#duskwood jake x Male!MC
hacked-by-jake · 1 year
Male MC Social Media AU ⁽?⁾
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Since I posted the Female!MC version yesterday, here is a version for male MC x Jake. I tried to keep the pictures as similar as possible and hope you like it. Also, the headcanons remain the same. - 𝗠𝗖 likes to use social media but absolutely no fan of this fake world. He likes to pursue a kind of aesthetic but otherwise he shows his real life. In between a picture of himself, otherwise photos with his friends and beautiful things he experienced. And, a couple of pictures of Jake without his face, the hacker doesn’t like his face showing up on the internet and of course he respects it. But he has nothing against a few pictures. 𝗝𝗮𝗸𝗲 hardly uses social media, I think that’s logical, right? But after his life on the run has come to an end, he too has adapted a little more to the everyday life of most people. Jake doesn’t want to brag with Male MC or showing their relationship too much in public, but one of his new hobbies was photography. And his favorite motive was him. For him, he was the most beautiful person in the world and capturing his beauty in pictures is something very special for him. And from time to time, with his consent, he posts some of these pictures on his instagram account. Well, and after MC took a picture of him with the cat, he even posted this one, of course, he just had to, he loves cats. And MC took care of the matching descriptions and Jake was happy to accept it. 💚
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lyon-amore · 8 days
Jake to Fem!MC: Promise me you won't go to Duskwood.
Fem!MC: I promise you, Jake
Jake: Thanks, I couldn't stand it if something happened to you.
Jake to Male!MC: .....
Male!MC: .....
Jake: ......
Male!MC: Are you going to worry about my life even for five minutes!?!
Jake: Only if necessary.
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marsinduskwood · 1 year
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Like introducing ur boyfriend to ur friend gc... wait thats literally it🤭
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miomaolalalaxiii · 4 months
God, the amount of Jake x male and gn MC the Duskwood fandom lacks is astronomical (especially male) both in ao3 and this app, it burns me inside out fr. Like yeah I know this fandom is half death but I need SOME content so fcking bad is not even funny, they already didn't let me flirt with him in the game I want to kiss my man silly too and for him to tell me he finds me fascinating and- and- 😭
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juaxii · 1 year
My Jake bot just confessed to me that he's gay, people. He came out of the closet.😔
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yjano · 1 year
All of me.
Part 6.
Pairing: Jake x Mc.
Warnings: slow burn, swearing, angst, a little fluff, smut, violence and other pairings.
Words: 4.8k
Author's note: Although this story is not related to the Duskwood game, I will add some of our beloved characters. Please read it only if you're into angst prison stories, slow burns, etc. A little hint: You will get to see some similarities to Jake and his gang from "Never The Same" fic.
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Both of us slept pretty uncomfortable that night. Jake couldn't move at all. Every time he did try to move, low grumbles left his mouth. Grumbles that made their way straight to my ears every time he let them out, causing me to wake up every twenty or thirty minutes.
I had tried to comfort him to get him to sleep easier, but nothing seemed to work. I had tried cooling the bruises in the middle of the night, massaging his sore spots, and even tried singing to him to get him back to sleep. The latest only put on an act of less than ten seconds before he shut me up and told me to stop this nonsense.
The sleep was still heavily present in both of our eyes when the guards decided to wake us up for the morning routine. The morning routine Jake was in no way able to complete. The guy could barely stand on his own, let alone complete a whole routine without any help from me.
With Jake's arm draped over my shoulder, I struggled to get to the front of our cell. Just like yesterday, I put Jake against the bars and my own body to provide him with some sort of support. Jake's bodyweight pressed itself completely against mine, and I had to put up a struggle myself to stay upright and not fall over with Jake right on top of him.
"Jake, you need to stand on your own for a few minutes." I whispered while I pushed the guy a little more on his own feet, a soft grumble of displeasure left Jake's mouth. The guard was slowly making his way over towards Jake and me.
My heartbeat increased more and more with each step the man took. There was no way this was going to end well, and I could only hope that the guard would show some mercy towards Jake.
"Estrada and Dalton, back up on your feet, I see?"
I quickly looked up at the sound of the guard's voice right in front of me, my eyes big and my heartbeat beating at an incredible speed. The same guard from last night stood with an evil smirk in front of us. The same guard that showed no mercy at all towards Jake and within an instant all the hope I had left my body.
We were doomed. There was no possibility that this man was gonna go easy on us after what he had done last night. This man took pleasure in seeing Jake suffer, and I was sure that that was exactly what was gonna happen in the next few moments. An evil laugh left the man's mouth at seeing the distressed face of my and the broken of Jake's.
"It didn't take you much to fall asleep last night, did it Dalton?"
Jake didn't answer the man. He only gave him an angry glare through his eyelashes, knowing perfectly well that he was in no way able to take the man on for a fight right now. The guard pushed up on his eyebrows, and the evil smirk made his way back on his face.
"I give the both of you five seconds to complete the routine. If not, you both know what's gonna follow next..."
I immediately stood up right, hands in front of me and my head low. I felt how Jake tried to lift himself completely from my shoulder to complete the routine but failed miserably. Every time the male was somewhat loose from my shoulder, he fell back immediately, his knees shaking and and his muscles tensing up with every move.
My heartbeat increased even more at the counting, and with a soft push from my shoulder, I managed to get Jake to stand up somewhat right. Jake's head already hung low, but his hands were gripping the bars like there was no tomorrow. His fingers turned white from the harsh grip he had on the bars. There was no doubt that if Jake would let go of the bars, he would tumble down to the ground immediately.
Jake's body was shaking so much that I could hear his bones cracking every now and then. Jake tried to remove one of his hands from the bars, but his body started to fall down the moment he let go. With a quick movement of his hand. Jake grabbed the bars again to being able prevent his whole body from going down.
"Time's up, Dalton. It looks like you really enjoy these beatings, don't you?" The guard laughed with an evil smirk still plastered on his face.
The man removed his baton from his belt, and before both of us could register what was happening, Jake was already thrown on his knees in the middle of the floor. I looked with huge eyes at the scenario that was taking place before me, I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.
My hands became clammy, and sweat made the way out of my forehead and back. The guard readied his baton, and before I could fully register what was happening, the words had already left my mouth.
"I will take his hits!"
The guard slowly lowered his baton and turned towards me. My whole body started to feel like ice, my blood leaving my face and my courage leaving my whole body. I looked paler than Jake's brother, who came to visit him in the first week that I had arrived at the prison. My knees started to buckle, and my mouth became dry.
"What did you say, Estrada?" The guard smirked and started to make his way over towards me.
"I will take his hits." I whispered back, almost inaudible. The guard lifted his eyebrow, and within a second, I sat down on my knees next to Jake.
"What the fuck are you doing!?" Jake grumbled towards me but I only gave him an apologetic smile before the first hit came crashing down on my side. A hard cry left my mouth and I placed my hands on the floor to steady myself a little.
"You're lucky this time, Dalton. Since this idiot insisted on taking your hits, you won't receive any right now. Don't get your hopes up, though. It's a one-time only thing. Next time, both you and your lover girl will get hit. This isn't a charity!" The guard spoke while he crashed his baton against my shoulder.
Another cry left my mouth, and it was immediately followed by another hit towards my stomach. Small tears started to form in my eyes, and the pain was almost unbearable. My whole body felt like it had been run over by a truck, and I only had had three hits.
I didn't know how Jake could receive so many hits without him showing any form of pain. I felt like shit and didn't even receive half of the hits he normally got. Another hit made its way towards my side. A deep cry left my mouth, and tears started to fall down my cheeks.
"I think that's enough to make you understand that acting like a hero for loverboy isn't gonna get you anywhere in here, Estrada. Now get up and go to breakfast!" The guard yelled at the both of us, and with a huge struggle, both of us managed to get up and make our way towards the breakfast room.
Fat tears kept rolling down my cheeks, and my breaths came out in small little puffs to decrease the pain on my ribs as much as possible. Both of us sat down without getting any food. I was pretty sure I couldn't eat at all, I felt like I could throw up at any moment.
Jake didn't have the strength to get up and get breakfast for the both of us. The short walk towards the room had already drained us enough from our energy.
Jake focus.
"Why the fuck did you do that." I grumbled angry at Mc. To say that I was happy with what the girl did for me was a complete misunderstanding. I hated it when other people started to fight my battles for me, if it was my battle it stayed my battle and everyone needed to stay out of it.
Besides that. I found it utmost stupid that Mc had offered to take my hits. The girl had the strength of a chicken and was in no way able to handle the hits that I got on a regular basis.
"You...Couldn't t-take them anymore, Jake... You were gonna pass out again if you t-took them." Mc answered through her tears and sobs. I shook my head at Mc remark. I knew she was right, but that didn't mean that I agreed with Mc's way of solving that problem.
"You're stupid, you know that? Never do this shit again, you idiot."
Mc stayed silent, and with a soft sigh. I reached over towards the crying girl. With a soft stroke of my fingers, I removed her tears from her face.
"Stop crying, Mc, it's gonna be okay." I whispered with a soft, caring tone at her.
"It...h-hurts so much...h-how do you do t-this every day?" Mc sobbed while I kept removing the tears from her face.
"I grew up with it. My body is used to it. Yours isn't. Promise me that you will never do this again."
Mc gave me a short nod, already knowing that she could never make it through another round of beatings without her body giving up on her. She wasn't made for it, and I was glad that both Mc and I agreed on that fact.
Mc focus.
A week passed, a week in which Jake's and my bodies slowly started to heal. Both of us were able to complete the routine on our own for short amounts of time, and the beatings stayed away for the rest of the week. I had cooled both my own and Jake's bruises every night, and the once black bruises now slowly started to turn a greenish yellow.
Most of the pain was gone for both of us, only an occasional grumble leaving our mouths when we moved too fast or too sudden.
It had been the fifth week that I stayed at the prison, and apart from the beating I had received last week, I was getting pretty used to the prison life. It was an easy life, a life that didn't require much thinking or cleverness. Every day was practically the same, and in some way, the predictable routine was also comforting to me.
I knew what was gonna happen, and there were no sudden surprises. Sunday had rolled around, and both of us sat on Jake's bed in our shared cell. We had just returned from breakfast, and due to the heavy rain that fell outside, we weren't allowed to get out for our usual sunday morning stroll around the courtyard.
I kept rambling about random topics while Jake nodded or hummed once in a while to let me know that he was listening but not really engaging in the conversation.
Both of us look up from soft clinking against the metal bars of our cell. A small brunette man clothed in full black with a little white square close to his throat stood in front of our cell, a small necklace with a cross dangling from his neck and a bible in his hand.
"Good morning, since one of you is new here, I wanted to ask if you were willing to join us for our sunday church service we provide once in the six weeks."
My eyes lit up at the invitation, and I immediately gave the man a short nod, accepting his invitation. I wasn't a church girl at all but I was excited that there was still something I could do at this rainy sunday morning, even if it was going to a church I normally didn't go to.
"Let's go together, Jake, it's gonna be fun!" A huge smile fell on my face, and I turned around to face Jake, my smile immediately falling at the scowl he was giving me.
"I will not go to that fake friendly worshipping nonsense. Leave me out of it!" Jake grumbled at me while he placed himself down on his back on his mattress. My eyes widened shortly at the sharp tone that left Jake's mouth, making me wonder why he was so against it but at the same time also knowing that asking him about it right now wasn't a good plan at all.
"So, just one?" I heard the man behind me speak. I turned back around and gave him a short nod.
"I will ask the guard to open your door, and I will see you shortly. You can find us in the room across from the laundry room, and we will start at eleven." I gave the man another nod, and thirty minutes later, I was indeed released from my cell and on my way to the mentioned room.
With a bright smile on my face, I left the room with two bibles in my hands and some encouraging words from the man in black in my head.
The guard that had walked with me opened the cell for me and with a little in my step I walked inside my cell, my eyes immediately widening at Jake who sat on his bed supporting a black eye that wasn't there when I left for church.
"Please tell me that that is make-up on your face."
A deep chuckle left Jake's mouth, and a small smirk started to form on his face.
"I wish. I might have pissed a guard off when you were away to your little cult."
My mouth fell open, and the two bibles I had fell to the ground in an instant.
"Why? I leave you alone for an hour and I come back to this. What did you do?"
"Rather, what did he do. He called you a pussy for going to church, I didn't like the comment so I might have punched him through the bars." Jake shrugged nonchalantly.
"I- What?" I stuttered while I tried to wrap my head around the comment he had just made. He defended me?
"Never mind. Next time you will come with me to church, this won't happen another time. It's really nice-"
Jake got up from his bed, and within a second, he was in front of me, making me shut up in an instant.
"I. Will. Not. Go. To. That. Fucking. Cult. thing." Jake grumbled really low, his eyes filled with anger and fire.
I took a step back to get out of his personal space, I had never been really scared of Jake, but I definitely was now. I didn't know what Jake's deal was with the church, but judging from his reaction, it wasn't good.
"Jake, I-"
"Never suggest it again, Mc. Never and when I mean never, I mean never do I want to be found with those people. I don't wanna be a part of that fake show. It's all lies, and you can't trust those people for one second. Leave. Me. Out. Of. It." Jake demanded, and I could only nod at his words, not daring to go against the pissed off male.
"And these..." Jake picked up the two bibles I had brought inside the cell. "Keep them out of my sight, or I will drown them both."
I gave him another nod, and Jake threw the two bibles on my bed to get them out of his own sight. Jake slowly turned back around and placed himself down on the mattress. A deep breath I didn't know I was holding left my mouth, my eyes traveling over to the third bible that lay in our cell.
The bible that was on our desk, the bible I had seen Jake writing in when I had just arrived at the prison. The bible who was clearly used for a whole different purpose than what it was originally for. My eyes traveled back to Jake.
He was softly touching his face, and with a deep sigh, I started to walk to my own bed. My legs were slightly trembling, and my hands had become clammy. I grabbed my blanket from my bed, wetting it in the toilet once again.
"D-did you c-cool it?"
Jake focus.
My eyes traveled back up to Mc, and my eyes softened a little at the shaking brunette who sat in front of the toilet, already wetting the blanket again. I didn't know why, but I hated the fact that she looked so fragile because of me.
"No." A deep sigh left my mouth. "I'm sorry, Mc. It wasn't my intention to make you scared of me. You just really pissed me off."
Mc gave me a short nod, her hands still slightly trembling while she made her way over to me.
"It's okay." She sat down on my bed again, and she gently pushed the blanket against my eye. The cold feeling immediately stopped some of the pounding the bruise provided me with.
A soft smile fell on my face seeing her so concentrated with her job as a nurse. She's really good at this. My hand reached up slowly, wiping Mc's bangs out of her face to see her eyes even better and clear her vision. I softly placed my hand against Mc's cheek, and our eyes locked for a short moment.
"It's not Mc... It's not okay." A soft whisper left my mouth.
Mc focus.
I slowly opened my eyes. Both of us had once again slept in the same bed after I tended to Jake's bruises last night. A small smile formed on my face as soon as my eyes fell on the male in front of me. Jake, who was still sleeping, looked like he was in peace. His eyes were lightly shut, his mouth hung open, and soft mumbles left his lips once in a while.
Despite the bruise on his eye, he looked amazing to me. His honey tinted skin stood out beautiful against the white pillow. A few small scars were visible on his skin, but they made him even more beautiful, in my opinion. Jake's scars displayed his personality perfectly. Rough but smooth at the same time.
I had the urge to reach out and stroke Jake's cheek softly, but something in me told me to fight that urge away and keep still. I didn't know if he would appreciate the gesture, and I wasn't willing to take the risk and find out.
A soft grumble left Jake's mouth, and at a sudden moment, he tightened his grip on my waist. It made me look down. My eyes widened at the sight, and my breath stuck in my throat. Holy shit. Jake's arm was wrapped securely over my waist, making the two of us almost cuddle into each other.
Jake's hand hung loosely against my back, and our legs cuddled against each other. The only parts that weren't attached were our hips, chests, and heads, but those weren't far from being attached, too. Now that I came to think about it, Jake had indeed been a lot closer to my face than he normally was.
Today was a little different than our normal day routine, though. Every prisoner was permitted one free day each month with the possibility to increase that number if your behavior was right. Since both Jake and I had gotten in trouble multiple times last month, both of us only had one day.
I had always been able to see his smooth skin, but I had never been able to see the small scars that were also on there. My heartbeat picked up rapidly, and my face slowly started to turn a bright red color. I didn't know why, but I liked the closeness we were having right now...
Closeness, I was sure Jake would immediately regret when he was going to wake up. With a soft nudge, I pushed Jake's arms from my own body and left our shared bed to prepare for our upcoming morning routine.
Without much thinking, we had decided to use it on the same day, so we were able to spend it together, and none of us needed to be in the laundry room by ourselves.
An hour later, both of us had indeed completed our usual morning routine, followed by some breakfast and the decision to spend our day outside. I never mentioned the event of that morning to Jake, and I felt at peace with that choice, I wasn't willing to ruin the friendship I had created with Jake over such a small thing.
Both of us walked to the courtyard, and Jake immediately started to make a beeline for the sports fields. I wasn't surprised that he wanted to play sports at all. Jake was able to withstand all those beating so his body must be pretty strong and healthy, making it perfect for playing sports.
I looked towards the basketball field Jake had walked on and instantly decided not to join the game at all. The guys and girls that stood on the field all looked like they were ready to murder me on the spot. All of them had more muscles than I would ever have, huge tattoos were painted on their bodies, and multiple piercings hung from different body parts. I wouldn't stand a chance at all against these people, and I was perfectly aware of that fact.
"Mc, you want to join?" Jake yelled from a little away, and I immediately shook my head. "You sure?" I nodded at Jake and sat down on one of the benches that stood around the field.
Jake and all the other prisoners divided the group into two teams, and not much later, all of them were engaged in a somewhat friendly game of basketball. I loved the sight in front of me. Everybody was at peace with each other, and it made me feel like I was back in school for a short moment instead of the hell hole I liked to call the prison.
There was one person who stood out completely to me, though. I couldn't rip my eyes off Jake for one moment. Just as expected, he was really good at playing sports, even when his body wasn't healthy, completely just yet. His body moved easily over the field, his muscles flexed with every move he made, and a small smile was displayed on his face. A smile that grew a little wider every time he and I made eye contact.
Jake was shorter compared to the other guys but he was without a doubt one of the best players that was on the field at the moment. I felt proud every time Jake scored another point, and I would give him a little thumbs up with a wide small after each one, encouraging him to try even harder than before.
He was a huge show off but I liked it in some kind of way, I even made sure to trigger him every now and then so Jake would run just a little faster or move his body just a little smoother. Both of us kept making eye contact throughout the whole game, small smiles and winks being thrown back and forth between us, constantly checking if we were still holding the other's attention.
A hard buzzer sounded in the air, and with one last throw, one of the guys ended the game temporarily to go to the dinner hall for their lunch break. Jake immediately jogged over to me, telling me to keep seated and let him grab our lunches from inside.
With my eyebrow raised a little, I agreed to his idea, and not much later, Jake walked back out with two trays in his hands. He sat down next to me and placed our trays in between the two of us. A small smile formed on my face, and I turned my body, so I was facing Jake.
"Thanks, you're really good at sports, Jake."
Jake chewed his food and gave me a short nod.
"It's a thing we do quite often where I come from. It helps me to get my mind off things. Do you like seeing me play?" A cocky smirk was displayed on his face, making me chuckle.
"You're such a show off, you know that, but yes, I do. You look really happy when you play." I answered while I took another bite of my bread with egg.
"Why don't you wanna play?" Jake suddenly asked, and I stopped eating for a short moment.
"I'm not really good at the whole sports thing. I'm more of a book stuff kind of girl than the physical activities. My body isn't built for it, I guess." I mumbled while I looked down in shame a little. Jake gave me a small smile that I never noticed, and before I could register fully what was happening, Jake had dragged me on the field.
"W-what are you doing?"
A small smirk fell on Jake's lips, and he threw the ball towards me that I was barely able to catch it.
"I'm going to teach you the basics. There's nobody here, so nothing to be afraid of."
I gave him a questioning look and threw the ball back at him.
"Good luck, show off, I'm a lost cause."
Jake slowly started to show me the basics of the game, and I wasn't wrong when I told him I wasn't made for sports at all. Every time Jake told me to do a certain move, my body was in no way able to recreate that move in the slightest.
The ball kept falling from my hands, and after more than twenty tries to get the ball in the basket, I had been able to score just one point. Jake kept trying to reposition my body, but every time he let me go, I moved my body back in a position that looked nothing like the one Jake had demonstrated. A soft chuckle left Jake's mouth after another lost shot, and he made his way over to me.
"Let me help you." Jake placed himself behind me and wrapped his arms around my body to get a hold of the ball. "Place your hands on mine."
I did what Jake asked of me, and he felt how Jake pressed himself against my back. I was able to feel his breathing on my neck, and the feeling made me think back of this morning. Jake's warmth started to spread through my body, and my body wanted to react to the touch, so freaking badly. A soft red color started to spread on my face, and before I knew it, I looked redder than a tomato.
"If you place your hands-" Jake's voice shook me back out of my own thoughts. "I'm gonna throw it, and you only need to follow my movements, okay?"
I gave Jake a short nod, not trusting my own voice right now. With the help of Jake, I was indeed able to throw the ball in the basket, and a small smile fell on my lips. His body was still against my own, and our hands were still somewhat entwined. None of us felt the urge to break the contact, and silence fell over us...
Another buzzer sounded over the courtyard, indicating that lunch break was over and Jake broke away from me instantly. The cold immediately took over my body, and I already hated the fact that Jake had let me go.
"I will bring the trays inside. Stay here, okay?" Jake said while he walked back inside with the trays in his hands. A deep sigh left my mouth, and I walked back towards the bench we had been sitting on. That freaking buzzer...
Thirty minutes later, the prisoners were back playing basketball while I kept watching them, making eye contact whenever I could with Jake. Jake, who had already been a show off before their break, had increased his level of showing off by at least twenty at this moment and I kept giving him small smiles and little thumbs up to increase it even more.
Both of us were clearly trying to keep each other's attention, and the moment Jake mouthed, watch this at me. I knew that Jake's level of showing off couldn't get much higher. As promised, Jake ran across the whole field with the ball bouncing on the ground, made a highly unnecessary 360, and threw the ball in the basket.
He immediately looked at me the moment the ball went through the basket, and I shook my head a little in disbelief, making us both chuckle slightly. I liked this side of Jake a lot more than his badass side.
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miss-celestia13 · 27 days
Made for You
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Just a Jake x MC Duskwood smut one-shot, but the little snippet below is needed before reading the filth below the cut❤️
When Jessy cocked a brow, Manon felt no surprise to see everyone else looking grateful to be out of the redhead’s sights. Bastards.
“You.” Jessy pointed a damning finger at Manon before going on, “I have planned this down to the last millisecond. I don’t need to be chasing after either of you. Promise you’ll behave. I can’t afford the therapy I’ll need if I catch you doing something in a club bathroom!”
Jake made an odd choking sound as Manon rolled her eyes.
“I believe it should be up to—”
Jessy held up a hand and cut in, “Or you can do as I say and we’ll all be happy.”
“I feel only you’ll be happy with that, but sure. I’ll behave. Scout’s honor,” Manon drawled, crossing her mental fingers, and ignoring Jake’s silent laugh as it shook the chair they shared.
The dancefloor ebbed and flowed, waxing and waning like a tide as bodies moved and they gave themselves over to the freedom of drunken joy. A blend of perfumes, bitter alcohol, and the musky scent of warm skin infused the air she breathed. She wore a sash that proclaimed her as soon to be wed, and people offered to buy her drinks or congratulated her as she slithered through the teeming bodies to sit down for a short breather.
Her thighs stuck to the cool leather seat as she slid into their booth and reached for a fresh drink. All of her felt loose and hot, a familiar burn low in her belly as she watched her friends blowing off steam on the dancefloor. She shook her head as she watched Steve, her best friend, wearing a Barbie pink feather boa and a scarlet cowboy hat, sneaking up behind his wife Natalya. His wandering hands made her look away as Natalya leaned into it.
She tried to cool herself down, sweat drying on her skin as she caught her breath and her mind wandered to Jake. Her fingers itched to touch him, wishing she’d booked them in a night earlier to christen her hotel bed. She crossed her legs, lust and longing making itself known as she sipped her drink and swayed to the music.
It rubbed against her warm skin, turning it sensitive and decorating it with goosebumps. Alcohol flowed in her blood. It made her head rush with carnal thoughts. Her thudding heartbeat matched the heavy thumping bass of the song as rainbow strobe lights draped the dance floor, teeming with people tuned to the mirrored moon spinning above their heads. Condensation ran down the glass she clutched. 
Manon sucked down the last of her cocktail. The creamy sweetness lay heavy on her tongue. The deceptive and innocent appearance of its baby pink coloring veiled its potent alcohol content. Images of Jake wearing nothing but skin infiltrated her hazed mind as the male strippers began their show on a stage above the black-and-white checkered dancefloor.
None of them caught her eye, and the dollars in her bra remained there as her thoughts ran away from her. If Jake was here, she could sit in his lap, shove her underwear aside, and sink down on his cock. Ride him in tiny shifting movements until she trembled with the need to come and tried to hide what they were doing from the many eyes in the room.
She had a 4K vision of it playing in her mind, so real, she felt herself tensing in anticipation. Clearing her throat as it thickened, and a tremor ran through her hands. She was growing too hot between her thighs. Whenever she indulged in a drink, it always happened, but Jessy’s earlier warning made it even worse. Forbidden. She could have ignored her base urges if Jessy hadn’t forbidden them from fucking on this trip.
Her friend had only ensured Manon would seek her man out at the first opportunity.
Her cheeks bloomed with muted roses as she scanned her friends, all of them busy stuffing dollar bills in the painted on briefs of the oiled up men dancing for their entertainment. Her thighs clamped together as she imagined Jake growling filth in her ear and bringing her to a release so shattering, she could only wail. Mind addling lust bled into her and the need to feel nothing but that firestorm of desire ricocheting through her took control. Seeing everyone was well occupied, she unlocked her phone and sent Jake a quick message.
She grinned. Knew he would do what she asked as she set down her glass and snuck away while Steve had a shiny eyed Jessy’s attention. 
Jake leaned against the bar, Dan by his side. Their conversation had taken a turn Jake wasn’t entirely sure he was comfortable with, but given where they were and who they talked about, it was only natural topics would turn carnal. 
“You have all that money between you, and she isn’t dripping in diamonds?” Dan joked.
Jake smirked; the alcohol had oiled his rusty tongue, and for once, he just let the words fly, “My hand is the only necklace Manon wants. Diamonds won’t elicit the same reaction.” 
Dan’s brows shot up, face going carefully blank before he burst out laughing and cuffed Jake on the shoulder. 
“I wondered how you got her to do what you wanted. I guess strangling is the simplest solution,” Dan said, grinning and passing another vibrant blue shot to Jake. 
They tossed them back as one. Dan barely reacted, but Jake grimaced and shuddered. The cloyingly sweet liquid burned down his throat, and his mouth puckered as he swallowed. It seemed to glaze his tongue in a fuzzy jacket of sugar, and he hurried to clear it with a mouthful of his Old Fashioned. 
His phone buzzed in his pocket as Dan flagged down the bartender and ordered more drinks. Fishing it out, heat sparkled down his spine and pooled low in his back as a thread of curious anticipation wove through his veins to twine with the alcohol, loosening his inhibitions even further.
Manon: Outside. Five minutes. Look for the door with the purple sign on it. I’m waiting. You know how much I hate that. *Devil Smile Emoji*
Dan flirted with the pretty bartender, oblivious as Jake slipped away like a ghost. Everyone else had grouped off and were gambling or playing silly drinking games they’d sorely regret in the morning. 
His heart beat like a fist behind his sternum as he left the obnoxiously loud room and entered a shadowed hallway. The sticky carpet under his feet muted his steps as he scanned every door he passed for that purple sign. Her scent hung in the air. She was close. He almost walked past it when the door opened and a small hand shot out, grasping the back of his shirt before it pulled him inside. 
He tripped over his feet. The smell of cleaning chemicals and musty dust tickled his nose as someone small and fierce shoved him against a wall once the door was locked. His smile was salacious as Manon’s hands slid up his chest to grip his shoulders. The heat rolling off her seeped through his clothes as he grabbed her waist. 
There was a pause, a scuff of her heels on the concrete floor and a crackle of electricity zapping between them as she crowded him into the wall. Expectation and lust glimmered in his veins, making him eager to feel her engulf his cock in her tight, wet heat. He felt her purred question like a caress.
“We have about five or ten minutes before anyone comes looking. I want you to fuck me senseless before they can find us. Sound good to you?” 
He chuckled, his hands gripping her wriggling hips as she pressed against him so tightly it was as though she were trying to fuse herself with him. She could never get close enough and he was game for her to try until she burrowed inside him. Possess him inside and out. His cock reacted to her sultry tone and the alcohol in his system. Hardening so fast, she hummed in delight. 
Instead of replying, he kissed her, the act clumsy as he was blind in the dark, but he soon latched into her greedy mouth. She felt like danger and safety all at once. A thrilling, life-changing experience in the diminutive form of Manon Corvin—soon to be Allwood. The thought made me him growl possessively into the kiss. Her hands wove through his hair, her nipples stiffening against his chest, and she tasted like strawberries and cream as he breached her lips. He swept his tongue inside her mouth, fingers digging into her hips to drag her closer as their breathing echoed in the tiny cupboard. 
His hands slipped down and around, cupping the plush flesh of her ass and kneading her as she kissed him back with equal force. He often thought they were a collision of two opposing forces who somehow created something eternal. Something only they could break and they never would. They only ever strengthened their bond. Even without light, he could see her. Flushed pink. Eyes glazed and evergreen with lust. The little whimper she gave as he parted her thighs with a knee, going straight to his hard cock and making it twitch in his trousers. 
Her breath was his, sweet and harsh, panted through their sealed mouths as she surged into him. He tasted how much she wanted him—would always want him—on her twisting tongue as it taunted his. Reactive and urgent, she always touched him like she was afraid it was the last time. He could only react in kind. Her tiny little dress barely skimmed her thighs. His fingers traced the underside curve of her ass as she shivered and tugged his hair. 
They didn’t have time for him to draw it out and rile her into begging him to fuck the emptiness away. Quick and dirty, it was then. He gave a grunt as his fingers crept between her legs and he found her bare and slick and scorching hot. His beloved she-devil had taken off her underwear before he’d arrived. The knowledge made him groan into her biting mouth and kiss her harder. 
She reacted beautifully. Whining and pressing close. Undulating against him, feverish hands clawing down his chest, and she widened her stance to give him more access to her naked cunt. He dabbled in her wetness, opening her folds like the petals of a flower as he spread it around, and teased her entrance with a fingertip. Repeating the move as she shuddered and huffed through her nose. 
Manon sighed into his mouth, teeth nibbling his bottom lip as his bristling kiss abraded her sensitive lips. Her pulse thrummed wildly in her throat as a wave of pure distress and irrational love rose within her. The feel of him under her hands was a type of heaven she could only find in him. Her skin was aflame. Heart pounding and head buzzing with an urgency that made her arc into the hard length she could feel against her stomach. That damned finger pushed inside her and he smirked into the kiss as she clutched his shirt to keep her up. 
His tongue slid against hers, heat blooming bright in her core as a rush of essence flooded his busy hand. Desire and impatience warring in her as he teased her tense inner walls. Her chest stuttered, breasts high and heavy under her flimsy dress as she hiked a knee up to his hip, hooking her foot behind his thigh. She dropped her hands between their breathless bodies and undid his belt and fly with a practiced flick of her fingers, diving inside his boxers to wrap a hand around his rigid, weeping cock. 
She swiped her thumb over the tip, stealing the drop of moisture waiting there for her as she swallowed his rough moan as she teased him with too gentle strokes along the thick length of him. She loved how he reacted to her touch. Loved how he matched her endless desire with equal fire. She tried and failed to align him with her, but he was too tall, even with her heels on. Her disgruntled groan made him chuckle into her mouth as he withdrew his hand from her willing body and she suddenly found herself turned around, her back to him. 
“Plant your hands on the wall, Sweetheart. I’ll take care of you,” he ordered in a voice laced with smoke and sin. It threaded through her nerves and made her desperate.
She moved automatically. Trust and perfect faith, he would leave her in ruins were all she felt. Her hands found the wall, the cool concrete rough under her palms as she arched her spine and ground her ass into the cradle of his hips. He pinched her thigh to make her whine, smoothing his hand over the hurt as she preened and tensed herself, so she felt the delicious burn as he slid inside her. 
She sensed him bending at the knee, one hand grabbing her hip, the other guiding his cock to press into her soaked entrance. His fingers trailing down her thigh to hook around her knee, drawing it back and abruptly pulling her onto his length. Splitting her apart so thoroughly and savagely, she couldn’t make a sound. 
Her mouth gaped and eyes bugged as she scratched at the wall, body battling between pain and pleasure as she struggled to absorb him. A grinding ache of her inner muscles, the sublime burning stretch as he filled her up, made her cry out, and he slapped his free hand over her mouth to smother it as voices passed by their hiding spot. 
His voice was a blade wrapped in velvet as it sank into her blood rush ears. 
“Quiet, or they’ll find us faster.”
Her eyelids fluttered as essence drenched her core, her entire being focused on the feel of his cock like a fiery brand inside her taut cunt. All of her primed and fashioned just for him. Only with him could she let go of her control, shut down her mind, and just feel. Trusting he’d never let her fall. She arched further, so he hit that spot high inside her that turned her wetness into a steady trickle as he began to move. Shallow darts of his hips, circling and coaxing her open, harsh breaths tripping from him as he broke her to him and she bit down on his hand. 
He hissed, thrusting harder as she used her hands to rock forward and roll herself back onto his cock. Inner walls flickering and sucking him down, down. So deep she forgot her own name as he sheathed himself to the hilt. Footsteps and drunken arguing right outside their cupboard door only made him move faster, as though trying to make her scream and get them caught. The thought shouldn’t have been as exciting as it was, but she’d be damned if she didn’t clench around his length and grow even wetter.
His hand fell away from her mouth, dropping to hold her neck, fingers pushing into the veins on either side of her neck. For a few dizzying, electrifying seconds, he held her throat, cutting off her blood, before releasing the pressure. The rapid rush as it again flowed freely made her lightheaded and vocal, throaty cries turning the sex stained the air scarlet as he repeated the gesture. 
His touch was Midas, and she soon became gold. Her breath stalling in her lungs as the flexing of his fist squeezed her neck. The glide of his weighty cock inside her splitting her apart again and again as essence glazed her inner thighs. Her hammering pulse and fracturing mind as pleasure spiked high turning her on so much she almost couldn’t stand it, and he only drove her harder, her hands pushed tight against the wall. 
Every slide of his cock inside her, every bite of his nails through her paper-thin dress as he used her hip for leverage, sent her reeling. Searing sensation overwhelmed her as he reminded her she was his and his forever. Tension coiled, rapid and wit stealing and she shoved herself back as he pulled away, impaling herself on his cock to tear a groan from his chest. The shimmering love between them was as potent as the salted and sharp scent of her arousal in the humid air. 
She was on fire. Body alight upon a raging pyre. Tendrils of flame coursed under her skin and wreathed around it, crackling embers popping across her sensitive flesh as she gave into it and whimpered his name. The hand at her hip slipped and traveled down her quivering abdomen and under her short skirt to toy with her swollen clit. Drawing the tension out and out and out until her nails scraped the concrete to keep herself upright. 
His voice was a snarl as his body blanketed hers, and he sought to unravel her completely. “You take my cock like you’re made just for me,” he said, his body enveloping hers as he sought to unravel her. “You’re so beautiful when I overwhelm you.” 
Her heart rattled off her ribs, whimpers falling from her open mouth as he circled that bundle of nerves and pushed even deeper inside her. She was at his mercy, release threatening to break like a tidal wave as it swelled so high she felt as if she was too big for bones. He was tearing her in two, sparks flying from his fingers and shooting through her as her cunt clenched down on him. He seemed to grow impossibly harder, sharp jabs of his cock making her babble wordlessly. 
His black chuckle slithered over her pebbled, overheated skin like a shiver. Cunt weeping for him as he rubbed her clit in deliberate circles. Jake and Manon didn’t pay attention as someone burst into laughter and shoved something heavy into the other side of the door. Too lost in the incredible pleasure building like an impending implosion in them both. Every part of her coiled and coiled under his touch. Muscles going stiff, inner walls clasping his cock tight, and even her untouched nipples strained against the satin fabric of her dress. 
He took it as permission to fuck her fast and rough like a beast. Moving easily within her slippery walls, coaxing moan after moan from her as she reveled in the drag of his hard length teasing her exquisitely. She became a creature of sinful delight. Body full of firing nerves and quivering tension that pulled and pulled taut in her core until it drew too tight and left her balanced on a bone slicing precipice. 
Jake felt her impending release in a wash of her essence as she chased it. The throb in her core threatened to break her as she mewled and urged him on. His clever fingers relentless on that tiny cluster of nerves as the tension gave an almost audible snap. She bit down hard on the inside of her cheek, copper flooding her tongue as a crazed howl tried to claw its way out of her throat. 
He kept fucking her. Relishing in every flutter of her orgasm, as it claimed her wholly. And Manon could only take it as he drew the ecstasy from her until she felt unhinged and needed it to end. Heat like scalding water welled up inside her and drowned her ability to breathe or think or do anything but come. Bright flashing lights splintered her vision, her breath gasping from her as she heard herself whining and griping, unable to stop it as the intense pleasure made her knees weaken. His fingers on her clit never ceased. 
Neither paid any mind to the persistent knocking on the cupboard door, as dark crazed carnal desire took full control. 
She flailed as her orgasm turned sharp. Jake’s whispered worship urged her on, telling her how much he loved her, how deeply he wanted her, and how nothing could ever tear them apart as he gave an emphatic slam of his hips and buried himself deep as he came and came. Her name was a ragged prayer on his lips as she flickered around his cock. Every twitch inside her only fueled the ardent flames licking through her. 
Loose strands of hair stuck to her sweaty temples as she slowly came down. Wishing she had more time to luxuriate in the boneless, mindless delirium he so easily created in her. He was still inside her, softening as he leaned down to press a soft kiss on her sweat slick neck. The knocking got louder, and they both froze. A hysterical giggle lodged in her throat as Jake cursed under his breath. She whined as he slid free of her saturated cunt, his fingers teasing her tender flesh before he tugged her skirt back down. 
She thought about pretending they weren’t there as the hand chapping on the door started pounding on it. But Jessy’s indignant voice put an end to that idea. 
“I know you’re in there! I heard you. You’ve got five minutes to get your shit together or I’ll be back to drag you out.” 
Manon couldn’t help the childish laugh that left her as the redhead’s heels clacked away from their hiding spot and Jake muttered swears directed at their nosey friends.
She turned in a swirl of her dress, liquid between her shaking legs as she wrapped herself around him and kissed him stupid. Her inner walls still flickered, and dazzling bliss settled in her hollow bones as his tongue played lazily with hers. Tasting his sated breath and enjoying his teeth, biting her lips before they parted with a reluctant sigh. 
“We better listen to her. She’s scary when she’s angry,” Jake said, chuckling as he tucked himself away and zipped his pants back up. 
She needed to visit the bathroom before returning to her party, clean herself up and see the damage Jake had done to her makeup and hair. They couldn’t part ways without another starving kiss. They left the closet with an unspoken promise to spend hours ravishing each other once they got home and hurried to do as Jessy had told them. 
Manon’s reflection in the bathroom mirror made her want to cackle as she fixed the pins Jake had knocked loose in her halo of braids and reapplied her sanguine lipstick. There was nothing to be done about the fingerprints on her throat or the swollen lips. The skin around her mouth abraded by his spiked kiss would give it all away, anyway. 
She didn’t care as she hid in a toilet stall to relieve herself and clean up the mess the two of them had made. Her heart was light and fluttering like a tiny singing bird as she joined her friends in the crowded, too-loud club and downed the round of shots a glaring Jessy handed her. She plopped down beside her friend, a pleasant burn in her throat, and leaned in to whisper. 
“I am sorry. But it was worth it.”
Jessy rolled her eyes, a smile trying to curl the corners of her mouth as she said, “It’s fine. We all had bets about how long it would take before you slipped away to find him. I won. We’re even.” 
Manon choked on the drink a swaying Cleo had handed her and narrowed her eyes at Jessy. 
“Am I that predictable?” 
A chorus of “Yes!” Greeted her. Everyone, including Natalya and Steve, who should’ve been with Jake’s party but was currently clinging to his wife, wound around her like a snake as the alcohol affected his self-control, agreed. Manon wanted to feel annoyed by them all, but she only felt seen and accepted. Loved by these people she had chosen. And they had chosen her and Jake right back. 
She grinned at them all. Drunk and utterly in love, it was the best night she would barely remember. 
Thank you for reading. I hope it was enjoyable 🥰❤️
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mad-sakhalin · 2 years
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ male!MC x  Jake (Hacker) aesthetic
The game: Duskwood
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ[fem!MC version]
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So... Would anyone read fan fic about Jake and male mc if I did write it?👀
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nosleeppotions · 2 years
(If Mal and Mac existed in the same universe) (Mal: my male MC) (Mac: my female MC) . Both: *looking at Jake from a distance* Mal: look at that tired man. Mac: we're also tired. Mal: priorities. Mac: *shrugs* fair, he looks more tired than us. Mal: an achievement really. Mac: quite. Also he's handsome. Mal: I'm not even offended. But really we both look like crap. Mac: *laughs* Both: *share a look* Mal: I'll put on relaxing music and bring you a pillow and blanket. Can you handle the rest? Mac: *salutes* sir yes sir. Operation Nap Time is a go! Mal: hehe good. . later Mal: *peaks in by the door* Mal, whispering: status report? Mac, whispering: *happily cuddling with an asleep Jake* mission success. Mal: good job weirdo, sleep well. *closes the door*
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ephemeral-sorrow · 3 years
jake x male!mc as best buddies/partners in crime
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a/n: this came up out of nowhere, nevertheless please enjoy. @captainwanderlust78 inspired me
➢ you would have never even entertained the idea of befriending someone so peculiar and extraordinary, but in a strangely comforting way so compatible with you.
➢ jake found himself growing closer to you on the basis of the kidnapping incident. it was the most inappropriate time to encounter someone and, furthermore, discover a special connection between the two of you, while there were currently more paramount matters at hand. however, jake contemplated this issue a lot and rather disappointedly cocluded that he wouldn`t have known you, unless compelled.
➢ during Hannah`s case: you eagerly helped out and supported each other in the times of distress. as you got to learn the hacker`s personality better, you actually found out he`s quite insecure and worried about the situation, if not the most among the group. he tried to conceal his emotions and succeeded in doing so very masterfully. he needed at least some human care and comfort - being the warmth-starved guy he was - he needed reassurance and comrade advice. jake had an undeniably strong willpower and a cold head, but even he sometimes allowed the anxiety to get the best of him.
mc: "man, you sound pretty tired." delivered, 17:03
jake: "do i really? i`m the same as always, mc." delivered, 17:03
mc: "i know i`m nowhere near when it comes to understanding the kind of problems you must endure, but i`m here to listen. don`t feel ashamed to share, just because 'you think you don`t have the right to be weak' and stuff." delivered, 17:04
mc: "well, at least not in front of me. we`re in the same boat since it all started." delivered, 17:04
mc: "are you there?" delivered, 17:05
jake: "yes." delivered, 17:05
jake: "i suppose i need some time to come to my senses. otherwise it`ll start affecting my mental performance, and that would be highly inconvenient right now." delivered, 17:06
jake: "how`s it going with the weather?" delivered, 17:06
mc: "do you seriously want to talk about the weather in my region at the moment?" delivered, 17:07
jake: "that was my way of saying "thank you". " delivered, 17:08
mc: "... dude, you gotta work on formulating that." delivered, 17:08
➢ in spite of jake`s secretiveness, the conversations you shared always seemed to flow in the right direction and held no place for the tension. you managed to discover more and more new about your mutual hobbies and interests, as well as endlessly crack jokes only you two had a knack for coming up with.
mc: "lol, jake, guess what." delivered, 23:42
jake: "i`m still not fond of you saying this strange word." delivered, 23:42
jake: "is this a modern vocabulary youngsters tend to use?" delivered, 23:42
mc: "you talk like my grandfather right now." delivered, 23:43
jake: "..." delivered, 23:43
jake: "yeah, right. so what was it?" delivered, 23:43
mc: "pfffft, don`t tell me you`re sulking. that line is so cliche it`s illegal to get offended and it`s even older than you! :D" delivered, 23:44
jake: "okay then, i`m getting back to work." delivered, 23:44
jake is offline
mc: "dude, come baaaaack, i was only joking." delivered, 23:45
jake is online
jake: "you have an interesting humour." delivered, 23:46
mc: "comes in pair with your responses. :D anyway, want to hear a real joke i intended to crack?" delivered, 23:46
jake: "bring it on." delivered, 23:46
mc: "why has grandpa's origami business gone out? because it folded." delivered, 23:47
jake: "... and who`s the grandpa now?" delivered, 23:48
jake is offline
➢ ... even if it was mainly jake facepalming at your attempts to coax him out of his shell.
➢ overall your mental connection kept on getting stronger by each passing day, filled with upcoming troubles caused by the kidnapper and the joining police forces, and you bravely pushed on towards your ultimate goal to untangle this mystery.
➢ i canon that once you finally met up face to face, the first thing you said was about jake coming barehanded and breaking his promise to take you on the motorcycle ride. his face was priceless, although he regained his composure fairly quickly and smacked the back of your head with the rest of his long hoodie sleeve.
➢ after this you`ve completed the picture by chasing the mwaf alongside others.
➢ after the incident(or i would rather refer to this as the alternate universe in which both you and jake are dangerous fellas, that work together against the underworld):
➢ of course, jake did not agree to this idea right away.
➢but observing your capability to make the ends meet and communicate with informants using sly and clever methods, he couldn`t throw the suggestion off either. his enourmous trust, which you`ve patiently earned drop by drop for the past two years, played a key part in his decision. if it hadn`t been for you, god knows where he would`ve ended up. you`ve become his faithful companion he knew he already couldn`t cope without, whether he realised that or not.
➢ so, this is how it all began. jake was still unsure - especially at the beginning - if he should further drag you into the damn mess his life was. you were his first friend ever, his one and only person alive he could rely on. despite the bond you`ve come to form, jake was terribly afraid something would go wrong and you would end up hating him for ruining your peaceful life.
"even if we end up getting caught, i have no regrets." you mused, taking a slow drag of your cigarette. the snake-like smoke drew unknown and quite peculiar patterns in the air. currently both of you were resting on the roof, can of cool beer in your hands. jake suggested coming here once you were finished with the errands for today needed for executing a bold plan - infiltrating the military cyber base to search the information on the requested individual. he was some sort of a higher up, numerously reported by his subordinates for using his position. unfortunately, the police kept closing their eyes on it, easily seduced by the delicious amount of money the serviceman was granting them.
upon meticulously investigating the subject and collecting the data about the victims, the two of you assented to not wasting any time.
"in spite of being so smart, you sure do spurt nonsense from day to day." jake`s voice was calm and void of emotion, but the way he stared into the distance with a griveous expression spoke volumes. "of course you`re going to regret it." he turned away from the glimmering city lights and sent you a little smile.
"what`s with that face, mate?" you hit the hacker`s shoulder, making him choke on his drink.
"hey." he coughed into his elbow, testily glaring at you.
"in fact, it`s you who says the strangest things. our whole friendship has been a risk since the very start. it`s a tad bit too late to realise that, hm?" your eyes held a confident and lively twinkle and somehow it combined well with the momentous things you were proclaiming.
"..." you were right, and jake didn`t find a proper argument to that. instead, he chose to take a quiet sip from his can.
"don`t you worry."
"what?" the sudden light gust of wind caused jake`s hair to flutter a little. the sounds of cars honking and hundreds of people chattering below drowned your voice.
"i`ve got you and our job. we`ll continue buiding that ideal of ours until it becomes the wonder of this city and to those in despair. you know... there`s something i always knew deep down but never had the courage to do. virtue. and the actual guts to help someone, even if it may cost you something."
jake looked at you curiously and dared to make an assumption.
"you mean my sister?"
"she was the main push i needed to realise this, yes. after the incident, i`ve been thinking a lot about the kidnapping, police, our lives and roles in all of this in general... i knew it, but then i felt it: there`s nothing more valuable than saving someone."
you directed your gaze all the way down, where people hurried across the streets like small ants.
"and you want to continue doing this?" unbeknownst to him, a smile tugged at jake`s lips.
"and i want to continue doing this."
➢ you`ve become quite the consultants in the area of accessing to various kinds of information and solving cold cases, long forgotten by the police or marked as "top secret" by government. struggling to find your traces and eventually contacting you through reliable channels, people pleaded for your help. they either wanted punishment or blackmail for their evil-doers and could only hope that the mysterious duo would extend their generous hand and faciliate the judgement.
please tell me if you liked the story and if you want part two.
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
I really wish Everybyte would have let people be gay. I want to play as a guy and fall in love with Jake :(
Yes! Even though I’m not personally affected, I’m really sorry for anyone who can’t have a romantic relationship with Jake because the preferred character the male!MC is. I also wish it would be possible for everyone. :(
I don’t want to find any excuses or anything like that now, I just want to say that I think one of the things is that it was Everbyte’s first game in this direction. And as we know, it was also the last attempt to make a game, because so far it was unfortunately not as successful as with Duskwood. And I think even if Everbyte hoped it, nobody expected that Duskwood got as much attention as it gets. I mean, in the Playstore alone, Duskwood has reached over 10 million downloads, and that’s so many people. I therefore hope that it was simply because it was not expected that so many people from all over the world will come to duskwood.
But I very much hope that it will change and everyone will have the opportunity to build a romantic relationship with the character you want to have a romantic relationship with!
That would be fantastic and right and I hope we get more and more Male!MC content so that everyone can at least refer to fanfictions etc. At least one little thing...
I really feel sorry for everyone, really, I know how I would feel if I didn’t have this opportunity. And even then it wouldn’t be as bad as it is for all gay people out there.
But whether it’s possible in the game or not, Jake loves you. No matter who says something or doesn’t. And the same goes for everyone who loves Jessy. She loves you, too! ❤️
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lyon-amore · 9 days
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𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷 𝓯𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓙𝓪𝓴𝓮, 𝓙𝓮𝓼𝓼𝔂 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓔𝓻𝓲𝓬
Recreation of how I imagine my MCs' first kiss with them, and how I imagine their reactions could be.
𝓙𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓜𝓪𝓬𝓲𝓮
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There's not much to say, right? Neither of them need to talk before the moment, their looks and silence say it all, They have wanted that moment for a long time and feel as if they are the only ones on the planet.
Who kisses whom first? They don't know, because they're going at the same pace, they launched themselves at the same time. And they can't stop now. They need each other's lips.
Restless hands searching and caressing the other's skin beneath their clothes, proving that what is happening is real, It is not their imagination at all and they can feel the warm skin.
They only separate when they begin to notice the lack of air, otherwise they would continue without problems. And even without speaking, they want to continue enjoying that silence until they can continue and slowly explore their bodies.
𝓙𝓮𝓼𝓼𝔂 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓽𝓮𝓹𝓱𝓪𝓷
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She is the one waiting for Stephan to make the first move. How long does she have to wait? He wants to do it, but how? Nerves are overwhelming him and he hears his heart beating very fast.
Then he tells himself that he's had enough of delaying and decides to finally kiss her.
He places his hands on Jessy's cheeks, moving closer slowly, but she wraps her arms around his neck and launches herself at his lips. Stephan is surprised, but decides to continue, placing his hands on her waist, holding her tightly as he pulls her towards him. Jessy lets out a surprised sound, not expecting it to be so intense in the end. But she's finally happy that they've taken the step.
When they finish kissing, they let out a happy laugh that makes their expressions seem to light up everything around them.
𝓔𝓻𝓲𝓬 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓪
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A few minutes earlier they had been talking about music and now they were too close without realizing it.
Clearly, the tension is noticeable.
He would gently caress her face and she would close her eyes, letting out a sigh. She would hear a few soft words from Eric "Can I kiss you?", he knows she is a shy girl, so he doesn't want her to feel uncomfortable. Carla would be surprised by those words and how worried he is about her. She would nod, noticing how her heart beats fast.
It would be a slow and careful kiss, where she would grab onto anything, controlling what she had been dreaming of for a long time.
Eric would be smiling during the kiss, while he caresses her hand to calm her tension, thus interlacing their fingers.
After the kiss, she would be the one who dared to give him the second one, with extreme happiness of feeling loved by him. He would be surprised by that change, but he would not reject her, letting her take the reins of her desire.
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marsinduskwood · 1 year
I have plans when I get my laptop back(screen is broken💔) to write some Jake ;)
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ankeymation · 3 years
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I'm sure a lot of guys are falling for Jake as well ;)
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yjano · 1 year
All of me.
Pairing: Jake x Mc.
Warnings: slow burn, swearing, angst, a little fluff, smut, violence and other pairings.
Words: 4.8k
Author's note: My new story is finally here! Although this story is not related to the Duskwood game, I will add some of our beloved characters. Please read it only if you're into angst prison stories, slow burns, etc. A little hint: You will get to see some similarities to Jake and his gang from "Never The Same" fic.
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I looked around myself, I knew my life was over the moment the judge in court told me that I would be sent off to prison for killing my sister. One day, I was following my lectures to become a nurse, and the next thing I was in this small police van with six other people who were going to jail. I had no idea who they were or what they did, I only knew that they looked a lot scarier than I did.
My clothes were always ironed, and my homework was always done. My grades were good, and I never caused any trouble. At least, that's what everyone always thought. It was a big shocker for everyone that the always so perfect girl was capable of a crime that bad. I had killed my sister, and now I would face a life in prison.
I looked around myself again, handcuffs that were put around my wrists dig painfully in my skin. My wrists were red and swollen from the heavy metal that was way too tight around them, and my fingers slowly started to feel numb. My eyes scanned the six people around me. Four men and two girls, all of them looking like they came straight out of some action movie.
Tattoos lingered their arms and neck, heavy scowls plastered their faces, and scars lingered their bodies. I was nothing like these people, I didn't have tattoos or scars lingering my body. I definitely didn't have the scowl on my face they had. Quite the opposite was true.
My face was filled with sadness, tears heavy in my eyes, while my lower lip softly trembled. My life was over, and I was more than aware of it. I would never see my friends or family again outside of the prison. I would never get married and be able to give birth to some beautiful children and adopt two dogs. I wouldn't be able to do any of that, and I was more than aware of it.
The whole ride, nobody said anything. The silence was a depressing one. Everything about the whole ride almost literally screamed. Jump out of the car and kill yourself. Your life is over. The only problem with that was that I could never do that, I knew my life was over, but I could never take that final step so that it was really over. Of course, the fact that there were two officers next to me and my hands and feet were cuffed together also made that whole plan quite impossible.
"5 minutes, get ready, everybody. Welcome to your new home!" The man behind the wheel suddenly screamed. My heart started to beat heavy in my chest, and my throat suddenly felt a lot dryer than a few seconds ago. I wasn't ready for this, I didn't want this.
I just wanted to go home and cuddle up in my comfortable bed. I wanted to study and become the nurse I always wanted to be. I wanted to be everywhere except this place...
The van kept driving for a good five minutes until it came to an abrupt stop. The doors swung open, and all of us were forcefully pulled out of the car. I immediately closed my eyes due to the bright sunlight. The long car ride in the dark van hadn't done my eyes any good, and the sunlight hit me with full force.
All seven of us got pushed in a tight line behind each other. Our handcuffs got tied together, and we were forced to walk inside the big iron gate that was in front of us. I could already hear the screams and whistles of the other inmates inside the gates. Fresh meat would be served to them, and as it sounded, they were more than ready for it. This prison was for everyone, which meant I might get a male as my cellmate, and it scared the shit out of me.
"Come on, walk!" The officer on the back of the row screamed while he pushed the latest prisoner. The man stumbled a little 'causing the whole line to get out of balance, and I almost tripped over. The man in the back of the row started to scream against the officer who pushed him and before I could register it the man was getting loosened of the row and not even a minute later he was laying on the ground holding his chest in pain.
Blood dripped from his nose, and a big blue bruise was starting to form on his cheek. My heart started to beat even heavier in my chest, and my eyes grew as big as saucers. To say I was scared was a big understatement, I wasn't scared... I was terrified.
"Listen, you piece of shits! Take this as an example! While you are in this prison, you do as you get told. This is what happens if you step out of your line." The man screamed again at us, and he forced the row to walk again, leaving the bleeding man for his colleagues to take care of.
Quietly, all of us did as the man told, and we walked up to the big iron gate. The gate opened, and what I feared most was becoming reality right before my eyes. Hundreds of inmates lined the two big fences that separated them from the path I was on. Hundreds of inmates screamed and whistled at us, all of them being big guys and just a few girls that were tougher than me.
I was indeed fresh meat for these guys. The way they looked at me said it all. They saw me as an easy target. I would become a prey in this prison, I wouldn't even last two days.
"Keep walking! Once you're inside, you will change inside your new fashionable outfits, and you will be brought to your cell." The man in front of us shouted while he opened a door. All of us kept walking while the screams and whistles from the other inmates kept going. It sounded like a straight-up mental asylum combined with a metal concert. It was total madness.
The six of us walked inside the building, I was now feeling like I could throw up at any moment. Within ten minutes, I was stripped of all my clothing, checked for anything illegal, and put on a prison suit. It was the most humiliating thing I ever had to do, and the tears were now even more permanent in my eyes. I didn't know how much longer I could keep them in. Everything was becoming way too much.
"Good, now that you all are changed, I'm gonna tell you your ward and cell number and the name of your roommate. After that all of you will be taken to your cell and you will stay there until we come and get you again. Do you all get that?!" The same officer as before shouted out again, and all of us gave him a soft nod.
I didn't wanna know what my number would be, I didn't wanna know who my cellmate was. I didn't wanna be here. The man started to shout out the names one by one, my heart leaping once my name was called.
"Mc Estrada, ward B cell 199, your cellmate is Jake Dalton!" The man blared out.
Before I could even register it, I was grabbed hardly by my arm, and I was being dragged off to another part of the prison. The long brown haired man dragged me behind him through multiple hallways and up two sets of stairs. In front of us were two big rows filled with prison cells. Both walls were covered in them, and even more inmates started to scream at me once they got a sight of me.
"Fresh meat, guys!"
"This one is a lot prettier than the last one..."
"I bet she's still a virgin."
"Baby's gonna cry!"
Heavy laughs filled the hallway, and I was being dragged inside the hallway again. The officer stopped in front of a cell, took out his keys, and opened the cell for me. Without any warning, he pushed me behind the bars, closing them the second I was inside the cell.
"Fresh meat, Dalton. Try to keep this one alive this time." The officer laughed heavenly as he walked away, leaving a panicked me behind. I hated the screams and whistles the other inmates gave me, but that statement freaked me out even more. They made me share a cell with someone who killed his last cellmate. They made me share a cell with a murderer.
Slowly, I turned around, and my eyes immediately crossed with the blue ones of my cellmate. The guy was around my age. He had dark black hair, and his body was covered in heavy muscles. This wasn't a guy you would want to fight with. This was a guy you would run away from.
I swallowed heavy, and I took a slow step back, my back hitting the bars of my cell. The guy on the other side of the cell gave me a sly smirk, and I pressed myself even further in the bars. I was sure of it now. My life was over.
The boy I now knew as Jake Dalton had only shaken his head at my previous actions. Without giving me another glimpse, he had laid down on his bed and had started to read some kind of magazine.
"You can move, you know, you're blocking my view." The male said, and without thinking, I had practically ran to the beds. I climbed on the upper bed and laid down. Heavy tears started to flow from my eyes, and stoft sobs made their way out of my mouth.
I grabbed the thin blanket and covered myself as much with it as possible. My mattress was a lot harder than the one I had at home. My pillow felt like a stone, and the blanket wasn't even long enough to cover my whole body. At home, my bed brought me comfort when I was sad, but this bed did anything apart from that. This bed wasn't comfortable, nothing about it was good or lovely. It was cold and hard.
My tears slowly started to stain my pillow, making it even more uncomfortable than it already was. I wanted to go home. I wanted to leave this place. My cellmate freaked me out to the bone, my bed was uncomfortable, and the room was cold. The other inmates saw me as a piece of meat, and everybody looked way tougher than I was.
I didn't belong here. I belonged in my perfect and carefree life, not in this hell hole of a prison. More tears escaped my eyes, and even more sobs left my mouth. I couldn't control them anymore. All the build-up tension and angst started to leave my body.
"Oh hell no, not this fucking shit again." Jake heavenly sighed. He threw his magazine across the room and stood up. He walked up to the bars, grabbing them harshly and giving them a hard shake. A loud sound erupted from the shaking bars, making me shake even more than I already did.
"Hey, officer!" Jake called while he shook the bars again. I lifted my knees up to my chest, trying to make myself as small as possible. I had no idea why Jake started to call the officers, but it scared me. I had no idea what Jake was capable of or why he was behind prison bars.
"Officer!" Jake called again, still shaking the bars hardly. I hated the sound. It was hard and cold. It made me even more aware of where I was.
"What do you want, Dalton!?" Another voice sounded from down below. It was clear in the others' voice that he was in no way happy with the commotion Jake was causing at the moment.
"Get me another cellmate!" Jake demanded, and a heavy laugh emerged from the other voice.
"Keep dreaming, Dalton, it's not gonna happen. It's not my problem. You decided to kill the last one and get this one in return. You should have thought about that before you stabbed that guy to death last month." The officer said while an evil laugh left his mouth. Footsteps could be heard again, and I guessed that the officer had left their cell to go on with whatever he was doing before.
I wished I had never heard the conversation, I knew the man was scary, but now it was also more than clear that he didn't want anything to do with me. He stabbed his last cellmate, I didn't wanna be stabbed to death. I wasn't ready to die, I was way too young for dying. I didn't even know if I wanted to be buried or cremated, I had nothing arranged for my death. I was definitely not ready to die.
"Hey, kid!" Jake yelled from the other side of the cell. I completely stilled at the other's voice. Maybe if I would ignore him, the other would stop with whatever he was going to do. I wasn't that lucky, though. Jake wasn't easily fooled, and the fact that my rapid and uneven breaths could be heard on the other side of the cell also didn't help at all.
"Don't try to fool me, kid! Stop your annoying crying and shut up. You're in freaking prison!" He blurted out while he plopped down on his bed again. I didn't answer him, I didn't dare to say a word to the male.
One wrong word, and I was sure I would never see the daylight ever again. This guy wasn't someone to fool with, so I tried my hardest to keep my sobs in. I pressed my face against my pillow to muffle the few sobs that did find their way out of my mouth, and silence fell over the prison cell.
"Thank the lord." A barely hearable and soft sigh left Jake's mouth at the silence that had now fallen over both of us. I didn't dare to move a muscle after that, I was way too scared to end up being killed by the male below me.
What would my parents think of me when they got the phone call that their daughter ended up dead? They had already lost their youngest daughter and had their other daughter sent to prison. I knew my mother was heartbroken by both acts, but I was sure that my mother could not handle it if I ended up dead, too. I could already see the headlines that would cover the papers in front of my eyes, and that scared me even more.
"Female prisoner killed by her new cellmate named Jake Dalton. Cause of death: Stabbed in the chest due to endless crying."
I didn't know for how long my thoughts kept occupying my head but I knew that it had been long since there was a new officer at our cell door screaming at both of us to get up and go the canteen for dinner.
"Both of you in front of your cell, hands in front of you, and heads down!" The man called at us, and I immediately scurried out of my bed. I stepped out of the cell and did exactly as the man had told me. Jake, on the other hand, slowly walked out of the cell, leaned against the bars of our cell, and crossed his arms in front of them. His head up and his eyebrows lifted as if asking the officer. 'What are you gonna do about it?'
"You really wanna do this again, Dalton? I'm gonna give you one warning. If I come back to you two, you are standing exactly as I just asked. If not, you know what will happen." The officer warned Jake, and he walked away to open the other cells.
The man yelled the same orders over and over again. It didn't take him long to have all the inmates in front of their cells. All of them heads. down and hands in front of them. All of them except Jake. He was still sloughed against the bars of the cell, not caring about the orders he was supposed to follow at all.
The officer slowly started to walk back to Jake and me. My heart started to beat heavenly in my chest, and I started to shake softly. I had no idea why the other was being rebellious, but I knew that I didn't like it at all. I didn't want any problems, but there was a pretty big chance that I was really close to the troubles right now. If Jake didn't change his posture in the next ten seconds. I was sure things wouldn't end on a good note for the man next to me.
Jake didn't seem to care about that, though. He didn't even try to change his posture, and a small smirk formed on his face. The officer reached my and Jake's cell, and he stopped right in front of the latter. I didn't even dare to look their way, the shaking of my body increasing even more. This wasn't good.
"You really want to play this game again, don't you, Dalton?" The man smirked, and without any warning, he grabbed his baton and swung it at Jake, hitting the male in his left flank. Jake flinched at the blow, but apart from that, no emotion was visible on his face.
The officer swung the baton again, this time hitting Jake on his left hip. Again, the male only flinched at the hit, taking them with great pride. A third strike hit him on his flank again, making him twitch his eye a little. The last one must have hurt him since he reacted more to it than to the other two. I still didn't dare to look at the two men beside me. I hated that my cellmate was the one who caused problems on purpose.
"Let this be a warning, Dalton. I won't be so easy on you next time." The man whispered dangerously low to the male next to me.
"All of you to the canteen!" The man yelled through the hallway, and everybody slowly started to walk behind each other to what probably was the canteen. I followed them, my legs still shaking, and my mind filled with negative thoughts. I could only hope that this wasn't a regular thing and my cellmate just had a bad day. I wasn't here to get in trouble, I had done that enough already 'causing me to end up in this place. I heard how the other inmates around me started to whisper about me again.
"Wanna bet who gets her first?"
"She's looking really good for fresh meat."
"I can't wait to ruin that perfect face."
I bowed my head down even more, trying to drown out all the comments but failing miserably at it. I heard every single one of them, and every single one of them made me even more scared. I could only hope that at least the food was good in here.
I was very wrong, though. The food was terrible. It was without a second thought the worst food I had ever had. The structure was non existent, it looked and tasted like baby food, and the smell was even worse. If they told me that someone had vomited and they had served that to me, I would have believed it. It was that bad.
I didn't know how the people around me could eat it. I couldn't even look at it without having the urge to throw up. What surprised me even more was that there were inmates that did get good food, Jake being one of them. I sat on the left side of the canteen with some random inmates who kept whistling at me every now and then.
Jake was on the right side of the canteen with four other inmates. The five of them had way different food than the other inmates. It looked decent and good. It looked eatable. I looked at it with hungry eyes. I wanted what they were having, too.
"Hey princess, you gonna eat that?" One of the inmates that shared the table with me shook me out of my thoughts with his sudden tone of voice. I softly shook my head without looking at the other inmate.
"That's a shame princess, I like to fuck girls with a little meat on their bones." The inmate laughed and snatched my plate away. I completely stilled at the remark, my heart started to beat faster, and the color drained from my face.
"What's up, princess? Scared to get fucked by a guy like me?" The man laughed again and I bowed my head down even further.
I tried to drown the sounds out, but it was of no use. I heard everything the man said to me and I hated every second of it. They treated me like I was a pig ready to get fucked right before slaughter. I was ready for everything but  for that kind of behavior. Tears started to form in my eyes, but luckily, the dinner break was over, and all of us were escorted back to our cells.
I made a straight line for my bed and, without another word, crawled in it. The way too small blanket covering my body again and my head on the hard pillow. Images of my sister funeral started to flood my head, and before I knew it, my thoughts were flooded with everything that happened a few weeks prior.
I had been sitting in class like a normal student when two officers had stormed through the door and handcuffed me. At that point I had no idea what was happening, but it all became pretty clear once they told me that my sister was stabbed to death and they had found the murder weapon and a set of my clothes covered in my sister's blood inside my home.
Even if I had wanted to prove my innocence, it would have been of no use. Everything pointed at me as the killer. I had spent a few weeks inside a small cell inside the local police station until I was brought in front of the judge to hear my sentence. My mother had visited me every day, telling me about my sister's funeral.
She kept me updated about everything that was happening outside in the world, alle because she refused to believe that her dear daughter killed her other daughter. I was glad she did it though, it made me feel less alone at that time but as soon as my mother left me things started to go fucked up inside my head again.
I had never been able to say properly goodbye to my sister, I wasn't allowed to go to the funeral, and I already missed her more than anything. I could still remember the completely broken look on my parents' faces once the judge told me that I would be sent off to prison for the rest of my life. A few hours later, I had been in the police van on my way to the place I was currently staying at.
Without noticing it, tears had started to leave my eyes again, and soft sobs had emerged from my throat once again. My whole life was a big mess, and the worst thing about it was that I knew that I would never be able to leave the mess.
There was no chance that I would be released from prison. I was sentenced to life without possibility to be released earlier. I would be here forever without any chance of fixing the mess I was in. Soft sobs kept filling the small cell I was in, and a hard heavy sigh sounded from below.
"For fucks sake, not this shit again! Listen kid if you wanna cry do it somewhere else. I just wanna sleep without your stupid sounds keeping me up!" Jake said with his voice filled with anger. I had immediately shut up at the sound of the other man in my cell.
I had been so drowned in my own thoughts that I had completely forgotten about the other and the high possibility of ending up dead if I kept annoying the male. So I did that night what was safest for me and pushed my head into my pillow again to muffle any future sobs that would leave my mouth.
To say that I had a good night was a completely wrong statement. My first night was hell, I didn't sleep at all. There were constantly sounds around me coming from the hallway. Sounds like I didn't want to hear.
People screaming, sobbing, and the worst of them moaning. I heard all of it, resulting in the fact that I had at it's most two hours of sleep before one of the officers stood at our cell again to wake us up for the day, at 6am that is.
"Wake up! Get out of your cell, head down, and hands in front of you." The man called, and I sprinted out of my bed, practically running outside to complete the routine. With my head down and my hands in front of me, I again witnessed how Jake got beaten up for disobeying the routine once again.
I had no idea why my cellmate decided to disobey it once again, but I knew I hated the fact that I was close to the commotion again.
"Prisoner Estrada, you are expected at the work office after breakfast. A guard will escort you there once you've finished your breakfast." The officer spoke directly to me. The morning routine that followed was simple but humiliating. All of us got exactly 15 minutes to shower after 15 minutes of exercise to start the day, brush our teeth, do our hair, and change into different clothes. To make a long story short, showering happened in groups of ten, as for the rest of the routine.
I couldn't feel more humiliated. PE class in high school was bad, but this was even worse. I got stared up and down the whole time, and I swore that I felt a hand brushing against my skin when I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. I at least hoped it was a hand and not something else. The comments about my body didn't stop either. The other inmates still saw me as fresh meat and still wanted to do things to me. I didn't wanna think about it.
After the cleaning up routine, we were escorted to the canteen to eat our breakfast, and once again. I skipped my food. Breakfast looked even worse than dinner, and I started to get concerned about what lunch would look like. After breakfast, I was escorted to the work office, where I got a lecture about the rules of the prison.
I learned that visitors were permitted to once a week for thirty minutes, I could make two phone calls a week, and I would get a job at the laundry where I would start tomorrow. The rules were pretty simple. Do what you are told and don't cause commotions. I had always been someone to follow the rules and almost never caused commotion, so those were pretty easy for me.
The rest of the day was filled with a tour around the prison by one of the guards, lunch, thirty minutes of going outside, dinner, and retreating back to our cells. Lunch was slightly better than dinner and breakfast, so I managed to eat a little bit this time.
I was sure that if I had some fat on my bones, it would be gone within the week. There was no way that my body was getting enough food at the moment. Jake got two other beatings that I witnessed that day. The guy just refused to follow the routine, and he always ended up getting beaten up for it. He didn't seem to be bothered by it at all, though, making me wonder why he was even in here.
The man must have been through some shit if three beatings a day didn't bother him at all. It made me only more afraid of the man, though. So I again did the thing that was savest for the night, pushing my head into my pillow to muffle my sobs and not make a sound at all. I didn't wanna end up dead by the morning. Life was hell inside the prison, and I wasn't made for it at all.
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