#dwn 042
batbutton · 1 year
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theletterwsartflap · 2 years
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another one from the vault
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stardestroyer81 · 4 years
Happy holidays, everyone! Whether you're celebrating Christmas, Hannukah or anything of the sort, I hope you stay in where it's warm and receive what's on your wishlists!
And what's a Christmas without Christmas cookies?
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As you can plainly see, I'm no master at cookie decoration, but I did have quite a lot of fun decorating these! Starting from the top left from left to right, we've got:
- Power Star (Super Mario)
- Shovel Knight with his Shovel Blade (Shovel Knight)
- Starman Super (Earthbound)
- King Knight with a Joustus card (Shovel Knight)
- Mega Man with an E-Tank (Mega Man)
- Specter Knight with his scythe (Shovel Knight)
- Mr. Saturn (Earthbound)
- Plague Knight with one of his explosive potions (Shovel Knight)
- Centaur Man (Mega Man)
... some finer details proved quite hard to replicate using a small packet of frosting, but for what I had, I thought I did pretty well. I hope you like my festive assortment of cookies and hope you have had a lovely holiday!
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fixitfarore · 11 years
Hey there little guy. Aren't you cute~
*ears perk up* THANK YOU NEW FRIEND *insert “I have just met you, and I love you” joke here*
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theletterwsartflap · 2 years
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@oyster20xx you can put them there but they might not stay
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stardestroyer81 · 4 years
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With today marking the second anniversary of Mega Man 11, now would be a perfect time to upload this 8-Bit demake I sprited of Block Man’s stage! I sprited this scene back in 2019, so there are definitely bits (Pun absolutely intended) and pieces that I think I could improve on, but as a whole, I’m pretty proud of this one! Enjoy!
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stardestroyer81 · 4 years
Not a question but it’s nice to see that other people simp for Centaur Man!
You know it, fellow horse simp! It’s a little unfortunate that Centaur Man is as underrated as he is but the art of him that DOES exist is more than enough to tide a simp like me over!
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stardestroyer81 · 4 years
Hey, guys! After a rough last two weeks, I think I'm finally confident in myself to begin posting my works again. I want to thank those who have given me courage during the last few days and those who have recently begun following the blog- the support means a lot to me and it's always nice to know that there are people who care about me no matter how bad things get. 💖 But I’m getting ahead of myself. For the time being, I’d like to share a sprite I’m particularly proud of—
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A complete rework of Centaur Man's sprite from Mega Man 6, along with a somewhat dated reworking of Mega Man’s sprite for size comparison! It never sat right with me that a design as complex as Centaur Man's gets a sprite that looks like this, though I suppose it’s the best the artists at the time could manage with color and size limitations and all (Yet somehow, fortress bosses of this size weren’t uncommon at this point in the series. Why couldn’t that magic be used on some of the earlier bosses? [I know why, but I’ll quit while I’m ahead]).  Anyone who’s read my “About” page knows that I’m an enormous Mega Man nerd, and given that I’ve been on a kick for the series as of late, allow this to be the start of my Mega Man-related works— because trust me, there’s a lot of it! I hope you enjoy the custom sprite as always!
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