#dunwall doodles
no-light-left-on · 1 year
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murder dad and his queer kids
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pennywheelfarthing · 2 years
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Local Assassin Is Terrible At Their Job, More At Eleven.
As promised more doodles of me being absolutely incredible at Dishonoured, this time Knife of Dunwall edition. I’ve done two versions as I usually draw myself entirely in black and white and I wasn’t sure if colour or greyscale looked better.
In any case, I hope you enjoy :)
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icedjuiceboxes · 11 months
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Emily's Debutante Portrait
bonus doodles and design notes below
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Lineart, because my lineart slaps
and bonus doodles
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My thoughts on Emily's Debutante:
Emily rewore Jessamine's debutante dress because Dunwall is still fucking recovering and she's not spending taxpayers money on a new dress. wtf. she got better shit to do than plan a ball!!
Emily mostly is doing this to make Corvo happy, and to keep appearances up with nobility because goddamn it. They're the ones in parliment
TEEN ANGST TEEN ANGST TEEN ANGST Emily is an Empress but also,,, just a teenage girl and kids are so mean and she misses her mum
Emily most definitely. felt uncomfortable the entire time and was stressed and anxious
She tried to hide a lot of knives on her but Callista forced her to take them out. She got away with a knife in her boots, though.
Of course Anton painted her portrait.
Design notes
Composition was ripped off of this painting of Queen Victorian (Thank you to ignorethispotatoplease for the correction. The mistake was an accident but next time I will piss off the historians nerds on purpose):
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I tried to incorparate a bit of Emily's DH1 design. Mainly the choker and the cravat (?) frill thingy.
I added Flower embroidery to the dress and made it look like jessamine flowers, ofc a reference to her mother
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pendleton-manor · 3 months
🌊🐋♥️🕯🗝🕰 for Diana's parents!! Since you already got a question for both Amelia and Dee and I'm curious about her family
Oh fun!!! These two had a couple of chapters dedicated to them that I had to cut bc of narrative dissidence, so this is interesting!
🌊—No, and he thinks those who do are loony and lazy. If some of these folks stopped wasting their time building those damn shrines and carving doodles onto hunks of river trash, they might be able to dedicate that time and passion to bettering themselves through hard work! That’s the problem with this city. Too many people would rather rely on this hogwash—*bursts into rats*
🐋—He’s off-record probably handled cases for all sorts of noblemen and women. The Brimsleys, the Ramseys, the Prismalls. But most of these affiliations are very hush-hush and (whoopsie daisy) incriminating so he doesn’t necessarily have strong connections with any canon characters. The Pendletons were the Big Fish he’d been hoping to reel in, but even after Diana was engaged to Custis, most aristocrats still wouldn’t look his way twice.
🫀— “He thinks he pulled himself out of the slums by his bootstraps. In truth, his family were always well-to-do—baronial aristocrats. He could have lived the rest of his days comfortably and without a single care. But he felt he was entitled to more.”
🕯️— Hell yes, even his friends are enemies. The people he “helps” are his enemies. It would probably be easier to name everyone who doesn’t want him dead. Other nobility hate him for trying to climb the ladder and his co-workers hate him for his lack of integrity and commoners hate him for ruining the lives of their friends and family. My man is so detestable
🗝️— The Hardings are baronial aristocrats who don’t own any significant amount of land to hold a title—until James sleazes his way into a ton of money and bought land. Though, they’re still referred to as Mr. and Mrs. Harding by Dunwall’s high society. It’s really very fortunate for James that old man Pendleton couldn’t keep it in his pants. One man’s greatest mistake is another man’s opportunity to sell his daughter, that’s how the saying goes.
🕰️— He has a basic level education. Went to a boys school as a child, graduated without honors, took up tutelage under Arnold Timsh for a few years. He’s fairly intelligent, more quick-witted and clever than book smart.
🌊— YES and he scares the hell out of her. Her sister was always rumored to be an agent of the Outsider and, though not true, the Overseers took her away anyhow and Audrey never saw her again. Since then, she’s been very nervous around any mention of the occult.
🐋— Uh I don’t think so! Unless you count Lady Pendleton the First and her husband, then no. Audrey suffers the most from Counselor Harding’s shady work dealings; none of the other ladies want anything to do with her. And she’s definitely not going to make friends beneath her class, ew.
🫀— “She is of a nervous disposition…overthinks at every opportunity. ‘Did I insult Katherine Wentworth at lunch today? Should I have said no to Jane Brisby’s offer to ride in her carriage?’ It keeps her up at night, worrying how she is being perceived by those who spare her no passing thoughts.”
🕯️— No, not really. I think the other Ladies don’t care for her but no one hates Audrey enough to be considered her enemy. I think her greatest enemy is her husband who is making it damn near impossible for her or her daughter to exist socially.
🗝️—She’s originally Audrey Anais Florence Beaumont of Baleton. Her family were once landgrave nobles but had lost notoriety over the years. James married her sort of on impulse during a visit with Timsh. Her sister had left behind her dowry and her mother had pooled it together with Audrey’s and it would, eventually, help him buy that estate in Dunwall.
🕰️— Finishing school and that’s it. This was circa 1780 so that’s really all that was required or allowed. I doubt she personally would have placed much importance on education anyway but I do believe she would have been jealous of Diana for getting to learn arithmetic and natural philosophy when she went to finishing school. Just a bit.
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elenstar · 3 years
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Family business
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bismorphine · 2 years
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Casually rolls up 10 years late to the party
A quick doodle of the Knife and Phantom of Dunwall
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endrae · 4 years
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Survived the last patch of zine deadlines so here's some more twitter request in between!
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stealingpotatoes · 4 years
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the knife of dunwall.
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overseermartin · 3 years
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a daudle
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kiraandfriendss · 5 years
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family routine (sketches)
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pennywheelfarthing · 2 years
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A couple silly little Dishonoured doodles from a couple months back when I first played the game. Currently going through Knife of Dunwall/Brigmore Witches, so expect some doodles of that soon, perhaps?
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laur-rants · 6 years
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Pulled the good ol pencil for a wuffie!Daud because i have no control over my life
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bugbrite · 6 years
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young billie
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elvesofnoldor · 6 years
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lonsien · 7 years
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a beast
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doctorpariahdax · 6 years
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Just in case ya’ll missed this doodle
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