#due to the lifestyle she had cultivated and was used to
5-htagonist · 4 months
the boondocks is so good. i dont know what black american archetypal character is missing from that show other than ahhh favorable portrayals of black queerness but 2005 (presumably) cishet man creation so you know how that goes.
#you even have MULTIPLE Whitest Black People. jaz being lightskin black working father stay at home mom (who is kind of crazy) is WAYYYYY too#relatable#her alienation from blackness due to her home life is !!! but she IS undeniably black. my nose is squishy my eyes are deep brown..#my skin dont burn easy and black hair products work better than others for me. i have my dads lips and his hair color.#and my familial experiences are very much shaped by my mixed race#etcetc i cannot fully claim whiteness in any way But my upbringing was super privileged (not bc my parents were upper middle class and#functional like jaz but bc i was taken out of my dads custody and eventually lived w my lower middle class grandparents (which. the#grandparent thing is relatable thru huey. my grandma grew up very poor so she is not from a place of privilege similarly)#but my other relative we lived with grew up upper middle class and ended up lower middle class after the 2008 recession so i was Privileged#due to the lifestyle she had cultivated and was used to#but yaknow i wasnt quite like jaz in the way she is spoiled#not spoiled but yk#its just interesting though bc i have always felt veryyyy alienated from any racial experience cause im 4/8 (half) white 3/8 black 1/8#cherokee (my dad is a quarter)#and i didnt have a years-long stable home life for a while when i was young#the boondocks showed me a LOT of what ive gone thru is Very Black#obv not just the boondocks and i think my social problems kind of contributes but i will say#my connections to whiteness were A LOT more apparent from a young age but i was confused as to why i didnt fit in exactly with White people#(though ofc socioeconomic situations were more relavant to that)#but yeah my experience is undeniably mixed i just had a lot of trouble reconciling i guess how much of my experiences are black#culturally speaking#sociologically speaking and stuff#unfortunately i have media autism so a lot of my understandings of myself and how i relate to the world have come to me through good stori#s#so im grateful for them#hopefully this doesnt make me look dumb
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daportalpractitioner · 9 months
mommy's moon sign: a thread ☾ part one — aries thru virgo
in a previous post, i mentioned that your mother's moon sign is very important in the sense that it tells us about the energy that was housing us during our prenatal development when we are baking in our mother's womb. during prenatal development, we are able to download our mother's experiences during pregnancy, emotions, attitudes, behaviors, and karmic patterns into our own DNA. the cosmic energy of her womb space tells us about patterns + themes that potentially lie dormant within our bodies with the desire to be either expressed or karmically released + healed for our highest good.
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aries moon: your mother may have dealt with feeling misunderstood from a very early age due to her karmic responsibility to be a pioneer in this lifetime. even if she grew up close with her family, a part of her may have felt like she didn't fit in with the expectations that her parents had for her. the pain that aries moon mom carries in her womb stems from feeling like she has to do everything by herself + could also have had a pattern of attracting partners that she didn't feel supported by (classic single mom placement). a karmic lesson for aries moon mom to learn is to fully trust her feminine nature instead of constantly operating in her masculine so that she can attract the support that she has always desired since childhood. if you're a child of an aries moon mom, you could also have a pattern of experiencing loneliness + finding it difficult to cultivate supportive spaces because you witnessed your mom be so independent even in times where she didn't want to be. it's also not uncommon for children of aries moon mothers to exhibit or pass down disorganized attachment behaviors to their children. encourage each other to let other people help + support you. encourage each other to welcome vulnerability into the connection + value the act of processing/healthily releasing your emotions, especially rage.
taurus moon: mothers with an exalted moon usually do a great job at making their children feel safe, nurtured, and provided for on a physical + emotional level. when pregnant with you, your mother could have really valued her pregnancy + put lots of energy into preparing for your arrival. she could be very sensitive to your needs without even considering her own. from an early age, taurus moon mom had to learn to rely on herself to get things done first + foremost especially if she came from poverty or an unstable household. the self-esteem of your mother during pregnancy is crucial to your karmic imprint as you easily embed the way she feels about herself into your DNA + eventually grow to exhibit the same self-esteem patterns. it's important for the taurus moon mom to feel safe using her voice + exercising boundaries, especially when it comes to herself and what SHE needs. encourage each other to practice self-care + self-preservation. take yourselves out on nice mother/child dates. the key for taurus moon mom is to learn how to stop operating in survival mode, to welcome rest into her lifestyle + to not let motherhood become an experience that depletes her.
gemini moon: your mama may have dealt with a lot of movement (physical or mental) while pregnant with you, jumping from one place to another. the energy of a gemini moon's womb breeds natural chaos. focusing on tasks may have been a challenge for your mother, which tends to manifest into self-neglect due to being so preoccupied with the matters of the world. even if you haven't been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or some form of neurodivergence, the expression of this mental energy can definitely be dormant in your DNA due your mother absorbing information to a hypersensitive degree during pregnancy. intentionality is key to foster a secure + safe relationship with a gemini moon mother as there is this tendency to develop preoccupied attachment patterns. make sure that you are really listening to each other instead of allowing words to go in one ear + out the other. communication goes a long way in cultivating a healthier relationship to mama. encourage each other to prioritize mental health + doing activities that feel nourishing to the brain (reading, writing, immersing selves in nature, art, etc). also, make sure that you're holding your gemini moon mother to her word if she is notorious for switching up.
cancer moon: your mother's pregnancy was undeniably significant to her on a karmically spiritual level. your ancestors, especially maternal, really do not play about you two as they protected your mother heavily when she carried you. giving birth to you was no mistake as your soul chose to expand her bloodline. cancer moon mothers may have went through their own personal issues with their mother (your grandma) that they hold resentment from in their wombs. these tensions are meant to be transmuted into breakthroughs for generational healing + curse breaking. her maternal instincts are her superpower, being able to guide you in any situation you need help in. even if you're not close with your cancer moon mom, her love does remain unconditional as she recognizes that you are a part of her + she is a part of you. even though mothering comes natural to the cancer moon mom, she easily could have felt the weight of motherhood + remained passive about how much of a responsibility it was, carrying all that load by herself. whether your mother was able to breastfeed you or not says a lot about the karmic disposition between you + your mama.
leo moon: your leo moon mother may have been super excited to be a mother yet also dealing with adjusting to the level of maturity required to be a mom. becoming a mother was probably not on her bingo card the year that you were conceived so the necessary growth that needed to take place was challenging + unexpected. motherhood may have triggered a sense of fear in your mother during her pregnancy with you because she didn't want to part with her youth just yet (classic teenage mom placement). regardless of her situation, she takes pride in being a mother + is very protective over her cub(s). she's the type of mother you can call to cuss out the school when there's an issue. i'd encourage you to keep her inner child alive + well by spending quality time doing things that make you both happy. leo moon mamas usually pass down at least one of their passions to their children, especially if they engaged with that passion during pregnancy. they love spending time with their children more than anything so don't be afraid to do something wild + fun that can free your mother's inner child. when your mom is connected to her inner child, it also connects her deeper to motherhood for she is able to relate to the experience of a child more + is able to distribute compassion to her child(ren) when needed.
virgo moon: it's not uncommon for virgo moon mothers to have experienced lots of angst when pregnant with you, especially if this was their first pregnancy. what isn't expressed + released in a healthy way stays trapped in the mind of the virgo moon mom, manifesting into anxiety. if anxiety was a theme for your mother while she was pregnant with you + it remained undealt with, then there's a big possibility that anxiety is something you've experienced on a chronic level as well. virgo moon mothers also deal with overcoming perfectionism — wanting to the perfect mother + projecting perfectionism onto her child(ren), so if you mother was hard on you growing up, that is why. if you are challenged by the illusions of not being good enough, this is probably something you've also picked up on from your mom during your time in her womb. but because of their will + dedication to be the best, virgo moon moms make very good caretakers as they are empathically connected to the needs of their children + are not satisfied until they can tell that their children are satisfied. even when virgo moon moms can be tough on their kids, remember that they are their own toughest critic + they really do mean well. i'd recommend being of service to your mother in any way that can lighten the load on her as virgo moon mothers tend to have a lot of their to-do lists. words of affirmation also goes a long way in gifting them peace of mind, especially from their children as they tend to be overthinkers when it comes to motherhood.
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sapphyreopal5 · 6 months
Yet another witchy post from Gen to honor the total solar happening today April 8, 2024. According to the Austintexas.org website, the eclipse will be visible from 1:32pm to 1:41pm CST in Austin with totality happening at 1:36pm CST, which is local time for Texas. As I am typing this up, it is 1:06pm EST which means it is 12:06pm CST. Meanwhile, here I am having had this posted at 1:34pm EST, 58 min before the eclipse is visible in Austin and an hour and 2 min before totality happens in Austin. Hmmm... Here she is talking about "new moon eclipse intention setting". According to this post, she has on here "speak my truth, give myself permission, follow my job, take up space, gratitude". As for what on earth is in that jar, I can't say but can guess there's either some kind of oils, flower petals, or heck maybe just a big giant candle inside of it. Looks like there are several other empty jars in front of her for God knows what reason. I also see she started writing in a journal during this video, which is part of an intention setting aspect of a ritual.
Now, as for what on Earth intention setting is for, according to this site The Aerial BVP here, it states: "Intention setting is the process of creating a clear and focused mental or emotional intention for a specific goal or outcome. It involves consciously directing your thoughts and energy toward a desired outcome or experience, with the aim of increasing the likelihood of achieving it. But while intention setting might seem strictly cerebral or spiritual, there’s a practical element to it as well. And that element makes all the difference." Given Gen talks about using crystals during colon cleanses, her taste in books becoming increasingly witchy, etc., I am going to have to go with her intents being more spiritual but also with a practical twist. She does like her cushy lifestyle. Below, I derived from this website here The Moon School an intention setting ritual specifically for eclipses I found.
1. Center yourself through breath Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling for a count of four and exhaling for a count of four. Allow your breath to anchor you in the present moment, letting go of any external distractions. 2. Cultivate inner stillness Shift your focus to the rhythm of your breath, allowing it to guide you into a state of inner stillness. Spend at least six minutes simply observing your breath, allowing thoughts to come and go without judgment or attachment. 3. Connect with your higher self From this place of calm and centeredness, invite a dialogue with your higher self. Here are some questions you could ask: What is the energy I most need to cultivate? What is the attitude that will most serve my highest path? How can I serve the collective? What will bring me joy? What approach can I take, to reach fulfilment? Listen to the whispers of your soul, trusting that the answers will reveal themselves in due time. 4. Journal your insights When you feel ready, open your eyes and take out your journal. Write down any insights or guidance that arose during your meditation, even if they seem unclear or fragmented. Pay attention to any recurring themes or emotions that surface. 5. Clarify your intentions As you reflect on your journal entries, begin to crystallize your intentions for the future. Envision your life as if your desires have already been realized, describing in vivid detail how it looks, feels, and unfolds. This exercise helps to anchor your intentions in your consciousness, guiding your actions and attracting opportunities aligned with your vision. 6. Offer your intentions out to the universe Bring your hands together in prayer position, leaving a small space between your palms. Visualize this space as a vessel for your dreams and aspirations. With a slow exhalation, imagine releasing your intentions into the vast expanse of the universe, trusting that they will be received and supported. 7. Embrace the energy of the eclipse Take a moment to bask in the powerful energy of the solar eclipse. Feel the cosmic currents surging around you, infusing you with renewed clarity, purpose, and vitality. Allow yourself to be fully present in this moment of transformation. As you practice this ritual, remember that you are co-creating with the universe, aligning your intentions with the divine flow of life. Your intentions are for the greater good of us all! Trust in the process, stay open to the signs and synchronicities that emerge along your path, and embrace the infinite possibilities that await you. 
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demona-andariel · 1 year
Object of Obsession - 13 / 46
Fandom: Halloween
Pairing: Michael Myers x OFC
Summary: In Haddonfield everyone knows the legend that was Michael Myers. Content and at ease, they’d forgotten what it was to feel fear in the month of October. But now, he finds himself back and ready for blood but then a bond forms between him and one of his victims. A bond he can’t seem to break. And it starts to make him do things he never thought of doing before.
Warnings: (Encompassing the whole story in no particular order) kidnapping, noncon, explicit sexual content, smut, loss of virginity, rough sex, blood and violence, knifeplay, canon-typical violence
Author Note: Minors DNI!
Word Count: 2,558
Chapter 13 - Jethro
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The ticking of his watch was incredibly loud, filling in the silence. It was dark, just a little bit too early for the morning sun to peek through. Jethro stared ahead. His left hand slowly rubbed his bottom lip while his right hand tapped on his glass desk. His eyes were unfocused in the direction of the far wall that held a bookcase filled with books. Big thick fancy law books to impress his clients. As if he even opened a single one to read them. He had people to do the research for him if he needed it. The perks of owning his own law firm. 
He was the current owner of the nearly two-hundred-year-old family law firm and quite possibly the last. Neither Gretchen nor his son, Nathan, were interested in becoming a lawyer in the slightest. Jethro sighed. The family’s occupation was going to shift. Nathan was far more interested in solving mysteries, doing his best to become a private investigator. He wasn’t particularly good at it, but he was still very new and inexperienced. What he was good at was making friends, and gaining connections. His partying lifestyle helped him with that. Even though Jethro was of the opinion that Nathan was getting too old to be partying, he didn’t cut his son off from the family money. Building a new business took time and money. And there was no reason to horde the family fortune. There were only three of them left, after all, in the immediate family. Oddly enough, despite his son’s lifestyle, he had yet to produce a bastard child.
Gretchen, on the other hand, was an artist. Almost the complete opposite of Nathan when it came to a social life. She was perfectly content with her solitary lifestyle and living off of her inheritance, practically becoming a hermit. He couldn’t blame her. Her childhood did not give her the tools necessary to pick up the ability to make real friends. Trust didn’t come easy to her. Not that he could blame her. 
Her school attendance was poor due to health reasons, meaning, she was unable to cultivate strong lasting friendships. And then there were her interactions with people in general. She didn’t have a filter back then. Telling everyone the things she saw when she saw them. She learned very quickly, the strange and unknown always alarmed adults which in turn they passed to their children. Even her parents, much to his own frustration, didn’t like her strangeness. They knew better.
So she, unfortunately, learned to keep things to herself, which in turn slowly shifted into embracing denial when it was convenient for her. It did make it easier for her to adapt to new circumstances. 
She trusted him. But of course, she did. He was always there for her, always by her side, always positive, never judging, from the moment she was old enough to talk. He made sure that she felt safe around him. That she knew she could tell him anything, even when her father actively tried to discourage her “imagination”. He tried to discourage Jethro as well. 
The problem was, she needed someone to talk to. So he made sure it was him. She used to speak to him at length about the things she saw, asking questions, looking for clues, and answers. Answers he couldn’t give her. But he tried to help her when it was possible.
But he was a fool, an idiot. He should have, he did know better. It was why he had people, Nathan, looking after her in the first place. Why he made sure to call her at least once a week. Because, despite all of his efforts, he knew, in the back of his mind, that she didn’t fully trust him. It wasn’t that she trusted Nathan any more than him. It was that Nathan was determined to keep her safe. They both failed.
Nathan. His heart thumped harder in his chest for a moment before he calmed himself down. 
It was unimportant how she’d done it. As much as he was curious to know. How had she manage to get a job, earn money from under his nose to sneak off and move like she had? It couldn’t have been something traditional. She wasn’t good around people. Unless she was and lied to him about that too. No, she omitted things when they were convenient for her, but she wasn’t much of a liar. Had she sold her drawings? It was possible. She’d learned to draw at a young age and had gotten pretty good at it. 
Whatever the case was, she had done it. She’d made money to secretly fund her temporary escape.
He smirked, shaking his head. So much like his little brother. Haring off without a word to anyone. Their parents would have had a conniption, had they been alive when Jasmina’s pregnancy was found out. Good, select, careful breeding had been the one thing that followed the family even into the modern time. The right family, the right career, the right partner to continue the line.
He snorted. Only for their youngest, and arguably favorite child, to fuck the secretary and get her pregnant. A no-named, no family, nothing to offer, illegal immigrant.
He had hired her because he liked her. She was a very beautiful woman to look at. To say that his brother stole her out from under him would be an outright lie. He knew his personality. He wasn’t an easy person to warm up to. Whereas his brother was very easy-going and friendly. But he didn’t have the family weight on him. The weight that he’d become the head of the household one day, that he had to look and act the part.
Jethro sighed. 
How Gretchen reminded him so much of two of the most important people in his life. Physically, Gretchen looked so much like her mother. Her darker complexion and long big curly dark brown hair as well as her shapely body. But her hazel eyes and slightly taller build were part of his side of the family and that smile was for sure his brother’s. She was both a boon and a curse.
Would his brother have even turned to Jasmina had their parents not died? Life was strange, how seemingly random events knitted together into life-altering consequences. Had their father never died of cancer, their mother wouldn’t have killed herself from a broken heart. Then his brother probably wouldn’t have found himself inside Jasmina’s arms. She never would have gotten pregnant with Gretchen. Jasmina and his brother wouldn’t have eventually died the way they did before Gretchen’s fifteenth birthday. And he wouldn’t be sitting at his desk before the morning sun rose, pondering life and feeling ultimately helpless.
Jethro picked up the family photo he had on his desk of his brother, Jasmina, five-year-old Gretchen, himself, and nine-year-old Nathan, all dressed fancy for the extended family Christmas party that was hosted in Northern Ireland. An event that happened every decade. An event they would have gone to before-
He inhaled deeply. If only he’d gotten there sooner. He should have known.
He shook his head, clearing his mind. “Ifs” and “what ifs” and regrets were useless and a waste of thinking energy. Life had happened the way it did. He couldn’t go back and change things. All he could do was follow the path laid before him and do what needed to be done.
A knock on the door brought him out of his musings. He turned and glanced out of his window. The skies were getting lighter.
“Come in,” he said as he turned his chair back to face the door, setting the picture back down. He folded his hands in front of him.
“Hey, Jethro,” Dr. Clark Mitchell, a distant cousin of his and one of his closest friends, said as he opened the door and closed it behind him. 
Jethro didn’t say a word as he watched the man walk up to him. Clark frowned as he sat down. 
“It’s a little bit early to be having a drink, isn’t it?” he asked, nodding towards the glass of rum that Jethro had poured himself some hours ago. He’d forgotten about his drink.
Jethro didn’t reply immediately as he swirled his chair to look out the large window again. This time, he looked out at the city. He rather liked his view, just the perfect height. He heard Clark shift his weight in nervousness. Good.
“When were you going to tell me you upped the dosage of her pills?” Jethro asked calmly. He didn’t have to look behind him to know that Clark had paled.
“Look, Jethro,” Clark started to make an excuse. 
Jethro stood up and walked over to the bookshelves. He opened a drawer and pulled out the completely full bottle of pills and tossed them at Clark. 
“Shit,” Clark replied the moment he caught them. “How long and where is she? I’ll-”
“She’s missing,” Jethro said, studying his friend.
“Missing? Or ~missing~?” Clark asked. 
“Answer my question, Clark,” Jethro said, his voice steady, but the demand was there. Foolish man.
Clark let out a loud sigh, setting the bottle on the desk. “The set before this one.”
“Three months ago,” Jethro stated. Clark nodded. Jethro’s eyes narrowed as he stormed over to the doctor. “Why? And were you ever going to tell me?” It was difficult, controlling his temper. He wanted to punch the man.
Clark shrank back for a moment before squaring his shoulders. “Were you ever going to tell me she still saw things?” Clark accused. “She came to see me just over three months ago before I put her on the new dosage. She got that glazed look. When I asked what she saw she quickly clammed up. So, Jethro, how long has she been seeing things?”
“What did she say?” Jethro asked. 
Clark shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t remember anymore,” he said. “It wasn’t important. A name I think. She looked,” he paused then sighed. “Happy. But, you know.” He shrugged his shoulders again.
Jethro picked up the bottle, turning it over in his hand. He frowned. “Why did she see you three months ago?” 
Clark’s eyes widened for a moment before he shook his head. “I really shouldn’t-”
“You shouldn’t have upped her dosage either,” Jethro snapped.
Clark looked around then ran his hand through his thinning hair. “Birth control and she had questions about the pills.”
Birth control. Jethro felt his world tilt slightly. “What did you say?”
“Oh, you know. How she needs them. I told her that I would lower the dosage, see if that worked for her. But it would be a gradual thing.”
Jethro shook his head. “With the dosage, she was at, Clark, if she stopped taking them it would be a while before it really got to her. Like last time. You doubled it. She’s been taking the new ones for three months? So, if she stopped taking her pills, went cold turkey, how long would it take for her mind to break? It’s not going to be gradual, we’re in a very limited window right now.”
“Fuck,” Clark growled. He turned away and paced for a moment. He glanced over a Jethro. “Two weeks, at best,” he finally said. “How long has it been?”
Jethro turned, clenching his fists tightly. “I’m not sure. I’m guessing around a week at most.”
“Do you have any idea where she’s at? I guess I could reach out to my contacts, see if she’s in a hospital somewhere-”
“She’s not,” Jethro interrupted. “I’ve checked. Well, I am checking. She hasn’t come up yet.”
“Shit,” Clark said, shaking his head. “I’m sorry. I meant to tell you. I thought it was for the best. I remember how she was as a kid and when she mentioned seeing things I-”
“She never stopped seeing things, Clark,” Jethro interrupted with a sigh. He’d fucked up. He should have told Clark so the man wouldn’t worry about it. But he didn’t want to. He thought it was better that only he, Nathan, and Gretchen were aware she still saw things.
“You should have told me,” Clark snapped.
Jethro nodded his head. “Yes, I know. But you shouldn’t have raised her dosage without consulting me. And you told her you lowered it? Jesus! She could be thinking it’s alright that she ran out of her pills.”
Clark stood up and paced. “I should have, but I didn’t,” he finally said. “What are we going to do about it?”
“You’re fired,” Jethro stated.
Clark stopped, his face going pale again as his mouth dropped in surprise. “What? Jethro! You can’t-”
“I can’t trust you anymore. You should have kept her on the same dosage. You know she hates taking them. And you know what happened last time she stopped.” Jethro looked to one side for a moment, pushing back the fear, the panic that he felt that night. It had been a couple of years ago but still felt so fresh. His mind played dirty, bringing back his son’s terrified screams and the smell of blood. She didn’t remember, and he, like Nathan, wanted to keep it that way. She wouldn’t handle it well.“But you didn’t say anything to me or to her. You did this on your own.”
Clark looked away, clenching his fists. “I was just trying to help, Jethro,” he finally said.
Jethro exhaled. He let the stillness collect between the two. Clark wasn’t excused yet and he knew it.
“Birth control?” Jethro finally asked, breaking the silence.
Clark shifted uncomfortably again. “The conversation was more around safe sex. But birth control did come up.”
Jethro frowned, tapping the pill bottle. “She knows,” he paused. “She knows, she can’t get pregnant,” he finally stated.
Clark nodded. “I reminded her. Told her condoms would be the best method for safe sex, but she didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant, just in case she decided to not use them. Look, Jethro,” Clark added. “I’m sorry. I should have said something.”
Jethro nodded, but his mind was already somewhere else. “I know,” he said dismissively.
Clark opened his mouth to say something else, but then closed it, shaking his head. He turned and walked towards the office door. 
“Hey, Clark?” Jethro asked as his old friend opened the door to leave. “You’re friends with a Dr. Samuel Loomis, correct?”
Clark turned, giving him a confused look. “The psychiatrist? Yes,” he responded when Jethro nodded. “Why?”
“I heard he was a good child’s psychiatrist. I wanted to get his opinion on a few things. Get a hold of him for me. I’ll pay him whatever he wants.”
Clark’s frown didn’t leave his face, but he nodded. “Alright,” he said slowly. “He’s not practicing anymore. You do know how old he is?”
Jethro shrugged. “I’m not asking him to see a kid or to be his patient.” Jethro could see the need to question his request. He turned his back to his friend and returned to his desk chair, indicating that the conversation was over. He sat down, picking up his glass he swirled around to face the window and watch the brightening morning sky. He didn’t turn around, not even when he heard the door close. 
He moved his hand behind him to pick up his cellphone. He stared at it, half tempted to call his son, despite the early hour. His watch on his wrist ticked loudly in his ear again. There wasn’t a lot of time left. Not a lot of time left at all.
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Chapter 14 - I'm not Nice
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altairtalisman · 1 year
Anna's Bio
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"To say that I'm desperate for companionship... is humiliatingly accurate."
More details on Anna is under the cut
Name: Brianna "Anna" Ragao'a-Dull (née Ragao'a)
Age: 660
Height: 157 cm
Birthday: 9 Alstas 1046 (Lihanfayl)
Orientation: Cisgender Lesbian Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Dullahan (formerly elf)
Title: The Ninth Dullahan
Country of Birth: Balwirk
Likes: Green (the colour), autumn, pudding
Dislikes: Mirrors, the Fourth Dullahan, jellyfishes, losing her head (literally)
Hobbies: Gardening, sewing, reading
Personality: Serious, but a bit of a pushover especially when it comes to those she cares about. Is actually the type to doubt herself and is also surprisingly awkward around others
Style: Clothes that cover the body as well as a cloak and a right side pauldron, tries her best to tastefully incorporate as much green as possible
Status: Dead (DOD: 18 Rexim 1706)
Abilities: Shadow manipulation, knows how to wield swords as well possessing mastery over both wind and fire magic
Background: A survivor of an elven experiment researching possibilities to revive someone who was beheaded in their journey to discover immortality, Brianna became the Ninth Dullahan for being the ninth out of 16 survivors, with the experiment claiming hundreds in its search for immortality
Apart from the Fourth, Eighth and Twelfth Dullahan, the rest were enraged that they were used in a cruel experiment and killed the researchers but kept their notes and studied it. The Fifteenth Dullahan was able to identify the flaws in the research notes, which cultivated in the alarmingly high mortality rate. Together with the Third and Eleventh Dullahans as well as Ilias' existing research on arcane magic, the trio was able to create a ritual that tapped onto Ratein's ley lines which made it safer to turn someone into a dullahan. Afterwards, they destroyed the original notes such that no one could ever attempt the cruel methods used to create dullahans again
Brianna and the Fourteenth Dullahan then pointed out that the very notion of turning someone into a dullahan was unthinkable, and sought to get an unanimous consensus that under no circumstances should the 16 turn others into dullahans unless the individual in question was prepared to bear the curse of being one
Over the centuries, Brianna kept receiving news of dullahans appearing despite the consensus. Not once did she believe that the rest, save for the Fourteenth Dullahan, adhered to the consensus, but she personally turned a blind eye to the increasing dullahan population as they mainly led reclusive lifestyles. Even so, she experienced bouts of loneliness due to her own reclusive lifestyle, wishing that she could have a wife that was able to at least live for a good period of time
In 1543, she visited Lyuharrno for a change of pace. At some point during her holiday, she had gotten lost and eventually stumbled across Alena's residence. Initially, the dullahan was chased away but after begging the Lyuharrnese to let her stay for a night, Brianna was allowed inside
It was then she discovered that Alena used to be human, yet did not fit the descriptions of former human species such as vampires. After Alena explained how she came to be, all the while expressing her desire to join her family in the afterlife, Brianna decided to stay and figure out what Alena really was, all while trying to convince her to not commit suicide
After a few months, they discovered that Alena's existence was similar to the Asanokian yuki-onnas. Alena then mentioned that there were others similar to her, but they were considered alive in contrast to the yuki-onnas. Brianna felt iffy to classify the Lyuharrnese as a yuki-onna, and decided to conduct more research on the number of beings whose existence were similar to yuki-onnas but did not fit their typical description
Eventually, the dullahan discovered that there were a sizeable portion of beings that were similar to Alena. Brianna decided to coin a new term encompassing all beings that were similar to Alena in that retrospect, with the latter remarking that it was almost comical that someone who was not 'one of them' was the one trying to label their existence
The dullahan, taking Alena's half-hearted remark under serious consideration, decided to get the opinions of others before coining a term that accurately described them. Eventually, the term 'frostull' surfaced and quickly gained popularity amongst the beings. Brianna and a few others spread the word about the existence of frostulls, even reaching out to the Fourteenth Dullahan, who was compiling information on Ratein to create a handy traveller's guide, to add the existence of frostulls into yons guide
Afterwards, Brianna decided to return to Balwirk while getting Alena to agree to exchanging letters. The latter simply nodded, having gone through a similar situation with Aiden a century prior and understood that actually following up the promise would lessen the number of physical check-ins. The dullahan did briefly consider proposing to Alena, but decided against it as she was aware that the latter was nowhere near ready to move on from her family
In 1701, she met an orphan who cheerfully expressed her fascination towards dullahans. Brianna then made a joke about how she could easily turn her into one in exchange for her hand in marriage as she was wealthy enough to comfortably support her. The orphan successfully horrified the Ninth Dullahan by happily agreeing to the offer, and while Brianna tried to back out by explaining that she meant it as a joke, the orphan insisted that she was okay with it given the dullahan's tolerable appearance as well as her wealth
Brianna, who gave up after realising that she was dead serious, prepared the ritual her fellow survivors had created and offered her one last chance to back out when the moment of her beheading approached. The orphan shook her head, stating that she planned on marrying the dullahan to access her wealth such that she could support the orphanage she grew up in
Touched by her selflessness, which was admittedly hidden behind concerning selfish intents, Brianna beheaded the orphan with one clean swing of her blade. Once the ritual was over, Brianna told the orphan to name herself so that they could legalise their marriage. The orphan named herself Hana Dull, an anagram of the word 'dullahan' and proposed to merge their surnames together
Seeing no reason to refuse, Brianna did just that and spent a few months teaching Hana how to manipulate shadows and then proceeding to teach her how to wield a sword properly. Her plan to teach her wife arcane magic, something that she had learnt from trial and error, was put on hold when the Balwirkian War came too close to where they lived
She, along with other dullahans, participated in the war effort and was able to drive the Unois Empire back to the eastern half of Balwirk. Despite the war raging, she thought about Hana constantly and realised that at some point, she had genuinely fallen for her
As Balwirk was optimistic that they could win against the empire, Brianna did not expect anything to be different on 18 Rexim 1706 apart from blood shed by the victims from the empire. As a result, when Balwirk was taken by surprise by an ambush from empire forces hidden within the country, Brianna did not expect herself to be fatally wounded by the empire, nor by someone she had known since childhood
The last thought she had before falling on the line separating the western and eastern halves of Balwirk was how nice it would be if Hana felt the same way as she did towards her...
Former Appearance:
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7 notes · View notes
lightlycareless · 2 years
First, it hurts— Chapter XXIV [part 1]
(part 2)
Naoya Zen’in x Fem!Reader
While arranged marriages are not uncommon in the jujutsu community, it was strange to receive a proposal from none other than the Zen’in’s, nonetheless your clan accepted and before you knew it, you were married off to Naoya.
Your new purpose was clear: to serve and submit, to be seen and not heard. To forget any sense of individuality in favor of obeying your husband.
Will this marriage ever flourish into something else? Will it change…for better or for worse?
Chapter warnings: (most for part 2) slight body-shaming? non-con, mentions of sex, the actual act of sex, mentions of adultery, slut-shaming, fingering (vaginal and anal) slight penetration (anal), misogyny, abuse, mentions of abuse, and a bunch of inner and external struggles 😥
A/N: not much 👀 hi!
Without any further ado, happy reading! 🥰
Masterlist ➸ Chapter 25
Ao3 link.
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There are moments when you wake up and the first thing that comes to your attention is the uneasy sensation that something's… different, odd. As if something were preparing to happen, but you're unable to pinpoint it down to anything but… well, your own imagination.
And today seems to be that kind of day.
You try to avoid giving this unfounded worry much space in your mind, for you believe it to be nothing more than the natural aftermath to the emotional agitation of past events, starting with your poisonous cycle of abuse, which developed some kind of anxiety addiction due to the many despondent occurrences you were dragged through upon arrival to the Zen’in estate, to the eventual gracious introduction of Mai and Maki, liberation and closure of your feud with Mariya and finally… the realization of your feelings for Naoaki.
A situation you weren’t able to give much time to think about either, for your initial assumptions gained sturdiness upon seeing the servants frantically running around from one side of the estate to the other, hurrying to complete a task you were ignorant about.
Some were carrying cleaning supplies and incense to clear the ambience of any lingering hunches, while others took care to tend the gardens by cutting off extra branches and withering leaves, turning the whole estate upside down while at it.
Skepticism of something important happening behind the scenes began to cultivate in the back of your mind as you and your ladies—minus Mariya— showed to be equally mystified by the roving staff.
“What has gotten into them today?” Haruko would be the first one to pry as the three made their way towards the kitchen for the first meal of the day.
“Who knows?” Hitomi queried back, skeptically eyeing the few servants that greeted their lady as they passed by. “Termites?”
“...I don’t think so” Haruko shakes her head “It’s getting too cold for them”
“They’re active all-year round, so it might be” Hitomi would correct “What do you think, Lady Y/N? Did Mariya-san tell you anything?”
“No…” you admit, for all that your prime lady-in-waiting had done beside waking you up and getting you ready was to tell you to go ahead and get something to eat while she dealt with something exterior, nothing unusual when it comes to her routine. “But I’m sure Junko-san will keep us up-to-date when we see her”
But not even the austere mother of two was sufficient to give you the clarification you sought after. 
When the mysterious woman approached you to seemingly assign your duties for the day, you were received with the startling directive that you’re to do… nothing.
Just sit there and… look pretty, for a lack of better words.
Junko also didn’t waste time to inform you that her daughters would be away, to seemingly oversee another angle of their duties—presumably the servitude side of their upcoming lifestyle.
It’s at this point that your assumptions stopped being theories, and rather, foundations of something enigmatic happening underneath their noses.
But unable to dig up any additional information, you begrudgingly agree to play the role of sitting duck and eat breakfast instead.
It felt weird to not have anything to do for the day, which made you wonder… When was the last time you actually had nothing to do? Ever since you arrived at the Zen’in estate… Well, that never seemed to be the case. 
Junko had made sure to drill you down with the same mentality that fast-paced environments proudly carried around, and that is: there is always something to do, something to fix. Whether big or small, it didn’t matter, something always needed to have your attention and it was your responsibility to know what.
You could argue that the most dull days of your life had to be back when you were nothing more than a student at jujutsu high due to an imposed quarantine via exterior forces as well as being the only student in your class that forced you to stand still.
However, the main difference is that even if you carried the deep-seated sensation of uneasiness that has your mind continuously ticking, you knew the reason why back then.
Today, you were left in the dark—and your ladies were not insensitive to it either. 
However, you soon realize that there was no point in ruminating on the unfathomable, and if there is something that your short-lived life has taught you, is that everything will come to the light in due time, thus, you decided to enjoy the fact you had no duties to perform as well as the free time you get to spend with your ladies, now under better circumstances.
“It’s been a while since it’s just been the three of us.” you say as you take another bite of the meal that Haruko prepared for you—a salmon filet, rice, and miso soup— while enjoying the panorama mother nature offered through the camelia garden before you.
“It has.” Hitomi agrees, taking a seat beside you, but not before a random servant that was casually passing by approaches you with a bowl of green apple slices and places them on the tray near you, earning them a mild unamused scowl from your seamstress.
“Good morning Lady Y/N!” the woman greets with a bow and a wide smile on her lips “Such a wonderful morning today, hmm? Be sure to dress appropriately today though, the weather forecast for today is awfully cold, and I would hate it if our beloved lady got sick!”
The servant then vanishes without a word.
“What the…” Hitomi cautions, eyeing the bowl before her and then up to her sister, shooting her a glance that said did you see this?
But her sister wasn’t caught off guard by the servant’s sudden behavior, and not because she wasn’t attentive to it, no, she was all but distracted by this woman’s clear attempt of flattery towards you, but rather… her attention now dwelled on the approaching figure that appeared on the corner of her eye, soon to reveal itself to you and Haruko in a simple matter of seconds.
"I'm here, I'm here!!” Mariya announced breathlessly, agitated for having to rush through the many halls and corridors of this large estate towards your location. 
With hair slightly disheveled and cheeks painted with a vibrant red shade, it's a sight that only adds another layer to her hastiness and commitment, nonetheless, fixable thanks to the nimble swipe of her fingers that put the mislaid locks of dark hair back into place. “Sorry, sorry—that took me longer than I would’ve liked, but I’m here now” 
The sisters blinked, one, two—no, three times out of surprise at their superior’s unusual cursory behavior against her always collected demeanor, believing that she had undergone a trivial task which they were ignorant about, and thus, regretful for not being able to offer their support.
Your mind, however, was in a completely different place thanks to the small… conjugal revelation on one fateful night, leading your face to swap from surprise into one of a mischievous know-it-all that has Mariya squinting her eyes, as if warning you to not start now, Y/N .
You silently chuckle, understanding her message and it seems that your subtle interaction between two ends without much more to say, but not overlooked— certainly not to your perceptive seamstress Hitomi, who has long caught wind of these small back-and-forth jabs between you and Mariya from one day forward, and while she’s glad that your asserted dispute with her is over… she can’t help but wonder how that came to happen.
But regardless of how it came to be, if there was one thing she was absolutely sure of, is that she was happy to see you this comfortable with her, and vice versa. 
You both deserve each other's friendship, it's the least after all the obstacles both had to endure. 
“Ah, these servants…” Mariya comments as soon as she glances over to your tray of food and finds a clustered amount of snacks and drinks grouped alongside the breakfast she knows Haruko to be the sole author behind it. And while it wasn’t the first time she or the sisters had seen offerings of this nature, it doesn't mean they would eventually grow accepting of it. “They’re going to leave us without a job if they keep doing this”
“Should I start looking at applications?” You jest, and Mariya smirks.
“Of course not, Lady Y/N” She responds “I’m confident enough in our skills to defend our positions” she then proceeds to lean down with the intention of separating the items she considers… unnecessary. “However… there is something I want to know—how long has this been going on?” 
Haruko and Hitomi glance at each other and shrug, revealing to be on the same page as Mariya. 
The question now befalls you, and you recoil at their sudden interest, forcing you to plunge into the endless recollections of past days. 
If you have to set a date… it must've been right after you sent the first letter to your sister. 
“For a few days now” you admit “It started out of nowhere, continued on for a few days… but I thought they would stop by now, after all, where do they even get all this food to spare?” Surprisingly, you’re still unable to find a connection between the righteous act of protecting the new hire against Meiko, and the subsequent acceptance of the staff. Maybe because you think it was the right thing to do, thus, not deserving of such exorbitant recognition?
“And where does it go after they give it to you?” Mariya ponders on, and a hot streak of shame spreads across your cheeks.
“Oh—um” You stammer, looking away. It seems like you’ve miscalculated your words, ignorantly showing that you’ve forgotten the fact that your diet was a heavily monitored aspect of your new life, thus, something that your ladies would not be appreciative of you going ahead and foiling their diligent work by eating outside of your planned meals.
The seed of discord was sowed, gaining you a one way trip to their scolding.
“I’ve… eaten some of it—mostly fruit, of course” you attempt to ease the blow “It… shouldn’t be a problem with it, right?”
You don’t even want to think of their reaction if they ever get to know you actually ate a whole box of mochi.
However, as strict as Mariya could be, she’s also very understanding, far more than she lets on actually. And once she catches your inner turmoil via the stammering of your words, she rushes to fix her misunderstanding 
“I’m not angry at you for eating it or not, nor did I intend to shame you for that'' She justifies. After all, she's been on the receiving end of shameless comments regarding her weight, and it’s not of her personal liking, thus, she wouldn’t do unto others what she wouldn’t do unto herself. “I’m just… disapproving of the fact that they’re dumping you with all this food without consideration that it might be too much for you to eat, forcing you to feel some kind of responsibility towards their gesture, or forgetting that if it doesn’t get eaten… it’s just getting thrown away! Seriously, their lack of awareness is outstanding” she groans, rubbing her temples and showing how frustrated this whole topic had her feeling. 
And like clouds after the rain, your nerves start to dissipate. 
It was almost comical that you thought Mariya capable of denouncing you, considering this was the woman that had sought for your well-being since the very first day. You had to be a bit more trusting of her!
Besides, after all was said and done, Mariya was also glad that the servants had finally started to get a liking to you, specially after the small altercation she had with Meiko due to abrupt decision to stop informing her of the upcoming events pertaining the household, as well as the servants deliberately working against her (and subsequently, you…) just to show their solidarity towards the masters,
Junko had been the only one that remained somewhat… cognizant enough to recognize that this was no way to handle a clan and its affairs, if it were to keep on functioning correctly, thus she ignored Meiko's pettiness and kept working with you and your staff.
She'll still have her exceptions of course, just like today. 
And talking about today…
“By the way, do any of you have any idea what’s happening today?” Mariya asks, taking a seat just beside Hitomi, who after the unforeseen distraction with that one servant, finally took her place next to you. “I saw Junko-san a few minutes ago, and all that she told me was to clean your clothes and keep you presentable, Lady Y/N”
“You… don’t know what’s happening?” Haruko fearfully asks, the notion of Mariya, her fountain of knowledge, her go-to person regarding the successions around the estate seemingly going dry… Well, she imagines this must be what being abandoned by god feels like. 
“No… and neither do… you?” Mariya apprehensively asked back, now referring to you.
“No” You shake your head “We saw Junko-san too and asked her about it but… she just told us to not worry about it and, well, do nothing. Apparently all of my duties will be overseen by her so there’s that. Oh! And also told me I wouldn’t be able to see Mai and Maki today. How… strange” you wistfully sigh, and Mariya understands how forlorn you must’ve felt for this notice.
“Must’ve been awful to hear that” Mariya consoles and you nod.
“Ah, well, I can’t hoard all their attention” you attempt to reassure yourself with a chuckle, as well as wanting to avoid thinking about what they were possibly doing right now 'cause you already had an idea it would only get you angrier to discuss it further.
“But they sure can yours!” Haruko’s quick banter manages to pull you out of the solemn pit of Mai and Maki’s absences, making you agree with a laugh. “Gotta give it to you, Lady Y/N. I don’t know how you keep up with them, just by looking at you I get tired!”
“We missed having you around, Lady Y/N” Hitomi suddenly adds, cool and straight to the point as she always was, but with a warm edge that shows her sympathy towards your situation.
If there was one thing this whole situation brought clarity to, is that you were never alone to begin with.
"At one point we wondered if we even had a mistress to care for…" she adds, and you purse your lips together.
“Ah, I know” you lament, ashamed by all the time you mismanaged by placing preferential treatment on the twins (and Naoaki for that matter), naturally leading you to regretfully neglect your staff. But that no longer matters, you’re here now. “I hope you can forgive me”
“All is good , no worries” Haruko dismisses you reassuringly “I’m just surprised, you get along well with them, and they seem to get along with you too. Whenever I tried to approach them, they just ran away from me” She sighs “Oh, let me guess! You were the playful one of your siblings, right? It’s only natural that you would get along with them"
“Hmmm, now that I think about it… I was the one that struggled to keep up with them!” you confess, and you’re suddenly besieged with nostalgia “And not because they were too fast or rougher, or anything like that, although Hinata was always the most athletic of the three of us… but rather, because what they liked was always so… different. In that sense, Mai and Maki get along way better than me and my siblings”
Or from what you've been able to see. They were very contrasting in nature, Maki giving you the impression to be the one always in charge, with Mai simply tagging along. 
Well, either would’ve already complained of this arrangement if it wasn’t to their liking.
But now that you thought about it… why weren’t you able to get along with them in the very beginning?
Conflict often ensued when Ren's preference to listen to music and watch T.V., clashed with Hinata's inclination for outdoor activities. 
You’d be dragged from one activity to the other by both of your siblings, and you’d try to spend equally distributed time between the two so as to avoid one of them feeling less than the other, but since they were so… different from one another, and demanding from time to time, there were occasions more often than not where you wished you could split yourself in three—this way, you would be able to do what they wanted, as well as what you wanted, because even if you were their younger sister, you still were a person of your own.
“I think it’s when we started training in jujutsu that we kind of found a middle ground to spend time together, as well as maturing and realizing that there were better ways to do what we wanted” you muse “Although it wouldn’t take long before it became obvious that Hinata was the most intense out of us when it came to physical training—not even my brother, whose specialty is strength, can compete with her sometimes!” you chuckle. “Maybe that’s why I’m able to keep up with the twins…?”
Haruko doesn’t understand much of jujutsu, what it entails, or even if it’s something to be understood, however, judging by the glimmer in your eye and the grin on your lips, she knows that you’re sharing a memory that brings you great happiness. And wanting to partake in this sentiment, she decides to share an experience of her own.
“Hitomi and I would always get in so much trouble when we were younger” Haruko says “In our case, our mom was the one that had trouble keeping up with us—oh, she always had to apologize on our behalf for all the things we did. Schools hated us, I think we even got secretly banned from one”
“ Huh?! ” Hitomi gasps loudly, causing you to flinch, as if her sister just spewed the most outrageous thing she has ever heard in her life,
And it might as well be  
“What are you talking about? You’re the one that always got me in trouble! I was just there because I tried to stop you from making a bigger fool of yourself, so don’t act like you and I are the same!”
“What do you mean? I clearly remember you following me everywhere, by your own volition must I add!” Haruko counters. “What about the times I took the fall for you?” she snaps back. "Like when you broke mom's vase because you were chasing me??"
“I—I don’t recall such a thing” Hitomi cries back, feeling more offended than before. “Besides, you just proved my point! I was always trailing behind you because I disliked seeing you getting in trouble, and being scolded by our mom, or anyone else for that matter! You like messing up things, I don’t, we’re not the same, we were never the same, so don’t compare yourself to me.” She groans “Besides, why would you even bring this up, if not to embarrass me in front of Lady Y/N? Of all things that you could’ve shared…” she concludes, looking away as to hide the evident change in her now ruby-red face and put an end to this whimsical expose of her sister for once and for all.
“Oh, don’t worry about me at all!” You chuckle, feeling right at home with their interaction. “I know what it is to grow with siblings, so I’m familiar with how they can be. But… it surprised me Hitomi, I never thought you had it in you to be naughty”
“Of course not, Lady Y/N” Hitomi would stammer, fearing that the clean and proper image she worked so hard to maintain for you had been finally stained by her sister's antics, or perhaps… unwilling admittance of her childhood misbehavior? “I mean, I guess I must’ve done something when I was younger, who hasn’t? But I was always a well-behaved child, and my grades were the perfect example of that—I was always the star student”
“Or more like the teacher's pet…” Haruko mumbles under her breath, and you quickly dart towards her, surprised that she’s saying such a thing.
However, seconds pass, and the laughter you’ve been holding on for a while finally comes out to its full splendor, with Haruko soon joining it.
You’re confident enough to understand that Haruko was putting up nothing more than an act just to get a rise out of Hitomi, while the last, would fight back with a play of her own, a pursuit to erase her past and act as if she’d always been the goody-two-shoes she presently claims to be, but it's for naught, for you’ve discovered both’s truth.
Hitomi isn’t amused by your clear demonstration of alliance towards Haruko (or so that’s what she interprets) by the evident icy gaze of judgment in her face, however, this also proves to be nothing more than a ruse, for she's aware enough to not take herself too seriously and make this situation any bigger than it deserves, soon partakes in your cheerful exchange with a giggle.
After all, could they really call each other siblings if they didn’t entertain senseless bickering like this from time to time?
“And what about you, Mariya-san? Were mischief prone?” You muster through chortles and hiccups “Or maybe any siblings that took on that role?” you say, looking now at your main lady-in-waiting, who silently observed the scene unfold before her with a tender smile, only pulling back to reality once she realizes you were now referring to her.
“Oh, no. I was an only child” She reveals with a sigh. You’re unable to define her reaction as one of relief for having the fortune of skipping all these silly affairs when growing up (but still having to deal with them now with Haruko and Hitomi) or mournfully longing for the family she never had the misfortune of having.
“That’s… interesting” You respond, hoping to pull Mariya out of the latter topic “I never really thought about it… but now… it makes sense”
“Why is that? Do I give the impression of being an only child?” Mariya chuckles.
“A little bit” you confess “Only children are supposed to be natural leaders on their own, diligent, independent, as well as considered mature for their age—things that I consider you to be” Hitomi and Haruko nodded along, seemingly in agreement with your descriptions.
“Sounds like something you got out of a magazine, or horoscope” Mariya notes; she doesn’t think that you’re particularly right, since what you described are adjectives that often fall in the realm of generalization (and she believes that taking them might be a bit… presumptuous) but it was still interesting for her to hear your perspective “I never thought you’d be into that”
“Not really, but they’re entertaining!” You added “It’s nice to think that there’s some kind of omnipotent force pulling the strings, kind of gives you the chance to sit back and relax, let the universe do its work—although… I think there is such a thing in the jujutsu world, so… that might not be that far fetched”
“Ooooh, the mystic stuff!” Haruko gasps. Ever since you briefly introduced to the world of jujutsu through your experience back in the library, she has been fascinated about the whole subject and has been wanting to get to know more about it, but there was no one willing to quench her curiosity. Fortunately… her prayers are to be heard right this moment. “Are there like… clairvoyants in your community? Or what’s it called, psychics? Magic crystal balls? Tarot?”
“That’s not… entirely how jujutsu works” You laugh, a common misconception “Although seers were part of the history of jujutsu at one point, with some even being able to talk to the dead”
“Is there even such a thing as horoscopes in your community?” Hitomi asks, quick to gain the understanding that most of the supernatural occurrences happening inside the civilian society to be originated from sorcerers (which they were). Although, just as Mariya, she’s not overly fond of the generalization of the masses by simple coinciding factors, such as birthdays and the alignment of the planets, but that doesn’t mean she can’t indulge in the buoyant thinking of how much the jujutsu world influenced hers.
“...No… I don’t think so? Or maybe there is…” you think, not having really given that topic much thought, since your role as a sorcerer was to exorcise curses and nothing more… “But all that I know about the stars and whatnot come from a magazine I found at a convenience store one time I was hanging out with my friends, we thought it would be fun to see if it was true, or guess which category we fit in”
Satoru suddenly comes to mind.
It’s baffling to know that Mariya and Satoru are in the same only-child category, and yet, couldn’t be any more different.
Although, in his defense… Satoru is someone that many would consider an overachiever; whatever he put his mind into, he would do it. To the point that he actually had not to do anything just to give others a chance because he would just not fail.
Condescending in a way, but if you break it down… it’s the truth. He is considered to be the strongest for a reason, regardless of how spoiled he liked to behave from time to time, and basically held the balance of the Japanese jujutsu community in the palm of his hands. That was just the kind of role he was given by those around him, and there was nothing he could do about it.
How… contrasting. Compared to Mariya, that is, who seemed to be an arduous believer of the hard work beats talent thinking. Or even Geto, in that case…
“And what about you?” Haruko chirps in “You’re the youngest, right? The baby! People always say that the youngest one gets to be the most pampered of their parents, as well as everyone around them”
“How would you know?” you laugh.
“Because our baby sister is that way” Haruko reveals.
“Wait—you have another sister?!” you gasp. How come you didn’t know that?!
“Yes” Hitomi nods “She’s just 5 years old”
"Oh, and she's the cutest thing! I wish I had a picture to show you" Haruko quietly laments "oh well! Maybe next time" She shrugs "But tell me Lady Y/N! Did I get it right?"
"Well… they did come in the article and it said just what you did…" but at the same time… there’s always two sides to a coin.
While many, just like Haruko, place their agreements in the popular belief that the youngest of the family were blessed with the most attention and care from their parents, to the point of being considered spoiled , they were also highly susceptible to the contrary.
Simply because the parents, at that point, had gone through the same ordeal over and over again with their other children. 
For example, why would they be impressed that their youngest would eventually learn how to walk, talk and read, when the others already proved capable of it? 
Their achievements would cease to be impressionable, repetitive even, and could even lead them to increase the amount of pressure they place on their youngest if they ever get the impression that they’re not… well, at the same pace as the others, inwardly wondering why they aren’t capable of catching up faster.
You, however, don’t think you ever felt this way—at least not from your parents. 
But you have experienced a somewhat similar disposition from your siblings whenever they would try to push you into doing more, apply more effort, try harder, don’t give up… simply because they’ve already gone through that challenge and overcome all obstacles in their way, completely forgetting the fear of a first-timer and expecting you to behave as the polished version of them.
And you don’t even want to talk about the jujutsu community, on their reaction when you finally decided to enroll into the jujutsu technical school in Tokyo (which they knew was to happen in due time) and when your skill was revealed to them. They considered it practical… but disappointingly not of the same caliber of uniqueness as your sister’s.
It was fine, really. You knew that you weren’t special compared to Hinata, but that didn’t bother you much. As long as you were capable of completing your 4 years of school, sailing by as you performed your duties as a sorcerer—with the occasional unrequited comments from the elders of your clan— with a somewhat regular life… you’d be fine.
That is, until you got married.
To say that it was such a cultural shock to be suddenly received by the Zen’in clan as the future Lady of the House —a title you’ve never dreamed nor longed to receive in your lifetime, less from a clan as prestigious as this one— and all the responsibilities and attention that went with it… was an understatement.
From being considered good enough, to suddenly be pushed to the highest of expectations… Well, it’s easy to say that you were like a fish out of water.
Attention that you in no way considered to be good, taking into account that it came from a misogynistic, stuck-in-time clan, but you just couldn’t seem to run away from it, and less to actually get used to being in the spotlight.
You were so… out there , it seemed that every little thing you did was worthy of being in the front page of their publications. 
You wondered if Hinata ever felt this kind of pressure from the Gojo’s back in the day, gaining a new understanding of the duels she had to overcome by herself from a very young age.
“Eh, but it really depends on how you grew up” you shrug, not wanting to unwind once more the long monologue you’ve just detailed in your mind “You can have loving parents that will treat all children equally, or those that have preferences for one. I’m glad to say that my family never made me feel… like I wasn’t loved. Sure, we had fights here and there, but at the end of the day, I know I can trust them”
It’s now Naoaki’s and Naoya’s turn to enter your mind.
Oh , Naoaki... 
Even if you’ve made peace with his background, it doesn’t mean it hurts any less. Considering all the things he had to go through in his youth, his life could’ve taken a drastic turn, and yet… it didn’t. Instead, he decided to go down the path of becoming the person he wished he had when he was younger, and support his siblings.
Yes, even Naoya , whom he couldn’t get along with no matter how much he tried, has been on the receiving end of his caring nature and expressed to be somewhat happy that he got to achieve what he was never capable of doing so.
So different from the brazen Naoya who you were sure had never tasted what suffering is, obtaining whatever he wanted simply because he was born in a more privileged position.
And to think that you both were the youngest of their families… you even want to laugh at how different you were from Naoya. You’d rather throw yourself over a cliff than turn into someone like him. An ironic thought, considering that you’re married to him.
“I’m glad that you had a good family” Mariya says, assuring that you’ve always spoken highly of Hinata and Ren, and also of your mother on the few occasions that you allow yourself to talk about her “It must be so… difficult to miss them”
“...Yeah” you murmur. And while your homesickness became  tolerable thanks to the companionship of the twins, your staff, and Naoaki… well, it’s not the same as having them physically there with you. “But it’s ok—as long as I have them in my heart and the happy times we’ve spent together, I’ll survive”
“It’s not fair that he doesn’t let Lady Y/N contact her family” Haruko curses, deliberately letting out the name of your husband out of the equation, for in her mind, she’d be doing him a favor to even name him with her priceless breath, and that wasn’t about to happen any time soon.
Oh, right.
Because even if you’ve gotten closer to Mariya, Haruko and Hitomi… you have yet to reveal that you’ve been writing to Hinata.
It’s still… risky to do so, and even if they’ve earned your trust, there are two things holding you back: starting with the promise you made to Naoaki of not telling anyone, regardless if they held your trust, and… the fact that there are many external influences you have yet to consider.
A compromise of this nature was no easy task to keep, less when considering getting more people involved. Regardless of how much effort is placed to maintain its discretion, the possibilities of it falling in the wrong ears is higher, and detrimental to your position, and you weren’t about to take that risk just yet.
You trusted them greatly, but for now, it will remain confidential. 
Hopefully when Hinata’s eventual reply comes, you’ll be able to tell them.
“Obviously he wouldn’t. He’s afraid that Lady Y/N will snitch on him and that he’d actually have to face consequences for the first time in his life” Hitomi rolls her eyes, and your eyes widen at the essence of her words.
You knew Hitomi to be somewhat stern when it came to it. But it’s the first time you’ve ever heard her talk so openly of her distaste for your husband. And to think that she was the most reserved of the three…
A sad thought trails your mind as you come to the conclusion that she was probably the one that despised you the most when you were still on bad terms with Mariya. 
But that was nothing more than a fallacious thought, product of your self doubt. 
The truth was, Hitomi was the one that worried the most about you, evident by the way she rushed into your arms the first day you stepped out of your room after the scare of your unresponsiveness, and all the other things she’s done, and she’d continue to do so.
“And while I do agree on your sentiment, Hitomi-chan” Mariya continues “I think it’s better if we keep these thoughts to ourselves for now. There’s many ears across the estate… and something doesn’t feel right about today”
“Right” Hitomi agrees, eyes dropping to the floor beneath her, before they find their way to your now empty plate “Oh, Lady Y/N, you’re done with your food” she notes, making quick work to stand up and pick up your tray, hoping that her current efforts will dissolve the fact that she’d forgotten to check in on you, seemingly too enthralled in your conversation “Would you like something else?”
“No, I’m fine. Thank you.” You look at Haruko “My compliments to the chef, delicious as always!”
“My pleasure!” She grins, theatrically bowing before you as a blush appears on her cheeks “Let me get that out of your way—”
“I’ll take it” Hitomi interrupts, quick to move the tray away from her sister, but to the latter's displeasure “Why don’t you help me put the rest of the food away instead?” she nudges at the leftover unopened food “ And maybe keep a few for ourselves ” She whispered, evidently solely for her sister to hear.
“Ok” Haruko whispers back before looking at Mariya. If she noted this small exchange between the sister’s, she did not show. “We’ll be cleaning up everything then! Where shall we meet up after we’re done?”
“Ah, well…” Mariya falters, she hasn’t given much thought to today's itinerary now that it was effectively blank, falling in the belief that you’d be able to fill in the blanks. However, there was still something that she wanted to check with you, so… “Go ahead for now, I’ll let you know when I come up with something”
“Ok! See you around Lady Y/N!” Haruko and Hitomi bid their farewells, and vanished into the labyrinth of the estate.
Now in the solitude of the garden, with nothing more than the sounds of nature and your closest friend, Mariya, you take this as a moment to openly talk to her about what you wanted to jab her with.
“How is Tatsuro?”
“Oh, you” Mariya rolls her eyes “You knew it was him I was going to look for, didn’t you?”
“It’s so clear to me now” You laugh “How could I not see it?”
“Discretion comes with the job, I’ll take it as a compliment” Mariya grins “But he’s fine, thank you. A bit… shocked that we made up”
“Ah, I think Haruko and Hitomi are too”
“Within reason, within reason…” she nods.
“But… it’s good” you smile, inching closer to her “it’s like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I can finally be comfortable with the ones closest to me—and it should’ve always been like that… I always should’ve kept you three close to me”
“We’re here now” She reassures you “And that’s all that matters… and keeping Tatsuro a secret from them” Mariya reminds you, and you nod. It’s such a mystery to you why she hasn't told them, but holder of your own secrets, you decide not to pressure her. “By the way… do you really not know what’s happening today?”
“Not a clue” you shake your head “It’s… quite unnerving, don’t you think?”
“It is” Mariya agrees. “Not even Junko-san has told me anything about it, and she’s the first one to talk. Odd”
“...Do you think somebody died?” you eventually conclude, because… well, what else could assemble this kind of franticness from the staff?
“I… don’t think so” Mariya tries to think of a sickly Zen’in clanmember, or even an elder one (which were many) but… no, that couldn’t be. News of it would’ve graced her ears by now and you, as current representative of your husband, would be expected to be present in the ceremony. Thus, a theory that’s promptly scratched out “Ah, well, it’s no use worrying about this. The only thing I know is that you have a free day to do whatever you want—so… is there something you want to do for today?”
“Actually…” you pause, mind going back to your room and the small white envelope resting underneath your pillow “There is something that I need to do first. See you at the pagoda past the living quarters?”
Mariya doesn’t need to ask more.
The smirk on your face is all that she needs to see to understand the intentions behind your words… and who you’re seeing. 
A conclusion that has her heart aching with distress because she can’t deny that this peculiar man has brought you immense happiness, to the point of returning the beautiful glint in your eye, and possibly even being the starting point for her to rekindle a friendship with you.
But at the same time, it’s like playing with fire. 
Naoaki was Naoya’s brother at the end of the day and… well, she… There's much that she’s seen during the duration of her employment at the estate to have her on the edge of her seat whenever you’re around him. 
In a way, it was shocking that nothing bad has come out from this relationship, considering the turbulent behavior Naoya seemed to carry around his brothers, and Naoaki’s awareness of this.
There was no denying that the oldest of Naobito’s sons was a mystery when it came to you and his reason to approach you in the first place… something that she has never been able to discover due to the aloof nature of his behavior with those outside of his circle.
But unable to do much but to agree to your conditions and bid you farewell, Mariya limits herself to offer you a silent prayer as she observes your figure distance from her, until your footsteps vanish into thin air, hoping that whatever succession fate was preparing for today… didn’t involve you, or Naoaki.
If there was one thing that today's worries you couldn’t deprive yourself from, no matter how intrigued you were, it would have to be Naoaki.
Not even when you saw the sprinting servants frantically going from one corner of the estate to the other, as well as the investigation that ensued between your staff and you, or the absence of your impish twins… was it enough for Naoaki to stay out of your mind, And for obvious reasons.
Ever since you arrived at the eye-opening culmination of your feelings that dreamy night, it seems to be all you could think of.
No, scratch that. 
Saying such things makes it seem like you were more than happy to come to this conclusion in the first place, when in fact, you still went through the necessary stage of denial, thinking it to be nothing more than the excitement of getting your favorite sweets as well as saving your relationship with Naoaki.
However, fluttering hearts don’t do that just because , and it wouldn’t take long before you understood that… Well, it was the beginning of something new, something beautiful .
And once you finally made peace with your newfound revelation, that’s when you were able to see things you’ve previously failed to recognize: from the way he chewed his food, to how he played with the sleeves of his garments whenever in deep thought… it was safe to say that you were effectively struck with deep seated admiration for the oldest of the Zen’in siblings and wanted to do nothing more than spend most of your time with him and get to know him even better.
Everything new about him seemed so… fresh, so different, and you even dared to say… like the missing pieces of your puzzled life.
But as much as you were enthralled to dive into the waters of Naoaki’s persona, a part of you was afraid of ruining what little there was between the two, for until now, you’ve considered Naoaki to be nothing more than kind, with you being the one to first develop feelings for the other. Thus, unknowingly began to change the way you acted around him in hopes of not appearing… weird to him.
When you were once quick witted, sharp in returning his jabs with ones of your own creation, and avoid taking his bait… you now found yourself to be hesitant, coy, falling down to the role of silent listener as your heart painfully thundered against your chest to the point that was all you could hear, just to prevent doing something stupid that could push him away and throw your friendship out the window.
Nonetheless, that didn’t stop you from actively seeking him, and once you successfully retrieved the secret envelope from the sanctity of your chambers, you ran onto the usual rendezvous point of this unique friendship—careful to not bump into the working servants, but swift enough to not waste much time where you did not need.
Oh, if only he didn’t have a prior commitment, you were sure this could’ve turned out to be the best day of your life.
Now, not to disregard the fact that you’re still going to make the best of this situation, it's just that… well, you think it could’ve been even better alongside him.
Guess you’ll have to make it up in another way, but for now, you’ll wait for him at the lily garden.
And as the distance between you and your destination narrowed down… that’s when you saw him. 
Naoaki, just… standing there, seemingly enjoying the view of the garden before him as he waited for you, just like he always did whenever you were to meet up.
Your heart soared at his presence, lips parting into a heart warming grin as you picked up the pace and ran even faster towards him; the noise of your approaching footsteps causing him to swirl towards your direction, a smile gracing his face soon after upon noticing you.
But his presence wasn’t the only thing that had your heart skipping a beat or two, although it could be the overwhelming majority, but rather… how he presented himself.
For today, he decided to wear a black leather jacket with a black turtleneck beneath, accompanied with ripped dark jeans, slightly ripped, and beige boots. His dark hair was styled in the same parted way as always, but somehow, it made him look… different, more handsome if you must.
He looked completely different, so contrasting from the usual indoor kimonos or hakama sets he would wear. And while you wouldn’t go ahead and say that you haven’t seen him wear casual attires like this before… this whole conjunction of garments was… well, you can’t put any words into it, except that he looked ravishing .
And his different choice of cologne for today does nothing to stop your beating heart from trying to escape the confines of your tightening chest when a breeze of hair makes it apparent to you—making you wonder if there was a special reason behind his choices.
“H-hey, Naoaki” you say upon coming close to him, immediately regretting the stammer in which your words came out, believing to make you seem… Well, silly. Unprepared. And in a way… you kind of were.
“Hey, Y/N” He greets back, with a smile that has you swooning on the spot, completely oblivious to the inner turmoil going on in your head. “Good morning, did you sleep well?”
“Oh… yeah” you say, nervously chuckling as you take a quick glance to the ground, before circling back to him “And… you?”
“Fine, a bit too cold if I must add” Naoaki shrugs, a tremor making way through his spine, as if to add another layer of veracity to his words “I hope you had better luck, did you have a cold night?”
“No” you shake your head, a streak of red appearing on your cheeks, and when you would’ve added something more… your answer ends.
You might be oblivious to your change of behavior, but that wasn’t the case with Naoaki. 
He noticed every single change that you’ve undergone. 
From the way that you would stammer every few words, to how your gaze would seem to linger elsewhere when talking to him, or how you’d remain quiet whenever he was telling you something, unusual behaviors that he noticed to have started ever since he gifted you the box of mochi.
Naoaki doesn’t want to think ill of the moment he considered sweet and the salvation of a relationship he dispiritedly thought lost but… the saboteur inside him is taunting him with a different version, one that tells him that the combination of timing, as well as the reason that pushed him to be at your bedroom’s door so late at night, could’ve be misinterpreted as trespassing your limits, and subsequently, disrespecting your persona. With you simply accepting his words because… well, he imposed you to do so.
He dreaded to think that was the reason behind your actions, and now, you’ve grown upset enough to not trust him anymore.
Or perhaps it’s all in his head? Because you still continue to see him, and he has to admit that although your character has grown to be a bit more… quiet, he’s still seen your lovely smile and twinkling chuckle from time to time.
You were… odd, to say the least, but that doesn’t stop his fondness for you. 
He soon assumes his worries to be nothing but fragments of his imagination, and if he continues to show how much you mean to him, you’d eventually go back to your usual self.
“Are you… ok?” He asks, the worry of his last question now evident in his voice, causing you to believe you’ve somehow upset him.
“Yeah!” You cry back “I’m fine, what about you?”
“Good…?” he responds… again, You seem to be a bit more distracted than usual today, and assuming that you allegedly had a cold night… were you perhaps sick?
Well, if that were the case, he was sure the twins would’ve gotten sick as well, after all, if not with your staff, or him, you’re with them. However… They haven’t shown any signs of the flu or the normal every-winter cold, and neither has Junko, so that was out of the question.
Besides, if you were sick, he knew that your hard-working ladies would’ve quarantined you into your bedroom immediately , and… well, you’re here before him—with big round eyes that he can’t help but stare at them with awe.
Perhaps you were barely starting to show the first symptoms?
“It’s quite cold today, Y/N” Naoaki says, hoping to alleviate his concerns as well as the rising tension between the two with the typical ice-breaker “And you do look a bit underdressed… Do you want me to get you something else to wear?”
“Oh, no! It’s fine really” You shake your head, finding his concern cute, but unnecessary. If anything, you should be worrying about him since he’s the one leaving! “What about you? Are you cold?”
Naoaki can’t help but chuckle at the third time you’ve asked him the same question, although through different words. Guess there’s something keeping your attention away from the conversation at hand. 
Oh, was it the commotion happening around the estate that made you feel uneasy?
“I’m fine” He smiles, placing his hand over your head and gently palming it “You seem distracted, is everything truly alright?”
“Yep!” You cry out of fearing of appearing as some kind of creep , and the man widens his eyes out of surprise for your unforeseen squeak “Oh, sorry”
“Don’t apologize” He chuckles “You’re not the only one acting a bit… too odd today, or the other days too”
You blush. What does that mean? Have you been acting differently with him?
Nah, of course not. You’re trying your best to not make your feelings come in the way of this friendship that you value so much and make him uncomfortable, weird, you know?
After all, you’re still unclear if he has feelings for you… even if he’s treated you in a way that makes you feel so…. special…
«He’s just being nice, Y/N.» you say, grounding you back to earth «He’s nice with everyone»
Yeah, but never to that extent of going to your room and apologizing , as well as implying that you’re more than a friend to him.
You shake the ideas out of your head before you stray too far from reality, and instead, focus on the amusing matter of Naoaki being on the same page as you when it comes to the antics of the servants, and Junko’s if you think about it.
An opportunity to quiet down one intrigue that has plagued you and your ladies presented itself, and you were not about to let it pass.
Besides, you can always get back to knowing him better afterwards.
“Do you know why they’re acting like that?” you ask, shifting the conversation onto this new topic.
“Ah, that” Naoaki frowns “I don’t know. Father seems to be busy, when not drinking of course, as well as my cousins, although I don’t think it’s necessarily related to this since they’re always busy. But outside of that, I haven’t been told anything else, so I simply assumed it wasn’t my business to inquire any further”
You frown. You could understand being intentionally left out of the loop when it comes to certain subjects around the estate, for an infinity of sexist reasons if you must.
But Naoaki ? The man that continues to serve them in more ways than one? The same man they continue to berate for seemingly unfulfilling their expectations, but are unable to admit that he’s still necessary as part of many gears that make the Zen’in clan work?
That’s just… inexcusable. And terrifying at the same time.
But it’s a system neither you or him can fight—Naoaki has long made peace with that fact, much to your dismay… thus, you won’t force him to go back into a situation he’s clearly wanting to avoid at all costs.
“Well, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your work… I guess it’s fine” you conceded, now looking at the lily flowers found in the garden. Now that this topic was… essentially over, you jump onto the one that has bothered you for the past few minutes, one that would reveal the special occasion behind him getting all dressed up “... where are you going today?” 
“Just to do some paperwork” he responds honestly “I have to go to city hall to oversee the last details of that owner-name typo and I’ll be finally free of that problem” He sigh in relief, expelling all that stress that he’s been dragging for months now and enjoy the notion of a documentless future! Ah, he could almost feel the pen in his hand! 
No more wasted days for having to visit city hall, dealing with humorless secretaries, listening to the complaints and bickering of other visitors, pressure from his relatives to get this problem done as fast as possible…!
That is, until another problem arises, but for now…
“Maybe go to the movies with Naohiko, but most importantly…” Naoaki steps closer to you, and the narrowing of his presence causes you to jolt his gaze back to him “I was hoping to get some more mochi for you”
“Na—Naoaki” your blink, of all things, you certainly didn’t expect him to bring that ! “You… you don’t have to” you say, having done so one time was dangerous enough, but twice? Now that’s just abusive!
Oh, how are you not supposed to feel this dreamy about him?!
“There’s no way I’m not going to, now that I know which ones are your favorites—taro, right?” he guesses, and you reluctantly nod.
“But aren’t they too far from where you’re going?” you wonder, assuming distance to be one of the limiting reasons for him to bring you more sweets. “I don’t want you to worry about me, just go and spend some time with your brother”
“Not really” He shakes his head in denial “It took me a while to get them because I didn’t know which store to go to, but now that I’ve found one of your liking, it’s my duty to bring you more”
“You’re making me look like I’m forcing you to do them” you murmur. “...but you really don’t have to”
“But I want to” Naoaki reiterates “Can’t I spoil you?”
“Jesus, stop it” you pout, looking away “Besides, where did you even get them?”
“There’s a small store in Kyoto. It’s pretty rustic, but very cozy. I think you would’ve liked it…” he says, seemingly implying how he would’ve liked to take you there personally, instead of ordering take out.
But that will remain nothing more than a nice thought.
“Maybe one day” you reassure “For now… there’s something else that I need to ask from you”
“Want something different besides taro?” Naoaki winks, and you roll your eyes yet again. It’s nice to see you at ease with him once more, especially after he saw you act so weird with him these past few days. 
Guess he just needed to bribe you with mochi in order to get you to be the friendly self he’d fallen for.
“...Perhaps” you twist your lips “...but it’s something a bit more confidential ”
At the mention of that last word, Naoaki is quick to understand what you mean, and he proceeds to quickly drop the playful act to scan the surroundings before signaling you to be free of unwanted onlookers. 
You make haste to get the envelope out from your obi and pass it over to Naoaki, which he takes in the same nature of your swiftness and puts it away in one of the pockets inside his leather jacket, securing it away.
It’s not necessary to detail any further instructions, but you deem it necessary nonetheless to confirm your request.
“It’s another letter… for Hinata” you whisper, glazing one more at the seemingly empty halls and rooms around you, coming with the conclusion that you were still alone “If you can… of course. If you have time”
“Of course” he replies. 
Naoaki already suspected that you were attempting to write a second letter to your sister due to the time that has passed from the first one being sent as well as your request for more paper, it's just that your availability never aligned with the right circumstances. 
But during one sleepless night and with the extra care of not flashing your bed light towards the hallways, to avoid announcing that you were awake to any passerby or lady-in-waiting, you managed to write up another letter for Hinata. 
“I was planning on checking if she sent anything anyways”
“... I hope so” you sigh “I worry that… well, ah, never mind. It’s not important”
“It is to me.” Naoaki says, as if inviting you to open up to him. You look away, and that’s all that he needs to understand your thoughts. “That she doesn’t care?”
“Yeah” you press your lips together “I didn’t want to say it, but yeah, that was it”
“She cares” Naoaki proceeds to reassure “I know that much. And your brother does too. Take it from me, I care for my brothers even if some of them don’t really like me” he chuckles.
Oh, how you want to hug him….
If they’re not appreciative of their affection, you are!
“Thank you, Naoaki” is all that you limit to respond, knowing it was not the appropriate place to engage in physical gestures, giving him the letter being risky enough. 
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel your affection, evident by the way you now made him blush.
“You always know what to say to make me feel better. I wish I could do the same” you add.
“Really?” He asks, vibrant redness further evident in his face. “Well… I guess I’m just saying what you make me feel, and… you already make me happy with just being here”
You blink—did he just…? Is there perhaps something more behind—??
“I have to go now” Naoaki interrupts your thoughts before they could spiral down into your dreamland of infatuation, and because you were cut so abruptly, your mouth unwittingly blurts out:
“Do you really have to?” 
It almost sounds like a plea, and alongside your big round puppy eyes that he’s unsure if you know that you’re playing that trick on him…  Naoaki’s heart skips a beat.
“I have to” he reluctantly repeats “I want to finish this job soon, and… well, I already have the tickets for the movie”
«But if you ask me again, I’ll stay»
“Ah… right” you say, glancing away out of embarrassment for your imprudent remark, and your willingness to accept his poor excuse twists his heart. “...I won’t stop you then. Have a nice trip. Take care, Naoaki. See you soon?”
“Don’t wait up for me” he attempts to step away from the sadness of your acceptance by jumping back to his cheerful banter, made successful by the way your lips part into a smile via his next words “I won’t bring you mochi in the middle of the night anymore”
“Silly” you scoff “As if I’ll let you interrupt my sleep again”
“I wouldn’t dream of dealing with a grumpy Y/N anymore” he taunts. Although… he imagines that waking up next to you must be a—.
“Goodbye Naoaki” You say, interrupting his thoughts.
From here onwards, all that he has to do is turn around and leave.
But he can’t seem to force himself to do so, not when his gaze falls from your eyes and onto your lips.. Lingering on them for a few seconds, as if appreciating the delicateness of them, it’s shape, it’s color. Had they always been this… tempting? There’s a desire inside him that’s pushing him to lean down and take them with his own on a—
Naoaki stops himself upon remembering his surroundings, quick to shake away the intrusive thoughts from his mind and finally taking route towards the exit, hoping that you haven’t seen this short moment of weakness whilst he berates himself for taking advantage of the situation. You’ve just opened up to him about your sister, why did he think it was the right time to do anything else but support you?
Giving you one last farewell with the wave of his hand and soon, he’s out of sight.
And luckily for him, you don’t seem to have noticed anything outside of the unusual (thanks to the predisposed desire of having Naoaki remain for a bit longer) although… there was a magnetic force engulfing the two of you asking you to do… something.
But, as much as you wanted to stay behind and make sense of it, this wasn’t the right time to do so. 
Now that one of your many burden’s is cleared, and wanting to share this newfound piece of information (which really didn’t show you anything new, except that not even Naoaki knew what was going on) you decide to make way towards the pagoda where you know your ladies to be patiently waiting for you.
It certainly feels weird not having Junko to follow you around… although it was often you who did the following around.
Eitherway, this unusual sensation is likened to something you consider being able around without restraints, with the freedom of choosing whatever you want to do—within the optimized list of things a woman of your rank has to do, of course.
Should you continue with your knitting project or continue practicing your calligraphy? Oh, this way, you can give Naoaki a scarf for the upcoming winter!
Or maybe you can take this time to practice your cooking and learn a few things from Haruko? It has been a while since Junko got a day off, or your ladies for that matter. You want to show your appreciation for them once more. Or maybe a few sewing tips from Hitomi? There must be a sewing machine somewhere, would it be Singer or Brother? Maybe one of those vintages one, those are certainly a relic of the past, similar to the outdated ideals of—
“You seem rather cheerful for today’s event’s Lady Y/N”
An unknown voice queries from behind you, halting you in your tracks. 
Curiosity for this sudden approach causes you to carefully turn around and face the one behind the call. 
Judging the color of their garments as well as the style of confection of the same, you come to the conclusion that the person before you is none other than a servant you have yet to gain the fortune of making your acquaintance.
However, that wasn’t what caught your interest or surprise, but rather the tone that followed her remark. One that immediately provokes you to seek answers.
“What do you mean?” You ask, slightly pressing your brows together. 
The woman reacts… astonished by your attitude, deep in disbelief, almost as if she couldn’t even fathom the idea of you not knowing the trivial reality happening around you.
Her face only serves to confuse you even further, and your mind is quick to dive into the worst possibilities.
Has somebody actually died? Even if you were on bad terms with this family, you wouldn’t go ahead and mistreat the dead. A funeral is a serious matter, and you should’ve prepared accordingly. 
“Do you really not know?” She insists, and your concern begins to weigh heavier on your shoulders.
Hopefully, your ignorance doesn’t come off as carelessness.
“Not… really” You shake your head. But if it was a serious occasion, why were you purposely left out? Naoaki would certainly know if someone of his relatives died .
And her face doesn’t offer much help as if offended by your insensitivity, leaving you to continuously dive into an ocean of endless somber possibilities.
What could possibly be, that has her and the rest of the servants acting so errantly?
However, her answer would be the darkest possible yet, one you’ve completely forgotten in favor of enjoying the newfound happiness you’ve created in the flimsy foundations of Naoaki’s security, the twins companionship, and Mariya’s friendship, easy to crumble down and pulling you back to your cruel reality once she uttered the following words.
“Naoya-sama is to return today”
It might as well be your funeral.
“We’re to arrive in 30 minutes” The chauffeur announces and the young Zen’in heir is prompted to lift his face from his phone, golden eyes falling on the scene out the glass window. 
He’s lost count of how many days he’s spent in Tokyo getting ready for his exam, taking the actual exam, and subsequently waiting for the results to be deliberated.
But it’s finally over, and now, he is just a few miles away from home.
He takes this time to look back to past days' successions.
The food at the jujutsu school in Tokyo was tolerable, certainly no better than the one in Kyoto, and absolutely nowhere near the level to the ones from his cooks. He was certainly glad to have left behind whatever it was that they served him and get something deserving of his character.
The flight was tolerable, to say the least. He got a first class ticket but he’s seen better seats in other flights, and don’t even get him started with the food.
Not like he actually expected a 5-star meal on a damned plane, but for his money’s worth, he just might’ve demanded so.
And the car trip back to the Zen’in estate was… ok. Certainly more comfortable than those crammed seats at the plane, and with the ability to stop wherever he wanted, because he wasn’t particularly fond of sitting down for seemingly hours on end, thus, taking any opportunity to stretch without second thought.
However, he was glad that the one in charge to pick him up, his usual chauffeur, was punctual. The airline was punctual with his baggage as well, so there was no need to go and complain to the floozy attendants who would probably give him the same bullshit response they gave everyone of we’re working as fast as we can to get your bags , because they were trained to not think, just regurgitate whatever booklet they were given.
In fact, everything had been punctual, with the exception of his exam, rest of the applicants for that matter, and his subsequent deliberation. It’s the reason why he was forced to stay behind in the first place instead of just leaving when he was done.
But of all things considered, he’s sure of one:
He’s glad to be back home.
Like the prodigal son, his arrival at the Zen’in estate had been rather… glorified. But it was nothing that he didn’t expect. After all, he was gone for god knows how long, and returned with good news.
The servants seemingly demonstrated to be happy for him as well as they portrayed to be all too eager to pick up his things and set them in their respective places back in his room, while others offered him all kinds of drinks and food to partake in for a good recovery.
And while he was glad to have been received as triumphantly as he was, he still couldn’t find it in himself to be appreciative of their work, which became apparent by the sneering smirk that painted his face which came from him realizing just how easy it could be for him to set a bad word for them if he desired so.
A rush of power he’d become addicted to.
But as much as he would’ve liked to toy with them and accept their endless requests of pleasing, he had to reject them for his immediate attention was required elsewhere.
In fact, he had to postpone many of his concerts in favor of this particular issue that he knew had to deal with as soon as he stepped foot into the Zen’in estate.
Which he would be guided to by none other than Junko herself.
“Welcome back and congratulations, Naoya-sama” She would greet, bowing in the respective and graceful manner that always accompanied Junko’s actions “I never doubted you’d complete your exam with outstanding performance, proper of the Zen’in heir”
Oh. Right.
The reason why Naoya was so high in his arrogance, only heightened by the seemingly supportive behavior of his servants was because…
He passed his exam.
Or the first part at least.
“It’s good to be back” He states, disappointment evident in his eyes once he realizes a familiar figure is absent to receive him. Naoya doesn’t linger on that thought for much longer, limiting himself to assume that there is a reasonable justification behind your nonattendance, (and he hopes it's an unproblematic one for he would hate running his celebration) which he expected to be brought up by his aunt in due time.
His attention then passes onto the cheerful servants, whom he had to note as being unusually… lively, considering how he left the estate many days ago.
Either way, he can’t deny that he’s basking in it. And his small mind can’t fathom there being another reason for their behavior than his return and the criteria in which he left Tokyo. “The estate seems to be in good condition”
“It is” Junko agrees “Your absence was noted, and we wanted to make your return as enjoyable as possible”
Naoya knows this to be a rubbish response from her aunt, but what can he expect? Just like them, she’s eager to obtain favor from him. She knows which words to say, what buttons to push, to… well, live another day. Thus, he shouldn’t be surprised that she’s trying to pour honey in his ears. 
However, he can’t help but feel that her words might not be as inclusive as she thinks they are.
“Has it?” He ponders, making way to use his suspicion against her “Even by my beloved wife? Where is that vixen by the way?”
Junko’s face might’ve remained emotionless, but the rest of her body wasn't evident by the way her shoulders seem to tense,, if only for the slightest of seconds, but not away from Naoya’s watchful gaze, which he takes with morbid interest.
“Yes… even your wife” She eventually responds, stern and direct. “She’s at the pagoda, inside the allowed premises. She’s been adjusting well to the life in the estate”
Naoya smirks. To hear your dutiful following of his limitations makes him… happy, to say the least. As if you’re slowly accepting your role underneath him—which he knew you would accept eventually.
However, he’s doubtful of Junko’s choice of words, considering how you were the last time he saw you.
Was she perhaps attempting to hide something else?
Ah, isn’t that wonderful ?
Either way, he can’t wait to see you again and relish Junko's continued efforts to make you into the proper woman to be by his side—even if there were a few flaws to oversee. After all, as your husband, he still has to do something when it comes to you, doesn’t he?
But he’s not going to go any further than that; it’s not the right moment anyways. Thus, he allows the conversation to temporarily die, but not placing a mental note to go back to it later.
“Is everyone at the meeting hall already?” Naoya moves onto the next topic—completely uninterested in Junko's opinion— the matter of his so-important meeting that he desperately has to oversee first before moving onto the best part.
“Yes, your father and the elders are waiting for you.” Junko replies.
Naoya frowns; he knows his father to be there simply to follow protocol; the old man was probably intoxicated out of his mind, unable to speak through anything but slurred words and will most certainly forget whatever it was discussed in the meeting as soon as it’s over.
But even then, he doesn’t care.
Not when his results speak louder than whatever the elders had to say—he’s just fulfilling a formality at this point.
“Do I have any correspondence?”
“Where is the hei ? The kukuru unit?”
“At the training grounds”
Naoya’s eyes then go somber.
“Any news from… Ogi regarding that ?”
And his questioning ends.
Once at the meeting hall, Junko stands aside and opens the door for Naoya, allowing him inside and closing the door in the same quiet manner she opened it once inside.
Just as she described, the meeting hall was filled with the attendance of all 5 elders… and his befuddled father evidently struggling to sit up straight.
Naoya wanted to show his distaste for the older man, but in the presence of the other 5 geezers , he decided it was best to play along the role of dutiful young heir and take his place before them.
“Welcome home, my son” Naobito is the first to speak upon finally realizing his youngest to be in the same room as him. The older man attempts to reach for his son, perhaps to give him a father-son embrace and show his appreciation, but fails so miserably, further evidence that he has been indulging in the company of alcohol.
Naoya swears he can smell the stench of his breath all the way to where he’s standing.
“Thank you… father” Naoya responds, uninterestedly.
“You were gone for quite a while...” Naobito slurs “Did you have fun? Did you go fooling around to celebrate the great successes of your exam?” he snickers.
Naoya wants to scoff, but “I know” is all that the youngest limits himself to respond with. He doesn’t allow his father’s senseless words to rile him up anymore… at least, not as much.
It’s obvious that he’s longing for a position that he no longer has, or never had to begin with, trying his hardest to compare himself to him—but they were never even the same to begin with.
And the elders seem to be on the same page as Naoya. They weren’t… enthusiastic about having Naobito present in this meeting, considering his addiction to alcohol, but just as Naoya assumed, they were required to bring him in due to tradition. 
If it were up to them, they would even alienate him of his title just to avoid any more situations like this one, but that would be far too precarious. Besides, even if he was a common drunk, they could still acknowledge that Naobito was one to achieve results—and that’s all that matters with the Zen’in.
And now, it seems that Naoya is en route to that same prospect.
“Naobito, I’d appreciate it if you limited yourself to drinking outside of meetings” One of the elders snaps as soon as they see Naobito take another large gulp of alcohol from his sake bottle.
Naobito scoffs, pulling the rim of the bottle away from his lips, a drop dribbling from the corners of his mouth and onto his chin.
“Gah—whatever” he groans, placing the bottle back on its previous place and wiping the remnants out of his chin. “Not like I haven’t done this before”
“Naoya” another man calls, attempting to circle back the attention of this body to the important topic at hand. His gaze goes through a paper of indistinguishable contents, but judging by the nature of this meeting, Naoya assumes them to be none other than the results of his exams.
“Your results exceeded our expectations” he says what Naoya already knows, still looking through the papers he received directly from the Tokyo school of Jujutsu, the same ones that signaled his return in the first place. “You received the best grade of your generation”
If it wasn’t clear that he was relishing on the continuous strokes of his ego, his countenance stepped up to the job by the grin that now appeared on Naoya’s face.
“If you continue on like this” another one adds “You’ll be the youngest sorcerer in the clan to have achieved rank 1”
And he probably would’ve achieved way earlier if it wasn’t for the ongoing crisis, however, this doesn’t stop Naoya’s ego from growing bigger.
That’s a title not even his brothers, uncles, or cousins , were likely to achieve in their lifetime
After all, he’s the heir. Did they expect any less?
“All that’s left is the second part of the exam, isn’t it?” The first elder asks, and Naoya nods.
“Yes. The practical exam in Kyoto” Naoya clarifies.
“When is it?”
“Two days from now” He responded “I came back to oversee the functioning of the estate before going back” Naoya lies, he could really care less if the estate was in shambles. There was only one thing that he cared about, besides his career—and one could guess who .
“I see” another one breathes, pleased by his feigned commitment to the clan “Once you receive this rank, the Hei will officially pass to be under your jurisdiction, as well as the ownership of certain cursed tools in the warehouse”
If there is one thing that Naoya considers to be a bit unfair about this whole ordeal, is that even after all the endeavors he’s done to upkeep the Hei into top shape (something his uncle has failed to do so), they still aren’t recognized as his.
Well, that’s going to change soon anyways. It’s only a matter of days before he’s finally where he has to be. From there, special grade is only a matter of requesting it, and maybe, with enough persuasion… he can finally demand the title from his father.
“We just wanted to remind you that” The last elder, seated on the far left, speaks upon noticing to have gone through all pending points “Congratulations on your half promotion, Naoya. Dismissed” the man derisively applauds, as if trying to lower the young heir's ego, but to no avail. Naoya was already too high in his own arrogance to care what a bunch of old people had to say about him, his eyes were solely set on the prize .
“Thank you. I will not fail you” The Zen’in heir bids his farewell diplomatically with a bow, and without further ado, exits the room.
If his arrogance wasn’t big enough when he left the city of Tokyo, it was now through the roof.
And all because he believed everything in his life was starting to align, just where he wanted it to be, starting with his career.
The exam had to be postponed various times due to the small insurgency created by this well-known curse user. Many of the schools thought it to be a bit risky to be holding such ceremonies, since sorcerers had to travel from one school to the other and this could be inviting to anyone who sought an opening to infiltrate these safe havens, thus, forcing them to stop them until further notice.
But now that the crisis has calmed down (as well as headquarters' desperate need of more sorcerers in their alignments) applications were to be received once more, and Naoya wasted no second to file his. 
Delegation of the results was a bit… trivial, seemingly for not being completely prepared to handle the large quantities of applicants each school received, but even this didn’t falter Naoya one bit.
He knew he was an excellent sorcerer, he had his talent and everyone around him as evidence. He just stayed behind to play along with his respective sorcerers and maybe even mock those that didn’t pass the theoretical exam.
Secondly, the status of the estate.
Because even if he really didn’t care about the body of the clan, he knew that he couldn’t act that way if he was to be responsible for it in due time.
When he expected to come down to a broken-down house, filled with chaos and discord, he was pleasantly surprised to see that it kept on working as if nothing ever happened—in fact, it was even better compared to how he left it in the first place.
And while he knew that the servants would have to go on with their jobs, or risk getting fired… There was one variable he knew was also affected by this sudden change of atmosphere, if not the origin of it all.
You .
Because why else would the estate be in such a good state, if you , the main perpetrator of its turmoil, hadn’t finally accepted your role as his wife?
Yeah. That had to be. You finally succumbed to your expectations, and now, the gears started to work as they were always intended to do so.
His delusional, arrogant filled mind didn’t allow him to think of other possibilities, no. Of course not. He would never comprehend that maybe, the estate started to behave this way because you were the difference they needed, instead of the other way around.
For Naoya, it was all or nothing—but there were still suspicions nonetheless.
Sure, he somewhat trusted Junko to fulfill her work and break you to the clan’s liking, but her earlier interaction gave him the understanding that there was something happening going on.
Well, just as he stated before, he couldn’t be too angry at her. You were his responsibility after all, weren’t you? His wife. And he would hate it if anyone took this from him.
He wouldn’t have to wait that long to discover the truth either, because he knew there was one person in this whole household that held all of the truth. The reason why he didn’t bother to ask his aunt any more questions about you, not when he could get a better rendition of the truth, and with full detail.
His small spy, his friend . The cheerful Ranta who had rushed to see his friend just minutes after hearing of his arrival, was more than ready to celebrate his successes alongside him.
“Congratulations on your promotion!” Ranta beams as he abruptly stops just a few feet away from him, but Naoya, who was never one to partake in the silliness of his friend, would simply scoff at his ignorance.
“I haven’t been promoted yet” He explains, and the young man’s cheek flushes out of embarrassment “I just completed the first part”
“Oh… right” He laments. Ranta feels a bit silly for having committed such a mistake, but as someone like him, who never had the opportunity to go through the ranking system as Naoya did, it was only natural that he would be uneducated in certain aspects. “But you still passed, didn’t you? Congratulations!” 
The long haired man would then proceed to pat Naoya on the back, and while the heir wasn’t one to thrive on the physical affections of others that weren’t his wife, he could agree that it felt nice to be appreciated.
“Thanks” Naoya eventually acknowledges, much to his friends' delight.
“Shall we celebrate later?” Ranta cheerfully suggests, and while it does sound exciting to partake in a celebration of his achievements, it’s at this point that Naoya feels he’s intentionally avoiding a subject. After all, he was assigned the diligent mission to keep a close eye on everything surrounding a certain… special someone, why else would he call him for?
A secrecy Naoya is all too excited to uncover the reason why.
“Now, that sounds alluring , Ranta” Naoya says, carefully circling the first foundations of the direction this conversation is to shift to, like a predator preparing to pounce on its prey, making the young man quietly shiver on the spot. “But you know there’s something I wish to know before that”
“Really?” Ranta nervously plays the fool “Ah, but wouldn’t it be better if you got comfortable first? After all, you just got back home after a long trip and you must be—”
“ Ranta ” Naoya cuts, direct and straight to the point, making Ranta freeze.
He swallows. Ranta should’ve known it was futile to sway Naoya’s interest one his mind was set on it—in fact, he hoped that the small meeting with the elders would’ve been enough to postpone his investigation, if only for a few moments, before having to face the demands of his responsibility.
But the cat’s finally out of the bag, and there’s no reason to try and hide away the valuable information he held in his custody, not when he acted foolishly to the point he basically gave away that he was indeed hiding something.
Ranta shouldn’t be blamed.
Everyone knew of the young man’s precarious ways when it came to what belonged to him, especially so if his brother’s were… involved. Thus, wanting to do everything in his power to avoid the subject all together.
But unfortunately for him, and you for that matter, these two variables were present in the same equation.
With no excuse to hide behind, Ranta silently hopes that the positive receiving of his exam will be enough to sway his temperament, at least to a more tolerable demeanor, as he prepares to speak.
Well, should he start with the negative, or the positive?
Naoya’s judgmental eyes don’t allow him to dwell on the question for much longer, and opting to ease the blow, starts with the positive.
“She’s… fine” He begins, afraid to look Naoya in the eye for a second before regaining his composure—acting all hesitant and demure will not help his case in delivering the shocking news at the end and survive through it. “Somewhere around the estate”
Naoya frowns, and he can’t help but consider Ranta’s answer to be of a mocking, deceiving nature.
“I mean!” Ranta shrills, quick to fix his mistake “She's been adjusting well to her new duties, with Junko-san following her around and all that…”
The Zen’in heir had a nasty habit of drilling those underneath him just to get what he wanted, regardless if they carried what he sought, to the point of making others crumble under the pressure, a terrifying sight that always brought a morbid satisfaction to him—Something that Ranta is all too familiar with, and in hopes of avoid being in the receiving end of his twisted games any further, does his best to push forward yet again.
“The servants have also taken a liking to her” Ranta continues on “They always greet her every morning, and give her food or drinks from time to time… as if she didn’t have staff of her own to care for her”
“Is that so?” Naoya ponders; in the short amount of time that passed from his arrival to the present, he’s been able to note the fleeting glances of his servants and their seemingly brighter behavior, all reactions that he thought to be because of his triumphant return—but never because of their personal affinity towards you .
He wonders what could’ve happened to gain this kind of behavior from his staff, more so when the last thing he was aware of was their distaste for you, which brought unrequited comments towards your little death scare —which he now found ridiculous.
Ah, it’s nothing important anyways. The staff was so underneath his concerns anyways, that he considered it a waste of time to lower himself to their level and ponder what was happening in those little pathetic minds of them—if it was someone’s duty, it was Meiko’s.
There were bigger fish to worry about anyways.
“Is that all?” Naoya asks, skeptical to believe that this was all that happened during his absence. And not to be pessimistic, but he hoped you would’ve done more while secluded away from the clutches of your husband.
Had you really been that willing to settle down once and for all? All that it took was his father’s threat and a bit of his absence to make you fall in line?
If so, perhaps he should reward you.
But that’s not where the truth stops, and Naoya soon comes to that conclusion upon seeing the faltering gaze in Ranta’s countenance.
«Ranta knows something, and he doesn’t want to tell me» Naoya correctly assumes, and in the deepest part of his mind, a fire begins to ignite «Just what did you do, my silly Y/N?»
Being a master of obtaining what he wants, Naoya decides to give him a little push into the right direction and persuade him to reveal all that he knows, unless he wants to see his best friend angered.
And that’s no way to receive him after days of absence, right?
“What a boring life, Ranta” Naoya derides, a smirk on his lips “I kind of feel bad for my poor wife , unless… there’s something more?”
“She—She’s been….” Ranta stammers, dreadfully resenting the fact that he’s to be the messenger of bad news. But such was the task that he accepted, and slowly but surely, his displeasure shifts towards you and your nerve to perform such occurrences.
Ah, if you’d only behaved appropriately, then maybe he wouldn’t be stuck in this predicament.
“She’s been spending time with the twins, but—but she also had her period!” Ranta attempts to use the second statement as bait to divert his attention from the first and onto what he considers perhaps the most important subject when it comes to you, and for the Zen’in as well, but it’s all for naught. Once he brought along the presence of Mai and Maki, Naoya’s attention was set.
Because if there’s one thing that he likes the most when it comes to the clan, it is the macabre drama surrounding its members.
And the glimmer in Naoya’s eye upon the mention of his cousins is proof enough to confirm Ranta his efforts were for naught. 
He’s finally entering uncharted territory, a mine filled landscape where the slightest misplaced word will end up in him getting detonated.
No, that couldn’t be right.
With this wording, it implies the possibility of finding a safe spot in Naoya’s indignation, when in reality, there’s no such thing. The heir’s mind is filled with dark motives and solutions, not a single space offering preservation.
And God help the poor soul that finds themselves trapped in the realm of Naoya’s thoughts.
“The girls?” Naoya scoffs. “Ogi’s daughter’s?”
Ranta nods “The same ones…”
Well, isn’t that an interesting story?
Why is his wife , a woman of undeniable rank and prestige, wasting her time by intermingling with the disgraceful members of the Zen’in clan?
He could argue that they’re involvement surged due to their future roles as his staff, (an agreement that he had no involvement in, and neither had interest in dissolving due to the twins literally having no other use) but he sure remembers specifically ordering Meiko to assign exclusive staff for your care, to avoid you relating to them or anyone else for that matter; after all, why would he allow the putrid excuses of his cousins to come near the woman who is to carry on the next generation?
Naoya doesn’t know if their deficiency is capable of being transferred to his wife via aura, presence, atmosphere, or whatever other bullshit sorcerers like to talk about, but he’s certainly not going to sit aside and find out. Seems like a conversation with Junko is due in—
Oh .
Wait a minute.
There’s a thought that suddenly crosses his mind.
Could it be…?
Was Junko perhaps…. Trying to bribe his wife with the attention of her walking bad omens, appeal to your motherly side, just to obtain some kind of favor? Secure a better position for her wasteful children?
If that were the case… Naoya considers himself suitably intrigued—he never thought his aunt to be the kind of person willing to bend the rules to obtain something for her personal advantage! After all, she was cut from a different fabric from you and she had learned her place amongst the ranks of this clan, even before she arrived at the estate, it's why Ogi took her as his wife in the first place.
But you… you’re different, an outsider, and a weakness if he must, to these people. Something that could’ve given her the wrong impression to seize the moment and attack… why the servants took great interest in you as well!
Oh, and you must’ve flourished when Junko finally made her move. After all, why would you pass up the opportunity to gain attention? Leverage? Especially after behaving like a spoiled brat once you considered his attention unsuitable for your taste.
Ah, maybe he miscalculated the force of your influence—he’ll have to deal with that issue with Ogi when he has the chance.
However, it couldn't be all bad.
With his father's teachings, he's long learned to see that every little succession always bore a positive side, and in this occasion it boiled down to the innocent nature of their interference and what could be of benefit for him.
"It'll serve as an experience for when Y/N finally becomes a mother" is all that Naoya concludes of his informer's statement, and while he was somewhat… Irritated by this unexpected course of events, he thinks about Ranta's reaction as out of proportion—your interaction with Junko and the twins is nothing more than women bickering with other women, part of their nature, and nothing more. "Is that why you were so worried about Ranta?" Naoya asks, going ahead and passively mocking the young man's face of concern.
Ranta wishes he could go ahead and say he's relieved for seemingly surviving this precarious stage of his deliberation, but he can't.
Because compared to what is next to come, this was the easier part to traverse— Mai and Maki were always under Naoya’s radar anyway, in route to being his servants simply because Ogi wanted to remain in the good graces of the clan and keep his image as clean as possible by giving them some kind of use, so it was within reason that he wouldn’t react so outrageously when it came to it.
It's what comes next that has him riddled with affright, a premonition of the dangers to come. He’s seen all kinds of conflicts happen between the siblings, for a wide range of reasons, simply because Naoya felt they were starting to step on his toes or because they looked at him weirdly—but this is unexplored territory for all of the siblings; the addition of a woman in their circle, his youngest brother’s wife … Well, many knew better and decided to keep away.
With the exception of one.
And casually, the one Naoya got along with the worst.
«Well…. He’s going to know about it one way or the other» Ranta muses as he mentally prepares himself to go on with the most difficult stage of his testimony «Maybe it’s for the best that I be the first one to tell him about it…»
“There’s…. Something else” Ranta softly says, looping Naoya back into his attention. The Zen’in heir stops his desultory walk across the estate and turns around to face the averse man with captious eyes.
“Is there?” Naoya gibed, impatient to see what else you’ve hidden under your sleeve. And without a second to waste, the young man forces himself to finally confess…
“She’s been hanging… with your brother” And he swears to feel the temperature of the atmosphere drop to freezing levels.
The consuming silence between the two is quick to suffocate Ranta, to the point he finds difficulty to breath through the tightening constraints of his chest and the resounding noise of his heartbeat in his ears. He doesn’t even need to look up to Naoya’s eyes to know that he will find the familiar glint of a killing intention in his eyes, proving that not even the triumphant results of his examination was enough to moderate the extent of his reception.
“Which… brother?” Naoya darkly queries, and Ranta wishes he could just disappear, preparing himself for impact.
It was only a matter of seconds before the young Zen’in heir would make his thoughts known, followed by angrily demanding your presence to be brought upon him and repeat the successions of the day you and your husband came back from the doctor; it’s by pure luck that Naoaki had been out of the estate when his arrival took place, almost as if he knew this was about to happen and made the run for it. 
But you weren’t about to be blessed with the same possibilities, and certainly, Ogi wouldn’t step in once more to save you.
 As the one left behind, you’d be the sole responsible to pick the broken glass of this ruptured relationship, with no one to uphold your innocence.
The clock is ticking, and Ranta knows that Naoya’s mind is machinating all kinds of gruesome punishments to grace his wife with, if not to hasten Naobito’s verdict.
But when Naoya finally decides to open his mouth and reveal his next move… Ranta’s heart drops to the pit of his stomach.
It’s nothing of what he expected, in fact, he doesn’t know if he prefers the initial outcome he had in mind.
Because what Naoya decided to do was…
The blonde-haired man was cackling , almost feloniously, seemingly amused by the antics of his older brother, and his wife in that matter.
“Ah, Naoaki, is it?” Nayoa derisorily queries “The imbecile of my older brother?”
“Y-yes…?” Ranta nervously agrees. Of all Naoya’s that he’s seen, this has to be the most unnerving one.
“That’s incredible!” Naoya boasts “He really thought he was doing something, wasn’t he? Oh, and my stupid wife fell into it”
Ranta frighteningly wonders if Naoya is seeing something that he isn’t, perhaps a clue that he overlooked, or maybe even the words that he said? 
And all things considered, that was the truth.
The combination of Naoya Zen’in’s arrogance and delusional mind brought him to see a side Ranta failed to recognize, the alleged clarification of the actions of his older brother’s actions:
Naoaki was using you.
His beloved failure of a brother was using you to get back at him one way or the other, he’s always been the jealous one out of the two, thus, it made complete sense!
Naoya could see it now. He probably approached you with sweet nothings and actions that would make any cornered woman fall into his arms after realizing how out of place you felt, and falling straight into his trap.  
And while he wasn’t all too happy with the route his father had decided to take regarding your infertility , that's how things worked in the Zen’in estate and you either eat, or risk to be eaten.
However, that didn’t mean you had the right to seek comfort in the company of another man—regardless of the other’s intentions.
Well, it seems there were still a few things to iron out between him and you. Not everything could be perfect—but Naoya doesn’t mind.
In fact, he was relishing the fact that he had something to work on, you were his wife after all, and he liked being your husband. And putting you back in place during these matters was a role Junko couldn’t possibly play.
“The nerve of them to disrespect me… it’s adorable really” Naoya says, regaining his pace and continuing walking across the estate, eventually arriving at the pagoda garden where he manages to see the familiar figures of your staff…and you.
“I—I don’t think they’ve done anything…if that’s what you’re implying” Ranta adds, hoping that his words would halt whatever direction he was going, but it was too late, Naoya already made up his delusional mind and assessed ways to deal with this situation.
“I know” Naoya darkly reassures him. Besides, if anything had occurred, Junko would’ve been the first one to cry wolf—she knows better after all.
The misconception that his brother’s wouldn’t act out of line due to the power he represented was greatly apparent through his laughter and his subsequent reaction—it’s why he was comfortable leaving you around the estate, but not without restraints, of course. They feared his anger too much, because his brothers knew better, right?
But he fails to realize that he’s being blinded by his own arrogance (due to his outstanding performance, no question about it, as well as rank) to the point that he’s lost touch with the reality of his surroundings, the depths of your feelings, and now, Naoaki’s.
Naoya is playing the live, accurate representation of a popular saying that goes: The higher they climb, the harder they fall, and Ranta knows that this is about to happen. 
After all, his friend has effectively broken free of all restraints thanks to the lightness of his response, a crucial ingredient for the recipe of disaster.
And if his fear regarding him and his future actions were already on alarming levels, he now thinks to have broken the scale.
Excitement pumped through Naoya’s veins as he looked forward to revealing all the secrets of your flourishing relationship with Naoaki, to see just how low you could go, have his fun… After all, you’ve denied him for far too long—and that’s no way to live.
“Do you… want me to call her?” Ranta asks upon noticing the gaze of his friend stuck on your figure for more than a few seconds, giving him the impression that he desired to reach out to you at this very moment. 
However, the young heir simply chuckles, and you are suddenly inundated with the heavy sensation of someone observing you, forcing you to look for the author behind this feeling.
Naoya watches the way your head swirls towards your sides, until it finally falls in your direction—it’s here that he finds himself admiring the way your eyes go round in shock when his and your gazes cross paths—confirming that your husband was indeed, back in the estate. “No…” Naoya says with a smirk as he takes one last look at your frightened face before going back to his way, ignoring the murmurs of your concerns ladies, as he heads towards his room; at least you’re aware that your little ruse has been discovered, and he can’t wait to remind you just who you think you’re toying with. 
Or who Naoaki is messing with.
“I think I’ll have dessert after dinner”
(part 2)
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tsunflowers · 2 years
these are the characters from my hit never to be written harem isekai novel "physician, heal thy elf"
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main character, the physician. I couldn't decide on a gender for them so I just didn't give them one. they do have boobs though. their default expression is exhausted and bored but they do experience other emotions. in life they worked with patients who weren't being taken seriously by other doctors due to rare or misunderstood conditions and when they were isekai'd into a situation where they had to care for an elf with a rare untreatable illness they felt like it was a cosmic joke. unbelievably patient and kind despite a stern exterior. people they've helped become extremely devoted to them
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the elf queen is a total milf who thinks only of her daughter and her kingdom. a little bit ditzy bc those are her only thoughts but she usually passes it off as being serene. I’m thinking of her like yor from spy x family if she didn’t kill people
the elf princess is like a sickly baby bird. often confined to bed and has tuberculosis cough. her condition is probably something that’s plagued the royal family for generations but no one knows what it is in spite of that and it makes the physician so mad. their predecessors were Not keeping good records. she’s your classic girl who doesn’t leave the house so she lives out her fantasies in romance and adventure novels. she’s always begging the physician and company to tell her stories of their travels and not leave out ANY of the details (she wants to hear the sex stuff). I picture her wearing a very sexy translucent nightgown all the time but these are the limitations of dollmakers
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the male members of the adventuring party/polycule
the wolfboy is a big guy who's super chill and easygoing. there’s nothing to hate about him. except the other werewolves are all pissed off bc he goes around in his halfway form like a common beastman. but he’s a chef so he has to use his wolf senses to sniff out rare ingredients, which is why he wants to travel around with the physician looking for herbs
the catboy's mom is a renowned sorceress but he’s not particularly magically gifted so he has access to his family’s luxurious lifestyle but also a constant sense that he’s a disappointment. he wants to find something to make his mark in and become famous in his own right but he’s also profoundly lazy and only interested in get rich quick schemes. and he’s rude as hell
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the female members of the polycule/adventuring party (the elf princess is part of the polycule but not the adventuring party)
the orc girl is considered a top class woman among orcs who’s very feminine and dignified but pretty much no other culture would feel the same. this doesn’t shake her bc in her own eyes she is already perfect and has everything figured out. she is the main character of her own life and is just on this journey to see what life is like for other people
the lamia girl is mysterious and quiet, revealing few details about her past. very “wouldn’t you like to know?” with a sly smirk. this is a persona she’s created bc she’s very shy and lamia are so rare that people seem to expect a woman of mystery. I’m thinking that she’s autistic and she loves to catalogue the world around her in a series of sketchbooks. but she’s worried people will think it’s cringe so she cultivated this air of mystery so she doesn’t have to talk about it
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mad4india1 · 1 year
Woman From Bhopal Creates Her Own Jungle By Practicing Terrace Gardening – Has 4,000 Plants In A “Jungle Vase”
This is one of the best solutions to all of the environmental issues we currently face: having more green babies. Things would have been different if we had a larger green cover on earth, but some people use the justification that “we live in a concert jungle, we don’t have enough space for plantation or gardening in an apartment culture” 
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Agriculture assistant professor Sakshi Bharadwaj has grown plants that have therapeutic properties, produce a lot of oxygen, and absorb radiation. The young gardener has transformed her 850-square-foot backyard into a miniature forest.
An environmentalist from Bhopal, Sakshi has grown about 4,000 plants of 450 species, including 150 rare ones. And the catch is – she is upcycling kitchen waste and household plastic trash while growing her green babies.
Sakshi Bharadwaj’s environmental initiative is classified as “creating an 850 sq ft sustainable, urban, vertical, & overhead mini jungle” in the 2021 OMG Book of Records.
She is not just a gardening enthusiast but is also a creative innovator of a brighter greener future.
A New Look To The Old Idea Of Terrace Gardening
Recall the garden your grandparents had in their youth. Back then, they would plant oxygen-emitting trees like neem, pipal, and banyan. Today, however, we live in bungalows, flats, and studio apartments that are severely space-constrained. From housefront gardens to terrace gardening, the concept of gardening has undergone a significant change due to our lifestyle change.
As a result, Sakshi, who also conducts online workshops on gardening and horticulture nationally and internationally, wanted to plant lesser-known species that could replace these traditional large plants and serve the same purpose.
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Sakshi started terrace gardening as a mental stress reliever but quickly discovered a pure form of love for it. Along with terrace gardening, Sakshi eventually began to show concern for the planet’s future.
All households have organic kitchen waste like leftover vegetables, fruit skins, empty bags, single-use boxes, and the list goes on, which takes a while to decompose, so she started using it in unique ways and converted kitchen waste into vermicompost and bio-enzymes.
To reduce urban waste, Sakshi believes that recycling non-biodegradable household waste in creative ways is a good idea. Newspapers, plastic bottles, cans, milk pouches, and other items we sell are a few examples of such materials. She consequently planted flowers in milk pouches, bottles, cans, and dried and empty coconut shells.
Spread The Love For Green
In the year 2020, she stumbled upon a group of online gardeners who were cultivating rare and exotic plants. The young lady then got in touch with them, bought some of these unusual plants, and then got in touch with people who could help her expand her collection.
Sakshi decided to major in microbiology. The already intense interest grew even more intense as soon as she started working as an assistant professor.
She said, “As I taught plants’ genetics, I thought of having a first-hand experience of these theories in my own garden.” To satisfy this desire she decided to start her own space where she can experiment and grow her own jungle.
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She practises different methods at home. She claimed to have lost a lot of plants while conducting experiments, but she had always learned something new, which she later applied to her gardening skills.
She sourced from various places, explored a number of varieties, and has grown a mind-blowing space for herself. Just like a human child Sakshi believes that every plant has different requirements.
Some require black soil, while still others require regular tilling (gudai) to promote air circulation. Some grow best in soil that is mixed with sand. The young gardening expert went on to say that while some plants can withstand direct sunlight, others need shade.
A True Plant Mom
This plant mother is very concerned about raising her little plants, Sakshi has thoroughly experimented with terrace gardening and its science.
Based on her observations, she developed a soil with a charcoal mixture & coconut husk that can retain water for a longer period of time. The soil first-hand created by her is so reliable that she waters her plants once every two days even when the temperature soars to 46-48 degrees, and the green babies still thrive.
Among the rare species found in the garden are Albo monstera, Variegated Syngonium, Philodendron mexicanum, Begonias,  Palms, Peperomia, Ficus, Philodendron Millettia, Epipremnum, Calathea, Sansevieria, Chlorophytum,  Black JJ,and others.
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The young environmentalist hopes to connect with like-minded people and work to replenish the declining green cover in Bhopal, the state capital. In fact, she believed that the study of plantations should be a part of both school and college curricula.
Despite environmental science being taught in schools, the young environmentalist bemoans the fact that children still lack fundamental knowledge of plants. The 26-year-old asserted that it is impossible for any 10- to 12-year-old to understand how to plant a sapling.
Sakshi adds that this ought to be considered in civil engineering as well so that we can have durable, green buildings that incorporate vegetation into urban planning. This young woman thinks that change only occurs when we change our little steps.
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gswataru · 2 years
⌯ first and foremost, please bare with me because this intro might be a trip. secondly, i’m oli- (she/her) and i can’t pretend that both me, and ataru aren’t a mess cause it will show- constantly. so, i’ll apologize in advance!! pushing on, i’m here to introduce ataru. being honest, i’m still experimenting with her. but, i know for a fact she will be meddlesome since she’s far too curious for her own good. and irritating because lying when a question she doesn’t like is asked- will be a standard reflex. to most, she’ll read to be a little dry- and introverted so i’d imagine plotting can be a little difficult since she isn’t necessarily an exciting and extroverted muse. she’s quite literally always in her own little world. but you bet i’ll still try to push her onto anyone that’ll have her. // possible triggers; death, traumatic situations  
more canon details + stats + connections + timeline + aesthetics 
97′, sendai, japan; the epicenter of frequent festivals and honor in culture, ataru was born- but to save the dramatic build up her legacy beyond that was just kind of always... decided for her since she had a v meek mother that was prone to her anxiety and a an aggressive father that turned out to be too hot headed. enough to kill. so, in other words. ataru hinode, is the love child of a helicopter parent and a murder. but, you’ll never hear her elaborate on that. 
grew up quiet, and out of the way. it was just easier to listen and just obey. her mother always boiled in the heat of her fathers irritation. so, she just felt like she couldn’t be an obnoxious child or she’d be the same. it’s why most can get a v meek aura from her still. 
was homeschooled in the countryside (by her mother) after her mother moved them from the city- running from threats and harassment that happened for months after the crime. they lived there for years being the resident city folk that seemed a little arrogant for being too stingy with elaborating on themselves. (ataru never really talked regardless) but this phase in their lives only lasted around ten years.
one too many missing bodies found curled up in dumpsters sent them on the move again, landing them back in a less populated division in the city. they left before anything could be resolved due to her mothers paranoia, and that strangely triggered a hobby for ataru. around the age of fifteen, she’d gotten really interested in strange murder cases, or unexplained missing reports- and that fed her fixation for urban legends that she felt strangely lined up with deaths she’d researched online. 
that became her foundation for wanting to be a journalist in the midst of becoming more of a mom to her own mother, and working shifts to help make ends before she’d even really got to the age to do so. around this time in her life, she starts to realize the dependence they’ve had on another- and starts wanting to have a life of her own. 
eventually, with her cultivated talent for writing, studying and researching- bags an internship for a company called daylight intel at eighteen. most likely because of a cashed in favor because of her mother’s lifestyle for income. (daylgiht intel: an organization that works toward publishing articles that try to offer a unbiased perspective on events that happen in the world around us.) ataru works her way up for three years, and after much pestering and kissing ass is asked to participate in a international swap with a sister establishment they had launched in south korea. so, she’s been in the country for four years. this is why her korean is do proficient. (wasn’t always tho) 
spent most of her work life being a gopher and assistant. 
the reason’s she’s here in orchard is because she snuck her way here after finding a tip on her bosses desk about this place. she’s on leave, and not actually assigned to investigate here. no one knows that. (and she’d prefer it stay that way) 
intensions;  ataru’s main stance is to go back to her establishment with a solid story. not with a hypothesis or estimate. but, solid proof that something strange is happening on this island. but, you wouldn’t be wrong to assume that this stunt is more personal than it is for the greater good. the whole vibe of orchard is under the umbrella of mystery and urban legend form what she’s researched so, this is really to appease her curiosity while seeing this as a last chance at stroking her hurt pride with her company.
goals;  to get close with any, and everyone that has a story to tell about this place. no matter that be government officials or just lackies in the research lab. once she starts to know more about this island, i plan for her to start digging deeper into the organizations that are hidden in the shadows and starting to get her hands on more dire information that probably puts her in dangerous positions because- at this point she’ll go however far she has to.
getting to know the little stuff. 
ataru hinode; probably introduces herself as hino, or taru. depending on her comfortability with you. twenty five year old scorpio that stands about five feet and three inches tall. petite, and averagely athletic. does have asthma, and lots of bad sleeping and eating habits. but, what can you do? / is a huge fan of urban legends, and unexplained deaths and phenomenon's. 
socially, she can be cynical and manipulative when trying to get information. but also, very adaptable. she’s used to having to move around so much, and talking to others when she needs something is- more than easy. however, conversating with her just to chat may be a little rough for her at times since she often spaces out in thought, can sound a bit scatterbrained and just- may come across a bit dry to lots of extroverts. she’s a big reader, and probably could talk anyone’s head off about the occult if you let her. ataru can come across meek, because she does present that way but- when it comes down to it- she can be quite selfish and sly. depending, she can be deceiving and untruthful when asked about herself. although she may look harmless, trusting her too much with your secrets and for her to have you back? that may not go a long way. 
Someone Ataru has been pestering for information? I feel like she’s the type to try to get close with the folks that push the city, cause she thinks they know the most? 
Possible apartment roommates? I feel like she’d put out flyers on the internet for a roommate since she’s starting to realize she may be here awhile, and that her savings will be depleted really quickly. 
Eventually, I want her to desperately need and want a job to be able to make rent in the future, and that could lead to some ill-will with others trying to take advantage of her- or even just people willing to give her odd jobs for cash. (usually she wouldn’t go for anything too shady though? Just shady enough to get her in trouble here and there though, I’m open arms to chaos always) 
This is kind of more of a wanted connection? Someone from that village she and her mother settled in back in japan? More so, someone that she didn’t quite get along with for any reason.
Maybe someone she get horrible vibes from. She isn’t someone to know these things but she saw something go down with that person, and they way they handled it… made her uneasy. So now, she tried to stay clear of them- even when they sometimes end up crossing paths. 
Maybe someone that ataru is kind of smitten with? She’ll never admit to it, cause for one- she doesn’t plan on being here long. But, whenever she sees them around town- she stops to admire them for a bit.. Always kind of curious of them? (atleast she didn’t, but something tells me she won’t leave any time soon) 
I can imagine ataru can get a bit lonely? She’s by herself, while also trying to find herself in overworking and wanting some sort of validation in her career. I think it would be nice for her to have began to make some friends? Or maybe possibly, some friends that she knew when she first moved to korea when she was twenty one, up until she moved here few months ago. (now age 25) 
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you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but do you headcanon sonia to go on social media (twitter, instagram. etc) regularly? like, would she have, say... an official twitter account or would she would she go by a pseudonym in online spaces, so as to prevent people from knowing it's her?
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Unprompted headcanon asks - Accepting!
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Hi anon! I don't mind answering questions like this at all: tbh, I love getting asks about royal rules, customs, and questions about Sonia's family and lifestyle.
I think as a young child, Sonia would be kept away from social media. Her family would allow her to indulge in anime and manga (and she'd grow an interest in horror herself after accidentally stumbling upon a horror movie on TV and never looking back: that maid was swiftly fired by Sonia's mother and governess, together. Except once she'd seen a horror film, there was no going back!). But she wasn't using social media, or even the internet, much as a child.
When she was allowed to have her own computer, however, yes, I do believe Sonia did use the internet and social media to some degree. The Novoselic Royal Family has several official accounts: one for the entire family, one for the King and Queen, one for the Princess, one for the blood-related dukes/duchesses and their families, etc. These accounts are used to convey important information to the public as well as document the official Royal activities and engagements as part of The Royal Diary. The Novoselic Royal Family isn't responsible for being as candid as some Royal Families about this: as they're an absolute monarchy and not constitutional monarchy, their open discourse with their citizens is more due to their generosity and interest instead of a legal obligation. However, King Alexandre of Novoselic, and his father before him (as far as Sonia knows, at least), believes that it's the will and trust of the people that allows them to remain in power, and so being as transparent as they can (or wish) about their lives is something owed to the public. With so many monarchies turning from absolute to constitutional, or dissolving entirely, the Novoselic Royal Family understands that their position is very much a place of both tradition and privilege, and strive to maintain that trust their citizens have in them.
That being said, Sonia's 'official' account is meticulously managed by a PR team, with advice from both her personal secretary and Sonia herself. The family has staff members to document whatever they like and need, and marketing and communications pros who cultivate the image the family would like seen on social media.
However, like you mentioned in your ask, she also uses pseudonyms in online spaces, as well as private accounts. She keeps a variety of WhatsApp and LINE conversations with friends, like those from Hope's Peak, and her younger cousins/the Novoselic Princes, especially in her university and adult-verses (when they too have reached high school/uni ages). I also believe she'd have locked/private Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram accounts that she only shares with people she knows, and is very careful not to post content (or be tagged in content) that might end up on Rich Kids of Instagram/Rich Kids of the Internet, or a tabloid publication.
Her pseudonym use is also extended to things like Reddit and other message boards as well: as she gets older, Sonia adores having a space to talk about her hobbies and passions! It can be hard to make friends as an adult, and so having places to talk about the occult, the paranormal, anime, manga, and TV dramas helps her connect with likeminded people. I bet she joins in for Twitter and Reddit watch parties under various pseudonyms, and has participated in the audience section of AMAs for horror film directors, paranormal investigators, and her favorite actors/voice actors/anime and manga creators.
I've always had a plot in the back of my mind for Sonia, intentionally or unintentionally, to meet someone in person whom she'd been corresponding with under a pseudonym for months/years because they had some similar interest in common. Whether she knows who the person is before they meet is up to the other mun, but Sonia's identity has been a secret the entire time (for obvious reasons). I've yet to write it on this blog, though: but if a mutual is up for it, let me know.
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helluvasins · 2 months
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Crimson is a vicious and extremely ruthless crime boss that controls a large army of shark-demon gangsters. He cultivates an aura of fear in those that know him, even towards his own family members and close associates. Ultimately, his greed and power come first to him, and he harbors no remorse for his victims. Despite this, he is capable of exhibiting a seemingly jovial, warm, happy, and even charismatic presence when he chooses to do so, however, he can be quick to discard this external display of affection as required.
Crimson is Moxxie's father and the head of a powerful mafia organization in the Greed Ring.
NAME: Crimson Knolastname
AGE: 60s
ORIENTATIONS: Demisexual & Demiromantic [ Preference towards women ]
SPECIES: Greed Imp
ABILITIES: Has Higher Eyesight. Can See in the Dark / Weapon Proficiency / Hand-To-Hand Combat 
APPEARANCE DETAILS: [ Reference to come ] Thick thighs / Many scars / Muscular Chest and Arms 
Crimson doesn’t have a complete disdain over Moxxie compared to canon, and this is mainly because he’s actively the spitting image of him, which is something that he could be proud of when it came to his wife.
He used to love his wife. At least enough to have a child with her, but Moxxie being born completely changed their dynamic. She put all her focus on Moxxie, and actively tried to guide him out of his lifestyle, and he couldn’t have that. He fell out of love with her, which made it much easier to kill and get rid of her.
Crimson only believed Chaz came into wealth due to how loyal the man seemed to be towards him despite his idiotic nature. After all, he’s been in the business, he knows not to mess with him, right? 
Crimson’s sexism is mainly spite filled due to what happened with his wife. Though–his anger regarding Millie killing his goons mainly had to do with the fact that she was just an imp more than her actual gender. He simply was not familiar with her game.
On top of that, there is some jealousy he feels towards Moxxie due to having a wife that’s as murderous and protective as she is. He wished his actual wife was like that–given that she was from the Wrath ring.
He used to be in the Wrath ring for sometime, until moving back to Greed.
His homophobia is more geared towards general indifference. He only really says things when it’s obnoxious enough to distract from work that needs to get done. That being said, he would rather not see anything if he can help it.
SHIPPING NOTES: This guy is Mr.Toxic Possessive out the wazoo. He’s loving…until you get in the way of his plans, then you better sleep with one eye open or you’re going to end up in a bodybag. That being said, he’s been rather uncaring and jaded towards romantic and sexual encounters since his wife, but can open up to the idea, as long as you don’t clash with his own ideals. Slow burn.
He likes sharks. 
He’s a fan of Mammon. Doesn’t actively care about the clown nonsense, but his sense of Greed and his schemes to get wealth is something he respects entirely. He will never speak of that man in bad faith, and wants to actively make business with him.
He eats the demons of people that he’s gotten killed, including underlings who step out of line. Is cannibalistic. 
Smokes cigars.
0 notes
nevaehkallon · 6 months
Digital Detox & Book Review
As I walked along the familiar streets, I noticed intricate details in the architecture of houses, vibrant colors in the flowers blooming in gardens that I hadn’t seen in the past. Without the distraction of notifications and updates, my senses felt heightened, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the sights, sounds, and smells of my surroundings. I felt the gentle breeze rustling through the leaves of trees, heard the sounds of children laughing and enjoyed the sights of dogs getting their morning walk. SImple things that I had previously overlooked in my rush to stay connected online.
The experience provided me with a sense of peace as I noticed beauty that exists in the simple moments of everyday life. I felt more connected to nature and a deeper appreciation for the beauty that surrounds me in that hour. This experiment reminded  me of the importance of slowing down, disconnecting from technology, and embracing the present moment. I returned home feeling refreshed  and eager to incorporate more moments of digital detox into my daily routine. The hand-drawn map I created serves as a visual reminder of the insights gained during my hour-long experience of unplugging and reconnecting with the world around me.
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2. What is your favorite quote from the book and why do you find it meaningful?
 "If something is boring after two minutes, try it for four. If still boring, then eight. Then sixteen. Then thirty-two. Eventually one discovers that it is not boring at all."
In Jenny Odell's "How to Do Nothing," this quote holds particular significance as it aligns with the book's main theme of attention, presence, and reclaiming our time from the distractions of modern life. It is as a reminder to resist the impulse to constantly seek new  stimulation, and instead, to embrace moments of stillness and quiet contemplation. 
This quote resonates with me because it speaks to the power of patience and persistence in finding value and meaning in seemingly mundane experiences. It reminds me to approach life with an open mind and a willingness to engage fully, even when something appears uninteresting at first glance. This mindset encourages me to cultivate curiosity and exploration in all aspects of my life, leading to richer and more fulfilling experiences.
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3. Why do you think this book, released by indie publishing house Melville Press, became an unexpected bestseller during the height of the Covid19 pandemic? Her book was so successful, she recently released a second title, Saving Time: Discovering a Life Beyond the Clock.
Jenny Odell's book "How to Do Nothing" gained unexpected popularity during the Covid-19 pandemic for, I assume, several reasons. Many people found themselves thrown into a new reality of social distancing and isolation due to lockdowns and restrictions. Odell's book was able to offer an exploration of the value of slowing down, disconnecting from constant productivity, and finding fulfillment in the present moment, resonating deeply with those seeking meaning in uncertain times.
The pandemic also prompted a collective reevaluation of priorities and lifestyles. Odell's insights on reclaiming attention, resisting the pressures of capitalist productivity, and reestablishing connections with nature definitely struck a chord with people admist the chaos that was the pandemic. We were all looking for an out from pandemic-related news and the pressures of remote work. "How to Do Nothing" provided a compelling invitation to cultivate presence and engagement with the world around them, needed then more than ever. No wonder this book was an unexpected bestseller.
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4. How does the attention economy benefit from our social media activity and media streaming consumption?
The attention economy thrives on our social media activity and media streaming consumption by capitalizing on our time and focus. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter encourage us to constantly engage with their content, keeping us scrolling and clicking to see more ads and sponsored posts. They use algorithms that track our behavior, preferences, and interactions to tailor content that grabs our attention and keeps us hooked. Likewise, media streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube offer endless options for entertainment, enticing us to binge-watch shows and videos for hours on end. These platforms rely on our prolonged engagement to gather data about our viewing habits and preferences, which they then use to target us with personalized advertisements. Ultimately, our social media activity and media consumption become commodities that companies exploit for profit, shaping our online experiences and influencing our behaviors without us even realizing it.
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5. How does this book relate to the topic of celebrity culture?
"How to Do Nothing" touches upon celebrity culture by critiquing the pervasive influence it holds in our society. She examines how celebrity figures often dominate our attention and shape our aspirations, contributing to a culture of comparison and superficiality. Odell argues that the constant pursuit of fame and validation perpetuated by celebrity culture distracts us from meaningful engagement with our surroundings and personal growth. She highlights how social media amplifies this obsession with celebrity, as platforms become arenas for constructing and maintaining public personas. 
Odell suggests that by disengaging from the relentless cycle of idolizing and emulating celebrities, individuals can reclaim agency over their own lives and focus on what truly matters to them. She advocates for redirecting attention towards local communities, personal relationships, and the natural world, rather than fixating on the manufactured images and narratives propagated by celebrity culture. Ultimately, Odell's book challenges readers tocreate more authentic connections and experiences in their everyday lives.
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6. Do you take digital detox breaks regularly? If yes, describe them. Were they more challenging during the quarantine era? Why?
No honestly, I do not take digital detox breaks unless I am at work where I am not allowed to have my phone on the floor. During quarantine my screen time increased by a landslide. With limited opportunities for activities and social interactions, I found myself turning to my devices more frequently for entertainment and connection. The constant stream of news updates and social media content became almost addictive, making it difficult to disconnect and take breaks. As a result, my screen time skyrocketed, and I struggled to find a healthy balance between online and offline activities. However, I'm aware of the importance of disconnecting periodically to maintain my mental well-being, and I'm actively working on finding strategies to incorporate more offline time into my daily routine.
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7. Do you sleep with your phone or computer? Are you aware of the impacts on your sleep cycles and relaxation caused by 24/7 proximity? Have you experimented with leaving digital devices in a drawer or another room?
Unfortunately yes I do sleep  with my phone. I like to have it close as not only is it my alarm clock but it is also what I need on hand to be able to pick up last minute shifts for work. Though I do make the mistake of also starting my morning with scrolling through social media. The constant proximity to digital devices does disrupt my sleep cycles, making it harder for me to unwind and fall asleep peacefully. I've tried leaving my phone in another room or on my desk before bedtime, but I often feel anxious about missing important notifications or calls. Finding a balance between staying connected and prioritizing rest is something I'm actively working on to promote better sleep habits.
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8. What does Odell mean by 'doing nothing?' Are we capable of doing nothing? 
When Jenny Odell speaks of "doing nothing," she's not talking about literal inactivity but rather a shift in focus towards activities that are less about productivity and more about personal fulfillment and connection. She suggests that in our hyperconnected world, where productivity is often equated with worth, it's essential to reclaim time for activities that nourish our souls and foster genuine engagement with our surroundings.
"Doing nothing" doesn't mean idleness but instead engaging in activities that allow for reflection, creativity, and meaningful connection with others and the environment. These activities could include taking leisurely walks, spending time in nature, or engaging in hobbies that bring joy without the pressure of productivity. Meaning, we are most definitely capable of doing nothing.
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9. What is the role of nature in Odell's book, in particular the role of birds? (P.S. Did you know that birdwatching became a HUGE pastime in the Covid era?)
Nature plays a significant role in Jenny Odell's book, serving as a basis for reflection and connection with the world beyond screens. She emphasizes the importance of observing and appreciating the natural environment, using it as a means to detach from the demands of the digital world and reconnect with the present moment. Birds, in particular, symbolize freedom, resilience, and the beauty of the natural world throughout her narrative, serving as reminders to slow down, observe, and appreciate the wonders of nature. Their presence in the book underscores the importance of reestablishing our relationship with the environment and finding solace and inspiration in its simplicity and beauty.
I remember seeing bird watching gain traction on TikTok during the Covid era as people sought new outdoor hobbies while staying socially distanced. People would share captivating videos of bird sightings, identification tips, and peaceful moments in nature, inspiring others to take up the activity.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 3 years
I don't know why I send it to you but op asked people to be gentle on their post and I don't think I can: I just read a "meta" about "polyamorous relationships in ancien China and how it affected the dynamics of mdzs" and I wanna cry at how bad it is. They're pulling numbers out of their ass to make assumptions: "let's say the 10% richest have, let's say, 3 wives" as if canon doesn't state that even JGS only has one (yes we could talk about his numerous mistresses but JGS is literally spider Georg in that regard), but that's not how meta works! You don't invents things to make a meta! And "playing devil's advocate" by saying "women are gold-diggers" to somehow absolve JGS of his crimes is probably one of, if not the worst take ever. Like, saying Meng Shi and the young lady Mo used JGS and deliberately became pregnant so they could get money/better situation out of him, it's gross and wrong, not even supported by canon. Don't know if you read that "meta", but anyway, I needed to vent, and I like your takes on things, you seems like a more astute and thoughtful person than some in this fandom.
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Haaa, boy this one is a doozy... but I will attempt to explain myself why polyamory doesn't work well with MXTX's works in general, and for the political sphere of MDZS in particular. No, I have not come across this one, I am either blocked (lol), or I have my own tags filled up to avoid it all.
Within MDZS, the basis is that affairs or anything that is seen as the like, is a social faux pas. They are very upright and rigid in the ways of how traditional Confucianism regards life. Monogamy is rooted in the practice of marriage rights for it as the couple are to be presented as a united "hūn yīn/婚姻" in harmony for both families and society. The backbone of the work is heavily reliant upon Confucian rites and standards of life and not the fantastical more background of cultivation techniques. It was a significant event to wed and a major part of life to present in the Qing dynasty and was actually very grounded even with the selection of just what names potential wives had for the imperial line. Note the only ones allowed to have polyamory or harem, was the emperor of China and the imperial leaders.
It goes in so far that a major reason for divorce itself was due to incompatibility and lacking familial piety and any basis of grounds of being unable to divorce as such are, the wife has no other family, she observed filial piety of mourning a passed in law, or she married a poor husband who was now profitable (that united couple basis for making a living space).
Jin Guangshan in the eyes of a very heavily based Confucian world, is to be side-eyed and kept hush. The cultivation world of MDZS does not rely on the imperial rule, and as such seem to be considered part of the "normal society" and are of the expectation of one wife. Feudal lords, which the sects are not, have the one wife one consort rule. There is an entire system at place for political imperial lords for marriage and concubines. Guangshan's actions are a spur against social expectations and an embarrassment as to such why his illegitimate sons are pointed out as such and Madam Jin does not comment on his forays. He is not an imperial figure within the world and is only a cultivator who are at their basis supposed to embody Confucian teachings.
One point in each of the novels is that MXTX pokes fun at the horrors of concubine and harem lifestyles as being lonely cutthroat and cruel. Cause well, harem life in imperial China really sucked and was an antithesis to what confucian teachings were supposed to be. It is meant to point out the hypocrisy of Chinese harems of the royalty. And given, each of her protagonists are of the ideal of true confucian meanings "one husband one wife" is a big deal for each of her three leading couples.
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [Epilogue]
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ー The scene starts in the bedroom at the Sakamaki Castle
Yuma: ...Nn...Oh, it’s morning...?
Yui: ...
Yuma: She’s fast asleep. Guess I was a lil’ too rough yesterday, huh? 
ーー While stroking your hair,
I think back to the dream I saw yesterday. 
It was a dream about a certain family. 
This family runs a farm,
and spent their days making a living,
by cultivating seasonal vegetables and fruits such as apples.
This lifestyle is far from easy. 
Regardless, the people of this family I saw in my dream were all smiling. 
However, their family was overcome by a series of misfortunate events.
As a result of a failed harvest due to the cold weather,
on top of having their crops destroyed by wild animals,
they could no longer support themselves. 
ー A dream sequence ensues 
??? A: ( We’ve always lived a steady life. So what did we do to deserve this? )
( God obviously does not exist... )
??? B: God. Please save us...
??? A: ...Just stop already...
??? C: Edgar?
Edgar: There’s no such thing as God! So why bother praying to him!?
Edgar’s Father: Watch your words!!
Edgar’s Father: God exists! So you should be praying as well. Come on, turn towards the altar and bow your head!
Edgar: ...Ugh.
Edgar’s Mother: Pathetic...Edgar, is that all you have to say?
You should take a lesson from Alan. Even though he is physically impaired, he tries his hardest to help out his family and he is very faithful to God.
And then there’s you...!
Edgar: ( Why would they waste their time with prayers...? )
( God...That guy doesn’t exist!! )
‘God isn’t real. As if I’d believe that crap!’
Those words loudly echoed inside his heart on repeat,
as he kicked the floor. 
ーー Afterwards, the dream suddenly shifted,
to the next scene. 
Before I knew it, he stood paralyzed in front of their home,
as it was consumed by the burning flames. 
The village was in the middle of celebrating a festival
and his cousin of around the same age had come over to play,
but it was quite clear what had happened to him.
ー The scene shifts to a burning village
Edgar: No...way...The village...is on fire...
Damnit...How did this...happen...!? 
ー The dream sequence ends
Yuma: ...Is that dream, about me? 
Or perhaps...?
ー Yui wakes up in the bedroom
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...Nn...
( Huh...? What happened to me? I believe I passed out while Yuma-kun was sucking my blood...? )
Yuma: Are ya awake? 
Yui: Yuma...kun...? Good morning...
Yuma: Yeah...
Yui: ...? What’s wrong? You look somewhat sad...
Yuma: Really? You’re probably just imaginin’ it? 
Yui: But...
Yuma: It’s yer imagination, trust me. Anyway, gimme my ‘morning cup’. 
Yui: Eh...? 
Yuma: Your blood, duh? Come on, if ya keep sittin’ there dumbfounded, imma just latch onto you? 
Yui: Ah...
ー Yuma moves closer
Yui: W-Wait! You can’t, Yuma-kun...!
Yuma: Aah? And why not?
Ya belong to me. In other words, so does yer blood, right?
So why can’t I suck it whenever I feel like it?
That bein’ the case...Nn...
ー Yuma bites her
Yui: Ah...
Yuma: Haah...Delicious...Yer blood’s nice, but yer current expression is even better...
Do you get excited...from having me bite you...as I force myself onto you...? 
Yui: Of...course...not...
Yuma: Don’t act tough. I’ll be nice today.
So just give in to the pleasure. Shut up and lemme do my thing...
Yui: ( Yuma-kun is still trying to fool me...He’s hoping to daze me by forcibly sucking my blood... )
...Yuma-kun, no...!
ー She pushes him away
Yuma: Ugh...
Yui: I’m sorry, Yuma-kun...But listen to me. 
Yuma-kun...Did you remember something, perhaps?
Yuma: Eh...?
Yui: You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. However, I don’t like how you’re trying to deceive me like this. 
Is that how little our relationship means to you? Like this, it doesn’t even matter whether I’m here for you or not.
Yuma: ...
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: ...I don’t really know myself either.
Yui: Eh...?
Yuma: That dream I saw yesterday...Those might have been memories of my past. However, I have no way of confirmin’ that theory.
All I know is that the dream was strangely real and horrifying...
Yui: ( He looks absolutely torn...My heart aches just from watching him... )
( It must have been a horrible dream. On top of that, it might have just been part of his memories... )
( Actually, didn’t Kou-kun mention something like that...? )
ー A flashback ensues
Kou: ...Hey, M-neko-chan?
If you were to lose your memories, do you think you would want to get them back?
Yui: Eh? ...Well, of course. It must be hard to not know things about yourself.
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( That’s the answer I gave back then, but if they’re painful memoriesーー )
( It might just be better to simply forget about them instead... )
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: Ah...? The fuck? Why did ya grab my hand...?
Yui: I don’t want to see you in pain. If it hurts you, then I don’t think you should force yourself to remember. 
Yuma: ...Ugh.
Then...What should I do!?
Are ya tellin’ me that I should just live in ignorance for the rest of my days!? All while these confusin’ dreams haunt my mind...!? 
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: I know that I’m ‘bout to open Pandora’s Box. (1)
And I’m well aware that I’d probably be better off not knowin’ ‘bout any of what happened, and just forget it...
But I already lifted the lid! I can’t pretend as if I didn’t see anythin’ now.
I just don’t know. Should I just open the box or turn back? ...It’s ‘bout my own life, yet I can’t make up my damn mind. 
ー Yuma steps away
Yui: Ah! Yuma-kun, wait!
Yuma: Stay away!!
Yui: ( No way, he jumped out of the window... )
( Yuma-kun doesn’t know what to do either. )
( The part of him which wants to remember is fighting with the side which would rather just forget, preventing him from finding an answer... )
( I just can’t leave him alone now. I don’t want him to be all by himself in his current situation... ! )
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Yui: ( I have to chase after him and quick. He shouldn’t be too far yet, right? )
ー Ruki walks up to her
Ruki: Where are you going, Livestock? 
Yui: ...! Ruki-kun!
I’m sorry, I’m in a hurry right now.
Ruki: I can’t let you go by yourself. 
While this may be Vampire territory, that does not mean it is completely free of dangers.
Explain the current situation to me first. If not, I cannot allow you to leave the castle. 
Yui: Yuma-kun left. I believe his memories are slowly returning to him, but he seemed terribly shaken up...
That’s why I have to hurry. I can’t leave him to his own devices right now. 
Ruki: I understand the situation. However, I cannot let you go regardless. 
Yui: No way...
ー Kou and Azusa walk up to them
Kou: Which means it’s our time to shine, right?
Yui: Kou-kun! Azusa-kun!
Kou: We’ll go look for him, so you wait here, okay? 
Azusa: Don’t worry, Eve...Leave it to us...
Yui: ...Okay, I understand.
( I’m worried about Yuma-kun, but I’ll wait for his return while putting my faith in Kou-kun and Azusa-kun. )
( I wonder if he’s alright...? I just hope he’s not doing anything reckless all by himself... )
Translation notes
(1) Literally he says ‘a door which should not be opened’. 
<-[ Dark 10 ] [ Maniac Prologue ] ->
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demonslayedher · 3 years
The Sound Pillar past, I have heard that explore a bit in databook about being ninja.
Also what happened his sibling that still remain.
Also what there react
Combining info from the fanbooks and Chapters 80, 87, and 90 we get the following narrative of Uzui Tengen and his family, as complete as I could fill it in. It's always possible the anime version will expand and give us more, but here's what I've got in chronological format.
Uzui Tengen's father was the leader of their clan, one of a few ninja clans who lived in close community. Ninja were regularly sent on missions, but it is not clear what those missions were. Women and children were also expected to undergo strict training and go on missions, but women were primarily only valued as baby-makers, and it was common for one man to take multiple wives. The wives, at least in the Uzui case, were chosen upon agreements between families. (For more commentary on the unusual and cult-like nature of the Uzui ninja clan, please see this post.) In Chapter 80, Makio recalls how she never used to be afraid of dying because she was so brainwashed to believe her only value as a kunoichi (female ninja) was to put her life on the line in support of the strong male ninja. Tengen is the oldest of nine children. Of note, Fanbook #2 states that he has a mother and father from whom the nine children came, but as multiple wives is the norm in this village and Uzui was 15 when they were forced to fight each other, I think it's reasonable to assume many of them were half-siblings (even if all with one very busy wife, that would make the youngest one only around 7~9 years old or so, by my guess. But, it doesn't seem unreasonable in this clan that an 8-year-old would be expected to take part in this fight.)
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Tengen had his three wives by the time he was 15. Since he is 23 when canon takes place and Hinatsuru (from a ninja clan second in rank to the Uzui clan and who has a good balance of core ninja skills) is 21, Makio (physically a highly capable ninja but her short temper causes her to fail her missions and yes, she is Tengen's cousin, please restrain your knee-jerk reactions and accept the cultural difference and move one) is 20, and Suma is 19 (and yes, Fanbook #2 said she likes both men and women), that means his wives were respectively 13, 12, and 11 when they fled the village. As Suma's younger sister was originally the one being considered as a bride, this means they were willing to marry off girls even younger than that. See this post for more commentary on multiple wives in the Taisho period, and as an added note, the legal age for women to marry in Taisho was 16. The Uzui ninja clan was entirely counter-cultural in the first place, though, so this doesn't apply very directly to them. Furthermore, due to their curse, the Ubuyashiki clan had very usually early expectations for children to wed, and they always run a not officially recognized organization. Otherwise, most of the cast seems to follow more usual Meiji/Taisho family patterns. Of the nine siblings, three of them died before Tengen turned 15, simply due to the lifestyle. When Tengen was 15 (clarified according to Fanbook #1), Tengen's father pit the remaining six siblings against each other so that only the strong would remain. They were all concealing their identities and did not know they were fighting their own siblings. According to Fanbook #2, Tengen killed two of them, and his younger brother (second oldest) killed another two, and Tengen was pissed when he realized what was happening. He couldn't bring himself to kill his remaining brother, though that brother was just like their father when it came to his values that only the strong should survive, and he really didn't care about killing his own flesh and blood. This was when Tengen decided he didn't want to live like this, and he took his wives and fled. For a while (according to Fanbook #2), he often said he should go to hell, but this made Makio angry, it made Hinatsuru cry, and it made Suma bite him so he stopped saying that. He did continue to think that he should eliminate the rest of this evil Uzui clan, but he could never bring himself to kill his father and little brother. (So, fanfic writers, grab your pens, we can assume the Uzui clan is still active.) Anyway, once he was free of that lifestyle where he had to constantly hide his presence, he thoroughly rebelled and embraced the flamboyant.
It's unclear when and how Tengen learning Breathing technique. It's possible there was knowledge of this technique in some form or another among the ninja (though his wives don't seem to display it), and it's also possible he learned from a cultivator. Sound is an off-shoot of Thunder, but it's unclear whether Sound was established before he came along, or if he created this Breath to make extra use of his keen hearing. (What I would give to see Tengen/Kuwajima interactions, preferably arguing about which Breath is superior.) It's unclear how much time passed between fleeing the clan and joining the Demon Slayer Corps. Given his ninja skills, as soon as he found out about the Corps (and perhaps by extension, demons), passing the Final Selection was probably a breeze for him. It was either right after the Final Selection (and therefore still waiting for his uniform), or just as he had made up his mind to join the Corp that he declares his new rule to his wives: their lives are #1 priority. #2 priority is morally upright humans, and #3 is Tengen himself.
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And they're like, "whaaaaaaaat."
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But sure enough they all accept the demon slaying mission, and before long, Tengen and his wives meet Oyakata-sama one fine spring day, I assume upon attaining the rank of Sound Pillar. Oyakata-sama sympathizes with how hard it must had been for Tengen--for all of them--to go against what they were raised to believe, and to fight to protect people in what they've deemed a morally upright course of life. Tengen's like, "this guy gets it" and becomes as big a fanboy as any other Pillar is for Oyakata-sama. It's purely conjecture, but I'm guessing he and Oyakata-sama both were somewhere around age 15~17 at this meeting (again, we don't know how much time has passed since Tengen left the ninja. Due to Kanae and Tengen's shared presence at later flashbacks, he couldn't had been older than 18~19). Tengen goes on to be super popular. The most popular Pillar in the Corp, Taisho Rumor has it. His wives all help on missions too, but there's an agreement that they'll get out and live a happy domestic life once they've bagged an Upper Moon--enough of a contribution to, perhaps, to feel they've atoned for the sins they committed as ninja (or at least, this was how Hinatsuru proposed the idea). Once the arm gets chopped and the eye gets cut, Tengen gains a really good excuse for retiring, but it was just his luck to have declared three Tsuguko within hours of his forced retirement. (Like, I doubt this counts for anything. And if he ever calls them that again his trio of Tsuguko are probably going to be more confused than anybody else.) Anyway, Nezuko brings him back from the brink of poison-induced death and he basically walks home. While still involved in the Corp in training the rank and file members and guarding Kiriya upon his becoming Oyakata-sama (meaning he, like Himejima, was trusted with knowledge in advance about Kagaya's very flamboyant exit plan). After that he truly goes into domestic retirement mode and makes friends with a fellow lop-sided former Pillar, however drab he always thought that person was. He takes enough of a liking to said former Pillar that he brings him along on co-ed hot spring dips and lets him hold his first child. Which of the three wives birthed the first child, we don't know. And then one of his descendants goes on to be a flamboyant gymnast, but still gathers once a year under Ubuyashiki's leadership to perform the Sound Breath forms as a sacred Kagura dance. And we still don't know what became of Tengen's brother. For all we know, modern gymnast Uzui Tenma and his six other siblings regularly avoid explosive attacks on their life from a generations-held promise to eliminate them. PARKOUR---but more flamboyant. (I hope it's obvious that I am being silly here and have no canon basis for this.)
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(please understand that by AU, I mean they share an incredibly small amount of things in common with the original source material which I barely remember BUT the “story” takes place in the setting of the film) (not to be misleading or anything :p)
(BEWARE: abuse, murder (including of children), gangs, violence, death, tragedy, drugs, alcohol, schemes, mentions of non-con, honestly if you can think of it it's probably in here, this one is very very very dark, be careful <3, okay guys, enjoy..., etc.)
(If you can handle watching Umbrella Academy, this will be fine for you.)
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Is this entire thing based off that one interaction in season two when Klaus bails Ray out of jail?
No. No, of course not.
(DISCLAIMER: That photo is not mine.)
(Gatsby) Klaus Hellbyes is the mysterious and charming host of all the hottest parties of the decade, and the richest man on the American East Coast. He’s always playing Lana Del Rey (trust me, she wanted to live in either the 20’s or 60’s, I’m just doing her a favor) and Audrey Hepburn movies (let’s move her to the 20’s too, why not?). He fought in the first World War, and fell for Dave on the front lines. He had to leave Dave behind after he was severely injured, and he’s lived with the overwhelming regret and guilt ever since, constantly trying to distract himself with interesting people and pretty things. This has made him plenty of enemies, and even more people who consider him a lawless businessman, a prince of Satan, a lying rascal. He doesn’t care about manners, they say, he’s aloof, he’s naive, he’s unprofessional. Truth is, Klaus is dangerous - really fucking dangerous. He’s smart, far smarter than he looks, and knows how to use his experience with drugs and alcohol to his advantage, his hands shaky around a wine glass but never a gun. He’s poisoned plenty of people for getting in his way, or for daring to try and reveal his secrets, or for jeopardizing his carefully cultivated lifestyle. He’s savvy enough to use rumors to his advantage, and even stirs up and spreads a few himself. Everyone thinks he’s sleeping with a million women, because he’s always “away on a business trip” every time his lovely wife, Mrs. Floura Hellbyes, is home. (She’s just him in really, really good drag, honestly. What morons. He knows what people will say about him being unmarried at his age - he’s not an idiot.) Klaus lost Ben some thirteen years ago, separated from him in the craziness of the war’s assignments, and he’s been searching for him ever since, longing for his beloved friend’s company. But Klaus’ most well-kept secret is not his poison, or his habits, or his sham marriage or his business or even his Ben: his largest secret, by far, is Diego. Diego Towblaerman, who he met at one of his parties a few years ago and flirted with over white wine for hours. Diego Towblaerman, who wears salmon suits and dumb fedoras and probably plays the saxophone when Klaus isn’t around, to be honest. Diego Towblaerman, who Klaus keeps a secret apartment home with in the crime-ridden Bronx next to a hotel with too-thin walls that always smells like cigarettes. Diego Towblaerman, Klaus Hellbyes’ greatest love.
(Nick) Ray Chestnut has been a recluse ever since the war, writing novels in the privacy of his own home. He moves from Queens to the cottage next to Hellbyes’ mansion, desperate for further solitude, and publishes countless political pamphlets and exposés anonymously and under pseudonyms (which are getting more ridiculous by the year. God, he needs to find some inspiration). The cottage is at his disposal due to his cousin Jill’s husband Ben, whose groundskeeper Luther lived there until he left to join te police force in the city. Ray is known to be honest and forthcoming, always wearing what seems like his Sunday best no matter the occasion (hats, suits, manners, the works). He meets Klaus Hellbyes after being invited to one of his parties, and finds Klaus to be mystical, magical, mythical, mysterious… beyond this world. He can’t describe it, but he’s drawn to Klaus’ alluring company - he’s sweet as honey, yet his words sting like a bee’s poison. Klaus is crazy: Ray finds actual, real poison in his garden, harvested from the thorns of the rose bushes in the very back. Klaus once kills a man in front of him, shooting him in the head without a second thought, his eyes never flickering. And Ray is terrified, but damnit - Klaus introduces Ray to the most brilliant woman he’s ever met: Allison Charmors. And when Ray is one of the only ones left alive after the whole fucking mess goes down, he marries Allison and moves into Klaus’ mansion, left to him in Klaus’ alarmingly short will. With all of Klaus’ wealth the lawyer leaves a letter, addressed to Ray from Klaus, which explains that Klaus is on the run, but that he’s found love and is happy now, at home with his long-lost family, finally. Home at last, my friend, he signs the letter, and Ray thinks that the whole thing reads like a wink. What an odd, humorous man.
(Jordan) Diego Towblaerman is a cold and dangerous man - at least to anyone he won’t protect. He gets into brawls with Luther in downtown bars, Diego being the reason Luther left Ben’s estate, as he kept visiting and he and Luther antogonized each other so terribly that it was made clear one would have to go. Diego remains good friends with Ben, but is hesitant to help Klaus reunite with him, worrying that perhaps Klaus’ high expectations, built on tainted memories, will be shattered upon meeting the real Ben. (Impossible. A silly notion, really. One’s soulmate can never disappoint them.) Ray is unsettled by him, which Diego finds amusing, and Allison is undaunted, which he finds refreshing. Lila is his younger sister, but she ran away from home when they were seventeen and he evades her advances now, knowing the kind of black market business she’s involved in and wanting to steer clear. Too many rumors surround Diego already - he’s “part of a gang”, “the devil’s servant prince”, “in line with Al Capone” (I know Capone worked out of Chicago, I don’t care), “sleeping with Hellbyes’ wife”... there’s just so much to deny. (Though in a way - a sick, twisted, hilarious way - he kind of is sleeping with Hellbyes’ wife…) Eudora is his best friend, and presumed wife - they’ve never confirmed it, but they never deny it either, and Diego shows up to every single one of Klaus’ parties with her on his arm. But first and foremost, Diego’s time, attention, and love belongs to the effervescent goddess that is Klaus Hellbyes: his whirlwind romance, his unofficial husband, his angelic murderess… forever.
(Daisy) Ben Sixten is the alluring, sarcastic, kind, gentle, absolutely adored millionaire of the East Coast. He’s known as the Gentleman in White, or the Ghost, for disappearing at odd times and only really wearing white suits or gowns (though only in the privacy of his own home, of course, this does take place in the 20’s). He dances often, and laughs all the time, and fights bigotry and discrimination with passive-aggression, his eyes cutting and his smile mischievous. His wife Jill is a sweet companion, but prefers to keep to her own rooms, wearing only yellow as she writes countless stories, articles, and poems. (The Lady in Yellow, writing her debut novel Bodice of Blue. What a concept.) (Ben is sure to leave her a rich widow when he dies. She has plenty of green and gold to pay her way forward in the journalism business, and the last name Sixten to get her into any club or publication. Her civil rights work changes the world. Her protegé’s writings win the queer community rights and medical care before AIDS can kill even a thousand people.) Ben yearns for the sea, and to be reunited with his long-lost love Klaus, who he knows is now deeply involved with Diego Towblaerman, even if Diego refuses to admit it or introduce them. (When Klaus finds out Diego has been hiding Ben from him, the rift that opens between them is almost too monstrous to stitch back up.) (Almost.) As it seems, Ben and Klaus were not meant to have this lifetime together: Reginald finds Ben in Klaus’ bed, alone, and shoots him dead with six bullets to the chest. Ben’s last word is a hopeful cry of Klaus’ name, and Klaus kills Reginald in cold blood for it, never the same kind, laughing man Ben loved again.
(Myrtle) Sissy Cooper was the daughter of a rich family and betrothed to a kind man she genuinely cared for, but the night of her last ball as an unmarried woman, she got drunk enough to take off with some of her girlfriends. They ended up in a bar way down in “Ash Town”, and Sissy was taken advantage of by a man named Carl, becoming pregnant with his child. When her parents found out, they disowned her and sent her away, refusing her charity or kindness, and she married Carl without a wedding and had Harlan nine months later. None of her old friends stayed in touch, appalled by what had happened to her, and even those who she made friends with after the fact often giggled and gossiped about her misfortune (which they called her “stupidity” and other assorted demeaning terms). When she meets Vanya, who lives in Manhattan, she falls in love with her and the way she doesn’t look at Sissy like she was lesser for anything. They begin an affair, and fall even deeper, but that all ends when Vanya dies. After her death, Sissy goes mad, drowning her son in the bathtub in her grief and then hanging herself in the living room. It’s all over the papers, and Sissy Cooper becomes known as a “woman in white” (a kind of supernatural spirit borne of women whose husbands wronged them and so they killed themselves and their children in retaliation). Five pays for her and her son’s funerals, and they are buried beside Vanya in his backyard, together for eternity. Reunited, at long last.
Lila Pizzano (real name: Lila Towblaerman) joined the Handler’s gang when she was just sixteen, and ran away from home after her first kill at seventeen. She’s been doing shady business ever since, strutting around in tight black dresses and metallic suits that reveal too much, fedoras and diadems nestled in her dirty hair. She’s considered a mistress of poison, and often receives a supply from Klaus’ rose garden, who knows her as Diego’s sister and doesn’t mind offering a bit of support. (Diego doesn’t know this, of course. He and Klaus never discuss business. But Lila is all too aware of her brother’s choice to marry Klaus Hellbyes for secret, illegal love, and so she takes advantage of her generous brother-in-law and never considers him an accomplice in her many, many murders. Klaus is a good person, with a good heart. He doesn’t need Lila’s serpent-like nature infecting him like a venom.) She does deals with Five sometimes, when the Handler’s too distracted to watch her closely - she respects him a way most people can’t imagine feeling of a gangster, and he respects her in a way most men can’t imagine doing of a woman, so it’s all the same in the end. But she spends most of her free time at Eudora’s bar. She’s loved Eudora since she was nineteen, and they’ve been lovers for going on maybe seven years now, meeting up in hotel rooms Diego’s money pays for whenever they can. (Not that he knows of it.) When her brother disappears and she’s bloody and bruised from her last fight, she goes home, where she picks up the phone to call Eudora, but instead, the phone rings in her hand, and she picks up to Diego’s gruff voice telling her the love of her life is dead. Lila marches straight down to the station and turns herself in, if only to glimpse Eudora’s beautiful, perfect body one last time, even if her lovely, unbreakable heart is no longer beating beneath that once-unblemished chest, now forever scarred with bullet wounds. Bastards, Lila thinks. She wanted to be buried in a sleeveless red dress.
Eudora Patch is a bartender at Patch’s, a speakeasy where all the fat guys named Ted come to drink and smoke cigars while dancing with girls in tiny slips named Frances. She runs the place, and owns the place, but doesn’t tell nobody that, knowing none of them would buy drinks from a woman. She wears suspenders and collared shirts with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows and the top few buttons undone, because guys always pay a bit more if they think they’re gettin’ something more with their whiskey (which they never do). She stalks around in tight khaki pants with two pistols on either side of her waist, her simple black heels banging against the hardwood floor like warning shots. Her hair is always perfect and she never smiles, and nobody asks her to because the last asshole who dared went home with three broken bones and a concussion. She’s a damn fucking good shot - she’s got a whole stash of different kinds of guns stashed beneath her counter and she always wins at darts. She likes wearing fedoras when she’s out, and trench coats when it rains. Whenever she goes out on Diego’s arm, playing the part of his perfect, sweet wife, she wears gold and white dresses and luscious furs and beautiful diadems and expensive gems. Her lipstick stains the cheek of everyone she greets, and she’s wondered sometimes if she should actually marry Diego just for the hell of it, just to get it out of the way, just to complete the fucking ruse, but then she sees Lila across the bar, eyes imploring and glimmering, and she shakes the fantasy away. She makes a series of different coded hand motions to help her figure out whose drink she should poison - a lot of mob bosses and criminals come round these parts. But eventually all good things must come to an end, and Eudora’s lovely little life is no different. Her bar serves Five’s unfettered alcohol, and when the Handler finds out about this she sends something like fifty men to burn Patch’s to the ground. Eudora stands tall until the end, taking down every single one of them gracefully, and is heading out the door leaving a graveyard in her wake when Hazel and Cha-Cha emerge from her bathroom and put twenty bullets in her back. (Diego’s the one who finds her. He swears he’ll end the Handler’s horrible reign, and kill her and all her fucking people, but then Klaus steps up behind him, having already called the police, and takes his hand. He tells Diego they have to run if they ever want to be safe, and Diego kisses him, knowing it to be true. He calls Lila on a payphone in the rain and tells her, through tears, the truth: Eudora’s dead. I’m sorry. I love you. I’m sorry. Goodbye.)
Vanya Blueseven plays violin for all the assholes who were lucky enough to be born with gold in their mouths instead of dust. Vanya grew up in Ash Town, and only got out because she was playing violin at the bar the night Sissy wandered in there and had Carl seal her doom, and Five saw her. He offered her a job, and she took the chance to get out, to get away from all that shit. (Five still pays her for her music, though Klaus already pays her plenty and Five never even stays long enough to hear her to play anyway.) She lives in a depressingly empty apartment of greys downtown, in Manhattan, and travels by ferry to Klaus’ house every weekend for his seventh party of the week. She always wears a pressed white suit with coattails, and a top hat like a fucking magician because Klaus thinks it’s funny and Vanya likes to make him laugh. She stays at Klaus’ house a lot, having a guest room of his that’s unspokenly her own ever since she showed up at two a.m. soaking wet and he pulled her into his arms and never asked for an explanation. She knows about his husband, has met him; Klaus has Diego over often enough. Vanya keeps his secret, because she has her own: Sissy Cooper. Vanya isn’t an idiot - she knows that the longer their affair lasts, the deeper she’ll fall, and the more painful it’ll be to leave. But she sets her eyes on the green horizon and hopes for a happy ending, Sissy and Harlan’s hands clutched in hers. False hope’s gotta get her somewhere, right? (She wakes with a start when Reginald raids the house, the sun barely peeking through the windows. She sprints for the backdoor in her nightgown, hearing Klaus’ sobs ring in her ears, and makes it as far as the woods before slamming into a hard, unforgiving chest. She stumbles to the ground, and looks up at a stone-cold Carl. No, she sputters, her shaking hands up. Please. Carl’s hands wrap around her throat and she doesn’t remember a thing, but Five reads about it in the newspaper after the fact: the murder of Vanya Blueseven and the suicide of her killer, Carl Cooper. He sighs, takes a sip of Scotch, and has her buried beside Sissy and Harlan in his backyard. It’s for the best, he tells himself, and tries to believe it.)
Allison Charmors is a famous actress, always in a red dress and smiling like all the world is alive at her beck and call. She wears flowers all over her and has enough sharp wit to intrigue a man, but never enough to intimidate him. (At least not at first.) She writes and directs every film she’s in too, but she keeps that a close secret, knowing that they’d never be successful if people knew a woman was producing them. It is the 1920s, after all. There are plenty of rumors surrounding her already - she nearly married politician Patrick Liesel before leaving him for a secret lover, who nobody ever found out the identity of. There were no prime suspects for awhile either, as she mostly hung around only her make-up artist, Natalie. (They’re in love, but never speak of it, and soon enough Allison loses Natalie to deportation, when the Italian girl is whisked back to her country after she was arrested in the Palmer Raids, though she’d done nothing wrong. Allison tried to write to her, but soon became swept up in taking care of her new baby, borne of either her lover or Patrick - there was no way to tell. She kept Claire a secret, and does still, even six years after this all went down.) She started frequenting Klaus’ parties some three years ago, and now considers him a good friend, leaving Claire with him as a niece sometimes and having tea with him, his husband, and his violinist (a lovely woman, that one). The two of them make business deals, beneficiary to both of them: he helps her cover up her film brilliance and involvement, and she never denies that rumors that her lover is the illustrious Klaus Hellbyes, as affairs are rampant nowadays and Klaus’ “wife” doesn’t convince every stupid brute who comes rolling through these parts. Klaus introduces her to Ray, his new friend and scheme, and Allison falls for him instantly, lured in by his kindness and passion, and the way he treats her like an equal both in heart and mind (and a superior in body, of course). She proposes to him the day Klaus disappears, and marries him in Klaus’ old mansion, moving there after he leaves Ray his entire estate in his will. Claire lives with them as their “adopted” daughter, and Allison stares out the window sometimes, wondering over her old lover, but never wonders for long - Natalie’s letters come daily now, her own husband Jamison and their own twin sons Mattias and Alessandro coming with her to visit. Eventually, Allison convinces herself, Claire will grow up and marry Mattias and Alessandro will become a pirate and travel the sea, and Natalie will move back to New York and Allison can see her every day again, in that incandescent way she can no longer see Luther, who still plagues her mind without rest or mercy. Oh, Luther. Luther. I’m sorry.
Luther Armstrong became a cop after he left his post as Ben’s groundskeeper, and he’s not sure he made the right decision, if he’s perfectly honest. He sees how corrupt all these policemen are, the way they talk sleazy about women witnesses even though they’ve all got wives at home, the way they treat the made-up men who come in here with limps and hickeys and too much lust in their eyes, the way they treat the tired old fathers and mothers and brothers and sisters with darker skin than the cops’ve got. He met Allison during a questioning after she got arrested for punching a director who allegedly assaulted her, and he was the only one who believed her, winning her respect. They had a whirlwind romance, though their affair remained intensely private, as she remained engaged to Patrick. She left Luther the same day he bought a ring, having received a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity all the way in California. He knows she’s got back since then, he does read the paper, but both of their lives have invariably changed, and no matter how much he adores her still, he knows their time together is over. Since their falling apart he’s married a jealous redhead named Stacey, who scoffs and bitches every time he watches all of Allison’s movies and cries, and who refuses to accompany him to Klaus’ parties every weekend, when he goes looking for the woman he still dreams of. He remembers how much she loved him - that was never in doubt. The morning of her supposed wedding to Patrick she showed up on his doorstep, soaking wet in her dirty and frumpled wedding dress with mascara running down her face. She kissed him stupid while Stacey played secretary at work, and they spent the night together, rekindling their passion with laughter and wine. But in the morning, she found his wedding ring and left him a letter saying she’d always love him, but he’d never see her again. Then she fled, and Luther slipped into depression and alcoholism, no longer watching her movies if he could help it. Now, he follows Reginald without question, despite his immoral code and brutish cruelty, and he goes to Klaus’ parties to get drunk and gets into fights with Klaus’ loyalest friend, Diego, who thinks he drinks too much. (Ha. What does he know?) Klaus puts himself between them often, always siding with Diego though he clearly cares for Luther, and Luther always leaves in a worse mood than he came in, though he still keeps coming. He meets Vanya once at a diner and never speaks to her again, though she acted as the violinist at his wedding to Stacey. He offers information to Five, who’s a good kid despite all his murders, and Five treats him like a child even though he’s the (far) younger of the two. When Luther is finally lucky enough to meet Allison again, it’s at one of Klaus’ many many parties, all of which have started to blur together for Luther at this point. She pretends she’s never met him, stunning in a tight red dress and standing proud beside Klaus’ friend Mr. Chestnut, and Luther hates him, even though he seems perfectly kind. Allison steps towards him, her skirt riding up just enough to show the knives hidden in her garters, and she smiles, shaking his hand. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Armstrong, she tells him, her eyes like steel, and Luther falls in love with her all over again. (Not that it matters. Her heart is Ray’s now, and probably someone else’s too if Luther thinks about it too hard, and Luther isn’t around to know anyway. He’s sent to Eudora’s speakeasy with a hoard of cops the same night as the Handler’s men close in on the place, and she shoots him without mercy along with all the others as the raid carries on, though they met at one of Klaus’ parties and hit it off. She has no time for his life; nobody does. At his funeral, Stacey is absent and so is Allison, having moved on with Ray and forgotten Luther ever existed. Stacey was having an affair with a mob boss named Rob anyway, and figures she may as well make good on her acceptable widow years, running off with him to be his sugar baby as he fucks over immigrants in Queens and the
Bronx. Luther isn’t missed. He’s just another casualty, just another face in the crowd. Will you remember him?) (No. Don’t lie.)
Five di Sappears is a mystery man - everyone knows his name, but he always comes to town under the ruse of a homeless child named Aidan rather than the ruthless killer of a businessman that he is. He’s been an orphan since the Handler killed his parents when he was five, which is when he claims to have been made who he is today, therefore claiming the name Five for himself and shedding any remaining reigns of childhood. He runs the Handler’s largest rival gang, and his cronies follow him because he’s a cold-blooded murderer and they know it. He plays beggar mostly, hanging outside of Agnes’ bakery, but stays at Lila’s when it’s too goddamn miserable outside to survive. He protects who are known as the Six, and no one else - no one knows why, least of all him. But they matter in some sick, twisted way, and he won’t let anybody hurt them if he can help it. (At the very least if somebody does, they won’t survive.) (I think you can guess who the Six are.) He runs his business mostly out of Coney Island, where his parents met, and hides his alcohol in the pink prize bunnies there, his guns in the blue and his drugs in the purple. He has a rainbow bear named Dolores that he carries everywhere; she fits right in the pocket of his trenchcoat or under his hat. He has killed people who have dared to insult or comment on her… It’s a problem. Five sneaks into one of Klaus Hellbyes’ parties once for a business deal, and finds himself in conversation with the man himself, and his affectionate friend, Mr. Towblaerman. Klaus and Diego end up acting the part of Five’s surrogate parents, quite by accident really, and for the last few weeks of his public existence, Five parades as Aidan Hellbyes, the adopted son of Klaus and Floura Hellbyes. His own mansion is unsafe, for now - people have found out where he lives, dangerous people, and he needs to hide away for awhile. His play-acting fathers have no issue with him inhabiting one of their bedrooms for as long as he needs, though they never ask him directly to stay. He sneaks Dolores into their bags when they go on the run, writing them letters for months that he never sends as they settle into their new home. He moves back into his own mansion, burying Vanya and Sissy and Harlan in the backyard beneath the daisies. He has Jill over for tea often after Ben dies, and she always seems confused as to why he has any interest in her company, but Five only answers her questions with cryptic phrases and useless idioms she can’t decipher, like a jackass. But he leaves her his mansion when Klaus and Diego return for him, having found Dolores in the folds of their bags and heading straight back home for their son the moment after. Half of his Six are dead, and he cannot bring them back or save those remaining, so he gives up, fleeing with Hellbyes and Towblaerman to wherever they wish to take him. His final act in New York is to bail Lila out of her jail cell, leaving her behind with only a nod of thanks and a smirk as he disappears without a trace, true to his name. (Lila takes up shelter at Klaus and Diego’s old secret apartment. She marries a soft gay man named Theo Peterson who doesn’t mind watching Allison’s films with her or holding her in the night when she whispers Eudora’s name through tears in her sleep. It’s not a good life, but at least she doesn’t have to kill people anymore. Dora would be so disappointed.) (In the Cayman Islands, Five stands on a marble balcony with a glass of wine and wonders if Eudora would be disappointed in him, then decides it doesn’t really matter anymore and dumps the glass of white into the sea for the skeletons below.)
Leonard Peabody-Jenkins is a shady businessman, the kind who’s involved in pyramid schemes and black market shit. He works with some of the biggest mob bosses in the world, having travelled all over the world for meeting after meeting. He’s a fierce alcoholic, and a violent one at that - he’s beat Vanya more than once. They were married when they were young, “in love” before he showed his true colors and she found her thoughts lingering on women’s bosoms rather than men’s packages, but they barely see each other anymore, as he’s always away on business and she hates him. They share an apartment, but never a bed, and neither of them minds it that way, though they keep the flowers in the sill of the closed window fresh and bright to keep up appearances of a happy marriage. When he finds out about Vanya’s affair with Sissy, he puts plans in motion to kill the wretched woman who’s stolen his wife from him, but when he shows up at her house with a loaded gun he finds the job already done, her husband absent and her son dead in the bathtub, the woman herself hanging from a noose in the living room. He calls the police and plays the part of the traumatized witness, fake-crying as much as he’s able, and heads home with the gleeful intent to tell Vanya the woman she loves is dead. Instead, he finds an empty house and a newspaper detailing that Mrs. Vanya Peabody-Jenkins has been found dead of strangulation in the backyard of Klaus Hellbyes’ mansion, the suspect being Carl Cooper, her lover’s husband. (Though that last part, of course, is left out.) Finally freed from the rusty and heavy shackles of his marriage, he throws some things into a suitcase and opens the door to flee, only to find himself staring down the barrel of a gun. At the other end is a pale skinny boy whose eyes glint like flares in the distance. “Who are you?” Leonard asks, and the boy takes the time to smirk before emptying the cylinder into his chest. (Seven bullets. How fitting.)
Grace Rehtomtoborlanoitome (she’s French?) is Diego and Lila’s mother - they’re adopted, obviously, because she’s unmarried and has absolutely no interest in any men or women whatsoever. No one’s questioned her for it, because they’re fucking terrified of her - and because she never sticks around long enough to be suspicious of anyway. Currently she’s grifting people in the Cayman Islands, housing Klaus and Diego in her sprawling mansion home. She’s thinking she’ll head to Italy next; maybe buy Juliet’s house in Verona, and stay there eternally. She used to live in New York, to be close to her son and his family, but it wasn’t for her. Though she loved her life as a Broadway star, Reginald would come over for tea too often, asking her too many questions about Diego and his (secret) husband that she never answered, instead offering him vague and aloof conversation. (She loves to be passive-aggressive.) (She also wears top hats and lingerie to these lunches, because Reginald always seems morbidly discomforted by it and she lives to make him as miserable as possible.) So she fled, not wanting to slip up and jeopardize her son’s carefully cultivated facade. (Not that he needed any help to fuck it up, apparently.) She writes him letters as often as she can, telling him he will always have a home with her, should he wish it. Ben would often write to her, asking after Klaus, because he knew about his and Diego’s involvement and had found nothing but deadends with Diego. Grace always told him that if he’d just come to visit her, she’d tell him where Klaus was, but he never showed. She doesn’t learn about his death until Klaus and Diego come home to her, bringing their trouble with them. She reaches out to Ben’s wife, Jill, and Jill spends a week at Grace’s home, listening to Grace’s cryptic advice and wise answers to Jill’s every befuddled question. When Jill leaves, Grace’s last wisp of advice is to have tea with Five di Sappears whenever he invites her, even if he does so under the moniker Aidan Hellbyes. Though Jill isn’t sure why, she agrees, and waves goodbye from her carriage while Grace stands stoic in the doorway beside her butler Pogo, pensive and kind. After Jill’s departure, Grace cuts her family off from every part of the world they’ve ever known, hauling them all to Verona and settling them there. There, Klaus and Diego settle with Five, who they’d retrieved from New York while Grace conversed with Jill, and adopt a daughter named Aidy, who is as dangerous as her parents and brother, her eyes glinting always. Grace locks herself in her study with her granddaughter at least once a day - she has much to learn, and Grace has much to teach her. God pray for the world.)
Reginald Hargreeves is New York’s police chief, and the cruelest man you’ll ever meet. He’s a childless widow, and has been having an affair with the Handler for years, one with absolutely no emotional baggage because both of them are absolutely incapable of feeling love. He enjoys drinks with Pogo on the weekends and always carries an umbrella, which is a disguised poison gun he uses for assassinations. He often has tea with Grace, and proposes to her at the end of every visit, though she never says yes. (And she never will, you absolute rat bastard.) But the reason Reginald terrifies so many is his unusual penchant for hunting queers. Not just arresting and beating those he finds, no - hunting and killing them. He murdered Ben, who didn’t sleep with his wife once and loved Klaus more than anything. He ordered the raid on Eudora’s speakeasy when he saw her and Lila kissing in the rain, even though he used to be a regular customer of hers. He once threatened Vanya so terrifyingly that Klaus actually bothered to show up at his doorstep to tell him off. He’s seen every single one of Allison’s shows and hunted down Natalie at one of her burlesque shows (she’s poor, she’s got side jobs) to bring her in after he found out that she loved Allison, but she got away from him just in time. (He would still be hunting her, if he had survived. Allison never finds out.) He hunted Klaus and Diego so ferociously and so cruelly that they nearly broke apart out of fear for each other’s safety, not that that would’ve stopped him - Reginald doesn’t believe in mercy. Neither does Klaus anymore, it seems, when he shoots Reginald in tears from the balcony, staring down at the still-warm body of the love of his life. (Leonard tipped him off. The slimy asswipe was willing to tell Reginald anything for a bit a cash.) The only person who ever scared Reginald was Five, who would never back down or give in to Reginald’s assault. Fat lot of good that did - Five’s family is dead, and all at Reginald’s filthy fucking hands.
The Handler (real name: Alusru Alleurc Dlawlednirg) (she’s German) is the leader of New York’s largest gang. Hazel (lazy alcoholic still pining after the wife who left him on their wedding night) and Cha-Cha (always knew her soulmate was violence, they’ve been together since she was eight and murdered her parents in their sleep with her dolls, the Handler likes her spunk and manipulates Cha-Cha’s psychopathic tendencies for her own personal gain) both work for her, and the Handler makes good use of that, sending them after anyone who threatens her in the slightest. She’s sleeping with Reginald too - hey. She’s just bored. The Handler doesn’t feel anything but sick satisfaction, and even then only when she’s crushing her enemies’ skulls beneath her stiletto heels. Lila is her adoptive “daughter”, and her little plaything - so easy to manipulate. All the Handler has to do is call her “sweetheart” and the thick child comes running. How moronic. Anyway - Five is her mortal enemy. The one she stays up late killing things for. The one she has a million different ways to torture. The one she’s chased ever since she found out he was still alive. Five di Sappears. Disappears. What a fucking joke. Look, okay, here’s the story: Aidan Alone’s parents owed the Handler some money. And the Handler didn’t know they had a son, okay, but she didn’t mind - she took him in, tried to raise him as her own. She trained him, called him Five when he asked for it, didn’t argue when he insisted he was a boy despite his body, she - she spoiled him. But he didn’t take to training. He was volatile, violent, and not in the fun way - he’d killed half her men before she finally gave up. That night, at dinner, he leapt across the table with a savage war cry and tried to kill her with a fork; he managed to carve out her eye and fuck up half her face before Lila tugged him off. The Handler shrieked, telling her to kill him, kill him, and Lila nodded, dragging the catatonic Five away. The Handler thought that was that, that it was over… instead, she finds out eight years later that Lila had let Five go. (She won’t kill kids, she says. The Handler rolls her eyes. Bullshit.) Five, as it seems, is the Handler’s demon: she’s stuck with him, and he’s intent on dragging her straight to hell. He’s changed, apparently - she sees him begging outside a bakery one day and steps inside to ask the baker who he is; Aidan, the baker tells her, and smiles. He’s a very kind boy. The Handler’s head whips around just in time to catch Five smirking at her through the window, ten years old and holding the hand of a soft-looking girl in a plaid shawl. He smirks, and winks, and the Handler boils with rage; he’s gone when she blinks. The Handler shoots the baker dead in frustration and storms out the door; five months later the baker’s alcoholic husband came asking for a job. (Hazel, the Handler thought, huh, and gave him one.) But Five, the little bastard, he just doesn’t stop. By the end of the year he turned thirteen, her gang is in shambles at his hands, most of her followers dead or deserters after the Patch Raids. She’s sipping straight from a bottle of aged red wine with her mascara still running down her cheeks in spades when Five shows up, his hands in his pockets and a comfortable smirk on his face. Five, she greets him, and his eyes twinkle. He pulls out a gun and points it at her head. The name’s Aidan Hellbyes now, he says, and she grins, defeated to the point of derangement. She leans up, pressing her forehead to the barrel of his gun. Shoot, she says. He smiles, tilting his head. No thanks, he answers, and drops the gun to the ground nonchalantly as he starts to walk away. She screams, his insolence the final straw, and has her own gun out in a flash, the trigger halfway pulled when barbed wire wraps around her throat from behind and she shrieks, spasming with pain. She collapses to the ground, clawing at her throat and lost for air. The last thing she sees is Five, smirking as he stalks back towards her with a fork… and Lila, standing at his side with barbed wire
scars on her hands.
Dolores Quinmanne was a poet and a dreamer, and Five’s partner in all things. They met on the streets as children, and had been banded together ever since, sticking it out no matter how cold or miserable they got. She always wore a shawl and her hair was always in tatters with her dress; Five stole her a moonstone necklace once, and she wore it every day. He was always kind to her, always her favorite person - he’d always give her the bigger portion of whatever food they lucked into and cut her hair when she needed it. He’d curl around her when it rained and she’d hold him when it thunderstormed, and she kept him close to her heart, her name stitched over his own in permanent ink. Sometimes Agnes would let them sit inside her bakery when it was too cold and they’d play cards in the corner; Dolores was always, without a doubt, known as Aidan’s greatest companion. She gave him a rainbow bear on his tenth birthday, and he never named it, at least not while she was alive. She died in front of him, writhing and in pain. It lasted five minutes before she was cold in his arms, her eyes wide open and her mouth a gaping maw, like The Scream. Five has vowed revenge on the Handler for her death - the doctor said it was sickness, a seizure, but Five knows better. Though not enough, it seems - he’d know the truth if he’d only taken the time to take a closer look at the last soft bun Dolores ever ate, still warm from Agnes’ oven. Arsenic isn’t so easy to smell, but he should’ve known that sprinkle of white dust wasn’t sugar. (He keeps the moonstone from the necklace in the sweetheart grip of his favorite pistol. When he leaves to make a home with his family in Italy, he leaves the pistol behind, but puts the moonstone in the rainbow bear, stitching it back together over the heart. He thinks that maybe they can speak now, like this. Maybe Dolores, angel that she is, can hear him still.)
PLAYLIST: "Reach me a rose, honey, and pour me a last drop into that there crystal glass." (title from F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby)
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