#dwn 022
theletterwsartflap · 11 months
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"Isn't my Search Snake just the scariest?"
Here's a spooky Snake Man toon!
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the-real-dwn-022 · 2 years
Enter my den, if you dare!
Asssk blog featuring yours truly. Currently sssstaying with Dr. Wily, alongssside my brothersss and the extended family who've ssstuck around.
My brothersss and I are on friendly termsss with Dr. Light, and vissit every so often (asssuming that blue bomber isn't around.) With the general lack of schemesss after the Roboenza outbreak, a sssemi-amicable peace hasss been reached.
I'm afraid I'm the only one taking asssksss at the moment, but maybe that will change with time.
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shockmagnum · 9 months
I am going to chew on all of the wiressss >:) (@the-real-dwn-022)
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I don’t think you were built to tolerate that.
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geosabor · 2 years
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DWN - 022 Snakeman
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mega-man-hunters · 4 years
“...” Enker looks at what is going on with the Third Liners, and promptly turns around.
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angsty-cobrafish · 3 years
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[SWN-001 to DWN-022]: I need to talk to you.  It’s important.
With that message, Bass waited.  Reviewing the footage from Treble again while he did.
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magnetiix · 3 years
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Rogue machines... pacified and seeking repairs. There were only so many conclusions this could lead to. The Knights in particular were notorious for their brutality; something had to be restricting their hostility.
Yes... that was it, wasn’t it? A command... A Master. Now, who would be so bold as to take command of a group of Gilliam Knights? That in and of itself wasn’t exactly an easy feat. 
Someone Triage knew, clearly, since the Knights sought her out.
Someone she was willing to help, for whatever reason.
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[DWN-018 > DWN-022`]: I want eyes on those Gilliam Knights when they leave. Track them down if you can. We need to find the source.
[DWN-018 > DWN-010]: Organized movement from rogue machines has been observed.
[DWN-010 > DWN-018]: Noted. I’ll spread out the range of our patrols.
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wearewilynumbers · 2 years
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There was no way. They were all dead. They made sure of that after MegaMan defeated them.
Still, that oppressive feeling that seized his core was unmistakable.
[DWN-019 >DWN-022': You need to come to the fortress. I need to fill you in on some things you might not know about. ]
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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My favs from mega man 1 through 4… this paper doesn’t blend well though so I can’t say I was particularly concerned about getting smooth colours. No inks we just smear the pencil
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bigmanamiibo · 4 years
How are you a robot if you're Nonbinary? Don't you guys take code?
starting with dwn-022, theyve converted to python programming
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kajijiart · 7 years
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SnakeMan(MegaMan), Blue Beetle(Jamie Reyes), Twin villains in a Blue Beetle comic that was cool
Overall really fun to draw other characters other than my own (or work based).
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minieverfeel · 7 years
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hxrderthansteel · 5 years
Examine! Snakeman!
It’s DWN-022, a topography robot that responds to the callname “Snakeman.” He has a massive headdress in the shape of what looks like a ruby-eyed pit viper on his head.
Snakeman is highly intelligent, good at problem solving, and has excellent spacial awareness. Hardman gets into fights with Snakeman the most out of all of his brothers, but he really does love Snake so much. Sometimes Snakeman will climb onto Hardman’s charge pad and nap with him.
He is not slimy or wet; the parts of his body that aren’t metal feel like warm leather.
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liskobot · 6 years
Well I made a twitter
will be @ liskobot
idk what i’m doing and am not sure how to search for other users so sorry if it takes me a while to follow back
I also still use dA sometimes so if it’s art you’re mostly after then go there (username is DWN-022)
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haunted-machines · 2 years
[TURN IT DOWN] | Snake Man
Serial No. DWN:014
WRA Registry: DWN:022
Activation Date: 03/19
Literal Age: 11 yrs
Mental Equivalent: Adult
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 137 cm (5ft 4in)
Weight: 120 kg (265 lbs)
Function: Surveillance Unit / Security System Manager
Snake Man is the eyes and ears of Wily City. Quite literally, as the city’s security system is really just an extension of himself.
This is primarily achieved through his Search Snake army, which are not intelligent robots themselves, but drones that directly connect to Snake’s senses. Most of them operate under his personal instruction, but a large number of them are positioned at various points around the islands to function as security cameras. Those particular Search Snakes are technically open for anyone to access and observe, but they are all directly connected to his processor, occupying a fraction of his attention at nearly all times.
To a human, the thought of dozens of little security cameras constantly playing in the back of their head might sound infuriating, but for a robot with a data bandwidth as massive as Snake Man, it becomes necessary. Snake not only thrives on information, but needs it to keep from going mad with boredom. His processor was built to map and keep track of spaces of up to several thousand square kilometers via his Search Snakes’ ultrasound, electromagnetic, and thermodynamic sensors, making his baseline for stimulation much higher than the average robot master. His requirement of a constant stream of fresh data to mull over results in an inherently curious nature. He commonly goes on short binges of learning everything there is to know about a seemingly random topic, before he runs out of new information and moves onto something else. This also makes him one of the most social Wilybots, as strangers and newbuilts are a wealth of information.
Despite his streak as one of the more troublemaking Thirds, Snake is surprisingly well adjusted for someone in his family, likely due to how often he socializes outside of it. He is good natured and particularly friendly for a Wilybot outside of the fifth line. His Search Snakes make him a prime candidate for looking after newbuilts and new recruits, so he has some level of acquaintance with basically every robot on the island. He has even managed to secure friendships amongst the Cossack family, most of whom have astoundingly low opinions of his own.
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last updated 01.02.23
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magnetiix · 3 years
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[DWN-018 > DWN-019, DWN-022, DWN-024]: Try not to cause too much trouble today, alright? That was....
[DWN-018 > DWN-019, DWN-022, DWN-024]: ...Uncomfortable. Let’s not push the situation.
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