d heard correctly, and your acceptance hadn’t just been a figment of his imagination.
You didn’t answer right away, and Wonpil was just about to tear his gaze away from your joined hands when he felt you move closer. He heard your shoes scuffling on the sidewalk, and then --
You quickly pressed your lips to his cheek.
“Really,” you confirmed in a soft voice. “Just don’t go thinking it’ll end the way the night of the party ended. I’m not sleeping in your bed, you got that?”
Wonpil’s eyes widened and he snapped his gaze up to meet yours. “N--no, no, of course not, I --”
Your lips spread into a luminous grin, and you squeezed his hand playfully. “I’m messing with you,” you laughed. “I mean, I’m not going to end up sleeping in your bed after our date, but I knew you weren’t expecting anything like that. You slept in the same room as a girl who’d had a little too much to drink, and you didn’t even stay in the room when I changed into my pajamas. That tells me everything I need to know about what kind of guy you are, Wonpil. ...Well, that and the fact you told that guy from my Biology class what’s what. I know I’ve said it already, but that really was amazing. To be honest...  As you were telling him off, I did kind of think to myself that I wished you were actually my boyfriend --”
You had just interrupted Wonpil by reaching out and touching his arm, and now it was his turn to interrupt you. Except he did it by letting go of your hand and wrapping his arms around you to pull you into a hug.
He squeezed your shoulders, burying his nose in your sweet-smelling hair and grinning a cheesy grin when he felt your hands clutch the back of his shirt.
He had been waiting so long to hug you like this -- honestly, he’d thought he would never get the chance. After over a year of crushing on you from afar, he’d basically given up hope that anything would ever happen between you two.
So, to be standing here hugging you? After you’d just accepted his offer of a date? And told him he was really cute and really amazing for standing up to Bothersome Biology Guy?
He almost wanted to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
But... even if he was dreaming right now... he certainly didn’t want to wake up.
“So,” you said just before pulling away from him. You took his hand almost immediately, though, and started walking toward campus again. “What do you want to do? When? Where? Finals are officially over, so the world is basically our oyster, huh? We can do whatever, whenever, wherever! Are you taking a summer class? I hope so because I am, and if you are then we can see each other a lot --”
Yeah, if this was a dream, there was no way Wonpil was going to wake himself up. But he knew it wasn’t a dream because even in his dreams, being with you hadn’t been this wonderful. His heart hadn’t been this warm.
If you had asked him earlier today, he would have said the last year of having a crush on you, being nervous around you, keeping his feelings a secret (to everyone but Brian) -- it had been unpleasant, to be quite honest.
But now that he knew what being with you really felt like -- that it was even better than he’d imagined it would be -- he would’ve waited another year for you. More, even.
He would’ve waited a whole lifetime for you.
And now that he had you? He kind of had a feeling he was never going to let go.
Other Signs: Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
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drabblesofrapture · 3 years
The Empress’s Pawn (Superhero AU)
Hey kiddos, been awhile since we’ve posted. Anyway have yet another scene from our superhero au lol. -Mod Dusty
CW: prison setting, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, manipulation, betrayal
The hallway seemed to stretch out infinitely before Roxanne. From above her came the constant buzz from the harshly glowing lights, a sound that invaded each thought that raced through her mind. Off-white brick walls stared down at her from either side, occasionally interrupted by doors or another hallway branching off from this one. The numerous branching paths made the whole place seem like a maze; a design choice intentionally made to confuse any possible intruders or escapees, making it easy for them to become lost and later captured by the guard patrol. While Jeff’s facility overall was very impressive, the prison block where Roxanne now found herself in had to be her least favorite place within its walls.
The thud of her boots echoed loudly down the corridor as she walked, her cape billowing behind her. One arm clutched a folder full of documents tightly to her chest while the other was raised to her face to wipe a bit of sweat away from around the edges of her mask. It felt rather silly to have to wear her suit around the facility, especially when it caused her inconveniences; such as her cape becoming caught in doors or getting snagged on various things. In hindsight, maybe the cape wasn’t a great idea for her new hero persona. Wardrobe malfunctions aside, bearing with it was far better than risking the exposure of her identity. 
She kept her pace quick, her footsteps keeping a steady beat. Her gaze was locked dead ahead of her, not even giving a second glance to the few guards and staff members whom she passed along the way. Their waves and friendly greetings went unexpectedly unanswered, leading to many raised eyebrows and double takes. She stopped for nothing. Two guards stood in the middle of the hallway casually talking to each other and she briskly stepped around them without missing a beat. No hellos, no wishing anyone a wonderful day, she just kept walking. She had places to be today.
After a series of twists and turns down the labyrinthine complex of corridors and a lengthy security checkpoint, Roxanne eventually came before a huge steel door with a sign above it which read “MAXIMUM SECURITY CELL BLOCK.” On either side of the door were guards carrying heavy assault rifles and dressed in high-tech suits of armor; armor modeled directly after the former Hero Killer’s suit. They both snapped to attention as she approached, most likely former henchmen of her father. She simply held up a hand to put them at ease and pulled out her keycard to insert in the reader on the door’s right side. A pneumatic hiss emitted from the door as it suddenly lurched open an inch before slowly sliding the rest of the way open. She waited for the door to open completely and for the guards to give her the go-ahead before she finally stepped through. 
The cell block was a long hall with a high, arched ceiling. The walls were lined with -you guessed it- cells! In lieu of the traditional metal bars, the cell doors were made of reinforced plexiglass, allowing the villains imprisoned within to be fully visible to the guards. Many of the prisoners leered at Roxanne as she passed, getting right up against the glass and making obscene gestures at her and shouting their usual empty threats. 
Like everyone else, she completely ignored them. Occasionally she’d shoot them the cold glare her father had taught her -that would usually shut them up immediately- but not today. She kept walking until she reached the end of the hall where she came before another large steel door. This door was much bigger and thicker than the first door, resembling that of a vault door. Six guards stood in front of this door, all wearing the same high tech armor as the guards at the entrance to the cell block. However, these guards had been outfitted with advanced rifles specially designed for super powered individuals, all sporting the trademark Collinsworth logo. As Roxanne approached, all six guards moved to block her path.
The first guard held out his hand towards her. “You’re not authorized past this point, Ms. Witch.”
“Dude, it’s Mrs. Witch now!” another guard corrected. “Didn’t you know she got married to that Angel guy recently?”
“Gary, what have I said about your mouth and keeping it shut?” The first guard scolded, turning around to shoot what Roxanne assumed to be a scathing look at his comrade. She couldn’t really tell because of the helmets.
Gary cast his gaze at the floor and let his arms hang dejectedly at his sides. The guard next to him patted his shoulder consolingly.
“Like I said, you can’t be here.”
Roxanne stared indifferently at him as she fished around in the folder she was holding. With a flourish, she pulled a document out of it and presented it to the guard standing before her. “I am here to interrogate the prisoner on authorization of my father, the King.” she stated in a professional tone.
The guard snatched the document away from her. He clicked the visor on his helmet open so he could scrutinize the document more clearly, eyes landing on the King’s forged signature at the bottom.
“Alright,” he said, closing his visor and handing the document back to Roxanne. “It checks out, head on in. Just be careful in there kid.”
The guard motioned to the guard closest to the door who proceeded to input a code on the keypad next to it. A red light above the door began to flash and there was a loud buzz, followed by the sound of metal sliding against metal as several huge locks were unlocked. The latch was undone next, and the door slowly slid open in a dramatic fashion. Roxanne waited until the door was fully open before going in, but even then she found herself hesitating. Her hands tightened into fists, crushing the cardboard folder underneath her fingertips. Mustering her courage, she took a deep breath and marched through the doorway. Once she was in, she tried not to jump when she heard the door slam shut behind her and all the locks clicked back into place. She was alone now.
The room was essentially a concrete cube, where in the center stood another cube made of glass tinted so heavily that it could not be seen through. There were cameras in every corner of the room, all pointed at the glass cube in the center. The cube had a control console on the side facing the door. Steeling herself with another deep breath, Roxanne strode toward the console, setting the crumpled folder on the dash. She pressed a button on the console which caused the tint of the glass to lighten until it was once again transparent. The glass cube was actually another cell. Inside was a cot, a toilet, a sink complete with a vanity, a small desk with a chair, and a bookshelf. A tall, slim woman sat hunched over on the cot, her face obscured by her long, blonde hair, now matted and ratty by weeks of improper care. Pale blue eyes stared up at Roxanne through tangled strands. Chapped lips pulled back into a sinisterly sweet smile.
“Hello darling,” she cooed. “Come to pay your dear old auntie a visit?”
“Adelaide,” Roxanne said bluntly. “You’re looking well.”
Adelaide just hummed, clutching a split end between her thumb and forefinger and holding it up to eye level before letting it fall limply across her chest. “I’ve looked better. The conditions of this place are absolutely dreadful.”
“Not up to your ostentatiously high standards, hm?” Roxanne asked, tilting her head to the side.
“No, not at all,” Adelaide replied, scowling at the hero. She suddenly stood up from her cot and strode over to the vanity at the end of her cell, studying the reflection of herself and Roxanne in the mirror. “My offer is still open, you know. If you can break me out of this place, that is.”
“Oh? You mean the offer to sell my life away to you as your servant for eternity?”
“Oh darling, must you always think so little of me,” Adelaide sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. She turned around and began walking to the window. “The offer to rule Rapture by my side.” Her smile widened and she clenched her fist, shaking it as she spoke. “I’ve taught you so well that the two of us working together would be unstoppable! Think of what you could do with that power! Your friends have made powerful enemies, you could make sure those malefactors never harm them ever again.”
Roxanne was silent for a moment. Adelaide’s smug grin strengthened as she saw the gears turning in the girl’s head. However, a smile began to spread across Roxanne’s face and she raised a hand to her mouth as she started giggling. She soon lost control and was doubled over laughing, both arms holding her stomach as she struggled to regain composure. Adelaide’s nostrils flared as the sneer dropped from her face, her eye twitching slightly at the pure disrespect being thrown at her. 
“You must be joking auntie!” Roxanne managed to squeak out as she wiped a tear from her eye, a couple more giggles escaping her lips. “I remember how inspired I used to get whenever you gave me those grand speeches. Pandering to all my hopes and dreams, manipulating me. It’s quite amusing how easily I used to fall for that.”
“I haven’t the slightest clue of what you mean darling,” Adelaide said, feigning ignorance.
“Sure.” Roxanne turned away from her, crossing her arms and peering at her from over her shoulder. “That’s all you do: manipulate others.You promise them fantastic things so long as they can do something for you, and once their purpose has been used up, you cast them aside.” She turned her back on her completely now. “There’s not a single person in your life that you haven’t done it to. The heroes you face, your henchmen, father-” she threw a piercing gaze at Adelaide “-even me.” 
“Well…” Adelaide paused for a moment, raising a hand to her chin. She let out a short sigh. “Yes, I have manipulated others. How else do you think all my henchmen have remained so loyal to me?”
“Well, most of them,” Roxanne interrupted with a smirk.
Her eyes narrowed. “Yes, most of them.”
“The point is,” Adelaide continued, “manipulation is the only way I’ve managed to survive all these years by myself. It’s the only way you can get anywhere in this ugly world; someone very close to me taught me that a long time ago.” She moved closer to the glass, gently pressing her hand against it. Her other hand brushed the hair away from her face to show Roxanne her caring expression. “But I would never do such an awful thing to you.”
Roxanne raised an eyebrow at her, turning again so that she was once again facing her. “I have only ever wanted to protect you from all the cruelness that runs rampant in the world. I took you under my wing, I taught you how to control your powers and furthermore how to use them. I taught you everything I know so that the things that happened to me will never happen to you.” Their eyes locked. “Do you know why I did all that, darling? Do you know why I want to protect you?”
The girl moved closer to the glass as well. “Why?”
“Because we’re the same,” Adelaide said, smiling sweetly at her. “Both of us were betrayed by someone close to us and then abandoned. Your own mother left you to waste away in that orphanage, much like how my husband left me to rot in a ditch.” She tilted her head. “I’ve always loved you Roxanne, you’re like a daughter to me.”
There was a long pause between the two. Roxanne stood there, her expression unreadable for a moment. Slowly, she raised her hand to the glass, placing it exactly where Adelaide’s was. There was a lump in her throat, and her lip began to tremble as her eyes started to well up with tears. Her whole arm tensed like she was struggling to hold herself up. Adelaide had to hide her smugness as she watched the poor girl melt like putty in her hands.
“Is that so?” Roxanne seethed, her brow furrowing. She pushed herself away from the glass, taking a step back from the cell. She breathed in, swallowing the lump in her throat. She tilted her head down and gave Adelaide a furious, yet determined glare. “Is that why you threatened to kill me if my father did not comply with your wishes? Is that what you call love?”
Adelaide looked as if she had just been struck in the face. Her eyes wide and her mouth agape as her hand limply fell away from the glass. She took a step back in shock. “I-”
“That’s right, father told me all about your little game,” she said. “You probably used me as leverage against Angel as well, hm?”
“You never really cared about me, did you auntie?” she continued, cutting her off. She had waited so long for this moment; all the anger, all the hurt, all the betrayal coming to a boiling point inside of her. She wouldn’t let herself be interrupted now, she would get this out in the open right now. “You didn’t teach me how to hone my powers so that I could protect myself, you just wanted to weaponize me. You thought that since we have the same powers, then we’d have the same weaknesses as well; weaknesses that you planned to exploit should the need arise.” Her shoulders started to relax, focusing all the anger in her body into her voice, making every word drip with venom. “That’s not love. You never loved me.” She crossed her arms, glaring straight into the villain’s soul. “All these years, I was just another pawn to you, is that right?”
Adelaide’s jaw was practically touching the floor now. Her already pale skin seemed to become whiter still and she took another step back. She brought her hand to her mouth to close it and kept it there for a beat. She closed her eyes, and her countenance suddenly began to change. A smile grew across her face as a malicious laugh began to rise up from her chest. Her eyes shot back up to Roxanne, fixing her with an icy stare. 
“Oh darling… of course you were.” The facade was gone now, her true evil beginning to shine forth. She strode back to the glass window, hips swaying from side to side. “Of course you were!” she laughed. “You really thought I ever gave a damn about an insignificant little mortal cur like you? You were always a means to an end for me.” She tapped a finger against her cheek. “Although, originally the plan was for you to help me take over Rapture. Unfortunately, that idiot Malcolm had to get involved so I had to change the plan; change your purpose.”
Roxanne was completely taken aback. She had already found out that these had been Adelaide’s true intentions, she just didn’t think that she would be so upfront about it. Perhaps there was even a part of her that wanted to still believe that Adelaide truly cared for her, that even treating her as a tool was just another facade.
“I’d say that I’m surprised that it took you this long to find out, but I’m not really. You always were a naive little girl,” Adelaide scoffed, placing her hands on her hips and shifting her weight into one leg. “No matter how hard I tried, I never could train the stupidity out of you.”
The girl flinched as Adelaide threw her head back, letting loose another maniacal laugh. “Honestly, you’re almost as dumb as that little devil girl! All your moronic blabbering over the years, rambling about how you and your ‘daddy’ are going to change the world! And now you run around with your little boy-toy playing hero like a couple of children!”
“He is not my boy-toy,” Roxanne snapped.
Another laugh. “Oh that’s right! He’s your husband now, isn’t he? Honestly darling, you could do so much better.” She chuckled, waving a hand at Roxanne as she started walking the perimeter of the cell. “At least he’s smarter than you, he knew better than to meddle in my affairs.”
She finished her lap of the cell while Roxanne sat in stunned silence, finally coming to a stop in front of her once more. “That’s all besides the point though. You’ll never be able to change the world, no matter who you pair yourself with and especially not by yourself. You’re not a hero, you’re nothing.”
Roxanne could’ve sworn that her heart stopped beating. She couldn’t feel it, she couldn’t feel anything right now. Her body just felt hollow, like her heart had just been completely scooped out and stomped on. 
“You betrayed me,” she said softly, trying to keep her voice from shaking.”
“Betrayed you?!” Adelaide guffawed. “Darling, betrayal only works if it’s by someone you love.”
“...I did love you,” Roxanne sniffed, looking down at the cold, concrete floor. “Or at least I thought I did, and I thought you did too…”
“That was your own mistake,” Adelaide snorted derisively. She crossed her arms behind her back and began to pace. “You want to know what I always hated most about you?”
The lump was back, throbbing up inside Roxanne’s throat.
“The way you insisted on calling me auntie,” She shivered, her face scrunching up in disgust. “That always made my skin crawl. And to think that I even said you were like a daughter to me just a couple minutes ago.” Her index finger stuck out to point at her open mouth as she mocked a gagging noise. “It was so difficult to make that sound convincing. You’re just so desperate for a family, aren’t you? I suppose it makes sense, a little runt like you being abandoned at birth.”
She couldn’t swallow the lump, it was too big. She bit her lip to keep it from trembling. Hold it in, she had to hold it in.
  “That’s why you cling to Malcolm so tightly, calling him ‘daddy’ and father. Well let me tell you something.” She walked over to the glass wall again, pressing her body against it. “I am not your auntie, and Malcolm is not your father; he never was, and he never will be.”
She bit down harder. Her lip was bleeding now. Don’t cry, please don’t cry. Not now, not in front of her. Please-
“You’re more of a pet to him really,” Adelaide went on. “A pet to him and a tool to me. That’s all you’ve ever been. And now I assume you’ll continue your sick little found family fantasy with that boy-toy of yours too, hm?” A vicious sneer was painted on her face as she watched the little girl trembling before her slowly break down.
Roxane sniffed a couple times, letting out a long, shaky exhale.
“Awww, did I hurt your feelings, darling,” she purred maliciously.
“No,” she replied after a long pause. It was a lie, but she wasn’t going to let Adelaide have the last laugh in this. “I’m just sad that you’ve become such a bitter old woman.”
Immediately, her countenance became twisted with rage. “What did you say?”
“You heard me,” Roxanne said, managing to fake a soft, derisive laugh. “You never got your happily ever after. You thought you were at the top of the world, that you could rule everything, but now the mighty Empress has been defeated.” She forced a cocky grin. “You had a husband, a family, but you lost it all. You’re mad that I have everything that you never had.” She took a few steps towards the cell, leaning in to make eye contact with the now infuriated villain. “He left you to rot in a ditch, and now I -the only person who has ever cared for you- will leave you to rot in this cell.”
Adelaide’s brow furrowed, pale blue eyes flaring with rage. “You little-”
“I’ve come up with a new name for you too, something far better than auntie,” she added. “I quite like the ring of ‘miserable old hag,’ don’t you?” She let out a small giggle. “Goodbye, darling.”
Adelaide opened her mouth to scream at Roxanne, but she quickly slapped the button on the console to shut the intercom off. She then quickly slammed her fist on the other button, causing the glass to darken until Adelaide was no longer visible through it. She was alone again, alone in this big, empty room.
She stood there for a few moments, hand still resting on the console. The taste of blood coming from her lip finally hit her, causing her to slowly raise a hand to her mouth to wipe it away. Adelaide’s words came back to her, echoing loudly in her mind, invading every corner of her head. It pounded in her ears until she couldn’t take it. The lump came back once more and she tried to bite her lip again to hold it back but quickly had to let go, wincing from the pain. There was no holding it back now. Despair spread to every space in her body, filling her with a cold and empty feeling. It sapped her strength completely, causing her to double over and her legs to buckle underneath the weight of her body and sorrow. She fell to her knees as heavy, violent sobs wracked her frame. Tears streamed freely down her face like rivers, smearing the eyeshadow she used to fill in the empty spaces between her eyes and mask. She buried her face in her hands as she tried in vain to muffled her wails. Her body leaned against the console, trying to keep herself from falling to the floor. 
She was so lost in her own sorrow that she didn’t even notice when the door opened behind her so that the guards could check on them. Their inquiries on what had happened didn’t even register in her mind. She barely even recognized Malcolm and Johnathan when they eventually arrived to escort her from the cell, continuing to cry the entire way. 
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levyfiles · 4 years
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Last week the @skepticbeliever-bookclub prompted us to post a selection of our favourite shyan fics so there’d be a nice little way to highlight all the hidden gems of favourites we might already recognise and love while sharing a few we might never have found otherwise. Last December I posted a little list of some of my favourites so I figured I’d dust off that list with a few new additions of particular favourites I treasure. 
Be All My Sins Remembered by spoopyy
Summary:  In every lifetime, they find each other.
Review: This fic manages to take you on a long journey through what feels like a series of AUs and they all weave in and out of the wealth of their relationship with some vivid descriptions of the historical settings their journey takes them through. As someone who grew up reading Anne Rice’s epics through historical events, this fic is right up my alley. A vampire Shane passing through the wave of human society’s climb searching for a reincarnated Ryan again and again, trying to hold on to him and keep him through great tragedies and timeframes that just don’t let them be together. This was one of the first fics I read when I was only a lurker and to be quite honest, I need to give this one a nice re-read, maybe for the book club which would be loads of fun. Either way, 10/10. Would be Hurt in the heart again.
Perfect Fit by @beaniegara
Summary:  There’s a legend that says anyone able to take all of statue Shane’s cock will summon the god to the mortal realm. Given the statue’s excessive size, no one has ever succeeded to prove or disprove the story. Until Ryan that is.
Review: Listen. You wanna talk actual fandom legends. This fic is one of them and it pulls out all the stops on being delicious and evocative. Also features one of my favourite incarnations of size queen bergara. Good stuff and you’re really rooting for Ryan in this lol.
a prize for rotten judgement  by sarcasticfishes
Summary: “You’d drive each other crazy. You sit together at your office all day, and then you’d be commuting home together, eating dinner together, watching TV together, going to bed — well, not together, but you get it, right?”
It doesn’t sound so awful to Shane. There are worse people he could be spending all his hours with than Ryan Bergara.
Review: The moment I happened to glance at the notes of this and saw that Fie’s secondary title for this would have been Ryan and Shane move to the Suburbs, I about lost it with excitement. Primarily because the show this references is one of my favourite comedies and that is one of my all-time favourite episodes. Let me tell you though, even if the reference is lost on you, this story is so much gold rolled into a heart-gripping tale of two best friends who spend every waking moment together taking the plunge to share a home and they were roommates oh my god they were roommates. Shane is pining and you’ll pine right along with him as you’ll yell and holler for him to stop being so damn real and full of doubt. It really is worth every gasp of pain and all the more for the execution but the delivery will leave you in delight. Certainly had me yelling at the author. This fic is gonna be one of my timeless favourites; I knew it the moment I began.
Everything’s Weird and We’re Always in Danger by beethechange
Summary: Ryan perches on the edge of the bed, an indistinct shape that Shane can only just make out in the dark, so he turns the lamp back on. He wants to see Ryan’s face, wants to know that he is alright. Ryan’s cheeks are damp, his hands fisted in the hideous flowered duvet.
“It won’t go away,” Ryan says miserably. “I’ve been like this since we got here, basically, and it won’t fucking—”
“Ah,” Shane says. “Well, you know, sometimes fear…adrenaline…they can affect people. Physically.” He waves his hands indistinctly crotchward. “It’s a, a scientifically known phenomenon.” Shane feels a little better staying in the realm of scientifically known phenomena.
Review: Word of advice. You see a fic is authored by beethechange, run don’t walk because you’re absolutely always going to be treated to the best of banter, the best of prose, chemistry, organic execution and feels right up the bottom end of your heart. This fic, this changed everything I thought I knew I wanted out of a bed-sharing fic. It’s got a little bit of two treats here. You got a sex-pollen-esque situation mixed with bed-sharing and holy fucking damn that is more than you think you deserve, but read this because you do deserve the best of the best. The build up, the dialogue, the surprisingly hilarity of it, the hotness woah, and The Aftermath. When you think you know what you’re in for, you’re wrong and you’re most pleasantly surprised. Get this fic in your life and honestly? while you’re at it, you could do a clean sweep of every fic in her list of works and while my less than adequate reading time management may still be short on some of her most well-recommended pieces, I have an adamant faith that Bee doesn’t disappoint. Go get y’all juice.
Maelstrom by thewindupbird
Summary:  Here’s the thing about driving halfway across the country to see someone. You can’t really deny, after that, that you’re pretty much head over heels for them.
Review: Listen. One morning on a day off, I just laid in bed and read this– all 40k+ words– while lying there clutching my pillows, hurting and loving every moment of it. The descriptions of Americana, the slow steady metronome rhythm of Ryan’s feelings as frightened and helpless as they feel when you’re relating deeply to them juxtaposed with the deep-seated struggle of understanding what it is to be with someone you love so much but your mental health is burning quiet holes in your ability to express it in a way that can be understand. Ryan’s fierce determination, breaking through the silence of their non communication is really Everything to me in this fic. i think I really left my heart in the scene in Shane’s parents kitchen. That finished me. Read this fic and understand the deep relief you get when you’ve finished a fight with someone you fiercely care about and they understand you and you understand them and it’s OK; it’s gonna be all right. Augh.
5 times Shane had to overrule Ryan’s “No Homo” + 1 time he didn’t have to by ghoulboyboos
Summary: There was only one thing that would truly drive him up the wall with Ryan, much more than any debate about ghosts ever could: Ryan’s consistent twitches of “no homo” when any sort of physical contract between them happened.
Review: I have such a soft special spot in my heart for this fic particularly because Lud manages to examine a trope I tend to avoid in such a sweet and honest way I couldn’t not love this fic. The story takes a painstaking and very real look at the “no homo” issue as it weaved through the journey that was early days Ryan and Shane. Shane’s reaction to in this and how he communicates with Ryan has such a very heartfelt and once again, real quality to it. I get in my feelings all over again about how far they’ve come and what it meant for Ryan to have Shane there. Lud really nails this piece and it’s a classic in my eyes.
A Burial on Box Hill by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: The Celtics believed that the yew flower symbolized both immortality and death. Meanwhile, for centuries, the buxus flower was seen as a symbol for safe passage into the afterlife.
Or,Shane and Ryan were never the same after investigating the Black Forest of Germany alone.
Review: Let me just quote my bookmark comment here. Usually I flee from tragedy like a cat spotting a cucumber but the brevity and the prose dragged me in and now I’m a functioning mess. Bless this fic. Oh my god it’s short and reads like one of those quick horror stories you’ll read to your friends just as the scary stories are transitioning from the urban legends to the ones that feel real. Big warning for main character death but still read it if you appreciate a good story told.
Body Farming by shiphitsthefan
Summary: Failed suppressants and a surprise heat: the worst of cliches, and here Ryan stands, living the trope on location with the alpha he’s hopelessly in love with. Even worse, they’re spending the night in the famous Bell Witch Cave, completely alone and with no way to contact the outside world.
Ryan knows he can survive and keep his preheat a secret, as long as Shane will stop being so protective and concerned. After all, it’s not like Shane wants to bond with him.
Review: Now judging from the reactions of many people I’ve spoken to, big heavy ABO kink is not popular here but guys, GUYS. This one. Let this one in I promise it is not what you think it is. The dynamic is organic and the worst side of the trope is subverted in all the best ways and lord help us, the smut is hot, like swelteringly smoking. It’ll stay with you.
Believer by cellard00rs
Summary:  Some demons and otherworldly creatures love climbing up the power ladder. Shane is not one of these. He likes where he is (thank you very much) and has no interest in moving up. All he wants is to give his friend Ryan a nice birthday gift. So, naturally, everything goes to hell.
Review: This fic is another fandom legend. When I think demon!Shane. It’s this and one other one that always pops right into my mind. This was my first exposure to the bureaucracy meets the supernatural!Shane trope and I was sold from the get-go. The Shane in this fic is everything I imagine a demon!Shane is and his ginger care for Ryan, the concept of their bond and how even though Shane is a demon and responsible for keeping the supernatural a firm secret from Ryan and the rest of the world, his skepticism is relayed through his status as a demon. I want to talk more about it but I think so much of the enjoyment comes from the surprises as the plot unfurls.
hey boy, take a look at me by weakspots
Summary: Ryan is 27, for Christ’s sake, and he’s not exactly hideous, so there’s really no reason to spend his money on a dude — a dude — whose face he’ll never see but whose livestreams he’s been jerking off to for roughly 4 months now. He should be going out and partying and fucking random chicks. Or a guy, whatever, just to get it out of his system and confirm to himself that he really is 100% straight.
Because he is. This is morbid curiosity, if anything.
Review: I’ve been a long-time fan of this universe and it was a universe I didn’t know I needed until this author gave it to us. We or rather me, a desperate audience, just devoured this with every update. Not only is it hot, but it has the delicious intrigue of secret identity, anonymous stuff and a LOT of blush-worthy prose therein. This version of Shane makes me thrive but the titillating nature of straight-identifying!Ryan being bowled over by the turn of events that leads him to his world tilting into the gravity of a camboy just--you Have to read this one!
Heartbeat by quackers
Summary:  So the guy Ryan sits next to at work is a vampire. That’s no big deal, right?
Review: I could talk your literal ear off about this fic. Vampires, man. I love the trope; you don’t know me as a person if you don’t know this at least. And this fic kept me fed all damn year. It was a readable garden. If there is one thing I can guarantee about quackers’ work, it’s that their world-building is a festival of detail. The realms and alternate universes they work with while still managing to keep Shane and Ryan’s voices so familiar and real is a talent not attributed to your everyday author. This fic propelled me into wanting to write more and more because quackers makes stories so much fun! Reading their work is, to me, not unlike the feeling I got when I was younger and finding series that speak to my need to escape this crummy existence, made me want to believe in fun spicy things like a vampire that lived through centuries, cynical but still searching, navigating a world where people are still people, adjusting to differences and prejudices, finding comfort in a guy that understands that and more. I’ve talked about this fic in more than a few different posts so I’d just be reiterating a lot of things I loved about the more historical aspects of Shane’s journey, the way Ryan is so firmly curious and inventive in ways to connect with Shane. Look, even if vampires aren’t your thing, I can promise that if you visit quackers list of work, you will find something for your supernatural-lovin’ palate that speaks to a gentler side of your own curiosity about monsters and the jocks that love them. lol.
I’ll Crawl Home by carrieonfighting
Summary:  “Shane was almost unnerved by how quickly he’d settled into this body, this name, this life - his friendship with Ryan was the most time he’d spent with any human before, and yet the man fascinated him.”
Review: This is the second fic I think of when someone says the words ‘demon!Shane’ to me because ohhhh my word, this fic is a masterpiece. I really am hard-pressed to find anything better than the feeling I get when I think of demon!Shane headcanons interwoven with the irl Buzzfeed reality and the idea of the Ryan as we know him being protected and watched and loved so deeply by a demon that found him so long ago and wanted nothing but to protect him. I feel an almost vicious glee reliving that moment when Ryan and Shane are on goatman’s bridge and man, I just really love canonical fic mixed with a slight twist. The writing in this makes it work so well with lines that still haunt my heart and soul like “Ryan liked popcorn. So did the demon. Genuinely, not just out of a desire to please the human – he liked the way it crunched between his vessel’s teeth. There were some aspects of taking a corporeal form that were… nice; laughing, coffee, feeling warm. Ryan made him laugh.” FUCK! The beautiful agony of it, watching the demon fall in love with Ryan through the eyes of his vessel. Just stark with pain and unspoken, well-written angst and pain with a perfect ending, I wouldn’t change for anything. I love this for us as a fandom and will always love that author crafted this piece and shared it with us. (Also every time I hear Work Song by Hozier, I think of this fic again and sigh).
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padme-parker · 4 years
Collide / Chapter 1
[a Star Wars x Avengers crossover]
Summary: With the fate of the universe lying in your hands, you are sent on a mission to a galaxy far, far away.
Warnings: none (I think)
Word Count: ~3k
A/N: The readers ‘superhero’ name is Star btw, so I hope that clears up any possible confusion (there will be a backstory/flashback later as to how she got that name). This is the first series I’ve ever written, so there's gonna be some major plot holes and shit that doesn’t make sense!! I’ve been trying to work through the kinks and make it seems as logical as possible. Sorry and Thanks for reading :) xx 
also I didn’t really proof reader so sorry if there like,,, a lot of mistakes
image is from the 100! (but this isn’t strictly about the 100 !)
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“and I scream from the top of my lungs, what’s going on?” -4 Non Blondes
You sat down on the couch with a huff, Tony had taken the remote away from you after you decided to replay Revenge of the Sith for the 100th time. It was the team bonding movie night, occurring every friday. Peter and you were more than eager to rewatch it, however the team was not so ecstatic about it.
As soon as Tony saw your eyes light up, he immediately knew what you were thinking of, “And don’t even think of asking FRIDAY to play it for you.” You let out another huff, deciding to leave so you could have some time to yourself.
“Star, where are you going!?” He paused the show, as he and the others turned to you.
“Well, since you took away my joy, Mr. Stank, I’ve decided to ogle Anakin Skywalker in the comfort of my own room.” You could hear the snickers let out by the team as Tony muttered under his breath, unpausing the show as the theme for Sense8 started to play.
As you entered your room, you took no notice towards the figure in the corner. You were just about to flop down onto your heavenly bed before you were interrupted.
“Miss L/N.” You let out a scream as you turned to the figure. Quickly unholstering your weapon, you pointed it at the figure, finger guns ready to shoot if needed. “Cut the crap L/N, and put the ‘gun’ away.”
“Damn Fury, I could’ve been changing! What the hell.” You gave him an incredulous look
“Oh you’re funny, but we all know that you don’t give a damn if someone sees you half or fully naked. Not that I’d want to, cause frankly I don’t.” Your eyes widened with shock, mouth falling open, “Nevermind that, I’m not here for chitchat. I have a mission for you that requires your focus to be….elsewhere.”
“Elsewhere..? EYe- sir it’s the 21st century, not the 18th century.”
“Yes, well regarding the place you’re going to, our timelines won’t be explicitly the same.” You gave him a questioning look, he continued, “Tell me young L/N, have you ever heard of the force?” Oh at this point he must’ve been tickling your pickle, I mean what kind of joke is he playing at?
“Yes, of course I have! It’s a fictional power from a fictional movie!” Opting out on the ‘DUH!’ at the end just in case Fury decided he wasn’t in the mood to play games anymore.
“Wrong, agent L/N. You’re absolutely wrong.” At this point you were seated on your bed, hands clasped together and placed on your lap. “In fact, where do you think you got your powers from?” Oh shit, maybe you should’ve thought about the fact that you could move things with your mind before saying that the force was fake.
“I don’t understand, even if what you’re implying is remotely correct, it would be impossible! There’s also no way I could even go back to the past to change it” Before you could utter another word, Director Fury motion for you to stand up.
“Come with me agent L/N, you have much to learn.” He said as he directed both of you out of your room. Soon you found yourself in front of the doors to the meeting room. Walking in, you noticed there had already been files laid out across the table. “Take a seat, L/N. I’ve got a lot of explaining to do.”
“First things first,” I’m the realest, HA! I’m funny, good one y/n.  “The force is real, it’s essentially what gives you your telekinetic powers. Second, because of Doctor Strange, it has come to my attention that the fate of the universe lies in your hands.”
“Wait, what? Why me? Is it because I’m a huge Star Wars fan..? I mean come on! What about Peter, he likes Star Wars too!!”
“Cause I said so, and no, Peter is too young.” Yeah, but apparently old enough to be watching a show with the team that contains nudity, but then again he is 18. Poor kid would just blush at the thought of sex.
“Okay, but even if I did agree to doing this, wouldn’t it be too late for me to at least try to solve anything?” There were a million thoughts and questions running through your mind.
“Time runs at a slower pace in our universe than it does in theirs. If our calculations are correct, we are currently in the Revenge of the Sith timeline.”
“But I thought it was, ‘A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…’ not the present..” you rebutled
“Ah, yes. We contacted Mr. Lucas himself. Turns out he too is force sensitive, and gifted with foresight. That’s why he wrote the books and comics, along with creating the movies. He did it so he would never forget about where he’d come from, but it also served as a warning. When he first had visions of the downfall of the Jedi Order, he fled. Using a bridge that connected Coruscant to our Earth. That’s how he, and many other force sensitive beings like you, can inhabit the earth.” He explained.
“That still doesn’t answer my question, how-”
Fury interrupted you before continuing, “Right, like I said, time runs slower here than it does in their universe. While time in his universe runs faster. Before he left, Qui Gon Jinn hadn’t been born yet. He’d left their universe when he was merely 22, about the same age as you. At the age of 32, he’d already released A New Hope. On Earth, he ages slower. Had he stayed within his universe, he would’ve been dead way before you were born.”
All this new information was giving you a headache. “Hold on, you mentioned a bridge.. What exactly is it?”
“Well agent L/N, the bridge is located in the middle of Antarctica, precisely the south pole in an underground ice cave. The bridge can either be used to summon other beings or to travel to different planets. It just so happens that we have one here on Earth. How? We have no idea, but we’re working on it.”
At this point, you were confused and wouldn’t be able to comprehend any new information if he gave any. Noticing the distant look on your face, Fury dismissed you.
“I’ll give you the night to think about it, but remember, the fate of the universe lies in your hands, Y/N. We don’t have much time to waste.”
You sat on your bed, hands raking through your hair. Hours ago you were so excited to rewatch your favorite movie, and now you were about to be thrown into that universe. You didn’t know whether to be elated or terrified. Fury said that there were other force sensitive beings on Earth, so why would they choose you? Surely there was someone stronger than you that they could send. But then again this meant that you would be seeing THE Anakin Skywalker.
You looked at the files again to get a better grasp of the mission. Join the Jedi Order. Befriend Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Senator Amidala. Eradicate the Titan race. Hold on, they wanted you to kill a whole race of creatures. If you couldn’t kill a fly, then there was no way you’d be able to off a whole race.
You decided to shoot Peter a text, asking him to come to your room. It didn’t take long before you heard a knock on your door. You responded with its open and Peter came into your room, flopping down onto your bed right next to you.
“What’s up buttercup?” You scrunched up your face. Ew, save it for MJ. Speaking of MJ, you wondered how the two of them were doing. However, you chose not to say anything and instead focus on the situation.
“Okay Pete, I’m going to tell you something and you absolutely CANNOT repeat it to anyone else. Not even Ned.” You paused, waiting for him to nod before continuing, “So like after Mr. Stark so rudely interrupted our rewatch of Star Wars, I went to my room to watch it myself. And then one thing led to another and nowi’mgonnabetravelingacrosstheuniverseandplayingjediwithTHEANAKINSKYWALKERandofcoursedaddywankenobibutFurywantsmetokillawholeraceofbeingsbecausethefateoftheuniverseliesinmyhandsnow.” You turned to Peter hoping his advanced hearing allowed him to understand what you just said, but instead you just received a flabbergasted look from him. “ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ᵐᵉ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᶦ ʲᵘˢᵗ ˢᵃᶦᵈ…” You waited a few seconds expecting that he would catch on eventually, alas he didn’t. You began to repeat yourself, only this time slower.
“...so you're telling me that the force exists and i got stuck with a FREAKING radioactive spider bite??” Dear god, this boy was going to be the death of you.
“Peter, that’s not the point!” You said, trying to get back to the subject, “The point is that by tomorrow I’ll be in a whole other universe, that up until today, didn’t exist to us. This is supposed to be fictional dude, and now it’s becoming my reality! OUR reality! What if I get impaled by a lightsaber? I’m only 20, I can’t die!! Or worse, what if Anakin doesn’t like me?” The severity of the situation was just now hitting you, so many things could go wrong on this mission, but the whole universe was counting on you. The weight of the world began to crush you and breathing became hard. Falling to the floor, you laid in a fetal position, arms clutching your knees.
From the corner of your eye you could see Peter's arm reaching out to touch your shoulder, “Hey, star, you're okay. You’re gonna be okay. C’mon sit up and take a deep breath with me.” Carefully, Peter hoisted you up. You sat criss cross applesauce on the floor, parallel to Peter. Following the breathing exercise, you felt yourself calming down.
“Thank you, y’know you didn’t have to do that. But I appreciate it, a lot.” You knew you weren’t getting a wink of sleep tonight, so you asked Peter if he could stay for the night, which he agreed to. The two of you spent the night talking about the most random things, and before you knew it, the sun had already risen.
Noticing that it was morning, you offered to make some breakfast for the both of you. However as you got up to move, FRIDAY interrupted you, “Miss Y/N, Director Fury requests your presence in the meeting room.” Letting out a loud groan, you told FRIDAY that you would be down soon.
“Well Peter, it looks like I’ll have to make you breakfast once I get back.” You gave him a quick nod before making your way to the meeting room.
“I trust that you spent the night thinking about the mission, agent L/N. So, what have you decided?”
You cleared your throat before responding, “One last question, then you’ll have my answer.” Fury briefly nodded, signaling for you to continue, “Of all places within our universe, why there? Titan is within our solar system, wouldn’t it make sense for the avengers to travel there and just..” holding up a two finger gun to your head, you pretend to shoot yourself and die, “y’know? I mean it would save us a lot more time.”
“Well to put it simply, they have technology far more advanced than ours, we need a special weapon in order to carry out the mission.” You hoped that Fury wasn’t referring to THE weapon. If you went, that would mean you’d be forever changing the timeline, and there’d be no way to fix it. But if you didn’t go, Anakin would fulfill his prophecy, he would live the life of a liar, traitor, and puppet. You wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself for letting Anakin suffer.
“Fine, I’m in. When do I leave.”
The flight to Antarctica was long and boring, you would’ve slept but your nerves kept you up. But as you felt the jet land, you couldn’t have been more relieved. You were finally back on land. You could kiss the ice if you wanted to, but chose not to. Who knows what kind of ancient bacteria is lurking.
The entrance to the cave was surrounded by many agents. Although it was quite literally in the middle of nowhere, security was still a top priority. Entering the cave, you clutched the fluffy jacket that was wrapped around your body. You walked in silence, admiring the cave until the agents stopped in front of a hatch.
“This is as far as we can go. Climb down the ladder and follow the path, Fury will be waiting for you.” One of the agents informed you, as the other bent down to open the hatch. Well, here goes nothing.
The first thing you noticed was the change of temperature. Above the hatch, it was freezing, but below it was warmer. Warm enough that you broke out in a slight sweat, but not warm enough to melt the ice. The second thing you noticed was how well lit the passage was, which surprised you. There were lights hanging onto the wall. Hmm, there’s no way they could be solar powered, it's too far underground. They must be powered by the bridge.
You followed the passage, noticing a slight hum that grew louder with every turn you took. Soon, you found yourself in front of a door, a faint green hue escaping from under it. You slowly pushed the door open. The sight in front of your very eyes had you mesmerized. The bridge itself was made of a stone like matter, hovering above the ground. Walking closer to it, you took note of it’s spiral pattern and engravings.
“Welcome agent L/N.” Fury’s loud voice startled you out of your trance.
“The symbols, what do they mean?” You asked
“Well, we're not entirely quite sure what they mean. But we do know that it’s a language of sorts. You see, if you tap the symbols in a specific order, you can travel to a different world or summon a person.” Fury turned to you, handing you a necklace. “It’s a communication, tracking, and code device, all in one. Use it when you need to communicate vital information to us. All the codes you need are in the device, but be weary of using them, any only summon one of us if absolutely needed. It also includes mission details, like the time on Earth and a countdown. If you're not back the day the countdown is done, we will come find you.” He demonstrated how to use the device, pressing a button to bring up Coruscant’s code.
“Now, exactly how does this work ?” You pondered
“It relies on the energy being emitted from the bridge. For it to work, it’s essential that you stay on a planet with a bridge. If not, we won’t be able to track or help you if needed.”
Not another word was uttered as you went to remove your jacket. The black long sleeve shirt along with the black jeans and combat boots you were wearing was going to make you stick out like a sore thumb in the Jedi Temple. Reaching for the device around your throat, you pressed the button. You took a deep breath before touching the first symbol. A warmth began in you, starting from your core, expanding to the tips of your fingers. With each symbol you touched, the vibration of the hum increased. You continued to touch the symbols needed, pausing slightly before touching the last one.
“What now? Do I jus-” There was now a chill in the room, your hair lightly swayed. A small swirl of green mist appeared from behind the bridge, expanding until it filled nearly half of the room. “Do i just walk in..?” Fury nodded. You took hesitant steps towards it, your heart beating louder with each step. Before you fully engulfed yourself into the mist, you turned towards Fury, “If I don’t come back, tell-”
“You’re going to come back. You have to. The avengers, human race, and every inhabitant of the universe is counting on it.” Letting out a shaky breath, you nodded before stepping into the mist.
The further you went in, the less you could feel Fury’s burning stare on the back of your head. As it became weaker, you began to see a concrete wall. You reached out to stabilize yourself, it felt as though you were being kicked out of the bridge. The mist dissipated the second you stepped out of it. Hugging the wall, you look around the concrete room, noticing a heavy look door in front of you. With all your might, you pushed the door open. You began to sluggishly walk down a corridor, tripping over your own feet every couple of seconds. Damn, I really should’ve slept. All of your energy had left your body, and now it felt like you were going crazy as you began to hear a voice in your head.
Who are you? That voice, it sounded so familiar. Too focused on trying to figure out who the voice belonged to, you failed to notice the Jedi running up behind you. It was the ignition of a saber that made you freeze, followed by, “Stop right there! Turn around and face us sith!” Oh, so apparently you were a sith now. You raised your arms up slowly, showing that you weren’t a danger to them. Fully turning around, you were mesmerized to find who was in front of you. Or more like, the crowd in front of you. Your eyes scanned through the familiar faces until you locked eyes with him. His eyes followed your every move, his gaze strong and hard.
“Anakin…” You whispered, your knees buckled, sending you to the ground. Your eyes fluttered close, the exhaustion taking a toll on you. Before you could fully fall asleep, you heard the voice softly respond,
It’s you.
read ch 2 here
omg yall I feel like this sucked ass, I rushed the last couple of paragraphs cause I just really wanted to publish this. I’ll probably come back in the future to edit/rewrite it once I get some stuff sorted out. as of rn I'm thinking of doing a love triangle but idk. Also please tell me how you feel about the title,,, I’m stuck between ‘Borrowed Time’ and ‘Clash’, I only went with the former cause it seemed fitting but I also really like the name ‘Clash’. lmk what you think !!!
106 notes · View notes
Welllp These Are Books: the February 2021 Edition
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Most of my last month was spent on deadline and waiting for people to respond to my emails, which meant I did not have the time (or energy) to write much of anything, but had plenty of time to read, quite frankly, an absurd number of books. Some of which were very good, some of which were very cheesy, and some of which I have now told multiple people was quite possibly the worst book I have ever read. As always, though, what are my opinions if I am not sharing them with the internet? Ridiculous headlines, links, and those aforementioned opinions under the cut. As always, part two, feel free to send me any and all recommendations. It cannot possibly be worse than this one book. Seriously, you’ll understand in a second.
Quite Possibly the First Book I’ve Gone Out of My Way to Buy On Release Day Since Breaking Dawn, Which Says a lot About Me. As a Person.
A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas
Nesta Archeron has always been prickly-proud, swift to anger, and slow to forgive. And ever since being forced into the Cauldron and becoming High Fae against her will, she's struggled to find a place for herself within the strange, deadly world she inhabits. Worse, she can't seem to move past the horrors of the war with Hybern and all she lost in it.
The one person who ignites her temper more than any other is Cassian, the battle-scarred warrior whose position in Rhysand and Feyre's Night Court keeps him constantly in Nesta's orbit. But her temper isn't the only thing Cassian ignites. The fire between them is undeniable, and only burns hotter as they are forced into close quarters with each other.
Meanwhile, the treacherous human queens who returned to the Continent during the last war have forged a dangerous new alliance, threatening the fragile peace that has settled over the realms. And the key to halting them might very well rely on Cassian and Nesta facing their haunting pasts.
Against the sweeping backdrop of a world seared by war and plagued with uncertainty, Nesta and Cassian battle monsters from within and without as they search for acceptance-and healing-in each other's arms.
I’m not kidding when I tell you that I was counting the days until this came out. I was kind of indifferent to Nesta after the original ACOTAR books, but intrigued enough that I was like, I need to read this, and then I did read this and now I care quite a lot about Nesta. And how in love with Cassian she is. And vice versa. Because, let’s be honest, dude is in l o v e. There were some parts of the story I was not super into — namely, Ferye having to die in childbirth. Like, you’re telling me Cassian could have his guts hanging out at one point and we don’t know how to do a c-section? Nah, that ain’t it. Also, pregnancy as a storyline is not always my favorite thing, but more on that in a second. Also, also, here’s a bunch more words about ACOSF.
A “Huh, So That Happened” Sort of Ending. Which Was Disappointing.
A Vow So Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer
Emberfall is crumbling fast, torn between those who believe Rhen is the rightful prince and those who are eager to begin a new era under Grey, the true heir. Grey has agreed to wait two months before attacking Emberfall, and in that time, Rhen has turned away from everyone--even Harper, as she desperately tries to help him find a path to peace.
Fight the battle, save the kingdom. Meanwhile, Lia Mara struggles to rule Syhl Shallow with a gentler hand than her mother. But after enjoying decades of peace once magic was driven out of their lands, some of her subjects are angry Lia Mara has an enchanted prince and a magical scraver by her side. As Grey's deadline draws nearer, Lia Mara questions if she can be the queen her country needs.
As the two kingdoms come closer to conflict, loyalties are tested, love is threatened, and an old enemy resurfaces who could destroy them all, in this stunning conclusion to bestselling author Brigid Kemmerer's Cursebreaker series.
I loved the first book in this series. Absolutely adored it. So much so that I pretty quickly got the second one and read it. Enjoyed that on its own, but like I said in that one ask, I’m fairly certain A Curse So Dark and Lonely could have very easily been a standalone story. Should have been a standalone story? There was just SO MUCH going on here, and not nearly enough of it was resolved. Plot points just hung by the end of the trilogy, I was not ever entirely convinced Rhen and Harper were actually in love, let alone liked each other, and I thought Rhen got the very short end of an exceptionally cracked stick by the time the whole story wrapped up. Really, I think this  tried to do too much in not enough time and there should probably be another book. Also Lia Mara getting pregnant was dumb. There I said it.
Free Books On Amazon Unlimited That Were Better Than Expected, But Also Read Like Fic
The Bargainer Series by Laura Thalassa
Everyone knows that if you need a favor, you go to the Bargainer to make it happen. He’s a man who can get you anything you want … at a price. And everyone knows that sooner or later he always collects.
Callypso Lillis is a siren with a very big problem, one that stretches up her arm and far into her past. For the last seven years she’s been collecting a bracelet of black beads up her wrist, magical IOUs for favors she’s received. Only death or repayment will fulfill the obligations. Only then will the beads disappear.
But for one of his clients, he’s never asked for repayment. Not until now. When Callie finds the fae king of the night in her room, a grin on his lips and a twinkle in his eye, she knows things are about to change. At first it’s just a chaste kiss—a single bead’s worth—and a promise for more.
For the Bargainer, it’s more than just a matter of rekindling an old romance. Something is happening in the Otherworld. Fae warriors are going missing one by one. Only the women are returned, each in a glass casket, a child clutched to their breast. And then there are the whispers among the slaves, whispers of an evil that’s been awoken.
If the Bargainer has any hope to save his people, he’ll need the help of the siren he spurned long ago. Only, his foe has a taste for exotic creatures, and Callie just happens to be one.
No one is going to be able to convince me this wasn’t ACOTAR fan fic. I don’t care about timing or dates, or whatever. The similarities just...did not stop. In all three books, even. There were three books in this series, by the way. Most of which I really enjoyed. I read them all in like four days of email waiting, so they must have been doing something right. Des was a good love interest and I really liked the flashbacks in the first book. Also Callie didn’t super annoy me. That being said, whoever edited this book. Oof. Some of the prose was so goddamn cringe, I literally lol’ed. Right out loud. Every now and then it was like we had to be reminded that Des was a BAD GUY ™ but it felt very Edward “I’m a killer, Bella” Cullen, and Callie’s internal monologue was occasionally hysterical. Not in a good way. Also Temper was the worst. She was so annoying. Every time she talked, I was like, oh, her again. The first book was the best one.
Fix Her Up by Tessa Bailey
Georgette Castle’s family runs the best home renovation business in town, but she picked balloons instead of blueprints and they haven’t taken her seriously since. Frankly, she’s over it. Georgie loves planning children’s birthday parties and making people laugh, just not at her own expense. She’s determined to fix herself up into a Woman of the World... whatever that means.
Phase one: new framework for her business (a website from this decade, perhaps?)
Phase two: a gut-reno on her wardrobe (fyi, leggings are pants.)
Phase three: updates to her exterior (do people still wax?)
Phase four: put herself on the market (and stop crushing on Travis Ford!)
Travis Ford was major league baseball’s hottest rookie when an injury ended his career. Now he’s flipping houses to keep busy and trying to forget his glory days. But he can’t even cross the street without someone recapping his greatest hits. Or making a joke about his… bat. And then there's Georgie, his best friend’s sister, who is not a kid anymore. When she proposes a wild scheme—that they pretend to date, to shock her family and help him land a new job—he agrees. What’s the harm? It’s not like it’s real. But the girl Travis used to tease is now a funny, full-of-life woman and there’s nothing fake about how much he wants her...
Living her best life means facing the truth: Georgie hasn’t been on a date since, well, ever. Nobody’s asking the town clown out for a night of hot sex, that’s for sure. Maybe if people think she’s having a steamy love affair, they’ll acknowledge she’s not just the “little sister” who paints faces for a living. And who better to help demolish that image than the resident sports star and tabloid favorite.
Legit, I saw the description for this and I was like—did I write this? Kind of. (Shameless plug to read my own rom com, it also has baseball and pining) It didn’t matter, I loved it. Seriously, it hit all my rom com boxes: childhood friends, best friend’s sister, coming back home under duress, FAKE DATING and, let’s be honest, I am not immune to the use of “baby girl” as an endearment. Every time Travis called Georgie “baby girl” I was like, oh, ok, this is cool. It was cool! I only have two quips. One, that the fake dating didn’t last a little longer. The pacing of the story felt very quick, but that’s also this genre’s style. So I kind of get it. And two, that it happened in Port Jefferson, which is a town in Suffolk County that I have not only been to, but have spent significant time in. Meaning I could picture every single thing, knew exactly where they were and have used the exit on the Northern State Parkway that the final moments of the book took place at. The Port Jeff girls basketball team won a Long Island championship last weekend. In real life, not the book.
In Which Spinoffs Continue to be my Kryptonite. Especially Well-Written Ones
Mistletoe and Mr. Right by Sarah Morgenthaler
Lana Montgomery is everything the quirky small town of Moose Springs, Alaska can't stand: a rich socialite with dreams of changing things for the better. But Lana's determined to prove that she belongs...even if it means trading her stilettos for snow boots and tracking one of the town's hairiest Christmas mysteries: the Santa Moose, an antlered Grinch hell-bent on destroying every bit of holiday cheer (and tinsel) it can sink its teeth into.
And really...how hard could it be?
The last few years have been tough on Rick Harding, and it's not getting any easier now that his dream girl's back in town. When Lana accidentally tranquilizes him instead of the Santa Moose, it's clear she needs help, fast...and this could be his chance to finally catch her eye. It's an all-out Christmas war, but if they can nab that darn moose before it destroys the town, Rick and Lana might finally find a place where they both belong...together.
I mentioned The Tourist Attraction in my January list, and this is the second in the Moose Springs trio. And it’s so good! I wish people were all as nice to Lana as Rick was. It’s what she deserved! More small-town antics, more kissing, another moose. This one was just as cute as the original book, especially because it brought back original characters and Zoey and Graham were so goddamn adorable as a committed couple I genuinely feared for the state of my teeth.
Enjoy the View by Sarah Morgenthaler
Former Hollywood darling River Lane's acting career is tanking fast. Determined to start fresh behind the camera, she agrees to film a documentary about the picturesque small town of Moose Springs, Alaska. The assignment should have been easy, but the quirky locals want nothing to do with River. Well, too bad: River's going to make this film and prove herself, no matter what it takes.
Or what (literal) mountain she has to climb.
Easton Lockett may be a gentle giant, but he knows a thing or two about survival. If he can keep everyone in line, he should be able to get River and her crew up and down Mount Veil in one piece. Turns out that's a big if. The wildlife's wilder than usual, the camera crew's determined to wander off a cliff, and the gorgeous actress is fearless. Falling for River only makes Easton's job tougher, but there's only so long he can hold out against her brilliant smile. When bad weather strikes, putting everyone at risk, it'll take all of Easton's skill to get them back home safely...and convince River she should stay in his arms for good.
Wrapping up the Moose Springs trio, this one might have been my least favorite, but that’s not really saying much. Since I loved them all pretty equally. River and Easton’s banter was grade-A, top-notch, which is a one-way ticket to my reading-heart. Maybe part of the problem (I say problem like there really was one) was that most of the story took place on a mountain. I kind of wanted more small-town shenanigans, and updates on the condos and the state of the town and Graham being mayor. Still, this was very cute. I swooned multiple times. I’ll probably read anything Sarah Morgenthaler writes from here on out.
Seriously, What Is YA? Does Anyone Know?
The Beautiful by Renee Ahdieh
In 1872, New Orleans is a city ruled by the dead. But to   seventeen-year-old Celine Rousseau, New Orleans is a safe haven after   she's forced to flee her life as a dressmaker in Paris. Taken in by the sisters of the Ursuline convent in the middle of the carnival season,   Celine is quickly enraptured by the vibrant city, from its music to its fancy soirées and even its danger. She becomes embroiled in the city's glitzy underworld, known as La Cour des Lions, after catching the eye of  the group's enigmatic leader, Sébastien Saint Germain.
When the body of one of the girls from the convent is found in Sébastien's own lair--the second dead girl to turn up in recent weeks--Celine battles her attraction to Sébastien and suspicions about his guilt along with the shame of her own horrible secret.
After a third murder, New  Orleans becomes gripped by the terror of a serial killer on the  loose--one who has now set Celine in his sights. As the murderer stalks  her, Celine finally takes matters into her own hands, only to find  herself caught in the midst of an age-old feud between the darkest  creatures of the night, where the price of forbidden love is her life.
Like I said last month, I put a hold on pretty much everything Renee Ahdieh had written in my library. And this was just as good as the last series I read. Her world building is just—chef’s kiss, gorgeous. I dream of writing this airy, magical way, that makes you feel like you’re in New Orleans. That being said, I do not know what kid is reading this because apparently this is YA and I had to read every single word to figure out what was going on. Now, I know there are two more books in the series, but this one felt like a lot of set up and I spent most of it being like...will this make sense eventually? It did, but only during a very rushed climax of final few chapters. The sequel isn’t available on Kindle at the library, and I haven’t bought it yet. So, that’s probably kind of telling.
In Which You Cannot Always Depend On Old Favorites
No Judgments by Meg Cabot
When a massive hurricane severs all power and cell service to Little Bridge Island—as well as its connection to the mainland—twenty-five-year-old Bree Beckham isn’t worried . . . at first. She’s already escaped one storm—her emotionally abusive ex—so a hurricane seems like it will be a piece of cake.
But animal-loving Bree does become alarmed when she realizes how many islanders have been cut off from their beloved pets. Now it’s up to her to save as many of Little Bridge’s cats and dogs as she can . . . but to do so, she’s going to need help—help she has no choice but to accept from her boss’s sexy nephew, Drew Hartwell, the Mermaid Café’s most notorious heartbreaker.
But when Bree starts falling for Drew, just as Little Bridge’s power is restored and her penitent ex shows up, she has to ask herself if her island fling was only a result of the stormy weather, or if it could last during clear skies too.
I love Meg Cabot. That should be stated upfront and at the very beginning because for a very long time I have claimed that being Meg Cabot was my dream job. I’ve read pretty much every book Meg Cabot has ever written and was fairly certain I’d be into these once I did read them. Only I was...not. Not really. Everything in this book happened so quickly, I felt like I was the one in the hurricane. People were kissing and then they were having sex and there was a storm and pets and then—it was over? The pacing was all over the place, I had no idea why Drew and Bree liked each other, some guy kicked a dog at one point?? It was weird. Which leads us to—
No Offense by Meg Cabot
A broken engagement only gave Molly Montgomery additional incentive to follow her dream job from the Colorado Rockies to the Florida Keys. Now, as Little Bridge Island Public Library’s head of children’s services, Molly hopes the messiest thing in her life will be her sticky-note covered desk. But fate—in the form of a newborn left in the restroom—has other ideas. So does the sheriff who comes to investigate the “abandonment”.  When John Hartwell folds all six-feet-three of himself into a tiny chair and insists that whoever left the baby is a criminal, Molly begs to differ and asks what he’s doing about the Island’s real crime wave (if thefts of items from homes that have been left unlocked could be called that). Not the best of starts, but the man’s arrogance is almost as distracting as his blue eyes. Almost…
John would be pretty irritated if one of his deputies had a desk as disorderly as Molly’s. Good thing she doesn’t work for him, considering how attracted he is to her. Molly’s lilting librarian voice makes even the saltiest remarks go down sweeter, which is bad as long as she’s a witness but might be good once the case is solved—provided he hasn’t gotten on her last nerve by then. Recently divorced, John has been having trouble adjusting to single life as well as single parenthood. But something in Molly’s beautiful smile gives John hope that his old life on Little Bridge might suddenly hold new promise—if only they can get over their differences.
This isn’t a sequel SEQUEL, but another one of those “exists in the same universe,” or same town, as it were, and it was better than No Judgments. Molly and John actually had a few legitimate conversations before they started kissing. The conflict was still weird and sort of forced, this was not Meg’s usual banter (I fell like I can call her Meg at this point, y’know?) and, again, the ending just felt like it...happened. I don’t know guys, maybe I should just reread The Boy Is Back. Or that quasi Persephone-Hades series. It’s been awhile. On that one, at least. I read The Boy Is Back like six months ago.
Fight or Flight by Samantha Young
The universe is conspiring against Ava Breevort. As if flying back to   Phoenix to bury a childhood friend wasn't hell enough, a cloud of   volcanic ash traveling from overseas delayed her flight back home to   Boston. Her last ditch attempt to salvage the trip was thwarted by an   arrogant Scotsman, Caleb Scott, who steals a first class seat out from   under her. Then over the course of their journey home, their antagonism somehow lands them in bed for the steamiest layover Ava's ever had. And  that's all it was--until Caleb shows up on her doorstep. 
When pure chance pulls Ava back into Caleb's orbit, he proposes they enjoy their physical connection while he's stranded in Boston. Ava agrees, knowing her heart's in no danger since a) she barely likes Caleb and b) his existence in her life is temporary. Not long thereafter Ava realizes she's made a terrible error because as it turns out Caleb Scott isn't quite so unlikeable after all. When his stay in Boston becomes permanent, Ava must decide whether to fight her feelings for him or give into them. But even if she does decide to risk her heart on Caleb, there is no guarantee her stubborn Scot will want to risk his heart on her...
When I tell you guys that this was the worst book I have read in recent memory, I am not kidding. Might actually be the worst book I have ever read. Bar none. And that’s saying something because one time I had to read Ender’s Game in college and that, like, physically pained me. This was awful. Awful people. Awful plot. Awful resolution. AWFUL. Where to start? Well, I’m not going to apologize for spoilers, because God help us all, do not read this book. Ava has been through so many horrible things in her life it was like someone was trying to set a record. Bad parents, cheating ex-boyfriend, dead former best friend who was former because of the cheating ex-boyfriend. Naturally, this made her a control freak because—of course, or something. And Caleb! Oh my God, fucking Caleb Scott. The dickwad. I’ve never rooted for anyone to not get the girl more. When Ava “broke up” with him (they were never really together) I might have cheered. Shitty things does not give you an excuse to be a dick, and Caleb was a dick. Seriously, he started crying about how his ex-fiance KILLED THEIR BABY and I was like—this cannot possibly be a real book. It was! With lots of abortion opinions out of FUCKING nowhere, and weird possessive behavior from, like, every dude in it. Both Ava AND her best friend (not the dead one, a different one) got assaulted at one point. I kept reading solely because I was desperate to see how they rationalized Ava and Caleb getting back together at the end and they didn’t. He showed up on her flight when her boss came up with a fake work trip so he could sit next to her on the plane. What? WHAT?? It was so dumb. So bad. I can’t believe I read it. 
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
Hi I saw you were doing bnha x readers, I was wondering if you could do a bakugo x reader where they go one their first date or one where bakusquad tried to set them up cause they both like eachother please fluff and IDC of it's smut or not
Phase 2
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"Bakubro, you're already 25. Don't you think you should go for a serious relationship by now?" Kirishima asked the explosive hero infront of him, who only glared at the hardening hero. "You don't get to tell me what to do shitty hair! My goal is to be the number 1 hero. Not play house." Bakugou barked at Kirishima, making Kirishima sigh. The two of them were good friends since their UA days and while Bakugou was more matured than he was back then, that explosive attitude surely didn't change at all. "What about after being the number 1 hero? Do you even have any plans for then? Bro, right now, fighting and having random hookups may sound nice but in the long term, when you’ll have to retire at some point, you're gonna regret wasting away your life just for one goal." Kirishima tried to reason. "Shut your trap, shitty hair. I don't do love or any sappy bullshit like that." Bakugou grumbled, taking a sip of the beer in his hand. "Unless it's (Y/N)... Too bad that she friendzoned me to oblivion..." Bakugou thought internally. At the moment, Bakugou, Kirishima and Kaminari were in a bar after a long day of hero work to catch up. Bakugou still hung out with the infamous Bakusquad every once in a while, though he usually hung out mostly with Kirishima or you. "Bakubro? Are you scared of the responsibility that comes with relationships? Didn't take you to be the one to be scared of something like that... Even I had the courage to get Kyoka with me." Kaminari teased Bakugou on que. "HAH? I'M NOT SCARED OF ANYTHING DUNCE FACE! FUCKING THROW A RELATIONSHIP AT ME AND SEE HOW I HANDLE THAT SHIT!" Bakugou barked at Kaminari. To that, Kirishima and Kaminari fistbumped behind their backs as their plan was going perfectly.
In a completely different bar, you were sitting with Mina and Sero, sipping the (Drink/N) in your hand. "So, (Y/N)! When are you gonna bag a hot guy into your clutches? My married ass can't see you single for any longer and I am itching to play cupid at this point." Mina elbowed you with a smile. "Sero's single too. Why don't you bother him?" you scoffed in answer, gulping your drink. "Hot guy my ass... The hot guy I like is an egoistical bastard..." you thought internally. "Actually, I'm not single? I kinda started dating a colleague last month..." Sero countered your statement bashfully. "Seeee? You're the only one between us who's single. THAT NEEDS TO CHANGE!" Mina slammed on the table to make a point. "Zeez... Calm your tits Mina... I'm single cause not everyone is manly enough to actually marry the girl he dates. You're one lucky bastard Mina, bagging Kiri like that... The guys I have a thing for usually ends up being fuckboys who only want a one time thing and I'm not into that shit. So it's best to stay single and not get hurt." you sighed. "Alright, (Y/N), if we can get you a guy who isn’t a fuckboy, would you finally go on a date?" Mina asked, looking all mischievous. "Why do I feel like you're plotting something?" you sighed, looking at Mina, tired of her antics.
You became a part of the infamous Bakusquad back in your first year at UA. You were in class 1A and Mina pretty much adopted your antisocial ass into the group. It wasn’t that you were introverted because you talked enough. It was just the fact that you were way too straight forward, to the extent that you sounded kinda rude. However, you tried to be a nice person in general. While it may come as a surprise, the only other person you were close to most in the group except Mina was Bakugou. That was probably because Bakugou respected your brutal honesty and the fact that you could shove reality on people's face without a second thought. Not to mention that Bakugou was quite fascinated by your quirk too. You were interested in Bakugou for the exact same reasons though you found him to be unnecessarily rude sometimes. With time, the two of you started having a thing for eachother, which was pretty much common knowledge within the class when you all reached your third year at UA. However, that's when everything went wrong. Bakugou had finally manned up enough to ask you out at the end of your third year and you made the mistake of hugging and calling him "the best FRIEND you can ever have" after he took you on a date. In your defence, he never mentioned that it was a date and you figured that the two of you were hanging out as friends. Hell, you didn't even know that he had a thing for you as both Bakugou and you were completely oblivious when it came to feelings. Unfortunately, Bakugou felt as if you completely and utterly friendzoned him at that moment, and stopped trying to win your affections and instead, went for random hookups while you were deeply saddened by your crush's sudden change and you pretty much stopped having a love life.
Did that stop the two of you from all the passive agressive flirting you threw at eachother? No, it did not. Infact, to both of your surprise, you two ended up hanging out quite a lot. Ofcourse, they always ended with a weird giddy feeling in both of your stomachs and blazing anger in your minds as the two of you pissed eachother off quite a lot. To be fair, Bakusquad was tired of you two pining on eachother for 9 whole years. They had no idea about Bakugou trying to ask you out at some point as Bakugou would never reveal a failed attempt at sonething. To Bakusquad, enough was enough. After all, who the fuck pines on eachother for 9 fucking years and not make a move? Ever since Kirishima and Mina got married to eachother, they had enough of your and Bakugou's shit. Like every other happily married couple, they decided with the squad that this time, they would finally set the two of you up together. Hence, it all led to them planning the entire thing out and you were now sitting at a reserved table at a fancy restaurant after taking a day off from hero work so that you could meet your mystery date. Did you know why you even agreed to this? Blame Mina for bribing you with the entire series of a very rare first edition of a manga signed by the author himself that you have been saving up for. You honestly expected it to be a rather boring date as you had no interest in being with a random dude and you were only here for the manga and the food. However, you did not expect that random dude to be Bakugou.
Did Bakugou expect to see you instead of some random woman sitting there on the table that Kirishima forced him to reserve for the so called date? No, he totally didn't. You looked as surprised as he did when he entered the restaurant and found you sitting there. This was one of the extremely expensive restaurants in Tokyo and Bakugou always chose the best even if it was some stupid worthless date because it was either classy with Bakugou or nothing. Upon realising the fact that none of you expected something like this, Bakugou felt the bad memories of him trying to date you years back plague him, drowning his self confidence to some extent which in return pissed him off. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Bakugou asked you with a scowl as he approached you. "Guess our idiot friends were trying to get us together." You sighed, motioning him to sit on the chair infront of you. "Fucking shitty hair..." Bakugou grumbled, not looking at you. "Mina lost her damn mind... Here I was looking for a loyal dude and she sent the Ground Zero who's specifically known to be a womanizer." you teased Bakugou, trying to ease up the gloomy mood. "Ya know, you could leave if this isn't your thing." Bakugou looked at you and stated with a scowl. "Meh, Mina bribed me enough to stay. Plus we didn't hang out in a while so it's a win win for me. I honestly thought I'll have to make a conversation with some random weirdo." you answered carefreely. "Did she bribe you with that rare first edition manga that you were obsessing over?" Bakugou asked, raising an eyebrow. "Guilty as charged" you answered, winking at him. Only if you knew that your action made him literally have butterflies in his stomach (something he would never admit).
Kirishima, Mina and Kaminari were hiding outside the restaurants, looking over at you and Bakugou by the window of the cafe. "Bakugou looks too constipated... Ya think we need to get to phase 2?" Kaminari asked. "Uh... I still don't think that's a good idea..." Kirishima tried to reason with the two weirdos beside him but Mina was already calling the cafe to prepare for the said 'phase 2' of the plan.
Bakugou was already uncomfortable about the entire thing from the begining but now that a random dude came at them with a violin and started playing some sappy romantic music, Bakugou was this close to losing his temper. It didn't take long for you to notice Bakugou's dilemma. "You wanna get out of here? Our friends clearly crossed the limit..." you asked him. Without any hesitation, he said, "Fuck... Fine, let's go." before he stood up and left the restaurant with you following him, leaving the violin man and the waiters confused as to why you left without your order even after you already paid for it. "Wow, that was intense." you laughed as Bakugou sulked about how shitty their friends are. "Well, how did they convince you to get here? Didn’t you tell enough interviewers that you 'don't do love'?" you asked Bakugou, teasing him though you were kinda curious. "Shitty hair asked me about what I'd do after I retire and said that I'll regret not giving love a chance so I decided to give it a shot." Bakugou grumbled without looking at you. Ofcourse he wasn’t gonna tell you that they got him into their trap simply by challenging him cause you'd tease him to death over it. "Oooo someone's growing up. Good for you." you answered him with a smile before continuing, "I guess I listened to Mina about this shit cause, well, I used to like this guy but it wasn’t mutual and I guess I wanted to forget about him for a while. I mean, I pretty much never had a love life so...". "Dude must be dumb. You're cool." Bakugou answered, not looking at you as the two of you entered a park that was nearby. "Nah, he's amazing. It's just, love isn't really his thing and I can't exactly change his views." you muttered sadly. "Well, he's still a dumbass." Bakugou huffed in answer. "Okay? I guess he really is a dumbass. I mean, I'm quite sure he came into this date cause Kaminari or Kirishima challenged him to and he actually thought I wouldn’t figure it out." you scoffed, looking away from Bakugou.
Bakugou's face was priceless. At first, he was pissed that you called him a dumbass but then it hit him. "You... You like me?" he choked out, looking shocked. "Well, wasn’t it obvious by now? Our friends set us up together and there was a weird dude playing violin. It seemed that Mina understood that I have a thing for you and did all that. Mina or Kirishima wouldn’t want me to be hurt as they are my friends and if you didn't like me, he wouldn’t set me up with you given that you have serious fuckboy tendencies. Well, it doesn’t really matter if I like you anyway cause you're not into long term shit." you answered his question with a sigh. "Ya know (Y/N), I only got into this fuckboy phase cause you rejected me once." Bakugou muttered. "Huh? When did I reject you? What are you talking about?" you asked, visibly confused. "Don't you remember that day at the end of third year? I took you out on a date to see that sappy ass movie together and you hugged me and friendzoned me?" Bakugou accused you. "That was a date?" you asked him with an incredulous expression. "Hah? You didn't realise that was a damned date?" Bakugou barked at you. "OFCOURSE I DIDN'T! YOU NEVER MENTIONED THAT IT WAS A DA..." Bakugou didn't let you complete that sentence as his lips were already on yours. After a kiss that took your breath away, he pulled away, leaving you completely flustered. "I'm not gonna date you if you're gonna fuck around." you stated, still out of breathe from the kiss. "Ofcourse I won't you dumbass! We are fucking official from now! Tf do you think I am?" Bakugou snapped at you? "Idk, you called yourself a dumbass a while back?" you teased him. "DIE!!!!" Bakugou barked at you to that.
"Well, I guess that worked?" Kirishima muttered as they were hiding in the park, watching Bakugou chase you with small explosions in his hands as you kept cackling with laughter, running from him. "Phase 2 never fails." Mina and Kaminari stated in unison with smug expressions as Kirishima looked back at them in disbelief.
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yourcoffindoor · 5 years
Bulletproof Heart Pt. 1
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Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader
Prompt: Request from Anon- “ could you write one where the reader is a rock singer and they and mcr are on warped tour together, and they both lowkey like each other but think they’re both out of each other’s league, and find out that they’re both secretly into nerdy stuff + maybe getting together? thank you so much xxx”
AN: This is a multi-part series--I couldn’t help myself! Also, I based this fic around something Gerard said in a Rolling Stone interview:
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Hope its ok Anon! enjoy!
You had dreamed of this moment since you first picked up a guitar. Back then it felt like an impossible fantasy, being on stage with your band, playing in front of a crowd of screaming fans; which is why it felt so surreal when your manager Tim told you that your band, The Violent Delights, had booked Warped Tour.
"June 18th," he told you with a satisfied grin, "you're in for the long haul, kids."
Your band-mates let out a collective shriek of joy, while you planted a grateful kiss on Tim's cheek.
"You're an OK manager, you know that?"
"Yeah, yeah," he said, dramatically wiping his cheek where your lips had been. "Now you guys better get practicing. This is a good opportunity to really get your name out there. Plus you got some real popular acts to compete with."
Your interest was peaked. "Oh yeah? Like who?"
"Off the top of my head? Fall Out Boy, Dropkick Murphys, and I think a band called My Chemical Romance."
"Oh shit, My Chem?" your bassist, Gavin, piped up excitedly. "That's the band I'm always trying to get Y/N to listen to."
"I'll have to finally borrow their last album," you replied, "gotta scope out the competition after all." Gavin rolled his eyes while you laughed.
Your manager got serious. "It's three months on the road, and its gonna take a lot of energy and hard work. Quite frankly, it ain't glamorous."
"Tim, when have we ever been glamorous? I wouldn't care if it were a 12 month tour," you declared, "I wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world." Liz, your drummer, nodded in agreement beside you.
"You might be singing a different tune when you haven't had a shower in three days."
"As long as I'm singing it in front of an audience, we'll be fine."
* * *
Back at your apartment you marked June 18th on your calendar with a star, feeling invigorated with excitement all over again. This was it, you thought, the next level for our band. You were determined to give it your very best, outperforming every other band there.
After all, you had worked so hard to get to this point. Starting in friend's basements and tiny cafes, the band had slowly built up a sizable following of loyal fans. You were no longer the opening act, drawing sell out crowds more often than not. You made a promise to yourself that the band wasn't going to lose this momentum. There would be no distractions for you on this tour, just hard work and the thrill of performing. That meant no parties, and absolutely no boys. You weren't ready for another relationship, you told yourself, especially since the last one ended in disaster.
Yes, this was the moment the band had been waiting for. You let the warm excitement that this knowledge brought envelope you, and you lay your head down on your pillow, falling asleep to fantasies of what lay ahead.
* * *
Its a long road from Maryland to Ohio. Columbus was the first stop of the tour, which meant your band had 6 and a half hours to go over the set-list, make adjustments  discuss their hopes and fears for the three month experience. Gavin gave you a few CDs to listen too, including My Chemical Romance's Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge.  You had heard their first album ages ago and enjoyed it, but there was something incandescent to the music you were hearing now. It stirred a whirlwind of heavy emotion, and you were enthralled from beginning to end. You made a mental note to see them perform at Warped as soon as possible.
When your bus arrived at its destination, you felt the unwelcome buzz of nerves building in your stomach. This was real, you thought, this was happening. You were used to performing at this point, but it was the amount of people you'd be performing for that was nerve-wracking. Not to mention the fellow artists who may be watching and judging your sound. You breathed deep and tried to push past the nervous thoughts that hummed incessantly around your head like insects.
Your band-mates were buzzing about with excitement, but you needed to distract yourself. Fresh air always helped settle you, so you grabbed your shoes and decided to go for a walk around the venue.
It looked almost like a circus with all the trailers and tents that had quickly populated the surrounding area. Merch stands and catering tents were being organizes as dozens upon dozens of vans and trailers pulled in. There were already a few fans camped outside of the chain-link fence that surrounded the area, eagerly awaiting a glimpse of their favorite artists.
You kept wandering, and you saw that a band was being interviewed in the media tent. There were five of them, each holding a microphone; but one member, a dark haired boy, was doing most of the talking. He was cute, you thought, and your stomach did little flips watching him respond to the questions that were being asked.
You watched a little bit longer from a distance, until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Gavin and Liz, who had been doing a bit of exploring as well.
"Hey, there you are! I was talking to a few people by the catering tent. They said some bands are having a party on their buses later tonight, we should check it out." Gavin informed you excitedly.
You hesitated. No parties. "I dunno, I want us to be in good condition to perform tomorrow."
Liz chimed in. "All work and no play, Y/N. C'mon, it'll be a great chance to make some connections with other bands."
"If you don't come with us," Gavin pronounced dramatically, "we'll be far too devastated to perform tomorrow." His hand went to his forehead, as though he was about to faint.
"Somehow I doubt that."
"Pretty please?" Liz stuck her lower lip out pathetically.
"With sugar on top?" Gavin added.
You glanced at the black haired boy in the distance. Maybe he'd be there, a small voice in your head piped up.
"Ugh Fine! But I'll only stay for a little bit."
Satisfied, the pair stopped harassing you, and left you to continue wandering, promising to meet up with them later.
* * *
People spilled out from open trailers as music blared from an unknown source in the background. Some were already far gone, stumbling from place to place, or lying on the ground blacked out.
You followed Gavin inside one of the trailers. You watched as he interacted with the strangers inside with ease, a trait you envied. He managed to find you both drinks, and you grabbed the mystery beverage, sculling it in hopes that it would numb your nervousness. You may have been a great performer onstage, but offstage it was easy for your social anxiety to take the wheel.
Gavin began to walk away, ignoring your whispered pleas not to leave you. Fuck. It always felt awkward to not know anyone at a party. You clutched your red cup like a life jacket keeping you afloat in a sea of drunken strangers.
A man approached you out of nowhere, the smell of alcohol emanating from every pore on his body.
"You look lonely." He leered at you expectantly.
"Then it seems like you need glasses. I'm just fine on my own."
He laughed. "Ooo! I like you. You've got spunk. Name's Brent, guitarist from Midnite Heist."
"Can't say I've heard of you guys."
Brent was either oblivious to your indifference, or just chose to ignore it. "So how'd you end up at this party?"
"I'm in a band on the tour too. Lead singer actually."
"No way! That's awesome, we need more talented eye candy on this tour."
You screamed internally while he droned on, tuning him out as you continued to sip from your fast emptying cup.
You scanned the room, watching people laugh and dance. Your stomach suddenly flipped again as you noticed the black haired boy from this afternoon, solemn faced and quiet, silently nursing a diet coke in his hands. He was clearly not having a good time. The guitarist who had been talking you up soon saw you looking at the sullen figure and turned his attention towards him, his eyes lighting up with recognition.
"Gerard fucking Way!" he bellowed, carelessly sloshing his drink as he waved him over, causing a stream of alcohol to fall to the floor below.
Gerard seemed to hesitate before walking over. "It's been awhile man," he said softly. His eyes, a warm hazel, flicked to you repeatedly as he spoke. "you here for the whole tour this time?"
Brent laughed, his sobriety dangling by a thread.  "Yeah, but still not up on the main stage, unlike you big-shots." he said, punching Gerard in the arm. Gerard offered a crooked smirk in return, his patience already wearing thin. Brent nudged you in the arm. "This is Y/N, her band is new to Warped. I told her I'd show her the ropes." He grinned at you. Ugh.
Gerard seemed to sense your discomfort. "Welcome, nice to see a new face around."
Brent interrupted before you could respond. "How come you're wasting time with a coke? I would've expected you to be the first one wasted here."
Gerard's jaw clenched, and you cringed internally at the sheer awkwardness of the encounter. "I'm sober now," he informed Brent, "I don't touch that shit anymore."
Brent laughed dismissively. "Dude, you?  Do you even remember the last Warped tour? I'll give it 2 days before you're lying face down in the bushes again." he laughed as if he had just said something hilarious.
You were livid, and Gerard was on edge. You decided to step in when you noticed his knuckles turn white from clenching his coke can.
You moved slightly, ready to get between them. "Hey you know what? I'd really love a coke right now too. Mind showing me where they are?" you looked pleadingly at Gerard. He took the hint.
"Follow me."
You gave a curt wave to Brent, who looked on in confusion before continuing his drinking binge.
You stepped outside, and the sounds from the party behind you became a faint, thumping buzz in the background. You were both silent for a moment before you decided to break the ice.
"So that guy was a dick."
Gerard's scowl turned into a thin, lopsided smirk. Your heart melted a bit. "Yeah. I just realized some of these people are only tolerable when I'm drunk."
Stop. Move away. You don't need a distraction like this. You tried to scold yourself but words kept escaping from your lips, prolonging the encounter.
"This is my first time doing Warped Tour, but I'm assuming these parties are pretty much never-ending?"
Gerard pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "Oh yeah, its every night for some of these bands. You're in for an interesting experience." You looked at him for a moment, perhaps for a bit too long. You had never seen anyone look so beautiful while surrounded by clouds of smoke.
"Yoohoooo! Y/N!" you heard the hollering of a clearly tipsy Gavin call from the doorway of the next trailer. "Where'd you go? The night is young! Get back here!"
You sighed. "That's my cue. Well actually that's my bassist, but he'll never let me live it down if I don't go back in there."
Gerard turned his head to the side and exhaled. "Catch you around. Next time you need rescuing from a douche-bag just light the bat signal."
You gave him a soft smile, forcing yourself to turn away and walk back to the trailer. As you did, you whispered aloud to yourself as a reminder:
"No distractions. No boys."
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