#dyfunctional family
momlovesyoubest · 1 year
When Aging Dysfunctional Family Calls Spot Them
  When Aging Dysfunctional family calls Make the Sale More than half of the aging families who call you inquiring about services will be aging dysfunctional families. The great majority of calls will come from adult children. When the aging dysfunctional family call -to make the sale during the inquiry you have to know how to handle these dysfunctional family members on the phone and give them…
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antigonenikk · 4 months
sledgefu okinawa fight scene but with anatomy of a fall PIMP instrumental cover added to it
♡idea stolen egregiously from user @wellwaterhysteria whose blog i have never seen before today but who is nevertheless now an icon a legend and the moment♡
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weepinwriter · 10 months
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“Immortality feels more like a curse when you believe your very breathe is laced with ill fortune. I, the shepherd of tragedy, carry the heavy knowledge that my touch may be more of a curse than blessing.
Name : Caesar
Age : He is in his mid thirties
Appearance : Caesar is a tall, imposing man of 6’3”. Everything about him is monochrome – from his dark blue eyes and messy tousled gray hair, black eyepatch over his right eye, pale, almost ashen skin, and all-black outfit. Befitting of his battle-hardened gaze, he boasts a well-toned, muscular body that is often hidden by his clothes but is no doubt scarred. Caesar is half blind, having lost his right eye to a terrorist attack five years ago.
Personality : Caesar is a very charming and sweet person, albeit a little clumsy and awkward around crowds. He’s sharp and his experiences as a commander has given him enough skill to deal with troublesome people. Despite being a workaholic who works overtime to the point of sleeping in his office and not returning home for days, Caesar is a neat freak. He does not tolerate disorder at all and will actively try to tidy things up even if not required. Around his friends Caesar may be a sweetheart and charming commander, but during duty he is cold, cruel and calculative. He shows no mercy towards law breakers and delinquents and will not hesitate to execute the more serious offenders on the spot by the authority given to him by the Master of the 5th District. Yet underneath his tough exterior lies a broken man with a past filled with death. His apparent immortality has made him believe that he is the bearer of death and misfortune. His silent self loathing of himself doesn't help the issue as well, making him a highly dyfunctional yet sophisticated individual to deal with.
Background : Not much information can be acquired on this individual as all data is heavily regulated and censored. All that is known to the public is that he came from an upper middle class family from the 5th District. The subject joined the FAE (Framework Against Evil) at the age of 18. The family went bankrupt soon after following an acquisition of their business by the Quinn Industries. The subject is a widower with a single daughter, age 10. Remaining data cannot be retrieved.
Likes : Gardening, his job, pastries, white roses, reading, the sun
Dislikes : Darkness, failure, disorder, unnecessary skin contact
Pet peeves : Interrupters, people who beat around the bush unnecessarily, bad public manners
Trivia :
Adores tea; literally needs to have someone swap it out with water so he doesn’t end up getting no sleep with how much he drinks it on a daily basis.
Almost surprisingly, he likes to read storybooks as well–yes, like the type that young children read, because he finds them calming and entertaining.
Enjoys rainy days, but likes clear days a bit better as the sunrise and sunset are stunning to look at and watch
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In honour of renaming my cat after her, here's my top 5 favourite Isebath Moments TM
no.5 - the awkward little conversation she has with Bella and Fennel in book one. Remember the times when we geuinly thought that the children of light could be like a very dyfunctional, but loving found family? ,,,,,,,,yeah,,,,,,,, tbh, I kinda just glossed over this scene the first time I've read it, I mean, it's like 8 lines max, and it's just Isabeth awkwardly asking whether the two kids are okay ( which is like,,,,take a wild fucking guess babe), but also ISABETH ASKED IF THEY WERE OKAY!!! She used to CARE. And then she kills their dad a hundred pages later, and starts being mean to them, but that's irrelevent : )
On that note, no.4- biting a peice out of Roscuro's neck. This scene is iconic even without further examination, I mean, bitey women <3 But also, she's pinned down  and her first instinct is not to burn him, or try to TURN INTO LITERAL STEAM (though to be fair, we first see her do that in book 3, so maybe she couldn't do that previously?), but no. She bites him. We dunno why for sure, but I think it says a lot, that she's about to ptentially die, and she STILL doesn't use her magic, she's THAT uncomfortable with it. Obviously there's the childhood backstory element to why, but I also think she hates herself for not having light magic come natural to her.
No.3- the confrontation with Etienne. If "trying to suss out whether traitor or not" why "homoerotic tension"??? Hmmm??? I don't even ship them all that much, but this scene >>>
No.2- Radiance cutting her hair. This scene gives me major Tangled vibes tbh, but also it shows their relationship dynamic so well!!! The TRUST Isabeth puts in Radiance's hand to snip snap around her neck with a sharp object, it's motherly, especially cuz it's implied that Radiance has always cut her hair, but also just,,,So Wrong. I wanted to throw up the first time I read it- the tension, the eerieness, the unease- it's so well executed. Really conveys that nothing is insignificant, with the over-description of every minute detail, focusing on everything Isabeth feels- the only sense that she doesn't seem to utalise is sight.
And no.1- the prolouge of book four. I know everyone loves the prolouge because of all the Tragic Backstory we get for the children of light, and I'm no different, what a way to kickstart things,,,,the transition from small child Isabeth standing in front of the ruins of her family home just before Radiance finds her, scorched and trembling, choking out one apology after the other, trying to convince anyone who hears her (no one does) that she didn't mean it,,,,TO HER AS AN ADULT STANDING IN FRONT OF THE RUINS OF A HOUSE SHE *DEFINATELY* MEANT TO BURN DOWN,,,,,ugh, the day I see this on the big screen is the day I'll be able to die happy
also at no.5, it's fine that she killed their dad actually bc he was a bitch.
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"Honey, to be honest this family is dyfunctional as hell. So,-"
"Wait a minute you spelled that wrong-"
"Ok, so we are all going to ignore D bleeding-?"
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llicorice · 3 months
summaries of my favorite comfort medias that i watch on loop anytime im sad:
-the haunting of hill house, tells the story of a dyfunctional family after losing one of the members it goes back and forth from when they were kids to present day to tell a story about grief and a house thats haunted not by ghosts but just by the house itself (warning it is for adults for a reason, i watched it for the first time when i was maybe 14 so it wasnt too bad, though they do show the thourough process of bodies being embalmed and prepared for a funeral)
-level 16, tells the story of of a facility that houses groups of girls, theyre told theyll get adopted at 16 if they act perfectly and have perfect bodies but there is a lot more going on behind the scenes (this one also has mature themes and topics, be warned someone is shown without skin very briefly)
-silent hill(2006 movie) mom adopts a kid who keeps trying to get back to silent hill, eventually the mom takes her there to discover its a cursed town full of monsters and an extreme religious group who thinks her daughter is basically the antichrist (be warned this one has some gore, someone is skinned alive on screen and someone is burned alive on screen)
-alice madness returns(yknow the video game i talk ab a lot) psychological retelling of alice in wonderland, alice is psychotic and wonderland is her escape from her traumatic past thats being corrupted via a mysterious force, the twist u see coming from a mile away but it still hit me like a truck and i needed to take a break after to process (ITS A GENUINELY GOOD GAME AND IS LIKE $10 ON STEAM PLEASEPLEADEPLEASE)
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kabiryuu · 1 year
Baldur's Gate 3 is the perfect reminder that I will hyperfixate on literally anything that ever so slightly containst the dyfunctional found family trope
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kayfabebabe · 2 years
Crack Headcanon because why not?
The board game ‘Monopoly’ has been banned from the BCC House.
The last attempt to play it as a group ended with Mox threatening to bite off Bryan’s nose, William slipping houses into his pocket, Wheeler becoming bankrupt in the first 10 minutes, and Claudio flipping the table. 
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the fact that both Vic and Dick canonically go to therapy in the 80′s New (Teen) Titans is so funny. how do these two 80′s comic book runs have a better portrayal of mental health issues and its coping mechanisms than modern comics.
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scarlettmknightly · 4 years
Hi everyone! At first, I didn't intend on actually using the account to post anything but now I changed my mind and decided to make this my personal blog, so that way, I can post some things that's happening in my life and maybe have a chance to talk with anyone who have similar situations like me or anyone intesested. So, I'm Melody, and 17 years old and I'm an asian. And I'm gonna count today as my first day of blogging. I hope I get to talk with anyone.
So, I have a younger brother called william. As asians, since our mother language not being english, william and I were 'forced' to learn english by our somewhat strict asian parents. At first, I didn't very much enjoy it, but later on, I found myself enjoying learning it. The problem is william. He's not fond of studying, like at all. So, he only feels obligated to learn it, and slacking off. My parents are not having it. Every weekend, when william has english classes, they tend to throw tantrums. Seriously, it's affecting me and I can't take it. I'm really sensitive when it comes to family issues. What I think they 'should' do here is, instead of yelling, making a scene, comparing kids and stuffs, they 'really should' mame a stretagy plan on how to get him interested and actually start learning. Them throwing tantrums is seriously not helping at all. If it were me in his shoes, I simply wouldn't be ae to take it, the pressure is too much. I really hope they stop. I tried comforting them but they won't understand my point. So, I just can't help but hope they realise it sooner.
That's it for today. I have many other things or cases, but since today's the first day, I wanna keep it somewhat brief and not too much to take in for someone out there who actually reads this. I'm not sure if people will see this or even bother to read but still this blogging will be the only thing that keeps me sane during the crazy things that's happening in my life. Thank you! I wish whoever's reading a great day and happiness!
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scalpel-mom-mori · 4 years
Mori-sensei is still waiting for Dazai to introduce him to his grandchildren
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jennifersbod · 5 years
i can’t wait till my chronic illnesses get under control and i have energy to stare at a computer and gif more again
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Welcome to my Life,
Hi, I’m going to keep this anonymous for my safety and sanity. Call me Sj, a family name. I am a twenty-one year old woman.
This is a blog, for me to air out issues. Personal that tends to become world issues amount other young adults.
It starts with my life, and my mental health. I have depression, I have anxiety as well and oh, I am suicidal. That’s a big one. Long story short I have a sister who...as sisters go is older and still pissed off that I’m alive. Right? Normal stuff. I don’t know if you’d say an older sister by five years, attaching you with a knife when your five. Or how about the time she heard I reported her violent behaviour to a social worker (she has a child) and she jumped on me; punching me and scratching at me. Or when she was angry because I wouldn’t talk to her when I was 17 and so she put dried dog poop in my pillow case. Normal?
Welcome to my life. This sister has made serious attempts at my life, scared me into submission as a child even. Now I am 21 and she is 26, she has a 8 year old son. Today she posted on her Facebook...on her work computer. That I tried to burn the house down, that I am crazy and my mental health is terrible and I am childish. Some more insight here; I went into an apprenticeship program at 16, and graduated with a career at 17. Graduated high school and started working immediately, I then moved out, by myself, no roommate and no help. Rented a basement suite for $1000 a month at 19. All while having severe depression and anxiety. Although being free and slowly happy, helps the suicidal thoughts go away. So from there, the post, which is three pages long. I am verbally attacked by my friend, laughing at me, calling me a child. This friend did the same apprenticeship as I did, a year after me. She created her own business and she’s only twenty. Now I responded to her, explaining that my sister is abusive and you can’t applaud that and disregard the victim. I’m living with my sister...in my grandmothers house.
How’d that happen? And why?
My father, my best friend, passed away before he could reach 60. Three months ago. He was ill and wanted me home, also I went to Europe and was broke. Can’t afford rent, and bills after that. That’s why I moved back. Now in four days, I’m moving into an apartment and paying $1250 a month for rent. It’s a 40 minute drive away from my sister. I can finally grieve my father, and save my health again. Away from her. Nobody believes that’s valid.
I’m told, again, that Im childish and running away from my problems. So I ask you this...if you were abused your whole life or just for too long, would you want to leave? If you knew the root of your depression, would you fix it? Yes. I would. And I am, because I deserve to take care of myself, that’s the adult thing. If my problem is abuse, then I happily say I’m running away...to freedom.
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jsalim-art · 6 years
Late night question i have to ask the void.
Am i (an adult who could almost barely adult) am responsible to "parent" my early twenties year old youngest brother?
A big fight (a ridiculous one at that) happened between my older sister and him....lets just say my sister who is 5 years older than me is done with "parenting" our brother and she basically ignores him. Yet she has concern for h8m but my sister uses me as a messenger/proxy to make him do things.
Look im not the best at being a older sibling (but i do try) and while this grudge is between them and i have no "grudge" against him, its feels so damn akward now. And obviously i cant do anything to fix it since its their problem. But i feel like the burden is put on me. Also i was sort of guilt trip by my sister to go lecture him about sleeping late and that he has college tomorrow
I will try to be a good older sibling but to be fair youngest bro is a grown ass man that does not need to be told what to do, like his decision and all. I mean the best i could do is guide him but to make him to crap thats up to him. And becaise of this stupid fight (that involves getting his most precious gane console because of a miscomunication and the inpatience of my sister) i feel like the unwanted messenger that is stuck in the middle.
I'm supposed to lecture this man that he must go to bed early for his class tomorrow and get a appropriate jacket becuase it will be pretty cold tomorrow and comb his damn hair to look at leasr presebtable (he is very stubborn when it comes to it) maybe 5 or so years ago this would have worked but he's a grown ass man and here i am conflicted because if i dont lecture this man my sister said that her anger meter will go to a 0 to 1000 (her words) at me and i already pissed her off over something even more dumber the other day.
Look i will try to "lecture" him but thats the best i can do. Otherwise my sister has no reason to like yell at me for trying to do my job even if my grown ass youngest brother refused to listen to me.
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hii,,,you had mentioned that you had talked with your family about aac and other options before and was wondering how you brought it up? because for me, not to sure of how to explain (especially since talking is a huge factor in that) hard to talk about physically and emotionally. some people (my OT)worry that with aac ,, my voice and speech troubles will get worse,,
and well….¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also for autism ask game 🍔 🎁 🎧 💬 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦
-(aac video anon) or 🍋 <—lemon was my first idea lmao
mmm... i'm not sure, honestly. i don't fully remember. I've always been as open as i was able to be with my parents, so after my diagnosis i would just text my mum anytime i had something i wanted to mention. and i still do that any time i have anything on any topic to share. a lot of my communication is through texting.
my therapist did say that "not putting in the effort to speak" would lead to less opportunities in life for me which was not nice to hear at the time,,, but i would put emphasis on it getting worse if you are worried about people saying that sort of thing. because as soon as i expressed that it was worsening without my control she was much more understanding.
🍔 do you have any sensory problems with food? what food do you like to eat?
i do have some issues but i mostly just eat the same things over and over again so i don't notice it too much. i love cereal! and bread. and hummus is good. also lollipops for stimming. and chewing gum but only certain flavours.
🎁 what's your special interest(s)?
ooh... i have so many any they change a lot. some are really intense, some just things i enjoy a lot. right now- symphonic metal (nightwish, delain, epica, etc.), BBC Merlin (has been there since i was 7 and i watched it for the first time, i know all the episodes off by heart and for some seasos can even list them in chronological order), AAC (just makes me really happy!). hmmm, i'm sure i'll think of another one later and i'll be annoyed that i forgot it, but that's all I can think of for now!
🎧 which symptom(s) of yours is the hardest for you to deal with?
probably the motor issues, not being able to control my body. but also anxiety and social stuff. it's hard to say cause it's so complex and i find it hard to even understand myself, but the motor issues (along with executive dyfunction) probably impact my life the most.
💬 are you an introvert or an extrovert?
introvert, absolutely. but that's definitely impacted heavily by my autism for me. it makes any interactions way more draining, i naturally don't have much (if any) interest in face-to-face socialisation and i just need a lot of time alone to regulate myself.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 do you have friends or family members with autism?
yes, one or two that are diagnosed (I'm not close to them though) and then there's definitely people that are autistic but just not diagnosed, too.
as usual thank you for sending me this!! i like the idea of calling you 🍋 :D. it suits you i think, even though i've only known you through anonymous messages:)
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I have.. conflicting feelings over my family. Dad was always overbearing and distant. The perfect example of a helicopter parent. Wanted us to look like a perfect family to everyone that knew us. I could tell he cared, but.. I can't help but feel overwhelmingly angry over what he did to those poor kids and what he did to our family
Mom was fun. She was loving and nice and she always made it clear that she cared for all of us. She called me her brave boy. Probably because she saw how timid I really was and wanted to help. I wish she had taken us with her when she left...
Michael was an ass, but I get the feeling that was just anger overshadowing a lot of how he really felt. He wanted dad's approval more than anything. He was gonna take over the family business when he got old enough. That was what dad always said. But nothing Michael ever did was ever good enough to impress him. Dad always expected perfection from us all, but Michael was just never good enough for him. I think he took that anger out on me. I think that's why he bullied me so much. Maybe that's why he did what he did that day
Lizzie was an amazing sister. A free spirit at heart. She used to drag me along on her little adventures in our neighborhood. We'd both get in trouble for it later, but it was fun while it lasted. She used to stand up for me when Michael used to bully me around her. Dad always hated how she never listened. I think he was trying to be protective of us, but in the end, his insistence on following the rules without ever explaining why they were rules in the first place got her killed. I miss her a lot
My family was dyfunctional and abusive and hateful. But it was also loving and kind and fun. I wish I had lived longer so I could have more memories of them
- Evan Afton
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