#dudley mueller
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my beloved beams. chillin and vibing i miss them. image IDs in alt text
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nyapologies · 1 year
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posting some old (like 2020) Dudleys now that Blaseball is over....RIV Blaseball, Dudley is my idol now and forever. Stare into the sun.
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waveridden · 1 year
extremely curious about special animal who eats people
this is! one of the many irms that i will probably never finish lol but it’s a dudley mueller irm that is in response to 1) some personal ideas i have about the hellmouth and adaptations (tldr i think they should be fucked up genie wishes that mean you’ll survive in the hellmouth But At What Cost), 2) old and maybe-apocryphal lore about the beams forgetting the moab when the hellmouth opened, and 3) the s7 election where the beams decided not to go for a blessing bc it would shadow dudley, only to get a feedback and end up gunning for it bc it would shadow someone else
basically this dudley irm is like. moab born and raised and very attached to its hometown, human person, kind of a slacker deadbeat type who doesn’t do much, is generally pretty apathetic about being in a bloodsport bc this is just another job
and THEN. it is nearly hit by the downsizing blessing and it becomes aware that it is completely at the whims of fans, and the best way to be safe from the fans is to be good. so it goes to the desert and says make me something good and deadly that they can’t touch, and the hellmouth makes it a siphon - or more accurately, it becomes a buzzard harpie, it is dangerous and dedicated and it will not be at risk again
bonus b-plots are it being very committed to moab documentation efforts and the downsides of becoming Too Good Of A Player
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driftersoda · 3 years
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dudley mueller. that is da post
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faeiri-tft · 3 years
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dudley mueller worm on string
[ID: A translucent worm on a string filled with bubbly orange liquid. It's dangling from the straw of a green juice box. The juice box has the logo "it's blod" and a large picture of a blood droplet, and the ingredients label just says "Blood!", with a smiley face. End ID]
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pysics · 4 years
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revivificating · 4 years
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lamisgone · 4 years
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i think blaseball deserves a fashion fanzine sometime
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priestofberath · 4 years
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dudley mueller batting for the sunbeams
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frgetmenotz · 4 years
kin tags - p2
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ninthprime · 2 years
my friends, it is alexandria rosales’ last week on the blaseball hall of fame ballot and it is my solemn duty as a spies fan to bring you the evidence for why they should be inducted. alex is a spies icon, but they have done much more than be on our team since day 1. here are some of alex's hall of fame worthy accomplishments:
alex has the 7th highest pitching WhAT ever. this is higher than a bunch of players who have already deservedly made it in, like theodore cervantes and jolene willowtree.
alex has the 10th most pitching wins at 260.
alex has the 7th most quality pitching starts at 251.
alex has an overall ERA of 3.32 but their peaks were incredible, with a 2.0 in season 21 and a 1.98 in season 8, where they had the best ERA in the league. notice how those are two very different times in blaseball!
but alex is not just good at pitching. in season 24, teamwide scattering activated their undefined mod. in that season alex had a BA of 0.432, the second-best one-season BA in blaseball history following only dudley mueller's season 11. this is better than both jaxon buckley and conner haley's best seasons.
in season 24 alex also had the highest one-season OB/SLG ever at 1.439.
frankly these accomplishments make alex extremely qualified for the hall. however, i know what you people on blaseball tumblr also enjoy: lore. here are some bits of alex rosales lore:
sword lesbian. the sword is a cursed family heirloom. it killed some union busters once
they used to do roller derby! then almost everyone they did it with died or was shadowed. however they did it!
the spies do not have captains but alex might as well be one. a true houston icon.
has a long romantic history with a wide variety of beloved players. they had a rivalmance with jessica telephone. they had a fraught could-have-been with donia bailey. they nearly dated avila guzman. they could have dated siobhan chark but unfortunately they had given up at romance at that point
anyway they threw that cursed sword at the coin! sick!!
there are a lot of great players on the hall ballot this week and i encourage you to fill up your ten votes. gabriel griffith! lars taylor! mags banananana! but i also advise you....make one of your votes alexandria rosales
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hadesblaseball · 3 years
Season 21 Election Summary
Courtesy of Niko in the discord! Decree: Sun .1 was set. Runs will now be worth more later in the game.
Team Changes
The MTs Exchanged Lachlan Shelton for Nicholas Mora, then the Fridays won Recruit Ego and recruited Nicholas Mora to their team
We Exchanged Dudley Mueller for Beasley Day
Famous Owens was Infused in Batting - Increased to 5.4⭐
We got Brooms for all of our shadows players
Paula Turnip was moved to our Rotation by the Liability Blessing
We recruited Hatfield Suzuki (twice) with the Double Negative Blessing
Dunlap and Paula Turnip were alternated by Rotation Alt Trust
Other Notable Updates
Don Mitchell is now pitching for the Fridays and will no longer be a good pickle idol
Hot Fish Summer is now pitching for the Georgias
Silvaire Roadhouse still has Debt and is now pitching for the Crabs
Wyatt Glover is still a Credit to the Team and is now a pitcher
The MTs won Shadow Evolution - out of 15m total votes cast, we were the highest bidders with 18%
The Crabs won Play to Find Out - there were a record 19.7m total votes cast
The Coin continues to be upset and throw Binky under the bus 😔
A lot of teams had things not go their way this election. That's Blaseball. Please take care of yourselves and try to take your mind off Blaseball for a bit.
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waveridden · 3 years
She spends her time in the cafe, especially away games. She relearns the coffee machines and their quirks, and every cat still remembers her, even the ones that aren’t cats. She spends her time in the cafe, and she doesn’t watch games. Especially not eclipse games.
Nagomi and the shadows. Charity commission for @inalienable-wright. 1k.
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
[post oct 6th/7th if possible] im full of rage baby!!!!!! and its because the baltimore crabs might beat us!!! c’mon sunbeams we got a winnin’ streak to keep! -dudley mueller #🏐🔴💥
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benisasoftboi · 4 years
Unorganised thoughts on Trails to Azure:
What a depressing ending!
Also spoils what I’m assuming will be a big twist in Cold Steel 2 re: Osbourne, but like... ‘they don’t know where his body is’? Come on, we all know what that means
Also Lloyd shut up about goddamn barriers, Jesus
But like in all seriousness, I heard a lot of people call this the best Trails game, and while I personally liked Zero and SC a little more, that’s not an unjustified statement. The beginning’s a little slow, but everything after the intermission is pretty much non-stop great
It had been bothering me SO MUCH that Estelle and Joshua weren’t in Zero’s opening flash-forward, but were there when we returned to that point... the reveal that it was actually a different goddamn timeline was immensely satisfying 
KeA’s powers in general are great. I love reality warpers
I absolutely knew from the moment I saw her that Mariabell would be no good. That is just an evil looking woman, right there 
The Grimwood twist felt a little last minute. Also, goddamnit, the ‘oh I didn’t ACTUALLY kill him I just made it LOOK like I did for no reason’ thing. Like why is this series so afraid to kill characters off (outside of backstories, because everyone is required to have a dead relative, obviously)
But speaking of dead relatives, I loved everything we saw of Guy Bannings. He reminds me a lot of Phoenix Wright, lol
It was really exciting to see my boy Kevin - I love his Japanese voice!
Oh and Olivier and Kloe and Mueller and Julia cameos, yesss!
Ries was also there and I like her just fine, but not as much as the rest. Sorry, Ries
Lloyd: I really like Lloyd. Way more than Rean. I guess it’s that he feels like more his own person than a player avatar, and also doesn’t have multiple bullshit super powers. God do I hate Rean’s super powers. There’s also just the fact that I find lots of girls liking Lloyd way more believable than lots of girls liking Rean. Lloyd is cute, and sweet, and he’s kind of a huge dork, and he’s that very adorable combination of extremely smart and extremely dumb. Rean has the personality of a plastic bag, and is friends with multiple guys who are far hotter and more interesting than he is, and yet every girl wants him. It’s a blatant self-insert player fantasy 
Seriously. There is literally zero reason any of these girls would be into Rean when Gaius is right there. Gaius is just Rean but less whiny and much better looking
Anyway Lloyd is great
Elie: I still really love Elie, she’s just so consistently good, man. I’m glad she’s the ‘canon’ love interest, and I thought her confession scene was lovely - she and Lloyd are good together. I only wish there’d been more focus on how she felt about the Mariabell reveal
Randy: I liked Randy so much more in this game. His backstory was well handled, and his more annoying traits were toned down. I really enjoy his relationship to Lloyd, I think that’s excellent
Tio: Didn’t get to do as much in this game, shame, but still great. I’m assuming she’s the most popular Crossbell character, right? She’s very funny and I’m glad that the game acknowledges that the cult stuff is still traumatic for her to remember even after Joachim - it feels more realistic than ‘we defeated it and I’m better now!’
Noel: Uhhh... I don’t dislike Noel or anything, she’s just... kinda boring? Compared to the others? She was easily at her most interesting during her short time in the state guard, and then that was undone almost immediately. I wish that they’d kept that up
Wazy: Wazy’s my favourite Crossbell character. I have a weakness for the sassy long haired pretty boy archetype, I guess. I would have liked to see more interaction between him and Kevin. I love his relationship with Wald though, and I’m so glad the epilogue establishes that they go off together with Abbas after everything. I really didn’t want them to go their separate ways 
I thought it was... interesting that they specifically called attention to the fact that we never see him shirtless
Dudley: Underused in this game! More Dudley!
KeA: This girl deserves the world (no don’t give it to her Mariabell PUT IT BACK)
Arios: Aww, man. Poor Arios. I’d like to play like, a short spin off about his perspective on the story. I think he’s a fascinatingly complicated person
That’s something I really like about this game, by the way - none of the antagonists really change personality or temperament when their true natures are revealed. It just takes a different meaning in this context. I think that’s much better than total personality shift (it worked with Weissman, but it would suck if that’s how they did it all the time)
Shirley and her dad whose name I already forgot lol: Fine as accessories to Randy’s backstory. Don’t know why Rixia and Shirley had to have a rivalry. I’m assuming we’ll be seeing Shirley again. I know Fie mentions her in CS2
Rixia: Rixia’s another interesting one. Her backstory was really good. To be honest, she feels a *little* superfluous to me, but I don’t dislike her
Uhh, what else
Nice little cameos from Renne, Estelle and Joshua - noo, Pater-Mater!
I know why Anton and Ricky aren’t around but also :( 
Liked seeing Ellie and Armand from Rolent, though. That was nice
I knew Shizuku was going to get her sight back, because I know how stories work. I just didn’t know how it would happen, and I was prepared to hate it. I liked how it happened
Seriously I never want to hear the word barrier again
Trails to Azure is very good. I can’t believe I’m now more than halfway through this franchise
Man am I excited to go to Calvard, whenever that happens!
Oh, also I got a Liberl Bracer Guild t-shirt for Christmas, because I’m going Full Nerd for this series. I am extremely cool, you guys
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berlinner · 4 years
WHO WOULD YA BE WITHOUT YR FRIENDS? from Rick Berlin on Vimeo.
Soon after the pandemic hit and I stopped working (St Pats) my roommate, Alex Gang, pointed out that I wasn’t getting any exercise. (At Doyles I clocked in between 3-5 miles a night walking all over the joint.) Thus began, at Alex’s urging, The Walkabouts. The ‘constitutionals’. I loved it. The slowing down pace, the places I’d hurtle past in a car. On my own it could sometimes feel like obligatory homework, but once outside, I was happy to be there. Solo was cool but I realized that if I could ask a friend of mine to walk with me, conversation would quicken the time. Since I’ve not been to the Behan or was yet to land a new job, my social life was void. But on these walks my friend(s) and I would have conversations that lasted a lot longer than they might have at a bar or glancing off co-workers in a ping pong rush. An hour, give or take, was a super good time for all those reasons. Some friends I hadn’t seen for nearly 20 years showed up. Dave Richmond (long ago ally at those Jacques Cabaret clubhouse nights) brought a bag of ‘magic rocks’ which I’d hand out (until I ran outa them) to whomever was with me. Ever the annoying ‘Dad’ Documentarian, I took evidence selfies so I could post em up on facebook. Then #thenickelanddimeband wound up back in the studio to work on a 7 song ep. ‘Who Would Ya Be Without Yr Friends?’ was one of the tunes. Back in 2019 during my surgery convalescence I asked Shamus Moynihan how I could thank everyone who chipped in on a GoFundMe site for the weeks I was outa work. ‘Write a song,’ he said. This is that song, only the 2nd blues song I’ve revere written, and, I suspect, with the exact same changes.
Note: God knows I’m lucky to have as many friends in my life as I do. Aren’t we all? But for this video I stuck with my MO of only including people who walked the walk or whom I ran into along the way. The song is also for those who live too far away or who for some reason I never asked to join up with me. All apologies on that.
Robert Manochio (guitar) Ricky McLean (guitar) David Goodchild (bass) Chris Antonowich (kit) Jane Mangini (organ,/keys)
Thomas Wenzl (engineer/Bitch Kitty Studio) Brian Charles (mastering/Zippah Recording Studios)
Art: Jake Walker
Song: Berlin
ASCAP LKobsterland Publishing
Edit: Berlin
Fab Walkabout Friends (the look in their eyes says it all):
Silvio Neef (and his dog Cooper) , Ricky NcLean (and his dog Halle), Andrea Juan, Gavin Juan, Mickey O’connell Sholes, Gary O’Connell, Jill Petruzziello, David Doyle, Dylan Doyle, Sam Brown, Bri Hayes, Sarah Davey, Erin Marie, Emily Keane, Miranda McLean, Timothy Newell, Lynn Newell, Maggie Newell, Jeff Chasse, Alan Anderson, Alex Gang ,David Goodchild, Elizabeth Goodchild, Charlie Goodchild, Beau Goodchild, Chris Antonowich, Alex Antonowich, Annabelle Antonowich, Thomas Wenzl, Makala Noble, Bodhi Wenzl/Noble, Larry Owen (& his dog, Tetsy), Randy Owen, Jillian Higgins, Kara Higgins, Shamus Moynihan, Margie Nicoll, Nick Kent, Matt York, James Sullivan (& his dog Orwell), Kelly Ransom, David Richmond (magic rocks), David Mueller, Sam (fishing), Mike Condon, Jeff Leistyna, Jay Balerna, Kristin Johnson, Eric Eino Johnson, Ed Markey, Henry Horenstein, Christiane Robinson, Jay Menekse, Nicole Poirier, Joe Stewart, Jessica Murtha, Smilo, Colleen Scanlan, Larry Cronin, Joy Boulware, Winston Bramin, Sam Dudley, Will Hofstadter, Todd Scherer Drogy, John Hanifin, Nancy Hanifin, Mahlon Hanifin, Mary Regan, Kim Everett, Erik Mayberg, Paul Letarte, Rebecca Siggelkoe, Billy Squire, Kenny Tilton, Nancy Flood, Rene Rives, Rocky (’s asshole), Sandra Jordan, Rob Monaghan, Ben McClure, Hollie Sullivan (#FoMu), Brian McCaffrey, Mailman, Herb Smith
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