#eastern gastrodon
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daily-gastrodon · 3 months
We love a pink squishy lad but what about a blue one 🤔
you must be new here
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realpokemon · 2 years
When I was a kid in Canalave, my mom's gastrodon kept climbing out of the pool at night. She'd be out for days and then come back—scared us the first few times, but she always came back so we thought she was okay. One time she was gone for a month and we were worried she'd been washed out to sea. Then a pokemon center in Pastoria called—they found her in the marsh with an eastern gastrodon mate! She'd been sneaking out to see him and they had a big pile of little shellos. Some blue, some pink.<3
this is adorable a million times over but also. how do you get to the point where a GASTRODON can sneak away. they have like 0 speed
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teamrenegadesofficial · 3 months
Er... Yes. This is Spinny, of Team Renegades. I suppose I'll have to put an introduction in order... Pssh! Not now, Mister Spinny! I'M the team leader, so I'LL explain the rules of this thing!
...Aaaaanyways. We're Team Renegades, and this is our personal BLOG! I'm Star! I'm a Skitty, and Spinny's a Pikachu! Apparently, some weird people from above gave us this thing called a "phone", so now we can CHANGE THE WHOLE WORLD!
...Or at least that's what she says. My name's Spinny, and we're a rescue team of sorts. There's no yellow text color here, so I had to sit with orange, for now... And pink's a WAY better color than orange!
We're a fan-TASTIC duo that sets out to explore the world of Pokemon AND get a SERIOUSLY huge paycheck out of it! Don't tell Star we haven't graduated yet... And, to aid with this, we have brought along several friends on our journey. Our most trustworthy ones are Aera, an Aerodactyl, and Grawl, an eastern Gastrodon, whose posts will be tagged with #mod aera and #mod grawl respectively. Who knows?! You might even see MORE of our trusted allies eventually! Juuuust you wait!
Meanwhile, we... er, my posts will be tagged with #mod spinny. And MINE will be tagged with #mod star! Cool, right?! And when we're using "plain text", as you call it, I speak in (these weird parenthesis-looking things.) It helps those with colorblindness, poor eyesight, and other such conditions.
Our inbox is open, so please be sure to ask us any questions you might have! We've also got a SUPER open Pelipper mailbox for any sortsa things, cash, or Wonder Mail S codes! Along with magic tricks! Fweheheh... Maybe this could make us rich...
Well... we hope to see you in our next expOUR newest adventure! C'mon, Spinny! Don't worry about those weird gears! We're going to make SO much cash out of this next rescue mission! JUST you wait!
\\ And this is Cube from @ofairandbeauteousone. My newly-made Rotomblr hub is at @rotomblrsmazeoflife. Blog is 13+. No romantic or shippy stuff! Spoilers will be marked with #pmd explorers spoilers or similar. Inbox open, Pelipper mail/malice CLOSED DUE TO ARC, magic anons CLOSED, Musharna mail/malice OPEN, in-character anon hate OPEN DUE TO ARC. Based on the fact that I have a romhacked version of Sky that skips cutscenes. Please forgive me if Spinny seems inaccurate to the canon partner portrayal in Sky, he's just tired of Star's shit. Plaintext below cut. I don't know how to make this post longer.
(Er… Yes. This is Spinny, of Team Renegades. I suppose I'll have to put an introduction in order…) Pssh! Not now, Mister Spinny! I'M the team leader, so I'LL explain the rules of this thing!
…Aaaaanyways. We're Team Renegades, and this is our personal BLOG! I'm Star! I'm a Skitty, and Spinny's a Pikachu! Apparently, some weird people from above gave us this thing called a "phone", so now we can CHANGE THE WHOLE WORLD!
(…Or at least that's what she says. My name's Spinny, I'm a Pikachu, and we're a rescue team of sorts. There's no yellow text color here, so I had to sit with orange, for now…) And pink's a WAY better color than orange!
We're a fan-TASTIC duo that sets out to explore the world of Pokemon AND get a SERIOUSLY huge paycheck out of it! (Don't tell Star we haven't graduated yet… And, to aid with this, we have brought along several friends on our journey. Our most trustworthy ones are Aera, an Aerodactyl and Grawl, an eastern Gastrodon, whose posts will be tagged with #mod aera and #mod grawl respectively.) Who knows?! You might even see MORE of our trusted allies eventually! Juuuust you wait!
(Meanwhile, we… er, my posts will be tagged with #mod spinny.) And MINE will be tagged with #mod star! Cool, right?! (And when we're using "plain text", as you call it, I type with parenthesis between my lines, like you see now. It helps those with colorblindness, poor eyesight, and other such conditions.)
(Our inbox is open, so please be sure to ask us any questions you might have!) We've also got a SUPER open Pelipper mailbox for any sortsa things, cash, or Wonder Mail S codes! Along with magic tricks! Fweheheh… Maybe this could make us rich…
(Well… we hope to see you in our next exp--) OUR newest adventure! C'mon, Spinny! Don't worry about those weird gears! We're going to make SO much cash out of this next rescue mission! JUST you wait!
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Can I have a
JTTW x child gastrodon east reader
( All the group separate
So the readera cute little shelloes but some how a weird stone Evol her into a gastrond. ( I'm not going to lie I wish we had waterstone to evolve them )
Then she falls into the group
She a cutie pie
And she gets attached to one member and thinks them as a father group she imprinted on them.
Also they have to Keep Her on track because she keeps going east and west lol
And when a Demon kidnapped them
The little reader is scard but trying to keep there daddy ( in tampka part) / grandpa
Safe but gets hurt.
( Daddy's and Grandpa not happy)
So they quick take her back to campus and when they go to the camp and give the reader her favorite bath in the lake the moon shines on them and they trun into a cute little Pokemon human child!( You bet they are going to be giving her the peach!
So adorable! I try to do my best!! Also heads up i changed the separate to one big scenario with her permission.
Warning: noob author, female reader, platonic yandere characters, and others.
Charactaers: jttw group.
You were just walking around until you saw something on the ground that sparkled and catch your eye, you picked it and start to feel your body change and grow into what you were previously told by an elder gastrodon is your early stages of gastrodon evolution.
While you were distracted looking at your new form you didn’t notice that a smile wormhole that had tentacles coming out of it and heading towards you.
You were dropped on the ground after the wormhole brought you to another place, you decided to not think about it as that would make you confused and stressed.
You didn’t noticed the group that is getting closer to you, the one to first to notice you is sandy as the others were talking or more like scolding sun for any mess he had caused in the previous village.
Sandy stopped the others before going to you to check on you and make sure you’re alright. You had felt a connection with sandy as he gives you familiar feelings to that of a parent.
You joined them after you gestured on how you’re from another world and therefore alone in this world of theirs. You always had a bad sense of direction to west and east as you always go the opposite direction from where they’re needing to go mostly because of how your’e a eastern gastrodon rather than a west gastrodon.
Tripitaka always try to lead you back to the group but goes the other way from east and west to north or south which made sun smug as he leads you two back to tripitaka’s dismay.
Though that bad sense of direction you both had was what got you in a situation of getting kidnapped by a demon while tripitaka tried to prove sun wrong about his poor sense of direction.
You try to make sure that Tripitaka was protected and not hurt from the demon that kidnapped the two of you but that ended with you getting hurt as well which made Tripitaka angry, he tries to lower his anger to not scary but he’ll definitely will let sun give pounishment though will make sure sun doesn’t kill the demon as that would be mercy and a blessing rather than a punishment so the demon will stay alive with permanent injury.
They had taken you to the lake close to the camp they set up to rest before the kidnapping situation happened and that’s when it happened, the moonlight that had shown clearly with not many clouds blocking the light had turned you into a child, it might’ve been a gift from chang’e or by one of the legendaries from your world that blessed you with a more human form to communicate with them and show more affection with you new father and uncles.
They know that they will use sun’s peaches that he stole in his time of causing chaos in the heavens to give immortality to each other and for you as they would like to make sure to protect you from all the dangers this world and your world has to offer even if they have to abandon their journey’s to the west.
(A/n: hope y’all like it!! I love the idea of a specific gastrodon going to where they were raised when on a journey the opposite way and wished that could’ve been portrayed in the anime and maybe the games if possible but sadly it wasn’t. Anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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dailypokedoodle · 9 months
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Day 2, Gastrodon of the Eastern variety
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doubleddenden · 1 year
So what's everyone's opinions about Kitakami's general location?
On one hand, we have the North East of Spain argument
On the other, we have the Iwate prefecture in Japan
See I'm at the point I could believe either or. I can actually argue and disagree for both points
Rambling below:
1. North Eastern Spain points
- North Eastern part of the map is suspiciously blank, walls to the mountain around this area cannot be climbed
- North Eastern Paldea has a lot of Japanese imagery including lots of bamboo forests
- in Kitakami screenshots, it seems we arrive by bus
- in real life, there was a town founded by an actual Japanese Samurai, so the connection isn't too far off.
- I'm not a Spanish speaker, but part of the Spanish localization for Kitakami's name- known as Noroteo- apparently means "north"
2. Arguments AGAINST this:
- climbing to the tallest mountain in Paldea reveals the top of the unclimbable North Eastern landmass. There's nothing there, just rocky nothing. In fact, judging by the curvature and view from the water, it doesn't connect to anything either. Paldea appears to be an island *for now*, unlike the real like Iberian Peninsula which would connect there to the rest of Europe. In fact, that chunk of land is way too small for all of that other stuff to be added- and they'll probably keep Kitakami as a map separate from Paldea so that it will perform better.
- this could entirely be nothing, since Sinnoh and Hoenn have Greek inspirations for some of its locations, Unova has a desert and pyramid like location, etc.
- we could easily arrive by bus from the local airport
- the town founded by Samurai is more inland if I remember correctly
- Kitakami, if in Japan, is still in the Iwate prefecture of the Tohoku region, which is a little under Hokaido/Sinnoh but still at the northern end of RL Japan
3. Arguments for Outside of Paldea/ in Japan
- The land is literally named the exact same as an area in Japan's Iwate prefecture called Kitakami. Like word for word. This hasn't happened since Kanto, also named after the real life Kanto area of Japan.
- Johtonian Wooper makes an appearance, alongside a decent and suspicious amount of Pokémon typically seen in the first 4 regions, aka the Japanese regions. Johtonian wooper is an interesting case because we haven't had a region include its normal variant as a wild Pokémon when it has its regional variant in the wild- we've had something close with an Alola native bringing Alolan Vulpix to Hisui, but they weren't really wild. The rest are trades. And remember, Paldea has its own Wooper.
- The entire culture and festivities shown for Kitakami are Japanese af, and in particular there's a lot of similarities with how the festival seems to be conducted in comparison to festivities in the Tohoku region, of which Iwate/Kitakami resides. In fact, very recently there was a Pikachu and Ogerpon float at the Aomori Nebuta Matsuri, the largest festival in the Tohoku region.
- Joe Serebii himself seems to believe it's an entirely different region due to what appears to be an option to change maps in a screenshot showcasing Clefable spawns.
- The town we base in is called Mossui, which is similar sounding to Hisui. Not to mention, we have Adaman's descendant AND a statue of a Hisuian Growlith.
4. Arguments against this
- a name is not proof. It could be the same as Paris, Texas to Paris, France, or in this case, Kitakami Paldea
- there are pokemon from non Japanese regions there. Oricorio could get a small pass since they show off a form that's inspired by Japanese dances and Alola has a lot of Japanese representation, but Greedent makes an appearance as well from Galar, and it wasn't even in Hisui with the professor that came from there. As well, there's a phenomenon where a large enough mountain divide can actually cause similar species to deviate- in fact, we saw this to a slightly smaller degree with East and West Gastrodon back in Sinnoh.
- re the deserts of Unova and such. In fact, the Isle of Armor is based on the Isle of Man in the UK, but it largely has Eastern influences, so it wouldn't exactly be their first rodeo doing this.
- Joe may be the fan authority on Pokémon, but he has been wrong in the past. The map change button could just be a simple QOL feature, vs how Galar made us move the stick in the direction of the DLC maps to access them.
- Unova had Pikachu billboards in Castellia despite not even being in the EXPANDED regional dex, a bridge named for Charizard, etc. There's also a picture of Professor Laventon in our classroom in Paldea. Re- the Samurai town, it could also simply be a migrant town from Hisui- note that the Pearl Clan is mostly comprised of characters that have descendants in other regions (with exception to Ingo, who HIMSELF is from somewhere else all together).
As for my view? I'm on the fence. Maybe 51% leaning towards Kitakami being in a different region. That 1% is honestly just me being hopeful that it is someplace completely new.
Why do I want this? Simple. Although we the player can headcanon ourselves as these region hopping back to back champions, in game we are pretty much always just some kid in the region that's just starting out, sometimes just moving in from another region. The only instances of a player character leaving their home region are the gen 2 protagonists from Johto to Kanto and technically very far north to a place called Sinjoh as of HGSS (even if its just the ruins), FRLG Kanto to the Sevii Islands, and by technicallity the Hoenn Emerald protagonists to event islands- 2 of which are supposedly part of the Sevii Islands and 1 of which is apparently where Mr Fuji found Mew. Outside of these, we have Hilbert and Hilda confirmed to have left Unova to try and find N, but we never see them again (I guess Passeo in Masters, but that really doesn't count into the main story).
When you look at all of these, the player character's world is pretty small. By that logic, i have actually traveled further than any player character, and i have never left the continental US. It would make the world feel immensely bigger to me if Kitakami was far, far away from Paldea and gave us a broader world view to explore. It also just makes more sense that we'd eventually transfer to Blueberry Academy as a foreign exchange student from afar instead of outright ditching Uva/Naranja for a private school off the coast.
I'm okay with any explanation as long as they make it work.
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niwawings15 · 5 years
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@daily-eastern-gastrodon @daily-gastrodon
I found a drawing daily-gastrodon did of Jelly. I found after drawing this beauty that it wasn’t daily-gastrodon’s but daily-eastern-gastrodon’s. In any case I loved doing this! I hope you guys like it too!
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Merry Crimmus!
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spider-bot1 · 6 years
This is how Gastrodon break rocks right?
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Oh dear I sent those asks about Goober while high, didn't realize he evolved until it wore off. Uh, hi! Goober is an eastern form gastrodon, he's very kind and lazy.
You know, that makes sense
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @daily-eastern-gastrodon !!!
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daily-gastrodon · 7 years
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Jelly! @daily-eastern-gastrodon
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moddy-art · 3 years
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S4LV10 ~ Galactic Robo Salamence
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Scott ~ Galactic Eastern Gastrodon
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ironic-the-hedgehog · 3 years
Oh man now’s my chance to mindlessly talk about Pokémon. Been playing BDSP and it is really reminding me just how solid gen 4 was back in the day. Gen 5 will forever be my favorite, but I love the like, Idk, mystical feel there is to gen 4? There’s so much cool lore with the legendaries and how they tie into the plot more so than the other games! Team Galactic was also? Just casually a world ending death cult in a children’s game? Wild to think about and reflect on now. Before I ramble too much more, what’s your fav gen 4 poke? It used to be Buizel, but I’ve just fallen in love with eastern Gastrodon so much. Squishy sea slug makes me go ;w; <3
So while I ponder that: gen 3 was the first Pokémon game that I owned and was able to play by myself, so it's my favorite, I think!! Loved having a secret base to decorate. Kinda sad they didn't bring that back to BDSP!
Ok this was a really hard choice but I'm gonna have to go with.... Gliscor? Something about Gliscor just makes me feel happy. Idk why. Luxray is also really good, so is Mothim, so is Togekiss... there's a lot of pokeys to love and i could go on and on and on
Galactic Commander Saturn is gender goals tbh
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could u review Gastrodon pls!!
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Gastrodon’s a Water/Ground-type based on sea slugs, with two forms: the pink West Sea form native to the western side of Mt. Coronet, and the blue East Sea form native to the eastern side of Mt. Coronet. Outside Sinnoh it’s a little inconsistent how they’re distributed, with other regions often only having one form available, but Sinnoh’s what actually matters here given it’s what introduced them. Apparently what causes this form variation is environment and diet, and there’s experiments conducted to determine what happens when it’s raised in a sea other than that it was born in. There’s no mechanical difference between them, but it’s some cool flavour.
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Interestingly, the two forms used to get two distinct cards, which is highly atypical for form differences in the TCG. Nowadays though they’re not only consolidated into a single Gastrodon card, they’re depicted together, as seen here. Odd given they’re supposed to live in totally different places! Anyways, they also they ooze purple fluid as a defensive technique like a squid to escape predators, which sounds a little questionable given how slow Gastrodon is. You could still eat it if you’re blinded, but Ultra Sun later explains that the fluid also makes Gastrodon’s meat bitter and inedible. If pieces of it ARE eaten, however, it can regenerate them! I think that’s more an echinoderm thing than a mollusc thing, but whatever.
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Anyways, the design. For a sea slug, Gastrodon is honestly kinda boring? Like, real sea slugs have SUCH diverse forms and colours and are probably some of the most beautiful animals in the world, yet Gastrodon is kinda just a nondescript sluggy blob. It’s colourful, but they could’ve done more with better, even more vibrant colour schemes. I do quite like the very gastropod-like blank expression it has, and its face feels much more appropriate for a gastropod than what, say, Slugma and Magcargo have. The third eye is also rad!
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Gastrodon unfortunately has an abysmal shiny, with both forms just being a slight shift in tone that looks very subtly worse than the base design. Kinda like a very mild brown filter was put over it or something. This is especially disappointing for sea slugs, whose vibrant colours and enormous variation in them are a primary aspect of why they’re so great.
Overall, I like Gastrodon quite a bit – but nowhere near as much as I love real-life sea slugs. This is one of those rare cases where a pokemon takes a real life animal and not only doesn’t do much with it, but actually tones it down. Still, definitely far from being outright bad, and still very respectable.
Good pokemon, underwhelming sea slug/10.
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