#early 2000s/modern day au Will would make those kind of videos and if you don’t agree that’s fine but I’m right
notebooknonbinary · 2 years
Oh was Stranger Things your first introduction to Boys Don’t Cry by The Cure?
*side eyes 15 year old YouTube video Naruto Party 3*
Yep! Stranger Things was absolutely my introduction to Boys Don’t Cry!
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shgrrushi · 4 years
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❱ CHARACTERS: Sasha Braus, Connie Springer, Jean Kirstein
❱ CONTENT WARNINGS: Mentions of food, some swearing
❱ Headcanons for a modern au!Sasha, Connie, and Jean as your roommate!
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You'll often (*cough* always *cough) find her munching on snacks from the pantry, whether it be day old muffins, or uncooked ramen noodles, she'll eat anything she deems tasty.
Sasha's kind of a shit cook, so whenever she tries cooking her own snacks or meals, it always either leads to her almost burning the whole kitchen down, or making garbage food.
You'll find her laying on the kitchen floor, after groaning in defeat and annoyance.
“In my defense, I didn’t know I couldn’t replace butter with petroleum jelly!”
Though she always ends up asking you to cook for her instead, which takes a lot of coercing to do so, but you give in anyways.
Since she's a very messy eater, it's obvious that she leaves crumbs everywhere, yet it's exhausting sometimes, having to clean up all the food crumbs you'd surprisingly find on your bed, behind the TV, and sometimes even in the bathroom.
Honestly, this woman cannot clean up after herself, forcing you to do most of the chores in your shared apartment.
You wash the dishes, clean the bathroom, hell, you even wash her clothes
She's very observant, though. One time when she found you were upset, she took responsibility of doing the house chores for you this time.
You find her standing in front of the sink one day, the clattering of dishes catching your attention. "Hey, Sash, watcha doin'?" You ask, an eyebrow raised in surprise.
Sasha turns around to face you, wearing a wide grin on her face. "I'm washing the dishes! See?" She holds her hands up, clutching a plate, and a...
"... Are you using Windex to clean?"
Connie as a roommate would be pretty hectic 😩.
This man blasts music from his room 24/7, and will never actually turn it down when you tell him to. Prepare noise cancelling pls 😭😭.
Very much broke, so the speakers that he bought for like 5 dollars blast microwave quality music, yet he somehow turns a blind eye and puts music on at 100% volume.
Though he's broke, he'll find ways on how to get money and spend it on video games. That he plays very loudly. Every. Night.
You're honestly wondering how this man even has vocal chords anymore, with the way he yells profanities and complaints into his microphone.
He's bought like a shit ton of games—which aren't even that violent?? Why does he scream??
—Wait though he might be broke because he's spending too much on video games,,,,
Connie greets you every morning with an apology for the night before of him being loud, and with the sight of a messy living room.
Surprise surprise, he doesn't have a computer, so he uses the living room TV to play the games on.
You see cd cases strewn all over the floor, empty energy drink cans struggling to fit inside of the trashcan, and spilled soda on the carpet.
Needless to say, he’d be the one cleaning the house for a whole week.
He's the type who cries over Taylor Swift songs one night, and then come home drunk, with a couple bruises on his face from bar fights the next night.
(Please ask him how he's doing, most of the time he answers you by sobbing-)
Jean's fashion sense is godly, though will absolutely bother you by stealing clothes from your closet, complaining about how he "can't make up good shit from hand-me-downs at thrift stores".
(Wait but clothes from thrift stores are actually good don't fight me 😩)
You'd just end up using each other's clothes though. Y'alls laundry messed up asf.
One of my friends headcanoned that he's afraid of the dark, so I'd imagine him definitely brushing his teeth together with you, since the bathroom's down the hall from his room, and he doesn't wanna be the one who turns the lights off and get eaten by demons.
Let him be, he's still a growing boy 🙄.
1 AM is his sadboi hour, where he'd blast those emo shit from early 2000s until he falls asleep. Don't interrupt him, he's still stuck in that angsty part of his life.
"WE'RE GOIN' DOWN, DOWN [unintelligible], AND SUGAR WE'RE—" And then comes the sobbing.
"So, Jean, how'd you sleep last night?"
Jean sniffs, eyes puffy. "Great."
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❱ NOTE: This is super short so I apologize- 😭
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lilikags · 4 years
Free Points? Seems Like It.
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ೃ‧₊› a b o u t  t h i s  p o s t° ➮ Pairing: Kenma Kozume x fem! reader ➮ Series: Back to Me ➮ Tags: fluff, royal au, reincarnation au ➮ Part: 8 ➮ Word Count: 1356
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It was late at night by the time you got home. You didn't exactly know when, but it was definitely late. The night was still- the moon shining softly down on you, the stars twinkling in the sky, a soft silence filling the air. Mostly everyone was asleep, and you were one of the few awake at this hour. Your parents didn't even come out to greet you- they must have been sleeping. You peacefully walked to your room, taking in the fresh night air.
You were tired, definitely. The stress from dealing with those stinky old men was definitely taxing on you, like anyone else, and while it was a bit enjoyable talking to Langelica at dinner, it still required much energy and effort. You took off the extravagant accessories on you, feeling the weight being relieved. Wearing jewelry was quite heavy, especially the dense necklaces in fashion these days. The dress was heavy too. All the girls were required to wear dresses- not by law or anything but social standards required that. It was seriously dumb that you would be ridiculed not for wearing something fashionable aka a fancy, in-style dress. If you wanted to wear something not in fashion at the moment, you were to either make it a fashion trend or just not wear it. You missed (comfort clothes) so bad, it was the most comfortable thing ever to wear. You really appreciated how comfortable modern 2000's+ fashion was.
With your more comfortable nightgown on, you were finally relaxed, the fatigue really sinking in. Its looseness let a slight breeze through, much different and definitely preferred than the tight-fitting dress you had worn all day. Clothes did not take the shape of your body, your body took the shape of the clothes. You climbed into bed, getting into (favorite sleeping position), and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, you woke up hungry, though you had eaten a good amount last night, out with Langelica. That didn't matter; you were going to eat breakfast right away. You changed into a simple dress for being at home, which was common, and almost ran all the way to the breakfast table. You ate the food being served to you, which was delicious as always, and went about your day normally- hanging out, reading some good novels, perhaps a bit of reviewing if you felt like it. After waiting a while for everyone to finish their part of the test, you received a letter, as usual.
Dear Lady (y/n), You have passed the second test. The next test will take place within the next month. You will have the last week of the test. This will be a compatibility test; you will stay with Kenma for a week, and he will decide the outcome of the test. Queen Kozume
The letter was short and concise, exactly like her highness. It was a very effective way of communicating, after all, as long as the receiver knows that the sender means no hostility.  This was free points, literally. It was like having an open notebook test on something you had learned your entire life. Well, you didn't learn about him your entire life, but you know him so well, like the back of your hand. Maybe even better, what was there to know about the back of your hand?
There was one question though: how would you act? You really wanted to act casual with him, just like in your dreams- chilling on the couch, playing games while snuggling in the futon, making apple pie with him. You had essentially accepted that the person in your dreams is you after all; you had the same name, personality, and memories is what makes a person, right? You would be best with that, but how would the public think? Everyone expected something business-like, something professional. Imagine if the crown prince and a lady from a dukedom just locked themselves in a room for a whole week. It was inevitable, the rumors. Rumors were hard to clear, especially if there was no one really to see it. The servants loved to talk among themselves, and anything they don't know, they'd speculate and the rumors would spread.
You didn't want to deal with them, Kenma wouldn't want to deal with them, no one would want to deal with them. And maybe you could be kicked out for creating them- but who knows. Everything that happens in high society is dramatic. You figured that you'd talk it out with Kenma on the first day, and you'd go from there.
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You and Kenma were given a palace to spend together, whoa. Perhaps the queen wanted to give you some privacy? Or maybe Kenma had it arranged, you didn't know. You were surrounded by servants all day, which honestly couldn't be more tiring. They do nothing but talk in their free time, no other hobbies. Maybe you had to put in more work back in the modern age, but that freedom was priceless. This high society was as restricting as could be, allowing for no expression of individuality. You had to follow the trends, or you'd be kicked out.
You and Kenma needed ONE private talk, to sort things out, then you would know where you'd be headed and what kind of actions to take during this "trip". You decided it would be at night, when many of the servants would be asleep and only a few on night duty. So, on the first day, you acted like you would act to any other guy. It was painful, really. You just wanted to snuggle up next to him, feel his warmth, take in his scent, something you hadn't done in forever, put your arms around him in a tight hug, playing games together in the futon, simply just relaxing and having a good time. But no one knew the extent to which you were familiar with each other, and you wish everyone understood what happened, but even if you told them, they wouldn't believe you.
When night came around, you snuck around to an empty room nowhere near any of the servants. You'd secretly arranged this with him, it was like a break from society. You planned on being yourselves for a bit, sort of a breather from this mess of a society. You waited a bit for him, as you were a bit early, and when he came around, you gave him a hug. It was honestly the best hug you have had since what felt like forever, and you felt so grateful that you could hug him like that again. You had brought a blanket with you, and you used it to keep warm while you talked. You snuggled with him while the two of you figured it out, and you ended up with an agreement that would go with something like "With the body language they're showing, they must be very comfortable together." and you'd speak with him casually too, as if you'd known each other for a long time. (well, you have, just not to everyone else's minds)
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Since video games and other fun sorts of media were not longer available, Kenma decided that board games were fun. Sure, they didn't have the same excitement, but they weren't too bad either. So, the two of you ended up playing board games and talking about random things for the majority of the time. It was actually kind of enjoyable; it was relaxing in a way and there weren't many things to worry about, which was really nice. The two of you did really nothing spectacular, and to pretty much most people, the winner would probably be Langelica in this stage too, and the overall winner. She was really good at convincing the public, and while that could get the public's support, she would need Kenma's support, which you knew you had. It was nice to know that there were ways that Langelica wasn't better than you.
And so, your time together had to end after the designated week. You went back home and waited for the results to come out...
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『••✎••』 Extra Info * ˚ ✦ ⇢ If you haven’t read the other parts, find them here! * ˚ ✦ ⇢ Taglist: [no one has signed up] If you would like to be on my taglist, send me an ask!
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A/N: Hey guys! Am I getting faster at releasing chapters? 👀👀👀👀👀👀 I think so hAhA I hope this chapter was interesting--- ideas = gone but oKaY wHAtEvEr HaHA Oh and how do you like the image dividers? It's a trick I learned from tumblr :> Anyways, gonna go work on an iwa oneshot so 👀👀👀👀
Ilya! <3
With love, 
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