#dude wanted at least a few months with just his wife
shinyhappysims · 9 months
Nnadi’s Simstagram Post (@.nnadichinyereventura)
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nnadichinyereventura blessed beyond measure! #babynumber1
breonyeka Praise God! I can’t wait for my first grandbaby!
badgalkyrah oh wow. shocking.
princessdiana congrats
princessdiana why your man look sad tho
nnadichinyereventura @.princessdiana he’s happy on the inside. over the top emotions are womanly!
(A honeymoon baby is not in Miguel’s definition of a “blessing”…)
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jazzyoranges · 11 months
Harleys in Hawaii
Tara Carpenter x fem!reader
Summary: you’re Tara’s older girlfriend
Words: 4.5k
A/n: listen to harleys in hawaii
Warnings: i didn’t feel like editing or spell checking sorry bout that 💀, age gap (Tara is 22/23, you’re 27), drinking, kissing, fade to black sex, R is implied to dress more masculine, also Scream 6 doesn’t exist cause Anika is alive 😇
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Tara has gone through 3 girlfriends and 5 boyfriends in the span of 5 months. Currently, she’s having an intervention on how and why. Well, the core four’s version of an intervention at least
“Dude, you have to teach me how to get a girlfriend” Chad begs, and Mindy laughs
“Why am I even here? You guys suck at interventions. If anything, this is the opposite of one”
This time, her sister chimes in. “We’re here because you’ve been going through partners like pairs of clothes. Why are you dating all these people?”
“I don’t know!” Tara groans “In the beginning it’s to be fun dating someone, but after a week it feels like a chore”
“Wow, never knew you of all people would have the same mindset of a frat boy” This earns Mindy a slap on her shoulder from Anika, who was cuddled into her
“Shut up Mindy.” the younger Carpenter spits out
“So you date people and drop them ‘cause they don’t give you the thrill of being in a relationship?” Chad says and everyone in the room goes silent. Momentarily, he stops throwing his tennis ball up in the air
“…Did I say something wrong?”
“Never knew you could be smart, Chad”
“Sometimes I wish we weren’t related.”
“Is that it, Tara?” Sam asks “You just want the thrill of dating?”
“When you put it that way, I guess? I dunno, I haven’t really met anyone exciting. You’d think there’d be fun people in New York”
“You just haven’t met the right person, Tara. I’m sure there’s someone for you, you just suck at looking”
“Oh, really? Where am I supposed to look, then?”
“I dunno, definitely not where you’re looking right now” Mindy shrugs, and Tara sighs at how helpful her friends are
You meet you coworker’s sister when her and her friends decide to have a study session at the small coffee shop you and Sam work at. You and the older Carpenter instantly clicked as friends. Sam knew you knew about the Woodsboro killings, but you knew not to trust the media entirely. After a few weeks of talking to her, you didn’t understand how Sam could be accused of such disgusting things
Your friendship solidified when you ‘accidentally’ spilled an ice cream sundae on some girl who was being mean to her. Of course you were fired the next day, but Sam left with you, opting to work at a smaller coffee shop run by a nice old man and his lovely wife
Sam considered you a good friend, and she trusted you with being around her sister. Luckily the old couple who ran the shop were kind and trusting, and let Sam’s sister and friends use the coffee shop after hours for late-night studying. It was maybe about 6:30pm when the shop officially closed, and the study session started. Sam insisted she stay by herself, but you didn’t want her to be lonely while watching her kids friends study
Personally, you thought it was far too late to study, but you also hadn’t been to school in 3 years. Soft music was playing while the group studied and you and Sam cleaned up the shop here and there
Tara tried to focus on her work, she really did. After a few glances in your direction and many “sorry, what did you say?”’s later, Mindy finally decided to comment on Tara’s behavior. I mean, could she really be mad? You were breathtaking. Your shirt hugged your arms and torso just the right way, you hand a very pretty face, most of all, you were-
“Alright, what’s up with you? You’ve been distracted this entire time”
“I’m not distracted, I’m listening” Tara lied straight through her teeth, and Mindy just looked at her in suspicion
“You’ve seemed out of it this entire study session, you okay?” Anika reached to rub Tara’s shoulder
“Uh, y-yeah” Tara turned around in her seat looking for you. When she saw you were either in the break room or the bathroom, Tara leaned in closer to the group and so did her friends
“Sam’s friend is really hot.”
“Understandable” Chad nods
“Definitely ask her out”
“Like hell I am, Mindy!” Tara whisper-shouts
You’re about to leave for the night. Gathering your jacket, helmet, and keys from your locker, you barely make it out of the break room before one of Sam’s friends calls you over
“Hey, Sam’s coworker! Are you good at algebra?
“A little above average, why do you ask? You walk over to the booth they’re studying at. You miss the glare the brunette gives to her friend
Mindy motions to Tara “My friend over here is having a little trouble, and we’re all not really good at explaining. Could you help her?”
“Also,” the twin points at each of her friends “Anika, Chad, Tara, and I’m Mindy”
You pull up a chair to sit next to Tara “Y/N, nice to meet all of you. Sam says lots of good things”
“Likewise, Sam told us about what you did for her. We all appreciate it” Anika smiles
“Those girls were assholes,” you shrug “they deserved it.” Now focusing on Tara, you met her eyes while the rest of the group fell into discussion
“So, what exactly do you need help with?”
Tara tries to listen to what you’re saying, but everything is going in one ear and out the other with your proximity to her. You make simple small talk with Tara, and she notes how the corners of your eyes crinkle when you laugh. The brunette learns you’re about the same age as her sister, you have a second job as a mechanic, and you owned a motorcycle (in which her interest was immediately peaked).
A few hours of conversation and studying later, the group decides they’re finished. They pile into Sam’s car to be dropped off at their respective apartments. Unfortunately due to a little clutter, there isn’t enough room for Tara in the car (which is surprising since she’s incredibly small, but you decide to hold your tongue this time)
“Cmon, guys, can’t you make some room?” the brunette groans
“You could ride with Y/n,” Sam suggests “I trust her to get you home”
“Yeah, I got an extra helmet in my locker, I’ll go get it” You jog back to the shop, and you’re back a minute later with a helmet in one hand, and a hoodie in the other. Your hoodie, Tara thinks
“Here, it gets cold. Is this your first time?”
“Yeah, I’ve never been on a motorcycle before…” Tara says nervously, and she has to stop herself from taking a big whiff of your hoodie around her
“No worries! If you get scared just squeeze my thigh and I’ll pull over, okay? Also, make sure to hold on tight” You put the helmet on Tara, inspecting her to make sure it’s on correctly
“Geez, it feels like I’m an astronaut” Tara laughs, flipping up the visor
“Doesn’t it? I always feel like a bobble head or something when I’m in it” You teach Tara how to get on, and soon enough you’re on the road following Sam’s car
Tara’s arms were snugly wrapped around your torso, and she was absolutely having the time of her life. The helmet she was wearing smelled like you and it was absolutely intoxicating. Not to mention how your hoodie sat comfortably on her body — almost like it was meant for her to wear. Deciding to be bold, Tara decides to hug you tighter
When you two eventually stop at a stoplight, you hold out a thumbs up, questioning if Tara is comfortable. The brunette responds with a thumbs up of her own, and the slow circles she’s making with her thumb under your shirt that leave a trail of goosebumps behind
First Sam stops at Mindy and Anika’s, then Chads. Since there’s more room in the car Tara doesn’t actually need to stay with you, but she’s practically glued to your back. The brunette decides to be greedy and hold on
A few minutes later, you two reach Tara and Sam’s apartment complex. When you come to a stop the younger Carpenter gets off first, and you follow after
“So, how was your first time on a motorcycle? Scary?”
“Honestly? Not really. I trust you won’t crash, or else Sam’ll get real mad at you” Taking off her helmet, you get the pleasure of seeing Tara smile again. She starts to take off your hoodie, but you stop her before she does
“Keep it, I already have a bunch of other hoodies and jackets at my place”
“Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t be saying it if I wasn’t sure, Carpenter”
“You’re an ass” Tara rolls her eyes and playfully hits your arm
“Nice meeting you and your friends, by the way. I’ll see you guys around” After you wave bye and hop back on your motorcycle Tara watches you leave, pulling your hoodie closer to her body
Study sessions at the coffee shop after closing time became more and more regular. Sometimes it’s just Sam closing up, and other times it’s just you. Tara still regrets telling the group about her very tiny minuscule crush on you, since you’re now used as blackmail to get Tara to go anywhere
“Wanna go to the movies?”
“Sorry, I have to finish an essay”
“Y/n’s gonna be there” Mindy says in a sing-song tone
“Fuck you.” Tara groans before grabbing her jacket, fully expecting to be invited for a motorcycle ride from you
At first Tara only saw you during study sessions at the coffee shop. It was the same story almost every time. There wouldn’t be enough room in Sam’s car, you’d drive Tara home, and if she was lucky you’d stop at a 7 Eleven for slushees and a snack
When Sam invites you to a game night with the group, you happily accept the invitation. With a bottle of wine in your left hand, you make some final adjustments to your outfit before knocking. Smoothing out your shirt, you hear a familiar voice behind the door
“So, are you gonna stand there or are you going to knock?” The younger Carpenter teases, and she can practically hear you roll your eyes when you scoff
“I was making myself presentable” You shrug, hearing the click of the door as Tara opens it
“Whatever,” The shorter girl laughs “You’re kinda early so you can wait on the couch or something” She takes the bottle of wine from your hands, setting down on a table
“Geez, don’t people have manners nowadays? I thought it was a given to arrive early”
“I think that’s just you being old”
“You’re mean.” Tara’s face collides with a pillow as she turns around and the brunette can faintly hear you say ‘headshot!’ in an excited voice
“Me? Mean? You just assaulted me!”
“You’ll live. Mario Kart?” You wave a second controller in her direction with the game already booted up, and Tara takes her seat next to you on the floor
The next few minutes are spent casually trash-talking each other. When you get particularly close to winning Tara shoves you to the floor, causing you to lose. A smug grin adorns her face when you throw another pillow at her
“Stop throwing pillows at me!” Tara laughs
“You quite literally shoved me to the floor ‘cause you’re not as good as me”
“Shut up, you’ve have more experience”
“Are you calling me old again?” You say in a dramatic tone, and the door rings a whole 20 minutes after the rest of the group is supposed to show up. Sam lets them in, and you wave hello. Mindy gives Tara a look you don’t recognize, but Chad quickly challenges you to another game of Mario Kart
The twin tried his best, he really did. He took the shortcuts, chose the best character, and even optimized his power-ups. But alas, his efforts were rendered useless as you casually mopped the floor with his ass. The scoreboard with your name at the top is enough for Chad to groan in defeat
“Dude, how are you so good?”
“I guess I just have more experience”
“So you can say it but I can’t?” You end up sticking your tongue out at Tara like a child
“Whatever. You guys got any other games?”
“We have Uno” Sam suggests
Oh how foolish she was.
Arguing, wine, and lots of popcorn later, you’re currently in a battle for 4th place with Tara. Fifteen minutes after Chad won 3rd, both of you insisted a 4th place winner. When you put down a plus four twice in a row, the group only groans
“Please are you two almost done?”
“It’s Uno. How about we play another game?” Chad pleads
“Absolutely not. I refuse to lose to a girl that’s basically half my height.”
“Half your height!? You’ll probably be balding by 30!”
“You take that back!” You slam a hand against the table, and your friends can’t tell if they should intervene or watch the argument play out. They choose the latter
Shallow insults are exchanged between you two and the rest of the group finally understands both of you aren’t serious. They decide to leave you two to pick up some pizza, and you’re far too busy arguing how you’re not going to go bald at 30. Really, whose idea was it to give the most competitive people copious amounts of wine?
Eventually your arguing dies down, leaving you both giggling like middle school kids when they see their crush. The absurdity of the situation paired with the wine you both drank made a very fun combo
“Sorry I said you’d bald by 30” Tara leans onto your shoulder and you lay your head atop hers
“It’s okay. Sorry I said you were half my height… even if it’s true” You smile and Tara hits your arm while suppressing a grin
“You mind if I sleep here tonight? Pretty sure I can’t drive my baby in this state”
“Your baby?”
“My motorcycle. Her name is Elizabeth” You nudge her shoulder
“You named your motorcycle?
“It’s how you create attachment, Tara. You name everything so you care more about it”
“God, you’re a weirdo.” The younger Carpenter leans into you even further
“You never answered my question”
“Hmm… I think Sam wouldn’t mind”
“But would you mind?”
“No, you’re my friend”
A comfortable silence passes between you two. Tara, half asleep on your shoulder; and you, trying to formulate a plan to get Tara in her bed. The only good idea you’ve thought of is carrying her, so that’s what you decide to do
Tara makes a sound then holds onto your shirt as you scoop her up from the couch. There’s a feeling in her stomach she can’t quite place when your arms wrap around her. You’re warm, and Tara only wants to get closer to your body heat
“Tara, honey, where’s your room?” You whisper. The pet name accidentally slips, and you hope the younger girl doesn’t notice.
Oh but she does
Tara notices and opts to bury her head in you chest, pointing in the direction of her room. She can feel her face warm up immediately
You open up the door all the way with your foot, and lay Tara down in her bed. You’re about to leave to probably sleep on the couch, but you feel a hand around your wrist and Tara mumble something sleepily
“You alright, Tar?” You bend down
“Please stay… don’t go.” The younger Carpenter whispers, and you wouldn’t be able to hear her if not your close proximity
“I’ll be in the living room, don’t worry. I don’t drink and drive”
“No, I mean stay here.”
“You… You want me to stay in your room?”
Tara nods.
“I- I don’t know, Tara.” You were hesitant to accept her invitation.
“I won’t be far, I promise”
“I don’t care you’re older than me.”
“Please, you make me so happy. People my age are so dull…” Tara takes your hand in her own, playing with your fingers
“You don’t mean that, Tar. You’re drunk and tired. How about you get some sleep, hm?” You say in the softest voice you can manage, pushing away the thoughts of how badly you just want to hold Tara in your arms again
“Y/n…” Something in you shifts when the brunette says your name in her sleep-drunk state. You notice the pleading look in her eyes, and it’s difficult to imagine saying no to her
“I can’t say no to you.” You sigh, taking off your jacket before getting in bed. Tara immediately curls up against your chest like it’s the most natural thing ever and you wrap your arms around her waist like it’s second nature
“Thank you. I really like you, Y/n”
“If you end up regretting this I’ll pretend like nothing’s happened if you want”
“No!” Both you and Tara are surprised by her tone
“I- I mean no. I promise I won’t regret this. Regret… you.” She says in a smaller voice
“Do you like me too?” Tara looks up at you with hope in her eyes and your heart melts at the sight
“I don’t know, Tara. Part of me thinks this is wrong, and the other part just wants to spend time with you.”
“Ever since… Amber, you’ve helped me move on” This was the most Tara has opened up about her late girlfriend. Of course the group told you a few tiny things about her here and there, but you hadn’t heard from Tara straight up. You knew this was a very hard and difficult subject even as time continued to pas
“You don’t need to feel like you have to tell me about her, Tara. How about we sleep? You’ll have a clearer mind tomorrow” Pressing a kiss against her forehead, your girlfriend(?) smiles
“…can I wear your shirt?”
“I’m right here, you know”
“I wanna be closer to you”
“Go actually get ready for bed, Tara. I know you don’t wanna sleep with makeup on” The brunette gets up to leave but decides to double back and give you a kiss on the cheek, leaving you a subtle lipstick mark
You hate how she makes you all giddy like a teenager in love.
Getting up to ask Tara if she has an oversized hoodie you could sleep in, you’re caught in the hallway by Sam. You only notice how bad it looks you’re walking out Tara’s room with messy hair, ruffled clothes, and a noticeable kiss on your cheek. You’re quick to wipe it off and smooth out your hair a second later
“Sam, it’s not what it looks like.” You say quickly
“I dunno, it really looks like you’re fucking my sister”
“I-It’s not like that! She- I uh-“
“Listen, I don’t mind you’re dating my sister. Would’ve wished you told me, though”
“That’s the thing! I have no idea what we are” You look behind to look for Tara before turning back to Sam
“She said she really liked me, but then she’s also drunk, but then she also kissed me. What if she doesn’t actually mean it? What if she regrets this? What if-” You’re talking quickly and about to start pacing around before Sam grounds you by holding onto your shoulders
“I trust you, Y/n. You’re my friend. I trust you’ll take good care of my sister”
The older Carpenter gives you a quick hug before leaving to her own room, leaving you staring at nothing as the door to the bathroom clicks open
“Y/n? You alright?” Tara pulls you into a hug, shoving her face in your neck
“Y-Yeah, do you have a hoodie I could sleep in?”
“Mmm… I think I have one in your size” The shorter girl leads you to her closet. A few seconds of searching lands you a hoodie with an album cover you don’t recognize. Tara notices your confusion
“Tyler the creator”
“Is he any good?”
“Well duh, I wouldn’t have him on a hoodie if he wasn’t”
“Okay smart ass, no need to be mean” You feign annoyance and the brunette can only roll her eyes and drag you into bed for the second time this night
Both of you get into position again. Tara’s arms securely wrapped around your torso, and your arms that bring her closer to your neck. You decide it isn’t so bad you’re in love with Tara Carpenter
You and Sam meet the rest of the group at their college. The lovely older couple that ran the coffee shop insisted you two spent time with Tara. They may as well be your parents with how much they treat you and Sam like their own kin. With the rest of the day to spoil Tara, you happily jump onto her with open arms while spewing a slew of praises and compliments
Your girlfriend should probably be embarrassed at how loud your affection is, but it’s New York. Who really cares? When you’re done being yourself, Sam also gives Tara a bear hug
“So, what’re the plans, birthday girl?” Mindy asks
“Honestly? I just wanna spend time with you guys”
“How disgustingly cute. I think that’s a great idea, babe”
“Are you kidding?” Chad speaks up “The last time we all spent time together, you two were fighting for 4th place in Uno. Fourth place!”
“I think you’re being over dramatic, bud”
“You looked like you were about to flip the fucking table when Tara made you draw 12 cards”
“Like I said, stacking is a curse that makes me angry”
“I gotta agree with Chad, here” Sam chimes in “You almost killed Tara because of Jenga”
“It’s not my fault your little sister is a pathological liar and a gaslighter!” The younger Carpenter rolls her eyes
“You’re awfully childish for someone that’s so old” Your girlfriend laughs, making you look away, embarrassed
“It’s not my fault I’m competitive!”
“So, where do you wanna eat out, Tara?” Anika asks “I’ve been starving practically all day”
“Hooters.” The brunette answers almost immediately
“So, birthday girl, what’s it like being 23?”
“A lot like being 22”
“Noting different?”
“Well, this is the first year you’re here to celebrate with me” Tara turns on her side to face you “I guess that’s pretty special”
You copy her actions, now looking at your girlfriend
“Oh yeah? What’s so special about me being here?”
“Please, you really don’t need a bigger ego”
“Aw you’re no fun”
“I’m plenty fun, babe” Tara reaches down to the hem of your shirt, feeling the skin right above your pants
“Mhm, and what type of fun?”
“You’re such a tease.” Your girlfriend rolls her eyes. Both of you are inching closer to each other to close the gap. You blink for half a second, and Tara straddles your lap with a hungry look in her eyes and a smile that highlights her cute dimples
Diving into you, Tara kisses you with fervor and lust. Her kisses are sloppy, but you don’t really care. Currently, the only thing in your mind is Tara’s name on repeat. Both of your clothes are off in only a matter of seconds due to the brunette’s growing eagerness of wanting your fingers inside of her
“A-Are you sure about this?” You mumble in between kisses and pecks
“Absolutely positive, baby.” Your girlfriend’s ever growing wetness smears on the skin of your exposed thigh, making you sigh in delight
“If you don’t want to keep going, just tell me and I’ll-“
“Y/n.” Your head snaps up at the brunette saying your name
“I want this. I want all of you. Drill it into your pretty brain, yeah?” Tara makes an act of lightly drilling her finger into the side of your head, making you laugh
When you kiss Tara for a second time it feels different. Her lips taste sweeter and all you want to do is give her the entire world. Unfortunately you’re only mortal, so you opt to give her a few lot of mind blowing orgasms instead
“So, what’re your plans for the break?”
“We were actually planning a road trip to the beach this weekend to celebrate, and you’re coming”
“No room for debate, huh?” You laugh, swinging an arm over her shoulders “I’ll have to bring my truck, though. Elizabeth is 100% going”
“Sometimes I think you like her more than me”
“You may be my girlfriend, but Elizabeth is my first love” This earns you a punch to the arm via Tara. Although it doesn’t hurt much, you feign a wounded expression and place the back of your hand to your forehead
“Woe is I, for my girlfriend no longer loves me…”
“You’ll be okay” Tara rolls her eyes
“Kiss it better?”
“Please can we have a ride without our helmets?”
“Sam wouldn’t forgive me if we crashed and you weren’t wearing a helmet”
“Please, baby?” Tara uses her best puppy eyes, and she knows they’re working when you look away to resist her charm
“The sunset is beautiful, the back roads are empty, and I want to spend our last moments here on the beach. Don’t you want to see the view, baby?”
You sigh, looking away. This girl was going to be the death of you.
“Well after such a confession, I don’t think I’m able to say anything other than yes” Tara kisses you on the tip of your nose, making it scrunch up just how she liked it
“This is gonna be so aesthetic, babe”
“You’re not that old, love”
Before getting on, you take two spare sunglasses from your leather jacket pocket and hold them out for Tara
“Aviator or round?”
“You take the Aviators, I want you to look like one of those guys from Top Gun” Tara takes the sunglasses out of your hand to place them on your face
“Geez, I look more like a biker than a motorcyclist now”
“There’s a difference?”
“I’ll teach you one day. Cmon, the sun’s setting already”
Tara truly believes she’s made it to heaven while you drive. Arms around your waist, the salty breeze, and not to mention the beautiful setting sun. This is what she’s always been craving
Exhilarated is how she’d describe being around you. The simplest touches sent shivers down her spine. The tiniest glances made Tara’s heart giddy with joy. How couldn’t she fall for you? Picture-perfect is what you were. Not boring, not simple, not easy. You were… you
With sand in you hair from previous beach endeavors and a smile wide enough your girlfriend can see just from looking at the back of your head, Tara can’t image herself anywhere but with you
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enhaheeseung · 11 months
Come back to me - L.HS
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Pairing: heeseung X fem reader!
Warnings: cursing, crying, angst, divorce, alcohol.
WC: 3,720k
Part two
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Heeseung was sat on the floor until morning, your wedding ring still in hand, while he blankly stared out the window, every event of the last eight months playing through his head.
He doesn’t know when it exactly happened, but he for sure knew why it happened.
The first night he went out with his co-workers, it was just for one simple drink, nothing more. He thought some company outside of work might be nice, so when he was invited to the bar downtown, he went.
You’d think, being a mature and married man, he wouldn’t be so easily influenced, but one drink after the other, and he started loosening up a bit, and after his co-workers made one too many dodgy comments about their wives, he decided to join in at first it was just a simple complaint about you “nagging” him about not putting his belongings away but the longer the conversation went on the more in-depth it got Jake would talk about his wife in more than unsavory ways which initially made heeseung uncomfortable, but since he wanted to hang with the new friend group, of course, he had to one-up then telling the guys about every little detail that “bothered” him even though he didn’t really feel that way he just said those things to fit in but the more he went to the bar after work the more those things suddenly became true instead of being repulsed by jays complaints about his wife he got used to it even laughing about it and adding in his own stories here and there.
Needless to say, when he came home from the bar, so did his attitude, and that’s when the change happened. He felt so stupid for trying to fit in where he didn’t. He feels like a complete jerk for treating you like you were less than human, and he wishes he could go back to the days when he wasn’t treating you like garbage.
At least Jay and Jake still communicated with their wives, and at least they were still happily married, but heeseung just had to take it a step further, and instead of it becoming nightly complaints at the bar, he took it home and just kept going and going until he was where he is at right now on the floor crying his eyes out cause he wanted to fit in, cause he wanted something new to talk about at the bar something that would get a laugh out of his friends and now thinking back on it he felt so stupid cause he gave up the love of his life just for a few chuckles and drinks after work.
The alarm clock going off is what finally broke him out of his heartbroken daze. He sniffles softly, eyes burning from staying up and crying all night.
He used every last ounce of strength in his legs to get up and turn off the alarm.
He didn’t even bother cleaning up before work. He went in, hair messy, eyes puffy, and suit wrinkled.
The day was a complete blur. Everything he did was almost robotic. There wasn’t any other thought in his mind besides you all day, just you, only you.
“You look like shit” Jake chuckles at his friend's crappy-looking appearance.
“Thanks,” he grumbled, glaring at Jake with eyes that could kill.
“Woah, man, my bad!” He pats heeseung’s shoulder. “Anyways you up for a round of drinks tonight? I’m buying.”
Heeseung thought about it for a moment and ultimately decided drinks would be the best thing for him. He wanted to get so fucking drunk that he’d black out cause maybe that way he’d see you in his dreams, and maybe in his dreams, you would both still be together. “Sure.” he shuts his eyes tightly, breathing a shaky sigh while he tries to appear to be okay.
“You sure dude? We can always cancel.” heeseung shakes his head back and forth.
“I’m good.” he tries his hardest to smile, but his lips don’t even begin to curve up. If anything, his frown deepens.
“Whatever you say, hee see you tonight,” Jake shrugs, going back to his cubicle to get some work done.
“You sure you good?” Jake asks.
“Just,” heeseung sighs deeply. “Just my wife, we’re not on good terms right now.” he knew that you guys were on more than just bad terms. Hell, you were divorcing him, but he was in denial cause, in his mind, you were both gonna buy a house, have kids, and grow old together, not get divorced after just a couple years of marriage.
“That’s a good thing, my friend,” Jay replies, thinking it’s just the same old same old.
“Not this time. I uhh, I don’t know..” he rubs his temples, a lump forming in his throat as he downed a shot.
“What is it? You can tell us your secrets are safe with us. You know that.” Jake nods, understanding the situation is a bit different than all the other times they gathered to talk about their significant other.
“Fuck” heeseung drops his head low, avoiding eye contact so they wouldn’t notice his bloodshot eyes and broken features. “She wants a divorce,” he whispers shakily as he buries his head into his arms.
Jay and Jake exchange shocked glances at each other, trying to find the right words to say to the shocking news. “I’m sorry, why so suddenly? I know you both had your little scuffles here and there, but not enough for a divorce,” Jake reasons.
“It’s not sudden.” heeseung lifts his head up, face red with snot running from his nose and tears leaking from his puffy eyes. “I fucked up” he hits his head against his palm, repeatedly beating himself up for ruining what used to be the perfect marriage. “I’ve been fucking up.”
“Woah, hey hey,” Jay grabs his wrists stopping him from hitting himself anymore. “I’m sure she was just upset. Maybe go home and talk things out with her.”
“I can’t,” he chokes out. “S-she’s gone, guys, she’s gone, and I-i- I don’t know what to do. I miss her, and I love her so much I can’t lose her.” he breaks down like a newborn baby, crying in front of his co-workers and every person in the bar without a care in the world.
“I think we should call it a night. I’ll drive you home, and we’ll pick up your car before work in the morning,” Jake consoles as he gets up from the table, and Jay follows soon after.
“O-okay, sorry f-for ruining the evening,” heeseung hiccuped, all the shots finally making their way to his system before he left. He takes the whole bottle off the table and throws down however much money he has left in his pocket.
“Hey, it’s no problem,” Jay assures.
Once they make it outside, Jay assists Jake as they move heeseung to the passenger seat, buckling him in.
The whole ride home, heeseung was a complete mess, crying hysterically. Jake was almost scared that he might pass out from crying so hard, so he stepped on the gas to get his friend home sooner.
“Y/n, please come back to me,” he mumbled, halfway asleep, tears staining his cheeks as Jake pulled into the driveway.
“Come on, big guy.” Jay had gone his separate ways, and now carrying heeseung up to his house was like carrying dead weight with how intoxicated he was from drinking the whole ride there. “Here you go,” Jake whispers after laying him down on his bed. “Get some rest. See you at work tomorrow.” Jake smiled sadly. Sure, they all had their little nights out of talking about their wives, but he knew deep down heeseung still loved you, and to see him like this wasn’t the easiest thing to deal with in the world, and Jake made a mental note to stop saying such negative things about his wife, and when he went home, he was going to shower her in love before he wound up in a situation like heeseung.
“Hey, mama’s.” it was currently the next morning, and heeseung was on his lunch break, finally somewhat over his hangover as he talked to your mom on the phone.
“Heeseung? Oh, hello sweetheart, it’s so nice to hear your voice,” he smiles, feeling the same way it’s been a while since he visited your parents.
“You too, it’s been some time,” she hums in agreement.
“It sure has” heeseung feels his heart drop cause if it wasn’t for him being a total fucking dick, he would have made it to last year's Thanksgiving dinner, but no, because you and him got into a fight prior, and he wasn’t man enough to apologize so he let you go to sleep angry at him, and the next day you were already out of town by the time he woke.
He swallows down the lump in his throat and makes a promise that he doesn’t even know if he could keep given his relationship status with you right now. “I’ll come over soon, I promise.”
“That would be lovely. My husband has been wanting to catch up with you, too.”
“Has he? I’ll for sure come soon, okay mama’s? Hey, could I ask you a question?” He bites on his lip nervously as he checks his watch to see how much time he has left on break.
“Of course, my dear,” she says sweetly.
“So me and y/n had a little fight the other day, and she left, so I’m assuming she came to stay with you?” He knows how bad it sounds that he didn’t even know his own wife's whereabouts, but at this point, he didn’t have much time to beat around the bush.
“Yes,” she sighs, remembering your hurt, tear-stained face as she walks in. “Yes, she did.” heeseung was half sad, half happy, sad because you were gone, and happy because at least you were somewhere safe and his heart could be put to ease. “Only for a while, though, then she went to sunghoons house so she wouldn’t be a nuisance. I told her she could stay until you guys worked things out, but she decided it would be best to leave, so I let her.”
Anything that came after the name sunghoon heeseung had nearly tuned all the way out because why were you over there? Why did you go to another man when he was at home waiting for you?
Before he could think of anything else that made his blood boil, his timer on his watch went off, indicating his break was over. “Ok, thank you so much, mama’s. My lunch is up so I have to go now, but I’ll see you soon. Tell pop’s I said hi.”
“Will do, oh, I can’t wait to see you! Have a good shift, my sweet boy, and keep me updated on you and y/n. She didn’t wanna tell me anything, but I’m hoping you two will figure this out. I’m sure it’s all just a misunderstanding.”
“Hey, don’t worry, we’ll talk things out. We always do,” he says bye one last time and hangs up the phone once the conversation is concluded.
“That’s everything,” Sunghoon, one of your old friends, says as he helps you put up the final touches in your new room, aka his spare room.
“Thank you so much for everything,” you thanked him sincerely. You don’t know where you’d be without him right now.
“It’s no problem. You know I have your back since we were little.” he pulls you into a side hug, messing up your hair like he used to do when you were kids before releasing you from his tough grip.
“Hoon,” you grumbled, and he just laughed at your pouty face.
“Get some sleep, yeah? You look exhausted,” he pouted. He knew you were going through it right now. The day you came to him with suitcases and red puffy eyes, he already knew what happened, but when he grew to know the details, oh, how he wanted to rip heeseung’s dick off and shove it down his own throat before punching him to a pulp maybe that was extreme but he was fucking furious at your husband the heeseung he saw at your guys wedding would have never done some bullshit like that so what the fuck has changed?
“You’re right.” you nod, a half smile making its way to your lips.
“Goodnight, y/n. Hope you feel better soon,” he pats your back softly. “I’ll be at work early in the morning, so sleep in, and then later, maybe we can go out and get some groceries or something.”
“Yeah,” you say, barely above a whisper. “Night hoon.” You closed the door once he left and laid down on your mattress or the mattress that Sunghoon bought you. You were so grateful for a friend like him.
You didn’t want to burden your parents even though they would have happily let you stay.
You just felt like in your state and conditioned, it’d be hard to let them see you so broken it was hard to come to Sunghoon in your state as well, but it was less of a blow than seeing your mother's worried face every single morning.
You couldn’t even tell her exactly what happened between you and heeseung because you knew it’d break her poor old heart knowing that her son-in-law turned out to be the biggest piece of shit on the planet.
You simply told her you guys needed a bit of a break, and that was all. How could you tell her about heeseung’s reckless behavior? How could you tell her he’d been neglecting you? How could you tell her that you two were getting a divorce?
That would be a bridge that you’d maybe be able to cross after the fact of finalizing everything, but right now, you couldn’t deliver a gut-wrenching blow like that, especially cause your parents thought heeseung was perfect for you.
Sighing to yourself, you turn off the lights, struggling to go to sleep without your husband or ex-husband holding you close to his chest. The bed felt so cold and empty without him, but that would just have to become a thing of the past because the reality is he was not and was never going to be again.
The thought broke you into tiny little pieces, but what could you do? You were just a victim of another abusive marriage that ended in divorce because your husband didn’t care, and he loved going to the bar and his friends more than he loved you.
It was a hard pill to swallow and a tough reality check, but nevertheless, it was your life.
Heeseung clears his throat for the thousandth time while he stands outside of sunghoons door.
The amount of days it took to build up the courage to finally come to see you was embarrassing for him, but he finally stopped being a coward and came to apologize, and hopefully, at the end of it, you’d be coming back home with him so you could both happily sleep in the same bed again.
“Y/n, I’m sorry for the past few months. I just ugh.” he shook his head, not liking the way what he prepared was sounding out loud. “Y/n, I know I hurt you- fuck” he shook off his nerves a little bit, but not even that worked. “Y/n-“ he couldn’t even say your name out loud without feeling like he was going to cry. He missed you so much. The house was unbearably quiet. Your scent had disappeared days ago even though he hadn’t washed the bedsheets or your pillowcase since you left, and the hardest part was not being able to feel you cuddling up to him in the chilly mornings. It was so cold without you, so empty. His life felt meaningless without you there, and on top of all that, everything was his fault from start to finish. He made his bed. He knew that much, but he prayed he wouldn’t have to lay in it.
He pushed all his previous apology rehearsals behind him. He was going to just tell you how he felt even if his brain was scattered and his thoughts weren’t put together. He was going to give you his real raw emotion because that’s what you deserved, and it’s the least he could give you.
He took a deep breath before knocking on your door, or your friend's door, and the name Sunghoon almost made him roll his eyes, not cause he was a bad guy. No, sunghoon was a fucking great guy, and that’s what bothers heeseung. He was fucking jealous cause his little y/n was with another man that had him beat in every department by miles. He wasn’t one to compare, but it’s hard not to notice those things when he treated you the way he did heeseung turned into a piece shit, and he knew it, but what didn’t help the fact was that he knew Sunghoon could treat you better and that’s what he was scared of heeseung knew it was selfish but he wanted you for himself even if you were better off with someone one else.
When the door opened and revealed a very handsome, tall Sunghoon, Heeseung immediately shrunk back. He felt so small and insignificant, especially with the cold glare coming from sunghoons eyes. “Y/n’s not here,” he says without a single hello which hurt heeseung like heck 'cause they used to be pretty damn close, but apparently, he managed to fuck that up too.
“O-oh,” he gulped, eyes trained on his feet. “W-when wi-will” he was so nervous he could barely even breathe, let alone form a proper sentence.
“Don’t know, is there anything else you need? I’m busy.” heeseung looked up, finally meeting sunghoons gaze.
“Could I maybe t-talk to you? I’m sure y/n already told you, but-“Sunghoon opened the door fully, and heeseung entered the home looking like a dejected little boy.
Sunghoon led him to his room just in case you came home soon. He didn’t want you seeing heeseung there in case it made you uncomfortable.
“Your place is nice.” heeseung took a seat on the chair by his desk, the roses he bought for you still clutched tightly in his sweaty palm.
“Thanks,” Sunghoon mutters and takes a seat on his bed, angry but still interested in the other side of the story cause he wants to know what turned heeseung into the man you told him about.
“First, I’m sorry for hurting y/n. I know she’s your best friend, and I know this is probably just as hard for you as her,” he sighed, lowering his head in shame, but he couldn’t be a coward now, so he picked his head up staring at sunghoon with the most intense gaze he could muster. “There’s no excuse for the way I treated her these past months. I’m just a terrible fucking person,” he chuckles pathetically at himself. “I did stupid things, and saying it out loud sounds so fucking ridiculous, but I got around the wrong crowd, and what was supposed to be jokes about our annoying wives soon turned into my reality, going to the bar and hanging out with other married men you know letting the steam off or so I thought�� he taps his leg a nervous habit that never seemed to go away until he met you, but he sees it’s making a little comeback. “Only that same attitude followed me home, and next thing you know, we’re getting into fights, not talking for days on end, but that didn’t stop me. It just gave me more shit to talk about the next day at the bar, and apparently, a few laughs and drinks were better than my own wife” he doesn’t even know when he started crying, but he did, and he didn’t even try to hide it. “At the end of the day, I was always sorry, but I never told her that,” he sniffles. “I love her. That woman is my life, and if she’d give me just one more chance, I’d never fuck it up ever agai-“
Heeseung looked like he had just seen a ghost. sunghoon was waiting for him to continue, but he never did. The sight of your sleepwear on your friend's bed was enough to leave him speechless he felt anger, jealousy hurt sadness all at once, but he couldn’t blame anyone but himself, and now he felt so fucking stupid for thinking he even had a chance with you again he sat there like a fool up all night thinking of words to say to you to show you he still loved you meanwhile you had already moved on and were making love to another man.
He smiles at Sunghoon softly despite his heart being shattered. “Here, give these to her. These are her absolute favorite.” he pats Sunghoon on his shoulder while the younger man just stares at him, bewildered by his sudden change in demeanor.
Heeseung felt horrible now, but knowing you were with somebody better made his heart feel at ease. sunghoon was a great man. heeseung knew you’d be safe, loved, and happy with your childhood best friend, and that made him happy even if he wasn’t the man behind all your laughs and beautiful smiles. “Protect that woman with your life, and don’t ever take her for granted.”
Heeseung let himself out in a matter of seconds, the air finally circulating in his lungs the moment he stepped outside on the porch.
He took a deep, shaky breath before the tears started to fall, yet again, he quickly got inside his car and drove home.
Once he made it safely, he went straight to the bedroom to willingly put his signature on the divorce papers. He was happy you wouldn’t have to be tied to someone like him anymore cause you deserve so much more.
A few tear drops fell, wetting the papers, but he had already signed and made his decision with the understanding that you’d never come back to him.
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am i the asshole for cutting off my mentally unstable friend without any explanation whatsoever?
(🧠🌩️ so i can find it)
tw for abuse and cheating mentions
ok typing out that title makes me feel like i might be TA to, like, some degree but just hear me out first.
i (19, f) was in my first semester of college when i met rachel (20). we shared a class and grew to be friends over our shared nerdy interests. i admittedly didn't really like her that much at first and didn't consider her to be that close of a friend. she was really just someone to talk to when class got boring or we had a break or something.
i was actually kinda regretting talking to her at all because i clocked that she was a little unstable almost immediately; she was very quick to anger and constantly talked about fighting people that had ""wronged"" her (which included our professor who she was convinced was out to get her for some reason?? idk why our prof was a really nice lady), constantly trauma dumped without asking (i'm talking like early into our relationship too. first day we met she was ranting about her abusive mother and her childhood trauma and stuff), and always found a way to turn the focus of the conversation about her any time i tried to talk about myself or anything that wasn't our shared interests. the only reason i gave her my number is bc she asked for it and i didn't know how to turn her down without hurting her feelings--i'd been planning on ghosting the second our class ended.
so we continued to talk/text for like a year and (at her insistence) met up for lunch in between class the following semester. i warmed to her a little at this point so it wasn't too bad; at the very least her constant drama gave me something to talk about with my real friends, and like i said i didn't really know how to cut her off in a way that wouldn't start something.
so time goes on and she shuffles through a few boyfriends--all who either cheated on her or were inattentive/verbally abusive. she constantly asked me for advice, which was confusing bc she never listened to it? like she asked me if she should take back her ex who cheated on her 3x and i said "no that sounds like an awful idea" and then she exploded at me and screamed that i could 'go fuck myself' and to 'stay the fuck outta her business bc it's her fucking life and not mine'. but then the minute he (predictably) cheated on her again and dumped her guess who had to sit with her on the phone for 2 hours while she cried? yep. me!
this kinda bullshit continued all the way up to a few months ago. she met a new guy, told me all about how he was "the one" and "he's gonna be different this time" blah blah blah. at this point i genuinely stopped giving a fuck about her and her problems. the only reason i hadn't cut her off was because my other friends loved hearing about her drama secondhand and i admittedly did enjoy making fun of her with them. which i know is kinda shitty but at least she'll never find out about it?
anyways, shit starts to get particularly juicy bc two months into rachel's relationship with this new dude he proposes. and she accepts (?!!) not only that but she informs me (not asks. INFORMS) me that i will be a bridesmaid. and i panicked and just said "uhhh cool i'm so happy for you!!" so this is the point where i decide that i need to end this relationship bc having to attend her wedding is just not something i wanna be apart of and i felt that if i went through with that it would solidify our ''friendship'' in her mind and i'd never be rid of her.
so i stop responding to her texts as frequently and began ducking her calls. didn't have to stop initiating bc i never initiated convos with her in the first place. i'd answer every once in a while bc she would start spamming that she was having ""emergencies!!!"" which. they never were true emergencies; she just wanted to vent about her fiance and his shitty family or something his ex-wife did to piss her off (her fiance was like 20 and divorced twice with three kids. YIKES) and i'd listen until she got tired of talking and ended the call. not once did she ever ask about me btw. at this point she wasn't even to pretend to care about me or my life; i was just her dumping grounds for all her trauma and venting.
i thought she might've got the message that we were done bc she hadn't texted for like a month, but a few days ago i recieved a message that said something like "omg i haven't heard from you in a while, are you okay??" and. i'm not sure if i can put into words the sheer amount of exasperation and annoyance those words filled me with. like i could tell right off the bat it was just a ploy so she could get me talking and then vent and saddle me with all her stupid emotional bullshit. so i blocked her, finally. this shouldn't cause any problems bc she dropped out of school last semester (she was failing so she decided to start her own business).
the thing is, i know that she's mentally not well. she is very erratic and immature, add that to the fact that she's gone through a lot of trauma throughout her life and the end result is a deeply flawed person. at the same time i'm not responsible for her mental health and continuing to play friends with her what i don't even like her in the first place seems disingenuous. but she's got abandonment issues, so me doing this is probably gonna hurt her. although me being honest and saying that i can't stand her and her drama anymore probably wouldn't feel any better.
What are these acronyms?
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shadowqueenjude · 10 months
Lorcan and Elide's relationship: A summary
Lorcan: jeez that bitch smells funny she must be a monster in disguise *decides to follow her for days* Elide: Dude I'm just trying to get to my queen I'm a normal human being leave me alone pls. *ilken show up* Lorcan: Oh dear what's the point of stalking her if she dies now? Let me kill those ilken for you. Run girl. Elide: *runs* Lorcan: Damn this bitch slow af. *ilken split up and catch Lorcan and Elide separately* Lorcan: *kills ilken* Elide: *tricks ilken* Lorcan: Jeez wtf she survived? Smartass. She must be a monster. Elide: I'm literally not. I'm escaping Morath Lorcan: Whatever, let's go. *scoops Elide up like a sack of potatoes and runs* *once they're safe* Lorcan: Yooooo you came from Morath? I'll protect you and in exchange you tell me everything about the place. Elide: Deal. Later on... Elide: So let's sneak into that tavern in disguise. Follow my lead. Lorcan: ...fine *overhear a carnival group discussing how to get across the plains* Elide: So you're my husband now. Lorcan: Are you crazy, woman? Do I look like a male who can be tied down? Elide: To me, yes. Lorcan: ...Yes ma'am. Elide: Hey circus babes! Do you have any availabilities? My husband here is an expert sword-thrower and I'm an oracle. Circus troupe: What a coincidence! A sword-thrower is exactly what we need! Lorcan: 👁️👄👁️ later on... Elide: Actually fuck you I don't want to tell you shit. Lorcan: ... *washes her clothes, draws her a bath, brings her dinner* Elide: My uncle locked me in the dungeon in Morath and abused me in Perranth long before. Lorcan: *cracks knuckles* Somebody has a death wish *repeatedly saves Elide from ilken* Lorcan: Not my wife you dicks! Later on... Elide: *picks up his axe and starts wielding it like a badass* Lorcan: 😍 Later on... Lorcan: *shields Elide from the might of Aelin, Dorian, and Rowan's magic* Elide: Damn, my queen and her court are terrifying. Lorcan is just my smol teddy bear. Lorcan: I aM nOt I aM lItTeRaLlY dEaTh HiMsElF- *proceeds to put a tiny shield over Elide to keep ash from clumping in her hair* Elide: Uh huh. *Gavriel and Fenrys try to kill Lorcan and Elide jumps in between* Lorcan: I'm going to kill BOTH of you assholes. Gavriel: Let me heal the girl at least. Lorcan: ...fine. Elide: NO- Lorcan: I wanted to go to Perranth with you. *random army approaches them* Lorcan: DUDE WTF WE JUST ESCAPED 500 ILKEN I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT *tries to help Elide escape* *turns out Aelin had called for that army but she was too stupid to tell anybody and it was too late because Lorcan had instinctively called for his queen* Elide: I choose you, Lorcan. *Aelin gets kidnapped by Lorcan's queen* Elide: ...nvm *proceeds to destroy Lorcan's will to live over the next few months* Lorcan: I'M SORRY ELIDE! I SWEAR! Elide: Actually die, monster. Lorcan: *about to die* Elide: ExCuse me, he's MY emotional support monster. *proceeds to save him in a legendary scene* Lorcan: I LOVE YOU ELIDE! Elide: *quietly* I love you too. Lorcan: WHAT WAS THAT? Elide: I SAID I LOVE YOU LORCAN SALVATERRE *fade to black sex* Later on... Lorcan: Ask me to marry you. Elide: Will you marry me? Lorcan: I'll think about it. Elide: *doubles over laughing* Lorcan: What? Elide: Is it truly worth it to become Lord Lorcan Lochan? Lorcan: I will marry you, Elide Lochan. And proudly call myself Lord Lorcan Lochan, even when the whole kingdom laughs to hear it. And when we are wed, I will bind my life to yours, so we will never know a day apart. Never be alone, ever again.
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untowardsthoughts · 10 days
I Believe You Have A Call [dndads brothers au fic]
this is one of the fics that i mentioned in this post; a lil piece of the Glenn and Jodie Brothers AU that's been rollin around my noggin for a few months now. its basically just a rewrite of that one scene where glenn takes the phone call from morgan but brothers au
Excerpt taken from Dungeons & Daddies (Ep 28, The Bridges of Dad and Son County) Anthony: The shortest one walks up to Glenn and produces a cell phone. Shortest Robe: I believe you have a call. … Freddie: Uh… Caller ID? Nothing? Anthony: The caller ID says the name of your late wife, Morgan Freeman.
Standing face to face with the men who kidnapped their sons was bone-chilling, to say the least. Jodie stood there, ears plugged on account of Erin’s warning to their group, unable to hear anything of what was being said from the purple robes in front of them. 
Jodie and Henry watched the muffled back-and-forth between Darryl, Ron and the robed figures, until Paeden turned to the two of them, flicking his ears in a gesture of take out your earplugs. 
The tallest robe steps forward towards the dads, “You are going to answer yes or no to the following question: you will let us raise your children, in exchange we will help you leave the Forgotten Realms today. And not only that…”
The shortest one approaches Jodie, producing a small cellphone from the depths of their robe. Jodie takes a step back, hand inching towards his firearm on his holster. 
“I believe you have a call.”
… A call?
The only people capable of producing phone calls in this dimension were themselves to their wives, and Scam Likely - and seeing how the latter recently met his demise, Jodie doubts either option. 
Jodie gingerly takes the cellphone from the hooded figure and puts it to his ear.
“... Hello?”
“Hey man! How’s it hangin’?”
The phone almost slips from his hand. That can’t be him- he’s dead, he’s been dead- He steadies his breathing as he can feel himself about to choke up. 
“... Glenn? Is that- is that you?”
“Yeah dawg, did you lose my number already? I’ve been gone for, what, a month now? I woulda hoped you’d wait a bit longer than that, at least two.”
“No, no, no, no - I didn’t- What I meant was.. you’ve- I-”
“Relax dude, I was joking. Anyways, I’m calling to tell you that I’m on my way back! Dad and I are gonna be in town for a couple days and I wanted to see if you were down to hang out. I’m thinkin’ McDonalds?”
“.... What year is it?” Jodie can feel himself beginning to hyperventilate. Out of all things, a call from his late brother was the last thing he was expecting to deal with since coming into this realm and losing his kid. The thought crossed his mind when they were faced with the whole Terry Senior situation, but once all the Dads agreed that they were indeed not dead, Jodie tried not to give it any more thought. His brother’s been dead for at least a decade now, he can’t afford to spiral down that theory again. Not now. Not here, not when he was so close to getting his son back. 
“...Dude, are you okay? Don’t tell me you went through my shit, dammit. It’s like 1 in the afternoon! Did you eat anything? If it was the gummies on my desk- ”
“Glenn, answer the question - please.” 
“It's 1996. Joe, listen to me, man. You’re gonna be alright, just hang in there. Put on a movie, sit your ass down on the couch - I’ll be home in about 2 hours. Is mom home?”
“I- uhh…”
“Alright, forget about that. Just relax, you’ll be fine. Try to enjoy it! I’ll see you later.”
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madalice31 · 5 months
It’s annoying that I keep seeing articles talking about Aaron Taylor Johnson and his wife and how they’re so flabbergasted by everyone’s “fascination” with their age gap.
Like literally she was 42 and he was 18 when they met and started dating. Hell he might have been 17 going on 18 but i can’t remember. On one of his first movie projects I might add, like this was before Kickass. And she directed him in that first movie. In fact, by the time kick ass two rolled around I think they were already married. She married him before he even turned 21.
You can’t tell me he was not groomed. That’s just point blank. There has been a power dynamic imbalance since they got together. I mean seriously, he was a year older than her oldest kid.
The white media won’t drag her like the black media dragged Draya tho. They’ll just smile and nod and say it’s okay now that he’s in his 30s.
But let’s not sit here and act like this shit is normal. Notice how she’s had a grip on his career ever since? She’s literally a director and producer in the industry. She has weight. This man barely does anything with a romantic interest and I guarantee he would be in a lot more movies if he wasn’t married to her. And most likely he would have much larger parts in the films too. Like aside from bullet train, he’s had such a minute part in every other movie. My bf and I would get excited to see his name attached to a film, only to watch it and realize he has such a small role. It’s like they use his name for clout. Like I’m still trying to remember when he pops up in Tenant. And his name is never top billed when it should be.
I think Kraven will be the first movie he leads since the A Million Little Pieces movie, and he was directed by his wife in that as well! She overly involves herself in his career. She claims they “take turns” on projects so they’re not apart from each other for too long. But it seems his career suffers the most from that arrangement because again, it’s not like he’s off for months and months on a project. He’s not the lead! So he’s there for maybe a few weeks and he’s back home. Hell in a recent interview she was complaining about being away from him for 6 weeks (the longest they’ve been apart) and how they were “never doing that again.” This man is doing press tours for a project she has nothing to do with and and she’s coming with him to every interview. Like why? Ain’t you supposed to be home with the kids bitch? While he’s doing his own thing for a few weeks? Oh yes, that’s right, she needs to control everything he does. God forbid he’s away from her for long enough to realize maybe he’s not actually happy with her.
He likes to defend her by saying he pursued her but it’s like dude, you think so? You know what that sounds like? The 12 year old student who was raped by his teacher and defended her by saying he pursued and wanted a relationship with her. He grew up, married her, and got her pregnant all while she was in prison for being with him. Guess where they are now? Divorced. So just because Aaron thinks the relationship was his idea doesn’t make it right. She had the responsibility to say no, you’re entirely too young for me. Instead she decided to just “go with the flow” and let “a good thing happen” to her after two kids and a divorce 🙄.
Please. 8 or 10 years apart, I’ll give you that. But 20 to 30 years apart AND you met the person when they were still a teenager? I’m not tryna hear that age is just a number bullshit.
Smh. He’s so far gone tho, I doubt he’ll divorce her. He might pull a Hugh Jackman years from now, but at least Hugh was in his 20s when he got with his much older wife. I don’t think she was able to brainwash him the way Aaron’s wife has done. Plus Hugh and his ex never had kids. I’m sure kids being involved makes it harder for Aaron if he’s even thinking about or thought about leaving. So I guess we’ll just see how the cookie crumbles.
I like him as an actor, but I’ve always found their relationship disturbing. So I wish they would just shut up about it and be low key. Cause one thing they seem to steer clear of talking about is the actual beginning of their relationship and the fact that he was a vulnerable, 18 year old first time actor when they met, literally just as career was starting. And he’s never mentioned about how his family feels about him being with her. Never even made a passing comment saying that they love her or anything like that. Just saying, the signs are there.
The quiet on the set documentary clearly shows how young actors are not protected. In this case he was legal, so she got away with it. Smh. I wish him the best.
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agoodpairofsocks · 11 days
tell me about rich inc pretty please
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY TO COME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : D
Okay so. Shit. where do I start. Be prepared to read.
In 1977 there were two college students in New York, Solomon Bruno and Richard Mann, who were childhood friends experimenting on rats in Solomon's mother's basement trying to increase the longevity of their lives. Right? Right.
This next sequence of events is what leads to Richard becoming an evil, homicidal billionaire and leads to Solomon joining the anti-Rich INC activist group known as the Mortal Men, who is trying to prove Immortality is quite literally made of the blood of the innocent- One night Richard and Solomon are outside a diner and there's a cute girl inside, they flip a coin and ultimately decide that Richard is the one who gets to talk to her- Her name is Helen, she's studying at Harvard to become a lawyer. They begin dating. On Richard's 21st birthday Helen throws him a huge house party which he pretends to like, even though Solomon knows better and knows he doesn't enjoy those types of social gatherings. Richards not enjoying himself and ultimately decides to leave, he tells Helen who accidentally lets the words "I love you" slip from her mouth. Ruh-roh, Richard says NOTHING back and just. Leaves.
Solomon sees Helen rush upstairs, crying, and goes to check on her. One thing leads to another, and, they be boinking. ANYYYYWAYS fast forward like two months later and Helen goes on a trip to Africa (she loves elephants and endangered species) and Solomon is trying to deal with his guilt of sleeping with his best friends girlfriend, he's wondering if he should tell him.
One night, while one of the newer testing rats is in the same cage with the oldest test rat- the elderly rat eats the younger one. And, surprisingly, it starts displaying signs of youthfulness again! Its gray hairs disappear and it starts behaving like a younger rat. So, Solomon and Richard, not thinking about the implications of this strange development, just decide to celebrate their accomplishment! Yay!
They smoke some herbage, they drink some drinkage, they're havin' a good time !
They turn on music, they're slow dancing! Like friends do!
And then Solomon, thinking about his guilt and sleeping with Helen is like, "Hey, I have to tell you something."
And Richard straight up goes, "You don't have to tell me anything," And he kisses Solomon on the mouth.
But wuh-oh. Solomon punches him in the eye! .... Not cool dude ! he yells at Richard to "get the fuck out" of his house . And uh. yeah they're not friends anymore. To say the least. A few months later when Helen is back in town, Solomon gets into a car crash when a black cat runs in the road and he swerves out of the way. He ends up in the hospital, sedated, when Richard shows up and has him sign this document Helen wrote up. Which, he does, not knowing it's basically a false admission that he had NOTHING to do with the development of immortality and that he owns no rights to the profits or credit. Which. The actual story takes place in 1999 and it follows: A young man named Jasper, who is an aspiring writer from Canada living in a dingy apartment in New York with his hairless cat named Ugly. He ends up working for Rich INC as Richard's assistant. A young woman named CJ, who is the leader and founder of the Mortal Men, her life's work is to take down Richard, and avenge her brother who went missing four years prior. 👀 Solomon, who is now a jaded and bitter forty year old man who has dedicated his time to trying to fighting Richard any way he can and getting the credit he deserves, throwing away his life in the process. Richard, who is now a cold and compassionless horrifying billionaire who gets away with everything he does, has the world in the palm of his hand and feels he still has nothing that he wants. And Helen, Richard's unloved wife who is perpetually trying to fill the void of the dreams she lost. UHHHHHHHHH if you read all this fucking. thank you lol. also questions are very appreciated... dbihkbshkbkhsb thanks for asking about Rich INC. I should start on maybe making it into a graphic novel around January...... but we'll see
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babyhailey564 · 2 years
This story contains a lot of sexual gay content and a bit crass at times. It’s been written for you gay diaper boys out there that crave and sexually get off on diaper humiliation of being forced into diapers or babyhood. I purposely tried to tag quite a few subjects in this story to appeal to a larger audience. Gay ,str8 , DL, AB
This story is about 23 year old jock who’s a AB/DL trying to deal with his emotions and strong desires to be force back into babyhood.
Like many he has little exposure to others in real time meetings and most of his fantasies he’s lived out on his own in his head.
That was all about to change ,way more then he ever imagined while chatting online one day, probably more then he bargained for .
Like most into our scene I spend a lot of time chatting on the Internet with other guys into diapers .
Then one day when I was 23 year old I started chatting with a guy who only lived 40 mins away in a small rural town.
He told me he was married that his wife and sister in law treated him like a baby . Of course I didn’t believe him and thought he had a wild imagination like so many on the internet. Though I liked chatting with him because the treatment he told me he received was what I craving.
He was kind of mysterious, he’d only pop up on my chat once in a blue moon, then just disappear while chatting .
This went on for months us chatting on and off telling each other our fantasies. At least mine where fantasies since I had very little exposure to the real diaper world . .
Then one Saturday morning when I was signed on , he popped up on my chat, telling his wife and sister in law where away for the weekend .
Asking me to come out and visit him . At that point I was so hungry to meet others into diapers, so jumped at the chance and said yes .
I was a bit surprise by his offer because in our last chat together had grown a bit tired by his wild stories and sudden disappearing acts and kind of made fun of him a little bit.
Though I was gay and he was so called straight didn’t really matter I just wanted to meet other diaper guys .
Well he sent me directions to his house in the country to my email .
I headed out to his place about 5 pm in the afternoon ,it took me like 45 mins to get there .
He lived in a old run down farm house in the middle of “no where” .
I got out of my jeep went and knocked on the door .
A good looking guy in his late 20’s answered the door in nothing but a T-shirt and diaper, covered in puffy baby pants
Of course my dick went boing !
Though to say the least I was very….. nervous .
We sat around talking, having some beers, but I couldn’t take my eyes of his diapers wishing it was me.
Jeff seemed like a nice guy, but a bit shy of a full load ,kind of that country simple mentality thing going on .
When he talked I kept hearing banjo’s playing in my head.LOL!
I was slugging down beers trying to dull my nerviness,after I had about 3 beers he suggested we get me diapered.
He took me to a bedroom ,the first thing I spotted was a playpen in the middle of the room and also a huge baby crib.
There was a little single bed in the corner and shelves staked with diapers and plastic pants .
Wow I thought to myself, so he wasn’t lying about his life of being treated like a baby. At that point it occurred to me this was a….. bit weird .
His wife and sister in law really treated him like a baby which made me feel a… bit…. leery .
I probably should have said right then,I got to leave , but my little head down below wanted to be diapered.
Jeff insisted on diapering me ,I’d said never been diapered by anyone before .
So of course I jumped at the chance.
I stripped out of my jeans and boxers and laid on the bed .
He grab 2 very thick cloth diapers ,I had mentioned I had never tried cloth before .He then slipped them under me and powdered the diapers up good.
I laid there with the biggest stiffy in the world ,Jeff smiled and joked saying it looks like you really like this dude!
Then he got pins and pinned my diapers up nice and snug ,he grabbed some clear baby pants and slid them up my legs.
I thought I had gone to heaven and was going to explode right there on the spot in my diapers.
We went back to the living room and had a few more beers , I keep pounding the beers and began feeling no pain , finally relaxing and getting into the whole thing .
It was soooo………. cool just us 2 hanging out in our diapers chatting having some beers.
Then Jeff suggested let’s go play in baby nursery ,we grabbed our beers and headed up to the room .
He talked me into getting in the playpen ,I had never been in a playpen before .
Of course the beer made all my inhibitions disappear.
As I step in and sat down playpen my body actually began to shake a bit ,it felt so “incredible” like this is where I “belonged”.
I had the most raging hard on ,tenting my diapers .
He then grabbed a baby bottle and took my beer and filled the bottle and gave it to me.
Another new experience ,I put it in my lips and began to suck on it ,I thought I died and went to heaven.
He kind of played Daddy and kept teasing me,saying is baby going wet his diapers .
Well after while with all the beers I let go and soaked my diapers ,Jeff was laughing he could see my plastic pants get a big wet yellow spot inside spreading against the front of my diapers . I was a bit drunk but was in baby heaven . .
Then Jeff said he’d be right back ,he needed to get a cold one .Very buzzed on beer I sat there sucking on the baby bottle regressing away in the playpen. Well he returned a few minutes later and walked through the door with a big grin on his face .
Then…… 2 women followed behind him . My jaw dropped to the ground ,there I was sitting in a playpen ,in nothing but soaking wet diapers on,
with a baby bottle in my mouth . I must have looked like a deer in car headlights when I saw them and froze .
One of the women said well ,well, well looks like we have another baby here .
I tried to stand up in the playpen and one of the women said sit down in your playpen baby boy !.
Jeff just standing there with a big smirking grin of amusement on his face .Like SUCKER!
At that point I knew I had been tricked by them all .
Then even worse I had to pee again bad and had no choice but to let go in my diapers in front of them.
They could tell I was wetting and laughed at me saying dam the boy is soaking his diadee’s again.
Then the women talk between themselves about me .
One said to the other, looks like we got a sissy baby on our hands,Jeff adding he likes baby boys too……
The other replied with agreement and said I think we need to teach the boy a good lesson he’ll never forget.
I was mortified at that point and felt trapped and humiliated .
What could I say in my defense? As I sat in the playpen in diapers so soaked from pee they were pudding in the bottom of the plastic pants with a baby bottle in my hands .
Then one of the women walked over and picked up my jeans , felt for my keys and wallet ,she grabs the rest of my clothes too.
She said you re not going anywhere soon baby, so you won’t be needing these and left the room with my clothes.
The other women said you do exactly as your told and be a good baby ,we may let you go tomorrow .
Adding we can’t have drunk baby’s driving on the road at night. with a “Chuckle ”
She looked at me and asked if I was going to be a good baby ,I had little alternative but to say yes .
She replied call me Mommy for now on baby and my sister is Auntie.
I said yes Mommy ,in a broken cracked nervous voice.
Then other one came back in the room and said lets get him into the bathroom and cleaned up.
They took me by the hand and walked me to the bathroom as one of them unpinned my soaking diapers and let them drop on the floor inside my plastic pants. They told me to keep sucking on my baby bottle of beer, if it was not for being so buzzed on beer I probably would have been mortified and tried to fight back.
The tell all was my dick standing out str8 as a flag pole,it was admitting one side of me enjoyed my treatment .
Mommy chuckled in disgust looking at my cock and said some big baby going to loveeee……… this.
Mommy said that hair down below on you baby , it got to go……Baby’s don’t have hair.
I tried to say no pleaseeee ,she slapped me hard on my damp bare bottom saying you’ll do as your told,just suck on that bottle baby!
They ordered me in the bath tube and Mommy grabbed electric trimmers out of the cabinet.
Mommy turn them on and began to shave my hair off down below ,I just stood there feeling totally helpless sucking on my beer to relieve my nervousness ,being stripped of my manhood by total strangers
Auntie commented he’s looking more like a baby by the minute.
She got done trimming all the long hair off down below ,then grabbed a bottle of hair remover .
She put on rubber gloves and began to smear it all over my crotch and legs .
After about 5 mins of a burning feeling on my skin , she turned on the shower and I looked down as my hairy manhood washed away down the drain .
Jeff the whole time is watching from the door with the biggest freaking grin on his face ,like a little kid in a candy store .
I stood there as she dried me off like a baby and then she said, time to get you back in your DIA…..PERS……….baby boy
She lead me back to the baby room as they called it and pushed me down on the changing bed.
The 2 women talked back and forth between themselves ,one telling the other to go get a suppository ,we need to make him feel like a “real” baby.
I kind of made a moaning noise .
Mommy grinned and said don’t worry I have a feeling your going “love” dropping a big messy load in your diapers baby .
Jeff filled us in on all your little baby secrets you told him in online chat.
He also told us you made fun of him too, adding you didn’t believe him ,well after tonight you will be a believer.
You’ll feel like a real tough man filling the butt of your diapers like a baby in front of all of us, chuckling a loud !
Mommy grabbed the baby lotion and smeared it thickly on my groin and butt , the other women returned with the suppository .
Mommy pushed my legs up and lubed my butt and popped the suppository in my hole.
Then grabbed a thick disposable diaper and several soaker pads slipped them under me and taped up the diapers nice and tight.
She grab a pink pair of plastic pants and said pink for SISSY’S and slipped them up my legs .
I had to admit to myself in my drunken state my hair being gone made the diapers feel so soft and wonderful.
There I laid in thick diapers ,thinking I was going to mess my diapers eventually in front of 2 strange women.
They pulled me off the changing bed and put me back in the playpen with Jeff.
Mommy told Auntie to get a baby bottle full of beer and to put something extra in it to make the baby keeps wetting his diapers .
She returned with the baby bottle and shoved it in my mouth,and said suck every last drop down .
They both sat down on the bed and teased me relentlessly as I sucked away on the baby bottle.
Jeff kept ranting the baby is going to mess in his diapers ,laughing at me.
I got almost halfway through the bottle and I felt a rumble in my stomach .
It starting getting worse ,I began to figit moving my butt back and forth.
Jeff squealed  to Mommy he’s going to mess in his diapers sounding like a child  telling on a sibling.
I felt like a 2 year old at that point ,trying to hold it back ,Mommy saying is baby going to make a mes….sy in his diapers.
They could tell from the look of agony on my face and I had stopped sucking on the bottle .
Then with no control my ass started exploding over and over in the seat of my diapers.
I made a moaning whimpering noise each time my butt muscles pumped out another spurt of the warm goo.
With each spurt in the seat of my diapers I felt like my body was shrinking smaller and smaller.
Mommy ordered me to stand up and she walked over to the playpen ,she rubbed and patted hard my butt and said wow baby made a BIG….. messy in his diapers,didn’t you ?
I felt myself sinking even further into Babyhood replying yes in shame.
She said well you can sit in them for awhile and think about what a big baby you are .
Eventually I had to pee and added to the mess soaking my diapers .
Then Mommy said it’s time for your special bottle sissy baby. She looked at Jeff and said show him .
Jeff reached into his diapers and pulled out his dick and said here’s your bottle baby . Mommy pushed me towards Jeffs dick and said suck on the bottle baby.
I hesitated but had no choice and was in not position to argue .I slowly put my lips on Jeff’s dick.
Mommy pushed the back of my head to take in every last inch , his crotch stunk of urine and could feel his wet diaper hitting my chin.
The women teased me and kept saying what a big diaper sissy I was and said I bet you love Jeff’s baby bottle.
There I was in big messy diapers sucking on another diaper boys dick,with 2 strange women as a audience
I kept sucking and Mommy kept pushing my head faster and faster .
Jeff finally said Mommy I’m going to cum…. ,she said give the sissy baby your milk and she pushed my head hard into his crotch ,so his dick jammed down throat.
I felt his warm pulsating load shoot down my throat.
The women just laughed and force me to tell them I loved sucking Jeff’s bottle.
I said with tears in my eye I loved Jeff’s Baby Bottle .
Mommy said wait until we let baby Jeff plug your diapered rosebud with his baby bottle.
Eventually they took me into the bathroom got me all cleaned up then put thick clean diapers and plastic pants on me .
Then put me in a big baby crib and locked my wrists to leather cuffs in the crib .
One of them came in the room with a baby bottle full of milk ,she walked over to me and had a pill in her fingers.
She pryed my mouth open and said take this , it will help you sleep, then shoved it in my mouth and jammed the baby bottle in my lips
She forced me to drink the milk,while talking down to me like I was a little baby.
Mommy looked over and said to her sister don’t you think we should give him another suppository .
Her sister said with excitement defiantly ! He’ll wake up feeling like a’’ REAL’’ baby in the morning with messy wet diapers.
They pulled down the side of the crib pushed me on my side and one yanked down the back of my diapers and the other slipped the big pill in my butt.
They pulled my diapers and plastic pants up fast and made me finished the milk .
I was getting real drowsy at that point and could barely keep my eyes open between the effects of all the beer and the sleeping pill.
The last thing I remember was the light being turned off and hearing sweet dreams baby .
I woke in the morning feeling groggy and very disoriented,with a hang over .
I finely focused my eyes , where I was and what was happening to me started to creep back into my mind.
Though a lot of blanks do to being drunk last night
I could feel my diapers were soaked and there was a warm mess in the back of my diapers .
I try to reach down and feel my diapers but my wrists were strapped to the crib bars at my sides.
There was a sense of panic in me like WTF!
I had no idea what came over me I began to cry l in silence to myself out of frastration.
I think because I felt like such a baby lying there helpless in a crib in messy,wet diapers,I had “no” recollection of wetting or messing during that night or exactly how I ended up bound in the crib.
Then I heard the door open, it was Mommy and Jeff .
Mommy walked over to me and could see the tears running down my face. Seeing their faces made more of what happened last night in my drunken state coming back to me .
Talking to me like a 2 year old she said is baby crying because he messed his diapers last night ,I motioned my head up and down to say yes.
She said it’s ok that’s what baby’s do at night ,adding “GET USE TO IT” .
Get use to it I thought in my puzzled hung over mind ?
Mommy released me from the leather handcuffs and put down the side of the crib and got me out .
I waddled as I walked from my heavily soaked and loaded diapers.
Mommy said your having trouble walking you better crawl like a baby and forced me down on all 4’s and stuck a pacifier in my mouth.
At that point I totally lost it , I was a bit disoriented ,half awake and hung over. Acting like a baby was the easy thing to do at that point ,to think of anything else made my head hurt
I let go of ever last ounce of adulthood left in my body and mind . What else could I do at that point but to let go ,crawling in loaded messy diapers on all 4’s with no choice.
Jeff kept repeating to Mommy he’s a “BIG” time baby . Mommy replied he sure is , he was very ‘easy’ to break down.
With a big strong muscular body like his, he could have easily over powered us and gotten away if he really wanted to, but look at him now crawling on all 4’s in his big messy baby diapers . Saying in a devious voice I think you found us a keeper this time Jeff .
Hearing that gave me a pit in my stomach ,thinking to myself found a keeper ?
Jeff said to Mommy he told me in chat online he wanted to be treated like a real baby ,giggling ! I thought Damm………. I did , I thought to myself I told him my ultimate fantasy was to be forced back into babyhood .
They made me crawl down to the kitchen and put me in a highchair and strapped me in tieing a sesame street baby bib on me.
Her sister walked in and said it smells like some baby did a big mess in his diapers last night,I kind of hung my head.
Mommy made me oatmeal ,I sat there being spoon fed like a baby why the others ate like adults ,making me eat every last drop.
Eventually they got me out of the high chair and took me to the bathroom and got me cleaned up.
I was so happy my messy diapers were getting very….. uncomfortable.
Then lead me back to the baby room and on the changing table for thick disposable diapers and plastic pants .
Mommy said to Jeff it’s time to have fun with the baby’s rosebud ,Jeff eyes lit up .
It did not compute what she said in my foggy disoriented hung over mind of confusion,thinking what’s a rosebud ?
They took me over to the crib ,got me up into it and forced me to lay on my stomach.
I heard snap ,snap on both arms and my legs before I could even realized what was happening
They used straps to spread eagle my body face down and shoved a big baby pacifier in my mouth that had straps come around my head lock it in place .
I was scared shitless at this point WTF is happening? .
They yanked down the back of my diapers to expose my hole .
Jeff stripped out of his sweat pants and let them drop to the floor to expose his shave crotch with a big stiffy.
Then it all computed my rosebud ,Holly shit I’m going to get fucked !
I panicked and tried yelling through my huge pacifier ,all of it came out as muffled.
I heard Mommy say calm down you going to really enjoy this sissy boy!
I was gay but never let anyone penetrate me before .
He then got up on top of me , lubed my butt hole and then I could feel the tip of Jeff’s dick pushing in my butt hole.
Mommy and her sister said give the sissy baby what he what he wants .
At first it really hurt,trying to pull on my restraints to get free ,then the pain slowly subsided and began to feel better.
Jeff started pumping away in me like a little kid on a big toy rocking horse on crack, saying baby’s rosebud feels so good….
Jeff kept  pumping away and to my total embarrassment and more humiliation I started to moan in uncontrolled ecstasy forgetting the circumstances this was happening under.
The women cheering for Jeff and laughing at me at getting boned in my diapers .
Then Jeff started pumping my hole harder and I could feel him stiffen up and then he shot his load in my butt saying Mommy I’m cumming .
As he exploded deep inside me, I let out a “LOUD” moan through the big pacifier.
My head was turned toward the women and I could see the great amusement on there faces.
Mommy commenting to Auntie I wish I moaned like that when I got laid by a man ,I think the baby just had a butt orgasm
Jeff finally got off of me and got out of the crib. They release me from my bonds ,I rolled over and discovered to further humiliation I was rock hard.
My diapers and plastic pants were over stretched like a pup tent from my hard on .
The women spotted it and said looks like baby really enjoy his rosebud being popped !
Mommy said we better take care of the baby’s little pee pee.
Mommy came over and began to massage my dick through my plastic pants and diapers ,I began to moan,then she stopped .
She Grabbed a life size teddy bear laying on the floor and placed it in the crib and instructed me to roll on top of it and  hump my diapers like a good baby
I was so f….ing horny to get off I’d do anything at that point .
Embarrassed and humiliated as I was I began to hump the big life size bear in my diapers for relief.
The crinkle of my diapers ,crib mattress cover sent me into a humping frenzy  ecstasy .
They then made me say out loud ’ I’m a baby’ as I humped away .
Mumbling I’m a baby over and over through my pacifier. I was GONE……… ,totally disconnected from reality humping away in baby land.
Only focusing in how good my dick felt in my thick soft diapers felt against my smooth dick .
Then Jeff blurt out, someone sure………. loves beinging a baby braking me out of my frenzy !
Huh Jeff barked at me? I mumbled I ’m a baby ,he replied I can’t hear you and instructed me to look up at him and say it
I said loud as I could through the pacifier I ’m a baby , turning my head to look up at Jeff only to see the lens of a video camera ,thinking ooooh….. shit there filming me, but it was to late I was already over the edge of no return .
Violently exploding with the most intense orgasm of my life Screaming into the camera I’m a BABY. I felt like I was pissing gallons of cum in my diapers moaning over and over I’m a baby, baby, baby through the pacifier.
I laid there exhausted my body  shuttering,breathing hard for a minute saying quietly to myself “ I’m a baby”  as I tried to gather me thoughts. As though I finally was admitting it to myself, I loved babyhood and conceding to it.
Mommy heard me and said you sure are one big baby. You just proved to us, you LOVE….. being a baby .
Mommy looked at Jeff and said did you record all of that ,he said I got every single second of it on video.
She said good with that video he’s going to be very cooperative in the future.
When every I fantasized on my own and got off ,right afterwards I snapped back to adult reality .Well that was not the case this time it made me feel even more infantile . The fact it happened as they all watched and filmed me getting off in baby ecstasy ,now diapers and babyhood made me feel even more helpless and very vulnerable to them.
Since they now held the keys to my biggest secret in my life and were my keepers if they so chose.
Totally emotionally exhausted ,I conceded to my new babyhood and loss of reality .
I endured even more baby treatment that day. Finally being put in super thick layered disposable diapers and old pair of nursery print plastic pants along with a suppository in my butt.
They gave me my clothes back ,I could barely button my jeans and my zipper was jammed open on the diapers they were so bulky .
Leaving my midsection all bulging out ,diapers sticking out of the waist and teddy bear baby pants exposed .
I tried to fix my zipper but Mommy slapped my hand and said leave it alone,then she yanked on it to jam it even more.
Mommy commenting I hope you got enough gas to get home because the whole world will know what a baby you are, if you get out of your car .
They walked me to my car ,me waddling like a 2 year old from the thick diapers and said we’ll expect you next Friday night baby and plan to spend a weekend here.
Remember we have all your information written down from your wallet and know where to find you
Not to forget to mention your first family home baby video .
I drove off in my car feeling totally emotionally drained bound in thick bulky baby diapers ,feeling like a 2 yrs old driving down the street .
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caesarflickermans · 3 months
girly pop, what happened on reddit? (and who do we need to beat up?? 🤺)
Someone made a post asking for fanfiction recommendations. Among these they asked for work on Snow's relatives, including wives/daughters/etc, and cool OCs. I recommended mine as it fit. My original comment
My She smelled like white roses features President Snow's second wife. She eventually befriends Plutarch Heavensbee, so if you're interested in the Snows & the Capitol rebellion, this fic might be for you :)
was removed by THG's mod, as was the case for another user recommending their fanfiction as no self-promotion is allowed in the subreddit. I had assumed the rule applied mostly to posts, but more on that later.
The mod then made a comment of their own in that same thread recommending both works without even the context on why they'd fit.
I responded to my original comment on the removal being ridiculous, which had the mod respond again (look at the downvotes). As they requested, I was supposed to carry this to modmail, so I did. Following a lengthy discussion, I was banned and they muted me from modmail. Initially 30 days, then I couldn't find the message anymore thinking it was just removed, but apparently I was still banned so I was unsure if permanently or for 30 days (turns out it's only 30). The modmail conversation, in short, went like this (summarised by this user):
Dude commented a link to his own fic on a post asking for a certain type of fic. His fic hit the criteria. Mod said “no self promotion at all is allowed” Dude said “well maybe this rule on no self promotion in comments needs to be looked at again? A lot of people don’t agree with it, can we do a poll?” Mod said “🖕” and banned him
Because I thought it was so unfair, I posted the modmail conversation on my reddit account, which was then picked up by the subreddit (the removed post was just this image). Unsurprisingly, as the mod is known to lock any kind of critical discussion, the thread was locked and removed, but right after someone made a post asking how to handle fanfiction discussion, which then led to the mod finally, officially, making a feedback post as I had originally requested in the modmail. Yes, I am still banned.
For context, I've shared my work in the self-promotional manner prior, such as when someone asked for a link here, and others have done the same, including two comments in a post within the same timespan as the one where my fic link was removed. Thus, the rule is not even properly enforced (never for my comments), and I know that the mod dislikes both me and that other user.
That's the basic gist of the past few days, but there's some backstory.
This is about a specific mod, Wiz. They are currently the sole mod of the subreddit (or at least to 95%). There might be another user, but Wiz basically handles most if not all reports, modmail, and public posts. I've never spoken to that other potential user prior.
Wiz came around six months ago in December, right around the TBOSAS hype. They, and the senior mod back then, followed some user feedback based on frequent repeat posts that they wanted to move into megathreads. For non-reddit users, imagine a trailer drops and instead of 50 small posts being made, one big one is used to discuss the content of that trailer. Problem is, these are worthwhile for a brief time period (hype around a trailer) and with a big user base. Perfect for the hype time of TBOSAS, not so perfect for when the subreddit inevitably drops in speed and we might be happy about having a post otherwise considered a "repeat post".
I made a post opposing the change, especially as I do not think it wise to make rules for this subreddit based on large activity when the fandom, and the subreddit, otherwise are rather slow moving. Granted, I was annoyed and not the most friendly, but I'm too disinterested to re-read and make more qualitative statements about my behaviour and idc. Just know that Wiz took great offense, so much so that this, by internet standards ancient, conflict resurfaced as a large complaint in a recent, private conversation pre-ban.
Wiz was one of three new mods under a senior mod. The senior mod has since retired, one of the three new mods is definitely inactive, and the third is somewhat active on reddit in general, but I've never seen them ever post. For basically everything we see, for all contact I've had, I've only ever had it with Wiz, and after all that happened recently, other users have seemingly had similar experience.
The feedback for megathreads was gathered in December. The mod team/Wiz became hyperfixated on fanfiction. So much so that, aside the poll on common reposts, fanfiction got its own poll, no other fanwork type did. In short, every single option was restricting fanfiction in some way. As the person who had largely been in favour of option 2, my main focus had been posts (read modmail for the why), so I did not expect that the restriction really implied that comments would be affected, and I'm not the only one.
This focus on fanfiction appears like a bias on Wiz' side (noticed by others as well; and others; "if I were really biased in this matter then fanfics would have been permabanned on here" see modmail).
In addition, they have become paranoid about a specific group of users to whom they assumed I was a part of ("As for coordination, if other users bring you in a conversation that solely concerns them it's natural for me to assume that you two are coordinating" see modmail). This paranoia extended to some lack of grace when others criticised the frequent removal of posts following the low effort rule.
Early this year, I had worked together with them on one such megathread, namely a FAQ on how to find fanfiction, which was meant to guide people and serve as a pointer for when such questions are posted. As this work went rather well, and I enjoyed doing wikia-style posts, I decided to apply as a mod. I had also hoped that me being on the team might help to lessen the growing gap between users that Wiz was currently hostile against, and the users hostile towards Wiz.
There was initially no news on that front, and I eventually decided to DM Wiz. I will not share the direct content of these DMs. I know that Wiz has been angry behind the scenes that I was "leaking" the modmail messages. Which, if your statements in an official modmail are so troublesome that publishing them is bad news, maybe one shouldn't have written these statements. I do respect their wish for privacy when it comes to these DMs. Neither do I want to give them more firepower in playing the victim. However, if they end up giving "more context" as they claim exists, and these DMs showcase the opposite, I will share them. I have no problem with what I said there.
To just offer brief context in explaining how the DMs affected the rest, Wiz wrote a longer message explaining why they were hesitant to potentially make me a mod. I replied to these points and explained my view, as they had explained theirs. They immediately cut off the conversation, claimed I was defensive, and that was that. I stated I had wanted to give my point of view, but wished them good luck on the mod search.
Later, I found out that they are currently trying to hire people with a similar mindset in regards to fanfiction, thus driving the mod team further to the extreme of the anti-fanfiction mindset Wiz has.
I assume much of this coloured their view of me negatively. Overall, my impression of Wiz is someone who sees enemies in people that disagree with them, whose paranoia and bias has affected modding decisions, and who has now, instead of taking time to consider what has happened, decided to play the victim (believing this is a hate campaign, seeking the errors in my actions when an entire subreddit was critical of them in the modmail post and the post that shared my ban to the subreddit, justifying the ban as I had supposedly done an "attempt in leaking the modmail message and starting the harrasment campaign against [them]").
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lllostgirlll · 1 year
@justasightseer I FINISHED IT FINALLY! So this didn’t go how i wanted it to, it was going to be a bit more oc-ish, but i do like the direction i took it. Yet another one based off of a dream i had.
TLK: King Alfred x Modern!Reader
“I’m telling you i don’t know! All I remember is waking up in a field when these LARPers grabbed me and hauled me here!” I raised my voice, exhausted physically and mentally.
I was telling the truth, i don’t know what elaborate Ren-Faire i had stumbled upon, but they were taking it waaaayyy too seriously.
I was getting tired of it.
The “King” raised an eyebrow, his face remained neutral. His wife, I assumed, glared at me. If looks could kill, everyone in the room would be dead.
“Steapa, find a room here for our guest. Keep a close eye on her, she is not to leave until I allow it.” King Alfred ordered, eyes never leaving my face. I tried to keep from blushing, he was quite handsome. “Lord King-“ his wife began. He put up a hand silencing her. ‘Wow. Rude.’ I thought.
Steapa grabbed me by my bicep and started dragging me out of the hall. I started shaking as we went through the doors. I was so tired. I was so scared. “P-please, where are we going?” I asked. I tried to put on a brave face but my eyes were watering. He looked down at me, his gaze softening ever so slightly. “King Alfred ordered me to take you to your room. That is where we are going.”
That happened at least a month ago.
I wasn’t sure how much i believed this elaborate Ren-Faire, i’ve heard of a couple lasting at least a month. But they never broke character. Ever.
During that time, King Alfred himself would come to my room to personally question me. He was incredibly intimidating. And smart. And handsome. The guards stationed at my door handmaidens passing by would whisper about how odd it was that King Alfred himself would question me.
One day, He entered at his usual time, around lunchtime. But there were no guards with him…Weird. He began to just… talk to me. Not interrogate, talk. He asked me about my strange clothes (ha) and if all women wore them where I was from. We talked for a while. He left for dinner and I was brought a plate shortly after. After that, that’s what happened on a regular schedule, he would come in and we would just… talk.
One day, after we had grown closer, he asked, “Do you read by any chance?” My eyes lit up a little. “Dude, I love reading!” He smiled very briefly, still not used to my language. He suddenly stood up. “Follow me.” He ordered. I followed him, excited because he barely let me out of that stupid room, nervous because I didn’t know where he was taking me (and i would never get used to the guards that followed us). We arrived at a large double door.
He opened it and I couldn’t help but let out a small gasp.
In the room there were scrolls. Everywhere. And a few tomes. I stood there and took it all in.
The King watched my reaction, what I didn’t notice was the soft smile on his face. “You read where you are from?” He asked again, curiously. “Only those of noble blood, most often men, are permitted to pursue education.” He stated. I was a little surprised. I told him about where I’m from and that almost everyone has access to higher education. Almost.
We sat down at a table and talked for hours. Eventually he set a scroll down in front of me. “Read.” He demanded nonchalantly. I unrolled the scroll and paused. There was no way i could read this.
I recognized some of the letters, but it looked like someone had a stroke while writing it.
“I-Uh…” I started. He raised an eyebrow. “Something wrong?” “N-No… Well yes…” I stammered, trying to make some sense of the writing in front of me. “It’s just so different. This looks like nothing I’ve seen were I’m from…”
He moved to stand behind me and he peered over my shoulder. I was only slightly flustered at our close proximity, but i brushed it off, too focused on the words on the scroll.
He hummed in acknowledgment. “That won’t do. Tomorrow you will be tutored by our royal scholar.” He said offhandedly. “H-Huh?!” I looked up at him in shock. “Is there a problem?” His voice, cool as ever, responded. I gathered myself and shook my head. We eventually got to talking but only for a little while, before a guard entered. “My Lord, Uhtred is here.” The guard said, bowing. I looked at The King and I picked up on his very, very brief look of mild annoyance. He orders me back to my room and that was that.
Over the course of a few months, I attended lessons every day. Sometimes The King would enter and shrug the scholar off, telling him to act like he wasn’t there. That he just wanted to see my progress. He wanted to see my progress. He was a distracting presence. And that jerk knew it.
Other than my studies, over the course of these months, I had been allowed more access to the palace. I would sit in the gardens, occasionally seeing The King. I caught him staring at me a few times. And one thing that happened during these months, is that I was developing feelings for him.
It was so wrong. He has a wife, and I would hear some of the servants whisper about his escapades with some of the servant girls. I brushed them off, not wanting to dwell on it.
Until one day.
I was in the scroll room, I was always there brushing up on my studies. I noticed what looked like a little trinket sitting in one of the windowsills so I moved to get a closer look. I heard the door open behind me but I paid it no mind. Believing it to be one of the priests or scholars.
As I was looking at this strange trinket, I felt a presence behind me. Oh so closely behind me.
“How are your studies?” The King’s voice asked softly behind me.
I couldn’t answer, I noticed if i had moved even one centimeter back, I would be touching his chest. I was too flustered to speak, I could feel my face heating up. “You could stay with me… if you would like.” He whispered, I could just barely feel his lips on the shell of my ear. I could feel the heat radiating off of him. I licked my lips, about to turn around and respond.
A priest burst into the room, hurriedly explaining something about someplace named “Beamfleot.”
I felt The King sigh before collecting himself.
I turned and watched him leave the room, but not before pausing at the doorway and giving me a brief, hungry look.
(Sooooo how did my 2nd ever fanfic go 🙈 @solinarimoon @morosemagick @errruvande @kingslionheart @malewifebillcage ???)
Edit: missed a few words. fixed i think.
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Swallow: the newest member of the boys’ club.
I had officially fucked up.
Let me explain—I was on my way home from Lowe’s, and found myself at a stoplight behind a younger biker. Maybe a 30s day, chunky boots, jeans, and a leather jacket.
I watched as he slowed down, dropped his feet to the asphalt, and walked his bike up to the stop line.
After he took off, I forgot about him. Until later that night, when I was pounding my meat. Suddenly I was looking up “biker” and “Harley” on Tumblr.
As it usually does when in horny, my horniness got the better of me and before I knew it, I banged out a Doublelist post titled “30s Alpha Bikers, Please Use Me!” I went on to describe I liked the idea of a rough, younger biker taking advantage of me; telling me what to do. Stated I liked military and authority figures, straight guys, masculine guys, and that discretion was assured.
I got one immediate reply: “bad scene, dude.” The message didn’t have an email address and was a waste of my time anyway. Fucking trolls
It wasn’t until the next day that I got my second:
40s. Ride a Harley. Former military. Got a pretty average cock, but shoot nice loads. I want sucked. Often. Get back at me with a place and time.
He sent a pic and he was, well, my type. Not pretty, rugged. I definitely noticed the thin blue line flag on his vest.
If I hadn’t been stroking when I read the reply—if I had came, maybe I wouldn’t have responded. But I did.
Gave the dude my address and said “whenever, just let me know.”
Next thing I know I was sucking on his hog. He just watched straight porn on his phone.
Soon enough, I heard him grunt and whisper, “swallow it.”
I did, and thanked him for feeding me a nice load.
He looked amused as he got up to go. Re-doing his belt, he looked at me and said “Not bad. Might hit you up some other night.”
“Anytime. Thanks for not beating the shit out of me. he laughed, and I should have left it there. But awkward me, always saying too much. “Never expected anyone like you to reply. It’s kinda weird—I always had this fantasy of being, like, the club bottom.”
He turned back to me on his way out to the mudroom.
“Yeah? That’s fucked up.” He seemed to think about it for a moment. He smirked and I saw an almost sadistic glint in his eye for a second. Something made him light up, anyway.
“So I got a group I ride with. Decent guys, we’re not a gang. Not a club. Just boys hanging out. Mostly vets, guardsman, retired military. A few of us are cops, we got a few tradesmen too. But all straight. And from what I know, kinky fuckers.”
I kinda liked the sound of that.
“Judge is kind of like our patriarch. He got us all together. We hang at his place by the marina. But point is, he caught his wife cheating. He didn’t really care too much. They ended up opening things up… but it was the secrecy and the lies he was mad about.
To punish her he ‘sentenced’ her to 6 months serving any of the guys, on demand. She did it, but after 6 months he made it clear she was off limits.
But some of us really got used to snapping our fingers and getting a suck job. That’s how it worked. We’d just snap or call for her and she’d do the rest. Pull it out, get it up, suck it down.”
Now if you’re serious, I know at least some of the guys would be willing to use a fa- uh, a queer cocksucker. But you’re gonna have to make it worth it. Dedication, probably full service. We never fucked Crystal… but you got two holes.
And if we do this, you gotta commit. You can’t start and then just disappear. The guys aren’t gonna want someone out there knowing they let a fa—fuck, a queer—swing on their dick.
Friday and Saturday nights you’re ours. Go home on Sunday and do what you do. But while you’re at the club, you obey.
Might even get you a vest like mine, if you stick around. Mark you as our little faggot cocksucker?”
That third time, he didn’t edit the “f” word. Hearing it made my dick harder than it was.
“Shit, that’s it. I got your nickname. “Swallow.” He kept going, sounding cocky. “Fuck, I can smell the desperation on you. You’re doing this. I’ll get the best embroidered and we’ll have them put a bull ring on the back, too.”
I must’ve looked confused.
“To hook your leash onto. Didn’t I mention the leash? It’s just to keep you obedient. …and, down where you belong.”
“Speaking of which, the thought of the club sharing another sex toy, that shit’s got me hard again.
Work another load out, Swallow.”
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klonoadreams · 1 year
From what I remember mako has already met many important characters including 2 future strawhats and a powerful straw hat ally.
Assuming that not too much changes by the time the main story starts. How would these Chracters see mako as meeting her again. Like say meeting a grown up sanji and Law along with th baroque work robin? For me I would at least think sanji and law would be like big brothers to her.
Also any spoilers on who her dad is? Or who mako would be shipped with?
Not much is really different, just that Mako has been alive and in existence for like one more year, making her a year older than what she was originally, but it's also a bit of a mess since like, idk how to tell you, but Shanks is like barely 21 when he has Mako instead of 22, so oop, some things might end up changing, but also god dang, Yassop, you barely knew your own son and now you're just taking care of this rando Shark girl with the others ahahha.
No but seriously, this just means the Red Hair Pirates have Mako longer and that means further disaster because Yassop Daddy experience only goes for like a few months and Mako is half fishman, SO WHOOPS NEW TERRITORY.
So yeah, Robin and Sanji would be ecstatic to see her again, especially since the two of them went their separate ways to pursue their dreams, since Sanji won't get good experience as a cook with Shanks, and Robin, while absolutely delighted to know she is loved and considered important, knows that she has to leave the nest because she can't do what she wants with them and try as they may, they can't help coddling her a bit because Robin mcfucking did not have a good childhood, cmere, you get a hug.
Meanwhile Law would just be happy to see his friend again after so long, to the one person that taught him, alongside Robin, that even monsters deserve to live.
Seeing her thriving and also throwing a wrench in the world government's agenda by just casual exposing cover-ups in order to let the truth shine through....yeah, he’s happy to see her. Genuinely, no joke or nothing. Especially Robin and Sanji, though how the turn tables. He would've thought Mako would've been her own captain to a crew, but nah, she's content letting Luffy do it while being the resident lifeguard cuz she can swim. And also fish. :V
Her dad isn't actually anyone we know but an OC, like a rando mako shark fishman who effectively got picked out of the bunch to pair up with a Kuja Pirate who wasn't exactly considered a good wife for a Celestial Dragon (aka, dude was sterile, or at the very least got poor kid making skills), so curiosity plus pettiness and a bet equals Mako into the mix. Which is very bad.
That said, Mako's bio dad is related to some existing characters. And I will say this, Arlong won't exactly take to well to ever seeing her, because she serves as a constant reminder in a cog to a tragedy.
(Hint: it involves Koala going home - you can figure it out there, but yeah, Mako's uncle is pretty famous :V)
(He also had a hand in how Mako's mother was able to escape and while Mama was hoping to go back to Amazon Lily, she at least was in a safe place amongst Shanks crew when she gave birth to Mako)
Originally, i didn't have romance in mind, but honestly, I'm at a whatever happens, happens, because Mako's circumstances are so unique and complicated, that her situation allows her complexity, given how 17 seems to be the age at which people are considered adults or at least allowed to drink, and being a pirate just adds to it, mixed in with being someone who has a bounty.
Romance isn't off the table for her, so keep an eye out for it. Dont expect anytjing until after the time skip tho, she’s a little like Luffy in that it's the last thing on her mind lmao.
But also she's got a storm coming her way come Whole Cake Island because Big Mom wants Shanks's daughter for connections so...
Lucky son Katakuri got picked by my friends, so that's gonna be a "bruh wtf"
Aka, we got two weddings to crash. Except Mako isn't getting killed, but she still wants out of it, nope nope nope
Anyways wedding dress mako kicking ass. :V
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
Matchup for: @fakesimp
Hihi Chia Chan! Thankie thankie for the request DRUMROLL PLZ
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Tw: kidnapping
When I read your matchup description all I could hear in my mind was: Luca Luca Luca Luca. He just matches your list of interests and I think your personalities would mesh really well.
When you guys met you didn’t exactly start on the right foot. You are part of a very powerful and prestigious mafia family, the soul heir and only daughter of your family (idk if you have siblings just pretend).
Your parents loved you and were very protective of you because of this fact, however they also really loved their work. So as a way to kill to birds with one stone: they arranged a marriage between you and the son of the Kaneshiro family.
Your family and the Kaneshiros had been rivals for years, so this was a way to not only broker peace but also ensure you had a husband they could trust and would always protect you. Of course you weren’t happy with this decision at all.
You were devastated that your future had seemed to all have been decided for you, but you loved your family so much and wanted them to be happy. And so you found yourself getting ready to have your first meeting with your fiance.
You guys met at fancy (fully rented out) restaurant. When you got there you were met with a tall blonde anxiously bouncing his leg. He caught you from the corner of his eye and turned to introduce himself. His name was Luca Kaneshiro.
The date was pretty awkward at first. You could feel the heaviness of the tension in the air as if it were thick humidity. However once the food was served, you two noticed you had something in common: you’re both picky eaters.
After that you guys realized you had a lot in common from a love for jewelry to a fear of bugs. After the tension was cleared a bit you two decided to facs the elephant in the room. You two agreed to treat your marriage as a work relationship, but agreed to at least be friends. Little did you two know however is that you two would be more then just friends marriage or not.
Over the next couple of months you guys would go on countless dates: visiting petting zoos, going for long walks, playing video games, shopping, you name it. Slowly you started to fall for your himbo mafia boss. However in respect of your agreement you decided to keep quiet about your feelings as to not complicate things.
However one night on your way home you noticed a black car following you. No matter how many turns you took or alleyways you ducked into they kept finding you. You decided to try and head to a crowded area so you could call for someone to pick you up, when everything went black.
You woke up tied up and gagged (not in a sexy way). In walked a tall man in a dark trench coat and obnoxiously cocky grin. The next few hours felt like agony you had to listen to this dude evil monologue. Turns out he heard about your engagement to Luca and got jealous and wanted you to himself. Not only would he have power over your family but he’d get a hot trophy wife (*cough* creep *cough cough*).
He slowly started to creep over to you when you began to hear commotion outside the door. He went to go see what was going on when the door burst open, and standing there was Luca who had a gun aimed at your captor.
Soon the two are trading blows one after another. Even using the blunt ends of their guns for some extra edge. Soon the enemy pulls a knife and tries to stab Luca in the gut. You let out a gut wrenching scream at the sight. Thankfully Luca dodges and, despite being significantly grazed, uses the opportunity to successfully knock the guy out.
Once he’s sure his opponent won’t get back up he rushes to you to untie you. He checks over you to see if you’re injured and asks if you’re ok. You reply and then the two if you fall into silence as Luca’s men start to deal with the bodies.
He tells you about how he had been searching for days without rest since you disappeared. No eat no sleep and spent every resource possible to finding you. He was so scared he was gonna lose you. After a brief pause after he admitted his feelings, you grabbed and kissed him (ooc chia chan but shhh)
Since then you guys decided to be a real couple. Although you did ask your parents if you could have some more time just being a couple without the pressure of marriage, and they agreed it was a good compromise.
You two now spend your days laughing and being silly, kissing and cuddling, Luca picking you up and spinning you around, and sleeping in on lazy Sundays cuddling his puppy. After the incident Luca has become quite protective and a little possessive, but you reassure him everyday that you’re there safe and sound and all his.
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I feel like i could’ve done better on the ending, but I hope you like it.
Runners Up: no one
Disclaimer for anyone else reading this: all of my nijien writing and fics are fictional and don’t pertain at all to the streamers behind the model. Please respect them and others in the community thank you.
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demcnsinmymind · 4 months
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@bloodsalted sent : [ surprise ] for your muse to show up at mine’s house without explanation | nonverbal memes | Accepting!
Who would've thought that playing bait would be so.....boring.
He's been inside his old house for a few days now, keeping an eye out, kind of hoping for some of them to turn up while also not wanting them to. And it's really been a stay just filled with surprises. First : it's almost comical. How no one even seems to give much of a shit that he's here.
And sure enough, it's not like he put up a great big sign out there. Lance Preston, back in town, bitches! Not when so many people of all sorts are after him. Cultists, cops, doctors, old friends and neighbors, the whole package. Oh no. He's being extra careful. Staying away from the windows for the most part, not turning on any lights at night (who would've thought that spending a few months/years? in never ending darkness came with perks? It's almost crazy how bright the night still is out here all thanks to streetlights and moonlight and just overall light pollution). For all intents and purposes, his childhood home still looks more or less abandoned from the outside. Intact, but devoid of people.
But still. One would think that the neighbors would continue to be all over it. Oh so nosy as ever. Keeping an eye on it. Might notice that someone's back in the old house. The one that belonged to the sweet old lady with alzheimers, who's now somewhere else in full-time care. The one who lost her husband to cancer, followed by the ever so sudden and mysterious disappearance of her only son not long after.
So far though? Nothing. Just him, all alone in here. Unbothered. In silence. Going through some of the stuff that's been left behind. Because the house is still in limbo. Just like him. And his mom. Because with them not quite dead , it technically still belongs to the Preston family. Can't be sold to the a new family. And it really continues to be almost surreal. How all of it's still there. After all these years. His old old stuff. High school yearbooks. Photos. Books. Music. Movies. Almost...comforting. Like a pillow fort made of brick and mortar. A shell wrapped up nice and tightly all around him. Almost makes him forget why he's really here. Not for comfort. But for closure. Betting on the fact that people are on the lookout for him. Eager to finish things just like him.
Huh. Bang on the dot. Isn't it eerie.
Black car. Old. Vintage. One you don't see every day anymore. One you don't hear every day. Certainly not in this neighborhood. Having driven past his little cocoon of a house now. Twice. Yes. He's being extra careful. So he catches on to the sound. The irregular regularity of it. And he knows something's up with that. Turning off the TV and ducking out of the room and into the hall, Lance tries to get a good view of what's happening outside. And yep. There it is. Black Chevrolet. A figure inside. Off center. With enough distance. Discretely parked and almost out of sight, away from prying eyes. But it's there. Again. How the..Who the fuck?
He doubts these cultist weirdos would just drive up to his house. Not these guys at least. Cops? Doubts that they drive a car like that either. Whoever it is, this is out of the ordinary. This is shady. This is dangerous. Yet for some weird fucking reason, probably because his entire stay has been so anticlimactically boring and weird so far...Lance suddenly pulls the front door open. Walks outside. Crosses the street. Walks over to the car....And knocks on the window.
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"Hey. This is my wife's spot. She'll be home with the kids soon. Go park somewhere else."
Dumb speech and most certainly a lie, but he figures that this'll make things harder for this guy. Out in the open, where everyone can hear them, see them. And if it's just some dude, he'll be able to tell by his reaction, too.
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possessionisamyth · 1 year
If you don't mind, could you elaborate on how Ada is inconsistent?
It's less about how she's inconsistent, and more about how various writers treat her role in the overall narrative of the series. For a non existent attempt at brevity, I will not be talking about how she's handled in the remakes or any of the alternate raccoon city focused games. 1998 RE2 only!
So in the original RE2, Ada is a woman who's looking for her boyfriend who is a researcher at Umbrella. She was actually dating the man to get information on/a sample of the G-Virus, and whether or not her concern was sincere for this man is debatable as she plays it up. It's a useful truth that functions as a genuine cover story. After finding out the dude's dead, she seduces Leon so he'll follow her around like a lost puppy. (He's super whiny puppy but that was entertaining to watch). Plus when she doesn't shoot to kill to get the G-Virus sample from Leon, it turns out her affection for him is real. Whether this is her working from the rebound after figuring out her current boyfriend is dead is also debatable. I can only speculate that she might have been. Ada isn't heartless. Fake dating someone for months meant there had to be some chemistry as she could've picked literally any umbrella scientist to date to get to the same result. When we look at the epilogue scene from RE3, we see she is changed by her experience.
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She's not the same woman anymore. Or at least she doesn't think she is. She wasn't so much a femme fatale in the first RE2 as much as she was a mercenary/spy playing her cards right until the smoke cleared.
And then we get Resident Evil 4.
In RE4, they hammer that femme fatale persona in HARD. She's sexy. She's teasing. She's always in the right place at the right time. She doesn't get hurt and comes out on top. Ashley's existence delays the damsel role she would be tossed in so Leon can save her, but doesn't prevent it. The time she spent between 1998 and 2004 was her building this persona to put emotional walls and distance up so she can better do her job. Hell, due to the great reception the game got, this version of Ada is who gets left in the hands of every future writer who has/wants to handle her. Yet, Leon being there in RE4 puts a few splinters in this persona. Wesker's kill order for Leon absolutely cracks it. Leon may be experiencing his own personal hell, but so! is! Ada! Wong! She doesn't have to do shit. She doesn't have to save Leon. She doesn't have to kill him. She can honestly just do her job and get out, but she hasn't changed. She's just gotten really fucking good at lying to herself. So we once again see her putting everything on the line for Leon, and risking her own neck so he can get out. And this is great! And you want to see more.
And then we get RE:Damnation.
Why was she there? Look. Look at me. I love Ada. She's my wife. Why was she in the Eastern Slav Republic pretending to work for the BSAA? Oh, to collect a sample of las plagas! Wait. Wasn't she in the village where there was a fuck ton of them before this event? Why wouldn't Wesker have that already? Oh no, she needs the special plagas that let's people control lickers for a limited period of time before the parasite develops and the host become one of those twisty head zombies. Ah. A failed plagas then? She wants a failed plagas? Well, she would've had a much easier time just stealing that from the rebellion. It then would've made her running into Leon a more natural outcome. They started that movie putting Ashley in the proverbial trunk to eliminate that romantic venue and brought in Ada to go "hey! remember! leon likes her! nobody else! we promise!". They're not risking anything for each other. Ada isn't doing what she has been doing the last two stories, and it's off. The femme fatale stuff is happening, but you can cut her out and lose nothing from the movie other than a cat fight. You can't do the same thing in RE4. You can't do the same thing in RE2!
And then we get Resident Evil 6.
I enjoyed watching the Ada storyline in the game despite all the strange mechanic choices they made with the game's play style. Up until this point in the games, her and Leon keep risking their lives and/or job credibility for each other. That's what they do regardless if people view their relationship as platonic or romantic.
This game with Ada's story was a great opportunity to show how she's also wearing a mask she's built up over the years. The one that gets cracked in RE4 with Leon's mere appearance and a genuine concern for his safety. The thing is in RE6, she's kind of all over the place. We first see her doppleganger not knowing it's a different woman, and every fan is up in arms about how reasonably OOC the act is. And they're right. Next we see the real Ada, and she seems just as natural as she was in RE4. We just assume it's an outfit change until she starts investigating. Then she goes from mercenary/spy to playing superhero.
The one thing I like about the resident evil games, is that when 2 characters are supposed to be on equal ground, they'll often save each other the same amount of times. They meet in the middle, and there's something sweet about it. In RE6, Ada is constantly covering Leon's ass the closer we get to the end. Leon gets to save her with that final Simmon's confrontation. We are not counting Leon protecting fake Ada from Chris because it wasn't her. RE6 was trying so hard to make the real Ada likable by having her go out of her way to do good for everyone as a sharp contrast to doppleganger Ada's actions. However, they lost some of what makes Ada so complex with these narrative decisions.
It's nice we get to see her hurt and anger by taking out doppleganger Ada's final experiment before it hatches, but that's the end of the game! We don't get a little epilogue scene of what she's doing or how she feels like everyone else gets! They say "oh yeah, she's fine, she has more work now. Nothing's changed." When we get to see the result of hurt like we did in RE2, or the knowledge she'll gladly disobey orders for her own peace of mind in RE4.
This was a lot of words to say RE2 and RE4 remember Ada's more than just a femme fatale, whilst later appearances in the series forget this.
The remakes for now don't do that. In the remakes, we know from the get go she's looking out for herself first, and other people come second. Leon ranks a little higher on this list than everyone else, and I'm very eager to see the depiction expanded on if we get a remake Separate Ways DLC.
EDIT: Oop, just realized she was constantly covering Leon's ass in RE4 too based on the OG separate ways. Ignore that one segment, but the rest still stands!
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