provencemichel · 11 months
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hearts4dorlene · 2 months
Sirius: Fellas, look, Christmas presents are here!! I got a parcel from my father! How unexpected
James: Oh my god, it's really big too!!
Sirius: Must be his disappointment in me
Remus: ...
James: I never know what to say when you do that
Sirius: *opens the parcel and reads the note attached*
Sirius: It's a step up from his disappointment in me
James: Oooo, do tell!! This is so exciting!!
Sirius: It's the rest of my possessions from the house with a note saying that I've officially been disowned
Sirius: Anyways James!! What's yours?? Looks really cool!!
James: ...
Remus: ...
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west-brooke · 7 months
I was just thinking about it and it’s honestly so silly that donnie’s dad is so affectionate with him. For context, most reptiles including what turtles i could find info on, are R-selected species, which in ecology means that the species strategy for reproduction is essentially focused on creating as much offspring as quickly as possible, with little to no parental care involved. But like- honestly i think that speaks more to how built different donnie’s dad is even before the mutagen. I mean bro can somehow properly use a screwdriver with no effort (if that last ask response where we see him holding one while a single screw falls off the vent in the background is anything to go by), ofc he has the capacity to both recognize and show a sense of affection towards his offspring even without instincts prompting him promoting him to do so. You could even say he’s a smart cookie, who doesn’t care to abide by the social norms of his species. Like father like son, indeed. 🥳
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luxthestrange · 1 year
Beastars Incorrect Quotes#7 NOT AGAIN-
Louis: Have you guys seen Y/n and Bill? They still have work to do
Juno: No, haven’t seen them since the storm started outside
Louis: Since the sto- DAMMIT NOT AGAIN-HUMAN NO!
Meanwhile, Dumpster Human, You standing in the middle of a thunderstorm with an iron shovel raised high: STRIKE ME DOWN GOD, YOU DON’T HAVE THE BALLS!
Bill*Who is hyping them up*HAHA!
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gallade-x-treme · 10 months
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starflungwaddledee · 5 months
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>> start the adventure! << || [masterpost] ||
while starstruck makes her merry way to the @kirbyoctournament, why not keep her company with some questions?
for the next month, as propaganda for the tourney, dream land's favourite little anxious amnesiac will be taking asks directly!
couple of little notes, suggestions, and rules!
though this is hopefully obvious, i don't guarantee i'll get to every ask or interaction! i'll do the best i can, but if i don't make it to yours, it's nothing personal! where possible these will be answered "in character" from tourney!starstruck, though you can still ask me tournament related things too! this is my first time trying "in character" asks, but i want to make one thing really clear: please no text rp. makes me incredibly uncomfortable. for plot consistency, this is set during her Present Timeline, and she knows as much about her own backstory as the average reader. has no idea who This Guy is. she has similarly not yet encountered the star spears or any weapon like them. questions can come from ocs, especially if they're in the tournament! i may not draw your oc in the response though. i probably won't respond to any "how are you" generic type deals because those will get hard to answer pretty much immediately. i am hoping to find some fun personality combos to riff off, so if you have an interesting interaction idea for our ocs, feel free to share! starstruck is Technically Romancable and OCs who are at least 25+ are totally welcome to make an attempt to flirt with her (pspsps evil lesbians especially if you're out there come say hi. any and all wings havers also), but remember she is dense as a pile of bricks. also please no nsfw.
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Hiii, big fan!
Would you like to provide us with some Friskrahim please? I think we could use some in these trying times ဝပဝ thank you!
Anything for you pookie Bear 😌🫶🏻
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| T M D G | Frisk x her Malewife | 🪴 🖤 |
The look she gives him when he starts info dumping.
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tainted-vibe · 3 months
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In this house we love mushrooms and dumpers.
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madddddy · 3 months
Excuse me while I thirst over my baseball crush
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
omega to kyle: sometimes randomly at night, when it’s really quiet, i can hear a weird sound in the hallway
kyle: that’s odd, i thought simon and johnny didn’t do it in the hallway anymore, granted they would probably be much louder
omega: if it isn’t them i don’t know what it could be though, i might just be hearing things
—the next day—
omega: i heard that noise again last night but i was in simon’s room with johnny so i know it can’t be them
kyle: could be something in the vents, i’ll have john look at it for ya
—one week later—
omega to john: oh yea thanks for fixing that thing with the vent, i haven’t heard that weird noise all week
john sweating nervously: yea no problem
the sound omega kept hearing was caused by the recoil (i know it) john’s ass makes when he walks back to his room after doing paperwork (he started just doing it in during the day when it was noisy enough to not be heard or in the early morning when he knows she’s asleep)
tbh i know that ass bounces, in my soul i know this
(((hoped you liked the shitty imagine))) <33
Price with his gyatt, cheeks slapping when he walks keeping everyone awake
Peepaw out here twerking without even having to try
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a-darling-thing · 5 months
My Tav: In camp, minding their own business, makin’ some soup, washin’ their hair, playin’ fetch with Scratch. Strolls past Astarion’s tent.
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gendervoidzz · 2 days
Do you scare away people with your info dump intimidation or are you normal.?.
Like damn I was showing my love by telling you the lore of Killer Klowns From Outer Space what do you mean you don't wanna be my friend????
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graciecatfamilyband · 2 years
The Info-Dumpers who Love Characters Website is totally sleeping on the best Info-Dumping Character of All Time:
Jade Daniels, the 17 year-old half-indigenous girl from Stephen Graham Jones’ My Heart is a Chainsaw.
In everyone’s defense, character-driven slow-burn literary fiction that is also a slasher (stab stab 🔪🔪🩸) is a hard genre to sell. Many of us who love one part of this equation don’t love the other.
But Jade has captured my whole chainsaw ♥️, and I CANNOT be normal about it. Jade has never met a person at whom she wasn’t willing to spout random facts that they have exhibited no interest in. She can bring ANYTHING back around to connect to her hyperfixation which is, coincidentally, slasher movies. And she is the most vivid, alive, real-to-me protagonist I have ever encountered. Because of the way she hyperfixates and info dumps, not in spite of it. (Which surely says something about me but again, I am among friends on this webbed site!)
Jade makes completely normal, totally hinged choices like:
(When we the audience are first introduced to her) Going up to a group of construction workers having a trash fire in the middle of the night and being like, “If we were in a slasher right now, this is what the plot line would be. Also, have some random slasher movie facts.” (Their response: Are you okay? You seem like you are not okay.)
Writing extra credit essays for her history teacher about the tropes and conventions of the slasher genre. For four years. Not what he asked for, but what he got. (These essays are included in the book and are a godsend for those of us who are not already slasher fans! They literally help the reader understand the story beats as they unfold, while simultaneously giving life to Jade’s voice and helping us understand what makes her tick.)
Deciding the New Girl At School has all the qualities of a Final Girl, the slasher film trope in which there is one girl left alive to confront the killer and stop the slasher cycle.
Trying to warn the New Girl At School that she is going to be The Final Girl, by putting a VHS copy of the 1971 slasher Bay of Blood and all of Jade’s slasher extra credit essays in her mailbox. With a note. A note that says that she is going to be The Final Girl in a slasher cycle that seems to be starting up. (Jade is just trying to help! So helpful.)
Of course, the core of this novel is: What is going on with Jade? After all, she actually wants a slasher cycle to start in her town. (She also wants the slasher cycle to be stopped at the proper moment, to ensure that the vengeance of the slasher is balanced by the justice of the Final Girl.) She does not see herself as a possible Final Girl, but she is willing to help the richer, prettier, more appropriate classmate who she thinks is that girl. Why, why, why?
To be clear, the novel does not posit that something must be wrong with a person to be intensely, obsessively interested in something or for that thing to be horror- even slashers! But Jade’s behavior is, like I said, not entirely hinged, even for a slasher fan. Something must be up.
The novel gives us all the clues we need to peel back the layers of what’s really happening, and when truths are revealed, everything just *clicks.* Themes are introduced and then reinforced on multiple levels. There is a bear. 🐻 (The bear is the not the slasher.)
And throughout, Jade gets to be fully-human and fully seven-fucking-teen. Even though she is on the cusp of adulthood, she is still a child, and a wounded one at that. (Her wounds in no way fucking diminish her.)  Her judgment is often impaired. Her actions are often questionable. Her hair-dye jobs gets so bad, even she thinks its gross. She is so alive, and so deserving of love. 🥹 
I love her.
I would fight for her.
I desperately want to make soup for her, and let her tell me about the Scream franchise (I do not care about the Scream franchise), and give her a safe place to sleep. Even if doing so makes it way more likely that I’m about to get murdered.
Jade Fucking Daniels. My chainsaw-hearted, info-dumping hero protagonist. I salute you, my final girl.
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gallade-x-treme · 10 months
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ey yo why is the physical manifestation of decay so Caked Up™
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sylviii · 1 year
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primitiveside · 7 months
you should tell me what your muse smells like because Riddick would know.
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