penny-anna · 5 months
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Down to just 1 bag of sofa junk that's hopefully getting picked up by someone on Freecycle later this afternoon
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Saying goodbye to my dumbcane today :( I don't think she is going to bounce back
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In better news, some new friends!!
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ad-caelestia · 7 days
common toxic plants
[long post]
this is not a complete list by any means, but these commonly noted plants, herbs, and flowers should be handled with care or avoided altogether. 
aconite (wolfsbane, monkshood) - all parts: dermatoxic, hepatotoxic, and neurotoxic
adam and eve (jack-in-the-pulpit, wild arum) - root: dermatoxic and gastrotoxic if ingested
african sumac - leaves: dermatoxic; possibly fatal
agave - juice: dermatoxic  
angel’s trumpet - all parts: cardiotoxic; often fatal
apple - seeds: cytotoxic in large doses
apricot - leaves and seeds: cytotoxic in large doses
arnica - gastrotoxic 
asparagus - berries: dermatoxic and gastrotoxic if ingested
azalea - all parts: cytotoxic and neurotoxic; rarely fatal
betel nut palm (pinyang) - all parts: gastrotoxic if ingested
bittersweet nightshade - all parts: neurotoxic and gastrotoxic; rarely fatal
black hellebore - all parts: cardiotoxic and gastrotoxic; possibly fatal
black locust (false acacia) - root bark and flowers: gastrotoxic
black nightshade - all parts except ripe fruit: neurotoxic and gastrotoxic; possibly fatal
bleeding heart - leaves and roots: neurotoxic
bloodroot - rhizomes: cytotoxic
blue passion flower (common passion flower) - leaves: cytotoxic
bracken - all parts: carcinogenic
buttercup - all parts: gastrotoxic and dermatoxic 
calabar bean (ordeal beans) - seeds: neurotoxic and gastrotoxic if ingested in large doses
cassava - leaves and roots: cytotoxic in large doses
castor bean (castor oil plant) - seeds: cytotoxic if ingested or inhaled
celandine - nephrotoxic 
cherry - leaves and seeds: cytotoxic in large doses
christmas rose - all parts: gastrotoxic
cocklebur - seedlings and seeds: gastrotoxic and neurotoxic
columbine - seeds and roots: cardiotoxic; easily fatal
corn lily (false hellebore) - all parts: cardiotoxic; often fatal
cowbane (water hemlock, snakeweed) - root: neurotoxic if ingested
daffodil - bulbs and stems: gastrotoxic; possibly fatal
datura/moonflower - all parts: gastrotoxic and cardiotoxic
deadly nightshade (belladonna) - all parts: cardiotoxic and neurotoxic; often fatal
desert rose (sabi star, kudu) - sap: cardiotoxic with skin contact
dumbcane - all parts: dermatoxic; possibly fatal
elder (elderberry) - root: gastrotoxic
elephant ear (angel wings) - all parts: dermatoxic and gastrotoxic
ergot - neurotoxic 
foxglove - leaves, seeds, and flowers: cardiotoxic; often fatal
garlic - all parts: gastrotoxic in animals
giant hogweed - all parts: dermatoxic
golden chain - all parts, especially seeds: neurotoxic and gastrotoxic; possibly fatal
goldenseal - all parts: gastrotoxic and neurotoxic in large doses
grapes/raisins - all parts: gastrotoxic in dogs
greater celandine - all parts: gastrotoxic in large doses
hemlock (spotted cowbane, poison snakeweed) - all parts: neurotoxic; possibly fatal
hemlock water dropwort - roots: neurotoxic if ingested; possibly fatal
henbane - all parts: neurotoxic and cardiotoxic
holly - berries: gastrotoxic
honeybush - all parts: gastrotoxic
honeysuckle - berries: gastrotoxic in mild cases and cardiotoxic in severe cases
horse chestnut - all parts: neurotoxic
hyacinth - bulbs: gastrotoxic and neurotoxic; possibly fatal
iris - rhizomes: gastrotoxic and dermatoxic 
jequirity (crab’s eye, rosary pea) - seeds: neurotoxic and gastrotoxic; often fatal
kava kava - nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic 
kidney bean - raw: gastrotoxic
larkspur - young plants and seeds: neurotoxic; often fatal
lemon - oil: dermatoxic and gastrotoxic to animals  
lily - all parts: nephrotoxic
lily of the nile (calla lily) - all parts: dermatoxic and gastrotoxic if ingested; possibly fatal
lily of the valley - all parts: cardiotoxic; possibly fatal
lima beans - raw: gastrotoxic
lime - oil: dermatoxic and gastrotoxic in animals
lobelia - all parts: gastrotoxic 
mandrake - roots and leaves: gastrotoxic and neurotoxic
mango - peel and sap: dermatoxic
mangrove - bark and sap: dermatoxic and eye irritation
mayapple - all green parts and unripe fruit: gastrotoxic
meadow saffron (autumn crocus) - bulbs: gastrotoxic; possibly fatal
mistletoe - leaves and berries: gastrotoxic, cardiotoxic, and neurotoxic; rarely lethal in adults
moonseed - fruits and seeds: gastrotoxic; often fatal
mountain laurel - all green parts: gastrotoxic
nutmeg - raw: psychoactive in large doses
oak - leaves and acorns: gastrotoxic; rarely fatal
odollam tree (suicide tree) - seeds: cardiotoxic; often fatal
oleander - all parts: dermatoxic, cardiotoxic, and gastrotoxic; possibly fatal
onions - all parts: gastrotoxic in animals
orange - oil: dermatoxic and gastrotoxic in animals
peach - seeds and leaves: cytotoxic in large doses
pokeweed - leaves, berries, and roots: gastrotoxic; often fatal
poison ivy/oak/sumac - all parts, especially leaves: dermatoxic; possibly fatal
poison ryegrass (darnel) - seeds: neurotoxic
potato - raw: cytotoxic
privet - berries and leaves: neurotoxic and gastrotoxic; possibly fatal
ragwort - all parts: hepatotoxic
redoul - all parts: gastrotoxic, neurotoxic, and causes respiratory issues; can be fatal in children
rhubarb - leaves: nephrotoxic
skullcap - hepatotoxic
spindle (spindle tree) - fruit: hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic; possibly fatal  
stinging tree (gympie gympie) - bark and sap: dermatoxic; sometimes fatal
strychnine tree - seeds: neurotoxic; often fatal
sweet pea - seeds: neurotoxic and damaging to connective tissues
tomato - leaves and stems: cytotoxic in large doses
uva ursi - neurotoxic, dermatoxic 
white baneberry (doll’s eyes) - all parts, especially berries: cardiotoxic; possibly fatal
white snakeroot - all parts: gastrotoxic; often fatal
winter cherry (jerusalem cherry) - all parts, especially berries: gastrotoxic; occasionally fatal, especially to children
wisteria - gastrotoxic
yew (english yew, common yew) - leaves and seeds: gastrotoxic if ingested and respiratory issues if inhaled
carcinogenic - a substance that can cause cancer
cardiotoxic - toxic to the heart
cytotoxic - toxic to living cells
dermatoxic - toxic to the skin
gastrotoxic - toxic to the gastrointestinal system (stomach, intestines, etc.)
hepatotoxic - toxic to the liver
nephrotoxic - toxic to the kidneys and urological system (ureters, bladder)
neurotoxic - toxic to the neurological system (brain, nerves, brainstem, spinal cord, etc.)
psychoactive - pertaining to substances that change brain function and result in alterations in perception, mood, or consciousness
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sillycharlie · 1 year
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emojireviewpage · 1 year
🪴 Potted plant emoji review 🪴
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Apple: This plant grows gracefully in this beige pot made out of terracotta. The textures of the soil are harmonizing beautifully and so are the green shades of green of the leafs! 8.5/10 Maybe they are a baby.
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Google: Planted in a red round pot, this emoji shows a different type of plant, which honestly is a nice breath of fresh air. 7/10
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Samsung: I think the colour scheme works fairly well in this type of plant! Could use some water to grown them more and more. The pot is shaded confusingly, like it’s going back and forth, left to right. 7/10 love the amount of leafs.
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Microsoft: I won’t hate these buddies. It reminds of a Children book. Do you know the kind of books our teachers used to give for vacation? This emoji is just as nostalgic as them. I think it’s a fairly simple sprout. 5/10
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WhatsApp: Curious fact: I have dumbcanes at my house. I absolutely adore this emoji. Because the details are on point and the shading is just incredible. I have heard they are slightly toxic, which creeps me a little bit. 10/10 amazing emoji.
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Twitter: Frankly. I love the shades of green that are manipulated to create this emoji. The cell shading makes me feel so-so but sometimes, you got to agree that some simple emojis can look really nice. 7/10 Google’s Look-alike?
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Facebook: This emoji is absolutely ADORABLE. They are shaped like hearts. I would give this plant to my SO. These are blessed and I hope they grow until they become an absolutely SHOCKING tree. 11/10 For the win.
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Twitter emoji stickers: love the pot’s texture. It looks like a generic 3d model that’s been used on Nintendo switch video games. These are cute and I hope they grow amazingly. 9/10 Love the shading and the smooth feelings.
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Joypixels: Sure, there were emojis with a LOT of leafs, but this one took it a little too much. Anyways what’s bad about it? I think the stem is a little gross (I don’t mean disgusting) I like the shape of the leafs as they feel smooth and classy. 7/10 Would put these on my granny’s backyard.
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TossFace: A little baby sprout! This is so cute. 2/10 Everything else is a little…. Uh?
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Emojipedia: I feel like I have to say a lot of Emojipedia emojis since there are so many problems about them that it sort of annoys me since a lot of them look distorted versions of apple emojis. The plant is weirdly simetrical. It’s honestly a little scary because maybe this cursed plant came from a parallel world that every plant grows differently. The details on the leaf are weird, because the lines are a bit too thick. The center bugs me A LOT. It’s disturbing and dark. It’s like a leaf monster that haunts you at your garden at midnight. The pot is looking shiny, but is weirdly placed. 4/10 the soil is ok though.
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Openmoji: A tiny palm tree? 2/10 because it’s as bad as TossFace.
thank you! 💗
Save our 🌍 and 🪴🌲
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sugdenlovesdingle · 8 months
I see the click bait sites have found our speculations and turned them into some click bait articles 🙄. I never know if that means anything or not? Seeing as some of their ‘theory articles’ are so crazy wrong it’s laughable! Does that mean we’re crazy wrong? I hope not
Nah it doesn't really mean anything. They'll turn anything into clickbait articles. If you check the emmerdale tag twitter after any ep, you'll see some weird and wild clickbait articles based on maybe three tweets.
I mean there is/was one person who keeps insisting Kim Tate is pregnant (and Graham is the father) and some of the tabloids have picked up on that and "written" articles about it.
And I remember a twitter argument I had with dumbcan ages ago back when we were waiting for the second robron wedding and he posted one of his clickbait articles saying Sally Dexter (Faith) "teased robron wedding" when it was just one throwaway line about the first wedding in an interview about her storyline. I think she mentioned crashing the wedding as one of her first big moments when she first started and that they had fun filming it and then was asked if she wanted to be part of the second wedding too - or something like that.
I wouldn't read too much into the tabloid stuff. The Express especially can come up with the WILDEST shit.
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smurphyse · 2 years
My new pots came in yesterday so a few of these guys are getting new homes this weekend 💕 especially that dumbcane... she needs help
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molassified-minipak · 8 months
8. Why Won't It Stop
“Watch it!” Ana snaps as someone bumps into her in the tight apothecary space. “...Sorry. Dinnae mean it.”
Bolette side-eyes her but retreats outside without comment. Ana’s been short (don’t laugh) for a while - moreso than her typical pointed remarks.
“You good?” Finch isn’t afraid to call her out, though. Ana appreciates it…usually.
“Dinnae sleep well. S’fine.” Finch is about to say more, but a commotion in the town green demands his attention. So the day goes.
The next one isn’t much better. Ana glares at the sun, once her friend and helpmate, now an annoyance. She shoos all the guild members out to do their ‘dumbcane adventuring, and dunnae come back til you need something!’. The hobling jumps at the way the door rattles against the wall, and nearly comes to blows over poor Nisandra’s questions.
The third day, she sleeps in. Tries to. There’s a knock at her tent door: Thrundar checking in since she hasn’t opened the shop yet. Bless him - or curse him. Ana groans and pulls herself up.
The fourth time of the fourth day that she gasps as heavy footsteps shake the apothecary floorboards, she ends up putting her head down and having a cry… which, naturally, is when Finch takes advantage of his mayor’s key to let himself in.
“What’s wrong, Ana? Are you hurt?”
She can’t answer beside a shake of her head.
“Please, tell me,” the wild elf wraps an arm around her.
“S’ silly. Really, I sh-should be over this by now, s’ been a y-year…”
Finch frowns. “We haven’t even had any elemental attacks in… weeks? Just bandits, and the spiders sometimes.”
“Then wh-why won’t the nightmares s-stop? S’ dumb, I wasnae even out for long… not like you, you’ve died, and you’re fine, an-nd you dunnae like hooks and things but that’s normal to be upset about and the breathing exercises dunnae work when I’m sleeping and the garden place hasnae worked since-”
Finch can only rub her back as she rambles and she’s just. So tired. “Stoppit, told you s’nae worth fussing over. Go save the town or nap in a tree or eat a mushroom, whatever it is you do out in the woods.” Ana scrubs her eyes and straightens her hat. Finch doesn’t need her cowardly faults on his overflowing plate. “I just need a nap. Or elevensies, probably. I’ll go find the menace later and hit him with a mudball or something.” That gets a smile from Finch, despite his concern.
Ana makes another comment about how staying in the apothecary so long wouldn’t help his reputation as a ‘city-elf’ with that shifty new wild elf girl, and pushes Finch out the door.
She doesn’t sleep at all that night.
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nyc-uws · 1 year
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There are Indoor Plants that Grow in Water without much maintenance. You can grow them in clear vases and jars to use as a centerpiece.
Philodendron In all the philodendron species, heart-leaf philodendron is quite adaptable for growing in water. Keep a 6 inches long cutting in a clear glass jar or bowl in a location with bright indirect light. Don’t forget to change the water once in 3-4 days and it’ll keep growing.
Lucky Bamboo Famous for its forgiving nature, the lucky bamboo is one of the best indoor plants that grow in water. Narrow vases are perfect for this plant, depending on the size. Make sure the roots are submerged in the water and add some gravels around them for firm placement.
Pothos With its glossy heart-shaped foliage, pothos is one more option to go for. Grow it in water, in a clear fishbowl and keep that on a shelf, cascading pothos leaves will look wonderful. Keep changing the water every few days to maintain the right oxygen level.
Chinese Evergreen & Dumbcane With variegated and leathery leaves having a silvery pattern, the dumb cane and Chinese evergreen plant can be grown in water. You can easily propagate the cuttings in a transparent vase filled with small aquarium rocks. After a few months, once the roots appear and become bigger, transfer them in the soil.
Spider Plant Spider plants look quite interesting with their narrow arching foliage and baby spiderettes. You can either grow them permanently in a glass jar or change the cuttings into a new pot, once they root. Keep changing the water every 2-3 days. Check out these indoor spider plant care tips here.
Arrowhead Plant Like other climbers and vining plants, the arrowhead plant is pretty straightforward to grow indoors in water. Keep adding fresh water twice a week and it’ll keep on growing. If you like, transplant it into a potting soil once the cutting sets new roots.
Coleus Having colorful and serrated leaves, coleus will be the most colorful addition to glasses and jars. Since it likes indirect light, you can keep it as a tabletop centerpiece in a wine glass or decorative mason jar filled with water.
Tip: Adding compost tea in the water will enhance their growth.
Wandering Jew Wandering jews are tough plants that grow like a weed in warm climates. The astonishing purple-colored and variegated varieties make them desirable houseplants. The best part is you can grow them in water in terrariums.
Dracaena Many indoor dracaena varieties can adapt to growing in water. Glass jugs and narrow jars are good for them. Just remember to use chlorine and fluoride-free water. Also, never let the water in the jar to become mushy and unclear and keep changing it two to three times a week.
Begonia Like impatiens, growing begonias in water is also possible. You can keep them in a clear bowl for around two months before they start to fade. Don’t forget to change the water every week to save the begonia cuttings from rotting.
Ornamental Sweet Potato Ornamental sweet potato vine in a glass jar will add a tropical touch to your kitchen windowsill. Trim a few 6 to 8 inches long stems just below the leaf node, remove the lower leaves and submerge them half in water. Keep changing the water and it’ll grow.
English Ivy English ivy can your next indoor water garden plant. You can grow its cuttings in vases for a long time. Snip all the bottom leaves of an ivy stem and transfer it into a glass jar and enjoy it on a bright windowsill.
Monstera Monstera is a popular large indoor plant because of its huge cut foliage and stems. It creates a tropical atmosphere in any room. Adding this tall plant can make a huge impact on the interior of any home.
Herbs Not just the houseplants, there are herbs and vegetables that you can grow in water. Some of the best ones are mint, green onions, fennel, basil, and celery.
waterplants #indoorwaterplants #easytogrowplants
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doctorbeans · 1 year
incredibly heartbreaking that the buildings on my campus have some of the most beautiful indoor plants and they're kinda shoved wherever they fit...also please they have the most incredible dumbcane in the business school can i please have a little cutting...the fern palm and snake plants in the library are crying for pruning and water i can GIVE it to them.
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aajkaakhbaar · 2 years
10 Everyday Plants That Could Be Dangerous to Your Health
10 Everyday Plants That Could Be Dangerous to Your Health
Poison Ivy
Poison Oak
Poison Sumac
Rosary Pea
Castor Bean
Water Hemlock
White Snakeroot
While these plants may look harmless, they can actually cause serious health problems if not handled properly. It's important to educate yourself about the dangers of these everyday plants so you can avoid potential health risks. For a more in-depth look at these plants and their dangers, be sure to check out https://www.aajkaakhbaar.com/10-most-dangerous-everyday-plants-for-humans/. This website provides a comprehensive guide to the 10 most dangerous everyday plants, and provides tips on how to avoid exposure to these harmful plants.
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nessysplanthaven · 3 years
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My Boss Lady plant is getting really big 💚 she lost one of her original leaves the other day.
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milkyprint · 3 years
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I’m a house plant… 🪴❤️ - - #plant #gardening #house #home #rest #quiet #introvert #relax #comfort #alone #me #foliage #dumbcane #indoorplant #indoorgarden #stayathome #illustration #funny #redbubble #society6 #milkyprint https://www.instagram.com/p/CSQy1urL3fp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cattraxplants · 3 years
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New plants new plants!!
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dutchieyelul · 4 years
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Rescued this beauty from Walmart!
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fatmalovestodraw · 4 years
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Morning play. #drawing #play #sketchbook #songformysong #moleskine #dumbcane #plant https://www.instagram.com/p/CBpsfyagzT8/?igshid=1i0pyrf0pc8fo
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sugdenlovesdingle · 11 months
👀 dumbcan spoilers at midnight...
i haven't actively checked those in years
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