#e: lost showcase
cutieeva · 25 days
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Female reader
Warnings : Mention of infidelity. Trauma. Stalking.
Once trust is broken, it is harder than we think to mend it as it once was. A definition of (Y/N)'s relationship.
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What a odd word isn't it ? something every being wants to learn and showcase yet behind close doors we all know in the back of our minds it's impossible. After all, perfection is a word for fake which is the opposite of what people want— real, something that is permanent, something that could be held, captured, savored. Perfection is a skill both admired and envied upon and (Y/N) can't help but come to doubt the perfection she once fell for.
Cameron. The man of perfection and the man she fell for only to doubt his every little move now. His gentle smile adoring the moment of her sight, eyes crinkling at the side by how large the happiness is craved out of him. It's sweet, truly, never did it not warm her heart and cast thousand butterflies on her stomach by how beautifully happy he looked to see her, and her only but suddenly she has come to doubt if it's even genuine or not. Suddenly she notice the smile too wide, too large, too happy, too fake that she wants ask. After all how it's possible to bright up so much like a sun glowed in the sky by seeing one person even if it's her who is his girlfriend. How ?
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Just like now the moment of her heels touch the ground making a satisfying clicking noise entering a room, once their eyes met and he shine like the brightest sun she never imagined to have for herself. Again those tender lips, sparkling eyes too clear for any stranger to know he loves her and hard.
"How lucky ?"
"Awww !"
"Bless him".
"Lucky her"
These would be the frequent comments utter from literal stranger's mouths and perhaps— no for sure her past self could blindly agree dwelling into her own version of fairytale where Cameron was her prince charming and she, a pleasant he fell for. Well, at least that what in collage they are known for. The modern version of Cinderella, a very....interesting title it was when it first pass her ears yet time pass and it turn into a nasty taunting name for her as if hinting at something she was unaware like a insider joke that she was an outsider was. Even her lovely boyfriend seems to hate it not at her level of hate like she despise it. Wishes to burn every tongue that ever deicide to merely utter that to her. Only if she could do she wish.
"Darling, sit". Like a gentleman he is pull her chair and let her sit on the wooden cold surface facing her own parents who seems to be in awe staring at their daughter's relationship as if it's a angel asked for her hand when he in her view seem nothing but a human good at masking his flaws, too well for her liking. Because see, the way those slender pale hands cares her own hand under the table like she is a flower touched carefully yet softly almost melt her heart if it didn't turn into stone now. (Y/N) didn't care to hold back, blankly staring at the white empty plate served in front of everyone and she like a doll waited to be served food despite having no hunger or whatsoever. Slowly she move her head, her (E/C) eyes watching the same smile craved out of him, towards her parents holding huge utensils to serve the meal he specially made to impress his future in-laws, his words not hers.
"Oh ! son, you don't have to do it !" Her father said, laughing carefree.
"It's okay, father. Let me at least have the honor to serve the elders". Kindly her boyfriend utter.
"Such a good man. How lucky my daughter is to have you". Placing one palm under her cheek, her mother watched him in pure delight.
"It's the opposite. Actually I am lucky to have her". His bashful comment earned more heart points than it already been taken as they laughed, enjoyed, indulge in their little bubbles that (Y/N) almost forget it's her parents and she is their family in here not him looking as if he is their son yet truly, in her angle she invisible, forgettable, easily a abandon thing that's why she use to question herself a lot. Why did he choose her ? why did he love her ? what is so special about her ? how could she not when he had oceans of girls waiting to just be looked by him, in campus he is the prince every girl dream and every boy befriend due to his looks, personality, popularity, riches. Coming from a wealthy family and still be a humble polite man isn't a daily view for everyone to see, he truly seemed like a sun to everyone, beautiful to look at but never be touched and owned, yet she a nobody has the chance to become a infamous girl who tame the sun. Perfect elements to gossip, spread rumors, talk down to.
Never passed a day did no one ever forget to remind her how insignificant she was to him and he was there to catch her, in his warmth of arms to show how significant she is to him and him alone and that all it matter and that it all took for her to be a idiot in love.
"Honey, eat before it's cold". Sweet his voice is, kind his eyes are that bore into her blank ones— deviod of love or any emotions, she doesn't know if he pretends to be blind to her lack of response or he simply doesn't care enough. Wordlessly she turn her head down to her this time meal served on plate— her favorite dish and their first date dinner together.
Carelessly her fingers wrap around the cold sliver fork like her heart tremble feeling and about to dig when ever so smoothly, like a cream of butter he swap the plate from hers to his. Smiling ear to ear boozing of tenderness. "Eat mine, yours is cold already". She didn't need to glance up to see her parents reaction or the warmth coming from him. She stilled like time does when a watch is broken, tramped. Listening to the clicks of plates, giggles of their voices, quiet noises of chewing, shower of compliments regarding the dish and still she didn't touch her food. Hunger seems to left her, emotions seems numbs, voices of them seem tiny and the reality feels surreal.
Oddly her visions seem distorted and water drops falling on top of the dish and something inside tells her it's will taste sour.
Is it raining ?
"(Y/N)...". Cameron's voice turn delicate, carefully calling her name. "Why are you crying ?" At the end of his sentence his voice cracked as if he was the one crying.
Oh. (Y/N) realize, blinking her tears away dripping to her meal, she discover more that it is indeed raining however inside her. More sour tears roll down, her lips didn't sob, her expression remained blank yet her tears fell one after another worrying her family and Cameron.
"I am sorry, Mister and Mrs. (L/N) but (Y/N) seems to be not herself and she needs time. Hopefully you will excuse us". Swiftly her body met his embrace, cold, hard unlike the light and mellow she was used to. "How fake". She thought letting him whisk her away in the car, watching her home disappear into the night and arrive in their shared apartment near their university and she find herself in their shared bed, feeling his choice of fabric underneath her skin, melting into his arms underneath her skin as he tenderly pat her back, rock her body like a baby, place her head on his chest, caressing her head and humming a song, a song they discover at their third date they like. "How cruel". She thought, dried tears on cheeks, not a shred of comfort she is finding nor searching. You can't expect to find gem in plastic can you ? so does she, staying motionless.
"Honey, can you please wait, I need to quickly go to washroom okay ?" Assuring like a child, he kiss her forehead deeply before pulling away leaving her alone with her thoughts and the room. The thud of door closing was almost unheard if not for the silence she was surrounded in when another noise pierce through the air.
Ding !
Her (E/C)'s flicker to the phone screen lit on the desk. His phone and she knew she had to look, to confirm her suspicions and catch the man red handed unlike the first time. How ironic, before such thoughts won't even cross her mind and now like a plague it's everywhere poisoning her, killing her softly. Her hand like a vice hold his phone the notification read inside her mind. 'Meet me tomorrow secretly'.
The door open revealing Cameron who came as fast as he could to console (Y/N) and his eyes met hers where she is sitting as before with his phone kept on the wooden cupboard and he smiles again bathing her in utter devotion. "Disgusting". Her eyes daze in disappointment. She knew he was having an affair, after the confront incident they had, never was they the same and will never. He never changed but she did and they both are aware of this yet no one dare speak out loud afraid of the illusion they built together to crumble once again.
"I will do it again". She decide tomorrow to end it all. For good.
Tomorrow came faster than she expected even by not finding a ounce of sleep, the other side of her bed felt heavy with his weight reminding of his suffocating presence at the same time he seems not to be present or maybe she is one instead of him.
"I can't go to university". Her vague answer didn't look to affect him as he lean in to close the gap of their lips, slender fingers stroke her either (S/C) cheeks and loving lips mold hers and starstruck eyes stare into her. A endearing moment she wished to capture if not for the knot inside her stomach wants to pull away, slap away.
"Okay, rest as much as you wish". He easily took her wish like she easily fell under his spell. Watching the man she loves pull away and go out taking his belonging to university which she knows is a lie. He is meeting behind her back and repeating the same heart tugs moments on another woman.
The moment (Y/N) felt him driving away on his car, she wore a white hat, a random coat and sat on the cab she booked few minutes ago and told the driver to follow the white car while her eyes dart from her her phone screen looking at the GPS tracking on his phone to his real time car, the tracker was set on him long ago not yesterday where she didn't even had the chance to unlock and read their chat properly because the password isn't what she thought, what she hoped. Her birthday nor his was enough to unlock. Another proving point of how fake his exhausting pretense of loving boyfriend is after all no lover boy as him would not set her birthday as his password. She knew what a ploy is once she sees though it and once was a mistake, twice would be intentional.
The car stopping snap her attention and she watch him go out of car and inside not the university he lied to but to a hotel. A luxurious one even she wasn't invited by him. How special the girl has to be, prettier ? younger ? richer ? doesn't matter when it ends all.
Hurried her footsteps were, walking though the doors opened by the guards and following him waking pass the lobby into somewhere else like he was familiar with the surrounding, nodding heads with the receptionists who mirror his actions and her heart skip more, odd emotions flood in she unable to understand.
She paused. Finally her eyes wide.
In front of her stood the same loving boyfriend hugging a girl passionately, grinning ear to ear and sat besides each other tasting meals like a date of rich people. Indeed she is far beautiful, charismatic, wealthier. Watching them enjoy, exchange dishes like a couple makes a odd sense of relief and betrayal wash her and without shame her feet march towards them, not a second pass of them finally noticing her, she smash the very dish he is enjoying to his face earning a yelp from her and (Y/N) did it again and again and again until stuff members of hotel pulled her away.
"I hate you cheater !" Cameron with difficulty look up, staring at her with pain, sadness ignited anger, disgust and satisfy inside her. Anger for how dare he acts to be in pain when the knife stab her and she is bleeding. Disgust to find the boy she thought the most beautiful so ugly and satisfy at least she brought him the same pain he did if not less.
"(Y/N) !" A familiar exclaimed turn her head. "What are you doing ?" A disbelief grasp slice the air by her best friend, Sophia and other boys and girls she knew from university. But what caught her eyes is the balloons held on their palms written Happy birthday (Y/N).
"W-what is going on ?" Her words stutter and in the split second the familiar place blur to strange, filled with questions and unreal like the knowledge she grasp was also a ploy she mistaken.
"My darling, today is your birthday and I was hoping to surprise you". His eyes relaxed as he tried to step to her to which she step back not wanting to believe his words. How could it be possible, it's impossible for her to forget her own birthday and even if she did, he was the liar at the end. A fake person. "This girl is the daughter of this restaurants and helped me to arrange the best dishes only". No. No. No. No. She shake her head, what prove does he have he is not lying.
"It's true, we are here to tell him your favorite likes, dislikes". Sofia answered averting her eyes as if too offended at her sight. Her words sting (Y/N)'s heart.
"We were only tasting the food—".
"What's your password ?" He pause like a information shone at him she didn't like.
"It's you". A snarl twist on her face. See, he is lying, he always was and still is.
"Liar !" With pain she screamed she didn't knew had inside her regarding him.
"No". Cameron shook his head gentle, appearing almost like an angel that her heart ache to believe his words. Believe him. "It's true, my password is the day we first met". And to confirm he in front of her type the date her mind clearly recalls and it opened along the rest of chatlog she couldn't read discussing about her birthday.
Tears swell in her eyes and her mistake came to light however there is also a realization sink in her mind that she no longer loves this boy, she loved and the perfection she fell for now become the very thing she come to loathe and it's all because of that bet. A silly little bet he made to date her and after she knew it, she still welcome him in her life forgetting to open her heart to the point every loving actions of his seems like a act of betray, sweet nothings seem blunt lies, loving care of his— fake. His betrayal hit her so hard she lost trust. The entire time when she was worrying about losing Cameron in reality loving him she lost herself and the twisted relief of seeing him with another woman was a fleeing excuse to break up. Once she believed the love fairytale and twice become too heavy to bear.
Her legs give up as she land on the ground, all alone. How could this happen ? how in process of loving him did she lost herself. Her happier, brighter, forgiving, trusting self ? maybe in the end she didn't forgive him for the bet she thought she did. 
𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅
☾ ──────────
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watchnrant · 18 hours
Agatha All AlongEpisode 3: Easter Egg Breakdown
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Every Witch Has One (Not Just Agatha)
A key detail from this episode is the revelation that every witch in the coven has their own amulet, not just Agatha. As the witches traverse the Witches’ Road, which transforms into a sandy walkway leading to a beach house, their attire shifts to match the setting, yet their amulets remain. This small but significant touch teases the potential deeper importance of amulets for MCU witches and possibly hints at their connection to power and identity within witchcraft.
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Big Little Lies Reference
An Homage to HBO's Big Little Lies
Mrs. Hart’s (Debra Jo Rupp) remark about the beach house feeling like it’s straight out of "Huge Tiny Lies" is a clever nod to Big Little Lies. This HBO show, which revolves around secrets and a murder investigation in a wealthy seaside town, is reflected in the trial-like proceedings in this episode. From the luxurious coastal setting to the suspense-filled plot, this homage adds another layer to Agatha All Along, showcasing Marvel’s playful engagement with pop culture.
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Mephisto Confirmed?
Agent of Mephisto
The episode drops a significant hint about Mephisto’s potential existence in the MCU. When Jennifer Hale speaks to Teen, she warns him about Agatha, citing dark rumors about her trading her son, Nicholas Scratch, for the Darkhold. According to these whispers, Nicholas became an agent of Mephisto, confirming that the demon lord may already be operating behind the scenes. This moment sets the stage for larger MCU implications, tying in with long-standing fan theories about Mephisto's involvement in mystical storylines.
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Trading Her Son for the Darkhold
"She Wouldn’t Recognize Her Own Son"
In a chilling revelation, Jennifer suggests that Agatha wouldn't recognize her son if he appeared before her. This is a subtle clue that Teen might actually be Nicholas Scratch, Agatha’s long-lost son, rather than the presumed reincarnation of Wanda’s son Billy (aka Wiccan). The mystery surrounding Teen’s identity deepens, making this a key narrative thread for future episodes.
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Alice Wu’s Tattoo
Cursed Women & Protection
Alice Wu-Gulliver (Ali Ahn) reveals the story behind her tattoo, which was given to her at age 13 to ward off a family curse.
Teen also shares that something significant happened to him when he was 13. Given that Teen is now 16 and WandaVision occurred three years ago, this suggests a connection to Wanda Maximoff, further fueling the theory that Teen may be Billy Kaplan.
This conversation is filled with subtle clues that connect characters through shared trauma and mysterious pasts.
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Mrs. Hart’s Hallucination
"Please…Wanda, Let Him Breathe!"
Mrs. Hart's hallucination brings back a haunting moment from WandaVision. Near the end of the episode, she is shown begging Wanda to "let him breathe," seemingly reliving the traumatic death of her husband, which may have been caused by the limitations of Wanda's Hex. In WandaVision, many residents were trapped in loops or frozen, and this new revelation implies that Mrs. Hart’s husband was among the unintended victims of Wanda’s control. It’s a tragic callback to the consequences of Wanda’s grief and power.
Lilia’s Premonition
"Try to Save Agatha"
Lilia’s sudden outburst, "Try to save Agatha," feels like an eerie premonition. This brief but impactful moment hints that Agatha may soon face grave danger, and saving her could become a central objective for the other witches. It’s a well-placed piece of foreshadowing that could hint at Agatha’s future role in the MCU.
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Coven's Hallucinations
Facing Past Traumas
Each witch in Agatha’s coven faces a nightmarish hallucination tied to their deepest traumas.
Alice relives her mother's grief over her grandmother’s death, feeling a terrifying sense of inherited doom.
Jennifer’s hallucination shows her facing a man—possibly a doctor or priest—who calls her an "inconvenient woman" and tries to drown her.
Lilia’s vision is especially haunting, as she encounters a demon-looking nun after following a mysterious teenage girl.
These hallucinations provide insight into the coven members' pasts and suggest that their traumas are far from resolved.
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Agatha’s Hallucination
Did She Trade Her Son for the Darkhold?
Agatha's hallucination is particularly disturbing. She approaches a baby’s bassinet, only to find the Darkhold in place of the infant. This vision supports Jennifer's earlier claim that Agatha traded her son for the Book of the Damned, but Agatha’s horrified reaction suggests that there is much more to this story. The moment reveals Agatha’s internal conflict and deep-seated regrets, adding depth to her character’s motivations.
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Hansel and Gretel Reference
Lilia’s Friend and the Oven
Lilia's brief mention of her friend who went into an oven is a dark reference to the classic Hansel and Gretel tale. In the context of witches and burning, this could symbolize the fate of witches who face persecution or punishment, tying into the show's overall themes of betrayal and survival.
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invisibleperiwinkle · 3 months
i haven’t seen may people talk about this but it’s one of my main gripes with the percy jackson show so here we go.
annabeths character is so poorly written.
and before we begin, leah is an AMAZING actress and i’m PUMPED for her and black girls everywhere who can see themselves represented in such a badass character.
that being said, the folks in the writers room are FAILING annabeth. her character in the show is incredibly one dimensional, and again it’s not at the fault of the actress, the writers simply aren’t writing the character well. which breaks my heart for two reasons
1) there’s representation for a strong independent black character but if you take away all the things that makes annabeth such a cool and interesting character it feels so tacked on and not cared for. if you want to have representation do the character justice so the moment is important. not just lack luster and anti climactic
2) the writer of the books is writing the show. and rick has forgotten his own characters. which isn’t new information but it never stops pissing me off.
annabeth is a character i see myself in a lot, so having her not be written well for the show is so upsetting. the fact being she isn’t a hard character to write. she’s smart (of course), calculated, but also very reserved. these are the parts of her we see, but even then not much of it.
the moments i feel took so much character development away from her were
a) not having the spiders in the tunnel o’ love
b) not having her play fetch with cerberus
c) the zoo truck scene not being focused on percy and annabeth getting to know each others backstories and more making it “oooo guys did you know they fall in love with each other in four books?!?!?!??”
d) the aunty em scene being changed and not getting to see annabeth just be a kid for five minutes and want to eat burgers and fries
e) annabeth not being giddy over the gateway arch/not playing the architecture game in the lotus hotel
f) ZERO trace of her crush on luke
annabeth is a very closed off character but those moments in particular showcase her being more human and also the trust she has in percy to let him see that side of her.
A) while yes, we do get to see annabeth scared in the tunnel o’ love scene thinking she’s going to lose percy, there’s a difference in the fear of thinking you lost your best friend vs seeing something you’re genuinely scared of.
the mechanical spiders are so huge to annabeths development because she lets percy see her scared and not just this strong wall of calculations she’s been portrayed as this whole time.
it makes her seem more human. we remember she’s still just a 12 year old girl who’s spent most of her development years at camp because she didn’t have anyone
B) this scene in the books is hands down one of my favorites. annabeth plays fetch with this dog and teaches him tricks and then she cries
we get a wonderful exchange of percy saying that everyone needs a little love and attention sometimes which is something annabeth never got
also she cries!! AND AND AND!!! we get more backstory, that she had a doberman before she ran away
i guarantee, and in fact we KNOW annabeth doesn’t like reminiscing on her past at home. but she did here. even for a second. we see her breaking down her walls yet again. slowly but surely.
also i want to showcase the significance of her crying, i’m gonna infer here from how i am as a person, but i hate crying in front of people to the point that i simply can’t. and i’ve only cried in front of like four people? two over a facetime call, and twice in person (my parents). and they are all people i trust with my life, i don’t cry to people often. so if i do cry in front of you it is a HUGE sign of trust for me. and i feel like from all i know about annabeth, she is the exact same way. crying in front of someone is a huge sign of trust. so there lol.
C) again, with reminiscing on her home life, we get the zoo truck
the show is WAYYY overdoing percabeth. and for someone who that’s their favorite ship of all time to say that, you know it’s an issue. i said it. there’s too much percabeth. specifically, coupley percabeth. THEY ARE STILL TWELVE.
and the zoo truck scene in the show was changed from percy and annabeth getting to know the more personal and intricate “this is what i hide from the world that whittles away my soul, but here i trust you, we’re friends. you deserve to hear this” side of each other, to “when did you two become an old married couple”
excuse me while i roll my eyes into next century.
taking away them getting to know each other pissed me off so much. because again. we don’t get to see annabeth be vulnerable and human.
percy existing and breaking down her walls is HUGE to her character development throughout the books and they are just taking it away from her
D) these last three are all gonna be shorter because it’s all more or less the same point, it all showcases how annabeth is still just a kid at heart
this is the first time we see annabeth not care about the next step or if there’s something else going on. when they’re at the garden gnome emporium and auntie em offers them food annabeth jumps at the chance to just hang out and eat food
she is still a kid. the show provides none of this. the show doesn’t make annabeth seem like a kid at all. just a very calculated human trapped in the body of a preteen.
E) annabeths whole schtick for the entire series is her loving architecture and it being that one thing (in the first book) that brings out that sense of childlike wonder and whimsy in her
in the book she gets all giddy about the arch and makes them pause the quest so she can go to the top of it. also talking about how it’s held up by math and having her sparkle and wonder and awe that comes when talking about your passion.
do we see this in the show? no. why would we!
also the architecture game is just cute. of course the one game she’d gravitate towards is about building things. LIKE CMON NOW. ugh
let my girl be a kid and have whimsy. PLEASE.
F) now i HATE luke but this is a character thing for annabeth. seeing her have a crush on luke cause ofc she would. he’s the one guy to show her any love and care and he’s handsome i suppose.
she’s still just a girl. so naturally she would have a crush on him. and it’s something that again just makes her a human.
and there isn’t enough of that.
annabeth is a really special character to me and to see her be failed by the writers is heartbreaking. especially when you have an amazing of an actress as leah playing her. you cannot sit there and write an underdeveloped version of one of the best female protagonists of modern YA literature. be serious with me for a sec
to quickly state my point. annabeth isn’t a difficult character to write, the writers just don’t seem to want to put in the time of reserching and developing already developed characters. literally ALL you have to do is go back and read and comprehend the books. THATS IT.
annabeth is a smart, independent, calculated character. but that’s not THE ONLY SIDE OF HER. as the show would have you believe. she has emotions and she is human, behind her walls she’s just a twelve year old girl figuring out life and wanting to be loved and appreciated and taken seriously like all of us do. and it’s killing me that they aren’t doing justice to her character, especially when because of the show, she gets to be a role model for black girls everywhere. they deserve better than that.
rick, i’m asking you kindly, just give me the pen and let me in that writers room so annabeth can be done right. 🩷
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adore-laur · 6 months
— harry & nadine’s meet-cute 🕊️
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Grey skies loomed over Loire Valley with the promise of an April rainstorm. The slow-moving river snaked through the scenic countryside and stretched beyond what the human eye could see. Trees rustled in a favorable breeze, stirring up aromas from nearby fruit orchids. Firecrests and turtledoves chirped in the distance, signaling the start of spring.
Nadine savored it all while crossing the bridge on her Beaumont bicycle. In the front wicker basket was her canvas tote bag containing her Kodak camera protectively wrapped in a pillowcase, a serving of fresh tapioca pudding she had impulsively purchased from the local farmer's market, and an unknown flower she had found under the oak tree in her backyard. Her yellow raincoat crinkled as she pedaled vigorously to get to her destination before the clouds burst. The scrape on her knee she had gotten from falling off her bike in her gravel driveway dully ached. Maybe the rain would wash away the dried blood.
The Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire opened its annual International Garden Festival that morning, which Nadine wouldn't have missed for the world. It resurfaced fond childhood memories of strolling through the enriching gardens with her family and getting lost in the creative landscapes showcased by landscapers, architects, and photographers far and wide.
Nadine planned to take photos to build her modeling portfolio. As a curvy girl with distinct ethnic features, getting her foot in the door had been challenging, but the alluring backdrop of the gardens would make her stand out. The theme was Gardens of Sensations.
In the past, it had been no easy feat to photograph herself with her less-than-adequate camera and awkward self-direction. However, she prepared to make these sacrifices for a prosperous career. Loire Valley only had one modeling agency, which meant she had to start somewhere small and affordable before traveling north to Paris for more lavish opportunities.
To earn a living, Nadine provided housekeeping services for surrounding chateaus. The work was rewarding, but it did not spark any passion for her. As a young girl, she had been fascinated by the aesthetic of posing in different environments and making fashion statements after seeing magazine spreads of French models strutting down the catwalk. But she had never been able to imagine herself in their shoes—literally and figuratively. Those six-inch heels seemed killer. With her thick eyebrows, pesky cellulite, and blemished skin, she had been the complete opposite of what model scouts sought.
Once Nadine became wiser over the years, she knew her worth. Her natural beauty just needed to be highlighted by the right scenery and garments.
When she arrived at the festival, she locked her bike on a rack and slung her tote bag over her shoulder. The historical Chateau-de-Chaumont on the sprawling lawn caused her to stop and stare for a moment. It was grand and beautiful, just as she remembered. Her new-fangled perspective left her wondering what inspiration she would discover.
After purchasing an admission ticket, she walked under the arch of the chateau to reach the garden path that weaved through twenty-one hectares of artistic garden exhibits. Each display differed depending on where the landscaper originally hailed from, like Japan, South Korea, Great Britain, and countless other countries. Among the trees was a greenhouse kitchen where vegetables were grown and offered to visitors. Nadine remembered eating juicy little tomatoes there as a teenager—they were called 'the nipples of Venus.' The memory made her smile faintly.
She glanced around for a pretty scene to photograph herself in just as rain began to sprinkle. Shivering, she pulled the hood of her poncho over her head. Maybe today wasn’t the best day to embark on a modeling adventure. Maybe she should have turned around and gone home.
But further in the gardens, Nadine stumbled upon a peculiar situation. An exhibition was still being set up, nestled in an opening surrounded by greenery like a secret oasis. Landscapers worked diligently to put the finishing touches on it. Their work had been delayed by the unpredictable climate in central France. It was a blessing that the rain didn’t fall much through the canopy of trees above.
There was a rectangular vat of water with a wooden path winding through it, similar to a Candyland board. The landscapers removed leaves and branches from the water with pool skimmers. Red bamboo canes stood tall around it, hugging the scene with vibrant color. There was something simple yet entrancing about it, and she was drawn to the energy of tranquility that called to her.
Nadine slowly approached, attempting to act invisible so as not to disturb them. She would wait until they were done before taking photos. Perhaps sitting on the path and posing near the bamboo would be adequate. Yes, that would be a fantastic shot. Unique, too, which was what she strived for.
Her childlike wonder pushed her closer until her attention snagged on something else. Something a little more intriguing.
A man stood waist-deep in the water, rearranging bamboo with sedulous care, his bare back turned to her. He had the most muscular, contoured back Nadine had ever seen in her life. It was sculpted in a way that captured her gaze, but she should not have been surprised. He was some sort of landscaper, which was a labor-intensive job. His tendons were surely robust. Sacré bleu, why was she thinking about his tendons?
She snapped out of her man-induced hypnosis. She had a job to get done. Her future was at stake! With that thought, she unwrapped her camera from its cocoon just as a couple of landscapers brushed past her with metal buckets, paying no mind to her lingering presence. She must have looked like a mere tourist.
Nadine delicately cleared her throat in an attempt to catch the attention of the man with the beautiful back. He was the only one still tending to the exhibit and did not seem to hear her.
"Excusez-moi?" she said, removing her hood to appear more approachable.
The man's large hands, which were also gorgeously sculpted, halted around the lithe bamboo sticks. His face turned before his body did, and goodness gracious! Oh wow. He was pleasing—to look at, she meant. His foreign face was a masterpiece of symmetry. While he did not look French, remnants of European features still adorned his face. A well-chiseled bone structure and an elegant straight nose. Pink lips that were parted. A firm chest with a ridged midsection. Disheveled, rain-soaked hair.
"Bonjour," he replied, sounding perplexed. Soulful green eyes stared intently at her.
Nadine's gaze desperately wanted to wander south again, but she remained strong. "Is this exhibit open to visitors?" she asked.
He regarded her for longer than normal—not scrutinizingly, but rather in a mystified manner. "Yes. My apologies; I was just perfecting a few details."
"I did not mean to intrude. I—" She paused and searched for the proper words. "Well, I was hoping to take pictures for my portfolio here."
"Your portfolio?" he echoed.
Nodding, Nadine nervously tucked her damp hair behind her ears. "For modeling. I want to broaden my use of compelling backdrops, and this festival has plenty of them." She waved a hand, the flourishing nature around them not needing further explanation. "Anyway, this particular exhibit caught my eye. Would it be possible for me to take some pictures?"
The man glanced behind her, his brows furrowing. "Where’s your photographer?"
"I do not have one," she said shyly. "I just place my camera on a flat surface and set the timer."
It was far too expensive to hire an entire crew for a photoshoot. She would have rather saved money by gaining hands-free experience herself. Besides, people in the modeling industry admired humble beginnings. She was building her career from the ground up.
"Would you like some assistance?" he asked, raindrops gently falling from his chin. Nadine detected a lilted British accent.
"Oh, I do not want to be a nuisance," she said. "I’m sure you’re busy."
He walked to the edge closest to her and shook his head, a handsome smile pulling at his lips. "No, not anymore."
Feeling thrilled, Nadine's heartbeat pounded like a stampede of wild animals. "All right, then."
It was an unexpected turn of events. As far as she was concerned, she had not expected to meet someone as generous as this man. She hadn't expected much of anything out of today since the weather put a damper on her mood, and her dreams often felt unattainable.
"What's your name?"
Handing over her camera, she answered, "Nadine."
"I'm Harry," he said. "I'm a landscape architect, which might not help your situation, but I did get a passing grade in a college-level photography class. Is that good enough?"
"I don't know," she countered playfully. "I might interpret a passing grade differently from you."
He laughed, his nose scrunching. "B-minus."
She pretended to mull it over before saying, "I will accept that."
"Merci." He sat on the wooden path. "So, do you have any specific ideas in mind for the photoshoot?"
"I know I want to be a part of nature. Close-up shots are preferred. And..." Nadine looked at the exhibit, pondering. "Am I allowed to go in the water?"
"I don't see why not."
"Will I get into trouble? I couldn't stand being banned from this place."
While fidgeting with her camera, Harry said, "This is my exhibit."
This had been designed by him? It was highly impressive, and it made her feel better knowing a person with a meticulous brain and a keen eye for design was helping her. It was also attractive knowing he had constructed it with his bare hands. Did his fingers have calluses? Were there blood, sweat, and tears involved? No, don’t think about him sweating!
"You're letting a stranger interfere with your creation?" she asked, willing away the heat rushing up her neck.
As Harry raised the camera to his eye and pointed it at random things, seemingly testing its functionality, he murmured, "You would be adding beauty to it."
In the middle of removing her sandals and poncho, Nadine’s breath hitched. It was quite bold of him to make such a statement. She had to tread carefully around this male enigma. She was there for business and business only.
"Hop in," Harry said. "The water is heated."
She felt vulnerable in her white camisole and brown silk maxi skirt. Her curves were accentuated by the spring breeze blowing through the fabric. Her feet sank into the dirt. To remain true to the theme of nature and its rawness, she had opted not to wear any makeup.
Shimmying down her skirt and letting it pool on the ground, she was left wearing beige underwear. Without a single word spoken, the mood turned intimate.
While she dipped one leg into the water, Harry's gentlemanly gaze remained fixed on her face. He was right—it was a glorious temperature, like sinking into a lukewarm bath after a long day. She was submerged up to her rib cage.
"Are you new to Loire Valley?" Nadine asked, curious about how this beautiful man showed up in her hometown.
"I live in England. I was invited to this festival to create a United Kingdom exhibit."
"Ah, oui. It must be such an honor. Do you like it here so far?"
Harry nodded. "It's gorgeous. The architecture is brilliant."
"I hope the sheer number of chateaus we have is not overwhelming,” Nadine said, slicking her hair back with wet palms.
He chuckled and stood up. "Shall we get started?"
Nadine leaned against the edge of the vat, swaying trees and clusters of red bamboo behind her. She settled her expression into her "model face," which was basically just her looking slightly pissed off at something, but in a sexy way. With her chin tilted up, she showed off her sharp jaw and neck muscles.
Harry knelt on the wooden path and held the camera steadily. Leaning forward, he zoomed in at a low angle. There was a look of concentration on his face, and she felt elated that he was so serious about assisting her.
The shutter clicked a few times. By moving her face just a smidge, she subtly posed. It was all natural to her once she was in the moment—like breathing. She loved immersing herself in working the camera to her advantage. She made it her best friend.
"Regardez-moi," Harry murmured, sending a delightful shiver down Nadine’s spine. She looked at him with her lips pursed attractively, and he snapped more photos. "Parfaite."
"You speak very good French."
Still adorably focused on his task, he hummed in acknowledgment. "I studied architecture at Versailles and took French classes. It's a romantic language."
"I agree." She switched her pose by spreading her arms in the water and trying to smize, as invented by Tyra Banks. The camera’s shutter sounded dozens of times.
To get the best angles, Harry contorted his body in semi-ridiculous ways. He then got in the water and stood near her. Nadine’s heart rate spiked since he was even more ethereal up close. There was a gentleness to his presence, and she was undeniably attracted to it.
"What do you call an angry French aunt?" Harry asked, setting up a joke.
"Oh, boy. What?"
"A crossaunt."
Nadine let a giggle escape. Slowly lowering the camera, Harry stared at her in awe. His smile was stuck in place, as if making her laugh stopped time.
"Fossetes," he whispered. Dimples.
A powerful blush expanded across her face and spread to her chest. Suddenly, her smile turned shy. She had never experienced such attention from a man before. The feeling was both daunting and exhilarating.
Water sluiced down Nadine's body when she stood at her full height. "Thank you for doing this," she said, her voice weak.
"It was my pleasure,” Harry replied. “You made my job easy."
She was going to burst into flames if she kept blushing. "Can I repay the favor in any way?"
His lips quirked to the side as he hummed thoughtfully. "What are your plans for next weekend?" he asked.
"I will most likely be back here again."
"As will I."
"So...” Nadine chewed on the inside of her cheek. “I will see you then?"
"Absolutely." He cleared his throat and held her gaze. "I was wondering if you would fancy doing something with me afterward. We could visit all the farmer's markets. Perhaps stroll along the river at sunset. You could show me your favorite spots and tell me why you love them."
Nadine inhaled a little gasp. If he wanted to spend an evening together, he had surely felt the connection too. It was palpable, hanging thickly in the air like a storm cloud. She could feel the electrical charge with just a single glance. It was definitely worth exploring.
"Unless you're taken,” Harry added uncertainly, combing a hand through his hair. "Sorry, I should have asked first. I just find you so pretty, and you have a lovely laugh." He paused briefly, glimpsing at her lips. "I'd love to hear more of it."
She walked toward him, her pulse going haywire. Her palms rested against his chest as she softly kissed his clean-shaven cheek and said, "I’m available.”
Harry's eyes crinkled when he smiled. "Splendid. I'm looking forward to it, dove."
Gleeful flutters took flight in Nadine's stomach. She had been yearning for a serendipitous moment for ages. The prospect of being wanted always felt unreachable to her. No boy had ever decided she was worth a chance. Now, there was a glimmer of hope.
When Nadine arrived home later that evening, she perused through the pictures on her camera—there were at least a hundred. Each one captured her in a certain light that had been unknown to her. Through the eyes of someone else, she found herself desirable.
All thanks to the man with the beautiful back.
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nightmaresyrup · 6 months
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Forgot to press record. I was showcasing the default Sumi-e brushes and default washi paper 🤯
I get really lost in the process when I start a drawing 😅
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aechawrites · 1 year
200mph: part two | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 2.6k
rating: pg13
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol and sex, angst, jungkook and jimin fight but he's just looking out for you :((
summary: you find yourself going to another race, and jungkook can’t help but get very jealous.
series masterlist
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It was Monday. The weekend had unfortunately blown past faster than you would've liked it to, with projects and studying occupying the majority of your time. It was luck that you were able to focus on completing any of the schoolwork that seemed to be piling up rather quickly. A certain boy didn’t want to find his way out of your mind.
Part of you wanted so desperately to just shake these thoughts away; Jungkook didn't matter, and you shouldn't be thinking about him 24/7. Hell, you have literally seen him before! Why now are you all of a sudden head over heels for him?
But the other half of you wanted to keep thinking about him. You wanted to revisualize just how good he looked when he opened that car door, sweat falling down his body as he showcased his million-dollar smile. You wanted to relive the moment, rushes of adrenaline pumping through you and everyone around as he swiftly took first place.
You sighed heavily as you sat back up in your bed, pulling your laptop closer to your legs. Trying to shake those thoughts of him away permanently this time, you buried your face in the bright screen. An attempt at studying, for the nth time today. Why was he affecting you this much?
“Jimin, you were probably drinking too much.. a-and you probably wouldn’t even remember but it’s been botheri—”
“What the hell are you going on about?” Jimin shot at Jungkook, words muffled from his mouth full of grapes while his eyebrows stayed furrowed together.
Jungkook huffed loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose. “The girl! She was with you Friday night, holding onto your back, remember?”
“Okay, yeah. But what does she have to do with anything?”
Gazing towards to ground, Jungkook scratched the back of his neck, muttering quietly, “She just.. looks familiar, that’s all.”
Lies. That was such a lie.
As much as he wanted to believe that her knew you from somewhere, he didn’t. God, he didn't even know your name! But just because you two haven’t been introduced doesn’t mean you can’t! For right now, however, Jungkook wouldn’t even dare bring up the fact that he had no idea who you were, already knowing what Jimin would say.
It wasn’t like he was trying to seem like a creep, but when Jimin never brings anyone along with him to these races, and now suddenly there’s a girl wrapped around him like a lost puppy, it was (in Jungkook’s mind) fair to question it.
It was hard not to notice you, the only girl there dressed with her decency in mind, at least, that’s what Jungkook assumed. Now it was even more difficult to get the thought of you out of his head. There was just something about you that made Jungkook’s mind run wild that night.
And as much as Jungkook wanted to push this conversation further, hoping to find out more about who you were, he knew Jimin was going to shut him down sooner or later.
“You don’t know her.”
“But that doesn’t mean I can’t. Maybe you can introduce us! Invite her to mor—”
Jimin quickly interrupted, annoyance painting his face as he spoke a little louder. “I brought her because I wanted to get her out of the dorms for a night, not because I want her around that crowd of people. It’s bad enough that I bring her to the parties here, around all of you guys.” Jimin exhaled sharply as he set his fork down, glancing up and making eye contact with Jungkook. “I don’t want her getting reeled into something she shouldn’t.”
Now it was Jungkook's turn to get annoyed, conversation clearly going in the opposite direction he wanted it to. “She's an adult! I'm sure she can make her own decisions just like I can. Is it that much of a crime that I can't even ask one thing about her?”
Jimin flared his nostrils, getting up from his seat at the small table. “Jungkook, you've screwed way too many girls over these past semesters and you're not gonna screw with Y/n as well.”
So that was your name. Y/n. He made a mental note to remember that for later. But for now, Jungkook was getting even more pissed off as the minutes ticked by. He chose not to say any other snarky comments to Jimin, just turning his back on him and walking upstairs to his room.
His shared room, of course, with Jimin.
Jungkook slammed the door shut, collapsing on his bed now that he finally had a moment just to think. Was that the way he wanted the conversation to go? Absolutely not. He was hoping to at least get your phone number, maybe even going so far as to ask Jimin what you were majoring in, or what hobbies you were into.
All he got was your damn name.
It was great in the sense that he can now put your face and name together, but he can't just stand outside on campus screaming for you. Well... technically he could, but he could see the judging looks already.
What crushed him even more was that if Jimin was planning on taking you to another race, he probably wasn't anymore. Jimin was a smart guy, he knew Jungkook would try to talk to you one way or another if he were to see you there, and he wasn't going to let that happen.
As Jungkook laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, he began replaying the conversation he just had. What did Jimin mean by 'it's bad enough he brings you to parties here'? Had you really been here before? Maybe he really is just that oblivious.
But if you had been here, most likely multiple times, maybe someone else in their frat knew who you were. There was no way that you only talked to Jimin!
Grabbing his phone, he rapidly began shooting text messages to everyone in his frat, there had to be someone else who was friends with you. There was no chance he could go through Jimin again trying to get to you, so maybe he could get someone else to help him out.
The week went by pretty quick, surprisingly. The presentation you had spent weeks on turned out better than you would have thought, some of your classes had been cancelled, and Jimin had actually finished your English paper on time. Thank god. It was smooth sailing after leaving the science building, trudging back to your dorm room.
Throughout the week, Jimin’s frat had thrown two parties, however, Mr. Grumpy wouldn’t even let you come. ‘You need to study,’ he said. Lame excuse but okay.
You noticed that he wasn’t acting like himself either, he never didn’t invite you to their parties. Maybe you shouldn’t be dwelling on it, but it was weird! And it’s not like Jimin to care more about your education than his. If he could party, then so could you.
And what better party could you think of than the one being thrown during the race on Fridays. Sure, it was intimidating, but you could get used to the crazy atmosphere from the crowd.
You chuckled to yourself as you briskly walked along the sidewalk, the chances of you going again were pretty slim to none. But if Jungkook was racing again this Friday, that could possibly change your plans. Jimin didn’t need to watch a movie with you every Friday night, and it’ll probably be one that you’ve seen a dozen times before.
You made your way into the large brick building, taking the elevator to the fourth floor. As you got closer to the door, a familiar sound bled through the walls and into the hallway.
Jimin was here, in your dorm room. Once again, watching that stupid reality show.
You made your way inside, shrugging your little sweater off and lightly pushing your shoes against the wall. “Hey stranger, last time I checked you didn’t live here,” you smiled at him.
He was laying on his stomach, sprawled out like a starfish on top of your tiny bed with his eyes focused on the TV. “Just didn’t be around the guys, too loud sometimes.”
“Oh they’re too loud but all of the partying isn’t?”
He let out a laugh and looked up at you while munching on some chips. “I can tolerate them when I’m having a good time. But when I’m lying in bed and they all have to scream for no reason, it’s not too relaxing.”
“So instead, you come over here.” You whispered to yourself, playfully rolling your eyes.
You wanted to ask him if he’d be willing to take you to another race tonight since the two of you didn’t really have anything else to do. The thought of Jungkook not racing every week had crossed your mind, but he looked so professional out there last week that it seems like he races a lot.
Plus, you could tell that Jimin was friends with Jungkook. It would be hard for him to say no.
You walked over next to where he was laying, taking a seat in your desk chair.
“I was thinking we could go to another race tonight.” You nervously spat out, receiving a glare from Jimin as he turned away from his phone and focused on you.
“And why would you wanna do that?”
“Why wouldn’t I? It was fun, we can get drinks, and I know what to expect now from last week.” You unconvincingly said to him, biting your bottom lip.
What you didn’t know was that Jimin had gears turning in his head, almost identical to you last week, trying to come up with any excuse not to go.
He wanted you as far away from Jungkook as you could get. And since he would be racing tonight, that was the last place the two of you were going. Jimin didn’t want to come off as overprotective, like a helicopter parent, but he also didn’t want you getting together with any of his frat brothers. Especially Jungkook.
When he first met Jungkook, he seemed like the average college guy. Jimin witnessed him with the occasional hookup every so often, had to help him back to their shared room some nights after too many games of beer pong, and they even studied together a few times. He was a great friend if you were a guy. But you weren't, and Jimin was worried that he would look at you like he did with every girl he saw.
Jungkook seemed to have not paid any attention to you the past semesters, even though the two of you had been at the same place many times before. He was drinking and had his eyes focused on someone else, if only that were the case a week ago. Now that he saw you sober, and had actually begun to ask about you, Jimin started to get nervous.
It wasn't that he didn't want you and Jungkook to be friends, the two of you would actually get along really well! It was just difficult for Jimin to ever introduce you both because he knows Jungkook would snatch you up for a night and would more than likely never talk to you again.
Yes, you were tough and could handle getting ghosted after a one-night stand, but it would put Jimin in an awkward situation. So, the best solution to him was just to keep you two as strangers.
“Maybe we should just stay here tonight.” Jimin shrugged, going back to scrolling on his phone.
If he wasn't going to cave in, you could just go by yourself. You remembered the way he took you to get there, and you could drink just enough so that you would be able to get back to the dorms.
Before he could even reply you interrupted his thoughts. “Actually, I just remembered I have to study for this anatomy exam next week.”
“Oh I took anatomy last semester! I could help yo—”
“No!” You said way too quickly. “I love you, but I know you're gonna distract me too much and I just need as much time to myself as I can get.”
“Okay..” He said, suspicion painting his face. Grabbing his phone and snacks, he got up from your bed and made his way to the door. “Text me if you have any questions,” he said with a smile.
Once hearing his footsteps down the hall, you bounced up and headed towards your dresser. You knew if you wanted to get Jungkook's attention without Jimin this time, you'd have to start dressing a little less than you normally would.
You slipped your clothes off and replaced them with some of the skimpiest items you owned. A baby blue skirt hugged you so tight but it made your ass look so good. You paired it with a white cropped sweater that had a deep V-neck, as well as white stilettos. Your hair and makeup were already done from earlier today, so you didn't stress about doing anything else to get ready. You grab a small purse and made your way out of your dorm room.
Hopefully, Jungkook would be there tonight.
On your drive over to the abandoned streets from last week, you had started to get nervous. But once your car was parked and you had started walking over to all of the partiers, you couldn't even remember why you were doubting coming tonight.
People were singing along with the loud music as lights flashed from all directions. You made your way over to a group of girls, immediately welcomed in with hugs from all of them. You didn't know them, you didn't even recognize them, but they were too drunk to know that or even care. You made small talk with a few of them, accepting offers of drinks as people came around to you. You were starting to feel the alcohol have an effect on you, but that's what will make your night better!
The girls you were talking to started to quiet down as they heard the announcer begin to introduce the drivers. Where the group of you had been standing gave you a straight shot at who you had been wishing to see, the man you could not stop thinking about for a week.
Jeon Jungkook.
Once you noticed him, he was already staring at you. He was happy to see you here again, but what the hell were you wearing?
Aggression was visible on his face, but no one paid mind to it, brushing off his behavior as a way to intimidate the competition. But how could he not be angry when any guy could be looking down your top right now, getting a picture-perfect view of the top of your breasts. And that short skirt you were wearing, did you plan on getting him this riled up so quickly?
It wasn't that you didn't look good, you look stunning as you showed off your hour-glass figure, but Jungkook didn't like sharing, and right now seemed like the worst time for you to dress like that. If only you would've worn another modest outfit similar to last week.
It aggravated him that all he could do was watch as guys came up from behind you, lightly rubbing their hands up and down your back, while he had to get into his car and attempt to win a race with you watching him yet again, except this time he knows beforehand that you’re here. If you were still there after the race was over, he'd have to figure out a way to get you home with him, not any of those other guys.
a/n; hehe part two is hereee!!! and i'm so excited things are starting to move forward in this series, please leave me feedback and lmk if you want to be added to the taglist, tysm for following along🤍🤍
2023; © aechawrites
taglist; @braindump-of-the-braindead @itstash @thvlover7 @uwusunwoo @imnotherebye28 @tatamicc @mochilover1995x
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TW: Smut. Language. Stepmother!Reader x Rafe Cameron. Angst. Mentions of verbal and physical abuse. Mentions of drugs (cocaine). Cheating. 
SUMMARY: An inappropriate kindness leads Rafe to take advantage of what you're offering. 
Rafe and Ward get in a fight on Christmas morning so stepmom!reader tries to make him feel better 😏
You bit nervously at the tips of your nails upon hearing their raised timbres from the other side of the wall you'd hidden behind to eavesdrop. The very hand wearing your vow to the instigator of the interaction, dropped from your lips and into a fist at your side to how he spoke against his son. Such cruel words for a man who could convince an entire city that he was father of the year. It was the same mischievous smile that convinced you to ignore the age difference between you and scoffs as you joined his brigade of age appropriate friends. But with each passing day, you began to realize that Ward Cameron was a facade much like the property he sold. Pretty to look at. But broken from the inside out. 
Much like Rafe. 
"Great..." He scoffed as you'd become too lost in your thoughts to notice his presence emerge from your husband's office. You were quick to trace the echo of steps as you stood before Ward, who had the bridge of his nose in a pinch to showcase a coming migraine. 
"What is it this time?"
"You should be getting ready. Everyone will be here for dinner in less than an hour and the table still has to be set-"
"Ward-" His hand came down hard on the surface of his desk, rattling the decorations he kept in place since you could remember. 
"Sometimes I forget you're just a few years older than him. Remind me again why I put up with it? He is my son...but you..." He scoffed. 
"Don't push me. Could have another pretty little trophy wife by next Christmas. Maybe one who stopped questioning me-" He moved past you, leaving you concealing tears that brimmed behind natural looking makeup he critiqued even in the finest of lines. 
You waited a moment to compare yourself, ignoring the urge to break a picture frame of a time you believed you could have been happy. Those naive smiles of a pair of newlyweds and your new stepchildren you now felt you had to protect from their own father. But you had noticed something in this moment that had existed as unimportant until now. The way Rafe didn't look in the camera as Sarah and Wheezie had. Instead, he was looking at you. Not as a stepson should. And you felt, in this moment, not as a stepmother should. 
The sound of Ward acknowledging Sarah on the phone as she announced she would be a bit later than expected had left you thinking of Rafe. In truth, it was rare there was a time in which you weren't. He may have been a bit emotional, but he was passionate to protect what he cared about. He showed humanity within his endeavors, a trait clearly obtained more from his mother rather than his coldhearted father. 
"Hey..." You heard him sniffle, quickly hiding something beneath the pillow of his bed as you knew from former instances what it had been. Ignoring berating him for his vice as you couldn't blame him for wanting to be numb, you lifted the reason you'd come to his room now into view. 
"I think you could use this now..." You explained as he looked to the hallway. 
"Feel bad for eavesdropping?" He shot, taking out his anger on you, as you just set the gift closer to him. 
"Just open it…" 
You paused for a second in anticipation of his reaction as you found his gift to be the most difficult. For Sarah, it was easy with dainty jewelry that matched the sparkle behind her eyes. And Wheezie's maturing fashion called for more appropriate clothes you had been eager to offer. And Ward was simple with a new watch. But Rafe was complex. You'd thought about alcohol. Maybe a tie, as your thighs pressed together to the more sinful ways this could be used. And you even considered a gift card to some place he frequented. But it wasn't exactly like drug dealers had vouchers. So for that, you decided on this. 
"A key? Am I supposed to just guess what door it goes to?" He wasn't usually this short tempered and you pitied the reason why. It was why you dealt with it more than what you deserved. 
"It's to a boat. Your boat." You confessed. "I thought about what to get you and I realized you don't have anything of your own..."
His brows furrowed. 
"I have a boat."
"Your dad has a boat. But now you have your own to get out of here when things get...intense..." Something shifted in his gaze. The darkest behind his eyes had softened in realizing you were being genuine with him as he'd been waiting for the punchline. 
"It's in your name and all the paperwork is on the counter of the kitchenette there..."
"Show me? I don't think I can sit through a Christmas dinner with Sarah and John B." He clenched his teeth at the mention of the pogue who had changed her materialistic lifestyle she'd known. A part of him, jealous for the life she's escaped. 
Whether it was to spite Ward or distance yourself from him, you agreed before leading Rafe stealthily through the band of your husband's peers until making it to the dock. Climbing on board, you smirked to the heated living area contrasting the cold chill endured in the walk here. 
"You can change the name of the boat if you want. The last owner just asked you didn't take her into open water before-" His hands on your hips made you turn and face him in overwhelming bewilderment. 
"I  sure until now..." He explained, soft eyes darkened once again. Only this time with shameless lust. 
"I've caught you correcting your focus on me at dinner and I thought maybe you were just as bored as I was..." He scoffed. 
"Then a few months ago when my dad and I got into another...argument..." He clenched his teeth as you remembered the moment in question. The same one that was more than a few criss words. Ward's knuckles still wore the bruising from the anger he took out on his son. Perhaps deserved in the form of a scolding word, but never physical correction as he often exhibited as tough love. 
"You were quick to take my mind off of it. Dancing in that dress..." He scoffed, blowing back an exhale as she shook his head. 
"And now today. The boat-"
"Was a gift..." 
"Then why did you follow me out here? Because you wanted me to do this...to act on the electricity that's been there when you realized you married the wrong Cameron man..." He was now behind you, brushing your hair from your shoulder and neck, a smirk felt against your skin. 
"If you didn't want this...why did you jump at the chance to be alone with me?"
"I wanted to see your reaction to...to the boat..." He used his body to push you into the counter, his erection angry at your back. 
"And now you know...it's only fair I know yours..." 
"If you didn't want this...you shouldn't have followed me. You're smarter than that..." Before you could retaliate against your own body, your head was at a rest against his chest as his fingers climbed up your naked thigh in further ascension. 
"Does he make you come?"
"I'm not used to having to ask twice...Next time, it won't be so nicely..." 
"No..." You confessed. 
"But I bet you make him. Bet he just sees you naked and-"
"The second you came aboard, you lost the chance to reject me. You've made it clear what you wanted. It's only fair I do the same." Two fingers ran circuits at your lower lips, prompting you to react against him. 
"Shit, you need this even more than I do."
"What kind of guy would I be to not satisfy a wish on Christmas?" He teased, guiding you into a bend over the counter of the boat's kitchen counter. His hand came from your neck and to your skirt, fisting it to reveal the specific emerald lace beneath. 
"You wear these again and next time I'll use them to keep you quiet while I fuck you right outside his office. Maybe on his desk while he's taking an important call..."
"Rafe-" You gasped. 
"Too late to claim you don't want this. You're already drenched." He explained while keeping you at this angle before unlatching his own belt. The dress shirt he was guilted to wear, was unbuttoned but left on as the pants gathered at his ankles. 
"Merry Christmas, stepmother..." He smirked, his cock buried inside your sex as you gasped. What should have been guilt was silenced with necessity as you gripped the edges of the marble surface beneath you. 
"You got me a boat for Christmas and I'm going to make you come...Maybe christen every room? Isn't that what they do for boats-"
"That's houses..." You shot quickly, turning to face him. He took this as a chance to remind you of his dominance as he used his secondary hand to your jaw. 
"Oh, I plan on doing it in every room at home, too. Starting with yours. On the same bed you sleep next to him. That way maybe you can come when remembering how I made you...fisting those sheets...crying out for me...feeling me as deep as this..."
"Gotta teach you to be quiet...maybe you just need something in your mouth..." He set his thumb to your lips as you were quick to oblige. 
"Good girl." Your eye rolled to the praise as he smirked in having been made knowledgeable of this kink. 
"You feel better than any fucking gift." He pulled your skirt higher to take sight of the way your bare ass welcomed him. 
"But THIS...fuck...this is what I've thought about every night since I first laid eyes on you." He suddenly withdrew. 
"Get up on the counter. Palms flat. Look back at me." 
"You wanted to be alone with me. You wanted to make me feel better. So listen or you don't get to come." He smacked your exposed left cheek made you squeal. 
"Almost better than your moans." He took hold of the back of your neck. 
You climbed over the marble, feeling his hands  greedily set to your exposed skin. 
"Since you're making me miss dinner." With a hand to your back, he kept you from bucking too high as his tongue made contact to your sex. Immediately, your body shivered with electrification from his unexpected yet necessary motions. 
"Look at me." He growled into your folds from behind. 
"Watch me make you come..." His eyes remained to you, drinking in the way you were coming undone so quickly, and loudly, for him. 
"Let me hear you, nobody else can...but I want to. I've earned it." He struck your right cheek, making you shiver, before returning to his oral fixation of your clit. 
"Rafe! I'm gonna come!"
"I know..." He smirked, the whites of your eyes made necessary as he now pulled his ringed finger to your sex. 
"Oh, you want it...don't you? Shit, you're fucking close...Fuck my finger...show me how badly you want it to be me-"
"Please, Rafe!"
"Show me!" He growled as you accelerated against his finger before he granted the fulfillment of two. 
"That's good...get real close for me..." You grunted and groaned as he took in every sensation of your body. The arching of your back. The unintelligible pleas. That final desperate pull of his hair made by your fingers. And just as that wave crest for you, he retreated. 
"On your back. No more fucking teasing." The veiled promise behind his words made you acquiesce as you were taken painfully against him. Although you were drenched and stretched, he was brutal. It was a swift adjustment, however, as he strengthened this by his grip made to the back of your neck and hair. 
"Look how fucking good it is...You're swallowing me whole...I'm so deep I could get you so pregnant-" 
"Don't worry. Not this time." He brushed his thumb over your clit with only a few swipes and you were prepared to unleash yourself to him. His name almost sacrilegious to the vows shattered to his every thrust. Yet either of you cared for anything but how he felt. 
Your hands were pinned above your head as your wedding ring chimed on the counter. It was just loud enough to break your focus from the passioned hips rooting into you as you felt him take your left hand to his mouth. With his teeth, he removed the silver band and diamond before throwing it to the floor. 
"When you're with me. You're with me. You think of me. You feel me. Otherwise you don't get to come.".
"Me." He validated as he bowed into you, the perspiration making his hair stick to his forehead was the same responsible for the cotton suctioned to his damp chest as you pulled him closer. 
"Please let me come, Rafe..."
"I'm done teasing. I'm making you mine. Right fucking now. Gonna be hard to claim otherwise when you're not gonna be able to sit or walk without feeling me..." He kissed you, a deeply passionate kiss that kept you from responding with anything but a moan. 
Ribbons of his release filled you in sporadic spurts as your tremors pulled him into the fringes of overstimulation. Only a moment or so until he has stilled your hips that still called for more. Even as you felt him still, deep and true, you wanted it again. An addict in need of another fix. 
You were lifted into a sitting position as he hovered over your legs for a moment. Your hands came to his cheeks as you brought him into you by the separation of his shirt. 
"We have to make an appearance at that dinner-"
"Or..." You teased his neck and ear. 
"You can tell me all the ways you've thought about me while you got yourself off...and I can make each one come true until New Year's..."
"And then after?"
"Then I tell you all the ways I have..." 
"I fucking love Christmas..."
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @drews1love @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916 @belcalis9503
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thevulturesquadron · 5 months
Hello! If you don't mind answering, what are your thoughts on Rogue only mentioning Gambit during E.7 ? It felt weird after all these episodes and exploration of their relationship.
Ahoy there! 🛸
Well... I try not to put too much thought into it. Overall Bright Eyes felt like a moment of transition towards the finale (with an absolute kick-ass Rogue). I am happy they had an episode that showcased a part of what Rogue was going through after Genosha, because, as Amelia Vogh said - 'a survivor is the last thing I’d wanna be.’ So Rogue has a lot to process: the guilt and grief over losing Gambit, the uncertainty and anxiety around Magneto and well, the death of so many people around her. Remember what Magneto said? “We shall not live our days wondering if we could’ve saved more.” Rogue is doing just that - and it's hell.
About Rogue focusing just on Gambit - it makes sense. She held his body in her arms. That moment is with her probably every time she closes her eyes. The way I see it, there are two reasons why the focus has been only on expressing her feelings for Remy.
1. It might be just the way it is. Rogue and Gambit will always be 'the couple'. More so for TAS. They are one of the most well-known and popular Marvel couples so, after the drama was done, the writers needed to pull that ship back on course. It was always going to be like that and I'll be here for the ride. Not everything in media has to be written to match my preferences. Plus, the show has kept both of them in character and written them exceptionally well so far. Especially with Gambit, I am grateful for the care they put into portraying him, because in comics it's such a mess, depending on who's writing him. So I am expecting the focus to be on Rogue and Gambit from now on.
2. The other reasoning (from a media literacy perspective), and the one I prefer -  is that she's processing. It might turn out to be true or it might not - the show will tell us. But at this moment it does look like that. Grief, guilt, shock. First of all, in Magneto's case, there was no body. The rule is until the search is called off, if there is no body, there is no death confirmation. So Rogue is struggling to accept it. What she knows is that Remy is dead - that is a reality she cannot avoid and it consumes her. On the other hand she was refusing to face the possibility that Erik was also gone. Then Kurt made it real. In the privacy of that moment between them he said what she wasn't allowing herself to think or accept: that she lost more than one person she cared about. Secondly, also why it makes that moment with Kurt so much more heavy, is that no one else in the team knows of the emotional connection she has with Erik. Everyone who knew the depths (Gambit and, in parts, Madelyne) are dead. I don't think Rogue can voice her grief in front of the rest without an explanation. She can however channel it through Gambit’s loss. What is worse is that her feelings for Gambit are now intertwined with a lot of guilt, and she probably feels like she has failed him in particular. And it breaks my heart. I don’t think that’s fair towards her and I am not particularly a fan of that, but X-men has often times put drama ahead of character development. 
So is it the first one? Is it the second one? Who knows, maybe it’s a bit of column A, a bit of column B. But there is one thing that I would have liked the episode to show more of: I wanted to see Rogue processing what it meant for her to survive Genosha, to survive the genocide. I care more about that, about her humanity, her struggles and convictions, unrelated to the romantic aspects. Romance is not the ultimate form of love, and it doesn’t have to be the most intense display of love either.
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andraxicated · 2 years
last secret
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synopsis: keeping it lowkey w/ al haitham tags: unlabeled relationship | suggestive a/n: im back from the dead so have this minific while im trying to proofread my series
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music blasting, red solo cups, and fervent side eyes kept on exchanging between you and alhaitham. aside from the pretty pics on social media, you can't deny a part of you dressing up is for him to see, for him to notice.
seems like it's working as alhaitham can't take his eyes off you the entire night. whether you're pouring yourself drinks, greeting friends, or smiling for the pictures; his eyes linger quietly from your face to your body, visualizing what if that smile was directed at him.
it was getting a little too hot for him so he slips out through the crowded hallway to get a breath of fresh air. however, that didn't escape your eye; as soon as the phone was put down your gaze quickly followed him and calculated the way he was going.
"I'm going to the bathroom." you slip an excuse into your friend's ear and she nods. frantic heels pound through the floorboards as you try to remember what way he took, looking around for any signs of him like a lost puppy. the liquid courage was prompting you to approach a stranger and ask for a description of alhaitham and where he went. if not for the shocking grip that pulled you aside when you were about to go back.
in a flash, your body was trapped between him and the wall, with his strong hand clasped over your mouth and his greenish orbs staring down at you. (e/c) eyes were blown wide as your heart thumps dangerously at his warm touch.
"be quiet" he sends you a warning gaze as you calm yourself down while nodding. his hand then finally lets you breathe but the change of placement to your waist was heart-stopping.
he subtly coughs and says "you look nice tonight".
alhaitham compliments you for the first time that night as he tucks a strand of stray hair behind your ear, an effective action of reeling your feelings in.
doing things he was not supposed to was a habit he had to quit. you thought so despite your enjoyment's protests.
"thanks. you look...the same." you were too cowardly to give the same degree of compliment despite the alcohol surging through your body.
he chuckles at your averted gaze.
he looks the same in a good way because he was always so handsome and didn't need to put much effort into himself. he could go here in home clothes and you would still be gawking his way.
haitham leans dangerously closer, blocking the other people's view of your body in the dim hallway. it was open and anybody could see you two looking so intimate, but for that moment you chose to become complacent with the position. although...the thought of them seeing his flexed back made you want to wrap your hands around him and showcase your nails on purpose.
that thought was thrown out the window when he asked you.
"what's our plan for tonight?" alhaitham's deep voice made you squirm as it electrifies you straight to the core. your cute reaction did not escape his eyes as he tries to suppress the incoming smile from your visible excitement.
a plan...you never had a plan with him. it was always texts and surprise visits to the dorm where his roommate suddenly leaves with a pat on alhaitham's shoulder. then it's either you gently placing your bag down with a shy greeting or a hurried drop of the bag as you passionately swing your arms around him for a kiss.
"the usual" you reply with a tug on his shirt to pull him for a short kiss, yet he wasn't having it as he pushes on your lips for more. his hands grazing against your skin and underneath your dress made you pull away as you let out a breathy sigh.
you feel the tug on the thin string of your thong as he suddenly drags it down on one side of your leg. your eyes widen as his own suddenly gave off a challenging glint.
"what are you doing?! someone could see!" you whisper frantically as you try to pinch some sense into him, you doubt you affected him much when all you felt was muscle.
alhaitham only smirks at your worried expression as he leans down more to meet you at eye level; tightening the grip on your waist and it creates more wetness to your already soaked panties.
"I'm sick of you pretending like you don't know me earlier." he drawls out in a dangerous voice. hot breath tickles your ear as your shoulders respond to the stimulation. you thought he'd be fine with it since this arrangement was supposed to be a secret before graduation, and knowing he was bothered was sparking a blind hope in your heart.
"we agreed to do that." you retort, barely a whisper.
alhaitham then presses a kiss to the side of your head, clearly enjoying the reactions you give.
"let's have our last secret tonight."
"what is it?" at your question, his hand underneath your dress pulls down your panty with force as the cold air hits your bare skin. making you hiss in embarrassment as your nails grip onto his arms for dear life.
"lift your feet and I'll take it off for you."
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haechanhues · 7 months
chapter twenty : johnny suh
S I D E : A
word count : 1k
warnings : none tho includes alcohol.
It had been a rather rough day today, you were texting Sicheng earlier that day and only talked about Hendery without actually mentioning him and the attempt of subtlety had you more annoyed at him whilst both Haechan and Mark who were usually present at parties like this had ditched to attend a double date. Chenle visiting his friends instead.  
“Hey,” A girl with pretty long hair put herself in front of you, staring at you with concern in her eyes, “You alright? Do you feel sick?” 
“Uh, I’m okay,” You say, even though everything about your face reveals that nothing is okay. 
“Min,” She hisses to another girl clearly enjoying her vodka with a crazy straw, “Where’s Johnny?” 
“Why?” Min asks, unbothered and only a little concerned by your nonchalant face. 
“I’m gonna bring her to his room but I want to ask first.” 
“You’ve never made an effort before.” 
“Well he ripped into me last time, you should know! You were there-” 
“Okay, okay, Yuqi you don’t need to yell, I’m drunk not blind.” 
Yuqi curses to herself, promising to never let Minnie touch another vodka and cranberry ever again. Not while she’s there to look after her, anyways. 
“Just use it, I’ll go find him,” Minnie decides before wandering off with her empty glass and Yuqi wants to trust her, she does but she finds you need her more than Johnny does right now so she leads you to his room and sits you on his bed, happy to find the older man had cleaned his room. 
Yuqi sits you on the bed, checking your face for anything in your gaze before she kneels in front of you, “I’m gonna get you some water, okay? It’ll make you feel better.” 
You nod, though you feel a little better just being somewhere quiet and watch as Yuqi hurries outside to retrieve you some water. You miss the scent on her clothes as soon as she leaves and you sit silently. 
Until you’re no longer patient anymore. You figure she must have got caught up, or in the ‘worst’ case scenario forgot about you. 
You stand, looking around at the room you’re in, figuring the best way to let time pass by is to have a little nosy around. It’s a clean boy room, with cool neon lights framing a bit of his bed and the faintest smell of cologne. 
Narrowing your eyes you peek curiously through his array of photos lined up against each other, showcasing his life and his personality. 
In fact, one of his friends looks exactly like Moon Taeil, strangely enough. 
“Uh- hi?” A deep voice frightens you so much that you look even more guilty, caught in the act and looking way too much like a deer in headlights to be innocent. 
“I’m not stealing anything!” 
The man laughs, “I didn’t think you were. You lost?” 
“Uh no- I’m uh- waiting for Yuqi-” 
He curses, “Fucking Yuqi, always bringing strays into my room-” 
Your eyebrows raise to which he laughs good naturedly, “Nothing to take offence over, really. At least you’re not fucking her.” 
You giggle, “I’m not. She’s getting me a water, and I- I think you’re the one that Min had to tell I was coming here-” 
Johnny snorts, “Yeah, right. I’m Johnny by the way.” 
“So, “ Johnny sighs, laying down next to you with his arms supporting his neck, “Why are you here in the quiet instead of the rager downstairs?” 
“Honestly, I can’t be bothered,” You admit, your chin held by the back of your hand. Johnny finds it endearing, how comfortable you’re getting with him. While sober. It’s kind of nice…the change. 
Johnny chuckles, “I hope you’re bothered enough to tell me. I need some new gossip.” 
“Hmm,” You pretend to think hard, “It depends, are you going to tell people?” 
“Nah,” Johnny scoffs, “Even if I did…they’re all drunk and terrible conversationalists. I mean- you’ve met Minnie.” 
You start your story with a short cough to clear your throat and it’s an unveiling filled with every boy that has made your life. Your friends. Even Minnie and Yuqi to which he was glad to add his own comments about. 
You appreciate the way his eyes widen, and how he lets out a dramatic inhale of breath at every climax of your stories. He even scoots closer to you, in love with your storytelling and the complete gossip he’s getting from you right this minute. 
Minnie, who’s behind the door listening, appreciates it just as much. She wants to keep you. Just so she can see what happens next. 
“And Hendery? Are you still in love with him?” 
You shrug, “Yeah- but like I can’t be that in love with him if I like other people, right?” 
“Not necessarily, consider this...you’re a single girl, in a new town, living her life and learning about the world and it just so happens that you end up liking some of the people you connect with,” Johnny advises, looking very ‘shrink’ as he watches the information process in your brain. 
“But I don’t know if what I feel for Hendery is love…still love. He even said I should move on.” 
“So? Are you moving on? And if so, are you moving on for the right reasons?” 
“Right reasons?” 
“Although I love a revenge plot, it won’t work for you in this case. It’s just pettiness.” 
“Has anyone told you how hot you are?” Your voice diverges into another topic. Since you’ve been thinking about how sexy he is for the past minute… 
“Plenty of times.. It doesn’t hurt to hear it again though and usually not when I’m saying something they should listen to….” 
“Well then you’re hot,” You confess. Minnie has to roll her eyes as the conversation becomes a little too streaming site clickbait-esque and makes a quick exit, jogging to tell Yuqi the plan of adopting you. 
Johnny grins, “Thanks.” 
You beam back, “You’re welcome.” 
You press a chaste kiss to his lips in gratitude. For the conversation and the advice. Resisting the urge to kiss him again and again. 
S I D E : B
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in which a girl farewells every boy she’s ever loved (or at least had romantic feelings for) in order to prove that her feelings for one particular boy are very real and unwavering. 
chapter twenty : johnny suh
masterlist | prev | next
taglist: @matchahyuck @haisuken @dinonuguaegi @replayenthusiast @90s-belladonna @ahnneyong @liliansun
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freeuselandonorris · 9 months
10 photos of the year!
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rules: pick ten pictures from your year that you absolutely love and tag ten people to do the same :)
tagged by @eyes-likepilotlights thank you!! 🫰
1. statue from the walker art gallery, liverpool from my birthday! i go to liverpool on/around my birthday with my mum every year
2. one of my few high femme looks this year! wearing my borderline-obscene four chambers orgy skirt and crop top set to the poledance/cabaret showcase pussy parlour
3. view from the top of stoodley pike in the pennines, having just hiked to the top of it with my friends r and c in a hideous rainstorm
4. berlin tempelhof for the formula e with @lost-decade and @zeraparker !! always have the best time in berlin and this year was no different (despite the miserable weather on the sunday and the 12-hour journey from hell home where i had to go via fucking copenhagen)
5. pole pic!! this was my third year of doing pole and the year i started learning really cool trick combos
6. the london vagabond zine launch at village books. one of the few photos from that night that might not get instantly deleted. met miss gold of TLV fame and vex ashley (founder of four chambers, most beautiful woman in the world) smiled at me and m had to bodily drag me out of the room (which turned out to be a mistake because if we’d have stayed half an hour longer we’d have seen the live piss show 😪)
7. view from the northern quarter in manchester after my friend j’s book launch — not an especially exciting photo (although the sunset is pretty) but it reminds me of a night where i felt very full of love for my friends and queer community, and this photo reminds me of how happy i was
8. the jaguar garage passes we gained through accidental deception at london formula e, one of the funniest and most surreal moments of my motorsports life. trying to look james barclay in the eye while he chatted to us about jaguar’s chances that weekend while i tried not to think about that time i wrote fisting porn about him was an experience 🫠
9. peaches at homobloc!!! i was rolling and this was just such an incredible moment of collective queer joy and resistance. there’s a photo of me and m with insane moon eyes that i would have posted here but idk if he’ll want me to out him on fandom tumblr so have this one instead 🥲
10. yes i’ve included two selfies, come at me. embraced my inner leather daddy a lot more this year and i love it
tagging @lost-decade and @zeraparker if you haven’t already done it 💕
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temnurus · 11 months
WWX POV Fic Recs
So! As a diehard Wei Ying fan, I thought it would be rather timely to come up with a rec list that showcased him in all his clever, chaotic, charming glory. This mostly some of my more recent reads, as I tried not to duplicate recs from my top ten list and the 10 extra honorable mentions because I couldn't stop myself.
Ahem. Anyway, this is a good mix of stuff. We've got everything from accidental baby acquisition, to case fic, to monsterfucking! (You're welcome, fellow deviants. 😉) Happy WWX day, folks! Now onto the recs!
hold up a mirror by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 36,170)
Thoughts: Another brilliant friends to lovers fic by one of my favorite authors. They wow me every single time, no exaggeration. In this one Wei Ying is lonely. He’s also tired of being set up on blind dates by his concerned brother when he stumbles upon the fact that Lan Zhan is pining for some idiot who has somehow failed to see how great he is. Obviously them pretending to date will solve both of these problems. Jiang Cheng will get off his back, & they’ll be able to make Lan Zhan’s crush jealous enough to realize what he’s missing. Cue me banging my head against my desk while muttering about their joint stupidity, & we have the recipe for yet another fic making it to my favorites list.
(we've got) time for one more by impossibletruths (E, 71,504)
Thoughts: I felt Wei Ying’s longing in my bones in this fic. For the music, for Lan Zhan, for all the things that could’ve been. He was such a good dad to A’Yuan, & their relationship was so touching. I cried several times in this fic, one of which was inspired by Wei Ying & the Jiang siblings trio. The feelings surrounding them & the planning of Yanli’s wedding were so bittersweet with canon lurking in the background. I really loved getting to see it come together differently here, though. Seeing Lan Zhan through Wei Ying’s eyes was also a huge treat here, & I loved their dynamic, angst & all. This was a great fic, highly recommended!
Stumbling Into You by Magnolia822 (E, 39,332)
Thoughts: I really enjoyed this one. Wei Ying & Lan Zhan’s relationship felt very soft here, & sometimes I love that. It really worked with the whole tone of the fic. I liked Lan Zhan’s characterization in particular, which was neat since the story is told from Wei Ying’s perspective. There was a touch of angst, mostly towards the end, but the fic definitely earned its happy ending tag. I recommend it if you enjoy college AUs & our boys being soft idiots in love.
Tripped at Every Step by brooklinegirl (E, 28,758)
Thoughts: This fic was such a fun read. Wei Ying’s confusion was just delightful, & seeing Lan Zhan shower him with love in every way he knew how was breath-takingly sweet. There was a lot of fun teasing & banter, as well as an incident with a hickey that had me laughing until I cried. Nothing hurt in this, & I appreciated that so much because sometimes you just need a little softness. This did that just right. I highly recommend it.
The Golden Cutsleeve by syrus_jones (E, 77,020)
Thoughts: This is one of the most glorious things I’ve ever read in my life. I am not exaggerating when I say that. I cannot tell you how many times I laughed so hard I cried. This fic was hilarious, sexy, & full of Wei Ying being his chaotic best self. I nearly lost my mind at how hot some of the smut was, & it definitely earned the Crack Taken Seriously & Porn with Feelings tags. I’m not normally a crack fic person, so my ringing endorsement of this fic should not be taken lightly. 10/10, will absolutely read it again. As should you!
so take my hand (take my whole life too) by cicer (E, 92,343)
Thoughts: This is the second accidental baby acquisition fic I read for Wangxian, & A-Yuan is much younger here, not even a year old. There are lots of cute baby moments, including Wei Ying & Lan Zhan figuring out how to be parents together on the fly. Wei Ying had a huge crush on Lan Zhan and was, of course, convinced that Lan Zhan didn’t like him back. He is very, very stupid, but that’s okay because he’s obviously always very wrong about that. I laughed a lot at this fic, but it was also very touching. Not a whole lot of angst here besides the unfortunate reason for A-Yuan being left with them, but those subjects aren’t graphically described or deeply gone into.
In Love and War by Cataclysmic_Calamity (E, 68,321)
Thoughts: This is A/B/O dynamics done right & is easily the best of the trope that I’ve read for this ship. Mind the tags, of course, but I do recommend this if Omegaverse is your thing. Wei Ying’s plan to make himself insufferable didn’t go quite as well as he’d hoped, & before he knew it he was suffering the indignity of falling in love with his own husband. The nerve! Haha. There’s a good amount of angst, & the depth of feeling was gripping. I also enjoyed the side pairing of SangCheng. This author wrote a Hualian fic that’s one of my favorite fanfics period, so that certainly lends itself to the quality of the writing.
Full Moon Blues by Unforth (E, 39,034)
Thoughts: Alright monsterfuckers, this one’s for you. It’s exactly what you’d expect. Wei Ying’s phobia of dogs plays a large role. The depiction of panic attacks is very visceral in this fic, so be warned if that’s an issue for you. The angst is all emotional in nature & does pass eventually, leading to the star of this fic, the fucking. Oh my goodness, the fucking. The smut is so hot it nearly melted my face off! If you like werewolf sex, you’re in for a treat here. But don't let that fool you, their emotional connection is just as satisfying as the smut! I recommend anything by Unforth, to be honest. I’ve loved everything I’ve read by them.
for sale: eboy bathwater, never used by lewdwife (E, 25,123)
Thoughts: This was absolutely hilarious, boarderline Crack Treated Seriously almost. The Sugar Daddy thing is a sort of almost/but not really kind of thing, but I honored the author’s tag anyway. I could feel the convention energy as Wei Ying & the gang geared up for it, & it was a whole lot of fun. The smut was absolutely filthy & very, very good. I definitely recommend this one. It was adorable.
a stone to break your soul, a song to save it by rikke (M, 179,769)
Thoughts: Despite this being rated Mature it actually does contain smut! It’s maybe tame smut compared to most Explicit rated fics, but I’ve always found there to be a very fine line between the two ratings that no one can really agree on. I digress, though. This fic is plot-heavy & plot-driven. It’s an interesting case fic that also features an arranged marriage between Wei Ying & Lan Zhan in order to redeem Wei Ying in the eyes of the cultivation world after the events at Qiongqui Path. The Wens end up being sheltered by the Lans at Cloud Recesses instead of the Burial Mounds as a result. I enjoyed the twists & turns of this, & watching them slowly get closer was as rewarding as always. There was some interesting cultivation theory featured as well.
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Um hi!! Is there a masterlist for the Sally x jack Disneyland videos? Or do you have any recommendations of videos you like? I’m searching up for them but keeping getting lost ahhhhh
Have a nice spooky day :]
GREAT question!! I've always wanted to make a Disneyland Jack & Sally video masterpost, but quite a few of my recommendations have been removed from YouTube and/or are no longer accessible. One example is Fatima Lakhani, a Youtuber whose videos with Jack and Sally haven't been reuploaded yet. :( There's also the famous Jack X Sally kissing Hong Kong video that has been lost to time...I'm sad to say we've been losing quite a bit over the years...
I'll still give you a list of my recommendations, there are so many out there with hidden gems that I sometimes binge a bunch of Disneyland Jack X Sally videos.
Briannacherrygarcia's Jack and Sally playlist! Definitely check out the rest of her channel if any are missing. (Not entirely Jack X Sally, but the Jack Skellington VS Grinch series is hilarious!!)
Sally is really JACK SKELLINGTON! This one is really funny and I even made a gifset of it.
Matt proposes to Sally! One of THE classics that showcased Jealous!Jack. It was a great time.
Jack and Sally T E L L I N G T H E W O R L D! This isn't the original Hong Kong JackXSally video, but it has some of the video with audio playing over it. This is the closest I can find to the source.
Another Jack and Sally Playlist! This one has a lot of them meeting children, if you're in the mood for that cuteness!
Jack and Sally meet and greet! I love this one because Jack just motions him to go away while he and Sally are staring at each other. Idk it's just perfect <3
Jack Skellington & Sally! This is the source of my GIFs where Jack is holding out Zero to the audience. Love their shenanigans.
Jack & Sally Meet and Greet 2022!
Jack X Sally Disneypark Compilation! We definitely need more compilations out there, since so many videos are going down </3
--That's all I can find on me for now, but if you want to indulge in Jack X Sally Disneyland goodness, Briannacherrygarcia (the first link) has all the classics and best videos to watch. There are a lot of Meet & Greet videos out there, but it's the best when people who regularly come and see them make videos. Have fun!
I should make a masterlist of my favorite Disneyland Jack X Sally photos...<3
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gf-seasons-zine · 7 months
Questions and Answers for
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Who's cute as a button, and always your friend? The answer to the Q-U-E-S-T-I-O-N (Yeah, OK, so it doesn't have the same rhythm as G-I-D-to-the-E-O-N, but I still think it's an improvement to the jingle...)
Let's get to it!
Q: Hi! I am a fanfic writer who wish to write for the zine. So for the portfolio, from my understanding, is to send a drive link with a couple of our works to showcase?
What if we have already published these works? Can we just send the links over? Or you prefer them exported as docs into a drive?
A: Hello!  Thank you so much for your great question! 
The applications for both writers and artists will request 2-3 samples of your work, and yes, specific links for each sample if they have already been published will be fine.  All of the writing samples combined must be less than 7k words, so word count is a good factor to consider when deciding what to use!  Your samples should be your strongest work, and the portfolio will be optional for anything extra you may want to share with us.
If you would like to show us more of your work, please send a link to a shared drive (like google) for your portfolio. We would prefer to have a limit of 3-6 selections/sections of your favorite works in one place instead of a link to an entire writing account/tumblr page- both so you can show off the best of the best and so we don’t get lost down the rabbit hole while reading/looking at all of your amazing stuff! If you have an actual portfolio website, we’ll look at the first 6 pieces we see.  
We’re hoping to have a lot of applications, but that does mean there will be a lot of time spent reading and looking at great art!  And because we don’t have access to time tape or Mabel Juice to skip a couple of nights of sleep (as much as we want to!), please consider keeping the works in your portfolio on the shorter side or just picking your favorite chapters/sections (and keep in mind the writing in the zine will be short as well!).
For more specifics on writing guidelines, check out the document here . For more specifics on artist guidelines, please go here, and here for merch artist guidelines. Contributor Applications open April 1!
The interest in applying is so awesome; thank you so much for reaching out!
Mods Berry and Jade
P.S. Want to join us? The Mod Applications are still open! You can apply here
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Disney in any way. The zine will be a charity zine with all surplus going to charity- no one will profit from this zine.
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sitp-recs · 9 months
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HP Rec Fest, Day 31
Last day of @hprecfest and I AM NOT READY to say goodbye 😭 so sad to see this incredible coming to an end but also thrilled that I’ve had the chance to participate and found my reccing mojo again. Thank you @givereadersahug for this incredible initiative and to all the mods for for your hard work!!! Of course the last prompt is a banger, it was so hard to pick a fav amongst favs but to honour my commitment to rec fics that deserve more visibility I’m sharing two stunning works that showcase the beauty of short (3k) and medium (31k) form. No better way to close it out than reccing two stories that have been so very special for me ever since I first read them, and informed the way I see the ships and my respect for short-medium length. I can only hope this post will inspire more folks to check and experience these beauties by themselves. I hope you’ve had as much fun with the Rec Fest as I did! Wishing everyone a happy NYE and an amazing start to 2024 🥂
Day 31) a fav amongst favs:
Still Life (orphaned, M, 3k)
No summary provided so I’ll quote:
if you’ve ever wondered if it’s possible to create a perfect short fic the answer is yes and the proof is right here. what a masterclass in short form! the gorgeous prose, the introspective tone, the slice-of-life atmosphere, the perfect pacing and unexpected ending - everything comes together so seamlessly it might feel casual at first but I promise it’s actually quite profound in meaning. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read Still Life and it still hits me in the solar plexus. every. fucking. time. Harry’s pov is a triumph, nuanced, hilariously oblivious and so charming as he navigates conflicting feelings about his growing attraction to Draco. it’s as if we are right there by his side, watching as he overanalyzes their casual-not-so-casual relationship and Draco’s not helping by being infuriatingly hot, tender and quirky (god what a compelling combo, and he has such brilliant lines too!). I am obsessed with their voices and with Harry’s mental gymnastics from horny denial to stunned resignation. this was such a transformative read for me because it’s one of the few fics that made my jaw drop with every paragraph, masterfully crafted to hit me right in the feels. by now I know by heart the lines that give me the “heartkick” - a physical reaction that makes my heart contract and expand with warmth at reading something that changes me in a permanent way. there’s nothing I could say to do this fic justice so I rest my case by stating that it’s a privilege to have the chance to read seefin’s works! what a legend.
Rare pair
A Fine Foray into Fashionable Fellatio by @wellhalesbells (Draco/Ron, E, 31.5k)
First comes tolerating, then comes shagging, then comes unintended consequences.
this is the fic that effectively and irreversibly pulled me into Dron 🪦 I remember being so completely mindblown and obsessed with this story that I immediately found 1824947 ways to mention and rec it every chance I got. holy shit, what a journey! before reading this fic I didn’t know it was possible to love them together and not even think about Harry. but here Ron and Draco are so fully realized, so well-matched in wit, charisma and personality I was promptly sold on the ship without ever comparing their dynamics to Drarry, after all Ron is so very different from Harry. this is quite the emotional rollercoaster, as chaotic, impulsive and intense as both characters; their chemistry and sexual tension are off the charts (the bathroom sex and smoke kink, my god!!!! 🥵) and the Mpreg plot works surprisingly well and in a very Dron way: jump head first, talk feelings later. love the mix of playful banter, horny smut and tentative sweet romance with a long-standing friendship in the background. this is such a FUN read and I really appreciate that the author took their time to develop both the plot and the characters, it certainly felt refreshing to me as I’m used to short rare pair fics. definitely a Dron classic that deserves to be read and reread many times!
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emiarainewrites · 1 year
Rest In Peace, Julian Sands
The world has lost a phenomenal actor and gentle soul.
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Julian Sands went missing in early January whilst going on a hike. His body has only just been found now in late June, 2023. He was 65 years old.
Along with many, many others, I am deeply saddened by his passing. The only positive thing is that his body has been recovered. I’ve been hoping for the last few months that this would be the case. At least his family can have some form of closure now.
This is a terrible tragedy that I truly wish had not happened.
But, to honour Mr. Sands, I thought I’d briefly go over a few of his films that I’ve seen and highlight the amazing range that he had.
Boxing Helena (1993)
I first became aware of Julian Sands a few years ago when I saw this film.
Directed by Jennifer Lynch, Boxing Helena tells that story of Nick (Sands) and his obsession with one-night-stand Helena (Sherilyn Fenn). After an accident makes her dependent on him, we explore Nick’s psyche and how far he’s willing to go to keep Helena with him.
This is a film that will not appeal the everyone unfortunately, but I’d still highly recommend you see it. It’s a brilliant picture with many layers and at the centre is Julian Sands and his amazing performance.
Nick’s character is heads over heals obsessed with Helena, despite her outright stating she has no interest in him. She’s quite cold to Nick for most of the film, and you can understand why. However, for Nick, that coldness is incentive to try harder for her affections. He ensures she has to rely on him for everything because he “loves” her and wants to keep her for himself.
This showcases Julian Sands’ range as an actor. He has done many serious performances throughout his career, but for me this one is special. Nick is kind of a sad person and even a tad pathetic at times. But you never lose track of why he’s like that.
He’s emotional and even intimidating when need be. It’s a comparatively softer character than some of his other work, but Nick still stands out as a sympathetic and sometimes abhorrent character - played to absolute excellence by Julian Sands.
Warlock (1989)
Directed by Steve Miner, Warlock follows Julian Sands as the titular villain who travels from the 17th century to the 20th in order to end the world. As you do. Along the way he is pursued by Redferne (Richard E. Grant), who follows him from the past, & Kassandra (Lori Singer), a modern woman caught up in the dangerous medieval magic.
This is a good film, and it’s one of the biggest things Julian Sands is known for (the others undoubtedly being Room With A View (1985), Gothic (1986) and to a lesser extent Argento’s Phantom of the Opera (1998)) Not without reason, either.
Julian Sands is excellent in this, playing a cold hearted and cruel sadist of a character. The definition of evil. He’s very direct and at times his menacing stare does most of the talking. He brings a presence that few could ever hope to match.
From the first moment you see him, you know he’s bad news. A complete one-eighty to Boxing Helena.
I for one was quite surprised to see him in this role, having known him primarily for that film. He disappears into this terrifying, yet not outright scary, role. Rocking the long-hair-ponytail look, Julian Sands will make you fear magic and what it’s (and, by extension, he’s) really capable of.
Warlock II: The Armageddon (1993)
Directed by Anthony Hickox, the sequel follows the eponymous Warlock (Sands) as he is resurrected into the 90s (oh no!) and once again sets off on a quest to obtain mystical macguffins so he can put an end to the world as we know it. While that’s going on we follow a group of good warlocks that aren’t Julian Sands who must ready for the coming evil.
This film does away with the seriousness of the first and just about loses its damn mind with how crazy it can get. But if you’ve seen Hickox’s other works such as Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992) & the Waxwork films (1988 & 1992, respectively), you’ll probably be used to the amount of darkly wacky he puts into his pictures.
The lore is almost completely revamped in terms of the Warlock and he’s after. Plus, the expansion of other magic practitioners is interesting in theory, but the result for the latter is underwhelming.
Julian Sands, however, is magnificent. This is a bit of a lesser product compared to the first, but you can’t tell that from his performance alone. I feel like you get way more of him in this one (kinda rocking his Boxing Helena look a little bit, no surprise considering it was probably filmed around the same time). You follow the Warlock as he interacts with the modern world and it’s inhabitants, tracking down mystical stones that will bring about the end of the world once assembled.
The character feels more accessible too for modern times, in terms of his presentation and demeanour. So this means there’s less medieval speak and more one-liners. Also seems like they ramped up the sexiness too at times.
The movie is much sillier than it’s predecessor, but it’s goofy fun. And you have Julian Sands dispatching people in increasingly gruesome and creative ways. Very Wishmaster (1997), with the vibe of Wishmaster II: Evil Never Dies (1999). His performance remains intimidating and cruel, but all around less cold.
Tale of a Vampire (1992)
Directed by Shimako Sato, Tale of a Vampire follows Alex (Sands) as he finds reprieve from his lonely existence in the form of Anna (Suzanna Hamilton), a kind librarian. However, all is not well as parts of his past, and his bloodlust, come back to haunt him.
This seems to have been released direct to video and, call me crazy, may have been capitalising on another vampire film that came out the exact same year. Even this film’s poster shares some similarities. Although, Julian Sands was apparently in talks to play Lestat instead of Tom Cruise, so there’s another connection. At the moment, you can find this film on YouTube (VHS rip).
Setting that aside, this is an interesting film that I don’t believe gets talked about much. It won’t change your life and I don’t think it quite gets across its ideas perfectly, but Julian Sands’ performance, as ever, is brilliant. You believe he’s been around for ages and has never been able to keep a love for himself. We get flashbacks concerning a previous companion throughout the film as Alex tries to get close to Anna in the present. There is a type of warmth that Julian Sands brings to the role, whilst also maintaining the lonesome chill of a corpse. You get a sense of confliction from him as the film goes on - whether to pursue Anna or leave her be; damn her or let her go.
Edgar Allen Poe’s ‘Annabel Lee’ also features in the film, so the idea of youth and love lost are meant to be front and centre.
There is still an element of danger to Julian Sands’ character. The film doesn’t shy away from the fact that he’s still undead and thus, must consume fresh blood. ((Special warning to all cat lovers, by the way.)) He even has a brief flash of harming Anna due to his nature and personal feelings towards her.
You feel his pain and it’s a shame that Julian Sands didn’t play more vampires, or had roles like this. Or maybe he did and I just don’t know about them. Either way he was great in this role.
Arachnophobia (1990)
Directed by Frank Marshall, Arachnophobia follows a doctor (Jeff Daniels) and his family who move to a town that is soon besieged by tons of lethal spiders. As the death toll rises, it’s a race against the clock to stop the eight-legged menace from killing everyone there.
Julian Sands has a smaller role here compared to the previous films mentioned, but he is still important and does serve as the catalyst for everything. He plays Dr. James Atherton, who is studying an undiscovered type of spider that, of course, makes it back to a populated area and spawns off a deadly chain of events.
The film itself is fun and Julian Sands is a great, somewhat pompous, doctor who can be very dismissive of those around him. Very British and very passionate about his work.
Though, of course, he does not survive the film. The big hoss spider gets him. Then again, he did declare himself as “supper”. And when you see his body, it’s pretty gnarly. He’s covered in webbing with spiders crawling all over him. Real spiders. No CGI. That alone increased my respect for him one-hundred fold when I saw it.
From unhinged sap to scary villain to lonesome creature to apathetic doctor to even romantic lead, Julian Sands led a varied and fascinating career. He seemed unafraid to attempt any role and did so with impressive commitment and astounding results.
The world has lost a great talent that will never be forgotten.
RIP Julian Sands, we will all miss you dearly.
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