#dyn djarrin
readeity · 4 years
Unfinished WIP #1 - Din Djarin
Hi guys! I don’t post much writing on my tumblr but I think I’d like to start. To ease into that kind of thing, here’s a snippet from an unfinished fic I started a month or two ago. I have 70+ pages of unfinished snippets in one google doc (of many) so I might do this again! We’ll see
Fandom: The Mandalorian 
Warning(s): Arguing, mentions of slavery, miscommunication, fear of physical violence due to past trauma? This sounds more intense than I think the fic actually is.  
“I do not CARE about your face! Why is that so hard to understand?!” You shriek at him, your voice reaching the high whistle-tone it gets when you’re struggling to keep from slipping into your natural pitch.
“LIAR!” Mando shouts back, as if he knows your thoughts better than you. “I saw you! I trusted you to guard me while I was ill and you wandered the room without a blindfold!” 
You stare at this stupid, stupid man and wish you could have loved someone whose head was not filled with beskar. “Mando,” You say and you’re so, so tired. 
And maybe a bit hurt, too. 
He cuts you off, a sharp gesture of his hand cutting through the air between you. “I never should have trusted you. It would’ve been better if I left you on Hrytha.” 
Your mouth drops open and you flinch back at that. 
[he’s never seen you flinch like that] 
Your mouth snaps closed abruptly and your face goes to the blank slate you always used to wear. 
[there are tears in your glossy black eyes and he hadn’t realized you’d been showing more emotion around him until now, now that he can see your face crumple and your features twist, the way your hand reflexively twitches toward the wound on your wrist where binders had cut in too deep] 
Hrytha. A jungle planet, plenty of lakes and rivers, hot and humid and seemingly perfect for a semi-aquatic species like yourself. Also dangerous, with plenty of smugglers and slavers and traffickers. And collectors, you’d discovered personally.
He wishes he’d left you on Hrytha, in the hands of a being who would keep you tied to a platform, to a tiny little manmade pool, performing tricks for others’ amusement. A pet. A treasured pet that could be loaned out to other collectors however frequently or infrequently the collector pleases. Kept in chains. 
He would’ve left on Hrytha if he could. 
You don’t bother to explain any further. You keep your mouth shut and your face blank [the way your masters preferred it] and you don’t point out that a blindfold is half-useless on you. That you were made to see in the darkness of the deep oceans of your home, and no darkened room will compare. 
That you move surely in the dark, even when your eyes are closed, because your species can use echo-location, just as a Togruta can use their montrals to sense their surroundings. 
That a blindfold can slip off, and you could hardly open your eyes to find it. Not when you respected Mando and his belief in his Creed so much.
It would make no difference, now. Or maybe it would - for him. But not for you, not now that he has made it very clear just what his opinion of you and your morals is. 
You give a brisk nod [your eyes slip shut and a tear doesn’t slip down your cheek but your expression makes Mando think that maybe there’s a larger chance of tears than he would have thought. guilt seeps in and a bit of doubt and he takes a step forward, his hand moving from his side, maybe he’s wrong, maybe he should apologize -]
Mando takes a step forward, hand rising, and you move back, pressed against the cold metal bulkhead of the Razor Crest. You don’t flinch really but your eyes widen and your head is pressed to the metal behind you and your small freckles begin to glow softly, bioluminescence activating as the feeling of threat registers.
He stops dead, hand hanging in the air between the two of you. The glow from your face throws the angles of his helmet into sharp relief and your eyes, wide and scared, stay locked on the hand you know can kill and hurt [and clean your wounds, brushing bacta, gentle touches to guide you through a market, he’s not like the collectors, he’s different - but maybe he’s not. You’ve been fooled before.]
He stares at you with your wide black eyes and fear on your face and the feeling of threatened and scared obvious with every dot of bioluminescence lighting up your body, and he doesn’t move. 
[you’re afraid of him, you flinched from him, you thought he would hurt you, there is a possibility in your mind that he could ever raise a hand to you, that he could ever press against your skin and want to hurt, as if there is any world where Dyn Djarrin could do that]
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sadchappuccino · 5 years
Love Don’t Hate it - One
Pairing: Dyn Djarrin (Mando) x reader
Warnings: None?
Summary: To understand the story of you and the Mandalorian you must know the events before it
A/n: I worked so hard on this chapter it felt like it’d be 3k long, but surprise surprise it’s just 1.1k. Anyway the next ones will be longer. Enjoy
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The story of how you met the Mandalorian was a long one, because to explain how you met him or why you decided to help him raise a baby started way before. While the empire still ruled over the galaxy you found a holocron, the reason you were where you were when you met the Mandalorian.
You found it hidden far from eyesight when you went for a walk. In a small alley you saw it laying in the trash. Why it was thrown away you didn’t know, but you were too curious to leave it. Thus, you picked it up and took it home to find out what the machine meant.
In the confined space of your home you placed it on the table in front of you. Here you knew no one was watching, somehow you had the need to open it here. There was some feeling in your gut that you shouldn’t try to pry it in public.
The dodecahedron machine intrigued you, to say at least. With little to no clue what it was you found it to be a challenge opening it. You had tried nearly anything, from using your bare hands to try breaking it open with a crowbar.
You were close to giving up, that was when you had a last idea. Something that scared you to your very core, a power deeper than your thoughts could comprehend. It was an unknown force you could feel around you.
When you were still young you discovered this power, you and your friends joked about having powers and you acted like you were going to lift up a rock with ‘magic’. To your shock the rock moved a bit, not a lot, but enough for you to notice it. Ever since that day you tried to forget it, pass it off as a dream. ’It couldn’t be real’, you thought, but you always knew that it did happen. That you were just trying to slide it off as a way to cope with it. You wanted to be normal and not being that scared you.
Feeling scared of yourself is a feeling no kid should be feeling, but because of that small movement you did. You were completely terrified of that day. But something inside you told you that you should try to breach the machine with that power.
You extended your hand and focused on the machine, trying to do the same as you’d done many years ago. To your utter shock it worked, a hologram of a little green man was shown from the machine.
“Master Yoda, I am,” he spoke. That was the beginning of your future.
Listening to the words he had to say you adapted your life to them. You left your home planet of Coruscant to train to become a Jedi in peace, knowing that you’d be a dead person walking if anyone found out.
So you took the first opportunity you could get to leave and you took off to Sorgan. You practiced on your force skills there, opting to first be able to meditate before you would make a lightsaber.
You sat there for weeks straight, only taking a break to eat or to go to the bathroom. You meditated until you had a better understanding of the force, you meditated until you could see spirits of the force, the man, of what you learned was a holocron, showed up. You lost complete track of how much time had passed by during all this. The only company you had were the force-spirits.
It went like this for a while, until master Yoda told you to start working on your physical strength too, since you already became mentally strong.
Following his advice you started to climb the trees, run through the forest and practiced your fighting skills with the help of the spirit of master Kenobi. Of course you regularly meditated to keep your mind clean.
You even left for a few days to retrieve a kyber crystal from Datooine. You meditated with the crystal for a few days to bond with the crystal. You always found great peace in meditation, it felt like no one could hurt you then, with the added bonus of holding your crystal you felt even more peace than before. After that you collected all the items necessary to make your lightsaber. It had a basic design, not over the top, you only added the bonus of a leather handle to better your grip on it. When you lit the weapon it gave a green hue, you stared at it for a while, mesmerised by the sheer beauty of it.
“It’s beautiful,” you breathed out. You twisted it around you, letting the force guide you, like master Yoda said, ‘the force is an ally and a powerful one.’
After a few more months practicing with the weapon while continuing your previous training you began to wonder how long it’d still take until you became a jedi. You thought you were ready to aid people in need, but you had to have the approval of your masters first, they know better when you’d be finished.
So, you asked the masters if you were ready for the trials. “A good padawan you have been,” answered master Yoda, “but a master not yet.” You nodded your head, slightly disappointed with the answer, yet you understood it.
“Thank you, I do have a question though, could I possibly take on a job outside of my training, I can barely afford food anymore.”
“A job you can have.”
Obi-Wan nodded his head, “be careful not to grow attachment to anyone there, remember a jedi must love all-”
“But not think one being is perfect,” you finished the oh so known sentence. “Thank you masters,” you bowed your head down, you left to go to a village and there you were accepted to work in restaurant facility.
You poured the drinks behind the bar. It was a pretty simple job and it paid a decent amount, enough to support yourself.
You liked it there, you had the added bonus of getting some free food once in a while and soon enough you had enough money to buy a piece of fabric to start working on your traditional Jedi robes.
Life had changed drastically for you, but you were always one to enjoy the new.
Permanent taglist: @loxbbg @zabdisamor @hcllander @tom-hollands-blog @meg-holland @vintageroses1014516 @jackiehollanderr @whyamihere-bro @spidey-swift @coonflix @spiderstabber @meghan-8520xx
Mando fic: @700teacups @stupidly-lazy @theladywholivesonthemoon @jelly-snow-stark @leilei-draws @resistancesquadronblackleader
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aurevoirdecci · 5 years
SW fandom: is having close to the equivalent of a civil war between reylo and finnpoe and finnrey shippers
Me: chilling out with my unproblematic single space dad and his green son
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sorry-but-no-sorry · 5 years
The Mandalorian, episode 1-7
Din Djarin: no droids. That’s final.
The Mandalorian, episode 8
Din Djarin: but you’ll be destroyed
IG-11: but you will live, and I would serve my purpose.
Din Djarin: no… we need you
IG-11: there’s nothing to be sad about. I’ve never been alive.
Din Djarin: I’m not… sad
IG-11: yes you are. I’m a nurse droid, I’ve analyzed your voice.
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memory-bees · 5 years
Warning: Non graphic violence
Pairing: Paz/Din
Word Count: 1,249
A/N: If you want the Mando'a translations or the ao3 link, lemme know!!
  Paz wasn't afraid of Din. He wasn't afraid of his ego or his terrifying skill in battle. He admired him in that sense, he was efficient. He got in and out, never stayed on a planet longer than need be. He made sure the Convent could feed the Foundlings.
Paz was more scared for Din than anything.
He always had been, ever since he had first seen him when the rescue team brought him home. Neither of them had had a helmet on at that point. Both too young. Paz had been born into the creed, his parents both Mandalorian's as well. Din,  he knew, was a different story. So he had immediately tried to speak to him, but back then he was even quieter than he was now.
He jumped when a droid came too close instead of shot it, unlike he did now. Some of the other children had teased him about it, how it was just a bunch of bolts and metal. What was the big deal? But Paz knew. He had heard the adults talking about how Din had come to join them. Parents slaughtered by Imperial droids.
So Paz did the one thing he truly knew how to do well back then. Fight back. He waited to catch the group of children cornering Din before he swooped in, a true hero in his own eyes. He threatened all of them, got close to punching one of them in the nose.
Din had called him hot headed after. Paz couldn't disagree with that.
Over the months that passed he had grown quite fond of the smaller boy. Guuror was the Mando'a term. He had asked his parents if there was a word for fondness it in Mando'a, they teased him about having a girl he fancied. He quickly corrected them telling it was a boy, no feelings like that.
Paz and Din had trained together, learning the basics of the different kinds of weapons in the training arsenal. But then they got their armor, faces hidden from one another. A barrier that Paz knew was an honor to bear, but he also wanted to see Din's kind hearted smile again. They were separated into different higher level training. Paz was sorted into heavy infantry, Din into the ambush sector.
They grew apart, Paz still scared any who spoke of Din behind his back, though. Just friends, he reminded himself as the other teens walked away. Nothing more.
The first time Paz realized he worried more about Din than Din did was during their first mission, before they had been forced into the strict secrecy of the creed in modern times. They could, and had to, go out in pairs. Din and Paz had been told to get some credits and they picked up a bounty. Nothing hard, just some bandit chief on the outskirts of the city that needed to be taken into custody. Paz was supposed to go in guns blazing while Din snuck in and snagged the leader.
Only, Din wasn't a master at sneaking around in his armor then and had been caught. Paz found him clawing at the leaders arm that had him in a choke hold. Paz sucked in a breath and ordered for him to be let go. Din's movements were beginning to slow, and he started panicking. He tried to remember his training, the blood rushing in his years drowning out what the man was saying.
He was torn away from himself when he heard the strangled cry escape their bounty. He quickly scanned the situation, a knife in the man's thigh, blood running thick and fast over a worn leather glove and Din gulping in all the air he could get through his helmet. Paz rushed to him, yelling at him for being careless. The shorter boy didn't say anything, only dressed the bandit's wound and dragged him all the way back to town. Once they were back in the safety of the covert, the congratulations over with, Din sat with him. They were quiet until he found his words and whispered that Paz had been too harsh. He had it under control. And if he hadn't made it it wouldn't have been such a big deal.
Paz's heart felt heavy once his friend left. That's when he realized he cared more for Din than Din did himself. He went to bed that night without saying anything to his aging parents.
Years passed, Din joined the bounty hunters and started bringing in credits like it was child's play. And every new scratch on his beskar made Paz huffy, every broken bone and limp he saw Din bare made his blood run hot. He pulled Din aside one night and told him to be more careful. Din had looked confused, at least from what he could see of his body language. Paz opened his mouth to continue on the speech he had envisioned himself saying, but was cut off by Din.
"What does it matter? It's not hurting you, burc'ya."
Paz inhaled and put his hand on the back of the younger man's helmet. The metal making a quiet clank as it hit against his own. Neither seemed to move, the sound of foundlings playing far away. The air was stiff, too. Paz choked on his words and stepped away from Din who walked off without another word. His footsteps hopefully drowning out the half step Paz took to follow him.
His last breaking point was when he had seen the Imperial sigil pressed onto the beskar tablets. He lashed out, still too harsh as Din would have said. This time they actually fought, knives to one another's throats as the Armorer spoke to them. But what he had called Din rang hard through his ears, guilt burning through him like a branding.
Din Djarin was not a coward. Paz had only been worried. Who knows what those imps would have done if he had said something wrong. If he hadn't fulfilled the bounty as he should have. Those if's clouded his judgment and his conscience was paying the price. Dearly.
He saw the shorter Mandalorian walk back towards the exit when he finally swallowed his pride and spoke to him. Din nearly swung to hit him when he grabbed his elbow. He didn't flinch, Djarin hadn't even gotten halfway to his helm. And Paz was flung back to just a few years ago when they were in a similar situation, Paz choked on his words and Din waiting patiently.
Finally he found the words and murmured, "N'eparavu takisit."
"You are forgiven." Was the hushed reply.
"I was just worried." He muttered, hand tightening over his elbow. This time Din was the one to press their helmets together.
"You always are, cyare."
And just as quickly as Paz's heart skipped a beat, Din had gone back to the surface. He cursed himself and made his way to the barracks. He huffed and muttered on the long walk there. Maybe he wasn't scared for Din, more scared of him.
He paused at the sound of pounding little feet behind him. He turned and saw a panicked foundling rushing towards him. He kneeled down to the girls height, waiting for her to catch her breath and speak her words.
"The beroya-" Din. "He's in trouble-" A swallowed gasp of air. "Buruk, the guild-"
Paz was standing and rushing to grab a blaster before she could truly finish her sentence.
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thorinlandscaping · 5 years
luke skywalker meets the mandalorian in season 2
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sadchappuccino · 5 years
Can I have a Mando x reader of the both of them dating? She was born with a heart problem, (it doesn’t have to be anything specific) and Mando finds out when they run into Cara? She knew the reader and is the one to know that she was born with the heart problem. Cara tells Mando about it and he wasn’t happy at first when she didn’t inform him earlier but he confronts her about it. When he does, she tells him and ever since, Mando has been ridiculously overprotective of her.
Pairing: Mando x ex-dropper!reader
Warning: Angst, fluff, arrhythmia, spoilers?
A/n: I should probably write Peter. P or Tom again after all this mando
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Having a relationship with a mandalorion wasn’t like anything you knew. It was strange at first, you didn’t know what to talk about, since mando didn’t like to discuss his past. However, soon you knew what to do. You would tease him all day and make small jokes and sometimes he’d answer. Slowly he was warming up to having real human contact again, after all those years of solitude.
Early in the relationship you and Mando both decided you weren’t serious. It wasn’t that the both of you could have other partners, but more so that thoughts of moving in or marrying were far away.
Mando would come by ever so often, he had a hard time balancing work with you, but it had always worked. So when Mando asked you to travel with him, you thought he was talking about taking a small vacation and you agreed happily.
You kissed Mando on his helmet before you sat down on the co-pilot seat. Immediately Mandi flipped some switches, setting the plane on auto-pilot and turned his attention to you.
Your silky skin and beautiful eyes, your radiant smile and y/h/c hair. Everything about you made Mando’s heart swell.
“Are we almost there?” you asked. “Yes,” Mando answered, he didn’t know how to express himself verbally, instead he placed a hand on your leg.
Little movements like that showed you why he was your boyfriend. He might not have been socially smart, but he was the most caring man you had ever met. He tried so hard to show you how much he likes you and it made your stomach flutter.
You placed your hand on his and intertwine your fingers together. A blush crept onto your cheeks, doing small domestic stuff with this man always had you weak.
You landed on the planet Nevarro, where Greef was expecting you for your new job. You scooped up the child and kept him in your arms as you and Mando walked throught the town. His hand was protectively placed on smal of your back, making sure that you were close to him.
In the bar you quickly noticed a familiar face, you smiled at the short haired woman. It had been long since you had seen her, the last time was before she left the rebels.
Cara walked up to you and Mando quickly pulling you into a hug, minding the child. “It’s been long, bullseye.”
“I could say the same for you, ace,” you patted her back. “You know each other?” Mando asked, you could hear the confusion in his voice even through the modulator.
“Yeah, we were in the same squad,” Cara said triumphant, “and this lady here never missed her shot, best sniper from the entire resistance. Just too bad you couldn’t fight, you’d have been amazing in combat.”
You laughed along with Cara. “Too bad you got that arrhythmia.”
“It’s not my fault my heart is weird,” you joked, “I can’t even run without losing my breath.”
Mando stiffened from beside you, he was happy that his helmet covered his hurt face. Why didn’t you tell him? Didn’t you trust him?
You and Cara catched up some more, while Mando left to get his money and a new job. After he was done you left the bar again and bid your goodbyes to Cara.
The walk back to the Razor Crest, was quiet, more so than normal. Finally in the ship you placed the kid in his cot and walked up to Mando. “Is everything okay?” you asked him.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t think it’d be important, I don’t have it really bad it won’t be fatal it’s mostly just an uncomfortable pain,” you said in full honesty.
“For makers sake, of course it’s important y/n, we’re in a relationship, I need to know if anything is wrong.” Your eyes softened when looking at him. “I’m sorry Mando,” you sighed, “I didn’t want you to worry.”
“Well that’s too late, it’s dangerous if you have a fragil heart.”
Maybe you were wrong, maybe you were in a serious relationship.
Permanent taglist: @loxbbg @zabdisamor @hcllander @tom-hollands-blog @meg-holland @vintageroses1014516 @jackiehollanderr @whyamihere-bro @spidey-swift @coonflix @spiderstabber @meghan-8520xx
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sadchappuccino · 4 years
Love Don’t Hate It - 6
Pairing: Din Djarrin x reader
Warnings: Mugging, fight
Summary: You go to the store with the child
A/n: Would you look at that, I updated. You don’t see that often
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Mando came by a little later, but only for a few seconds before he left again. You decided it was time to get some needed to help the child. So you brought the child in doors and sat him on the ground.
“Hi honey, can you do what I do?” you asked, your voice changed to that which you use for a baby and you smiled kindly. The child answered with babbles, but you took it as a yes.
“Okay darling, can you do this?” you moved a little ball closer to you with the force. The child reached out his arm too and squinted his eyes to focus. The ball started to move to him now. “Wow honey, it looks like you already know how to use the force.” You picked him up happily, “you’re so smart, aren’t you.” The child giggled in your arms.
“Come one let’s get you some food and then to bed. You must be tired after all that travelling huh?” You walked outside with the child still placed in your arms. “Peli, do you know where I can get food for a baby?” you asked her.
“There is a store nearby, walk down the street and take a right,” she told you. “Thank you, I’ll be back in a few.” You walked outside of the bay with the child, you were focused on him and the people around you. Even though Mos Eisley had cleaned up nicely, you still didn’t doubt there would be criminals here.
“After this I’m going to meditate hun, I have to keep practicing.” You knew that the little green baby didn’t understand what you said. The little store came into view and you walked in, roaming the aisles you looked for food. You couldn’t help yourself when you saw a little stuffed animal, you had to buy it. The necessities for the baby piled up and soon enough you had an entire card filled with stuff for the Child. You paid for the items with Imperial credits of which you had no shortage, due to all your savings.
“Now let’s get home, maybe your dad is already back,” you cooed to the child in your arms. As you made your way out, with the baby in one arm and the bag filled with your bought items in the other, a group of 3 people started to surround you. They looked shady to you and it was clear that they weren’t approaching you to share a cup of jawa juice.
“Give us your money and you and the kid can walk away, without any harm,” one of the thugs said. Through the force you could feel that the man was lying and you shook your head, “Were you never taught that lying is a bad trait?”
“Just shut up and hand over those credits,” he seethed pointing a blaster at you. “Okay, let me just put this bag down so I can reach my wallet,” you slowly lowered the bag and stood back up again with the credits in your hand. One of the goons walked up to you to get the cash, but before he could grab it you smashed your head against his, making him fall on the ground.
“You bitch,” he spat as he rubbed his head. “Don’t try to mug me then,” you said smug. The other two charged at you but you easily ducked out of the way. You kicked one man in the nose and he fell down with a grunt.
The child who still laid in your arms giggled as you fought them, you held him out of armsway as you kicked, punched and kneed the muggers. When you were finally done you scoffed at the men, “you know for a group of tough muggers you sure are weak. I mean I was carrying a kid and still won.”
The men all grumbled a bunch of curse words to you, but you simply walked away with the kid, your bag and money, smiling proud.
“Don’t let this win get to your head, my padawan,” Master Kenobi said. “Of course master, but still you do have to admit that it was pretty impressive.” He let out an amused laugh, “yes it was. However, it was also pretty reckless to do it with the child in your arms.”
“I understand master, but I couldn’t put the child down to fight. They could’ve easily snatched him.”
“You could’ve tricked their mind into going away,” he stated simply, making your mouth fall into an ‘o’. “I didn’t think of that.”
“I know my padawan, that’s why you're still learning.”
“I could’ve avoided all that trouble plus kept the child safe. Maker awww was stupid I should’ve thought.”
“It’s okay y/n, don’t beat yourself up. You still have to get used to this position. You have to treat the child like your own.”
You frowned at that, “but what about jedi code?”
“There is no order so there are no rules,” he says. “So you guys have been lying to me the entire time? Saying that I can’t have attachments.”
“Well yes, but you can have them but it’s not smart. It led Anakin to the darkside.”
“But it also helped Luke Skywalked win,” you said, “it’s dangerous, it can be good and bad. I’ll try to stay clear of it as much as I can master.”
“You really are too wise for your age, y/n,” Obi-wan laughed. Before you knew it you were back in the gate and greeted Peli. Placing the kid and the newly bought items away in the Razor Crest. Then you felt it.
Permanent taglist: @loxbbg @zabdisamor @hcllander @tom-hollands-blog @meg-holland @vintageroses1014516 @jackiehollanderr @whyamihere-bro @spidey-swift @coonflix @spiderstabber @meghan-8520xx
Mando fic: @700teacups @stupidly-lazy @theladywholivesonthemoon @jelly-snow-stark @leilei-draws @resistancesquadronblackleader @aeryntheofficial @buckyboobear @peggers-n-beggers @sirianfromsixties @loilko @thetrappednerd @ispilledmyink @theholycakehole
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sadchappuccino · 5 years
Love Don’t Hate It - 2
Pairing: Mando x reader
Warnings: None?
Summary: An in armor clad man walks into your place of works with a child that looks very similar to your master
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Sometimes you disliked people, they could be rude mean and arrogant, working in retail showed you that. However, the force ghost of the recently passed away Anakin Skywalker helped you with it. As Darth Vader he knew better than anyone how to avoid the dark side of the force and he taught you how to keep your anger at bay.
You did enjoy seeing all those new people pass by though and you’ve grown a small friendship with an ex-shocktrooper called Cara. Of course you kept your distance too afraid to start an actual attachment to her.
Five days after you met her, Cara sat down and without having to say a word you poured her a drink. “Hey y/n/n,” she smiles. “Hey Cara, how is it?” you smile at her.
“Pretty good, not much has changed since I got here,” she shrugs. “That’s why I like it so much, it’s so peaceful,” you smile at her.
“You never wanted to leave this place and go out on an adventure? Living here your entire life must be boring,” she notes. Smiling, you shake your head slightly, “I used to live on Coruscant, there I had quite an eventful life. But yes, I do miss the thrill sometimes, though I’m not ready to leave this place just yet.”
“Coruscant? That’s very different from here, why did you move?” The question was one you didn’t like to answer. It was too personal to tell a random stranger, so without the blink of an eye you told the lie .
“Just needed a change of scenery.” You knew that the force ghosts were looking at you disapproving and you’d probably get a lecture of master Skywalker later about how the darkside could easily consume you by lying.
“That came out a little too fast y/n,” you heard master Skywalker say, definitely with a smirk on his face. You couldn’t really say anything about it though, it’d make Cara think you lost your mind.
“Alright, well you’ve work to do so I’ll leave you to it,” she stand up and sits down in a booth further away.
Not a lot later a man clad in beskar and a child walked in the bar and your boss welcomed them and gave you their order. Preparing the bone broth for them, your eyes couldn’t stop from wandering back to the Mandalorian.
“Master Yoda is that-”, you didn’t even have to finish your sentence before he answered. “Yes, train him you must,” the green man said. “How can I, I’m not even a master, I can’t take on a padawan, it’s impossible,” you said in disbelief.
“There is no impossible.”
“Alright,” you grabbed the drink and walked up to the booth. You saw that the man had left already and the kid was alone. You scooped him up in your arm and bounced it back and forth. “Did your father leave you here, that’s not very good,” you smiled as you talked with a high pitched voice.
The child cooed in your arms as you give it his drink, “let’s go find the scary man, shall we.” With no response from the child you walked out of the bar, telling your boss that you were going to take a break. It took a while to find them, but once you did you couldn’t help but let out a snicker.
They both laid on the ground with their blasters raised to each other. You could practically hear master Kenobi tell you how uncivilised they were and how he would choose his lightsaber over the blasters any day.
They both turned to look at you and the kid, that’s when the Mandalorian offered both of you soup, which you politely declined.
The four of you sat in a booth talking with each other, the child was still placed neatly on your lap, refusing to leave his place.
“Saw most of my action mopping up after Endor. Mostly Ex-Imperial Warlords. They wanted it fast and quiet. They'd send us in on the drop ships. No support, just us. Then when the Imps were gone, the politics started. We were peacekeepers, protecting delegates, suppressing riots. Not what I signed up for,” Cara said, though you were not paying a lot of attention to the conversation. You main focus was the child, it looked so much like master Yoda, the similarities were remarkable.
“Y/n,” you heard your name being said and you looked up. “Yes?”
“Mando here asked something,” Cara smirked at how you looked so off-guard. “I’m terribly sorry, what were you saying?”
“Can you give me the child, I’m going home,” he deadpans. “Oh right I’m sorry, I need to talk to you about him though.” God you wanted to see his expression to know how he felt, but the force told you enough and the man below the mask was in shock.
“I’ll walk with you to your ship and we can discuss it,” you offer, “it’s about the child.”
Mando nodded his head and you both walked in the direction of his ship. When you were sure that no one could hear you, you started to talk. “The kid has powers as you might know,” you started formally, “I wish to train him, so he can be like the rest of his kind.”
“And that is?” Mando said sceptical. “A jedi, he can be my padawan, if you let me.”
You wanted to continue the conversation, to convince the Mandalorian that you would take good care of his child. Though you couldn’t do it, because two local boys walked up to you.
“Excuse me,” they both tried to gain the Mandalorians attention and you elbowed the bounty hunter so he’d answer and not be rude. “Is there something I can help you with,” he replied to the pair, probably giving you a side eye.
The two man rambled on about how they needed help, clearly intimidated by the large man. They kept saying how they had money and needed help, but Mando was having none of it, saying it wasn’t enough.
“Come on Mando, they need help,” you told him to which the two men nodded their heads. Only the man stayed dead silent.
“I’ll help your village,” you declared. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think you could help us.” You shook your head at that statement, “just because one doesn’t look strong means they’re weak.”
They both looked in shock and you smiled. “And just so happen to know that Mando here,” you clasped your hand on his shoulder, “needs a place to stay.”
The guys both perked up and Mando accepted their offer and would help them.
“I knew you had good in you,” you looked up at him while you walked back to the bar. “I’m just doing this for the money,” he grumbled. “Keep saying that, I’m pretty sure you want to help them out. I mean you did the same for the kid,” you declared.
“How do you know that?”
“Let’s just call it a gift,” you grinned and you swore you could hear a chuckle from beneath that helmet.
Permanent taglist: @loxbbg @zabdisamor @hcllander @tom-hollands-blog @meg-holland @vintageroses1014516 @jackiehollanderr @whyamihere-bro @spidey-swift @coonflix @spiderstabber @meghan-8520xx
Mando fic: @700teacups @stupidly-lazy @theladywholivesonthemoon @jelly-snow-stark @leilei-draws @resistancesquadronblackleader @aeryntheofficial @buckyboobear @peggers-n-beggers
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sadchappuccino · 5 years
Love Don’t Hate It - 4
Pairing: Dyn Djarrin x reader
Warnings: Fighting
Summary: You help the farmers fight the Klatooinians
A/n: Sorry that this is so late
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Training a group of farmers was excruciating, they were trying their best, but definitely couldn’t survive in a real war.
You held a wooden staff in your hand showing the farmers how to use it. Someone almost tipped over and you told them how a clear mind can help with fighting and balance.
“Y/n? How do you know how to use a staff so well?” one of them asked. You smiled at her, “it’s a weapon very similar to my favourite one, a weapon I’ve almost mastered. Now I think you guys deserve a break, drink some water and get some rest, the fight will happen soon.”
The group walked away from you chatting about the battle and how nervous they were. You, on the other hand, were not looking forward to it. You always believed that you could resolve conflicts with negotiations. But in this you didn’t have a choice, all you could do was stop others from getting hurt.
You grabbed your stuff from the ground with a sly smirk on your face. “Master Skywalker I can sense you watching,” you said to the force ghost who stood near the training ground. “I was just wondering why you aren’t a master yet,” he said walking up beside you. “It’s quite simple master, master Yoda and master Kenobi do not think I’m ready, sadly that means I must wait.”
“You’re too wise for your own good kiddo,” he told you, making you laugh. “Master Skywalker you’re only 17 years older than me.”
“That age gap is big enough for you to be my daughter,” he said. “Thank god I am not, I couldn’t stand to live with you every day,” you scrunched your nose in the disgust and then laughed. “Watch it young lady I’ll ground you,” he sternly points his finger at you,
“Master Skywalker, you’re a ghost you can’t ground me.”
“Than I’ll haunt you.”
You laughed again, excusing yourself to change and get ready for the battle. You changed once again in the familiar robes, the cream coloured fabric wrapped around your body with tight pants and brown boots that reached just below your knees. You grabbed your holster and placed it around your hip, there was room for one blaster and your lightsaber, but it wasn’t like you’d use the blaster.
Cara and The Mandalorian had already left when you walked out. You gathered the farmers to stand behind the barrier and wait until they’d return.
It wasn’t long until they came running in and hid too. “This is it, when that thing steps into the pond it’s going down,” you could hear Cara say. Everybody readied their weapons and the AT-ST emerged from the woods, trampling everything in his path.
“Just a few more steps,” Mando murmured. To your annoyance the machine stopped just before the water. A light shone from it’s red eyes scanning the area and everybody fell down on the floor. The ones who didn’t got shot at.
The Klatooinians ran out of the woods too and everyone around you started to shoot. It was a mess of glowing shots. Sparks were flying around everywhere, but the AT-ST wouldn’t move.
You stood up and ran to the side of the pond, flanking the machine. You could hear Cara and Mando screaming after you. Unlighting your saber you cut down one of its legs and used the force to push it forward, it fell down with a plunge.
You smiled big and unlit it and placed it back in the holster. A few people were staring at you, it must’ve looked weird to see you standing there behind a big AT-ST that had fallen.
“We did it,” you said, in shock a smile found its way on your face.
You walked up to Cara to congratulate her with the victory, “well done Cara. It was really impressive to see you jump in that pond, very smart.”
“I could say the same about you, you did what we thought was impossible. How did you damage those legs?”
“I have my ways,” you smiled with a wink. You and Cara talked some more and not much later walker Mando up to you.
“Y/n, we still have to talk,” Mando said all of the sudden. “Okay,” you turned back to Cara, “see you later.”
Walking side by side you discussed the Child again. “You said that you’d train him as a jedi? I thought those were just myths,” he said.
“We are not, I’m still a padawan, or apprentice, myself but my masters have given me an order to train the child. If you’ll I can take care of him here and you can leave,” you proposed, “he’ll live a happy life, I promise you that.”
You could practically hear the wheels spinning in the Mandalorion’s head. “And you can assure his safety?”
“Yes, I have the force on my side, the child can’t be more safe than in my care.” The force told you that Mando was still in doubt of your capabilities, so you grabbed your lightsaber once again and lit it. “I also have this to protect us.” You turned it off and placed it back where it belonged, on your holster.
“Okay,” he said. You both shook each other’s hands and he gave you a nod. “Thank you.” The silence returned as you made your way back to the village.
Back there you saw the child and picked it up. The little green creature smiled at you as you cradled him in your arms. He wasn’t old enough to actively start his training, but damn if you weren’t going to make sure that he would be safe and okay.
You took him back to your cabin. You laid down in the bed and placed him next to you, making sure his head was upright. You fell asleep with him in your arms, feeling the joyful stares of your masters on you.
Permanent taglist: @loxbbg @zabdisamor @hcllander @tom-hollands-blog @meg-holland @vintageroses1014516 @jackiehollanderr @whyamihere-bro @spidey-swift @coonflix @spiderstabber @meghan-8520xx
Mando fic: @700teacups @stupidly-lazy @theladywholivesonthemoon @jelly-snow-stark @leilei-draws @resistancesquadronblackleader @aeryntheofficial @buckyboobear @peggers-n-beggers @sirianfromsixties @loilko @thetrappednerd @ispilledmyink
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sadchappuccino · 5 years
Love Don’t Hate It - 3
Pairing: Din Djarrin x reader
Warnings: None?
Summary: Farmers can hide some crucial information
A/n: Some parts won’t be consistent with the storyline
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You knew that your days were over on Sorgan, your three masters told you to train the kid and stay the with Mandalorion and you followed their instructions.
Dressed in your jedi robes you got a few weird looks, but you shrugged it off. It felt strangely good to wear the clothes in public, it gave you a surge of confidence as your lightsaber was placed on your hip.
“So what’s that?” Cara said mentioning the fabric. You laughed at her, “it’s part of my religion, it took awhile to make, but it seems quite fitting.”
“You look very good y/n/n.”
“Thank you,” you nodded your head, “I can say the same about you.” Cara lets out an airy laugh “always a flirt.”
You smile back at her, “I hope we arrive soon, I still want to meditate before the sun sets.”
You felt all eyes on you again, “meditate?” the scepticism radiated from that one word uttered by the Mandalorion. “Yes meditate, it gives me a clear mind which helps me to make the right decisions,” you shrugged, “part of the religion.”
The group just took your word for it, but Mando came to your side. “You’re a part of a creed,” he states. You nodded your head at him, “you are too, so why do you sound surprised.”
“I didn’t expect a bartender to be strongly religious, by the blasters on your holster it doesn’t seem safe too.”
You smirked, “good observation Mando, it’s not safe no. It never was, but it’s safer since the fall of the empire, but not enough to share everything with you.”
“I can respect that,” the modulated voice said. “Good, we’d have a bit of a problem if you didn’t,” you joked half hearted. A silence dropped over the both of you after that, you just walked without saying anything.
Not much later you arrived at the small village, where you were greeted by a brown haired woman. “I’m Omera,” she introduced herself, “welcome.”
“I’m y/n,” you extended your hand for her to shake, she took it and smiled at you. “It’s nice to meet you y/n, I’m glad you want to help us.”
“It’s no problem, I'm happy to help.”
“I’ll show you to the cabin you can stay at, I’m sorry but we only have 2 left.” she smiled at you. “Me and y/n can stay together,” Cara said and clasped her arm on your shoulder.
Together you walked to the small wooden house. Inside there are two beds and a small closet. You placed what little stuff you had in the drawers, it consisted mostly out of a few clothes, the holocron and a few blasters.
“Didn’t know you can shoot,” Cara piped up from behind you. “Some people consider it rude to look at other people’s belongings,” you smirked. “Come on you’re killing me y/n.”
Rolling your eyes, you let out a chuckle, “yes I know how to shoot, it’s always good to have self defense.”
“Damn you’re not just a bartender, huh?”
“Is anyone here ‘just anyone’” you replied smugly. “You got me there again.”
“Let’s get ready to scout the area,” you suggested, “so we know what to expect.” Cara smiled at you again, “good idea, it might give us an idea of how many raiders there are. Who knew that you knew how a battle works.”
“Believe me I know more than you might think,” you winked at her. You could hear the faint sound of a chuckle as you walked out.
Your feet carried you to Mando’s cabin and you knocked on his door. The door opened and you smiled at him, “Cara and I thought it’d be good to search this place, do you want to come?”
“Okay,” he nodded his head and left his lodge. Together you made your way back to Cara and to the woods. The force was guiding you to a place you didn’t know and the others following you blind for some reason.
“Come look here,” you pointed to the branches and the ground. “about 15 or 20 came through here on foot,” Mando noticed, “and something big sheared of those branches,” he pointed to the air.
Without another word you took a few more steps, in front of you there was a big footprint in the ground. “AT-ST,” Cara said. “Imperial walker, what is it doing here?” Mando asked.
“I don’t know,” Cara shrugs. “I don’t like this,” you noted, you crouched down and let your hand travel through it, “the raiders must’ve stolen it after the fall, a lot of imperial tech was unprotected since there was so many.”
“It’s more than I signed up for,” Cara noted, “we should get back.”
The group walked back to the farm again. “Y/n can I ask you something?” The Mandalorion asked you. “Depends on what the question is,” you teased. “Why are you helping them?”
You laughed, “can’t I do something just because it’s right?” You couldn’t see his reaction, but below his helmet the Mandalorion cracked a smile. “Do you even know how to fight?”
“Oh I might not look like it, but I could take you down before you could even comprehend what is happening.”
“I don’t think so,” Mando said. “Keep saying that and I might believe you some day.”
When you finally arrived at the farm, everyone crowded around you. “You can’t live here anymore,” Mando announced. You placed your face in your hand, ‘how could he be so blunt’ you thought.
“Nice bedside manner,” Cara shoved his side. “What you think you can do any better?” Mando bited back. “Can’t do much worse.”
“I know this is not the news you wanted to hear, but there are no other options.” There were murmurs and shouts through the crowd. “This is a big planet, I mean I’ve seen much smaller,” Cara announced.
“Everyone please understand that it’s nearly impossible to take on an AT-ST and around 20 raiders,” you spoke loudly.
“An impossible there isn’t,” Yoda said from beside you. “That’s why I said nearly,” you replied with a hushed tone, getting a weird look from Cara, but a smile from the Jedi’s.
“There are only 3 of us,” Cara said. “There is at least 20.”
“I mean fighters,” Cara sighed. You tapped her shoulder, “what if we teach them how, you me and mando can probably take care of the walker while the others fight the raiders.”
“Y/n, be realistic, you need to have some superpower to do that,” Mando said joining in the conversation. “If you guys won’t help I’ll do it myself,” you declared. “Fine,” Cara grunted and Mando groaned too. “Perfect,” you turned around, “we will help you.”
Permanent taglist: @loxbbg @zabdisamor r @hcllander @tom-hollands-blog @meg-holland @vintageroses1014516 @jackiehollanderr @whyamihere-bro @spidey-swift @coonflix @spiderstabber r @meghan-8520xx
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sadchappuccino · 5 years
Love Don’t Hate It - 5
Pairing: Dyn Djarrin x reader
Summary: Master kenobi needs to talk to you and someone tries to kill the kid
Warnings: None?
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It was a beautiful day, there wasn’t a cloud in the air. You sat on a chair, bathing in the sunlight, the victory of the battle still in your mind. That was at least until your peace was disturbed by one of your masters. “Y/n, I need to talk to you,” master Kenobi told you. “Yes master,” you stood up and followed him to an open spot in the forest.
“Why am I here?” You asked him. “Patience is a virtue padawan,” he joked. “Please don’t be like that master,” you sighed. “Be like what?”
“You know what I mean.”
“Sit down y/n and meditate with me,” he said. You did as instructed and crossed your legs while sitting. “Can you feel the force?”
“Yes master, it’s very calm today,” you answered. “Yes, I want you to remember this. The calmness of the force,” he said.
“What’s wrong master?”
“Master Yoda, master Skywalker and I have a feeling that you have to walk down a dangerous path. The dark side will try to lure you to its side. You have to remain loyal to the jedi.”
“Yes master, I’ll resist the dark side at all costs.”
Just then a loud shot was heard through the forest and you took off on a sprint. When you finally entered the village you turned your head around desperate to see your kid.
“Don’t worry, he’s fine,” Omera said pointing to the direction of The Child. “Oh thank the maker,” you ran further and scooped him up immediately. “I was worried, you little thing.”
“What happened?” You asked Mando and Cara who returned. “A bounty hunter, they had a puck on the kid, he can’t stay here”, he answered gruff, “I have to take him with me.”
“Over my dead body,” you said, “if you want to take the child you have to take me along with you.” You could feel the man tense up at this, “are you insane? I live a dangerous life, it’s not a good one for a woman like you.”
“And it’s definitely not a life for a child, so I’m coming with you if you like it or not.”
“No, you’re not,” he said once again. It made you sigh loudly, “I didn’t want to do this, but I guess I have to,” you moved your hand while saying the sentence, “I can come with you.” The mandalorian repeated the sentence you said.
“Thank you mando,” you smiled and before Mando knew it, you were both in the Razor Crest with the child.
Blaster shots were all around you, some hit the ship and you were practically pleading the Mandalorian for you to fly the ship. However, he kept on denying it and flew getting a lot of hits.
After awhile he managed to get behind and he blasted it into oblivion. “I told you I could do it,” he said snarky. “I knew you could,” you replied, “it was just a bold plan.”
“We can land on that planet,” you pointed in front of you, “repair the ship, get some supplies.”
“Good idea.” He flipped a few switches and you received a message from the Mos Eisley tower, you could land in a hangar and when you descended.
“I’ll place the kid in a safe place, until we know that it’s safe for him here,” you announced, getting the small green bundle in your arms and walking to a unit in the wall. You placed him in there and smiled, “may the force be with you, youngling.” It answered with a few incoherent babbles and a smile.
You met Mando in the belly of the ship and together you walked out of it. A sound startled Mando and raised his blaster in the direction of the noise. “It’s just a droid, it won’t hurt the ship.”
“Hey Hey! You damage one of my droids you pay for them,” an older woman with curly hair screamed to Mando. “Just keep them away from my ship,” Mando replied, he placed his blaster back in his holster.
“Hello, I’m y/n,” you walked up to the woman with your arm outstretched. “Peli,” she shook your hand. “I need to check something inside, I’ll be outside in a few again,” you said before you entered the metal craft yet again.
It was cold inside in contrast to the unbearable heat outside. You found that the force could help you greatly in moments like this, you felt bad for the Mandalorion who was covered in beskar.
You opened the den where the kid was and cradled him in your arm again. “Hello there,” you grunted, “maker I think I spend too much time with my master Kenobi.”
The little creature titled it’s head and you smiled at it yet again. “Come on let’s get outside, your dad is probably gone, but I’ll take care of you.”
You walked back outside, the sand crushing under your boots as you took your steps. “Let’s get you something to eat,” you cooed to the baby.
Permanent taglist: @loxbbg @zabdisamor @hcllander @tom-hollands-blog @meg-holland @vintageroses1014516 @jackiehollanderr @whyamihere-bro @spidey-swift @coonflix @spiderstabber @meghan-8520xx
Mando fic: @700teacups @stupidly-lazy @theladywholivesonthemoon @jelly-snow-stark @leilei-draws @resistancesquadronblackleader @aeryntheofficial @buckyboobear @peggers-n-beggers @sirianfromsixties @loilko @thetrappednerd @ispilledmyink @theholycakehole
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sadchappuccino · 4 years
Would you look at that I’m still alive and I just have to proofread the new chapted before I’ll post it
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sadchappuccino · 5 years
Would anyone be interested in a Din Djarrin x reader? Where the reader is a jedi, they found a holocron about the jedi. Now the reader helps Dyn raise the child because they know how the force works.
It’s very specific so I’m afraid that no one will like it :/
update: The first chapter is posted
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