#dynamic Dashboard
i vote that next year instead of reading Dracula we do a Jeeves & Wooster Book Club. those two never got the rabid tumblr shipping fandom they deserved (disqualified for the sheer technicality of being published a century too soon). we must correct this injustice
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excelmindd · 2 years
Ms Excel - Dynamic Interactive Dashboard - Speedometer Tutorial 02 Via @youtube
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freckliedan · 4 months
Are u Aries n roper a throuple??
SO true i'm always wondering this. great question! wouldn't we all love to know the answer <3
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denkilightning · 16 days
once i get back into doing semi finished illustrations or digital art its aaaaaaall over for u motherfuckers trust
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
Geopolitics app is starting to come along pretty nicely - working on standardizing the interface of each widget & preparing it so you can easily customize where the data comes from & what widgets are shown...so like a customizable (& resizeable/rearrangeable) dashboard for whatever specific purpose you want
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eldritchw1tch · 2 years
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having a normal one on my dash rn @whoisthisboy @courfeyracs-swordcane
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plasticross · 3 months
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something is fucking wrong with these two man
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bittersweetresilience · 6 months
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hellsingmongrel · 1 year
Fam?  Friendos?  Loved ones of tumblr?
How in the Hell do you block a certain tag?  I need to know and I can’t find it.
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scorpius-rising · 1 year
has the XKit team developed an extension to revert the desktop layout back yet? Cause I fuckin’ detest this twittter-esque composition
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coockie8 · 11 months
The like one thing Twitter has over Tumblr is if someone I follow on Twitter retweets some some bullshit from someone I don't follow, I don't have to unfollow the person who retweeted, and I also don't have to block the person they retweeted from; I have an option to just see less shit from the person I don't follow, I can banish the specific post I don't like from my timeline, and I wish that was a thing on Tumblr.
'Cause sometimes people I follow will reblog shit I really don't want to see from someone I don't follow, and the only way to get that specific post away from me is to either unfollow the person who reblogged it, or block the OP; someone who I have no real reason to block other than their art kinda squicked me out a bit :/
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monarchisms · 1 year
I saw a post on Twitter the other day about how someone was posting about how they just know this hermitcraft artist does NSFW art of them in a negative way and man these people would not be able to handle what went on in the rtahfh fandom
i mean, to an extent, can you blame them?
the rtah fandom at its "peak" and the hc fandom (if we're not including stuff like the life series) is some real "hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby" type shit. if it weren't for other people in the AH fandom trying to establish a positive relationship with the crew and find out boundaries in what could or couldn't be made about them, it'd be even more of a wild west than it was
my own personal opinion is that with some exceptions, i don't really like shippy content with the hermits, and i avoid nsfw stuff like the plague. it's a mix of me having little clue what each person is comfortable with since the group is huge, and also that many of them don't actively have a persona in the server that one can excuse as a character that's separate from the content creator
there's also the more obvious fact that rt content isn't generally for all ages. it makes sense for there to be a culture shock if you're someone who is unfamiliar with how rtah fans handle the more explicit content they create lol
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yuelun · 1 year
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I realised that I'd never quite explained on this blog why I went with 'full moon' for my url for Guizhong/Haagentus, but aside from numerous other things (ie: the 'night' rather than the moon, if one looks at her colour scheme and attire and overall references such as the glaze lilies, noctilucous jade, and cardinal direction of her stone stool, etc.)— this is what jump started it.
There is, to my knowledge, no other reason to include the moon into the region's name next to the former symbol which is obviously Zhongli's; there is no other character even remotely tied to it in any capacity, and ultimately, along with the other adepti, they did rule the region together for a very long time.
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arosebyan0thername · 2 years
Can someone do a mastercut of stranger things without any straight people? Yall talk a lot about that gay little guitar player and his pretty boyfriend and their good good son, I just wanna watch a show of them, I don't care about the aliens or whatever
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to be clear im not a "pro-ship" or an "anti-ship". im a 20yo who goes outside
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
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