#dyn. adora & catra
torntruth · 2 years
i’m still in love with catra’s cape thing matching adora’s dress in that fantasy dream sequence of adora’s lmaooo. 
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catchromia · 4 years
where they get married     it’s outdoors in brightmoon, catra didn’t want a big wedding but bow and glimmer really wanted to throw a big celebration so she allowed it.
when they get married      it’s spring, where it’s not cold but also not too warm. catra didn’t want to freeze her butt off on the happiest day of her life. it’s a day wedding, but it goes well into the night as well.
what traditions they include     i’m not sure ?? about traditions really i think it’s more laid back. plus catra and adora both don’t know about a lot of traditions being raised in the horde, especially wedding traditions. adora wasn’t even going to wear white until glimmer found the perfect outfit. i might change this later though.
what their wedding cake looks like     it’s three stories high with little she ra swords on it, and on the top are little figurines - one is catra and one is adora, only the adora one looks like she’s teasing catra and the catra one looks annoyed but is blushing. everyone thought it enraptured their relationship perfectly.
who smashes cake into whose face     adora. glimmer told her about that and she does it as a surprise when they’re all sitting and eating. catra doesn’t understand and proceeds to throw her whole dinner at adora. 
who proposed to who first     it was a dare. they were talking about it and catra went “ bet you won’t propose to me ” and adora went “ bet you won’t propose to me ” and catra can’t not take a dare so she proposed and adora said yes.
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar     i was gonna say adora but i really think neither of them do. they both just kind of come out and stand at the head of the crowd. neither of them wants all the eyes on them for that long of a walk. and knowing adora, she’d trip.
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like     catra’s suit is a lot like the one she wore to princess prom - unbottoned quarter sleeve jacket and matching pants in black with a red tie. adora’s dress is like the one we see in the wish sequence in heart pt 2, only she has longer sleeves and no tiara. she has a poppy in her hair braided in by bow, and she’s wearing her boots under her dress ( glimmer couldn’t get her to take them off )
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have     they decided on red and black and gold - it just sort of seems like their colors. all the princesses help decorate, so there’s flowers climbing every column and red gold banners. the tables all have black clothes and each chair has a row of red flowers on the top. 
what flowers are in the bouquet      there are three flowers that are used throughout everything - wax flowers, representing love and patience ( both things that adora and catra had for each other ), dark center poppies, which represent beauty and magic and eternal life ( pretty obvious ), and sedum, which represents a cure for broken and wounded hearts. the bouquet is wax flowers and sedum while the poppies are mostly the ones on the chairs & columns. 
what their vows are     they both have written vows, and i imagine they do that thing from chuck where they’re both super nervous so they go through their wedding day like a dry run and say their vows to the other to practice. 
if anyone’s late to the wedding     sea hawk. do i even need to explain this one.
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other     they decide that since they have pretty much the same friends and no family, they don’t have wedding parties so to speak. glimmer and bow are in charge of the speeches and get to stand with them at the alter but that’s about it.
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing     they didn’t want to restrict their guests on what to wear so they allow them to wear whatever, but perfuma gives bow and glimmer a poppy to wear each. 
who gives speeches at the reception     like i said, bow and glimmer give the speeches. both end up recounting how catra tried to kill them multiple times, and both mention the moment they knew catra could be trusted and became their friend. scorpia also gives a speech, though no one knew she was going to until she happens. it ends up making catra tear up. 
who catches the bouquet     entrapta. she wanted to examine the flowers. she has no idea what it means to catch a bouquet. 
what their wedding photos are like     they aren’t the kind of couple to pose for photoshoots. all pictures that they have are candid. there’s one of wrong hordak cutting in to dance with adora and everyone looks really confused, there’s one of bow and glimmer dancing and being really sweet, and there’s one of adora and catra making funny faces at the camera immediately followed by another picture of them laughing super hard and smiling at each other. there are so many more i might make a list.
what sort of food they have at the reception     honestly, they put bow in charge of food because if it were up to catra or adora they would have one of everything. as long as it isn’t ration bars they’re fine.
who cries first during the ceremony     swift wind. before catra even opens her mouth to say her vows. 
how wild their reception gets     it’s just a big party. sea hawk gets pretty wild and mermista has to stop him from setting their boat home on fire, but that’s really the biggest thing that happens. swift wind never leaves the dance floor.
what their rings are like     they both settled on just gold bands. but on the inside of those bands are the two faces they drew on adora’s bunk when they were kids ( it did not get destoried during catra’s fight w hordak. )
what sort of favours they have     each of the princesses contribute something to the giftbags. catra had no idea there were even going to be giftbags until they’re being handed out. perfuma gives everyone a poppy, scorpia writes cute notes, entrapta builds tiny robot animals, mermista gives everyone a seashell, frosta originally was gonna make ice sculptures of them defeating horde prime but glimmer said that was not the best idea so instead frosta reluctantly made ice hearts, netossa and spinnerella make candy, and glimmer contributes small cakes. 
where they go for their honeymoon     mystacor. adora can’t relax to save her life, but she wanted to show catra how beautiful it was and also the beach. 
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony     sea hawk running through the party with a torch and mermista chasing after him before he can set their boat on fire. that was the highlight.
who officiates the ceremony     king micha. p sure he’s the oldest beside raz.
what song their first dance is to     idk about this one but you better believe its sappy and catra keeps kissing adora’s cheeks the whole time
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle     like i said no one walks down the aisle but if anyone was going to be given away it would be bow and glimmer giving adora away
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archawkventure · 4 years
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technia-blog1 · 4 years
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torntruth · 2 years
the best friend squad in episode 8 of season 5 is my literal favorite.   that’s my ultimate comfort episode of  ANY  show.    but like also  ...   catra pointed out that melog responds to emotions and adora steps aside to let catra prove that and it’s proven,  so like melog trusting adora isn’t a  ‘because she’s also magical’  thing,  it’s because melog’s feeding off catra’s emotions.   hence why melog is also super protective of adora too.   and just everything about that episode,  in between bow and catra playfully fighting with each other,  catra legitimately falling in love with adora’s laugh,  adora just casually holding catra’s hand without batting an eyelash while catra is hilariously mortified.   just....  please,  it’s all so good.   but please,  how did adora just  MISS  melog feeding off catra’s emotions..  aka catra being in love.   adds to the glamour. 
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torntruth · 2 years
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i love this scene because it looks like adora just fell head over heels in love with catra  --  but because of that it brings back the essence of their friendship and what it could have been if they didn’t choose opposing sides.   catra has a destructive side... that doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be bad.  it can simply be physical,  so catra here just made them a whole goddamn door by cutting through what looks like pure concrete just with her claws and adora’s goddamn giddy about it. glimmer just always looks confused and that was bow’s reminder that catra has really sharp claws. but adora definitely looks like the friend that doesn’t mind when catra possibly blows things up or claws her way through walls... as long as it’s for them.  that’s just catra’s thing. 
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torntruth · 2 years
i still feel like light hope and the beacon very purposely manipulated catra & adora’s memories to drive them apart.  and like...  was it cool that catra legitimately left adora hanging...  no,  absolutely not.   but the very moment catra left,  light hope just  DECIDES  to make an appearance and say  ‘let go.’   it all kind of ties in with light hope falling in love with mara.   driving adora away from a distraction.   like shadow weaver did too.
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torntruth · 2 years
i feel like glimmer and bow (and glimmer when catra saved her)  picking lightly on catra and calling her cute  /  commenting on her sneeze and all the other little things was not only them trying to get along playfully,  but them realizing exactly why adora likes catra so much. 
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torntruth · 2 years
continued  from  here  /  @tornsavior​ .
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“   --   i  probably  would  have  believed  you  if  you  didn’t  ask  me  if  i  would  believe  you.   ”     catra’s  voice  is  soft  though,   even  if  she  stays  in  her  exact  stance  of  arms  crossed,   leaning  backwards  slightly,   eyes  staring  directly  at  adora.   it’s  catra’s  voice  that  gives  her  away  with  adora  now.    catra  no  longer  has  that  pure  angry  tone,   vengeance,  spite.   she  can  sound  angry,   just  never  as  angry  as  she  was.   somehow,  always  talking  to  adora  now,   is  calm   &   ...   yeah,   worried.    they  just  got  to  this  point.   catra  doesn’t  want  to  lose  it.
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“   what’s  up?   ”     catra  just  asks  again.
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torntruth · 2 years
catra needed a therapist that wasn’t scorpia a long time ago,  but setting aside her visceral fears to tell adora she loves her in order to save her i guess counts as therapy too lmaooo.   they just needa talk about shadow weaver. 
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torntruth · 2 years
catra and adora things that absolutely drive me bonkers:   catra holding adora so tightly that she curls her claws,  very lightly,  into adora’s back. 
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torntruth · 2 years
it’s probably going to be a topic i’m going to intertwine in my fanfiction,  but like catra and adora  ( adora by the fact she didn’t realize what aunt was )   have zero concept of family.   shadow weaver wasn’t even close to the mom they wanted her to be.   so like season 5 is even more important that catra gets a pet best friend in melog,  who also adores adora,  and they already started this little family.   catra and adora have to learn to be a family,  especially a loving one,  outside of just a little friend found family. 
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torntruth · 2 years
as per the  ‘catra is abusive narrative,’   i just need to remind y’all that i understand she can be.   i’m never about to downplay that she’s a villain,  but we literally get to see her villainous arc and the switch.
it’s me talking a lot under the cut.
1.)   both catra and adora were severely abused,  especially emotionally mentally under shadow weaver.   there’s one big difference,  adora promises catra she’ll be back but instead meets glimmer and bow.   adora almost instantly understands that there’s a better life outside of horde prime.  it’s both all they knew,  but bow and glimmer show adora a party,  shower her in gifts and adoration and physically present to her a better life.
catra never got that.   she knows the horde prime life and is now believing that she can rise to be something worth it in horde prime.  she never got a hand outside of horde prime.  never got an opportunity to see what’s better until it was far too late and she was already on the villainous track.   adora tried to bring catra along,  but once again,  no amount of simple pleading from somebody that broke a promise is going to make a severely abused individual see that there’s a better life.   the only time they got to sit down and talk after all that was when adora was looking for light hope.   and that whole entire conversation was marred by flashbacks,  likely by light hope,  that reminded catra of why she was angry at adora and the conversation could never go anywhere.
2.)    one of the literal narratives of the show was everyone trying to tear catra and adora apart.  their relationship into shreds.   even fun loving scorpia,  who hated adora not because she was a rebel,  but because catra very obviously loved her and couldn’t bear to have a friendship with scorpia.  everyone was trying to peel them apart,  but two of the big times adora needed she-ra,  it was her love for catra that pulled she-ra out of her.
“nothing really bad can happen while we have each other.”   and, in a soulmate type of way,  the  REAL  best of everything happens when they have each other.  when they aren’t fighting.   the world can not possibly exist if either catra or adora are gone,  even if they’re on opposite sides.   but when they’re working together,  there’s a balance that etheria needs. 
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torntruth · 2 years
i  both  hate  &  love  that  both  adora  &  scorpia  really  didn’t  care  all  that  much  for  the  horde,  they  just  had  good  hearts  &  only  wanted  to  see  good  intentions  /  they  just  wanted  catra.   both  of  them.
&  catra  was  so  broken  down,  so  used,  that  she  consistently  knew  that  shadow  weaver  treated  adora  more  fondly  &  that  adora  was  the  it  girl.   she  knew  of  the  manipulation,  but  she  still  didn’t  know  life  outside  could  be  better.   like  i  said  it  before  of  adora  ...
but  it’s  true  for  scorpia  too.   scorpia  left  catra  then  got  captured  and  legitimately  said  a  line  that  was  something  about  pointing  out  the  princesses  cared  about  friendship.   they  also  showed  scorpia  there’s  a  better  chance  at  life.
i  also  still  don’t  think  it’s  particularly  fair  that  scorpia  was  by  catra’s  side  the  whole  entire  time...   but  wasn’t  portrayed  as  villain  so  much  as  the  goofy  sidekick  to  catra.   catra  is  ‘irredeemable’  but  scorpia  is  not.    nah,  catra  definitely  pulled  the  switch  for  the  portal,   one  of  the  most  awful  things  she  did  --  i’m  not  saying  she’s  innocent,  because  she  isn’t.
i’m  just  saying  she  has  every  single  reason  to  be  angry  and  it’s  shown  frequently  throughout  the  show  that  she’s  felt  bad  numerous  times,  while  scorpia  was  just  there  lmao.   not  to  mention  nobody  ever  talks  about  how  glimmer  KNEW  that  catra  defeated  hordak  and  then  just  told  glimmer  to  end  her.   that’s  never  talked  about  again.
&  it  should  be. 
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torntruth · 2 years
the  ‘i would like to see the cat meme’  but it’s she-ra holding up catra to whoever just asked. 
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torntruth · 2 years
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“  yeah, that about sums it up.  ”
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