#eagle genome
robbie-roo · 6 months
oh man I wad gonna make a super cool science / zoology post and I forgot I took an edible and now I can't remember anything
like I can I know what I wanna talk about but I can't think hard enough to explain to people who may not have the background knowledge
like do you know what a phylogenetic tree is? because if you do- THEY RESTRUCTURED AVIAN PHYLOGENY BECAUSE OF WHOLE GENOME SEQUENCING
which for birds is over 8.1 BILLION base pairs and they did the ENTIRE GENOME that's coding and non coding that's all the viral history, mitochondrial dna, and all the ancestral history like that's so fucking coooooool but anyways they redid the phylogenetic tree!!!
and we were surprisingly close before this study (which like JUST came out- I'll try to find it when I'm sober) but now we have things like flamingos and pigeons or hawks/owls/eagles being all shifted around- I'll try to explain this later when I can THINK
also guys. I need to stress again how cool the WHOLE genome sequencing thing is especially in birds!!!
birds are ANCIENT much older than mammals I mean they're reptiles after all but with that comes like a fuck ton of genomic data
majority of these strands are "non coding" which means they just kinda exist and don't do any work but this is also composed of your genomic HISTORY which means it has your viral data
viruses inject their DNA sequences into your chromosomes and then they get replicated by asexual reproduction and those slow gradual injections of these viruses over time will change the phenotypic traits- that's what evolution is! (kinda- don't forget that babies also combine new DNA together so then you have mom/dad and their viral history allllllll mixing together- kinda?? man idk)
do you catch what I'm throwing here??? this shows the history of all viruses since the age of birds!!! (kinda... sorta? don't think about it too hard- I'm not! I can't think)
jeez I got off topic.... but the point is (I think) that they have 8.1 billion base pairs in a modern bird wanna know how many a human has? a human who can be like 100x the size of one of those little bitty bir-
guys, we have 3 billion.
and birds have 8.1!!!!
science is cool- don't do drugs kids
rob dog <3
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I’m sorry but
Certain bloodlines directly descended from the hybrids, however, possessed fractionally higher levels of Isu DNA in their genome, resting somewhere between the 0.0002% to 0.0005% of normal humans and the 5 or 6% of Sages,[5] which allowed their scions to naturally access Eagle Vision and to more fully interact with Pieces of Eden much like their ancestors.
I am having a bit too much of a cackle here. It’s just this side of schadenfreude. Does this mean that in the end, Hidden Ones/Assassins were the ones who had and have this ability to spot and “loot” people with the highest level of Isu genetics?
The very same Isu who basically created humans as slave race?
And now, those who are the “closest” to them, genetically, are the ones who are working to ensure the humanity’s ability to exercise free will?
Oh, how the tables have turned now
But no, seriously. Is this some kind of a group thing? Does like call to like here, after all? How do Assassins keep more or less consistently finding people who can activate Eagle vision, but the Templars can’t do it - unless they, literally, steal them from Assassins?
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teecupangel · 2 years
Have you ever considered - Desmond survives and gets to be(mentally) transported in time to some Isu temple. Except the eye doesn't have human genome templates, only Isu (thanks, Juno). New body is made wholly based on the Isu part of Desmond's genome. How hard would it be for Desmond to hide in plain sight, being at least a head taller than anyone around him?
Oh god. I read this and the brain immediately went "HEY LISTEN" so have this longass answer hahaha. Off the top of my head, I can think of three main ideas that incorporate this plot.
1 Desmond gets traveled back in time in an Isu body during the rise of the Isu civilization (or maybe even before the time 'everyone is scrambling to try not die from the sun, the prequel')
In this setup, I think Desmond's main problem would be trying to pretend that he's an actual Isu so that the other Isus won't think he's some kind of experiment gone rogue. He'll also be alone without any allies (Desmond would even be suspicious of Minerva because of how she acted in the Grand Temple and he only heard Tinia once so he doesn't know who Tinia is as a person). In this kind of plot, I think it would be fun for Desmond to be in the following scenarios:
Desmond accidentally helps Eve revolt and help the humans (... what if he was Adam??? Nah, it won't work. For one, Adam is a human and this plot gives Desmond an Isu body). Oh, oh, oh. What if Desmond (as an Isu) is the one to give Eve the Apple of Eden and this gets translated as him as the snake/devil giving Eve the apple hahahaha
Have some kind of tense alliance with Aletheia in her time as the Dikastes of Atlantis (maybe his body is one of Juno and Aita's secret pet projects)
Get in the middle of a war between the Asgardian Isus and the other Isus. Just imagine him awkwardly trying not to listen to Minerva and Odin having sex when all he wanted to do was check if there's any Isu bs that can help him in this supposed vault or whatever, why are they even having sex here, come on! Then Odin catches sight of him when he's trying to find the mead, maybe Desmond grabs the mead before he does because it's glowing hella gold in his Eagle Vision and Desmond sees shiny and thinks 'shiny? important? shiny!' and now Odin is chasing him all over the nine realms while Desmond just wants to find a way back to his goddamn time
2 Desmond gets traveled back in time in an Isu body before the 21st century
Alright, this spans all the (main) games' non-modern day plot but here's some of the key points I can think of:
In general, religious people might see him as either a god or a divine being sent by god (since Isu tend to wear glowing outfits). His height might even count him as a nephilim instead as they're usually described as giants with great power. This would get him in trouble or might get him out of trouble if he can, you know, pretend to act godly and stuff (it's Desmond though so my bet is awkward 'fear not for thou, uh, hast, uuuhhh...'). The idea that he's god would most definitely be the case for the three mcs of the Layla Trilogy and maybe even Ezio (but, let's be honest, Ezio is a special case).
Honestly, I think he has the best chance of hiding and figuring shit out with Bayek because Bayek would see him and go 'oh, he's in trouble. as a medjay and a good person, I will help him.' while the misthios (Kassandra or Alexios) would be like "A god! Or a demi-god! Must be one of Zeus' children, poor boy. Come! Join my crew and let's fuck shit up!" and Eivor would be more of "You must be a Jotun... Our clan is open to all! Even a Jotun like you. How do you feel about burning churches?"
Kicking him to the time of the Third Crusades will be hilarious. On one hand, the Templars definitely want him because holy shit (and I can just imagine Maria actually pledging to be his knight because she absolutely believes that Desmond is a divine being, if not her god then one of his divine messengers), the Assassins want him because also holy shit (and it would be funny if one of those who truly believe Desmond is some kind of god is Abbas, just the awkwardness and blatant hostility turning to confusion and mild annoyance in the same vein of 'please stop talking, abbas' 'of course, my lord' will be priceless) and the people who are left being 'sus, absolutely sus' are probably going to be Altaïr (who is an atheist in canon) and Malik (who saw the power of the POE in canon and went 'yeah, sounds like tech we don't understand yet') so they have this awkward possibly powerful being trying to hide behind the two of them because Desmond saw them not looking at him with any reverence and went 'yes, these two. These two will protect me while I have my silent freakout' but that only makes everyone believe that Altaïr and Malik have been chosen by 'god' and now Malik, being the more 'cordial' of the two (and the last time Altaïr spoke for them, he sounded so arrogant and full of himself (this is set before the start of AC1) that they could see the metaphorical pitchforks getting ready) have to speak for Desmond because it's clear that Desmond has no idea what to do and is freaking out but pretending not to be. This, in turn, makes Malik the unofficial spokesperson (prophet) of Desmond while Altaïr gets called his knight when all he's trying to do is keep Desmond from running away and building a fucking grape farm of all things (Desmond wasn't serious, he was rambling, but Altaïr didn't know that). Kadar (hell yeah, he lives) gets roped in as well and he actually believes all this Desmond-is-god crap so now Desmond has a very enthusiastic 'butler/acolyte' on top of everything.
Renaissance period depends on when Desmond gets kicked out of his timeline. If he gets kicked out before Ezio heard Minerva's message, Ezio would probably look at him with suspicion and maybe even be a bit hostile with him considering he's still hurting and wishing for revenge. If it was after Minerva's message (Brotherhood), Ezio would definitely help him, maybe try to learn from him, and may even think of him as an actual divine being because of his religious background which makes Desmond feel awkward and creates some kind of wall between the two of them. Desmond just wants to help Ezio and be treated normally (or as equals) but Ezio can't help but see Desmond as some kind of god or angel that has been sent to help them in exchange for his loyalty and servitude. (Insert angst here with bonus points for religious themes and imagery that will send my soul deeper to hell) Revelations-timeline Ezio already has enough and wants out. He would see Desmond as someone in a similar position as him and they'll have a peaceful life tending a countryside farm with Sofia and their children because THESE TWO DESERVE PEACE.
I think Haytham and the other characters during Rogue would look at Desmond and think 'holy shit, Isu' and try to capture him. Both Templars and Assassins want to capture him because he's some stranger who may or may not be an Isu and that means knowledge and power that the other organization should not have. The Templars would definitely send Shay (if this is after Lisbon) while the Assassins would send Liam or maybe Adéwalé or Kesegowaase. Desmond is sus of both of them because Templars are Templars in his eyes and he saw how Hope's Assassins are pretty much governing the criminal underworld of New York which is pretty bad, all things considered, so he's iffy about going to the Assassins. So who does he turn to? Ziio. Ziio with baby Ratonhnhaké:ton and fuck whatever is happening to him and what this means in the timeline, he's gonna hide in Ziio's village forever and be Ratonhnhaké:ton's favorite uncle. You don't have to hide in plain sight if you're staying in a village that thinks you're some kind of spirit or something and that's cool. So while the Assassins and Templars are scrambling to find him, he's just chilling and babysitting for Ziio. By the time they find him in Ziio's village, Ratonhnhaké:ton is old enough to think Desmond is his dad (but he's BFF with Ziio, not in a romantic relationship) so Haytham has to deal with a bad breakup, a son he didn't even know existed and a powerful being who may or may not have adopted his son.
Desmond would have a stressful time in the Carribeans, dodging pirates and everybody else. And he can't find any Assassins for some reason so he tries to take a breather by chilling on some uninhabited island. Cue Captain Edward Kenway who was just there because it was on some weird old map he found and he sees his big dude and thought "sure, let's make him part of our crew" while Desmond agrees because he has a hidden blade so he might be an Assassin (he's not) and his name is Kenway so he might be Ratonhnhaké:ton's grandpa (he is) and Desmond needs a break. Chilling with pirates sounds like fun (it's not)
I think Desmond would spend most of his time during the French Revolution trying to find a way to America because that's where Ratonhnhaké:ton is and he believes Ratonhnhaké:ton will believe him (at the very least, won't turn him away anyway) but he'll get roped into this because something inside him is telling him there's someone in Paris that is bad juju. His Isu body is reacting to Aita's Sage and it's giving him some kind of annoying headache. Before he knows what's happening, he's secretly helping an Assassin who reminds him of Ezio and forms some kind of alliance with him. He has no knowledge of the French Revolution other than the Liam Neeson movie (not the musical because, according to wiki, that released on Dec 25 2012 in the US and our boy is already dead by then) so good luck?
Victorian England, on the other hand, would have Desmond barging in on the train that the Frye twins commandeered because 'it's a train... if you wanted to be inconspicuous, you'd pick the sewers, not a train'. His height would leave him... well, pretty much benched unless it's nighttime and he stays on the roofs so he gets to help Greenie with research (and miss Shaun) and maybe awkward shuffle away when Evie and Henry start having a moment. He does help out during nighttime missions AND BECOMES ONE OF CHARLES DICKIN'S GHOST CLUB MISSION because people saw him and think 'holy shit, ghost!' and now Evie and Jacob have to pretend not to know that the ghost Charles Dickins wants them to find/debunk is actually some chill dude who likes going out at night to stretch his legs. (Jacob brings Desmond the dog to the train and introduces him to Desmond, Desmond is not amused, Jacob thinks it's the best joke he's made in a while, Desmond the dog thinks Desmond the Isu gives the best belly rubs)
3 Desmond gets traveled back in time in an Isu body during the 21st century (or farther than that)
For this one, I can think of two main plotlines
This one is connected to my previous idea of Elijah overriding Juno's new body and transferring Desmond's data into it. Cue awkward father-son bonding between the two as they try to escape Juno's lackeys with Charlotte and the other Assassins and Desmond is awkward around them because he doesn't know anyone (he's been isolated to the other Assassins since he got his own 'cell') and Elijah doesn't trust anyone at all. Their main problem now is trying to contact any of the other Assassins to help them escape while trying to escape from both Juno's lackeys and Abstergo who has now heard of Desmond's 'resurrection'.
This other plotline is kinda meh but you can throw Desmond farther into the future and have him get a more stable Abstergo-created Isu body during the timeline of Watch_Dog Legion. While the developers insist that Darcy (who is a descendant of the Fryes) isn't canon, fuck canon, have Desmond deal with the horrors of a dystopian future where his height will be a fucking red flag. He's stuck in London, allies himself with Darcy and Dedsec in a 'you scratch my back, i scratch yours' setup where he helps them out and they help him try and contact an Assassin he actually knows (like maybe Shaun or Rebecca).
In both of these plotlines, Desmond can easily blend in by using one thing: wheelchairs. While he's overall larger than normal humans, wheelchairs will make that less 'visible'... heightwise anyway
....... I just realize that I made plots instead of answering how Desmond could hide while using an Isu body... ooops?
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fe-noumenal · 2 years
Sculpting part whatever
I watched Avatar and snorted some Wayne Barlowe designs. I’m ready to come back!  
I added average man to keep tabs on proportions, assuming natural protoamygdalines were roughly human sized. I really tried not to make a dinosaur, but screw this, we are making a space raptor! Multiple characters already describe amygdalines as such, and let’s be honest it’s superior body plan for bipedal vertebrate (analogue) .  
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I'm happy with feet. I'm leaving "eagle talons designed by Steve Jobs" for post-natural amygdalines, and now I’m content with more organic form. 
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It really looks like those feet could leave bird like footprints. 
I got inspired by Bayformers’ Starscream. 
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Still fighting with shoulder girdle. So I thought, why not shove it into the chest? I’m ok with the funky look. With a little "fleshing out" it should be good. I have to do something with hands though. Maybe I should ditch the extra wrist and make fingers just extra long...
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I'm still not married to the vertebra design. This doesn’t look like hammers on piano. 
While making it, I started headcanoning tail as gonads. It makes sense. Sterile postnatural amygdalines don’t have it, but Genome has, as do transients and both are capable of procreation.
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So after insemination, female would just drop part of the tail like a tapeworm and each segment would grow into a spine of a new nymph. Young protoamigdalines from one tail would form birth phyle, but then later disperse to find adult phyles, because they would be maternal siblings (I can’t see protoamigdalines as being monogamous in any way).     
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ancestorsalive · 1 year
“NEANDERTHALS WERE HIGH TECH AND LIKED THEIR FINERY. Recent discoveries have dramatically narrowed the formerly-perceived chasm in technological abilities and cultural accomplishments between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens. For instance, Neanderthals used complex techniques to manufacture strong hafting glues from birch tar (Mazza et al. 2006). They made three-ply cord (Hardy et al. 2020). They probably used chemical accelerants to help start fires (Heyes et al. 2016). They burned coal (Dibble et al. 2009). Neanderthals had medicines that likely included naturally occurring aspirin and penicillin substances (Weyrich et al. 2017). Whether for fashion, camouflage or other reasons, they used at least seven different minerals (graphite, buserite (MnO2), hematite, goethite, limestone, chalk and pyrite for the black, red, yellow, white, and sparkling gold colors (Sykes, 2020). They also used charcoal and feathers (preferring black colors). Toolmarked and polished eagle claws found in Croatia that date to 130,000 years are the oldest evidence of jewelry in Europe (Radovcic et al. (2015). Neanderthals also wore seashells stained with hematite (Srsen et al. 2015). They made complex cave art and may have made flutes. They had burials and ceremonial sites (it's hard to explain the 174K-year-old Bruniquel site any other way). It's ever-clearer that the "chasm" has narrowed to perhaps a small stepover.”
- Neil Bockoven
A collage of Neandertal faces as imagined by artists and exhibited in museums during the genome era. Artists include Alfons and Adrie Kennis, John Gurche, Elisabeth Daynès, Tom Björklund, Oscar Nilsson, and Fabio Fogliazza.
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Artwork and words by Tom Björklund
The Löwenmensch figurine – a toy or a religious treasure
Yet another version of the image, slightly different from the ones I posted on Twitter and Instagram. Inspired by the around 40k years old iconic Löwenmensch sculpture of the Hohlenstein-Stadel in Germany.
Too often the role children had in ancient societies has been unnecessarily neglected, according to a growing number of researchers. As a result many objects that could very well have been made for children, and even by children, have been interpreted to be religious objects, created to be worshipped in order to gain good luck and prosperity. Both alternatives are plausible – it can be hard to tell the diferrence. In a way it's perhaps possible that they sometimes were both.
In ancient, and not necessarily that ancient, cultures, things were not just things, they had a meaning and a function beyond their physical appearance and form. Perhaps children's toys were not just for fun but they were also portals to an unvisible world, allowing a contact with the ancestors or mythical creatures that could offer protection and guidance.
And even today, a daydreaming child acquires the unnatural powers of the precious superhero collectible, offering a moment of relief from the challenging reality.
If you wish, you can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram, for different versions of the images, news and background stories.
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Hebi Anon
Here's a fun little detail about the color coding of Vistamps
Typically Vistamps with pink tops and bases denote that they're variants of other Vistamps, and the riders they're based on follow that. For example, the Condor Vistamp is a variant of the Eagle Vistamp, and Condor is based on Kamen Rider Joker while Eagle is Kamen Rider W. And the White Leo variant is based on Kuuga's Amazing Mighty form while the original Lion stamp is based on Kuuga normally.
Destream's Vistamp is a personal stamp, so it's based on Destream and not a previous rider, but it has the pink coloration because he's a variant of Kamen Rider Vail.
Note. There's a reason why Over Demons, a variant of Demons, does not have a pink Vistamp. Because Over Demons was never meant to be a separate Rider and instead was just supposed to be Demons Kuwagata Genome (the writers grew to regret the name of Over Demons and the decision to make him a separate Rider, but it was too late)
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dynamitesunshine · 2 years
Sales Post!
I accept Paypal only. I do ship internationally too (reasonably).
Funko Pops:
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Ladybug Pops (Sold) Fifth Brother: $50 Seventh Sister: $40 Spy Dru: $20 Songbird: $31 Lord Drakkon: $41
Lion Genome (Kuuga): Kamen Rider Revi: $25 Kamen Rider Vice: $25
Eagle Genome (Double): Kamen Rider Revi:$25 Kamen Rider Vice: $25
Mammoth Genome (Den-O): Kamen Rider Revi: $25 Kamen Rider Vice: $25
Megalodon Genome (Decade): Kamen Rider Revi: $25 Kamen Rider Vice: $25
Eagle and Megalodon Genome Parts: $20
Lion and Mammoth Genome Parts: $20
Kamen Rider Evil Bat Genome: $30
Power Rangers Lightning Collection: Blue Dino Thunder: $35 Blue Psycho Ranger: $20 Red Dino Fury: $20
Figuarts (Pre-owned): DekaRed: $90 Red Buster: $70 Kamen Rider Wizard Flame Dragon: $70 Kamen Rider Kick Hopper: $75 Gokai Blue: $100
NEW: Kamen Rider Ichigou (SS Mastermind): $350
MHA Backpack Clipset: $165
Art of Spawn Wanda figure: $20
Disney Infinity 2.0 Spider-Man & Nova Playset: $60
LEGO: Mos Eisley Cantina: $90
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evoldir · 3 months
Fwd: Graduate position: UOtago_NewZealand.EvolutionaryBirdGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: UOtago_NewZealand.EvolutionaryBirdGenomics > Date: 10 July 2024 at 05:27:13 BST > To: [email protected] > > > PhD position in evolutionary genomics of birds at the University of Otago, > New Zealand > > The New Zealand bird fauna is unique in the world and is a key element of > New Zealand's biological heritage. In the absence of terrestrial mammals, > birds have evolved to fill their ecological niches. This unusual situation > has for example given rise to the world's largest raptor, Haast's eagle, > one of the few alpine parrot species in the world, the kea, and the > world's only flightless parrot, the kakapo. > > The molecular evolution of these adaptations can help us understand > how species respond to changing environments in a dynamic world on the > genome level. > > We are looking for a PhD student to study the functional genomic > basis of adaptations such as island gigantism, flightlessness, and > niche specialization in a range of New Zealand bird species. The ideal > candidate will have a background in molecular ecology, evolutionary > biology, bioinformatics or genome data analyses. > > The position is contingent on the candidate obtaining a PhD scholarship, > either from the University of Otago (please check eligibility: > https://ift.tt/26n75Ea) or > alternative international sources. Applications are invited from New > Zealand and international candidates. We strongly encourage Maori and > Pacific Island candidates to apply, and additional scholarship options > are available for these candidates. > > Selection process: Please apply by email with a cover letter and > your CV (including grade point average or comparable measure from your > qualifying degree) to A/Prof. Michael Knapp ([email protected]) by > 02/August/2024. We will select the best applicant soon after this date and > support them in their application for an Otago PhD scholarship. Starting > dates are flexible, with an expected start date in early 2025. > > About Otago: The University of Otago is one of the most research-intensive > universities in New Zealand with a world-class reputation in the > life sciences. It provides an environment that allows its students > to undertake internationally recognized research, in a diverse and > vibrant postgraduate environment and has been ranked as one of the > most beautiful campuses in the world. The PhD student will be hosted by > the Departments of Anatomy (Primary supervisor A/Prof. Michael Knapp) > and Zoology (co-supervisors A/Prof. Nic Rawlence and Dr Pascale Lubbe), > which are diverse and research-oriented departments. > > > Prof. Michael Knapp > Associate Professor in Biological Anthropology > Department of Anatomy > University of Otago > Dunedin > New Zealand > > > > [email protected] > > (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to > [email protected]
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robjackson616-blog · 6 months
Precision Medicine  Market to Witness Unbelievable Growth from 2024 to 2030:
According to HTF Market Intelligence, theGlobal Precision Medicine market to witness a CAGR of 12% during forecast period of 2024-2030. Global Precision Medicine Market Breakdown by Application (Diagnostics, Therapeutics, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Others) by Type (Consumables, Instruments, Services, Others) by Technology (Bioinformatics, Big Data Analytics, Drug Discovery, Gene Sequencing, Companion Diagnostics, Others) and by Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia Pacific, MEA). The Precision Medicine market size is estimated to increase by USD xx Services at a CAGR of 12% from 2024 to 2030.. Currently, market value is pegged at USD  Services.
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andronetalks · 1 year
New Clues About Origin of Complex Life Trace Roots to Common Ancestor
U Texas News June 14, 2023 AUSTIN, Texas — Thor, the legendary Norse god from the mythological city of Asgard, is not alone. According to groundbreaking research published in the journal Nature, we humans — along with eagles, starfish, daisies and every complex organism on Earth — are, in a sense, Asgardians. Analyzing the genomes of hundreds of different microbes called archaea, researchers at…
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kritikapatil · 2 years
Next Generation Sequencing Market Growing Popularity and Emerging Trends in the Industry
Latest edition released by AMA on Global Next Generation Sequencing Market to regulate the balance of demand and supply. This intelligence report on Next Generation Sequencing includes Investigation of past progress, ongoing market scenarios, and future prospects. Data True to market on the products, strategies and market share of leading companies of this particular market are mentioned. It’s a 360-degree overview of the global market’s competitive landscape. The report further predicts the size and valuation of the global market during the forecast period. Some of the key players profiled in the study are
DNAnexus [United States]
DNASTAR [United States]
Eagle Genomics [United Kingdom]
Edge Biosystems [United States]
GENEWIZ [United States]
Roche [Switzerland]
Agilent Technologies [United States]
Biomatters, Ltd [New Zealand]
CLC Bio [Denmark]
GATC biotech AG [Germany]
Macrogen [South Korea]
BGI (Beijing Genomics Institute) [China]
Illumina [United States]
Life Technology Corporation [United States]
EMC Corporation [United States]
Dnastar [United States] Next-generation sequencing (NGS), alternatively known as high-throughput sequencing, allows sequencing of millions of DNA molecules simultaneously. This method is useful in the field of personalized medicine, genetic diseases and clinical diagnostics as it offers high throughput option with ability to perform sequencing for multiple individual at the same time. The NGS machine or NGS sequencer is flexible enough to operate tasks such as whole –genome sequencing (WGS), targeted sequencing and transcriptome analysis. Market Trends: Development in Portable Sequencing Technology
Adoption and Integration of Advanced LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) Real-Time Tracking Methods
Opportunities: Favorable Government Initiatives
Incorporation of Big Data
Market Drivers: Technical Advancement in NGS platform
Ability to Provide Cost Effective Solution
Challenges: Issue Related to Ethics
Problem Associated With Interpretation of Complex Data
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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ICRISAT & Eagle Genomics Ink an MoU
The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and Eagle Genomics have recently announced a new cooperation framework agreement to address global challenges in food security, nutrition, and agriculture. The deal aims to bring together the expertise of ICRISAT in agriculture and Eagle Genomics in data science to tackle complex problems in these fields. The…
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So we all decided that a person's eyes turn gold when they use Eagle Vision. In DC the process of turning a human into a Talon turns their eyes gold. What if the Court of Owls steals or clones the bodies of dead assassins and turns them into their Talons? There are so many possibilities for a modern day AU with Ezio or someone else breaking their programing and rebuilding the Brotherhood in Gotham.
I admit I had to do a bit of googling to see who The Court of Owls are. Alas, I am not well versed in DC…
However, even from Wiki pages – they seem, a lot, like a shoe-on for a version of Cult of Kosmos or Order of Ancients. Masks, comprising of elites, and dabbing in things that are more on occult side than usual
If you want to include Assassins (or potential Assassins) as Talons, I think we can dabble into “Worshippers of the Bloodline” branch of Kosmos to set everything up
See, even with the reform of Templar Order, there is always a chance that someone would find information on its predecessors. And once they did, they may have found it more appealing than the current state of the Order. And thus… Given that Templars tended to seek their members around people of note/means… Let’s assume it was one of the Templars families that founded Gotham that did it. Fond information about the Isu-blooded humans, found the ideas Kosmos had for them
And then, they decided to use the information. Slowly but steadily finding allies, breaking away from the Templars, and, eventually – founding themselves their Court. And once they gathered the means to search for the Isu-blooded? They did so. And eventually… They found a way to make use of them
Perhaps it was, as in case with Alexious, manipulation
Perhaps it was a piece of Eden
Whichever it was – the Court of Owls managed to induce awakening of Eagle Vision among the Isu-blooded they found. And then they found a means of controlling them. And thus, the Talons came to be. With them, finding new “recruits” became easier – like called to like, after all. It worked that way with Assassins, too, after all
It was more than Templars ever managed – and thus, it solidified the Courts’ belief they were in the right
Eventually, unaccounted-for Isu descendants started to dwindle. Either the bloodline thinned out to the point it was no longer “special”, or it was destroyed by Templars, or picked up by Assassins. And so… The Court had to find another way to replenish their “army”
First came attempts to poach from the other groups. But in that, the Court did not have nearly the same reach as the other organizations did. Then came cultivating of bloodlines – but it was too much of a game of chance
And then, Templars founded Abstergo
And the Court found a reason to reach out to their long-disconnected “sister” branch of Order, again
In their view, Abstergo lacked the vision
Of course, they knew of the war against Assassins. And of course, Abstergo was willing to put work into developing tech that would allow them to make use of pieces of Eden
But it would be a long time, before Abstergo realized that they could also make use of the Assassins they… Did away with
The Court invests into Abstergo. They insure the branches of Abstergo that dealt with DNA research, had sizeable labs in Gotham. They provided them with freedom of action – and, in return, the Court… Got the means to replenish the ranks of their Talons
By recreating those that they, historically, knew had the genes they so dearly sought
The Court made use of and improved Abstergo’s cloning tech long before Abstergo thought to do it
All they needed… Was a piece bearing the mostly-intact genome of the one they wished to copy
Not everyone they wanted to get, they could. They had access to less known Assassins. The court even managed to access the remains of some of the more known ones – Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Edward Kenway. Jacob Frye. If there was even a shred of information on when they were buried – the Court did not shy from getting some black archeologists in their pocket
It took more time to raise a clone than to find and… Persuade, an adult. But it also meant that they could ensure their loyalty much better than any other method
And it worked. Until the Solar Flare
(….It got long XD)
Loose thoughts:
The early Talons were less effective because Court’s way of awakening their abilities relied too much on the method of control. Renegades were not uncommon. Deaths were not uncommon
 By the time Abstergo catches on onto the fact they were used, the Court is perfectly capable of cloning without their support
The “divorce” in this alliance of convenience is messy and loud
There are only so many DNA samples the Court gets its hands on: for example, they never managed to access remains of Altaїr, or Ratonhnhaké:ton, or Amunet, or Bayek. If the location of their remains was not known, they were not accessible to the Owls
When the Solar Flare happens, the item they used to awaken the Eagle Vision in Talons… Malfunctions
After that, the Talons that were part of the cloning program start to act oddly. It doesn’t take long for them to disappear with no viable evidence as to where
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sueheaven · 2 years
Precision Medicine market Is Likely to Experience a Tremendous Growth in Near Future
Latest business intelligence report released on Global Precision Medicine Market, covers different industry elements and growth inclinations that helps in predicting market forecast. The report allows complete assessment of current and future scenario scaling top to bottom investigation about the market size, % share of key and emerging segment, major development, and technological advancements. Also, the statistical survey elaborates detailed commentary on changing market dynamics that includes market growth drivers, roadblocks and challenges, future opportunities, and influencing trends to better understand Precision Medicine market outlook. List of Key Players Profiled in the study includes market overview, business strategies, financials, Development activities, Market Share and SWOT analysis are:
Biocrates Life Sciences AG (Austria)
Nanostring Technologies (United States)
Intomics (Denmark)
Pfizer Inc. (united States)
Eagle Genomics Ltd (United Kingdom)
Teva Pharmaceuticals (Israel)
Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings (United States)
Novartis AG (Switzerland)
Qiagen NV (Netherlands)
Quest Diagnostics Incorporated (United States)
 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG (Switzerland)
Precision Medicine is refer to customization of medical treatment by genetic understanding of the patients. It is use to analyze cause of disease at molecular level. New technologies in precision medicine market like genome sequencing, targeted sequencing and continuous research and development owing to increasing number of cancer and rare diseases growing the market. In addition development in personalized treatment, cost- effective therapies are projected to drive the sales potentially over forecast period. Key Market Trends: Growing cost-effective genomic and molecular biology testing techniques Opportunities: Growing Research in Big Pharma and Biotech Companies Market Growth Drivers: Growing incidence of cancer and rare diseases
Increasing Use of Big Data in Healthcare
Rising Demand of Personalized Treatment 
Challenges: Intense Competition among the vendors The Global Precision Medicine Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Consumables, Instruments, Services, Others), Application (Diagnostics, Therapeutics, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Others), End User (Diagnostic Tool companies, Pharma & Biotech Companies, Clinical Laboratories, Healthcare, IT/Big Data Companies), Technology (Genomics, Transcriptomics, Epigenomics), Sequencing (Sequencing by Synthesis, Ion Semiconductor Sequencing, Sequencing by Ligation, Pyrosequencing, Single Molecule Real Time Sequencing, Chain Termination Sequencing, Nanopore Sequencing)
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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ameymeti2001 · 2 years
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Informatics: Everything You Need to Know About
The global next generation sequencing informatics market (NGS informatics market) will grow at a CAGR of 22.1% during the forecast period to reach USD 1,305.1 million by 2022, according to the latest publication from Meticulous Research®. The global next generation sequencing informatics market (NGS informatics market) is driven by the reduced cost of DNA sequencing with the use of NGS informatics, various government initiatives, rising clinical applications, substitution of Microarray technology by NGS, continuous innovation & developments in technology, and increasing investments and funding for life sciences, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology research. Moreover, growing investments in the personalized medicine and increasing initiative from governments to promote the use of NGS informatics is further propelling the growth of NGS informatics market globally. However, lack of accuracy & standardization of technology, ethical challenges, and reduced grants and funding from government in various countries are expected to inhibit the growth of NGS informatics market to some extent.
The global NGS informatics market is mainly segmented by product & services (NGS informatics services, data analysis and management tools, primary and secondary data analysis tools, and data interpretation &reporting tools), by function (biological interpretation, experimental design, sequencing, data management, and primary analysis), by application (biomarker discovery, precision medicine, diagnostics, drug discovery, and differential gene expression), by end user (academics and research institutes, pharmaceuticals industry, biopharmaceuticals industry, government agencies, and hospitals & clinics), and by geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa).
Download Free Sample PDF Copy Here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=3483
North America held the major share in the global NGS informatics market, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific. Increasing demand for clinical information technology, various government initiatives and availability of funds, and promotion of NGS by research laboratories and academicians are the major factors fueling the growth of NGS informatics market in North America. In addition, the presence of many bioinformatics players in this market improves the product accessibility which further propels the growth of the market.However, Asia-Pacific region possesses lucrative growth potential for the NGS informatics market during the forecast period. This is mainly attributed to the increasing population, rising rate of diseases and various government initiatives to promote the genomic research to understand the complex biological process and genetic mutation present in life-threatening diseases, in order to reduce the rising rate of chronic diseases and infectious diseases in this region.
Global Next Generation Informatics Market, By Geography, 2017- 2022
The leading companies have employed various strategies to expand their product and application offerings, global footprint, and augment their market share in the global market. The key players in the global NGS informatics market are Illumina, Inc.(U.S.), Thermo FisherScientific Inc.(U.S.), Qiagen N.V.(The Netherlands), F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG (U.S.), PerkinElmer Inc. (U.S.), BIOVIA (Dassault Systèmes) (U.S.), Amazon Web Services LLC(U.S.), International Business Machines Corporation (U.S.), GENEWIZ, Inc.(U.S.), Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) (China), BioTeam Inc. (U.S.), Biomatters Ltd. (New Zealand), DNAnexus, Inc. (U.S.), DNASTAR, Inc. (U.S.), Eagle Genomics (U.K.), Edge Biosystems (U.S.), Genomatix AG (Germany), Partek Incorporated (U.S.), PierianDx, Inc. (U.S.), Real Time Genomics, Inc. (New Zealand), SoftGenetics, LLC (U.S.), and Sapio Sciences (U.S.).
Get Request Sample Report Now @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/request-sample-report/cp_id=3483
Scope of the Report
Market by Product & Services
NGS Informatics Services
Data Analysis and Management Tools
Primary and Secondary Data Analysis Tools
Data Interpretation and Reporting Tools
Market by Function
Biological Interpretation
Experimental Design
Data Management
Primary Analysis
Market by Application
Biomarker Discovery
Precision Medicine
Drug Discovery
Differential Gene Expression
Market by End User
Academics and Research Institutes
Biopharmaceutical Industry
Pharmaceuticals Industry
Government Agencies
Hospitals & Clinics
Market by Geography
North America
Rest of Europe
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Download Free Sample PDF Copy Here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=3483
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cmibloggers · 1 year
Global Biomarkers Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Increasing Advancements in Personalized Medicine
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The global Biomarkers Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 55.59 Bn in 2022 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 13.6% over the forecast period 2022-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.
Market Overview
Biomarkers are measurable indicators that can be used to assess the biological processes, diseases, or the effects of treatment interventions. These biomarkers play a crucial role in the field of personalized medicine as they can aid in early detection, diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring of diseases. The rising prevalence of chronic diseases, increasing demand for personalized medicine, and growing investments in biomarker research are driving the growth of the global Biomarkers market.
Market Key Trends
One key trend in the biomarker market is the advancement in personalized medicine. With the increasing understanding of genetic variations among individuals, personalized medicine has gained significant traction in recent years. Biomarkers play a crucial role in personalizing treatment plans by identifying specific genetic markers or molecular signatures. For example, HER2 testing is used to determine the eligibility of breast cancer patients for HER2-targeted therapies.
PEST Analysis 
- Political: Government regulations and policies play a significant role in the approval process and reimbursement policies for biomarkers and associated diagnostics.
- Economic: The economic factors influencing the biomarkers market include healthcare expenditure, insurance coverage policies, and GDP growth.
- Social: An aging population, increasing awareness about disease prevention, and the demand for personalized medicine drive the adoption of biomarkers.
- Technological: Advancements in technologies such as genomics, proteomics, and molecular diagnostics have enabled the identification and validation of new biomarkers.
Key Takeaways 
The global biomarkers market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 13.6% over the forecast period, due to increasing advancements in personalized medicine. The growing understanding of genetic variations and the need for tailored treatment plans are driving the demand for biomarkers.
The North America region is expected to dominate the biomarkers market due to the presence of well-established healthcare infrastructure, increasing investments in research and development activities, and government initiatives to promote personalized medicine.
Key players operating in the global biomarkers market include Agilent Technologies, Hoffmann-La Roche, Acobiom, Apis Assay Technologies, Eagle Biosciences, Beckman Coulter, PerkinElmer, Biopanda Reagents, Quanterix, Secure Diagnostics, BioVision, Merck KGaA, R&D Systems, Life Diagnostics, QuantaMatrix, Nanjing Synthgene Medical Technology, LifeSpan BioSciences, Wako USA, BioLegend, Abnova Corporation, and Abbexa.
In conclusion, the global biomarkers market is expected to witness significant growth propelled by increasing advancements in personalized medicine. The use of biomarkers in personalized treatment plans is revolutionizing healthcare by enabling targeted therapies and precise disease monitoring. With ongoing technological advancements and growing investments in research and development, the biomarkers market is poised for substantial expansion in the coming years.
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