#duh duh duhduhduh
nicetattooparlor · 1 year
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It’s giving “duh duh duhduhduh” IYKYK by liv at Nice Tattoo Parlor
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kayvsworld · 26 days
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*ramin djawadi noises*
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maretriarch · 4 months
goddamn stupid mutter mutter something or other fucking thing
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im literally so dead in the head, a chair creaked like the starting three notes of style and now i have it stuck in my head
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i-am-a-snom · 1 month
cc ú )___\ 🎵bah duhduhduh bah duh-duh dum.. buh bah bah buh-dum buuuuh..🎵
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manybackflips · 3 months
Wow, the opening chords for The Circle really sounds like a Seinfeld riff huh.
Duhduh, duh, duh duh duhduhduh.
It should play whenever Bedman? fails to get a whiff punish.
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to the very lovely friends who have relentlessly sifted through tumblr archives to recover them, thank you all so much!! ♡
Draco x non-house-specific she/her!reader
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The expressions on the faces of your classmates were all ones of confusion and curiosity as you all made your way to Hagrid's hut, meanwhile you couldnt hide your glee.
"What's got you so cheerful this morning?" Your best friend, Susan Bones, nudges you playfully "Did Draco smile in your general direction again?"
Immediately, your cheeks flush pink, and you jab her in the side with your elbow. “No! Merlin's sake Susan, not so loud!"
Susan couldnt stop herself from laughing as she rubbed her side. "Alright, alright, Im sorry, but your crush on him is absolutely adorable."
You roll your eyes and look down at the grass to hide your face. "Whatever."
Susan sighs. "Go on then, what's got you smiling today?"
Your smile returns to your face as you reply to her. “You'll see."
The second Hagrid begins leading your class towards the forrest, you feel yourself almost visibly shaking with excitement. When the class stills, everyone begins to talk amongst themselves, and, as per usual, Harry and Draco have an intense, but mildly humorous, interaction. For the first time, though, you find yourself entirely undistracted by Draco, because your eyes are fixed on Hagrid, and when he turns to face the rest of the class again, you find yourself unsurprisingly grinning.
"Duh, duhduhDUH!" Hagrid cheers to gain everyone's attention, and the class falls into silence. "Isnt he beautiful? Say hello to Buckbeak! A family who raises these wonderful creatures has kindly let us borrow Buckbeak for a while, so that I can teach ya about ‘im. Since she's far more familiar with these creatures, (Y/N), why dont you tell us about 'em?"
And, in an instant, every pair of eyes belonging to the classmates who usually ignored your existence, are fixed on you. Susan's jaw is hanging open as she realises why you havent stopped smiling. Despite your usual shyness and lack of confidence when speaking in front of others, you casually step forward, beaming as Buckbeak faces you and tilts his head to the side in recognition. You turn to the rest of your classmates.
"Buckbeak is a Hippogriff, and, as Hagrid said, my family raise these creatures. We run a sanctuary, in which we locate lost or abandoned baby Hippogriffs, raise them around their own kind, and then release them back into the wild when they're ready. Buckbeak, however, is the only Hippogriff we've ever had who has chosen to stay with us rather than fly out into the wild. Hippogriffs are very proud creatures, incredibly easy to offend, and for that reason, many deem them to be unapproachable. But, with the right amount of respect, it's relatively easy to gain a Hippogriffs trust, and they're very affectionate creatures." Still smiling, you spin on your heel and calmly stroll over to Buckbeak, who greets you by nuzzling into your hair, causing you to laugh, before continuing to talk. "Now, because Buckbeak is familiar with me, I no longer need to take the steps in order to gain his trust. Today, though, some of you will be trying to do just that."
Your classmates stare back at you in horror, but Hagrid is smiling at you proudly. When you initially approached him to discuss your family, Hagrid was overjoyed, and almost begged you to find a way of him meeting a Hippogriff. Together, the two of you persuaded Dumbledore to bring Buckbeak onto the grounds.
"Who'd like to come say hello?" Hagrid asks, causing everyone except Harry to take a step back, making it appear that Harry had in fact volunteered himself, causing you to chuckle.
"Harry! Well done!" Hagrid beams, then turns to you.
"As I said before, Hippogriffs are very proud creatures, and trust me when I say you do not want to insult one. The first thing to do, Harry, is to bow in front of him, and if he bows back, you can approach him." You instruct, gently stroking some of the feather's on Buckbeak's shoulder.
Nodding at Hagrid, you let him carry on with the lesson, feeling a little guilty at how much you have said. Then again, you've been surrounded by these creatures your entire life, so you've grown up to be an expert on their characters. You watch on as Harry successfully approaches Buckbeak, and laugh to yourself when Hagrid lifts Harry onto Buckbeak's back. With a tap on his rear, Buckbeak is sent sprinting off, before pushing upwards and gliding through the air effortlessly, with Harry clinging to him for dear life. A warm feeling spreads through you as you remember the first time you flew with Buckbeak.
Just a few minutes later, Harry and Buckbeak return to the forrest, and Hagrid is quick to lift him off of the Hippogriff's back.
"How am I doin' on my first day?" Hagrid quietly asks the two of you, his back facing the rest of the class.
"Brilliant!" You and Harry reply in unison, causing you to laugh at each other.
"Oh, please." You hear Draco muttering as he gets to his feet, and you look around Hagrid to see what trouble he's getting himself into.
To your horror, you see Draco sauntering towards Buckbeak, without making any effort to show him respect.
"Yes, you're not dangerous at all are you? You great ugly brute." Draco declares, and you gasp.
"Malfoy, no! NO!" Hagrid tries to stop him, but it's too late.
Buckbeak stands on his hind legs, flapping his wings viciously as he kicks Draco's elbow with one of his front hooves, sending Draco to the floor, crying out dramatically and gripping his arm. You jump in between them, holding your arms up and locking eyes with Buckbeak, and shushing him until he calms down again.
"It's killed me, it's killed me!" Draco whimpers.
Hagrid begins to panic. "C-Calm down, it's just a scratch!"
Hermione speaks up. “Hagrid! He has to be taken to the hospital!"
Hagrid nods to himself and bends down to pick up Draco, though you're sure he can stand on his own. "Im the teacher, I'll do it."
"You're gonna regret this-" Draco begins, and Hagrid looks over his shoulder to dismiss the class. "-You and your bloody chicken!"
Sighing to yourself, you bite the inside of your cheek anxiously. Buckbeak nuzzles into your hair again, sensing your discomfort, and you reach up to stroke the feathers on the side of his face, but this time it does little to reassure you.
The sound of your shoes hitting the floor is the only thing you can focus on as you pace the corridor outside the hospital, battling with yourself internally. If Draco's father finds out about this incident, it could not only ruin your family's business, but it could...you shake your head, dismissing the mere thought of what could happen to Buckbeak. You've had a crush on Draco since your first year at Hogwarts, and you've managed to avoid talking to him at almost every opportunity, out of fear of literally dying of embarrassment. However, in this situation, you have no choice but to confront him. Wringing your hands nervously, you continue to pace the hallway. Pansy and Blaise leave the hospital, finally ending their visit to Draco, and you take a deep breath before walking in. Your eyes dart around your surroundings, glancing at every bed until you find Draco, staring up at the ceiling with his eyes closed. Oh Merlin, he's gone to sleep! Gasping, you turn to walk away, keeping your head down as embarrassment swallows you.
"What are you doing here?" Draco questions suddenly, causing your entire body to jolt in surprise as you stop walking.
Turning to face him, you keep your head down, your cheeks now an even darker shade of red, just because he's talking to you.
"I-I, uh, I wanted to make sure you're alright. Buckbeak being here, it's because of me, which means that this...what happened to you, i-it's my fault. I truly am sorry about your arm, Draco." You trip over your words, your hands clasping the sleeves of your robes.
Draco sighs. “Dont apologise, it isnt your fault, (Y/N)."
You frown, lifting your head slightly. "Y-You know my name? And what do you mean, Buckbeak is my responsibility!"
He shakes his head. "Of course I know your name, and no, you cant be responsible for a wild creature, it's in its nature to attack."
Suddenly, your head snaps up, your cheeks returning to their normal colour. "No! It isnt in Buckbeak's nature, or any Hippogriff’s for that matter! Draco, please, you have to believe me, I've lived with them since I was born, Buckbeak only attacked you because you offended him! Had you even approached him in a relatively calm manner, without bowing, he would only have backed away from you, Buckbeak is the friendliest Hippogriff my family has ever encountered! And if you hadnt been so caught up in your own ego, or your testosterone fuelled battle with Harry Potter, none of this would have happened!"
Draco smirks. "Wow."
Your anger evaporates. "What?"
He laughs casually. "That's the first time you've ever said more than a few words to me, and it's because I've been attacked by your demon chicken."
Your blood begins to boil again. “It wasnt an atta-"
Draco waves you off, interrupting you. "I know, I know, but you're still only talking to me because you're worried that my father is going to hear about this."
You stare at him. “Well, that is your answer to most obstacles you encounter."
Draco bursts out laughing. "You are far more fiery than I thought you were! Your words hurt more than my arm!"
You laugh with him and look down at the floor, tucking your hair behind your ear. "Sorry about that, I dont mean to be rude, it's just...Buckbeak."
Draco sighs in defeat. "Look, if that bloody bird means so much to you, I'll tell my father that my injury was caused by Potter or something, I'd rather blame him anyway, gives me more of a chance of winning our...what did you call it? Testosterone fuelled war!"
You beam at him. "Really!?! You wont get Buckbeak in trouble!?!"
Draco smiles back at you. "I was never planning to, considering how much you care for him, but had it been anyone else, particularly Potter, I wouldnt have hesitated."
You frown. "The fact you wouldnt have hesitated to put Buckbeak in danger if he was someone else's responsibility isnt very nice. Buckbeak is a creature of his own, he isnt a pawn for you to use for your personal gain. Why did my care for him change your mind?"
Surprisingly, your arguments against Draco's points dont seem to aggravate him at all. “I've always had somewhat of a soft spot for you, I see the way you blush when I smile at you, it's very cute."
Your eyes widen, and your whole face flushes stoplight red in embarrassment. "Oh."
Draco laughs again, and you find yourself thoroughly confused at this easily amused, laid back side of him. "Dont look so mortified, you must have noticed the way I look at you! Whatever feelings you have for me, I can assure you, they are well reciprocated." He smiles. "Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me?"
With this newfound information, an unexpected and previously unexperienced confidence swells within you, and you smirk mischievously at Draco.
"I think I have a better idea for our first date, but we're going to have to wait until your arm is healed."
From that moment on, you and Draco are almost constantly exchanging flirtatious glances, and regularly sending each other owl-delivered letters, in which you get to know each other better without actually speaking very much face to face - an ideal scenario for two people who are awaiting their first date. Draco frequently questions you about it in his letters, and you refuse to give anything away, until the day arrives when his arm is fully healed.
Draco grips your hand as tightly as he can without hurting you, as you lead him further into the forest, a blindfold shielding his eyes from the scene around him.
"Where in Merlin's beard are you taking me?" Draco asks, amusement and nervousness mixed into his voice.
"You'll see!" You giggle excitedly, bringing a smile to Draco's face, despite his nerves.
When you reach your destination, you let go of Draco's hand, and take a few steps away from him.
"Okay, you can take the blindfold off now." You tell him softly, watching him with a grin plastered on your face as he reaches up behind his head and unties his blindfold.
Draco takes the thin piece of fabric away from his face, and blinks rapidly as his eyes adjust to the light. The moment he sees what you have in store for him, though, you can tell that he wishes he still had the blindfold on. Because you're standing just a few feet away from him, casually leaning against the Hippogriff that injured Draco, with your arms crossed and a sly smirk decorating your features. And when Draco sees the saddle that you've placed on Buckbeak's back, all colour visibly drains from his face.
"If you think Im getting on the back of that bloody chicken, you have never been more wrong about anything in your life."
But, as his soft spot for you later proves, you were very right in thinking that Draco would be getting on the back of your giant horse bird.
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race-week · 7 months
Every time the McLaren comes on screen
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thesinglesjukebox · 10 months
That's a wrap on Day 1! And we're just getting started...
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: The last time we talked about PinkPantheress I called her music "aural wallpaper" -- and I stand by that! It's just that "Boy's a liar" is exquisite aural wallpaper, the kind of endlessly loopable pop hit that has just enough variation to sound fresh even after most of a year's worth of overplay. Part of that comes from her guests. Ice Spice's verse is the most genuinely affecting she's ever been, and Mura Masa's assist on production varies the UK Garage-nostalgia formula just enough for it to work, bringing in faux-8-bit synth lines to cut through PinkPantheress' still-simple melodies. Yet the PinkPantheress of "Boy's a liar" is herself an artist evolved, one more driven towards actual sing-along hooks rather than just moods to ruminate in. The change works -- that chorus will be embedded in my head for the rest of my life, which I have to assume was the goal. [9]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: PinkPantheress riffs on UK dance music in a way that's antithetical to why I was drawn to it -- her diaristic lyrics and hushed vocalizing subtly position the music as a singer-songwriter's work, steering any breakbeat or 2-step jitter away from maximalist dancefloor pleasures. Her latest album Heaven knows assuaged some of my skepticism: "True romance" is tasteful in its momentary adoption of jungle, "Feel complete" brings her work in conversation with turn-of-the-millennium Shibuya-kei, and "Ophelia" is a hefty conceptual gambit that could only work with a sound so diaphanous. Before all this, though, was "Boy's a liar Pt. 2." It was the first track that made me appreciate the sketch-like nature of her craft. The song hinges on Ice Spice's nimble maneuvering of the beat, whose harpsichord-like melody and chiptune blips place this sorrowful recounting of a shitty ex as a truly timeless phenomenon. Ice Spice arrives mid-confession to act as the supportive friend -- if it's not completely felt in the lyrics, then it's there in her playful yet acerbic tone. She provides necessary relief; PinkPantheress' "good enough" chants feel slightly more hopeful by the time the song ends, like she knows she'll come out the other end soon. [6]
Jonathan Bradley: Ice Spice lays down 16 frothy bars that feel like eight, yet everything about this track feels twice as insubstantial as it really is. PinkPantheress contributes a burble-chirrup that in pixelated patterns of toy piano and ringtone synth and a back-and-forth loop that sounds most like a digital fish blowing bubbles. Suitably, Ice Spice's vocabulary abstracts into a "duh-duh-duh" that she still manages to rhyme with "shouldn't have." [8]
Oliver Maier: Big year for these two. The "good enough/duhduhduh/should'nt've" three-piece is amazingly silly, the axis around which the song (and most of the memes it has produced) spins and a great distillation of what is appealing about Ice Spice as a rapper. Not much else jumps out, though. PinkPantheress has a good ear for feathery beats, but this one feels paper-thin, and the chiptune flourishes get grating quick. [4]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: In which the value propositions of two emerging stars are perfectly merged. Effortlessly flexing and trashtalking, Ice Spice plays the foil to the cutesy but wounded and contemplative PinkPantheress. This is what shit talking a boy with a friend should sound like. [8]
Katherine St Asaph: Mura Masa called this single "borderline misandrist"; if so, that border is the size of a moat. The song isn't about boys as a group but one particular boy, whose crime isn't being a liar necessarily but being hypercritical. And "Boy's a Liar" isn't a breakup song so much as an epiphany: a celebration of the first tentative tendrils of renewed self-confidence. "You only want to hold me when I'm looking good enough" should not feel quietly radical, but after hearing "actually, beauty standards are primarily enforced by other women!" horseshit for seemingly decades, it does. Maybe that's why this diaphanous little single has gravitas beyond its weight. Or maybe it's just because I'm job hunting right now, and "Boy's a Liar" has been a great soundtrack for my (at time of writing) 194 autorejections. (damn) [9]
Michelle Myers: The original "Boy's a Liar" is two minutes of vibey perfection, but calling it a song feels like a reach. The addition of an ill-fitting verse from Ice Spice is a step in the wrong direction. [7]
Jackie Powell: Ice Spice's feature not only helps the song's flow, but it establishes the track as a feminist call to action. The verse that Ice Spice replaced on the original "Boy's a Liar" sounded out of place and it slowed down the tempo that PinkPantheress established in the hook and opening verse. Lyrically that verse was also weaker. Without Ice Spice, PinkPantheress continues to plead with her lover to stay. She asks what she should do without him. Ice Spice's verse in Pt. 2 specifically calls out the liar in question and places accountability. Pt. 2 transforms the song from more of a woe as me track into a song telling a story about someone who should just buzz off after lying. He's clearly not good eno-o-ough, good eno-o-ough. [7]
Alfred Soto: Rounded up a notch for Ice Spice's rap and the insidiousness of the tiny, tinny synth hook. As much as I appreciate a 2:15 pop single, "Boy's a Liar" needs ballast. [6]
Will Adams: The original was carbonated and pleasant, like the first sip of a seltzer whose flavor turns out to be quite nice. With Ice Spice, there's added dimension; she lets slip a hint of vulnerability ("I don't sleep enough without you") and a hell of a lot of charisma. The brief run-time will probably bother me less and less as time goes on. [6]
Crystal Leww: I heard every kind of edit of this on the dancefloor, this year and it didn't matter if it was a UK garage version, Jersey Club, or baile funk -- you could hear the girls of New York City rap along to every single bar in the Ice Spice verse. I think my favorite part is the moment of quiet, pleading pause in Ice Spice's "But I don't sleep enough without you." She's seemingly all New York bad bitch, I'm-Tougher-Than-You big balls energy up until this point but yeah, bad bitches need a little love, too. [8]
Aaron Bergstrom: Reads like someone spent a long time trying to explain the concept of self-doubt to Ice Spice and she didn't quite get it, but the ideological odd couple bit actually works pretty well. [6]
Brad Shoup: The remix rap feature is a delightful gamble. Maybe you're just getting the name you paid for: the personality, the ad-lib. If it's a collab, maybe you get a couple bars that nod at your theme. Ice Spice's feature is precisely designed to complement the track: smash-cutting between bravado and insecurity. At the very end -- where those contractual wrap-up bars tend to go -- PinkPantheress and Mura Masa drop the skittering dialtone so she can plead in second-person. It's pretty devastating! [7]
Nortey Dowuona: It's always a delight to hear the taunting song title out of PinkPantheress's honeycomb soprano cuz it comes after a deeply anguished and frustrated first verse in which she feels the wrenching despair of not being good enough for her to be loved, cared for, trusted. It stacks depressed and tired line after depressed and tired line until she throws up her hands, deciding to wash her hands of him, letting go of his stated feelings to tend to her own coalescing into a stone, which Ice Spice hurls at another unnamed him, until she briefly considers her spite, then admitting to herself she does still care, worse, consider his presence important to her life. But "don't like sneaky shit that you do." [10]
Alex Ostroff: I'm still a little lukewarm on the concept of PinkPantheress as a pop star. The idea of the UK Garage revival actually topping the US charts this time around is something I'm 300% in favour of happening, but when niche scenes have their crossover moment I usually want the artists to really make a serious play for taking over the centre of culture and release songs that give us their unique take on Pop Music. (To be fair, this is likely because I am now An Old who missing the TRL era when all charting music seemed to exist in the same universe, whereas the charts in 2023 seem more like a way of ranking the relative popularity of different niche music scenes that remain hermetically sealed off from one another.) Too often for me, PinkPantheress' songs -- even after Boy's a liar" -- don't push beyond the slight UK garage-influenced TikTok bops she started out making. Ironically, this Pt. 2 with Ice Spice (which now feels like an early success from a previous era of her career) is one of the few times when her promise feels entirely fulfilled -- dragging Ice Spice in from the parallel universe of New York drill and putting her in a new context of chiptune bleep-bloops and PinkPantheress' vocals pivoting from wistful to joyous. That said, if the UK Garage revival crossover actually takes over the charts in 2024, I humbly request that we get more songs with gloss and big choruses and big emotions. [8]
Taylor Alatorre: Perfect timing aside, a key reason why "Pt. 2" took off the way it did is that Ice Spice displays an intuitive grasp of what this extended dance mix of a ringtone is really about: not middle-fingers-up misandry, but the torments of an ongoing fixation. PinkPantheress flits between the present and past tenses like she's reading from a jumbled diary entry, but amidst all her self-protective cooing, the line that lands the hardest is "you're not looking at me, boy," which is really more of a suggestion for improvement than a burning of bridges. So it's entirely fitting that Ice Spice end her characteristically efficient verse with an uncharacteristic airing of regret: "I don't sleep enough without you, and I don't eat enough without you." Nothing groundbreaking for the top 40, but it's these seamless transitions between expressions of superiority and vulnerability that have kept "Boy's a liar" from a lifetime sentence in the social media buzz bin. [6]
Tara Hillegeist: It's not that I'm against a song being useful as a TikTok soundbite, much less predisposed to think an artist who has primarily existed in that format cannot be interesting outside it, but... damn. If you set this against the original, to say nothing of "Mosquito" or even Ice Spice's own "Deli"... it's tempting to condescend in all good faith and write off the rehashtagged gestures as some attempt at a victory lap, maybe, but if this is the sound of #winning, it's awful perfunctory against either of their best, if not outright insulting to both. Preemptively remixing a perfectly good piece of Carly Rae-&B like "Boy's a liar" into nothing more than a half-rasped TikTok-ready clip reel, to say nothing of a guest verse that tries for above-it-all styling and lands on slumming-it-all tiresome -- from Ice Spice, an artist with more personality than panache to begin with -- is a gesture beneath the ability of any performer and flattering to none. But yesterday's leftovers will suit tomorrow's fancams just fine, won't they, so it hardly matters if there's hardly any marrow left on these bones, does it? [4]
Andrew Karpan: One wonders what the future holds for the seminal record of 2023, a charismatic bounce of emotional longing that was seemingly heard everywhere but that I can't imagine ever wanting to hear again. [7]
Daniel Montesinos-Donaghy: Pillowy, lightweight, more notable for Ice Spice's continued ascendance than PinkPantheress. One of these artists gets their lines coloured in and it's not the British gal. [7]
Ian Mathers: This is great, but I'm still holding out for us to review Pt. 3 where it's just the "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi" mashup, which has pretty much replaced this one in my earworms' songbook. [8]
Leah Isobel: A fax machine beeps incessantly in the American Embassy in London. A horde of 22-year old secretaries, outfitted in earth-toned Juicy Couture, jewel-bright nails click-clacking on the cracked screens of their iPhones, wait with bated breath as the message comes through. Urgent meeting with the Ambassador requested, it reads. Serious matter: the boy's a liar. Before the fax is even finished, Ice Spice is in the car, her driver careening through the city on the wrong side of the road. She mutters a few tentative thoughts into her voice memos: "He never drops his location, like..." Ambassador Spice arrives at Prime Minister Pantheress' office to find that news crews are already present, ready to capture a meeting of historic import, with implications international. The duo's regal bearing -- shaped by a lifetime of political service -- never falters, and their smiles never seem false. They are each truly beloved of their people. But they can never undo what has already been done: they cannot make the boy tell the truth. The flow of information has sped up over time, hastened by shimmering tentacles of fiber optics snaking under the Atlantic, heralded by jingly ringtones and text alert sounds, but it's never fast enough. Regret and grief attend every belated realization, every decision made, every path not taken. In the US and UK, millions of citizens watch their representatives come to an unprecedented agreement, one that future generations will look back on and think, "That could have been worse." The relieved masses, content to know that the truth has finally been revealed, hum and sway in agreement: "Good enough-ough-ough." [8]
Rachel Saywitz: sorry can't properly blurb this one, too busy shaking ass [7]
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What the actual.
You know how randomly YouTube recommends you videos unrelated to your interests?
This was in mine
I just needed background noise, so I absentmindedly selected it,
Then the melody hit, igniting my neurons:
DuhDuhDuh Duh
DuhDuhDuh Duh
DuhDuhDuh Duh
And all I could hear was:
Come light the fuse, he's a rocket, and he's ready to go
'Cause now the count down has started and he's ready to blow
He's got the the dope sounds pumpin' in his stereo(-eo)
Kicking ass fast, putting on a show…
Because it’s taken from His World - Sonic The Hedgehog (2006)’s main theme
What the.
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theiloveyousong · 2 years
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antvnger · 2 years
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Oh yeah! Yeah yeah yeah, I knew those notes sounded familiar. *chuckles* My bad, Anon. I was too distracted by the - what did you call it? oh yeah - the harpsichord. Pretty neat.
*hums* Duhduhduh duh! *snap snap*
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piercingarrows · 9 months
Duh duhduhduh duhh~
Oh- what the..? Did I leave a coffin out..? ... Eh, I'll just have to bring it back to the cemetery.
...! WAIT! HEY! WAITWAITWAIT! ...that's my bed.
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drunk-an0n · 9 months
*kopi looks resigned*
alright, looks like we're doing this the old fashioned way.
-dream kopi
Wi-- i- I- y-
*Huh... Hold on I'll make this easier just this once... Duh duhduhduh duhhhh...*
*Drunkie is still just as flustered as ever but he can actually function now*
I- okay...?
*Drunkie starts walking towards Kopi. Blushing harder and harder the more close he got.*
-drunken dream
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my favorite album when I was a kid, the first music I really liked at all. my dad had it on vinyl and so I wasn't allowed to touch it but I'd say "please please please play black sabbath" and I'd sit in front of his great big stereo system and listen to it. I've been thinking about for whatever reason you know they had these legendary riffs and they've been stuck in my head like the most memorable simple lines ever made, but it's always so disappointing listening to the actual songs because they sort of suck. but when you're a kid it's like the darkest most intense thing ever. the line "Satan laughing spreads his wings" always scared me in an exciting way when I was little. and my dad had a bass guitar and I would sit in the basement which was very cold and play the iron man line over and over and over like duh duh duhduhduh. this was the only music for me when I was a kid.
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phoenixwrites · 3 years
I gotta say...
My independent study is THRILLING. I feel like Indiana Jones. Only for C.S. Lewis stuff.
Say prayers for my best friends who've had to hear every single fucking new discovery and have had to listen to long boring TED talks about Joy Davidman's extended family.
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