#ebony dark'ness
sweetiepotatofry · 11 months
Whoever i marry, beware, for if thous last name is way, our daughter will be named after an icon.
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chaos-has-theories · 9 months
A young woman is walking outside ████████. It just so happens that today, the 3rd of March 2006, is this young woman's birthday. Though it was seventeen years ago she was given life, it is only today she will be given a name!
What will the name of this gothic young woman be?
> Enter Name.
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Hi my name is Michael Williard Steamboat Walter Mouse and I have mouse ears (that’s how I got my name) that are black and on either side of my head and feel like fuzzy cotton balls and black soulless eyes that consume lost children of the parks and a lot of people tell me I look like Walt Disney (AN: if you don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Remy but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I drive a steamboat but Im best at whistling. I’m black and white all over. I’m also the most recognizable public figure other than Santa Claus (he’s disgusting), and I like spending my summers in florida where I’m the most important guy there (everyone loves me). I’m a mouse (in case you couldn’t tell) and I literally only wear shorts and shoes and my steamboat hat. All of my clothing is brand-only because i am a billionaire. For example today I was wearing my favorite pair of white shorts (some people say they’re red but they are haterz) and my matching steamboat hat, my full circle black eyeliner, white face paint, my white shoes that come up to my ankles and are very soft and nothing else because I am a mouse. I was driving my steamboat and spinning the wheel. It was sunny and I had the feeling like a movie was about to start, which I was very happy about. Ron DeSantis stared at me. I put my middle finger up at him.
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tozettastone · 7 months
Hot take: the boxes in Deadpool comics are boxes because they're a comic book format, and he's aware (sometimes) that he's in a comic.
The text-only equivalent for fanfic purposes would be either to lean really really REALLY hard into the classic comic books feel and describe other comic book conventions with equal dedication, or to use obnoxious footnotes to the same effect.
But if Deadpool is actually aware he's in a fanfic, as a type and format of story with its own conventions, what you are actually looking for is a 2003-era "(A/N: ...)" in the middle of the text. Metatextual delusions should be sensitive to the meta-text in question I think.
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belanekra · 2 months
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kookykuni · 1 month
Hi my name is Ronan Dreamer Dementia Raven Lynch and I'm very Irish (that's how I got my name) I used to have shoulder-length black hair but I shaved it off and now I have no hair and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like my father Niall Lynch (AN: if u don't know who he is get da hell out of here!). I'm related to Declan Lynch but I wish I wasn't because he's a major fucking bore. I have dream magic but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I'm also a stereotypical delinquent, and I go to a rich person school called Aglionby in Henrietta where I'm in the seventh year (I'm seventeen). I'm a goth (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Murder Squash and I sing it all the time. For example today I was sitting in Adam Parrish's (ADAM PARRISH!!!) car and I put on the Parrish's Hondoyota Alone Time mixtape and he almost killed me for it but I didn't really mind because if anyone had to kill me I'd want it to be him. I was walking near Cabeswater. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of people I'd disappointed at some point in life stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
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airconditio · 2 years
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I usually don’t do fanart but I got very hyped about the My Immortal special.
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whowouldwininafite · 1 year
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Gerard Keay is like The Magnus Archives Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. In this essay, I will-
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sjbattleangel · 6 months
(Sorry I had to shorten some quotes)
From: Anna Karenina-Leo Tolstoy A Tale Of Two Cities-Charles Dickens Moby Dick-Herman Melville Pride & Prejudice-Jane Austen War Of The Worlds-H.G. Wells The Iliad-Homer The Great Gatsby-F. Scott Fritzgerald The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer-Mark Twain The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn-Mark Twain The Divine Comedy-Dante Alighieri Romeo & Juliet-William Shakespeare My Immortal-Tara Gilesbie
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couldtheycatchkira · 7 months
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helpmeimblorboing · 1 month
“Statement of Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven… Way (muttered “God, these newfangled names), regarding her encounter with… sorry does that say Vampire ?
…well, I suppose we do have statements from vampire hunters on reco- what do you mean his name’s Vampire? What kind of -
Nope. Not going to question it
Anyways, Statement of Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way, regarding her encounter with Vampire. Original statement given August 18th, 2024. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
EBONY (in a distorted voice, clearly hiding a laugh):
Hi my name is Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he���s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white-
Your hair isn’t black, though?
OMG, you’re like, such a nerd. Who cares ?
We do, we’re a goddamn arc- did you just pronounce Oh My God as O-M-G ? What’s wrong with -
EBONY (rolling eyes)
I’m also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I’m in the seventh year -
…Michael, you motherfucker
EBONY/MICHAEL (cackling)
Archivist, you have to admit, the expression on your face alone made that worth it
Do you enjoy making my life difficult?
MICHAEL (grinning)
Oh, immensely
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speakofthedebbie · 26 days
ebony dark'ness dementia raven way what are you doing here
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blessyouhawkeye · 2 months
it's really a testament to sam reid's acting prowess that he made the opening paragraph of the vampire lestat sound like it's anything other than complete and utter nonsense, let alone good.
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Please, put him at Hogwarts!
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Hi my name is Eddie Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my shoulders and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I’m also a wizard, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I’m in the seventh year (I’m seventeen). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black Hellfire tee with matching battle vest over it and a black leather jacket, black jeans, black fishnets, and black sneakers. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow.
(fuck jkr btw)
(my immortal eddie below the cut!)
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