#eating esser
fabiansteinhauer · 1 year
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Eating Esser: Josef Esser and the Anthropofagic Movement in Brazil
Zettel halte ich zwar für kleine Formen, ich schließe aber nicht aus, dass sie einmal groß sein wollen. Manchmal ist das eingeschlossen, zumBeispiel bei diesem Zettel. Wenn dieser Zettel groß ist, dann will er nämlich ein Aufsatz sein und den Titel Eating Esser tragen.
Ich möchte mich in dem Aufsatz mit der Esser-Rezeption in Südamerika, genauer gesagt in Brasilien befassen. Ich mache das nicht ideen- oder begriffshistorisch. Ich mache das mit den Mitteln der Kulturtechnikforschung. Das heißt, dass ich mir anhand des Apparates, den Bonaventura de Sousa Santos genutzt hat, um seine Dissertation zu schreiben, diese Rezeption anschauen will. Das setzt voraus, dass ich den Apparat zufassen bekommen. Ich würde dazu nicht nur die Bibliotheken, die Notizbücher und Zettel, die Aufnahmen mit dem Rekorder und dem Fotoapparat zählen, sondern auch 'Pasargada' (dazu muss ich Ende September in Rio recherchieren), also die unbeständige Architektur in Rio.
Das heißt, dass ich methodisch dasjenige unterstelle, was Friedrich Nietzche für sich und das Oberengadin unterstellt hat, nämlich dass es dazwischen ein Verhältnis der Doppelgängerei gäbe. Nietzsche schreibt in Menschliches Allzumenschlisches, dass Menschen Umwelten ("Landschaften") und Landschaften Menschen verdoppeln können, also deren Doppelgänger werden können. Da ist er nicht der einzige, er sagt es nur so einzigartig schön, er schreibt es eben auch im Oberengadin. Mit einer leichten Verschiebung, nämlich über Bande, die einen Dritten einführt, würde mich interessieren, wie de Sousa Santos einen Autor in einer Favela und eine Favela durch einen Autor betrachtet, der Esser heißt. Mein Verdacht ist, dass de Sousa Santos diese Betrachtung anthropofagisch, also Esser essend durchführt.
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psic0paticaa · 2 years
Vorrei solo essere finalmente magra e perfetta, ma so che la perfezione non esiste.
Peso attuale: 59,3
Traguardo: 56,0
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lesbicastagna · 1 year
fundamentally out of place as a lesbian who is not only vegan nor vegetarian but also very much pro meat
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copperbadge · 3 months
It's time for Sam Translates Tumblr Shitposts Into Italian!
(Previously on Merdarticolo Italiano)
I was put on this earth to drink iced coffee and look cute. (source)
Sono stato messo sul questo mondo bere caffè freddo e apparire carino.
TIL that there's no apparent grammatical term for the "doer" in a passive voice -- they're not subject or object, they're just "the one who does the thing." I translated "I was put" as "era messo" but every source I see says it should be "sono stato messo" and I'm still figuring out why. I think it has to do with "stato" having to attach to messo, since my notes say indicativo passato prossimo, the form of past tense which Stato is in, is "essere in present tense (sono) plus the verb in past participle (messo)".
posting is a trauma response to thinking (source)
Postando è un risposta al trauma per pensando.
I keep thinking there must be a more elegant way to say "trauma response" but I'm not finding any; I would think it would be "risposta della trauma" but we do say "crema al cioccolato" for "chocolate cream" so I guess it works. I do like the symmetry of postando - pensando.
“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actually just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted (source)
"la media persona mangia tre rangi per anno" dattino veramente appena un errore statistico. La media persona mangia 0 ragni per anno. Giorg Deiragni, chi vivo a grotta è mangia più di 10,000 ogni giorno, è un anomalo cno non doveva avere computando.
Dattino is "little fact" because I don't trust google that there's actually an Italian word for "factoid". This was going to be my "challenge" translation because it's a long but it's mostly pretty easy, even with the weird grammar omissions -- for example, "lives in cave" would be "vivo nella grotta" if it was "lives in a cave" but you can't separate "nel" from "la" which is "the", so I chose to use "a" which is the way you refer to a local area (as opposed to "in" which is for a broader general area).
It's easy, that is, until you get to "should not have been counted" at which point it becomes hell.
For "should not have been counted" I worked out "non doveva avere computando", then asked Google Translate, which says it should be "non avrebbe dovuto essere conteggiato". But "dovuto" (dovere, "should") is indicativo passato prossimo which is usually used to refer to a thing that was completed at a specific point in the past, which doesn't seem to apply here. I used doveva, which is indicativo imperfetto, simply something that happened in the past, and then for "have been counted" used the infinitivo passato, avere+past participle, because my notes say infinitivo passato is "to have been X". I may have to revisit this one in a few months.
(It probably should be "Giorg dei Ragni" not Georg Deiragni for Spiders Georg, but it looks funnier to say Deiragni.)
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sara-saragej · 1 year
Quando la casa dei nonni si chiude 💔...
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“Uno dei momenti più tristi della nostra vita é quando la porta della casa dei nonni si chiude per sempre. Una volta chiusa quella porta non ci saranno più i pomeriggi felici con zii, cugini, nipoti, genitori fratelli e sorelle. Ve lo ricordate?
Non era necessario andare al ristorante la domenica. Si andava a casa dei nonni. A Natale la nonna bucava l’ozono con le sue fritture mentre il nonno si dedicava all’arrosto facendo puntualmente bruciare la canna fumaria. La tavola era lunghissima e veniva apparecchiata nella stanza più grande. Adesso la casa è chiusa ed è rimasta soltanto la polvere. Un cartello vendesi. Nessuno la vuole quella casa.
È vecchia. Va ristrutturata. Costa troppo. Cazzo ne sapete di quanto vale la casa dei nonni. La casa dei nonni non ha un valore. E così passano gli anni. Non ci sono più regali da scartare. Frittate da mangiare. Verdure da pulire. Quando la casa dei nonni si chiude ci ritroviamo adulti senza capire quando abbiamo smesso di essere bambini. Certo per i nonni saremo sempre piccoli e indifesi. Sempre. I nonni avevano sempre il caffè pronto. La pasta. Il vino. Le caramelle..
Poi finisce tutto. Non ci sono più le canzoni. Non si fa più la pasta fatta in casa..... Siete andati via troppo presto porca miseria. Io volevo fare la salsa ancora una volta. Il mirto. Le chiacchiere. E il liquore all’alloro. Io volevo ancora accatastare la legna con te nonno, anzi grazie per avermelo insegnato. E grazie per gli insegnamenti sulla vita. E sulla campagna. E sul giardinaggio. Ora quando passo guardo quella casa e mi viene sempre l’abitudine di parcheggiare. E di buttare giù il campanello. E di sentire la nonna gridare che porco giuda non sono modi quelli.
Scusa nonna. Non suonerò più il campanello. Al massimo quando mi capiterà di pensarvi di nuovo, come ora, canterò una canzone. Quella preferita dal nonno. Un amore così grande.
- Antonio Cotardo
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When the grandparents 'house closes💔
“One of the saddest moments in our lives is when the door to our grandparents' house closes forever. Once that door closes there will be no more happy afternoons with uncles, cousins, nephews, parents, brothers and sisters. Do you remember it? There was no need to go to a restaurant on Sunday. We went to the grandparents' house. At Christmas, the grandmother pierced the ozone layer with her fried food while the grandfather dedicated himself to the roast by punctually burning the flue. The table was very long and was set in the largest room. Now the house is closed and only the dust is left. A for sale sign. Nobody wants that house. Is old. It needs to be refurbished. Costs too much. Fuck do you know what the grandparents' house is worth. Grandparents' house has no value. And so the years go by. There are no more presents to unwrap.
Omelettes to eat. Vegetables to clean. When the grandparents' house closes, we find ourselves adults without understanding when we stopped being children. Of course, for our grandparents we will always be small and helpless. Always. Grandparents always had coffee ready. The pasta. The wine. The candies.. Then it's all over. There are no more songs. Homemade pasta is no longer made..... You left too soon damn it. I wanted to make the sauce one more time. The myrtle. The chatter. And the laurel liqueur. I still wanted to stack wood with you grandpa, actually thanks for teaching me. And thanks for the teachings about life. And about the countryside. And about gardening. Now when I pass I look at that house and I always get used to parking. And to knock down the bell. And to hear the grandmother shouting that pig Judas are not those ways. Sorry grandma. I won't ring the bell again. At the latest when I think of you again, like now, I'll sing a song. Grandpa's favorite. Such a big love.
- Antonio Cotardo
Dolce ☕ Pomeriggio🌹
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russolover · 2 years
Italian sunshine
You were on camp with the England team. It wasn’t a secret that you and Alessia had a thing going on. I mean, the team knew since Alessia has been even more smiling than usual and you couldn’t keep your eyes off the Italian. Even the staff knew, since they caught you steal a kiss from the blonde in the changing room.
Basically everyone knew, you just didn’t make anything official. Yet.
“Oi Y/n look who’s coming”
Tooney nudged you while eating her sandwich and pointed at the direction of the entrance. Your cheeks turning a pink colour as soon as you saw Alessia smiling as brightly as ever walking into your direction.
"what are you smiling for less"
The brunette next to you asked knowing exactly that you've been the source of that beautiful smile for the past few weeks.
"just in a good mood"
She replied sweetly and sat down next to you.
"Hey you"
The blonde whispered so only you could hear.
"Hey Sunshine"
You replied in the same tone making the Italian giggle.
"Sunshine? Where did that come from"
She laughed secretly loving her new nickname.
"How could I not when you-"
"Could you do that somewhere else I'm trying to eat here"
Tooney replied while giving you a smug grin.
"Come on let's go"
You took the blondes hand and pulled her into the direction of your room, hoping you could finally ask her the question you've been wanting to for the past weeks.
You started while tugging the Italian into your embrace. Your hands resting on her lower back while she wrapped her arms around your shoulders.
She imitated while scrunching her nose at you. You heart started beating faster by the minute while looking at those sweet freckles and ocean blue eyes. You were simply in awe with the Italian. But one thing that stuck out to you more than her eyes was definitely her smile.
There was just something 'radiating' about it. Some might even call it glowing.
Thats how you came up with her nickname. Every time you look at her, her happiness was radiating off at you. And there was not a doubt in your mind that the people around you two were saying the same. Alessia was known for being smiley all the time might as well give her the proper nickname for it.
She asked softly while placing her hands on your cheeks.
"are you okay?"
"Yeah I was just thinking"
You mumbled trying to get your thoughts into order before you asked her the next question.
"I've been trying to ask you this for weeks but somehow I forget everything I plan to say whenever you look at me"
You chuckled as her cheeks turned a crimson colour.
"I like you less.. a lot"
You said while letting out the breath you've held all the time. You watched as the smile on her face got brighter than when she walked through the entrance this morning.
"Vuoi essere la mia ragazza?"
You whispered as her face was only inches away from you. The smell of Alessia's strawberry lipgloss was taking over your whole body and before you could act on it the Italian pulled you in for a passionate kiss.
Her lips felt soft and familiar, tasting like strawberry's everytime you went back to capture them again. The Italians hands started tangling in your curls as you lightly squeezed her hips throughout the kiss. When air became a problem you pulled away slowly. Still hovering over her lips, biting back your smile.
"You never answered my question Sunshine"
The blonde chuckled before placing another gentle kiss on your lips.
"sì amore mio"
You pulled your girlfriend closer to you engulfing her in a big bear hug.
"asking me out in Italian, huh?"
She looked up at you giggling.
"C'mon you're my Italian sunshine after all"
You replied placing a kiss on the side of her head.
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chiara-klara-claire · 2 years
funny idioms
My personal selection of idioms collected here and there. my posts - resources masterpost | aesthetic idioms | words with cute literal meaning
Icelandic 🇮🇸
Ég borga bara með reiðufé 🐑💰 - I only pay with an angry sheep: Okay, but I don't have to like it
að taka einhvern í bakaríið 🥯 - to take someone to the bakery: used as a threat, often in sports, when your adversary is about to experience a heavy defeat.
Finnish 🇫🇮 @finnish-sayings
kissanristiäiset 🐱 - a cat’s christening: an unimportant event or holiday
nakki ja muusi 🍲 - in the year sausage and mashed potatoes: long ago
Ilma on kuin linnunmaitoa 🥛🐦- The weather is like bird’s milk: The weather is wonderful.
Hänella ei ole kaikki muumit laksossa - he/she doesn’t have all the moomins in the valley: they’re crazy
Norwegian 🇳🇴 @hazel3017
Nappe seg i løken 🧅 - Yank the onion: a man who masturbates
Høy på pæra 🍐- High on pears: someone who is arrogant (head gets so big it looks like a pear)  
Det er helt Texas! : That’s completely Texas! That’s crazy!
Swedish 🇸🇪( @escapenorth-blog )
Den är paj 🥧 - It’s pie. “It doesn’t work.”
du är ute och cyklar! 🚲 - you’re out and riding your bike! “You don’t know what you’re talking about!”
Fårskalle 🐑 💀 - sheep skull ; hissen går inte gela vägen upp- the elevator doesn’t go all the way up: stupid
släng dig i väggen - throw yourself against a wall: take a hike 🌲
Danish 🇩🇰 @vikinglanguage
der er kommunister i lysthuset*- communists are in the funhouse: when someone has their period 🩸🏠
skide grønne grise 🐖 💩 - to shit green pigs: be extremely frightened 😰
gåsevin 🍷🦆– goose wine: Water
pølsetysker 🌭 🇩🇪 – sausage german: a very German German or just a way to call Germans you dislike
ikke helt appelsinfri* 🍊 - not entirely orange-free: drunk 🤠
at tale flydende svensk* 🗣🇸🇪 - to speak Swedish fluently / tale i den store hvide telefon**☎️- talk in the big white telefon / ringe til Ulrik** 📞 : to call Ulrik: to throw up 🤮
at skyde papegøjen 🦜🔫- to shoot the parrot: to have luck
Dutch 🇳🇱
Helaas Pindakaas 🥜 - too bad peanut butter (“peanut cheese”): too bad, which rhymes with pindakaas = 🇩🇪 Schade Marmelade: same as Dutch, but with jam
German 🇩🇪 this post by @for-the-love-of-wolves-studies and this @moami
einen Clown zum Frühstück essen/frühstücken 🤡 🍽️- eating a clown for breakfast: not behaving decently/having bad humor
bekannt wie ein bunter Hund 🐶 🌈 - known as a colorful dog: someone known all over town
fuchsteufelswild 🦊 - fox devil wild: super mad
einen Vogel haben 🐦 - to have a bird: to be crazy
Ich glaub mein Schwein pfeift 🐷 - I think my pig whistles: I think I’m dreaming  
die Gurkentruppe 🥒 - cucumber brigade: bunch of bunglers  
Durch den Kakao ziehen 🍫-  throw someone into chocolate: to make fun of somebody or something, to roast someone
die beleidigte Leberwurst spielen 🌭 - to play the offended liver sausage: being very resentful
Hans Wurst 🌭 - Hans Sausage: name to call a stupid person (both m/f)
jetzt haben wir den Salat 🥗 - now we have the salad: look at this disaster that we now have 
jemanden hinwünschen, wo der Pfeffer wächst 🧂 - wish somebody would be where pepper grows: to want somebody to be as far away as possible
nah am Wasser gebaut 💧- built close to the water: someone that is easily moved to tears
italian 🇮🇹
Cascare dal pero 🍐 🌳  - fall from the pear tree - find out about something when you were supposed to know it
Far venire il latte alle ginocchia 🥛- make milk come from one’s knees: being a pain/ annoying,
Andare a rane** 🐸 - go (as) frogs: something like online connection is lagging
fare la figura del cioccolataio 🍫 - make a chocolatier’s impression: to make a fool of yourself, be responsible for embarrassing cockups
Che pizza! 🍕 - What a pizza!: “Nuts!”/ used Wien you are bored or annoyed at something
Essere alla frutta 🍎 🍌 - to be at [the moment of] fruit: when the situation is very bad (meals usually end with eating fruit), to emphasize this some people might say al caffè, al dolce ☕️ 🍰(coffee, dessert time)
Un limone 🍋- a lemon: a make out session
French 🇫🇷 this
Chanter en yaourt - sing in yogurt: singing in gibberish, random sounds pretending to sing in [English]
Poser un lapin 🐇 - to put a rabbit: To stand someone up
Avoir le cafard 🪳 - to have the cockroach: To be depressed
Tomber dans les pommes 🍎🍏 - To fall in the apples: To faint
Donner sa langue au chat 👅 🐈- to give one’s tongue to the cat: I have no idea/I give up. used to say you don’t know about something and are unable to give an answer.
Polish 🇵🇱 @pol-ski this post
można z konie kraść 🐎- you can steal horses with him: a trustworthy person
co ma piernik do wiatracka - what does gingerbread have to do with a windmill: it’s irrelevant
*: apparently not used much but wanted to include them cause they’re hilarious; **: maybe regional/use limited to an area
Thanks for contributions: @dasloddl (de), @tetsunabouquet (nl)
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Helpless part 43, however much we fear the truth we must face it
Hi, I guess I'm doing this now...? Will gave it to me with the second Heartstopper book, I don't really know what I'm doing but I guess I'm meant to write down my thoughts sooooo..... I hate myself, I wish I was dead, I'm a freak, I can't even fucking eat for fucks sake what the fuck is wrong with me, the only good part if my life right now is Will an he's bound to leave soon enough. Fuck I wish I had a fag on me but I already know I won't get away with that in the infirmary, it's not that bad but it makes me feel so fucking useless, maybe if I shadow travelled back to my cabin I could get some, Will would fucking murder me but I might do it.
Here is a list of reasons I hate myself because that seems fucking productive:
1. I'm a fag that deserves to burn in Hell
2. I'm dependent on drugs before I can drive (legally)
3. I can't fucking eat like a normal fucking person
4. I hurt everyone I touch
5. I'm a fucking twig
6. I can't even use my fucking powers now that's how pathetic I've gotten
7. I'm a freak
8. I nearly betrayed everyone
9. I'm a shit brother to Hazel
10. I managed to make my own sister hate me
11. I'm a demigod
12. I can't just be fucking happy for once
13. I over think every fucking thing
14. I need my fucking mouth washed out with soap
15. The Catholic Church
I could say more but I don't think I have time for that, I'm gonna go and think about how I can kill myself while locked up in this place
Fuck is my only thought right now, kill me (PLEASE)
Bianca, mi dispiace, mi dispiace di essere quella di cui hai sempre dovuto prenderti cura, quella che hai praticamente cresciuto solo per riaverla. Vorrei essere morto al posto di te, ogni singolo giorno lo vorrei, vorrei poter essere buono come un fratello maggiore che eri per me per Hazel. Vorrei non essere una fottuta delusione, vorrei che tu non dovessi unirti alla Caccia per allontanarti da me. Spero che ti sia piaciuto essere rinato. Mi dispiace tanto per tutto.
Putain, je n’ai pas écrit en français depuis un certain temps, alors voyons si je me souviens encore comment le faire, si mon orthographe est décente, c’est seulement parce que j’ai passé environ une heure à écrire ces conneries, donc vous devriez toujours être déçu. Qu’est-ce que j’écris ? Aucune putain d’idée, mais j’ai déjà lu Heartstopper trois fois aujourd’hui et je pense que c’est trop gay, même pour moi, de le lire plus que cela en moins de cinq heures. Kayla est venue avec de la nourriture plus tôt, aucune idée de l’endroit où se trouve Will et je n’ai toujours pas mangé de merde parce que c’est à quel point je suis inutile.
I really wish I had a smoke right now, but I know I can't, I feel so fucking stressed for too many fucking reasons and my heads been pounding for hours, Kayla gave me a panadol a few hours ago but that did fucking nothing so yeah struggling to not hit my head repeatedly on a wall out of pain. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about those nights when I was what, twelve? Probably because of the nightmares, I'm fucking useless aren't I? I couldn't even stop it from happening to Hazel, I'm fucking pathetic. Gods I can't wait to get out of this place, I love Will but I don't know how much longer I can take of this place. The bright lights shining into your eyes so much it gives you a headache, the scent of rubbing alcohol filling the room, the plain white walls that feel trapping, everything feels wrong. I know why I'm here, no one trust's me alone, the part they forgot to mention is that I'd be better off dead. I already know Leo, Piper and Jason talked shit about me on the Argo II, I know they all wanted to leave me in that jar, I know that to Percy and Annabeth I'm nothing more than a burden, I fucking hate myself and so do they so why can't they just let me fucking die?
Guys the bold means it’s written, was gonna do underline but that doesn’t work in tumblr xx
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pompadourpink · 2 years
Les temps du présent
Le présent de l'indicatif/présent simple
The indicative present is used to
describe what one is currently doing (présent d'énonciation): je travaille - I'm working (as we speak)
describe a fact (présent de vérité générale/historique): les chats sont des animaux - cats are animals
describe an ongoing fact that started in the past (présent duratif): il pleut depuis hier - It's been raining since yesterday
describe the scene (présent de description): le soleil est caché aujourd'hui - the sun is hiding today
describe a habit (présent d'habitude): je cours tous les dimanches - I run every sunday
describe what just happened (présent de passé proche): je viens d'arriver - I just got there
describe what is about to happen (présent de futur proche): je suis là dans une minute - I'll be there in a minute
give an order (présent d'injonction), alternative to the imperative present: tu rentres tout de suite ! - You get home immediately!
make a story feel real (présent de narration): il y a six ans déjà que mon ami s'en est allé avec son mouton. Si j'essaie ici de le décrire, c'est afin de ne pas l'oublier. - It has been six years since my friend left with his sheep. If I try to describe him here, it is so that I will not forget him. (Le Petit Prince)
express a possibility (présent d'hypothèse): si tu es gentil, tu auras un cadeau - if you're kind, you'll get a present
La conjugaison
First group (-er except Aller): je marche, tu marches, il/elle/on marche, nous marchons, vous marchez, ils/elles marchent
Second group (-ir with -iss- in the plural forms): je finis, tu finis, il/elle/on finit, nous finissons, vous finissez, ils/elles finissent
Third group (everything else): typically je cours, tu cours, il court, nous courons, vous courez, ils courent; long -oir verbs: je veux, tu veux, il veut, nous voulons, vous voulez, ils veulent; -indre/-soudre verbs: -s, -s, -t, -ons, -ez, -ent; other -dre verbs: -ds, -ds, -d, -dons, -dez, -dent; -ttre: -ts, -ts, -t, -tons, -tez, -tent; -rir, -llir: -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent
Auxiliaries: je suis, tu es, il est, nous sommes, vous êtes, ils sont + j'ai, tu as, il a, nous avons, vous avez, ils ont
N.B. Many third-group verbs are irregular because they used to be two different verbs (ex: Être comes from both Essere - to be and Stare - to stand) that eventually became one and consequently have two bases and can have up to five stems. Always double-check for different, stems, extra letters, accents, etc.
Notable exceptions:
The vowel -i- cannot be between two other vowels in the first and second person plural so it will turn into -y- (vous croyez, nous voyons)
In -cer and -ger verbs, the first person plural changes to allow for the correct pronunciation (nous lançons, nous mangeons); c > ç, go > geo.
In -aître verbs, only the third person singular keeps the accent (elle naît).
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Le présent progressif
The progressive present is an emphasized version of the enunciation present and is therefore used to describe an ongoing action that started recently and is actively being done as the narrator is speaking.
It is built by putting together the subject, the verb Être conjugated in the indicative present tense, the adverbial locution "en train de" (in the progress of), the infinitive form of the verb of action, and possibly an object.
Je suis en train de manger, j'ai bientôt fini - I'm eating, I'm almost done
Est-ce que tu es en train de travailler? - are you working?
Nous sommes en train de faire nos devoirs - we are doing homework
Le conditionnel présent
The present conditional is used
to express a wish: j'aimerais retourner en Italie - I'd love to go back to Italy
a suggestion: tu devrais partir tôt - you should leave early
a hypothesis: il pourrait rentrer demain - he could come home tomorrow
to casually share one's opinion: je n'aimerais pas qu'on me dise ça ! - I wouldn't like it if someone told me that (can be a way to aggravate a situation)
to ask something politely: je voudrais un café - I'd like a coffee
to refer to the future in the past: elle a dit qu'elle arriverait tard - she said she'd arrive late
La conjugaison
Conjugating the present conditional is easy for the first two verbal groups: just add the terminations to the infinitive of the verb. If the verb ends in -e, remove it: prendre > je prendrais. Fun fact: you can build the imperfect tense by removing -er- for the first group and turning -ir- into -iss- for the second.
First group (-er except Aller): je marcherais, tu marcherais, il marcherait, nous marcherions, vous marcheriez, ils marcheraient
Second group (-ir with -iss- in the plural forms): je finirais, tu finirais, il finirait, nous finirions, vous finiriez, ils finiraient
Third group (everything else): typically: je courrais, tu courrais, il courrait, nous courrions, vous courriez, ils courraient; auxiliaries: je serais, tu serais, il serait, nous serions, vous seriez, ils seraient + j'aurais, tu aurais, il aurait, nous aurions, vous auriez, ils auraient
Main irregular verbs: auxiliaries + aller - j'irais, devoir - je devrais, pouvoir - je pourrais, recevoir - je recevrais, savoir - je saurais, tenir - je tiendrais, venir - je viendrais, voir - je verrais, vouloir - je voudrais
N.B. Make sure to not mix it up with the simple future tense, they're similar!
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L'impératif présent
The present imperative mood can only be conjugated in the second person singular and the first and second person plural. It is used
to give an order: viens ici tout de suite - come here right now
a suggestion: appelle-le tout de suite, non ? - maybe call him now?
a plea: s'il te plaît, pardonne-moi ! - please, forgive me
to ban someone from doing something: ne touche pas à ça ! - do not touch that
La conjugaison
Warning: it often looks like the indicative present - without a subject. If so, in the second person singular, the verb will require a final -s only if the current final letter is a consonant. Certain verbs cannot be conjugated, like vouloir.
être: sois, soyons, soyez; avoir: aie, ayons, ayez
va, allons, allez; finis, finissons, finissez; marche, marchons, marchez
N.B. Pronouns can be added: a reflexive verb will come with a tonic pronoun and a dash in a positive sentence: Lave-toi !, and a direct object pronoun in a negative sentence: Ne te vexe pas !; when referring to a portion -en: Prends-en un peu ! (an -s will be added for the liaison to be possible), and to a place, -y: Vas-y !
L'infinitif présent
is the neutral form you find in dictionaries: courir, marcher, prendre
is found after prepositions À, De, Pour and Sans: c’est sans dire, viens à la maison pour dîner !, on part sans perdre de temps
is found after a conjugated verb: il voulait partir tôt (the second verb can be the first element of the sentence: courir nous fatigue)
expresses an order, advice, prohibition: frapper avant d’entrer
expresses anger, surprise or a wish: m'excuser, moi ? plutôt mourir !
expresses doubt in an interrogative sentence: que faire de ce garçon ?
Le participe présent
The present participle works like an adverb and either expresses an action that happens at the same time as another action, that is possibly the consequence of that action, or describes the subject. It is built by removing the termination of the verb and replacing it by -ant.
Les employés possédant une voiture peuvent se garer dans la rue - the employees who own a car can park in the street
Étant déjà en retard, je décide de courir - being already late, I decide to run
N.B. To get the right pronunciation or avoid a mix-up with an adjective, it can be necessary to modify or add letters when building the present participle. For example: convaincre > convainquant (as convaincant is the adjective), diverger > divergeant ([ʒ], as divergant would be a [g] sound).
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Movie: La Piscine - Jacques Deray, 1969
Fanmail - masterlist (2016-) - archives - hire me - reviews (2020-) - Drive
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sayitalianolearns · 1 year
Multilingual post with a bunch of verbs
to love - amare - aimer - amar - 사랑하다
to hug - abbracciare - embrasser - abrazar - 껴안다
to cry - piangere - pleurer - llorar - 울다
to speak - parlare - parler - hablar - 말하다
to laugh - ridere - rire - reír(se) - 웃다
to end/to finish - finire/terminare - finir - terminar - 끝내다
to start - cominciare/iniziare - commencer - empezar/comenzar - 시작하다
to stay - stare - rester - quedarse - 체류하다
to wish - desiderare - souhaiter - desear - 바라다
to like - piacere - aimer - gustar - 좋아하다
to eat - mangiare - manger - comer - 먹다
to drink - bere - boire - beber - 마시다
to sleep - dormire - dormir - dormir - 자다
to dream - sognare - rêver - soñar - (꿈을) 꾸다
to go - andare - aller - ir - 가다
to come - venire - venir - venir - 오다
to take (mean of transport) - prendere - prendre - tomar - 타다 (= to ride)
to have - avere - avoir - haber/tener - "있다" (=to exist)
to be - essere - être - ser - 이다
to breathe - respirare - respirer - respirar - (숨을) 쉬다
to walk - camminare - marcher - andar - 걷다
to run - correre - courir - correr - 달리다
to do - fare - faire - hacer - 하다
to wait - aspettare - attendre - esperar - 기다리다
to teach - insegnare - enseigner - enseñar - 가르치다
to learn - imparare - apprendre - aprender - 배우다
to study - studiare - étudier - estudiar - 공부하다
to read - leggere - lire - leer - 읽다
to listen - ascoltare - écouter - escuchar - 듣다
to write - scrivere - écrire - escribir - 쓰다
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fabiansteinhauer · 23 days
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Eating Esser
Eating Esser ist ein kleines Forschungsprojekt zum anthropofagischem Recht in Brasilien und zu dem, was keine Rezeption Essers ist. Es ist seine Zubereitung und ein Verzehren.
Ricardo Spindola vertritt die Thes, dass europäische Rechtstheorie in Brasilien als Pathosformel dienen kann, ihre Sätze mithin Pathosformeln bilden. Solche Sätze sind den Brasilianern Sätze aus der Entfernung. Pathosformeln sind nicht nur Formen, die Warburg mit 'hohen' und intensiven Affekten assoziiert. Die Pathosformel erscheint auch als Form, an der Passion in Aktion und Aktion in Passion kippt. Mit diesem Kippen hat die Pathosformel auch etwas von der Polarität, zu der Warburg, der Polarforscher, forscht.
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ask-sister-solaris · 1 year
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“You’ll never be alone, amore”
Dracopia X reader
He reached out to you, you were helpless, homeless, scared. You were sat on the steps of the Ministry and he held his hand out to you, to help.
You took that hand and ever since your life’s been different. You were able to shower everyday, dress in nice clothes, eat decently and you were actually falling in love.
And so was Copia, you were a fallen angel to him. He loved everything about you, from your height to your personality. He was scared, scared if he told you what he really was you’d leave.
“Caro? Are you listening?”
He jerked as you shook him from his daydream. What…oh right the meeting. He looked at Imperator sheepishly, but he was greeted with a…smile?
“Now I see why you love him dear, my son can be quite the klutz, and he can’t hold his attention to one thing.”
Imperator chuckled and you giggled behind your hand. You looked at him flushed and smiling. You didn’t care that he couldn’t focus, or that he tripped over his Cardinal cassock a lot.
“Why I wouldn’t care if he was a supernatural being I’d still love him”
Copias heart began beating 100mph, a blush spread on his cheeks as you reached out to him and he took it, planting a form kiss on the back of your hand, looking up he smiled, and his fangs were show. You didn’t back away in fear or scream. Instead you pulled him in and kissed him all your emotions in one kiss.
“Ti amo, mia cara. Nessuno può essere paragonato a te”
Ti amo, mia cara. Nessuno può essere paragonato a te - “I love you, my dear. No one can be compared to you."
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phantomdoofer · 1 year
Hi, and welcome to Tower Town! We've got lots of variety here, and if you looking for a more big city experience, we're just three miles from the city of La Crosta! We hope you enjoy your stay!
The index below should let you jump to any chapter in the story (you can also search #tower town au). Post with (TW) may contain content that could be disturbing to more sensitive readers.
Tower Town Character Pages
The Tower Town Timeline
Races of Tower Town
Chapter 1: Strambos
Chapter 2: Rivelazione, Prima Parte
Chapter 3: Rivelazione, Seconda Parte
Great War Stories - In and Out
Chapter 4: Amicos
Great War Stories - Running Hell (TW)
Chapter 5: Ricordi
Una favola della buonanotte (TW)
Chapter 6: Ad essere onesti
Pizza History - Una nuova vita
Chapter 7: Gustavo's Tale Part 1: Doing a Rollout
Chapter 8: Gustavo's Tale Part 2: City Rat in the Country
Pizza History - Raggiungendo il fondo (TW)
Chapter 9: A Fake Day
Chapter 10: Moving Day
Il Timore (TW)
Chapter 11: Bella Giornata
Eat Me
Lap 2
Chapter 12: Little Boulder
Chapter 13: Vacanze di Natale
Chapter 14: Ombre
Pizza History - Everybody Loves a Clown (TW)
Pizza History - Bulldozer
Chapter 15: First Impressions
Chapter 16: Notte Fredda (TW)
Chapter 17: Grudges, Part 1 (TW)
Chapter 18: Grudges, Part 2 (TW)
Chapter 19: Vecchi Amici
Chapter 20: Leftovers
Chapter 21: Lost and Found
Chapter 22: The Final Slice - Part 1 (NEW)
Chapter 22: The Final Slice - Part 2 (NEW)
Chapter 22: The Final Slice - Part 3 (NEW)
Chapter 22: The Final Slice - Part 4 (NEW)
Chapter 22: The Final Slice - Part 5 (NEW)
Other Writing
This Is Who You Are
Hollow Knight/FFXIV: Reincarnation
I also have my more mature/NSFW works over at @irishpaisano
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milosworldsstuff · 2 years
fem! Bruno drabbles w Afab reader slightly implied fem
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fem!buccirati who cant help but notice your flustered reaction when she wraps her arms around your waist when you're on her lap, and chuckle at your jolting to her sudden touch
fem!buccirati who will make a shushing motion to her lips if you get too loud while she rubs your slit with her slim fingers, save all your sounds for her, ok?
fem!buccirati who will make you take her strap while you're on her lap and her hands wander on your thighs and curves
"Una bella troia per me, sì? Non essere troppo rumoroso, vuoi davvero che tutti gli altri ti ascoltino?" (Such a pretty little slut for me, yeah? Don't be too loud, do you really want everyone else to hear you?)
fem!buccirati who loves to hear you whine and sob because of how good it feels when she presses your head into a pillow and plows into you
"Cumming already? Such a whiny baby... Please, keep making those pretty noises won't you? My angel.. "
fem!buccirati who loves to croon in your ear how pretty you look like this
fem!buccirati who uses a double sided dildo so she can cum with you and shower you with praise
fem!buccirati who worships the ground you walk on
fem!buccirati who loves to kiss your neck and all your sensitive spots
fem!buccirati who loves to do anything to see you smile or laugh
fem!buccirati always giving you her undivided attention and affection as she calls you an array of pet names
fem!buccirati who sighs dreamily before saying your name when she talks to you
fem!buccirati who is completely pussywhipped for you, she thinks your cunt is so pretty no matter the shape or color and widens her eyes when she sees how wet you are for her
fem!buccirati who grabs your ass with both hands as she eats you out with a grip hard enough to bruise when she's being rough n mean <3
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thecatcherinthemind · 7 months
Il rider di Just Eat che chiama dicendo di essere sotto, mi ripete l'indirizzo e scopro poco dopo che è IN SICILIA mi ha sbloccato una nuova paura.
Temevo di aver lasciato l'indirizzo di casa del mio ex, visto che non ordinavo da un secolo, poi ho realizzato che ho fatto l'ordine da un ristorante qua in zona quindi era impossibile fosse il mio ordine, ma il mini infartino intanto l'ho avuto.
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sciatu · 1 year
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Ospitalità siciliana : Arrivo con La Moglie dalla nostra fruttivendola di fiducia “Signooora comu stà? Chi ci dugnu Signooora? Due pomodorini pizzuti così si fa la pasta con il pomodoro fresco? Due belle mulanciani (melanzane) viola? Così se le mette sulla pasta col pomodoro fresco o si fa una bella parmigiana? Pigghiassi due cipolle di tropea: zuccuru sunnu!! Se le mette nell’insalata di pomodorini o nella parmigiana o si li fa sfumati con l’aceto e le mette sopra un calamaro arrostito? Vuole due pesche tabacchiera? Sono dolcissime, se a fine pasto se le mette in un bicchiere di vino e le mangia finisce in paradiso. Vuole un melone bianco, lo deve assaggiare freddo con il prosciutto: una delizia! Con questo caldo bisogna mangiare leggero che sembra di essere in un forno. Noi dormiamo in terrazzo perché i condizionaturi nun cia fannu. Quando respiriamo pari (sembra) chi rispiri focu. Vuole due cricopi (albicocche) o un melone (anguria) se quando torna dal mare tutta bruciata apre il frigo e se ne mangia una fetta non sa che piacere, è come fare una doccia. Tenesse signora: pitrusinu (prezzemolo) accia (acacia) e basilicu in omaggio. Non si scuddassi u rienu (origano) che pure il pane duro bagnato con olio sale e rienu è un piatto da re.” Entriamo dal pescivendolo “Signuura bonciornu, che ci dugnu? Due aguglie da fare fritte con la farina o rustuti (arrostite) due calamari che si fa il sugo o se li mangia arrostite che con olio limone e anticchia i rienu s’arricria (rinasce)…..” Sicilian hospitality: I arrive with La Moglie from our trusted greengrocer
“Madam, how are you? What do you want Signoora? Two pizzuti tomatoes, how do you make pasta with fresh tomatoes? Two beautiful purple mulanciani (aubergines)? So if you put them on pasta with fresh tomato or do you make a nice parmigiana? Pigghiassi (take) two Tropea onions: zuccuru sunnu (they are sugar)!! Do you put them in cherry tomato salad or parmesan or do you deglaze them with vinegar and put them on top of a roasted squid? Do you want two snuffbox peaches? They are very sweet, if at the end of the meal he puts them in a glass of wine and your husband eats them he ends up in heaven. She Wants a white melon, she must taste it cold with the ham: a delight! In this heat you have to eat light that it seems to be in an oven. We sleep on the terrace because the air conditioners don't fannu. When we breathe pari (it seems) who breathes focu (fire). She wants two cricopi (apricots) or a melon (watermelon) if when she comes back from the sea all burnt she opens the fridge and eats a slice she doesn't know what pleasure, it's like taking a shower. Tenesse Signora: pitrusinu (parsley) accia (acacia) and basilicu for free. Don't scuddassi u rienu (don't forget the oregano) that even hard bread soaked in oil, salt and rienu is a dish fit for a king.” We go to the fishmonger “Signuura bonciornu, che ci dugnu (what do I give you)? Two garfish to be fried with flour or rustuti (roasted) two squids that make the sauce or eat them roasted that with lemon oil and anticchia (a little) of rienu s'arricria (reborn)…..”
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